RE: [ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-23 Thread Ronn Blankenship
At 11:29 PM 10/23/02, Stephen Beecroft wrote:

I do agree with at least one thing you've said: High priests are far
more likely to be active than elders.



--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle

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Re: [ZION] Voting and Parties

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 08:36 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Gary Smith wrote:

One more thing. We need to put term limits on all Congress. One term for
Senate, two for House. Then we wouldn't have people fighting to keep
themselves forever in office, and it would reduce the amount of voter
bribes. New Senators and Congressmen have a vision to fix America. Old
ones are mostly interested in keeping their position.

I disagree on the matter of term limits because it violates the spirit of 
the Constitution.  There needs to be a balance of power among the three 
branches of government.  Over the past two centuries the national 
legislature has irresponsibly been giving up more and more of its power 
over the executive branch.  Term limits would just accelerate that 
shift.  Without checks and balances we will have dictatorship.  And checks 
and balances only work if the three branches of the federal government are 
more or less evenly balanced.

I believe the idea of term limits was discussed by those in the original 
Constitutional Drafting Convention and it was rejected.  I haven't done the 
study to learn what their reasons were.

In any case, I object to term limits on Constitutional reasons.  I know 
that puts me at odds with my fellow conservatives, but then William F. 
Buckley campaigned for giving away the Panama Canal Zone.  Not every person 
with the public persona of a conservative actually is one.

Finally Brigham Young didn't like the idea of term limits.  He once said 
that if a good man is in the office, he should be kept there indefinitely 
to keep the scoundrels out of that seat.  Term limits can 
backfire.  Actually they usually do.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd like to see more
and more planets fall under the ruthless domination of
our solar system." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>I have heard that half of all elders are inactive.  But that fewer than
>percent of high priests are inactive.  Can anyone here confirm or deny 

Sounds about right. Keep in mind though that this also includes the
perspective elders who never got ordained. 

Gee wizz. Now I feel like I'm in with the loosers. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] James' Ossuary

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 09:17 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Marc A. Schindler wrote:

I'm happy for the world of biblical archaeology, don't get me wrong, and 
ironically for someone who's probably perceived as being pro-science, I at 
know science's place and certainly its weaknesses. It says nothing about Jesus
the Christ, even if it somehow could be proven to be the ossuary of the 
of the real Jesus of Nazareth.

Maybe with satellite technology they will eventually solve the riddle of 
the Ark which some suppose is on Ararat to this day.  Haven't they used 
sophisticated imaging and satellite technology to find roads and cities 
buried under the sands of the Arabian peninsula?  Maybe they will learn to 
see through ice.  I'd love to know what is on the surface buried thousands 
of feet beneath the southern, Antarctic icecap.  If the earth has actually 
shifted its axis, and climates were once very much different, who knows 
what they might find?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look
at the word itself: "Mankind".  Basically, it's made up of
two separate words - "mank" and "ind".  What do these
words mean ?  It's a mystery, and that's why so is
mankind."  --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] James' Ossuary

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 09:00 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Gary Smith wrote:

It fits. So there is a high possibility of this being authentic and in
the right timeframe.  But imagine having the bones of James!

No bones, just the box.  The bones are long gone.  --JWR

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RE: [ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> I have heard that half of all elders are inactive.  But that
> fewer than 5 percent of high priests are inactive.  Can anyone
> here confirm or deny this?

I can't confirm or deny Church-wide, of course, but around here that's 
not the case. 50% is approximately right for the elders, probably a bit 
high, but 5% is definitely too low for the high priests.

> I speculate that by the time a man is called to be a high
> priest he has proven that his interest in the gospel is not
> a temporary thing.  Elders, because they are generally much
> younger, have not lived long enough to demonstrate by their
> record that they will remain active no matter what.

Maybe in some places, but I doubt that's the case here. Of the six 
elder's quorum presidents I have had in Redmond, four have been over 40 
years old. Of the other two, one was a recent convert of about 26 years 
of age, and the other was in his early 30s and was clearly being 
fast-tracked and groomed for administrative service (he's currently in 
the bishopric). Our elder's quorum has also, until very recently, 
included a very active brother in his 50s and several very active men in 
their 40s. They had long since "demonstrated by their record" their 
activity. But we live in a very active area with lots of 
leadership-quality men, and I suspect the local leaders prefer not to 
make men high priests just because they have turned 30 or 40 or 50 or 
whatever. Just my suspicions.

I do agree with at least one thing you've said: High priests are far 
more likely to be active than elders. This is to be expected, since high 
priests are the leaders, and the leaders are usually selected from among 
the most active and faithful of the Saints (men). But that should not be 
considered a slight upon those faithful Saints of whatever age who are 


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[ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 03:08 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Larry Jackson wrote:

And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not
a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different
office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities.

I have heard that half of all elders are inactive.  But that fewer than 5 
percent of high priests are inactive.  Can anyone here confirm or deny 
this?  We have loads of inactive elders in our ward, but we have not one 
single inactive high priest.  Is that normal?  And if so, why might that 
be?  I speculate that by the time a man is called to be a high priest he 
has proven that his interest in the gospel is not a temporary 
thing.  Elders, because they are generally much younger, have not lived 
long enough to demonstrate by their record that they will remain active no 
matter what.

Of course, there are high priests that have fallen too, just not nearly as 
many per thousand.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I can image a world without war, a world without fear, a
world  without hate.  And I can picture us attacking that
world, because they'd never expect it.' --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Hindsight

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 10:48 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Cousin Bill wrote:

Not I, said Cousin Bill.  Nor will I ever vote for a Bush.  I did vote for 
the first Bush.  That was when I was young and foolish and didn't know better.

I have noticed that on some of the websites run by people with politics 
similar to my own that they refer to "the Bush crime family."   I 
put my faith in God, my Savior, the Prophet, my Stake President, my bishop, 
and myself.  I don't put any faith at all in politicians.  All of them are 
masters of looking good.  And because of that it is impossible to know what 
they are like underneath the public persona.

I must confess that I think of the Bush clan as the Bush crime family.  But 
I don't think they are any worse than the Kennedys, or the 
Rockefellers.  None of those fortunes were earned honestly.

This is why I am so into religion.  If I only knew the world, ie. Babylon, 
I would get so depressed I would never get over it.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you were a poor Indian with no weapons, and a bunch
of conquistadors came up to you and asked where the
gold was, I don't think it would be a good idea to say, "I
swallowed it.  So sue me."  --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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RE: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> Keys, where needed, are given to the person set apart for
> a calling.  He only holds those keys until he is released.

How about that? That's directly opposite to what a bishop told me years 
back. Thanks for the clarification.


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RE: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-23 Thread larry . jackson
Stephen Beecroft:

If a man who has previously served as elder's quorum 
president, then been released, is again called to serve, 
he does not need to have the keys given him. 


Keys, where needed, are given to the person set apart 
for a calling.  He only holds those keys until he is released.  

A man who serves as bishop is ordained to that office 
in the Aaronic Priesthood, then set apart as the bishop 
of a specific ward and given the keys of presidency.  

When he is released, he is still a bishop in the AP by 
ordination, but he no longer has the keys, and would 
be given them again if he were again called to serve.  He 
would not need to be ordained a bishop again, only set 
apart and given keys.

Deacons, teachers, and elders quorum presidents 
receive keys, along with bishops and stake presidents.  
A branch president would also receive keys.  The priests 
quorum president is the bishop, so he already has keys.  
The stake president is the president of the high priests 
quorum and is given those keys as part of his calling.

An apostle receives all the keys upon his ordination, but 
does not use them unless authorized by the president 
of the Church.  He holds those keys until he is released 
(usually by leaving this mortal sphere for a far better place).

Larry Jackson

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[ZION] Sniper Victims

2002-10-23 Thread Valerie Nielsen Williams
Marc:  Maybe a little ;-)I've pasted articles below on each victim.


> Hmm. Maybe I've got my wires crossed. The one I'm thinking of worked 
> at the time
> of her death at the FBI (which doesn't say what she did earlier), 
> and she had red
> hair. Does that fit in?
> Valerie Nielsen Williams wrote:
> > I didn't know this, but I do know that when the woman vaccuuming 
> her van
> > was killed, the news said she was a "former nanny, married and a 
> recent
> > convert to the Mormon Church."
> >
> > val
> >

Latter-day Saint Victim

The sniper brings the threat close to home. How close? On October 4, when
the sniper killed five people in a two-hour span, the shootings were
within a 2-1/2 mile radius of each other—and the Washington D.C. temple.
One of the victims was Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera, a 25 year-old Latter-day
Saint, who was shot in the back at a Kensington, Maryland Shell station
at 9:58 a.m. She was vacuuming out her employer’s van when suddenly she
just slumped down. Some around her thought she had had a heart attack.
Pulling into a Safeway parking lot adjacent to the Shell station at that
same time were two sister missionaries from the Washington D.C. North
mission, coming to pick up some film. They were Sister Natalie Johnson
from Pleasant Grove, Utah and Sister Ralene Whitmer of Safford, Arizona.
Suddenly they heard a sound—like a gun shot. It was strange they thought,
but they both agreed it had to be a tire blowing on a car.
Then looking over toward the gas station, they saw a woman making a
frantic call on a cell phone and Lori lying on her back on the ground.
They rushed over to see what they could do to help, but there was
nothing. A fire station stood down the street, but not close enough they
could rescue the stricken woman, lying on her back bleeding to death..
The missionaries were powerless as Lori died before them while they were
waiting for medical help.
The police came and roped off the area, asked the missionaries several
questions, and then they had to leave. “I was hysterical,” said Sister
Johnson, who was scheduled to be released from her mission six days
Lori Lewis-Rivera would certainly seem like an unlikely candidate for a
sniper’s bullet. 
She was a country girl from Mountain Home, Idaho, who had moved to
Washington D.C. in 1996 with her suitcase in one hand and a certificate
from the Northwest Nannies Institute in Oregon in the other. Her
employer, District journalist, Ellen Wiess told The Washington Post, "She
felt this was what she wanted to do with her life, and she took it very
seriously. . . . When she got personalized checks, she wanted to put
'Professional Nanny' on the checks."
Befriended by another nanny, Lori found the Church, and there met Nelson
Rivera, a native of Honduras who spoke only Spanish. Brother-in-law
Antonio Rivera said despite the communication problems, it was love at
first sight, and soon they did not need a translator for their dates.
They married in November 1997 and two years later gave birth to Jocylin.
Lori had dropped 3-year old Jocylin at a day-care center that morning
before she diverted from her normal routine and stopped to vacuum the
Nelson Rivera, 32, who works as a landscaper in Northern Virginia, told a
local newspaper that Lori was a devoted mother. “Her passion was her
daughter. She wanted everything for her.”
For several days after the first shootings, missionaries in both the
Washington D.C. North and South missions did not tract and only went to
scheduled appointments if they had a car. It was later that the sister
missionaries found out that it had been a fellow Latter-day Saint who had
died before them.
from Washington Post
Sniper Victim Remembered
Franklin Worked For FBI
UPDATED: 5:25 p.m. EDT October 21, 2002
ARLINGTON, Va. -- Funeral services for 47-year-old Linda Franklin, of
Arlington, Va., were held Monday morning at Mount Olivet United Methodist
Church in Arlington. 
The FBI intelligence specialist was shot and killed Oct. 14 while
loading packages into her car with her husband at the Home Depot store in
Falls Church, Va. 
"She will be missed ... her laughter and love of family, friends and
animals will live on in all that knew her. She was an extraordinary
example of living with joy and gratitude, no matter what came her way,"
said David Wray, the family's spokesman. 


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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>I think that Paul is being deliberately provocative in order to stir up
>discussion.  I coached him while he was here. 
>It works pretty good, doesn't it Paul?

Yep. Your s right John. I like to be provocative and stir things up.
It's fun, but I would feel bad if I hurt someones feelings. 

And, yes, John gave me some good pointers. I've seen how John operates
too and have watched him type letters to the list. I've seen his
computer, chair, book shelves, and table. I can visualize him right now
in my mind. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 09:43 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Gary Smith wrote:

There is nothing prestigious to these callings. There is some
recognition, but in all reality, the pay isn't that great. Most would
prefer to make it to heaven without the experience of being an apostle or
stake president, but the humble ones accept the call when given.

