Re: [XeTeX] Right and left justification for a paragraph

2015-10-31 Thread Yves Codet

There are Tamil hyphenation patterns in TeXLive 2015: hyph-ta.tex written by 
Santhosh Thottingal, which is included in the package « hyph-utf8 ». You can 
load them through Polyglossia with:


in your preamble.


Yves Codet

> Le 31 oct. 2015 à 15:53, Philip Taylor  a écrit :
> Shakthi Kannan wrote:
>> I have a foo.tex input file written in Tamil, which I use with xelatex
>> to generate a PDF. How can I do both left and right justification for
>> the text? Right now, it is only aligned only the left. 
> It seems to me, Shakthi, (and I know nothing about the rules for Tamil
> typography) that XeLaTeX does not know how to hyphenate Tamil words;
> perhaps it is impossible, or simply "not done".  So the best I can do
> (and I also do not have your preferred font, having to substitute Arial
> Unicode MS) is to set \emergencystretch to a sufficiently large value to
> allow your text to justify without hyphenation :
> Philip Taylor
> % !TeX Program=XeLaTeX
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \newfontfamily{\lohit}[Script=Tamil]{Arial Unicode MS}
> \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
> \title{\lohit{தமிழ் எண்கள்}}
> \date{\lohit{மண்மதி-புரட்டாசி ௰க, உ௲௰ரு}}
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> \large\lohit
> \emergencystretch = 4 em
> தமிழ் எண்கள் என்பது தமிழில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் எண்களை குறிக்கும்.
> இவ்வெண் வடிவங்கள் பிற
> தமிழ் எழுத்துக்களின் வடிவங்களை மிகவும் ஒத்து காணப்படும். தமிழ் எண்களும் கிரந்த
> எண்களும் ஒரே எண் வடிவைக் கொண்டிருப்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. எனினும் கிரந்த
> எண்களைப்போல் தமிழில் சுழியம் கிடையாது. தமிழ் எண்கள் தற்போது பெருவழக்கில் 
> இல்லை,
> தமிழில் எண்களை எழுத இந்திய-அரேபிய எண்கள் தான் பயன்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன. \\
> தமிழ் எண்களில் பழங்காலத்தில் சுழியம் (பூஜ்யம்) இல்லாமல் போயினும்,
> தற்காலத்தில் சுழியம்
> தமிழில் எண்களை எழுதும் போது பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டு வருவது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. 
> 1825ஆம்
> ஆண்டு வெளி வந்த கணித தீபிகை என்னும் நூல் கணித செயல்பாடுகளை எளிமையாக்கும்
> பொருட்டு தமிழில் சுழியம் அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்படுவதாகக் கூறுகிறது. ஒருங்குறியின் 
> 4.1
> பதிப்பில் இருந்து தமிழ் எண் சுழியம் அட்டவணையில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. \\
> தொடக்கத்தில் தமிழ் எண்கள் இடம் சார்ந்த முறையில் எழுதப்
> பயன்படுத்தப்படவில்லை. 10, 100,
> 1000 ஆகியவற்றுக்குத் தனித்தனி குறியீடுகள் இருப்பதைக்கொண்டு இதை அறியலாம். தமிழ்
> எண்கள் எழுத்தால் எழுதப்படும் எண்களைச் சுருக்குவதற்கான குறியீட்டு முறையாகவே
> பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டது. சுழியம் அறிமுகம் செய்யப்பட்ட பின்னர்தான் தமிழ்
> எண்கள் இடம் சார்ந்த
> முறையில் எழுதப்பட ஆரம்பித்தது. உதாரணமாக, இரண்டாயிரத்து நானூற்றி ஐம்பத்தி 
> மூன்று
> என்பது பழைய முறையின் படி, ௨௲௪௱௫௰௩ என எழுதப்பட்டது. அதாவது, \\
> \end{document}
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] Help

2014-08-28 Thread Yves Codet

Hello Anant,

Sorry about the late reply; for some (yet) unknown reason, I don't  
receive all messages from the list.

I couldn't see your attachment, which was deleted, but I suppose you  
want to type anudatta and svarita (udatta in Unicode terminology).  
Those characters don't exist in the keyboard layout which comes with  
the system but you can customize it using Ukelele:

If you need Unicode codes you might want to have a look at Alan Woods  

All relevant characters are in "Devanagari", "Devanagari Extended" and  
"Vedic Extensions". The simplest way is to copy characters on the  
lists and paste them in the boxes which Ukelele presents you when you  
modify the output of a key. In case you want to use less common  
characters (those in "Devanagari Extended" and in "Vedic Extensions"),  
you will need the font Siddhanta; there's a link to it on the page  
"Devanagari Extended".

I hope this will be useful.



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Re: [XeTeX] avagraha+anusvara ligature in devanagari

2014-08-27 Thread Yves Codet
I know this rule :) But avagraha doesn't stand for any sound, it only  
marks elision (or contraction) and can be omitted, that's why it can't  
bear anuswâra, which would explain why fonts don't have any rule to  
place an anuswâra over an avagraha. If you have John Smith's  
electronic edition of the Mahâbhârata, you will easily find several  
occurences of the particular case you're dealing with, for instance:

01058049a अथ ते सर्वशोंऽशैः  
स्वैर्गन्तुं भूमिं  

Le 27 août 14 à 10:45, François Patte a écrit :

Hash: SHA1

Le 27/08/2014 08:20, Yves Codet a écrit :


Should not the anuswâra be over the o in such a case?

No, I don't think so: it a sandhi rule: one word ended by aḥ gives o
if the following word begins by a voiced letter, in case of this
letter is a "a", it is dropped and replace by an avagraha so:

छेदः अंशः becomes चेदो ऽंशः and it  
will not be correct if the anusvara

would be on the "o".

- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849
Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: [XeTeX] avagraha+anusvara ligature in devanagari

2014-08-26 Thread Yves Codet


Should not the anuswâra be over the o in such a case?



Le 26 août 14 à 17:37, François Patte a écrit :

Hash: SHA1


How can I get this ligature: दोऽंश

It seems that the anusvara cannot be put over the avagraha...

Thank you
- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849
Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: [XeTeX] wrong r+vocalic r ligature in FreeSerif font

2014-07-04 Thread Yves Codet
Hmm... I thought you had sent an image and maybe I haven't seen the  
same thing as you. Was it this ?

Le 4 juil. 14 à 11:15, François Patte a écrit :

Hash: SHA1


I found a wrong ligature r+vocalic r in FreeSerif fonf:


Is that a known bug?

- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: [XeTeX] wrong r+vocalic r ligature in FreeSerif font

2014-07-04 Thread Yves Codet


This is no bug but the correct shape: look ar nirr̥- in Monier- 
Williams' dictionary.

Best wishes,


Le 4 juil. 14 à 11:15, François Patte a écrit :

Hash: SHA1


I found a wrong ligature r+vocalic r in FreeSerif fonf:


Is that a known bug?

- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: [XeTeX] M'aidez, SVP : ** WARNING ** Version of PDF file (1.6) is newer than version limit specification.

