RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-04 Thread SH Solutions

> After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:


Having read points 1-6, I thought, there must be a truth in your remarks.
(I did'nt use JSTL or EL yet, but I am about to try.)

But then I got to:

> Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason
whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better. 

At that point, you just showed to be very closed-minded.
(C++ does have an accurate object model, which improves a lot. Yes, you can
do similar things with macros, but cumbersomely. From your point of view, go
ahead and programm assembly code. Believe me, it dies whatever C does just
as good, and better.)

No more trusting any of your remarks...


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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-04 Thread Tom K
Ivan, tell us how you “really” feel  :-)
Not to be a smart As_  but I’ve felt the same way about changes, for the
better? … not always, but it progresses to the next point where there is
an improvement. For example, remember the “old” client/server
technology? It sounded good at first until everyone discovered that
maintaining Fat clients was a total nightmare. Now we use java and the
client is a browser, is it better? Yea, probably, but it could be
simpler if all browsers worked the same. Use the technology that fits
your needs.
Tom K.
-Original Message-
From: Ivan Jouikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 1:04 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to
ever happen to mankind
After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:
1.   JSTL and EL are inefficient.  Tests on similar pages clearly
showed that.  (compare - ${name} with <%=name%>, run in a loop 1
times, you’ll see the difference)
2.   JSTL is cumbersome – someone told me once that the reason they
use JSTL is because their designers are scared of <%=%> code, but they
have no problem throwing around XML statements.  Well, what’s my advice
to him: hire new designers, and fire your high school students.  On one
hand, yeah ${} is very nice relatively to
<%=request.getParameter(“name”)%>.  But after playing around with JSTLs
u’ll see what I mean.  Also, when your designers screwes up with the
logical structure of your web-site cuz he thought he could just “throw
around” tags, you’ll think twice.  Which brings me to the next point…
3.   XML is for data flow, not for logic.  Whoever the hell thought
of tags like  and  should be murdered in the worst way
possible.  With JSTL’s exporting and importing variables, and all the
logical statements and loops, the whole idea of XML gets destroyed.
4.   EL encourages sloppy syntax.  It doesn’t even have data types
(well it has on the bottom level, but not on the surface).  Remember
JavaScript?  Did you know that at first, it was supposed to be
server-side scripting language?  You know the reason it didn’t make it
(one of the major ones)?  Because of its sloppy syntax and the amount of
errors it caused.  Why bring it back?
5.   Server-side content and client-side content should be
separated.  When everything looks like HTML (in some way), it’s hard to
tell what actually gets processed, and what gets sent to the client as
static (if you have all-nighters, you’ll understand).
6.   JSTL is time-consuming.  The whole idea of JSTL was to speed up
the process.  Not only is it less efficient than embedding code the
normal way, but it also takes you forever to make something new with it.
Don’t believe me?  Just try it.
7.   The only reason JSTL was made is so that guys at Apache could
write some stupid book explaining its hella complicated syntax, and
charge people $50 for it.  See, it’s just like the C++ story.  Why was
C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason whatsoever, C
does whatever C++ does just as good, and better.  So I am not sure if
JSTL is a step to having “advanced” developers who get paid more because
they took time to learn retarded JSTL syntax and EL, or is it just
Apache’s developers’ way of making money (and I am surre O’reilly and
the bros are thankful too).
Point of this message:  DO NOT USE JSTL OR EL.  You’ll regret it.  I

Best Regards,

Ivan V. Jouikov
(206) 228-6670

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-04 Thread Ariel Valentin
I am new to this mailing list but I figured I would throw in my two cents:
(Please excuse my e-mail provider it interpreted the characters from Ivan's 
original message in some strange way)

Needless to say I was a bit concerned about a few comments...
After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:
1.	JSTL and EL are inefficient.  Tests on similar pages clearly showed 
that.  (compare - ${name} with <%=name%>, run in a loop 1 times, 
you’ll see the difference)
Sure it will be slower, it is really java classes under the hood trying to 
hide complexity of scriptlet code. Is that a bad thing? Not really, helper 
classes a great, we create them to handle business logic, why not more for 
view components. The latest hardware is getting less expensive so I do not 
feel this argument holds (especially with the new 64 bit processers and DDR 

2.	JSTL is cumbersome – someone told me once that the reason they use 
JSTL is because their designers are scared of <%=%> code, but they have no 
problem throwing around XML statements.  Well, what’s my advice to him: 
hire new designers, and fire your high school students.
That is not nice to say about your fellow UI developers. Their specialty is 
usability and content development and if you ask my opinion most server side 
developers do not dedicate time to this discipliine. It is too much to ask a 
designer to learn a server side language when they are busy trying to keep 
up with their specialty. The job positing to replace the high schoolers will 
be like all of those other rediculous ones you see on Dice these days where 
companies are looking for a laundry list instead of a solid developer.

