File download speed disparity via CFContent

2012-03-03 Thread Dana Kowalski
I could use some brainstorming help please to sort out this issue. A disclaimer is I'm attempting to get our sys admins to hook up the apache sendfile into iis 6.x, however the timeline might not help me here. We have two racks with a CF 8.x app server, file server, db server. They all run on

Prevent CFTREE Refresh Upon Return to Page

2012-01-12 Thread Dana Kain
I have a form containing a CFTREE bound to a CFC. Users can expand the items in the tree and click a submit button, which takes them to another page. They then use the IE8 browser back button to return to the CFTREE page. What is happening is that upon returning the CFTREE is completely reinit

Re: Why is my CF8 server constantly hanging?

2008-12-03 Thread Dana Kowalski
Fine tuning the JVM really does fix a lot of issues. We used to get crashes a lot back in the day when I didn't know much about JVM tweaking, especially the heap size stuff. Ever since I updated the JVM and tuned it we rarely ever have a crash anymore. We used to run into the same exact thing

Re: admin api login error handling

2008-10-28 Thread Dana Kowalski
Thanks fellas. That was pretty silly. I didn't think hard enough about it I guess haha. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;2071

admin api login error handling

2008-10-28 Thread Dana Kowalski
I've never really used the admin api until today. I'm having a problem catching a bad login. I tried wrapping the instantiation/login in a try catch, but it seems to be ignoring the catch. Is there any easy way to catch a bad admin api login? I'm not seeing anything in the docs or examples I've

Re: Pulling only 1 year of records

2008-10-18 Thread Dana Kowalski
Like Mark said, I'd first look to using the year() function if its available in your dbms.If not you can also use a BETWEEN. i.e. where createdDate BETWEEN createODBCDateTime(startdate) AND createODBCDateTime(enddate) Another option I guess (I think depending on dmbs as well) is to use the >=

Re: Inexpensive student/developer oriented CF hosting?

2008-10-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
I've used hostingatoz for CF in the past and like CJ said it's fine for goofing around or non-commercial use, and pretty cheap. They were fairly reliable and responsive in all my experiences with them. In fairness that was 2 yrs ago though.

Re: (ot) Best development laptop

2008-09-26 Thread Dana Kowalski
For my personal laptop I use the 17in MBP and its incredible. I had some issues initially configuring CF 8 + Apache but once I overcame that hurdle it works great. I've never encountered a slowdown or any hangs. For work we stick with the Dell D series. If you put enough ram in, they've worked

Re: cfexecute, Windows 2003 and runas

2008-09-23 Thread Dana Kowalski
I know this exact issue has been a problem since CF 6.x. I've always thought it was a permissions problem, but to be honest I've never used cfexecute. We're just not allowed to =\ Is your CF install running as local system? If it's running as a specific user, you could try making the user start

Re: cfexecute, Windows 2003 and runas

2008-09-23 Thread Dana Kowalski
You said the command works fine when you run it as your user then fire the runas right? Is your user a local/domain admin? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: cfexecute, Windows 2003 and runas

2008-09-23 Thread Dana Kowalski
yeah 812614 lays out the IIS permissions for the box. We also had to apply some of these to a custom user running CF 8.x in order to get some things working right ~| Adobe® ColdFus

Re: cfexecute, Windows 2003 and runas

2008-09-23 Thread Dana Kowalski
I believe there are 6 items in the mmc you need to give that user, including run as service. If I remember right, one was the batch process one. Lemme go see if I can dig up the MS KB article. We have to do this all the time, and it ends up being a pain! ~~~

Re: Windows 2003 server CF 8 Installation issue

2008-09-22 Thread Dana Kowalski
I've setup a multiserver using the built-in initially for a test project, without a problem. It worked like a champ. This almost sounds like a permission issue, but I'm not sure. Are you running any OS hardening tools on the boxes before installing CF? Did you have a previous CF install on ther

dynamic cftree problem

2008-09-17 Thread Dana Kowalski
I have a dynamic cftree that loads off a cfc. The cfc just fires off database queries to get the layout structure. I want the tree to retain state using session variables if the user hits the back or navigates to an intermediary processing page. I've been pounding my head against the wall aft

Re: Alternative to using CONTAINS repeatedly?