2013-11-03 Thread Yves Codet


I wonder why Philip uses medieval French. Maybe he's a lover of our  
old romances :)

Unfortunately I can't help with the message either.

Best wishes,


Le 3 nov. 13 à 13:32, Paul Isambert a écrit :

I can help you with your French, but not the warning:

Philip Taylor  a écrit:

As above, "m'aidez, SVP".

It’s “aidez-moi”, not “m’aidez”.

(That was intended as a friendly remark, of course, not one of those
nasty comments by self-titled “grammarians”, whose knowledge in
linguistics is as inexistent as my knowledge in volcanology.)


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Re: [XeTeX] Incorrect Bengali ZWJ behavior and v2 script spec

2013-03-18 Thread Yves Codet

I had forgotten about ZWJ when I tested Devanagari script, because it's not 
used in Sanskrit, but in Hindi it is. With the tag 'deva' selected, I get the 
same result as Ian-Mathew: the sequence "consonant + virama + consonant" is 
correctly rendered as a conjunct consonant, but the sequence "consonant + 
virama + ZWJ + consonant" is rendered the same way, instead of "half-form of 
the first consonant + second consonant".

Best wishes,


Le 18 mars 2013 à 16:13, Ian-Mathew Hornburg  a écrit :

> Hello, and thanks to Khaled and contributors for their great work on this 
> project! I do work in Indic scripts, and XeTeX has been immensely helpful in 
> setting them.
> I may have identified two possible bugs in 0..0: the release notes 
> indicate that the version-2 OpenType Indic script tags are now supported, and 
> I’ve been testing various Bengali-script fonts with the git version of XeTeX 
> and a current install of TeX Live 2012 to check them for correct shaping 
> behavior. I’ve posted a MWE reproducing some examples from the Microsoft 
> standard here: [].
> Microsoft ships two Bengali fonts (Vrinda and Shonar Bangla; both v6.80) with 
> Windows 8 that support both the older (beng) and newer (bng2) Bengali script 
> specs. (Older versions of each are shipped with Windows 7 and other Microsoft 
> products.) The fonts behave correctly when using the beng script feature, 
> with the exception of a particular ZWJ sequence: the Microsoft spec 
> [] says 
> that the sequence of consonant-hasant-ZWJ-consonant should prevent a ligature 
> of the two consonants, then render a half-form of the first consonant. XeTeX 
> currently fails to suppress the ligature.
> However, when passing the bng2 script to the fonts, they both fail to render 
> correctly at all. I might guess that something’s going wrong because the font 
> contains both versions of the script tag, and I don’t know what happens on 
> the HarfBuzz side when selecting which script to use when shaping a font.
> Thanks in advance for any assistance!
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX 0.9999.0 released

2013-03-14 Thread Yves Codet

As far as Devanagari script is concerned, everything seems to be correct on Mac 
OS X with these binaries. With previous versions diacritics were misplaced but 
it's now fixed. Unfortunately I can't test other Indian scripts because I can't 
read them fluently, but many people on this list can… :)

Best wishes,

Le 13 mars 2013 à 17:03, Mojca Miklavec  a 
écrit :

> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Khaled Hosny wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have just uploaded a beta release of 0..x series.
>> The archive can be downloaded from SourceForge page:
>> There have been quite some changes in this release, and testing is
>> highly appreciated, the more testing the better, but please note that
>> this is a beta release and should not be used in production
>> environments. There are no pre-built binaries right now, but they should
>> be available from TLContrib shortly.
> The binaries for many platforms (windows excluded at the moment) have
> been submitted to TLContrib now. You can use
>tlmgr --repository update --all
> for example.
> Mojca
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX Digest, Vol 107, Issue 23

2013-02-25 Thread Yves Codet

In TL 2012 there are Malayalam hyphenation patterns; the file is hyph-ml.tex. 
You can check whether you have it, doing:
kpsewhich hyph-ml.tex

Polyglossia will use those patterns if you say 

Best wishes,


Le 25 févr. 2013 à 12:24, "V. Sasi Kumar"  a écrit :

> Thank you so much, Wagner and Dyballa and everyone who has responded. I am 
> sure what you have explained should work. This is just a quick reply. I will 
> test the suggestions and get back later. My one doubt is whether the 
> hyphenation dictionary is available for Malayalam. Still it should give a 
> better result and IS could do manual hyphenation too.
> Thank you all once again.
> Thanks and regards,
> Sasi
> wrote:
>> Send XeTeX mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of XeTeX digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>  1. Full justification of text (Sasi Kumar)
>>  2. Re: Full justification of text (Zdenek Wagner)
>>  3. Re: Full justification of text (Peter Dyballa)
>>  4. Re: Full justification of text (Dominik Wujastyk)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 14:56:57 +0530
>> From: Sasi Kumar 
>> To: 
>> Subject: [XeTeX] Full justification of text
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Friends,
>> I started using xelatex to typeset article class documents in two languages
>> using xelatex with help from you all. Earlier I was using Omega
>> exclusively. When I switched to xelatex, I find that the text is left
>> justified, or, in LaTeX terminology, rqaggedright. Since there doesn't
>> appear to be a command for full justification in LaTeX, (possibly since
>> this is the default), I have been wondering how to do that in xelatex. I am
>> giving below a sample of my document. Hope someone can help me in this
>> matter as you have helped earlier.
>> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
>> \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}
>> \usepackage{polyglossia}
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> \setmainfont[Script=Malayalam]{Rachana}
>> \addfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
>> \usepackage{url}
>> \usepackage{fancyhdr}
>> \date{}
>> \begin{document}
>> \lefthyphenmin=2
>> \righthyphenmin=2
>> \thispagestyle{empty}
>> \pagestyle{fancy}
>> \begin{center}
>> \setmainfont[Script=Malayalam]{Meera}
>>   {\Large\textbf{\bf  ? ? ? }}
>>   \vspace{5mm}{\textbf{ ??.~??.~??? ???}}
>> \end{center} \setmainfont[Script=Malayalam]{Rachana}
>> \setlength{\baselineskip}{1.2\baselineskip}\addtolength{\parskip}{10pt}
>>  ? ??  ?? ? ??   ?
>> ??? .   ? ?,
>>  ?? ? ??? ?? ?
>> ?? 19-20 ?  ? ?.??. ?
>> \textit{?? ??} (War of the Worlds)    .
>> ? ? ??? ??? ???
>> ?? ??  ? ?? ?? ?.
>>   ? ?
>> ?? ???.   ? ?? ??
>> ?? ?? ?, ??? 
>> ??? ?? ???   ???,
>>  ???  ?.
>> \end{document}
>> -- 
>> V. Sasi Kumar
>> Free Software Foundation of India
>> Please see:
>> -- next part --
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: 
>> --
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 10:53:36 +0100
>> From: Zdenek Wagner 
>> To: Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms 
>> Subject: Re: [XeTeX] Full justification of text
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>> 2013/2/25 Sasi Kumar :
>>> Friends,
>>> I started using xelatex to typeset article class documents in two languages
>>> using xelatex with help from you all. Earlier I was using Omega exclusively.
>>> When I switched to xelatex, I find that the text is left justified, or, in
>>> LaTeX terminology, rqaggedright. Since there doesn't appear to be a command
>>> for full justification in LaTeX, (possibly since this is the default), I
>>> have b

Re: [XeTeX] sanskrit hyphenation question

2012-12-20 Thread Yves Codet

Sorry about the late reply.

