Re: [abcusers] Version 2.0.0 voice overlay and lyrics

2003-08-03 Thread Anselm Lingnau
John Chambers  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've seen a few discussions of how slow the RSCDS has  been  to  take
 advantage  of the Net.  My usual comment has been something like:  Of
 course they're a bunch of conservative fuddy-duddies who are  decades
 behind  the  times.   The RSCDS exists to preserve a tradition.  It's
 their role to be conservative fuddy-duddies who  are  decades  behind
 the times. It's up to us radical revisionists to develop their online
 system, and when they're good and ready, we can give them a  copy  of
 what  we've done.  (When this happens, I expect they'll just invite 2
 or 3 of us to do the work.

There are moves afoot to do exactly that. Chances are that when this
happens the RSCDS folks (who aren't all »fuddy-duddies« at all --
since the big changing of the guard a few years back they're really
nice folks once you get to know them) won't quite know what hit them

 What I'd be tempted to do is set up a SCD
 wiki and invite all the strathspey subscribers to contribute.)

The fun thing is that this already exists. It's not been advertised a
lot but I have one on the site -- it's now being
used for the »frequently asked questions« that I don't have time to
really work on (or so it seems). If there are other worthwhile uses
for it then great.

 Yes; he already links to the  Fiddler's  Companion  site.   Maybe  we
 should  both  be  discussing with him the easiest way to interconnect
 all of our sites.  I have sets for about 600 dances in my  collection
 (a bare start ;-).  I've developed an approach that works for me. But
 it might be time to start talking about linking the SCD web sites.

Alan isn't really concerned about the web aspect of DanceData so far;
the web front-end is really my baby. I would like to see the music
aspect of DanceData souped up; Alan isn't a musician himself and I
know he wouldn't mind some help in that direction.

I suppose what would be nice would be an extension of the database (or
at least the web front-end) to cover non-recorded sets of tunes -- so
far, the database deals in suggested tunes for dances and in
recordings of sets of tunes. The easiest way to do this within the
existing framework might be to come up with a »super-album« (or
albums) of non-recorded sets and to pretend that they're all tracks on
that. On the other hand, we're really dealing with sheet music here,
so the proper way to do this is by allowing tunes in the database to
have sheet music (a.k.a. ABC) associated with them and then assembling
sets out of the individual ABC entries, tune-finder style.

We should probably take this off the ABC list since it won't be
interesting to most subscribers.

 I get the impression that a lot of teachers have put  their  favorite
 dances into their computers, and some are online.  But they all do it
 differently.  I wonder how long it will take for this to get  into  a
 form  that can actually be used?  I've collected a few myself, but my
 dance descriptions are in N different formats.

Having standardized notations for cribs, dance descriptions etc. is one
of the yearly discussion topics on Strathspey that never seem to get

 I thought it was one in my collection, so I
 whipped  out  my cute Kyocera smartphone (which runs PalmOS and has
 some ABC software installed), used the browser to find the  dance  on
 my  MIT  site, and handed her the phone with the dance description on
 the screen.  I got lots of geek points for that one.

Oh yes, gadgets. A colleague of mine is working on the (Linux-based)
system software for one of those newfangled harddisk-based MP3 units.
The difference is that that thing has a fairly big LCD screen (for
video display). It has a 40GB disk, and thus could store several
hundred CD's worth of MP3 dance tracks -- and it would be eminently
possible to embed dance cribs or even Pilling-style graphics in the
MP3 using special »tags«. I told him that if he adds variable speed
control to the thing I'll buy one the first day it is out :^) We're
stuck with recorded music for dance classes and I should greatly enjoy
not having to haul all those CDs to class.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trying to get Windows to run on the hardware that Linux typically runs on is
like pushing an elephant through a keyhole.  -- _Forbes_, November 1998
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Re: [abcusers] Version 2.0.0 voice overlay and lyrics

2003-07-25 Thread Anselm Lingnau
John Chambers  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey, glad to see you're doing this. I've volunteered in the past, but
 the  RSCDS didn't respond.

So far I'm doing this for my own enjoyment, with no official RSCDS
sanction. I want to have an »Original Tunes for RSCDS Dances« book
that saves me hauling 40+ booklets to those workshops where the
teacher makes up his mind what to teach over breakfast on the same day
(no kidding).

I haven't yet decided what to do about publication of the ABC files.
I suppose the thing to do would be to integrate them into Alan
Paterson's DanceData somehow (or at least the WWW front end) and see
what happens :^)

 If you're trying to transcribe the entire RSCDS  versions  of  tunes,
 you  might  want  to start commenting here about the abc limitations.
 You'll probably see a lot of them.  Keyboard music is the worst case.

I'm only doing the melody and chords. I try to stick to what is in the
books but don't lose sleep over stuff that I feel needs changed.

 Are you doing the dance descriptions, too?

No -- different construction site. I need the dance descriptions only
when I'm teaching, and then I usually know what I want to do and just
take the book along.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just found out that the brain is like a computer. If that's true, then there
really aren't any stupid people. Just people running DOS.-- Haavard Fosseng
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Re: [abcusers] Version 2.0.0 voice overlay and lyrics

2003-07-24 Thread Anselm Lingnau
John Walsh  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I concluded that if I
 were to use this any more, I'd need a pre-processor of some sort... So if
 we want to preserve human-readability and use the  in any complicated
 way, it might be worthwhile discussing alternatives.

My little project is ABCifying the tunes from the RSCDS dance books.
Some of the tunes have a second voice every so often (say, in four
bars out of twenty-four), and the »« feature saves me a lot of typing
in [V:2] bits that are mostly empty.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know a lot about this artificial life stuff -- but I'm suspicious of
anything Newsweek gets goofy about -- and I suspect its primary use is as
another money extraction tool to be applied by AI labs to the Department of
Defense (and more power to 'em).   -- Aaron Watters
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Re: [abcusers] ABC source code license?

2002-07-09 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Jeff Szuhay  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is all ABC Music source code under GPL?
 (If so, that's a real bummer. An Artist License would
 be much better for its adoption in commerical products.)

You can always try to contact the author(s) and negotiate a different
license than the GPL. It is perfectly possible for code to be released
under different licenses at the same time. Of course this may cost you

 Is the ABC Music itself under GPL?
 (If so, then I can't use it at all.)

Well, first off there is no such thing as »the ABC Music«. The
copyright of tunes notated in ABC lies with the composers and/or
arrangers or their estates (for 70 years after the composers' and/or
arrangers' demise) or else the public domain.