3.	XML is for data flow, not for logic.  Whoever the hell thought of tags 
like  and  should be murdered in the worst way possible.  
With JSTL’s exporting and importing variables, and all the logical 
statements and loops, the whole idea of XML gets destroyed.
What should we use then for content development? HTML is done... no more 
updates... It's replacement is an XML application known as XHTML. Looks like 
XML has more uses that just data... Oh did someone mention XSL? XSLT? 
XSLT syntax

4.	EL encourages sloppy syntax.  It doesn’t even have data types (well it 
has on the bottom level, but not on the surface).  Remember JavaScript?  
Did you know that at first, it was supposed to be server-side scripting 
language?  You know the reason it didn’t make it (one of the major ones)? 
 Because of its sloppy syntax and the amount of errors it caused.  Why 
bring it back?
Apples and oranges... Javascript indeed has it's problems, (heck I am forced 
to work with VBScript so I empathize here), but someone was smart enough to 
recognize Javascript's limitation and that is why it is a client side 
technology. I believe JSTL uses reflection and if you don't like that you 
sure as heck will never like EJB Container managed persistence...

5.	Server-side content and client-side content should be separated.  When 
everything looks like HTML (in some way), it’s hard to tell what actually 
gets processed, and what gets sent to the client as static (if you have 
all-nighters, you’ll understand).
The point about SS and CS separation is an arguement for EL. It should be 
used to make it easier to display values from Business logic components 
hiding the complexity from the View Tier, no "work" should be done other 
than rendering information to an understandable layout. If one is 
"processing" JSTL is not the way to go, move that logic into a helper class, 
that is what they are for.

6.	JSTL is time-consuming.  The whole idea of JSTL was to speed up the 
process.  Not only is it less efficient than embedding code the normal way, 
but it also takes you forever to make something new with it.  Don’t 
believe me?  Just try it.
Yes I have tried it, with a third party UDDI API that did not use JAX-R 
specification and found it easier to just write:
c:out value="${}"
than writing:
Business business = ( Business ) session.getParameter("Business");
TModel tModel = (TModel) business.getTModel();
Overview overview = (Overview) tModel.getOverview();
String overviewURL = overview.getOverviewURL();

7.	The only reason JSTL was made is so that guys at Apache could write some 
stupid book explaining its hella complicated syntax, and charge people $50 
for it.  See, it’s just like the C++ story.  Why was C++ invented?  To 
give programmers jobs.  No other reason whatsoever, C does whatever C++ 
does just as good, and better.  So I am not sure if JSTL is a step to 
having “advanced” developers who get paid more because they took time 
to learn retarded JSTL syntax and EL, or is it just Apache’s 
developers’ way of making money (and I am surre O’reilly and the bros 
are thankful too).

Point of this message:  DO NOT USE JSTL OR EL.  Youâ€

RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-04 Thread Ivan Jouikov
I am not closed minded.  You got to give me some credit for opening myself up to JSTL 
and EL in the first place.  And about C++ - I like it, but I use it only because I 
have to use it.  What I DON'T like about it is:

Huge file sizes
100% guaranteed memory leaks
Classes = complicated structs

I'd switch from C++ to C in a flash.

-Original Message-
From: SH Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 2:36 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever 
happen to mankind


> After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:


Having read points 1-6, I thought, there must be a truth in your remarks.
(I did'nt use JSTL or EL yet, but I am about to try.)

But then I got to:

> Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason
whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better. 

At that point, you just showed to be very closed-minded.
(C++ does have an accurate object model, which improves a lot. Yes, you can
do similar things with macros, but cumbersomely. From your point of view, go
ahead and programm assembly code. Believe me, it dies whatever C does just
as good, and better.)

No more trusting any of your remarks...


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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07.06.2004

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07.06.2004

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-04 Thread Ivan Jouikov

Read my comments below:

> -Original Message-
> From: Ariel Valentin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 11:20 AM
> Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things
> to ever happen to mankind
> I am new to this mailing list but I figured I would throw in my two cents:
> (Please excuse my e-mail provider it interpreted the characters from
> Ivan's
> original message in some strange way
> Needless to say I was a bit concerned about a few comments...
> >After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:
> >
> >1.   JSTL and EL are inefficient.  Tests on similar pages clearly showed
> >that.  (compare - ${name} with <%=name%>, run in a loop 1 times,
> >youÐ-?ll see the difference)
> Sure it will be slower, it is really java classes under the hood trying to
> hide complexity of scriptlet code. Is that a bad thing? Not really, helper
> classes a great, we create them to handle business logic, why not more for
> view components. The latest hardware is getting less expensive so I do not
> feel this argument holds (especially with the new 64 bit processers and
> memory).
You don't feel this argument holds?  When you have a poor little tomcat 
running 100 different web applications with 10,000 clicks/day on each, it DOES become 
an issue.  Your choice:  get a new server, OR replace all the ${} with <%=%>.  I've 
been faced with similar situation many times, and trust me, it drives you nuts.

