Re: TSM 5.1 and Backtrack compatibility

2002-05-14 Thread George Lesho

The different BMC SQL Backtrack packages are developed by different folks
so there is NO single answer to your question. I use SQL Backtrack for
Informix and when I get to the point where this becomes an issue, I will
call 1-800-537-1813 (BMC support) and talk to the SQL Backtrack for
Informix team and ask them about their interoperability testing. In theory,
the shared library stuff that TSM does should work with anyone else's XBSA
library (as provided by BMC).

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

  Anderson F.
  Nobre   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:   (bcc: George 
  OM.BR   Subject:  TSM 5.1 and Backtrack 
  Sent by: ADSM:
  Dist Stor

  05/14/2002 01:45
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

Hi all,

Does any body know where I can find information about TSM 5.1 compatibility
with BackTrack/OBSI?



2nd try - archive script

2002-04-29 Thread George Lesho

Sent a note to the ADSM list on Friday afternoon and had no responses. I
wrote a Korn script which basically stores the output of a df command
less the root file space in a file. This file is then read in, one line at
a time with the input used as the file system to be backed up using a dsmc
archive command. The problem is, we have used nested names in our file
systems and since I would like this script to be portable; that is, used in
all our production systems, I don't want to archive the same stuff over and
over...example: /usr/ , /usr/local/, /usr/bmc/, /usr/informix  each is a
file system and a directory tree which would be backed up under /usr/. Any
sample script that you might be using would be appreciated! Thanks and
hopefully Monday morning will see more people checking the list.

OS AIX 433 Server 4.1.5 Clients 4.1.3

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

Re: TDP for Informix and onbar

2002-04-26 Thread George Lesho

KK - There are only two possible culprits to my mind... the version of
onbar you are using may be at fault. It talks through a shared library
function (XBSA) provided by Tivoli. The session isn't being released
properly so you may want to turn on tracing in your onconfig file at level
7 and output to a file. This file will get big quick but if you are just
backing up a logical log it won't be that bad. You may also want to turn on
TSM tracing and this is even better at providing a blow-by-blow of the
command exchanges. Either get Tivoli support or Informix support or BOTH
involved to resolve this issue. You may not be able to figure it out
yourself looking at the traces as the commands are kind of arcane (at least
for a sys admin / storage admin like myself ;-)

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

  Krzysztof Kus
  Sent by: ADSM:  cc:   (bcc: George 
  Dist StorSubject:  TDP for Informix and onbar

  04/26/2002 02:17
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor


I use AIX 4.3.3 (64bit), TSM 4.2.1, TDP for informix 4.1.3 and
7.31 (64bit).
After issuing onmode -l command the new log is generated.
looks fine - q con shows me that the new log is backed up, in
bar_act.log I can see messages about starting and finishing backup.

BUT! onbar_d processes are still running. I have to kill them (-9). The
same thing occurs during hot backup - onbar_d processes don't
dissappear. I have tested it on few other IBM machines with identical
result. On AIX 4.3.3 32bit this problem doesn't occur.


--== KKus ==--

Archive script?

2002-04-26 Thread George Lesho

Anybody have a ksh script that they run to accomplish whole system archives
on AIX 4.x.x boxes with TSM? I wrote one and lists all the JFS file systems
and then reads these in from a file as an argument to the archive
command... Problem is, my script works for about 1 gig of backup and then
seems to bog down. Another unfortunate problem is that our file systems use
nested naming such as /usr /usr/local /usr/bmc , etc so when you feed /usr/
with subdir=yes as another argument, it also backs up /usr/local and all
its subdirs redundantly. Any assistance would be mucho appreciated!

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

archive problem - what am I missing

2002-04-23 Thread George Lesho

All AIX 433 TSM server 4.1.3 client

I put together a script to do a full archive of our production servers and
am testing currently on a development box/client. The intent of the script
is to archive all JFS file systems less the root FS.


chmod 755 /tmp/FS

df -k | grep /dev | egrep -v hd4 | awk '{print $7}'  /tmp/FS

cat /tmp/FS |

read -r SLICE

dsmc archive -archmc=14periods -subdir=yes -quiet ${SLICE}/
These are my actual file systems  the output of the file FS created
above; results are as expected:

dev: /usr/local/bin-  df
Filesystem512-blocks  Free %UsedIused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4   32768  7912   76% 201625% /
/dev/hd2 3211264748848   77%3661510% /usr
/dev/hd9var   344064197880   43%  535 2% /var
/dev/hd3 1671168322912   81%  585 1% /tmp
/dev/hd1 2048000518256   75%16058 7% /home
/dev/local819200341048   59% 5261 5% /usr/local
/dev/informix1015808354704   66% 2109 2% /usr/informix
/dev/afc 1310720666480   50% 1969 2% /afc
/dev/bmc  557056 93392   84%  827 2% /usr/bmc
/dev/maestrolv 393216131616   67% 4314 9% /usr/lpp/maestro
/dev/webapps  786432573184   28%  820 1% /webapps
/dev/psoft   1966080   1457584   26%  702 1% /usr/psoft
/dev/hr751   2097152   1686632   20% 4081 2% /usr/psoft/hr751

dev: /tmp-  cat FS

Problem is, I have only archived about 1.3 gigs in 3 hours and I checked
the network and ethernet interfaces and there are no significant errors.
This performance is miserable... noticed while monitoring the session from
the server that there are very high idle times; nothing else going on on
the server (no processes). Any help/hints would be appreciated!

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

Re: sense errors

2002-04-22 Thread George Lesho

This sense code indicates a medium error where the format was corrupted.
This error is usually associated with a TSM volume where someone did other
than TSM recordings (dd, Veritas, tar, etc)

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

  Johnn D. Tan
  L.EDU   cc:   (bcc: George 
  Sent by: ADSM:  Subject:  sense errors
  Dist Stor

  04/18/02 03:31 PM
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

Does anyone have any ideas on the following errors that showed up in our
activity log? We have TSM 4.1.3 server running on AIX 4.3.3ML9, connected
a SpectraLogic HVD 64000/Gator (with Sony SDX-500C drives).

We've sent the sense code info to Tivoli as well as SpectraLogic, but they
point at each other or general SCSI problems. We've already swapped out
the cables, the terminators, even one of the SCSI cards. We've cleaned the
drives, changed the filters, re-connected the cables, etc. Even though all
of the below are on DRIVE1, it actually happens to all six of our drives

I checked the TSM Messages manual, and it's not that helpful.

* I'm writing not so much to get a definitive answer (as that's
obviously something specific to our site  setup), but more for other clues
or leads that I could investigate. Maybe Tivoli, SpectraLogic, and our own
group have all been looking in the wrong direction. *

By the way, we get these on a more-or-less regular basis, like one set of
three (such as below) per week or every other week.

Thanks for any leads.

04/18/02   07:43:55  ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE1 (/dev/mt0)
(OP=READ, CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=31, ASCQ=00,
., Description=Drive or media
failure).  Refer to Appendix B in the 'Messages' manual
for recommended action.

04/18/02   07:56:40  ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE1 (/dev/mt0)
(OP=READ, CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=31, ASCQ=00,
., Description=Drive or media
failure).  Refer to Appendix B in the 'Messages' manual
for recommended action.

04/18/02   08:06:17  ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE1 (/dev/mt0)
(OP=READ, CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=31, ASCQ=00,
., Description=Drive or media
failure).  Refer to Appendix B in the 'Messages' manual
for recommended action.

Re: auditing tape libraries again

2002-04-09 Thread George Lesho

The audit library function needs to have most all the processes quiet. In
addition, if you let it slap the tapes into drives to read the labels, it
may never finish... I have NEVER gotten that little feature to work (3.7.2
or I do audits using the barcode reader as in: audit library
3575lib1 checklabel=barcode. This will read the last scan the library did
of its elements from memory and only mount a tape if the label is damaged.
It will NOT move from slot to slot as one would expect.

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

  Marc Lowers
  Marc.R.Lowers@GSTo:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  K.COM   cc:   (bcc: George 
  Sent by: ADSM:  Subject:  auditing tape libraries again
  Dist Stor

  04/09/02 10:32 AM
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

Does the size of a TSM database relate to the length in time that an AUDIT
LIBRARY will take to complete?
We have a TSM server running on Solaris software which is around 40GB in
size and have left it running for 3 days and it still failed to complete!
We had to cancel the process.

Any ideas if this is the reason it should take so long?


Re: Migrate Install 3.7 to 4.2 any Notes?

2002-04-09 Thread George Lesho

I saved off all config files, the accounting log and a bunch of other
things. I backed up the db and was ready for the worst. I needed nothing...
it was very straightforward. The licesnse files need to be installed
properly. I would highly recommend latest ATAPE driver and that is about
it. I didn't need any of the stuff I had saved off... no config changes at
all when upgrade was complete... only had to redo licensing.

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

  Craig Simpson
  COM cc:   (bcc: George 
  Sent by: ADSM:  Subject:  Re: Migrate Install 3.7 to 
4.2 any Notes?
  Dist Stor

  04/09/02 04:53 PM
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

On AIX 4.3.3. Any notes you have would be great. We are running an IBM 3494
Librairy with 3590 drivers.



Craig Simpson

  Jolliff, Dale
  Sent by: ADSM:  cc:
  Dist StorSubject:  Re: Migrate
Install 3.7 to 4.2 any Notes?

  04/09/02 03:27 PM
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

What OS?
I just did some 3.7.4 to 4.2.x for AIX.

It's pretty straightforward for the server code itself, but watch out for
changes in the startup scripts if you use an externally managed library.

-Original Message-
From: Craig Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:15 PM
Subject: Migrate Install 3.7 to 4.2 any Notes?

Doing a Migrate Install from 3.7 to 4.2.11. Do anyone have any notes on
doing this? Any hang ups that they ran into?

Anyone have issues with the following:

  New features that might be on by default
  How much configuration do we lose



Craig Simpson

Re: Library does not perform barcode check during audit

2002-03-20 Thread George Lesho

As you are aware, your 3575 goes through initialize element status when
the door is opened or it is powered on. This means that the library does a
self audit and holds the info regarding which volsers relate to which
elements (slots). When you do a checklabel=barcode during your audit, the
info is stored on a chip in the library and TSM reads this. There is no
flapping around of the robot at that time.

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Michael Benjamin
GS.COM.AU  cc: (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Sent by: ADSM: Subject: Library does not perform 
Dist Storcheck during audit

03/20/02 02:54 AM
Please respond to
ADSM: Dist Stor

Hi All,

Why when I perform the following:

audit library LIBRARYNAME checklabel=barcode, it does not appear to do an
actual scan using the barcode
reader at all. The only way I can get a true audit is to omit the
checklabel, which forces tape mounts, which
takes a long time to complete the audit as you'd imagine as it reads off
each tape label. This occurs on both


audit library LIBRARYNAME checklabel=barcode

Why is this so?

Platform: AIX

Libraries: 3584 D34 and 3575-L18

TSM Version:

Storage Management Server for AIX-RS/6000 - Version 4, Release 2, Level 0.0

Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 4, Release 2, Level 0.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001, All Rights Reserved.

Session established with server ADSM_BBS: AIX-RS/6000
  Server Version 4, Release 2, Level 0.0

Actlog fragment:

(During this time no movement of the head occurred)

03/20/02   16:34:19  ANR2017I Administrator AUTOADMIN issued command:
  LIBRARY LIBRARYNAME checklabel=barcode
03/20/02   16:34:19  ANR0984I Process 321 for AUDIT LIBRARY started in
  BACKGROUND at 16:34:19.
03/20/02   16:34:19  ANR8457I AUDIT LIBRARY: Operation for library
  started as process 321.
03/20/02   16:34:21  ANR8461I AUDIT LIBRARY process for library
more...   (ENTER to continue, 'C' to cancel)

  completed successfully.
03/20/02   16:34:21  ANR0985I Process 321 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in
  BACKGROUND completed with completion state

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2)  All e-mails sent to and sent from Bunnings Building Supplies are
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Re: script to see if TSM Server is down

2002-03-15 Thread George Lesho

I wrote this one for the scheduler but you can modify the grep for the
server process...

#check to make sure TSM scheduler running

cd /usr/local/bin

SCHED=$(ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep -v tsmsched.scr | grep sched)
echo ${SCHED} | while read -r SCHEDULER_RUNNING
echo TSM Scheduler not running at `date` 
echo The TSM Scheduler was restarted at `date` 
telinit a
echo TSM Scheduler was restarted at `date` | mail -s TSM

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

Marc Levitan
marc.levitan@   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PFPC.COMcc: (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Sent by: Subject: script to see if TSM Server is 
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

03/15/02 10:02
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

Hi All -

Does anyone have a script that will send out an email alert if the TSM
server goes down.

I am running AIX 4.3.0
TSM 3.7.4

Marc Levitan
Storage Manager
PFPC Global Fund Services

Re: policy for reclamation of copy storage pool tapes

2002-03-13 Thread George Lesho

We reclaim on a daily basis for a finite period of time (in our admin day,
it comes after expiration takes place). We do this
by resetting the thresholds on the storage pools to 55 percent. When the
period of reclamation is done, we reset the threshold to 100 percent. We do
the reset using a script that we run from a tool called Maestro but it
could also be done
with a TSM admin schedule but Maestro allows for dependencies; in this case
expiration completes sucessfully.

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

Tim Brown
.COMcc: (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Sent by: Subject: policy for reclamation of copy
ADSM: Dist   storage pool tapes
Stor Manager

03/13/02 02:54
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

 just checking on what policy some of you use for space reclamation
on storage copy pool tapes

Tim Brown
Systems Specialist
Information Systems
Central Hudson Gas  Electric
tel: 845-486-5643
fax: 845-586-5921

Re: Informix API 3.7.1

2002-03-12 Thread George Lesho

Actually, the onbar debug file doesn't track the shared (XBSA) library
stuff much.  I think it would be preferable to turn on TSM tracing in the
client's dsm.opt file with the following stanzas. The tracing wraps so the
XBSA library which causes the
session to bomb would very likely be caught since this activity will be
what terminates the session. The stuff is also difficult to read and you
would do well to bring Tivoli support and Informix support into the problem
to interpret the trace.
Since your version of Tivoli doesn't come with an XBSA library, you must
have gotten it elsewhere. Check the sm_versions file; if you are using the
Informix supplied shared library (ISM) it should be in the bar_versions
table of the sysutils database as well as the sm_versions file. I don't
know where you are keeping the library files but they should also be linked
into /usr/lib.

dsm.opt trace stuff:

TRACEFILE  /tmp/filename  (((make sure permissions are set to allow writing
to this file- your filename may differ)))
TRACEFLAG  service -policy

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

Theresa (OskyTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX cc: (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Administrator)   Subject: Re: Informix API 3.7.1

Sent by:
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

03/12/02 07:53
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

Hi Doug;

I don't know what TSM error 168 is...however, I have had the XBSA Error
(BSAInit): An unspecified XBSA error has occurred: 96 before.  In my case
there was a problem with the sm_versions table.  Anyway, here's a URL that
might help you with the onbar-XBSA errors:

Also, you may want to turn on bar_debug (in your onconfig file) until this
problem is resolved, as that is what actually helped me resolve my XBSA
problems last time.

-Original Message-
From: Doug McLauchlan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 9:28 PM
Subject: Informix API 3.7.1

   Hi all *SM's, I need some help please. We are running TSM Server
with TSM Client and API on aix We have
been backup up the Informix Database (Informix Dynamic Server Version
7.30.UC7) until last Sunday when I received the message
10-03-2002 16:12:41  ANR0424W Session 3130 for node WW-DATAW-MONTHLY (AIX)

  refused - invalid password submitted.

this backup is a monthly Level 0 backup of the database and is a separate
node on the machine (I run 2 nodes on the same machine, 1 for monthly  1
for daily), On Monday night the Level 1 backup failed with this message
the bar.act.log
2002-03-11 18:37:26 255704  225818 /informix/bin/onbar_d -b -L 1 -f
 2002-03-11 18:38:04 255704  225818 Begin level 1 backup rootdbs.
 2002-03-11 18:38:07 255704  225818 XBSA Error (BSAInit): Attempt to
authorize root failed.
 2002-03-11 18:38:10 255704  225818 Begin level 1 backup rootdbs.
 2002-03-11 18:38:11 255704  225818 XBSA Error (BSAInit): Attempt to
authorize root failed.
 2002-03-11 18:38:14 255704  225818 Begin level 1 backup rootdbs.
 2002-03-11 18:38:15 255704  225818 XBSA Error (BSAInit): Attempt to
authorize root failed.
and in the dsm error log I had the following messages
11-03-2002 18:38:07 sessOpen: Error 137 from signon authentication.
11-03-2002 18:38:11 sessOpen: Error 137 from signon authentication.
11-03-2002 18:38:15 sessOpen: Error 137 from signon authentication.

I have reset the password on both nodes and now I receive the following
 2002-03-12 15:55:27 275680  259688 /informix/bin/onbar_d -b -L0 rootdbs
 2002-03-12 15:55:29 275680  259688 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
 2002-03-12 15:55:30 275680  259688 XBSA Error (BSAInit): An unspecified
XBSA error has occurred: 96
 2002-03-12 15:55:35 275680  259688 Begin backup logical log 1432.
 2002-03-12 15:55:35 275680  259688 XBSA Error (BSAInit): An unspecified
XBSA error has occurred: 96
 2002-03-12 15:55:40 275680  259688 Begin backup logical log 1432.
 2002-03-12 15:55:41 275680  259688 XBSA Error (BSAInit): An unspecified
XBSA error has occurred: 96
 2002-03-12 15:55:46 275680  259688 Begin backup logical log 1432.
 2002-03-12 15:55:46 275680  259688 XBSA Error (BSAInit): An unspecified
XBSA error has occurred: 96

12-03-2002 15:55:30 sessOpen: Error 168 from signon authentication.
12-03-2002 15:55:35 sessOpen: Error 168 from signon authentication.
12-03-2002 15:55:41 sessOpen: Error 168 from signon authentication.
12-03-2002 15:55:46 sessOpen

Re: reporting on backup successes/failures

2002-03-05 Thread George Lesho

Depends on what O/S your TSM server is running on but for an AIX server, a
script running out of cron which queries events for the past 24 hours seems
to work for me (plus the script checks lots of other things)...

