[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6

2005-11-16 Thread Florent Guillaume

Florent Guillaume wrote:
I'd like to have some clarifications from the Plone team about what  
they expect to do w.r.t. events in CMF 1.6.

I see two possibilities:
1. you guys are prepared to do the work needed for Plone products to  
use super() in manage_afterAdd & co, in which case I can merge my  
branch into CMF 1.6
2. you feel that's too dangerous and, as Plone intends to use CMF  1.6, 
I'll merge for CMF 2.0 only.

Be aware that if 2. is chosen, you won't be able to use Zope 3 events  
at all with CMF 1.6.

Actually even if the part of my branch that uses super() is not merged, 
I'll still merge into 1.6 the change of order in the base classes for 
File and Image. This way at least CPS can monkey-patch manage_afterAdd 
to use super(), and use proper events.

(reminder: the branch is at 


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6

2005-11-17 Thread Raphael Ritz

Alec Mitchell wrote:
The big problem with this move is there's no way to give product developers 
warning.  They can't start using super now, because none of the base classes 
use it, but once super is in place in the base classes developers will need 
to start using it immediately or risk strange breakages.  Maintaining 
product compatibility between versions of CMF/Plone will become nearly 

Given that we have currently 216 add-on products for Plone listed on
plone.org/products alone, where the majority I guess is based on
Archetypes, this really should be considered a show-stopper.

Doesn't look like there are any alternatives for getting 
add/delete/copy events working under zope2 though.

I'm afraid you are right :-(

/me holding back my desire to push for events nevertheless


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6

2005-11-17 Thread Paul Everitt

Florent Guillaume wrote:
I'd like to have some clarifications from the Plone team about what they 
expect to do w.r.t. events in CMF 1.6.

I see two possibilities:
1. you guys are prepared to do the work needed for Plone products to use 
super() in manage_afterAdd & co, in which case I can merge my branch 
into CMF 1.6
2. you feel that's too dangerous and, as Plone intends to use CMF 1.6, 
I'll merge for CMF 2.0 only.

Be aware that if 2. is chosen, you won't be able to use Zope 3 events at 
all with CMF 1.6.

As a bystander, I have a suspicion that this discussion might be helped 
via an IRC appointment?


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6

2005-11-18 Thread Raphael Ritz

Chris Withers wrote:

Alec Mitchell wrote:

to start using it immediately or risk strange breakages.  Maintaining 
product compatibility between versions of CMF/Plone will become nearly 

I'm sorry, I really couldn't resist this...

neither can I ...

And that differs from other Plone releases how exactly? ;-)

not at all, but that's what many people (including yourself?)
didn't like so far. So maybe it's time for a change? ;-)



Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6

2005-11-18 Thread Alexander Limi
On Fri, 18 Nov 2005 00:37:47 -0800, Chris Withers  

Alec Mitchell wrote:
to start using it immediately or risk strange breakages.  Maintaining  
product compatibility between versions of CMF/Plone will become nearly  

I'm sorry, I really couldn't resist this...

And that differs from other Plone releases how exactly? ;-)

And what, exactly, have you done to help Plone have less bugs? I know you  
get income from Plone consulting, how about making your workday better  
*and* pay back for the stuff you get for free?

You are seriously starting to piss me off, Chris - as the only person in  
the Zope world so far. An achievement in itself, but not one you should be  
particularly proud of.


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development · http://www.plonesolutions.com

  Plone Co-Founder · http://plone.org · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · http://plone.org/foundation · Protecting Plone

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6

2005-11-18 Thread Chris Withers

Alexander Limi wrote:

And that differs from other Plone releases how exactly? ;-)

And what, exactly, have you done to help Plone have less bugs? 

*sigh* there's not a lot I can do, the problems with Plone are cultural. 
There seems to be a pervasive culture of monkey patching and 
bludegeoning code to meet functionality requirements while not worrying 
about software architecture, refactoring, scalability or performance 
except in passing fads. Yeah, sure it works out of the box like it 
should, and it has all the checkbox features, and it even looks pretty 
if that's the look you like, but try and do anything that doesn't ship 
out of the box and _doesn't_ involve the aforementioned code blugeoning 
and you end up with a solution that will only work for your specific 
project because of the Plone-wide assumptions you have to break to get 
it done. Either that or not give a damn about performance or 
maintainability and "just make it work". Sure, it'll work for a few 
releases without change if you're lucky, but it'll likely be dog slow 
and pig ugly if you look behind the scenes. I'm sorry, that kind of 
coding just doesn't interest me. But, inspite of that, you will see the 
odd change I've made to try and help, and I try and provide simple tools 
like zdb, Stepper, MailingLogger, SimpleUserFolder and MailTemplates 
that people are free to use without any obnoxious GPHell licensing and 
without having to worry about some semi-formed ip assignment that may or 
may not stand up in any given court of law around the world.

I know 
you  get income from Plone consulting, how about making your workday 
better  *and* pay back for the stuff you get for free?

Because I can't. The win's we've had on the one big Plone-related (and 
there's not _much_ of Plone actually left now, sorry to tell you) 
project I work on have been by stripping out all the complexity so that 
code meets the _project_ requirements and doesn't worry about 
interacting with any of the myriad of Plone half-interfaces and semi 
finished rubbish that gets shipped as part of every release.

You are seriously starting to piss me off, Chris 

Don't worry, the quality of code that ships in the Plone bundle has 
already done much to take me way beyond pissed off. I find it a tragedy 
that a project with such a large following can't manage to get anyone 
capable of actually standing back and taking a good hard look at the 
quality of some of your key components and sorting it out rather than 
tacking on the next whizz-bang feature in a similarly half-arsed manner.

>- as the only person
in  the Zope world so far. An achievement in itself, but not one you 
should be  particularly proud of.