> >2.   JSTL is cumbersome Ð-? someone told me once that the reason they use
> >JSTL is because their designers are scared of <%=%> code, but they have
> no
> >problem throwing around XML statements.  Well, whatÐ-?s my advice to him:
> >hire new designers, and fire your high school students.
> That is not nice to say about your fellow UI developers. Their specialty
> is
> usability and content development and if you ask my opinion most server
> side
> developers do not dedicate time to this discipliine. It is too much to ask
> a
> designer to learn a server side language when they are busy trying to keep
> up with their specialty. The job positing to replace the high schoolers
> will
> be like all of those other rediculous ones you see on Dice these days
> where
> companies are looking for a laundry list instead of a solid developer.
I see your point, but you got me wrong.  I am not suggesting that designers 
should have to learn a whole new language, but I am saying that if a designer is OK 
with this: ${name}, but NOT ok with this:  <%=name%>, then it's a retarded designer.  
EL syntax sort of "encourages" designers to be free to throw expressions and tags 
around, which could result in SERIOUS logical errors when you pull some important ${} 
out of the loop, and as a result, the dev will have to spend two day figuring out why 
his code isnât working (this is where CVS is a charm).  Bottom line is: designers 
are for designing, not for throwing important stuff around.

> >3.   XML is for data flow, not for logic.  Whoever the hell thought of
> tags
> >like  and  should be murdered in the worst way possible.
> >With JSTLÐ-?s exporting and importing variables, and all the logical
> >statements and loops, the whole idea of XML gets destroyed.
> What should we use then for content development? HTML is done... no more
> updates... It's replacement is an XML application known as XHTML. Looks
> like
> XML has more uses that just data... Oh did someone mention XSL? XSLT?
> XSLT syntax  got the idea

What should we use instead?  Welcome to the front page of JSP manual:

<% if( yourmoma ) { %>
Do some things
<% } %>

To me, it seems EASIER than this:

Do some things

What happened to the good old idea of using JAVA, with all its beautiful 
features, in the JSPs themselves?  IMHO, Java beats tag syntax in all aspects - easier 
to write and understand, strict syntax, and more efficient.  I don't know WHY would 
you want to use XML for logic flow in the first place.

> >4.   EL encourages sloppy syntax.  It doesnÐ-?t even have data types
> (well it
> >has on the bottom level, but not on the surface).  Remember JavaScript?
> >Did you know that at first, it was supposed to be server-side scripting
> >language?  You know the reason it didnÐ-?t make it (one of the major
> ones)?
> >  Because of its sloppy syntax and the amount of errors it caused.  Why
> >bring it back?
> Apples and oranges..

Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-04 Thread Tim Funk
Nice troll.
1) Yes <%=%> was 10 times as fast. But Anything of simple complexity like 
using a model object request <%=%> to get ugly real fast with many getters 
and explict casts. There is a massive tradeoff in simplicity when you have 
the following:

2) I get massive headaches reading all the extra <%%> in code. Add any type 
of loops of block and it gets even worse.  JSTL is simpler to read if you 
have good people writing consitent styles.

3) XML is for what you want it to be. But as for using xml as the syntax for 
JSTL, it does make things simpler for other tool sets to integrate. It also 
is an easier trasitition from things like cold fusion and such.

4) This arguement is the blanket arguement against any loose typed languages. 
I shall ignore it.

5) This sounds like people having configuration and training issue.
6) All my developers have switched to JSTL. They love it and the code is much 
easier to write and *more important* review.

7) This is just plain old trolling.
Ivan Jouikov wrote:
After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:
1.	JSTL and EL are inefficient.  Tests on similar pages clearly showed that.  (compare - ${name} with <%=name%>, run in a loop 1 times, youâll see the difference)
2.	JSTL is cumbersome â someone told me once that the reason they use JSTL is because their designers are scared of <%=%> code, but they have no problem throwing around XML statements.  Well, whatâs my advice to him: hire new designers, and fire your high school students.  On one hand, yeah ${} is very nice relatively to <%=request.getParameter(ânameâ)%>.  But after playing around with JSTLs uâll see what I mean.  Also, when your designers screwes up with the logical structure of your web-site cuz he thought he could just âthrow aroundâ tags, youâll think twice.  Which brings me to the next pointâ
3.	XML is for data flow, not for logic.  Whoever the hell thought of tags like  and  should be murdered in the worst way possible.  With JSTLâs exporting and importing variables, and all the logical statements and loops, the whole idea of XML gets destroyed.
4.	EL encourages sloppy syntax.  It doesnât even have data types (well it has on the bottom level, but not on the surface).  Remember JavaScript?  Did you know that at first, it was supposed to be server-side scripting language?  You know the reason it didnât make it (one of the major ones)?  Because of its sloppy syntax and the amount of errors it caused.  Why bring it back?
5.	Server-side content and client-side content should be separated.  When everything looks like HTML (in some way), itâs hard to tell what actually gets processed, and what gets sent to the client as static (if you have all-nighters, youâll understand).
6.	JSTL is time-consuming.  The whole idea of JSTL was to speed up the process.  Not only is it less efficient than embedding code the normal way, but it also takes you forever to make something new with it.  Donât believe me?  Just try it.
7.	The only reason JSTL was made is so that guys at Apache could write some stupid book explaining its hella complicated syntax, and charge people $50 for it.  See, itâs just like the C++ story.  Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better.  So I am not sure if JSTL is a step to having âadvancedâ developers who get paid more because they took time to learn retarded JSTL syntax and EL, or is it just Apacheâs developersâ way of making money (and I am surre Oâreilly and the bros are thankful too).