George Lesho
AFC Entprises

Glass, Peter
FARGO.COM cc: (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Sent by: ADSM: Dist   Subject: reporting on backup
Stor Manager   successes/failures

03/05/02 10:26 AM
Please respond to
ADSM: Dist Stor

What would be the best way to produce a report that shows the number of
client backup successes vs. failures, for a given day?

Peter Glass
Distributed Storage Management (DSM)
Wells Fargo Services Company

Re: Scheduling a client backup to NOT occur 1 day a month - how-to recommendations needed

2002-03-05 Thread George Lesho

The most effective way to not run a schedule on a certain recurring day is
to build an admin schedule which runs a TSM script - The name of your
scheduled backup will be different than mine which in this case is

tsm: AFCOPS2q sched updatemontly type=a f=d

Command: run updatemonthly
Priority: 4
Start Date/Time: 03/31/01   10:00:00
Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Period: 4 Week(s)
Day of Week: Saturday
Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): GEORGE
Last Update Date/Time: 03/23/01   13:17:34
Managing profile:

It will run the TSM script updatemontly

tsm: AFCOPS2q script updatemontly f=d

Line Number: 1
Command: upd sched satdomain powkarpr2 startd=+1
Last Update by (administrator): GEORGE
Last Update Date/Time: 03/23/01   13:12:13

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Kent Monthei
Kent.J.Monthe   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc: (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Sent by: Subject: Scheduling a client backup to NOT
ADSM: Dist   occur 1 day a month - how-to
Stor Manager recommendations needed

03/05/02 02:37
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

We have an NT client that's associated with a Solaris TSM Server's daily
backup schedule.  On the 3rd of every month, an application process runs
on the NT client that clashes badly with TSM's scheduled backup, so we've
been asked to disable the TSM backup of this client on the 3rd of each

There's no way to schedule this per-month exception using the Client
Schedule parameters.  Could someone recommend a tried/tested method for
accomplishing this?

-rsvp, thanks

Kent Monthei

Re: ADSM/TSM and INFORMIX online Backups

2002-03-04 Thread George Lesho

Well, If you are not having issues with the XBSA library and only with
management classes, use only a management class with an archive copy group.
The backups will be of the type archive. Set you retention up when
building the copy group for the archive. There is no point in making backup
type copy groups. The stuff will expire per your retention value in the
archive copy group. I need to keep my database backups for a period for
two of my 3 Informix databases... here is my copy group:

tsm: AFCOPS2q co satdomain active 32day type=a f=d

Policy Domain Name: SATDOMAIN
   Policy Set Name: ACTIVE
   Mgmt Class Name: 32DAY
   Copy Group Name: STANDARD
   Copy Group Type: Archive
Retain Version: 32
Copy Serialization: Shared Static
Copy Frequency: CMD
 Copy Mode: Absolute
  Copy Destination: ARDPOOL1
Last Update by (administrator): GEORGE
 Last Update Date/Time: 03/01/02   14:09:05
  Managing profile:

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

SARamnarayan@C   cc: (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
ALTEX.COMSubject: Re: ADSM/TSM and INFORMIX online
Sent by: ADSM:Backups
Dist Stor

03/04/02 01:01
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

Hi George

We are currently using the X/OPEN api to backup the Informix database.
We are also using the onbar utility in conjunction with the X/OPEN api.
My question is how to set up management classes for the backups and also
logs and how to expire these backups and logs.


-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: ADSM/TSM and INFORMIX online Backups

Need more info Sean. In order for Onbar to play with TSM, a shared
is needed. Tivoli previously gave you one in ADSM Ver 3.1 but dropped
shared library for later distributions when it found it could sell a
alone product (thus put some more coins in their pocket) called TDM for
Informix which is basically a shared XBSA library. Informix does have
available that they got gratis from Legatto some time ago but it doesn't
work well. The only other 3rd party product that provides a shared
is BMC SQL BackTrack for Informix which also allows you to pull database
tables from the TSM backup tapes and stick them in a warm database (nice
feature). My location uses SQL BackTrack for Informix. How do you plan
putting a shared library into use? The BMC product has you create
pools which basically are the conduit to TSM by allowing you to bind a
management class to a backup (the backup pools have nothing to do with
actual tapes. I don't run onbar commands to do backups but use BMC
which in turn call the onbar commands. I do all backups as TSM archive
because expiration doesn't work well with backup type backups. There
isn't a true incremental capability withing TSM against these data bases
anyway. There is an incremental capability within onbar (L0, L1, L2) but
TSM doesn't care about this aspect of Onbar. Read the Onbar Backup and
Restore Guide for your version of Informix and decide how you are going
come up with an XBSA shared library.
Don't hesitate to shoot further questions.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

03/01/2002 02:42:11 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  ADSM/TSM and INFORMIX online Backups


I would like to know if any has setup INFORMIX to backup to ADSM/TSM ?
My question is how did you set up the management class for the Informix
logical and physical
logs to be backed up to ADSM using the onbar function.
How does ADSM store the logs in the server ?
How to delete the logs when inactive from ADSM/TSM.


Sean Ramnarayan

MMS made the following
 annotations on 03/01/2002 10:42:11 AM


This message may contain confidential information that is legally
privileged and is intended only  for the use of the parties to whom it
addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified
that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any information in
this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message
error, please notify the sender

Re: how does TSM / sql backtrack use management classes?

2002-03-04 Thread George Lesho

Not familiar with SQL BT for Oracle but I use (unfortunately) SQL BackTrack
for Informix. There is a $DTICATALOG directory (as database instance owner,
echo $DTICATALOG). Within the DTI Catalog directory, there is a file called
dtoptions. One stanza from this file shows how a BMQ SQ BT backup pool
is bound to a TSM management class
 whether it is a backup or archive as well as the TSM filespace (remember
that the backup_pool=V35003DM is a
BMC reference:

begin backup_pool=V35003DM
end backup_pool

This is the line in the backup script where the BMC -to option points the
backup to a BMC backup_pool:

dtibackup -whole_system -quiet -noprompt -to V35003DM -debug -debugfile

and to add a bit more to this mess, there is an instance directory within
the $DTICATALOG path that contains the
default for any backups make by this instance user in case a -to option
is not specified. It contains defaults for
all dbspaces plus a default for logical logs. The name of the instance
directory is dbcci and there is another
instance directory called psinf_73uc1. In the case of an Informix database,
the place where the default BMC
backup_pool is set is called onbarconfig:

informix at afcprod1: /usr/bmc/IFX/data/dtcat $ ls
informix at afcprod1: /usr/bmc/IFX/data/dtcat $ cd dbcci
informix at afcprod1: /usr/bmc/IFX/data/dtcat/dbcci $ ls
exportconfig   exporthistory  onbarconfigonbarhistory   profile
informix at afcprod1: /usr/bmc/IFX/data/dtcat/dbcci $ more onbarconfig
begin object=@@default
end object
begin object=logical-log
end object

Hope all that mess helped... take this with a grain of salt as the BMC SQL
BT for Oracle product may work differently...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

mrreich@NPPD.   cc: (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
COM Subject: how does TSM / sql backtrack use
Sent by:  management classes?
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

03/04/02 03:20
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

We're using SQL backtrack to backup our oracle database. If two backtrack
backup scripts are run using two different management classes against the
same database, (ie.. management class one has 3 version, 30 days and
management class two has 6 versions 60 days) how does TSM handle the
Will it in effect use the shortest management class. Or will it keep two
sets of the database, one for 3/30 and the other for 6/60?

Re: ADSM/TSM and INFORMIX online Backups

2002-03-01 Thread George Lesho

Need more info Sean. In order for Onbar to play with TSM, a shared library
is needed. Tivoli previously gave you one in ADSM Ver 3.1 but dropped the
shared library for later distributions when it found it could sell a stand
alone product (thus put some more coins in their pocket) called TDM for
Informix which is basically a shared XBSA library. Informix does have one
available that they got gratis from Legatto some time ago but it doesn't
work well. The only other 3rd party product that provides a shared library
is BMC SQL BackTrack for Informix which also allows you to pull database
tables from the TSM backup tapes and stick them in a warm database (nice
feature). My location uses SQL BackTrack for Informix. How do you plan on
putting a shared library into use? The BMC product has you create backup
pools which basically are the conduit to TSM by allowing you to bind a
management class to a backup (the backup pools have nothing to do with
actual tapes. I don't run onbar commands to do backups but use BMC commands
which in turn call the onbar commands. I do all backups as TSM archive type
because expiration doesn't work well with backup type backups. There
isn't a true incremental capability withing TSM against these data bases
anyway. There is an incremental capability within onbar (L0, L1, L2) but
TSM doesn't care about this aspect of Onbar. Read the Onbar Backup and
Restore Guide for your version of Informix and decide how you are going to
come up with an XBSA shared library.
Don't hesitate to shoot further questions.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

03/01/2002 02:42:11 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  ADSM/TSM and INFORMIX online Backups


I would like to know if any has setup INFORMIX to backup to ADSM/TSM ?
My question is how did you set up the management class for the Informix
logical and physical
logs to be backed up to ADSM using the onbar function.
How does ADSM store the logs in the server ?
How to delete the logs when inactive from ADSM/TSM.


Sean Ramnarayan

MMS made the following
 annotations on 03/01/2002 10:42:11 AM

This message may contain confidential information that is legally
privileged and is intended only  for the use of the parties to whom it is
addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified
that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any information in
this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in
error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the message. Thank


was Re: TSM scheduler dies now HSM kills scheduler

2002-02-27 Thread George Lesho

Good tip! FYI... Noticed that I was getting the following error... I had
been getting this error since installing the new server code a few months
ago (went from to

02/25/02   22:00:04 ANS9281E Space management kernel extension is downlevel
from the user program.

Since the problem with the scheduler quitting had only been occuring during
the past week, I didn't immediatly associate this error with the scheduler
quitting but sure enough, the times did coincide. I had been getting this
error on and off since installing new server code months ago. Why the
problem (scheduler stopping) didn't pop up for months is a mystery. In any
case, I we don't run HSM so I just went to the /dev directory and removed a
file/device called fsn which is associated with this HSM stuff and the
problem of the scheduler stopping went away. This is strange because I had
deleted references to HSM in my rc.* files, had no HSM file systems nor
were any HSM processes running. I did not have any HSM licenses actuated
either... strange but the problem is now fixed Thanks to all who

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

David Longo [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/26/2002
10:30:08 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM scheduler dies

Look in your dsmsched.log and dsmerror.log on this client and see if there
are any messages indicating problem.  I have one AIX client that
occaisionally has a memory problem and that shows up in logs.

David Longo

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/26/02 11:10AM 
I have server AIX 433 running TSM  4.1.3 client. The TSM scheduler
runs out of /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin. Over the past week, the TSM
scheduler just quits.

example of scheduler process while running:

afcops2: /usr/local/bin # ps -aef | grep sched
root 11502 31266   1 14:46:24  pts/0  0:00 grep sched
root 22444 1   0 14:33:33  -  0:00 dsmc sched

-- I start the scheduler on system reboot via an entry in my

adsmschd:a2:once:/etc/rc.adsmc /dev/null 21 #Start ADSM Sched

-- The inittab entry runs a script rc.adsmc:


# Title : ADSM automatic dsmc scheduler startup
# Date  : 09/08/1999
# Written by B/Johnson
# Function : To enable the CLIENT SCHEDULER DAEMON to be
#restarted automatically on reboot
# Actions  : put the following line into /etc/inittab
#   1) adsm::once:/etc/rc.adsmc  /dev/null 21 #ADSM Scheduler

#set -x

   if [ -x ${BASEDIR}/dsmc ]
nohup dsmc sched 21  /dev/null 
echo ...Sending output to /dev/null...
echo ...Cannot start ADSM Client Scheduler...
echo ...${BASEDIR}/dsmc does not exist...

 exit 0

___Yesterday, I wrote a script to check the scheduler on
the hour (script runs via crontab) and
 restart the scheduler, if
necessary... here is script:

#check to make sure TSM scheduler running

cd /usr/local/bin

SCHED=$(ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep -v tsmsched.scr | grep sched)
echo ${SCHED} | while read -r SCHEDULER_RUNNING
echo TSM Scheduler not running at `date` 
echo The TSM Scheduler was restarted at `date` 
telinit a
echo TSM Scheduler was restarted at `date` | mail -s TSM
Scheduler quit! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
echo TSM Scheduler running at `date` 

__here is a copy of the log generated by the above script:

TSM Scheduler running at Mon Feb 25 15:00:01 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Mon Feb 25 16:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Mon Feb 25 17:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Mon Feb 25 18:00:01 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 19:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 19:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 20:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 20:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 21:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 21:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 22:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 22:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 23:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 23:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler

Re: Idea for a TSM feature

2002-02-27 Thread George Lesho

Hope you folks don't have a disaster and lose your disks... How would DRM
work with active files all held on disk? I guess you could copy the active
files to your copy pool(s) to get the stuff offsite rather than migrate to
a primary pool.  I sure wouldn't want to tell the folks I work for that we
only had copies of inactive files from which to perform a disaster

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

James Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/27/2002 11:50:42

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Idea for a TSM feature

With current/future tape technology the most important thing for
is to be able to stream data to and from the tape drive.  Certain TSM
operations stream data to tape really well (migration).  Due to the
granularity of TSM (file level) retreiving data from tape is normally not
streamed.  Any type you have to relocate with tape, your performance
suffers.  Generating backupsets can cause a lot of tape mounts with a lot
locates needed to get the active versions.
Having this feature would eliminate tape performance issues with creating
backupsets.  Also file system restores would not have tape performance
issues with the active versions.

This would not break anything with TSM.  It is really simple to get  in a
state where your disk pool has only active versions and your tape next
storage pool has only inactive versions.  Just migrate data to tape and run
a selective backup of the filesystem.  Voila, active versions on disk, only
inactive on tape.

The one issue I do see with this feature would be dealing with aggregates.
A file aggregate could have both active and inactive.  But theses types of
development isses are not anything I would have to deal with. :)

James Thompson

I am sure others will reply, but why not use large cached primary disk
If you need to, define a separate pool for each important client, large
enough to hold a full backup.  That way, all the active files will
be in the pool. (Exceptions will break this, eg a big file that changes
every day may flush out an old active file)


(See TSM Guide for disadvantages of cached pools...)

While I suspect that having active/inactive be in different storage pools
would break something in TSM, maybe we could get a move data node=xxx
type=active command...

-Original Message-
From: James Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:44 AM
Subject: Idea for a TSM feature

Thought I would throw an idea I had for a TSM feature out on
the listserv and get some thoughts no whether this would be useful or not.

The feature that I would like to see is the ability to create
a special disk storage pool, that would only migrate inactive versions of
backup objects to the next storage pool.  This would keep all the active
versions on disk storage.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

TSM scheduler dies

2002-02-26 Thread George Lesho

I have server AIX 433 running TSM  4.1.3 client. The TSM scheduler
runs out of /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin. Over the past week, the TSM
scheduler just quits.

example of scheduler process while running:

afcops2: /usr/local/bin # ps -aef | grep sched
root 11502 31266   1 14:46:24  pts/0  0:00 grep sched
root 22444 1   0 14:33:33  -  0:00 dsmc sched

-- I start the scheduler on system reboot via an entry in my

adsmschd:a2:once:/etc/rc.adsmc /dev/null 21 #Start ADSM Sched

-- The inittab entry runs a script rc.adsmc:

# Title : ADSM automatic dsmc scheduler startup
# Date  : 09/08/1999
# Written by B/Johnson
# Function : To enable the CLIENT SCHEDULER DAEMON to be
#restarted automatically on reboot
# Actions  : put the following line into /etc/inittab
#   1) adsm::once:/etc/rc.adsmc  /dev/null 21 #ADSM Scheduler
#set -x

   if [ -x ${BASEDIR}/dsmc ]
nohup dsmc sched 21  /dev/null 
echo ...Sending output to /dev/null...
echo ...Cannot start ADSM Client Scheduler...
echo ...${BASEDIR}/dsmc does not exist...

 exit 0

___Yesterday, I wrote a script to check the scheduler on
the hour (script runs via crontab) and
 restart the scheduler, if
necessary... here is script:

#check to make sure TSM scheduler running

cd /usr/local/bin

SCHED=$(ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep -v tsmsched.scr | grep sched)
echo ${SCHED} | while read -r SCHEDULER_RUNNING
echo TSM Scheduler not running at `date` 
echo The TSM Scheduler was restarted at `date` 
telinit a
echo TSM Scheduler was restarted at `date` | mail -s TSM
Scheduler quit! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
echo TSM Scheduler running at `date` 

__here is a copy of the log generated by the above script:

TSM Scheduler running at Mon Feb 25 15:00:01 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Mon Feb 25 16:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Mon Feb 25 17:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Mon Feb 25 18:00:01 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 19:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 19:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 20:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 20:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 21:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 21:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 22:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 22:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Mon Feb 25 23:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Mon Feb 25 23:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Tue Feb 26 00:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Tue Feb 26 00:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler not running at Tue Feb 26 01:00:00 CST 2002
The TSM Scheduler was restarted at Tue Feb 26 01:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 02:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 03:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 04:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 05:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 06:00:01 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 07:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 08:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 09:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 10:00:00 CST 2002
TSM Scheduler running at Tue Feb 26 10:00:00 CST 2002

Any hints as to why the scheduler is now stopping for no
apparent reason... the rc.adsmc script had run without
a hitch since 1999... Thanks -

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Re: TSM scheduler dies

2002-02-26 Thread George Lesho

No... The scheduler had stopped and needed to be restarted two days ago.
Fearing a problem, I added the script yesterday that I put in my original
email which checks every hour to ensure that the scheduler is running and
if not, restarts it by running the telinit a command which in turn runs
the rc.adsmc script... other than that, no at or cron entries for the time
affected. George Lesho

Lindsey Thomson [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/26/2002 11:11:52

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM scheduler dies

Hi *,
 Also, as this has been functioning correctly since 1999, has anyone
recently modified any cron/at jobs???

