Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Pricing (Canada/International)

2010-04-02 Thread Goodsounds

Haven't you answered your own question? 

You say it is quite common for Canadian prices to be "significantly"
higher than US prices for the same items. I don't know specifically
why, but the possible reasons are numerous. Why would you expect the
Touch product would be different than all these other things you cite?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Pricing (Canada/International)

2010-04-02 Thread peterw

> It is quite a common occurence that Canadians will pay significantly
> more for books, cars, and electronics than US citizens

s/books, cars, and electronics/pharmaceuticals and healthcare/

Let us know if you find a negotiating strategy that works, OK? :-)

Seriously, though, I understand that Logitech sales is broken up into
different semi-autonomous regions. It could simply be that Logitech's
Canadian sales team thinks SB Touch is underpriced at USD $299. Given
how well SB Receivers, Radio accessory kits, and red Radios have sold,
as well as the price & features of gear from Sonos and others, bumping
the price 25% doesn't seem crazy. Maybe Logitech Canada will lower the
price if it sells poorly at CAD $379.

Free plugins:  'AllQuiet'
( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'DenonSerial'
'FuzzyTime' ( 'KidsPlay'
( 'KitchenTimer'
( 'PlayLog'
( 'SaverSwitcher'
( 'SleepFade'
( 'StatusFirst'
( 'SyncOptions'
( 'VolumeLock'

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Pricing (Canada/International)

2010-04-02 Thread dmg

According to the Logitech Web site, the MSRP for the touch is 379.00
CAD. With the Canadian dollar almost at par with the US dollar, this is
nothing less than a price gouge. The MSRP in the US is 299.00--almost an
$80.00 difference. Under the North America Free Trade Act (NAFTA), there
should be no duty imposed on the device when it crosses the border. I
don't mind paying a bit extra for currency exchange,, shipping, etc,
but there is no way a price differential of almost $80.00 is justified.

Now that the Touch is finally close to being released, I am trying to
find a retailer where I can get a fair price. Unfortunately, it looks
like I will have to jump through some hoops and try to find a US
retailer. I would like to support a retailer based or located in
Canada, but it looks like this will not be possible. (It is quite a
common occurence that Canadians will pay significantly more for books,
cars, and electronics than US citizens, even when the Canadian and US
currencies are close.)

I hope Logitech will adjust its Canadian pricing to more accurately
reflect actual, rather than imagined or hedged currency rates, before
the release of the Touch.

Is the situation similar in other countries? 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread chrislemasters

To answer your question about audio distribution with a home built audio
server I use a BreatheAudio connected directly
to my VortexBox. This get's me 4 independent zones I can control with

Wow - why have I not seen the BreatheAudio product before?!  Very nice,
great price.

How do you control the 4 zones on the BreatheAudio box?  With their
remote?  Certainly not via iPeng (that would be amazing if possible). 
Thanks for the tip!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread JJZolx

sawdin;529670 Wrote: 
> So, what am I missing?

Your post seems to be more of a question than a comparison of
advantages and disadvantages.

> 1) Less flexibility in terms of software, though app's are available
> (e.g., peng).

The software is perhaps the single biggest negative that I read about
from people who were dissatisfied with the Squeezebox (the other being
wifi connection problems).  But it's funny that it's often
self-described audiophiles who have this complaint, as you'd think that
the basic task of playing music would be sufficient, and Squeezebox
Server certainly does that and much more.

But Squeezebox Server also has its advantages:  It offers several
different interfaces right out of the box: the IR remote interface, the
web interface, and now a Touch interface on the Squeezebox Touch.  The
web interface means that you can connect to the controlling server and
manage any Squeezebox on your network from any computer in your home. 
And it can be run on several different operating system platforms,
unlike a lot of other software products.

> 2) Need to purchase another unit if you want to use in another room
> (unless you move the unit each time, which would be a pain). However,
> using a DIY music server, what do you use for the controller if you
> want to connect to audio systems in another room?

It's not much different than any other audio source component.  I don't
see how a PC music server can be used in more than one room.  You could
use a Squeezebox as an audio source in a whole-house audio system and
feed more than one room.  In that scenario it has advantages over
almost any other source component (such a CD player or dedicated PC
music server) in that you can control it using the web interface or an
app like iPeng from anywhere in the house.

> 3) Is it 'noisier'? If yes, what introduces the noise as it is fan-less.

