[weewx-user] Re: Version 4.7.0

2022-03-01 Thread jerry...@gmail.com
Just upgraded my macOS and FreeBSD weather stations to 4.7 and all is good.

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 3:57:08 PM UTC-8 tke...@gmail.com wrote:

> This version fixes a bunch of minor things, as well as introduces some 
> minor new features.
> Change log:
> Introduced new option "generate_once". If True, templates will be generated
> only on the first run of the reporting engine. Thanks to user Rich! PR #748.
> Added option wee_device --current for vantage.
> Fixed two typos in the Standard skin.
> Fixed spelling mistakes in the Norwegian translations.  Thanks to Aslak! 
> PR#746
> Supply a sensible default context for group_deltatime when no context has been
> specified.
> If windGustDir is missing, extract a value from the accumulators.
> Fixed typo that shows itself if no [Labels]/[[Generic]] section is supplied.
> Fixes issue #752.
> Fixed calculation of field "bar_reduction" for Vantage type 2 LOOP packets.
> Fix problem that prevents windSpeed and windDir from being displayed in
> the RSS feed. Fixes issue #755.

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[weewx-user] Version 4.7.0

2022-03-01 Thread Tom Keffer
This version fixes a bunch of minor things, as well as introduces some
minor new features.

Change log:

Introduced new option "generate_once". If True, templates will be generated
only on the first run of the reporting engine. Thanks to user Rich! PR #748.

Added option wee_device --current for vantage.

Fixed two typos in the Standard skin.

Fixed spelling mistakes in the Norwegian translations.  Thanks to Aslak! PR#746

Supply a sensible default context for group_deltatime when no context has been

If windGustDir is missing, extract a value from the accumulators.

Fixed typo that shows itself if no [Labels]/[[Generic]] section is supplied.
Fixes issue #752.

Fixed calculation of field "bar_reduction" for Vantage type 2 LOOP packets.

Fix problem that prevents windSpeed and windDir from being displayed in
the RSS feed. Fixes issue #755.

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[weewx-user] Re: import csv file from weatherlink davis to weewx

2022-03-01 Thread gjr80
"KeyError: 'percent" is suggestive of a  error in your import config file 
or your source data. A few things to help us trouble shoot your problem:

- please don't summarise error/message or output, post the actual error 
message/output as you did in your first post, there are often other clues 
in the error message/output that may not be evident to the user but are 
helpful to us
- your sample data you posted earlier does not include N, S etc please post 
the actual data you are trying to import
- please post your import config file

On Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 18:42:05 UTC+10 Artvd wrote:

> @Gary Thanks for your reaction
> With degree_compass  i get:  KeyError: 'percent' 
> I think this is because the data provided by Davis gives the winddirection 
> in directions of a windrose (N, S, etc). But i do not find the unit name 
> for these direction which weewx accepts.
> Op dinsdag 1 maart 2022 om 03:42:08 UTC+1 schreef gjr80:
>> I'm sorry but I don't see what a wind plot has to do with wee_import. 
>> Looking at the sample data you posted earlier your wind direction data 
>> appears to be in degrees so you would be using something like the following 
>> in your field map:
>> windDir = xx, degree_compass 
>> windGustDir = yy, degree_compass
>> substituting the field names you wish to use from your source data for 
>> xx and yy.
>> Or are you asking something completely different?
>> Gary
>> On Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 09:26:02 UTC+10 Artvd wrote:
>>> @Gary. Thanks again. I am almost getting there thanks to your help 
>>> I am stuck however with the Wind direction units. Have you any idea what 
>>> this should be for the attached windvector ?[image: 7vg24yyo.png]  
>>> Op maandag 28 februari 2022 om 21:54:44 UTC+1 schreef gjr80:
 The 'timestamp' error indicates that wee_import is looking for 
 date-time data for each record in a field named timestamp, your source 
 data has no such field so the import fails. What is in the field map in 
 your import config file? I am guessing that date-time wise it is still 
 the example import config file entry:

 dateTime = timestamp, unix_epoch
 interval =
 barometer = barometer, inHg

 In your case (based on the sample data provided) the dateTime entry 
 needs to be something like (untested):

 dateTime = "Date & Time", unix_epoch

 In addition you will need to tell wee_import what format your 
 date-time data uses. You do that by setting the raw_datetime_format 
 option in your import config file. Again, based on your sample data, 
  something like:

 raw_datetime_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M

 %m and %d may need to be transposed, I cannot tell from your data 
 whether it uses year-month-day or year-day-month.

 One other thing you will need to do, if you have not already done so, 
 is to ensure the import config file field map contains the names of the 
 source data fields you wish to import. Taking the barometer line from 
 the default [[FieldMap]] extract I provided above you will need to 
 change it to read:

 barometer = "Barometer - hPa", hPa

 On Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 05:25:02 UTC+10 Artvd wrote:

> @Gary Thanks for your reaction.  The offending character is likely  
> the degrees sign in the title row. But after removing them I faced 
> another 
> problem: TypeError: "delimiter" must be a 1-character string 
> I have tried many changes and used a one row testfile but the error 
> remained. Finally i copied the data from the davis site to excell. When 
> using these data there is no error. However the timestamp can not be 
> found.
> This is the tile and a line of the data.csv file
> Date & Time;Inside Temp - C;High Inside Temp - C;Low Inside Temp - 
> C;Inside Hum;High Inside Hum;Low Inside Hum;Inside Dew Point - C;Inside 
> Heat Index - C;Barometer - hPa;High Bar - hPa;Low Bar - hPa;Absolute 
> Pressure - hPa;Temp - C;High Temp - C;Low Temp - C;Hum;High Hum;Low 
> Hum;Dew 
> Point - C;High Dew Point - C;Low Dew Point - C;Wet Bulb - C;High Wet Bulb 
> - 
> C;Low Wet Bulb - C;Avg Wind Speed - m/s;Prevailing Wind Direction;High 
> Wind 
> Spe7ed - m/s;High Wind Direction;Wind Chill - C;Low Wind Chill - C;Heat 
> Index - C;High Heat Index - C;THW Index - C;High THW Index - C;Low THW 
> Index - C;Rain - mm;High Rain Rate - mm/h;Heating Degree Days;Cooling 
> Degree Days
> *2022-01-01 00:00*
> ;21,5;21,7;21,4;53,1;53,3;52,9;11,6;20,8;1026,7;1026,7;1026,7;971,8;9,5;9,6;9,5;95,9;96,1;95,9;8,9;8,9;8,9;9,2;9,2;9,2;0;;0;;9,5;9,5;9,8;9,9;9,8;9,9;9,8;0;0;0,092;0
> This is the output
> sudo wee_import --import-config=/var/tmp/csv.conf --dry-run
> Using WeeWX configuration file 

[weewx-user] Re: How to get both lux and radiation values in the report?

2022-03-01 Thread gjr80
The only real definitive way of determining what schema you are using is to 
access the database and check what fields are there. If you have only ever 
installed v 4.0.0 or later and did not explicitly change the schema you are 
almost certainly using the extended schema. If you have upgraded a v3.x or 
earlier install you are most likely using the legacy wview schema unless 
you explicitly changed schemas. You can check the schema config option for 
the binding concerned under [DataBindings] in weewx.conf, eg:


 # The schema defines the structure of the database. 
 # It is *only* used when the database is created. schema = 
 schema = schemas.wview_extended.schema

However, the schema config option is only used when the database is created 
so it is possible that it may be different to the actual schema of the 
database you are using. 

The fact you don't get luminosity plots could be due to any one of a myriad 
of issues, schema is just but one of the possible causes. The most likely 
cause is that your skin is not set to generate and display such plots.

If you are using the 4.6.x Seasons skin you can specify in the skin config 
file what observations you wish to see reported and plotted. As I said in 
my previous post I suggest you have a look through the [DisplayOptions] 
stanza, the comments should guide you. One thing I did omit was that you 
will need to add suitable entries to the [ImageGenerator] stanza of the 
skin config file to create your luminosity plot files, something like 




likewise for week, month and year plots in [[week_images]], [[month_images]] 
and [[year_images]]. Provided you have appropriate settings in 
[DisplayOptions] your plots should appear. If things don't work as expected 
check if the luminosity plot files are being generated, check the log for 
errors and confirm the [DisplayOptions] settings.

On Wednesday, 2 March 2022 at 01:21:47 UTC+10 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm currently only using the standard Seasons skin. How do i find out 
> which schema weewx uses? I never really changed this setting so what would 
> be the standard weewx installation schema? I thought it was the extended 
> one but as it seems i'm not getting any luminosity plots in the Seasons 
> skin, just the current luminosity value
> gjr80 schrieb am Montag, 28. Februar 2022 um 03:17:01 UTC+1:
>> The short answer is yes, it is possible. However, what you need to do 
>> depends. I assume you are using the SDR driver, if that is the case it 
>> should be providing you with the 'light' reading in Lux mapped to whatever 
>> WeeWX field you have specified in the sensor map (the usual mapping would 
>> be to the 'luminosity' field in the WeeWX extended schema).  You can have 
>> WeeWX derive/estimate the radiation field from this data by adding an entry 
>> under [StdCalibrate] [[Corrections]] in weewx.conf, something like:
>> [StdCalibrate]
>> [[Corrections]]
>> radiation = luminosity/126.7 if luminosity is not None else None
>> should see WeeWX calculate WeeWX field radiation from the WeeWX field 
>> luminosity and add it to any loop packet/archive records where luminosity 
>> appears.
>> What you do from here depends on your current skin arrangement and what 
>> you wish to display. If your database is using the extended schema both 
>> radiation and luminosity will be stored in your database allowing you to 
>> use any radiation or luminosity tags in your reports as well as using 
>> radiation or luminosity in plots. If you are using the legacy wview 
>> schema then only radiation will be saved to database meaning only the 
>> current luminosity value can be displayed, ie no luminosity stats or 
>> plots. To display luminosity stats or plots you would need to add 
>> luminosity to your schema or change to the extended schema. 
>> You don't mention what skin your are using, if it is the WeeWX 4.6 or 
>> later Seasons skin then radiation will be automatically displayed, but 
>> you will need to edit the [DisplayOptions] settings in the Seasons skin 
>> config file skin.conf and add luminosity. If you are using some other 
>> skin or wish to display some other radiation or luminosity stats then 
>> you would need to follow the skin authors suggestion or add the appropriate 
>> tags to the skin you are using.
>> Gary
>> On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 18:26:30 UTC+10 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi, i have a WH65 sensor and receive the data with an sdr stick. The 
>>> WH65 sensor array sends its radiation readings in lux and is being 
>>> converted back to w/m2 on the console, with the correction factor of 
>>> /126.7, which gives an approximate value in w/m2, i guess this is the usual 
>>> way to do in weewx too, so it can 

[weewx-user] Re: how to grab LOOP data to post here (FAQ)

2022-03-01 Thread Paul G
Vantage users can run recent versions of vantage.py directly.
I made two small changes so it 1) uses loop_request=3 and 2) collects two 
records and exits.

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 3:52:37 PM UTC-5 vince wrote:

> fyi - I added a FAQ page on how to run weewxd interactively to grab a few 
> LOOP data snippets since this one comes up so often
> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/faq-running-weewxd-directly

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[weewx-user] Re: Weather34

2022-03-01 Thread Steeple Ian
Can you let me have your URL please, I need to check your realtime data. 
The situation in your screen shot indicates that the template is not 
getting live data from WeeWX.

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 7:28:01 PM UTC matthieu89...@gmail.com wrote:

> Yes, I will watch for the file service.txt.
> For weewx.conf I add [Services]] section in the [Engine] stanza. : ,
> *user.w34_db_backup.W34_DB_Backup*
> And at the end :
> [W34_DB_Backup] * # database path(s) seperated by , rename this/these 
> database(s) to match your own databases = 
> /home/weewx/archive/weewx.sdb,/home/weewx/archive/another.sdb # backup 
> path(s) comma seperated backups = 
> [your_backup_path]/weewx_backup.sdb,[your_backup_path]/home/pi/another_backup.sdb
> # set the daily time to backup comma seperated for multiple databases # the 
> time must be set an to archive time so it runs immediately after the 
> archive interval processes are complete backup_times = 00:00,00:00*
> Yes, sorry but the data for the pression, temperature, and windy for 
> weather34 are not correct.
> Is not the real values
> What is the problem ?
> Le lundi 28 février 2022 à 23:02:26 UTC+1, steep...@gmail.com a écrit :
>> I am glad the template is now running for you.
>> Regarding the two errors: -
>> 1. Metar, it looks as though you did not add your X-API-Key or Metar 
>> airport code when you generated your services.txt. Did you follow the 
>> instructions to obtain a key and find your nearest airport?
>> The three relevant lines in the web services section of weewx.conf should 
>> look something like this (ABCD represents the airport code and 123456789 
>> represents the API Key: -
>>   me_url = https://api.checkwx.com/metar/ABCD/decoded
>>   me_header = X-API-Key:123456789
>>   me_interval = 3600
>> 2. The file should already be in place, all you need to do is edit 
>> weewx.conf and restart as in the instructions. I have updated the install 
>> instructions to make this clearer>
>> Ian
>> On Monday, February 28, 2022 at 5:25:50 PM UTC matthieu89...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks !
>>> Weather34 is running with weewx and debian ! :)
>>> But, I have a message error :
>>> Feb 28 16:56:38 raspberrypi weewx[2897] ERROR user.weather34: Failed 
>>> getting web service data. URL: https://api.checkwx.com/metar//decoded 
>>> Header: {'X-API-Key': ''}, Error: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
>>> Feb 28 16:56:38 raspberrypi weewx[2897] ERROR user.weather34: Error 
>>> Invalid Webservice Data: None, {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; 
>>> Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) 
>>> Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/534.3'}
>>> And, I don't find a w34_db_backup.py file for put in 
>>> /home/weewx/bin/user 
>>> Where is he ?
>>> Le dimanche 27 février 2022 à 23:31:13 UTC+1, steep...@gmail.com a 
>>> écrit :
 Vince is correct, it is looking for services.txt one level up from the 
 install folder.

