I'll be moving from using an SB3 connecting via wireless to my PC to a

As I see it, the key changes will be:
- No need to power up my PC.  I never managed to get WOL working to my
satisfaction, so I'm very much looking forward to that.  Additionally, I
expect that a Touch will start up much faster tham my PC does.  Clearly
there will be a good power saving from the move as the Touch supposedly
only uses something like 4 watts whilst running.
- No option to run a plug in like Inguz.  As it happens, I don't use
any plugins, but I have in the past when using my system in a room with
poor acoustics.
- Unlike a PC or NAS, the Touch can't stream other formats (e.g.
video).  Again, this doesn't really bother me as I don't have any other
media to stream, however I'm sure that it must be a consideration for
other potential users.  If you need that ability, the Touch might not
be the right solution.
- The Touch will support 24/96 FLAC files.  Many of the other
streaming products won't (e.g. WD TV Live). 
- According to the reports, the digital output on the Touch has been
focused on to improve it's performance and reduce jitter.  Chances are
that this won't be that important for most actual SB users.  However my
upcoming Touch will be used in a fairly serious system, and it certainly
is of importance to me, particularly so when considering how it might
compare to say streaming from a Netbook (another option).

About the only additional point that I'd like from the Touch would be
the option of audio streaming via a HDMI connection, but that's only
because my long term plans include the use of a Meridian HD621, which
is best served by that type of connection.


SB3, Meridian 568.2, Bel Canto Evo2i, Impulse Ta'us, Coherent system,
audio-technica and Zanash cables, Stillpoints
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