512 823 6522

Re: Disaster Recovery Project

2002-02-26 Thread George Lesho

It would be easier to speak to this issue if you had mentioned your
environment.  I am in an AIX / TSM /DRM environment and we do mksysb tapes
of our production servers and store them offsite. In addition, we allow
TSM/DRM to decide which tapes are needed offsite in the event of a
disaster. If a disaster occurred, we have contingency servers available at
an offsite location (in case this location no longer exists) and we would
ship copies of the DRM Prepare plan and associated recovery files along
with all DRM (offsite tapes) to this location. We would then rebuild the
servers (including the TSM Server) affected using mksysb tapes and then
reapply production stuff (like Informix databases and critical apps) using
the DRM media.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Jane Bamberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/26/2002
11:27:41 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Disaster Recovery Project


I work for a hospital, and was just given the project of gathering all the
information I can about disaster recovery. I would appreciate it if I could
get any sites, information from any of you that have already gone down this

I also would like to here any horror stories, or bad reviews about any of
the major players in DRM. Do any of you use Tivoli DRM, Autovault, or any
other third party software?

I am pretty new to the list - so if this has already been hashed over in
detail - let me know - and I'll go searching!


Jane Bamberger
IS Department
Bassett Healthcare

Re: Disaster Recovery Project

2002-02-26 Thread George Lesho

Guess the first thing to do is to figure out which servers would need to be
brought back in the event of a disaster. I back up several dozen servers
but only a couple are needed in the event of a total meltdown in order to
maintain company operational capability (the restore of these servers is
mandated by contract). The next step is to figure out what is needed to
bring each of the required servers back up to a running state quickly. In
our case, the mksysb tapes are all that is required. In your case, there
may be a mixed answer. The DRM part is pretty easy using TSM/DRM as TSM
keeps track of which tapes are needed and also offers a Prepare file
which has all the info needed to rebuild the TSM environement (along with a
couple other files like the volume history and hardware stuff).

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Jane Bamberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/26/2002
12:21:59 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Disaster Recovery Project


Thanks - and sorry I did not give specific details.

I am AIX 4.3.3 with TSM on and THIN SP2 node with a 3494 Tape
library. We currently do not have DRM, and are using an offsite rotation to
another building on our hospital campus. We have 2 Alpha ES40's, AIX sp
frame with 7 nodes, 10 Netfinity servers, 23 NT servers, 1 linux, 2
proliants, 4 Solaris - as you can see - a real mixed bag - so any help
be appreciated.


Jane Bamberger
IS Department
Bassett Healthcare

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
George Lesho
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Disaster Recovery Project

It would be easier to speak to this issue if you had mentioned your
environment.  I am in an AIX / TSM /DRM environment and we do mksysb tapes
of our production servers and store them offsite. In addition, we allow
TSM/DRM to decide which tapes are needed offsite in the event of a
disaster. If a disaster occurred, we have contingency servers available at
an offsite location (in case this location no longer exists) and we would
ship copies of the DRM Prepare plan and associated recovery files along
with all DRM (offsite tapes) to this location. We would then rebuild the
servers (including the TSM Server) affected using mksysb tapes and then
reapply production stuff (like Informix databases and critical apps) using
the DRM media.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Jane Bamberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/26/2002
11:27:41 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Disaster Recovery Project


I work for a hospital, and was just given the project of gathering all the
information I can about disaster recovery. I would appreciate it if I could
get any sites, information from any of you that have already gone down this

I also would like to here any horror stories, or bad reviews about any of
the major players in DRM. Do any of you use Tivoli DRM, Autovault, or any
other third party software?

I am pretty new to the list - so if this has already been hashed over in
detail - let me know - and I'll go searching!


Jane Bamberger
IS Department
Bassett Healthcare

Re: On-bar help required.

2002-02-20 Thread George Lesho

You would do well to do a whole_system backup / restore rather than the L
0. The level zero may not have access to backed up logical logs and the
whole_system backup will include everything it needs for the restore.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Jason Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/20/2002 07:37:47 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  On-bar help required.


We have installed a new TSM 4.2.1 environment at our site.

Our DBA has tried to run an onbar backup using the following command:-
onbar -b -L 0 with the number of parallel backups set to two.

Due to the default number of mount points being set to 1 for a client, this
backup started giving errors and was aborted by the DBA.

The maximun number of mount points was altered to 2 and another backup was
kicked. This backup went through cleanly and no errors were encountered in
the API log.

The DBA has tried to run a restore.

The bar_act.log say WARNING : Physical restore complete. Logical restore
required before work can continue.

The DBA issues onbar -r -l and the following error is displayed on the

DBSpace logspace1 not recovered fomr same archive as  DBSpace rootbds.

Has anyone encounetered this type of error before.

The DBA has asked if the problem is due to multiple backups being on the
same tape . Could this be the case ?

Regards Jason

Re: On-bar help required.

2002-02-20 Thread George Lesho

By default, the whole_system backup is a level zero and thus the L0
argument is not required...

should be   onbar -b -w / onbar -r -w

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

thomas true [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/20/2002
08:20:18 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: On-bar help required.

Hi Jason,

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20.02.2002  14.37 Uhr 
Our DBA has tried to run an onbar backup using the following command:-
onbar -b -L 0 with the number of parallel backups set to two.
The bar_act.log say WARNING : Physical restore complete. Logical restore
required before work can continue.

The DBA issues onbar -r -l and the following error is displayed on the

DBSpace logspace1 not recovered fomr same archive as  DBSpace rootbds.

Has anyone encounetered this type of error before.

I had the same problem (although using HP Omniback for backup). Your DBA
has to use the
command: onbar -b -w -L 0 .
The parameter '-w' means 'whole database' and is necessary for a
successfull restore.
I don't know the exact explanation but I think it is somewhere in the
backup and recovery manual.


Re: TSM Sample Scripts (was TSM Database Tables)

2002-02-18 Thread George Lesho

During the initial install on my Win2K server (, a Server1 dir
was created. Most of the server config files are now located there. In the
original Server directory is a file which contains the sample scripts
called scripts.smp.

I will attach that file...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

(See attached file: scripts.smp)

Al Narzisi [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/18/2002 05:24:31 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM Sample Scripts (was TSM Database Tables)

I did a search on *.smp and no scripts.smp on my W2K server.

- Original Message -
From: Rushforth, Tim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Sample Scripts (was TSM Database Tables)

 C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\Server\scripts.smp

 -Original Message-
 From: Al Narzisi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: TSM Database Tables

 I can not find the sample scripts on my W2K Server.  Does anyone know
 I would find these samples for Windows servers.

Description: Binary data

Re: Novell performance issue

2002-02-14 Thread George Lesho

Thanks for the tip but my cache hit percentage is in the low 99s for both
my AIX and Win2K TSM servers. The issue is more likely related to the
version of Novell and its components based on reading and comments from
others... Here is where we are at:

SMDR  5.04

The Novell admins are hesitant to put on TSA5UP7 or TSA5UP8 because these
are still beta but contain important fixes that apparantly TSM likes

Any other hints/suggestion would be VERY appreciated. Backups are taking
forever on these Novell 5 boxes...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Brandon Eckmann/NS/WSC [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 02/14/2002
11:21:26 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Novell performance issue

On the TSM server side, run query db format=detail and check the Cache
Hit Pct line.
If it is under 98%, you need to increase the number of database buffers in
the TSM server.

Brandon Eckmann
Network and Technology Services
Wayne State College
Wayne NE.

| |   George Lesho |
| |   Sent by: ADSM:  |
| |   Dist Stor|
| |   Manager |
| |   .EDU|
| ||
| ||
| |   02/13/2002 02:43 |
| |   PM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   ADSM: Dist Stor |
| |   Manager |
| ||

  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Novell performance issue

I now have two Novell clients; one each hung off AIX 433 / TSM 4145 and
Win2K / TSM 415 respectively. These clients are at Novell 5.0 SP5 with TSM
client 413. I have compression turned off in the dsm.opt file. I get
repreated indications in
the activity logs from both TSM servers that such and such a file can't be
backed up because it is not found.

02/08/02   16:14:40  ANE4005E (Session: 1271, Node: ADSM_PEACH1)  Error
  D_08_96/COMPMKTS.XLS': file not found

Performance is terrible. I sure could use some help with this issue.
Incremental backups are in the 8 hour range...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Novell performance issue

2002-02-13 Thread George Lesho

I now have two Novell clients; one each hung off AIX 433 / TSM 4145 and
Win2K / TSM 415 respectively. These clients are at Novell 5.0 SP5 with TSM
client 413. I have compression turned off in the dsm.opt file. I get
repreated indications in
the activity logs from both TSM servers that such and such a file can't be
backed up because it is not found.

02/08/02   16:14:40  ANE4005E (Session: 1271, Node: ADSM_PEACH1)  Error
  D_08_96/COMPMKTS.XLS': file not found

Performance is terrible. I sure could use some help with this issue.
Incremental backups are in the 8 hour range...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

HELP ME! My Netware backup moves like mud!

2002-02-07 Thread George Lesho


Server Win2K TSM - Client Netware 5.1 TSM 4.1.3 -

I administer the TSM server remotely and am NOT the sys admin for the box.
Same holds true for the client... The remote site
previously used ArcServe and that server suddenly went belly up. Since the
plan for the remote location was to migrate
to TSM, the install of client code on a Netware box was pushed through
yesterday. After fumbling with the password stuff,
I kicked off an incremental backup of one volume. While this volume has a
capacity of 142 gigs, it is hopefully not close to
being fully utilized (the NW admin is at lunch or something and I have no
way of checking) because although I kicked off the backup at 17:00
yesterday, it is still running and less than 12gigs have been moved. I have
largecomm enabled and I am compressing on the client. Another Netware admin
has told me that the TSM client compression for Netware is very slow so

How does one turn on compression on the 3570 drives in my 3575L24 at the
remote location (library attached to Win2K server via SCSI interface)??? Is
there a config file or a registry hack that is needed???
 I am a UNIX admin so please take pity and speak slowly ;-)

Thanks in advance -
George Lesho
backup admin (hehehe)
AFC Enterprises


2002-02-06 Thread George Lesho

The TSM Admin Guide says that the SET AUTHENTICATION option, as used in the
server option file, is used to
specify whether admins and client nodes need a password to access the
server... the value is set to ON at install.

I and one other person are the only admins. The servers typically back up
via schedule and owners of the non-
Unix (I am only admin) clients such as Netware and Windows are other admins
who can kick off backups or restores
but do not have TSM admin privilages; only client privilages.

Is there any good reason to keep the SET AUTHENTICATION YES set?

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Netware 5.1 client opt file

2002-02-06 Thread George Lesho

I have only one Netware client and little experience setting up options.
That boxes option file uses the NWUSER option as follows:


I noted in the 4.1 NW client guide that there is another option that might
be used called:


Are these two options exclusive of each other? Do you use one and not the
other? BTW: I have made the password in the NWUSER option the word
password... this is not the actual
password. If I use the NWPWFILE YES option, can/should I get rid of the
NWUSER option???


George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
System/Storage Administrator
Novell Neophyte

Re: Management Class Setup

2002-02-05 Thread George Lesho

Sean, Since you will be using onbar, you will be doing full backups (onbar
Level Zero or whole_system) or Level One or Level Two backups. Look at an
onbar backup / restore guide... they are available for download from the
Informix web site...
The Level One  Two backups are roughly the same as doing incremental
backups... Make all your backups archive type backups and this will give
them finite expiration days... You CAN NOT do incremental backups using
TSM... Make up a management class with copy groups of only the type
archive and point your logical logs into the one that has the longest
retention because none of your backups will be worth anything without the
logical logs to bring a restore back to a point in time. Thus you will have
copy groups (archive) with 32 day retention for your weekly, the daily
backups will go in there as well and will be some combination of Level Zero
(or whole_system) and L1s and L2s (read the onbar backup/restore guide) and
your monthly and quarterly backups will be whole_system and you will put
them into management class / copy group (archive) for the desired
retention. I would suggest if you are serious about actually restoring the
2 year backups, you might consider having your DBA unload the tables to
flat files and also back up the database schema to the same directory and
then tar the mess to a tape. If your work site is anything like mine, you
will be on a different version of TSM  Informix in the next few months,
let alone next couple years and if you change Informix versions, the TSM
backup can likely be restored only to the same version of Informix... This
means you have to have a spare server and the old software to be able to
recreate the environment present when you did the backup. The DBA will then
have to unload the db to flat files in order to be able to load it back to
the production environment...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

02/05/2002 05:17:16 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Management Class Setup


I need assistance in setting up a management class for a Informix
database on a AIX server.
We are currently running ADSM server Version 3.
The ADSM/API client installed on the server is version
We are using the Onbar utility to backup the Informix database to ADSM.
The scheduled Informix backups needs to be kept for the following
periods :

1) A full backup to run once a week to be kept for 32 days
2) A incremental backup to run daily excluding when the full backup runs
to be kept for 32 days.
3) A full backup once a month to be kept for 2 years.
4) A full backup every 3 months to be kept for 1 year.

Please take in consideration the Informix logs must also be backed up.
I also need to use the same NODE name as well as the same Storage pool
when defining the management class.

Your help in the above will be greatly appreciated.


Sean Ramnarayan
TSM Administrator
EDS (South Africa)

MMS made the following
 annotations on 02/05/2002 01:17:17 PM

This message may contain confidential information that is legally
privileged and is intended only  for the use of the parties to whom it is
addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified
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Re: Philippes ANS8015E problem

2002-01-30 Thread George Lesho

Philippe, Please Please Please use a subject line. With the many emails I
receive each day, keeping track of threads is a nightmare when posts to the
board come through with no subject line. In any case, you failed to mention
which platform client was displaying the error, the TSM server or client
version and other info that would help resolve the problem. The ANS8015E
error indicates that there is an unknown problem in the client's option
file. This may be due to the version the client and platform type. Please
provide more information. I have experienced problems with my options files
and server option file on Windows platforms using client code due
to TSM not parsing these files correctly. It has to due with the type of
editor they were prepared on as there are special characters involved (such
as tabs) that can not be seen. The local work around we came upon is to not
use WordPad but then, this may not be your issue; it only applies to
Windows machines.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Philippe ZANNI [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/30/2002 07:34:38 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:

Dear listers

I have a this message :

ANS8015E File 'DD:DSCOPT', error code 109 from options processing.

what's mean error code 109 ?
Anybody can help me ?


01 44 93 21 66

Re: ANS8015E problem

2002-01-30 Thread George Lesho

I certainly am not an OS/390 expert but the error code ANS prefix indicates
it is a client problem specifically with the client option file.  I would
figure out which client option file was causing the error and replace it.
If it is a Windows client, save it as a DOS type text file and remove any
tabs with Notepad. If it can be edited with VI, remove tabs/special
characters using the
:set list option in the editor. George Lesho

Philippe ZANNI [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/30/2002 10:46:55 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  ANS8015E problem

Sorry for the subject line

There is a TSM server on OS/390. When TSM start, there is the error
ANS8015E with error code 109.
I don't know why !


-Message d'origine-
Date:   mercredi 30 janvier 2002 16:45
Objet:  Re: Philippes ANS8015E problem

Philippe, Please Please Please use a subject line. With the many emails I
receive each day, keeping track of threads is a nightmare when posts to the
board come through with no subject line. In any case, you failed to mention
which platform client was displaying the error, the TSM server or client
version and other info that would help resolve the problem. The ANS8015E
error indicates that there is an unknown problem in the client's option
file. This may be due to the version the client and platform type. Please
provide more information. I have experienced problems with my options files
and server option file on Windows platforms using client code due
to TSM not parsing these files correctly. It has to due with the type of
editor they were prepared on as there are special characters involved (such
as tabs) that can not be seen. The local work around we came upon is to not
use WordPad but then, this may not be your issue; it only applies to
Windows machines.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Philippe ZANNI [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/30/2002 07:34:38 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:

Dear listers

I have a this message :

ANS8015E File 'DD:DSCOPT', error code 109 from options processing.

what's mean error code 109 ?
Anybody can help me ?


01 44 93 21 66

Odd error in TSM errorlog

2002-01-30 Thread George Lesho

I have a TSM server (Win2K 4.1.5) and it also has a TSM client (4.1.3)
installed. The error log looks great except for a
recurring entry with no error code as follows:

01/23/2002 16:45:48 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Logoff console event .
01/23/2002 16:45:48 ConsoleEventHandler(): Process Detached.
01/23/2002 16:45:48 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Logoff console event .
01/23/2002 16:45:48 ConsoleEventHandler(): Process Detached.

Is the above information from my errorlog significant? What is causing it?

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Re: Need help with TSM process slowdowns

2002-01-30 Thread George Lesho

Ike, I don't know much about your environment but if there were no changes
to TSM configuration, I would look at the client corresponding to the slow
session. If your
client is AIX, run entstat (actually entstat -d ent0) to check your network
If there are large error totals, you may have hardware problems.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

-Original Message-
From: Hunley, Ike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 4:03 PM
Subject: Need help with TSM process slowdowns

HI, I need HELLLP!!

TSM backup processes that last week took 51 minutes, now take 8 - 28 hours.
We know of no changes to the TSM Server running on OS/390 V2R9.

It looks like the servers are ready to send data and TSM is ready to
receive.  The routers are indicate very low activity.

We have a sniffer on now.

If anyone out there has recovered from a similar experience please help?


