NDS on WIN2000

2001-05-15 Thread Christoph Pilgram

Hy all,

we have installed a NDS 8 on a WIN2000 Machine. Does anybody has experience
in backing up such a system (in a consistant manner).

Thanks for help


Backing up Windows Terminal Server

2001-05-15 Thread Gibb, Malcolm

This is more a research question than anything else.

I'm looking to install the Tivoli Backup Archive Client software on Windows
Terminal Server 4.0 SP6 and just wondered if there is anything I should
know.  As in DON'T, it doesn't work, I don't think I'll get an answer back
like that.  I'm just trying to be proactive and find out about potential

Cheers All

Malcolm Gibb

Re: Antw:

2001-05-15 Thread Tom Tann{s

Just one more note on this...

I ran one last test this morning.
Instead of just changing the start-time of the schedule, this time I
deleted it from the server.

Client (SUMO):
05/15/2001 11:40:37.0635 : session.c (1525): sessRecvVerb(): length=000c, verb=11, 
05/15/2001 11:40:37.0635 : session.c (1612):   Length:12 Code: 0011 Type:
- AuthResult
05/15/2001 11:40:37.0636 : cusched.c ( 290): SendStartOp: Sending a CSStartOpVerb, 
node: 'SUMO'
05/15/2001 11:40:37.0637 : cusched.c ( 291):  scheduleName: 'TEST_2', 
startDateToken: 05/15/2001 11:40:00
05/15/2001 11:40:37.0637 : session.c (1696): Send Verb: Length:29 Code: 0022 
Type: CSStartOp
05/15/2001 11:40:37.0637 : session.c (1722): -
05/15/2001 11:40:37.0637 : session.c (1494): Recv Verb:
05/15/2001 11:44:50.0216 : session.c (1513): ...error-1
05/15/2001 11:44:50.0216 : session.c (1515): sessRecvVerb: Error -50 from call to 


010515-114037:  ANR0406I Session 1273 started for node SUMO (AIX) (Tcp/Ip
010515-114037:  ANRD pkthread.c(513): Run-time assertion failed: 
010515-114037:  Thread 100, File tmtxn.c, Line 833.
010515-114037:  ANR7838S Server operation terminated.
010515-114037:  ANR7837S Internal error TMTXN008 detected.
010515-114037:  ANR7834S Thread 100 (tid 6409) terminating on signal 11 (Segmentation 
010515-114037:  ANR7834S GPR  0: 0xd0018f00,   1: 0x5c2a5ed0,   2: 0x301976a0,   3: 
010515-114037:  ANR7834S GPR  4: 0x5c2a72e8,   5: 0x0008,   6: 0x0003,   7: 
010515-114037:  ANR7834S GPR  8: 0x1000a817,   9: 0x1000a817,  10: 0xf0347e24,

On Mon, 14 May 2001, Tom Tann{s wrote:

 Guess I'll submit an APAR tomorrow.
 Did just run a trace on a client, and, as I thougt, the server sends wrong
 information to the client.

 05/14/2001 16:52:34.0790 : cusched.c ( 290): SendStartOp: Sending a CSStartOpVerb, 
node: 'SUMO'
 05/14/2001 16:52:34.0790 : cusched.c ( 291):  scheduleName: 'TEST_2', 
startDateToken: 05/14/2001 16:48:00
 05/14/2001 16:52:34.0790 : session.c (1696): Send Verb: Length:29 Code: 0022 
Type: CSStartOp

 At 16:46 the schedule's startup-time was changed to 05/15/2001 16:48:00.

 Anyway, thanks for suggestions.

 On Mon, 14 May 2001, Michael Donabauer wrote:

  Level   upgrade
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 14.05.2001  02.23 Uhr 
  Whith server-level 3.7 and earlier, if a client-scheduler was scheduled to
  do something whithin its queryschedperiod, and the schedule on the server
  in the meantime was changed to run at a later time, the client scheduler
  would report a ANS1814E and rescheduled itself.
  I just upgraded to 4.1.3, and in this case, the client runs the original
  scheduled task, just as if nothing was changed at the server.
  Is this another case of buffers not cleared/updated on the server?
  Anyone else seen this behaviour?

Upgrade: ADSM 3.1 to TSM 4.1 Peripheral Software Pre-req Level s

2001-05-15 Thread Donald Train
Title: Upgrade: ADSM 3.1 to  TSM 4.1  Peripheral Software Pre-req Levels

Hi, getting a consolidated view

We are currently faced with the following upgrade situation. 

Very little RD info is available re the ADSMConnect Clients and TDP clients ito of backward compatibility issues. I.e having to restore backups from the ADSMConnect backup levels with the TDP clients, co-existence matters, install preservation, etc.. 

Being unsupported product levels now does not help in getting official statements/documentation from IBM/Tivoli on the matter. 

The question is whether anyone in the field does have any one similar config working/not working/working with problems/had to backout, etc.. If you would be so kind and let me have the input re this situation at your site. 

The ADSM / TSM upgrade part is not in particular seen as a problem. Yet any showstopper info/pointers/references will also be welcomed.

Server: ADSM to TSM 4.1.3.x server 




 ADSMConnect for Oracle (Unsupported)
 AIX 4.2.1 (Unsupported)
 The platform used is Oracle certified (i.e correct levels of software, etc.)


 TDP for Oracle 2.2.1
 Oracle (Oracle 7.3.4 is shown in the TDP for Oracle booklet...I take it is ok!)
 AIX 4.2.1 (AIX 4.3.1 is listed as the requirement...is this for realor only because 4.2.1 is not supported anymore?)

 TSM API 3.7.2 (is a higher level API supported ..ie. was this the latest level API available at the time of publication? ) 

1) Is this target system possible?
2) Can I see, restore and manage the old system's Oracle backups with the new system?
3) Can I use the same EBUCAT as the old system?


Client 2: 


 ADSMConnect for Oracle 2.2.1 (Unsupported)
 Oracle 8.06 
 AIX 4.3.2
 RMAN (shared backcat with other RMAN clients)
 TDP for Oracle 2.2.1 
 Oracle 8.06 (not shown in TDP for Oracle booklet...only Oracle 8.0.5 and 8.1.5)
 AIX 4.3.2 
 TSM API 3.7.2 (is a higher level API supported ..ie. was this the latest level API available at the time of publication? ) 

 RMAN (shared backcat with other RMAN clients)

1) Is this target system possible?
2) Can I see, restore and manage the old system's Oracle backups with the new system?
3) Can I use the same shared backcat as the old system?


Client 3: 


 ADSMConnect for Oracle 2.2.1 (Unsupported)
 AIX 4.3.2
 RMAN (shared backcat with other RMAN clients)


 TDP for Oracle 2.2.1 (Unsupported)
 Oracle (not shown in TDP for Oracle booklet)
 AIX 4.3.2
 TSM API 3.7.2 (is a higher level API supported ..ie. was this the latest level API available at the time of publication? ) 

 RMAN (shared backcat with other RMAN clients)

1) Is this target system possible?
2) Can I see, restore and manage the old system's Oracle backups with the new system?
3) Can I use the same shared backcat as the old system?