Honestly, I'm sorry you feel that way but at least I make the 
distinction about what it is I'm pissed off about. The people in the 
Plone community are great, and I get on with the majority of them very 
well as far as I know, but sadly, that alone doesn't make them write 
good software. I am pissed off with the _software_ not the _people_ and 
if I thought there was a sane way I could make things better, I would. 
But again, honestly, I think the software that currently makes up Plone 
above the CMF, and even that could do with a good kick, is beyond help 
and would only really be improved by a ground-up rewrite.

And finally, if you're pissed off with me, that's fine, I don't really 
give a monkeys how you feel towards me personally. Write some good 
software, then I might ;-)



PS: Sorry for the rant, I was hoping to avoid this heading to a list but 
the one liner I posted earlier was as good as I could make it, I even 
put the smiley in ;-) For Alex to reply like this has now got the 
response it deserved. Really, I was excited to try Plone 2.1 with all 
the hype about the quality being so much better and improved 
performance, but having just had to give up on another project involving 
Plone 2.1 and LinguaPlone because it was way too slow, particularly on 
Windows, and trying to fix any of the problems I found felt like playing 
some sick and twisted version of whack-a-mole, not to mention the fact 
that Plone still ships with failing unit tests that cause other 
product's unit tests to fail means that while I have loads of respect 
for the project in managing to grow such a large community, and 
particularly for the people who have the patience to take part, I have 
zero respect for the software that underpins it...

Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
   - http://www.simplistix.co.uk
Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6

2005-11-18 Thread Alexander Limi
On Fri, 18 Nov 2005 05:49:46 -0800, Chris Withers  

Rant accepted, and understood. Still, you could try to help out instead of  
*just* bitching. I am an expert bitcher myself, but at least I do  
something about it. Thread closed? Feel free to follow up with me in  
private email if there's anything we can do to facilitate you helping out.


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development · http://www.plonesolutions.com

  Plone Co-Founder · http://plone.org · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · http://plone.org/foundation · Protecting Plone

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6

2005-11-18 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1


I'll ask that this end here on the zope-cmf list (well, Alex is entitled
to one public rebuttal, I guess).  We need to focus the list's
discussion and attention on ways to improve the architecture, rather
than engaging in a "your code is crap" flamewar.

FWIW, the Goldegg work is largely aimed at making it possible to resolve
the "product vs. framework" dichotomy in Plone, by making it possible to
extract / reuse / reimplement features developed to meet a given need as
Z3 components.  I am *very* excited to be working with both Plone and
CMF developers to make that happen.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"http://palladion.com
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 update

2005-11-19 Thread Florent Guillaume

Cool, thanks for that work.


Rob Miller wrote:
okay, brent hendricks and i managed to put a few more hours into CMF 1.6 
today.  here's an update:

- ActionsTool import node now purges auto-created actions and correctly 
reads in a CMF 1.5 syntax actions.xml file, creating old style actions, 
w/ a GenericSetup style importer

- the backwards-compatible FTI factory methods have been re-added to the 

- a number of z2 interfaces have been switched out for their z3 
counterparts, to get the GenericSetup node adapter adaptation working 

- all CMFCore unit tests are passing again

- all CMFDefault unit tests except one are passing (the final one is 
dependent on readding PortalGenerator to the CMFDefault.Portal module, 
see below)

the following is still to be accomplished:

- need to readd the PortalGenerator portal creation mechanism for 
CMFDefault.Portal, for backwards compatibility

- i've removed the CMFTopic setup stuff from the default profile, but 
have not yet replaced it with the extension profile in the CMFTopic 
product; for this reason CMFTopic unit tests are broken

i'm going to be offline for the next 1-1/2 days... i'll be picking this 
work up again on monday evening, california time.


Zope-CMF maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 update

2005-11-22 Thread Rob Miller

Rob Miller wrote:

the following is still to be accomplished:

- need to readd the PortalGenerator portal creation mechanism for 
CMFDefault.Portal, for backwards compatibility

this is done.  the unit test is still failing, however.  for some 
reason, in CMFDefault.tests.test_Portal.CMFSiteTests, 
globals()["__warningregistry__"] doesn't seem to exist.  i'm not sure 
how this is supposed to work, exactly... it seems as though the 
self._trap_warning_output() call in the test setup is related, although 
i've looked at the WarningInterceptor code and don't understand how it's 
supposed to be working.

there's a similar but slightly different use of __warningregistry__ in 
CMFCore.tests.test_DirectoryView which IS working.  if someone can point 
me in the direction of how this magic is supposed to happen, i'll dig 
more and get this last CMFDefault test passing.

- i've removed the CMFTopic setup stuff from the default profile, but 
have not yet replaced it with the extension profile in the CMFTopic 
product; for this reason CMFTopic unit tests are broken

this is done and all of the CMFTopic tests are now passing.


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 update

2005-11-22 Thread Rob Miller

Rob Miller wrote:
- i've removed the CMFTopic setup stuff from the default profile, but 
have not yet replaced it with the extension profile in the CMFTopic 
product; for this reason CMFTopic unit tests are broken

urgh... CMFTopic tests are passing as reported, but forgot to mention 
that there are a bunch of "WARNING:ZODB.DB:DB.open() has 13 open 
connections with a pool_size of 7" messages being spit out.  will look 
at it tomorrow, must sleep now.


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 update

2005-11-22 Thread Florent Guillaume

Rob Miller wrote:
- need to readd the PortalGenerator portal creation mechanism for 
CMFDefault.Portal, for backwards compatibility

this is done.  the unit test is still failing, however.  for some 
reason, in CMFDefault.tests.test_Portal.CMFSiteTests, 
globals()["__warningregistry__"] doesn't seem to exist.  i'm not sure 
how this is supposed to work, exactly... 