 Assuming you downloaded the zip file from the repository into your 
 /home/pi folder and un zipped it, the install folder is 
 weewx-Weather34-main. The services.txt file should also be in your 

 Therefore you should: -

 cd weewx-Weather34-main
 sudo python3 ./w34_installer.py

 On Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 8:44:58 PM UTC vince wrote:

> On Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 12:02:05 PM UTC-8 
> matthieu89...@gmail.com wrote:
>> When i use sudo python3 /home/pi/weewx-Weather34/w34_installer.py 
>> *Cannot find ../services.txt file INSTALL ABORTED*
>> Whereas my file service.txt is in /home/pi
> It is trying to find services.txt using a relative path one level up 
> from the directory you are running the command in.
> Try:
>- cd /home/pi/weewx-Weather34
>- sudo python3 /home/pi/weewx-Weather34/w34_installer.py

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Re: [weewx-user] Wrong conversion rainRate?

2022-03-01 Thread Tom Keffer
Using StdQC is always a good idea.

Just one small correction: if you specify a unit, then it doesn't matter
what unit system is in StdConvert. It's when you *don't* specify a unit
that the problems begin.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 12:46 PM vince  wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 12:02:51 PM UTC-8 luis@gmail.com wrote:
>> Now the question is, is there a way to prevent recording impossible data
>> or detecting bad data quality due to signal problems?
> Try StdQC  and see if that
> helps.
> Be careful to use the Units  you
> have for group_rainrate that matches your StdConvert
>  'target_unit' settings
> That would look something like (untested):
>  [StdQC]
>   # only use 'one' of the following
>   0, 300, mm_per_hour# if you use METRICWX
>   0,  30, cm_per_hour# or this if you use METRIC
>   0,  10, inch_per_hour  # or this if you use US units
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "weewx-user" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/12f1d3d0-3e77-4605-ab7e-4b963b405b4bn%40googlegroups.com
> .

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Re: [weewx-user] no rain data available

2022-03-01 Thread Tom Keffer
I think I see what's going on. When weewxd first starts up, it goes into a
"catch up" mode, where it downloads all archive records available in the
console. In this case, there may be many records, so the differences
between values of totalRain can be easily calculated.

However, once catch up mode is over, only single archive records are
retrieved from the console. The driver does not save the old value of
totalRain, so it has to start anew every time, resulting in 'rain' being
set to null.

I'll have to bring this up with the driver author. I've posted issue #756
 to track.

In the meantime, there may be a simple fix. Not sure if it will work. Go
into your copy of weewx.conf and add the highlighted lines to section
[StdWXCalculate]. When you're all done, it will look something like the
below. Note that your section may differ from what's shown below. The
important thing is to add the highlighted lines at the bottom of the

What this will do is cause 'rain' to be calculated in software, rather than
downloaded from the console. I haven't tried this, so I'm not sure it's
going to work, but it's worth a try. Make the changes, then restart weewxd.
Try putting a little water in the bucket and see what shows up on your
webpage and in the database.


# How to calculate derived quantities.  Possible values are:
#  hardware- use the value provided by hardware
#  software- use the value calculated by weewx
#  prefer_hardware - use value provide by hardware if available,
#  otherwise use value calculated by weewx

pressure = prefer_hardware
altimeter = prefer_hardware
appTemp = prefer_hardware
barometer = prefer_hardware
cloudbase = prefer_hardware
dewpoint = prefer_hardware
ET = prefer_hardware
heatindex = prefer_hardware
humidex = prefer_hardware
inDewpoint = prefer_hardware
maxSolarRad = prefer_hardware
rainRate = prefer_hardware
windchill = prefer_hardware
windrun = prefer_hardware
rain = software
input = totalRain

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 11:47 AM jschoonh  wrote:

> wow i feel a bit stupid here. I try to understand what I see. Sorry it
> took a little longer I wasn't home and I have to re-plug the configuration
> every time. I first let weewx retrieve the history of the ws2359. Then let
> it run 4 time' s the archive loop (20 min) 4 times. Which gives 4 times a
> NULL in the rain column of the weewx.sdb.
> Stop of weewx.
> Then sqlite3 command as specified. (I had to install sqlite3 first) I
> normally use a GUI browser.
> After that run the weewxd / log.
> What strikes me in the weewxd log everything goes well until the archive
> loop and then rain = "NULL"
> I am curious if you have an explanation.
> sqlite3 /home/weewx/Weewx/weewx.sdb
> SQLite version 3.31.1 2020-01-27 19:55:54
> Enter ".help" for usage hints.
> sqlite> select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'),
> rain from archive order by dateTime desc limit 20;
> 1646160501|2022-03-01 21:48:21|
> 1646160197|2022-03-01 21:43:17|
> 1646159898|2022-03-01 21:38:18|
> 1646159603|2022-03-01 21:33:23|
> 1646159343|2022-03-01 21:29:03|0.0
> 1646159043|2022-03-01 21:24:03|0.0
> 1646158743|2022-03-01 21:19:03|
> 1646158399|2022-03-01 21:13:19|
> 1646158127|2022-03-01 21:08:47|
> 1646158101|2022-03-01 21:08:21|
> 1646157788|2022-03-01 21:03:08|0.0
> 1646157488|2022-03-01 20:58:08|0.05180001
> 1646157188|2022-03-01 20:53:08|0.0
> 1646156888|2022-03-01 20:48:08|0.0
> 1646156588|2022-03-01 20:43:08|0.05180143
> 1646156288|2022-03-01 20:38:08|0.0
> 1646155988|2022-03-01 20:33:08|0.0
> 1646155688|2022-03-01 20:28:08|0.0
> 1646155388|2022-03-01 20:23:08|0.0
> 1646155088|2022-03-01 20:18:08|0.0
> sqlite> select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'),
> rain from archive where rain>0.0 order by dateTime desc limit 20;
> 1646157488|2022-03-01 20:58:08|0.05180001
> 1646156588|2022-03-01 20:43:08|0.05180143
> 1646151488|2022-03-01 19:18:08|0.05179859
> 1646146688|2022-03-01 17:58:08|0.05180001
> 1646144588|2022-03-01 17:23:08|0.05180001
> 1646140388|2022-03-01 16:13:08|0.05180143
> 164613|2022-03-01 15:48:08|0.05179859
> 1646137988|2022-03-01 15:33:08|0.05180001
> 1646134088|2022-03-01 14:28:08|0.05180001
> 1646119993|2022-03-01 10:33:13|0.05180001
> 1646119393|2022-03-01 10:23:13|0.05180001
> 1646118793|2022-03-01 10:13:13|0.05180001
> 1646118193|2022-03-01 10:03:13|0.05180001
> 1646114293|2022-03-01 08:58:13|0.05180001
> 1646113393|2022-03-01 08:43:13|0.05180001
> 1646111593|2022-03-01 08:13:13|0.05180001
> 1646095993|2022-03-01 03:53:13|0.05180001

[weewx-user] how to grab LOOP data to post here (FAQ)

2022-03-01 Thread vince
fyi - I added a FAQ page on how to run weewxd interactively to grab a few 
LOOP data snippets since this one comes up so often


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Re: [weewx-user] Wrong conversion rainRate?

2022-03-01 Thread vince
On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 12:02:51 PM UTC-8 luis@gmail.com wrote:

> Now the question is, is there a way to prevent recording impossible data 
> or detecting bad data quality due to signal problems?

Try StdQC  and see if that 
Be careful to use the Units  you 
have for group_rainrate that matches your StdConvert 
 'target_unit' settings

That would look something like (untested):

  # only use 'one' of the following
  0, 300, mm_per_hour# if you use METRICWX
  0,  30, cm_per_hour# or this if you use METRIC
  0,  10, inch_per_hour  # or this if you use US units

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Re: [weewx-user] Wrong conversion rainRate?

2022-03-01 Thread Luis
Hi Tom,
I think I can spot the origin of this problem.
My Vantage Vue has a problem with the battery.
Even though I change it for a new one it keeps showing the "Low battery" 
warning on the console.
Your query shows clearly that the rain rate problem starts when the signal 
problem begins every day as you can see on https://veleta.es
The output of your query is:

dateTimedatetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')max 
   maxtimedatetime(maxtime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')
16460892002022-03-01 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16461086452022-03-01 05:24:05
16460028002022-02-28 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16460242242022-02-28 05:57:04
16459164002022-02-27 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16459361992022-02-27 05:29:59
1645832022-02-26 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16458505252022-02-26 05:42:05
16457436002022-02-25 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16457622182022-02-25 05:10:18
16456572002022-02-24 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16456779072022-02-24 05:45:07
16455708002022-02-23 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16455916342022-02-23 05:47:14
16454844002022-02-22 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16455054452022-02-22 05:50:45
16453980002022-02-21 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16454189602022-02-21 05:49:20
16453116002022-02-20 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16453319302022-02-20 05:38:50
16452252002022-02-19 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16452462652022-02-19 05:51:05
16451388002022-02-18 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16451598162022-02-18 05:50:16
16450524002022-02-17 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16450732862022-02-17 05:48:06
16449660002022-02-16 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16449867152022-02-16 05:45:15
16448796002022-02-15 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16449003732022-02-15 05:46:13
16447932002022-02-14 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16448136042022-02-14 05:40:04
16447068002022-02-13 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16447270672022-02-13 05:37:47
16446204002022-02-12 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16446408082022-02-12 05:40:08
16445340002022-02-11 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16445542852022-02-11 05:38:05
1676002022-02-10 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16444682352022-02-10 05:43:55
16443612002022-02-09 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16443794852022-02-09 05:04:45
16442748002022-02-08 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16442950832022-02-08 05:38:03
16441884002022-02-07 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16442086822022-02-07 05:38:02
16441020002022-02-06 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16441223552022-02-06 05:39:15
16440156002022-02-05 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16440343072022-02-05 05:11:47
16439292002022-02-04 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16439487772022-02-04 05:26:17
16438428002022-02-03 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16438627862022-02-03 05:33:06
16437564002022-02-02 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16437743472022-02-02 04:59:07
1643672022-02-01 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16436899272022-02-01 05:32:07
16435836002022-01-31 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16436033842022-01-31 05:29:44
16434972002022-01-30 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16435165962022-01-30 05:23:16
16434108002022-01-29 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16434308262022-01-29 05:33:46
16433244002022-01-28 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16433421042022-01-28 04:55:04
16432380002022-01-27 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16432555072022-01-27 04:51:47
16431516002022-01-26 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16431690082022-01-26 04:50:08
16430652002022-01-25 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16430838732022-01-25 05:11:13
16429788002022-01-24 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16429957012022-01-24 04:41:41
16428924002022-01-23 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16429099342022-01-23 04:52:14
16428060002022-01-22 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16428227492022-01-22 04:39:09
16427196002022-01-21 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16427389832022-01-21 05:23:03
16426332002022-01-20 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16426524622022-01-20 05:21:02
16425468002022-01-19 00:00:00516.0236188995   
 16425661952022-01-19 05:23:15
16424604002022-01-18 00:00:00

Re: [weewx-user] no rain data available

2022-03-01 Thread jschoonh
wow i feel a bit stupid here. I try to understand what I see. Sorry it took 
a little longer I wasn't home and I have to re-plug the configuration every 
time. I first let weewx retrieve the history of the ws2359. Then let it run 
4 time' s the archive loop (20 min) 4 times. Which gives 4 times a NULL in 
the rain column of the weewx.sdb.
Stop of weewx.
Then sqlite3 command as specified. (I had to install sqlite3 first) I 
normally use a GUI browser.
After that run the weewxd / log.
What strikes me in the weewxd log everything goes well until the archive 
loop and then rain = "NULL"
I am curious if you have an explanation.