As Arthur wrote, the choice (1,5) was a mere mistake of mine. I hope it is 
forgiven now :) I had in  mind (very very rare) cases like ऊर्क्, which are 
probably best handled with an \mbox{} if they ever occur at the end of a line.

Later I again suggested 1 for \lefthyphenmin because if you choose 2 it will 
allow पि-बति but not प-तति, though there is one akshara on the left of the 
break in both cases.

For \righthyphenmin if you choose 2 you will allow breaks like अपत-त्, which is 
quite undesirable; that is why I suggested 3.

What do you think?

Best wishes,


Le 12 déc. 2012 à 16:42, François Patte  a 
écrit :

> Hash: SHA1
> Bonjour,
> While looking on this page, I have seen that
> left-right-hyphenmin for sanskrit are set to (1,5). Why 5? In fact, if
> we read the gloss-sanskrit.ldf file, it seems that it is (1,3).
> Why 3? I think that results are better with 2.
> Thank you
> - -- 
> François Patte
> UFR de mathématiques et informatique
> Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
> Université Paris Descartes
> 45, rue des Saints Pères
> F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
> Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> iEYEARECAAYFAlDIpe8ACgkQdE6C2dhV2JX2FwCfW8Dn95yDA4t3n7TP6Ehyvojf
> r88AoLSTH7cyd4qBWrJDsscIisf1pdfF
> =cIUq
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX & sanskrit: which font

2012-08-15 Thread Yves Codet
Sorry. I thought the picture was there.

Description: Adobe PDF document

Le 15 août 2012 à 12:10, Philip TAYLOR a écrit :

> Yves Codet wrote:
>> For Sanskrit you should see:
>> at the end of the word.
> Désolé : between "should see:" and "at the end", only
> blank lines can be seen :-(
> ** Phil.
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX & sanskrit: which font

2012-08-15 Thread Yves Codet
For Sanskrit you should see:

Description: Adobe PDF document

at the end of the word.


Le 15 août 2012 à 11:48, Philip TAYLOR a écrit :

> Zdenek Wagner wrote:
>> You can see demonstration on my page:
> What /should/ be seen here, Zdeněk ?  As a non-Indologist, I may
> be missing something obvious (indeed, I probably am !), but I cannot
> see the difference in the two samples on my screen :
>> compare Sanskrit: शक्ति to Hindi: शक्ति (if everything works, you should see 
>> the difference).
> Philip Taylor
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX & sanskrit : how to sart

2012-08-15 Thread Yves Codet
Hello, Yves.

Another font you could use is Siddhanta :

It also includes two character ranges, Devanagari Extended and Vedic 
Extensions, which were added in Unicode 5.2.

Incidentally (and this is quite off-topic :), Devanagari texts on the site you 
mentioned are very faulty:  ॊ instead of  ो (these are no stylistic variants 
but different characters and the first one does not exist in Sanskrit), no 
virama under final consonant, and more. For instance the first line:
नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरॊत्तमम
should be:
नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्

You can download a much more reliable text, in Devanagari or transliteration, 
on John Smith's site:

Best wishes,


Le 15 août 2012 à 01:17, Zdenek Wagner a écrit :

> 2012/8/15 Herbert Schulz :
>> On Aug 14, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Gildas Hamel  wrote:
>>> * Skriv a reas Helios (
>>> |>
>>> |>  Thanks Gildas.
>>> |>
>>> |>  Your script give don't give me the good result.
>>> |>
>>> |>  I have change only this line
>>> |>  % \newfontfamily\sanskritfont[Script=Devanagari]{Sanskrit2003} %
>>> |>  ou autre police
>>> |>  \newfontfamily\sanskritfont[Script=Devanagari]{SaSETU} % ou autre police
>>> |>  and each character is replaced by a square.
>>> |>
>>> I don't know the SaSETU font or Sanskrit for that matter. Using Arial 
>>> Unicode MS instead of Sanskrit2003, I get what looks like a good result.
>>> --Gildas
> As the error message says, SaSETU does not contain Devanagari.
> Remember, there are plenty of Devanagari fonts with custom encodings
> that were intended to be used in special applications in the
> pre-Unicode era. Such fonts will not work in XeTeX. (It is always
> useful to read the error messages, they almost always contain
> important infgormation.)
> If you do not have good Sanskrit fonts, take them either from John Smith's 
> page:
> or you can use GNU FreeSerif (but you need a new version, eg the one
> distributed with TeX Live 2012)
>> Howdy,
>> I don't see SaSETU on my Mac but I do have Sathu which is a ttf font.
>> Good Luck,
>> Herb Schulz
>> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
>> --
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> -- 
> Zdeněk Wagner
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] The future of XeTeX

2012-08-01 Thread Yves Codet

Around here there are some Indian people whose language uses Devanagari (but 
there would be similar issues with other scripts), and some Sanskrit and Hindi 
scholars as well. I wonder how many would accept to read what is below 
(produced by LuaLaTeX), instead of किमिति.

Best wishes,


Description: Adobe PDF document

Le 1 août 2012 à 15:54, Zdenek Wagner a écrit :

> 2012/8/1 Ulrike Fischer :
>> Am Wed, 1 Aug 2012 11:58:31 +0100 schrieb Philip TAYLOR:
 Well you only confirm my impression: That quite a lot of scripts
 never felt the pressure put on us by the movable type printing.
>>> Is that not good ?  Would Chinese calligraphy look anywhere near
>>> as beautiful if its glyph forms had been forcibly coerced into
>>> meeting the constraints imposed by movable type printing ?
>> Sure, but people who not only want to look at glyphs and admire
>> their beauty but also use them to communicate through print,
>> websites, mail, twitter, sms ... musst accept that technical
>> restrictions and problems musst be taken into accout too.
>> Scripts have always been shaped by the material (you only need to
>> look at Cuneiform). And when you switch the material and tool used
>> to write e.g. from clay to paper or to computer this will always
>> have an impact back on the script.
> LuaTeX can be considered a flavour of TeX thus if XeTeX can load a
> font and use the glyphs as they are now and compose them to form a
> word, I do not understand why a change in the script is needed. LuaTeX
> is not able to form a word from Devanagari glyphs. MS Office,
> OpenOffice, modern web browser can do it, so why should we discard the
> very basics of Indic orthography a create the new one just because
> nobody has implemented the Indic scripts in lua so far? And discard
> all Indic fonts and create new ones that will suit the new
> orthography?
>> --
>> Ulrike Fischer
>> --
>> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
> -- 
> Zdeněk Wagner
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] Help

