[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-16 Thread Arnon Marcus
Derek, I was throwing off examples, but you have to remember, ZeroMQ is NOT 
just a replacement for a socket - it is a messaging library - a 
full-fledged, cross-platform, cross-language, 
high-performance, flexible  scalable  concise, messaging-tool-box, and it's 
NOT just for networking, but also for ipc and in-proc communication - there 
are limitless topologies that can build with it using modular-components - 
if you can't understand the benefits of that, I suggest you learn some more 
about it and what it can do, it's use-cases, etc.
Here is a short example of why it is wrong to say that you would write less 
code without it:
It is also a case against using Tornado as a websocket/async server, and 
use gevent instead - the main case for gevent here, is that you don't have 
to start writing in a callback-fashion, which is horribly unreadable and 
difficult to maintain - and when you add-in ZeroMQ into the mix, then 
(on-top of the performance and capabilities you get in terms 
of topologie) you can actually have your entire code running in a single 
process and a single thread, while still being fast and non-blocking, and 
while entirely evading all of python's threading-issues...

Here is a use-case for ZeroMQ, as a 
transport/connection-pool/load-balancing mechanism within a front-end 
The main benefit in this case, is that you could connect to multiple 
back-end servers simultaneously, all written in different languages, using 
different VMs and/or processes, and even running on different machines, and 
enable them to talk to each other.
The potentials for ineroperabilirty are essentially limitless...


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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-15 Thread Derek
And that's fine, but I still don't see the need for ZeroMQ in that 
example. It's not adding websocket support to a non-real-time web-app. It's 
only serving as the transport for messages from the webserver to the 
websocket server. You could accomplish that just fine with a regular TCP 
connection, which would require less code on the webserver and websocket 
server. They describe a pub/sub architecture, which is feasable using any 
of the websocket libraries, in fact, web2py comes with comet support 
already, so... again, there's not much of a need for ZeroMQ. That's fine if 
you want to implement something and submit it in contrib. It seems useful 
for the 'backend' parts to communicate with each other.


On Saturday, April 13, 2013 4:05:45 AM UTC-7, Arnon Marcus wrote:

 Here is an example for an architecture of using ZeroMQ for adding 
 WebSocket support to a non-real-time web-app, without much change to the 
 existing code (server is PHP in this case, but the architectural structure 
 is what's interesting)


 And here is a more in-depth and interesting example using python with 



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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-13 Thread Arnon Marcus
Here is an example for an architecture of using ZeroMQ for adding WebSocket 
support to a non-real-time web-app, without much change to the existing 
code (server is PHP in this case, but the architectural structure is what's 


And here is a more in-depth and interesting example using python with 



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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-11 Thread Arnon Marcus

 I have no idea what you are trying to say there. 

I am saying that there is an explosion of solutions for 
every conceivable challenge, and the problem is that they are all 
islands-onto-themselves - there is no standard way for application to 
communicate with each other, and ZeoMQ could solve that.
For example, let's take the central-logging use-case, let's say you've 
chosen Logstash - you have a server that collects log-information from many 
different other applications - there are too many varied ways in which that 
can happen, and every other application has a different one. Mostly, that 
is solved by either a centralized message-broker (say, RabbitMQ), or using 
Another example - a CI story (Continuous-Integration) : You have a process 
for automatically running your unit-tests, and in case any of them fail, it 
should generating an issue and submitting it so some issue-tracker (lets 
say Redmine). If all succeeds, it should commit the changes using a 
version-control (let's say Git), and push it to somewhere. Additionally, it 
may also create a task for code-review, in some ALM 
(Application-Life-cycle-Management) system, let's say Microsoft TFS for 
visual-studio (Team-Foundation-Server), or MyLyn for Eclipse.
How many different applications have to talk to each other in this story?

That's the overall background.

