(313) Waves was Re: (313) 29 Detroit 12s

2003-07-25 Thread robin pinning

you know what, i've always thought the use of the term 'waves' when
talking about detroit techno was a bit wrong headed and i'd not figured
out why i've thought this until now...

the problems i have with this are that firstly i've always thought that the wave
thing was used by people who had heard of Tofflers work but hadn't read
it (but knew that it had some bearing on detroit techno) and more
importantly, and the idea of the one wave mix illustrates this, that at
any one point the music dj'd by a dj of any particular wave would have
been a huge array of music up to that point, so the context of the new
'wave' of music (see i'm using the term now...) would be completely lost.

another obvious problem is the fact that a lot of the producers listed in
each wave are still going and i'm sure they hate being labelled with waves
as it dismisses any new stuff they come up with as 'old-hat'

boy do i sound like a grumpy b*d today.

still, nice to see music discussion on the list.


Re: (313) Waves was Re: (313) 29 Detroit 12s

2003-07-25 Thread Martin
While I agree Robin, I'm not trying to make this into a year zero thing,
no point really. What I'm interested in doing is getting a good list
together of the players, doing a mix of the tunes and adding some biog info.

We could always do a mix of tunes that influenced the first wave, there's
plenty of references points and I know there's a couple of the early players
lurking on the list, should be to hard. And if we through in a copy of
Dan's book and a couple of articles for good measure, it should make it easy
for people to get into the History and therefore push the present into the

Alan is defo first wave in my book, he played tunes of techno on his radio
show back in the day so I'd place in the first wave for this reason. I think
we should include people who also made a difference, not just DJ/Musicians
but people who supported the movement.

25/7/03 9:46 AM robin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 you know what, i've always thought the use of the term 'waves' when
 talking about detroit techno was a bit wrong headed and i'd not figured
 out why i've thought this until now...
 the problems i have with this are that firstly i've always thought that the
 thing was used by people who had heard of Tofflers work but hadn't read
 it (but knew that it had some bearing on detroit techno) and more
 importantly, and the idea of the one wave mix illustrates this, that at
 any one point the music dj'd by a dj of any particular wave would have
 been a huge array of music up to that point, so the context of the new
 'wave' of music (see i'm using the term now...) would be completely lost.
 another obvious problem is the fact that a lot of the producers listed in
 each wave are still going and i'm sure they hate being labelled with waves
 as it dismisses any new stuff they come up with as 'old-hat'
 boy do i sound like a grumpy b*d today.
 still, nice to see music discussion on the list.

Re: (313) Waves was Re: (313) 29 Detroit 12s

2003-07-25 Thread robin pinning
hi martin,

don't get me the wrong way, i think history of this stuff is very
important and sometimes it's good to have this stuff down in a way that
isn't jounalism with an agenda (see blogs stuff etc). i like the way
you're headed with this tho.

i'm complaining about waves in the same way i complain about genres, and
microgenresi use em, as we all do, but it doesn't stop me thinking
they prevent a certain creativity... (it's a mistaking the menu for the
meal situation for me)



 While I agree Robin, I'm not trying to make this into a year zero thing,
 no point really. What I'm interested in doing is getting a good list
 together of the players, doing a mix of the tunes and adding some biog info.

 We could always do a mix of tunes that influenced the first wave, there's
 plenty of references points and I know there's a couple of the early players
 lurking on the list, should be to hard. And if we through in a copy of
 Dan's book and a couple of articles for good measure, it should make it easy
 for people to get into the History and therefore push the present into the

Re: (313) Waves was Re: (313) 29 Detroit 12s

2003-07-25 Thread J. T.

Yeah, the whole wave thing is a tad confusing, maybe we should put mixes

yeah..i think i am with robin on the waves thing...but more mixes/comps 
would be cool yes ;P kinda like retakes on the original Techno comps, 10+ 
years later, which is not a bad idea at all...for those who like history :P 
(aka classics ! haha)

On the question of BS, well - how else to you get someone to read your
blog without kicking off about something or getting something wonderfully

haha good point..altho i do get what he's saying about some music being so 
reverential that it doesnt push things forward much, tho i dunno if i would 
use the word reduction...not everyone is an originator/innovator :P this 
is really such a typical notion of techno fans (and many producers..), 
techno has to keep progressing and new styles and blah blah blah, but i 
think innovation is highly overrated. its important but only as an 
afterthought, y'know just basic unique ideas and expressions, creativity are 
whats most important to any music imo, it's what leads to innovation i 
guess..it's a natural process, but its not natural to expect innovation at 
every turn...and besides, legacy is important...without all that stuff he 
writes off as reduction, b12, terrace, etc etc...i mean that stuff -- and 
detroit-influenced stuff in general -- plays/played an important part in 
building upon the detroit myth, and in keeping the sound alive and 
current/fresh etc...without that dialogue happening, all you have is 
time-compartmentalized (issat a word?) music, which is a shame and against 
the spirit of music to begin with imo...some people's tastes change, are 
more impatient than others' i guess...yeah anyways...bad idea to write this 
early in am haha


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Re: (313) Waves was Re: (313) 29 Detroit 12s

2003-07-25 Thread robin pinning

 Yeah, the whole wave thing is a tad confusing, maybe we should put mixes

 yeah..i think i am with robin on the waves thing...but more mixes/comps
 would be cool yes ;P kinda like retakes on the original Techno comps, 10+
 years later, which is not a bad idea at all...for those who like history :P
 (aka classics ! haha)

yeah we need someone to make a compilation of  properly licensed older
music (that'll never get proper represses) before the bootleggers beat em
to it... :)


RE: (313) Waves was Re: (313) 29 Detroit 12s

2003-07-25 Thread Rob Webb

 yeah we need someone to make a compilation of  properly 
 licensed older music (that'll never get proper represses) 
 before the bootleggers beat em to it... :)

ack, where's Neil Rushton when you need him? ;)