2012-05-28 Thread Yves Codet
If you're not used to handle keyboard layouts on OS X, you might want to read 
this page:

Le 28 mai 2012 à 16:36, A u a écrit :

> Hello Yves, 
> I have a Mac OS X also, how did you get the  विश्व॒दानी॑म् anudatta in Mac. 
> I have Sanskrit 2003 and it looked at the keyboard layout and could not see 
> that symbol anywhere.
> I would appreciate your help
> Aku
> On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 4:15 AM, Yves Codet  wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm not sure you can type Vedic accents with the Velthuis encoding, or maybe 
> they don't exist in Nakula. Personally I stopped using romanised inputs since 
> it became as easy to विश्व॒दानी॑म् type in Devanagari as in Latin script on 
> my system (Mac OS X), that is to say many years ago, I don't remember exactly 
> :) You might want to try on yours.
> Best wishes,
> Yves
> Le 25 mai 2012 à 09:43, chandrasekhar s a écrit :
>> Respected Sir,
>>  Could you help me with the following question.
>> How do I produce the vedic, anudatta and udatta via XeTeX. The one in this 
>> links gives 
>> >
>> The normal Sanskrit compilation works but the vedic accents if compiled with 
>> similar commands doesn't work. 
>> > - Does anyone how we can work with XeTeX for typesetting Vedic Mantras or 
>> > Texts.
>> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>> \usepackage{ifxetex}
>> \RequireXeTeX
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> \newcommand\dn{\catcode`\~=12
>> \fontspec[Script=Devanagari,Mapping=velthuis-sanskrit]{Nakula}}
>> \let\origlabelitemi\labelitemi
>> \renewcommand\labelitemi{{\normalfont\origlabelitemi}}
>> \parindent=0pt
>> \begin{document}
>> \section{Examples}
>> {\dn
>> \begin{center}
>> \setlength{\fboxrule}{2pt}
>> \framebox[3.2cm][s]{.o"saaya nama.h}
>> \end{center}
>> }
>> \end{document}
>> > The above command works perfectly for non-vedic sanskrit, but once I start 
>> > using udatta and anudatta it doesn't work at all. Any help
>> Thanks,
>> Chandrasekhar
>> -- 
>> समृद्धकामो हिनो वा नारायणपरो मुनि:।
>> नोत्सर्पेत न शुष्येत सरिद्भिरिव सागर​: ॥
>> --
>> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] Help

2012-05-28 Thread Yves Codet
Hello Aku,

I think the keyboard layouts which come with the system don't allow to type 
svarita or anudatta. But you can use Ukelele to customise them.

In the disk image you will find a folder named "System Keyboards" and inside it 
two Devanagari keyboard layouts: "Devanagari" (i.e. Inscript) and 
"Devanagari-QWERTY". You only have to open the one you prefer with Ukelele and 
add the character(s) you need.

Best wishes,


Le 28 mai 2012 à 16:36, A u a écrit :

> Hello Yves, 
> I have a Mac OS X also, how did you get the  विश्व॒दानी॑म् anudatta in Mac. 
> I have Sanskrit 2003 and it looked at the keyboard layout and could not see 
> that symbol anywhere.
> I would appreciate your help
> Aku
> On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 4:15 AM, Yves Codet  wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm not sure you can type Vedic accents with the Velthuis encoding, or maybe 
> they don't exist in Nakula. Personally I stopped using romanised inputs since 
> it became as easy to विश्व॒दानी॑म् type in Devanagari as in Latin script on 
> my system (Mac OS X), that is to say many years ago, I don't remember exactly 
> :) You might want to try on yours.
> Best wishes,
> Yves
> Le 25 mai 2012 à 09:43, chandrasekhar s a écrit :
>> Respected Sir,
>>  Could you help me with the following question.
>> How do I produce the vedic, anudatta and udatta via XeTeX. The one in this 
>> links gives 
>> >
>> The normal Sanskrit compilation works but the vedic accents if compiled with 
>> similar commands doesn't work. 
>> > - Does anyone how we can work with XeTeX for typesetting Vedic Mantras or 
>> > Texts.
>> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>> \usepackage{ifxetex}
>> \RequireXeTeX
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> \newcommand\dn{\catcode`\~=12
>> \fontspec[Script=Devanagari,Mapping=velthuis-sanskrit]{Nakula}}
>> \let\origlabelitemi\labelitemi
>> \renewcommand\labelitemi{{\normalfont\origlabelitemi}}
>> \parindent=0pt
>> \begin{document}
>> \section{Examples}
>> {\dn
>> \begin{center}
>> \setlength{\fboxrule}{2pt}
>> \framebox[3.2cm][s]{.o"saaya nama.h}
>> \end{center}
>> }
>> \end{document}
>> > The above command works perfectly for non-vedic sanskrit, but once I start 
>> > using udatta and anudatta it doesn't work at all. Any help
>> Thanks,
>> Chandrasekhar
>> -- 
>> समृद्धकामो हिनो वा नारायणपरो मुनि:।
>> नोत्सर्पेत न शुष्येत सरिद्भिरिव सागर​: ॥
>> --
>> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] Help

2012-05-25 Thread Yves Codet

The accents that Chandrasekhar needs do exist in Unicode:
udatta U+0951
anudatta U+0952

There are some more signs in "Devanagari Extended":
but according to his post he doesn't need those.

Below is a minimal example which shows udatta and anudatta.

Best wishes,


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Le 25 mai 2012 à 10:59, Zdenek Wagner a écrit :

> 2012/5/25 Yves Codet :
>> Hello.
>> I'm not sure you can type Vedic accents with the Velthuis encoding, or maybe
>> they don't exist in Nakula. Personally I stopped using romanised inputs
>> since it became as easy to विश्व॒दानी॑म् type in Devanagari as in Latin
>> script on my system (Mac OS X), that is to say many years ago, I don't
>> remember exactly :) You might want to try on yours.
>> Best wishes,
> Vedic accents have never been standardised in the Velthuis encoding. A
> few macros were designed, the usage is shown in vedasample.dn in the
> very same directory. However, Vedic accents are available in unicode,
> you can type them directly. I am not sure whether all accents are
> available, the Unicode standard says that only some of them are
> available.
>> Yves
>> Le 25 mai 2012 à 09:43, chandrasekhar s a écrit :
>> Respected Sir,
>>  Could you help me with the following question.
>> How do I produce the vedic, anudatta and udatta via XeTeX. The one in this
>> links gives
>> The normal Sanskrit compilation works but the vedic accents if compiled with
>> similar commands doesn't work.
>>> - Does anyone how we can work with XeTeX for typesetting Vedic Mantras or
>>> Texts.
>> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>> \usepackage{ifxetex}
>> \RequireXeTeX
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> \newcommand\dn{\catcode`\~=12
>>  \fontspec[Script=Devanagari,Mapping=velthuis-sanskrit]{Nakula}}
>> \let\origlabelitemi\labelitemi
>> \renewcommand\labelitemi{{\normalfont\origlabelitemi}}
>> \parindent=0pt
>> \begin{document}
>> \section{Examples}
>> {\dn
>> \begin{center}
>> \setlength{\fboxrule}{2pt}
>> \framebox[3.2cm][s]{.o"saaya nama.h}
>> \end{center}
>> }
>> \end{document}
>>> The above command works perfectly for non-vedic sanskrit, but once I start
>>> using udatta and anudatta it doesn't work at all. Any help
>> Thanks,
>> Chandrasekhar
>> --
>> समृद्धकामो हिनो वा नारायणपरो मुनि:।
>> नोत्सर्पेत न शुष्येत सरिद्भिरिव सागर: ॥
>> --
>> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
>> --
>> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
> -- 
> Zdeněk Wagner
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Help