It is likely that the composers/arrangers in question have delegated
the licensing stuff to an outfit like ASCAP (in the US) or GEMA (in
Germany). In this case you will have to negotiate with that rather
than the original composers/arrangers.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson
afterwards.   -- Vernon Law
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Re: [abcusers] Re: The F F (and F F2) problems

2002-05-29 Thread Anselm Lingnau

James Allwright  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What  and  gives you in abc2midi is a notation for tunes in 
 6/8 masquerading as tunes in 4/4. This covers hornpipes and probably 
 strathspays (though I can't tell since I don't get to hear very many 
 of those). This is not a mistake.

Yes it is, as far as strathspeys are concerned. Many people play »«
stuff in strathspeys tending towards 7:1 rather than 3:1 (that is,
»AA« sounds like »AA« rather than »(3A2A«) but very few people if
any consider strathspeys pseudo-12/8.

The »« notation is so useful for strathspeys, many of which consist
of nothing but »XY« and »XY«, that insisting that it is just for
hornpipes strikes me as very impractical indeed. Look at, say, any
volume of Kerr's Collection to see that »« (and »«) is just what the
doctor ordered.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Caveat: untested, so there may be typos, or even thoughtos.  -- Donald Arseneau
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Re: [abcusers] The F F (and F F2) problems

2002-05-26 Thread Anselm Lingnau

James Allwright  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have taken the view that '' is a function to be used only in a
 very specific setting and trying to generalize it for other uses is
 courting trouble.

So, in abc2midi, ;+ is intended for hornpipes only? What about

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Re: [abcusers] Palm Pilot advice please

2002-03-11 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Steve Mansfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Anyone got any suggestions as to either (a) where my enquirer might find 
 the pipe symbol

On my Palm (which admittedly is a German model) the pipe symbol is
»dot«-»upstroke-downstroke«. Tell your correspondent to check the 
built-in Graffitti help if she doesn't have her manual handy.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You're much more likely to be knocked down by a snowball than by an equivalent
number of snowflakes. -- Larry Wall

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Re: [abcusers] Fonts.

2002-03-03 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Jack Campin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think it would be better to adopt one font for the symbols (music
 encoded in ABC doesn't need a great number of them) and let users
 assign other fonts to specific roles in the score themselves (title
 font, composer font, text annotation font...).  A user who is trying
 to embed scores generated by your software into other documents, or
 match an existing house style for publication, will need the ability
 to control these.


 If you must make a choice or set a default...
 My favourite variable-width serif text font is Palatino.  I arrived at
 that choice by experiment: my vision is not particularly good, has been
 deteriorating for years, and this was during a bad patch.  I printed a
 pageful of the same text at the same size in every font I could find,
 seeing which one was readable from the greatest distance.  Palatino
 won by a big margin, with Computer Modern far at the bottom by an even
 bigger one.

I rather like Palatino too. The problem with Computer Modern is that to
look good it requires printing at a really high resolution (Knuth's
books are typeset on a phototypesetter that does something like 4333dpi,
and the 600dpi that current laser printers can manage are definitely not
enough), so while it is in many ways a very good design the output
devices that the likes of us are likely to have around won't really be
able to do it proper justice.

There is a free Palatino lookalike available with Ghostscript.

 I haven't done the same experiment as thoroughly with other kinds of
 font, but get the impression Gill Sans would beat any other sans-serif
 proportional font at the same test.  I generally use Courier for fixed-
 width but I'm sure there must be something better out there.

Gill Sans is another one that I like. If you go with Palatino a good
sans-serif font to use with it is Optima, also by Hermann Zapf (but I
don't think a free version is available anywhere). You can get a CD-ROM
from Bitstream that has something like 500 fonts at a very reasonable
price; the fonts are not great but they are certainly more workable than
the usual »1000 FREE FONTS« offerings that you get from jumble sales,
and that includes fairly nice versions of Palatino, Gill Sans and

For fixed width, Courier is about as bad a font as there can conceivably
be. Knuth's Computer Modern Typewriter is not at all bad (and it even
comes in a sane encoding, compared to the rest of CM). Recent
distributions of X11 contain a mostly-free set of fonts by BH called
»Lucidux« which includes a rather nice monospaced variety.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Host:  What a parasite lives in or on.  Your programs have this relationship to
the computer.   -- Larry Wall  Randal Schwartz, *Programming Perl*

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Re: [abcusers] Re: Folkband

2002-02-27 Thread Anselm Lingnau

John Chambers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Part of the story was that if you played  the  King's  tune
 three  times,  he  would  appear.   He  would usually be in
 disguise, of course, so you wouldn't necessarily realize he
 was  present.  And summoning the Fairy King isn't something
 that one does frivolously.  If he doesn't enjoy your event,
 he  has  ways of making you sorry you summoned him.

Of course this doesn't apply to practising the tune; the Fairy King
likes his music played properly and looks benevolently on those who
apply the necessary diligence ...

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The basis of all excellence is truth: he that professes love ought to feel its
power.  -- Samuel Johnson, _Lives of the Poets_

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Re: [abcusers] Progress towards a new abc standard is philosophy

2001-12-10 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Any expression a person wants to use should be legal as long as it does
 not collide with the integrity of the syntax.
 Not asking all the time why should we allow this ? but Why not?

No. Extraneous ways of writing down the same thing means that programs
which process the notation need to be more complicated in order to
process all the possible variants instead of just one that is
standardized. More complicated programs have a greater likelihood of
containing mistakes. We emphatically do not need programs that contain
more mistakes than necessary -- the world is full of them already.

On a more abstract level, having several ways of writing down the same
thing makes the standard longer. A longer standard takes longer for a
person to read and understand, and therefore the extra complexity should
be restricted to things that actually add expressive power to the ABC
language. Allowing `13' and `1+3' in addition to `1,3' does not add
expressive power, thus should be rejected.

Finally, people new to ABC will wonder whether `1,3', `13' and `1+3'
actually do mean the same thing in ABC or whether there are subtle,
non-obvious differences between the three that they don't know about.
This will be unnecessarily confusing.

The word is `KISS'.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick than do GUI programming
in Java.   -- Mo DeJong

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Re: [abcusers] something really simple

2001-11-21 Thread Anselm Lingnau

John Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Some programs (abcmus for sure, and judging by other comments in
 this thread, Barfly, probably others too) use the R: and M: fields to
 determine the tempo (and, more, a stress program) which can be modified by
 the user as desired. It's a great feature. I think of the translation of
 allegro into beats per minute as an extension of this.