sqlite3 /home/weewx/Weewx/weewx.sdb
SQLite version 3.31.1 2020-01-27 19:55:54
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), rain 
from archive order by dateTime desc limit 20;
1646160501|2022-03-01 21:48:21|
1646160197|2022-03-01 21:43:17|
1646159898|2022-03-01 21:38:18|
1646159603|2022-03-01 21:33:23|
1646159343|2022-03-01 21:29:03|0.0
1646159043|2022-03-01 21:24:03|0.0
1646158743|2022-03-01 21:19:03|
1646158399|2022-03-01 21:13:19|
1646158127|2022-03-01 21:08:47|
1646158101|2022-03-01 21:08:21|
1646157788|2022-03-01 21:03:08|0.0
1646157488|2022-03-01 20:58:08|0.05180001
1646157188|2022-03-01 20:53:08|0.0
1646156888|2022-03-01 20:48:08|0.0
1646156588|2022-03-01 20:43:08|0.05180143
1646156288|2022-03-01 20:38:08|0.0
1646155988|2022-03-01 20:33:08|0.0
1646155688|2022-03-01 20:28:08|0.0
1646155388|2022-03-01 20:23:08|0.0
1646155088|2022-03-01 20:18:08|0.0
sqlite> select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), rain 
from archive where rain>0.0 order by dateTime desc limit 20;
1646157488|2022-03-01 20:58:08|0.05180001
1646156588|2022-03-01 20:43:08|0.05180143
1646151488|2022-03-01 19:18:08|0.05179859
1646146688|2022-03-01 17:58:08|0.05180001
1646144588|2022-03-01 17:23:08|0.05180001
1646140388|2022-03-01 16:13:08|0.05180143
164613|2022-03-01 15:48:08|0.05179859
1646137988|2022-03-01 15:33:08|0.05180001
1646134088|2022-03-01 14:28:08|0.05180001
1646119993|2022-03-01 10:33:13|0.05180001
1646119393|2022-03-01 10:23:13|0.05180001
1646118793|2022-03-01 10:13:13|0.05180001
1646118193|2022-03-01 10:03:13|0.05180001
1646114293|2022-03-01 08:58:13|0.05180001
1646113393|2022-03-01 08:43:13|0.05180001
1646111593|2022-03-01 08:13:13|0.05180001
1646095993|2022-03-01 03:53:13|0.05180001
1646095093|2022-03-01 03:38:13|0.05180001
1646094493|2022-03-01 03:28:13|0.05180001
1646094193|2022-03-01 03:23:13|0.05180001
sqlite> select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), sum, 
count, wsum, sumtime from archive_day_rain order by dateTime desc limit 5;
1646082000|2022-03-01 00:00:00|1.295|243|388.5001|72900
1645995600|2022-02-28 00:00:00|0.2072|19|62.16001|5700
1645909200|2022-02-27 00:00:00|0.0508|219|15.24|65700
1645822800|2022-02-26 00:00:00|0.0|275|0.0|82500
1645736400|2022-02-25 00:00:00|0.3556|278|106.68|83400
sqlite> .quit


weewx@weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop
[sudo] password for weewx:
Stopping weewx (via systemctl): weewx.service.
weewx@weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC:~$ sudo python3 /usr/share/weewx/weewxd 
LOOP:   2022-03-01 22:06:51 +03 (1646161611) 'altimeter': 
'1015.8281509230841', 'appTemp': '10.99680494395543', 'barometer': 
'1015.8336126117575', 'cloudbase': '327.30883361823544', 'dateTime': 
'1646161611', 'dewpoint': '9.69', 'ET': 'None', 'heatindex': 
'11.3072228', 'humidex': '12.943679930860906', 'inDewpoint': 
'14.299431082031314', 'inHumidity': '56.0', 'inTemp': '23.6', 
'maxSolarRad': 'None', 'outHumidity': '87.0', 'outTemp': '11.8', 
'pressure': '1007.1', 'rain': 'None', 'rainRate': '0.051004', 
'rainTotal': '65.578', 'usUnits': '16', 'windchill': '11.8', 'windDir': 
'45.0', 'windGust': 'None', 'windGustDir': 'None', 'windrun': 'None', 
'windSpeed': '3.9604'
LOOP:   2022-03-01 22:07:03 +03 (1646161623) 'altimeter': 
'1015.8281509230841', 'appTemp': '11.27680494417943', 'barometer': 
'1015.8336126117575', 'cloudbase': '327.30883361823544', 'dateTime': 
'1646161623', 'dewpoint': '9.69', 'ET': 'None', 'heatindex': 
'11.3072228', 'humidex': '12.943679930860906', 'inDewpoint': 
'14.299431082031314', 'inHumidity': '56.0', 'inTemp': '23.6', 
'maxSolarRad': 'None', 'outHumidity': '87.0', 'outTemp': '11.8', 
'pressure': '1007.1', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.051004', 
'rainTotal': '65.578', 'usUnits': '16', 'windchill': '11.8', 'windDir': 
'22.5', 'windGust': 'None', 'windGustDir': 'None', 'windrun': 'None', 
'windSpeed': '2.52'
LOOP:   2022-03-01 22:07:14 +03 (1646161634) 'altimeter': 
'1015.8281509230841', 'appTemp': 

Re: [weewx-user] no rain data available

2022-03-01 Thread vince
Run the following:
  sudo python3 /usr/share/weewx/weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

Let it display a few LOOP messages, then hit control-C to stop it.

It should look something like this example:

sudo python3 /usr/share/weewx/weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
LOOP:   2022-03-01 18:01:11 UTC (1646157671) UV: 0, altimeter: 
31.512244607605663, appTemp: 28.46010918752483, barometer: 
31.09998967093, cloudbase: 1609.323176426526, consBatteryVoltage: 
12.801672167457717, dateTime: 1646157671, dewpoint: 27.203560993945757, 
heatindex: 32.67858297022247, heatingVoltage: 12.397794916672359, humidex: 
32.67858297022247, inDewpoint: 31.079533828013187, inHumidity: 
29.99958683617, inTemp: 63.0002065819, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, 
maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 79.9996901272, outTemp: 
32.67858297022247, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 31.09998967093, 
radiation: 0, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, rainRate: 0.0, 
referenceVoltage: 12.80378328495448, rxCheckPercent: 76.51021004194791, 
supplyVoltage: 10.925022055677033, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windDir: 359.998140763, windGust: 
6.197456769996279e-09, windGustDir: 359.998140763, windSpeed: 
5.164547900449179e-09, windchill: 32.67858297022247
LOOP:   2022-03-01 18:01:14 UTC (1646157674) UV: 0, altimeter: 
31.512244599253428, appTemp: 28.45807365032865, barometer: 
31.09990703814, cloudbase: 1609.3127063099937, consBatteryVoltage: 
12.130725407245396, dateTime: 1646157674, dewpoint: 27.20178958368346, 
heatindex: 32.67676549144743, heatingVoltage: 11.855704130774878, humidex: 
32.67676549144743, inDewpoint: 31.07953369929752, inHumidity: 
29.99628152565, inTemp: 63.0018592372, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, 
maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 79.9972111442, outTemp: 
32.67676549144743, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 31.09990703814, 
radiation: 0, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, rainRate: 0.0, 
referenceVoltage: 11.336238007114055, rxCheckPercent: 76.51021004194791, 
supplyVoltage: 11.275405485314263, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windDir: 359.983266865, windGust: 
5.577711537085861e-08, windGustDir: 359.983266865, windSpeed: 
4.648092932768577e-08, windchill: 32.67676549144743

^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/weewx/weewxd", line 264, in 
  File "/usr/share/weewx/weewxd", line 157, in main
  File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 208, in run
for packet in self.console.genLoopPackets():
  File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/drivers/simulator.py", line 162, in 

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 9:40:10 AM UTC-8 mie...@gmail.com wrote:

> Please show what is being printed out: don't summarize. The print out will 
> show things like rainTotal, which we need to know. Run weewxd directly from 
> the command line for a few LOOP packets, then post the results.
> Sorry i do mis that. I did run weewx a view loops en took the compleet 
> information of the syslog of linux. Do I understand that you want a onther 
> log. Pleas tell me how to get that

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"weewx-user" group.
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To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: Multiple full sensor data with one SDR-Stick

2022-03-01 Thread an oldman
in Seasons/skin.conf
plot_groups list the plots to show

moistsoil shows the plots for soilMoist1-4
tempsoil for soilTemp1-4

if you remove moistsoil, tempsoil from the list will stop showing the plots

you would have to add to plot_groups the extra wind stuff say extrawind, 
extrawinddir, then under [ImageGenerator] section you would have to 
something like


to do it for week, month, and year for week, month and year add 
aggregate_type = max for week plot something like

aggregate_type = max

for direction an agian for week, month and year
yscale = 0.0, 360.0, 45.0
line_type = None
marker_type = box
marker_size = 2

in Seasons/current.inc file after the last #end for and before  add 
something like

  Wind Speed
  $current.soilMoist1 $current.soilTemp1.ordinal_compass 

no restart is needed for that just the next report cycle

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 10:25:22 AM UTC-6 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:

> As the database is quite new i just deleted the few soilMost3 entries out 
> and made a 
> sudo wee_database --rebuild-daily --from=2022-03-01 --to=2022-03-01 
> --config=/etc/weewx/weewx-sdr.conf
> and started weewx-sdr again, now it's looking quite good. I'm still trying 
> to figure out how to change the wind direction lines to dots?
> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 13:37:09 UTC+1:
>> That's good to know, so I have to repeat these steps after a weewx update?
>> I have it now running with the additional sensors: 
>> http://meteo.fankyy.ch/WsDi1c_sdr/
>> Not sure if the rain graph will only appear after it begins with rain 
>> count? 
>> I used soilMoist 1-3 for Wind, Gust and Direction, but it put all in one 
>> graph, with the highest number 360 for wind direction, the speed is barely 
>> visible. So i use soiltemp4 for the wind direction now and hope, the 
>> back-to-normal named soilMoist3 will go out of the daily graph after 24h? 
>> Is there an easy way to delete it out of the database, without having to 
>> examine/stopping the database for a long time?
>> I couldn't find where tho do this step:
>> then to display wind speed you would use $current.soilMoist1 in a template
>> and for wind dir $current.soilMoist2 and/or 
>> $current.soilMoist2.ordinal_compass
>> in the seasons skin
>> an oldman schrieb am Sonntag, 27. Februar 2022 um 09:11:24 UTC+1:
>>> there are other units.  just look at the schema file to see what there 
>>> is.
>>> if your station sends wind gust you could one that's not in use.
>>> acurite 5n1 do not send wind gust just wind speed and dir.  to get the 
>>> extra wind stuff i have to hack weewx files for every weewx update.
>>> On Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 1:33:17 AM UTC-6 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:
 That would be a good and much simpler solution if it works, will 
 definitely try this. Is there some unit remaining which i could use for 

 Thanks a lot!

 an oldman schrieb am Samstag, 26. Februar 2022 um 23:47:49 UTC+1:

> you could try something like in this if
> soilMoist1, soilMoist2, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, windBatteryStatus and 
> hail are unsed
> in weewx.conf
> [SDR]
> [[sensor_map]]
> soilMoist1 = wind_speed.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
> soilMoist2 = wind_dir.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
> extraTemp1 = temperature.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
> extraHumid1 = humidity.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
> windBatteryStatus = battery.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
> hail_total = rain_total.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
> [[deltas]]
> hail = hail_total
> [Accumulator]
> [[hail]]
> extractor = sum
> and in extensions.py
> import weewx.units
> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist1'] = 'group_speed'
> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist2'] = 'group_direction'
> then to display wind speed you would use $current.soilMoist1 in a 
> template
> and for wind dir $current.soilMoist2 and/or 
> $current.soilMoist2.ordinal_compass
> not shure where to change the labels at but i think in 4.6.2 it is in 
> the lang files
> say in en.conf
> [Labels]
> [[Generic]]
> soilMoist1 = Wind Speed (5n1)
> soilMoist2 = Wind Direction (5n1)
> windBatteryStatus = Battery (5n1)
> hail = Rain (5n1)
> $obs.label.soilMoist1 should show Wind Speed (5n1) and so on.
> On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 11:27:03 AM UTC-6 an oldman wrote:
>> that config won't work with your set up, had to add a lot to the sdr 
>> driver for sensors, make some extension, add to the schema and 
>> user/extensions.py file and change some weewx core 

Re: [weewx-user] no rain data available

2022-03-01 Thread jschoonh
Please show what is being printed out: don't summarize. The print out will 
show things like rainTotal, which we need to know. Run weewxd directly from 
the command line for a few LOOP packets, then post the results.

Sorry i do mis that. I did run weewx a view loops en took the compleet 
information of the syslog of linux. Do I understand that you want a onther 
log. Pleas tell me how to get that

Op dinsdag 1 maart 2022 om 19:17:21 UTC+3 schreef tke...@gmail.com:

> English is fine! Certainly better than my Dutch!
> but as soon as life data is fetched in the main loop, only NULL's appears 
>> in the column rain, even if rain falls in the rain gauge.
> Please show what is being printed out: don't summarize. The print out will 
> show things like rainTotal, which we need to know. Run weewxd directly from 
> the command line for a few LOOP packets, then post the results.
> Let's also see what's in the database
> *sqlite3 /var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb*
> sqlite> *select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), 
> rain from archive order by dateTime desc limit 20;*
> sqlite> *select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), 
> rain from archive where rain>0.0 order by dateTime desc limit 20;*
> sqlite> *select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), 
> sum, count, wsum, sumtime from archive_day_rain order by dateTime desc 
> limit 5;*
> sqlite> *.quit*
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 6:37 AM jschoonh  wrote:
>> sorry sorry Tom, the terminal file contains two times "wee_device--info" 
>> here's a new attempt with "wee_device--current". But not of the same time 
>> as the log
>> Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>> Using WS23xx driver version 0.41 (weewx.drivers.ws23xx)
>> Querying the station for the configuration...
>> buzzer: 0
>> connection time till connect: 2.0
>> connection type: 0
>> dew point: 9.94
>> dew point max: 26.84
>> dew point max alarm: 20.0
>> dew point max alarm active: 0
>> dew point max alarm set: 0
>> dew point max when: 1628161680.0
>> dew point min: -29.28
>> dew point min alarm: 0.0
>> dew point min alarm active: 0
>> dew point min alarm set: 0
>> dew point min when: 1644035820.0
>> forecast: 1
>> history interval: 4.0
>> history last record pointer: 79.0
>> history last sample when: 1646144640.0
>> history number of records: 175.0
>> history time till sample: 1.0
>> icon alarm active: 0
>> in humidity: 56.0
>> in humidity max: 73.0
>> in humidity max alarm: 65.0
>> in humidity max alarm active: 0
>> in humidity max alarm set: 0
>> in humidity max when: 1594721220.0
>> in humidity min: 21.0
>> in humidity min alarm: 35.0
>> in humidity min alarm active: 0
>> in humidity min alarm set: 0
>> in humidity min when: 1579611060.0
>> in temp: 22.9
>> in temp max: 39.6
>> in temp max alarm: 30.0
>> in temp max alarm active: 0
>> in temp max alarm set: 0
>> in temp max when: 1638361620.0
>> in temp min: 9.0
>> in temp min alarm: 10.0
>> in temp min alarm active: 0
>> in temp min alarm set: 0
>> in temp min when: 1642744920.0
>> lcd backlight: 1
>> lcd contrast (ro): 4.0
>> out humidity: 84.0
>> out humidity max: 94.0
>> out humidity max alarm: 70.0
>> out humidity max alarm active: 0
>> out humidity max alarm set: 0
>> out humidity max when: 1552337820.0
>> out humidity min: 0.0
>> out humidity min alarm: 45.0
>> out humidity min alarm active: 0
>> out humidity min alarm set: 0
>> out humidity min when: 1643165520.0
>> out temp: 12.6
>> out temp max: 39.2
>> out temp max alarm: 40.0
>> out temp max alarm active: 0
>> out temp max alarm set: 0
>> out temp max when: 1626355980.0
>> out temp min: -30.0
>> out temp min alarm: 0.0
>> out temp min alarm active: 0
>> out temp min alarm set: 0
>> out temp min when: 1645585080.0
>> pressure absolute: 1006.8
>> pressure absolute max: 1022.0
>> pressure absolute min: 987.1
>> pressure correction: 1009.0
>> pressure max alarm: 1047.1
>> pressure max alarm active: 0
>> pressure max alarm set: 0
>> pressure max when: 1611218220.0
>> pressure min alarm: 967.1
>> pressure min alarm active: 0
>> pressure min alarm set: 0
>> pressure min when: 1616489460.0
>> pressure relative: 1015.8
>> pressure relative max: 1031.0
>> pressure relative min: 996.1
>> rain 1h: 0.51
>> rain 1h alarm active: 0
>> rain 1h alarm set: 0
>> rain 1h max: 29.0
>> rain 1h max alarm: 1.0
>> rain 1h max when: 1641848820.0
>> rain 24h: 21.75
>> rain 24h alarm active: 0
>> rain 24h alarm set: 0
>> rain 24h max: 120.69
>> rain 24h max alarm: 50.0
>> rain 24h max when: 1642885140.0
>> rain total: 653.19
>> rain total reset when: 1640986260.0
>> station current date time: 1646144820.0
>> station set date: -61470410152.0
>> station set time: -62169928120.0
>> station time alarm active: 0
>> station time alarm set: 0
>> storm warn alarm set: 0
>> tendency: 2
>> this computer's date: -61467818152.0
>> this computer's date time: 1646144837.0
>> this computer's time: -62169928115.0
>> wind: (0.0, 112.5, 0, 0)
>> wind chill: 12.6