As for web2py:
It already has a ticketing system built-in, but I can't use it to talk to 
the rest of my existing CI story. I want something that can talk to Mylyn, 
as I have Eclipse, so I use Redmine, as I don't want to write a Mylyn 
connector in Java - that's not my field...
So now I need web2py to talk to Redmine...
I also want my web2py-app's  application-level custom logging mechanism, to 
not only be saved to it's database, but also submit to Logstash.
I may be able to do that with Redis, but it would be great if I didn't have 

 Anyway, yes, it's cool, you don't worry about message delivery because 
 it's completely out of your control. That's the exact problem with it 
 though, message delivery is out of your control. You have no idea  if a 
 message is delivered or not. You can 'queue' tons of messages, and ZeroMQ 
 won't tell you that those messages didn't get delivered. It's cool, but 
 it's not a silver bullet. Contrib may be a place for it though.

That is one of the common misconceptions. On the contrary - it is exactly 
thanks to ZeroMQ, that you have much MORE control over what is going on in 
your messaging architecture, NOT LESS. In sharp contrast to, say, RabbitMQ 
for AMQP, you are not locked into an implementation, or a strict 
protocol-spec - it is completely customizable.
RabbitMQ simply implements the AMQP protocol-spec, so it MUST notify the 
senders about recipient's received message - it's a 
mandatory requirement in the QoS policy of the protocol.  ZeroMQ CAN also 
do this, it is just NOT MANDATORY. The ability to submit to a recipient 
without it even being active, is a FEATURE, NOT a PROBLEM. It just means 
that a sending server may be set to have it's out-going sockets queued, 
so whenever the target-recipient comes on-line, he starts receiving 
the messages in the out-going queue. When that happens, there is nothing 
preventing from the recipient from sending back replies for assuring the 
message was received - in fact, by default most typologies are set so that 
every message-received, is echoed back to the sender, so it can 
cross-reference and make sure that the message goth through.
Remember, both AMQP AND ZeroMQ are already being used in banks for 
transferring transactions, so the QoS is very reliable, if that is what you 
want - you just don't HAVE to use it, if you don't want to.


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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-11 Thread LightDot
Sounds to me like you have a couple of real life situations you need 
solutions for. So the best thing to do is start coding. If you're unsure 
about how to tackle the web2py integration, I'm sure people will provide 
comments once you present your specific ideas or code drafts. If you start 
out in a form of a plugin, keeping in mind that it could be integrated in 
web2py one day, you IMHO can't go wrong.


On Thursday, April 11, 2013 11:58:24 AM UTC+2, Arnon Marcus wrote:

 I have no idea what you are trying to say there. 

 I am saying that there is an explosion of solutions for 
 every conceivable challenge, and the problem is that they are all 
 islands-onto-themselves - there is no standard way for application to 
 communicate with each other, and ZeoMQ could solve that.
 For example, let's take the central-logging use-case, let's say you've 
 chosen Logstash - you have a server that collects log-information from many 
 different other applications - there are too many varied ways in which that 
 can happen, and every other application has a different one. Mostly, that 
 is solved by either a centralized message-broker (say, RabbitMQ), or using 
 Another example - a CI story (Continuous-Integration) : You have a process 
 for automatically running your unit-tests, and in case any of them fail, it 
 should generating an issue and submitting it so some issue-tracker (lets 
 say Redmine). If all succeeds, it should commit the changes using a 
 version-control (let's say Git), and push it to somewhere. Additionally, it 
 may also create a task for code-review, in some ALM 
 (Application-Life-cycle-Management) system, let's say Microsoft TFS for 
 visual-studio (Team-Foundation-Server), or MyLyn for Eclipse.
 How many different applications have to talk to each other in this story?

 That's the overall background.

 As for web2py:
 It already has a ticketing system built-in, but I can't use it to talk to 
 the rest of my existing CI story. I want something that can talk to 
 Mylyn, as I have Eclipse, so I use Redmine, as I don't want to write a 
 Mylyn connector in Java - that's not my field...
 So now I need web2py to talk to Redmine...
 I also want my web2py-app's  application-level custom logging mechanism, 
 to not only be saved to it's database, but also submit to Logstash.
 I may be able to do that with Redis, but it would be great if I didn't 
 have to...