2012-05-25 Thread Yves Codet

I'm not sure you can type Vedic accents with the Velthuis encoding, or maybe 
they don't exist in Nakula. Personally I stopped using romanised inputs since 
it became as easy to विश्व॒दानी॑म् type in Devanagari as in Latin script on my 
system (Mac OS X), that is to say many years ago, I don't remember exactly :) 
You might want to try on yours.

Best wishes,


Le 25 mai 2012 à 09:43, chandrasekhar s a écrit :

> Respected Sir,
>  Could you help me with the following question.
> How do I produce the vedic, anudatta and udatta via XeTeX. The one in this 
> links gives 
> >
> The normal Sanskrit compilation works but the vedic accents if compiled with 
> similar commands doesn't work. 
> > - Does anyone how we can work with XeTeX for typesetting Vedic Mantras or 
> > Texts.
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{ifxetex}
> \RequireXeTeX
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \newcommand\dn{\catcode`\~=12
> \let\origlabelitemi\labelitemi
> \renewcommand\labelitemi{{\normalfont\origlabelitemi}}
> \parindent=0pt
> \begin{document}
> \section{Examples}
> {\dn
> \begin{center}
> \setlength{\fboxrule}{2pt}
> \framebox[3.2cm][s]{.o"saaya nama.h}
> \end{center}
> }
> \end{document}
> > The above command works perfectly for non-vedic sanskrit, but once I start 
> > using udatta and anudatta it doesn't work at all. Any help
> Thanks,
> Chandrasekhar
> -- 
> समृद्धकामो हिनो वा नारायणपरो मुनि:।
> नोत्सर्पेत न शुष्येत सरिद्भिरिव सागर​: ॥
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

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Re: [XeTeX] How to render this symbol in Xelatex

2012-04-30 Thread Yves Codet
Hello again,

The font Siddhanta does include "Devanagari Extended". You might want to use it 
instead of Sanskrit 2003.



Le 29 avr. 2012 à 18:10, A u a écrit :

> Hi,
> I am using Texworks as editor. Sanskrit 2003 font in Ubuntu. 
> I could render all alphabets except the attached image. 
> I produced this in windows using iTranslator software. 
> I followed these instruction to make devanagari input in Ubuntu. 
> I tried to add the symbol after this "sudo gedit 
> /usr/share/m17n/hi-itrans.min"
> but that did not work, it adds a "*" but not the symbol. 
> Thanks for your help
> Aku
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

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Re: [XeTeX] How to render this symbol in Xelatex

2012-04-30 Thread Yves Codet

This symbol (U+A8F3) does not exist in Sanskrit 2003 v1.10, so even if your 
input method is correct (unfortunately I am unable to help with this) it cannot 
be displayed.

Best wishes,


Le 29 avr. 2012 à 18:10, A u a écrit :

> Hi,
> I am using Texworks as editor. Sanskrit 2003 font in Ubuntu. 
> I could render all alphabets except the attached image. 
> I produced this in windows using iTranslator software. 
> I followed these instruction to make devanagari input in Ubuntu. 
> I tried to add the symbol after this "sudo gedit 
> /usr/share/m17n/hi-itrans.min"
> but that did not work, it adds a "*" but not the symbol. 
> Thanks for your help
> Aku
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

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Re: [XeTeX] Warning about no Hindi language in Devanagari script

2012-01-21 Thread Yves Codet

It means what the message says, there are no Sanskrit or Hindi language tags in 
your font. The output is correct because you said "Script=Devanagari", which is 
enough. You might want to modify your preamble like this:


Best wishes,


Le 20 janv. 2012 à 23:05, Steve White a écrit :

> Hi,
> What does this mean?
> "Package fontspec Warning:
>Font "Free Serif/ICU/ICU" does not contain language 'Hindi' for
> script 'Devanagari'
> This warning occured on input line 7."
> The document starts with
> ===
> \documentclass[12pt]{book}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{longtable}
> \setromanfont{FreeSerif}
> \newfontfamily{\sk}[Script=Devanagari,Language=Sanskrit]{FreeSerif}
> \newfontfamily{\hi}[Script=Devanagari,Language=Hindi]{FreeSerif}
> ...
> ===
> Both the Hindi and Sanskrit output of the file looks correct, though!
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] HI

2012-01-07 Thread Yves Codet
Le 7 janv. 2012 à 23:10, Zdenek Wagner a écrit :

> 2012/1/7 chandrasekhar s 
> Can the above image be produced using the devanagari package. To produce it I 
> used the sktpackage but I am curious to know if this image (that is the 
> chandrabindu along with the halanth) can be produced using the devanagari 
> package. This symbol very often is used in the "Rudram: Namakam-Camakam" 
> mantra.
> Yes, {\dn\dnsamaveda hi\@\ }
> But this is not a XeTeX question. I do not know how to produce it in XeTeX. 

You need a font including the last character (U+A8F3 DEVANAGARI SIGN 
CANDRABINDU VIRAMA). There's only Siddhanta as far as Alan Woods knows:



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Re: [XeTeX] Sanskrit Typesetting

2011-11-21 Thread Yves Codet

Le 21 nov. 2011 à 11:01, chandrasekhar s a écrit :

> Respected Sir, 
>I here attach my input and output file which i compiled using 
> devanagari processor. I still need some help. 
> 1) त्यक्त्वा : How do I produce this in devanagari. kta seems to be of a 
> different form.

In your .dn file you've written tyaktavaa, it should be tyaktvaa.

> 2)  सङ्गम्:  This word also i searched a lot and couldn't find. i am new to 
> this so kindly help me.

I can't see this word in your sample, but ङ should be input "n, so sa"ngam for 
the whole word.

> Thanking you,
> Chandrasekhar

Instead of using the "devanagari" extension, you could directly write your 
source file in Devanagari script.

Best wishes,


> -- 
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] Dinosaurs

2011-09-13 Thread Yves Codet

I was sent some useful information about hyphenation in Malayalam script and 
I'm modifying "hyph-sa.tex" accordingly. If there's a specialist around 
(dinosaur or mammal, it doesn't matter in this case), it would help me a lot if 
he could answer the following questions.

