Higher Priority Node?

2002-05-20 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


I was wondering if it would be possible to actually prioritise nodes? As
in like when you were halfway doing a backup job and you had to do a restore
in between, the restore would then cut short the backup job, and complete
its restore job before letting the backup job resume.

Similarly, would it actually be possible for a node (say node A) to
start a backup job at 6am, then at 2pm when node B comes in and does its
backup job, it will 'stop' node A's job and TSM will start to backup all of
node B's directories (assuming it is a full FS backup) till say maybe 6pm,
after which node A continues its half-done backup job.

Reason I'm asking is due to the tight schedule we have for our weekend
backups and the availibility of our applications (decreased down-time). I'd
appreciate if anyone could let me know if this could be done.

Thanks in Advance!

TDP for R/3 setup errors

2002-04-30 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore

I seem to be running into some problems while trying to set up the TDP for
R/3. Can anyone offer any advice? I have set
DSMI_CONFIG=/usr/tivoli/tsm/tdp_r3/dsm.opt (which points to a new node:
sapeco_dev_r3) but it still doesn't seem to work. I can call out dsmadmc
fine (with the original node name sepco_dev).

I don't seem to understand where the exact problem lies. They say I do
not have my options file defined but DSM_CONFIG and DSMI_CONFIG have already
been set. I can't do a BRARCHIVE, and I can't call out backint properly so
that I can change the password. Ideas anyone?

Thanks in Advance.

sepco_dev:oraph1 7 brarchive -sd -p /oracle/PH1/dbs/initPH1.sap -c -l E -d
util_file -u system/ph2ok
BR002I BRARCHIVE 4.6D (16)
BR006I Start of offline redo log processing: adhwkusf.svd 2002-04-30

BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-30 17.49.46
BR008I Offline redo log processing for database instance: PH1
BR009I BRARCHIVE action ID: adhwkusf
BR010I BRARCHIVE function ID: svd
BR011I 39 offline redo log files found for processing, total size 770.897 MB
BR130I Backup device type: util_file
BR109I Files will be saved by backup utility
BR126I Unattended mode active - no operator confirmation required

BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-30 17.49.46
BR229I Calling backup utility...
BR278I Command output of '/usr/sap/PH1/SYS/exe/run/backint -u PH1 -f backup
-i /oracle/PH1/sapbackup/.adhwkusf.lst -t file -p
/oracle/PH1/dbs/initPH1.utl -c':

Tivoli Data Protection for R/3

 Interface between SAPDBA Utilities and Tivoli Storage Manager
   - Version 3, Release 2, Level 0.8  for AIX LF -
 Build: 142H  compiled on Dec 13 2001
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996, 2001, All Rights Reserved.

BKI0005I: Start of backint program at: Tue Apr 30 17:49:46 2002 .
BR266E Program '/usr/sap/PH1/SYS/exe/run/backint -u PH1 -f backup -i
/oracle/PH1/sapbackup/.adhwkusf.lst -t file -p /oracle/PH1/dbs/initPH1.utl
-c' interrupted, exit status: 8b
BR272E Execution of program '/usr/sap/PH1/SYS/exe/run/backint -u PH1 -f
backup -i /oracle/PH1/sapbackup/.adhwkusf.lst -t file -p
/oracle/PH1/dbs/initPH1.utl -c' through pipe failed
BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-30 17.49.47
BR231E Backup utility call failed

BR016I 0 offline redo log files processed, total size 0.000 MB

BR007I End of offline redo log processing: adhwkusf.svd 2002-04-30 17.49.47
BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-30 17.49.48
BR005I BRARCHIVE terminated with errors
sepco_dev:oraph1 8
sepco_dev:oraph1 8
sepco_dev:oraph1 8
sepco_dev:oraph1 8 logout
 mailto:root@sepco_dev:/ root@sepco_dev:/] su - ph1adm

sepco_dev:ph1adm 1 backint -p /oracle/PH1/dbs/initPH1.utl -f password

Tivoli Data Protection for R/3

 Interface between SAPDBA Utilities and Tivoli Storage Manager
   - Version 3, Release 2, Level 0.8  for AIX LF -
 Build: 142H  compiled on Dec 13 2001
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996, 2001, All Rights Reserved.