Re: [weewx-user] windGustDir is always set to NULL in database after upgrating to weewx version 4.6.0/4.6.2

2022-03-01 Thread Tom Keffer
Several files are affected. I'll try to do a dot-dot release soon.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 8:52 AM f4n...@gmail.com  wrote:

> How can I download the single files from github, or could anyone upload
> these here?
> asla...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022 um 19:48:08 UTC+1:
>> Thank you for the clarification.
>> On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 7:43:22 PM UTC+1 tke...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> The accumulators for windDir and windGustDir are useless. If the wind
>>> blows at 359° for an hour, then 1° for an hour, the windDir accumulator
>>> would return 180°. They are there only because it's easiest to just create
>>> an accumulator for everything.
>>> Same with the daily summaries for windDir and windGustDir: worthless.
>>> What you want is held in the accumulator for the vector quantity 'wind',
>>> where wind is treated as a true vector. It includes attributes max and
>>> max_dir, which holds the max wind speed seen and its direction,
>>> respectively.
>>> The equivalent in the database for daily summaries is held in
>>> archive_day_wind. There, you can calculate the average wind (from wsum and
>>> sumtime), average vector wind direction (from xsum and ysum), max gust
>>> (from max), as well as the direction of the max gust (from max_dir). This
>>> is all taken care of for you if you use the tag $wind.
>>> Hope I got a little closer to answering your questions!
>>> On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 7:52 AM Aslak Vaa  wrote:
 Sorry, that was not my intended question.
 My issue is that I see wind speed and direction as a pair of values for
 any given time. When we speak of max wind, I am interested of the speed of
 wind and its direction at that time. The speed is the main issue, and
 direction is an attribute to the speed.
 This applies both to windSpeed and windGust.
 This might be solved removing the accumulation tables for windDir and
 windGustDir, and adding directions to accumulation tables for windSpeed and
 windGust both for min and max values of wind speed.
 I have not looked into the possibility that there may be other groups
 of information that may have a similar need of handling.
 I see that this may break the accumulation scheme.
 So, yes, for the moment I think you are correct in seeing the case as a

 On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 3:04:51 PM UTC+1 tke...@gmail.com

> LOL! Well, I guess you could say it's a feature.
> max in archive_day_windSpeed is the maximum value seen for 'windSpeed'.
> max in archive_day_windGust is the maximum value seen for 'windGust'.
> They are not necessarily the same because archived windSpeed is
> typically the average wind seen over an archive interval. By contrast,
> archived windGust is the max wind seen over an archive interval.
> Hope that's what you're looking for.
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 4:55 AM Aslak Vaa  wrote:
>> The enclosed file was not correct in my last reply.
>> Please see this new file.
>> Best Regards, Aslak
>> On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 1:47:36 PM UTC+1 Aslak Vaa wrote:
>>> I have installed your last update, and I will keep an eye on the
>>> results for the next days. Thank you for following up the issue.
>>> However, I performed queries from the accumulator tables for
>>> windSpeed, windDir, windGust and windGustDir. The mintime/maxtime for 
>>> wind
>>> and direction are unequal both for windSpeed/windDir and
>>> windGust/windGustDir min/max values.
>>> I expected that the min/max values of windDir/windGustDir should be
>>> the values at the same mintime/maxtime as the corresponding min/max for
>>> windSpeed/windGust  values. This is not the case.
>>> Is this an error or a feature?
>>> Please find queries and results in enclosed file.
>>> Best Regards, Aslak
>>> On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 12:20:53 AM UTC+1 tke...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
 Upon reflection, I really didn't like the solution I posted
 earlier. The reality is that for stations that do not supply 
 such as the Fine Offset stations, weewx was calculating a substitute 
 fine: the vector average of the wind over an archive period was being
 extracted from the accumulators. The problem is that because of the
 peculiarities of how WXXTypes was set up, it was forcing windGustDir to
 None if windGustDir was missing, which caused the calculated value not 
 get substituted. Then I supplied a band-aid over this by substituting
 windDir instead.

 A mess.

 With commit 244a7f8
 I've changed this to do nothing in 

Re: [weewx-user] windGustDir is always set to NULL in database after upgrating to weewx version 4.6.0/4.6.2

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
How can I download the single files from github, or could anyone upload 
these here?

asla...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022 um 19:48:08 UTC+1:

> Thank you for the clarification.
> On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 7:43:22 PM UTC+1 tke...@gmail.com wrote:
>> The accumulators for windDir and windGustDir are useless. If the wind 
>> blows at 359° for an hour, then 1° for an hour, the windDir accumulator 
>> would return 180°. They are there only because it's easiest to just create 
>> an accumulator for everything.
>> Same with the daily summaries for windDir and windGustDir: worthless.
>> What you want is held in the accumulator for the vector quantity 'wind', 
>> where wind is treated as a true vector. It includes attributes max and 
>> max_dir, which holds the max wind speed seen and its direction, 
>> respectively. 
>> The equivalent in the database for daily summaries is held in 
>> archive_day_wind. There, you can calculate the average wind (from wsum and 
>> sumtime), average vector wind direction (from xsum and ysum), max gust 
>> (from max), as well as the direction of the max gust (from max_dir). This 
>> is all taken care of for you if you use the tag $wind.
>> Hope I got a little closer to answering your questions!
>> On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 7:52 AM Aslak Vaa  wrote:
>>> Sorry, that was not my intended question.
>>> My issue is that I see wind speed and direction as a pair of values for 
>>> any given time. When we speak of max wind, I am interested of the speed of 
>>> wind and its direction at that time. The speed is the main issue, and 
>>> direction is an attribute to the speed.
>>> This applies both to windSpeed and windGust.
>>> This might be solved removing the accumulation tables for windDir and 
>>> windGustDir, and adding directions to accumulation tables for windSpeed and 
>>> windGust both for min and max values of wind speed.
>>> I have not looked into the possibility that there may be other groups of 
>>> information that may have a similar need of handling.
>>> I see that this may break the accumulation scheme.
>>> So, yes, for the moment I think you are correct in seeing the case as a 
>>> feature.
>>> On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 3:04:51 PM UTC+1 tke...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 LOL! Well, I guess you could say it's a feature.

 max in archive_day_windSpeed is the maximum value seen for 'windSpeed'.
 max in archive_day_windGust is the maximum value seen for 'windGust'.

 They are not necessarily the same because archived windSpeed is 
 typically the average wind seen over an archive interval. By contrast, 
 archived windGust is the max wind seen over an archive interval.

 Hope that's what you're looking for.

 On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 4:55 AM Aslak Vaa  wrote:

> The enclosed file was not correct in my last reply.
> Please see this new file.
> Best Regards, Aslak
> On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 1:47:36 PM UTC+1 Aslak Vaa wrote:
>> I have installed your last update, and I will keep an eye on the 
>> results for the next days. Thank you for following up the issue.
>> However, I performed queries from the accumulator tables for 
>> windSpeed, windDir, windGust and windGustDir. The mintime/maxtime for 
>> wind 
>> and direction are unequal both for windSpeed/windDir and 
>> windGust/windGustDir min/max values.
>> I expected that the min/max values of windDir/windGustDir should be 
>> the values at the same mintime/maxtime as the corresponding min/max for 
>> windSpeed/windGust  values. This is not the case.
>> Is this an error or a feature?
>> Please find queries and results in enclosed file.
>> Best Regards, Aslak
>> On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 12:20:53 AM UTC+1 tke...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Upon reflection, I really didn't like the solution I posted earlier. 
>>> The reality is that for stations that do not supply windGustDir, such 
>>> as 
>>> the Fine Offset stations, weewx was calculating a substitute just fine: 
>>> the 
>>> vector average of the wind over an archive period was being extracted 
>>> from 
>>> the accumulators. The problem is that because of the peculiarities of 
>>> how 
>>> WXXTypes was set up, it was forcing windGustDir to None if windGustDir 
>>> was 
>>> missing, which caused the calculated value not to get substituted. Then 
>>> I 
>>> supplied a band-aid over this by substituting windDir instead.
>>> A mess.
>>> With commit 244a7f8 
>>> ,
>>> I've changed this to do nothing in WXXTypes if windGustDir is missing. 
>>> This 
>>> causes a value to be successfully extracted from the accumulators.
>>> A long-winded way to say that 

[weewx-user] Re: Multiple full sensor data with one SDR-Stick

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
As the database is quite new i just deleted the few soilMost3 entries out 
and made a 

sudo wee_database --rebuild-daily --from=2022-03-01 --to=2022-03-01 

and started weewx-sdr again, now it's looking quite good. I'm still trying 
to figure out how to change the wind direction lines to dots?

f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 13:37:09 UTC+1:

> That's good to know, so I have to repeat these steps after a weewx update?
> I have it now running with the additional sensors: 
> http://meteo.fankyy.ch/WsDi1c_sdr/
> Not sure if the rain graph will only appear after it begins with rain 
> count? 
> I used soilMoist 1-3 for Wind, Gust and Direction, but it put all in one 
> graph, with the highest number 360 for wind direction, the speed is barely 
> visible. So i use soiltemp4 for the wind direction now and hope, the 
> back-to-normal named soilMoist3 will go out of the daily graph after 24h? 
> Is there an easy way to delete it out of the database, without having to 
> examine/stopping the database for a long time?
> I couldn't find where tho do this step:
> then to display wind speed you would use $current.soilMoist1 in a template
> and for wind dir $current.soilMoist2 and/or 
> $current.soilMoist2.ordinal_compass
> in the seasons skin
> an oldman schrieb am Sonntag, 27. Februar 2022 um 09:11:24 UTC+1:
>> there are other units.  just look at the schema file to see what there is.
>> if your station sends wind gust you could one that's not in use.
>> acurite 5n1 do not send wind gust just wind speed and dir.  to get the 
>> extra wind stuff i have to hack weewx files for every weewx update.
>> On Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 1:33:17 AM UTC-6 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> That would be a good and much simpler solution if it works, will 
>>> definitely try this. Is there some unit remaining which i could use for 
>>> wind_gust?
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> an oldman schrieb am Samstag, 26. Februar 2022 um 23:47:49 UTC+1:
 you could try something like in this if
 soilMoist1, soilMoist2, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, windBatteryStatus and 
 hail are unsed

 in weewx.conf
 soilMoist1 = wind_speed.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
 soilMoist2 = wind_dir.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
 extraTemp1 = temperature.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
 extraHumid1 = humidity.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
 windBatteryStatus = battery.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
 hail_total = rain_total.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
 hail = hail_total

 extractor = sum

 and in extensions.py
 import weewx.units
 weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist1'] = 'group_speed'
 weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist2'] = 'group_direction'

 then to display wind speed you would use $current.soilMoist1 in a 
 and for wind dir $current.soilMoist2 and/or 

 not shure where to change the labels at but i think in 4.6.2 it is in 
 the lang files
 say in en.conf
 soilMoist1 = Wind Speed (5n1)
 soilMoist2 = Wind Direction (5n1)
 windBatteryStatus = Battery (5n1)
 hail = Rain (5n1)
 $obs.label.soilMoist1 should show Wind Speed (5n1) and so on.

