Re: [313] Re: all this racism stuff (fwd)

2000-06-19 Thread Emma Groube

wrong! WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG...learn yer terms...learn the
difference between discrimination, prejudice and the isms...

Well maybe the USA dictionary differs from the british and australian 



RE: [313] industrial vs. hip hop and Astrelwerks

2000-05-26 Thread Emma Groube
twas written:
 learned alot from that CD.  I still have a copy.  and i am looking for a
 copy on vinyl.  The Claude Young, K-Hand, Stacy Pullen, and Shake tracks are
 pure genius.

I have tried and tried to get it on vinyl and have been told that it isn't
available on vinyl and that it wasn't even pressed. 

I want that damned excellent K.Hand track on vinyl.

I still can't figure out the end of the sample. 
'come on now baby ...?can't u see that i..?

Shouldn't matter what it's saying but for years i've been curious.



Re: [313] music book stuff

2000-05-18 Thread Emma Groube


liek snopp-doggy dog??

yeah looks like a kinda funky book. I have techno rebels, but haven't read
it yet. I had a glance and couldn't help but think that dan left australia
out of the picture, which I don't think is a fair reflection, especially
considering what he DID decide to put in. I haven't read it yet, so I will
reserve absolute judgement. There is of course the point that it doens't
matter what i think coz I'd be slaughtered if I explained that to anyone
outsode australia.. especially if they r actually fron detroit.

hmm for one so obscenely swamped by hell work i seem to be typing not work
related emails awfully well :)

i'd be keen to know wot tonight is like if i can't make it, as I suspect.

it's in the way that you groove it

Re: [313] music book stuff

2000-05-18 Thread Emma Groube

damn, don't just have days like this?

apologies to myself and all

it's in the way that you stuff it up

Australia [age then vs. age now]

2000-05-12 Thread Emma Groube
 i also grew up in australia in the 80s--in sydney. my experience sounds very
 different to yours.

I also grew up in australia in the 80s, along with how many other
millions? My experience is different again. The joys of diversity eh?

I agree with Cyclone that there was a strength and diversity in the
independent music scene in Australia that isn't present today. I work in a
community radio station (ethos= radical, alternative, activist) and the
amount of pure drivel we get in is phenomenal.

I would also say that the Thatcherite-infected policies weren't present in
Australia in 80s to the extent they have been since 1996. Some call it
cultural lag, I call it complacency and mediocrity.

Drugs are anti-social!

Drugs aren't anti-social. Some people are when they take them, but the use
of drugs has created so much art and culture. Where would music be without
drugs? or poetry, or painting, or sculpture, or ... 

Of course it ticks me off no end, and I am generally ungracious, when I
see kids there for the drugs not the music. But maybe... just maybe...
they might HEAR the music and get blown away by the MUSIC and find out
more. Maybe...

if we keep putting out the information it will get through. We are in the
information age but people are information poor.


Re: (313) Respect Pleez!!

2000-04-16 Thread Emma Groube

 Hey Emma:
 For those of you that do not knowthere is truly an arrogance about our 
 music, that, like it or not, needs to be outlined and defended.

ok. hang on!

I agree with the essence of all you have written. I have been
misunderstood if you thought you needed to say those things.

I said that I think it is wrong to attack someone for where they are
from, or their girlfriend's profession ;). I wasn't supporting DJ Wannabes
and Scene-junkies from any state or nation.

I said there is nothing wrong with home made CDrs... home studios  
is where most techno has come from.

my last line was:
if you are talking about people more concerned with image than the music
say it.

And that was all I was saying.


Re: (313) Rave betty Barbie and DJ Ken

2000-04-13 Thread Emma Groube
oscillateX2 wrote
 God's name were they advertising?  A DJ Ken doll!!!  Complete with a 
 turntable and mixer!!!
 As if all the DJ Wannabes from Oklahoma hanging around the Radisson pool at 
 WMC with their stripper girlfriends and their home-burned mix CD's wasn't 

tsk tsk on a lot of levels.

your whole post reads as elitist and I can't see that 313 is about
that, though I wonder at times. It's about innovative electronic music and
people have to start somewhere. I hope it's also about those tones healing
people and a dream of a new world.

So wot if it's a home burnt CD at least they are making music and trying.
Stripping is decent money, the notion of a living wage is an anethema in
the USA *spit* 

if you are talking about people more concerned with image than music, say


it's in the way that you groove it

sometimes i feel like

2000-04-05 Thread Emma Groube

I am listening to UR's version and ron trent's version.
The sample does not sound the same at all. Am i deaf?

Is their a connection?
and does anyone know who the vocalist/s are?