 Anyway, yes, it's cool, you don't worry about message delivery because 
 it's completely out of your control. That's the exact problem with it 
 though, message delivery is out of your control. You have no idea  if a 
 message is delivered or not. You can 'queue' tons of messages, and ZeroMQ 
 won't tell you that those messages didn't get delivered. It's cool, but 
 it's not a silver bullet. Contrib may be a place for it though.

 That is one of the common misconceptions. On the contrary - it is exactly 
 thanks to ZeroMQ, that you have much MORE control over what is going on in 
 your messaging architecture, NOT LESS. In sharp contrast to, say, RabbitMQ 
 for AMQP, you are not locked into an implementation, or a strict 
 protocol-spec - it is completely customizable.
 RabbitMQ simply implements the AMQP protocol-spec, so it MUST notify the 
 senders about recipient's received message - it's a 
 mandatory requirement in the QoS policy of the protocol.  ZeroMQ CAN also 
 do this, it is just NOT MANDATORY. The ability to submit to a recipient 
 without it even being active, is a FEATURE, NOT a PROBLEM. It just means 
 that a sending server may be set to have it's out-going sockets queued, 
 so whenever the target-recipient comes on-line, he starts receiving 
 the messages in the out-going queue. When that happens, there is nothing 
 preventing from the recipient from sending back replies for assuring the 
 message was received - in fact, by default most typologies are set so that 
 every message-received, is echoed back to the sender, so it can 
 cross-reference and make sure that the message goth through.
 Remember, both AMQP AND ZeroMQ are already being used in banks for 
 transferring transactions, so the QoS is very reliable, if that is what you 
 want - you just don't HAVE to use it, if you don't want to.


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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-11 Thread Arnon Marcus
I thought about it, but I would have hopes someone with some experience with 
web2py internals and perhapse with zmq would rise to the challange... I 
wouldn't know even where to beging doing something like this myself..


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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-11 Thread Derek
TCP is only the transport - you still have your application-specific 
protocols that you'd need to write. If your logstash gets a message like 
'addlog i like pizza 07-11-2011' it doesn't know whether 'i like pizza' 
is an application, a status, or a priority level. So ZeroMQ isn't going to 
make connecting differing things easier. You still need your application 
layer messages. For all Logstash would know, 07-11-2011 could be July 11th, 
or November 7th. If you have a 'version control' ZeroMQ socket, who's to 
say it's going to use Git? What about Mercurial? Svn? All of those speak 
different languages, so you won't make anything easier by using ZeroMQ. In 
fact, you'd make it more difficult since not all those systems would have a 
ZeroMQ endpoint. Sure, if they had them, then good, but you'd still need to 
have your application level protocol, and good luck getting all the source 
control vendors to agree on a single protocol. Also, fwiw I use fossil 

On Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:58:24 AM UTC-7, Arnon Marcus wrote:

 I have no idea what you are trying to say there. 

 I am saying that there is an explosion of solutions for 
 every conceivable challenge, and the problem is that they are all 
 islands-onto-themselves - there is no standard way for application to 
 communicate with each other, and ZeoMQ could solve that.
 For example, let's take the central-logging use-case, let's say you've 
 chosen Logstash - you have a server that collects log-information from many 
 different other applications - there are too many varied ways in which that 
 can happen, and every other application has a different one. Mostly, that 
 is solved by either a centralized message-broker (say, RabbitMQ), or using 
 Another example - a CI story (Continuous-Integration) : You have a process 
 for automatically running your unit-tests, and in case any of them fail, it 
 should generating an issue and submitting it so some issue-tracker (lets 
 say Redmine). If all succeeds, it should commit the changes using a 
 version-control (let's say Git), and push it to somewhere. Additionally, it 
 may also create a task for code-review, in some ALM 
 (Application-Life-cycle-Management) system, let's say Microsoft TFS for 
 visual-studio (Team-Foundation-Server), or MyLyn for Eclipse.
 How many different applications have to talk to each other in this story?

 That's the overall background.

 As for web2py:
 It already has a ticketing system built-in, but I can't use it to talk to 
 the rest of my existing CI story. I want something that can talk to 
 Mylyn, as I have Eclipse, so I use Redmine, as I don't want to write a 
 Mylyn connector in Java - that's not my field...
 So now I need web2py to talk to Redmine...
 I also want my web2py-app's  application-level custom logging mechanism, 
 to not only be saved to it's database, but also submit to Logstash.
 I may be able to do that with Redis, but it would be great if I didn't 
 have to...

