Re: Nesting Extension and persistance strategy

2002-03-04 Thread Arron Bates
for courses I'm afraid. How complex are the types/structure of your hierarchy?... Arron. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Nesting Extension and persistance strategy

2002-03-04 Thread Arron Bates
, and kick off the commit from the observer from within your action. Then you know that all the bean processing is finished, and you can go ahead and mess with your bean states. But to quote Ghostbusters... yes, have some :) Arron. John Menke wrote: Aaron, what do you think of implementing

Re: Nesting Extension and persistance strategy

2002-03-04 Thread Arron Bates
thought that just seeing data was special... ...and that it was on the Information Super-Highway... there's a term that brings on flash-backs. Arron. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Nesting Extension and persistance strategy

2002-03-04 Thread Arron Bates
of that rant... So if simper works against the current Struts tags, stacks-on for the nested version. :) Arron. John Menke wrote: Aaron, I think this is the way to go. Notify the observer from within the setter making sure the data has changed. I think I can make an Observer class

Re: File Protection

2002-03-03 Thread Arron Bates
Most web servers should have a mechanism to protect your files, but if you had to go via your own authentication logic, you can make the request go through a Struts Action, set the content type etc, and stream it out from there. Arron. SUPRIYA MISRA wrote: I am creating csv file (from

Re: use of nested:iterate and nested:nest tags

2002-02-28 Thread Arron Bates
the bean, or possibly the bean may be bouncing in and out of scope. Try the above and get back to us. Arron. Sriram Nookala wrote: I have the following code in my jsp within a html:form tag: Here attributeDefintionList is a collection of AttributeDefintion beans. AttributeDefinition has

Re: is there drawdown select box in struts?

2002-02-28 Thread Arron Bates
You do mean dropdown don't you?... The html:select tag will do both lists and single select drop down boxes, in the same way that the Html select tag does both. Arron. Struts Newsgroup ( wrote: Subject: is there drawdown select box in struts? From: zb cong [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: use of nested:iterate and nested:nest tags

2002-02-28 Thread Arron Bates
No stress. :) CyberZombie wrote: Heh...I didn't reply as I saw nothing wrong with it and didn't count myself advanced enough in the ins-and-outs of nested to guess outside of the given scope. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: indexed properties

2002-02-27 Thread Arron Bates
yup. Arron Maris Orbidans wrote: hello Do I have to use Nightly Build to get subj. ? 1.0.2 says Lemums1.jsp: Attribute indexed invalid according to the specified TLD at line 194, column 5 html:text indexed=yes property=labCits size=20 maxlength=20/ Searched mail archive

Re: [offtopic] frames

2002-02-27 Thread Arron Bates
that it will all end up in a pile of poop along with all the complaints of making someone do what they don;t want to do. So therefore in your instance, you should probably avoid them. Arron. Tingleff, Sam wrote: Against. Can't link from outside to a specific page. I know, I know... "Y

Re: help with logic:iterate

2002-02-26 Thread Arron Bates
No scriptlets needed for listed beans coming out of iterate tags. Nested tag versions do it all intuitively for free without _any_ scripting. Arron. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Maybe I completely lost the context, but as far as I can see, you haven't wrapped the html:text within a html:form

Re: help with logic:iterate

2002-02-25 Thread Arron Bates
with the /nested:iterate If you're not on the nightly build, you can get the download from here... It simply makes quick work of iterating and nesting beans as you are here. Arron. Sriram Nookala wrote: I have the following snippet of code in my jsp: logic:iterate id

Re: MORE help with logic:iterate

2002-02-25 Thread Arron Bates
a little stuck about any of it. Arron. Saeid Zoonematkermani wrote: Hello all; I am sorry to bring this up again but I have looked at the docs and the archives and I think I am following the instruction found in these but I still can't get the iterate tag to work correctly. So I wanted

Re: help with logic:iterate

2002-02-25 Thread Arron Bates
bean. Makes like _much_ easier to manage. Arron. Sriram Nookala wrote: The following worked for me: nested:iterate property=columnNameList tr td nested:text property=this/ / /td However if I have another String collection called columnTypeList which has the same

Re: Indexed Properties

2002-02-22 Thread Arron Bates
here... Link above will also provide a primer, tutorial, and some advanced tricks. The latest docco is on the nightly build part of the struts site documentation. Arron. Sridhar M wrote: Hi, I have a requirement wherein my HTML Form contains around 100

Re: My problems with Struts...