I must say I quite like the idea of `stress programs' as exemplified by
BarFly. They are a nice illustration of my claim that ABC notation and
presentation details are best kept separate.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.
 -- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

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Re: [abcusers] Looking for ABC transcriber.

2001-11-14 Thread Anselm Lingnau

James Allwright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Since Playford published his collections of music several centuries ago,
 you are pretty safe in assuming the copyright has expired.

Yes, but it might be construed that there is copyright on editorial
changes within the transcription, which may be more or less obvious.

A lot of Playford stuff is available from the US Library of Congress
(they have a special page on the history of dancing, the URL of which
escapes me right now), so one could go back right to the original
sources to make sure that the ABCs in question are `uncontaminated'.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From a limp beginning, the erotic information processing market has been rising
in recent years and is now quite firm, although the recession has created some
soft spots.  -- Tom Betz, in rec.humor.funny (1989)

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Re: [abcusers] something really simple

2001-11-14 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For reasons of scientific quality I need to include as much as possible
 information of the original source within the file, as near to the
 original as possible. So the file should be a representation of the
 playback *and* the the display. 

The ABC file should be an approximate representation of the *musical
content* of a piece. Anything else is likely hoping for too much -- as
far as playback is concerned, an ABC file of Bach's Goldberg Variations
would probably be closer to the sort of modern edition of the work that
you can buy in a music shop than to either Bach's original manuscript
(on the `display' side) or Glenn Gould's recorded interpretation of the
piece (on the `playback' side). Both exploit dimensions of
`presentation' that are simply not available in ABC notation, nor likely
to be, and while the ABC edition of the piece would be nice to have
around the house and let us have all kinds of fun with it, it would most
probably never be the one or the other.

As I said earlier on, if you want a near-facsimile replica of an
original source, ABC is probably not the right vehicle for your work --
at least not without major tweaking of the standard and without
restricting yourself to a particular output program (since the standard,
fortunately, doesn't prescribe printed ABC output in enough detail for
the various notation programs not to differ greatly from one another in
just how they display things). Note that ABC in its current form doesn't
even let you specify whether the stems of notes go up or down in a
sequence like `ABc', so if you want to imitate a given score as closely
as possible (we're talking `science', after all) using ABC, you have
still quite a way to go before you're done.

I don't know a lot about Lilypond but it might be worth checking out for
your purposes. In any case if you're after a specific look to your sheet
music you would do well to publish PDF as well as ABC, since even if you
stick all your little presentation things into the ABC standard others
will not be able to reproduce your output with anything approaching
`scientific' precision unless they run exactly the same software that
you do. Similarly, if you want to capture or express all the details of
the performance of a piece of music then something like a MIDI file may
really be the way to go, rather than ABC. All three formats -- ABC, PDF,
MIDI -- fill different `ecological niches' that do overlap to some
extent, but any one of the three could never fully replace either of the

I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to make ABC do everything that you
want. I'm just trying to caution you not to expect too much from ABC as
it is, or ABC as it can be while still resembling what ABC is today
enough to be recognizable. If music notation schemes were vehicles, then
ABC originally started out as something like a bicycle -- very cheap and
easy to use but still able to get us to all sorts of interesting places
as long as they are not too far away from home. Now since its original
invention the ABC bike seems to have acquired all sorts of useful
accessories (like a lamp, 21 gears, panniers, and a radio), but that
doesn't mean that we will ever be able to use it to pull a 25-ton
trailer -- not without losing the ability of carrying it down the
basement stair for the night, anyway, and that may be something that
many of its users aren't ready to give up.

 Do not say this is *not* the target of abc, there is no such thing as a
 restriction against display matters anywhere in the standard. Its *your*
 ideology about abc. For me abc is a way to create compressed, easily
 exchangeable, freeware, playback active representations of a musical

Guess what -- with me it's just the same. However I've been around the
block often enough to have found out that it is a good idea to keep the
actual information and the details of its presentation quite separate.
It is not as if this was just some stupid `ideology' -- it is sound
engineering practice, founded on a large body of experience in designing
similar systems, which is available to anyone who deigns to enter a good
computer science research library. (In fact, an hour or two on the Web
reading up on the philosophy behind XML should give one a reasonably
good idea of what the data/presentation dichotomy is all about, without
one actually having to bother moving one's lazy self away from the

You appear to have this learning experience still ahead of you. I wish
you well; may your epiphany not be too painful when it comes. As it
will, eventually.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What we call 'Progress' is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance.
-- Henry Havelock Ellis

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Re: [abcusers] something really simple

2001-11-13 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The problem is that there are situations where it is necessary to have
 part of the tempo indicator displayed and parts not.
   Q:1/4=120 - Allegro % displaying Allegro and playing 1/4=120
 In your proposal how can this be done ?

  Q:1/4=120 note=Allegro  % and switch off display of metronome speeds

Again: Whether or not a metronome marking is displayed should depend on
a style setting within the notation program. It doesn't need to, and in
fact shouldn't, be specified in the ABC standard. The ABC standard
doesn't specify the font and point size of tune titles, either
-- if I want to prepare a publication using ABC-notated music this is a
stylistic decision on my part since I am designing the publication.
Similarly, it is a stylistic decision on my part whether I want
metronome markings or historical notes displayed with the music, or how
far the staves should be from each other, or how wide the margins are,
and so on. An ABC file should contain all the requisite information but
should make as few stipulations as possible about what programs will
actually do with that information.

For example, in a book of traditional Scottish reels and jigs for
dancing there is no need to include metronome speeds, since these are
obvious to a SCD musician, but they can still be useful for a playback
program. So you just set your notation program to suppress the `Q:' line
metronome speeds. But the same ABC-notated tune could figure in a book
of dance tunes from all over the world, and since it wouldn't be obvious
to somebody who plays Scandinavian or Israeli dance music how fast a jig
or reel should be played (or `Ivanica', for a Scottish musician), you
will probably want to include metronome speeds after all. So you switch
them on in your notation program. Why should you have to change the
ABC-notated tune to control exactly what is being printed?

  supposed to do). We don't need special syntax for every single ABC
  header field when there is a general pattern that we can apply, like the
  `key=value' convention outlined above.
 Remember : the minus sign only is used in cases where something is *not*
 printed. so it is additional syntax, not alternative.