 On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 11:27:03 AM UTC-6 an oldman wrote:

> that config won't work with your set up, had to add a lot to the sdr 
> driver for sensors, make some extension, add to the schema and 
> user/extensions.py file and change some weewx core files.
> look in the wiki under data management Switching to the new, extended 
> schema wview_extended 
> .
> On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 10:53:58 AM UTC-6 f4n...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Now that's really great, thanks for the config. Where or how exactly 
>> do i have to add the entrys in the schema file?
>> an oldman schrieb am Samstag, 26. Februar 2022 um 16:41:11 UTC+1:
>>> I have
>>> here is my sdr from weewx.conf
>>> extraTemp, batteryStatus, extraHumid1 - 8 are in the 
>>> wview_extended.py schema.
>>> I had to add to the schema extrawindSpeed, extrawindDir, 
>>> lightning_distance15, lightning_strike_count15 and extraTemp, 
>>> batteryStatus, extraHumid 9 - 16.
>>> Had a 3rd 5n1 but a hail storm took out 2 5n1s, had to combine them 
>>> to get 1 working 5n1.
>>> On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 2:51:21 AM UTC-6 f4n...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 Would it be possible to record data from two or more full sensor 
 arrays (including wind and rain) in one weewx instance? Or record the 

Re: [weewx-user] no rain data available

2022-03-01 Thread Tom Keffer
English is fine! Certainly better than my Dutch!

but as soon as life data is fetched in the main loop, only NULL's appears
> in the column rain, even if rain falls in the rain gauge.

Please show what is being printed out: don't summarize. The print out will
show things like rainTotal, which we need to know. Run weewxd directly from
the command line for a few LOOP packets, then post the results.

Let's also see what's in the database

*sqlite3 /var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb*
sqlite> *select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'),
rain from archive order by dateTime desc limit 20;*
sqlite> *select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'),
rain from archive where rain>0.0 order by dateTime desc limit 20;*
sqlite> *select dateTime, datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'),
sum, count, wsum, sumtime from archive_day_rain order by dateTime desc
limit 5;*
sqlite> *.quit*

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 6:37 AM jschoonh  wrote:

> sorry sorry Tom, the terminal file contains two times "wee_device--info"
> here's a new attempt with "wee_device--current". But not of the same time
> as the log
> Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> Using WS23xx driver version 0.41 (weewx.drivers.ws23xx)
> Querying the station for the configuration...
> buzzer: 0
> connection time till connect: 2.0
> connection type: 0
> dew point: 9.94
> dew point max: 26.84
> dew point max alarm: 20.0
> dew point max alarm active: 0
> dew point max alarm set: 0
> dew point max when: 1628161680.0
> dew point min: -29.28
> dew point min alarm: 0.0
> dew point min alarm active: 0
> dew point min alarm set: 0
> dew point min when: 1644035820.0
> forecast: 1
> history interval: 4.0
> history last record pointer: 79.0
> history last sample when: 1646144640.0
> history number of records: 175.0
> history time till sample: 1.0
> icon alarm active: 0
> in humidity: 56.0
> in humidity max: 73.0
> in humidity max alarm: 65.0
> in humidity max alarm active: 0
> in humidity max alarm set: 0
> in humidity max when: 1594721220.0
> in humidity min: 21.0
> in humidity min alarm: 35.0
> in humidity min alarm active: 0
> in humidity min alarm set: 0
> in humidity min when: 1579611060.0
> in temp: 22.9
> in temp max: 39.6
> in temp max alarm: 30.0
> in temp max alarm active: 0
> in temp max alarm set: 0
> in temp max when: 1638361620.0
> in temp min: 9.0
> in temp min alarm: 10.0
> in temp min alarm active: 0
> in temp min alarm set: 0
> in temp min when: 1642744920.0
> lcd backlight: 1
> lcd contrast (ro): 4.0
> out humidity: 84.0
> out humidity max: 94.0
> out humidity max alarm: 70.0
> out humidity max alarm active: 0
> out humidity max alarm set: 0
> out humidity max when: 1552337820.0
> out humidity min: 0.0
> out humidity min alarm: 45.0
> out humidity min alarm active: 0
> out humidity min alarm set: 0
> out humidity min when: 1643165520.0
> out temp: 12.6
> out temp max: 39.2
> out temp max alarm: 40.0
> out temp max alarm active: 0
> out temp max alarm set: 0
> out temp max when: 1626355980.0
> out temp min: -30.0
> out temp min alarm: 0.0
> out temp min alarm active: 0
> out temp min alarm set: 0
> out temp min when: 1645585080.0
> pressure absolute: 1006.8
> pressure absolute max: 1022.0
> pressure absolute min: 987.1
> pressure correction: 1009.0
> pressure max alarm: 1047.1
> pressure max alarm active: 0
> pressure max alarm set: 0
> pressure max when: 1611218220.0
> pressure min alarm: 967.1
> pressure min alarm active: 0
> pressure min alarm set: 0
> pressure min when: 1616489460.0
> pressure relative: 1015.8
> pressure relative max: 1031.0
> pressure relative min: 996.1
> rain 1h: 0.51
> rain 1h alarm active: 0
> rain 1h alarm set: 0
> rain 1h max: 29.0
> rain 1h max alarm: 1.0
> rain 1h max when: 1641848820.0
> rain 24h: 21.75
> rain 24h alarm active: 0
> rain 24h alarm set: 0
> rain 24h max: 120.69
> rain 24h max alarm: 50.0
> rain 24h max when: 1642885140.0
> rain total: 653.19
> rain total reset when: 1640986260.0
> station current date time: 1646144820.0
> station set date: -61470410152.0
> station set time: -62169928120.0
> station time alarm active: 0
> station time alarm set: 0
> storm warn alarm set: 0
> tendency: 2
> this computer's date: -61467818152.0
> this computer's date time: 1646144837.0
> this computer's time: -62169928115.0
> wind: (0.0, 112.5, 0, 0)
> wind chill: 12.6
> wind chill max: 39.2
> wind chill max alarm: 30.0
> wind chill max alarm active: 0
> wind chill max alarm set: 0
> wind chill max when: 1626355980.0
> wind chill min: -30.0
> wind chill min alarm: 10.0
> wind chill min alarm active: 0
> wind chill min alarm set: 0
> wind chill min when: 1645585080.0
> wind direction: 112.5
> wind direction 1: 112.5
> wind direction 2: 112.5
> wind direction 3: 112.5
> wind direction 4: 112.5
> wind direction 5: 67.5
> wind direction alarm active: 0
> wind direction alarm set: 0
> wind speed: 0.0
> wind speed max: 150.8
> wind speed max alarm: 0.0
> wind speed max alarm active: 0
> wind speed max 

[weewx-user] Re: How to get both lux and radiation values in the report?

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
I'm currently only using the standard Seasons skin. How do i find out which 
schema weewx uses? I never really changed this setting so what would be the 
standard weewx installation schema? I thought it was the extended one but 
as it seems i'm not getting any luminosity plots in the Seasons skin, just 
the current luminosity value

gjr80 schrieb am Montag, 28. Februar 2022 um 03:17:01 UTC+1:

> The short answer is yes, it is possible. However, what you need to do 
> depends. I assume you are using the SDR driver, if that is the case it 
> should be providing you with the 'light' reading in Lux mapped to whatever 
> WeeWX field you have specified in the sensor map (the usual mapping would 
> be to the 'luminosity' field in the WeeWX extended schema).  You can have 
> WeeWX derive/estimate the radiation field from this data by adding an entry 
> under [StdCalibrate] [[Corrections]] in weewx.conf, something like:
> [StdCalibrate]
> [[Corrections]]
> radiation = luminosity/126.7 if luminosity is not None else None
> should see WeeWX calculate WeeWX field radiation from the WeeWX field 
> luminosity and add it to any loop packet/archive records where luminosity 
> appears.
> What you do from here depends on your current skin arrangement and what 
> you wish to display. If your database is using the extended schema both 
> radiation and luminosity will be stored in your database allowing you to 
> use any radiation or luminosity tags in your reports as well as using 
> radiation or luminosity in plots. If you are using the legacy wview 
> schema then only radiation will be saved to database meaning only the 
> current luminosity value can be displayed, ie no luminosity stats or 
> plots. To display luminosity stats or plots you would need to add 
> luminosity to your schema or change to the extended schema. 
> You don't mention what skin your are using, if it is the WeeWX 4.6 or 
> later Seasons skin then radiation will be automatically displayed, but 
> you will need to edit the [DisplayOptions] settings in the Seasons skin 
> config file skin.conf and add luminosity. If you are using some other 
> skin or wish to display some other radiation or luminosity stats then you 
> would need to follow the skin authors suggestion or add the appropriate 
> tags to the skin you are using.
> Gary
> On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 18:26:30 UTC+10 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi, i have a WH65 sensor and receive the data with an sdr stick. The WH65 
>> sensor array sends its radiation readings in lux and is being converted 
>> back to w/m2 on the console, with the correction factor of /126.7, which 
>> gives an approximate value in w/m2, i guess this is the usual way to do in 
>> weewx too, so it can be compared with the ecowitt data.
>> But since this is only an approximation as stated here:
>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/Watts-and-lux
>> I wonder if it would be possible to get both values into the report, so 
>> the original lux value would also be visible. Is this somehow possible?

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Re: [weewx-user] no rain data available

2022-03-01 Thread jschoonh
sorry sorry Tom, the terminal file contains two times "wee_device--info" 
here's a new attempt with "wee_device--current". But not of the same time 
as the log

Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
Using WS23xx driver version 0.41 (weewx.drivers.ws23xx)
Querying the station for the configuration...
buzzer: 0
connection time till connect: 2.0
connection type: 0
dew point: 9.94
dew point max: 26.84
dew point max alarm: 20.0
dew point max alarm active: 0
dew point max alarm set: 0
dew point max when: 1628161680.0
dew point min: -29.28
dew point min alarm: 0.0
dew point min alarm active: 0
dew point min alarm set: 0
dew point min when: 1644035820.0
forecast: 1
history interval: 4.0
history last record pointer: 79.0
history last sample when: 1646144640.0
history number of records: 175.0
history time till sample: 1.0
icon alarm active: 0
in humidity: 56.0
in humidity max: 73.0
in humidity max alarm: 65.0
in humidity max alarm active: 0
in humidity max alarm set: 0
in humidity max when: 1594721220.0
in humidity min: 21.0
in humidity min alarm: 35.0
in humidity min alarm active: 0
in humidity min alarm set: 0
in humidity min when: 1579611060.0
in temp: 22.9
in temp max: 39.6
in temp max alarm: 30.0
in temp max alarm active: 0
in temp max alarm set: 0
in temp max when: 1638361620.0
in temp min: 9.0
in temp min alarm: 10.0
in temp min alarm active: 0
in temp min alarm set: 0
in temp min when: 1642744920.0
lcd backlight: 1
lcd contrast (ro): 4.0
out humidity: 84.0
out humidity max: 94.0
out humidity max alarm: 70.0
out humidity max alarm active: 0
out humidity max alarm set: 0
out humidity max when: 1552337820.0
out humidity min: 0.0
out humidity min alarm: 45.0
out humidity min alarm active: 0
out humidity min alarm set: 0
out humidity min when: 1643165520.0
out temp: 12.6
out temp max: 39.2
out temp max alarm: 40.0
out temp max alarm active: 0
out temp max alarm set: 0
out temp max when: 1626355980.0
out temp min: -30.0
out temp min alarm: 0.0
out temp min alarm active: 0
out temp min alarm set: 0
out temp min when: 1645585080.0
pressure absolute: 1006.8
pressure absolute max: 1022.0
pressure absolute min: 987.1
pressure correction: 1009.0
pressure max alarm: 1047.1
pressure max alarm active: 0
pressure max alarm set: 0
pressure max when: 1611218220.0
pressure min alarm: 967.1
pressure min alarm active: 0
pressure min alarm set: 0
pressure min when: 1616489460.0
pressure relative: 1015.8
pressure relative max: 1031.0
pressure relative min: 996.1
rain 1h: 0.51
rain 1h alarm active: 0
rain 1h alarm set: 0
rain 1h max: 29.0
rain 1h max alarm: 1.0
rain 1h max when: 1641848820.0
rain 24h: 21.75
rain 24h alarm active: 0
rain 24h alarm set: 0
rain 24h max: 120.69
rain 24h max alarm: 50.0
rain 24h max when: 1642885140.0
rain total: 653.19
rain total reset when: 1640986260.0
station current date time: 1646144820.0
station set date: -61470410152.0
station set time: -62169928120.0
station time alarm active: 0
station time alarm set: 0
storm warn alarm set: 0
tendency: 2
this computer's date: -61467818152.0
this computer's date time: 1646144837.0
this computer's time: -62169928115.0
wind: (0.0, 112.5, 0, 0)
wind chill: 12.6
wind chill max: 39.2
wind chill max alarm: 30.0
wind chill max alarm active: 0
wind chill max alarm set: 0
wind chill max when: 1626355980.0
wind chill min: -30.0
wind chill min alarm: 10.0
wind chill min alarm active: 0
wind chill min alarm set: 0
wind chill min when: 1645585080.0
wind direction: 112.5
wind direction 1: 112.5
wind direction 2: 112.5
wind direction 3: 112.5
wind direction 4: 112.5
wind direction 5: 67.5
wind direction alarm active: 0
wind direction alarm set: 0
wind speed: 0.0
wind speed max: 150.8
wind speed max alarm: 0.0
wind speed max alarm active: 0
wind speed max alarm set: 0
wind speed max when: 1637349900.0
wind speed min: 0.0
wind speed min alarm: 1.6
wind speed min alarm active: 0
wind speed min alarm set: 0
wind speed min when: 1646144820.0
wind speed overflow: 0
wind speed units: 3
wind speed validity: 0
wind velocity: (0.0, 112.5)

weewx@weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC:~$ sudo wee_device --current
Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
Using WS23xx driver version 0.41 (weewx.drivers.ws23xx)
Querying the station for current weather data...
{'usUnits': 16, 'dateTime': 1646144877, 'inTemp': 22.9, 'inHumidity': 56.0, 
'outTemp': 12.5, 'outHumidity': 84.0, 'pressure': 1006.8, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 
'windDir': 67.5, 'windGust': None, 'windGustDir': None, 'rainTotal': 
65.319, 'rain': None, 'rainRate': 0.051004, 'dewpoint': 9.85, 
'windchill': 12.5}

Op dinsdag 1 maart 2022 om 16:03:23 UTC+3 schreef jschoonh:

>  This is going to be a long post, sorry about that, my english isn't 
> perfect either.
> When I connected my station this afternoon to weewx again and started it 
> up, I immediately noticed that the historical data that was retrieved from 
> my station ws2357 seems to be good. In weewx.sdb in the column rain each 
> interval has a 0 or values 0.518 

Re: [weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread Tom Keffer
WeeWX can use either version of Python. You just have to make sure the
requisite dependencies are installed for both.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 4:49 AM f4n...@gmail.com  wrote:

> can this be done separately for multiple weewx instances? so, could i
> start one instance with python3 and the other with python2? Would I have to
> add the conf path?
> tke...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:50:19 UTC+1:
>> I usually specify the python version explicitly, rather than rely on the 
>> "hash
>> bang " in the
>> application's file.
>> *python3 /usr/share/weewxd*
>> rather than
>> */usr/share/weewxd*
>> or
>> *weewxd*
>> That way, you know exactly what you're getting.
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 3:40 AM f4n...@gmail.com  wrote:
>>> That was it (the #FTP.last), thanks a lot for your fast help!
>>> How can I tell it to use a certain python version? Just in case if that
>>> would be the case
>>> tke...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:22:18 UTC+1:
 NB: the program wee_reports will run *all* reports in weewx.conf,
 including FTP. That means the files it generates will get uploaded. That
 may not be what you want.