BKI0005I: Start of backint program at: Tue Apr 30 17:50:34 2002 .
BKI2000I: Successfully connected to ProLE on port 57321.

BKI9001E: Internal error:   ***  dsmstuff.cpp:307: setUpdsm(char **args):
ANS1035S (RC406)  Options file not found
BKI9001E: Internal error:   ***  dsmstuff.cpp:307: setUpdsm(char **args):
ANS1035S (RC406)  Options file not found
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Tue Apr 30 17:50:35 2002 .
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Tue Apr 30 17:50:35 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 01 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 2.
BKI0101I: Session 0: Please enter 'cont' to continue or 'stop' to cancel.

sepco_dev:ph1adm 2
sepco_dev:ph1adm 2 cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/tdp_r3

sepco_dev:ph1adm 3 cat dsm.opt

* ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager   *
*  *
* Sample Client User Options file for AIX and SunOS*

SErvername   sepco_dev_r3
Replace  On
Tapeprompt   No
DOM  /usr/sap /sapmnt/PH1 /usr/sap/trans /oracle/PH1

sepco_dev:ph1adm 4 cat dsm.sys
SErvername  sepco_dev
   COMMmethod TCPip
   TCPWindowsize  1024
   TCPNoDelay Yes
   nodename   sepco_dev
*   InclExcl/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/inclexcl.list

SErvername  sepco_dev_r3
   COMMmethod TCPip
   TCPWindowsize  1024
   TCPNoDelay Yes
*   InclExcl/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/inclexcl.list

SErvername  pvprod
   COMMmethod TCPip

Backint / Brarchive (SAP) Errors

2002-04-24 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


I am having problems with the setting up of brarchive/backint. Not sure
if it is a TSM problem or R3 one. The errors I get are 'Segmentation
violation' and 'Illegal instruction'.

Anyone able to help?


sepco_dev:oraph1 12 brarchive -sd -p /oracle/PH1/dbs/initPH1.sap -c -l E -d
util_file -u system/ph2ok

BR002I BRARCHIVE 4.6D (16)

BR006I Start of offline redo log processing: adhvhcbw.svd 2002-04-24

BR049W Last BRARCHIVE run was probably killed

BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-24 16.44.49

BR008I Offline redo log processing for database instance: PH1

BR009I BRARCHIVE action ID: adhvhcbw

BR010I BRARCHIVE function ID: svd

BR011I 83 offline redo log files found for processing, total size 1659.963

BR130I Backup device type: util_file

BR109I Files will be saved by backup utility

BR126I Unattended mode active - no operator confirmation required

BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-24 16.44.49

BR229I Calling backup utility...

BR278I Command output of '/usr/sap/PH1/SYS/exe/run/backint -u PH1 -f backup
-i /oracle/PH1/sapbackup/.adhvhcbw.lst -t file -p
/oracle/PH1/dbs/initPH1.utl -c':

Tivoli Data Protection for SAP R/3

Interface between SAPDBA Utilities and Tivoli Storage Manager

- Version 2, Release 4, Level 25.5 for AIX LF -

(c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996, 1999, All Rights Reserved.

Segmentation violation

Illegal instruction


BR281W Program interrupted by signal 2

BR269W Wait situation interrupted - probably cannot continue

BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-24 16.45.06

BR256I Please enter 'cont' to continue, 'stop' to cancel the program:


BR257I Your reply: 'stop'

BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-24 16.45.08

BR260E BRARCHIVE canceled by user

BR007I End of offline redo log processing: adhvhcbw.svd 2002-04-24 16.45.08

BR280I Time stamp 2002-04-24 16.45.09

BR005I BRARCHIVE terminated with errors

sepco_dev:oraph1 13

Test restore to alternative server?