Yes, but we don't put

  C:W. A. Mozart -

if we don't want the composer to be printed. We tell the notation 
program to leave that field out. This makes your `Q:' syntax a special 
case. Unnecessary special cases are ... well, unnecessary.


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Re: [abcusers] something really simple

2001-11-13 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Laurie Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It's your turn to say what you find unacceptable in the proposal put forward
 by me and Simon (the two were pretty much identical).

As far as I'm concerned, the main problem with these proposals is that
the syntax they define is pretty much particular to the `Q:' field. So
we get a `-' here and a mandatory space delimiter there, and in another
field, once we get around to discussing it, maybe a magic squiggle here
and a couple of dots there if that looks nice and useful. Now that the
ABC standard seems about to be extended in all sorts of directions we
should instead be aiming for a consistent style of syntax that allows us
to express these extensions. For example if we accept the `key=value'
style of options in fields such as `K:' or `V:' then we should define
extensions of the `Q:' or `L:' fields in a similar fashion, for
consistency, instead of giving these fields their own syntax because in
the short term that seems to be the easier choice and sufficient for
`everything that is needed'. (This is incidentally why I would prefer
something like `L:1/8 grace=1/32' to `L:1/8 {1/32}' as proposed in
Ewan Macpherson's message, even though it may be wordier in the short
term.) Chances are that it won't be. I have also tried to illustrate how
this approach lets us easily introduce further extensions in the future
-- something that is difficult to do if more ad-hoc stuff is heaped upon
the layers of ad-hoc stuff introduced in earlier rounds of updates --
but that doesn't seem to have got through.

The other issue is one that I have expounded upon several times already,
namely that the ABC standard should as far as possible stick to
expressing musical content, and leave presentation issues like what kind
of ancillary ABC information is and isn't printed where and in what
style to individual ABC-processing software, which is where it belongs
and how most of this material (such as titles, guitar chords and the
like) is already being treated. This is a very important distinction,
and for a famous and spectacular example of getting this wrong look at
HTML after Netscape and Microsoft were through with it. I would hate to 
see the same thing happen to ABC.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think there is a world market for about five computers.
-- Thomas J. Watson, CEO, IBM Corporation, 1947

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Re: [abcusers] blasphemy! A separate project...?

2001-11-12 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I looked into my files, and found that the abc files I
 transcribed are a pile of about 3 MB (plain ASCII). Assuming that other
 peoples who are listed as large collections at the abc homepage also
 have big collections besides what is in the net right now we are talking
 of at least 60 MB of content (another approximation is to multiply the
 14000 titles of the www abc index with an single tune size of about 20KB
 makes 280.000 KB ).

I would say that much of this material is such that it can use the
current ABC definition till kingdom comes -- `Celtic' folk music and
other one-melody-line-plus-chords stuff. At least this applies to the
several megabytes of ABC-notated music on my machine. It seems that
therefore a great portion of that corpus will never have to be
translated into another representation.

If people do come up with a new notation that is better for multivoice
music, complicated classical scores etc. then by all means use that for
those kinds of music. I for one am quite happy with ABC the way it is
because it fits my requirements pretty much perfectly (with some
tweaking which could be made unnecessary without throwing all of ABC out
the window). Any completely-new notation had better be as simple as ABC
for my uses before I personally am going to jump ship.

Mind you, I'm all in favour of updating the ABC standard but not if new
functionality is invented wholesale. Let's try and bring the various
implementations together and build from there.

 So if an entirely new syntax appears how will this syntax interprete
 this pile ? what are your solutions?
 will you write an all plattform automatic conversion tool and is it sure
 that no part of thecontent gets lost in this process? 

I'm sure something could be worked out. A conversion tool doesn't
necessarily have to work on all platforms -- there could be a Web-based
conversion service for those who cannot or will not run, e.g., Perl
locally to convert their files.

Anyway, if a backwards-incompatible version of the ABC language (rather
than something entirely new and separate) is agreed upon then there
should be a way of tagging new-style files so that ABC processing
software can still work with both flavours without having to guess. We
could do it XML-style so that the first line of a file (or tune?) reads

  %%ABC version=2.0

(and this would also be the natural place to put `encoding=utf-8' and
such-like if desired).


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Re: what should be content of abc files, was: Re: [abcusers] something really simple

2001-11-12 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It is not trivial to
 tell where music ends and side information beginns. And as a transcriber
 of historical sources it is often very important to cover some side
 information within the exchangeable file, not just in the printed output
 (for file exchange). This non musical information  does influence the
 musicans output and therefore is in a way part of the music.
 Abc formatting would be worthless to transcribers if it is limited to
 pure audible phaenonenons. 

Nobody says that ABC should be limited to `pure audible phenomena'. We
do have repeat signs and so on which are not audible (at least not in a
direct sense). However we should not try to define the meaning of the
ABC notation in terms of playback and notation programs, but in terms of
the musical ideas which are being transported. Saying in the standard
that various bits of such-and-such a field must be displayed in
such-and-such a way is a bad idea -- it is much better to say that the
field *means* this-and-so in musical terms and leave it to the software
authors to figure out what to do with that piece of information. This
means that the information is all there in the file for anybody to look
at it, but that the authors of ABC processing software have maximum
flexibility to make use of it (or not). There is absolutely no need to
clutter up an ABC tune with special notation that says whether `1/4=120'
must be printed with a little quarter note or `1/4' or not at all, or to
the top left or bottom right of the music or whatever, when it is a lot
easier to put options like `PrintMetronomeMarking: true' in an ABC
notation program's format file, or `--print-metronome-marking' on the
command line, or a check box in an interactive dialog or whatever.

As far as your `side information' is concerned that should only show up 
in the exchangeable file, not in the printed output: The ABC does 
provide the notion of `comments', i.e., lines that start with a `%'.

 I understand that you are not interested in these aspects of music
 notation, and I can tell you that I am working hard that you will never
 come accross those features you do not need, simply do not use them and
 never read the readme file description on those features. I am very much
 concerned that simple abc remains simple but in the same time please
 accept that other people do expand features you never heard of and never
 will use. 

Please don't second-guess me. I'm quite interested in seeing the ABC
standard develop and improve, thank you very much. However we should try
and avoid the mistakes that others have made, such as deliberately
mixing presentation and content, and we should try to keep the notation
as simple as possible. This is why I am in favour of Jack's proposal for
tempo macros, and also why I like Phil Taylor's macro mechanism for
decorations much more than the idea of inventing two hundred little
special symbols within the ABC language just so the urtext of Bach's
inventions can be represented in ABC. I am not prepared to accept the
idea that the ABC language needs to be cluttered up, say, with magical
end-of-line comments that have special meanings in some header fields
just so something can be expressed which nobody really actually needs to
begin with.