Client 4: 


 ADSMConnect for MS Exchange (Unsupported)
 TDP for MS Exchange V2.2 (to replace ADSMConnect agent...TDP V1 matters vs TDP 2.2 do they count here)

 TSM 3.7.x Backup/Archive Client (for scheduling)

1) Is this target system possible?
2) Can I see, restore and manage the old system's MS Exchange backups with the new system? Albeit running ADSMconnect Agent as with TDP V1 requirements

Many thanks for your help and input


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for which permission was not granted.

Hardware Compression ?

2001-05-15 Thread Michel David

Hi everybody.

Our system QUALSTAR AIT1 and AIT2
TSM 3.7.4
NT4.0 Server SP6

Is there a possibility to make a HARDWARE Server-Side
Compression, is there any option for this (dsmserv.opt

Thank you very much

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Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

AIT1 AIT2 Perfomance Prob

2001-05-15 Thread Michel David

Hi everybody
We use QUALSTAR lib, with SONY drive SCSI connection
TSM 3.7.4
I got for copy from TAPE to TAPE (Backup)
- for AIT2 1.70 Mb/sec
- for AIT1 2.48 Mb/sec
THEY (Sony) say that we have to get

AIT1 : 12 MB/s, compressed
AIT2 : 16 MB/s, compressed

This is for one server the 'q system' (AIT1 machine_
*** --- Q STATUS

Storage Management Server for Windows NT - Version 3,
Release 7, Level 4.0

Server Name: SRVTST-04
 Server host name or IP address:
  Server TCP/IP port number:
 Server URL:
Crossdefine: Off
Server Password Set: No
  Server Installation Date/Time:
11/23/2000 12:55:56
   Server Restart Date/Time:
05/10/2001 12:28:02
 Authentication: On
 Password Expiration Period: 9,999
  Invalid Sign-on Attempt Limit: 0
Minimum Password Length: 0
WEB Admin Authentication Time-out (minutes): 9,999
   Registration: Closed
   Availability: Enabled
 Accounting: Off
  Activity Log Retention Period: 12 Day(s)
  Activity Summary Retention Period: 30 Day(s)
   License Audit Period: 30 Day(s)
 Last License Audit:
04/23/2001 19:34:59
  Server License Compliance: Valid
  Central Scheduler: Active
   Maximum Sessions: 25
 Maximum Scheduled Sessions: 12
  Event Record Retention Period: 10 Day(s)
 Client Action Duration: 5 Day(s)
  Schedule Randomization Percentage: 50
  Query Schedule Period: 6 Hour(s)
Maximum Command Retries: 10
   Retry Period: 5
   Scheduling Modes: Any
   Log Mode: Normal
Database Backup Trigger: Not
BufPoolSize: 2,048 K
   Active Receivers: CONSOLE
 Configuration manager?: Off
   Refresh interval: 60
 Last refresh date/time:

*** --- Q OPTION

Server Option  Option SettingServer Option
 Option Setting
BufPoolSize2048  LogPoolSize
DateFormat 1 (mm/dd/)TimeFormat
 1 (hh:mm:ss)
NumberFormat   1 (1,000.00)  MessageFormat
Language   AMENG MaxSessions
EventServerLoggi-  Yes   MirrorRead DB

MirrorRead LOG NormalMirrorWrite
DB Sequential
MirrorWrite LOGParallel  VolumeHistory
Devconfig  devcnfg.out   TxnGroupMax
MoveBatchSize  40
MoveSizeThresh 500
StatusMsgCnt   1
UseLargeBuffersYes   DisableScheds
NOBUFPREfetch  NoAuditStorage
REQSYSauthoutfile  Yes

DBPAGESHADOWFile   dbpgshdw.bdt  QueryAuth
LogWarnFullPerCe-  90
ThroughPutDataTh-  0
 nt   reshold

ThroughPutTimeTh-  0 NOPREEMPT
 ( No )

DriveAcquireRetry  Forever
MountPointTimeout  30
NPBUFfersize   8192  TcpPort
TCPWindowsize  64512 TCPNoDelay
HttpPort   1580  HttpsPort
IPXSocket  8522
NetbiosBufferSize  32768
IPXProtocolSPXII NamedPipeName
CommMethod TCPIP CommMethod
CommMethod HTTP  Message
Interval   1
FileExit FileTextExit

UserExit MaxMemory
AcsAccessId  AcsTimeoutX
AcsLockDrive   NoAcsQuickInit

Re: replace hard disk

2001-05-15 Thread Richard Sims

Disk2 is mounted as /u01 and contains the TSM db and log. disk3 is
mounted as /u02 and contains dbcopy and logcopy of what are on disk1. Disk3
is mounted as /u03 and acts as a storage pool. The drive having problem is
disk2. What is the procedure of replacing the drive? Can I assume that by
shutting down TSM, umounting /u01, replacing the drive, creating logic
volume and fite system, mounting /u01, and starting TSM, the TSM server will
automatically regenerate what were on /u01 using dbcopy and logcopy on /u02?

Given that you're using TSM mirroring and hot-swap disk, you should not have
to shut down your server to recover. See the Admin Guide, chapter 21 topic
Restoring Your Server Using Mirrored Volumes - which is actually mistitled,
as it's for recovering from the failure of a mirrored volume while the server
continues running.  That is, a failure of a mirrored volume will likely cause
the mirror to break, meaning that you'll be running with a single image.
You prep a replacement volume and then Vary it online to resume mirrored

   Richard Sims, BU

Re: AIX Question

2001-05-15 Thread Richard Sims

How do you redirect error report resource names to a shell script.  I have a
shell script that will send emails on resource names from the errpt but I
don't know how to pass those resource names to the shell script.

Richard - I'm not completely clear on what you're after, but you can surely
  do something like 'errpt -a | awk ...' to process the current
contents of the AIX Error Log.  Access can be a lot more sophisticated as
well: I have a sample C program which illustrates how to directly report
from the Error Log, which I needed to figure out for a component for an
AIX system monitoring facility I wrote.  If interested, email me directly
and I'll send you a copy.

  Richard Sims, BU

Re: Japanese Filenames

2001-05-15 Thread MIKE HANLEY

We also have a similar situation at my company.  Since we can not dedicate
a server specifically for Japanese files, we did set up a specific
directory on one of the servers for the Japanese.  This directory is then
zipped and the zipped file is backed up during our normal processing.

Andrew Webster [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 05/14/2001
11:03:14 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: Japanese Filenames

Hi Paul,

 Has any body had any experience of this in this type of environment?

Unfortunately YES.

