Looking for 4D programmer/consultant

2020-06-28 Thread Steven Karlsrud via 4D_Tech
I hope this is not a bad thing to post this on this particular list but if 
there is a more appropriate one please tell me and I will take this to that 
For the past few years Tom Dillon of DataCraft helped me with my database, 
sometimes coding small sections for me and other times teaching me how to do 
new things myself, but he retired (I am envious) and I am having some problems 
with my database and need to find someone new to help me quickly now and on an 
ongoing basis.  If this is of interest please email me directly so we can chat 
via email and see if there is a fit.
Thank you,
Steven Karlsrud
SMK Packaging, Inc.

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Re: Capturing Full Path Names with Picture Imports

2020-05-27 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
Thank you all for your prompt, informative and kind responses.  

I figured it was something simple.  But not that simple.  Duh!?

First time I have encountered the Document system variable after decades of 
using 4D.  So my cognitive biases just skipped over that part of the 
documentation.  Very useful for my purposes.  Like stumbling on a 
(not-so-deeply) buried treasure actually.  I am already putting it to good use. 

Thanks again.


Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM

> On May 27, 2020, at 1:00 PM, 4d_tech-requ...@lists.4d.com wrote:
> Capturing Full Path Names with Picture Imports 

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Capturing Full Path Names with Picture Imports

2020-05-26 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
Good afternoon all.

I hope everyone in the community is holding up under the challenges of the 
pandemic.  My best wishes go out to everyone.

I am trying to develop a small module to allow users to import images from 
anywhere on the host computer, for now.  Using "READ PICTURE FILE","CREATE 
THUMBNAIL” and "Get picture file name” I can accomplish most of what I want to 
do.  But I am stuck on how to capture the long path to the picture selected by 
the user in the selection dialog presented by "READ PICTURE FILE”.  

I assume there must be a simple way to do this that I am overlooking.  Rather 
than continuing to beat my head against the wall, I am hoping that someone here 
might please point me in the right direction.  

Thanks in advance.

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM

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Re: Denver Area Developers

2019-02-25 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
Hey, Tom.

I am down here in SF, with a couple of other 4D or ex-4D developers.  

Disappointed that 4D canceled the Denver stop on the World Tour this year.  
That was great fun last time.  And I heard from 4D that it was well attended 
and well received on both sides.  Perhaps if enough folks demonstrate interest 
on line we can get them to rethink their decision.  

Hope to see you in Denver later this spring.  

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM

> On Feb 23, 2019, at 5:22 AM, 4d_tech-requ...@lists.4d.com wrote:
> Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 13:45:57 -0700
> From: "Tom Dillon"  <mailto:tomdillonli...@gmail.com>>
> To: <4d_tech@lists.4d.com <mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>>
> Subject: Denver Area Developers
> Message-ID: <2019004557.1229705...@smtp.gmail.com 
> <mailto:2019004557.1229705...@smtp.gmail.com>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Are there still any 4D Developers in the Denver area?

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Update Self-Training for v17

2018-10-01 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
With all of the new features in v17 I am wondering if anyone has any knowledge 
of plans to upgrade the Self-Training tutorial.  Although it was offered as 
part of the v16 Documentation, I do not see any analogous link in v17, yet.  
Although it has been dragged on into v 16, this tutorial has not really been 
updated significantly since v11 (maybe 14).  Hopefully this delay may indicate 
that it is being thoroughly rebuilt to incorporate and demonstrate the many new 
features introduced in v16 & v17.  It is way overdue.  Has anyone heard 

Thanks, and best to all…

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM

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Help please - Compiling

2018-08-17 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech

Don’t know if it is a typo, but if you copied and pasted the declaration of the 
local is missing its ‘i’!  Declared “$sze”, referenced “$size”


Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM 

> On Aug 17, 2018, at 9:55 AM, 4d_tech-requ...@lists.4d.com wrote:
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2018 11:18:09 -0400
> From: Chip Scheide <4d_o...@pghrepository.org 
> <mailto:4d_o...@pghrepository.org>>
> To: 4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com <mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>>
> Subject: Help please - Compiling
> Message-ID: <20180817111809720831.fd6c9...@pghrepository.org 
> <mailto:20180817111809720831.fd6c9...@pghrepository.org>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Can some one (everyone?) try to compile the following code
> if it compiles, please let me know, or let me know what you did to get 
> it to compile.
> I have tried everything I can think of to get this to compile - and it 
> will not.
> the following is a portion of a much larger case statement which fails 
> to compile throwing the error:
> Did not expect the operator <
> I can not figure out why...
> Thanks in advace
> Chip
> Code:
> C_POINTER($1;$Handle)
> C_TEXT($formula)
> C_LONGINT($i;$2;$Sort_Column;$3;$Direction;$Sze)
> $Handle:=$1
> $Direction:=$2
> $Sort_Column:=$3
> errutl_Start 
> $Sze:=Size of array($Handle->)
> If ($Size<=12)
> If ($Direction=Ascending)
> Case of 
> : ($Size=1)
> SORT ARRAY(($Handle->{1})->;>)
> : ($Size=2)
> SORT ARRAY(($Handle->{1})->;($Handle->{2})->;>)
> : ($Size=3)
> SORT ARRAY(($Handle->{1})->;($Handle->{2})->;($Handle->{3})->;>)
> End case 
> End if 
> End if 
> ---
> Gas is for washing parts
> Alcohol is for drinkin'
> Nitromethane is for racing 