The is put into place by the warnings module as soon as the first 
warning is emitted. See warnings.py.


it seems as though the 
self._trap_warning_output() call in the test setup is related, although 
i've looked at the WarningInterceptor code and don't understand how it's 
supposed to be working.

there's a similar but slightly different use of __warningregistry__ in 
CMFCore.tests.test_DirectoryView which IS working.  if someone can point 
me in the direction of how this magic is supposed to happen, i'll dig 
more and get this last CMFDefault test passing.

- i've removed the CMFTopic setup stuff from the default profile, but 
have not yet replaced it with the extension profile in the CMFTopic 
product; for this reason CMFTopic unit tests are broken

this is done and all of the CMFTopic tests are now passing.

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 update

2005-11-22 Thread Rob Miller

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Rob Miller wrote:

- need to readd the PortalGenerator portal creation mechanism for 
CMFDefault.Portal, for backwards compatibility

this is done.  the unit test is still failing, however.  for some 
reason, in CMFDefault.tests.test_Portal.CMFSiteTests, 
globals()["__warningregistry__"] doesn't seem to exist.  i'm not sure 
how this is supposed to work, exactly... 
The is put into place by the warnings module as soon as the first 
warning is emitted. See warnings.py.

ah, thank you!  yes, in the older test_Portal, it is implicitly assumed 
that the warning registry has been created _before_ the test in question 
is reached.  since all of the other unit tests are now using 
GenericSetup to create the site, no warnings had yet been generated.

fixed and committed the test, all CMFDefault tests are now passing.


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread Martin Aspeli


The following checkin on the 1.6 branch, which looks like a pure cleanup  
item, completely breaks Plone 2.1 and up on CMF 1.6. I assume that was  
not the intention.


Do you know how it breaks Plone, exactly?

What was this checkin intended to do?



Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread yuppie

Hi Jens!

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
The following checkin on the 1.6 branch, which looks like a pure cleanup 
item, completely breaks Plone 2.1 and up on CMF 1.6. I assume that was 
not the intention.


I'm in the specific situation where I have an existing Plohn 2.1 site 
and I want to use PAS. The latest PAS depends in a current GenericSetup, 
so I am trying to move the Plone site onto the current CMF 1.6 branch. 
Due to the change above this is not possible.

Question: If we claim CMF 1.5 compatibility, do you mind reverting this 

The intention was to make things consistent. CMF 1.5 and CMF 2.0 have 
different ways to register custom type info classes. Before that change 
both machineries were broken on the 1.6 branch because they were merged 
in an insane way.

I fixed the new machinery because

- most code used already the new machinery (and I thought that was Rob's 

- this doesn't break many products

I don't mind if you switch the 1.6 branch back to the old machinery, but 
there are more changes necessary than just reverting the last checkin.



Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 20 Dec 2005, at 19:53, yuppie wrote:
The intention was to make things consistent. CMF 1.5 and CMF 2.0  
have different ways to register custom type info classes. Before  
that change both machineries were broken on the 1.6 branch because  
they were merged in an insane way.

I fixed the new machinery because

- most code used already the new machinery (and I thought that was  
Rob's intention)

- this doesn't break many products

I don't mind if you switch the 1.6 branch back to the old  
machinery, but there are more changes necessary than just reverting  
the last checkin.

Like what exactly?

With all due respect, the 1.6 branch should *not* break stuff that  
works find on 1.5. The specific goal for 1.6 was to be "1.5 plus  
GenericSetup" so that it stays 1.5-compatible. This change has  
nothing to do with GenericSetup from all I can tell. Please don't  
just say "OK, change it back if you want, but there may be traps  
elsewhere". I do not know what all needs to be changed. I'll be happy  
to do it, but I need to know what else is involved.


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread Rob Miller

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On 20 Dec 2005, at 19:53, yuppie wrote:

The intention was to make things consistent. CMF 1.5 and CMF 2.0  have 
different ways to register custom type info classes. Before  that 
change both machineries were broken on the 1.6 branch because  they 
were merged in an insane way.

I fixed the new machinery because

- most code used already the new machinery (and I thought that was  
Rob's intention)

- this doesn't break many products

I don't mind if you switch the 1.6 branch back to the old  machinery, 
but there are more changes necessary than just reverting  the last 

Like what exactly?

With all due respect, the 1.6 branch should *not* break stuff that  
works find on 1.5. The specific goal for 1.6 was to be "1.5 plus  
GenericSetup" so that it stays 1.5-compatible. This change has  nothing 
to do with GenericSetup from all I can tell. Please don't  just say "OK, 
change it back if you want, but there may be traps  elsewhere". I do not 
know what all needs to be changed. I'll be happy  to do it, but I need 
to know what else is involved.

yes, i believe the agreement was to try to keep 1.6 as close to 1.5 as 
possible, with the exception of GenericSetup.  the types stuff is the 
greyest area, however, because the changes in the way TypeInfo objects 
are handled btn 1.5 and 2.0 has a considerable impact on the setup 
profiles and the import/export nodes.  my original idea was to have the 
1.6 types import adapter use the 2.0 style, containment-based profile 
format, but to generate 1.5 style TypeInfo objects.  i haven't had time 
in recent weeks to keep up w/ all of the stuff that you've been doing, 
yuppie, but i do have a bit of concern that we're causing too much 
divergence btn 1.5 and 1.6 operationally.  if we stray too far, then 
tres will stop forward-porting any 1.5 fixes that he might make... ;-).


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread yuppie

Hi Rob! Hi Jens!

Rob Miller wrote:

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On 20 Dec 2005, at 19:53, yuppie wrote:

The intention was to make things consistent. CMF 1.5 and CMF 2.0  
have different ways to register custom type info classes. Before  
that change both machineries were broken on the 1.6 branch because  
they were merged in an insane way.