Re: Incr failed with ANS1076E *** Directory path not found ***

2002-01-29 Thread George Lesho

Rene, This issue was hashed over in depth. The error you are seeing likely
comes only from Windoze clients and
not UNIX or Novel clients. Andy Railback explained the issue to me and it
has been fixed in a later release of the client
code... I kept Andy's note responding to my very same question:

begin included post
Archives are not considered successful unless every file in your file spec
is backed up successfully. If one or more files fail, then the archive
will be flagged as failed.

The idea behind this is that archives are for long-term storage, and that
if you are looking to store the files for an extended period of time, it
is important that they *all* get archived. Thus anything other than 100%
of the files being archived will result in the failed event.

For the next release, we are planning on handling this a little

- Scheduled backup-archive client operations where all the files are
processed successfully will have a status of Success and a return code
of 0 (zero). If the operation was invoked from the command line (or
script), dsmc will return '0' to the caller.

- Scheduled backup-archive client operations where the *only* problems are
skipped files will have a status of Success and a return code of 4. If
the operation was invoked from the command line (or script), dsmc will
return '4' to the caller.

Thus the return code can be used to determine which events had skipped
files (and thus require further investigation) and which did not.

Standard caveat: This information is being provided on an informal basis,
and does not constitute any formal announcement or commitment.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
01/09/2002 14:04
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Return code=4 on scheduled backap

I have two TSM servers Win2K at 4.1.5 and AIX 433 at with clients
at 4.1.3 across the board. I get this error for the Windows clients
consistantly but not the AIX clients. I have reported this to Tivoli but
their first line support person is insisting that there is a comms loss
which will be relfected in the tsm error log (but isn't). This error
when doing the FIRST incremental or an archive and doesn't appear to occur
in subsequent incrementals.  If anyone has an apar or reference that I can
pass back to the Tivoli support person, I would appreciate it.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

on 01/29/2002 08:38:20 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Incr failed with ANS1076E *** Directory path not found ***

on 2 of our 30 AIX clients (, the incremental backup does its job
but finish with RC=4. This with schedules or with manual incr.
Error message ANS1076E *** Directory path not found *** is given right
start of the session.

AIX is at 4.3.3-ML09

Our TSM server is, OS/390. The error is given by first incremental
for the node too, after rename of old backups.

Any cue ?

   René Lambelet
   Center Information System, Nestec Ltd
   tel + 41 21 924 3543
   fax + 41 21 924 1369
 visit the Nestle site:

root@ivev2104:/etc/adsm/ # dsmc i
Tivoli Storage Manager
*** Fixtest, Please see README file for more information ***
Command Line Backup Client Interface - Version 4, Release 2, Level 1.15
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001, All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: IVEV2104
Session established with server HQVTSM2P: MVS
  Server Version 4, Release 1, Level 4.0
  Data compression forced on by the server
  Server date/time: 01/29/02   14:02:58  Last access: 01/29/02   14:02:49

ANS1076E *** Directory path not found ***

Re: Using TDP with Informix on a 1TB fragmented database

2002-01-29 Thread George Lesho

I am also in an Informix environment but my largest instance is just over
60 gigabytes... I am not certain what a fragmented database is. Could you

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Cheryl Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/29/2002
03:02:09 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Using TDP with Informix on a 1TB fragmented database

Our company has just converted to TSM from Veritas NetBackup. We have our
first TDP customers with Informix and Oracle to set up. These servers have
multiple database instances on the same server. One of the Informix
databases is 1TB and is fragmented. (The Oracle server, also has a 1TB
database.) They want to backup only specific fragments at a time, probably
around 300GB. We have a SAN and will attach them to the SAN in the near
future, but at first we are going to be using a small development database
on this server to test TDP.

Can any of you please give me your advice on what worked best for you when
setting up TDP? Thank you!!

Cheryl Miller
Distributed Storage Management (DSM)
Wells Fargo Services Company
Phone: 916-774-2073
Pager: 800-735-6114

Re: TSM error log question

2002-01-25 Thread George Lesho

No files in the lost+found directory at all... George Lesho

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/24/2002
11:48:26 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question

Are there any files/dirs in the lost+found directory that may have names
that begin with ??

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:20 AM
Subject: TSM error log question

I continue to get the following error on all my systems that have the
/usr/bmc/lost+found directory/path:

01/23/02   00:47:15 PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  /usr/bmc  /lost+found

I was pretty sure that the PrivIncrFileSpace was a permission issue message
I changed file permissions on the directory in question to 777 and still
error during backups. The backup in question is kicked off by the owner
not root.The copygroup governing this backup uses: Copy Serialization
and I don't use the CHANGINGRETRIES option in the client option file to
allow the
default value of four checks of an in use file and then the file will be
backed up
regardless of state.

current listing of the lost+found directory:

drwxrwxrwx   2 root system   512 Jul 21 1999  lost+found

any ideas???

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Re: TSM error log question

2002-01-25 Thread George Lesho

Demetrius, We have SUBDIR YES set in the dsm.opt file on all our clients
but DO NOT have the any NFSTIMEOUT
option set anywhere.  I am also not seeing the ANS1028S error message in my
client's dsmerror.log... it does sound as if
there may be a bit of substance to this theory though... I am going to make
a subdir in the lost+found dir on one of the boxes
where I have observed the problem and see what happens. Thanks -

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/25/2002
01:15:50 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question


Are you also seeing ANS1028S error messages? If so you may be getting a
bite of APAR IC32589...


Status: OPENClosed:

Apar Information:


Return Codes:

Applicable Component Level/SU:

Error Description:
Problem Description: When running partial incremental/selective
backups, you may encounter ANS1028S error message. This will
happen if you have specified the subdir option yes, and have
specified a filespace that does not contain sub-directories.
For example:

When running the command dsmc i /etc -su=yes you will encounter
the ANS1028S error message.

During this command the client scans the root file system and
tries to find etc objects. During this search it issues a
number of stat/lstat (AIX system) calls against the scanned
directory structure. If we use NFSTIMEOUT  0, our client uses
dsmstat executables which are actually virtual stat calls. When
we set NFSTIMEOUT = 0 the client uses native OS calls.
A SERVICE trace taken during the backup has the following
entries during the time of the failure.

incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.cedit
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  /  /.ddd
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.dt/Desktop
aix/pserrno.cpp (220):  TransErrno: Unexpected error from lstat,

errno = 32
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=131 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.dt/help/root-murphy-0
ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your service

Local Fix:
Setting NFSTimeout to 0 has provided a workaround for this

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: TSM error log question

No files in the lost+found directory at all... George Lesho

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/24/2002
11:48:26 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question

Are there any files/dirs in the lost+found directory that may have names
that begin with ??

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:20 AM
Subject: TSM error log question

I continue to get the following error on all my systems that have the
/usr/bmc/lost+found directory/path:

01/23/02   00:47:15 PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  /usr/bmc  /lost+found

I was pretty sure that the PrivIncrFileSpace was a permission issue message
I changed file permissions on the directory in question to 777 and still
error during backups. The backup in question is kicked off by the owner
not root.The copygroup governing this backup uses: Copy Serialization
and I don't use the CHANGINGRETRIES option in the client option file to
allow the
default value of four checks of an in use file and then the file will be
backed up
regardless of state.

current listing of the lost+found directory:

drwxrwxrwx   2 root system   512 Jul 21 1999  lost+found

any ideas???

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Re: TSM error log question

2002-01-25 Thread George Lesho

The rc=106 error message I am getting occurs on ALL clients where the
/usr/bmc dir path exists. I have tried to eliminate
this error by doing an exclude to no avail, I have changed permissions to
no avail (which the rc=106 usually implies) and now
I have put a subdir in one of the /usr/bmc/lost+found directories in hopes
of eliminating the error... The only indication of the
error is in the client error logs... George

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/25/2002
02:40:25 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question

At the time of that error message what is corresponding in the
or dsmsched.log on that particular client?

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: TSM error log question

Demetrius, We have SUBDIR YES set in the dsm.opt file on all our clients
but DO NOT have the any NFSTIMEOUT
option set anywhere.  I am also not seeing the ANS1028S error message in my
client's dsmerror.log... it does sound as if
there may be a bit of substance to this theory though... I am going to make
a subdir in the lost+found dir on one of the boxes
where I have observed the problem and see what happens. Thanks -

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/25/2002
01:15:50 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question


Are you also seeing ANS1028S error messages? If so you may be getting a
bite of APAR IC32589...


Status: OPENClosed:

Apar Information:


Return Codes:

Applicable Component Level/SU:

Error Description:
Problem Description: When running partial incremental/selective
backups, you may encounter ANS1028S error message. This will
happen if you have specified the subdir option yes, and have
specified a filespace that does not contain sub-directories.
For example:

When running the command dsmc i /etc -su=yes you will encounter
the ANS1028S error message.

During this command the client scans the root file system and
tries to find etc objects. During this search it issues a
number of stat/lstat (AIX system) calls against the scanned
directory structure. If we use NFSTIMEOUT  0, our client uses
dsmstat executables which are actually virtual stat calls. When
we set NFSTIMEOUT = 0 the client uses native OS calls.
A SERVICE trace taken during the backup has the following
entries during the time of the failure.

incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.cedit
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  /  /.ddd
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.dt/Desktop
aix/pserrno.cpp (220):  TransErrno: Unexpected error from lstat,

errno = 32
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=131 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.dt/help/root-murphy-0
ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your service

Local Fix:
Setting NFSTimeout to 0 has provided a workaround for this

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: TSM error log question

No files in the lost+found directory at all... George Lesho

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/24/2002
11:48:26 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question

Are there any files/dirs in the lost+found directory that may have names
that begin with ??

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:20 AM
Subject: TSM error log question

I continue to get the following error on all my systems that have the
/usr/bmc/lost+found directory/path:

01/23/02   00:47:15 PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  /usr/bmc  /lost+found

I was pretty sure that the PrivIncrFileSpace was a permission issue message
I changed file permissions on the directory in question to 777 and still
error during backups. The backup in question

Re: TSM error log question

2002-01-25 Thread George Lesho

No shutdowns and this only occurs in the /usr/bmc path... no other
lost+found directories behave the same way... no hidden files that I can
see. George

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/25/2002
02:56:52 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question

George, was the system is shut down ungracefully lately?
The lost+found directory where fsck links in lost
files. It may be possible that there is a file in that directory
that is not deleted but have no directory entry!

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: TSM error log question

The rc=106 error message I am getting occurs on ALL clients where the
/usr/bmc dir path exists. I have tried to eliminate
this error by doing an exclude to no avail, I have changed permissions to
no avail (which the rc=106 usually implies) and now
I have put a subdir in one of the /usr/bmc/lost+found directories in hopes
of eliminating the error... The only indication of the
error is in the client error logs... George

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/25/2002
02:40:25 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question

At the time of that error message what is corresponding in the
or dsmsched.log on that particular client?

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: TSM error log question

Demetrius, We have SUBDIR YES set in the dsm.opt file on all our clients
but DO NOT have the any NFSTIMEOUT
option set anywhere.  I am also not seeing the ANS1028S error message in my
client's dsmerror.log... it does sound as if
there may be a bit of substance to this theory though... I am going to make
a subdir in the lost+found dir on one of the boxes
where I have observed the problem and see what happens. Thanks -

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/25/2002
01:15:50 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM error log question


Are you also seeing ANS1028S error messages? If so you may be getting a
bite of APAR IC32589...


Status: OPENClosed:

Apar Information:


Return Codes:

Applicable Component Level/SU:

Error Description:
Problem Description: When running partial incremental/selective
backups, you may encounter ANS1028S error message. This will
happen if you have specified the subdir option yes, and have
specified a filespace that does not contain sub-directories.
For example:

When running the command dsmc i /etc -su=yes you will encounter
the ANS1028S error message.

During this command the client scans the root file system and
tries to find etc objects. During this search it issues a
number of stat/lstat (AIX system) calls against the scanned
directory structure. If we use NFSTIMEOUT  0, our client uses
dsmstat executables which are actually virtual stat calls. When
we set NFSTIMEOUT = 0 the client uses native OS calls.
A SERVICE trace taken during the backup has the following
entries during the time of the failure.

incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.cedit
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  /  /.ddd
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.dt/Desktop
aix/pserrno.cpp (220):  TransErrno: Unexpected error from lstat,

errno = 32
incrdrv.cpp (5883): PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=131 from
fioGetDirEntries:  / /.dt/help/root-murphy-0
ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your service

Local Fix:
Setting NFSTimeout to 0 has provided a workaround for this

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: TSM error log question

No files in the lost+found directory at all... George Lesho

Malbrough, Demetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/24/2002
11:48:26 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]


TSM error log question

2002-01-24 Thread George Lesho

I continue to get the following error on all my systems that have the
/usr/bmc/lost+found directory/path:

01/23/02   00:47:15 PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=106 from
fioGetDirEntries:  /usr/bmc  /lost+found

I was pretty sure that the PrivIncrFileSpace was a permission issue message so
I changed file permissions on the directory in question to 777 and still get the
error during backups. The backup in question is kicked off by the owner informix
not root.The copygroup governing this backup uses: Copy Serialization Shared Dynamic
and I don't use the CHANGINGRETRIES option in the client option file to allow the
default value of four checks of an in use file and then the file will be backed up
regardless of state.

current listing of the lost+found directory:

drwxrwxrwx   2 root system   512 Jul 21 1999  lost+found

any ideas???

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Re: size of library

2002-01-24 Thread George Lesho

I posted this stuff a while back... might be useful:

1. q actl begindate=-30 search=ANR1214

 add up the daily archive and backup copy from primary to copypool
storage and divide by 30; now you have a per day
 average that is being backed up. Double the value because we have
primary and copy storage pools. Call this value
 DailyAmt. For example the average copy from primary to copypool at
my location is 83gig... double this to 166gig to
 be the DailyAmt

2. select stgpool_name as stgpool, cast(mean(est_capacity_MB/1024) as
decimal(5,2)) as
gb_per_FULL_vol from volumes where status='FULL' group by stgpool_name

  add the average of each storage pool and divide by the number of storage
pools; this
  should give you an average capacity for a tape from all data types and
using compression.
  call this value Cap

3. DailyAmt / Cap = TAPES TSM WANTS PER DAY!

4. q actl begindate=-30 search=ANR1341

   This will give you the tapes that were deleted from your storagepools.
Add these lines
   up and divide by 30 days. This will give you the number of tapes
reclaimed a day.

This method will likely work better for a longer sampling period. When I
did it, I found that I am still about .5 tapes a day short of where I need
to be. Therefor, another 180 tapes can be bought or I can figure out how to
reduce my daily backup/archive by 1/2 the
amount of 1 tape or about 6 gigs per day... In fact, the former seems more
manageable than asking my boss for another $14K for tapes for the year
(again);-) Hope this info makes some sense... If there are holes in my
logic, let me know asap. Thanks -

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Kurt Beyers [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/24/2002 02:24:10

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  size of library

Hello everybody,

TSM does a pretty good job on the tape management by space reclamation and
copying the primary pools to copy pools.

But I'm wondering how I can estimate the size of the library (number of
slots, type of drive) to reach this steady state of tape usage. Of course
I've got the following information:

- total amount of data to be backupped (GB)
- the number of versions I keep of the files
- space reclamation of tape occurs when there is 55% free space on the tape

How can I estimate the number of tapes I'll be needing based on this info?
Are there any rules of thumb to size the library? Do I still need
additional info to calculate the library size?

Any suggestions /hints are more than welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Problem with dsmcad in inittab

2002-01-23 Thread George Lesho

Jan, The telinit q command has the inittab run again. Whether your process
will be brought back into a running state
kind of depends on what you have on the line in the inittab... here is a
sample line of the entry that starts our TSM server plus
allows me to initialize the server without rebooting the box. The key to
this is that I have placed the initialization into the
b argument for initializing processes plus the 2 (init 2) for start
ups. Thus if I want to restart the TSM server I type:
telinit b.


Hope that answers your question.

George Lesho
Storage / System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Jan McKay [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/22/2002 12:32:43 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Problem with dsmcad in inittab

We're having a problem with client software or with Aix box client is
loaded on.
I set an inittab entry to start the dsmcad process and it does not work.
I am refreshing the inittab so that it see's the new entry (telinit q)
:once: does not work, :wait: does not work.
We know it is not a matter of the box not seeing its' inittab - fearing
this,  I set it to :respawn: and boy, did it respawn!

inclexcl help for windoze box

2002-01-22 Thread George Lesho

Since I am not able to master the inclexcl stuff in my AIX environment, I
guess I am foolish to believe I can figure it out in
my newly inherited Win2K client environment but here goes...

Just started and have not yet put together a cloptset for these boxes but I
have put some includes/excludes in the ba client's
dsm.opt file:

exclude f:\tsmdata\...\*
exclude f:\pagefile.sys
exclude e:\tsmdata\...\*
exclude e:\pagefile.sys
exclude c:\WINNT\system32\Perflib_Perfdata_358.dat
exclude c:\Documents and Settings\*
exclude c:\pagefile.sys
exclude c:\documents and settings\administrator.atl-corp-pdc\ntuser.dat
exclude c:\documents and settings\administrator.atl-corp-pdc\ntuser.dal.log
exclude c:\documents and settings\administrator.atl-corp-pdc\local 
settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG
exclude c:\winnt\system32\config\*
include c:\winnt\system32\drivers\*

This is from my error log relative to last night's incremental

01/21/2002 22:30:11 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\atlcorptsm\c$\Documents and 
Settings\Administrator.ATL-CORP-PDC\ntuser.dat.LOG' failed
01/21/2002 22:30:12 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\atlcorptsm\c$\Documents and 
Settings\Administrator.ATL-CORP-PDC\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat' failed
01/21/2002 22:30:54 ANS1802E Incremental backup of '\\atlcorptsm\c$\*' finished with 2 

What am I doing wrong? I would think these registry files would be excluded... TIA!

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Re: On-Bar restore error.