 In any case, the file *#FTP.last *holds information about the last
 upload of each file. This is used to minimize the amount of FTP traffic.

 I'm just guessing, but it's possible that you're using a different
 version of Python for weewxd than wee_report. The Python 2 protocol may be
 incompatible with the Python 3 protocol.

 Try deleting the file. You'll find it in /var/www/html. It will be
 regenerated again. And, make sure you're using the same version of Python
 for both programs.


 On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 3:13 AM f4n...@gmail.com 

> Since i used it, i get following error even when i restart weewx:
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] INFO
> weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files to /var/www/html/weewx_sdr
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: Caught unrecoverable exception in generator
> 'weewx.reportengine.FtpGenerator'
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   unsupported pickle protocol: 3
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   Traceback (most recent call last):
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 197, in run
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   obj.start()
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 378, in start
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   self.run()
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 429, in run
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   n = ftp_data.run()
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 100, in run
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   timestamp, fileset, hashdict =
> self.get_last_upload()
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 241, in get_last_upload
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   timestamp = cPickle.load(f)
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   ValueError: unsupported pickle 
> protocol: 3
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   Generator terminated
> And the files on the FTP are getting no longer refreshed, only if i
> let run wee_report manually. What happened?
> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:03:27 UTC+1:
>> Now i get it, thanks
>> kk44...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:17:45
>> UTC+1:
>>> That command line, Tom gave, creates all the other plots, too.
>>> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:12:38
>>> UTC+1:
 Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or
 just daily?

Re: [weewx-user] Clean your rain gauges

2022-03-01 Thread 'Cameron D' via weewx-user
Funnily enough that just happened to me, but I lost a bit more than you.

The original filter went missing at some stage, so I also used the cut-off 
stainless steel tea-strainer.  That also went missing, so I suspect some 
thieving bird. The next one will be glued in.

A bit over a week ago I noticed the measured output fading away and decided 
I would inspect it as soon as the rain stopped. That was yesterday - and it 
had 3 seeds almost exactly spherical and just the right size to jam in the 
hole. I blame birds for that also, because there is no nearby tree from 
which they could have fallen, short of being in a cyclone.

The collector was full, and registered  a bit over 100 mm as it drained, 
which means I lost over 500mm of rainfall. Yes, last week gave us more than 
our entire rainfall for 2019.
On Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 11:58:53 am UTC+10 graha...@gmail.com wrote:

> please send some of it to here in *south*east australia, vegetation is 
> crispy
> > On 1 Mar 2022, at 6:54 am, Tim Tuck  wrote:
> > 
> > LOL - you can have some of ours - we have too much now, the flooding is 
> getting ridiculous!
> > 
> > Tim on the East Coast of Australia.
> > 
> > 
> > On 1/3/22 06:35, p q wrote:
> >> sigh. I remember rain.
> >> 
> >> Greetings from California
> >> 
> > 
> > -- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "weewx-user" group.
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
> an email to weewx-user+...@googlegroups.com.
> > To view this discussion on the web visit 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/7fe22c31-825b-b320-2332-68db5c6be356%40skybase.net
> .

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

Re: [weewx-user] no rain data available

2022-03-01 Thread jschoonh

 This is going to be a long post, sorry about that, my english isn't 
perfect either.

When I connected my station this afternoon to weewx again and started it 
up, I immediately noticed that the historical data that was retrieved from 
my station ws2357 seems to be good. In weewx.sdb in the column rain each 
interval has a 0 or values 0.518 as expected.
but as soon as life data is fetched in the main loop, only NULL's appears 
in the column rain, even if rain falls in the rain gauge.

After debug = 1 I started weewx at 15:03:59. After the first loop 15:05, I 
dripped some water in the rain gauge (about 1 mm of rain).

I then waited 2 more loops until I stopped weewx 15:15 ++.

After that i run "wee_device--inf" and "wee_device--current".

I hope you see something that helps me out, I only see that I have a secure 
ftp problem. I have disabled uploading to the various weather sites for now.

P.S. I did not checked it in de tails but I do mis windGust to, it only 
shows in historical data retrieved from Wunderground not from my station. 
Is it posible to calculate that?

Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19818]:  * Starting weewx 
weather system weewx
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19843] INFO __main__: 
Initializing weewx version 4.6.2
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19843] INFO __main__: 
Using Python 3.8.10 (default, Nov 26 2021, 20:14:08) #012[GCC 9.3.0]
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19843] INFO __main__: 
Platform Linux-5.4.0-100-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.29
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19843] INFO __main__: 
Locale is 
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19843] INFO __main__: 
Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19843] INFO __main__: 
Debug is 1
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19843] INFO __main__: PID 
file is /var/run/weewx.pid
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG __main__: 
Initializing engine
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] INFO weewx.engine: 
Loading station type WS23xx (weewx.drivers.ws23xx)
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19818]:...done.
Mar  1 15:03:59 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC systemd[1]: Started LSB: weewx 
weather system.
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] INFO 
weewx.drivers.ws23xx: driver version is 0.41
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] INFO 
weewx.drivers.ws23xx: serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] INFO 
weewx.drivers.ws23xx: polling interval is None
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG 
weewx.drivers.ws23xx: create LinuxSerialPort
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG 
weewx.drivers.ws23xx: create Ws2300
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Loading service weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Loading service weewx.engine.StdConvert
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] INFO weewx.engine: 
StdConvert target unit is 0x10
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdConvert
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Loading service weewx.engine.StdCalibrate
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdCalibrate
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Loading service weewx.engine.StdQC
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdQC
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Loading service weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] INFO 
weewx.wxservices: StdWXCalculate will use data binding wx_binding
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG 
weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Finished loading service weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] DEBUG weewx.engine: 
Loading service user.csv.CSV
Mar  1 15:04:00 weewx-HP-t620-Dual-Core-TC weewx[19846] INFO user.csv: 
service version is 0.11
Mar  1 15:04:00 

Re: [weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
can this be done separately for multiple weewx instances? so, could i start 
one instance with python3 and the other with python2? Would I have to add 
the conf path?

tke...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:50:19 UTC+1:

> I usually specify the python version explicitly, rather than rely on the 
> "hash 
> bang " in the application's 
> file.
> *python3 /usr/share/weewxd*
> rather than
> */usr/share/weewxd*
> or
> *weewxd*
> That way, you know exactly what you're getting.
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 3:40 AM f4n...@gmail.com  wrote:
>> That was it (the #FTP.last), thanks a lot for your fast help!
>> How can I tell it to use a certain python version? Just in case if that 
>> would be the case
>> tke...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:22:18 UTC+1:
>>> NB: the program wee_reports will run *all* reports in weewx.conf, 
>>> including FTP. That means the files it generates will get uploaded. That 
>>> may not be what you want.
>>> In any case, the file *#FTP.last *holds information about the last 
>>> upload of each file. This is used to minimize the amount of FTP traffic.
>>> I'm just guessing, but it's possible that you're using a different 
>>> version of Python for weewxd than wee_report. The Python 2 protocol may be 
>>> incompatible with the Python 3 protocol.
>>> Try deleting the file. You'll find it in /var/www/html. It will be 
>>> regenerated again. And, make sure you're using the same version of Python 
>>> for both programs.
>>> -tk
>>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 3:13 AM f4n...@gmail.com  
>>> wrote:
 Since i used it, i get following error even when i restart weewx:

 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] INFO 
 weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files to /var/www/html/weewx_sdr
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine: Caught unrecoverable exception in generator 
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   unsupported pickle protocol: 3
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   Traceback (most recent call last):
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine: File 
 "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 197, in run
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   obj.start()
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine: File 
 "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 378, in start
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   self.run()
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine: File 
 "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 429, in run
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   n = ftp_data.run()
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine: File 
 "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 100, in run
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   timestamp, fileset, hashdict = 
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine: File 
 "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 241, in get_last_upload
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   timestamp = cPickle.load(f)
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 
 Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
 weewx.reportengine:   Generator terminated

 And the files on the FTP are getting no longer refreshed, only if i let 
 run wee_report manually. What happened?

 f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:03:27 UTC+1:

> Now i get it, thanks
> kk44...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:17:45 UTC+1:
>> That command line, Tom gave, creates all the other plots, too.
>> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:12:38 UTC+1:
>>> Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or just 
>>> daily?
>>> morr...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 00:30:08 
>>> UTC+1:
 Also, we had a flurry of activity discussing this in the week after 
 the event. I started and had help from the community in developing a 

[weewx-user] Re: Multiple full sensor data with one SDR-Stick

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
That's good to know, so I have to repeat these steps after a weewx update?

I have it now running with the additional 
sensors: http://meteo.fankyy.ch/WsDi1c_sdr/
Not sure if the rain graph will only appear after it begins with rain 

I used soilMoist 1-3 for Wind, Gust and Direction, but it put all in one 
graph, with the highest number 360 for wind direction, the speed is barely 
visible. So i use soiltemp4 for the wind direction now and hope, the 
back-to-normal named soilMoist3 will go out of the daily graph after 24h? 
Is there an easy way to delete it out of the database, without having to 
examine/stopping the database for a long time?

I couldn't find where tho do this step:
then to display wind speed you would use $current.soilMoist1 in a template
and for wind dir $current.soilMoist2 and/or 
in the seasons skin
an oldman schrieb am Sonntag, 27. Februar 2022 um 09:11:24 UTC+1:

> there are other units.  just look at the schema file to see what there is.
> if your station sends wind gust you could one that's not in use.
> acurite 5n1 do not send wind gust just wind speed and dir.  to get the 
> extra wind stuff i have to hack weewx files for every weewx update.
> On Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 1:33:17 AM UTC-6 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:
>> That would be a good and much simpler solution if it works, will 
>> definitely try this. Is there some unit remaining which i could use for 
>> wind_gust?
>> Thanks a lot!
>> an oldman schrieb am Samstag, 26. Februar 2022 um 23:47:49 UTC+1:
>>> you could try something like in this if
>>> soilMoist1, soilMoist2, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, windBatteryStatus and 
>>> hail are unsed
>>> in weewx.conf
>>> [SDR]
>>> [[sensor_map]]
>>> soilMoist1 = wind_speed.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>>> soilMoist2 = wind_dir.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>>> extraTemp1 = temperature.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>>> extraHumid1 = humidity.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>>> windBatteryStatus = battery.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>>> hail_total = rain_total.1276.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>>> [[deltas]]
>>> hail = hail_total
>>> [Accumulator]
>>> [[hail]]
>>> extractor = sum
>>> and in extensions.py
>>> import weewx.units
>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist1'] = 'group_speed'
>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist2'] = 'group_direction'
>>> then to display wind speed you would use $current.soilMoist1 in a 
>>> template
>>> and for wind dir $current.soilMoist2 and/or 
>>> $current.soilMoist2.ordinal_compass
>>> not shure where to change the labels at but i think in 4.6.2 it is in 
>>> the lang files
>>> say in en.conf
>>> [Labels]
>>> [[Generic]]
>>> soilMoist1 = Wind Speed (5n1)
>>> soilMoist2 = Wind Direction (5n1)
>>> windBatteryStatus = Battery (5n1)
>>> hail = Rain (5n1)
>>> $obs.label.soilMoist1 should show Wind Speed (5n1) and so on.
>>> On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 11:27:03 AM UTC-6 an oldman wrote:
 that config won't work with your set up, had to add a lot to the sdr 
 driver for sensors, make some extension, add to the schema and 
 user/extensions.py file and change some weewx core files.
 look in the wiki under data management Switching to the new, extended 
 schema wview_extended 

 On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 10:53:58 AM UTC-6 f4n...@gmail.com 