I think it depends on where you are.  There is little prestige in being a 
bishop or stake president here in this part of Alaska.  But in the 
SLC-Provo area those callings are definitely prestige callings.  You can 
tell by listening to the wives.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he
sticks his head out when you're coming home his face
might burn up." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 08:48 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Gary Smith wrote:

I would say that most apostles will have money. There are exceptions,
though fewer and fewer as the Church grows. Even today, many of our
apostles are not wealthy, but are comfortable.

In my family "comfortable" is a euphemism for wealthy.  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
I agree with everything you are saying Gary but I'm not thinking that all
the GA's were born with silver spoons. I know they worked hard and got
educated and have fine jobs that pay quite well. That is the nature of
the man who gets the call. I am merely pointing out how the Lord does
business and was not being critical about it. Me personally, it matters
not what the profession of my bishop is. If he has the Spirit and the
mantle that is all that matters. I'm sure you agree with that. But, I can
understand how you would prefer an educated man.

Paul O  

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 21:43:34 -0500 Gary Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You make it sound like these jobs were handed to them on a silver
> platter. Not so. They all started at the bottom, with no silver 
> spoon in
> the mouth. Any money the GAs have, they earned it. Any education 
> they
> received was from hard work. 
> Do you think any of them had been wishing and hoping to become an
> apostle? Definitely not. Try reading President Kimball's biography 
> on his
> reaction when called as an apostle. Ask your stake president his 
> thoughts
> on being called a stake president. I'll bet he wasn't jumping for 
> joy.
> Rather, he was humbling submitting to the calling.
> There is nothing prestigious to these callings. There is some
> recognition, but in all reality, the pay isn't that great. Most 
> would
> prefer to make it to heaven without the experience of being an 
> apostle or
> stake president, but the humble ones accept the call when given.
> These men are successful in life because they earned their success. 
> In
> earning that success, they made themselves useful to God and His 
> work. Of
> course God is probably going to call an educated man over a ditch 
> digger.
> If you had a major struggle in your life, would you prefer your 
> bishop be
> a psychiatrist or a day laborer? Educated or illiterate? 
> Financially
> comfortable or standing by the roadside with a sign "will work for 
> food"?
> God uses those who have qualified themselves for the work. Many are
> called, but few chosen. Many aren't chosen because they try and do 
> things
> their way, rather than God's way. They want to use the priesthood 
> for
> their own use, rather than make themselves a useful tool for God to 
> use.
> The Brethren had comfortable lives because they earned a 
> comfortable
> life. The prestige came only because they worked hard and earned it. 
> If
> you or I don't receive prestige, it is probably because we haven't 
> done
> ng prestigious.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 12:03 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Will we ever see a janitor, a manual laborer, a machinist, a farmer, a 
rancher, as an apostle? To test this out - what are the current or former 
occupations of the apostles? Its interesting that a carpenter ended up 
saving mankind.

Jesus was a carpenter.  Peter was a fisherman.  Joseph Smith was a 
farmer.  Brigham Young was a glazier, I believe.  Throughout the history of 
the Church, ancient and modern, the prophets have been not only pencil 
pushers, but also tradesmen.  If there is a temporary abundance of paper 
shufflers in position of leadership, it is because at this time in history 
that is what the Lord needs.  Perhaps it will be different tomorrow.  Isn't 
it wonderful that this is a living Church.  It grows and shifts to meet the 
current situation.

I think that Paul is being deliberately provocative in order to stir up a 
discussion.  I coached him while he was here. 

It works pretty good, doesn't it Paul?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look
at the word itself: "Mankind".  Basically, it's made up of
two separate words - "mank" and "ind".  What do these
words mean ?  It's a mystery, and that's why so is
mankind."  --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>What is your definition of "money"?  Is it $40,000?  $50,000?  $100,000?


My definition of money is when you have it in the bank and you don't owe
anyone anything except perhaps the mortgage. 

>Most school administrators I know make about $50K. So if that is your
>definition of "money", then you are right, most stake presidents AND
>Priests have money. By the time they get to that age, they have saved up
>enough and worked their way up in their business enough to make $50K or
>more a year.

Point taken. Thanks. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 08:47 AM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Paul Osborne wrote:

I was referring to Stake President and up. They have money and prestige.
There are plenty of talented yet poor High Priests who never get the call
because they don't have money. Money is a prerequisite to those callings.
I hope that it doesn't sound like I am faulting the Lord. I'm simply
pointing out how the Lord does business. He depends on money and if you
don't have it you won't get those high callings of Stake President and
up. That's the bottom line. It's always about money.

I had a stake president in southern California who was a manager of a 
college bookstore.  I don't think he made much more than minimum wage.  The 
neighborhood where he lived, the clothes he wore, and the car he drove 
would certainly bear out that out.  Yet he was an excellent stake 
president.  While it is true that most stake presidents are wealthy by my 
standards, that just means they are successful in their work.  Even a truck 
driver or mechanic can be wealthy if he is good enough.  And it stands to 
reason that the Lord would prefer competent men as his bishops and stake 
presidents.  That is probably why I will never have to make that 
sacrifice.  I have no special, demonstrated competence as an administrator.

Teaching jobs are at least as important as bean counting, pencil pushing, 
and paper shuffling anyway.  I would much rather teach Sunday School, a 
priesthood quorum, or seminary than serve in any administrative 
calling.  The pay is just as good, and the work is a lot more fun.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to
laugh at that man." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] UN Moral Authority

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I already responded. But I'll respond again. I don't believe the UN is the moral
authority of the world, so why on earth would I want to defend that position? I
took this as a deliberately provocative, rhetorical question on the part of
whoever originally wrote it, like asking when someone's going to stop beating
their wife, so I gave a sarcastic answer.

"John W. Redelfs" wrote:

> Marc,
> I'd love to hear your response to the following:
> "When did the United Nations become the supreme moral authority of the world?
> One might advance such a proposition if most of the organization were
> represented by democratic governments, but that is not the case. Of the 191
> nations in the United Nations only about 40 percent (85 countries) are
> democratic societies that enjoy political rights and civil liberties. The
> rest are either controlled by dictators or by a one-party government."
> Is it true that most of the member nations are dictatorships and one-party
> states?  And if so, how might that affect the good or evil done by the
> umbrella organization?

You tell me. Your position seems to be that even democracies are in the thrall of
Gadianton Robbers. So isn't the question moot?

Also, I have never seen the UN as an umbrella organization in the sense of
super-national, although I know many do. I see it as a means of international
cooperation, possibly secondarily of ensuring that no one country dominates
(although it doesn't do that very well, given the strangle-hold the U.S. has on
the UN Security Council). Nation states are dying as institutions, and power is
flowing up to super-regions, and down to micro-regions, so the question will come
to make even less and less sense as the new century unfolds, imo.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] James' Ossuary

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Gary Smith wrote:

> Actually, it IS ".05 percent."  That means it is less than one percent
> chance of happening. I agree that it could have been stated clearer.

But he meant 1 in 20, which is 5%. I agree that's not clear from the context, but
when you read the AP and other wire service reports that the Globe author used
(I'm assuming, because he has so many direct quotes from the wire service
version, just basically building up the Toronto link, of course) you'll see that
someone has made an assumption that there's about a 1 in 20 chance of having all
3 of these names on an ossuary or any other public record at the time and place
in question. But you're right that it's really slimmer than that, because even
that calculation assumes there was one and only one such combination possible,
and given the common occurrences of the name, I don't buy that.

> As for the provenance, yes it is a shame that there is none for this
> artifact. However, there are things they can verify. For example, they
> can compare the writing style on the ossuary with that of others in the
> timeframe and verify the style is equivalent (it is). Then they can
> review if any others have the name of both a father and brother on it
> (only one does, but there is an example of this occurring). Finally, they
> look to see if such an item was used in the timeframe suggested by the
> other evidence. It so happens that in Jerusalem, ossuaries were ONLY used
> between 20BC and 70AD.

Actually we don't know how far back they were used. They weren't used past 70 AD
for the simple reason that Jerusalem was destroyed then. The earliest one that
has been *found* is probably about 20 BC (that sounds about right, I wouldn't
know) but the point is that we can't prove a negative, which is why provenance is
so important. Epigraphers and those who have examined the stone and the
inscription's physical characteristic (it has a patina on it which shows ancient
age, etc.) all bear out. So I'm not saying it's *not* what it might appear to be.
I'm just saying we can never prove it. It's like the Shroud of Turin. The only
way you could actually prove it *authentic*, even if it *did* come from someone
who was crucified in the first half of the first century AD, was by DNA. Next
time you see the Lord, ask him for a sampleSee the problem?

I'm happy for the world of biblical archaeology, don't get me wrong, and perhaps
ironically for someone who's probably perceived as being pro-science, I at least
know science's place and certainly its weaknesses. It says nothing about Jesus
the Christ, even if it somehow could be proven to be the ossuary of the brother
of the real Jesus of Nazareth.

> It fits. So there is a high possibility of this being authentic and in
> the right timeframe.  But imagine having the bones of James!

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] Alma and High Priests

2002-10-23 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 09:06 PM 10/23/2002, you wrote:

According to the Old Testament, the House of Israel is supposed to be a 
nation of priests.  I assume that is still true.  The lesser priesthood is 
called the Aaronic or Levitical priesthood.  The higher priesthood from 
which all other priesthoods are mere appendages is called the Melchizedek 
priesthood.  In Alma he talks about high priests being foreordained from 
before the foundations of the world.  But elsewhere it is clear that this 
means all Melchizedek priesthood holders.  So if you want to talk a High 
Priest, you are talking about an office.  If you talk about a priest of 
the higher priesthood, you would have to include Elders, Patriarchs, 
Apostles, Seers, Seventies in that definition.

I don't believe that the references to high priests in Alma refer to the 
office of a High Priest.  Rather I believe that those references are to 
those men who hold the higher priesthood, ie. the Melchizedek 
priesthood.  I see no indication in Alma that he is referring to the 
office.  He is referring to one holding the high priesthood.

John W. Redelfs

I must confess I haven't thought much about this issue in the past. 
However, after reviewing the various posts on the subject I have to come 
down on the side of Stephen Beecroft and John W. Redelfs (sorry if I missed 
any others?) that the mere office of High Priest is not as important as 
being ordained to the Melchizedek  Priesthood.

Steven Montgomery

"Nations are defined by their founders. George Washington set a standard of
selfless public service and heroic private virtue against which American
politicians continue to be measured - and found wanting - even today." 
--Steven W. Mosher 

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RE: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 02:55 AM, Thursday, 10/24/02, Stephen Beecroft wrote:

I mentioned before that there were two definitions of the term "high
priest". To be more accurate, there are at least three definitions of
"high priest" that refer to a holder of the true Priesthood:

1. The lead, or head, or "high", priest of a group of ecumenical
authorities. Thus, Alma was "high priest over the land", meaning he was
the head of the priests; similarly, Aaron, though not in possession of
the higher Priesthood, was still a "high priest", since he was the

2. Any holder of the high Priesthood may properly be referred to as a
"high priest", in the sense that he is a priest (i.e. a holder of the
Priesthood) after the order of Melchizedek. Thus it is that Alma calls
those who hold the higher Priesthood "high priests" in Alma 13:9.

3. Specifically, in modern days a "high priest" is an office in the
Melchizedek Priesthood, one that has certain duties assigned to it,
normally relating to administrative duties.

I believe you are confusing these three, and assuming that any usage of
the term "high priest" applies to #3 above. This is not the case,

This is my understanding.  I like the way you have listed the three 
different ways in which a person may be a "high" priest.  I believe that 
the references in Alma are to item #2, a priest holding the high 
priesthood.  And that would include Elders in our own day.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he
sticks his head out when you're coming home his face
might burn up." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Hopefully, these will help to show the importance of the future
>ordination of all of us brethren as high priests and kings unto God the

Ok. I'm convinced. I look forward to my ordination someday. :-)

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Gary Smith wrote:

> You make it sound like these jobs were handed to them on a silver
> platter. Not so. They all started at the bottom, with no silver spoon in
> the mouth. Any money the GAs have, they earned it. Any education they
> received was from hard work.
> Do you think any of them had been wishing and hoping to become an
> apostle? Definitely not. Try reading President Kimball's biography on his
> reaction when called as an apostle.

This was precisely what I as thinking of. He really struggled as an insurance
broker when he was a young man.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] High Priests

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 11:41 PM, Tuesday, 10/22/02, Gary Smith wrote:

It is partially an issue of maturity/age: placing those who have not had
a line authority position requiring HP status, into the HP quorum/group,
in order to strengthen the individual and also to strengthen the quorum.