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Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-04 Thread Joel
On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 23:03:45 -0700
(B"Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(B> ...
(B> Point of this message:  DO NOT USE JSTL OR EL.  You$Bc`QM(Bl regret it.  I did.
(BIf a tool doesn't work for you, don't use it.
(BThere are plenty of tools. We all make mistakes. No reason to hate a
(Btool just because it let you down. 
(BIf there are serious faults in a certain tool in the context of your use,
(Bset it aside, regroup, learn from the experience, re-negotiate with your
(Bboss, coworkers, and/or your customers, move on. 
(B(Any boss or any customer who isn't willing to put up with the overhead
(Bof getting the right tool for the job just isn't worth the trouble.)
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-04 Thread Joel
> ... Believe me, it dies whatever C does just


> as good, and better.)
> ...

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Ivan Jouikov
> 1) Yes <%=%> was 10 times as fast. But Anything of simple complexity like
> using a model object request <%=%> to get ugly real fast with many getters
> and explict casts. There is a massive tradeoff in simplicity when you have
> the following:
> ${myObect.myGetter.aValue}

Ahh must I repeat this again?  First of all, it's not all that easy.  You're 
gonna have to do
 prior to using that.  
Now, what if myObject.myGetter returns null?  You're in for some fun hour-long 
debugging session.  I'd rather stick with

Set set = my.set();
Object value = set.get("weee");
If ( value == null || !(object instanceof MySuperClass) )
MySuperClass msc = (MySuperClass)object;
String myString = msc.aValue();


I'd trade these 10 lines of code for that 1 line of code IN A FLASH, because I 
know, in the future, when there's a bug that's crashing my server, and my manager is 
yelling at me cuz the clients r calling bank and telling them to refund their 
accounts, because some variable was null and it says "Thank you for your purchase.  
Null has been shipped."  I KNOW I will spend at most an hour locating the bug in my 
Java code, whereas I'd spend days, if not weeks, if not re-write the entire 
application, just to fix bug dug inside the EL code.

> 2) I get massive headaches reading all the extra <%%> in code. Add any
> type
> of loops of block and it gets even worse.  JSTL is simpler to read if you
> have good people writing consitent styles.

Yes I agree, JSTL is simpler to read.  How about this, your write a calendar 
using JSTL, considering all the loops and triggers you'd have to use.  And then you 
tell me how much easier JSTL is to read, ok?

> 3) XML is for what you want it to be. But as for using xml as the syntax
> for
> JSTL, it does make things simpler for other tool sets to integrate. It
> also
> is an easier trasitition from things like cold fusion and such.

True that XML is "what you want it to be".  Why don't we start programming in 
Microsoft word?  I mean, it is a text editor isn't it?

> 4) This arguement is the blanket arguement against any loose typed
> languages.
> I shall ignore it.
> 5) This sounds like people having configuration and training issue.
> 6) All my developers have switched to JSTL. They love it and the code is
> much
> easier to write and *more important* review.

Good luck with your developers.  Can I have the name of your company plz?  
I'll make sure never to buy anything from it.

> 7) This is just plain old trolling.

> -Tim
> Ivan Jouikov wrote:
> > After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:
> >
> > 1.  JSTL and EL are inefficient.  Tests on similar pages clearly showed
> that.  (compare - ${name} with <%=name%>, run in a loop 1 times,
> youâll see the difference)
> > 2.  JSTL is cumbersome â someone told me once that the reason they use
> JSTL is because their designers are scared of <%=%> code, but they have no
> problem throwing around XML statements.  Well, whatâs my advice to him:
> hire new designers, and fire your high school students.  On one hand, yeah
> ${} is very nice relatively to
> <%=request.getParameter(ânameâ)%>.  But after playing around with JSTLs
> uâll see what I mean.  Also, when your designers screwes up with the
> logical structure of your web-site cuz he thought he could just âthrow
> aroundâ tags, youâll think twice.  Which brings me to the next pointâ
> > 3.  XML is for data flow, not for logic.  Whoever the hell thought of
> tags like  and  should be murdered in the worst way
> possible.  With JSTLâs exporting and importing variables, and all the
> logical statements and loops, the whole idea of XML gets destroyed.
> > 4.  EL encourages sloppy syntax.  It doesnât even have data types (well
> it has on the bottom level, but not on the surface).  Remember JavaScript?
> Did you know that at first, it was supposed to be server-side scripting
> language?  You know the reason it didnât make it (one of the major ones)?
> Because of its sloppy syntax and the amount of errors it caused.  Why
> bring it back?
> > 5.  Server-side content and client-side content should be separated.
> When everything looks like HTML (in some way), itâs hard to tell what
> actually gets processed, and what gets sent to the client as static (if
> you have all-nighters, youâll understand).
> > 6.  JSTL is time-consuming.  The whole idea of JSTL was to speed up the
> process.  Not only is it less efficient than embedding code the normal
> way, but it also takes you forever to make something new with it.  Donât
> believe me?  Just try it.
> > 7.  The only reason JSTL was made is so that guys at Apache could write
> some stupid book explaining its hella complicated syntax, and charge
> people $50 for it.  See, itâs just like the C++ story.  Why was C++
> invented?  To giv

RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Ivan Jouikov
My replies below

> -Original Message-
> From: Joel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 6:19 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things
> to ever happen to mankind
> On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 23:03:45 -0700
> "Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > ...
> > Point of this message:  DO NOT USE JSTL OR EL.  Youçål regret it.  I
> did.
> If a tool doesn't work for you, don't use it.
> There are plenty of tools. We all make mistakes. No reason to hate a
> tool just because it let you down.
> If there are serious faults in a certain tool in the context of your use,
> set it aside, regroup, learn from the experience, re-negotiate with your
> boss, coworkers, and/or your customers, move on.
> (Any boss or any customer who isn't willing to put up with the overhead
> of getting the right tool for the job just isn't worth the trouble.)