2008-09-12 Thread Dana Kowalski
Couldn't you scale those down by setting a var up top with the script, img etc. Also set a var so you don't have to repeat the lcase(). Then use a few listFindNoCase()'s ? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most importan

Re: mac address and additional protection

2008-09-08 Thread Dana Kowalski
As others above mentioned MAC addresses can be spoofed to whatever you want with minimal effort. It would be as futile as monitoring IP addresses. That being said, does the average user know/care to do that? Probably not, unless they were tryign to scam the system. You could probably try to fla

Re: How can I unzip a password-protected zip file with cfzip?

2008-09-03 Thread Dana Kowalski
cfexecutue enabled on production gear is something I've never been allowed to do =\ I really wish they would come up with a better (built in) workaround and close that item out finally. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is th

Re: (ot) How do you preload a SWF file?

2008-08-29 Thread Dana Kowalski
Similar to what Andy said you could make a 1x1 flash movie using the same color as your bg and use the built in flash tools to preload other movies onload. There's another method you can use with javascript writes but that takes more time then just doing the 1x1 flash movie. You could probably c

Re: ANN: Open source ColdFusion CRM solution

2008-08-25 Thread Dana Kowalski
This is really good. Thanks for sharing it. I honestly had no idea it existed. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;2739

Re: Flummoxed bya simple query

2008-08-21 Thread Dana Kowalski
Every time this has happened to me, it was a caching issue. Try to remove caching from the datasource, if that doesn't work reboot the database machine or restart the db services. After that restart CF and see if its all better. ~~

Re: SVN in Production

2008-08-14 Thread Dana Kowalski
This thread is kind of heavy handed. My personal opinion with anything like this is your mileage will vary. There are simply too many factors to heavy hand a this is the only way to do it. Everyones configurations, staff, resources, technical knowledge etc etc vary. You use what works, simple a

Re: CFEclipse code folding; not working

2008-08-12 Thread Dana Kowalski
I had the exact same issue once on a laptop. CFEclipse worked fine everywhere else but this one machine. Europa fixed the problem in this case. I have no idea why, never bothered to figure it out hah. Good luck! p.s. the same machine slowed to a crawl the first time I put aptana on there. yike

Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion

2008-08-11 Thread Dana Kowalski
Seeing code solutions to this is cool. but imho its best left to your router/firewall to handle. I'd contact the provider to have them put some better controls in place. These are scenarios that almost delve into why cisco has the zero day features on their gear.. ~

Re: Email "on behalf of"

2008-06-26 Thread Dana Kowalski
This does what you want: Like it says, it is only reliable in outlook, and does not always work in your email reader of choice =\ ~| Adobe® ColdFusion®

Re: CF 8 Server Monitor stops working

2008-06-26 Thread Dana Kowalski
I ended up solving this, well the problem anyhow... If I move the administrator back under the web root and access it via the actual ip and not the local loopback the monitor works again like a champ. It doesn't explain why it initially worked when I moved the administrator out of the web root.

CF 8 Server Monitor stops working

2008-06-24 Thread Dana Kowalski
I'm having a problem with the CF 8 server monitor today, and maybe someone here has some thoughts or an idea. Firstly, our administrator sits outside the webroot under its own IIS site that only responds to the local loopback ( I ran the server monitor 2 weeks ago without a

Re: Sandbox Security Issues since 8.01 patch

2008-05-16 Thread Dana Kowalski
No one else is getting this? :o This is scaring me! ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;192386516;25150098;k Archive: http://

Sandbox Security Issues since 8.01 patch

2008-05-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
I noticed the CF Server list wasn't really linked on the site anymore, so I'm posting this here. I ran the 8.01 patch to our CF 8 install (a fresh install and a hotfix 3 install) and we are suddenly getting odd sandbox security issues. First, CF is being denied access to the CustomTags/ direct

Re: Any Adobe PDF Form folks out there?

