Re: Re : Re: uri rules

2014-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2014-03-14 23:10, Leveau Stanislas wrote:

I have tested this rule but it does not work, it's starnge

uri __SPAMS_URI_7 /\.webs\.com\//
describe __SPAMS_URI_7 url vers formulaire
score __SPAMS_URI_7 15.0

rules with names starting with __ do _not_ get scored

score LOCAL_SPAMS_URI_7 15.0

Re: -D turns off Bayes in in 3.4.0?

2014-02-24 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2014-02-20 23:56, Bob Proulx wrote:
 spamassassin -d -t -D  mail.file | less

Note: in the above command you did _not_ redirect STDERR to STDOUT

In an older episode, on 2014-02-21 19:20, Bob Proulx wrote:

I picked a spam message and piped it into:

   spamassassin -d -t -D 21 | grep -i bayes | tee /tmp/sa.bayes-debug.out

In this second command you _did_ redirect STDERR to STDOUT via

My experience has been that I need to redirect STDERR to STDOUT in order 
to catch the full output of

spamassassin -D -t

Hope this helps,


Re: Spamassassin with single link in body

2013-06-25 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2013-06-25 19:37, Celene wrote:

I am currently getting lots of messages with just a single url in them.
Is there a way for spamassassin to match those?

Are they different URLs/domains?

Re: New rule for HTML spam, using comments?

2013-06-13 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2013-06-14 01:36, Amir 'CG' Caspi wrote:

(I am relatively new to SA's internal workings and don't know how to 
make such a rule, however.)

For basics of writing SA rules, maybe look at

Hope this helps,


Re: Spam rule

2013-06-06 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat


In an older episode, on 2013-06-06 23:54, Daniel McDonald wrote:

with body or 
subject contains  'lalalalala'   AND url  with PDF  NOT contains ''

body__LALA_B  /la{5}/
header  __LALA_H Subject =~ /la{5}/

shouldn't that be

I think /la{5}/ would match
la instead of lalalalala ...



Re: Spam rule

2013-06-06 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2013-06-07 00:17, Rejaine Monteiro wrote:

tala was only an example, thanks for the tip, I will test here

For basics of writing SA rules, maybe look at

Hope this helps,


Re: Bizarre and seemingly pointless spams

2013-06-02 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2013-06-02 16:16, David F. Skoll wrote:

3) Envelope sender is in the domain

2 days ago, we received hundreds of mails with that envelope sender 
domain containing malware like

Case_05312013_28192.exe extracted from the attachment

And currently, hundreds of mails with said sender domain are being 
rejected here due to RBLs.



Re: Yahoo single-link spam common elements

2013-03-01 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2013-03-02 02:19, Benny Pedersen wrote:

Ned Slider skrev den 2013-03-02 02:11:

header   __MANY_RECIPS  ToCc =~ /(?:\@[^@]{5,30}){3}/

Can someone explain the regex and why it fails to fire for 7 recipients?

as i read it, it fires if there is more then 4 domains, not only 5 
recipients, just a wild guess from me since i am not good at perl yet

At least 3 domains rather. IMHO, the regexp means:
{3} repetitions of (@ followed by 5 to 30 characters that are _not_ @)

Hope this helps.



Re: Yahoo single-link spam common elements

2013-03-01 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2013-03-02 02:40, John Hardin wrote:

header   __MANY_RECIPS  ToCc =~ /(?:\@[^@]{5,30}){3}/

Can someone explain the regex and why it fails to fire for 7 recipients?

(@, followed by 5-30 non-@ characters) repeated three times.

Does that mean the same sequence of (@, followed by 5-30 non-@ 
characters), repeated 3 times?

I wasn't sure about that earlier.



Re: IS there a simple way to add a rule of a body mail test? I have a pattern..

2013-02-06 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2013-02-06 09:53, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

body __HBRW_ENCODING /charset=\windows-1255\/
score __HBRW_ENCODING -0.1

I use a rule

mimeheader LOCAL_1251_CHARSETContent-Type =~ 

IMHO, charset is a MIME header, not a part of the message body.

Hope this helps,


Re: Is this a new typoe of URI obfuscation?

2012-06-12 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 2012-06-12 20:52, Martin Gregorie wrote:

 so its probably worth treating .gg
 the same way as .cn and .ru, though for slightly different reasons.