Can a chillu character occur elsewhere than at the end of a word? What I want 
to know is if rules about chillus should be (with ൻ as an example):
or more generally:

For compatibility reasons, the Unicode standard says that representations prior 
to 5.1 should be handled as well. But if I type, say, NA + VIRAMA + ZWJ, I 
don't see a "chillu na" on my screen, but a "na with virama"; in other words, 
when I type the ZWJ it doesn't change anything. Is it because the older 
representation isn't implemented in my font? Could anybody who has a 
dinosaurian Malayalam font tell me if he sees a "chillu na" below?


Thanks in advance.



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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-09-12 Thread Yves Codet

A question to specialists, Arthur and Mojca maybe :) Is it necessary to have 
two sets of hyphenation rules, one in NFC and one in NFD? Or, if hyphenation 
patterns are written in NFC, for instance, will they be applied correctly to a 
document written in NFD?



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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-09-11 Thread Yves Codet

Le 11 sept. 2011 à 20:40, Dominik Wujastyk a écrit :

> To get appropriate hyphenation in Romanisation, we need to go down the Patgen 
> path.  So we need to develop a large lexicon of appropriately-hyphenated 
> romanised Sanskrit words in UTF8 encoding, and when that list is reasonably 
> long, process it through Patgen to make patterns.
> I am slowly developing such a list, but it would be great to collaborate. 

Several years ago Somadeva Vasudeva wrote here that he had started compiling 
such a list. See:

Maybe he would be willing to give what he had done.



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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-09-11 Thread Yves Codet
Hello, Neal.

I still don't receive your messages :(

Le 11 sept. 2011 à 22:21, Zdenek Wagner a écrit :

>> Also Zdenek raises an interesting possibility.  If I were to want to typeset
>> Sanskrit, say this very Sanskrit, in Bengali or Telugu script.  How would I
>> go about that?
> Probably you can mechanically rewrite to convert the
> transliteration to another script and compile it with teckit_compile.
> I do not know Sanskrit and do not know other scripts, my knowledge in
> this area is almost zero, so I am not sure whether such mechanical
> approach would work.

I presume you can do like Zdeněk says (I don't much about Teckit). Otherwise 
you can write Sanskrit directly in Bengali or Telugu script. If you tell 
Polyglossia what is in Sanskrit it should be hyphenated correctly in those 
scripts as well.

Best wishes,


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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-09-11 Thread Yves Codet
Hello, Neal.

You could do something like this to have correct hyphenations:

\setmainfont{Charis SIL}
\newfontfamily\sanskritfont[Script=Devanagari]{Sanskrit 2003}

\newcommand{\tra}[1]{{\fontspec{Charis SIL}\begin{sanskrit}#1\end{sanskrit}}}

\textwidth 6cm % only to have more hyphenations


Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. 
Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. Greetings.

\dev{नमस्ते। नमस्ते। नमस्ते। नमस्ते। नमस्ते। नमस्ते। नमस्ते। नमस्ते। नमस्ते। 
नमस्ते। नमस्ते। नमस्ते।}

\tra{Namaste. Namaste. Namaste. Namaste. Namaste. Namaste. Namaste. Namaste. 
Namaste. Namaste. Namaste. Namaste.}




P.S. For some reason I don't receive Neal's messages but I do receive replies 
to his messages. Anything wrong with the list?

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Re: [XeTeX] csquotes, polyglossia and biblatex

2011-01-13 Thread Yves Codet

No, it doesn't change anything.



P.S. Sorry about the thread-stealth. I must have been troubled by my quote 
issue and clicked the wrong button.

Le 13 janv. 2011 à 12:59, Gerrit Glabbart a écrit :

> Am 13.01.2011 um 12:28 schrieb Yves Codet:
>> I know "polyglossia" adds a kerning after a « and before a », which is 
>> wanted in French. Does it mean that "csquotes" adds another one after a «, 
>> but apparently not before a »? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in advance.
> Does the spacing look any better if you set the bibliography in \raggedright?
> --
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[XeTeX] csquotes, polyglossia and biblatex

2011-01-13 Thread Yves Codet

I'm working on a bibliography using "biblatex" and "polyglossia". As can be 
seen on the attached PDF (for instance on the first line), the space after a 
French opening quote is too large, but it's correct before a closing one.

I know "polyglossia" adds a kerning after a « and before a », which is wanted 
in French. Does it mean that "csquotes" adds another one after a «, but 
apparently not before a »? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in advance.



sample PDF

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source file

Description: Binary data

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Re: [XeTeX] Auto Font and Language Package in XeTeX

2010-12-22 Thread Yves Codet
Hello Michiel.

Thanks a lot for this package.

There's a small typo in the documentation; if I understand well the paragraph 
4.3 should read \setTransitionsFor[3], not \setTransitions[3].

Without polyglossia (essai1.tex below) I got the expected result, but with 
polyglossia (essai2.tex) XeTeX seems to enter an infinite loop; the error 
message is:

./essai2.tex:15: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [save size=5].
 ...ex \...@gobble \let \glossary \...@gobble 
l.15 भ
वान्कः। \\
No pages of output.
Transcript written on essai2.log.



Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Le 21 déc. 2010 à 17:53, Michiel Kamermans a écrit :

> Hi Yves (and everyone else)
> the ucharclasses package is now on CTAN 
> (, so if you 
> want to see if it breaks in combination with how you use polyglossia, let  me 
> know what the result is.
> - Mike "Pomax" Kamermans
> --
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Re: [XeTeX] Auto Font and Language Package in XeTeX

2010-12-20 Thread Yves Codet

I couldn't try your package, both links seem to be broken but I found the 
documentation here:
According to what I read, if I want to use polyglossia to load hyphenation 
patterns, I can say:
But how can I do if I want to use the \textsanskrit{one_word_in_Sanskrit} 

Kind regards,


Le 20 déc. 2010 à 12:17, Michiel Kamermans a écrit :

> Alright, I finished the ucharclasses package at least to a functional degree, 
> with the project page for it at 
> (it's been 
> submitted to CTAN, so once it's in the listing it'll be nice and easy to 
> grab).
> If anyone has any improvement requests (either functionally or codewise), I'm 
> all ears. Or eyes. whichever works best, really.
> Incidentally, does anyone know whether there is a LuaTeX version of the 
> XeTeXintercharclass behaviour that would let this package be rewritten for 
> LuaTeX with minimal effort?
> - Mike "Pomax" Kamermans
> --
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[XeTeX] XeTeX and beamer

2010-12-14 Thread Yves Codet
Hello.With LaTeX the attached file compiles, but with XeLaTeX I get the following error:./essai.tex:28: Undefined control sequence. \pdfmark                     [{\box \...@tempboxa }]{pdfmark=/ANN,Subtype=/Movie,Movie=<...l.28 \end{frame}                ? What am I doing wrong?Regards,Yves

Description: Binary data

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Re: [XeTeX] irregular spaces between lines in Tibetan

2010-12-07 Thread Yves Codet

My Tibetan stanzas look good now. Many thanks, Enrico.