I fixed the new machinery because

- most code used already the new machinery (and I thought that was  
Rob's intention)

- this doesn't break many products

I don't mind if you switch the 1.6 branch back to the old  machinery, 
but there are more changes necessary than just reverting  the last 

Like what exactly?

With all due respect, the 1.6 branch should *not* break stuff that  
works find on 1.5. The specific goal for 1.6 was to be "1.5 plus  
GenericSetup" so that it stays 1.5-compatible. This change has  
nothing to do with GenericSetup from all I can tell. Please don't  
just say "OK, change it back if you want, but there may be traps  
elsewhere". I do not know what all needs to be changed. I'll be happy  
to do it, but I need to know what else is involved.

Besides the import/export handlers Rob mentions below this affects all 
the TypesTool code that used 'typeClasses' (grep for it in 1.5) and the 
add forms for type infos.

yes, i believe the agreement was to try to keep 1.6 as close to 1.5 as 
possible, with the exception of GenericSetup.  the types stuff is the 
greyest area, however, because the changes in the way TypeInfo objects 
are handled btn 1.5 and 2.0 has a considerable impact on the setup 
profiles and the import/export nodes.  my original idea was to have the 
1.6 types import adapter use the 2.0 style, containment-based profile 
format, but to generate 1.5 style TypeInfo objects.  i haven't had time 
in recent weeks to keep up w/ all of the stuff that you've been doing, 
yuppie, but i do have a bit of concern that we're causing too much 
divergence btn 1.5 and 1.6 operationally.  if we stray too far, then 
tres will stop forward-porting any 1.5 fixes that he might make... ;-).

I really don't care much about how this is resolved. But from Rob's 
checkins and the discussion following this mail


I had the impression that CMF 1.6 should provide backwards compatibility 
for Products written for Plone 2.1, not for Plone 2.1 itself. 
CMFDynamicViewFTI is an integral part of Plone 2.2 and I would be 
surprised if any other Plone product registers its own type info class. 
AFAICS the same applies to FlexibleTypeInformation and CPS.

I don't think that my backports from the trunk widened that gap between 
1.5 and 1.6. It existed from the beginning of the 1.6 branch.



Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 20 Dec 2005, at 21:56, yuppie wrote:
yes, i believe the agreement was to try to keep 1.6 as close to  
1.5 as possible, with the exception of GenericSetup.  the types  
stuff is the greyest area, however, because the changes in the way  
TypeInfo objects are handled btn 1.5 and 2.0 has a considerable  
impact on the setup profiles and the import/export nodes.  my  
original idea was to have the 1.6 types import adapter use the 2.0  
style, containment-based profile format, but to generate 1.5 style  
TypeInfo objects.  i haven't had time in recent weeks to keep up  
w/ all of the stuff that you've been doing, yuppie, but i do have  
a bit of concern that we're causing too much divergence btn 1.5  
and 1.6 operationally.  if we stray too far, then tres will stop  
forward-porting any 1.5 fixes that he might make... ;-).

I really don't care much about how this is resolved. But from Rob's  
checkins and the discussion following this mail


I had the impression that CMF 1.6 should provide backwards  
compatibility for Products written for Plone 2.1, not for Plone 2.1  
itself. CMFDynamicViewFTI is an integral part of Plone 2.2 and I  
would be surprised if any other Plone product registers its own  
type info class. AFAICS the same applies to FlexibleTypeInformation  
and CPS.

I don't think that my backports from the trunk widened that gap  
between 1.5 and 1.6. It existed from the beginning of the 1.6 branch.

I have a feeling that I am the first one who tried to run Plone 2.1  
on CMF 1.6, which is why no one noticed before. I certainly would  
have spoken up if I had come across it as I have now.

After reading the thread you mention, which isn't all that clear when  
it comes to outlining what the consequences of some of these code  
changes are, I'm confused. I think I can boil it down to one  
question: What is the use of the CMF 1.6 branch if it is not  
compatible to Plone 2.1/2.1.1 and 2.1.2 when it comes out, and  
possibly not even 2.2 since that's only a few months down the road?

I don't quite understand the distinction between "compatible with  
products written for Plone 2.1 but not with Plone 2.1", I can't see  
any sense in that route... it all comes back to one question: What is  
the goal for the 1.6 branch? What specific audience is it targeted  
at? I can see what it's apparently *not* targeted at: People who work  
with Plone 2.1 - including those that might be interested in taking  
up GenericSetup for their Plone product. I had thought that was our  


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread yuppie


Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On 20 Dec 2005, at 21:56, yuppie wrote:
I really don't care much about how this is resolved. But from Rob's 
checkins and the discussion following this mail


I had the impression that CMF 1.6 should provide backwards 
compatibility for Products written for Plone 2.1, not for Plone 2.1 
itself. CMFDynamicViewFTI is an integral part of Plone 2.2 and I would 
be surprised if any other Plone product registers its own type info 
class. AFAICS the same applies to FlexibleTypeInformation and CPS.

I don't think that my backports from the trunk widened that gap 
between 1.5 and 1.6. It existed from the beginning of the 1.6 branch.

I have a feeling that I am the first one who tried to run Plone 2.1 on 
CMF 1.6, which is why no one noticed before. I certainly would have 
spoken up if I had come across it as I have now.

It might be that the problem was hidden before I removed the typeClasses 
list. But the typeClasses list wasn't really used on the 1.6 branch. 
Only in manage_addTypeInformation, where the new way to register type 
info classes was ignored.

After reading the thread you mention, which isn't all that clear when it 
comes to outlining what the consequences of some of these code changes 
are, I'm confused. I think I can boil it down to one question: What is 
the use of the CMF 1.6 branch if it is not compatible to Plone 2.1/2.1.1 
and 2.1.2 when it comes out, and possibly not even 2.2 since that's only 
a few months down the road?