Unless you're in .cn, .ru or vicinity or have correspondence partners 
there, you may be right.


Re: Suddenly getting lots of false positives.

2012-05-26 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2012-05-26 22:06, Jeremy Morton wrote:
OK I continue to get this problem - lots of spam is coming through now 
-4.0 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_MED RBL: Sender listed at, 
medium trust

We had so many false positives with that rule, that I - as others who 
replied to your post already (see below) - have come to the conclusion 
that is not a reliable source of trust for us and disabled 
the rule by configuring


0 is zero, not uppercase o

I think it's likely to have something to do with me changing the 
machine's hostname to because it started happening 
just after that.

I doubt that.



--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: Suddenly getting lots of false positives.
Date: Thursday, 24. May 2012
From: corpus.defero

On Thu, 2012-05-24 at 10:14 +0100, Jeremy Morton wrote:
 I've gotten a lot of false positives coming into my inbox lately, and
 the principle reason for most of them seems to be that they are matching
 the following rule:
 -4.0 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_MED  RBL: Sender listed at,
 medium trust

Given the connecting IP is listed with an number of anti-spam
blocklists: Listed in Spamhaus XBL (CBL Data) Listed in Spamhaus PBL (ISP Maintained) Listed in Barracuda Reputation List Listed in Listed in UCE PROTECT LEVEL 2 Listed in UCE PROTECT LEVEL 3

and that

Is listed in Spamhaus domain block list  the block list
you'd have to wonder why it gets a reduction  from:

I'm not 100% but isn't a 'DIY' whitelisting site
that anyone can kind of abuse?

The rule is tucked away in, along with the other 'pay to
spam' whitelists from the likes of Return Path. I suggest you add this
to your to deal with such abuse:


But that's just my default settings on every instance of SA that I work
on. Sometimes I add points for Return Path as it seems to help BLOCK
spam rather than pass ham - but that's a can of worms and a different

Re: Suddenly getting lots of false positives.

2012-05-26 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2012-05-26 22:38, Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:

We had so many false positives

Oops, I used your term false positives by accident. I and many others 
tend no call false Ham classifications

false negatives
(negative scores change the classification towards ham)

We had so many false negatives
with that rule, that I - as others who 
replied to your post already (see below) - have come to the conclusion 
that is not a reliable source of trust for us and disabled 
the rule by configuring


0 is zero, not uppercase o



Re: Initial setup of SA - please help.

2010-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

In an older episode, on 2010-08-15 15:57, Marc Richter wrote:

I don't understand 3 things:

Why is it recognized as not beeing spam, although the required score is 
3.0 and the actual score is 101.0?

It says score=-101.0, that is *not* the same as score=101.0. A 
negative score is positive == non spam.

Is this because of points 2) and 3)?

AFAIK, that is because of USER_IN_WHITELIST, yes.

Why does USER_IN_WHITELIST apply here? iyeboxfzpfj 
is noone I've put onto any whitelist.

If I am not mistaken, a score of -100 indicates that a 
whitelist_from_rcvd rule has matched - that is a combination of sender 
address plus received header, see

 man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf

Maybe try to grep for whitelist_from_rcvd in your configuration direcotries.

Hope this helps,


Re: Cyrillic text isn't matched when quoted-printable (?!)

2010-03-19 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

John Hardin wrote:

On Fri, 19 Mar 2010, Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:

I have written some body rules to catch cyrillic text, using a utf-8 
aware editor. They work fine in mails with

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

They do not catch the same strings in mails like
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1251

Save another version of your rules encoded in windows-1251?

Frankly, I have no idea how to do that.

Re: Filtering eMails with certain subjects

2010-03-17 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Hans-Werner Friedemann wrote:

how can I adjust in SA, that eMails with a certain subject 
are listed in my blacklist and filtered out?

Have you read ?

Hope this helps.


Re: bounces

2010-01-24 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat
In an older episode (Sunday, 24. January 2010), Benny Pedersen wrote:
You are right, concerning mails to

 why did the bounce not go to ?

As stated before: because the MTA of the recipient sends bounces to the 
address in the From: header line, not to the envelope sender address 
(which would be 

 not even the bounce email exists on the mta, so it will be bounce for
 anything sent to this domain, why did thay not remove that sucking
 domain from dns ? :)

Harsh reply: why do you post that question here instead of asking them 
who would probably be the only ones able to answer that?