Yes but that is not what the CHI says.  A man who would be more comfortable 
meeting with the high priests because of his age could be authorized to do 
so without ordaining him a high priest.  Unless there is compelling reason 
otherwise, such as inspiration to the stake president, a man is called to 
be a high priest only if his calling requires it.

At least that is my understanding.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd like to see more
and more planets fall under the ruthless domination of
our solar system." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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[ZION] Alma and High Priests

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
According to the Old Testament, the House of Israel is supposed to be a 
nation of priests.  I assume that is still true.  The lesser priesthood is 
called the Aaronic or Levitical priesthood.  The higher priesthood from 
which all other priesthoods are mere appendages is called the Melchizedek 
priesthood.  In Alma he talks about high priests being foreordained from 
before the foundations of the world.  But elsewhere it is clear that this 
means all Melchizedek priesthood holders.  So if you want to talk a High 
Priest, you are talking about an office.  If you talk about a priest of the 
higher priesthood, you would have to include Elders, Patriarchs, Apostles, 
Seers, Seventies in that definition.

I don't believe that the references to high priests in Alma refer to the 
office of a High Priest.  Rather I believe that those references are to 
those men who hold the higher priesthood, ie. the Melchizedek 
priesthood.  I see no indication in Alma that he is referring to the 
office.  He is referring to one holding the high priesthood.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he
sticks his head out when you're coming home his face
might burn up." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Definition of "liberal"

2002-10-23 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 08:25 PM 10/23/2002, you wrote:

Unfortunately, it is what Liberal now means in the US.

It used to be that liberal was one that sought to help the underdog with
smart assistance from government, while ensuring the freedoms of the
average joe. But the term "liberal" has been co-opted by fringe groups in
the US. Gore is a perfect example of what liberal now means in the US:
follows the extreme environmental tactics, reproductive rights, and the
"rights" of perverse groups.

Actually our founding fathers (U.S.) were perfect examples of the classical 
liberal. Etymology wise the word has roots in the more meaningful term, 

Constitutionalism. I want to be known as a constitutionalist in the 
tradition of James Madison-father of the Constitution. Labels change and 
perhaps in the old tradition I would be considered one of the original 
Whigs. The new title I would wear today is that of conservative-though in 
its original British connotation the term liberal fits me better than the 
original meaning of the word conservative.
To show how labels can change or be stolen, a liberal today believes in 
greater government intervention and less personal freedom for the people, 
which is practically the opposite of what the old liberals believed years 
ago. (The Red Carpet, pp. 206-7.)
 (Ezra Taft Benson, The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson [Salt Lake City: 
Bookcraft, 1988], 690.)

Steven Montgomery

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Re: [ZION] DC sniper

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Hmm. Maybe I've got my wires crossed. The one I'm thinking of worked at the time
of her death at the FBI (which doesn't say what she did earlier), and she had red
hair. Does that fit in?

Valerie Nielsen Williams wrote:

> I didn't know this, but I do know that when the woman vaccuuming her van
> was killed, the news said she was a "former nanny, married and a recent
> convert to the Mormon Church."
> val
> On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 19:40:03 -0600 "Marc A. Schindler"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > By the way, did you know that the FBI employee, the woman at the Home
> > Depot
> > store, was LDS?
> .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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RE: [ZION] Figure the Odds

2002-10-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> Figure the odds.  Only a dozen or so have been killed out of
> population of over 14,000,000.  You chance of being killed is
> about the same as a meteorite landing on your head.

Well...not really. I believe there is only one known case of a meteor 
striking a person -- and she survived. But hyperbole aside, your point 
is well-taken.

In this last two weeks or however long this lunatic has been murdering 
people, how many in DC have been killed in drug transactions? How many 
have died in automobile accidents? The fear of the masses, though 
understandable, is based in what Marc would call "innumeracy".


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Re: [ZION] James' Ossuary

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>It fits. So there is a high possibility of this being authentic and in
>the right timeframe.  But imagine having the bones of James!

I think the only way you're going to get the bones of James is if you tug
on his LIVING limbs. If you do that Gary I'm sure he'll smack you.

ha ha ha ha 

Paul O

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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread larry . jackson
Paul Osborne:

... to become a GA? The unwritten rule is that he has to 
have money and resources. He almost always has a 
prestigious job and a fine education. That is what the 
Lord is looking for. If you don't have those benefits you 
can't be called to be a GA, let alone a SP. 


Nice thought.  Not true.  And I think you may have a real 
hangup with the word pre$tige.

But, that's just my own personal opinion, and I will have 
another nice day again tomorrow, thank you.  Poor as I 
am in the things of this world.

Larry Jackson

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RE: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> I give Stephen the point that I can't find a specific scripture
> showing one will eventually be ordained a high priest in heaven.
> However, i still hold to that point. However, I do have some
> quotes below.

Without scriptural backing, that's merely a speculative opinion with no 
foundation. Thus, if taught as gospel, it qualifies as "false doctrine", 
since it in fact is not the teaching of the Church.

> BTW, it isn't just a "modern office."

>From what I can tell, it is.

> Melchizedek was a high priest. Christ was ordained a high
> priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 5-7),
> distinguishing it from the high priest found in the
> Aaronic/Levitical Priesthood.

I mentioned before that there were two definitions of the term "high 
priest". To be more accurate, there are at least three definitions of 
"high priest" that refer to a holder of the true Priesthood:

1. The lead, or head, or "high", priest of a group of ecumenical 
authorities. Thus, Alma was "high priest over the land", meaning he was 
the head of the priests; similarly, Aaron, though not in possession of 
the higher Priesthood, was still a "high priest", since he was the 

2. Any holder of the high Priesthood may properly be referred to as a 
"high priest", in the sense that he is a priest (i.e. a holder of the 
Priesthood) after the order of Melchizedek. Thus it is that Alma calls 
those who hold the higher Priesthood "high priests" in Alma 13:9.

3. Specifically, in modern days a "high priest" is an office in the 
Melchizedek Priesthood, one that has certain duties assigned to it, 
normally relating to administrative duties.

I believe you are confusing these three, and assuming that any usage of 
the term "high priest" applies to #3 above. This is not the case, 

> Alma also speaks of high priests (chap 13), who seem
> distinguished from the teachers and other callings in the
> priesthood they had at the time.

Yes, as I mentioned above, Alma is speaking of all those who hold the 
Melchizedek Priesthood.

> So, High Priest is an ancient office within the MP.

You assert this, but you haven't given any evidence of it.

> BTW, an apostle isn't a deacon,

Of course he is. He doesn't belong to a deacon's quorum, but he holds 
all the responsibilities of a deacon, plus more.

> but does have the roles of a deacon given him, because the
> Aaronic Priesthood is a subset of the MP (D&C 107).  A subset
> of a larger group does not mean the individual who is of the
> superset belongs directly within that group, but that he
> encompasses it.

Exactly. This is the sense in which an apostle is a high priest; his 
calling encompasses that of high priest.

> A branch president [...] has authority to temporarily preside
> over the branch.

Just as a bishop has authority to temporarily preside over a ward.

> However, one called as a bishop is always a bishop

That is because "bishop" is an office in the Aaronic Priesthood; you 
don't stop being a deacon because you're an elder. You also never "lose" 
keys given you, assuming you're worthy. Rather, they just become 
inactive. So when a man receives the bishop's keys for his Aaronic 
Priesthood duties, he never "loses" them, just as he never "loses" the 
keys for being the elder's quorum president or presiding high priest.

If a man who has previously served as elder's quorum president, then 
been released, is again called to serve, he does not need to have the 
keys given him. He already has them. The same applies to a former bishop 
who is called to serve again as bishop, or a former stake president 
called to serve again as stake president, etc. Mark, Larry, Till, 
correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my understanding.

Your quotes, while rather interesting, don't serve to establish your 
particular opinion on this matter. In fact, they seem to me to harmonize 
quite well with what I've been saying.

> The right of presidency in a ward rests with the bishop. If he
> should neglect to ask or appoint anyone to preside in his
> absence, the body of the Priesthood present at a meeting would
> necessarily be the authority which would have the right to call
> or appoint a temporary presiding officer, in the absence of the
> regularly constituted authority. No man, without the consent of
> the Priesthood present, would have the right to assume to
> preside, unless he was called to do so by the Priesthood present,

Nota bene: In the absence of a regularly-appointed authority, the body 
of the Priesthood *as a whole* has the authority to appoint a presiding 
officer. Not the high priest groups or quorum, not the senior high 
priest, but the body of the Priesthood as a whole. Normally, they would 
select the senior high priest:

> who generally choose the senior high priest.

Your next quote is interesting:

> Was it necessary for the Prophet Joseph Smith to set apart
> Brigham or Heber or Willard, or any of the rest of the
> Twelve Apostles? No, for the same reason, they had

Re: [ZION] Voting and Parties

2002-10-23 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 07:36 PM 10/23/2002, you wrote:

IMO, I agree with President George Washington in his Farewell Address,
that we should shun political parties. All they have done is divide the
nation along a single line without as much as a care for actual platform.
Too many people vote for a party, simply because their parents did. Very
few vote for the character of the individual or that person's individual

Just because a party has a platform does not mean the individual holds to
it. Whatever happened to George Bush's promise to help the schools?
Instead, he turned the process over to Ted Kennedy and the Democrats'
pro-teacher's-union platform to decide what to do. We didn't get what was
promised, and most people have forgotten, because they are tied to the
party, rather than the policies.

Instead of passing laws to protect us from terrorism and to fund the war
on it, the two parties are fighting over platform issues: should the new
workers be unionized? Should we throw in money for after school programs,
so we can help the incumbents get reelected? Instead of hitting the real
issues, we have Daschle attacking inane items; and we have the
Republicans ignoring the economy in order to win the election through the
war on terrorism.

Finally, without parties, we would be able to have more people run for
office and have a chance of winning. We wouldn't need campaign reform,
because money would be tied to the individual and not to a political
party and its abuses. And we wouldn't have the crimes of an elected
leader protected by a political party, whether it is Nixon or Clinton, if
one is guilty of crimes, the entire Congress should honestly investigate
it and do their job; not sweep sins under the carpet in order to protect
the party.

One more thing. We need to put term limits on all Congress. One term for
Senate, two for House. Then we wouldn't have people fighting to keep
themselves forever in office, and it would reduce the amount of voter
bribes. New Senators and Congressmen have a vision to fix America. Old
ones are mostly interested in keeping their position.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smith

I'd like to see the electoral college used the way the framers 
intended--each state would decide how their particular electoral college 
representatives would be elected, and then these representatives would vote 
for president. This way the chances are a better candidate would be elected 
rather than mediocre or poor candidates who might look better or have that 
certain popular charisma than more qualified but less popularly appealing 

We don't need term limits. We already have term limits if the people so 
choose--their vote.

Steven Montgomery

"Nations are defined by their founders. George Washington set a standard of
selfless public service and heroic private virtue against which American
politicians continue to be measured - and found wanting - even today." 
--Steven W. Mosher 

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[ZION] Figure the Odds

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 05:18 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What do you all think about the DC sniper?  Anyone have any theories on it?
I'm not sure what to think except that I'm just sick about it.  My parents
and one of my sisters live in the area...I grew up there...I'm just a WEE
bit worried.  On the other hand, I know about eternal families and that if
anything ever happened, we are sealed as a family.  But I'm still worried
about them.  My mom only does shopping now at a secure military base; she
figures she's a lot safer there (side note: two weeks ago, on the day the
shooting happened in Manassas, she was planning on doing some shopping
there and a distinct impression came to her to not go, so she didn't.  It
was that afternoon that another shooting happened in the area where she
would have been).  My sister and her roommates only go out when necessary.
When she buys gas, she starts pumping and then ducks (she lives in

What do I do?

Figure the odds.  Only a dozen or so have been killed out of population of 
over 14,000,000.  You chance of being killed is about the same as a 
meteorite landing on your head.  A lot of media coverage doesn't change the 
numbers.  It just scares people.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
Val wrote:
>I must wholly disagree here.  Our former stake president is only
>high school educated and a construction worker.  He was my Bishop when I
>was a little girl, and back then he was managing a health spa.  In fact,
>we had no font in the building, so I was baptized in the pool at the
>They always lived in very modest homes--not luxurious at all.  
>He is also one of the most spiritual men I have ever known.  
>The SP before him lost his job, was supporting a son on a
>mission, AND SP.  They were living out of their food storage for many
>months while he was unemployed.  Again, probably THE most spiritual man
>have ever known.  He spoke at my husband's funeral in March.  I swear,
>still speaks directly to the Lord.