TSM won't backup Japanese filenames unless you run the client on a Japanese
NT server. Adding the Japanese codepage to a UK build won't work.

TSM will backup Japanese filenames most of the time, but occassionally dies
a horrible death on certain filenames. With lots of people with lots of
Japanese filenames, the client will fail more than it suceeeds.

USEUNICODEFILENAMES is suppose to be used with Macintosh files, any other
use is convenently unsupported by Tivoli.

You need to do your restores, with the same USEUNICODEFILENAMES setting
that was done with the Backup. As you've found.

Under Japanese NT, all filenames with show up in Japanese characters in
GUI. The same can't be said about the WEB GUI.

Tivoli support (especially, the Japanese end) are no help whatsoever. As a
company, Tivoli seem to have no concept that people do business in multiple
languages, and as a backup product Tivoli need to support it. Recents
failures, where the NT server product failed as soon as you run it under
Japanese, German etc.. bears testiment to the fact, Tivoli aren't even
testing their products under different languages.

I'll get off my soap box now 

The only way out of it, is to build a dedicated Japanese NT server, and
back everything up remotely with multiple schedules. The one I set up Tokyo
was running 12 backup schedules (that 12 NT services). You need a big box
though, preferable with GigE links to whatever you are going to backup. CPU
power is also an issue, I had to upgrade from a Dual to a Quad processor to
get the backups completed overnight.

You'll also have to do your restores from there as well, so need a Remote
Console/Control utility to get to the box and not many of them will let you
control a Japanese PC from an English workstation.


Andrew Webster
TSM/Storage Consultant
Deutsche Bank, Australia

Office : +61 3 9270-4229
Mobile : +61 (0) 40999 6515
Fax: +61 3 9270-4144


enixsm.com To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
14/05/2001 Subject: Japanese Filenames
11:32 PM
Please respond

Hi all,

We are running an NT environment using version 4 TSM client and server code
to back up all our data.  On our file and print server we have a lots of
Japanese filenames.  We have installed our NT servers as UK operating
systems, but have installed the Japanese code page to facilitate the use of
Japanese filenames.

When we use TSM gui to back up these filenames they are displayed as
files.  We have tried turning on USEUNICODEFILENAMES in the client option
file, and all these seems to do is instead of the filenames being invalid
they appear as question marks.

Has any body had any experience of this in this type of environment?

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Phoenix IT Group Limited is registered in England and Wales under company
number 3476115.  Registered Office: Technology House, Hunsbury Hill Avenue,
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Re: replace hard disk

2001-05-15 Thread Jeff Bach

I would remove the disk drive from ADSM, remove from the volume group,
remove the pdisk, replace the drive run cfgmgr to recreate the pdisk, add
the disk to the volume group, configure the drive on the LVM level, and add
to ADSM.

Jeff Bach
Home Office Open Systems Engineering
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.


-Original Message-
From:   Richard Sims [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, May 15, 2001 6:49 AM
Subject:Re: replace hard disk

Disk2 is mounted as /u01 and contains the TSM db and log. disk3
mounted as /u02 and contains dbcopy and logcopy of what are on
disk1. Disk3
is mounted as /u03 and acts as a storage pool. The drive having
problem is
disk2. What is the procedure of replacing the drive? Can I assume
that by
shutting down TSM, umounting /u01, replacing the drive, creating
volume and fite system, mounting /u01, and starting TSM, the TSM
server will
automatically regenerate what were on /u01 using dbcopy and logcopy
on /u02?

Given that you're using TSM mirroring and hot-swap disk, you should
not have
to shut down your server to recover. See the Admin Guide, chapter 21
Restoring Your Server Using Mirrored Volumes - which is actually
as it's for recovering from the failure of a mirrored volume while
the server
continues running.  That is, a failure of a mirrored volume will
likely cause
the mirror to break, meaning that you'll be running with a single
You prep a replacement volume and then Vary it online to resume

   Richard Sims, BU

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
and intended solely for the individual or entity to
whom they are addressed.  If you have received this email
in error destroy it immediately.

Re: Hardware Compression ?

2001-05-15 Thread Richard Sims

Our system QUALSTAR AIT1 and AIT2
Is there a possibility to make a HARDWARE Server-Side
Compression, is there any option for this (dsmserv.opt

TSM use of compression on tape drives is governed by your Devclass
specification, in this case FORMAT=AITC.
  Richard Sims, BU

LTO 3583 drive cleaning

2001-05-15 Thread Hrouda Tom

Hi all, 

please let me advice, if anyone has some experience with automate drive
cleaning in TSM 4.1. in 3583 library. In 3583 user guide is written, that is
desirable clean the drive only if drive recognize it itself (on display
appears special symbol).
1. Does 3583 make some notification to TSM server, that drive clean is
2. Take TSM some automatic action, if cleaning cartridge is present in
library (in inventory)?
3. Is that action notified in actlog (which message)?


Tom Hrouda, AGCOM Smiice
Tivoli Certified Consultant
Storage Manager Specialist
+420 49 5941312, +420 604 296521

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Re: Japanese Filenames

2001-05-15 Thread Nick Rutherford

We also have a large number of Japanese users to manage. Unfortunatly we have
Japanese  English files scattered over our file servers which run on English NT
Servers. We then have another Japanese NT Box that runs our TSM client. This
Japanese Client Nt connects to numerous NT Shares on the file servers for backup
 archive. This tends to work well for us.

The biggest problem I have is that the error  schedule logs are also written in
Japanese so I can't understand a word they say !


MIKE HANLEY [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 15/05/2001 13:23:54

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 cc:  (bcc: Nick Rutherford/HUM/EU/HONDA)

 Subject: Re: Japanese Filenames

We also have a similar situation at my company.  Since we can not dedicate
a server specifically for Japanese files, we did set up a specific
directory on one of the servers for the Japanese.  This directory is then
zipped and the zipped file is backed up during our normal processing.

Andrew Webster [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 05/14/2001
11:03:14 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: Japanese Filenames

Hi Paul,

 Has any body had any experience of this in this type of environment?

Unfortunately YES.

TSM won't backup Japanese filenames unless you run the client on a Japanese
NT server. Adding the Japanese codepage to a UK build won't work.

TSM will backup Japanese filenames most of the time, but occassionally dies
a horrible death on certain filenames. With lots of people with lots of
Japanese filenames, the client will fail more than it suceeeds.

USEUNICODEFILENAMES is suppose to be used with Macintosh files, any other
use is convenently unsupported by Tivoli.

You need to do your restores, with the same USEUNICODEFILENAMES setting
that was done with the Backup. As you've found.

Under Japanese NT, all filenames with show up in Japanese characters in
GUI. The same can't be said about the WEB GUI.

Tivoli support (especially, the Japanese end) are no help whatsoever. As a
company, Tivoli seem to have no concept that people do business in multiple
languages, and as a backup product Tivoli need to support it. Recents
failures, where the NT server product failed as soon as you run it under
Japanese, German etc.. bears testiment to the fact, Tivoli aren't even
testing their products under different languages.

