Re: WAR That Runs Fine Under Tomcat 4.1.24 Fails Under 4.0.6 - InvalidDataSource

2003-07-23 Thread Derek Chen-Becker
Funny, I had the opposite problem (worked under 4.0.6, died horribly 
under 4.1.24). Can you send a stack trace? I can't remember off the top 
of my head, but I think there's a way to inspect the JNDI tree under Tomcat.


Michael Duffy wrote:
I've written a Web app that works fine under Tomcat
4.1.24.  It uses an app-specific Context to set up a
JNDI data source that works fine.  It uses the
org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory and the
Oracle 9.2 JDBC type IV thin driver.  The Oracle JDBC
driver JAR is in TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib; all other
JARs are in the WEB-INF/lib directory inside the
deployed WAR.
A vendor has shipped s'ware to me that has been tested
under Tomcat 4.0.6.  The vendor won't guarantee proper
operation under 4.1.24, because it hasn't been tested
I downloaded 4.0.6, installed it on my machine, put my
app WAR in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps, and put the 
into the server.xml.  The Oracle JDBC JARs are in
TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib.  I checked the resources page
to make sure that my Context from 4.1.24 was okay for
4.0.6.  There were no errors in the log file when I
started up the app.  The XML parser accepted the
server.xml without a problem.  I got the app log file
that I asked for, and I can see debug info from my
front controller servlet being written to it.
However, as soon as it tries to access the database I
get a "DataSource invalid - no suitable driver" error.
Everything that I gave to 4.0.6 works perfectly under
4.1.24.  What common error causes this?  I scanned the
Archive link from the mailing list page, but nothing
suitable appeared.  Thanks - MOD

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Derek Chen-Becker
Senior Network Engineer
CPI Corp, Inc.
1706 Washington Ave
St. Louis, MO 63103
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Re: Creating a custom realm [I don't know how]

2003-07-23 Thread Derek Chen-Becker
Realms are loaded by the container (Tomcat), so I think you need to put 
them in your server/lib or server/classes directories.


Hung Tang wrote:
Hi there,

How do I create my own custom realm and plug it into
Tomcat for my web application?  I created CustomRealm
that implements Realm.  But when I added a 
element in my context.xml and loaded up my
application, it complained that CustomRealm could not
be found (ClassNotFoundException).  

My CustomRealm class is in my /WEB-INF/classes
directory so I'm sure (as far as my application is
concerned) that the class is in the proper classpath. 
I also placed the file in tomcat.home/common/lib but
the error still persists.

Any help would be appreciated.

By the way, I'm using Tomcat 4.1.24

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Derek Chen-Becker
Senior Network Engineer
CPI Corp, Inc.
1706 Washington Ave
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Phone: 314-231-1575 x6014
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Question about Tomcat Documentation

2003-08-22 Thread Derek Chen-Becker
I'm moving a server from 4.0.6 to 4.1.27 and I noticed something 
strange about the included 4.1.27 documentation. In the JNDI Resource 
HOWTO, the section on JDBC resources doesn't explicitly add a "factory" 
parameter, and it also says this about DBCP support:

NOTE - The default data source support in Tomcat is based on the DBCP 
connection pool from the Jakarta Commons  subproject. However, it is 
possible to use any other connection pool that implements 
javax.sql.DataSource, by writing your own custom resource factory, as 
described below.

I was thinking that maybe now there's a default factory that can handle 
things, but now when I run the App I get an exception:

Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'

Which makes me think the default factory is not correct. So is the 
documentation wrong, or are there cases where it can work with the 
default factory?



Derek Chen-Becker
Senior Network Engineer
CPI Corp, Inc.
1706 Washington Ave
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-231-1575 x6014
Fax:   314-613-6724
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Re: Java/JSP/Servlet Programmer

2003-10-17 Thread Derek Chen-Becker
If I were going to just post data to a servlet I would probably skip the 
JSP part :) Maybe have the Servlet forward to a JSP for output. I would 
probably have a hard time with the lack of documentation. I have a very 
strong grasp of how things relate and work together but I'm not a rote 
memorization guy, so stuff like code completion in IDEs helps jog my 
memory on method names and the like.

IMHO, I think conversations about design or concepts can elicit a much 
better picture of what a candidate does or does not know. Of course, it 
can be harder to quantify candidates with this method.


Ruben Gamez wrote:
Does anyone else think that what I'm asking for is so difficult?

-Original Message-
From: David Rees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 4:54 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Java/JSP/Servlet Programmer

On Fri, October 17, 2003 at 1:27 pm, Ruben Gamez sent the following

The first is a written test which has J2SE, Servlet, and JSP

The second is a programming test, they must write a JSP page that form
posts to a Servlet, that retrieves ANYTHING from a Bean and outputs it
in the Servlet.  I have a lab computer set up with everything except

code.  They must also use notepad to do this.

Wow, sounds like entry level coding to me!  And you're having trouble
getting people to pass these things?

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Derek Chen-Becker
Senior Network Engineer
CPI Corp, Inc.
1706 Washington Ave
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Phone: 314-231-1575 x996455
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