2001-12-09 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore

Hi *SMers',

I have a spare server which we are installing the TSM client now. What I
would like to do is to do a test restore from one of our actual TSM clients
to see if this actually works. Can someone tell me how I should be actually
installing the client on the test restore server (normally or ?) and how
will I be able to actually do a restore of server A's data to the test
server (instead of restoring to the original server).

Many Thanks,

Fileclass Mounting problem (unable to reclaim to tape)

2001-11-16 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


I'm trying to reclaim or 'push' my data from my fileclass to a tape, but
they don't seem to be working. All they do is to wait to be mounted, but I
can't seem to be able to mount them, can anyone help me figure out what I
should be doing?

tsm: SAPRODq libvo

Library Name Volume Name Status Owner  Last Use
Home Element
 --- -- -- -

LTO_LIB1 SA2_004 Scratch
LTO_LIB1 SA2_005 Scratch
LTO_LIB1 SA2_010 Scratch
LTO_LIB1 SA2_020 Scratch

tsm: SAPRODq vol

Volume Name  Storage Device Estimated
Pct  Volume
 Pool Name   Class Name  Capacity
Util  Status

 --- -- -
85.4   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
1.6   Full
74.5   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
more...   (ENTER to continue, 'C' to cancel)

100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full
100.0   Full

Delete Deviceclass giving me problems! Help!

2001-10-31 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


One of my servers has 2 LTO drives, of which the 2nd drive is being used
as copy stgpool. But our management has decided to take away that second
drive so that it can be installed in another server. So for the past hour or
so, I have been updating our schedules etc so that nothing points to the 2nd
LTO drive. Everything seems to be going fine, except one last thing! I can't
seem to be able to do a 'delete devclass' of my 2nd LTO drive. Can any of
you guys try to point out what's wrong? I've cracked my head but I can't
seem to find any portion that points to the 2nd LTO device. This is what my
dev classes look like:

tsm: SAPRODq devclass

DeviceDevice Storage DeviceFormat  Est/Max
Class AccessPool Type Capacity
Name  Strategy Count  (MB)

- -- --- - -- 
DISK  Random   0

FILECLASS Sequential   1 FILE  4.0
LTO_DEV1  Sequential   1 LTO   DRIVE
LTO_DEV2  Sequential   0 LTO   DRIVE

I'm trying to delete LTO_DEV2. Here's more info about it, followed by
the error message I get when I try to delete the device.

tsm: SAPRODq devclass lto_dev2 f=d

 Device Class Name: LTO_DEV2
Device Access Strategy: Sequential
Storage Pool Count: 0
   Device Type: LTO
Format: DRIVE
 Est/Max Capacity (MB):
   Mount Limit: 1
  Mount Wait (min): 5
 Mount Retention (min): 20
  Label Prefix: ADSM
   Library: LTO_LIB2
   Server Name:
  Retry Period:
Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
 Last Update Date/Time: 07/03/01   14:20:54

tsm: SAPRODdel dev lto_dev2
ANR2354E DELETE DEVCLASS: Device class LTO_DEV2 is still referenced by one
or more
storage pools, or database backup or export volumes.
ANS8001I Return code 13.

OK, so I think no big deal, it's probably still in use somewhere, so I
go ahead and try to find out where it's being used.

tsm: SAPRODq stgpool

StorageDevice Estimated  Pct  PctHighLow
Next Stora-
Pool Name  Class Name  Capacity Util Migr MigMig
ge Pool
   (MB)   PctPct
DAILYPOOL  LTO_DEV1  55,901,573  4.0 10.0  90 70


RECLAIMPOOLFILECLASS0.0  0.0  0.0  90 70

tsm: SAPRODq stgpool f=d

   Storage Pool Name: DAILYPOOL
   Storage Pool Type: Primary
   Device Class Name: LTO_DEV1
 Estimated Capacity (MB): 55,901,573.5
Pct Util: 4.0
Pct Migr: 10.0
 Pct Logical: 100.0
High Mig Pct: 90
 Low Mig Pct: 70
 Migration Delay: 0
  Migration Continue: Yes
 Migration Processes:
   Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool: RECLAIMPOOL
  Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
  Access: Read/Write
   Overflow Location:
   Cache Migrated Files?:
  Collocate?: Yes
   Reclamation Threshold: 100
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 200
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
  Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?: No
 Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed:
more...   (ENTER to continue, 'C' to cancel)

  Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
   Last Update Date/Time: 10/31/01   19:39:15

   Storage Pool Name: RECLAIMPOOL
   Storage Pool Type: Primary
   Device Class Name: FILECLASS
 Estimated Capacity (MB): 0.0
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr: 0.0
 Pct Logical: 100.0
High Mig Pct: 90
 Low Mig Pct: 70
 Migration Delay: 0
  Migration Continue: Yes
 Migration Processes:
   Next Storage Pool: DAILYPOOL
Reclaim Storage Pool: DAILYPOOL
  Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
  Access: Read/Write
   Overflow Location:
   Cache Migrated Files?:
  Collocate?: No
   Reclamation Threshold: 60
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 200

Re: Delete Deviceclass giving me problems! Help!

2001-10-31 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore

Hi Jozef,

You're right! It returns this when I do a q volhist type=dbb, what
should I be doing now to be able to do a del devclass lto_lib2?

tsm: SAPRODq volhist type=dbb

   Date/Time: 10/30/01   10:00:55
 Volume Type: BACKUPFULL
   Backup Series: 151
Backup Operation: 0
  Volume Seq: 1
Device Class: LTO_DEV2
 Volume Name: SA2_014
 Volume Location:

   Date/Time: 10/31/01   10:00:26
 Volume Type: BACKUPFULL
   Backup Series: 152
Backup Operation: 0
  Volume Seq: 1
Device Class: LTO_DEV2
 Volume Name: SA2_015
 Volume Location:

   Date/Time: 10/31/01   20:10:09
 Volume Type: BACKUPFULL
   Backup Series: 153
Backup Operation: 0
  Volume Seq: 1
Device Class: LTO_DEV1
 Volume Name: SA2_031
 Volume Location:

Thanks in Advance,

-Original Message-
From: Jozef Zatko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 12:32 AM
Subject: Re: Delete Deviceclass giving me problems! Help!

try to check if you do not have some old dbbackup, which was done using
LTO_DEV2 devclas, and which is stil
in volhistory.
q volhist type=dbb

I hope this will help

Ing. Jozef Zatko
Login a.s.
Dlha 2, Stupava
tel.: (421) (2) 60252618

Eugene Awyong -
Singapore   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSUNG.COM  Subject: Delete Deviceclass
giving me problems! Help!
Sent by: ADSM:
Dist Stor

31.10.2001 13:50
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager


One of my servers has 2 LTO drives, of which the 2nd drive is being
as copy stgpool. But our management has decided to take away that second
drive so that it can be installed in another server. So for the past hour
so, I have been updating our schedules etc so that nothing points to the
LTO drive. Everything seems to be going fine, except one last thing! I
seem to be able to do a 'delete devclass' of my 2nd LTO drive. Can any of
you guys try to point out what's wrong? I've cracked my head but I can't
seem to find any portion that points to the 2nd LTO device. This is what my
dev classes look like:

tsm: SAPRODq devclass

DeviceDevice Storage DeviceFormat  Est/Max
Class AccessPool Type Capacity
Name  Strategy Count  (MB)

- -- --- - -- 
DISK  Random   0

FILECLASS Sequential   1 FILE  4.0
LTO_DEV1  Sequential   1 LTO   DRIVE
LTO_DEV2  Sequential   0 LTO   DRIVE

I'm trying to delete LTO_DEV2. Here's more info about it, followed by
the error message I get when I try to delete the device.

tsm: SAPRODq devclass lto_dev2 f=d

 Device Class Name: LTO_DEV2
Device Access Strategy: Sequential
Storage Pool Count: 0
   Device Type: LTO
Format: DRIVE
 Est/Max Capacity (MB):
   Mount Limit: 1
  Mount Wait (min): 5
 Mount Retention (min): 20
  Label Prefix: ADSM
   Library: LTO_LIB2
   Server Name:
  Retry Period:
Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
 Last Update Date/Time: 07/03/01   14:20:54

tsm: SAPRODdel dev lto_dev2
ANR2354E DELETE DEVCLASS: Device class LTO_DEV2 is still referenced by one
or more
storage pools, or database backup or export volumes.
ANS8001I Return code 13.