I'll get off my soap box now 

The only way out of it, is to build a dedicated Japanese NT server, and
back everything up remotely with multiple schedules. The one I set up Tokyo
was running 12 backup schedules (that 12 NT services). You need a big box
though, preferable with GigE links to whatever you are going to backup. CPU
power is also an issue, I had to upgrade from a Dual to a Quad processor to
get the backups completed overnight.

You'll also have to do your restores from there as well, so need a Remote
Console/Control utility to get to the box and not many of them will let you
control a Japanese PC from an English workstation.


Andrew Webster
TSM/Storage Consultant
Deutsche Bank, Australia

Office : +61 3 9270-4229
Mobile : +61 (0) 40999 6515
Fax: +61 3 9270-4144


enixsm.com To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
14/05/2001 Subject: Japanese Filenames
11:32 PM
Please respond

Hi all,

We are running an NT environment using version 4 TSM client and server code
to back up all our data.  On our file and print server we have a lots of
Japanese filenames.  We have installed our NT servers as UK operating
systems, but have installed the Japanese code page to facilitate the use of
Japanese filenames.

When we use TSM gui to back up these filenames they are displayed as
files.  We have tried turning on USEUNICODEFILENAMES in the client option
file, and all these seems to do is instead of the filenames being invalid
they appear as question marks.

Has any body had any experience of this in this type of environment?

**Internet Email Confidentiality Footer***

Phoenix IT Group Limited is registered in England and Wales under company
number 3476115.  Registered Office: Technology House, Hunsbury Hill Avenue,
Northampton, NN4 8QS

Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not
relate to the official business of our firm shall be understood as neither
given nor endorsed by it.

No contracts may be concluded on behalf of our firm by means of email

Confidentiality: Confidential information may be contained 

Re: Japanese Filenames

2001-05-15 Thread Andy Raibeck

 TSM won't backup Japanese filenames unless you
 run the client on a Japanese NT server. Adding
 the Japanese codepage to a UK build won't work.

 TSM will backup Japanese filenames most of the
 time, but occassionally dies a horrible death
 on certain filenames. With lots of people with
 lots of Japanese filenames, the client will fail
 more than it suceeeds.

 USEUNICODEFILENAMES is suppose to be used with
 Macintosh files, any other use is convenently
 unsupported by Tivoli.

This is not a matter of convenience. USEUNICODEFILENAMES
was *never* intended to provide the support you are seeking.
It's purpose is strictly for support of Macintosh volumes on
NTFS file systems (granted, though, the option would have
been better named ENABLEMACFILESUPPORT, or something along
those lines).

 Tivoli support (especially, the Japanese end) are
 no help whatsoever. As a company, Tivoli seem to
 have no concept that people do business in multiple
 languages, and as a backup product Tivoli need to
 support it. Recents failures, where the NT server
 product failed as soon as you run it under Japanese,
 German etc.. bears testiment to the fact, Tivoli
 aren't even testing their products under different

IBM/Tivoli fully understands the need for a global perspective,
as we are a global company doing business all over the world.
Please do not equate language support issues with have no
concept that people do business in multiple languages. This is
just not true.

Agreed, the recent problems we have had with non-English
character sets do not instill the greatest confidence in
our NLS support. However, we do in fact have a large number
of resources dedicated to NLS support, translation, and
testing, and we are continuously working to improve our
processes to (among other things) eliminate the kinds of
problems you mention. Yes, we have stumbled in this arena,
especially recently, but we have also made every effort to
respond to the problems in as timely a fashion as possible,
because we *do* understand the need for this support.

Regarding support for file names comprised of characters from
different character sets (i.e. Japanese file names on English
systems), this is a long-standing requirement. It isn't here
yet because we are ignoring it; rather, the implementation is
not trivial. But it is something that we are actively working
on and hope to deliver this year. (Standard caveat: this does
not constitute a formal announcement or commitment.)



Andy Raibeck
IBM Tivoli Systems
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend

Re: TSM Client/AIX/Sybase paging space problem

2001-05-15 Thread David Longo

I'm doing further checks.  I decided to eliminate the SQL Backtrack and therefore 
turned off this backup and rebooted.  With only FS Incremental running, still had 
paging space increase - but it also increased before the back as well as during.!

This seems to be a slippery animal!  I will probably disable backups and some other 
on/off/on stuff with a cron job or two.  I am more inclined to have our DBA open a 
ticket with Sybase, but I will gather more info before I do.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/14/01 01:26PM 
I've seen some weird problems with paging space getting used
up on some of our AIX 4.3.3 systems running Sybase 12 and
dsmc as well.

I'm out of the office today, but will try to check into the
details when I'm back in the office.

Could you please send either the list, or me, info on what you
find? I'll send you anything I find.

(My first thought would be to see if running the backups from
an external scheduler does. I wonder if the resident/paging
size of dsmc sched increases over time.)

Thanks, [RC]

On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 09:43:11AM -0400, David Longo wrote:
 We have a new installation that has problems in that paging space continues to grow 
until it hits 100% over about 8-10 days.  Having setup a cron job on AIX that logs 
paging every 5 minutes, I determined that essentially the only time paging space 
increases is when backups are running.  We reboot to clear problem.

 TSM Server is on AIX 4.3.3

 Client is:
 IBM RS/6000 Silver SP node w 2x 332 MHz processors and 1GB RAM and 1GB paging space. 
 (Node is standalone and not fenced.)
 AIX 4.3.3. Maint Level 7
 Sybase ASE (Using raw logical volumes  for db - vendor insisted on this)
 SQL Backtrack 4.5.00 with OBSI module 2.5.00
 TSM Client

 The paging space will jump up about 4 -8 % per day.  I do SQLBT backup of database 
at 12:15 am and regular FS incremental at 2:15 am.  Paging space incresases when each 
backup starts and does not go down.

 I saw info on Tivoli site that TSM client (which I was using) had memory 
leak problems on NT and possibly other platforms, so I downloaded what I saw as 
latest AIX version, and installed - no change.
 I have on other AIX and NT boxes with no problems.

 We had ML 6 of AIX on and was happening with it too, upgraded to ML 7 for other 
reasons and no change.

 This is a new install, users not on system yet, Database is getting info from 
another system and apps are being developed to generate reports from this DB.

 Last night I disabled both backups and NO PAGING SPACE increase occured.
 One other bit of info (maybe confusing).  Using the svmon command, it seems to 
indicate that Sybase is the user of the growing paging space!

 Any ideas folks?  It is not obvious to me how a regular FS incremental can cause 
Sybase to use additional paging space.

 If no one has a solution I will open a ticket with Tivioli to start with and then 
proceed down the line one vendor at a time.