2002-02-20 Thread Arron Bates
had to make comment. :) Well, that's enough of a spiel. Arron. Kothapalli Basavaiah Choudary wrote: Hi, I'm a newbie to Struts and trying to fit it into an application that's modeled after Blueprints. I feel frustrated at many places...It could be just that I don't understand Struts properly

Re: Displaying recursively defined bean...

2002-02-19 Thread Arron Bates
or something. But it's very easy to do. Only true recursion will be done with the scripting, or in the creation of your own tag or finding someone elses. Struts doesn't have one. Arron. Alex Paransky wrote: I need to display a recursively defined data structure bean. I have a bean which looks

Re: Stumped with nested iterator and nested link

2002-02-19 Thread Arron Bates
. Hopefully this will solve the issue. You will need to get new version of the tag though. Probably the quickest way is from my site. Arron. CyberZombie wrote: Arron Bates wrote: [ ...cut... ] The nested tags as of mid Jan (nightly build and separate jars) are able to reference the current

Re: Fill a list of textboxes ...

2002-02-18 Thread Arron Bates
build, get the tags in separate jar form from here... and do the same. Only other way is indexed tags, but you're already trying to logically nest, so keep nestin'. The nested tags are the exact fit to what you expected from the tags. Arron. [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Using Struts with mid-large size teams

2002-02-18 Thread Arron Bates
Look into the what the nightly build can do for you. The one thing that may help out is the sub-app ability allowing multiple config.xml and resource files for each sub-section of your app. I haven't used this myself, but to some extent it's why it was created. Arron. Robb Nedwick wrote

Re: Stumped with nested iterator and nested link

2002-02-18 Thread Arron Bates
other uses like being able to write out a collection of Strings etc. Note: Manipulating the Collection as an Array (IMHO) is not a good solution -- and the nested iterator is already pointing at the current transaction. What do you mean by this exactly?... Arron. -- To unsubscribe, e

Re: FOP and strus (IE problem)

2002-02-17 Thread Arron Bates
stream, and you can also throw in what Gregor says below with your URL. After the above though, you shouldn't have any problems. Hopefully this will get you where you need to be. Arron. Gregor Rayman wrote: John Ng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, The following is a piece of the code that I

Re: Mapped properties - How To

2002-02-16 Thread Arron Bates
Sorry to say, it's not going to work. There's a bug in the PropertyUtils class that makes it happen. You could do some collection tricks and get it coming out in an Array, and that would work, but not the mapped property. Arron. Erik Tennant wrote: The mapped property feature is extremely

Re: commons - BeanUtils ; mapping and setFoo getFoo how to ?

2002-02-12 Thread Arron Bates
(dammit :). So we have to hack it ourselves. Arron. Arik Levin ( Tikal ) wrote: Now u are telling me I have tried it until my blood is out of my kishke... So tell me, I'm using InvocationHandler to invoke my methods, is there a way at the night build of struts or other interesting way I should

Re: Forms and Collections

2002-02-12 Thread Arron Bates
Could it be that the reset method in the form is killing the collection?... If it's displaying properly, then by all rights it should be updating properly back on the server. Arron. Kenneth Aastrøm wrote: Hi, I have an ActionForm with the usual ints and Strings, and a Collection containing

Re: help: %.. how do i convince them to learn JSP?

2002-02-12 Thread Arron Bates
Just finished rolling a 100 input elements on a page app. Performance is not an issue. Once the JSP is compiled to its class, it just hums along very happily. Arron. Bob Williams wrote: I have no problem being convinced that tags should be used for generating complex items on a web page

Re: I'missing something...

2002-02-12 Thread Arron Bates
Faux pas of the online docco I'm afraid. You can only get it with a nightly build, and then you have other options to help you with collections. Arron. Emiliano Albiani wrote: Browsing the online Strut's documentation I can see the attribute indexed between the attributes of the text Tag

Re: iterate tag usage

2002-02-12 Thread Arron Bates
Mark, You're absolutely correct. As for the you can't use Object[] stuff read the code. Primitive arrays are perfectly fine, and most likely faster again than ArrayLists. Arron. Galbreath, Mark wrote: You should type with interfaces, not classes: private List vector; And unless you

Re: iterate tag with nested collections?

2002-02-12 Thread Arron Bates
nightly build, so it will be in the next release of struts. 100's of people use it for just this problem (it's also the main reason why it was made!). Arron. MacKellar, Kimberly wrote: If I understand your structure correctly, something like the following should work strutslogic:iterate id

Re: Questions regarding the usage of nested tags...