Customer isn't worth the trouble?  Maybe that theory of thought is the reason 
why you're using Japanese mail server?

> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07.06.2004

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Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07.06.2004

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Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Mike Fowler
Hello, it seems I have missed a good conversation! Now for my two 

>4. EL encourages sloppy syntax.  It doesnât even have data types
>   (well it has on the bottom level, but not on the surface).
>Remember JavaScript?  Did you know that at first, it was supposed
>   to be server-side scripting language?  You know the reason it
>   didnât make it (one of the major ones)?  Because of its sloppy
>   syntax and the amount of errors it caused.  Why bring it back?
I agree that <% code %> is clearer, especially for debugging but I think 
that using <% %> excessively leads to poor page design. Embedding Java 
code directly into a presentation page leans towards placing business 
logic in the presentation tier, which is BAD design. If you have to 
process your data objects on the presentation page you have a problem. 
It is better to construct a "bean" that contains all the information 
required for the page, embed it in the session when you serve the JSP 
and just pull data out of the bean. Need to loop? Use iterators in the 
bean. Need to construct a new object in the page? Why? This is presentation!

>Customer isn't worth the trouble?  Maybe that theory of thought is the 
>reason why you're using Japanese mail server?

>	Good luck with your developers.  Can I have the name of your >company 
plz?  I'll make sure never to buy anything from it

No need to get personal, this is a debate not a slagging match.
-Mike Fowler
"I could be a genius if I just put my mind to it, and I,
I could do anything, if only I could get 'round to it"
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Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Joel
On Mon, 5 Jul 2004 00:55:17 -0700
(B"Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(B> My replies below
(B> > -Original Message-
(B> > From: Joel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(B> > Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 6:19 PM
(B> > To: Tomcat Users List
(B> > Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things
(B> > to ever happen to mankind
(B> > 
(B> > On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 23:03:45 -0700
(B> > "Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(B> > 
(B> > > ...
(B> > > Point of this message:  DO NOT USE JSTL OR EL.  You$Bn,%+if!"(Bl regret it.  I
(B> > did.
(B> > 
(B> > If a tool doesn't work for you, don't use it.
(B> > 
(B> > There are plenty of tools. We all make mistakes. No reason to hate a
(B> > tool just because it let you down.
(B> > 
(B> > If there are serious faults in a certain tool in the context of your use,
(B> > set it aside, regroup, learn from the experience, re-negotiate with your
(B> > boss, coworkers, and/or your customers, move on.
(B> > 
(B> > (Any boss or any customer who isn't willing to put up with the overhead
(B> > of getting the right tool for the job just isn't worth the trouble.)
(B>   Customer isn't worth the trouble?  Maybe that theory of thought is the reason 
(B> why you're using Japanese mail server?
(BI live and work in Japan. :-o
(BBut if a customer is going to ask you to use a tool proficiently before
(Byou've had time to even learn whether it's appropriate for the job, and
(Bis not willing to negotiate, you should definitely think hard about
(Bwhether they're paying you enough to cover rent.
(BA tool is a tool. Rather than declare that a tool is worse than useless,
(Bit probably would be more effective to explain why you couldn't use it
(Bthis time. It's a little easier that way to talk about what can be done,
(Bwhat tools could be used instead, where you might still profitably use
(Bthe recalcitrant tool.
(BIf the customer or boss is willing to negotiate, positive information
(Bwill be more useful.
(BAnd that is enough platitudes for a day or so. I'll shut up.
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Ivan Jouikov

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Fowler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 1:49 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things
> to ever happen to mankind
> Hello, it seems I have missed a good conversation! Now for my two
> pence/cents:
>  >4. EL encourages sloppy syntax.  It doesnât even have data types
>  >   (well it has on the bottom level, but not on the surface).
>  >Remember JavaScript?  Did you know that at first, it was
> supposed
>  >   to be server-side scripting language?  You know the reason it
>  >   didnât make it (one of the major ones)?  Because of its sloppy
>  >   syntax and the amount of errors it caused.  Why bring it back?
> I agree that <% code %> is clearer, especially for debugging but I think
> that using <% %> excessively leads to poor page design.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.  I think HAVING poor 
designs leads to poor design.  Using <% %> might make it look ugly, but it won't 
affect the design itself (I am not speaking of graphical design here, I am speaking of 
program design)

> Embedding Java
> code directly into a presentation page leans towards placing business
> logic in the presentation tier, which is BAD design.