I don't quite understand the distinction between "compatible with 
products written for Plone 2.1 but not with Plone 2.1", I can't see any 
sense in that route... it all comes back to one question: What is the 
goal for the 1.6 branch? What specific audience is it targeted at? I can 
see what it's apparently *not* targeted at: People who work with Plone 
2.1 - including those that might be interested in taking up GenericSetup 
for their Plone product. I had thought that was our audience.

AFAICT the original target audience were people that want to switch to 
Plone 2.2 and reuse Products written for 2.1.

That might have changed over time, but the code never reflected that change.

I'm fine with any decision as long as someone else does the necessary work.



Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 20 Dec 2005, at 23:32, yuppie wrote:
After reading the thread you mention, which isn't all that clear  
when it comes to outlining what the consequences of some of these  
code changes are, I'm confused. I think I can boil it down to one  
question: What is the use of the CMF 1.6 branch if it is not  
compatible to Plone 2.1/2.1.1 and 2.1.2 when it comes out, and  
possibly not even 2.2 since that's only a few months down the road?
I don't quite understand the distinction between "compatible with  
products written for Plone 2.1 but not with Plone 2.1", I can't  
see any sense in that route... it all comes back to one question:  
What is the goal for the 1.6 branch? What specific audience is it  
targeted at? I can see what it's apparently *not* targeted at:  
People who work with Plone 2.1 - including those that might be  
interested in taking up GenericSetup for their Plone product. I  
had thought that was our audience.

AFAICT the original target audience were people that want to switch  
to Plone 2.2 and reuse Products written for 2.1.

That might have changed over time, but the code never reflected  
that change.

Unless someone fixes that CMFDynamicsomethingFTI thing (or the CMF  
1.6 branch) people cannot even attempt to run Plone 2.1 or 2.2  
against CMF 1.6. This is like a stalemate. Can you suggest how to add  
a new kind of factory information class similar to appending it to  
that typeClasses structure so Martin can fix the Plone code for  
whatever release they want to make CMF 1.6-compatible then?


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread Martin Aspeli

Unless someone fixes that CMFDynamicsomethingFTI thing (or the CMF 1.6  
branch) people cannot even attempt to run Plone 2.1 or 2.2 against CMF  
1.6. This is like a stalemate. Can you suggest how to add a new kind of  
factory information class similar to appending it to that typeClasses  
structure so Martin can fix the Plone code for whatever release they  
want to make CMF 1.6-compatible then?

We can obviously fix this, so long as we maintain API compatability. A lot  
of products use CMFDynamicViewFTI, but only through the interfaces defined  
there and in CMFPlone/interfaces/browserdefault.py.

*If* this is indeed a better solution, we'd need to know *how* to change  
CMFDynamicViewFTI to use the new machinery. That code is fairly small and  
simple, and someone who knows how an FTI works should hopefully not have  
much problem understanding how it works. If you can outline how to fix it,  
I'm sure we could get one applied and into a release timed to the switch  
to CMF 1.6.



Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread Alexander Limi
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 00:32:02 +0100, yuppie  

AFAICT the original target audience were people that want to switch to  
Plone 2.2 and reuse Products written for 2.1.

Just a terminology correction here, the next version of Plone is 2.5, not  
2.2 - we changed our version policy a while back:


(Not that important for this discussion, but just a heads-up so you  
non-Plone people don't get confused about 2.2 vs. 2.5 when we talk about  
it later. :)


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development · http://www.plonesolutions.com

  Plone Co-Founder · http://plone.org · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · http://plone.org/foundation · Protecting Plone

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread Florent Guillaume

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On 20 Dec 2005, at 23:32, yuppie wrote:

After reading the thread you mention, which isn't all that clear  
when it comes to outlining what the consequences of some of these  
code changes are, I'm confused. I think I can boil it down to one  
question: What is the use of the CMF 1.6 branch if it is not  
compatible to Plone 2.1/2.1.1 and 2.1.2 when it comes out, and  
possibly not even 2.2 since that's only a few months down the road?
I don't quite understand the distinction between "compatible with  
products written for Plone 2.1 but not with Plone 2.1", I can't  see 
any sense in that route... it all comes back to one question:  What 
is the goal for the 1.6 branch? What specific audience is it  
targeted at? I can see what it's apparently *not* targeted at:  
People who work with Plone 2.1 - including those that might be  
interested in taking up GenericSetup for their Plone product. I  had 
thought that was our audience.

AFAICT the original target audience were people that want to switch  
to Plone 2.2 and reuse Products written for 2.1.

That might have changed over time, but the code never reflected  that 

Unless someone fixes that CMFDynamicsomethingFTI thing (or the CMF  1.6 
branch) people cannot even attempt to run Plone 2.1 or 2.2  against CMF 
1.6. This is like a stalemate. Can you suggest how to add  a new kind of 
factory information class similar to appending it to  that typeClasses 
structure so Martin can fix the Plone code for  whatever release they 
want to make CMF 1.6-compatible then?

The "new way" (exemplified by the way CMFCore itself registers 
'Factory-based' type information) is:

- make the class provide ITypeInformation (either directly or through ZCML),

- five:registerClass the class (this makes it available in 
Products.meta_types and for IFAwareObjectManager, which the portal_types ZMI 
add menu uses),

- register an IAdding for it, usually coded in browser/. Using the base 
class provided by CMFCore it's only a few lines.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread Raphael Ritz

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
Thanks a lot Florent, I assume Martin can go off and do his magic  with 
that description.

