you know what, i've always thought the use of the term 'waves' when
talking about detroit techno was a bit wrong headed and i'd not figured
out why i've thought this until now...

the problems i have with this are that firstly i've always thought that the wave
thing was used by people who had heard of Tofflers work but hadn't read
it (but knew that it had some bearing on detroit techno) and more
importantly, and the idea of the one wave mix illustrates this, that at
any one point the music dj'd by a dj of any particular wave would have
been a huge array of music up to that point, so the context of the new
'wave' of music (see i'm using the term now...) would be completely lost.

another obvious problem is the fact that a lot of the producers listed in
each wave are still going and i'm sure they hate being labelled with waves
as it dismisses any new stuff they come up with as 'old-hat'

boy do i sound like a grumpy b*****d today.....

still, nice to see music discussion on the list.


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