OK, so I think no big deal, it's probably still in use somewhere, so I
go ahead and try to find out where it's being used.

tsm: SAPRODq stgpool

StorageDevice Estimated  Pct  PctHighLow
Next Stora-
Pool Name  Class Name  Capacity Util Migr MigMig
ge Pool
   (MB)   PctPct
DAILYPOOL  LTO_DEV1  55,901,573  4.0 10.0  90 70


RECLAIMPOOLFILECLASS0.0  0.0  0.0  90 70

tsm: SAPRODq stgpool f=d

   Storage Pool Name: DAILYPOOL
   Storage Pool Type: Primary
   Device Class Name: LTO_DEV1
 Estimated Capacity (MB): 55,901,573.5
Pct Util: 4.0

Check expiration of data in particular tape?

2001-10-03 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore

Hi *SMers',

  I was just wondering if there are any commands which I can use to check
when the data in a particular tape would expire. I know that a Q content
probably returns me with the data and the backup date, but it doesn't show
when the data would expire. Aside from calculating from the retention period
of each (not to mention, countless) management class, are there any commands
that I would be able to use?

Thanks in Advance,

Re: Antw: Setup for R3 TDP Problem

2001-09-25 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore

Hi Thida,

Thanks for the advice, I tried running the below commands and this
is what I got.

pv_devt:svdadm 2 backint -p /oracle/SVD/dbs/initSVD.utl -f password

   Tivoli Data Protection for SAP R/3

  Interface between SAPDBA Utilities and Tivoli Storage Manager
 - Version 2, Release 4, Level 25.5 for AIX LF -
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996, 1999, All Rights Reserved.

   Program Number : 5697-DPR

BKI0005I: Start of backint program at: Tue Sep 25 17:01:57 2001.
BKI0038I: Changing password for server pv_devt_client.
BKI0033I: Please give the password for the Tivoli Storage Manager-Server.
BKI0034I: Enter your Tivoli Storage Manager-Server password:
BKI0035I: Enter your Tivoli Storage Manager-Server password again:
BKI0018E: There is a problem with Tivoli Storage Manager-Server
'pv_devt_client' :
'ANS1035S (RC406)  Options file not found'
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Tue Sep 25 17:02:08 2001.
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 11 sec.

pv_devt:svdadm 3 env |grep dsm
pv_devt:svdadm 4

I really have no idea what is happening now. As you can see, my
DSM_CONFIG has already been set. :-( Any ideas guys?

Thanks in Advance

-Original Message-
From: Thida Chin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: Antw: Setup for R3 TDP Problem

Hi wolfgang,
Try to run this command:
backint -p /oracle/X35/dbs/initX35.utl -f password
It's for reset your client password as what you want...

From my experience, it's need to do on sometimes that you have change
somethings in dsm.sys( just key in the password that you want to set...it
can be always the same)
-Make sure dsm.sys in that directory that you have mention is the same as in
tdpr3 directory ( use find command to find the full path)
-the restore under the line #MAX_RESTORE_SESSIONS 1 # 1 Tivoli
Storage Manager... I'm not sure is this correctnormally we either
comment it out or put MAX_RESTORE_SESSION 1
hope this help


Thida Chintawongvanich

SAP Infrastructure Support Team (SITI-ISPS/31)
Shell Information Technology International Sdn., Bhd.
2340 Century Square
Jln Ushawan 63000 Cyberjaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Tel : +603 8313 3446 : Fax : +603 251 2788 )
*Personal EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Original Message-
From:   Wolfgang Herkenrath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, September 25, 2001 4:06 PM
Subject:Antw: Setup for R3 TDP Problem

Hi Eugene,

have you updated the password for TDP? As far as I know you have to set it
for the first time.