Well. I guess the unwritten rule was broken. I appreciate hearing these
stories. It helps me see just how flexible the Lord can be. 

>I don't know how you can know who the Lord accepts and who He
>doesn't anyway?  You must have some bitter experience to be speaking
>way about the Lord's annointed.  I believe the scriptures are clear when
>we are told we need nothing more that a broken heart and a contrite
>spirit.  I see nothing there about advanced degrees or family money or
>excellent salary.  

I don't understand why you said the above. How have I spoken against the
Lord's anointed? Isn't it so that our beloved leaders have advanced
degrees, family money, excellent salaries, and prestigious careers? I'm
only pointing out the facts as I have noted them from the Church News.
However, I did my little study several years ago. Perhaps I'm out of date
regarding the unwritten rule? I've said nothing against the leaders or
against the Lord for that matter. I'm simply pointing out policy as I
understand it based on my view of the results. I will admit that I used
to annoyed about it in the past. But it is the Lord's church and he can
do whatever he wants, so I have come to accept it. If the Lord wants a
bricklayer for an apostle or a street sweeper--he can do it. But his
policies show otherwise. Obviously hidden talents of blue collar men are
not given the opportunity to serve in the highest leadership positions in
the church. But this is the will of the Lord and so it goes. 

>I'm sure if we were to do a survey of SP's, and even Area A's you
>would find a majority of them are humble "Laborers".   I think the fact
>that our beloved President Hinckley was a man of fairly meager means
>should be enough.  After all, shouldn't we all be laborers in the Lord's

The statistics say otherwise, Val. I don't think Elder Hinkley was rich
by any means but I'm sure he had sufficient for his means and he rose to
the top of his class. That is the sort of man the Lord looks at before
the call is made. 

>As for resources--we are told, time and time again, to get out of
>debt and to save money.  The men "UP" there have obviously done just
>that.  If you want to be there, then follow the prophet.  Simple

I'm working on it. :-)

Paul O

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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
You make it sound like these jobs were handed to them on a silver
platter. Not so. They all started at the bottom, with no silver spoon in
the mouth. Any money the GAs have, they earned it. Any education they
received was from hard work. 

Do you think any of them had been wishing and hoping to become an
apostle? Definitely not. Try reading President Kimball's biography on his
reaction when called as an apostle. Ask your stake president his thoughts
on being called a stake president. I'll bet he wasn't jumping for joy.
Rather, he was humbling submitting to the calling.

There is nothing prestigious to these callings. There is some
recognition, but in all reality, the pay isn't that great. Most would
prefer to make it to heaven without the experience of being an apostle or
stake president, but the humble ones accept the call when given.

These men are successful in life because they earned their success. In
earning that success, they made themselves useful to God and His work. Of
course God is probably going to call an educated man over a ditch digger.
If you had a major struggle in your life, would you prefer your bishop be
a psychiatrist or a day laborer? Educated or illiterate? Financially
comfortable or standing by the roadside with a sign "will work for food"?

God uses those who have qualified themselves for the work. Many are
called, but few chosen. Many aren't chosen because they try and do things
their way, rather than God's way. They want to use the priesthood for
their own use, rather than make themselves a useful tool for God to use.

The Brethren had comfortable lives because they earned a comfortable
life. The prestige came only because they worked hard and earned it. If
you or I don't receive prestige, it is probably because we haven't done
anything prestigious.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

$$$ and prestige
 Need I say more?

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[ZION] Definition of "liberal"

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
Unfortunately, it is what Liberal now means in the US. 

It used to be that liberal was one that sought to help the underdog with
smart assistance from government, while ensuring the freedoms of the
average joe. But the term "liberal" has been co-opted by fringe groups in
the US. Gore is a perfect example of what liberal now means in the US:
follows the extreme environmental tactics, reproductive rights, and the
"rights" of perverse groups.

In reality, it is a party issue, in that the party has been co-opted from
where it was just a few decades ago. My parents were Independents, but
had voted frequently for Democrats before Reagan. They passed around a
petition to have Ford impeached for pardoning Nixon. But my Mom would
never vote for a Democrat on the national level with how the party has
gone.  I would imagine that in Utah, the Democratic party is probably a
little more conservative, as sections of it tend to be in the South.

here's a stump question: Can anyone tell me the name of the Democratic
Georgia Senator who tends to vote frequently with the Republicans and
Bush?  (I know the answer, and I can tell you that if there were more
guys in the Democratic party like him- who vote on principle and not on
party platform, I'd possibly vote Democrat).

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This is not what liberal means to me at all. But I won't argue the point
any further -- the term, like the demonization, doesn't translate well
across borders.

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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
What is your definition of "money"?  Is it $40,000?  $50,000?  $100,000? 

Most school administrators I know make about $50K. So if that is your
definition of "money", then you are right, most stake presidents AND High
Priests have money. By the time they get to that age, they have saved up
enough and worked their way up in their business enough to make $50K or
more a year.

But in all reality, $50K isn't really that much, depending of course on
where you live in the US. 

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[ZION] Voting and Parties

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
IMO, I agree with President George Washington in his Farewell Address,
that we should shun political parties. All they have done is divide the
nation along a single line without as much as a care for actual platform.
Too many people vote for a party, simply because their parents did. Very
few vote for the character of the individual or that person's individual

Just because a party has a platform does not mean the individual holds to
it. Whatever happened to George Bush's promise to help the schools?
Instead, he turned the process over to Ted Kennedy and the Democrats'
pro-teacher's-union platform to decide what to do. We didn't get what was
promised, and most people have forgotten, because they are tied to the
party, rather than the policies.

Instead of passing laws to protect us from terrorism and to fund the war
on it, the two parties are fighting over platform issues: should the new
workers be unionized? Should we throw in money for after school programs,
so we can help the incumbents get reelected? Instead of hitting the real
issues, we have Daschle attacking inane items; and we have the
Republicans ignoring the economy in order to win the election through the
war on terrorism.

Finally, without parties, we would be able to have more people run for
office and have a chance of winning. We wouldn't need campaign reform,
because money would be tied to the individual and not to a political
party and its abuses. And we wouldn't have the crimes of an elected
leader protected by a political party, whether it is Nixon or Clinton, if
one is guilty of crimes, the entire Congress should honestly investigate
it and do their job; not sweep sins under the carpet in order to protect
the party.

One more thing. We need to put term limits on all Congress. One term for
Senate, two for House. Then we wouldn't have people fighting to keep
themselves forever in office, and it would reduce the amount of voter
bribes. New Senators and Congressmen have a vision to fix America. Old
ones are mostly interested in keeping their position.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[ZION] High Priest

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
I give Stephen the point that I can't find a specific scripture showing
one will eventually be ordained a high priest in heaven. However, i still
hold to that point. However, I do have some quotes below.

BTW, it isn't just a "modern office." Melchizedek was a high priest.
Christ was ordained a high priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews
5-7), distinguishing it from the high priest found in the
Aaronic/Levitical Priesthood. Alma also speaks of high priests (chap 13),
who seem distinguished from the teachers and other callings in the
priesthood they had at the time.
So, High Priest is an ancient office within the MP.
BTW, an apostle isn't a deacon, but does have the roles of a deacon given
him, because the Aaronic Priesthood is a subset of the MP (D&C 107).  A
subset of a larger group does not mean the individual who is of the
superset belongs directly within that group, but that he encompasses it.

Someone asked about branch presidents. A branch president has keys given
to him to act as a bishop, without having that ordination given him. He
has authority to temporarily preside over the branch. However, one called
as a bishop is always a bishop (and a high priest), and always has the
authority to preside, if called to do so.

"If the bishopric were absent from a ward meeting, and the bishop failed
to appoint anyone to preside, and several high priests and elders were
present, whose right would it be to preside at the meeting?"
The right of presidency in a ward rests with the bishop. If he should
neglect to ask or appoint anyone to preside in his absence, the body of
the Priesthood present at a meeting would necessarily be the authority
which would have the right to call or appoint a temporary presiding
officer, in the absence of the regularly constituted authority. No man,
without the consent of the Priesthood present, would have the right to
assume to preside, unless he was called to do so by the Priesthood
present, who generally choose the senior high priest. It would not be
necessary, however, to submit the choice of a presiding officer, in a
case of that kind, to the Saints for their decision or even approval,
except in case of question or division. It is eminently appropriate and
in order for the Priesthood present to select the senior high priest, by
ordination, to preside. In fact, by practice, it has become a custom, all
conditions being favorable, to call upon the senior high priest present
to officiate on occasions like those in question."
(Improvement Era, 1912, Priesthood Quorum's Table)

"It is well for the Latter-day Saints to understand the principles of the
Holy Priesthood, and the power thereof, that it may be known by you where
the authority rests, who has the right to teach and guide and counsel in
the affairs of the kingdom of God. The Lord has revealed it in plainness,
so that a way-faring man, though a fool need not err therein. Was it
necessary that Elder Taylor should be set apart to preside over this
people? was it necessary that the Twelve Apostles should be set apart to
preside over this people? No it was not, for they already possessed the
power, authority and ordination. Was it necessary for the Prophet Joseph
Smith to set apart Brigham or Heber or Willard, or any of the rest of the
Twelve Apostles? No, for the same reason, they had received the fulness
of the Holy Priesthood, the full endowment and the keys, and the
authority, and the fulness of the Apostleship; therefore it was not
necessary." (Elder George Q Cannon, (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols.
[London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854-1886], 19:230-237).

Oh, here's one from Abraham 1:  "...and desiring to receive instructions,
and to keep the commandments of God, I became a rightful heir, a High
Priest, holding the right belonging to the fathers."  This ties in
closely with Melchizedek, the High Priest and King of Salem. How? The
name Malchi-Zedek means 'King of Righteousness', and Salem means 'Peace'.
Abraham sought to be a high priest and king, just like Melchizedek.

"Adam was a great High Priest. So were his sons that were with him—Seth,
Enos, Jared, Canaan, Mahalaleel, Enoch and Methuselah; and a great many
others bore the holy Priesthood. All that Moses did was by the power of
the holy Priesthood. All that Jesus Christ and the Apostles did was by
the power of the Priesthood. Jesus Christ was our great High Priest, and
He came into the world and laid down His life as a great sacrifice for
the redemption of the world." (Wilford Woodruff, Oct 9, 1892, Collected
Discourses 1886-1898, vol 3)

"The System of Melchizedek
"Like Enoch, Melchizedek was also successful in building up the kingdom
of God in his day. "Having been approved of God, he was ordained an high
priest after the order of the covenant which God made with Enoch, it
being after the order of the Son of God." fn He then developed the
economic and political programs of the Holy Priesthood. Economically this
included the law of tithing, whic

[ZION] High Priest

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
I agree that the office of High Priest is not necessary in this life.
I've never said that. I've only said that it is necessary to be a god.
When we are set apart to be "kings and priests" the term "priest" means
"high priest".  There is very strong symbolism in it. See my other email
on this with the quotes discussing the High Priest and King as Messiahs.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I'm willing to learn and change my view but I know of no scripture that
says we must be ordained High Priests. Rev 1:6 simply acknowledges the
priesthood in that we are a kingdom of priests unto God. If it was
necessary to be a High Priest the ordinations would be performed for the
dead in the temple. I'll change my mind once you submit proof that one
must be ordained a High Priest to become a god. Then again, perhaps when
God ordains us to the office of god it includes everything. What I really
mean to say Gary is that the office of High Priest is not necessary in
this life for every man. I'm sure you will agree with that. 
Paul O

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[ZION] James' Ossuary

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
Actually, it IS ".05 percent."  That means it is less than one percent
chance of happening. I agree that it could have been stated clearer.

As for the provenance, yes it is a shame that there is none for this
artifact. However, there are things they can verify. For example, they
can compare the writing style on the ossuary with that of others in the
timeframe and verify the style is equivalent (it is). Then they can
review if any others have the name of both a father and brother on it
(only one does, but there is an example of this occurring). Finally, they
look to see if such an item was used in the timeframe suggested by the
other evidence. It so happens that in Jerusalem, ossuaries were ONLY used
between 20BC and 70AD. 

It fits. So there is a high possibility of this being authentic and in
the right timeframe.  But imagine having the bones of James!