> Now that's really great, thanks for the config. Where or how exactly 
> do i have to add the entrys in the schema file?
> an oldman schrieb am Samstag, 26. Februar 2022 um 16:41:11 UTC+1:
>> I have
>> here is my sdr from weewx.conf
>> extraTemp, batteryStatus, extraHumid1 - 8 are in the 
>> wview_extended.py schema.
>> I had to add to the schema extrawindSpeed, extrawindDir, 
>> lightning_distance15, lightning_strike_count15 and extraTemp, 
>> batteryStatus, extraHumid 9 - 16.
>> Had a 3rd 5n1 but a hail storm took out 2 5n1s, had to combine them 
>> to get 1 working 5n1.
>> On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 2:51:21 AM UTC-6 f4n...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Would it be possible to record data from two or more full sensor 
>>> arrays (including wind and rain) in one weewx instance? Or record the 
>>> data 
>>> in multiple weewx instances with only one SDR-stick? 
>>> I know multiple SDR sticks to multiple weewx instances is possible, 
>>> but how could it be done with just one stick? 
>>> I already achieved to get the temperature from a second sensor with 
>>> the extraTempSensor value in the sensor map, but i guess this wouldn't 
>>> work 
>>> for wind and rain? It seems like it would need basically only an 
>>> adaption 
>>> to the schema and database, but to edit these 

Re: [weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread Tom Keffer
I usually specify the python version explicitly, rather than rely on the "hash
bang " in the application's

*python3 /usr/share/weewxd*

rather than




That way, you know exactly what you're getting.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 3:40 AM f4n...@gmail.com  wrote:

> That was it (the #FTP.last), thanks a lot for your fast help!
> How can I tell it to use a certain python version? Just in case if that
> would be the case
> tke...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:22:18 UTC+1:
>> NB: the program wee_reports will run *all* reports in weewx.conf,
>> including FTP. That means the files it generates will get uploaded. That
>> may not be what you want.
>> In any case, the file *#FTP.last *holds information about the last
>> upload of each file. This is used to minimize the amount of FTP traffic.
>> I'm just guessing, but it's possible that you're using a different
>> version of Python for weewxd than wee_report. The Python 2 protocol may be
>> incompatible with the Python 3 protocol.
>> Try deleting the file. You'll find it in /var/www/html. It will be
>> regenerated again. And, make sure you're using the same version of Python
>> for both programs.
>> -tk
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 3:13 AM f4n...@gmail.com  wrote:
>>> Since i used it, i get following error even when i restart weewx:
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] INFO
>>> weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files to /var/www/html/weewx_sdr
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine: Caught unrecoverable exception in generator
>>> 'weewx.reportengine.FtpGenerator'
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   unsupported pickle protocol: 3
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine: File
>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 197, in run
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   obj.start()
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine: File
>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 378, in start
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   self.run()
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine: File
>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 429, in run
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   n = ftp_data.run()
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine: File
>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 100, in run
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   timestamp, fileset, hashdict =
>>> self.get_last_upload()
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine: File
>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 241, in get_last_upload
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   timestamp = cPickle.load(f)
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3
>>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
>>> weewx.reportengine:   Generator terminated
>>> And the files on the FTP are getting no longer refreshed, only if i let
>>> run wee_report manually. What happened?
>>> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:03:27 UTC+1:
 Now i get it, thanks

 kk44...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:17:45 UTC+1:

> That command line, Tom gave, creates all the other plots, too.
> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:12:38 UTC+1:
>> Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or just
>> daily?
>> morr...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 00:30:08
>> UTC+1:
>>> Also, we had a flurry of activity discussing this in the week after
>>> the event. I started and had help from the community in developing a 
>>> script
>>> specific to the eruption.
>>> https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/kw6i-VZibc4/m/HB4K5dNmBwAJ
>>> Script is here: https://github.com/morrowwm/weewx_tonga_browse
>>> P.S. Tom at al, please let me know if this sort of response is
>>> inappropriate here.
>>> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 6:03:45 p.m. UTC-4
>>> kede...@gmail.com wrote:

Re: [weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
That was it (the #FTP.last), thanks a lot for your fast help!

How can I tell it to use a certain python version? Just in case if that 
would be the case

tke...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:22:18 UTC+1:

> NB: the program wee_reports will run *all* reports in weewx.conf, 
> including FTP. That means the files it generates will get uploaded. That 
> may not be what you want.
> In any case, the file *#FTP.last *holds information about the last upload 
> of each file. This is used to minimize the amount of FTP traffic.
> I'm just guessing, but it's possible that you're using a different version 
> of Python for weewxd than wee_report. The Python 2 protocol may be 
> incompatible with the Python 3 protocol.
> Try deleting the file. You'll find it in /var/www/html. It will be 
> regenerated again. And, make sure you're using the same version of Python 
> for both programs.
> -tk
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 3:13 AM f4n...@gmail.com  wrote:
>> Since i used it, i get following error even when i restart weewx:
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] INFO 
>> weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files to /var/www/html/weewx_sdr
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine: Caught unrecoverable exception in generator 
>> 'weewx.reportengine.FtpGenerator'
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   unsupported pickle protocol: 3
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   Traceback (most recent call last):
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine: File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 197, in run
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   obj.start()
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine: File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 378, in start
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   self.run()
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine: File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 429, in run
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   n = ftp_data.run()
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine: File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 100, in run
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   timestamp, fileset, hashdict = 
>> self.get_last_upload()
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine: File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 241, in get_last_upload
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   timestamp = cPickle.load(f)
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3
>> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
>> weewx.reportengine:   Generator terminated
>> And the files on the FTP are getting no longer refreshed, only if i let 
>> run wee_report manually. What happened?
>> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:03:27 UTC+1:
>>> Now i get it, thanks
>>> kk44...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:17:45 UTC+1:
 That command line, Tom gave, creates all the other plots, too.

 f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:12:38 UTC+1:

> Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or just 
> daily?
> morr...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 00:30:08 UTC+1:
>> Also, we had a flurry of activity discussing this in the week after 
>> the event. I started and had help from the community in developing a 
>> script 
>> specific to the eruption.
>> https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/kw6i-VZibc4/m/HB4K5dNmBwAJ
>> Script is here: https://github.com/morrowwm/weewx_tonga_browse
>> P.S. Tom at al, please let me know if this sort of response is 
>> inappropriate here.
>> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 6:03:45 p.m. UTC-4 
>> kede...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> perhaps there is already a solution here for my problem but 
>>> searching with keywords doesn't give me any results.
>>> Using WeeWX since several years I am able to have diagrams of the 
>>> last day(s), last week, last month and the last year. 
>>> But if I want to look at a special date in past for specified period 
>>> of time I have no tool to zooming those data 

Re: [weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread Tom Keffer
NB: the program wee_reports will run *all* reports in weewx.conf, including
FTP. That means the files it generates will get uploaded. That may not be
what you want.

In any case, the file *#FTP.last *holds information about the last upload
of each file. This is used to minimize the amount of FTP traffic.

I'm just guessing, but it's possible that you're using a different version
of Python for weewxd than wee_report. The Python 2 protocol may be
incompatible with the Python 3 protocol.

Try deleting the file. You'll find it in /var/www/html. It will be
regenerated again. And, make sure you're using the same version of Python
for both programs.


On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 3:13 AM f4n...@gmail.com  wrote:

> Since i used it, i get following error even when i restart weewx:
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] INFO
> weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files to /var/www/html/weewx_sdr
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: Caught unrecoverable exception in generator
> 'weewx.reportengine.FtpGenerator'
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   unsupported pickle protocol: 3
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   Traceback (most recent call last):
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 197, in run
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   obj.start()
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 378, in start
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   self.run()
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 429, in run
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   n = ftp_data.run()
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 100, in run
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   timestamp, fileset, hashdict =
> self.get_last_upload()
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine: File
> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 241, in get_last_upload
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   timestamp = cPickle.load(f)
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3
> Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR
> weewx.reportengine:   Generator terminated
> And the files on the FTP are getting no longer refreshed, only if i let
> run wee_report manually. What happened?
> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:03:27 UTC+1:
>> Now i get it, thanks
>> kk44...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:17:45 UTC+1:
>>> That command line, Tom gave, creates all the other plots, too.
>>> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:12:38 UTC+1:
 Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or just

 morr...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 00:30:08 UTC+1:

> Also, we had a flurry of activity discussing this in the week after
> the event. I started and had help from the community in developing a 
> script
> specific to the eruption.
> https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/kw6i-VZibc4/m/HB4K5dNmBwAJ
> Script is here: https://github.com/morrowwm/weewx_tonga_browse
> P.S. Tom at al, please let me know if this sort of response is
> inappropriate here.
> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 6:03:45 p.m. UTC-4 kede...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> perhaps there is already a solution here for my problem but searching
>> with keywords doesn't give me any results.
>> Using WeeWX since several years I am able to have diagrams of the
>> last day(s), last week, last month and the last year.
>> But if I want to look at a special date in past for specified period
>> of time I have no tool to zooming those data out of my local database and
>> visualize them.
>> For example in January the vulcano Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai had an
>> eruption that sends a pressure wave around the world witch was detected 
>> by
>> all weatherstations. But I have no chance to focuse on that event.
>> Storing weatherdata for several years in a database on a SD-Card may

[weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
Since i used it, i get following error even when i restart weewx:

Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] INFO weewx.reportengine: 
Copied 0 files to /var/www/html/weewx_sdr
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: Caught unrecoverable exception in generator 
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   unsupported pickle protocol: 3
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   Traceback (most recent call last):
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 197, in run
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   obj.start()
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 378, in start
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   self.run()
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 429, in run
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   n = ftp_data.run()
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 100, in run
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   timestamp, fileset, hashdict = 
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 241, in get_last_upload
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   timestamp = cPickle.load(f)
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3
Mar  1 12:11:37 raspi-wsdi1b weewx-weewx-sdr[8548] ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   Generator terminated

And the files on the FTP are getting no longer refreshed, only if i let run 
wee_report manually. What happened?

f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 12:03:27 UTC+1:

> Now i get it, thanks
> kk44...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:17:45 UTC+1:
>> That command line, Tom gave, creates all the other plots, too.
>> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:12:38 UTC+1:
>>> Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or just 
>>> daily?
>>> morr...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 00:30:08 UTC+1:
 Also, we had a flurry of activity discussing this in the week after the 
 event. I started and had help from the community in developing a script 
 specific to the eruption.


 Script is here: https://github.com/morrowwm/weewx_tonga_browse

 P.S. Tom at al, please let me know if this sort of response is 
 inappropriate here.
 On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 6:03:45 p.m. UTC-4 kede...@gmail.com 

> Hello,
> perhaps there is already a solution here for my problem but searching 
> with keywords doesn't give me any results.
> Using WeeWX since several years I am able to have diagrams of the last 
> day(s), last week, last month and the last year. 
> But if I want to look at a special date in past for specified period 
> of time I have no tool to zooming those data out of my local database and 
> visualize them.
> For example in January the vulcano Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai had an 
> eruption that sends a pressure wave around the world witch was detected 
> by 
> all weatherstations. But I have no chance to focuse on that event.
> Storing weatherdata for several years in a database on a SD-Card may 
> not be necessary if I am not flexibel in data requests.
> Any idea?
> Kind regards
> Klaus

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
Now i get it, thanks

kk44...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:17:45 UTC+1:

> That command line, Tom gave, creates all the other plots, too.
> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:12:38 UTC+1:
>> Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or just 
>> daily?
>> morr...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 00:30:08 UTC+1:
>>> Also, we had a flurry of activity discussing this in the week after the 
>>> event. I started and had help from the community in developing a script 
>>> specific to the eruption.
>>> https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/kw6i-VZibc4/m/HB4K5dNmBwAJ
>>> Script is here: https://github.com/morrowwm/weewx_tonga_browse
>>> P.S. Tom at al, please let me know if this sort of response is 
>>> inappropriate here.
>>> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 6:03:45 p.m. UTC-4 kede...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:

 perhaps there is already a solution here for my problem but searching 
 with keywords doesn't give me any results.

 Using WeeWX since several years I am able to have diagrams of the last 
 day(s), last week, last month and the last year. 

 But if I want to look at a special date in past for specified period of 
 time I have no tool to zooming those data out of my local database and 
 visualize them.

 For example in January the vulcano Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai had an 
 eruption that sends a pressure wave around the world witch was detected by 
 all weatherstations. But I have no chance to focuse on that event.

 Storing weatherdata for several years in a database on a SD-Card may 
 not be necessary if I am not flexibel in data requests.

 Any idea?