Le 6 déc. 2010 à 19:55, a écrit :

> From: Yves Codet 
> > Hello.
> > 
> > If I compile the attached file I get an irregular spacing of 
> > lines, as you can see on the PDF: the space between the first 
> > and the second line is smaller than between the other lines. But 
> > if I replace:
> > \newfontfamily\tibetanfont[Script=Tibetan,Scale=3]{Tibetan 
> > Machine Uni}
> > with:
> > \newfontfamily\tibetanfont[Script=Tibetan]{Tibetan Machine Uni}
> > the spacing becomes regular. Is there an option I should add to 
> > the \tibetanfont command to get correct spaces with magnified glyphs?
> You should modify also \baselineskip; try
> \baselineskip=36pt
> and look at the result. Define
> \newenvironment{tibetan}
>   {\par\linespread{3}\tibetanfont\noindent\ignorespaces}
>   {\par}
> and use the new environment; \linespread{3} corresponds to \baselineskip=36pt
> (with the default 10pt size): it sets a multiplication factor. Modify at will.
> Ciao
> Enrico
> --
> Enrico Gregorio  + Dipartimento di Informatica  + Tel: +39 
> 045 8027937
> + Università degli Studi di Verona +
> ( + Strada le Grazie 15 / I-37134 Verona + Fax: +39 
> 045 8027928
> --
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[XeTeX] irregular spaces between lines in Tibetan

2010-12-06 Thread Yves Codet

If I compile the attached file I get an irregular spacing of lines, as you can 
see on the PDF: the space between the first and the second line is smaller than 
between the other lines. But if I replace:
\newfontfamily\tibetanfont[Script=Tibetan,Scale=3]{Tibetan Machine Uni}
\newfontfamily\tibetanfont[Script=Tibetan]{Tibetan Machine Uni}
the spacing becomes regular. Is there an option I should add to the 
\tibetanfont command to get correct spaces with magnified glyphs?

Best wishes,


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

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Re: [XeTeX] problem with fontspec

2010-12-06 Thread Yves Codet

Many thanks, Herb. It took a while to update everything but now it works.

Best wishes,


Le 6 déc. 2010 à 17:31, Herbert Schulz a écrit :

> On Dec 6, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Yves Codet wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I've updated fontspec to v2.1e through tlmgr and my documents don't compile 
>> anymore. With the following:
>> \documentclass{article}
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> \setmainfont{Charis SIL}
>> \begin{document}
>> Essai.
>> \end{document}
>> I get this error message:
>> ./essai.tex:3: Undefined control sequence.
>>  \int_compare_p:nNn 
>> l.3 \setmainfont{Charis SIL}
>> ? 
>> Is anything wrong with my setup? Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>> Yves
> Howdy,
> Assuming you have MacTeX(TeX Live)-2010 installed have you updated 
> everything, not only fontspec? The fontspec package depends upon other 
> packages being up to date too. In this case I'd guess something in the expl3 
> package group needs updating.
> If you're using OS X 10.5 or later use TeX Live Utility to do a full update 
> of everything. otherwise you'll have to use tlmgr directly.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
> --
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[XeTeX] problem with fontspec

2010-12-06 Thread Yves Codet

I've updated fontspec to v2.1e through tlmgr and my documents don't compile 
anymore. With the following:

\setmainfont{Charis SIL}

I get this error message:

./essai.tex:3: Undefined control sequence.
l.3 \setmainfont{Charis SIL}


Is anything wrong with my setup? Thanks in advance.



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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenated, transliterated Sanskrit.

2010-11-22 Thread Yves Codet

Le 22 nov. 2010 à 14:23, Arthur Reutenauer a écrit :

>> Debatable, I'm not sure :) Gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum. 
>> Personally I don't mind breaks such as a-rhasi.
>  Well, it's not only a matter of taste: in that case, it looked
> incorrect to Dominik, to the point that he thought something was wrong
> with his installation; which is somewhat problematic.

I'll correct that. Please remember those patterns for transliteration are only 
tentative and the last message Dominik sent shows there's still a lot of work 
to do.

>> I know many prefer ar-hasi, but there are some books where you would find 
>> a-rhasi. On page 189 of Gray's edition of Vāsavadattā (Delhi, 1962), for 
>> instance, I can see: ...nirmu-kta..., ...ku-ṭṭimam.
>  As the author of the pattern file, it's obviously up to you to decide
> which to choose if both solutions are used in books.
>> So, for a start, I did exactly what Arthur described, I chose the easy way. 
>> But I can add rules allowing a break after the first consonant of a 
>> consonant cluster. If there are rules such as:
>> a1
>> ...
>> r3h
>> you should get ar-hasi rather than a-rhasi without having to modify 
>> hyphenmins.
>  The one thing one shouldn't do would be to allow both options at the
> same time.  *That* would be bad taste :-)  But if you're happy with
> switching, I'm all for it.

Would this be better taste? :)


Best wishes,


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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenated, transliterated Sanskrit.

2010-11-21 Thread Yves Codet

Le 21 nov. 2010 à 10:22, Manuel B. a écrit :

> While I was checking hyphen-sa.tex, I wondered two things (which are
> irrelevant to Dominik's problem):
> 1) I saw that that all diacritics used for IAST appear in the pattern,
> while some of them (for example ṛ and ṝ) are marked as "non standart
> transliteration". That is OK, insofar as IAST is not a standart in the
> official sense. But IAST is most commonly used and the "standart"
> transliteration of vocalic r in IAST is ṛ, not r̥.
> The latter belongs to the international standart transliteration of
> Indic scripts, defined as ISO 15919. So if ISO 15919 has to be taken
> into concern for the Sanskrit hyphenation pattern, it should be done
> so completly. Which means, that for example ṁ should also be added,
> and ṃ marked as "non standart transliteration", and so on.

I agree with you on both points.

The comments you mention were merely notes to myself (what we call in French a 
"pense-bête" :), but since they can be read by other people they should be 
clearer, and I'll use IAST or ISO 15919 instead of "non standard" and 
(implicitly) "standard".

I'll also add the missing characters, ṁ, ẖ, ḫ and the sign for anudātta (I 
think that's all, as far as Sanskrit is concerned).

> But I don't know how far one can go here. While IAST is meant
> exclusivly for Sanskrit-transliteration (I know that it's used for
> Pali also, but in a slightly different way), ISO 15919 contains far
> more diacritics, than are needed for the transliteration of Sanskrit.
> It's rather meant as a transliteration of many or most Indian
> languages. Should it be duplicated then in every hyphenation pattern
> of every language in question?
> 2) That might be a stupid question, but aren't hyphennation patterns
> for most Abugida-scripts more or less the same? That means the
> hyphennation is rather script dependend, than language dependend. Lots
> of hyphennation patterns have to be duplicated, if they are ordered by
> language. While one could have a hyphen-indic.tex instead.

Arthur and Mojca are better qualified than I to answer those questions. What 
comes to mind is that such a "total" hyphenation file might rapidly become 
difficult to maintain, all the more so as it would require several maintainers. 
Besides, some languages might require special rules, exceptions for instance, 
which could be unwanted in another language using the same script.