 Thanks for your head scratching,

 David B. Longo
 System Administrator
 Health First, Inc.
 3300 Fiske Blvd.
 Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
 PH  321.434.5536
 Pager  321.634.8230

 MMS health-first.org made the following
  annotations on 05/11/01 09:44:40
 This message is for the named person's use only.  It may contain confidential, 
proprietary, or legally privileged information.  No confidentiality or privilege is 
waived or lost by any mistransmission.  If you receive this message in error, please 
immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies 
of it, and notify the sender.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, 
distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended 
recipient.  Health First reserves the right to monitor all e-mail communications 
through its networks.  Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely 
those of the individual sender, except (1) where the message states such views or 
opinions are on behalf of a particular entity;  and (2) the sender is authorized by 
the entity to give such views or opinions.


MMS health-first.org made the following
 annotations on 05/15/01 10:23:46
This message is for the named person's use only.  It may contain confidential, 
proprietary, or legally privileged information.  No confidentiality or privilege is 
waived or lost by any mistransmission.  If you receive this message in error, please 
immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any 

DB2 6.1 TSM 4.1 SQL2062N 406 Errors attempting to backup

2001-05-15 Thread MORGAN TONY

Hi *SMers,

I am trying to set up a DB2 backup using the internal ADSM API

But It fails with ...

SQL2062N  An error occured while accessing media
Reason code: 406

The file mentioned exists

The variables DSMI_DIR, DSMI_CONFIG and DSMI_LOG all point to c:\Program

I have run dsmapipw to set the password.

My DSM.opt looks like...

NODENAME   db2server
* tuning parameters *
TXNBYTElimit  2097152
LARGECOMmbuffers   NO
Compression   YES
Compressalways YES
Quiet  NO
*  Common NT Exclusions - Applies to all nodes
*next line added for testing purposes only*
EXCLUDE *:\...\*.DLL
EXCLUDE *:\...\pagefile.sys
EXCLUDE *:\winnt\profiles\...\*
EXCLUDE *:\...\ntuser.dat
EXCLUDE *:\...\ntuser.dat.log
EXCLUDE *:\...\*.tmp
EXCLUDE *:\...\*.dmp
EXCLUDE *:\temp\*
EXCLUDE *:\temp\...\*
Exclude D:\db2\...\*.*

Any help would be appreciated as always.

On ADSM.ORG I found the same question, but no viable responses...

Many Thanks for you Attention

Tony Morgan

Re: Backing up Windows Terminal Server

2001-05-15 Thread France, Don G (Pace)

We're doing several Citrix servers on NT4 and Win2K, no special problem
except to run install under the special app-install mode (change user
/install for install, then change user /execute for normal operation).

Don France

Technical Architect - Unix Engineering/P.A.C.E.
San Jose, CA
PACE - http://www.pacepros.com
Bus-Ph:   (408) 257-3037

 -Original Message-
From:   Gibb, Malcolm
Sent:   Tuesday, May 15, 2001 2:57 AM
Subject:Backing up Windows Terminal Server

This is more a research question than anything else.

I'm looking to install the Tivoli Backup Archive Client software on Windows
Terminal Server 4.0 SP6 and just wondered if there is anything I should
know.  As in DON'T, it doesn't work, I don't think I'll get an answer back
like that.  I'm just trying to be proactive and find out about potential

Cheers All

Malcolm Gibb

Re: DB2 6.1 TSM 4.1 SQL2062N 406 Errors attempting to backup

2001-05-15 Thread Richard Sims

The variables DSMI_DIR, DSMI_CONFIG and DSMI_LOG all point to c:\Program

Tony - Shouldn't DSMI_CONFIG point to the options file itself,
   rather than the directory that it resides in?

  Richard Sims, BU

Re: AIX 5.1

2001-05-15 Thread Fred Johanson

My AIX guy tried it.  It wouldn't install.

At 11:11 AM 5/15/2001 -0400, you wrote:
Hello All,

 Does anyone know if TSM will run on an RS/6000 running AIX 5.1?

Sean McNamara
Senior Analyst
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
955 Jefferson Ave
Norristown, PA  19403
(610)666-4285 (fax)

Tivoli for Domino

2001-05-15 Thread Patrick Sheehan

Tivoli people

 I've configured two TSM servers to backup Domino databases and things
appear to be running rather smooth, but I have a couple of questions about
how certain things operate. First, I have two redundant mail servers that
cluster-rep. The TSM server is on the secondary server. When I restore a
database using the transaction logs and the point-in-time recovery it works
well except for when the primary server replicates the deletions again.
What is someone elses experiences/workaround with this? (I have a few in
mind but they are kind of sloppy, I'd rather restore and be done) Also, I
have many databases that have more than 30 meg worth of changes in a day
and I get the old More than 30 meg has changed blahblah run Backup Db to
, is there a flag I can set to increase or eliminate this error or just
do full backups every night (yuck)



Re: Tivoli for Domino

2001-05-15 Thread PINNI, BALANAND (SBCSI)


I wrote admin script for db backup through server GUI.
backup db type=full devclass=name
and also
delete volhist type=dbb todate=today-1

thsi u can put in admin script.
So that only on dbbackup tape is used as full backup .Only one tape will be
there used for backup.
Pl schedule it do not do mannually.

PHONE 314-206-5911.

-Original Message-
From: Patrick Sheehan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 10:57 AM
Subject: Tivoli for Domino

Tivoli people

 I've configured two TSM servers to backup Domino databases and things
appear to be running rather smooth, but I have a couple of questions about
how certain things operate. First, I have two redundant mail servers that
cluster-rep. The TSM server is on the secondary server. When I restore a
database using the transaction logs and the point-in-time recovery it works
well except for when the primary server replicates the deletions again.
What is someone elses experiences/workaround with this? (I have a few in
mind but they are kind of sloppy, I'd rather restore and be done) Also, I
have many databases that have more than 30 meg worth of changes in a day
and I get the old More than 30 meg has changed blahblah run Backup Db to
, is there a flag I can set to increase or eliminate this error or just
do full backups every night (yuck)



Preschedulecmd on NT question

2001-05-15 Thread David Longo

We are preparing to use preschedulecmd and post on Windows NT 4.0 clients with TSM 4.1 
client.   The manual states this about the command string:

If the command string contains blanks, enclose it in  double
quotes.  If you placed double quotes within the command string,
use single quotes to enclose them.

So does that mean if my command that I waould use on system without Tivoli
net stop App Service

Then would the Tivoli equivalent be like this:

preschedulecmd net stop 'App Service'

with the single quotes outside each end of double quotes around App Service?

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

MMS health-first.org made the following
 annotations on 05/15/01 12:16:47
This message is for the named person's use only.  It may contain confidential, 
proprietary, or legally privileged information.  No confidentiality or privilege is 
waived or lost by any mistransmission.  If you receive this message in error, please 
immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies 
of it, and notify the sender.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, 
distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended 
recipient.  Health First reserves the right to monitor all e-mail communications 
through its networks.  Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely 
those of the individual sender, except (1) where the message states such views or 
opinions are on behalf of a particular entity;  and (2) the sender is authorized by 
the entity to give such views or opinions.