It's silent.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread JohnSwenson

When you talk about a server it sounds like you are talking about a
computer in the listening room that you interact directly with which
either has an internal soundcard or USB DAC or equivalent to send audio
to a stereo system. 

In SB land there can also be a server, but you don't have to interact
with it directly, it can sit in some other room, the basement etc. 

The Touch allows you to have a server in the player, but you don't have
to run it that way, it still works very well with an external server.

There are several advantages to using a Touch: the audio quality is
very good, not quite as good as the best audiophile DACs, but quite a
bit better than anything I have heard in its price range. Its going to
be better than almost any soundcard you can put in your computer,
including ones that cost many times as much. There are a couple out
there which cost 3-4 times as much which when used with a highly
optimized computer are about on par. The Touch is that good.

Footprint in listening room. The Touch is small and very electrically
quiet. Even specially designed fanless computers usually put out quite
a lot crud into the air and onto the AC lines which can get picked up
by the other components in a stereo system, which can subtly degrade
the sound quality. The Touch is extremely low in this regard. 

Flexibility in control. There are MANY ways to control the Touch. Use
its own touch screen, IR remote that comes with it, use a SB controler,
use iPeng on iPod Touch or iPhone, apps that run on many other smart
phones. Dedicated apps for anything windows, Mac or linux. If you use
an external server with the touch you can control it from anything that
has a web browser. 

Multiple playback locations. The SB server (either separate or the one
in the Touch) can serve music to many players throughout your house.
You can also have virtual players on any computers you have. For
example in my house there are 4 physical players and virtual players on
every computer. So I can be listening to music as I type this on the
office computer while my wife is listening to music in her sewing room.
She can listen over her laptop when out reading on the patio while I'm
in the listening room with the "big rig". 

I personally think the best flexibility is to have a separate server
somewhere in the house feeding the players (hardware or virtual types).
It doesn't have to be a big expensive computer. These days I recommend
either the Vortexbox or a sheeva plug. The Vortexbox comes with disk
and CD drive to rip CDs and all the software preinstalled, its the
easiest thing in the known universe to use. With the sheeva plug you
need to attach your own USB drives, but it only takes a couple watts,
BUT you do have to load the software your self.

If it were me I would get a Vortexbox and a Touch and add players as
desired. Once you start with the SB system they tend to proliferate! 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread mlsstl

Though others have said this in a bit of a beat-around-the-bush way, one
big attraction for me is the Squeezebox system makes it very easy to run
multiple stereo systems off of one music source. Add a player to the
network and that's that. 

I also find the sound is excellent and easily upgradeable if one wants
to improve on the stock units I've had to date. 

I know playlist creation isn't quite as easy on the Squeezeboxserver as
some other programs, but I can count the number of playlists I've
created over the past 7 or 8 years of using a computer for music
playback on one hand. 

When I sit down for serious listening I've only decided what I want to
listen to at that moment. Yesterday's, last week's or last month's
music choices aren't very relevant to me. I realize some people put
together extensive playlists for parties and the like, but that's not
particularly useful to me. So it is meaningless to me that some other
programs make playlist creation easier.  

It'd be interesting to do a survey to map out users on a scale that
runs from serious playlist creators to casual users to those like me
who rarely use them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread sebp

sawdin;529670 Wrote: 
> For those 'techie tinkerers' who could have built a server but did not,
> why did you choose to forgo doing so and purchase a SB product?
I indeed had built such a server, and got it running in my living room
for three years.
I bought my first SB because I wanted to be able to listen to all my
music in my bedroom, with zero noise.
Bought the second one because the server died.
The others came because I wanted to be able to listen to music in my
whole house. ;)

sawdin;529670 Wrote: 
> In addition, what do SB users consider to be the Pros/Cons of going the
> SB route?  Likewise, what do you consider to be the Pros/Cons of
> building your own server?
Pros : absolute silence.
Cons : tiedous playlist management.


Transporter, SB Classic, SB Receiver, SB Boom, SB Radio, SB Touch, 2 SB
Will soon need a bigger home - '' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] O2 Joggler - a home for squeezeplay?

2010-04-02 Thread colincliff

probably best to post any reply in this thread


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread socistep

Its a very good question this one.

For me I built a low powered atom based server about a year ago, on
that I installed the vortexbox OS, the main benefits for me is that I
get automated ripping, tagging, cover art and SB reindexing - it works
really well, new cd's get popped in the drive and 15mins later i'm
listening to the music without having to do anything - in addition
Andrew developed the VB player which works well and I have hooked up a
pair of wireless headphones so in effect another 'zone' for free.