Just a note in passing to those of us that are more on the CMF-users
than developers side:

Starting to look into this myself I just wasted a couple of minutes
because of my outdated setup (I had a plain Zope-2.8.4-final release)

Looking at INSTALL.txt from the CMF-1.6 bundle I found


- Zope 2.8.1 or later

so I thought I'm on the safe side but digging deeper one
actually sees in GenericSetup.DEPENDENCIES.txt:

Zope >= 2.8.5
Five >= 1.2

So I got a Zope-2.8.5-final only to realize later that
this ships with Five-1.0.2 :-(

Instead of upgrading Five, I thought I better get Zope-2.9.0b1
which wanted me to upgrade my Python to 2.4.2. I only have a 2.4.1
around with I took and now everything seems OK.

Please don't get me wrong: this isn't to blame anyone but only
to maybe save some other peoples time who want to jumb right in
(and of course making the docs somewhat more explicit wouldn't
hurt either).


PS: the error I got with my outdated setup was:

ImportError: cannot import name profile_registry

on start-up while trying to load CMFCalendar.

PPS: Playing in ZMI a bit I noticed that creating a
CMF site TTW and selecting *all* optional extensions

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 113, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
  Module Products.CMFDefault.factory, line 63, in addConfiguredSite
  Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 245, in runAllImportSteps
  Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 711, in _doRunImportStep
  Module Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow, line 139, in 

  Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 705, in importObjects
  Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 701, in importObjects
  Module Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport, line 79, in _importBody
  Module Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport, line 957, in _initDCWorkflow
  Module Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport, line 974, in 

  Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 297, in _setObject
  Module Products.DCWorkflow.Variables, line 151, in _checkId
  Module Products.DCWorkflow.ContainerTab, line 54, in _checkId
Bad Request: The id "action" is already in use.

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread Rocky Burt

Well now I'm *completely* confused.

- Rocky

Alexander Limi wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 00:32:02 +0100, yuppie 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> AFAICT the original target audience were people that want to switch
>> to  Plone 2.2 and reuse Products written for 2.1.
> Just a terminology correction here, the next version of Plone is 2.5,
> not  2.2 - we changed our version policy a while back:
> http://plone.org/products/plone/roadmap/114
> http://plone.org/roadmap
> (Not that important for this discussion, but just a heads-up so you 
> non-Plone people don't get confused about 2.2 vs. 2.5 when we talk
> about  it later. :)

Rocky Burt
ServerZen Software -- http://www.serverzen.com
ServerZen Hosting -- http://www.serverzenhosting.net
News About The Server -- http://www.serverzen.net

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread Rocky Burt
Raphael Ritz wrote:
> Looking at INSTALL.txt from the CMF-1.6 bundle I found
>   Requirements
> - Zope 2.8.1 or later
>   ...
> so I thought I'm on the safe side but digging deeper one
> actually sees in GenericSetup.DEPENDENCIES.txt:
> Zope >= 2.8.5
> Five >= 1.2
> So I got a Zope-2.8.5-final only to realize later that
> this ships with Five-1.0.2 :-(

Your best bet is to install Zope 2.8.5-final and then install Five 1.2b
(in your instance home Products dir).  Not sure what other troubles Zope
2.9b1 would bring to the table here.

- Rocky

Rocky Burt
ServerZen Software -- http://www.serverzen.com
ServerZen Hosting -- http://www.serverzenhosting.net
News About The Server -- http://www.serverzen.net

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread yuppie

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

Unless someone fixes that CMFDynamicsomethingFTI thing (or the CMF  
1.6 branch) people cannot even attempt to run Plone 2.1 or 2.2  
against CMF 1.6. This is like a stalemate. Can you suggest how to add  
a new kind of factory information class similar to appending it to  
that typeClasses structure so Martin can fix the Plone code for  
whatever release they want to make CMF 1.6-compatible then?

The "new way" (exemplified by the way CMFCore itself registers 
'Factory-based' type information) is:

- make the class provide ITypeInformation (either directly or through 

- five:registerClass the class (this makes it available in 
Products.meta_types and for IFAwareObjectManager, which the portal_types 
ZMI add menu uses),

- register an IAdding for it, usually coded in browser/. Using the base 
class provided by CMFCore it's only a few lines.

Using registerClass in __init__.py should also work. (In Zope 2.8 you 
have to register the class explicitly for ITypeInformation using the 
'interfaces' argument, Zope 2.9 looks itself for z3 interfaces.)

In that case you can use a Zope 2 style add form instead of an add view.

BTW: Custom catalog indexes and custom workflow definitions are 
registered the same way. They have to implement IPluggableIndex or 

Cheers, Yuppie

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread Florent Guillaume

Rocky Burt wrote:

Raphael Ritz wrote:

Looking at INSTALL.txt from the CMF-1.6 bundle I found


   - Zope 2.8.1 or later

so I thought I'm on the safe side but digging deeper one
actually sees in GenericSetup.DEPENDENCIES.txt:

Zope >= 2.8.5
Five >= 1.2

So I got a Zope-2.8.5-final only to realize later that
this ships with Five-1.0.2 :-(

Your best bet is to install Zope 2.8.5-final and then install Five 1.2b
(in your instance home Products dir).  Not sure what other troubles Zope
2.9b1 would bring to the table here.

I'm currently working on having CPS work with CMF 1.6 branch and Zope 2.9 
branch. I've had a few fixes to make already, today most things should work. 
A few more may come when I test deeper.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread Rob Miller
apologies in advance for not engaging this conversation as deeply as i'd 
like to... i'm under the gun to get something done before leaving 
tomorrow for a brief holiday, back on the 29th.