2002-02-11 Thread Arron Bates
separate to Struts, it was made as if it was a part of it. Arron. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: performance over iterate

2002-02-10 Thread Arron Bates
of the extra tag evaluation on each step within each iteration. Hopefully somewhere in all this you can get back some speed to your page. If not, please get back to us. Arron. Alberto Bolchini wrote: hi all. I'm using a nightly build with the nested extension tags. I expose to the View (jsp

Re: struts-nested defining a root

2002-02-10 Thread Arron Bates
... /nested:root Reason is, is that I wasn't going to reinvent the bean-scoping wheel to include it all in the root tag, especially when much smarter people have already done it for me. :) Arron. CyberZombie wrote: I have an action that creates a form and forwards that to a display-only page. After

Re: Question on Nesting iterate tags

2002-02-08 Thread Arron Bates
or not?... Either way, to nest iterators I recommend the nested extension. To learn about it, go there, to download it also unless you're on a nightly build after the middle of January. Arron. Aamir Saalam wrote: I am *not* sure if i am addressing

Re: Logic:iterate

2002-02-05 Thread Arron Bates
Try the nested extension. All relevant tags can nest properly, amongst iterate tags or otherwise. It's in the nightly build, or you can go here for a version for Struts 1.0/1.01. Also has some docco, tutorial etc... Arron. Marcelo Caldas wrote: Hi, I

Re: nested iterate

2002-02-03 Thread Arron Bates
Tried the nested:iterate tag and the rest of the nested library? It comes in the nightly build, or you can get it separately here (along with tutorial and such on how to use it)... Arron. Philippe Hodapp / 1genia wrote: I have some problems to use

Re: is indexed=true working on Struts 1.0?

2002-02-03 Thread Arron Bates
I'm quite certain the indexed option in the tags is only available in the nightly build. Arron. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have an array of object in myForm, say, users. Each user has a name, a password ... I want to put these fields as html:text name=user property=name indexed=true/ and can

Re: is indexed=true working on Struts 1.0?

2002-02-03 Thread Arron Bates
If you're willing to get the nightly build, you may as well use the nested extension that comes with it. The iterations are easier and just generally better for what it sounds like you're trying to do. Arron. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thank you. Can I use part of the nightly code for indexed

Re: how to use strus HTML tags when i have a collection of items to be displayed

2002-01-30 Thread Arron Bates
this does what you're after. Arron. srinivas wrote: hi Arron, Thank you very much for the advice. It fits to our problem but i am faced with another one. I d'ont no how to generate input fields(text or select) when the bean return's an array of Strings. I did not get the idea how i can iterate

Re: Two dimentional Array problem

2002-01-30 Thread Arron Bates
I don't think that there is one. Or at least in Struts. The two dimensional array bean property is not a part of the bean spec. You could probably hack the iterate tag and write it yourself, it will have all the logic there to show you how to do the looping etc. Arron. manjunatha honnappa

Re: how to use strus HTML tags when i have a collection of items to be displayed

2002-01-30 Thread Arron Bates
Did you download a new version of the nested extension?... It was only added on the 23rd of January. I'm quite certain this is the reason for this error. It's trying to step back through the parent tag and tries to append an empty property, hence the dot on the end. Arron. srinivas wrote

Re: how to use strus HTML tags when i have a collection of items to be displayed

2002-01-30 Thread Arron Bates
My pleasure. Arron. srinivas wrote: hi arron, it worked. thank you very very much. regards, srinivas -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to use strus HTML tags when i have a collection of items to be displayed

2002-01-27 Thread Arron Bates
The nested extension. Go here to learn how... It's in the nightly build or you can pick up the library from the page above. Will be in Struts 1.1 Arron. srinivas vanapalli wrote: hi all, i have a collection (Vector) in a Form Bean. The items

Re: Help with table with edit buttons

2002-01-26 Thread Arron Bates
the info you want about the nested extension, go to the /struts link above. Arron. David M. Karr wrote: Larry == Larry Maturo Maturo writes: Larry I have a table that displays information on a number of Larry items. Each table entry has an edit button, so that you Larry can edit

Re: Includes and processing time

2002-01-24 Thread Arron
not, I go for door number one. (also cool because it perfectly makes for nesting through to included files, so I can have my view state files for my nested beans. :) Arron. Keith Bacon wrote: Hi all, I tend to think that %@ include file=my_page.jsp % is bad, %jsp: include page=my_page.jsp

Re: html:option and the 65k wall

2002-01-24 Thread Arron Bates
?... It's just little fiddly stuff like that. Arron. Barr, Scott [IBM GSA] wrote: Hi Danny When using large lists in previous projects, I have used url that generate popup windows from which you can do searches on relevant data. The user would do their search in the popup, select the item