Isn't that EXACTLY what c:foreach and c:if tags encourage?  Having logic 
inside presentation?  Embedding java code doesn't necessarily mean logic.  <% for ( 
Iterator I = collection.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { %>
Do stuff
<% } %>

Seems much better than:

Do stuff

Again, it's not what u use (JSTL or java) that makes a bad design, itâs a bad 
designer that makes a bad design.

> If you have to
> process your data objects on the presentation page you have a problem.
> It is better to construct a "bean" that contains all the information
> required for the page, embed it in the session when you serve the JSP
> and just pull data out of the bean. Need to loop? Use iterators in the
> bean. Need to construct a new object in the page? Why? This is
> presentation!
>  >Customer isn't worth the trouble?  Maybe that theory of thought is the
>  >reason why you're using Japanese mail server?
>  >Good luck with your developers.  Can I have the name of your
> >company
> plz?  I'll make sure never to buy anything from it
> No need to get personal, this is a debate not a slagging match.
> -Mike Fowler
> "I could be a genius if I just put my mind to it, and I,
> I could do anything, if only I could get 'round to it"
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Mike Fowler
Hello -
I think I was unclear in what I meant. I am not talking about 
presentation of code, (hell assembler can be presented well!) what I 
mean is that using JSTL and EL forces you to abstract yourself from the 
business tier as you have restricted ability to handle the data. By 
using embedded Java you do not have this restriction (which may be a 
good thing for performance or clarity) which can lead you to perform 
operations you shouldn't in a presentation processing.

I agree that having a bad designer leads to bad design, but a good 
design can be poorly implemented. I propose that the use of embedded 
java can be poor implementation as it is all to easy to perform 
operations that you shouldn't in a presentation tier.

-Mike Fowler
"I could be a genius if I just put my mind to it, and I,
I could do anything, if only I could get 'round to it"
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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Ivan Jouikov
My replies below

> -Original Message-
> From: Joel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 2:24 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things
> to ever happen to mankind
> On Mon, 5 Jul 2004 00:55:17 -0700
> "Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > My replies below
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Joel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 6:19 PM
> > > To: Tomcat Users List
> > > Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst
> things
> > > to ever happen to mankind
> > >
> > > On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 23:03:45 -0700
> > > "Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > >
> > > > ...
> > > > Point of this message:  DO NOT USE JSTL OR EL.  Youéãèãl regret it.
> I
> > > did.
> > >
> > > If a tool doesn't work for you, don't use it.
> > >
> > > There are plenty of tools. We all make mistakes. No reason to hate a
> > > tool just because it let you down.
> > >
> > > If there are serious faults in a certain tool in the context of your
> use,
> > > set it aside, regroup, learn from the experience, re-negotiate with
> your
> > > boss, coworkers, and/or your customers, move on.
> > >
> > > (Any boss or any customer who isn't willing to put up with the
> overhead
> > > of getting the right tool for the job just isn't worth the trouble.)
> >
> > Customer isn't worth the trouble?  Maybe that theory of thought is
> the reason why you're using Japanese mail server?
> I live and work in Japan. :-o
> But if a customer is going to ask you to use a tool proficiently before
> you've had time to even learn whether it's appropriate for the job, and
> is not willing to negotiate, you should definitely think hard about
> whether they're paying you enough to cover rent.
> A tool is a tool. Rather than declare that a tool is worse than useless,
> it probably would be more effective to explain why you couldn't use it
> this time. It's a little easier that way to talk about what can be done,
> what tools could be used instead, where you might still profitably use
> the recalcitrant tool.

Ok, so you're saying that if my task is to dig a hole, and there's a tool 
whose documentation says "used for digging holes efficiently and easy", it 
automatically means that it's good for that task?  You ever thought that good ideas 
don't necessarily mean good results?  What if that tool is a vacuum cleaner?  How 
would you dig a hole with a vacuum cleaner?  I mean that's what its documentation 

The point is, some tools are just no good.

> If the customer or boss is willing to negotiate, positive information
> will be more useful.
> And that is enough platitudes for a day or so. I'll shut up.
> --
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
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> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07.06.2004

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Ivan Jouikov
My replies below

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Fowler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 2:40 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things
> to ever happen to mankind
> Hello -
> I think I was unclear in what I meant. I am not talking about
> presentation of code, (hell assembler can be presented well!) what I
> mean is that using JSTL and EL forces you to abstract yourself from the
> business tier as you have restricted ability to handle the data.

WRONG.  It forces you to do the OPPOSITE.  Logical flow statements like c:if 
and c:for FORCE you to have business logic embedded in the pages.  You ever read JSTL 
manual?  I recal it says something about "no need for java at all"...

> By
> using embedded Java you do not have this restriction (which may be a
> good thing for performance or clarity) which can lead you to perform
> operations you shouldn't in a presentation processing.
> I agree that having a bad designer leads to bad design, but a good
> design can be poorly implemented. I propose that the use of embedded
> java can be poor implementation as it is all to easy to perform
> operations that you shouldn't in a presentation tier.