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Re: [abcusers] something really simple

2001-11-12 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Q:n/n=n N/N=N andante 
 will playback n/n=n and display N/N=N andante
 so if a numeral tempo indicator is on the very beginning of such a
 string it must be written a second time for the display.
 If no tempo indicator should be displayed but a playback tempo set this
 can be done using a - after the numeral tempo indicator.

I think this is much too complicated. I'm still waiting for you (or
anybody) to explain why an ABC tune should contain one prescribed
explicit metronome speed for display and another, different, prescribed
explicit metronome speed for playback, and why this would be preferable
to letting users set their own playback speeds `ad hoc', external to the
ABC representation, with the ABC-provided speed as a (reasonable) default.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python is a truly wonderful language. When somebody comes up with a good idea
it takes about 1 minute and five lines to program something that almost does
what you want. Then it takes only an hour to extend the script to 300 lines,
after which it still does almost what you want.   -- Jack Jansen (1992)

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Re: [abcusers] something really simple

2001-11-12 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Laurie Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No!!  I am very much against this.  Although it may be convenient for
 writers of ABC it's horrid for readers.  It makles it even harder to extract
 a tune and the probability would be very high that we should find orphan
 bits of ABC floating round with macros used but not defined.

It's not as bad as all that. In the case of tempo specifications, a
player program could always fall back to a list of standard speeds (like
the ones given on a honest-to-goodness wind-up metronome) while
outputting a warning to its user that the tempo specification is
undefined. Notation programs are likely to output just the macro `name',
anyway (like `Allegro'), so it doesn't really matter whether there is a
speed associated with it or not.

The nice thing about Jack's original proposal (which the silly
discussion on `display' vs. `playback' speeds has managed to obscure
quite thoroughly) is that it abstracts musical information (like
`Allegro') from presentation issues and/or matters of taste/convention
(like `1/4=120'). If implemented, it would, among other things, make it
possible to control the tempo of a bunch of tunes without having to
change the `Q:' line for every single one, which I find quite appealing.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think there is a world market for about five computers.
-- Thomas J. Watson, CEO, IBM Corporation, 1947

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Re: [abcusers] something really simple

2001-11-12 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Lets say you are right, its completely impossible that someone needs

I'm not claiming that it is impossible for anybody to need this. But if
this is a sensible proposal then surely there must be an example of an
application that requires it? Obviously if there isn't an actual
requirement for this notation (other than `Simon says so') there is no
need to clutter up the standard with it.

 So why bother about its syntax if you cannot imagine someone may need it?

I do bother about the proposed syntax because I want the ABC standard to
stay as simple and straightforward as possible (while still being as
expressive as is reasonable). If this means we have to think more and
harder instead of catering for every whim at a moment's notice then

The counter-proposal stands:

  Q:1/4=120% [1] explicit tempo specification
  Q:1/4=120 note=Pretty quickly  % [2] explicit tempo with advisory note
  Q:Allegro% [3] symbolic tempo specification, metronome
   % speed (or range) defined elsewhere
  Q:Allegro note=Pretty quickly  % [4] symbolic tempo with advisory note
  Q:Allegro 1/4=120% [5] definition of symbolic tempo
  Q:Allegro 1/4=120-128% [6] definition of range

  and it is up to individual notation programs how they will display
  these bits of information, while player programs should default to
  the metronome speeds that are specified either explicitly in the tune
  or, in the case of symbolic tempo specifications, elsewhere, while
  giving users the chance to override the speed if they want.

  Suggestions for tempo display by notation programs:

  [1] .|=120
  [2] Pretty quickly - .|=120
  [3] Allegro
  Allegro - .|=120 % if desired, and if `Allegro' is defined accordingly
  [4] Allegro (Pretty quickly)
  Allegro (Pretty quickly) - .|=120
  [5] and [6] will not be displayed.

  Notation programs could also offer to display just metronome speeds or
  just advisory notes, or to suppress metronome speeds or advisory notes

The `note=...' construction may seem wordy but in fact it is
consistent with similar notation elsewhere in (de-facto) ABC such as the
`V:' and `K:' fields. This is a lot better than inventing ad-hoc syntax
for every single field, such as the `Q:n/n=n - Andante' proposal seen
earlier on. In fact at some point in the future it could allow us to say
something like

  ... some music ...
  Q:1/4=120 mode=accelerando
  ... more music ...
  ... even more music ...

to express a dynamic change of speed between two points in time. This
falls naturally out of the `key=value' syntax, while in your proposal
one would have to invent even more ad-hoc syntax on top of what is
already there to allow this.

 It is neccesary to encounter the edges of a choosen syntax to be able if
 it is stringent, search deeply for the worst cases it produces. This is
 how a syntax is developed. Every syntax has its dark corners and all we
 can do is turn the pockets around till we find the least important
 corner in our proposal to contain the blackest hole of our syntax. So
 here it is: Q:n/n=n N/N=N andante, dark and sinister but without any
 meaning in real life.

I disagree. To apply some wisdom that I think goes back to Antoine de
St. Exupéry, a common fallacy in language design is to consider a
language complete when there is nothing left to add. (This leads us to
abominations like C++.) In fact, a design is usually much better when
there is nothing left to take away (and it still does what it is
supposed to do). We don't need special syntax for every single ABC
header field when there is a general pattern that we can apply, like the
`key=value' convention outlined above.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers.
 -- Oscar Wilde, *An Ideal Husband*

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Re: [abcusers] RE: ABC transcrivers ID

2001-09-03 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think its quite clear that it is impossible to enforce whatever
 numbering scheme to all abc format users, so the only question is if we
 can find a solution that is based on an agreement of a large number of
 abc collection owners (and programmers) an so reasonable and open that
 others join it because they find the agreement sensible. 


 It could be something like the identification system in librarys,
 probably made up the same way (are there librarians out there ?).

I think the `tune/transcription ID' should be similar in spirit 
philosophically to the `message ID' found on e-mail messages and Usenet 
postings. That is, it shouldn't a priori try to `classify' the tune 
according to some set of criteria (which we will never be able to get 
a consensus on), but be merely a globally unique identifier.