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
I don't quite understand the distinction between "compatible with  
products written for Plone 2.1 but not with Plone 2.1", I can't see  any 
sense in that route... it all comes back to one question: What is  the 
goal for the 1.6 branch? What specific audience is it targeted  at? I 
can see what it's apparently *not* targeted at: People who work  with 
Plone 2.1 - including those that might be interested in taking  up 
GenericSetup for their Plone product. I had thought that was our  audience.

the original motivation behind my request for a CMF 1.6 release was so 
that it could be used as a basis for the next major Plone release, what 
is now being called Plone 2.5.  this is because Plone would like to 
switch to using GenericSetup for its site instantiation and 
configuration, but using CMF 2.0 for our next release would cause too 
much breakage of Plone add-on products.  CMF 1.6 makes it easier for 
Plone to not fall (again!) terribly behind CMF's development cycle.

it would be great if Plone 2.1.X could work w/ CMF 1.6, but it is not 
absolutely necessary.  yuppie implies that some of my commits contribute 
to the 2.1 breakage... that may be, b/c i wasn't really thinking too 
much about 2.1 when i was working.  unfortunately, i don't have time to 
look even at my own work right now, for reasons mentioned above.

if there are some reasonable changes we can make that would ensure CMF 
1.6 would work with both Plone 2.1 and 2.5, then i'd probably be +1 for 
making the changes.  this would need to be weighed against the amount of 
distance that it would put between the CMF 1.6 and CMF 2.0 setup code, 

when i get back from my visiting my family i'll take a look at the code 
and will actually formulate an informed opinion on what we should do... ;-)


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-22 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
> On 22 Dec 2005, at 03:10, Rob Miller wrote:
>> Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
>>> I don't quite understand the distinction between "compatible with  
>>> products written for Plone 2.1 but not with Plone 2.1", I can't  see 
>>> any sense in that route... it all comes back to one question:  What
>>> is  the goal for the 1.6 branch? What specific audience is it 
>>> targeted  at? I can see what it's apparently *not* targeted at: 
>>> People who work  with Plone 2.1 - including those that might be 
>>> interested in taking  up GenericSetup for their Plone product. I  had
>>> thought that was our  audience.
>> the original motivation behind my request for a CMF 1.6 release was 
>> so that it could be used as a basis for the next major Plone  release,
>> what is now being called Plone 2.5.  this is because Plone  would like
>> to switch to using GenericSetup for its site  instantiation and
>> configuration, but using CMF 2.0 for our next  release would cause too
>> much breakage of Plone add-on products.   CMF 1.6 makes it easier for
>> Plone to not fall (again!) terribly  behind CMF's development cycle.
> Just to put this into perspective, this is not some life-and-death 
> issue for me at this point, more a clarification issue. It wasn't  clear
> to me how limited the target audience for CMF 1.6 really will be.
> I think this brings up the need for a slightly more formalized  planning
> and release process. Given the requisite backing by at least  the main
> developers (meaning their agreement that they would actually  use such a
> thing) I'd like to set up a release plan page on zope.org  that explains
> a bit more what the goals for each major release are  and which contains
> timing information as well. The Plone roadmap page  at
> http://plone.org/roadmap (plone.org seems down currently) does a  nice
> job in that regard.

I agree we need such a document, and already owe you some words around
the topic.  I'll work on setting up a back-channel conversation about it.

> By the way, my technical problem of satisfying dependencies on 
> GenericSetup introduced by us switching to PAS without breaking a 
> production Plone 2.1 site have been solved by simply using  GenericSetup
> from the 1.6 branch and keeping everything else at CMF  1.5.4.

I intend that "GenericSetup 1.0" will be releaseable (and released) from
exactly that point (the tip of the 1.6 branch).

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"http://palladion.com
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-22 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

I think this brings up the need for a slightly more formalized  planning
and release process. Given the requisite backing by at least  the main
developers (meaning their agreement that they would actually  use such a
thing) I'd like to set up a release plan page on zope.org  that explains
a bit more what the goals for each major release are  and which contains
timing information as well. The Plone roadmap page  at
http://plone.org/roadmap (plone.org seems down currently) does a  nice
job in that regard.

Tres said:

I agree we need such a document, and already owe you some words around
the topic.  I'll work on setting up a back-channel conversation about it.

You can of course use the PloneSoftwareCenter :-)

Either, you can create a project on plone.org/products and use the  
features there, or you can set up a standard Plone 2.1 site and install  
PloneSoftwareCenter (note that you currently need the 2.1-integration  
branch; we're working on getting a real release out) and its dependencies  
(ArchAddOn, ExternalStorage optional). Here, you can get the same roadmap  
features for any project.



Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-23 Thread Alexander Limi
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 13:29:09 +0100, Rocky Burt  

Just a terminology correction here, the next version of Plone is 2.5,
not 2.2 - we changed our version policy a while back:

Well now I'm *completely* confused.

s/Plone 2.2/Plone 2.5/g

Better? ;)


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development · http://www.plonesolutions.com

  Plone Co-Founder · http://plone.org · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · http://plone.org/foundation · Protecting Plone

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-23 Thread Alexander Limi
On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 04:10:30 +0100, Rob Miller  

it would be great if Plone 2.1.X could work w/ CMF 1.6, but it is not  
absolutely necessary.

In general, we consider Plone tied to one particular CMF version (which is  
also why we ship with a particular version of the CMF), and we have never  
supported newer/older CMF releases in any version of Plone. This has  
practical consequences in making it one less deprecation chain cascading  
to pay attention to.

So if the breakage (haven't followed the thread in detail) only occurs if  
you try using Plone 2.1 with CMF 1.6, that is indeed a non-issue. Plone  
2.5 is the version that targets CMF 1.6.


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development · http://www.plonesolutions.com

  Plone Co-Founder · http://plone.org · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · http://plone.org/foundation · Protecting Plone

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

Re: [Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-20 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 20 Dec 2005, at 13:10, Martin Aspeli wrote:


The following checkin on the 1.6 branch, which looks like a pure  
cleanup item, completely breaks Plone 2.1 and up on CMF 1.6. I  
assume that was not the intention.