 Anyway, yes, it's cool, you don't worry about message delivery because 
 it's completely out of your control. That's the exact problem with it 
 though, message delivery is out of your control. You have no idea  if a 
 message is delivered or not. You can 'queue' tons of messages, and ZeroMQ 
 won't tell you that those messages didn't get delivered. It's cool, but 
 it's not a silver bullet. Contrib may be a place for it though.

 That is one of the common misconceptions. On the contrary - it is exactly 
 thanks to ZeroMQ, that you have much MORE control over what is going on in 
 your messaging architecture, NOT LESS. In sharp contrast to, say, RabbitMQ 
 for AMQP, you are not locked into an implementation, or a strict 
 protocol-spec - it is completely customizable.
 RabbitMQ simply implements the AMQP protocol-spec, so it MUST notify the 
 senders about recipient's received message - it's a 
 mandatory requirement in the QoS policy of the protocol.  ZeroMQ CAN also 
 do this, it is just NOT MANDATORY. The ability to submit to a recipient 
 without it even being active, is a FEATURE, NOT a PROBLEM. It just means 
 that a sending server may be set to have it's out-going sockets queued, 
 so whenever the target-recipient comes on-line, he starts receiving 
 the messages in the out-going queue. When that happens, there is nothing 
 preventing from the recipient from sending back replies for assuring the 
 message was received - in fact, by default most typologies are set so that 
 every message-received, is echoed back to the sender, so it can 
 cross-reference and make sure that the message goth through.
 Remember, both AMQP AND ZeroMQ are already being used in banks for 
 transferring transactions, so the QoS is very reliable, if that is what you 
 want - you just don't HAVE to use it, if you don't want to.


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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-11 Thread Arnon Marcus

On Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:57:44 AM UTC-7, Derek wrote:

 TCP is only the transport - you still have your application-specific 
 protocols that you'd need to write. If your logstash gets a message like 
 'addlog i like pizza 07-11-2011' it doesn't know whether 'i like pizza' 
 is an application, a status, or a priority level. So ZeroMQ isn't going to 
 make connecting differing things easier. You still need your application 
 layer messages. For all Logstash would know, 07-11-2011 could be July 11th, 
 or November 7th. If you have a 'version control' ZeroMQ socket, who's to 
 say it's going to use Git? What about Mercurial? Svn? All of those speak 
 different languages, so you won't make anything easier by using ZeroMQ. In 
 fact, you'd make it more difficult since not all those systems would have a 
 ZeroMQ endpoint. Sure, if they had them, then good, but you'd still need to 
 have your application level protocol, and good luck getting all the source 
 control vendors to agree on a single protocol. Also, fwiw I use fossil 

ZeroMQ is NOT a protocol - It is a messaging-library - it already has it's 
own application-level protocol, in the form of an API.
And it is also NOT a replacement for TCP, it is NOT another 
TCP-kind-of-socket. It is a library built on-top of TCP/UDP, using a 
software stack.
AMQP IS a protocol, but it is not the same as the one ZeroMQ has internally.

Of course, you CAN layer a message-format on top of that, to agree 
on semantics within the messages themselves.
But that can be a simple manner of reading a short documentation of any 
application, to know in what format the application is expecting the 
messages to be in. That will exist in most cases anyway, but that is not to 
say that nothing can be gained by layering on-top of a TCP socket... In 
TCP, you have to do much lower-level stuff, such as structuring bytes, 
defining message byte-sizes, and in effect defining a messaging protocol, 
in it's lower-level - like, what defines a message-body, or what defines 
a receiving socket?, or what defines a queue?, or what defines a 
publish/subscribe socket?, etc. Then there's defining frames of 
data-packets, making sure it is all bug-free, and performant, utilizing 
existing low-level system APIs in the most efficient way to achieve maximum 
performance, with connection-pooling, and the list goes on...