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Re: List Box Basics

2017-11-19 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
Yes, you replied to my query off line, Chip.  Very generous code sample.  
Thanks again. 

As for individual record editing:  I am pleased to say that I have cleared the 
next hurdle in that regard and have developed a modest interface in which the 
Selection-based List Box is linked to an adjacent subform that displays the 
details of the record selected.  So far, so good.  For this part of the project 
I have relied heavily on presentations and sample DBs from the 4D World Tour.  
Thanks, again, to Ad, et al.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM

> On Nov 19, 2017 Chip Scheide wrote:
> Steven,
> Im not sure if I resounded to you.
> but if you want/still need I can provide listbox demo for you.
> and if I understand your question, On Double Click
> is the primary event for to use for editing a record in a listbox.

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Re: List Box Basics

2017-11-18 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
Thanks to all who responded to my request for help, both on and off line.  

Thanks, Add, for posting hits on the 4D KB.  Unfortunately, the most promising 
is accessible only to Partners.  The others I also found in my research, but 
they proved not to be helpful.

Digging a bit deeper in the archives of this List, however, I did manage to 
find some basic code - ironically in a couple of posts seeking help to debug 
methods that did not appear to be working.  Nonetheless, they contained the 
basic outlines of code to set the table, delete and insert columns, and set 
headers and footers.  I have managed to build what I wanted from those 
examples.  Happy to post demo DB if it would be of any interest to others on 
the List.  Now I just have to figure out how to get the selected record to 
display in an adjacent subform...  

Add, it would be great if 4D's List Box Demo DB(s), which demonstrate a rich 
array of appearance and configuration options, were enhanced by the addition of 
a page demonstrating a simple interface for user management of data selection.  
From my experience, this is not apparent from the documentation.  

Thanks again, all.


Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM

> On Oct 31, 2017, at 7:17 PM, 4d_tech-requ...@lists.4d.com wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2017 22:49:26 +
> From: Add Komoncharoensiri <akomoncharoens...@4d.com 
> <mailto:akomoncharoens...@4d.com>>
> To: 4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com <mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>>
> Subject: Re: List Box Basics
> Message-ID: <e2f7276b-ef23-40f5-bfb7-db640c9a1...@4d.com 
> <mailto:e2f7276b-ef23-40f5-bfb7-db640c9a1...@4d.com>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi Steve,
> Actually, there are plenty of resource on kb.4d.com <http://kb.4d.com/> about 
> programming in selection based list box context. Here are some of the 
> reference.
> http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77856 <http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77856>
> http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77873 <http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77873>
> http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77871 <http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77871>
> http://kb.4d.com/assetid=76585 <http://kb.4d.com/assetid=76585>
> http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77320 <http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77320>
> HTH,
> Add

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List Box Basics

2017-10-31 Thread Steven Prins via 4D_Tech
Greetings All!  

So I guess this is another one of those “Don’t reinvent the wheel if I don’t 
have to” queries.  

If any one would be so kind as to point me in the direction of useful resources 
pertinent to the programmatic management of the data source in selection-based 
List Boxes, including useful code or sample DBs they might be willing to share, 
it would be greatly appreciated.  The documentation suggests that this can be 
done,  but it appears that there is more to it than simply invoking LISTBOX SET 
TABLE SOURCE.  Please forgive me if I have overlooked something obvious, but 
having reviewed the documentation, and searched the 4D KB and Forums (shouldn’t 
that be Fora?), I cannot find anything in the public domain, i.e. not 
restricted to partners/summit attendees, that provides either sample code or 
DBs, to demonstrate how this is done in practice.  And I seem to be having very 
little luck trying to figure it out on my own...

Thanks in advance.


Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Re: RESOURCE LIST & XLIFF Resource Files

2017-03-09 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
Thanks Miyako and Nigel for your prompt replies.

> On Mar 9, 2017,Keisuke Miyako <keisuke.miy...@4d.com 
> <mailto:keisuke.miy...@4d.com>> wrote:
> there is no need to even open the file, let alone parse it with native 4D 
> commands.