Re: Filter question

2009-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Benny Pedersen wrote:

postfix reject_unverified_sender does a vrfy

Nope. It opens an SMTP connection and waits what the receiving MTA 
answers to RCPT TO

Then it closes the connection.

That is not vrfy.

Hope this helps,


Re: EmailBL plugin released

2009-05-12 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat


On 05/12/2009 11:20 AM, Henrik K wrote:  (see inside for documentation)

### About:
# This plugin creates rbl style DNS lookups for emails.

does this plugin handle emails in the sense of email addresses? Or 
does it make md5hashes of emails in the sense of email messages?



Re: Bombed by PNG spam and spamassassin say its HAM argh

2009-04-30 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Does someone know HOW to reject this crap eectively?

SpamAssassin does not reject mail. But with the clamav plugin and the 
3rd party clamav signatures from, it detects them 
pretty well here.

Hope this helps,


Re: URI with spaces are not recognized

2009-02-13 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat
I think the discussion is getting carried in a direction where we are 
missing a point: spam detection.

Kevin Parris wrote:

Artificial intelligence will never overcome natural stupidity (or the
clever ingenuity of criminals) ... if people actually DO that (copy
the url and remove the spaces) there is some temptation to say they
get what they deserve ... but on the other hand most of the spam/scam
stuff out there is based on the premise that plenty of people are
greedy, gullible, uninformed, overly trusting, stupid, or some
combination of the above.

Franz Schwartau 02/13/09 2:18 PM 

You won't solve a problem by defining there is no problem.

In these spams people are requested to remove the spaces when
entering the given string (url) in their browser.

IMHO, the point here is:
how can these obfuscated URI be detected as such and be submitted to 
URI(BL) rules, so that those mails can more easily be classified as what 
they are: spam - no matter what final recipients might deserve or do 
with them (or not).



Re: Single URI spam not checked against URIBLs

2008-12-16 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Ned Slider wrote:

Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:

Ned Slider wrote:

For those using RHEL5/CentOS5 and wanting to update,

We use Scientific Linux 5 which is a re-compiled RHEL 5

*erm*, actually it's Scientific Linux 4 (RHEL 4), the rest is true tho ;)

- with Dag's 
3.56 rpm installed. I installed HTML::Parser 3.59 there from CPAN 
(with local make) without unistalling the rpm. The URI detection 
behavious didn't change, so I am interested in your procedure.

Yes, I downloaded the perl-HTML-Parser-3.56 src.rpm package from RPMForge: 

Extract the SPEC file, edit the Version and Release lines to 3.59 
and 1.el5, respectively.

(no need for the latter here, see above)

Download the HTML-Parser-3.59 tarball

Copy the edited SPEC file to the /SPECS dir and the source tarball to 
the /SOURCES dir of your build environment, and build the package with:

rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` perl-HTML-Parser.spec

and install the package with rpm.

Hope that helps :)

Worked like a charm, thank you very much!



Re: Single URI spam not checked against URIBLs

2008-12-06 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Ned Slider wrote:

Thanks for the heads up. it indeed works (HTML::Parser 3.59).

For those using RHEL5/CentOS5 and wanting to update,

We use Scientific Linux 5 which is a re-compiled RHEL 5 - with Dag's 
3.56 rpm installed. I installed HTML::Parser 3.59 there from CPAN (with 
local make) without unistalling the rpm. The URI detection behavious 
didn't change, so I am interested in your procedure.

I built a 
perl-HTML-Parser-3.59 RPM package from Dag's SPEC file (v3.56) on 
RPMForge by dropping in the 3.59 source tarball. It built cleanly and is 
now running on my system :)

Could you describe more elaborately how you did that?



Message size limit for sa-learn

2008-12-03 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat
We have set -s for spamc to 350k - and we can use spamassassin -t on 
messages of that size, but we can not sa-learn them, sa-learn -D -t puts 

[17460] info: archive-iterator: skipping large message
Learned tokens from 0 message(s) (0 message(s) examined)

Can we pass the 350k limit to sa-learn somehow?



Re: Message size limit for sa-learn (oops)

2008-12-03 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:
We have set -s for spamc to 350k - and we can use spamassassin -t on 
messages of that size, but we can not sa-learn them, sa-learn -D -t puts 

Sorry, it's late here. What I meant is

sa-learn -D --spam puts out:

[17460] info: archive-iterator: skipping large message
Learned tokens from 0 message(s) (0 message(s) examined)

Can we pass the 350k limit to sa-learn somehow?