The work that has been done within ZeroMQ is astounding - I think you are 
not giving it it's due credit... It is much faster than the native 
python-implementation of a bare-bone TCP socket, and is actually built 
on-top of it (in it's system-level manifestation, it's a c-compiled module, 
it is not actually using a TCP socket of the python level).
Another benefit of it, is that although it's not a protocol per-say, it is 
still extremely wide in the amout of programming-languages it support, and 
already has binding for basically any common language in use today.

Here is a good talk about it:

As for Logstash, the whole point of the concept of centralized Logging 
systems, is that every application has it's own log-format... The whole 
point of using any centralized-logging system, is to be able to translate 
every format of any application-log, into a consistent interpretation - it 
is done by building plug-ins in the form of a declarative-language 
text-file, in which you describe gor each target-application, how it's 
log-message is to be interpreted, by tagging the components of each 
message-part. After you have a plug-in for an application, you add in to a 
plug-in pool somewhere  and others can us it for that application. After a 
while, you get what exists today - a library of plug-ins that cover most of 
the common applications that exist - you just download the ones you need, 
and everything works. Then, logstash can cross-reference logs from 
different applications, into a chronological time-line, so you see 
what happened, and in what order. in a cross-application kind of fashion.

Here is a great talk about it:

The point of using ZeroMQ for this, is not to resolve the issue of defining 
a consistent protocol of semantic-communication of the data within the 
messages (that will most probable will never happen...), but it is to have 
a consistent API for establishing a physical-connection AND a 
messaging-semantics between different applications.
There is a big gap between a TCP socket-definition, and a 
messaging-semantic definition, and ZeroMQ fills this gap very well. It is 
what allows a developer to push the worries of the physical-connection 
AND messaging-protocol down the abstraction-stack, so he can focus his 
efforts in bridging the logical semantic-differences, which will always 


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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-10 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I really like 0MQ too but I would like to understand a typical test case of 
integration with web2py. Consider the scheduler for example. The bottle 
neck is not distribution of tasks (which 0MQ would handle great) but the 
fact that tasks and main app need to access the database. If the workers do 
not need to access to the database (for example tasks that send a simple 
email) then 0MQ would provide a benefit but the problem is no longer web2py 

In which situation would use 0MQ with web2py?


On Wednesday, 10 April 2013 17:06:59 UTC-5, Arnon Marcus wrote:

 I'l like to start a discussion about working-out an integration 
 implementation for ZeroMQ in web2py.
 If not as a built-in, than at least as a contrib. If nothing else, 
 than at the very least a recipe and/or examples, and added documentation 
 about how to activate/deploy the integration.

 ZeroMQ is, to me, one of the coolest things that have happened to the 
 software industry in recent decades... Gone are the days of monolithic 
 systems - open-source has changed the software world entirely, and there is 
 no going back - the days are the days of the integration,hybrid-system, 
 modularity, and variety of components, and ZeroMQ is fast becoming the 
 best candidate for filling the gaps and being the glue that can best bind 
 all things together - beyond the concept of a static-centralized message 
 Fast, efficient, flexible, easy to use, decentralized, free, 
 cross-platform, poliglot, and for not just for messagins, but also for rpc 
 and REST (the concept, not the protocols), and not even just for 
 networking, but also for itc and ipc.
 I think the more software will esit that has it buil-in, the more easy it 
 will become to build dynamically changing modular software infrastructures. 

 Now, the first thing that I am personally interested about, is to have a 
 0MQ-RPC service alongside the existing services. There are already existing 
 python modules that do that, it is only a matter of picking one and 
 integrating is as just another service.
 For example:

 In addition, there are initiatives for having ZeroMQ-complaint sockets on 
 the client-side.
 Here are a few examples:
 Web2py can be another one of the frameworks that implement a ZeroMQ bridge 
 between clients and the rest of the back-end software infrastructure.

 What do you say?


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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-10 Thread Derek
I think the more software will esit that has it buil-in, the more easy it 
will become to build dynamically changing modular software infrastructures

I have no idea what you are trying to say there. 