San Backups

2001-05-15 Thread Garrison, Tony

Hi all;
What kind of backup/restore throughput are you seeing when utilizing
a SAN.


Re: AIX 5.1

2001-05-15 Thread David Longo

Tivoli Web Site shows AIX 4.3.3 as highest version supported.  I would think they 
would be close to supporting  5.1 as they're all IBM!

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/15/01 11:54AM 
My AIX guy tried it.  It wouldn't install.

At 11:11 AM 5/15/2001 -0400, you wrote:
Hello All,

 Does anyone know if TSM will run on an RS/6000 running AIX 5.1?

Sean McNamara
Senior Analyst
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
955 Jefferson Ave
Norristown, PA  19403
(610)666-4285 (fax)

MMS health-first.org made the following
 annotations on 05/15/01 12:23:47
This message is for the named person's use only.  It may contain confidential, 
proprietary, or legally privileged information.  No confidentiality or privilege is 
waived or lost by any mistransmission.  If you receive this message in error, please 
immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies 
of it, and notify the sender.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, 
distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended 
recipient.  Health First reserves the right to monitor all e-mail communications 
through its networks.  Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely 
those of the individual sender, except (1) where the message states such views or 
opinions are on behalf of a particular entity;  and (2) the sender is authorized by 
the entity to give such views or opinions.


Re: Preschedulecmd on NT question

2001-05-15 Thread Nicholas Cassimatis

I think it's looking for:

preschedcommand 'net stop App Service '

Nick Cassimatis

Re: DB2 6.1 TSM 4.1 SQL2062N 406 Errors attempting to backup

2001-05-15 Thread MORGAN TONY

Sorry Richard... it does... still don't work though!!

-Original Message-
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 May 2001 16:31
Subject: Re: DB2 6.1 TSM 4.1 SQL2062N 406 Errors attempting to backup

The variables DSMI_DIR, DSMI_CONFIG and DSMI_LOG all point to c:\Program

Tony - Shouldn't DSMI_CONFIG point to the options file itself,
   rather than the directory that it resides in?

  Richard Sims, BU

Re: TSM 4.1 bug???

2001-05-15 Thread Prather, Wanda

It is not uncommon with the 3.7.2 client running on Win2K to misreport

Most people have reported their problem resolved by installing the
client code.

Go to www.adsm.org, search the ADSM 2001 bucket for this:  which client
version is best.
On Feb. 6 I posted a list of client bugs.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Dawes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:41 AM
Subject: TSM 4.1 bug???

Does anyone have a problem with tsm reporting events inaccurately i.e.
saying it failes when it completed and the reverse??

please advise


Re: Backing up Windows Terminal Server

2001-05-15 Thread Prather, Wanda

We have had several Windows Terminal servers at various times.
Treat them just as any other NT machine, as far as TSM is concerned.
No special handling required.

-Original Message-
From: Gibb, Malcolm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 5:57 AM
Subject: Backing up Windows Terminal Server

This is more a research question than anything else.

I'm looking to install the Tivoli Backup Archive Client software on Windows
Terminal Server 4.0 SP6 and just wondered if there is anything I should
know.  As in DON'T, it doesn't work, I don't think I'll get an answer back
like that.  I'm just trying to be proactive and find out about potential

Cheers All

Malcolm Gibb

Re: DB2 6.1 TSM 4.1 SQL2062N 406 Errors attempting to backup

2001-05-15 Thread Mustafa Baytar

 Set the following environment variables for users db2sid


Sent by: ADSM:   Subject: Re: DB2 6.1 TSM 4.1 
SQL2062N 406 Errors attempting to
Dist Stor Managerbackup

15.05.2001 19:29
Please respond to
ADSM: Dist Stor

Sorry Richard... it does... still don't work though!!

-Original Message-
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 May 2001 16:31
Subject: Re: DB2 6.1 TSM 4.1 SQL2062N 406 Errors attempting to backup

The variables DSMI_DIR, DSMI_CONFIG and DSMI_LOG all point to c:\Program

Tony - Shouldn't DSMI_CONFIG point to the options file itself,
   rather than the directory that it resides in?

  Richard Sims, BU

Re: DB2 6.1 TSM 4.1 SQL2062N 406 Errors attempting to backup

2001-05-15 Thread Richard Sims

... still don't work though!!

Hmmm.  Then try performing the backup while sitting in the client directory
where the client options file exists.  If that doesn't work, it may be a
permissions thing.

Make sure you're following the intricacies outlined in the redbook
Using ADSM to Back Up Databases, SG24-4335
in addition to specific, current doc. you may have.


Re: AIX 5.1

2001-05-15 Thread John Marquart

Doesn't 5L have a linux compatibility mode?  could you use the linux
client?  (complete speculation)


On Tue, 15 May 2001, Fred Johanson wrote:

 My AIX guy tried it.  It wouldn't install.

 At 11:11 AM 5/15/2001 -0400, you wrote:
 Hello All,
  Does anyone know if TSM will run on an RS/6000 running AIX 5.1?
 Sean McNamara
 Senior Analyst
 PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
 955 Jefferson Ave
 Norristown, PA  19403
 (610)666-4285 (fax)

John Jamie Marquart   | This message posted 100% MS free.
Digital Library SysAdmin|  Work: 812-856-5174   Pager: 812-334-6018
Indiana University Libraries|  ICQ: 1131494 D'net Team:  6265

Win2k Scheduler SYSTEM Account?

2001-05-15 Thread Prather, Wanda

We normally install the TSM Scheduler on all our machines using the default
SYSTEM account.

For a Win2K Pro machine, is there any disadvantage/fallout to using the
person's regular network logon account, instead of the SYSTEM account?
(assuming it is a member of the local ADMINISTRATORs group).

It looks like this is what we will HAVE to do to back up files encrypted
with the Windows 2000 File Encryption.

If you use a network logon account to run the scheduler, what happens if the
password expires?  It is toast?

ADSM/TSM Salary Survey Site Updated

2001-05-15 Thread Mark Mooney

Hey Everyone,

First off, I'd like to thank all of you that submitted to the site.  It
appears that the site was a success and I've decided to upgrade the
whole thing.  The ADSM salary survey site,
http://adsmsalarysurvey.8m.com will now only be an archive site.  The
results are still viewable but you can no longer fill out the survey

The new site is http://tsmsalarysurvey.8m.com  It's not currently active

That's where I need your help.  What do you want to see in the survey???
What features would you like added to the site and what questions were
good/bad.  What questions do you want added/removed?  Let me know and
I'll do my best.