2008-05-01 Thread Dana Kowalski
Dave, While the hethttprequestdata does indeed split them into seperate fields, it produces another issue of sorts. There are now two of each field however they all have the same field name. Its not possible to differentiate which field B goes with which field A. heh. Still an excellent thought

Re: Any Adobe PDF Form folks out there?

2008-04-30 Thread Dana Kowalski
ah excellent thought. I was focusing on the pdf side of things! I had found the presubmit() method in livecycle and was twiddling with trying to get it to do a bulk replace of commas with some other delimiter. I can't imagine this hasn't come up somewhere before. I searched for awhile and cou

Any Adobe PDF Form folks out there?

2008-04-29 Thread Dana Kowalski
We have a PDF form we take an HTTP submit from and process in CF and I'm having a heck of a time updating someone else's PDF form as someone who has never used Livecycle Designer. I'm hoping maybe someone on here has some insight. The form has a row of 3 form fields that all accept user text inp

Re: Images in the database good or bad?

2008-03-24 Thread Dana Kowalski
I think the main thing in the end is the scope of the project and personal preference. If the site will maintain heavy load, especially the images section, then you may want to consider a file server for uploads and just store the filename with your record. This can take the strain off a pos

Re: ColdFusion slow database connection to SQL2005

2008-01-29 Thread Dana Kowalski
is the data source setup as a native sql driver or ODBC? I've run into speed problems in the past when we had to use the ODBC instead of the native sql one. also, if you go into the mgmt. studio and run the same query in the query tool is the response immediate and much faster? If not, maybe che

Re: IE Browser Session Dropping

2008-01-23 Thread Dana Kowalski
I actually have a LOT of experience with this issue. I myself experienced it with IE6 for 3 months until an un-related Windows update corrected it. We see a pretty fair amount of logged in users daily coming in with undefined session variables that we catch. The vars are defaulted onsessionstar

Re: cfqueryparam, cached execution plans, and changing table structure

2008-01-18 Thread Dana Kowalski
from: --- Certain changes in a database can cause an execution plan to be either inefficient or invalid, based on the new state of the database. SQL Server detects the changes that invalidate an execution plan and marks the plan as not

Re: cfqueryparam, cached execution plans, and changing table structure

2008-01-18 Thread Dana Kowalski
well one simple solution is to only do updates during a scheduled maintenance period daily. During that time you have the services bounce for CF and SQL. Its not pretty but its effective. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is t

Re: cfqueryparam, cached execution plans, and changing table structure

2008-01-17 Thread Dana Kowalski
you can use DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS to clean the execution buffers and DBCC FREEPROCCACHE to free the stored procedure cache. warning! it clears all the plans and may have detrimental effects on your production gear if people are actively doing stuff etc etc usual disclaimers! ~

Re: CF8 Dynamic Dropdowns

2007-11-27 Thread Dana Kowalski
hi, jquery has some plugins to do dynamic dropdowns. The footprints for jquery and the plugins are fairly small, and the ramp up time to use it in production is insignificant. ~| Check out the new features

Re: Replacing Strings

2007-11-01 Thread Dana Kowalski
are you using cfqueryparam's on your query? It should escape them on its own I would think. ~| ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies around the world in government. Find out how and where now http

crack open your toolbox and share time

2007-10-10 Thread Dana Kowalski
I realized today I've gotten a bit 'tool stale'. I'd love if everyone shared their applications that are off the beaten path, but they can't live without. I figure most of us must be able to find 1-2 new ones from others lists that will probably change the way you work. I made a blog post here:

Central Illinois ColdFusion User Group

2007-06-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
Hi, this is a heads up to anyone in central Illinois. I've resurrected the CF user group around here (champaign-urbana vicinity), and while there is still loads left to do with the website. our first meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 19 2007. Please feel free to visit and become a m

Re: re-building task list in cfeclipse?

2007-05-16 Thread Dana Kowalski
I know someone posted this solution on here awhile back, but I can't find it in the search. Where are you hiding mysterious person :o ~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2 htt

re-building task list in cfeclipse?