My view would be that the most sensible approach for this would be using
URNs (or Uniform Resource Names), which are basically like WWW-style 
URLs but don't specify *where* a certain resource is to be found. For 
example, we could agree on a syntax like


like, for example,


There would have to be a registry for collections to ensure that the
collection names remain globally unique; of course a collection
 would not have to refer to an actual published volume of tunes, but we
could have


and so on, where each owner of a collection would be free to make up
their collection-dependent-parts (within the confines of URN syntax).
This could of course contain an informal classification.

The nice thing about this approach is that as URN usage becomes more
widespread there could be a `resolving service' accessible to WWW
browsers and such that would map abc-id URNs to actual URLs where the
resource (i.e., tune) could be found. Of course use of this would not be
mandatory; indeed it would not be mandatory for tunes to be actually
available on-line.

If this idea catches on we should try and get a URN namespace 
registered with the IANA.

 the main problem will still not be solved, that nobody can stop people
 from stripping off all this usefull information when copying the source.
 Besides this there is a big problem with altered files in general: If I
 change the apperance of the abc text - like I do it regulary - whose
 file is it then, if I correct or alter the abc text - the music - what
 happens then ? 

This is difficult to get right. There could be various transformations
of an ABC text that would change the bytes of the text but would leave
the musical contents as well as the `meta-data' (the title, composer and
so on) unchanged.

In my opinion, if somebody assigns an URN to a piece of ABC text that
means that he or she `signed off' on it as it stands, and that it should
be passed on either verbatim or without that URN. If a piece of ABC text
is changed then the URN of the `original' could be preserved in a header

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is
made of.   -- Benjamin Franklin

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Re: [abcusers] German H as an alternative to B

2001-08-30 Thread Anselm Lingnau

W.Dietz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 - Abc is intended to be a international language. Tune notations with H and 
 the German flag can not be understood by not-Germans. At least not by the 
 major part of those who aren't interested in german specialties. Abc is 
 already complex enough. Please no further confusions.
 - I guess a good part of the German-speaking musicians had to learn the 
 interational B anyway. At least when dealing with chords. Personally I 
 remember my Beatles song book.And provided you aren't playing weird jazz, 
 the meaning of a B chord (B or Bb) always gets obvious out of the cont  

I thoroughly agree with this. Allowing German-style note input in ABC
would be much more trouble than it is worth (IMHO). I can see the
problem about chords, but this is something that can easily be fixed
using a preprocessor (the chord extraction script that I posted some
time ago would probably be a starting point).

The ABC language is fragmented enough as it is. We should work towards
simplifying and standardizing things rather than inventing new

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think that's how Chicago got started. A bunch of people in New York said,
`Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn't cold enough.
Let's go west.' -- Richard Jeni

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Re: [abcusers] German H as an alternative to B

2001-08-30 Thread Anselm Lingnau

John Chambers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Well, I was wondering how long it would take for some  German  and/or
 Scandinavian  musicians to suggest this.  It didn't take long for one
 of each to speak up.  The point comes across far better  when  people
 from  that tradition call the H notation an error and idiocy.  When
 we outsiders criticise it, our criticism can easily be taken as  some
 sort of cultural chauvinism, but when insiders say the same thing, it
 becomes a lot harder to justify using such notation.

Actually I've been playing off English-style music notation (with `B' 
in place of `H') so much that I find it thoroughly disconcerting to 
actually encounter music that says `H'. In fact all the German SCD 
musicians I know use `B' for `H' in their own arrangements and 
compositions for the sake of consistency. I for one will not shed a 
single tear if ABC is kept completely `English' in that respect. In 
fact I'm strongly in favour of the idea.

I don't know where the `H' abomination came in but I'm quite happy to
call it an error and idiocy, for the record. I do have a German

 But it would be even better to take the opportunity to put a bit more
 pressure  to  eliminate this bad notation entirely.  A lot of Germans
 and Scandinavians would thank us.

Well, I don't think the ABC user community is quite ready yet to put
that kind of pressure on the music scene at large ... :^)

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but
saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
  -- Alexander Pope

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Re: [abcusers] abcmac - BarFly-style abc macro preprocessor in Perl

2001-08-15 Thread Anselm Lingnau

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Taylor) writes:

 I'm confused now. Suppose I had definitions for `Mn' and `Mn2'. What
 would happen (a) for `Mc' (b) for `Mc2' (c) for `Mc4' in the body of
 a tune? The interesting point is whether the `n' includes a length or
 (a) and (b) will expand, (c) will not, since there is no macro definition
 for that length. 'n' does not itself include the length, but the length
 (if any) is part of the target string.

So in (a) and (b) the replacement of `n' is `c', and any length 
specifications are taken from the right-hand side of the macro 
definition (the `target string', if I understand you correctly). This 
is what my current implementation does (phew).

 Actually, thinking about this some more, it would be possible to sort
 the macro definitions into order before expanding them, provided that
 you used a sort algorithm which is guaranteed not to change the order
 of elements which are the same size.  Since the list of macros to be
 expanded is never going to be very big you could just use a simple bubble

It's no problem simply to do the replacements in reverse order of 
occurrence. Actually it simplifies my code considerably. The sorting 
business came in because my very first version processed the 
replacements in order of occurrence (rather than reverse order), which 
obviously didn't work with Jack's example, which was all that I had to 
go on at the time. I didn't know about the reverse-order constraint 
until later, and I'm perfectly happy with it if you are.

As I said, the version on my web page does the reverse-order thing 

 Us Mac users don't have a lot of fun with perl.  Every
 time I try to use it I end up concluding that it would be quicker
 to write a program in C or Pascal to do the job.

Yes, but you Mac users have BarFly to begin with. I could have coded the
macro preprocessor in C (no Pascal, please ...) but it would have taken
me a lot longer than the two hours or so that I have spent on it so far.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The problem is the browser bosses spend way too long listening to the young
sprouts in suits in the marketing departments who can barely add 2+2 instead
of listening to real users. -- Peter Flynn, on math support in Web browsers

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Re: [abcusers] abcmac - BarFly-style abc macro preprocessor in Perl

2001-08-14 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Phil Taylor wrote:

 BarFly's macro processor does take lengths.  You have to write
 a separate macro for each length of note.  The reason for this
 is that an ornament which sounds right on a half note is often
 wrong on an eighth.