 Kind regards


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: [weewx-user] wh23xx driver and weewx 4.6.2

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
I tried to install it several times, and i have the wh23xx.py in 
but not sure if i copied it there by myself, as i couldn't see it after 
installation. But i have install.py for sure in the installer directory in 
the wh23xx directory

Still, after *wee_config -- reconfigure /etc/weewx/weewx.conf* i just get: 

*Installed drivers include:  0) Interceptor (user.interceptor)  
1) SDR (user.sdr)  2) AcuRite 
(weewx.drivers.acurite) 3) CC3000  (weewx.drivers.cc3000)  
4) FineOffsetUSB   (weewx.drivers.fousb)   5) Simulator   
(weewx.drivers.simulator)   6) TE923   (weewx.drivers.te923)   
7) Ultimeter   (weewx.drivers.ultimeter)   8) Vantage 
(weewx.drivers.vantage) 9) WMR100  (weewx.drivers.wmr100)   
  10) WMR300  (weewx.drivers.wmr300) 11) WMR9x8 
 (weewx.drivers.wmr9x8) 12) WS1 (weewx.drivers.ws1)   
 13) WS23xx  (weewx.drivers.ws23xx) 14) WS28xx 

(I named my instances *weewx-sdr*, *weewx-interceptor* and the 3rd instance 
for the local usb stations i just wanted to leave named *weewx *so 

Regarding python versions, this is the output i get:
root@raspi-wsdi1b:/# python --version
Python 2.7.16
root@raspi-wsdi1b:/# python3 --version
Python 3.7.3
root@raspi-wsdi1b:/# ps aux | grep weewx
root   696  8.5  3.6  72104 34164 ?Sl   Feb27 287:07 python 
/usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --log-label weewx-weewx-sdr 
--pidfile=/var/run/weewx-weewx-sdr.pid /etc/weewx/weewx-sdr.conf
root  7766  9.5  3.6  62912 34240 ?Sl   11:05   2:26 python 
/usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --log-label weewx-weewx-interceptor 
root  8088  0.0  0.0   7360   524 pts/6S+   11:30   0:00 grep weewx

Shouldn't there be python2 or python3 before the weewx path? Or does this 
mean it's running on python 1?
gjr80 schrieb am Sonntag, 27. Februar 2022 um 10:30:19 UTC+1:

> Regards the WH23xx driver, have you actually installed the WH23xx driver? 
> Is the file wh23xx.py in the /home/weewx/user directory? If not you need 
> to install the driver, if the file exists then something else is amiss. I 
> note the wh23xx driver has not yet been ported to python 3, if the driver 
> is installed what version of python are you running WeeWX under?
> Gary
> On Sunday, 27 February 2022 at 17:18:39 UTC+10 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Just to clarify what i'm trying to do:
>> Reading out a WH65 -> 2 weewx instances (SDR, Interceptor)* -> this works 
>> so far 
>> Reading out a WH2310 -> 3rd weewx instance (wh23xx driver) -> doesn't 
>> show up in driver menu if i do wee_config -reconfigure weewx-3.conf
>> Hope this is possible without using multiple devices. Do i have to run 
>> the 3rd weewx instance in docker or which ways to achieve this are possible?
>> * [SDR for redundancy because of possible network downtimes with the 
>> Interceptor solution when the wifi/router is down, loss of power or 
>> rebooting]
>> f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Samstag, 26. Februar 2022 um 17:55:42 UTC+1:
>>> But could it work with weewx-multi? 
>>> tke...@gmail.com schrieb am Samstag, 26. Februar 2022 um 17:04:56 UTC+1:
 Unfortunately, WeeWX can only use one driver at a time. The price we 
 pay for avoiding a complex, asynchronous engine.

 On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 6:32 AM f4n...@gmail.com  

> Is anyone using the wh23xx driver (
> https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-wh23xx) on weewx 4.6.2? I can't 
> choose the driver after installation. Or is only one user driver per 
> installation possible?
> Thanks for any help or idea
> -- 
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/92917d38-d7ff-457c-868d-1a99da2c30aan%40googlegroups.com
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[weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread Karen K
That command line, Tom gave, creates all the other plots, too.

f4n...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 11:12:38 UTC+1:

> Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or just daily?
> morr...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 00:30:08 UTC+1:
>> Also, we had a flurry of activity discussing this in the week after the 
>> event. I started and had help from the community in developing a script 
>> specific to the eruption.
>> https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/kw6i-VZibc4/m/HB4K5dNmBwAJ
>> Script is here: https://github.com/morrowwm/weewx_tonga_browse
>> P.S. Tom at al, please let me know if this sort of response is 
>> inappropriate here.
>> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 6:03:45 p.m. UTC-4 kede...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> perhaps there is already a solution here for my problem but searching 
>>> with keywords doesn't give me any results.
>>> Using WeeWX since several years I am able to have diagrams of the last 
>>> day(s), last week, last month and the last year. 
>>> But if I want to look at a special date in past for specified period of 
>>> time I have no tool to zooming those data out of my local database and 
>>> visualize them.
>>> For example in January the vulcano Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai had an 
>>> eruption that sends a pressure wave around the world witch was detected by 
>>> all weatherstations. But I have no chance to focuse on that event.
>>> Storing weatherdata for several years in a database on a SD-Card may not 
>>> be necessary if I am not flexibel in data requests.
>>> Any idea?
>>> Kind regards
>>> Klaus

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[weewx-user] Re: visualize past and zoomed weather data out of db

2022-03-01 Thread f4n...@gmail.com
Are there also yearly graph reports from past years possible or just daily?

morr...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 00:30:08 UTC+1:

> Also, we had a flurry of activity discussing this in the week after the 
> event. I started and had help from the community in developing a script 
> specific to the eruption.
> https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/kw6i-VZibc4/m/HB4K5dNmBwAJ
> Script is here: https://github.com/morrowwm/weewx_tonga_browse
> P.S. Tom at al, please let me know if this sort of response is 
> inappropriate here.
> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 6:03:45 p.m. UTC-4 kede...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> perhaps there is already a solution here for my problem but searching 
>> with keywords doesn't give me any results.
>> Using WeeWX since several years I am able to have diagrams of the last 
>> day(s), last week, last month and the last year. 
>> But if I want to look at a special date in past for specified period of 
>> time I have no tool to zooming those data out of my local database and 
>> visualize them.
>> For example in January the vulcano Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai had an 
>> eruption that sends a pressure wave around the world witch was detected by 
>> all weatherstations. But I have no chance to focuse on that event.
>> Storing weatherdata for several years in a database on a SD-Card may not 
>> be necessary if I am not flexibel in data requests.
>> Any idea?
>> Kind regards
>> Klaus

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to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Problem with Vantage Vue

2022-03-01 Thread geo...@gmail.com
 I have now successfully connected my Vantage Vue to weewx using Meteostick 
and fileparse. The csv import also works perfectly. Unfortunately I forgot 
the assignment for barometers in the field-maps in the csv.conf, so they 
are missing now. Can I start the import again just with the missing value? 
For example, this is the year 2021 with almost 100.000 data records. I use 
weewx 4.6.2 on the Raspberry, Database is MySQL.

geo...@gmail.com schrieb am Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2022 um 10:30:53 UTC+1:

> Small update: Retrieving weather data via ethernet and port 2 should 
> only work if the Vantage weather station is connected to Meteobridge via 
> USB data logger. My Vantage Vue is connected via Meteostick.
> geo...@gmail.com schrieb am Montag, 21. Februar 2022 um 21:42:07 UTC+1:
>> Sorry, that's right. I reinstalled both the Raspi OS and weewx. Simulator 
>> works, when selecting Vantage, unfortunately the error message remains as 
>> in the first post, Connection refused. BTW, the other computer is 
>> Meteobridge. I'll ask around on the Meteobridge forum.
>> tke...@gmail.com schrieb am Montag, 21. Februar 2022 um 18:58:00 UTC+1:
>>> All of those log entries were put there by other services. There is 
>>> nothing in the log that indicates that weewxd is even running.
>>> On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 8:09 AM geo...@gmail.com  
>>> wrote:
 IP is correct. After stop, start or restart showed no change, I 
 restarted the Raspberry. Now this is in the log and apparently stops 
 at Finished Clean php session files:

 pi@weewx:~ $ sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
 Feb 21 15:25:46 weewx systemd[856]: Startup finished in 1.866s.
 Feb 21 15:25:46 weewx systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 1000.
 Feb 21 15:25:46 weewx systemd[1]: Started Session 1 of user pi.
 Feb 21 15:39:02 weewx CRON[1587]: (root) CMD (  [ -x 
 /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then 
 /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi)
 Feb 21 15:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: Starting Clean php session files...
 Feb 21 15:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary 
 Feb 21 15:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service: 
 Feb 21 15:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: Finished Cleanup of Temporary 
 Feb 21 15:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Succeeded.
 Feb 21 15:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: Finished Clean php session files.
 Feb 21 16:09:01 weewx CRON[2515]: (root) CMD (  [ -x 
 /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then 
 /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi)
 Feb 21 16:09:05 weewx systemd[1]: Starting Clean php session files...
 Feb 21 16:09:05 weewx systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Succeeded.
 Feb 21 16:09:05 weewx systemd[1]: Finished Clean php session files.
 Feb 21 16:17:01 weewx CRON[2806]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts 
 --report /etc/cron.hourly)
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: bits received from HRNG source: 
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: bits sent to kernel pool: 33824
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: entropy added to kernel pool: 
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: FIPS 140-2 successes: 4
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: FIPS 140-2 failures: 0
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Monobit: 
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Poker: 0
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Runs: 0
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Long 
 run: 0
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) 
 Continuous run: 0
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: HRNG source speed: 
 (min=748.295; avg=753.644; max=761.423)Kibits/s
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: FIPS tests speed: (min=16.909; 
 avg=20.704; max=22.492)Mibits/s
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: Lowest ready-buffers level: 2
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: Entropy starvations: 0
 Feb 21 16:24:19 weewx rngd[378]: stats: Time spent starving for 
 entropy: (min=0; avg=0.000; max=0)us
 Feb 21 16:39:01 weewx CRON[3443]: (root) CMD (  [ -x 
 /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then 
 /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi)
 Feb 21 16:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: Starting Clean php session files...
 Feb 21 16:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Succeeded.
 Feb 21 16:39:05 weewx systemd[1]: Finished Clean php session files.

 I used the weewx version 4.6.2 on a Raspberry 2.
 vince schrieb am Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022 um 23:12:29 UTC+1:

> Connection refused is the other computer isn't listening and accepting 
> traffic on that port.
> Check you have the right ip address set in your weewx.conf file

[weewx-user] Re: import csv file from weatherlink davis to weewx

2022-03-01 Thread Artvd

@Gary Thanks for your reaction

With degree_compass  i get:  KeyError: 'percent' 
I think this is because the data provided by Davis gives the winddirection 
in directions of a windrose (N, S, etc). But i do not find the unit name 
for these direction which weewx accepts.

Op dinsdag 1 maart 2022 om 03:42:08 UTC+1 schreef gjr80:

> I'm sorry but I don't see what a wind plot has to do with wee_import. 
> Looking at the sample data you posted earlier your wind direction data 
> appears to be in degrees so you would be using something like the following 
> in your field map:
> windDir = xx, degree_compass 
> windGustDir = yy, degree_compass
> substituting the field names you wish to use from your source data for 
> xx and yy.
> Or are you asking something completely different?
> Gary
> On Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 09:26:02 UTC+10 Artvd wrote:
>> @Gary. Thanks again. I am almost getting there thanks to your help 
>> I am stuck however with the Wind direction units. Have you any idea what 
>> this should be for the attached windvector ?[image: 7vg24yyo.png]  
>> Op maandag 28 februari 2022 om 21:54:44 UTC+1 schreef gjr80:
>>> The 'timestamp' error indicates that wee_import is looking for 
>>> date-time data for each record in a field named timestamp, your source 
>>> data has no such field so the import fails. What is in the field map in 
>>> your import config file? I am guessing that date-time wise it is still uses 
>>> the example import config file entry:
>>> [[FieldMap]]
>>> dateTime = timestamp, unix_epoch
>>> interval =
>>> barometer = barometer, inHg
>>> In your case (based on the sample data provided) the dateTime entry 
>>> needs to be something like (untested):
>>> dateTime = "Date & Time", unix_epoch
>>> In addition you will need to tell wee_import what format your date-time 
>>> data uses. You do that by setting the raw_datetime_format option in 
>>> your import config file. Again, based on your sample data,  something 
>>> like:
>>> raw_datetime_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
>>> %m and %d may need to be transposed, I cannot tell from your data 
>>> whether it uses year-month-day or year-day-month.
>>> One other thing you will need to do, if you have not already done so, is 
>>> to ensure the import config file field map contains the names of the source 
>>> data fields you wish to import. Taking the barometer line from the 
>>> default [[FieldMap]] extract I provided above you will need to change 
>>> it to read:
>>> barometer = "Barometer - hPa", hPa
>>> Gary
>>> On Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 05:25:02 UTC+10 Artvd wrote:

 @Gary Thanks for your reaction.  The offending character is likely  the 
 degrees sign in the title row. But after removing them I faced another 
 problem: TypeError: "delimiter" must be a 1-character string 
 I have tried many changes and used a one row testfile but the error 
 remained. Finally i copied the data from the davis site to excell. When 
 using these data there is no error. However the timestamp can not be found.

 This is the tile and a line of the data.csv file

 Date & Time;Inside Temp - C;High Inside Temp - C;Low Inside Temp - 
 C;Inside Hum;High Inside Hum;Low Inside Hum;Inside Dew Point - C;Inside 
 Heat Index - C;Barometer - hPa;High Bar - hPa;Low Bar - hPa;Absolute 
 Pressure - hPa;Temp - C;High Temp - C;Low Temp - C;Hum;High Hum;Low 
 Point - C;High Dew Point - C;Low Dew Point - C;Wet Bulb - C;High Wet Bulb 
 C;Low Wet Bulb - C;Avg Wind Speed - m/s;Prevailing Wind Direction;High 
 Spe7ed - m/s;High Wind Direction;Wind Chill - C;Low Wind Chill - C;Heat 
 Index - C;High Heat Index - C;THW Index - C;High THW Index - C;Low THW 
 Index - C;Rain - mm;High Rain Rate - mm/h;Heating Degree Days;Cooling 
 Degree Days

 *2022-01-01 00:00*

 This is the output
 sudo wee_import --import-config=/var/tmp/csv.conf --dry-run

 Using WeeWX configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
 Starting wee_import...
 A CSV import from source file '/var/tmp/data.csv' has been requested.
 Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
 Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
 Missing derived observations will be calculated.
 This is a dry run, imported data will not be saved to archive.
 Starting dry run import ...

 * Unable to map source data. Field 'timestamp' not found in 
 source data. Nothing done, exiting.*

 Op maandag 28 februari 2022 om 02:38:26 UTC+1 schreef gjr80:

> You have two things going on here. 
> * Unable to decode source data