2002-01-21 Thread George Lesho

You didn't mention whether you were trying to restore a backup of the
Informix instance to itself or the backup was coming
from another server.  If you are trying to restore a backup taken on a
server to that server, I don't know if you are the sys admin or dba of that
server as well as the storage admin. If you are only the storage admin, the
33rd dbspace may have been modified by adding a device (chunk). You also
didn't mention the platform type but if it is a UNIX box, go to the /dev
dir and see if a device has been added (check file date/time) since the
backup was made.  If a device has been added to
support a new chunk for the dbspace 33, then you will need to rebuilt the
instance to be the same as when the backup was made. If the backup was made
on another machine / instance, check the devices on the donating machine to
see if the
number of chunks is consistant with the machine to be backed up to... use
onstat -d as the instance owner...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin

Jason Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/21/2002 08:42:56 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  On-Bar restore error.


I have the following error when trying to restore an Informix using On-Bar

Out-of-sequence errors.

32 DBSpaces restore ok but the process fails on the 33rd DbSpace.

Regards Jason

Re: On-Bar restore error.

2002-01-21 Thread George Lesho

Jeff, If he is able to restore 32 dbspaces and it fails on the 33rd, he is
probably authenticating OK... Any errors reflecting a
problem like this are likely to be in his onbar activity log and the
Informix online log for the instance btw...

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Jeff Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/21/2002 10:33:56 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: On-Bar restore error.

What log is the error in?  An error out of context has no meaning.  The
information below is good.

The 3.1 client may not be able to authenticate with the 4.1 server.  I know
a client in some instances cannot talk to a 4.1.4 server.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Morgan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 10:15 AM
 Subject:  Re: On-Bar restore error.

 Hi George,

 Thanks for replying.

 I am actually a Sys Admin working in conjuction with a DBA. We are
 trying to restore a backup taken from another server to a new instance on
 another server. The source server is an RS/6000 running ADSM API 3.1.06
 ADSM 3.1 . The target server is RS/6000 AIX 4.2.1 TSM 4.1 and API

 One question that the DBA mentioned was whether the DbSpace number (
 2 ) in the onstat -d report has any relevance. This is the only
 he can see at the moment.

 As part of the testing, we successfully manage to perform a full back up
 restore of an empty instance. This suggest that API /TSM  is correctly

 Many thanks.


 George Lesho [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 21/01/2002 15:37:53

 Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject:  Re: On-Bar restore error.

 You didn't mention whether you were trying to restore a backup of the
 Informix instance to itself or the backup was coming
 from another server.  If you are trying to restore a backup taken on a
 server to that server, I don't know if you are the sys admin or dba of
 server as well as the storage admin. If you are only the storage admin,
 33rd dbspace may have been modified by adding a device (chunk). You also
 didn't mention the platform type but if it is a UNIX box, go to the /dev
 dir and see if a device has been added (check file date/time) since the
 backup was made.  If a device has been added to
 support a new chunk for the dbspace 33, then you will need to rebuilt the
 instance to be the same as when the backup was made. If the backup was
 on another machine / instance, check the devices on the donating machine
 see if the
 number of chunks is consistant with the machine to be backed up to... use
 onstat -d as the instance owner...

 George Lesho
 AFC Enterprises
 Storage/System Admin

 Jason Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/21/2002 08:42:56 AM

 Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
 Fax to:
 Subject:  On-Bar restore error.


 I have the following error when trying to restore an Informix using

 Out-of-sequence errors.

 32 DBSpaces restore ok but the process fails on the 33rd DbSpace.

 Regards Jason

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
and intended solely for the individual or entity to
whom they are addressed.  If you have received this email
in error destroy it immediately.

Re: On-Bar restore error.

2002-01-21 Thread George Lesho

At the end of your onstat -d command you will see something like this:

50903564 59  50  23200026969 PO-   /dev/lrmdata01
5090365c 60  51  24800046337 PO-   /dev/lvsdata01
50903754 61  52  250   491359PO-   /dev/lpshistory
5090384c 62  53  26400063397 PO-   /dev/lpsdata20
50903944 63  54  26400063397 PO-   /dev/lpsdata18
 63 active, 2047 maximum

The important thing is the 63 active must be the same on both boxes. If not, the 
restore will bomb.  the 63 active must
be the same as that is the number of chunks in thedbspaces associated with the 
instance and these are supported by
devices (as noted in the last column) which must be the same on both boxes Also 
your offset between dbspaces must
be the same...Sounds like you are almost there  except that your instances are somehow 

Jason Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/21/2002 10:14:43 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: On-Bar restore error.

Hi George,

Thanks for replying.

I am actually a Sys Admin working in conjuction with a DBA. We are actually
trying to restore a backup taken from another server to a new instance on
another server. The source server is an RS/6000 running ADSM API 3.1.06 and
ADSM 3.1 . The target server is RS/6000 AIX 4.2.1 TSM 4.1 and API

One question that the DBA mentioned was whether the DbSpace number ( Column
2 ) in the onstat -d report has any relevance. This is the only difference
he can see at the moment.

As part of the testing, we successfully manage to perform a full back up /
restore of an empty instance. This suggest that API /TSM  is correctly

Many thanks.


George Lesho [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 21/01/2002 15:37:53

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: On-Bar restore error.

You didn't mention whether you were trying to restore a backup of the
Informix instance to itself or the backup was coming
from another server.  If you are trying to restore a backup taken on a
server to that server, I don't know if you are the sys admin or dba of that
server as well as the storage admin. If you are only the storage admin, the
33rd dbspace may have been modified by adding a device (chunk). You also
didn't mention the platform type but if it is a UNIX box, go to the /dev
dir and see if a device has been added (check file date/time) since the
backup was made.  If a device has been added to
support a new chunk for the dbspace 33, then you will need to rebuilt the
instance to be the same as when the backup was made. If the backup was made
on another machine / instance, check the devices on the donating machine to
see if the
number of chunks is consistant with the machine to be backed up to... use
onstat -d as the instance owner...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin

Jason Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/21/2002 08:42:56 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  On-Bar restore error.


I have the following error when trying to restore an Informix using On-Bar

Out-of-sequence errors.

32 DBSpaces restore ok but the process fails on the 33rd DbSpace.

Regards Jason

Re: TSM server on NT - experiences

2002-01-17 Thread George Lesho

Oh Yes Sir... The installation is a snap except for NT / Win 2000 device
support... I am the TSM Admin and Storage Admin
at my place of business and am familiar with how to do devices on an AIX
server. Unfortunately, I must rely on others with
regard to Windows administration and the documentation for drivers; both
library and drives is miserable to non-existant. Based on what I am being
told, Tivoli doesn't have a lot of expertise with regard to Windows device
drivers...  I also asked for help with this problem on this board and
recieved little to no help and I observe others struggling with this issue
on a daily basis. Tivoli needs to get their act together with regard to the
Windows market...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin

Brazner, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/17/2002 10:34:24

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  TSM server on NT - experiences

Can anyone comment on good/bad experiences running TSM server on NT?  All
our experience to date has been on AIX 4.3, but now we're looking into a
possible NT deployment.

Bob Brazner
Johnson Controls, Inc.
(414) 524-2570

Re: Tape Drive Failures

2002-01-09 Thread George Lesho

Perhaps if y ou included some representitive samples of the errors so the
SCSI error codes there is some hope of helping
you with the problem. Pull some from your O/S errpt and TSM actl. Cheers

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin

Bill Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/09/2002
10:20:52 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Tape Drive Failures

Hello *SMers,

Just a quick question out there for all of you.   I am currently
receiving tape drive failures when trying to check in and out tapes, also
during our nightly archive.   They have been increasing during the last few
months.  My environment is Magstar 3570, 2 drives.   I am currently running
TSM on AIX 4.3.3.   I have been cleaning the drives regularly, but
am not sure if I should be IBM involved or not.  One of the main problems
that when the drive gets the error, the drive does not reset.  It could be
the tapes causing the problems, but the drives are still not resetting.
Just yesterday someone was checking in tapes and loaded the wrong one, but
the drive failed due wrong tape being mounted.  Then the drive did not
itself.   Is there anything that I can do without calling IBM to see if I
can get this fixed?

Thanks in advance,

Bill Wheeler
PDM Administrator
La-Z-Boy Incorporated
(734) 242-1444 x 6170

Re: Return code=4 on scheduled backap

2002-01-09 Thread George Lesho

I have two TSM servers Win2K at 4.1.5 and AIX 433 at with clients
at 4.1.3 across the board. I get this error for the Windows clients
consistantly but not the AIX clients. I have reported this to Tivoli but
their first line support person is insisting that there is a comms loss
which will be relfected in the tsm error log (but isn't). This error occurs
when doing the FIRST incremental or an archive and doesn't appear to occur
in subsequent incrementals.  If anyone has an apar or reference that I can
pass back to the Tivoli support person, I would appreciate it.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

01/09/2002 03:06:10 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Return code=4 on scheduled backap

When I tested the client, the bug was fixed.  Are you sure it is
not a real failed schedule?

Any error messages in dsmerror.log or previously in dsmsched.log?

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg

-Original Message-
From: Guillaume Gilbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:00 PM
Subject: Return code=4 on scheduled backap


We just installed a client on an NT box and now we get the bug in
the event reporting :

2002-01-08 17:31:06 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
2002-01-08 17:31:06 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END FEN_QUOT 2002-01-08 17:00:00
2002-01-08 17:31:06 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'FEN_QUOT' failed.  Return
= 4.

which reports to the server that the schedule has failed.

I searched and this bug was supposed to be fixed in but
clearly isn't. Is there a workaound to this bug or do I have to live with
until it is fixed?

The server is at 4.1.3 on AIX 4.3.3

Thanks for the help

Guillaume Gilbert
Storage administrator
CGI Group Montreal

Re: Return code=4 on scheduled backup

2002-01-09 Thread George Lesho

Many thanks... I have passed this info to my Windows admin (I am also the
Unix admin) as I have only noted this
problem so far on Windows based archives. He will be installing the client on one of our windows boxes and
we will test for a few days. If there are no other negative issues, we will
probably jump to client. Again, many thanks!

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Andrew Raibeck [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 01/09/2002 04:11:16

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Return code=4 on scheduled backup

Archives are not considered successful unless every file in your file spec
is backed up successfully. If one or more files fail, then the archive
will be flagged as failed.

The idea behind this is that archives are for long-term storage, and that
if you are looking to store the files for an extended period of time, it
is important that they *all* get archived. Thus anything other than 100%
of the files being archived will result in the failed event.

For the next release, we are planning on handling this a little

- Scheduled backup-archive client operations where all the files are
processed successfully will have a status of Success and a return code
of 0 (zero). If the operation was invoked from the command line (or
script), dsmc will return '0' to the caller.

- Scheduled backup-archive client operations where the *only* problems are
skipped files will have a status of Success and a return code of 4. If
the operation was invoked from the command line (or script), dsmc will
return '4' to the caller.

Thus the return code can be used to determine which events had skipped
files (and thus require further investigation) and which did not.

Standard caveat: This information is being provided on an informal basis,
and does not constitute any formal announcement or commitment.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
01/09/2002 14:04
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Return code=4 on scheduled backap

I have two TSM servers Win2K at 4.1.5 and AIX 433 at with clients
at 4.1.3 across the board. I get this error for the Windows clients
consistantly but not the AIX clients. I have reported this to Tivoli but
their first line support person is insisting that there is a comms loss
which will be relfected in the tsm error log (but isn't). This error
when doing the FIRST incremental or an archive and doesn't appear to occur
in subsequent incrementals.  If anyone has an apar or reference that I can
pass back to the Tivoli support person, I would appreciate it.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

01/09/2002 03:06:10 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Return code=4 on scheduled backap

When I tested the client, the bug was fixed.  Are you sure it is
not a real failed schedule?

Any error messages in dsmerror.log or previously in dsmsched.log?

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg

-Original Message-
From: Guillaume Gilbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:00 PM
Subject: Return code=4 on scheduled backap


We just installed a client on an NT box and now we get the bug in
the event reporting :

2002-01-08 17:31:06 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
2002-01-08 17:31:06 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END FEN_QUOT 2002-01-08
2002-01-08 17:31:06 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'FEN_QUOT' failed.  Return
= 4.

which reports to the server that the schedule has failed.

I searched and this bug was supposed to be fixed in but
clearly isn't. Is there a workaound to this bug or do I have to live with
until it is fixed?

The server is at 4.1.3 on AIX 4.3.3

Thanks for the help

Guillaume Gilbert
Storage administrator
CGI Group Montreal

Win 2000 devices

2001-12-21 Thread George Lesho

Folks, I am a Unix admin / storage admin but I have recently been given the
task of administering a remote TSM server. The O/S for this box is Win 2000
with SP2. Our remote server is at  TSM 4.1.5.

Our local NT admin and the remote NT admin (at the boxes location) spent
most of the afternoon yesterday fumbling with a Tivoli support person who
was unlucky enough to receive our trouble call.  It seems there are a bunch
of ways it might be possible to install scsi, tape and library drivers with
multiple versions of some of these drivers on the install CD and other
versions available from the IBM ftp site. The Tivoli support person who
responded to the call knew less than our guys and all are now totally
confused as to what/how to install the drivers. We now have all devices
showing up in the O/S but they have yellow circles with exclamation marks
for the library and drives. We have a Magstar 3575L24 with four 3570C
Are there install instructions out there that provide the necessary detail
to to this right? If you have this or a similar set up,
can you provide any tips on which Microsoft drivers vs which TSM drivers to
use and which drivers you actually ARE using? Also provide the hardware
microcode level used with your set up. I really need to get this set up and
with the holidays looming, TSM support will probably not get better ;-)

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Re: total monthly backups

2001-12-06 Thread George Lesho

Actually, if you understand how to use MS EXCEL, to pull the data out of
the dsmaccnt.log... I am not too good at it but the log is formatted (comma
delimited) for this type of manipulation.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Kevin Sawyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 12/06/2001 02:18:45

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: total monthly backups

I like to use the Query Occupancy command. q occ will tell you the logical
and physical filespaces as well as sort by node. Logical is actual space
used and physical is the container (filespace). It would be easy to
that output from the dsmadmc into a script that awks and sums the columns
for you.


-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Toni Banire
Sent: December 6, 2001 2:41 PM
Subject: total monthly backups

Need help on this one

Is there a way to extract a list of total backups over a monthly period.

I currently have this SQL statement

SELECT start_time, end_time, entity, bytes from summary where activity
and end_time between 'start_date' and 'end_date'

To get a list of backups run, I just total all entity values. The snag
here is that if a TSM client has it resourceutilisation set to 1 I will
get duplicate listings for any day during the backup period as it will
list objects processed on each client and not  just the client.

Does anyone know if there is a better way to do this to get a list of
total monthly backups by client and not object.



Re: TSM Upgrade-

2001-12-03 Thread George Lesho

Daniel, That is really good news but I think the question had to do with
migration from 4.1.x or older to  Did you need to backup and then
restore your TSM db? Did you need to hide any server configuration files
and then reinstall them after the upgrade? Did you need reconfigure your
devices into TSM? Did you have access to all your custom scripts? Did you
have to checkout and checkin all tapes? Were there issues with licensing?
These are the type of issues that I think that Dan Lee was interested in (I
am too as I will need to go through this soon). Thanks

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Daniel Sparrman [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 12/03/2001
01:37:22 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM Upgrade-


We're using on the server, and on the clients.

It works perfect!

The performance of the client compared to the client is

And, if you're using the client, don't use compression. According
to Tivoli, you will not be able to perform all restores.

The is almost required. There are a lot of bugs both in and

I've just tried installing both and at a customer, and it
has been nothing but problems.

When we upgraded to on the server, we go rid of a lot of problems.

But, when we upgraded the clients(about 150) we were happily surprised by
the good performance of the client. Its about 20-25% faster than
the client we used before.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman

Re: TSM Upgrade-

2001-12-03 Thread George Lesho

I think the readme for the install includes instructions to update the
Atape and atldd (if applicable) to the newest version...
George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Kason Leung [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 12/03/2001 03:00:26 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TSM Upgrade-

We upgraded from to on AIX last week.

For the most part, the process was pretty straightforward. Back up the
devconfig info, back up the volhist info, back up the dsmserv.opt file, and
back up the dsmserv.dsk file. Do a full database backup, then tar up your
existing TSM installation (undoing a 4.x migration involves reinstallation
of the previous version and a reload of the database). Then do the install. requires to be in place, so be sure to download the patch
that takes TSM to, as well as the patch.

The AIX migration procedure didn't copy in the tivoli.tsm.client.cert
package (contains the TSM license files), so we had to install that just
before we started relicensing TSM.

Our only real problem was losing control of the tape drives afterwards. We
have a MagStar library with 6 of 16 3590E drives allocated to Unix use, and
it was, for lack of better way to phrase it, operating in a different
reality. We eventually got past that problem by installing the most current
drivers for the tape drives and the tape library, even though the drivers
we had in there already surpassed the minimum version levels TSM called
for. Apparently upgrading the drivers is strongly recommended when
leapfrogging over as many versions as we did.

Good luck.

Kason Leung
Systems Programmer II
University of California
Office of the President

At 12:47 PM 12/3/2001 -0600, you wrote:
Looking for anyone who has upgradeed to 4.2.1.X or greater.

We are upgrading this weekend and we would like any information that might
make the process go smooth


Dan Lee
Associate Systems Programmer
Mutual of Omaha
I/S Midrange Services

Re: Onbar maping with /etc/aliases.

2001-11-29 Thread George Lesho

Haven't a clue why the /etc/aliases file is a problem for onbar except if
there is a conflict with the server aliases specifically named in the
$ONCONFIG file for that instance. These aliases are associated with
communications services via the association of the
$ONCONFIG-sqlhosts-/etc/services file. Check that aliases used in your
$ONCONFIG file are NOT named in your /etc/aliases file...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Muthyam Reddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/29/2001 05:20:02 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Onbar  maping with   /etc/aliases.

Hi TSM'rs

We got a problem with /etc/aliases file,  when we'r stying to start Onbar
from client
getting error dbm map Alias0 : unsafe map file /etc/aliases.