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Marc:Michael Posner quotes Hershel Shanks, of the
Biblical Archaeological Society, as saying that the odds of the 3 names
James, Jesus and Joseph appearing together were ".05 percent." No. The
probability is either .05 or it's 5% -- a mistake of two orders of
magnitude, akin to estimating Toronto's population at 50 000 instead of
5 million.

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[ZION] Good Democrat

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
I have thought that if several millions of righteous people were to
become Democrats, we could change its platform radically, returning it
back to its more conservative roots of the 1950s. I'd love to see it back
away from its liberal raunch, and back to being a party of character
(rather than a party of characters).

BTW, I saw Arnold Schwarzaneggar on a talk show this morning (or was it
yesterday? Being out of work has killed my internal clock). Anyway, he
was discussing possible future political aspirations and his ties to the
Kennedy clan. He is a Republican, but married to Maria Shriver, a Kennedy
cousin. He told the interviewer that he promised when he got married that
it was "in sickness and in health."  Arnold said that being a Democrat is
a sickness his wife has, and so he has to support her through this

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[ZION] Hindsight

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
I voted for this Bush, but not because he really excited me. I would
really have preferred Steve Forbes.

I voted for Bush because he was better than the alternatives. Better imo
than Gore or Harry Brown (Libertarian). Now, had Neil Boortz been
running, I would have voted Libertarian.  ;-)

I'm moving more and more toward the Constitution Party. I don't agree
with all their platform, but I like most of it.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
I would say that most apostles will have money. There are exceptions,
though fewer and fewer as the Church grows. Even today, many of our
apostles are not wealthy, but are comfortable. President Monson has
almost always worked in the Church, so basically lives on a stipend given
him, plus revenues from the few books he's written, and salary for being
on a few boards of companies (mostly Church related).  Elder Packer was a
college professor, not a wealth creating job.

Of the earliest apostles, none were rich. Some were not educated (like
Heber C Kimball). 

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required in order to
get those high callings of Stake President and up. Thank you for making
my point, Gary.
The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
not good enough for the job. You have to have money.
Paul O

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[ZION] UN Moral Authority

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs

I'd love to hear your response to the following:

"When did the United Nations become the supreme moral authority of the world?
One might advance such a proposition if most of the organization were
represented by democratic governments, but that is not the case. Of the 191
nations in the United Nations only about 40 percent (85 countries) are
democratic societies that enjoy political rights and civil liberties. The
rest are either controlled by dictators or by a one-party government."

Is it true that most of the member nations are dictatorships and one-party 
states?  And if so, how might that affect the good or evil done by the 
umbrella organization?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to
laugh at that man." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] DC sniper

2002-10-23 Thread Valerie Nielsen Williams
I didn't know this, but I do know that when the woman vaccuuming her van
was killed, the news said she was a "former nanny, married and a recent
convert to the Mormon Church."


On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 19:40:03 -0600 "Marc A. Schindler"
> By the way, did you know that the FBI employee, the woman at the Home 
> Depot
> store, was LDS?


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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Valerie Nielsen Williams

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 18:09:51 -0500 Paul Osborne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Did I say that a man had to be wealthy to become a GA? The unwritten 
> rule
> is that he has to have money and resources. He almost always has a
> prestigious job and a fine education. That is what the Lord is 
> looking
> for. If you don't have those benefits you can't be called to be a 
> GA, let
> alone a SP. The Lord doesn't accept manual laborers into the 
> apostleship.
Dear Paul:
I must wholly disagree here.  Our former stake president is only
high school educated and a construction worker.  He was my Bishop when I
was a little girl, and back then he was managing a health spa.  In fact,
we had no font in the building, so I was baptized in the pool at the spa.
 They always lived in very modest homes--not luxurious at all.  
He is also one of the most spiritual men I have ever known.  
The SP before him lost his job, was supporting a son on a
mission, AND SP.  They were living out of their food storage for many
months while he was unemployed.  Again, probably THE most spiritual man I
have ever known.  He spoke at my husband's funeral in March.  I swear, he
still speaks directly to the Lord.
I don't know how you can know who the Lord accepts and who He
doesn't anyway?  You must have some bitter experience to be speaking this
way about the Lord's annointed.  I believe the scriptures are clear when
we are told we need nothing more that a broken heart and a contrite
spirit.  I see nothing there about advanced degrees or family money or an
excellent salary.  
I'm sure if we were to do a survey of SP's, and even Area A's you
would find a majority of them are humble "Laborers".   I think the fact
that our beloved President Hinckley was a man of fairly meager means
should be enough.  After all, shouldn't we all be laborers in the Lord's
As for resources--we are told, time and time again, to get out of
debt and to save money.  The men "UP" there have obviously done just
that.  If you want to be there, then follow the prophet.  Simple.

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Re: [ZION] liberal question

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Thanks for the reminder!

It was hard to know how to respond to that well-meaning response without breaking
the list's charter. It's all a word game, I think we know that. It depends on how
you define words.

Paul Osborne wrote:

> > The liberal philosphy tending towards pro-abortion, pro-gay,
> pro-pornography, the free-drug/booze/sex culture. This would be so
> anti-LDS's philososphy, that in all conscienceness that the
> straight-laced LDS would even attempt to go to the temple.
> >
> >
> >This is not what liberal means to me at all. But I won't argue the point
> any further -- >the term, like the demonization, doesn't translate well
> across borders.
> God is a liberal. (James 1:5)
> Paul O
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] United Nations

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Cousin Bill wrote:

> The following article makes an argument against the United Nations that,
> thought I had never heard before, makes perfect sense, and leads me to
> wonder why I had never heard it before.  (I'm also slightly embarrassed that
> I had never thought of it before.)
> United Nations
> James Humes
> Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2002
> <>
> The argument in a nutshell:
> When did the United Nations become the supreme moral authority of the world?

It isn't. George Bush is. Or thinks he is. And we Canadians know we are the real
moral authorities.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] DC sniper

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
By the way, did you know that the FBI employee, the woman at the Home Depot
store, was LDS?


> What do you all think about the DC sniper?  Anyone have any theories on it?
> I'm not sure what to think except that I'm just sick about it.  My parents
> and one of my sisters live in the area...I grew up there...I'm just a WEE
> bit worried.  On the other hand, I know about eternal families and that if
> anything ever happened, we are sealed as a family.  But I'm still worried
> about them.  My mom only does shopping now at a secure military base; she
> figures she's a lot safer there (side note: two weeks ago, on the day the
> shooting happened in Manassas, she was planning on doing some shopping
> there and a distinct impression came to her to not go, so she didn't.  It
> was that afternoon that another shooting happened in the area where she
> would have been).  My sister and her roommates only go out when necessary.
> When she buys gas, she starts pumping and then ducks (she lives in
> Fairfax).
> What do I do?

Stop watching TV news and get on with life. I'm serious. There are risks
everywhere, but look at the numbers. How many people live in Virginia, DC and
Maryland? How many have been killed? The odds of you getting hit by this guy are
a) probably far less than being killed by lightning; and b) certainly no higher
than on a normal day in a big city centre.

I'm trying to be calming -- not dismissive. Hope I'm going about it the right
way. Terror only works when people are in terror. It's like suffering from
chronic pain. You learn that you can't make the pain go away, but you can make
the *suffering* (which is your reaction to the pain) go away, although granted,
it's not easy.

> Heidi the fair

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] And a little on the lighter side...

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
They're all being stored in Iraqi presidential palaces -- that's why the
government won't release the report.

Cousin Bill wrote:

> Clinton aide slams Pentagon's UFO secrecy
> By Richard Stenger
> Tuesday, October 22, 2002 Posted: 3:09 PM EDT (1909 GMT)
> <>
> "[A] former White House chief of staff and an international investigative
> journalist want to know what the Pentagon knows, calling on it to release
> classified files about that and other incidents involving unidentified
> flying objects, or UFOs.
> "It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25
> years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in
> determining the real nature of this phenomenon," ex-Clinton aide John
> Podesta said Tuesday.
> CB
> /
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> /

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] Is This Authentic?

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Here is a story in the New York Times reporting a discovery published in

>Biblical Archaeology Review.  Unless it is a fraud, it may be the
>reference to Jesus found so far.  It is a stone box inscribed with the 
>words, "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."
>What do you think?  Pretty awesome, huh?

Yes. I think it is authentic. It sure would be nice if more things came
to light.

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] DC sniper

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>What do I do?
>Heidi the fair

Don't worry. They will catch him soon. A lot of people are watching and
those who know the sniper may catch on that something is wrong and report

Paul O

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[ZION] And a little on the lighter side...

2002-10-23 Thread Cousin Bill
Clinton aide slams Pentagon's UFO secrecy
By Richard Stenger
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 Posted: 3:09 PM EDT (1909 GMT)

"[A] former White House chief of staff and an international investigative
journalist want to know what the Pentagon knows, calling on it to release
classified files about that and other incidents involving unidentified
flying objects, or UFOs.

"It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25
years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in
determining the real nature of this phenomenon," ex-Clinton aide John
Podesta said Tuesday.


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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Will we ever see a janitor, a manual laborer, a machinist, a farmer, a
rancher, as an >apostle? 

A janitor, a manual laborer, and a machinist are not qualified to become
apostles but a rich rancher and a rich farmer could be considered.

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] liberal question

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
> The liberal philosphy tending towards pro-abortion, pro-gay,
pro-pornography, the free-drug/booze/sex culture. This would be so
anti-LDS's philososphy, that in all conscienceness that the
straight-laced LDS would even attempt to go to the temple.
>This is not what liberal means to me at all. But I won't argue the point
any further -- >the term, like the demonization, doesn't translate well
across borders.

God is a liberal. (James 1:5)

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] Tweaking Liechtensteiners

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Oooyyy! Mark or Bonnie (or even Heidi)  -- didn't you tell him about Tim
Horton's?  That poor boy. (Gary, not Tim)

[If you're ever in trouble on the highway, head for the closest Tim Horton's --
you'll always find cops there...]

Gary Smith wrote:

> So, you are judging a small patch of Europe because you couldn't find an
> open restaurant? Have you tried doing that in Canada? I once had to cross
> three provinces in Canada to find an open restaurant! At least
> Liechtenstein has the presence of mind of being only 10 minutes from a
> good restaurant!
> Oh, and as for them being idealogues...It takes one to know one!

And my mother dresses me funny. But that's because it's cold here.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Here are some of the former occupations of all the current apostles. 
Neither President >Hinckley nor President Packer could have become
wealthy from their employment, so >Paul's theory fails in those cases
(granted, they may have made money from their >books, investments,
consulting fees, etc.).  All or almost all the Brethren have >university
degrees and several have multiple degrees.  None appear to have been
>mainly manual labourers.

Did I say that a man had to be wealthy to become a GA? The unwritten rule
is that he has to have money and resources. He almost always has a
prestigious job and a fine education. That is what the Lord is looking
for. If you don't have those benefits you can't be called to be a GA, let
alone a SP. The Lord doesn't accept manual laborers into the apostleship.

>President Hinckley: employee of the Church since completing his mission.

Yes, and he worked with the finest men. You can't do that unless your
getting a pretty good salary. He worked his way to the top.

>President Monson: general manager of Deseret Press. 
>President Faust: attorney (lawyer).

$$$ and prestige.

>President Packer: pilot during WWII, supervisor of Seminaries and
Institutes of >Religion.

A pilot is about the most prestiges job in all of the armed forces. I'll
bet he had a fine salary as he worked his way up in the church religious
system which is certainly a prestiges place to be by LDS standards.

>Elder Perry: vice president and treasurer of department store chain in
>Elder Haight: district and regional manager of large retail store chain,
assistant to >president of BYU.

$$$ and prestige

>Elder Maxwell: executive vice president of the University of Utah,
Church >commissioner of education.
>Elder Nelson: Renowned surgeon and medical researcher.

$$$ and prestige

>Elder Oaks: nine years as president of BYU, and three years as Utah
Supreme Court >justice.
>Elder Ballard: various business enterprises, including automotive, real
estate and investments.

$$$ and prestige

>Elder Wirthlin: president of trade association in Utah.
>Elder Scott: Worked 12 years developing military and private nuclear
power reactors; >subsequently consultant to nuclear power industry.

$$$ and prestige

>Elder Hales:  jet fighter pilot; was an executive with four major
national companies.
>Elder Holland: president of Brigham Young University.
>Elder Eyring: president of Ricks College, 1971-77

$$$ and prestige

Need I say more?