 Eugene Awyong - Singapore [EMAIL PROTECTED] 25.09.01 01:43:42

I am having some problems setting up my TDP for R/3. The server does
not seem to be able to brarchive due to the wrong password of. I have
checked the setup of other servers, and everything seems the same. I can go
into dsmc and do a query schedule for nodename pv_devt. Could someone let me
know what I should be doing right.

I have tried changing passwordaccess=prompt to generate, but both do
not work, I have tried removing the /etc/security/adsm directory and
generating a new password through dsmc and going back to PROMPT it still
does not work. why am i getting the authentication failures? My other
servers seem to be doing brarchive without any problems. Would appreciate it
if someone could let me know.

Many Thanks in Advance! :-)

root@pv_devt:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin] pg dsm.opt

* Tivoli Distributed Storage Manager   *
*  *
* Sample Client User Options file for AIX and SunOS (dsm.opt.smp)  *

*  This file contains an option you can use to specify the Tivoli
*  server to contact if more than one is defined in your client
*  system options file (dsm.sys).  Copy dsm.opt.smp to dsm.opt.
*  If you enter a server name for the option below, remove the
*  leading asterisk (*).

*  For information about additional options you can set in this file,
*  see the options.doc file in the directory where Tivoli was installed.

SErvername  pv_devt

root@pv_devt:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin] pg dsm.sys

* Tivoli Distributed Storage Manager   *
*  *
* Sample Client System Options file for AIX and SunOS (dsm.sys.smp

Setup for R3 TDP Problem

2001-09-24 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore

I am having some problems setting up my TDP for R/3. The server does
not seem to be able to brarchive due to the wrong password of. I have
checked the setup of other servers, and everything seems the same. I can go
into dsmc and do a query schedule for nodename pv_devt. Could someone let me
know what I should be doing right.

I have tried changing passwordaccess=prompt to generate, but both do
not work, I have tried removing the /etc/security/adsm directory and
generating a new password through dsmc and going back to PROMPT it still
does not work. why am i getting the authentication failures? My other
servers seem to be doing brarchive without any problems. Would appreciate it
if someone could let me know.

Many Thanks in Advance! :-)

root@pv_devt:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin] pg dsm.opt

* Tivoli Distributed Storage Manager   *
*  *
* Sample Client User Options file for AIX and SunOS (dsm.opt.smp)  *

*  This file contains an option you can use to specify the Tivoli
*  server to contact if more than one is defined in your client
*  system options file (dsm.sys).  Copy dsm.opt.smp to dsm.opt.
*  If you enter a server name for the option below, remove the
*  leading asterisk (*).

*  For information about additional options you can set in this file,
*  see the options.doc file in the directory where Tivoli was installed.

SErvername  pv_devt

root@pv_devt:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin] pg dsm.sys

* Tivoli Distributed Storage Manager   *
*  *
* Sample Client System Options file for AIX and SunOS (dsm.sys.smp)*

*  This file contains the minimum options required to get started
*  using TDSM.  Copy dsm.sys.smp to dsm.sys.  In the dsm.sys file,
*  enter the appropriate values for each option listed below and
*  remove the leading asterisk (*) for each one.

*  If your client node communicates with multiple TDSM servers, be
*  sure to add a stanza, beginning with the SERVERNAME option, for
*  each additional server.

*  For information about additional options you can set in this file,
*  see the options.doc file in the directory where TDSM was installed.

SErvername  pv_devt
   COMMmethod TCPip
   TCPWindowsize  1024
   TCPNoDelay Yes
   nodename   pv_devt

SErvername  pv_devt_client
   COMMmethod TCPip
   TCPWindowsize  1024
   TCPNoDelay Yes
   nodename   pv_devt

root@pv_devt:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin] ls -l /etc/security/adsm
total 8
-rw---   1 root system80 Sep 24 19:52 PV_DEVT

root@pv_devt:/sysadmin/bkup/bin] arch_backup
BR002I BRARCHIVE 3.1I (22)
BR006I Start of offline redo log processing: adghihab svd  2001-09-24
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_10.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_11.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_12.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_13.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_14.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_15.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_16.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_17.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_18.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_19.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_20.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_21.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_22.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_23.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_24.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_25.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file /oracle/SVD/saparch/SVDarch1_26.dbf not found.
BR017W Offline redo log file 

Restoration of multiple directories through command line?