I'm confused now. Suppose I had definitions for `Mn' and `Mn2'. What 
would happen (a) for `Mc' (b) for `Mc2' (c) for `Mc4' in the body of
a tune? The interesting point is whether the `n' includes a length or 

 What the current Barfly version
 does when it encounters a macro on a note with an accidental is to place
 the accidental on the first ocurrence of the principal note in the
 expansion. [...]
 BarFly doesn't do this; rather it expands the macros in reverse order
 to the order in which the definitions are listed.

I've put a version of abcmac which is fixed in these two respects on my 
web page at `'.

 Maybe we can get abc2midi to process the Goldberg Variations?

We could try ...

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I
thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life -- so I became a scientist. This
is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls.-- M. Cartmill

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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-13 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Jack Campin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 One piece of file-context-dependence that I am likely to introduce on my
 site fairly soon is BarFly macros. [...] but there seems to be no
 interest as yet from the Unix camp.  I'd rather get the ABC right first
 and wait for the programmers to catch up.

We don't really have to wait for the programmers to catch up. If I
understand BarFly macros correctly, they're simply bits of text that get
replaced by other bits of text. If we're suitably desperate, writing a
simple preprocessor to do that shouldn't take more than a Perl
interpreter and a rainy afternoon, and it will basically macro-enable
all Unix-based abc tools at the cost of a minor inconvenience. The
programs themselves can be fixed in due course once the idea is firmly
established (and properly documented?).

If someone (Phil?) sends me a detailed description of what BarFly macros
do and how they are defined in BarFly abc files I'd be happy to give it
a try on the next rainy afternoon. (Right now it is sunny outside and
going on 30°C.) As of now I'm not really desperate but it looks like a
fun little project that might be useful to someone. And I'm always on 
the lookout for free beer when I'm travelling :^)

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Calm down.  It's only ones and zeros.   -- Sam Kass

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[abcusers] abcmac - BarFly-style abc macro preprocessor in Perl

2001-08-13 Thread Anselm Lingnau

All right, everybody, please forget the simple-minded piece of junk I
posted recently, which suffered from the delusion of being a BarFly
macro preprocessor. As far as I am concerned here comes the Real Thing,
based on Phil Taylor's description of BarFly macros (I hope it does
everything right). This works at least for Phil's examples (and Jack's
tune, too). Suggestions on how to improve the `transpose this note 5
steps up' code are welcome :^)

Please let me know if you find this useful, would like to see bug fixes,
changes and/or improvements, and so on. I'll give the program a more
permanent home on my web site if there is sufficient interest.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.
  -- P. J. O'Rourke

# abcmac -- Barfly-style macro preprocessor for ABC files.
# Copyright © 2001 Anselm Lingnau [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Use this as you
# like as long as you don't alter or remove this comment or pretend that
# you wrote it yourself.
# See for a description
# of BarFly macros.

use strict;

# This defines what a macro takes as an argument.
# Currently the argument is a note name (no length).
my $arg = q{[\^=_]?[A-Ga-g](,*|\'*)};

my $subst;
my (@m, @global_m);

my $xnotes = 'hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
my $n_pos = index($xnotes, 'n');
my @tnotes =
qw/C,,, D,,, E,,, F,,, G,,, A,,, B,,, C,,  D,,  E,,  F,,  G,,  A,,  B,,
   C,   D,   E,   F,   G,   A,   BCDEFGAB
   cdefgabc'   d'   e'   f'   g'   a'   b'
   c''  d''  e''  f''  g''  a''  b''  c''' d''' e''' f''' g''' a''' b'''/;
my ($i, $tnotes_max) = (0, scalar(@tnotes));
my %pos;
foreach (@tnotes) { $pos{$_} = $i++; };

# Transpose note `$base' according to the relative position of `$note'
# compared to `n' -- e.g., $base = 'A', $note = 'o' gives 'B'. Don't bother
# dealing with accidentals, since BarFly doesn't either.

sub transpose {
my ($base, $note) = @_;
my ($steps) = index($xnotes, $note) - $n_pos;
my ($new_note) = $pos{$base} + $steps;
die transposed note out of range
if $new_note  0 || $new_note = $tnotes_max;
return $tnotes[$new_note];

# Main loop.

my ($global) = 1;
while () {
if (/^([A-Za-z]):/) {   # header line
if ($1 eq 'm') {# macro definition
my $def = $_;
$def =~ s/\s*%.*$//;
if ($global) {  # Remember global macros separately
push @global_m, $def;
} else {
push @m, $def;
} elsif ($1 eq 'K') {   # last line in header
my @subst = ();
# Construct a sequence of expansion commands for the macros.
# Make sure to expand longer-named macros first, to avoid
# replacing `On' before `On/'
foreach my $macro (@m) {
my ($name, $value)
= $macro =~ /m:\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/;
my $name_len = length $name;
my $transposing;
if ($transposing = $name =~ s/n/($arg)/) {
$value =~ s/([h-z])/.transpose(\$1,'$1')./g;
$value = qq{$value};
push @subst, [$name_len,
} else {
push @subst, [$name_len, qq{s\x01$name\x01$value\x01g;\n}];
foreach my $s (sort { $$b[0] = $$a[0] } @subst) {
$subst .= $$s[1];
# print - x 72, \n, $subst, - x 72, \n;
} elsif ($1 eq 'X') {   # First tune starts here.
$global = 0;
print;  # This prints »m:« lines as well - should it?
} elsif (/^$/) {# End of tune; forget non-global macros
@m = @global_m;
} elsif (!/^%/) {   # non-comment line -- expand macros
my $out = '';
while (length $_) {
if (s/^(.*?)//) { # leave stuff in quotes alone
$out .= $1;
} else {# look for macro calls to preprocess
my $v;
for ($v = $1) { eval $subst; warn $@ if $@; $out .= $_; }
print $out, \n;
} else {

Re: [abcusers] linux only ?

2001-07-13 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Gianni Cunich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Given this, If I really wish to use a flexible, user friendly notation
 package, like Melody Assistant (another software I am satisfied I have
 registered) or the NoteWorthy Composer, that's the tune = one
 file. To store a whole tune book you have to use a typesetting
 package... yet, none of those currently avalable really supports the abc
 notation except for the all too limited original standard 

Too bad. I use abc2ps (which does support multivoice music, for example)
to create EPS files which I can include in my LaTeX documents just fine.
In fact, I'm typesetting Scottish country dance books which look every
bit as nice, if not nicer (if I say so myself) than most of what is on
the market. See

for an example (and yes, it would be possible to put all the ABC
notation for the tunes in that book in a single ABC file and typeset it
from there). I do keep every tune in its own file but even so this
approach is far superior to the point-and-click packages on the market,
since the music formatting is governed by a single parameter file which
is common to all the ABCs. If I do change parameters like the staff
width or distance, all I need to do is start a `make' run and go to the
kitchen for a drink. When I come back the whole book is re-done with the
new settings. I don't have to go through every single file by hand,
which is a great time-saver.