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] Stop stuffing Marc, or something to that effect....

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I posted a definition of an ideologue here a short time ago. Here it is again
from Oxford's:

1. a system of ideas or way of thinking, usu. relating to politics or society, or
to the conduct of a class or group, and REGARDED AS JUSTIFYING ACTIONS, EXP. ONE
COURSE OF EVENTS. [emphasis added]

That one has strong opinions does not necessarily make him an ideologue. Only if
he proceeds from the basis of pre-conceived notions which are not open to change
is he an ideologue. A search of the list's archives will show occasions when I
have admitted that another person was right and I was wrong. I do not believe I'm
an ideologue. An ideologue is someone with biases who operates solely on the
basis of those biases and when he encounters something that contradicts the bias,
will insist on sticking with the bias rather than changing it to enlarge the new

And in any case, if I am an ideologue, what exactly do you think is my ideology?
My voting record, wrt political parties, is almost all across the spectrum, from
the far right to the centre-left (I've never voted for the NDP, which used to be
far left but is now close to extinction on the national scene). I ran once for
federal parliament and for the Ontario provincial parliament, both times as a

As a non-USAmerican, it is only natural that I am going to see things with a
different bias. It goes with the territory (literally). But knowing that (having
lived 8 years in foreign countries and having visited some 40-odd countries on
business has helped) I'm always open to change my views, so I don't consider
myself an ideologue.

And by cultist I mean someone who tends to concentrate on certain issues and/or a
subset of writings and teachings of the brethren to the exclusion of others. None
of us is perfectly balanced in this area, so the boundaries are by nature
subjective, I'll admit.

Gary Smith wrote:

> I'm glad you are not an unnatural human.
> I've never considered you a cultist, but not an idealogue???  What's
> one definition of an idealogue? Maybe someone who spends obsessive
> amounts of electrons defending his personal point of view on an email
> list full of conservatives?  ;-)
> You aren't a cultist, but you definitely do defend your ideological
> viewpoints very aggressively. And I'm glad you do. It forces us cultists
> to review our own belief systems.  ;-)
> K'aya K'ama,
> Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
> "No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
> Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
> Marc: Naturally I'm human and *do* have my biases, but I'm not a cultist
> or an
> ideologue. Stay tuned for more on this.
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Actually in the 3rd world a larger than proportional share of line authority
callings go to Church/CES employees.  And, as I loved to tease Grant Johnson (I
think that's his name -- the Book of Mormon Answerman who infuriated many LDS by
saying that only those soldiers who fought for the Allies in WWII were righteous)
by pointing out that Elder Uchtdorf used to be a Luftwaffe fighter pilot (mind
you, he was too young to have served during the war). He retired and became a
civilian pilot, for Lufthansa and several of its subsidiaries, iirc, and
eventually came to be the chief training pilot for Lufthansa (that was told to me
by the chief training pilot for Air New Zealand, who had by coincidence contacted
me via email once about something, and found out I was LDS -- he wasn't, but told
me this about Elder Uchtdorf, saying he was widely respected in the industry).

Paul Osborne wrote:

> >I can assure you that money is not a requirement in order to
> >be called as a stake president.
> I followed it for years in the Church News and have clearly seen that the
> money guys get the callings. I can't deny those facts. The guys who get
> called in third world countries are the merchants and they have money
> too. It's one of those unwritten rules.
> ;-)
> >I can further assure you that stake president is not a high
> >calling.
> Well, he is the boss of my Elders Quroum President. And, I look up to him
> too.
> >And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not
> >a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different
> >office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities.
> Ok. Have a nice day. :-)
> Paul O
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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[ZION] United Nations

2002-10-23 Thread Cousin Bill
The following article makes an argument against the United Nations that,
thought I had never heard before, makes perfect sense, and leads me to
wonder why I had never heard it before.  (I'm also slightly embarrassed that
I had never thought of it before.)

United Nations
James Humes
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2002

The argument in a nutshell:

When did the United Nations become the supreme moral authority of the world?
One might advance such a proposition if most of the organization were
represented by democratic governments, but that is not the case. Of the 191
nations in the United Nations only about 40 percent (85 countries) are
democratic societies that enjoy political rights and civil liberties. The
rest are either controlled by dictators or by a one-party government.


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Re: [ZION] DC sniper

2002-10-23 Thread Geoff FOWLER
I am glad that your mother listened and then harkened to that prompting
she received. The best we can do in a situation like this is to pray for
our families, the victims and their families, and especially for the
sniper (or snipers) - that they may come to their senses and realize the
horrible crimes they have committed. I pray that the perpetrators will
be caught soon.
As for theories, I used to think that this was a terrorist act, but now
I am not sure. In fact, I was convinced that there were perhaps more
than one team involved, striving to create fear and panic in the Capitol
and surrounding areas. The ransom note, however, has thrown me. I don't
know what to make of it - whether it is legitimate or whether it is a
Geoff Fowler
Network Server Engineer
Weber State University

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/23/02 04:18PM >>>
What do you all think about the DC sniper?  Anyone have any theories on
I'm not sure what to think except that I'm just sick about it.  My
and one of my sisters live in the area...I grew up there...I'm just a
bit worried.  On the other hand, I know about eternal families and that
anything ever happened, we are sealed as a family.  But I'm still
about them.  My mom only does shopping now at a secure military base;
figures she's a lot safer there (side note: two weeks ago, on the day
shooting happened in Manassas, she was planning on doing some shopping
there and a distinct impression came to her to not go, so she didn't. 
was that afternoon that another shooting happened in the area where
would have been).  My sister and her roommates only go out when
When she buys gas, she starts pumping and then ducks (she lives in

What do I do?

Heidi the fair

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread hkpage seems to me that President Hinckley worked for his entire
professional life for the Church Missionary Department (or some such like
that).  I'm pretty sure that one doesn't get rich working for the Church. 
I'm also sure that these brethren have been faithful in paying 100%
tithing, which opens the windows of heaven to pour out blessings on them. 
I am also sure that paying one's tithing makes one more conscious of where
the money is going and thus more careful of it, and more likely to save a
higher percentage of it.

Just a few thoughts...nothing more...
Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
 > Date: 10/23/2002 2:04:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] High Priests have money
> Will we ever see a janitor, a manual laborer, a machinist, a farmer, a
rancher, as an apostle? 
> To test this out - what are the current or former occupations of the
> Its interesting that a carpenter ended up saving mankind.
> Vic
> --- Paul Osborne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
> >>people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO have
> >>shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.
> >
> >
> >
> >Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required in order to
> >get those high callings of Stake President and up. Thank you for making
> >my point, Gary.
> >
> >The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
> >not good enough for the job. You have to have money.
> >
> >Paul O
> >
> >
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Heidi Page

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[ZION] DC sniper

2002-10-23 Thread hkpage
What do you all think about the DC sniper?  Anyone have any theories on it?
I'm not sure what to think except that I'm just sick about it.  My parents
and one of my sisters live in the area...I grew up there...I'm just a WEE
bit worried.  On the other hand, I know about eternal families and that if
anything ever happened, we are sealed as a family.  But I'm still worried
about them.  My mom only does shopping now at a secure military base; she
figures she's a lot safer there (side note: two weeks ago, on the day the
shooting happened in Manassas, she was planning on doing some shopping
there and a distinct impression came to her to not go, so she didn't.  It
was that afternoon that another shooting happened in the area where she
would have been).  My sister and her roommates only go out when necessary. 
When she buys gas, she starts pumping and then ducks (she lives in

What do I do?

Heidi the fair

Heidi Page

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[ZION] Famous Zionisto

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
The quality's not so good because it was scanned without descreening
from a newspaper, but if anyone's curious what Tom Matkin looks like
download  (it's from
the Temple City News, and it's the news article about him being called
as the new stake president).

Tom, if you're reading this, what relation is David Prete to the Calgary
Pretes, do you know? Alanna (Wolf, I think is her married name -- her
husband's name is Peter) is an old school chum of mine from Forest Lawn
high school.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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Re: Voting and parties (was Re: [ZION] Cuba and Castro)

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Mark Gregson wrote:

> > If one defines a good Democrat as being someone who works
> > within the party to bring about a better platform, select better leaders and
> > elect better office holders (those that would agree with church teachings),
> > then it would be possible to be a good Mormon and a good Democrat.
> Thanks to everyone who posted to help me understand the byzantine system of voting 
>in the US (as opposed to the byzantine system in Canada or Australia - why couldn't 
>we have a nice simple system like Iraq; there's one person on one ballot once every 
>eight years.  You vote yes or no. And he gets 100% turnout, too.  Now _that's_ how to 
>run a voting system :-)).

AND you get to shoot your guns off all night in celebration! Kewl! [according to this 
morning's news, Saddam had to issue a proclamation telling people to stop celebrating 
-- apparently several people in Baghdad have been killed by random falling bullets. I 
am not making this up]

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the worst 
thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly debated…To 
think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was a coward; any 
idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to 
understand a question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.” 
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] Tweaking Canada

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Okeley dokely, but can I pass on a good pun first? I forgot to include this in
the original post.

Jon Spencer wrote:

> Marc -
> I congratulate you on an excellent self-analysis, and I do mean this as a
> compliment.
> Now, repent!  :-)
> Jon
> Marc A. Schindler wrote:
> I think it's time I correct an impression that I somehow have an anti-US
> bias. I can see how that would come out, and those of you who know me

>  nterests. That example is Saudi Arabia. Now all of a sudden we're
> realizing that the Saudis aren't our buddies. But the Saudi royal family
> has gone out of its way to cooperate with the US, as I think most of you
> know. One of life's delicious ironies is that after fundamentalists
> attacked US barracks in the Eastern Province (where Riyadh, Dhahran,
> al-Khobar and Dammam are), a new base was built for them in the desert,
> far from populated areas. The idea being that this wouldn't grate on the
> nerves of locals who resent the presence of "infidels" in the land of
> the two shrines. The irony? The base was built by a subsidiary of SGB --
> Saudi Group Binladen, the construction firm founded by Osama bin Laden's
> father, Mohammed. There's no link between SGB and Osama bin Laden per se
> anymore, I just thought it was an interesting irony.

This policy that the Saudis have of trying to buy off Islamic fundamentalists has
been coined by some unknown wit as "riyalpolitik".

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] Tweaking Liechtensteiners

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
It was Prince Edward Island. Before the Confederation Link* was built. All he
could see was seafood but the service was lousy.

*a big bridge that connects PEI to New Brunswick, built about 5-10 years ago. It
rises up high enough and is reinforced to allow it to resist icebergs, believe it
or not. The Northumberland Strait doesn't get them often, but occasional bergie
bits do float down from the Strait of Belle Isle, which separates Newfoundland
island from the mainland.

"Elmer L. Fairbank" wrote:

> At 23:05 10/22/2002 -0500, M Marc wrote:
> >I once had to cross
> >three provinces in Canada to find an open restaurant!
> I hope one of them wasn't Ontario.  You could get mighty smackin' hungry
> trying that one.
> Till
> /
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Mark Gregson wrote:

> > To test this out - what are the current or former occupations of the apostles?
> Here are some of the former occupations of all the current apostles.  Neither 
>President Hinckley nor President Packer could have become wealthy from their 
>employment, so Paul's theory fails in those cases (granted, they may have made money 
>from their books, investments, consulting fees, etc.).  All or almost all the 
>Brethren have university degrees and several have multiple degrees.  None appear to 
>have been mainly manual labourers.
> President Hinckley: employee of the Church since completing his mission.

Specifically, most of his later Church career, professionally speaking, was spent in 
either journalism- or public affairs-related positions.

> President Monson: general manager of Deseret Press.

So does he report to Sister Dew now? (who's president and CEO of Deseret Book Co.) 
[just teasing. I know that Pres. Monson is no longer the GM of Deseret News]

> President Faust: attorney (lawyer).
> President Packer: pilot during WWII, supervisor of Seminaries and Institutes of 
> Elder Perry: vice president and treasurer of department store chain in Boston.
> Elder Haight: district and regional manager of large retail store chain, assistant 
>to president of BYU.
> Elder Maxwell: executive vice president of the University of Utah, Church 
>commissioner of education.
> Elder Nelson: Renowned surgeon and medical researcher.
> Elder Oaks: nine years as president of BYU, and three years as Utah Supreme Court 
> Elder Ballard: various business enterprises, including automotive, real estate and 
> Elder Wirthlin: president of trade association in Utah.
> Elder Scott: Worked 12 years developing military and private nuclear power reactors; 
>subsequently consultant to nuclear power industry.
> Elder Hales:  jet fighter pilot; was an executive with four major national companies.
> Elder Holland: president of Brigham Young University.
> Elder Eyring: president of Ricks College, 1971-77.
> =  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the worst 
thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly debated…To 
think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was a coward; any 
idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to 
understand a question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.” 
– Pericles
about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer, nor those of 
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Re: [ZION] liberal question

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler


> Gary,
> Opinions being what they are; being a liberal (whether a Democrat in the U.S., or 
>perhaps a member of the Labour party in England), it is incompatible with being "a 
>straight-laced LDS".