My grasp on reality thanks all
*sigh* 313 is good for the soul.

it's in the way that you groove it

(313) kdj rereleases

2000-03-07 Thread Emma Groube

 I'm loving all these represses of theo / kdj etc that are out... picked 
 up the three chairs with kdj, theo and rick wilhite. The moodymann 
 track on there - Gawdamn An absolutely killer.

now hopefully I can find these in Australia... 

on a tip here. If you haven't heard 'took me all the way back' by theo on
kdj (18?) it's a time traveling transcendental experience. worth the
journey any time/place/space.

it's in the way that you groove it

Re: (313) This poem...

2000-02-11 Thread Emma Groube

I thought the original Dis Poem was actually by Mutabaruka released
maybe late 70s?. The cover of tha album is stars on a night sky (in a
friend's collection)

Is the Bobby Konders version the one done in late 1980s 1990s? Nice
trancey techno thing?


it's in the way that you groove it

(313) Info on Kazu Kimura?

2000-02-11 Thread Emma Groube

I am looking for bio kinda stuff, for background reading.


it's in the way that you groove it

Re: (313) Groove review

2000-01-29 Thread Emma Groube
hans wrote:
 see).  It'll be more authentic looking than GO but still cheesy as hell. 
 But then again when has anyone ever made a feature film that accurately
 portrayed a pop culture movement.  Those of us who care are too busy trying
 to hold on to the integrity of the music and don't have time to learn how to
 make films and write screenplays.or do we?

Track selection aside, I thought Human Traffic is far and above the best
mainstream flick I have seen to portray a movement I include myself in.
You can kinda take or leave the drug angle to a degree it's the attitude
that it portrays that hits the nail on the head. Am I the only one who
wanted to stand up tall with my fist in the air at the end of the flick?
'together as one' *chuckle*

Of course people who believe in the music have time (well some) to make
films and screenplays, capitial is another story. It's about getting a
posse together with the same values and not having to deal with
'marketable soundtrack' crap. Then there is the 'oh you don't spin shit so
you have no clue' that one has get past. You don't need to make the music
or spin the trax to follow the cult. You just need to believe ;)

'i believe'

it's in the way that you groove it

Re: (313) re: Stacey Pullen

1999-10-01 Thread Emma Groube

 Has Stacey Pullen done any radio in Perth or elsewhere in Australia other
 than Melbourne? In theory he would have had time to do some over there (or
 in Adelaide) during this week. Just wondered. Anyone tune in and hear the
 Kiss FM show in Melbourne? It went for an hour. And I missed it. Damn.

pre-record I/V in Canberra, went to air a couple of weeks ago. 



Re: (313) re: Stacey Pullen

1999-09-30 Thread Emma Groube
dave wrote:
 If anyone has a chance to talk to stacey pullen, I would love to 
 know if this is his usual style, or if he felt that playing the way he 
 did was necessary whilst out in the (I don't agree with this 
 evaluation) backwaters of the world (ie perth).  I've heard that a 
 mate of mine went up to pullen afterwards and had a few choice 
 words, evidently he was annoyed enough to do so.

and what response did he get, or wasn't he looking for a response?


it's in the way that you groove it

Re: (313) Re: Crispy Bacon

1999-09-30 Thread Emma Groube
royal wrote:
 Just received a copy of 'Crispy Bacon' by Laurent Garnier on F-Com.

is this one of the original releases or a new improved version, a la
jaxx and fly life in it's 20 incarnations?

both red and blue versions were/are like crappy oatmeal imo (=mega



(313) Stacey Pullen in Canberra

1999-09-27 Thread Emma Groube

This was the first time SP has played in Canberra.

Nick Warren (i know i know) had played the night b4 so all the kiddlets
were zonked, not necessarily a bad thing. The turn out was solid but not
as packed as I would have thought. One things fersure, once SP was on the
decks noone left the building for the entire set.

A nice progession and mix of trax as one would expect. So nice to hear
someone mix it up eclectically and still have my taste *grin* I'll leave
it to the trainspotters to be specific, though someone yelled to me across
the room is this a juan track?!! as he jubliantly bounced about.

Hmmm, in summary...

once again food breaks through the revolutionary art communication


it's in the way that you groove it

Re: (313) Stacey Pullen

1999-09-19 Thread Emma Groube

apparently he just finished recording his album tomoro is the today you
expected yesterday (or close), and it is due out feb00. Can't remember
the label...


it's in the way that you groove it

(313) Stacey Kidd?...

1999-09-10 Thread Emma Groube

Dan L asked:
 I heard that Stacey Kidd was coming to Australia also 

Cyclone asked:
 Now I gotta question. Stacey Kidd (from Chicago) is touring Aussie but no
 one knows much about him. As far as I know he isn't coming to Melbourne but
 I am curious nonetheless. Who is this cat?

I gotta add my name to this query. Who is this stacey kidd (be they goat
or cat)? where how when?

it's in the way that you groove it

(313) black flag records?

1999-09-06 Thread Emma Groube

Into the pool of international wisdom,

Is Black Flag Stacey Pullen's label? IS it happening?
General info?

Thanks :)

it's in the way that you groove it