 Finally, yes again, Zel is only available for Windows. What a pity!
 Yet a number of abc related softwares are available for other platforms
 only, but nobody did seem to care about it so far...

Most of the important programs like abc2ps or abcMIDI can be gotten to 
run on most any platform that supports a C compiler. The worst that can 
happen to you is that you have to try and find somebody to compile the 
software for you.

 P.S: BTW, I was told that quality, and not quantity, is what actually
 matters... anybody wish to argue about the quantity of relevant/vital
 informations about the musical stuff uploaded on the web has got lost
 because of the quite_but_not_really_yet_updated abc standard compliance?
 Or, to say better, about what this means in terms of quality? There is
 hardly any sense in telling that a midi file is a rather poor exchange
 musical medium when what we have to compare with it doesn't even supply
 any universally agreed symbol for a mordent or a fermata!

ABC was originally intended for a type of music where mordents or
fermatas aren't usually notated at all, since every musician will put in
their own decorations anyway. It turns out that most of the music
available on the web in ABC format (which incidentally *is* rather a
lot, most of which is quite useful, thank you very much) is of that
genre, so not having any universally agreed symbols for those doesn't
really hurt the `quality' of the material all that much. This is of
course not to say that it wouldn't be nice to have agreement, but
apparently if it was a big important issue we would have standardised on
something long ago.

Incidentally, MIDI files are a lousy medium for exchanging notation
because among other things they don't have the notion of a bracketed
repeat, which again for the type of music ABC excels at representing
would be a major drawback. They may be nice for exchanging musical
arrangements that you can play on your synth if you never do intend to
go back to sheet music, but claiming that a text format geared towards
MIDI generation is better than one meant for representing sheet music is
comparing apples to oranges.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I sometimes wonder if Microsoft keeps beating this application-OS-lovefest
drum because they really have no idea how to write an OS API, so they just do
whatever their apps people ask for and call it one.   -- Peter da Silva

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Re: [abcusers] abc2ps under debian GNU/Linux

2001-07-13 Thread Anselm Lingnau


 I used it.  Thanks for the great package!  The only problem I had was
 the output was only for A4 paper, but my printer has letter paper.

This should be easy to fix with an appropriate format file. There are 
examples and explanations in /usr/share/doc/abc2ps.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. -- Aldous Huxley

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Re: [abcusers] abc2ps under debian GNU/Linux

2001-07-13 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Frank Nordberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I maintain the Debian abc2ps package
 Is there an URL I should have added to the abc applications database here?

I don't know. Debian GNU/Linux users will find it on their CDs or in the
obvious places on the Debian net servers (and if you're online and have
your system set up correctly `apt-get install abc2ps' is all you're
going to have to say to obtain the current version), and the package is
probably not much use to others.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, a mere working mason; if
he possesses some knowledge of these, he may venture to call himself an
architect. -- Sir Walter Scott, *Guy Mannering*

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Re: [abcusers] abc2ps under debian GNU/Linux

2001-07-12 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Nathan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Has anyone been able to get abc2ps working under debian? I had it working 
 fine under redhat 7, but I am trying to switch to debian, and it appears to 
 be producing bad pdf files.

Have you tried the abc2ps package which is part of the Debian GNU/Linux 
distribution, or have you compiled your own source code? I maintain the 
Debian abc2ps package and would be interested in working with you to 
get any bugs in that package ironed out.

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Portability is for people who cannot write new programs :-)   -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [abcusers] Useful mistakes

2001-01-26 Thread Anselm Lingnau

John Chambers  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So what we maybe need in the new standard is a clear statement that
 P: may be used to apply arbitrary text to major sections of the
 music.  The P: text is to be put at the left edge of the page by
 formatters (and presumably ignored by most other software, though
 players might display it as the section is played).

I'm with you on this, John (SCD musicians unite!). Please could the P:
purists suggest another way of putting tune titles in a medley if they
don't want us to use P:.

Anselm Lingnau . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I sometimes wonder if Microsoft keeps beating this application-OS-lovefest
drum because they really have no idea how to write an OS API, so they just do
whatever their apps people ask for and call it one.   -- Peter da Silva
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Re: [abcusers] validation the ABC corpus

2001-01-23 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Richard L Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is anyone aware of any abc collections of tunes used for
 International Folk Dancing?

John Chambers has a fair amount of stuff on his site but you have to
piece it together for yourself.

Anselm Lingnau . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And the fact is, all computer languages are imperative underneath. Some just
hide it better than others.  Computers are not yet smart enough to admire a
good definition.  -- Larry Wall
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Re: [abcusers] Modes, democracy and benevolent(?) dictatorship

2000-10-18 Thread Anselm Lingnau


 Of course, this does run contrary to the other common approach, which
 might  be  summarized  "If  the ABC has even a tiny error, you should
 reject it, lest people be encouraged to keep making errors."

The consequence of this is to support a »loose mode« as well as a
»picky mode«. You use loose mode for stuff that comes in from
elsewhere that doesn't pass in picky mode, and picky mode for stuff
that you are going to send out that you want to be 100% conforming to
the standard (or whatever).

Anselm Lingnau . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to
teenage boys. -- P. J. O'Rourke
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Re: [abcusers] Software for extracting chords

2000-09-21 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Frank Nordberg  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only thing Robert asked for that this seems to be missing, is the |
 – | notation for bars without a chord symbol, and if you ask me that's
 just as well.

This is actually in there but the source file doesn't trigger it. Try
removing a chord from a single-chord bar and you should see it. If I
were making this into a real program I would probably put in an option
to control whether it is done.

 Ar you going to make this available on the web btw?

I don't think it is all that exciting but I might. If anybody else
wants to adopt this feel free -- it's only a 15-minute hack after all.

Anselm Lingnau . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Listen, appliance manufacturers: We don't NEED a dishwasher that we can
communicate with from afar. If you want to improve our dishwashers, give us one
that senses when people leave dirty dishes on the kitchen counter, and shouts
YOUR SHOES!"   -- Dave Barry, *In a battle of wits with kitchen appliances*
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