Well, as I think I've already mentioned, there is a Labour MP who's a strait-laced 
Latter-day Saint. According to a news item in the Feb. 1991 Ensign, Terry Rooney, 
Labour MP for Bradford North, is also (or was at the time) a convert of 5 years, and 
Quorum President in the Bradford 2nd Ward. I don't know many elders quorum presidents 
who aren't "strait-laced" and their laces are usually pretty straight, too, when 
they're not wearing loafers ;-)

> The liberal philosphy tending towards pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-pornography, the 
>free-drug/booze/sex culture. This would be so anti-LDS's philososphy, that in all 
>conscienceness that the straight-laced LDS would even attempt to go to the temple.

This is not what liberal means to me at all. But I won't argue the point any further 
-- the term, like the demonization, doesn't translate well across borders.


Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the worst 
thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly debated…To 
think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was a coward; any 
of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to 
understand a question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.” 
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The Peloponessian 

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Mark Gregson

> To test this out - what are the current or former occupations of the apostles?

Here are some of the former occupations of all the current apostles.  Neither 
President Hinckley nor President Packer could have become wealthy from their 
employment, so Paul's theory fails in those cases (granted, they may have made money 
from their books, investments, consulting fees, etc.).  All or almost all the Brethren 
have university degrees and several have multiple degrees.  None appear to have been 
mainly manual labourers.

President Hinckley: employee of the Church since completing his mission.

President Monson: general manager of Deseret Press. 

President Faust: attorney (lawyer).

President Packer: pilot during WWII, supervisor of Seminaries and Institutes of 

Elder Perry: vice president and treasurer of department store chain in Boston.

Elder Haight: district and regional manager of large retail store chain, assistant to 
president of BYU.

Elder Maxwell: executive vice president of the University of Utah, Church commissioner 
of education.

Elder Nelson: Renowned surgeon and medical researcher.

Elder Oaks: nine years as president of BYU, and three years as Utah Supreme Court 

Elder Ballard: various business enterprises, including automotive, real estate and 

Elder Wirthlin: president of trade association in Utah.

Elder Scott: Worked 12 years developing military and private nuclear power reactors; 
subsequently consultant to nuclear power industry.

Elder Hales:  jet fighter pilot; was an executive with four major national companies.

Elder Holland: president of Brigham Young University.

Elder Eyring: president of Ricks College, 1971-77.

=  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =

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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Larry Jackson
Paul Osborne:

>I can assure you that money is not a requirement in order to 
>be called as a stake president.

I followed it for years in the Church News and have clearly seen 
that the money guys get the callings. I can't deny those facts. 
... It's one of those unwritten rules.  ;-)


Glad to note you have a sense of humor, since I have never seen 
any facts in the Church News that tell how much stake presidents 
get paid in their work.

I will agree that many do well.  The same skills of hard work, 
administrative experience, and leadership they have gained in 
Church callings serve to benefit them in their work, as well.

But not all of them are well-paid "money guys".  I know several 
who served while living under the poverty level.

And we know what those unwritten rules are, because they are 
actually written down and posted at John's website.  :-)

Larry Jackson

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Re: [ZION] Jimmy Carter - Nobel winner

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Your general point is a fair one, but the problem is we don't really have enough
knowledge here. Yes, North Korea deliberately lied and misled. I'm sure Jimmy
Carter's not surprised, he's not that stupid. But the fact is that after he went
there, a crisis was defused. Whether someone else could have done a better job,
or whether it was all a charade is something we just can't know (at least I

While we're on the topic, there's speculation that N. Korea's admission that it
was lying is also a tactic to pry more aid money out of S. Korea and the West.

Gary Smith wrote:

> Marc, it amazes me how deep you are on so many things, but then you go
> and say something that really shows you didn't fully think it through.
> An action by a person really doesn't mean much if it doesn't turn out as
> it should. Yes, Carter went to N Korea and supposedly defused the

> The reality is, the proof is in the pudding. A piece of paper means
> nothing. Nixon's withdrawal from Vietnam "with honor" was just as naive
> or stupid. Not long after the withdrawal, the South fell to the North.
> There was no "with honor" in the effort. Given the outcome, we should
> have pulled out in 1968 and saved 40,000 American lives and billions of
> dollars.

I think Nixon was thinking of his own personal honour :-/
Incidentally, in the BBC documentary about Henry Kissinger, they interview a
number of former Kissinger aides and senior officials and show him as a
double-dealer who deliberately sabotaged the peace talks underway in 1968, an
election which Nixon won very, very narrowly (in fact, as I recall -- I was
living in the States at the time and was in 9th grade -- he got a smaller popular
vote than HHH), so that Nixon would appoint him national security director. He
allegedly did this by promising the then-leader of S. Vietnam that he could get a
better deal. As it happened, the treaty he finally worked out cost several tens
of thousands more of US deaths, I don't know how many Australians and other
Allies, and untold thousands of Cambodians, Laotian and Vietnamese deaths, before
he got...exactly the same terms as had been proposed in 1968.  For that reason
alone I think he's committed a "crime against humanity."

> George Sr's treaties with Iraq are also showing wear and tear. Iraq is
> laughing at the agreements. Of course we need to go back in, in order to
> cram that paper down Saddam's little throat!

Actually that's technically not true. The treaty that ended the war committed
Iraq to stay out of Kuwait, which they have, to allow no-fly zones (which are
active), and to hold to the UN Security Council resolutions on arms inspections.
The last one was 1998, and this is the one the US is trying to get changed
because they exclude the "presidential palaces."

I feel no need for anyone to cram anything down anyone's throat. It's simply not
the US's or anyone else's role to do this. By what authority? Because you can?
Because you feel you should?

> And Clinton's treaties for England/Ireland, Israel/Palestine, and several
> others are in the toilet, also. We're killing trees for no reason
> whatsoever, because no one is willing to put teeth into any of these
> treaties.

I don't understand your point about England and Ireland.

> You'll note I haven't spared either political party. The reality is,
> people are either trustworthy or they aren't. A wise man learns to
> quickly recognize just who is going to play nice and by the rules, and
> who isn't. Any honest historian would have told you that the Palestinians
> and N Koreans and Iraqis would not keep their promises, unless it was
> beneficial to them. How? Because history shows a pattern of lies and
> deceit. the leopard does not change his spots easily.

The U.S. has also reneged on treaties. Washington allowed Alaska to break (not
opt out, as most treaties allow, but simply to ignore, to break) the Pacific
Salmon Treaty without repercussions and it regularly breaks the NAFTA treaty, for
instance (Canada does, too, just to be fair, but most NAFTA tribunal rulings and
WTO appeals have been in Canada's and Mexico's favour, primarily because Bush
preaches free trade but doesn't dare practise it with mid-term elections coming
up, imo).

> There are only two types of events that have gotten people to actually
> change: conversion to the gospel, and total humiliation through an
> all-out war.  Germans and Japanese aren't militarily aggressive anymore,
> because they were so devastated in war, it changed their world-view
> suddenly. It took being shell-shocked as bad as they were in Dresden and
> Hiroshima, to make serious changes.

In other words, imperialist wars of aggression always end in disaster for the
aggressor? Like Assyria? And no, I'm not saying the USA is Assyria in an
existential sense. As I've repeatedly said, my usage of that typology isn't
related to nation-states per se, but to the actions of what really amounts to a
group of nations, but le

Re: [ZION] I just hate it

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
What he said! Thanks, Gary. You have made a distinction that I've been trying to
make, but have done it more elegantly: a mistake is not necessarily a sin.

Gary Smith wrote:

> Hopefully Marc and Stephen can remember to be Christians first, and right
> second.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] Wars of preparation

2002-10-23 Thread Dan R Allen

You're no fun. I was trying to yank your chain.

Sorry, I was coming down with the flu, and dealing with that misnomer known
as "Quality Assurance"

Now I'm trying to wade through all of my messages...
Dan R Allen wrote:

> Marc:
> Dan, I think I already know the answer to this (I'm not as far along in
> course
> on telepathy as Stephen, but I'm making progress) but I'll ask anyway. Do
> you
> find any irony in the fact that Vladimir Putin was head of what used to
> the
> KGB (it's been renamed) and George II (George H. Bush) was head of the
> Dan:
> Not really, I mean let's face it; Most higher political success is less
> what you know than who you know - or know about them. Both men were in
> positions that allowed them to have a lot of information about those they
> eventually succeeded. Is that ironic? I'm not really sure, since I
> understand the definition fairly well, but occasionally have difficulty
> extracting it from a discussion.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and
falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
--Michelangelo Buonarroti

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Re: [ZION] High Priests

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
FWIW, this is also my reading of references to "high priests" in *most*
scriptures (I won't make a univeral claim because of course the D&C, especially
in 84 but elsewhere, too, makes a distinction between different offices of the
MP). IOW, it's a reference to the Melchizedek Priesthood in general. So I'm with
Paul on this one (and apparently Stephen); namely, that the MP itself is a
necessary and sufficient condition for exaltation to the highest level of the CK,
and it doesn't matter which office within the MP one has been ordained to.

In a more personal opinion, I speculate that the offices have more to do with
building the kingdom here on the earth than they do with matters of exaltation.

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

> -Gary-
> > We learn in D&C 107 that an apostle is a high priest
> And an elder is a deacon. May we therefore say that in order to bless by
> the laying on of hands, one must be a deacon? Technically it's true, but
> it is certainly misleading.
> In many places in scripture, "high priest" is used to mean "holder of
> the high Priesthood". Don't confuse that with the modern office of "high
> priest", which is a different thing.
> You didn't respond to many other points I brought up, but the main one
> is: Please show some scriptural substantiation for the doctrine you
> taught that all men must be ordained to the modern office of high priest
> in order to progress in their exaltation in the eternities.
> Stephen
> /
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread vicgh25
Will we ever see a janitor, a manual laborer, a machinist, a farmer, a rancher, as an 

To test this out - what are the current or former occupations of the apostles?

Its interesting that a carpenter ended up saving mankind.


--- Paul Osborne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
>>people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO have
>>shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.
>Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required in order to
>get those high callings of Stake President and up. Thank you for making
>my point, Gary.
>The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
>not good enough for the job. You have to have money.
>Paul O
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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>My former stake president was a public school teacher and later an
>administrator and my current stake president is in a similar income
>bracket.  Both of them are most likely below the 50th percentile with
>regard to income within the stake boundaries.
>How can you justify statements like that, Paul?  The Lord will call whom
>He will call, income notwithstanding.

That's really odd. But administrators make more money than everyone else
under the administration so he has the most money. I'm right and you're
wrong. Where do you live? 

Yes, the Lord calls whoever he wants but they always have money,
resources, and prestige. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>I can assure you that money is not a requirement in order to 
>be called as a stake president.

I followed it for years in the Church News and have clearly seen that the
money guys get the callings. I can't deny those facts. The guys who get
called in third world countries are the merchants and they have money
too. It's one of those unwritten rules.

>I can further assure you that stake president is not a high 

Well, he is the boss of my Elders Quroum President. And, I look up to him

>And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not 
>a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different 
>office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities.

Ok. Have a nice day. :-)

Paul O

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Re: Voting and parties (was Re: [ZION] Cuba and Castro)

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Bill brings up an interesting point.  Is it a good idea to work within a
party in order to >change it?  Presumably the answer is yes.  What if the
party currently supports every >charter violating thing in existence? 
Just where does one draw the line?

Well, we have to realize that this is a free country where people have
the right to pursue what makes them happy. We Mormons cannot dictate what
other people can't do. It's just not right. We can't force people to go
to heaven any more than we can force them not to do such and such.

