Yeah, the whole wave thing is a tad confusing, maybe we should put mixes

yeah..i think i am with robin on the waves thing...but more mixes/comps would be cool yes ;P kinda like retakes on the original "Techno" comps, 10+ years later, which is not a bad idea at all...for those who like history :P (aka classics ! haha)

On the question of BS, well - how else to you get someone to read your
"blog" without kicking off about something or getting something wonderfully

haha good point..altho i do get what he's saying about some music being so reverential that it doesnt push things forward much, tho i dunno if i would use the word "reduction"...not everyone is an originator/"innovator" :P this is really such a typical notion of techno "fans" (and many producers..), techno has to keep "progressing" and new styles and blah blah blah, but i think innovation is highly overrated. its important but only as an afterthought, y'know just basic unique ideas and expressions, creativity are whats most important to any music imo, it's what leads to innovation i's a natural process, but its not natural to expect innovation at every turn...and besides, legacy is important...without all that stuff he writes off as "reduction", b12, terrace, etc etc...i mean that stuff -- and detroit-influenced stuff in general -- plays/played an important part in building upon the detroit "myth", and in keeping the sound alive and current/fresh etc...without that dialogue happening, all you have is time-compartmentalized (issat a word?) music, which is a shame and against the spirit of music to begin with imo...some people's tastes change, are more impatient than others' i guess...yeah anyways...bad idea to write this early in am haha


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