2007-05-15 Thread Dana Kowalski
I had a problem with my mapped drive and now my project had to be setup again. I lost all my tasks, and I'm too lazy to open all the files to get them back, there must be an easy way I'm just not seeing. Can someone please enlighten me? Thanks! ~~

Re: scheduled jobs run twice

2007-04-27 Thread Dana Kowalski
bah flip that (SORRY!) use every x hours vs daily at and see if it still happens. When we changed that we never ran into this trouble again =\ > We were getting this on 6.x and they posted a hotfix at one point > early on in 7 or late 6 to correct it. We still saw it sometimes where > the task

Re: scheduled jobs run twice

2007-04-27 Thread Dana Kowalski
We were getting this on 6.x and they posted a hotfix at one point early on in 7 or late 6 to correct it. We still saw it sometimes where the task would run multiple times over night, and there was a post on the adobe forums pointing to use the daily at option instead of every x hours. ~

Re: encrypt/decrypt bug

2007-04-27 Thread Dana Kowalski
This is going to sound weird but I've seen two issues nesting a trim() inside other functions in the past. When I moved it above the function and cfset to a temp it fixed the error. May not apply here but its only a 15 second test :) ~~

Re: OnSessionEnd runnning TWICE

2007-04-20 Thread Dana Kowalski
I'm the only one accessing my development equipment at the moment (only one in 2 days to have as well), and the below code shows 3 connected sessions. >Julio, > >There is a much easier way to count sessions, here is some simple code >=) > > > > >sessiontrackerObj= >createObject("java","coldfusio

Re: What conditions would cause a new jsessionid to be assigned to a user session?

2007-04-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
while there are a lot of things you can do there is a reality than Internet Explorer 5.5 through version 7 has some bugs and features that hamper pure session functionality without the use of cookies unfortunately. ~| ColdFusio

Re: What conditions would cause a new jsessionid to be assigned to a user session?

2007-04-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
still having the problem eh? You're not alone :) Here are most good topics on it: Sun Developer Network - Tomcat workarounds to holding IE sessions:: post on using apache as proxy vs using Tomcat directly and session droppin

Re: Tons of records - archive, or what?

2007-04-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
ok now that I'm a bit more coherent. if you go to you can see the msg board counts etc without needing to register. - Gaia has 998,523,683 articles posted with 6,899,737 registered users. - Most users ever online was 86,738 on Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:00 pm - There are

Re: Tons of records - archive, or what?

2007-04-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
How many indexes do you have setup on the table? I had a table with about 6 million records that I inherited and it only had an index setup on the primary key. It caused about 300-3000ms overhead on any page that accessed it. It took me a couple days but once I found it and added the indexes tha

Re: Tons of records - archive, or what?

2007-04-12 Thread Dana Kowalski
sorry for the typos, I've been under the weather all week lol. anyhow the url is really now. sorry. ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new fe

Re: Tons of records - archive, or what?

2007-04-12 Thread Dana Kowalski
If you are properly configured and indexed on your SQL machine it won't be as a big a problem as you may think. For some good insight visit and The founder of that site posoted some mysql tuning tips but they can apply to other Dbs as well. Go-Gaia is a roleplaying

Re: Building a Web Proxy with Authentication

2007-04-08 Thread Dana Kowalski
I could be forgetting but I believe that using basic authentication isn't a great option in general. If you're site is not running SSL I think password and usernames are sent as clear text. I can tell you on several security checklists I've had to read in my day they've all required the disabli

Re: Session timeout problems

2007-04-08 Thread Dana Kowalski
not discounting those things but I see the exact same functionality, as do a few others, without frames and Ajax =\ We actually do have support with CF 7.x and I should put in a call on this soon myself. If I find anything I'll let you guys know.