As an aside the current limitation on the set-up for me is due to
personal set-up, I decided to run a desktop environment on the VB and
have this hooked to a monitor upstairs, its connected to the router via
homeplugs which aren't giving me the network speed I need - I use the
server for docs, photos etc. (a media server) and transferring over the
homeplugs is causing rebuffering when playing music and general low
speeds - this is something I'm working to resolve currently.

In terms of the touch I am very tempted to get one for the living room,
would it replace the server - probably not - however I can see a lot of
benefits for people who haven't got a server and are looking at SB
players - usb drives are inexpensive and it sounds great to be able to
plug this in without having a pc/server running


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread Mnyb

I will eventually have Touch -and- a running squeezeboxservers i Like
options .
I don't like to be out of options/inputs/whatever

Locking forward to use my 24/96 flac files wo trans-coding anyway, my
server can do it, but it loads it about 70% .

Btw I have an Meridian HD621 for my blueray player and HD-dtv box to
interface with my G68J works pretty well a bit buggy compared to a
geffen switch (Meridian is another charming brand that's into the bugz
thing ;) )


Main hifi: SB3 (soon to replaced by a Touch :) It is on preorder)
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Receiver (soon to be replaced by my SB3 and the SBR to be
stuffed in a box in the attic )
Miscellaneous use: Radio (battery pack to be ordered)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread Mr_Sukebe

I'll be moving from using an SB3 connecting via wireless to my PC to a

As I see it, the key changes will be:
- No need to power up my PC.  I never managed to get WOL working to my
satisfaction, so I'm very much looking forward to that.  Additionally, I
expect that a Touch will start up much faster tham my PC does.  Clearly
there will be a good power saving from the move as the Touch supposedly
only uses something like 4 watts whilst running.
- No option to run a plug in like Inguz.  As it happens, I don't use
any plugins, but I have in the past when using my system in a room with
poor acoustics.
- Unlike a PC or NAS, the Touch can't stream other formats (e.g.
video).  Again, this doesn't really bother me as I don't have any other
media to stream, however I'm sure that it must be a consideration for
other potential users.  If you need that ability, the Touch might not
be the right solution.
- The Touch will support 24/96 FLAC files.  Many of the other
streaming products won't (e.g. WD TV Live). 
- According to the reports, the digital output on the Touch has been
focused on to improve it's performance and reduce jitter.  Chances are
that this won't be that important for most actual SB users.  However my
upcoming Touch will be used in a fairly serious system, and it certainly
is of importance to me, particularly so when considering how it might
compare to say streaming from a Netbook (another option).

About the only additional point that I'd like from the Touch would be
the option of audio streaming via a HDMI connection, but that's only
because my long term plans include the use of a Meridian HD621, which
is best served by that type of connection.


SB3, Meridian 568.2, Bel Canto Evo2i, Impulse Ta'us, Coherent system,
audio-technica and Zanash cables, Stillpoints

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread Mnyb

One piont of an sbs server is also to *not* have it in the stereo rack
it's elsewhere providing music over the network to all your

Touch with it's on-board server can do that to:


With an whirring usb drive besides it ?

No transcoding for the older players (not squeezeplay based):
Meaning for example some formats like 24/96 flac or alac won't play on
all players, some radio stations won't sound either.

No web-UI:
Web-UI is nice if you want use access the server from all your
An adjust settings browsing music or build playlists in an more
convient manner than from the player or remote.

The onboard "Tiny sbs" on touch has less setting thus is less

No plugins.


Main hifi: SB3 (soon to replaced by a Touch :) It is on preorder)
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Receiver (soon to be replaced by my SB3 and the SBR to be
stuffed in a box in the attic )
Miscellaneous use: Radio (battery pack to be ordered)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power supply requirement for Touch?

2010-04-02 Thread firedog

Phil Leigh;515736 Wrote: 
>  Ultimately the performance is limited by the internal voltage switching
> of the SB itself and that VFD which is a noisy component.


I understand from this that you would agree that some of the commercial
mods that alter the internal electrical supply/switching of the SB or
Duet can improve the sound? Would the same theoretically be true of the

To Everyone Else-

Phil is human, so he might be wrong about some things or have his
opinions colored by personal biases (like all of us). 