Miyako, rather than creating an array of the strings within a designated list, 
I want to create arrays of the string list ids and resnames analogous to the 
results of "RESOURCE LIST (“STR#”; ResIDs_an;ResNames_at)".  My existing DBs 
rely on these arrays to reference the strings within each list.  

> On Mar 9, 2017,Nigel Greenlee <nigel.green...@me.com 
> <mailto:nigel.green...@me.com>> wrote:
> I don’t have an exact solution for you. but the following might give you some 
> pointers on the way to go. I got this code from the 4DBB-I DID NOT WRITE IT 
> MYSELF. it extracts all the 4D constants from the constants xliff file.

Nigel, with a bit of tinkering and lots of testing in the debugger I have 
gotten a variant of the code you posted to work.  In its raw state it is 
already adequate for my immediate purposes, with converted DBs.  But I intend 
to tweak it a bit more so that it can locate the Resource folder in 4dbase 
packages as well.  Mañana.  When it has a bit more polish I will post my code, 
just in case it may be of some use to others.  

Thanks again to both of you.

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Re: RESOURCE LIST & XLIFF Resource Files

2017-03-08 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
Miyako’s reply confirms that RESOURCE LIST does not work with XLIFF files, as I 

So having extracted my STR# resources into XLIFF files (with the help of 
Miyako's component, thanks again), what I would like to do is replicate its 
functionality, i.e. extract arrays of the ‘ids’ and ’resnames’ of all of the 
‘group’ elements present within those XLIFF files.  I am confident that that 
can be done, but as I said I am entirely out of my depth with respect to XML 
and native 4D XML commands.  

Any direction, better yet, sample code would be greatly appreciated.  

Thanks in advance.

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM

> On Mar 8, 2017, at 3:32 AM, 4d_tech-requ...@lists.4d.com wrote:
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2017 03:08:52 +
> From: Keisuke Miyako <keisuke.miy...@4d.com <mailto:keisuke.miy...@4d.com>>
> To: 4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com <mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>>
> Subject: Re: RESOURCE LIST & XLIFF Resource Files
> Message-ID: <7fd1fa79-e659-4e63-a649-592762650...@4d.com 
> <mailto:7fd1fa79-e659-4e63-a649-592762650...@4d.com>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello,
> the command RESOURCE LIST was never associated with XLIFF.
> resource commands that work with XLIFF are:
> http://doc.4d.com/4Dv15/4D/15.4/STRING-LIST-TO-ARRAY.301-3274706.en.html 
> <http://doc.4d.com/4Dv15/4D/15.4/STRING-LIST-TO-ARRAY.301-3274706.en.html>
> and
> Get indexed string
> http://doc.4d.com/4Dv15/4D/15.4/Get-indexed-string.301-3274707.en.html 
> <http://doc.4d.com/4Dv15/4D/15.4/Get-indexed-string.301-3274707.en.html>
> see also:
> Appendix C: XLIFF architecture
> http://doc.4d.com/4Dv15/4D/15.4/Appendix-C-XLIFF-architecture.300-3285323.en.html
> <http://doc.4d.com/4Dv15/4D/15.4/Appendix-C-XLIFF-architecture.300-3285323.en.html>
>> 2017/03/08 1:22、Steven via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com 
>> <mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>> のメール:
>> Does the 4D command “RESOURCE LIST” still work with XLIFF string resource 
>> files?

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Re: RESOURCE LIST & XLIFF Resource Files

2017-03-08 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
> On Mar 8, 2017,Keisuke Miyako <keisuke.miy...@4d.com 
> <mailto:keisuke.miy...@4d.com>> wrote:
> Hello,
> the command RESOURCE LIST was never associated with XLIFF.
> resource commands that work with XLIFF are:

Doh!  I told you I you I suspected I might be missing something very simple.  
But not that simple!  Right under my nose all of the time in fact…

Should have made the subject “Am I blind?”

Thanks again, Miyako.  

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2017-03-07 Thread Steven via 4D_Tech
Good morning all.

Running 4D v16 on OS X 10.10.5:

Does the 4D command “RESOURCE LIST” still work with XLIFF string resource 

Having converted my STR# resources to XLIFF files I find my old methods relying 
on 4D resource commands are broken and that the commands themselves either 
result in errors, i.e. -199 Document cannot be opened (open resource file), or 

If RESOURCE LIST still works with XLIFF files, what has changed and how do I 
need to adapt my old code to get it to work, i.e. replace “STR#” passed as $1 
with another appropriate resource type identifier?  If not, has anyone 
developed code to replicate its functionality with XLIFF resources, i.e. 
extract the resource ids and names into arrays?  Knowing nothing about XML and 
4D's XML integration, sample code would be greatly appreciated.  