Arthur and Mojca, what do you think?



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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenated, transliterated Sanskrit.

2010-11-21 Thread Yves Codet

Le 20 nov. 2010 à 22:12, Arthur Reutenauer a écrit :

>> I'm really not sure what I'm getting as a result. It looks as if it's roman
>> script being hyphenated as if it were Devanagari. The initial a- of several
>> words, like arhasi, gets separated (a-rhasi), which might just about look
>> okay in Nagari, but not in romanisation. Am I actually getting the right
>> thing
>  You're indeed getting what the patterns say.  From what I read in
> hyph-sa.tex, the patterns allow breaks after any vowel (but not inside
> diphthongs), and forbids them before final consonants or consonant
> clusters; and that's about it.  It's certainly a debatable choice, but
> it does seem like the patterns really aim at mimicking the way (say)
> Sanskrit written using Devanagari is hyphenated.  You would have to take
> this up with Yves.

Debatable, I'm not sure :) Gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum. 
Personally I don't mind breaks such as a-rhasi. I know many prefer ar-hasi, but 
there are some books where you would find a-rhasi. On page 189 of Gray's 
edition of Vāsavadattā (Delhi, 1962), for instance, I can see: 
...nirmu-kta..., ...ku-ṭṭimam.

So, for a start, I did exactly what Arthur described, I chose the easy way. But 
I can add rules allowing a break after the first consonant of a consonant 
cluster. If there are rules such as:
you should get ar-hasi rather than a-rhasi without having to modify hyphenmins.

>> Why do I have to pretend that this is Devanagari (\devanagarifont)?
>  This is by design in polyglossia (see gloss-sanskrit.ldf).  You would
> have to take this up with François.  (And I'm the one responsible for
> integrating hyph-sa.tex into hyph-utf8.  Why does it seem like there is
> a French mafia around Sanskrit support in XeTeX? ;-)


Dominik, I think you can write \sanskritfont, can’t you?

Best wishes,


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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenated, transliterated Sanskrit.

2010-11-21 Thread Yves Codet

Le 21 nov. 2010 à 10:12, Yves Codet a écrit :

> Dominik, I think you can write \sanskritfont, can’t you?

I just tried this:

\newfontfamily\sanskritfont{Charis SIL}


manum ekāgram āsīnam abhigamya maharṣayaḥ |


It worked by me, with Polyglossia v1.2.0a.

Best wishes,


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Re: [XeTeX] hyphenation in Ethiopian languages

2010-11-05 Thread Yves Codet

Le 4 nov. 2010 à 21:04, Mojca Miklavec a écrit :

> The problem of colons that may not start a new line has to be solved
> on a different level. You could write like that:
> እስመ~፡ አግዚአብሔር~፡ አምላክ~፡ ማእምር~፡ ውእቱ~። እግዚአብሔር~፡ አስተደወ~፡ መንብሮ~። ወአድከመ~፡
> ቅሥተ~፡ ኀያላን~። ወአቅነቶሙ~፡ ኀይለ~፡ ለድኩማን~። ጽጉማን~፡ እክል~፡ ርኅቡ~። ወርኁባን~፡ ጸግቡ~።
> እስመ~፡ መካን~፡ ወለደት~፡ ሰብዐተ~፡ ወወለድሰ~፡ ስእነት~፡ ወሊደ~፡ እግዚአብሔር~፡ ይቀትል~፡ ወየሐዩ~።
> ያወርድኒ~፡ ውስተ~፡ ሲእል~፡ ወየዐርግ~። እግዚአብሔር~፡ ያነዲ~፡ ወያብዕል~። ያኀስርሂ~፡ ወያከብር~፡
> ዘያነሥኦ~፡ እምድር~፡ ለነዳይ~። ከመ~፡ ያንብሮ~፡ ምስለ~፡ ዓበይ[ተ]~።
> This works perfectly fine, but you probably don't want to write like
> that. I leave it up to others to solve that problem. The hyphenchar
> can easily be changed to "nothing" though.

Can't this be treated as double punctuations in French? To get "እስመ ፡" you type 
"እስመ፡" and polyglossia adds a kerning before the word divider, except when the 
preceding character is itself a word divider.



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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX in lshort

2010-09-26 Thread Yves Codet

Le 26 sept. 2010 à 15:56, Axel Kielhorn a écrit :

A small detail about your XEsample.tex.

могу я Вам чем-л. помочь?% I hope this isn't a terrible curse or an insult, 
never trust a dictionary

It's not; it only means "may I help you with anything?". But you might want to 
capitalise the first letter and expand the abbreviation, which would become:

Могу я Вам чем-либо помочь?

Best wishes,


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[XeTeX] bug in xltxtra?

2010-08-03 Thread Yves Codet


I think I found a bug in xltxtra, which is illustrated in the attached  
file. If xltxtra is loaded, the word which is in italics in the  
section title is also in italics in the running head, but it should be  
in roman since the running head is in italics; if only fontspec is  
loaded, the running head is alright.

My version of xltxtra is 0.5b (the latest version available through  
tlmgr, it seems).

Best wishes,


Description: Binary data

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Re: [XeTeX] word breaking in languages like telugu, sanskrit

2010-07-17 Thread Yves Codet


With XeLaTeX, if you use the package "polyglossia", hyphenation  
patterns (included in the package "hyph-utf8") corresponding to the  
language you select will be applied. For instance:


I can see that "hyph-utf8" has patterns for several other Indian  
which will be part of the next TeX Live. And François will certainly  
be willing to add support for those languages to his "polyglossia".

Best wishes,


Le 17 juil. 10 à 14:32, Kattamuri Ekanadham a écrit :

When we compose languages like telugu, sanskrit etc. using xetex,
we would like to have a means of producing paragraphs with  
justification on both sides.
Normally clank is taken as an opportunity for word-breaking;  
however, in these
languages perhaps we should specify (in addition to blank) that a  

could signal a potential place for breaking. For instance, if the word
"sAhitya" is overflowing a line, it can broken either after "sA" or  
after "sAhi" also.

Is there a way to specify this in xetex or with some latex commands?

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Re: [XeTeX] [OT] Free fonts for fontspec examples?

2010-07-12 Thread Yves Codet


Le 12 juil. 10 à 09:15, Will Robertson a écrit :

Dear all,

I'm trying to improve the examples in the fontspec manual. As well  
as improving the examples already there, I'd like to eliminate the  
use of any non-free fonts so that others can compile the manual  
without trouble.

I've got a few areas I'm stuck on, since my font repertoire isn't  
very large.

1.  Does anyone know of any free fonts that have optical size  

2.  I'm looking for examples which use (and don't need too many  
explanations) the following features:

- Contextual swashes (cswh)

- Uppercase spacing/kerning (cpsp)

- Historical style (hist)

For the last feature you could use a Greek font which includes it, for  
instance "Alexander", that you can download here:

If you typeset the word λόγου with and without 'hist' you will see  
a difference.

I hope this helps. Best wishes,


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