FN:Mark Mooney
ORG:Advanced Integrated Solutions;NMS
TITLE:Senior Consultant
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(562) 795-7740
TEL;HOME;VOICE:(213) 385-0018
TEL;CELL;VOICE:(310) 991-1018
TEL;PAGER;VOICE:(888) 483-8498
TEL;WORK;FAX:(562) 795-7744
TEL;HOME;FAX:(562) 795-7740
ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;Los Alamitos;5242 Katella Ave.=0D=0ASuite 205;Los Alamitos;CA;90720;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Los Alamitos=0D=0A5242 Katella Ave.=0D=0ASuite 205=0D=0ALos Alamitos, CA 907=
ADR;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;523 S. Mariposa Ave.=0D=0AApartment #4;Los Angeles;CA;90020;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:523 S. Mariposa Ave.=0D=0AApartment #4=0D=0ALos Angeles, CA 90020=0D=0AUSA


DRM w/ 3000+ Clients?

2001-05-15 Thread Mark Mooney

Is anyone using DRM for workstation level restore?


FN:Mark Mooney
ORG:Advanced Integrated Solutions;NMS
TITLE:Senior Consultant
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(562) 795-7740
TEL;HOME;VOICE:(213) 385-0018
TEL;CELL;VOICE:(310) 991-1018
TEL;PAGER;VOICE:(888) 483-8498
TEL;WORK;FAX:(562) 795-7744
TEL;HOME;FAX:(562) 795-7740
ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;Los Alamitos;5242 Katella Ave.=0D=0ASuite 205;Los Alamitos;CA;90720;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Los Alamitos=0D=0A5242 Katella Ave.=0D=0ASuite 205=0D=0ALos Alamitos, CA 907=
ADR;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;523 S. Mariposa Ave.=0D=0AApartment #4;Los Angeles;CA;90020;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:523 S. Mariposa Ave.=0D=0AApartment #4=0D=0ALos Angeles, CA 90020=0D=0AUSA


TSM and SANergy

2001-05-15 Thread Mark Mooney

Some SAN question(s) for the Guru's :)

Mark has a TSM server (Server A) attached via SAN to a SHARK where the
storage pool resides.  Server B resides on the same network and is
attached to the same SHARK unit.  Using SANergy, When Server A goes to
backup Server B will the file be sent over the network to get to the
storage pool?

If not does the data just get copied from disk to disk inside the SHARK?
If so, which piece of software is responsible for that?

Can 2 Shark Systems be set up, one dedicated to the TSM server and the
other for primary server storage, be connected directly to each other
and have the data copied from one to the other without disturbing
regular SAN traffic?


FN:Mark Mooney
ORG:Advanced Integrated Solutions;NMS
TITLE:Senior Consultant
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(562) 795-7740
TEL;HOME;VOICE:(213) 385-0018
TEL;CELL;VOICE:(310) 991-1018
TEL;PAGER;VOICE:(888) 483-8498
TEL;WORK;FAX:(562) 795-7744
TEL;HOME;FAX:(562) 795-7740
ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;Los Alamitos;5242 Katella Ave.=0D=0ASuite 205;Los Alamitos;CA;90720;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Los Alamitos=0D=0A5242 Katella Ave.=0D=0ASuite 205=0D=0ALos Alamitos, CA 907=
ADR;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;523 S. Mariposa Ave.=0D=0AApartment #4;Los Angeles;CA;90020;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:523 S. Mariposa Ave.=0D=0AApartment #4=0D=0ALos Angeles, CA 90020=0D=0AUSA


Re: Win2k Scheduler SYSTEM Account?

2001-05-15 Thread Rushforth, Tim

Hi Wanda:

You should be able to use the System Account to backup encrypted files.  I
just did a test here:
Create encrypted file with usera
Try to READ with userb (access denied)
Backup and restore with userb (userb has rights to the file) works fine
File is still encrypted after restore (userb cannot read, usera can)
Backed up another encrypted file via the scheduler
Restored file
File is still encrypted

I am running W2K SP1, TSM 4.12.12.

Basically an encrypted file prevents another user from reading the file but
that user can still backup, copy, delete the file etc, as long as they have

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg

-Original Message-
From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 12:39 PM
Subject: Win2k Scheduler  SYSTEM Account?

We normally install the TSM Scheduler on all our machines using the default
SYSTEM account.

For a Win2K Pro machine, is there any disadvantage/fallout to using the
person's regular network logon account, instead of the SYSTEM account?
(assuming it is a member of the local ADMINISTRATORs group).

It looks like this is what we will HAVE to do to back up files encrypted
with the Windows 2000 File Encryption.

If you use a network logon account to run the scheduler, what happens if the
password expires?  It is toast?

Re: AIX Help

2001-05-15 Thread Michael Prix

Am Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2001 00:13 schrieben Sie:
 I am trying to run the nohup dsmc sched 2 /dev/null  command on my AIX
 4.3.3 machine and it works but every time I exit.  It says There are jobs
 running  so I exit again and whe I check the dsmc sched process is not
 running.  I thought the nohup command was suppose to let process run even
 after you logout.  What am I doing wrong.

As it is written in the README for AIX4.3.3, start the processes
with /dev/null.
nohup was changed from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3, it handles SIGTOUT(?) differently.

Michael Prix

Re: Do backup and restore interfere?

2001-05-15 Thread Richard Sims

One of my drives got corrupted and had to be formated.
I started the restore of all files using the GUI to refill the then
empty drive.
What I didn't think of was that 1 hour later the scheduled
backup kicked in.
Now the question is: Does *SM first collect all required files and
then start the restore? Or would the backup of the (nearly) empty
drive - resulting in all files getting inactivated - influence the restore?

I want to be sure that the drive is restored completely!
Any answer is greately appreciated!

Excellent... I don't have to worry about it being viable!  ;-)

The answer, like so many, is: it depends.
See the client manual, under Restore Using Commands, subsection
No Query Restore, which outlines how restorals proceed.
Depending on your options, the server may be compiling and maintaining the
list of files to be restored; or the client may have gotten the whole list
and be massaging it.

   Richard Sims, BU

Windows 2000 Bare Metal Recovery and System Object restore problem

2001-05-15 Thread Jeff Connor

Our NT admins requested that we build one server(HCB1) from another servers
backups(SYR1).  The servers are Windows 2000 Advanced Server running
service pack one with identical hardware.   Our TSM server is V4.1.2 on AIX
4.3 and the Windows Client is   We used the TSM B/A CLI with the
virtualnodename option to succesfully restore the SYR1 servers C: drive to
the HCB1 server.  We then attempted to restore the system objects but could
not access them from the CLI or the GUI.

We got into TSM GUI on the original server, SYR1, and where able to see the
subfolders under system objects.  Under HCB1 using virualnodename SYR1 we
cannot see the system object subfolders.  We checked the gray box and
attempted the restore but received zero objects inspected or backed up.