I believe in freedom of choice, generally--but not in all cases. If  a
$%# person wants to &^% with a &^%$ person then we must allow it. It's
their choice. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] Hindsight

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Not I, said Cousin Bill.  Nor will I ever vote for a Bush.  I did vote
>the first Bush.  That was when I was young and foolish and didn't know
>Cousin Bill

Hey, you just called me a fool. (don't worry, I'm sure I am)

I voted for Reagan the first time and I was only 18. I voted for him
again. Then I voted for Bush and have not been back to the polls since.

Paul O

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Re: Voting and parties (was Re: [ZION] Cuba and Castro)

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
Cousin Bill
>If one defines a good Democrat as being someone who works
>within the party to bring about a better platform, select better leaders
>elect better office holders (those that would agree with church
>then it would be possible to be a good Mormon and a good Democrat.

Sounds good to me. What do you think John? 

Paul O

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[ZION] James's ossuary

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I wrote a letter to the editor of the Globe and Mail expressing concerns
about the difficulty provenance of this find presents to authenticating
it. I also gave Hershel Shanks a backhanded compliment. They chose
instead to publish a better, more focused letter, and one from a genuine
expert, as opposed to a sincere wannabe. Here's both letters:

[Toronto Globe and Mail, 23/10/02]

The published one:

Provenance problem

The article Burial-Box Inscription Could point To Christ  (Oct. 22)
highlights a problem of international proportions -- the antiquities
trade. The clouded provenance of this artefact devalues what may be one
of the most important biblical relics recovered.  Its authenticity will,
perhaps, never be confirmed.

Archaeological science relies on documented provenance to put such
artefacts into their proper  context. From this, we can evaluate their
authenticity and, more important, place them in their  broader cultural
context. Without proper provenance, these artefacts become objects of
art or mere curios.

The activities of looters, private dealers and auction houses often
hamper our understanding of the past, something that is crucial if we
are to understand our current condition. The ossuary is a case in point.
We have no idea where it came from; the bones it may once have contained
are gone and, with them, a chance to broaden our understanding of

Dougald O’Reilly
Faculty of Archaeology,
Royal University of Fine Arts,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

My somewhat more scattered offering:

Why can't journalists take basic arithmetic courses and spare us their
embarrassing innumeracies? In his otherwise excellent article about the
"new" find of James's ossuary ("Buried box inscription could point to
Christ," 22/10/02), Michael Posner quotes Hershel Shanks, of the
Biblical Archaeological Society, as saying that the odds of the 3 names
James, Jesus and Joseph appearing together were ".05 percent." No. The
probability is either .05 or it's 5% -- a mistake of two orders of
magnitude, akin to estimating Toronto's population at 50 000 instead of
5 million.

In any case, this find isn't new, it's just that Mr. Shanks, who has
done a lot of service to popularize the archaeology of the Ancient Near
East (witness his loosening up of the death grip the Ecole Biblique had
on the Dead Sea Scrolls together with Claremont College a decade ago),
is a good promoter. There is a major problem with the find which Posner,
to his credit, refers to, but does not give sufficient weight to, and
that's its provenance. Archaeologists are not out to prove anything with
respect to any sacred text, be it the Bible, the Qu'ran, the
Bhagavad-Gitas or anything else, and they insist on finding something
"in situ" which involves documenting its actual finding at the original
site. This is the problem which is one of "biblical" archaeology's dirty
little secrets (along with the reluctance of many dig leaders to write
up their finds); private collectors who on the one hand provide a value
to artefacts by providing a demand for them, and thus encouraging a
supply, but on the other hand they destroy the all-important in situ
link to provenance.

In any case, whether Jesus is the Christ is a conclusion an individual
believer must come to within his or her own heart, not in the "whitened
sepulchres" of archaeology.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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[ZION] Tweaking Canada

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Toronto has become a centre of telemarketing scams aimed at USAmericans:


Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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[ZION] Canadian 1881 Census now on-line

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
>From this morning's Globe, of all places, the news that StatsCan has
allowed the Family History Library to put the 1881 census online. Very
good article.


Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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[ZION] Is This Authentic?

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs

Here is a story in the New York Times reporting a discovery published in 
Biblical Archaeology Review.  Unless it is a fraud, it may be the earliest 
reference to Jesus found so far.  It is a stone box inscribed with the 
words, "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."

What do you think?  Pretty awesome, huh?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you were a poor Indian with no weapons, and a bunch
of conquistadors came up to you and asked where the
gold was, I don't think it would be a good idea to say, "I
swallowed it.  So sue me."  --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Jeffrey Ross
> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Osborne [mailto:osborne1962@;] 
> Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required 
> in order to get those high callings of Stake President and 
> up. Thank you for making my point, Gary.

My former stake president was a public school teacher and later an
administrator and my current stake president is in a similar income
bracket.  Both of them are most likely below the 50th percentile with
regard to income within the stake boundaries.

How can you justify statements like that, Paul?  The Lord will call whom
He will call, income notwithstanding.


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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people
> are just not good enough for the job. You have to have money.

If I remember correctly, Elder Packer spent his professional life in the 
CES, a job practically guaranteed to keep you dressed in rags.


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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Larry Jackson
Paul Osborne (replying to someone else):

Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required 
in order to get those high callings of Stake President and up. 


I can assure you that money is not a requirement in order to 
be called as a stake president.

I can further assure you that stake president is not a high 

And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not 
a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different 
office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities.

Larry Jackson

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Re: Voting and parties (was Re: [ZION] Cuba and Castro)

2002-10-23 Thread Cousin Bill
At some point in the past, Mark wrote:

> Bill brings up an interesting point.  Is it a good idea to work within a
party in order to change it?  Presumably the answer is yes.  What if the
party currently supports every charter violating thing in existence?  Just
where does one draw the line?
And when does one just give up on it?


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Re: Voting and parties (was Re: [ZION] Cuba and Castro)

2002-10-23 Thread Mark Gregson

> If one defines a good Democrat as being someone who works
> within the party to bring about a better platform, select better leaders and
> elect better office holders (those that would agree with church teachings),
> then it would be possible to be a good Mormon and a good Democrat.

Thanks to everyone who posted to help me understand the byzantine system of voting in 
the US (as opposed to the byzantine system in Canada or Australia - why couldn't we 
have a nice simple system like Iraq; there's one person on one ballot once every eight 
years.  You vote yes or no. And he gets 100% turnout, too.  Now _that's_ how to run a 
voting system :-)).  Special thanks to those who explained what a "primary" is.  I was 
beginning to worry that US members elected their Primary presidents.

Bill brings up an interesting point.  Is it a good idea to work within a party in 
order to change it?  Presumably the answer is yes.  What if the party currently 
supports every charter violating thing in existence?  Just where does one draw the 

=  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =

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Re: [ZION] Hindsight

2002-10-23 Thread Cousin Bill
At some point in the past, Jon wrote:

> Well, I voted for Bush and I will again next time.
As did many other people that I know and love.  I won't hold it (your voting
for Bush) against you if you won't hold (the other) it (my not voting for
Bush -- and no, I didn't vote for Gore, either) against me.


Cousin Bill

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Re: [ZION] liberal question

2002-10-23 Thread vicgh25

Opinions being what they are; being a liberal (whether a Democrat in the U.S., or 
perhaps a member of the Labour party in England), it is incompatible with being "a 
straight-laced LDS".

The liberal philosphy tending towards pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-pornography, the 
free-drug/booze/sex culture. This would be so anti-LDS's philososphy, that in all 
conscienceness that the straight-laced LDS would even attempt to go to the temple.

I suspect that this would be one of the many reasons why the church prefers not to get 
involved in politics - at least from the pulpit; as if those things I just mentioned 
are really political topics.

But, I think it would be rather interesting to have someone deeply involved as a 
Democrat and expounding on the liberal philosphy and than go to church that Sunday and 
say in fact that there is evil in the gay life style. It would tend towards hypocracy.


--- Gary Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Well, Marc wouldn't fit this, as he isn't Democrat.  So, in the case of
>liberal Canadians, I think they are able to be straight laced LDS.
>As for liberal Democrats, I think you could have one attending the
>temple. However, their belief system would definitely go against the
>gospel. The average liberal Democrat (note, I'm not saying just
>Democrats, but the liberal ones) here in the US, push for the rights of
>sinful groups we can't mention on this list. They would push for
>"reproductive rights" which have been condemned by our prophets. 
>One can seek for a strong centralized government and be a good member of
>the Church. But the other issues are what makes the difference, and our
>liberal Democrats have allied themselves with the radical sin groups as
>some of their key constituents.
>Are there polygamists who attend the temple? Yes. But only until we find
>them out. The September 7 of a decade ago were all temple attenders for
>years, until they allowed their leftist leaning agendae to get the best
>of them.
>K'aya K'ama,
>Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
>"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
>Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
>In the area of oxymorons, is it possible to have a card carrying liberal
>democrat and a temple going straight laced Latter Day Saint?
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Re: [ZION] Hindsight

2002-10-23 Thread Jon Spencer
Well, I voted for Bush and I will again next time.


- Original Message -
From: "Cousin Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Hindsight

> At some point in the past, Paul asked:
> So, who all on this list
> > voted for Bush?
> -
> Not I, said Cousin Bill.  Nor will I ever vote for a Bush.  I did vote for
> the first Bush.  That was when I was young and foolish and didn't know
> better.
> Cousin Bill

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Jon Spencer
Phew!  Now at least I don't have to worry about dealing with THAT calling!


> The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
> not good enough for the job. You have to have money.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
>people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO have
>shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.

Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required in order to
get those high callings of Stake President and up. Thank you for making
my point, Gary.

The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
not good enough for the job. You have to have money.

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] Jimmy Carter - Nobel winner

2002-10-23 Thread Jon Spencer
Gary Smith wrote:

> The reality is, the proof is in the pudding.

Arg!  I have heard so many people say this lately, and it is just plain
wrong!  It doesn't mean anything!

I have it on EXPERT advice that the proper saying is "The proof of the
pudding is in the eating."  This DOES make sense.  This was taught to me by
my 9th grade 2nd year algebra teach Mr. Odellevan Smith.  At that time he
was somewhere between 150 and 200 years old, and he had a million sayings,
including such gems as:

Gravy points  - easy points on a test
Don't be on the bottom of the totem pole - straighten up, or your going to
get sent to the principal
Blackbird - it was a negative comment to some class member, equivalent to
calling him a jerk

and quite a few more that my Alzheimers-riddled brain can't recall at the

He was strict, and he was old fashioned, but so long as you were a well
behaved student (you could have a sense of humor - that was OK), he was a
fun teacher.


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Re: [ZION] Hindsight

2002-10-23 Thread Cousin Bill
At some point in the past, Paul asked:

So, who all on this list
> voted for Bush?
Not I, said Cousin Bill.  Nor will I ever vote for a Bush.  I did vote for
the first Bush.  That was when I was young and foolish and didn't know

Cousin Bill

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
I was referring to Stake President and up. They have money and prestige.
There are plenty of talented yet poor High Priests who never get the call
because they don't have money. Money is a prerequisite to those callings.
I hope that it doesn't sound like I am faulting the Lord. I'm simply
pointing out how the Lord does business. He depends on money and if you
don't have it you won't get those high callings of Stake President and
up. That's the bottom line. It's always about money.

Paul O

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 00:02:00 -0500 Gary Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have to disagree with Paul on this one. I know several high priests 
> who
> barely eke out a living. I've been one for 14 years, and was only a 
> Buck
> Sergeant in the Air Force when first called. I promise you, they 
> don't
> get the big bucks. 
> My current bishop works as the general carpenter for the YMCAs here. 
> To
> make ends meet, his wife also works (their kids are all big). And I 
> could
> give you many other examples, and not only here in Alabama, either.
> Yes, I think that the Lord has finances as a consideration for who 
> he
> calls to certain callings. Moreso, I think the Lord considers a 
> person's
> talents and capabilities for a certain calling, especially in a
> presidency. Just as the Lord is going to call a healthy brother to 
> be
> bishop, over one that is homebound; The brother who has developed 
> many
> talents is of much more use to the Lord in the work than one who has 
> not
> developed his talents. Such a brother is likely to have become 
> successful
> in business also.
> Next, the Lord uses people who work hard. Imagine a bishop who only 
> gives
> a couple hours a week to the calling. The ward would fall apart! The 
> Lord
> looks for hard workers, dependable people who he knows will 
> sacrifice the
> television programs and leisure time, in order to serve faithfully. 
> This
> type of person also happens to be the type who tends to succeed in
> business.
> Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
> people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO 
> have
> shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.

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