Re: Changing address in address bar

2002-01-24 Thread Arron Bates
with most developers (personally I just think they're misunderstood :). Arron. Antony Stace wrote: Opps, I should have mentioned I have a number of these links on the page, ie I have links on the page to http://localhost:8180/testapp/ http://localhost:8180/testapp

Re: property 'property' not set in NestedSubmitTag

2002-01-23 Thread Arron Bates
look at using the original tags in its place. That's why all the tags weren't extended. Only those who could benefit from it. Arron. Christian Simonutti wrote: On Wed Jan 23, 2002 at 03:2322PM +0100, Tom Klaasen (TeleRelay) wrote: Does attached patch work for you? yes, works with reduced

Re: Includes and processing time

2002-01-23 Thread Arron Bates
like your original JSP would. Or you can try the other form of include, which simply takes the file and puts it in the larger file when the JSP is compiled (this is the behavior it seems you are expecting)... %@ include file=my_page.jsp % Arron. Bryan P. Glennon wrote: Hi - This is really

Re: Velocity-Tools / Struts

2002-01-22 Thread Arron
, and a few people are putting some effort into getting them married in an elegant fashion. Other mails in this list have focused on resources for this, so have a search around. Arron. Gabriel Sidler wrote: Will Spies/Towers Perrin wrote: That's great! But how about the other way? Can I post an array

Re: Things that use Struts

2002-01-18 Thread Arron
Go to Apparently they're starting to give the larger boys a stir! More importantly, I need to comment on the beer issue. The foster's you have up there is a US company with an AUS label. The only real beer, is the beer down here! Arron. Mark Galbreath wrote: My point was more

Re: problems while iterating through an iterator usinglogic:iter ate

2002-01-18 Thread Arron
Was committed to the struts codebase yesterday.Should be in the next nightly build (18/01/2002). Arron. Bauer, John wrote: Is there any plan to incorporate this extension into the core struts release anytime soon? -Original Message- From: Arron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday

Re: Is there a better way to write this code?

2002-01-17 Thread Arron
api isn't decoupling. Arron. c tang wrote: Creating a wrapper class may get rid of scriptlet in JSP. But that means for every public api (such as Collection.size(), Object.toString()) that does not fit get/set pattern, a wrapper class has to be created in order to avoid scriptlet using struts

Re: Is there a better way to write this code?

2002-01-17 Thread Arron Bates
it in a scriptlet?... Arron. (Power to the developer?... Assember's powerful. Why don't you make webapps in that?... They'll *really* fly. None of this VM sh-t :) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is there a better way to write this code?

2002-01-16 Thread Arron Bates
A getter method like... public int getMyListSize() { return this.myList.getSize(); } with a tag like... bean:write name=myForm property=myListSize / ...maybe? Arron. c tang wrote: I agree with Alex that current strut taglib has a big deficiency. It allows only access through get/set

Re: Is there a better way to write this code?

2002-01-16 Thread Arron Bates
no need to set the name property here. It will be ignored by the nested tags anyway, as they must rely on the founded name set by the parent tags. Arron. Alex Paransky wrote: Some background: I am using Struts 1.0.1. The nested tags were obtained from I

Re: FW: Nesting Beans/Iterators/... GOT IT!

2002-01-16 Thread Arron Bates
Sweet! :) Have fun. Arron. Collard, John wrote: Thanks for all the help! The problem (for some reason) was the name of my property! I simply created another property and its getter that returned the value of the first property. John Collard [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To unsubscribe, e

Re: Indexed properties...setters and getters

2002-01-16 Thread Arron Bates
Is table[5].minimumSales the tag's name or its property property?... Have you tried the nested extension for doing this stuff?... Arron. TODD HARNEY wrote: If I have a html:text field on my form with the property named table[5].minimumSales, wouldn't this result in: 1) A getTable(5

Re: Nesting Beans/Iterators/Logic tags whatever else...

2002-01-15 Thread Arron Bates
. (this is a personal view however ;) Arron. The full spiel --== Collard, John wrote: I didn't intend to sound as negative as I did. I do owe that-- working on it. I do like it and will at least use different parts of it. There are many applications

Re: Is there a better way to write this code?