I suspect that I may be missing something simple, but cannot figure out what it 
might be from the docs or by testing.  Otherwise, I am way out of my depth with 
respect to 4D XML capabilities.  

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or guidance.  

Best from sunny Santa Fe,

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Re: Permanently Sort Data

2017-02-17 Thread Steven Prins via 4D_Tech

Thanks to all who replied.  

Have not had time to explore the suggestions offered.  Although I have no 
previous experience with SQL, I look forward to experimenting with Miyako's 
sample code to sort data permanently.  I have considered, and will probably 
implement Chip's suggested alternative to sort data programmatically before 
presenting it to the user, which would not be very difficult to incorporate 
into my modular, generic search code.  But I was still curious as to whether or 
not this old functionality of 4D Tools could be replicated programmatically 
within subsequent versions of 4D.  

Thanks again.

Best from sunny Santa Fe,


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Moving STR# resources from .RSR to XLIFF

2017-01-28 Thread Steven Prins
Hello, All.

4D v13 on OS X 10.10.

Two questions:

How can I get *RESOURCE TYPE LIST* and *RESOURCE LIST* called in a method 
residing in a component to access the resources of the host from which the 
method is called?  

Can anyone provide sample code to automate extraction of old STR# resources 
from existing .RSR files and writing them to XLIFF files to be placed in 
Resource folders of DBs upgraded and updated from v13 to v15/16?

Background:  I am exploring upgrading and updating old DBs currently in v13 to 
v15/16.  One of the tasks I have encountered is replacing STR# resources 
previously residing in .RSR files to XLIFF files to be placed in the Resources 
folders of the updated Dbs.  Hopefully without having to update objects that 
reference them within the structure.  

I have created a small component to extract STR# resources from v13 DBs in 
order to write them into XLIFF files.  Its extraction method works fine when it 
resides within the structure of the DB to be extracted.  But when called from a 
component it comes up empty, apparently finding no resources in the component 
itself.  How do I direct the method in the component to extract the resources 
in the host when called from the host?  Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Thus far my testing has been limited to extracting the STR# resources with the 
above commands, copying and pasting them to text files, and then using the 4D 
Pop XLIFF Component to create a new resource file that will preserve the 
resource structure of the old DB, i.e. not require rewriting references within 
the updated DB.  However, this entails copying and pasting each resource, one 
at a time.  

In his Tech Note on the subject (08-33) Jess Pina wrote:
All string list resources and text resources have been moved to XLIFF files. 
This can be done in a few ways: 1) Programmatically, meaning, extracting the 
old strings by using the String List to Array command and then using the 4D XML 
commands to create XLIFF files.  

I am not familiar with the XML commands of 4d, and giving the theme a once over 
it does not look like a trivial task to figure out how to automate the process 
programmatically as Jesse Pina suggests.  So any examples of such code would 
also be greatly appreciated.  

Also, can anyone provide currently active links to 4D Pop pages at 4D?  My old 
links, i.e. http://www.4d.com/products/4dpop.html 
<http://www.4d.com/products/4dpop.html> go to the 404 Error Page at 4D.com 
<http://4d.com/>.  Have these components been deprecated?  Or rewritten for 
more recent versions?  

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best to all from cold and sunny Santa Fe.  I enjoy following your exchanges on 
the List and learn a lot from them.  Thanks,

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Re: Missing Pict

2017-01-26 Thread Steven

> On Jan 26, 2017 Christian Sakowski wrote:
>> SET PICTURE TO LIBRARY($vpPict;$vPictRef;$vPictName)
> FYI: Never use the library anymore. It's obsolete since v11. You have to use 
> the Resources-Folder. 

I believed this to be true as well when I recently began exploring migrating 
old DBs from v13 to 15/16, only to find that not only does the picture library 
persist in the most recent versions there is a section extolling its use in the 
latest Design Reference.  What gives?  

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Permanently Sort Data

2016-09-02 Thread Steven
Hey, all.  Greetings from sunny Santa Fe, NM.

Every once in a while in my business we accidentally generate a lot of work, 
particularly photographic images, which include the wrong ID.  And sometimes it 
is just easier to reassign IDs than it is to redo the work.  When this happened 
in the past there was an easy fix:  Permanently Sort Data in 4D Tools.  

I guess in some respects I am lucky not to have to use the MSC very much.  But 
I went there yesterday after just such an incident was discovered only to find 
that that functionality is not available, at least not through the MSC.  Is it 
available built-in somewhere else in 4D?  Or can someone advise me as to how I 
might go about doing that programmatically?  

In this instance we decided to bite the bullet and reshoot all of the images.  
But it would be good to know how to do this if and when a real need arises in 
the future.  And Murphy’s Law dictates that it will...

Thanks in advance.

Steven Prins
Santa Fe, NM
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