However, unlike almost everyone else who posts at the forum, he has
both the technical knowledge and test measurements to back up his
opinions. For that reason alone, I'd give his opinions serious

If you read his posts carefully, you'll see that he is careful about
his claims - he knows the difference between opinion and fact - and is
also willing to acknowledge other opinions when they are fact based and
not just speculation.


Tranquil PC fanless WHS server running SqueezeCenter; SB Duet through
Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF X-150 amp, Devore Super 8 Speakers; Mirage
MS-12 sub; Dual 506 + Ortofon 20 (occasional use); sometimes use PC with
M-Audio 192 as digital source. SB Boom. Arcam CD82 which I don't use
anymore, even though it's a very good player.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread bpa

sawdin;529670 Wrote: 
> Disadvantage of Squeezebox:
> 1) Less flexibility in terms of software, though app's are available
> (e.g., peng).
> 2) Need to purchase another unit if you want to use in another room
> (unless you move the unit each time, which would be a pain). However,
> using a DIY music server, what do you use for the controller if you
> want to connect to audio systems in another room?
> 3) Is it 'noisier'? If yes, what introduces the noise as it is
> fan-less.
> I'm sure I'm missing something, but I've been debating which way to go
> and my guess is that it is going to be more expensive to build a DIY
> server, and that does not take into account the time to do the research
> on how to build it, where to get the parts, software, etc. . Thus,
> spending less money on a Touch frees up $$ that can be put into an
> upgraded DAC.
> So, what am I missing?

I think you may be mixing some of the older Squeezebox and Squeezebox
Server. So assuming you mean SqueezeBox Server (SBS) - I think
"disadvantages" is wrong - comparison may be better.
1. More flexibility as you can use plugins which are not supported on
SqueezeBox Touch which can provide access to other services, devices
and also do audio processing.
2. Support all Squeezebox devices from SliMP3 to Radio, Touch
3. Transcoding supported on SBS so that many more audio formats can be
supported across all devices. 
4. Same graphic controller will work with SBS as Touch so no
5. SBS server does not normally play audio so noise issue is the same
as a HTPC kept beside a TV.

Touch and SBS are not exclusive - they are steps on a possible growth
paths which will be determined by how you are acquire players, how you
control them and what you play on them.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] O2 Joggler - a home for squeezeplay?

2010-04-02 Thread colincliff

I've just bought an O2 joggler for ( as i
cant resist a gadget that's under £50. It's mainly to be used with the
Google Calender app which is supposed to be arriving soon.

however it seems that you can install ubuntu on it
go me thinking that it might be a nice home for squeezeplay if it could
be fully opened up. At the moment it seems that the touchscreen
functionality ins't working under linux, but i'm sure someone with more
brains than me could sort something.

Was just wondering if anyone tried using something like this, or a
heads up to any other gadget addicts.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-02 Thread firedog

I have a purpose built music server, which I will continue to use when I
get a Touch - the touch will just be the interface.

Advantages of server over Touch + USB drive:
1. Don't like USB drives - prefer internal drives. I can upgrade
internal drive to larger or SSD drive as needed.

2. My server is fanless and virtually silent. Purpose setup as music

3. My server is not particularly powerful (ATOM 330 + 2GB RAM) but it
performs flawlessly with all types of files and hi-res. Better than any
USB external drive. Gives wired and wireless capability, File transfer,
tagging and other functions are faster. Integration with home network
is better than with external USB drive.

4. Windows based, so it gives me compatibility with lots of existing
software and  lots of flexibility in terms of installing any program I
want on the server, etc.

5. If I decide to change operating system, dump the Squeezebox system,
or go to VortexBox software, no problem: I just convert server to setup
I want.

6. I also have my server setup to automatically rip bit perfect copies
of CDs and tag them on insertion to drive (like VortexBox).

7. I have enough storage capacity on server to act as Backup for my
main (non music server), and to do double backup of my ripped music
files on second hard drive. 

None of these reasons may appeal to you, but for me they they make
music server superior to Touch plus external HDD. However, I think the
Touch and an external HD are a very good solution in general, and
certainly more economical than the method I've chosen.


Tranquil PC fanless WHS server running SqueezeCenter; SB Duet through
Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF X-150 amp, Devore Super 8 Speakers; Mirage
MS-12 sub; Dual 506 + Ortofon 20 (occasional use); sometimes use PC with
M-Audio 192 as digital source. SB Boom. Arcam CD82 which I don't use
anymore, even though it's a very good player.

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