Checked and compared aliases file with other clients, everything looking

anybody can give solution for this.

we'r using TSM 3.7 level 2.0.

thanks in advance

Problem with 4.1 server - FYI

2001-11-28 Thread George Lesho

Bonus feature of TSM 4.1... The  datactr  is my overflow location. I am
running TSM on AIX 4.3.3 ML8.
I have a 3575L32 and the library is FULL plus there are approximately 100 tapes in the 
overflow location at any one time.
(Need to figure out how to use less tape so there is less tape shuffle required)...

Note that the volume 078A9F was being asked for for the purpose of reclamation. Note 
this was pre-empted because the restore needed this volume and Request 243 (the call 
for the tape for reclaim) was
cancelled. There was NO repeat NO subsequent call for the tape to be put into the 
library for the restore. Thus, the restore
will hang forever unless someone notices the long wait time of the session at the TSM 
server! BUG???

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

11/28/01   14:36:56  ANR8765I 243: 3570 volume 078A9F in location datactr is
  required for use in library 3575LIB1; CHECKIN LIBVOLUME
  required within 107 minutes.
11/28/01   14:40:38  ANR0406I Session 6609 started for node AFCPROD2
11/28/01   14:40:39  ANR1440I All drives in use.  Process 1032 being preempted
  by higher priority operation.
11/28/01   14:40:39  ANR8342I Request 243 for volume 078A9F canceled by SYSTEM.
11/28/01   14:40:39  ANR8313E Volume 078A9F is not present in library 3575LIB1.
11/28/01   14:40:39  ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume 078A9F - volume
11/28/01   14:40:39  ANR1410W Access mode for volume 078A9F now set to
11/28/01   14:40:39  ANR0985I Process 1032 for SPACE RECLAMATION running in the
  BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at
11/28/01   14:40:39  ANR1081W Space reclamation terminated for volume 078A9F -
  storage media inaccessible.

Re: informix backups ... not working with caching enabled ?

2001-11-27 Thread George Lesho

We have been backing up logical logs for years and never faced this
problem; probably because we saw no need to cache files within our disk

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises!

PAC Brion Arnaud [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/27/2001
10:21:40 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  informix backups ... not working  with caching enabled ?

Hi *SM'ers,

Just wondering if somebody encountered this problem : we are doing
informix backups on a TSM  4.1.1 server, using onbar utility. Informix
logical logs are written to a primary disk pool that has caching
enabled, and a next storage pool defined to allow migration on tape. It
seems that once the disk has been filled, informix is unable to find
free space to send his logs, and migration never happens, even with a
very low high mig value.
I believe this is due to caching on this stg pool : when the percent
utilised value reaches 100 %, even if this data is only cached files,
neither TSM or Informix are able to overwrite it, and I get a message
like :
11/27/01 11:47:08 ANR0534W Transaction failed for session 17528 for node
SAP02 (TDP Infmx AIX42) - size estimate exceeded and server is unable to
obtain additional space in storage pool SAP_LOGS_DISK.
Once caching disabled, and cached files moved to the next storage pool,
we never face this problem again.
Did anybody already noticed this kind of strange behaviour before, and
eventually found a solution to it ?

| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 226 19 78/Fax: +41 61 226 17 01 |

Re: Which TSM client version is most stable

2001-11-21 Thread George Lesho

I just got done going through this (because of the support issue) and went
from to It was a snap. Upgrade took about an hour. Nothing
much needed to be done except install the new code from smitty and register
the new licenses. I have never had a client related support issue (am at
3.7.2) so I am in no hurry. I have upgraded a couple of AIX boxes to 4.1.3
and have not had any issues, as well as an NT server as well as a Novell
server. The Novell client upgrade has not been smooth and there have been
issues with logins and such and these probably have to do with the dsm.opt

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Farren Minns [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/21/2001 10:58:54 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Which TSM client version is most stable

Hi fellow TSMers

At present I am running a TSM Server attached to 23 client
(Solaris, OS/2 and NT). Most of the client are the release.

In the near future we will need to upgrade our server to be in compliance
with support, but I figured it would be a good idea to upgrade the clients

a) Does this sound like a good idea?

b) What version of the client do people feel will be the most stable (i.e.
the most tested). I am assuming that upgrading to the latest release will
quite often mean a lot of teething problems.

Thanks for your help in advance

All the best

Farren Minns :)

Re: Audit Library doesn´t complete

2001-11-20 Thread George Lesho

You didn't mention what type of audit you were doing... are you allowing
the library to mount all volumes and read the labels or are you going off
the barcodes? I had this problem in and have not checked to see if
the behavior is the same in (migrated last week so I could take
advantage of Tivoli's very expensive support which was cut OFF on 11/1).

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Robin v/d Vliet [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/20/2001
06:10:58 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Audit Library doesn´t complete

Hi fellow TSM admins/lovers/friends,

We´ve scheduled an Audit Library to run every day on our TSM 4.2 for AIX
IBM LTO drives.

The Audit starts succesfully but this process won´t complete. The day after
still see this Audit Library process as active and this disrupts our other
schedules, like archives and migration because they both need acces to the
The only way we can free the drives for the other schedules is to Cancel
Audit Library process

Since the Actlog doesn´t show errors on the Audit schedule we can´t figure
what the problem might be.

Any help or tips would be of great use to us,

Thanks in advance,

Robin van der Vliet

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Re: Informix TDP expire/expiring Onbar log files

2001-11-20 Thread George Lesho

Joel, Not sure what you mean by an onbar log. Are you talking about the
Informix logical logs? If so, put them in an archive management
class/copy group along with your database backups. Each logical log has a
unique file name so efforts to expire them if you use backup type
management class/copy groups can be frustrating. As an archive, they will
expire in a finite number of days (pre copy group rules for the mgmt
class). Since you didn't mention how you did your backups, I can't help you
with how to pin the archive management class to the backup. I use SQL
BackTrack for Informix
and they do it when you build one of their backup pools (not to be
confused with TSM stgpools). If you are not using BMC SBTI for a storage
manager and are only using TSM, then you may be able to do it in an incl
statement.  Not sure how TDP for Informix does it...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Joel Fuhrman [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/19/2001
05:46:34 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Informix TDP expire/expiring Onbar log files

I'm looking for a script or method to expire onbar logs.  If you have one,
would you please share it.

Back in January 1999, Christoph Martin shared a routine with the adsm list
which would expire a file.  I wrapped his routine in a perl script which
selected the old log file.  This worked great until Tivoli improved the
backup library, added it to the TDP line and started charging the big bucks
for it.  Now Christoph's routine fails with the error:
  *** BSAInit failed: (12) An entry in the environment structure is invalid

I've tried rebuilding it with the newest API but that didn't help.

Re: Informix restore using TSM

2001-11-20 Thread George Lesho

Theresa, I do Informix restores all the time. You are correct about the old
ADSM product... it did supply a shared library. TSM does not. The shared
library is a generic library that onbar talks to to make its tape requests
known to TSM. TSM merely keeps track of where the backups are that are to
be restored and onbar does most of the work. Backups are done in several
ways, depending on the arguements to the onbar command. Backups done with a
-L specify a level and you can think of these as more or less incremental
backups. I say that because Informix logical logs, which are probably being
backed up to allow you to restore to a point in time. This point in time
is specified in the onbar restore arguements (hope you have an Informix
Onbar Backup and Restore Guide. The other way you can back up your system
is using the whole_system argument in the backups. Then, you can do a
whole_system restore. I think these work a tad better but either method
will work. How do you backup the database?  I would guess a script is used
which calls the onbar script that Informix provides along with arguments.
If you send me this info offline, we may be able to figure this out. Drop
me a note at:

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Sarver, Theresa (Osky Unix Administrator) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/20/2001 10:33:57 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Informix restore using TSM


We are in a 3-tier environment:
Server1 - Informix Database 7.24 UC5 and TSM 4.1.1 server
Server2 - Baan IVb3

The TSM client on Server1 (that Informix connects with) is using an old
[ADSM] version...3.8 - I believe?  This was done because it was the only
Informix would connect to TSM without having to purchase TDP for Informix.
(not my choice, nor was I part of that decision)


This morning Server1 crashed - we lost the I/O board.  While I await IBM's
arrival with the replacement part I am contemplating the worst...having to
restore Informix.  I am fairly new to this job and have never restored
Informix (or anything else for that matter) with TSM.  Three years ago when
Informix and ADSM were brought online a full database restore was preformed
and it was successful...but other than that I do not believe it has been
done since.    The person who was incharge of TSM and Informix
abruptly left the firm and I got stuck administering them.  ;)

If anyone out there has ever preformed an Informix restore would you be so
kind and to provide me with some steps.  I'd welcome any help anyone has to
offer at this point.

Thank you;

Re: BMC Agent for TSM

2001-11-12 Thread George Lesho

Are you talking about the software to monitor TSM or the BMC products which
are roughly the same as the TDP products. We use BMC SQL-BackTrack for
Informix and Sybase here where I work and have the license for the
monitoring software but we are not currently using it...

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Scott Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/12/2001
10:50:57 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  BMC Agent for TSM

Hi all,

Has anyone had any experience with the BMC agent for TSM. I am looking for
some feedback whether or not it is a good tool for TSM.

Scott Thompson
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Re: More TSM AIX issues

2001-11-12 Thread George Lesho

Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/12/2001
12:20:19 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  More TSM AIX issues

This is not just an issue with the AIX clients... NT clients are also
capable of this strange behaviour...
11/11/01   16:47:21  ANE4961I (Session: 3975, Node: SAT-TEST-DB01)  Total
  number of bytes transferred: 4.68 GB
11/11/01   16:47:21  ANE4963I (Session: 3975, Node: SAT-TEST-DB01)  Data
  transfer time:4,240.81 sec
11/11/01   16:47:21  ANE4966I (Session: 3975, Node: SAT-TEST-DB01)  Network
  data transfer rate:1,158.41 KB/sec
11/11/01   16:47:21  ANE4967I (Session: 3975, Node: SAT-TEST-DB01)  Aggregate
  data transfer rate:  1,059.34 KB/sec
11/11/01   16:47:21  ANE4968I (Session: 3975, Node: SAT-TEST-DB01)  Objects
  compressed by:0%
11/11/01   16:47:21  ANE4964I (Session: 3975, Node: SAT-TEST-DB01)  Elapsed
  processing time:01:17:17
11/11/01   16:47:21  ANR2579E Schedule OSPDARSTD in domain SATDOMAIN for node
  SAT-TEST-DB01 failed (return code 4).
11/11/01   16:47:21  ANR0403I Session 3975 ended for node SAT-TEST-DB01

from dsmerror.log:
((nothing else relative to this archive))
11/11/2001 16:50:52 ANS1803E Archive processing of '\\sat-test-db01\e$\*'
finished with failures.
11/11/2001 16:50:53 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'OSPDARSTD' failed.  Return
code = 4.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Some more strangeness from clients that have been working, just fine.

Client is 4.1.3  on AIX 4.3.3 !

From the dsmerror.log:

11/11/01   17:55:15 sessRecvVerb(): Invalid verb received.
11/11/01   17:55:15 sessRecvVerb(): length=6d6b, verb=2f,magic=75
11/11/01   17:55:21 ANS1026E Session rejected: Communications protocol

11/11/01   17:55:21 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'BACKUP.MAIL2INCR' failed.
Return code = 4.

From the dsmsched.log:

Executing scheduled command now.
11/11/01   16:55:54 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN BACKUP.MAIL2INCR 11/11/01
11/11/01   17:55:21 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
11/11/01   17:55:21 Session established with server ADSM: MVS
11/11/01   17:55:21   Server Version 4, Release 1, Level 4.0
11/11/01   17:55:21   Data compression forced on by the server
11/11/01   17:55:21   Server date/time: 11/11/01   17:54:31  Last access:
11/11/01   16:55:08

11/11/01   17:55:21 Total number of objects inspected:   39,605
11/11/01   17:55:21 Total number of objects backed up:1,983
11/11/01   17:55:21 Total number of objects updated:  0
11/11/01   17:55:21 Total number of objects rebound:  0
11/11/01   17:55:21 Total number of objects deleted:  0
11/11/01   17:55:21 Total number of objects expired: 11
11/11/01   17:55:21 Total number of objects failed:   0
11/11/01   17:55:21 Total number of bytes transferred:60.48 MB
11/11/01   17:55:21 Data transfer time:   13.31 sec
11/11/01   17:55:21 Network data transfer rate:4,652.05 KB/sec
11/11/01   17:55:21 Aggregate data transfer rate: 17.36 KB/sec
11/11/01   17:55:21 Objects compressed by:   66%
11/11/01   17:55:21 Elapsed processing time:   00:59:26
11/11/01   17:55:21 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
11/11/01   17:55:21 ANS1026E Session rejected: Communications protocol

11/11/01   17:55:21 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END BACKUP.MAIL2INCR 11/11/01
11/11/01   17:55:21 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'BACKUP.MAIL2INCR' failed.
Return code = 4.

Zoltan Forray
Virginia Commonwealth University - University Computing Center
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  voice: 804-828-4807

Re: TSM annoyances

2001-11-02 Thread George Lesho

1.,The element numbers below 31 are associated with bulk load, I/O port and
other functions on my IBM 3575L32 Magstar tape library. Not Tivoli's fault
or responsibility how the element numbers are mapped.
2. I let TSM worry about where it sticks the data on the tapes
3. Speak to your library vendor and ask them why their device driver
microcode doesn't work right. The IBM Magstar doesn't behave this way.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin

Johnn D. Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 11/02/2001
03:47:23 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  TSM annoyances

I have a few annoyances with Tivoli -- not many, as it's a great
product, just a handful.

1) We have TSM 4.1.3 server connected to SpectraLogic Gator/64000.
Despite what Tivoli says on their website, the element number of Slot 1
in the library is not 1, but 30! This is very annoying! If I do a q
libv lib1 and look up a volume's home element, I have to subtract 29 in
order to really know what slot it's in on the library. Can this be
corrected so that it is what Tivoli's website says it should be -- i.e.,
element 1 matches slot 1?

2) Is there a simple way to find out which volumes are associated to any
other? For instance, let's say I have to do a move data on 000115.
Right now, here's what I do:
q content 000115 count=-1 f=d
q content 000115 count=1 f=d
If either one of these has a segment 1/1, then everything's great,
as there is no associated volume. But if either or both have 1/2 (or
2/2) then I have to issue:
audit v 000115
And find the associated volume. The catch is, if there are *two*
associated volumes, you have to check one of them in first and update
its status, before you can do another audit to find the other associated
Is there any way to find these associated volumes in one swift

3) [I think this is more a SpectraLogic issue, but I'll gripe
anyway ;).] When I want to bulk load a bunch of tapes into the Gator
tape library, I have to make sure no tapes are mounted in the drives.
Otherwise, the bulk load will just blindly put the new tapes into the
slots of the tapes in the drive. Doesn't TSM talk to the tape library
and tell it the home elements (or slots) of the tapes that are mounted
in the drives, so that the robotic picker won't put tapes into those

Thanks for any advice.

Re: script: transferred bytes per node/day ????

2001-10-30 Thread George Lesho

THREE PART QUESTION for select gurus ;-)

1.  Can someone tell me what the timespan for this summary is based on the:
start_timetimestamp(current date - 1 day,'18:00:00')

Does this mean for the last 18 hours?

2. Also, is there a way to sum the various sessions for a single node? Some
of my servers, which have Informix databases, back up logical logs all day
long and there are dozens of entries per server such as:


(((plus a zillion more of these entries)))

3. and is there a way to place BACKUPS and ARCHIVES into this select statement and have
separate columns for both backups and archives associated with a node on a row? Such 

AFCPROD1  1234567890 1234567890

Thanks -

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Joe Cascanette [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 10/30/2001
08:28:27 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: script: transferred bytes per node/day 

select ENTITY as Node_Name, BYTES as Bytes_Transferred from summary where
activity='BACKUP' and start_timetimestamp(current date - 1 day,
'18:00:00')and bytes0

This was posted by another user, just added some fields.

Joe Cascanette
The Cumis Group Limited

-Original Message-
From: Winfried Heilmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 8:50 AM
Subject: script: transferred bytes per node/day 


I'm looking for a script to calculate the transferred bytes for each node
per node and a total for the day.

Can anybody help me?



Re: Server-Server Virtual Volumes (philosophical)

2001-10-30 Thread George Lesho

Suad, Have you considered a strategy where you give the desktops access to
network drives on a few servers that would be backed up incrementally?
Trying to back up hundreds of desktops in a small window is a bunch more
resource intensive from the TSM servers standpoint than backing up a few

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Suad Musovich [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 10/30/2001
07:33:17 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Server-Server Virtual Volumes (philosophical)

Sorry, this got a bit long winded..

Our monolith TSM installation is suffering from client overload,
hundreds of desktops queueing to be backed up every morning (we only give a
4 hour
window to desktops after servers have finished).
Several times this month some glitches with our tape library(plus
issues) have resulted in the disk stg pools filling up and sessions start
directly to tape. When this happens around the time the of the desktop
window, we end up with dozens of media waits and the dreaded MAXSESSIONS
reached (MAXSCHEDSESSIONS was set to 30%)

Of all the options I considered, farming off the bulk of the desktops to
TSM server and using the Server-to-Server Virtual Volumes seems to be the
(Management have declined my BOFH proposals; desktops give us Brownie
points and
have been implemented since the year dot).

I would appreciate any comments as I think this implementation may have
been meant
more for fringe deployments than dealing with rats'n'mice.

The desktops (up to 300 of them) are only backing up the documents/data
with an estimated average occupancy of 1GB and nightly backup about 30% of
(think it's more the System Object than data). They are also, mainly, in
proximity to a sector switch, where the 2nd TSM server will be located.