Hmm.  Such simple thing like a guest book wouldn't need separate tires.  I'd 
rather have it embedded in JSP

> -Mike Fowler
> "I could be a genius if I just put my mind to it, and I,
> I could do anything, if only I could get 'round to it"
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07.06.2004

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Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Andre Legendre
Hi Ivan
I heard same story for assemblor supporters about C 30 years ago :
Slower and not better.
Fact is that today's software are larger than 30 years ago.
Tools just cannot be the same as complexity is exponential to the size.
It is not "one" good tool, you have tools adapted for each job.
Assemblor is ideal for very small code, some parts of drivers, of image 
processing etc.
C is ideal for medium size code requiring speed : drivers, document 
processing etc.
Java is ideal for large size project : ERP, manufacturing etc.
Tcl is ideal as script language at script level etc.
Awk is ideal for small text manipulation,
Yacc, lex, sh, HTML, Xml, javascript and so many others give pleasure 
and save time to many peoples.
For my side I use all of them.

It is said that you can reconize a good worker at the quality of it's tools.
If you want to limit yourself to just one tool, OK. But whatever you do, 
yo will have bad result.
So, please, let us choose our tools freely and enjoywith them.

Best regards
Ivan Jouikov wrote:
My replies below

-Original Message-
From: Joel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 2:24 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things
to ever happen to mankind
On Mon, 5 Jul 2004 00:55:17 -0700
"Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

My replies below

-Original Message-
From: Joel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 6:19 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst


to ever happen to mankind
On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 23:03:45 -0700
"Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

Point of this message:  DO NOT USE JSTL OR EL.  Youéãèãl regret it.


If a tool doesn't work for you, don't use it.
There are plenty of tools. We all make mistakes. No reason to hate a
tool just because it let you down.
If there are serious faults in a certain tool in the context of your


set it aside, regroup, learn from the experience, re-negotiate with


boss, coworkers, and/or your customers, move on.
(Any boss or any customer who isn't willing to put up with the


of getting the right tool for the job just isn't worth the trouble.)

	Customer isn't worth the trouble?  Maybe that theory of thought is

the reason why you're using Japanese mail server?
I live and work in Japan. :-o
But if a customer is going to ask you to use a tool proficiently before
you've had time to even learn whether it's appropriate for the job, and
is not willing to negotiate, you should definitely think hard about
whether they're paying you enough to cover rent.
A tool is a tool. Rather than declare that a tool is worse than useless,
it probably would be more effective to explain why you couldn't use it
this time. It's a little easier that way to talk about what can be done,
what tools could be used instead, where you might still profitably use
the recalcitrant tool.

	Ok, so you're saying that if my task is to dig a hole, and there's a tool whose documentation says "used for digging holes efficiently and easy", it automatically means that it's good for that task?  You ever thought that good ideas don't necessarily mean good results?  What if that tool is a vacuum cleaner?  How would you dig a hole with a vacuum cleaner?  I mean that's what its documentation says...  

The point is, some tools are just no good.

If the customer or boss is willing to negotiate, positive information
will be more useful.
And that is enough platitudes for a day or so. I'll shut up.
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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07.06.2004

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Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-05 Thread Joel
On Mon, 5 Jul 2004 13:40:54 -0700
"Ivan Jouikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> ...
> > A tool is a tool. Rather than declare that a tool is worse than useless,
> > it probably would be more effective to explain why you couldn't use it
> > this time. It's a little easier that way to talk about what can be done,
> > what tools could be used instead, where you might still profitably use
> > the recalcitrant tool.
>   Ok, so you're saying that if my task is to dig a hole,

Is your task to dig a hole? 

There are many kinds of holes -- wide holes, narrow holes, holes that go
sidewise, holes that go straight down, holes that you fill with cement
and build houses on, holes that you run subway trains through, ...

> and there's a tool whose documentation says "used for digging holes
> efficiently and easy", it automatically means that it's good for that
> task? 

When I was a kid, I liked to dig holes with a hammer, just because I had
my Dad's hammer but no wood and no nails. I dug some pretty good holes,
but my Dad made me clean the hammer up and oil it so it wouldn't rust.

I'd hate to dig a foundation with a post-hole shovel. I'd hate to dig a
foundation in caliche with anything. But if I had to dig a foundation in
caliche, I'd want either a pick or a jackhammer. (Dynamite's too hard to
control.) I would not want to dig in the flower bed with a jackhammer.

> You ever thought that good ideas don't necessarily mean good
> results? 

Naw, you're putting me on! Good ideas ALWAYS get good results. At least,
if you shovel enough manure into the fields.

> What if that tool is a vacuum cleaner?  How would you dig a
> hole with a vacuum cleaner? 

I think I may have started out the door to do just that one day when I
was a kid. I think my mother was glad she stopped me.

You ever dig a hole with a water hose?

Now, professional hole-diggers actually do use (very large) water hoses
and vacuum cleaners. That is, some sludge belts use a wet vacuum system
to keep the sludge belts clear. (Maybe I should've been a civil engineer.)

> I mean that's what its documentation says...  

Then, if the documentation is not lying, it must not be the same kind of
vacuum cleaner you'd use in the house.

> The point is, some tools are just no good.

Don't you just hate tools like that?

> ...


