Derek, I was throwing off examples, but you have to remember, ZeroMQ is NOT 
just a replacement for a socket - it is a messaging library - a 
full-fledged, cross-platform, cross-language, 
high-performance, flexible  scalable  concise, messaging-tool-box, and it's 
NOT just for networking, but also for ipc and in-proc communication - there 
are limitless topologies that can build with it using modular-components - 
if you can't understand the benefits of that, I suggest you learn some more 
about it and what it can do, it's use-cases, etc.
Here is a short example of why it is wrong to say that you would write less 
code without it:
It is also a case against using Tornado as a websocket/async server, and 
use gevent instead - the main case for gevent here, is that you don't have 
to start writing in a callback-fashion, which is horribly unreadable and 
difficult to maintain - and when you add-in ZeroMQ into the mix, then 
(on-top of the performance and capabilities you get in terms 
of topologie) you can actually have your entire code running in a single 
process and a single thread, while still being fast and non-blocking, and 
while entirely evading all of python's threading-issues...

Here is a use-case for ZeroMQ, as a 
transport/connection-pool/load-balancing mechanism within a front-end 
The main benefit in this case, is that you could connect to multiple 
back-end servers simultaneously, all written in different languages, using 
different VMs and/or processes, and even running on different machines, and 
enable them to talk to each other.
The potentials for ineroperabilirty are essentially limitless...


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