* The server we are looking at will be a dual CPU Windoze box (Linux
server, where
  are you?), 2 NICs, local tape unit and have around 100GB of backuppool.
* We can give them a full 12+ hour backup window and control the migration
  to the virtual volumes (migrating the backuppool at apropriate times).
* I don't think the database will get bigger than 20GB.
* Total Occupancy should be somewhere between 400 and 600GB
* I'm not sure how big the virtual volumes should be (600MB seems a good
size for
  streaming off LTO tapes through 155ATM = allowing ~60seconds per volume).

The main TSM server is RS6K-F80/AIX running TSM4.2.0 connecting to a
3584/LTO and
an ESS via FC, I've set up a LANE ATM connection to the above sector switch
reducing routing overheads for the back-end/private traffic.

Does it sound Kosher??

Thanks, Suad
 Suad Musovich ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Unix Support, ITSS Operations
 University of Auckland

Re: Restores

2001-09-25 Thread George Lesho

Wanda, I am using server and 4.1.3 client on AIX 4.3.3 and the
proper sytax on the client is

virtualnodename box where backup was made

Don't use the equals sign in the api or ba client dsm.opt file!

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin


Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 09/25/2001
03:33:38 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Restores

?Maybe depends on your client platform - works for me on 4.1.2 AIX client,
4.1 or 4.2 Windows client.  What is your platform?

-Original Message-
From: James healy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Restores

 When i try that I get the following error messages ans0267e invalid
command line option/value -virtualnodename=srny3fs03
is this paramete version specific? I'm running a 4.2 client with a 3.7

Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 09/25/2001
02:52:18 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  Re: Restores

Just start the TSM client  on the target machine with the virtualnodename

 dsm -virtualnodename=name_of_source_node

You will be prompted for the password of the source machine (the one that
backed up the files).
You must also select a restore to destination, even if you are restoring
WIndows C: drive to a C: drive, (because the UNC names of the source 
target machine drives don't match.)

That's about it... but remember if this is a WIndows machine, you can't
restore the stuff in PROGRAM FILES unless you also restore the registry,
which you normally can't do to a different host

-Original Message-
From: Mark Hayden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 2:48 PM
Subject: Restores

Would like to know the best way to do a restore from one node to another.
What we are trying to do , we want to do a complete ( active files only)
restore from TSM to a new Server with a different node name...Any help
be great!! THanks

dsmserv.opt file documentation

2001-09-13 Thread George Lesho

Friends, Is there somewhere that I can find documentation on the various
options that could be included in the dsmserv.opt file?  I can't find
anything in the admin reference. TIA -

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin

Re: audit library failed - stupid software?

2001-09-12 Thread George Lesho

Cycle power on the library, then run the audit library command with no
other processes running with a checklabel=barcode swtich.

George Lesho

Richard Sims [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 09/11/2001 08:13:26 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: audit library failed - stupid software?

ANR8834E Library volume 04DB5C is still present in library 3570LIB drive
(/dev/rmt1), and must be removed manually.

But drive is empty, and all cartridges are in their home-slots.

Wojciech - If this is a solid problem (continues to persist)
   I would use the tapeutil command's general subcommands
to acquire drive info in the same way that TSM is doing it, through
the Atape driver, and see if that shows the phantom tape as being
mounted.  You might try power-cycling the drive to get it back
in touch with reality.

   Richard Sims, BU

Re: Job Offer

2001-08-29 Thread George Lesho

Thanks for the offer but I am not interested in relocation. George Lesho

Angelica Tulipano [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 08/29/2001 08:20:07

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  Job Offer

Hi! Someone that have knowledge in working with Tivoli Enterprise is
interest to work at Panama, if you are interested please send your resume
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is for working in a Multinational company.


HELP! 2nd try - TDP for Lotus Domino

2001-08-27 Thread George Lesho

I asked this on Friday but didn't see any responses... Our location is
installing a Lotus Domino server which is on a Windows 2000 box. I suspect
there will be about 1200 user accounts. I would like to have periodic
backups; probably about once a month to retain for a year for legal
purposes plus I would like to have restore capability for about 2 weeks on
users Lotus Notes enviroment. I have never dealt with Lotus Domino or Notes
before. If I want to back this up using TDP for Lotus Domino, what would my
Versions of Data Exists, Versions of Data Deleted, Retain Extra Version and
Retain only Version be for the monthly backups since I don't think the TDP
for Informix product supports archiving which would be simpler? What would
these same properties be for a two week retention. How often will I need to
back this server up for the two week backups if archivelogging is turned
on. How big a logging space needs to be set up for 1200 users? Any tips
would be very much appreciated.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin


2001-08-20 Thread George Lesho


Using TSM (server) on AIX 433ML8 with Atape 6.1.6

TSM wants to mount a scratch tape (NEVER a private tape). The drive TSM
selects gives a time out error. There NEVER is an actual tape mounted or
I/O errors from a mount nor any VCR repair of a tape. This has happened 6
times in the last 24 hours. It has occurred on every one of my six drives
(3575L32 with six 3750 drives). I loaded a new version of the Atape.driver
about 2 weeks ago and the problem began occurring since that time. I clean
my tape drives religously and there is no actual media involved in this
problem. Example from actl:

08/20/01   12:14:03  ANR8304E Time out error on drive L1D3 (/dev/rmt8) in library 
08/20/01   12:14:12  ANR1404W Scratch volume mount request denied - mount failed.

Problem initially appeared to be h/w as it is reported to my errpt but I have had the 
library checked out and full diags run. Also
problem has occurred on different drives and then after the time out error, they go on 
working without being polled with no
problems Anyone seen this or have any ideas?

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Re: restore to different node

2001-08-06 Thread George Lesho

If you are doing this from a command line, I can help... use the
virtualnodename option in the command line. You can also set a
virtualnodename in your dsm.opt file (on AIX client) and it will restore
from the named box to the node you are running the command from. Same thing
can be done from a GUI but I don't use them.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Jason Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 08/06/2001 02:43:01

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  restore to different node

Can anyone tell me the options (client/server)  that need to be set to
allow me to restore files from a different node?


Re: ANR0104E

2001-08-01 Thread George Lesho

Kelli, It doesn't look like you got the ANR0104 from running audit library.
It appears you audited the library as a result of the error deleting the
row from the table noted. Once the audit completed, it looks like
everything is fine with the audit likely resolving the issue in your table.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Kelli Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 08/01/2001
12:15:56 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  ANR0104E

The following error was reported in the actlog while performing an audit
(with the checklabel=barcode parm).  We are on TSM V 3.7.4 running on AIX
4.3.2.  Has anyone seen this before?  We also found a tape (Magstar 3570 C
Format) in another slot that was extremely damaged.  You couldn't even see
the tape when looking at the head.  Our hardware CE is coming out to make
sure the damage was not caused by the drives.  Are these things related?


08/01/2001 09:03:22  ANR0104E mmsscsi.c(5645): Error 132 deleting row
  table MMS.Lib.Inventory.
08/01/2001 09:03:22  ANR8358E Audit operation is required for library
08/01/2001 09:03:30  ANR8788W Unable to read the barcode of cartridge
  slot-id 312 in library 3575LIB;  loading in drive
to read
08/01/2001 09:03:33  ANR8461I AUDIT LIBRARY process for library 3575LIB
  completed successfully.
08/01/2001 09:03:33  ANR0985I Process 519 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in
  BACKGROUND completed with completion state

Kelli Jones
Chesterfield County Va

Re: bad IBM TAPE contact info

2001-08-01 Thread George Lesho

I am in the situation where I am a contactor working for IBM. There is a
dedicated purchase person in Atlanta who handles our purchases and I need
to touch base with her to find out if there is a toe to be stepped on.  I
have contacted Tivoli and asked them if there is the potential that the
database is corrupt or there may be some other application related reason
for the bunch of media errors and have not gotten very far. I have also
contacted our IBM support CE and he talked it over with sources and decided
that 21 tapes out of less than 500 failing in a year isn't excessive
(almost 5 percent failure). Will just have to wait and see if my tape woes
moderate. Much appreciate the info.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

David Longo [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 08/01/2001
02:15:46 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  Re: bad IBM TAPE contact info

From a vendor.  The first time or two we went through vendor
for replacements.  Then they said we could go directly to
IBM and save a step, so we have.

David Longo

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/31/01 09:08PM 
Did you buy your tapes directly from IBM or from another vendor?

-Original Message-
From: David Longo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: bad IBM TAPE contact info

Call (888) IBM-MEDIA.  I have had many 3575 tapes replaced. medai errors or
broken tapes.  (Note: the last few times they have to get approval for
total values over $1000 (about 10 tapes). I guess the economy is having
effects).  I have never gotten approval - never called/faxed back.
Therefore I always request replacement of 9 tapes. They send you a Fax with
RMA #, you send them the bad tapes.  They generally send out good new tapes
the same day you call.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/31/01 05:11PM 
Some months ago, there was a discussion where point of contact info was
given for a person or group within IBM where tape warranty issues could
be resolved. I have misplaced this information and need it.  TSM has
recommended 21 tapes be removed from my tape library over the last year due
to excessive media errors which could not be repaired. I need to speak with
the IBM warranty person or group. If someone has this info, I would
appreciate you reposting it!  I have a  3575L32 and use Magstar MP Fast
Access Linear Tape C-Foxmat XL 7GB tapes.  I also hhave a few non-XL
C-Format tapes... Many thanks.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

MMS made the following
 annotations on 07/31/01 19:49:28

This message is for the named person's use only.  It may contain
confidential, proprietary, or legally privileged information.  No
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission.  If
you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all
copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it, and notify
sender.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute,
print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended
recipient.  Health First reserves the right to monitor all e-mail
communications through its networks.  Any views or opinions expressed in
this message are solely those of the individual sender, except (1) where
message states such views or opinions are on behalf of a particular entity;
and (2) the sender is authorized by the entity to give such views or


MMS made the following
 annotations on 08/01/01 15:20:41

This message is for the named person's use only.  It may contain
confidential, proprietary, or legally privileged information.  No
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission.  If
you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all
copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it, and notify
the sender.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose,
distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the
intended recipient.  Health First reserves the right to monitor all e-mail
communications through its networks.  Any views or opinions expressed in
this message are solely those of the individual sender, except (1) where
the message states such views or opinions are on behalf of a particular
entity;  and (2) the sender is authorized by the entity to give such views
or opinions.


Re: TDP for Lotus Domino Performance

2001-08-01 Thread George Lesho

While there are certainly performance differences between backup apps, the
biggest differences are in your hardware and network. Generally, the slow
point is the drive but other aspects of your data flow may be the slow
point. Using ethernet? How fast? What kind of drives? How much competition
for resources?

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Joshua S. Bassi [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 08/01/2001 02:55:48

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  TDP for Lotus Domino Performance


What type of performance can one expect to get when
backing up a large Lotus Domino environment under
NT using the TDP for Domino agent?

My customer is running TSM 3.7 on an AIX server
and is thinking about replacing the BackupExec
Domino solution with TSM and would like to know
what others out there are getting performance

Thank you,

Joshua S. Bassi
Independent Consultant
IBM Certified - AIX/HACMP, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant- ADSM/TSM
Cell (408)(831) 332-4006

ANR1163 / 1173

2001-07-31 Thread George Lesho

Early on, I learned that a bad tape in a primary storage pool had a big
effect on a secondary pool so I became cautious when resolving problems
with media. I have had problems with tapes used in my 3575L32. Over the
past year, I have had 21 tapes with excessive media errors which have had
to be removed from our inventory (out of approximately 500 tapes in the
inventory). I now do a move data to get what I can and then bring back
the copypool tape from vault storage (restore stgp) to fill out the
remaining data that needs to be recopied into the primary tape pool to make
it consistant with the copy tapepool. Having said that, I recently and all
at once, received errors on 11 volumes in the vault; ANR1163 / 1173
indicating that there were files on the vault versions that were unique.
After a year of operation, I had only had this problem once or twice and I
had caused it by not restoring the storage pool after partially moving the
data from a bad volume...

My question: What could or would cause this spate of errors? Could the data
base be corrupted? Many of the filesets are recent and do not correspond to
a primary copypool tape that was taken out of service due to errors... any
hints would be

Thanks -
George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

bad IBM TAPE contact info

2001-07-31 Thread George Lesho

Some months ago, there was a discussion where point of contact info was
given for a person or group within IBM where tape warranty issues could
be resolved. I have misplaced this information and need it.  TSM has
recommended 21 tapes be removed from my tape library over the last year due
to excessive media errors which could not be repaired. I need to speak with
the IBM warranty person or group. If someone has this info, I would
appreciate you reposting it!  I have a  3575L32 and use Magstar MP Fast
Access Linear Tape C-Foxmat XL 7GB tapes.  I also hhave a few non-XL
C-Format tapes... Many thanks.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

TDP for Lotus Notes on Win2K box

2001-07-25 Thread George Lesho

TSM Server AIX 4.3.2 TSM Ver Clients 3.7.2

My employer is licensed for TDP for Lotus Notes but the product is not
being used. I just found out that the Windows people are going to replace
the current Lotus Notes server running on NT with a Windows 2000 server.
Does TDP for Lotus Notes work with Windows 2000? Once they stick this Win2K
box in, what will be the implications as far as my regular backups be? I
currently backup all NT boxes incrementally and do a once per month full
archive which is retained for a longer period.

Thanks -
George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Re: TCP error 10053

2001-07-24 Thread George Lesho

Definitely a TSM feature. There is a TSM pub called Trace Facility Guide
Version 3 Release 7 which explains traces well.

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Marc Levitan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 07/24/2001 06:33:08

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  Re: TCP error 10053

Are traces a TSM function or outside the scope of TSM?

Jeff Bach
Sent by: Subject: Re: TCP error 10053
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

08:50 AM
respond to
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

Good steps.  Support will indicate that you have a TCP/IP issue .

To find the issue:  run  a client ADSM trace, client TCP/IP trace, sniffer
on the client port, sniffer on the server port, server TCP/IP trace, and
server ADSM trace.  Run these all of once.

TCP flush is an error sending data to from the client to the server.  I
seen this problem 9 months ago on NT systems communicating with a UNIX
server.  It went away before we could find root cause.

Jeff Bach
Home Office Open Systems Engineering
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.


-Original Message-
From:   John Monahan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, July 19, 2001 3:37 PM
Subject:Re: TCP error 10053

Could be some type of network problem.  I would try checking the

1.  Update the network card drivers on the client.
2.  Check the speed/duplex settings on both the client and switch
port and
ensure they are set to the same.  I do not rely on
3.  Check the connection for CRC errors, buffer overruns or other

I have seen these errors when adapter teaming has been improperly
configured, specifically using Cisco Etherchannel.

John Monahan
Senior Consultant Enterprise Solutions
Computech Resources, Inc.
Office: 952-833-0930 ext 26
Cell: 952-484-5435

NE.NET   To:
Sent by: cc:
ADSM: Dist  Subject: TCP error
Stor Manager

10:28 AM
respond to

Hi everyone -
We have a Win2k client machine that receives these errors during
backups. There are other Win2k machines that are backing up fine.
seen these errors or know what might be going on?

07/17/2001 22:28:05 TcpFlush: Error 10053 sending data on Tcp/Ip
07/17/2001 22:28:05 sessRecvVerb: Error -50 from call to 'readRtn'.
07/17/2001 22:28:05 TcpFlush: Error 10053 sending data on Tcp/Ip
07/17/2001 22:28:05 cuConfirm: Received rc: -50 trying to receive
ConfirmResp verb
07/17/2001 22:28:05 ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session
07/17/2001 22:28:06 ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session
07/17/2001 22:28:20 ANS1810E TSM session has been reestablished.
07/17/2001 22:41:32 TcpFlush: Error 10053 sending data on Tcp/Ip
07/17/2001 22:41:32 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50

Diana Noble

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
and intended solely for the individual or entity to
whom they are addressed.  If you have received this email
in error destroy it immediately.