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Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-06 Thread David Rees
Ivan Jouikov wrote, On 7/4/2004 1:04 PM:
1.  JSTL and EL are inefficient.  Tests on similar pages clearly showed
that.  (compare - ${name} with <%=name%>, run in a loop 1 times,
youÐ-?ll see the difference)
Sure it will be slower, it is really java classes under the hood trying to
hide complexity of scriptlet code. Is that a bad thing? Not really, helper
classes a great, we create them to handle business logic, why not more for
view components. The latest hardware is getting less expensive so I do not
feel this argument holds (especially with the new 64 bit processers and
DDR memory).
You don't feel this argument holds? When you have a poor little 
tomcat running 100 different web applications with 10,000 clicks/day
on each, it DOES become an issue. Your choice: get a new server, OR
replace all the ${} with <%=%>. I've been faced with similar
situation many times, and trust me, it drives you nuts.
Heh, I was recently faced with a similar decision.  One page coded with 
scriptlets and a few nested for loops was replaced with JSTL and 
, unfortunately CPU utilization and page response times went 
up about 10x, from .5 seconds to 5+ seconds which is unacceptable.

Took me a while to figure out why the page had started responding 
slowly.  Then I replaced JSTL tags with scriptlets with timers around 
the loops and watched page load times go down significantly.

I would like to use JSTL as I do find it a lot easier to read than 
scriptlets, but in this case the performance hit was unbearable.  Maybe 
when I can get the go-ahead for some faster hardware the performance hit 
will be negligible.

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-08 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
> > Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason
> whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better. 
> At that point, you just showed to be very closed-minded.
> (C++ does have an accurate object model, which improves a 
> lot. Yes, you can
> do similar things with macros, but cumbersomely. From your 
> point of view, go
> ahead and programm assembly code. Believe me, it dies 
> whatever C does just
> as good, and better.)

Assembly is impure and bloated by the macro-Assembly to machine code
translation.  If you are worth your weight, you can just write it all in
hex, and with dipswitches.  DEATH TO ALL KEYBOARD USERS!!!


> -Original Message-
> From: SH Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 4:36 AM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the 
> worst things to ever happen to mankind
> Hi
> > After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:
> ..
> Having read points 1-6, I thought, there must be a truth in 
> your remarks.
> (I did'nt use JSTL or EL yet, but I am about to try.)
> But then I got to:
> > Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason
> whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better. 
> At that point, you just showed to be very closed-minded.
> (C++ does have an accurate object model, which improves a 
> lot. Yes, you can
> do similar things with macros, but cumbersomely. From your 
> point of view, go
> ahead and programm assembly code. Believe me, it dies 
> whatever C does just
> as good, and better.)
> No more trusting any of your remarks...
> Regards,
>   Steffen
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-08 Thread Woodchuck
i program in ones and zeroes only!! :D


> Assembly is impure and bloated by the macro-Assembly to machine code
> translation.  If you are worth your weight, you can just write it all
> in
> hex, and with dipswitches.  DEATH TO ALL KEYBOARD USERS!!!
> Daniel

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-08 Thread Mike Jackson
You know you could just not write any jsps or servlets and do everything in
filters.  That's my personal preference.  :)

mike jackson

-Original Message-
From: Woodchuck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 11:52 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to
ever happen to mankind

i program in ones and zeroes only!! :D


> Assembly is impure and bloated by the macro-Assembly to machine code 
> translation.  If you are worth your weight, you can just write it all 
> in hex, and with dipswitches.  DEATH TO ALL KEYBOARD USERS!!!
> Daniel

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-08 Thread Ivan Jouikov
Real programmers only need 2 buttons:  0 and 1

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 9:14 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things
> to ever happen to mankind
> > > Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason
> > whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better.
> >
> > At that point, you just showed to be very closed-minded.
> > (C++ does have an accurate object model, which improves a
> > lot. Yes, you can
> > do similar things with macros, but cumbersomely. From your
> > point of view, go
> > ahead and programm assembly code. Believe me, it dies
> > whatever C does just
> > as good, and better.)
> Assembly is impure and bloated by the macro-Assembly to machine code
> translation.  If you are worth your weight, you can just write it all in
> hex, and with dipswitches.  DEATH TO ALL KEYBOARD USERS!!!
> Daniel
> > -Original Message-
> > From: SH Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 4:36 AM
> > To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> > Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the
> > worst things to ever happen to mankind
> >
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > > After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:
> >
> > ..
> >
> > Having read points 1-6, I thought, there must be a truth in
> > your remarks.
> > (I did'nt use JSTL or EL yet, but I am about to try.)
> >
> > But then I got to:
> >
> > > Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason
> > whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better.
> >
> > At that point, you just showed to be very closed-minded.
> > (C++ does have an accurate object model, which improves a
> > lot. Yes, you can
> > do similar things with macros, but cumbersomely. From your
> > point of view, go
> > ahead and programm assembly code. Believe me, it dies
> > whatever C does just
> > as good, and better.)
> >
> > No more trusting any of your remarks...
> >
> > Regards,
> >   Steffen
> >
> >
> > -
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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-08 Thread David . Pawson
Would you guys take this conversation off the list please?
Its heavy enough without your personal comments.

regards DaveP

** snip here **


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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-12 Thread Endre Stølsvik
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

| Would you guys take this conversation off the list please?
| Its heavy enough without your personal comments.

Aren't there room for any fun?! This is the most rewarding and interesting
thread in a while, in my opinion..! :)



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