Re: Session timeout problems

2007-04-05 Thread Dana Kowalski
Thanks Tom! I'll try that later today with one of the problem users and see what happens. A lot of times the reality is they have no control to set anything and have to get their IM staff involved to even modify trusted sites/cookie settings (aka sigh...). When we run into this it tends to be o

Re: Session timeout problems

2007-04-05 Thread Dana Kowalski
oh I forgot some other little things too. If you are using SSL, check how your users enter the site. If its not being handled correctly by the certificate this can cause issues sometimes. An incorrectly configured certificate can cause session problems if the user references the site as www.doma

Re: Session timeout problems

2007-04-05 Thread Dana Kowalski
I've had this issue for quite some time as well and here is a good wealth of information for youto do more research on! :) 1. track the CFID and watch it change when this occurs. IMHO thats one of the easiest ways to see this happening, I can re-create this almost flawlessly on some machines b

Re: Browser default home page

2007-03-27 Thread Dana Kowalski
eh let me browse where I wish to. If I was done with your site and wanted to go to my home page I'd hit the conveniently placed button in my browser. I hate sites redirecting me or trying to js bookmarks etc. my .02 anyhow :) ~|

Re: CF, Office 2007, and "HTML" Spreadsheets

2007-03-27 Thread Dana Kowalski
I'm seeing the same thing a couple times a day now in error emails. I contacted a user about it and they said they had no troubles opening anything etc =\ ~| ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 Build sales & marketing dashboard RIA’s fo

Re: css n00b question

2007-03-23 Thread Dana Kowalski
theres a ton of great resources already available to jumpstart your layout then learn from them. A lot are done by the web standards zealots etc. good stuff. Heres a few: free 2 and 3 column layouts free layouts

Re: CSS Firefox vs. IE Question...

2007-03-20 Thread Dana Kowalski
Sandra, look at the actual code on the page. It references ID's multiple times. That what I was referring to. Enjoy :) ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs

Re: CSS Firefox vs. IE Question...

2007-03-20 Thread Dana Kowalski
yeah, id categories and topnav are referenced multiple times. Technically an id on an element should be unique to the page. Its a minor point to be honest. ~| Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7 & Flex 2. Build powerful,

Re: CSS Firefox vs. IE Question...

2007-03-20 Thread Dana Kowalski
one side note: you have multiple id's referencing the same identifier which technically makes it a class instead. Off the top of my head it looks like a box model issue with sizing, but I didn't have time to scrounge through the css atm. :)

Re: @@identity

2007-03-19 Thread Dana Kowalski
You can reference it in your inserts by adding a select. There may be a better way, and this may not be kosher but it works insert into yada() values blah; select thisId = @@identity ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experie

Re: Create an Excel Spreadsheet

2007-03-19 Thread Dana Kowalski
If you use an html table instead and use TH, the TH will transfer over as column headers in Excel. ~| Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7 & Flex 2 Free Trial

Re: Manually re-point CFMX to updated JVM

2007-03-16 Thread Dana Kowalski
yeah in the jvm.config there should be a line java.home. Modify that to point to the updated JVM and restart CF services. You'll know right away, typically, if it blows up :) ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2

Re: Job posting

2007-03-15 Thread Dana Kowalski
Theres another list on : You may also want to post it up there, since its focused on that kind of thing :) ~| Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise w

Re: SQL Login Faliure

2007-03-14 Thread Dana Kowalski
a decent reference from microsoft on securing SQL Server: (I was looking for it before but my bmarks have become unwieldy :o ) ~| ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe® Dyncamically transf

Re: SQL Login Faliure

2007-03-14 Thread Dana Kowalski
are you on a co-locate, home network, virtual hosting etc? Normally I would just put blocks at the router/firewall level to not allow the SQL machine (if its seperate form the web server) to communicate to anything outside the domain, or more specifically only to the web server (depending on yo

Re: Password Protect My DSN

2007-03-14 Thread Dana Kowalski
One of the reasons to password protect your DSN in code vs administrator is on a shared host the ability for someone to compromise your administrator if the host isn't diligent about it. Another reason is to not allow someone else on your virtual host to maliciously access you data source withou

Re: CSS?

2007-03-14 Thread Dana Kowalski
like someone said it looks like its collapsing margins and the box model. If you want some other articles on it:: pain inducing w3c article: Box Model Hack: Original Box Model Hack by Tantek: http://tante

Re: Model-Glue (Unity) and Reactor

2007-03-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
did you try the docs that came with model glue unity? There was a folder of documentation, if you run the index.html it has a nifty quickstart guide. I just tried it on my dev server and got it and a test app setup in under 5 minutes :) ~~

Re: PDA Website?