Anyway, yes, it's cool, you don't worry about message delivery because it's 
completely out of your control. That's the exact problem with it though, 
message delivery is out of your control. You have no idea  if a message is 
delivered or not. You can 'queue' tons of messages, and ZeroMQ won't tell 
you that those messages didn't get delivered. It's cool, but it's not a 
silver bullet. Contrib may be a place for it though.

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 3:06:59 PM UTC-7, Arnon Marcus wrote:

 I'l like to start a discussion about working-out an integration 
 implementation for ZeroMQ in web2py.
 If not as a built-in, than at least as a contrib. If nothing else, 
 than at the very least a recipe and/or examples, and added documentation 
 about how to activate/deploy the integration.

 ZeroMQ is, to me, one of the coolest things that have happened to the 
 software industry in recent decades... Gone are the days of monolithic 
 systems - open-source has changed the software world entirely, and there is 
 no going back - the days are the days of the integration,hybrid-system, 
 modularity, and variety of components, and ZeroMQ is fast becoming the 
 best candidate for filling the gaps and being the glue that can best bind 
 all things together - beyond the concept of a static-centralized message 
 Fast, efficient, flexible, easy to use, decentralized, free, 
 cross-platform, poliglot, and for not just for messagins, but also for rpc 
 and REST (the concept, not the protocols), and not even just for 
 networking, but also for itc and ipc.
 I think the more software will esit that has it buil-in, the more easy it 
 will become to build dynamically changing modular software infrastructures. 

 Now, the first thing that I am personally interested about, is to have a 
 0MQ-RPC service alongside the existing services. There are already existing 
 python modules that do that, it is only a matter of picking one and 
 integrating is as just another service.
 For example:

 In addition, there are initiatives for having ZeroMQ-complaint sockets on 
 the client-side.
 Here are a few examples:
 Web2py can be another one of the frameworks that implement a ZeroMQ bridge 
 between clients and the rest of the back-end software infrastructure.

 What do you say?


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[web2py] Re: ZeroMQ in web2py

2013-04-10 Thread Derek
If you're talking about a webserver serving a database-backed website, I 
see no need to use it. Perhaps some esoteric uses could be found for it.

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 4:28:08 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I really like 0MQ too but I would like to understand a typical test case 
 of integration with web2py. Consider the scheduler for example. The bottle 
 neck is not distribution of tasks (which 0MQ would handle great) but the 
 fact that tasks and main app need to access the database. If the workers 
 do not need to access to the database (for example tasks that send a simple 
 email) then 0MQ would provide a benefit but the problem is no longer web2py 

 In which situation would use 0MQ with web2py?


 On Wednesday, 10 April 2013 17:06:59 UTC-5, Arnon Marcus wrote:

 I'l like to start a discussion about working-out an integration 
 implementation for ZeroMQ in web2py.
 If not as a built-in, than at least as a contrib. If nothing else, 
 than at the very least a recipe and/or examples, and added documentation 
 about how to activate/deploy the integration.

 ZeroMQ is, to me, one of the coolest things that have happened to the 
 software industry in recent decades... Gone are the days of monolithic 
 systems - open-source has changed the software world entirely, and there is 
 no going back - the days are the days of the integration,hybrid-system, 
 modularity, and variety of components, and ZeroMQ is fast becoming the 
 best candidate for filling the gaps and being the glue that can best bind 
 all things together - beyond the concept of a static-centralized message 
 Fast, efficient, flexible, easy to use, decentralized, free, 
 cross-platform, poliglot, and for not just for messagins, but also for rpc 
 and REST (the concept, not the protocols), and not even just for 
 networking, but also for itc and ipc.
 I think the more software will esit that has it buil-in, the more easy it 
 will become to build dynamically changing modular software infrastructures. 

 Now, the first thing that I am personally interested about, is to have a 
 0MQ-RPC service alongside the existing services. There are already existing 
 python modules that do that, it is only a matter of picking one and 
 integrating is as just another service.
 For example:

 In addition, there are initiatives for having ZeroMQ-complaint sockets on 
 the client-side.
 Here are a few examples:
 Web2py can be another one of the frameworks that implement a ZeroMQ 
 bridge between clients and the rest of the back-end software infrastructure.

 What do you say?


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