2002-01-15 Thread Arron Bates
it with?... Arron. Alex Paransky wrote: I am pretty new with struts and wrote the following .JSP code. Is there a better way to write this? I could not find a tag in STRUTS to let me just get the property from the object. My object does not have get/set methods, so I had to resort to using %= tag

Re: Bug in BeanUtils.populate()

2002-01-14 Thread Arron
The method definitions were literally cut-and-paste from the spec. There is no other code in the spec relating to indexed properties. Arron. Jason Chaffee wrote: The spec. supports the following: setFoo(int index, Object[] array) However, BeanUtils.populate() does not. The problem

Re: Bug in BeanUtils.populate()

2002-01-14 Thread Arron Bates
going through the BeanUtils system, that is why. Working on getting Mapped versions working, as they're also catered for in BeanUtils system. Arron. Don Saxton wrote: Builds as of a few days ago will accept implementations of java.util.List as well as the primitive arrays the spec defines

Re: Bug in BeanUtils.populate()

2002-01-14 Thread Arron Bates
Here is the spec... ...where in it does it have... void setFoo(int index, Object[] array) ...? Indexed methods description starts on page 40, and go over to 41. Arron. Jason Chaffee wrote: Let me try to clearify this again

Re: Nesting Beans/Iterators/Logic tags whatever else...

2002-01-14 Thread Arron Bates
I'm willing to help you out if you can jar up the code and JSP's you have issues with. Arron. Collard, John wrote: Spent about 25 hours attempting to get it to work. Kept getting the no getter method found error, even though I must have compared my code to the examples 60-70 times. Sorry

Re: Bug in BeanUtils.populate()

2002-01-14 Thread Arron Bates
in there. This is with the spec so it should be easier. Arron. Jason Chaffee wrote: It isn't ignorance, we just weren't on the same page. :) Anyway, I filed a bug in commons back in October or ealy November. I was hoping it would have been fixed by now, but it appears it hasn't... I have

Re: case sensitive property names ??

2002-01-13 Thread Arron Bates
This has to do with the bean spec. And what you say is right. If you use all uppercase, it will leave the first letter alone, otherwise it will uppercase the first letter. And this would include your a example. Arron. Paradis, André wrote: Hi, i had the following case where another

Re: FreeBSD

2002-01-13 Thread Arron Bates
My site's running red-hat linux, apache, tomcat, struts, using IBM's 1.3 VM ...if that's any interest to you :) And from what I hear FreeBSD's a little more efficient at running things than linux. Arron. Robert wrote: Is anyone running Struts in a low-medium traffic site on a FreeBSD server

Re: Bug in BeanUtils.populate()

2002-01-13 Thread Arron Bates
separate code blocks to handle both. Builds as of a few days ago will accept implementations of java.util.List as well as the primitive arrays the spec defines. I think the ones you're after are the array methods. Arron. It appears there is a bug in BeanUtils.populate() for an indexed setter

Re: select/options/option

2002-01-12 Thread Arron
. Arron. Jason Wells wrote: Thanks for the summarized info. Using the html:option tag, is there a way to set an option to be initially selected? I'm looking for something equivalent to option value=blah selectedblah/option I don't see mention of this in the online docs for the HTML taglib

Re: iterate only showing one row -- newbie question

2002-01-12 Thread Arron
happening. You understand that part, and that's the most important. Give it a try and get back to the group with how it goes. Arron. Team Gasoline wrote: Hi All -- The following iterate code only shows up as one row in my jsp. With the debug code I know that the arrayList is being populated

Re: iterate over bean attributes

2002-01-11 Thread Arron
to go that far unless it's quite a big list. But you could do it that way. Arron * * I can't help it. There's a nested solution for everything... :) Peter Georgiou wrote: Hi Is there a nice way to iterate over form bean attributes? The only way I can think of is to copy all the form bean

Nesting Beans/Iterators/Logic tags whatever else...

2002-01-10 Thread Arron Bates
into Struts itself. I'll personally help anyone having troubles, where time permits. Hope you'll give nesting a try. It really does bring that next level of ability to Struts JSP views. Arron. (theKM*) * I think, therefore, I nest -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Partial Loading of JSP Page

2002-01-10 Thread Arron Bates
plug in. Arron. Rakesh wrote: Try a flash plugin or an applet with a progress bar... :-) --Rakesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- - Original Message - From: SUPRIYA MISRA [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 9:06 PM

Re: Need Iterator/Indexed help quick, please.

2001-10-18 Thread Arron Bates
is coming soon. I had to get over the same problem and wrote it in myself. Hope the build does it for ya. Arron. Alex Colic wrote: Hi, I have gotten myself into a bit of a jam and I am wondering if someone could help me out. I got a web app that a customer wants to make some last minute changes

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