2001-09-12 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong? I want to restore a total
of 3 directories. Would it be possible that I run it in one command? I have
tried the following but I dont think it works 'cos TSM probably thinks i
want to do a restore to an alternative directory.

# dsmc restore /oracle/stage/ /sapmnt/SA2/ /oracle/SA2/sapreorg/
-subdir=yes -inactive -pitd=09/02/01

# dsmc restore /oracle/stage/ /sapmnt/SA2/ /oracle/SA2/sapreorg/
-subdir=yes -inactive -pitd=09/02/01

Both commands do not work, what would be wrong with this command if
I want to restore all 3 directories + subdirectories in a go? Would it also
be possible to run the command in 'quiet' mode? I have tried doing it but it
doesn't seem to recognise the quiet command.

I need to do a test restore of my entire full filesystem backup on
the 09/02/01 (want to leave out restoration of rootvg though), so I'm trying
to restore all my data in the mount points all at a go

Would appreciate your reply very much.

Best Regards

CopyStoragePool tapes not expiring?

2001-08-30 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


I seem to have a problem with some of my 'copystoragepool' tapes.
Whenever i check out these tapes, I update the volumes as access=offsite,
but it seems that when the original tape expires, they do not. See below for
an example. SA2_006 already has 0.0% Pct Util and has a volume status of
'Empty' but when I tried to check the tape in a scratch volume, TSM does not
allow me to do it. Can anyone suggest a solution? I'm out of scratch volumes
already. Not a good thing. :-(

Thanks in Advance.

Volume Name  Storage Device Estimated
Pct  Volume
 Pool Name   Class Name  Capacity
Util  Status

 --- -- -
SA2_001  DAILYCOPYP- LTO_DEV2   107,040.1
100.0 Filling

SA2_002  DAILYCOPYP- LTO_DEV2   232,740.9
100.0   Full

SA2_003  DAILYCOPYP- LTO_DEV254,843.9
37.6 Filling

SA2_004  DAILYCOPYP- LTO_DEV2   194,074.3
100.0   Full

SA2_005  DAILYPOOL   LTO_DEV1   247,601.2
0.1   Full
0.0  Empty

Cancelling Backup Storage Pool?

2001-08-27 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


Was wondering if anyone could tell me what I should be doing if I
would like to cancel a backup storage of the below-mentioned tapes (backup
stg dailypool dailycopypool). I have these 2 tapes which TSM have been
trying to do a copy of the primary tapes, but the primary tape has been
brought to an off-site location. Is there any way/command that I am able to
issue which would cancel these requests only? I still want to carry on with
my daily backup storage schedule though

08/23/01   06:30:20  ANR1229W Volume SA2_007 cannot be backed up -
volume is
  offline or access mode is unavailable or
08/23/01   06:30:20  ANR1229W Volume SA2_009 cannot be backed up -
volume is
  offline or access mode is unavailable or

Many Thanks in Advance,

Cancelling backup storage pool?

2001-08-22 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


Was wondering if anyone could tell me what I should be doing if I
would like to cancel a backup storage of the below-mentioned tapes (backup
stg dailypool dailycopypool). I have these 2 tapes which TSM have been
trying to do a copy of the primary tapes, but the primary tape has been
brought to an off-site location. Is there any way/command that I am able to
issue which would cancel these requests only? I still want to carry on with
my daily backup storage schedule though

08/23/01   06:30:20  ANR1229W Volume SA2_007 cannot be backed up -
volume is
  offline or access mode is unavailable or
08/23/01   06:30:20  ANR1229W Volume SA2_009 cannot be backed up -
volume is
  offline or access mode is unavailable or

Many Thanks in Advance,

selective backup?