2007-03-13 Thread Dana Kowalski
If the site is designed with web standards in mind you can typically render a mobile version with minimal effort. A lot of times, depending on the site, you can simply provide a mobile device alternative stylesheet that essentially hides the more advanced stuff from the device ... but still allo

Re: TIMEZONE issues?? anyone?

2007-03-12 Thread Dana Kowalski
I initially tried tzupdater on win2k3 and 2k and it didn't take on 2k. I ended up having to upgrade the JVM. ~| Macromedia ColdFusion MX7 Upgrade to MX7 & experience time-saving features, more productivity.

Re: Timezone.cfc and US DST changes

2007-03-12 Thread Dana Kowalski
I updated to _11 yesterday on a machine and it took immediately after I rebooted (I know I only needed to restart the service but...). I knew about the _13 thing but I had thought Adobe only supported _11 and using anything else may void service etc. I needed to call them today and find out sin

Re: - Please stop breaking my validation

2007-03-08 Thread Dana Kowalski
And what do you tell a customer who wants to see a shiny w3c button on their page like so many other web sites? They don't want to usually hear oh sorry ColdFusion can't do that if you I any one of these dozen tags etc /shrug. It gives a bad impression on both the language, and the developer in

Re: - Please stop breaking my validation

2007-03-08 Thread Dana Kowalski
I honestly hate that kind of attitude from a good portion of the CF community. Web Standards are a reality. If you are running a shop and putting out web products eventually you will run into this where you're app won't validate and theres nothing to do but simply stop using the feature. Just

Re: improved js for form validation?

2007-03-08 Thread Dana Kowalski
I'm currently integrating Adobe's Spry form validation into most of my sites and its been wonderful so far. There's no need to have windows beeps as you call em when theres far more graceful notifications to the user that can be done. Also, providing client side validation is great for you and

Re: Is there a Basecamp.cfc?

2007-03-08 Thread Dana Kowalski
yeah like I said, I don't know if they will/have released their code to do it since the project is currently free /shrug. ~| Macromedia ColdFusion MX7 Upgrade to MX7 & experience time-saving features, more productivity. http://ww

Re: Is there a Basecamp.cfc?

2007-03-08 Thread Dana Kowalski IMified is build on top of Coldfusion and lets you interact with your basecamp account through any instant messenger service (except yahoo atm). pretty cool stuff. they also tie in to rememberthemilk and probably a dozen or so others. I don't think the API they use is pu

Re: Scheduled Task Times not saving

2007-03-08 Thread Dana Kowalski
Last yesterday afternoon I deleted all the tasks and set them back up form scratch. Today they are working fine again. darn hiccups =\ anyhow thanks for the info, at least I learned about the insane spaces in the time field (lol btw) - dk ~~

Re: Scheduled Task Times not saving

2007-03-07 Thread Dana Kowalski
Yes you guys were correct it was a matter of about 15 spaces being on each side of the time. Sadly, it still doesn't explain why it ran 5x today when its set to recurring daily at 5am. It ran at 5am, 7:30am, 10:00am and 10:30am =\ ~~~

Scheduled Task Times not saving

2007-03-07 Thread Dana Kowalski
Suddenly yesterday after four months all my scheduled tasks have gone bonkers and are running up to 8 times a day at random times with no logical interval. All of the tasks were set up as recurring tasks running daily at x:xx. When I go into each task now the time for daily at is blanked out. If

Re: XSS - Cross Site Scripting

2007-03-06 Thread Dana Kowalski
The built in script protection has a secunia vulnerability posted against it stating there is a method to circumvent it. You can find it here: Simply checking the domain submitting is the referral etc is not always fool proof as we've found individuals on cer

Re: List issues

2006-07-14 Thread Dana
I have occasionally sent double posts on the community list. It usually happens when the browser hangs and I close and resend (note to self, check in future to see if it's already there). Hope that helps, Michael. On 7/14/06, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I've seen this but due

Re: I got Advanced !!!