Long scan times with

2008-09-29 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

bodyCTYME_IXHASH eval:ixhashtest('')
lets the scan times get significantly longer in SA 3.1.8 and 3.2.3 and 
in SA 3.1.8 generates:

ixhash timeout reached at /etc/mail/spamassassin/ line 76

The timeout effect resembles last Wednesday when login-solutions was 
apparently mostly unreachable for our SA machines.

Do others also see that effect with



OT: Ongoing phishing mail flood

2008-09-05 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat
We are currently receiving lots of password phishing mails with envelope 
sender and From: header


The connecting mail servers[][]

do apparently *not* stop re-connecting after receiving REJECT (554) 
errors, but keep coming back with the same sender-recipient pairs.



Re: [OT] ClamAV

2008-04-30 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 30.04.2008 13:29, jpff wrote:

Has something happened to ?  I have been using the Image
database with success for some time, but it seems to have vanished.

We get a lot of these errors:
rsync: getaddrinfo: 873: Name or service not known
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(94)
rsync: getaddrinfo: 873: Name or service not known
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(94)

But every now and then, it works:
Tue Apr 29 00:47:11 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found
Tue Apr 29 04:47:10 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found
Tue Apr 29 11:47:32 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found
Tue Apr 29 14:47:17 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found
Tue Apr 29 15:47:09 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found
Tue Apr 29 19:47:07 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found
Tue Apr 29 21:47:12 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found
Wed Apr 30 10:47:11 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found
Wed Apr 30 12:47:43 2008 - new version of MSRBL-Images.hdb found



Can't locate in @INC

2007-10-24 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat
With SpamAssassin version 3.1.8 running on Perl version 5.8.5, I get the 
 spamd error Can't locate in @INC even after installing (on a redhat EL 4 based Scientific Linux system).

# find / -iname

How can I fix that?



spamd error from maillog:
spamd[8110]: Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: .. 
/etc/mail/spamassassin lib ../lib 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 

Re: Can't locate in @INC

2007-10-24 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 24.10.2007 17:08, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:

How can I fix that?

Install the perl-MLDBM rpm which should be provided by your distribution.

Yep, it is. Thanks!


Problem with clamav plugin

2007-07-24 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat
In SA 3.1.8, I am trying to use the clamav plugin from

spamassassin -t -D output includes
dbg: ClamAV: Detected virus: Email.Stk.Gen596.Sanesecurity.07071900.pdf

It adds a  header
X-Spam-Virus: Yes (Email.Stk.Gen596.Sanesecurity.07071900.pdf)
allright, but additional rules to check for sanesecurity  virus names 
are not matched.


header __MY_CLAMAV X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes/i
header __MY_CLAMAV_SANE X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes.{1,50}Sanesecurity/i

Any suggestions what is going wrong?



Re: Problem with clamav plugin

2007-07-24 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 07/24/07 15:43, OliverScott wrote:

You need to set a high priority for the meta rules as otherwise they are
evaluated BEFORE the ClamAV plugin is used (I think?). I am not an expert in
how SA works, but I eventually came up with the following solution (for
using several different 3rd party clamav signatures):

In your case you could fix what you have done (which looks to be taken from
one of my previous messages while trying to get this to work myself?) by
making it:

header __MY_CLAMAV X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes/i
priority __MY_CLAMAV 
header __MY_CLAMAV_SANE X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes.{1,50}Sanesecurity/i
priority __MY_CLAMAV_SANE 

(typo fixed)

Hope this helps!

Yes, it does! Thanks a lot,


Re: Problem with clamav plugin

2007-07-24 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 07/24/07 15:43, OliverScott wrote:

full CLAMAV eval:check_clamav() 
describe CLAMAV Clam AntiVirus detected something... 
score CLAMAV 0.001 

If you don't want CLAMAV to score (high), apparently you can rename it 
to __CLAMAV, works fine here.