2001-07-18 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore

I use the selective backup function to do a daily backup of 2 directories in
one of my servers. It is run via crontab, this is how the script file looks

dsmc selective /documentum/ /oracle7/

However, I realise when I do it, it doesn't quite seem to back up the
directories below that of these 2 directories? I have read through the
selective help under dsmc, and it says when you put a slash after the
directory, it would back up the file system for that directory. When I run
the script manually, this is what I get.

From what I understand, directories below the /documentum and
/oracle7 are not backed up? How is it possible for me to backup the entire
directory then, i.e to do a recursive directory backup of these 2

Many Thanks in Advance.

Node Name: SAP_DOC
Session established with server SA_DEVT: AIX-RS/6000
  Server Version 4, Release 1, Level 3.0
  Server date/time: 07/18/01   16:02:50  Last access: 07/18/01   01:36:00

Directory--   1,024 /documentum/ [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /documentum/dctm [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /documentum/dmadmin [Sent]
Directory--  96 /documentum/doclink [Sent]
Directory--  96 /documentum/lost+found [Sent]
Directory--  96 /documentum/orcle734NT [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /documentum/sapshare_home [Sent]
Directory--  96 /documentum/system_mail_files [Sent]
Directory--  96 /documentum/users [Sent]
Directory--  96 /documentum/work_temp [Sent]
Normal File--   814 /documentum/.cshrc [Sent]
Normal File--   347 /documentum/.exrc [Sent]
Normal File--   341 /documentum/.login [Sent]
Normal File--   446 /documentum/.profile [Sent]
Normal File--   254 /documentum/.sh_history [Sent]
Normal File--37 /documentum/test.txt [Sent]
Normal File--   357 /documentum/dsmerror.log [Sent]
ANS1114I Waiting for mount of offline media.
Retry # 1  Directory--   1,024 /documentum/ [Sent]
Retry # 1  Directory--   1,024 /documentum/dctm [Sent]
Retry # 1  Directory--   1,024 /documentum/dmadmin [Sent]
Retry # 1  Directory--  96 /documentum/doclink [Sent]
Retry # 1  Directory--  96 /documentum/lost+found [Sent]

Retry # 1  Directory--  96 /documentum/orcle734NT [Sent]

Retry # 1  Directory--   1,024 /documentum/sapshare_home [Sent]

Retry # 1  Directory--  96 /documentum/system_mail_files
Retry # 1  Directory--  96 /documentum/users [Sent]
Retry # 1  Directory--  96 /documentum/work_temp [Sent]

Retry # 1  Normal File--   814 /documentum/.cshrc [Sent]
Retry # 1  Normal File--   347 /documentum/.exrc [Sent]
Retry # 1  Normal File--   341 /documentum/.login [Sent]
Retry # 1  Normal File--   446 /documentum/.profile [Sent]

Retry # 1  Normal File--   254 /documentum/.sh_history [Sent]

Retry # 1  Normal File--37 /documentum/test.txt [Sent]

Retry # 1  Normal File--   357 /documentum/dsmerror.log [Sent]

Selective Backup processing of '/documentum/*' finished without failure.

Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/ [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/EOFFICE [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/admin [Sent]
Directory--   2,048 /oracle7/bin [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/cronjobs_dir [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/dbs [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/guicommon2 [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/jdbc [Sent]
Directory--   2,048 /oracle7/lib [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/local [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/lost+found [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/md [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/network [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/nlsrtl3 [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/ocommon [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/oracore3 [Sent]
Directory--   5,120 /oracle7/orainst [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/otrace [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/plsql [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/precomp [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/rdbms [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/slax [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/sqlplus [Sent]
Directory--   1,024 /oracle7/src [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/svrmgr [Sent]
Directory--  96 /oracle7/tmp [Sent]
Directory--   6,144 /oracle7/work [Sent]
Normal File-- 2,376 /oracle7/.sh_history [Sent]
Normal File-- 1,071 /oracle7/.profile [Sent]
Normal File-- 8,228 /oracle7/unix.prd [Sent]
Normal File--