2006-05-03 Thread Dana
congratulations! On 5/3/06, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > So I just took the test and I got Advanced developer status! > > I was pretty surprised actually. I've taken the ExamBuster tests about 15 > or > 20 times and always averaged around 75% to 80%. I guess the real test IS > easi

Re: OT: Need Site Reviewers Please

2006-01-27 Thread Dana
I went through the sites. Mainly looking at the layout/color perspective On 1/27/06, C. Hatton Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm teaching Web Scripting & Authoring and have about 10 sites that > need reviewing folks that are in the web industry. Last time I sent > out a word doc via emai

Re: Coldfuion Life Spam

2006-01-26 Thread Dana
I saw it On 1/26/06, Jeff Fleitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Great. Google Gremlins. Just what I need. > > On 1/26/06, Aaron Rouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > I am using gmail and have not seen this behavior on this thread. > > > > On 1/26/06, Jeff Fleitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > >

Re: Gmail thinks cf-talk is spam (since January 11th)?

2006-01-15 Thread dana tierney
while >back and realized I had marked a whole bunch of messages as spam >instead of deleting them. > >Dana > >On 1/15/06, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> ~| Message: http://www.ho

Re: Gmail thinks cf-talk is spam (since January 11th)?

2006-01-15 Thread Dana
for what it is worth -- I have had a couple of Mike's messages wind up in spam, but no others. I had a similar problem with community a while back and realized I had marked a whole bunch of messages as spam instead of deleting them. Dana On 1/15/06, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Consolidate Those Student Loans Now!

2006-01-09 Thread Dana
ooops sorry just saw that this is on talk for some reason. Gruss! Look where you're posting, man! On 1/9/06, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > of course it's crap. But don't forget, it's to help pay for Katrina. > That tax cut has nothing to do with this, that&#x

Re: Consolidate Those Student Loans Now!

2006-01-09 Thread Dana
of course it's crap. But don't forget, it's to help pay for Katrina. That tax cut has nothing to do with this, that's just something the double-plus-ungood liberals made up to bash Bush with. On 1/9/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Anybody else think this is crap especially given the am

Re: Real Estate sites?

2006-01-05 Thread Dana
You might want to consider; I have not had a good look at the site yet but have been reasonably impressed with some other work the man has done. On 1/5/06, Josh Nathanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello All, > > I worked on a real estate site that contracted out to a t

Re: happy bday will!

2005-11-20 Thread Dana
well gee... if that's all it takes to make you happy.. happy birthday! On 11/20/05, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >lolol .. happy birthday Will :-) > > > > awww thanks! :) > > > > ~| Logware ( a ne

Re: CF-Talk: Digest every 8 hours (Out of the Office)

2005-11-19 Thread Dana
just please nobody else turn an autoresponder on On 11/19/05, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I already sent MikeD an email but it is the Sabbath remember. Maybe > not for much longer, does it end at sundown? > > On 11/19/05, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot

Re: CF-Talk: Digest every 8 hours (Out of the Office)

2005-11-19 Thread Dana
I already sent MikeD an email but it is the Sabbath remember. Maybe not for much longer, does it end at sundown? On 11/19/05, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Please tell me we aren't going to get this every 8 hrs for the next week... > > > > -Original Message- > From: Mike McCon

Re: Open Source Shopping Cart (was: Shopping Cart)

2005-10-23 Thread Dana
I would also like to be kept apprised of this project and would be interested in helping. On 10/21/05, Jillian Koskie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I would be interested in helping as well. > > -- > Jillian > > -Original Message- > From: Russell Patterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent:

Re: CF_Underground interview 2: Paper prototyping, MAX survey

2005-10-20 Thread Dana
t I am saying, nicely, is that this is some of the most juvenile drivel I have ever encountered. Put a sock in it. Dana On 10/20/05, Fred Urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I hear Simon did a great job of presenting at CF_Underground. However > Jared > appeared to have prepare

Re: CFMAIL & “type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8”

2005-10-13 Thread Dana
The French are also popular in this respect. On 10/13/05, Bobby Hartsfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I don't know... let's just blame Canada? :) > > ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. > Bobby Hartsfield > > > > > -Original Message- > From: Bobby Hartsfield [mailto:[

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