Do you know how it breaks Plone, exactly?

What was this checkin intended to do?

I don't know what the checkin was supposed to do apart from a  
cleanup, that's why I am asking Yvo.

That "CMFDynamicViewFTI" doohickey (no idea what that is, really, but  
Plone needs it for some reason) tries to import "typeClasses" from  
CMFCore.TypesTool and add information about itself to it. See  
"fti.py" module.


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

Re: [Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 21 Dec 2005, at 11:14, Florent Guillaume wrote:
Unless someone fixes that CMFDynamicsomethingFTI thing (or the  
CMF  1.6 branch) people cannot even attempt to run Plone 2.1 or  
2.2  against CMF 1.6. This is like a stalemate. Can you suggest  
how to add  a new kind of factory information class similar to  
appending it to  that typeClasses structure so Martin can fix the  
Plone code for  whatever release they want to make CMF 1.6- 
compatible then?

The "new way" (exemplified by the way CMFCore itself registers  
'Factory-based' type information) is:

- make the class provide ITypeInformation (either directly or  
through ZCML),

- five:registerClass the class (this makes it available in  
Products.meta_types and for IFAwareObjectManager, which the  
portal_types ZMI add menu uses),

- register an IAdding for it, usually coded in browser/. Using the  
base class provided by CMFCore it's only a few lines.

Thanks a lot Florent, I assume Martin can go off and do his magic  
with that description.


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

Re: [Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-21 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 21 Dec 2005, at 12:06, Raphael Ritz wrote:

Starting to look into this myself I just wasted a couple of minutes
because of my outdated setup (I had a plain Zope-2.8.4-final release)

Looking at INSTALL.txt from the CMF-1.6 bundle I found


- Zope 2.8.1 or later

so I thought I'm on the safe side but digging deeper one
actually sees in GenericSetup.DEPENDENCIES.txt:

Yes, this will need some cleanup before the first beta.

Instead of upgrading Five, I thought I better get Zope-2.9.0b1
which wanted me to upgrade my Python to 2.4.2. I only have a 2.4.1
around with I took and now everything seems OK.

You can just download and put Five 1.2b into your INSTANCE_HOME, it  
will be loaded in preference to the stuff in the SOFTWARE_HOME


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

Re: [Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-22 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 22 Dec 2005, at 03:10, Rob Miller wrote:

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
I don't quite understand the distinction between "compatible with   
products written for Plone 2.1 but not with Plone 2.1", I can't  
see  any sense in that route... it all comes back to one question:  
What is  the goal for the 1.6 branch? What specific audience is it  
targeted  at? I can see what it's apparently *not* targeted at:  
People who work  with Plone 2.1 - including those that might be  
interested in taking  up GenericSetup for their Plone product. I  
had thought that was our  audience.

the original motivation behind my request for a CMF 1.6 release was  
so that it could be used as a basis for the next major Plone  
release, what is now being called Plone 2.5.  this is because Plone  
would like to switch to using GenericSetup for its site  
instantiation and configuration, but using CMF 2.0 for our next  
release would cause too much breakage of Plone add-on products.   
CMF 1.6 makes it easier for Plone to not fall (again!) terribly  
behind CMF's development cycle.

Just to put this into perspective, this is not some life-and-death  
issue for me at this point, more a clarification issue. It wasn't  
clear to me how limited the target audience for CMF 1.6 really will be.

I think this brings up the need for a slightly more formalized  
planning and release process. Given the requisite backing by at least  
the main developers (meaning their agreement that they would actually  
use such a thing) I'd like to set up a release plan page on zope.org  
that explains a bit more what the goals for each major release are  
and which contains timing information as well. The Plone roadmap page  
at http://plone.org/roadmap (plone.org seems down currently) does a  
nice job in that regard.

By the way, my technical problem of satisfying dependencies on  
GenericSetup introduced by us switching to PAS without breaking a  
production Plone 2.1 site have been solved by simply using  
GenericSetup from the 1.6 branch and keeping everything else at CMF  


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

Re: [Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.6 change broke Plone compatibility

2005-12-23 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 22 Dec 2005, at 17:09, Martin Aspeli wrote:

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
I think this brings up the need for a slightly more formalized   
and release process. Given the requisite backing by at least  the  
developers (meaning their agreement that they would actually  use  
such a
thing) I'd like to set up a release plan page on zope.org  that  
a bit more what the goals for each major release are  and which  

timing information as well. The Plone roadmap page  at
http://plone.org/roadmap (plone.org seems down currently) does a   

job in that regard.

Tres said:
I agree we need such a document, and already owe you some words  
the topic.  I'll work on setting up a back-channel conversation  
about it.

You can of course use the PloneSoftwareCenter :-)

Complete overkill, sorry. We're dealing with one project here, and  
for starters we need a simple document, and then go from there.  
Matter of fact a simple Wiki would be good, probably right underneath  

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF-1.6 branch created (was Re: backporting GenericSetup to CMF-1.5)

2005-11-15 Thread Rob Miller

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On 14 Nov 2005, at 22:28, Rob Miller wrote:

okay, i've created a CMF-1.6 branch that has branched everything  from 
CMF-1.5 with the exception of CMFSetup and GenericSetup, which  are 
svn:externals from the CMF trunk.

note that i've haven't actually started any backporting yet, and as  
such this branch is completely non-functional.  i hope to actually  
start work on it tomorrow evening (california time).

By the way, since this discussion is happening on the zope-dev list  
right now as well, please don't just jump in and create release  
branches. The release manager should do that, after reaching a  
consensus of what it should contain and when to cut it. We should  
maintain some semblance of order here.

ah, okay.  sorry 'bout that.


Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests