Gelli goes to College

2003-09-02 Thread P. Buickerood
Well doggy friends, I was very busy last week! I went to college with my Dad and helped him teach three lectures and two seminars. He says I'm his teaching assistant. In the lectures I take attendance by going up and down the aisles checking out each person. If the girls are wearing sandals I lick

Indoor Games and Missouri heat

2003-08-21 Thread P. Buickerood
Hi All, Its been miserably hot here in Missouri for the last few days. 105 in the shade today! With these kinds of temps its downright dangerous to go outside for any energetic play. During daylight its very quick trips outside for business and right back in. A frosty paws treat follows. But our gu

Gelli Antics

2003-08-19 Thread P. Buickerood
Well folks, This is Gelli reporting from the world of puppy. I have discovered several neat new things. First, let me tell you about toilet paper. It comes on rolls and the best thing is that when you fight with a roll of toilet paper it fights right back! And if you run into the living room traili

Pet Store Info Packets

2003-07-30 Thread P. Buickerood
It helps greatly to hear from veterans who have been in the trenches in these pet store battles. There are so many fronts: educating consumers, promoting responsible ownership, shutting down the supply, helping the victims (Berner and human), ... It sounds a pet store packet on Berners might help.

Pass Pet "Burnie"

2003-07-30 Thread P. Buickerood
I've been reading the recent discussion of pet shop Berners with great interest. The 3 month old BMD girl reported a week ago is still in the window of a Pass Pets in the St. Louis area. Her asking price is now $1900. - Down from $3300. At least they now know that they have BERNESE Mountain Dog - n

Gelli Brags

2003-07-19 Thread P. Buickerood
Thanks, everyone, for your very good advice about how to cope with Gelli forgetting all his commands. This week Gelli and I cut way back on training and socialization - we just had fun with the basics and short walks in the neighborhood. Today, we had puppy kindergarten graduation and there were c

Gelli Reverse Brag

2003-07-17 Thread P. Buickerood
Well friends, Gelli's 17th week of life has not been an outstanding success from his family's point of view. After four puppy kindergarten classes he seems to have completely forgotten SIT, Stand, Stay, come. When given his commands he looks at me as if I were from the moon (and NOT made of cheese

Puppy Advice from Gelli

2003-06-06 Thread P. Buickerood
Hi All, I'm learning to type so that I could clue in my puppy pals on the Berner-l about my humans and their house. This house has these things called stairs. They are at doorways and they have gates. Stairs go up and down but I'm not allowed to go down and for up I only get to try two steps. The

Please Welcome Wyemede's Gallant Gelbackler

2003-05-30 Thread P. Buickerood
Hello all, We are pleased to announce our adoption by Wyemede's Gallant Gelbackler. Gelli was 10 weeks old this past Monday and we have survived 21 days of living with this little devil who answers to the sobriquet "Gelli, the Gila monster". So far, he has visited 9 states (on his drive home) and

Premier Pet Insurance

2003-03-07 Thread P. Buickerood
We are anticipating the adoption of a Berner puppy in our household w/in the next few months and we will be getting Pet Health Insurance. Unlike the other company frequently mentioned on the list Premier Pet Insurance plans do not exclude hereditary diseases or breed specific conditions although th