We contacted TSM support who informed me that Bare Metal Restore and
associated Redbooks are not supported.  However, after the level one person
spoke to level two, they informed me that you could recover a Windows 2000
server from the ground up if the target system for the restore is the same
local machine name as the original server.  This is due to the fact that
the Windows 2000 System Objects are stored using the local machine name in
TSM and can't be restored to a new location like a drive file space can.

Has anyone else attempted what we tried or does anyone have any comments?
We have been able to restore a server and it's registry to another server
with a new name under Windows NT 4.0, using a temporary copy of NT
installed to a folder called Wintemp, then coming up under the original
name after restore/re-boot using the normal WINNT folder.  It looks like
this is not possible with Windows 2000 and TSM due to the way TSM stores
the system object backups.


Jeff Connor
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.

R5 TDP Restores vs 4.6

2001-05-15 Thread Jack Palmadesso

 We are in the process of testing the restore capabilty of the R5
 agent.  My Notes admin wants to know if we can restore databases
 backed  up from Notes 4.6 using the ADSM Notes agent to the same server
 that has been upgraded to R5 server using the TDP Domino Agent.  Is
 this possible?

 We also backup our Notes databases using the standard TSM client as a
 double measure on weekends.


org:Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp.;IT
adr:;;4400 Alafaya Trail;Orlando;Florida;32826;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:TSM/ADSM Admin
fn:Jack Palmadesso

Re: Windows 2000 Bare Metal Recovery and System Object restore pr oblem

2001-05-15 Thread Remeta, Mark

We ran into the same thing. We use to have a procedure to restore a downed
user workstation where we just take a spare disk and restore everything to
it, then copy the registry from the adsm.sys directory tree. No more with
Win2k. We spoke to support and they said the same thing. Bare metal restore
is not supported. They did say you can restore the data, and the registry.
The registry only if the computer name is the same.


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Connor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 4:44 PM
Subject: Windows 2000 Bare Metal Recovery and System Object restore

Our NT admins requested that we build one server(HCB1) from another servers
backups(SYR1).  The servers are Windows 2000 Advanced Server running
service pack one with identical hardware.   Our TSM server is V4.1.2 on AIX
4.3 and the Windows Client is   We used the TSM B/A CLI with the
virtualnodename option to succesfully restore the SYR1 servers C: drive to
the HCB1 server.  We then attempted to restore the system objects but could
not access them from the CLI or the GUI.

We got into TSM GUI on the original server, SYR1, and where able to see the
subfolders under system objects.  Under HCB1 using virualnodename SYR1 we
cannot see the system object subfolders.  We checked the gray box and
attempted the restore but received zero objects inspected or backed up.

We contacted TSM support who informed me that Bare Metal Restore and
associated Redbooks are not supported.  However, after the level one person
spoke to level two, they informed me that you could recover a Windows 2000
server from the ground up if the target system for the restore is the same
local machine name as the original server.  This is due to the fact that
the Windows 2000 System Objects are stored using the local machine name in
TSM and can't be restored to a new location like a drive file space can.

Has anyone else attempted what we tried or does anyone have any comments?
We have been able to restore a server and it's registry to another server
with a new name under Windows NT 4.0, using a temporary copy of NT
installed to a folder called Wintemp, then coming up under the original
name after restore/re-boot using the normal WINNT folder.  It looks like
this is not possible with Windows 2000 and TSM due to the way TSM stores
the system object backups.


Jeff Connor
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.

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BRIAN NICK is out of the office.

2001-05-15 Thread Brian Nick

I will be out of the office starting  05/15/2001 and will not return until

If your message is urgent please contact Tom Wieland. Otherwise I will
contact you when I return on Friday May18, 2001.
Thank You

Re: Japanese Filenames

2001-05-15 Thread Mike Glassman - Admin


Taking all you say into consideration, and fully understanding how hard it
is to do what we are asking (which in my opinion should have been a major
concern before shipping, and not afterwards), I am still unsatisfied.

I am not going to bash one software against another, but with all due
respect, if you do not support multilingual on English based systems, and
some other OS's (such as Netware), then you should state so in letters as
large as a 2 story building on the product casing.

It's rather not fun in the least, to discover that one can't backup
languages on OS's (NT, Novell) after having bought and installed the
product. And this after moving from backup software that did just that and
didn't blink an eye.

I am very glad you have so many resources dedicated to NLS support, but I at
least don't care if you have 1000 people working on the issue, I care that
it is fixed and fixed FAST. And I am extremely glad that you have learnt to
be politicaly correct and state that it's important to you, you'r working on
it, and it may be here soon (no guarantees of course).


Mike Glassman
Systems  Security Admin
Israel Airport Authority

 -Original Message-
 From: Andy Raibeck [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: â îàé 15 2001 16:27
 Subject:  Re: Japanese Filenames
  TSM won't backup Japanese filenames unless you
  run the client on a Japanese NT server. Adding
  the Japanese codepage to a UK build won't work.
  TSM will backup Japanese filenames most of the
  time, but occassionally dies a horrible death
  on certain filenames. With lots of people with
  lots of Japanese filenames, the client will fail
  more than it suceeeds.
  USEUNICODEFILENAMES is suppose to be used with
  Macintosh files, any other use is convenently
  unsupported by Tivoli.
 This is not a matter of convenience. USEUNICODEFILENAMES
 was *never* intended to provide the support you are seeking.
 It's purpose is strictly for support of Macintosh volumes on
 NTFS file systems (granted, though, the option would have
 been better named ENABLEMACFILESUPPORT, or something along
 those lines).
  Tivoli support (especially, the Japanese end) are
  no help whatsoever. As a company, Tivoli seem to
  have no concept that people do business in multiple
  languages, and as a backup product Tivoli need to
  support it. Recents failures, where the NT server
  product failed as soon as you run it under Japanese,
  German etc.. bears testiment to the fact, Tivoli
  aren't even testing their products under different
 IBM/Tivoli fully understands the need for a global perspective,
 as we are a global company doing business all over the world.
 Please do not equate language support issues with have no
 concept that people do business in multiple languages. This is
 just not true.
 Agreed, the recent problems we have had with non-English
 character sets do not instill the greatest confidence in
 our NLS support. However, we do in fact have a large number
 of resources dedicated to NLS support, translation, and
 testing, and we are continuously working to improve our
 processes to (among other things) eliminate the kinds of
 problems you mention. Yes, we have stumbled in this arena,
 especially recently, but we have also made every effort to
 respond to the problems in as timely a fashion as possible,
 because we *do* understand the need for this support.
 Regarding support for file names comprised of characters from
 different character sets (i.e. Japanese file names on English
 systems), this is a long-standing requirement. It isn't here
 yet because we are ignoring it; rather, the implementation is
 not trivial. But it is something that we are actively working
 on and hope to deliver this year. (Standard caveat: this does
 not constitute a formal announcement or commitment.)
 Andy Raibeck
 IBM Tivoli Systems
 Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
 The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
 The command line is your friend