To make the meta rule work too, I had to give it a higher priority 
number than the header rules, so that my working is now:

loadplugin ClamAV /etc/mail/spamassassin/
full __CLAMAV eval:check_clamav()
describe __CLAMAV Clam AntiVirus detected a virus

header __MY_CLAMAV X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes/i
priority __MY_CLAMAV 9998

header __MY_CLAMAV_SANE X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes.{1,50}Sanesecurity/i
priority __MY_CLAMAV_SANE 9998

priority MY_CLAMAV_SANE 


Re: Writing a rule to access SA ClamAV Plugin Header

2007-07-24 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 07/24/07 15:00, Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:
 In SA 3.1.8, I am trying to use the clamav plugin from

 spamassassin -t -D output includes dbg: ClamAV: Detected virus:

 It adds a  header X-Spam-Virus: Yes
 (Email.Stk.Gen596.Sanesecurity.07071900.pdf) allright, but additional
 rules to check for sanesecurity  virus names are not matched.


 header __MY_CLAMAV X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes/i
 header __MY_CLAMAV_SANE X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes.{1,50}Sanesecurity/i

 Any suggestions what is going wrong?

On 07/24/07 15:43, OliverScott wrote:

 # Give the above rules a very late priority so that they can see the
 # of previous rules - otherwise they don't work! Not sure what the
 correct # priority should be but this seems to work...

 In your case you could fix what you have done (which looks to be
 taken from
 one of my previous messages while trying to get this to work myself?)
 by making it:

 header __MY_CLAMAV X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes/i
 priority __MY_CLAMAV 
 header __MY_CLAMAV_SANE X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes.{1,50}Sanesecurity/i
 priority __MY_CLAMAV_SANE 

(typo fixed)

 Hope this helps!

Yes it does, thanks again.

 full CLAMAV eval:check_clamav()
 describe CLAMAV Clam AntiVirus detected something...
 score CLAMAV 0.001

If you don't want CLAMAV to score (high), apparently you can rename it 
to __CLAMAV, works fine here.

To make the meta rule work too, I had to give it a higher priority 
number than the header rules, so that my working is now:

loadplugin ClamAV /etc/mail/spamassassin/
full __CLAMAV eval:check_clamav()
describe __CLAMAV Clam AntiVirus detected a virus

header __MY_CLAMAV X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes/i
priority __MY_CLAMAV 9998

header __MY_CLAMAV_SANE X-Spam-Virus =~ /Yes.{1,50}Sanesecurity/i
priority __MY_CLAMAV_SANE 9998

priority MY_CLAMAV_SANE 

I hereby add this important information (IMHO) to
this thread that is linked on



Re: FuzzyOcr output

2007-07-18 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 07/18/07 01:21, René Berber wrote:

Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:

In an older episode (Tuesday, 17. July 2007 21:43), René Berber wrote:

Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:
You can add a line to :

use POSIX;

That line is already there.

Sorry, I should have said:


yes, that fixed it (or does at least suppress the output), thanks.


Re: Errors with

2007-07-17 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Hello again,

On 07/12/07 16:22, Dallas Engelken wrote:

Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:
I noticed that some of the latest pdf spam mails do not contain a 
filename in the mime headers, could that be a reason for the above 

Possibly, but seeing that line 300 is just a dbg() line itself, you can 
either comment it out, or change it to something that will not through a 

   # dbg(pdfinfo: found part, type=$type file=$name cte=$cte);
   dbg(pdfinfo: found part, type=.($type ? $type : ''). file=.($name 
? $name : ''). cte=.($cte ? $cte : '').);

Thanks, that fixed those. Lately, I see a lot of:
Jul 17 14:27:10 spamlock2 spamd[9786]: Use of uninitialized value in 
concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/spamassassin/ line 
272, GEN25171 line 1579.
Jul 17 14:27:10 spamlock2 spamd[9786]: Use of uninitialized value in 
hash element at /etc/mail/spamassassin/ line 283, GEN25171 
line 1579.

Line 272 is (after the earlier changes):
dbg(pdfinfo: MD5 results for .($name ? $name : ''). - md5=$md5 
fuzzy1=$fuzzy_md5 fuzzy2=$tags_md5);

Line 283 is:
$pms-{pdfinfo}-{fuzzy_md5}-{$tags_md5} = 1;



Re: Errors with

2007-07-17 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Hi Dallas,

On 07/17/07 15:17, Dallas Engelken wrote:

Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:

Line 272 is (after the earlier changes):
dbg(pdfinfo: MD5 results for .($name ? $name : ''). - md5=$md5 
fuzzy1=$fuzzy_md5 fuzzy2=$tags_md5);

Line 283 is:
$pms-{pdfinfo}-{fuzzy_md5}-{$tags_md5} = 1;

I'd say $tags_md5 is undef then which is odd because if it made it 
that far, then the message has a pdf in it and all pdfs have tag 

as far as I can tell from our logs, there are not necessarily pdf's 
involved each time the warnings occur.

Got samples that make that warn appear?

Yup, I have found one sample with pdf that triggers the warnings, I will 
send it to you off list.

Thanks and best regards,


FuzzyOcr output

2007-07-17 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat


in a test installation of FuzzyOcr 3.5.1 in SA 3.1.8 I get the following 
output when running spamassassin  some_message on the command line:

Subroutine FuzzyOcr::O_CREAT redefined at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/ line 65.

 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 19
Subroutine FuzzyOcr::O_EXCL redefined at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/ line 65.

 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 19
Subroutine FuzzyOcr::O_RDWR redefined at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/ line 65.

 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 19

1. Is that anything to worry about that should keep me from installing 
that on our productive machines?

2. What can I do to solve that?



Errors with

2007-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat


On 07/12/07 15:39, Robert Schetterer wrote:

 Hi, @ll
 the newest version of pdfinfo plugin
 matched some new pdf spam right now

 *  2.0 GMD_PDF_FUZZY2_T3 BODY: Fuzzy MD5 Match
*  3D4E25DE4A05695681D694716D579474

yes it does that here too in SA 3.1.8, but I get errors like:

Jul 12 15:59:53 spamlock3 spamd[13136]: Use of uninitialized value in 
concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/spamassassin/ line 
300, GEN394 line 532.
Jul 12 15:59:53 spamlock3 spamd[13136]: Use of uninitialized value in 
concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/spamassassin/ line 
261, GEN394 line 532.
Jul 12 15:59:53 spamlock3 spamd[13136]: Use of uninitialized value in 
concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/spamassassin/ line 
262, GEN394 line 532.

I noticed that some of the latest pdf spam mails do not contain a 
filename in the mime headers, could that be a reason for the above 

Can I debug that closer to see what's going wrong?



Re: report_safe does not work

2007-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat


On 07/12/07 15:47, Helmut Schneider wrote:


I use amavisd-new 2.52 and SA3.21 chroot'ed.

Is there a setting that only mail with a hit greater than X is modified? 
Or did I miss anything else?

AFAIK, amavisd-new has it's own ways of using SA, and that includes 
ignoring some options. You can try and put them into the 
amavisd config file with something like

$sa_report_safe = 1;

I don't have amavisd-new installed, but learned lately that the $sa_* 
way works with some options, see the sample / default cf files in the 



Re: Is there any way to score this?

2006-10-13 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 10/13/06 17:12, Andreas Pettersson wrote:

Robert Swan wrote:

Is there anyway to get points added if the sending mail server has no 
PTR record *(unknown [])?*

I am using Redhat Fedora and Spamassassin 3.1.2 and Postfix

With a postfix mail gateway, I use a local SA rule like:

Received =~ /from \S{1,30} \(unknown 

Replace your.smtp.server by your server's name ...



Re: Is there any way to score this?

2006-10-13 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 10/13/06 17:34, Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:
Received =~ /from \S{1,30} \(unknown 

Replace your.smtp.server by your server's name ...

Oops, and leave out \.desy of course ;)
And - just to make sure - that's a header rule.



Re: ImageInfo plugin for SA

2006-08-04 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Will that work in SA 3.0.*?

Sorry for first sending that question to you off list, Dallas.



whitelist_from_spf (Re: Problems with AOL's TOS reports)

2005-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 12/02/05 04:07, Justin Mason wrote:

Hash: SHA1

you should _definitely_ whitelist AOL's scomp source address -- preferably
using whitelist_from_spf, as they publish a reliable SPF record

will whitelist_from_spf work in 3.0.4 without further changes?



SARE stock ruleset? (Re: custom rule help)

2005-11-16 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 10/20/05 17:57, Chris Santerre wrote:


SARE is about to release a stock ruleset. Looks really good. I was going to
work on one, Then I saw the ninjas have it under control, and I'm just
sitting back and watching the fun. Not sure on the release date.

GO, ninjas, GO!
Any news when that one is going to be available?



Re: [OT] Public Folders in Exchange 2003

2005-07-30 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

We finally solved the problem.

On 05/23/05 17:09, Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:
We are trying to use a public folder on an Exchange 2003 server to store 
 spam for sa-learn. When a user copies a mail into that folder with 
outlook, plain text mails get converted to text and HTML. Copied with 
mozilla mail via IMAP, the mails stay unchanged. What are the necessary 
steps to prevent that reformatting via MAPI/outlook also?

Our Exchange 2003 with SP1 needed a registry key being created, as 
described on

Seemingly, the problem only occurs on Exchange 2003 if you have SP1 for 
exchange installed. If you run into the problem, i bet you will be happy 
to find that solution ;)



Re: A Central 'Rules' site?

2005-06-29 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 06/29/05 20:19, Evan Platt wrote:

Do you or anyone else have a more *doze friendly script? I have wget, 
cron and perl, so a lot of the other stuff in the rdj isn't needed - 
chmod, etc. Maybe a simple batch file that wget's the files?

wget -N URL only downloads a file if the copy on the server is newer 
than your local one.

Re: Couple of useful tests

2005-06-01 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 06/01/05 20:50, Craig Jackson wrote:

I created these tests which I find very accurate for detecting spam and 
so thought I'd let the list have a view. Lots of numbers or consonants 
in the reply-to usually bodes ill.

Good point about the reply-to, thanks!

header REPLY_TO_NUMS_CJ Reply-To =~ /[0-9]{6,}/
score REPLY_TO_NUMS_CJ 5.000
header RET_PATH_NUMS_CJ Return-path =~ /[0-9]{6,}/
score RET_PATH_NUMS_CJ 5.000
header REPLY_TO_CONSON_CJ Reply-To =~ /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{5,}.*@/i
score RET_PATH_CONSON_CJ 5.000
header RET_PATH_CONSON_CJ Return-path =~ /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{5,}.*@/i
score RET_PATH_CONSON_CJ 5.000

I'd suggest to remove the y there. Shouldn' that be Return-Path instead 
of Return-path ?

Speaking of Return-Paths, have you checked your rules against mailing 
list software (ezmlm?!) envelope sender adresses? IIRC, they slightly 
resemble what you are trying to match ...



2005-05-27 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

Is there a way to apply the fix in 3.0.2 ?




2005-05-27 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 05/27/05 21:39, Stuart Johnston wrote:

Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:

Is there a way to apply the fix in 3.0.2 ?

I've tried applying the patch but I'm not sure if it fixed the problem. 
 Do you have an example of a URL that is supposed to be fixed?

echo -e Subject: test\\n\\n'\'|spamassassin

echo -e Subject: test\\n\\n''|spamassassin

[OT] Public Folders in Exchange 2003

2005-05-23 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat
We are trying to use a public folder on an Exchange 2003 server to store 
 spam for sa-learn. When a user copies a mail into that folder with 
outlook, plain text mails get converted to text and HTML. Copied with 
mozilla mail via IMAP, the mails stay unchanged. What are the necessary 
steps to prevent that reformatting via MAPI/outlook also?



Re: [OT] Public Folders in Exchange 2003

2005-05-23 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 05/23/05 17:44, Sloan, Craig wrote:

Examining the properties of the servers public folders, I cannot see any
settings that would change the format of the message. If I check the
properties of the public spam folder w/Outlook, it is set to use

Craig, in the Exchange System Manager, under Internet Message Formats, 
in the Properties of Default  Advanced - what are your settings for 
Exchange rich-text format?

I just changed them from Determined by individual user settings to 
Never use, and the re-formatting by outlook appears to have ceased ...



I hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Wolfgang Zeikat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 11:09 AM

Subject: [OT] Public Folders in Exchange 2003

We are trying to use a public folder on an Exchange 2003 server to store
  spam for sa-learn. When a user copies a mail into that folder with
outlook, plain text mails get converted to text and HTML. Copied with
mozilla mail via IMAP, the mails stay unchanged. What are the necessary
steps to prevent that reformatting via MAPI/outlook also?



Re: Where to report abuse?

2005-04-29 Thread Wolfgang Zeikat

On 04/29/05 03:16, David Velásquez Restrepo wrote:
Someone know if there is a way to report spam so this will be used to 
create rules meant to be downloaded and included into spamassassin? like 
a dnsbl or spamcop, but for spamassassin rules anybody?
If the spam contains URLs, you could check the included domains at to see if they are caught 
by URIBLs, if not, there is a report feature available in the lookup 
result page.