EXCL in dsm.opt for a Novell 5 client

2001-07-23 Thread George Lesho

*sm'ers, Every time I back up one of my Novell 5.0 clients, I get a bunch
of errors which indicate an exclude statement in the
client's dsm.opt is not working properly... attached are some of the errors at the 
bottom of this note. I am using the exclude.dir
option and it doesn't seem to be working properly. Can anyone tell me why? Syntax or 
order type thing? Any help would be
most appreciated.
George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Server TSM V (sever AIX 4.3.2) TSM Client 3.7.2 (client is Novell 5.0)

dsm.opt file for client:

* ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager
* client options file for TSM Novell NetWare client
* edited by G.Lesho 7/19/2001

NWUSER  lonestar\.adsm_lonestar.sat-lonestar.afc:adsum
SCHEDMODE   prompted
EXCLUDE lonestar\*:/.../vol$log.err
EXCLUDE lonestar*:/.../tts$log.err
EXCLUDE lonestar*:/.../sys$log.err
EXCLUDE lonestar*:/.../events.log
EXCLUDE lonestar*:/.../secaudit.log
EXCLUDE lonestar*:/.../system.log
EXCLUDE lonestar*:/.../net$obj.sys
EXCLUDE lonestar*:/.../net$prop.sys
EXCLUDE lonestar*:/.../net$val.sys
EXCLUDE lonestar\sys:system/cmaster.dba
EXCLUDE lonestar\sys:system/btrieve.trn
EXCLUDE lonestar\sys:system/tsa/tsa$temp.*
EXCLUDE lonestar\sys:system/tsa/err$log.*
EXCLUDE lonestar\sys:system/tsa/skip$log.*
EXCLUDE lonestar\sys:system/tsa/err$hst.*
EXCLUDE lonestar\sys:_SWAP_.MEM
EXCLUDE.DIR lonestar\data:/queues

errors from TSM activity log:

07/23/01   05:39:47  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0110.QDR/Q_05FF.SYS': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:48  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0110.QDR/Q_05FF.SRV': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0410.QDR/Q_00F1.SYS': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0410.QDR/Q_00F1.SRV': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/040600C7.QDR/Q_0604.SYS': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/040600C7.QDR/Q_0604.SRV': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0510.QDR/Q_0846.SYS': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0510.QDR/Q_0846.SRV': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0610.QDR/Q_0827.SYS': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0610.QDR/Q_0827.SRV': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0710.QDR/Q_089E.SYS': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0710.QDR/Q_089E.SRV': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:49  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0A10.QDR/Q_076E.SYS': access
07/23/01   05:39:50  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0C10.QDR/Q_077E.SYS': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:50  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0C10.QDR/Q_077E.SRV': access
  to the object is denied
07/23/01   05:39:50  ANE4007E (Session: 6336, Node: ADSM_LONESTAR)  Error
  processing 'DATA:/QUEUES/0D10.QDR/Q_0110

Re: Automated monitoring of backup

2001-07-20 Thread George Lesho

I run the following script from cron... Not very subtle but it does provide
almost all the info needed to know what to do first thing in the morning
regarding TSM...  George Lesho AFC Enterprises

note - replace the id and password as they apply at your location:

30 07 * * * /usr/local/bin/tsmreport.scr

The tsmreport.scr file:


date=$(date +%d%m%y)
echo [${date}] TSM Status Report for yesterday  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo

echo Active TSM Processes at 7:30 AM! |  /tmp/tsminfo
echo --  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
dsmadmc -id=userid -password=passwd -tabd q proc |
/usr/local/bin/cleanhdrs  /tmp/tsminfo

echo Number of scratch tapes in the 3575 tape library: |  /tmp/tsminfo
echo ---  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
dsmadmc -id=query -password=passwd -tabd run scratch |
/usr/local/bin/cleanhdrs  /tmp/tsminfo

echo Status of backups done yesterday |  /tmp/tsminfo
echo --  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
echoScheduled StartActual Start  ScheduleNode
Name  /tmp/tsminfo
-  /tmp/tsminfo
dsmadmc -id=userid -password=passwd -tabd  q eve \* \* begint=-24 |
/usr/local/bin/cleanhdrs  /tmp/tsminfo

echo Status of drives: |  /tmp/tsminfo
echo ---  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
dsmadmc -id=userid -password=passwd -tabd q drive |
/usr/local/bin/cleanhdrs  /tmp/tsminfo

echo Status of TSM data base |  /tmp/tsminfo
echo -  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
dsmadmc -id=userid -password=passwd -tabd q db |
/usr/local/bin/cleanhdrs  /tmp/dbstatus
echo Available Space in MB=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $1}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Assigned capacity in MB=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $2}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Maximum Extension in MB=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $3}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Maximum reduction in MB=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $4}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Page size in bytes=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $5}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Total usable pages=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $6}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Used pages=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $7}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Percent Utilized=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $8}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Maximum percentage of Utilization=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/dbstatus | awk '{print $9}'  /tmp/tsminfo

echo Status of rollfoward TSM log |  /tmp/tsminfo
echo --  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
dsmadmc -id=userid -password=passwd -tabd q log |
/usr/local/bin/cleanhdrs  /tmp/loginfo
echo Available space in MB=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $1}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Assigned capacity in MB=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $2}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Maximum extension in MB=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $3}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Maximum reduction in MB=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $4}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Page size in bytes=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $5}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Total usable pages=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $6}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Used pages=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $7}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Percent utilized=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $8}'  /tmp/tsminfo
echo Maximum percent utilized=  /tmp/tsminfo
cat /tmp/loginfo | awk '{print $9}'  /tmp/tsminfo

echo Make access to these volumes readwrite |  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
dsmadmc -id=userid -password=passwd -tabd  q vol access=reado
status=filling | /usr/local/bin/cleanhdrs  /tmp/tsminfo

echo Put datactr tape in library |  /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
echo   /tmp/tsminfo
dsmadmc -id=userid -password=passwd -tabd  q actl begint=-24 search
=\119 mi nutes\ | /usr/local/bin/cleanhdrs  /tmp/tsminfo

Re: restore/retrieve in different server ** URGENT **

2001-07-20 Thread George Lesho

Put the virtualnodename parameter into the command line of the restore

machine1 is where backup was made
machine2 is where restore to be performed

machine2 dsmc restore virtualnodename=machine1/home/* /home/

Hope this helps... syntax of the file specifications kind of funny; the
above copies all files from /home on machine1 to /home on machine2...

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

Luciano Ariceto [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 07/20/2001
12:31:58 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  restore/retrieve in different server ** URGENT **

Hi All

 I am current running TSM Version 4, Release 1, Level 1.0  with NT 4 and I
would like to
 know how I should proceed to execute a restore or retrieve in a different
 from whose the original backup was made.

Luciano Ariceto

Re: cleaning 3575 drive

2001-07-17 Thread George Lesho

Stick a cleaning tape in the library. Use the front panel controls on the
library to move the tape in. Use the front panel controls to clean a drive
or all drives.  TSM has nothing to do with cleaning or the cleaning tape.

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Pothula S Paparao [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 07/16/2001
10:06:10 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  cleaning 3575 drive

Hi ,
can anyone send me a procedure or instructions to clean the 3575 tape


Re: Restore on a different client machine?

2001-07-12 Thread George Lesho

Take a look at Chapter 3. Backing up and Restoring Files (pg 35 onward) of
the Using the Backup-Archive Clients (this is from Ver 3 Release 7) so
since you didn't send any info on Version you are using, the location may
vary. Use the -virtualnodename option as the syntax is tricky with the
-fromnode option. Be sure to read the blurb on set access.

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Yahya Ilyas [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 07/12/2001 03:17:35 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  Restore on a different client machine?

Is it possible to restore to a different client machine?I need to do a
restore of a directory to a different client(node), both client machines
AIX 4.3.3.  Please send me details.


   Yahya Ilyas
   Systems Programmer Senior
   Systems Integration  Management
   Information Technology
   Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-0101

   Phone: (480) 965-4467

Re: Library Audit Unsuccessful

2001-07-10 Thread George Lesho

I have been at my present job for a year and the audit library command
fails EVERY time when it tries to read the labels. It will read some and
then, I suspect it can't keep up and fails in exactly the manner you noted.
I am on a 3575L32 at I spoke with Tivoli about it and they claimed
I needed to upgrade to a higher code level. Haven't gotten around to doing
it; I just have the library read the barcode labels. It actually reads them
when it initializes and stores the info which is read by TSM when the
command is issued.

George Lesho

Marc Levitan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 07/10/2001 10:25:51

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  Library Audit Unsuccessful

I've had this happen in the past but this time is different.

I do NOT receive any errors except the following:

ANR8460E AUDIT LIBRARY process for library TEKWOLF failed.
ANR0985I Process 25 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in the
   BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE

I printed a q libv list and physically compared it to the Library
inventory, and it matches perfect.

If i run a audit library tekwolf checklabel=barcode  it completes
successfully.  It's when the audit actually mounts the volumes to check the
labels that it fails.

any ideas?

Marc Levitan

Re: Library Audit Unsuccessful

2001-07-10 Thread George Lesho

Richard, We (I) labeled all tapes in the library. They are NOT prelabeled.

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Richard Sims [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 07/10/2001 01:08:09 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Library Audit Unsuccessful

I have been at my present job for a year and the audit library command
fails EVERY time when it tries to read the labels. ...

George - Were the tapes introduced as pre-labeled by the tape vendor,
 or did you run a labeling job; and if so, was the labeling
done under the current release of the serer?  I always wonder about
the source of inconsistencies.  (I never trust tapes to be properly
pre-labeled for TSM use: I always label them, to avoid unpleasant
surprises when I can't afford them.)

  Richard Sims, BU

Q ACTL / SEARCH question

2001-07-03 Thread George Lesho

%SMers, From the command line interface, using a search string bounded by
quotation marks will allow you to input a search string with spaces:


tsm: AFCOPS2q actl begint=-48 search=119 mi nutes

Date/Time  Message

07/01/01   14:03:07  ANR8765I 055: 3570 volume 074C18 in location datactr is
  required for use in library 3575LIB1; 
  required within 119 mi nutes.

The same command, from the command line produces an error using quotes to bound the 
search string.


afcops2: /usr/local/bin # dsmadmc -id=userid -pass=passwd begint=-48 
search=119 mi nutes
Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 3, Release 7, Level 2.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 1999, All Rights Reserved.

Session established with server AFCOPS2: AIX-RS/6000
  Server Version 3, Release 7, Level 3.6
  Server date/time: 07/03/01   09:45:18  Last access: 07/03/01   09:33:02

ANS8000I Server command: 'begint=-48 search=119 mi nutes'
ANS8001I Return code 3.

ANS8002I Highest return code was 3.

Is there anything that I can do to introduce search strings with spaces into a command 
line q actl. I removed the userid and
password from the command line example below for security purposes.

Thanks -

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises
Storage/System Admin

Re: lift blocked 3575l12 33h checkin

2001-06-27 Thread George Lesho

I have an L32... The long ribbon cable that attaches to the picker is
getting stuck. It can wrap around the picker and get damaged. IBM came up
with a retrofit kit to fix this problem. The ribbon cable will get damaged
if you don't install the retrofit kit which retains and reroutes the ribbon

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Koen A. Willems [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 06/27/2001
01:06:31 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  lift blocked 3575l12 33h checkin

Dear Listers,

I have a problem with a 3575 l12 TSM 4.1.3 Atape 5.0.4. AIX

When I want to run dsmadmc  checkin libvol 3575lib stat=scr search=bulk

q req gives me a reply number and place vol in io

then the magstar moves his picker to the top i/o slot and then gives
33h lift blocked on his console.

If anyone can give me a hint !!

Best Regards,

Koen Willems
Touch The Progress bv

Re: Cache Hit Pct.

2001-06-21 Thread George Lesho

Richard, Your cache hit percentage is too low at 95.6 percent and as you
have pointed out, should be around 98 percent of above. To change the
percentage of your cache hits, increase by doubling, the size of your
BUFPOOL parameter in your dsmserv.opt file on your TSM server:

entry from my dsmserv.opt file:

You should then wait a day or two and see what it rises to. Each time, you will need 
to reset the associated statistics with
the reset bufpool. You can then check your cache hit percentage using the q db f=d 

tsm: AFCOPS2q db f=d

  Available Space (MB): 13,172
Assigned Capacity (MB): 11,420
Maximum Extension (MB): 1,752
Maximum Reduction (MB): 1,780
 Page Size (bytes): 4,096
Total Usable Pages: 2,923,520
Used Pages: 1,441,070
  Pct Util: 49.3
 Max. Pct Util: 50.1
  Physical Volumes: 3
 Buffer Pool Pages: 4,096
 Total Buffer Requests: 31,549,306
Cache Hit Pct.: 98.94
   Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
   Backup in Progress?: Yes
Type of Backup In Progress: Full
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 0.52
Percentage Changed: 0.01
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 06/20/01   12:02:59

Hope this is what you were looking for... I suspect your TSM server is running a tad 
slow... just don't overdo upping the
bufpool size and wait for at least a day to let the new bufpool size have a chance to 
show a true value for the cache hit

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises


Dearman, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 06/21/2001 11:04:01

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax to:
Subject:  Cache Hit Pct.

Anyone know of a good way to raise Cache Hit Pct to above 98%.  I continue
to get 95.6% and I tried the performance tuning setting an still get cann't
get it above 98%.  Tivoli manuals state that Cache Hi Pct should remain
above 98%.

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Re: Issues with Win2K SYSTEM OBJECT/SYSTEM FILES backup

2001-06-01 Thread George Lesho

Ms. Prather,
Have you made any attempt to make an explicit exclude of the system files during
backup? There must be something about these files that TSM recognizes as changed
for them to be picked up on your incremental. Any sense of what that might be?
Hope they look at this quickly as our local Windoze shop is talking about
converting their NT4 environment into Win2K Thanks -

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/01/2001 03:23:32 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Issues with Win2K SYSTEM OBJECT/SYSTEM FILES backup

I have run into some ugly issues with the Win2K backup of the SYSTEM

I'm throwing the information out here to warn other people what to expect,
and hopefully to get the developers to reconsider the current

The SYSTEM FILES component of the SYSTEM OBJECT  on Win2K consists of over
1500 .dll and .exe and .obj files from (mostly) the WinNT/system32
directory.  These files are backed up EVERY TIME an incremental is run, even

We have converted over 200 NT desktops to WIn2K PRO.  For each of our Win2K
PRO systems, this adds 1586 files to the backup every night.

This has had an enormous impact on the TSM server.  The additional data is
only about 20 GB per night, and that's not a big problem.  But each of the
SYSTEM FILES still has it's own entry in the TSM data base.

You do the math:  That's over 300,000 additional objects that get added AND
deactivated each day, which for me means an additional 2.5 HOURS of EXPIRE
INVENTORY time is needed DAILY.  And all for data THAT HAS NOT CHANGED.

TSM's strength has always been that it DOESNT back up unchanged data.
Well, at least it didn't used to...

My problem here is we have another 250 machines to convert from NT to WIn2K.
They aren't about to buy me a second TSM server to handle the load, when the
current one worked fine for backing up the same number of NT systems with
the same amount of user data.  Instead they are looking at some Windows-only
software to back up the WIndows side of the house.

It appears to me the current TSM implementation is flawed, and will inhibit
other people's ability to support large Windows environments as well as

I put this information into the Requirements for the Oxford Symposium,
hopefully it will give some additional visibility to the issue.

Any suggestions welcome but don't suggest we give up our ability to do
full bare-metal restores.
Management will change the backup software first.

Wanda Prather
The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab

Intelligence has much less practical application than you'd think -
Scott Adams/Dilbert

Re: Issues with Win2K SYSTEM OBJECT/SYSTEM FILES backup

2001-06-01 Thread George Lesho

Ah! The education continues... I am not a Win2K person, but would it not be
possible to rebuild a system from scratch using a CD and then restoring
non-system files? Granted, there would be some configuration for local
environment but... that is why we do a makesisbee tape and exclude the root
volume groups when backing up our AIX boxes...

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/01/2001 03:46:01 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Issues with Win2K SYSTEM OBJECT/SYSTEM FILES backup

No.  By definition, the way TSM has implemented SYSTEM OBJECT backup, it
backs up those files whether they are changed or not.  Always.

And we can't exclude them and retain the ability to do bare-metal restores.

-Original Message-
From: George Lesho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: Issues with Win2K SYSTEM OBJECT/SYSTEM FILES backup

Ms. Prather,
Have you made any attempt to make an explicit exclude of the system files
backup? There must be something about these files that TSM recognizes as
for them to be picked up on your incremental. Any sense of what that might
Hope they look at this quickly as our local Windoze shop is talking about
converting their NT4 environment into Win2K Thanks -

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/01/2001 03:23:32 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Issues with Win2K SYSTEM OBJECT/SYSTEM FILES backup

I have run into some ugly issues with the Win2K backup of the SYSTEM

I'm throwing the information out here to warn other people what to expect,
and hopefully to get the developers to reconsider the current

The SYSTEM FILES component of the SYSTEM OBJECT  on Win2K consists of over
1500 .dll and .exe and .obj files from (mostly) the WinNT/system32
directory.  These files are backed up EVERY TIME an incremental is run, even

We have converted over 200 NT desktops to WIn2K PRO.  For each of our Win2K
PRO systems, this adds 1586 files to the backup every night.

This has had an enormous impact on the TSM server.  The additional data is
only about 20 GB per night, and that's not a big problem.  But each of the
SYSTEM FILES still has it's own entry in the TSM data base.

You do the math:  That's over 300,000 additional objects that get added AND
deactivated each day, which for me means an additional 2.5 HOURS of EXPIRE
INVENTORY time is needed DAILY.  And all for data THAT HAS NOT CHANGED.

TSM's strength has always been that it DOESNT back up unchanged data.
Well, at least it didn't used to...

My problem here is we have another 250 machines to convert from NT to WIn2K.
They aren't about to buy me a second TSM server to handle the load, when the
current one worked fine for backing up the same number of NT systems with
the same amount of user data.  Instead they are looking at some Windows-only
software to back up the WIndows side of the house.

It appears to me the current TSM implementation is flawed, and will inhibit
other people's ability to support large Windows environments as well as

I put this information into the Requirements for the Oxford Symposium,
hopefully it will give some additional visibility to the issue.

Any suggestions welcome but don't suggest we give up our ability to do
full bare-metal restores.
Management will change the backup software first.

Wanda Prather
The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab

Intelligence has much less practical application than you'd think -
Scott Adams/Dilbert

Re: Unable to backup Informix database using ON-Bar on AIX 4.3.3

2001-05-29 Thread George Lesho

Ganu, The shared library within /usr/lib that onbar and TSM expect to see is not
there. Your old library (the .a one) will not work. I think there is a patch
that upgrades this library. Call Tivoli Support and they can tell you where to
get the patch. You may also have to put something like the following into your
onconfig file for the instance:

BAR_BSALIB_PATH /usr/bmc/IFX/ibacktrack/lib/bsashr10.o

The shared library I am using is from  BMC as I use BMC SQL BackTrack for
Informix and they supplied it but you definitely need
the BAR_BSALIB_PATH statement in the onconfig file and have $LIBPATH set up in
the Informix environment pointing to the
directory where the shared library resides... note that the actual file is
pointed to in the onconfig file while the $LIBPATH points to
the directory

The Informix Backup and Restore Guide for Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.3
mentions which library they recommend and
Tivoli may supply their own for TDP for Informix...

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Ganu Sachin, IBM [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/28/2001 04:00:50 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Unable to backup Informix database using ON-Bar on AIX 4.3.3


We are using TSM 3.7.0 with TDP for Informix on AIX 4.3.3. Recently we have
upgraded our Informix database from 7.24 UC3 to 7.31UC7XB. We are now unable
to backup Informix database.

We are getting following error in bar_act.log file of ON-Bar.

 2001-05-28 13:55:29 32964  23172 onbar_d -b -w -L 0
 2001-05-28 13:55:30 32964  23172 ERROR: An unexpected error occurred:
0509-022 Cannot load module /usr/lib/ibsad001.o.
0509-103   The module has an invalid magic number. .
Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format.
 2001-05-28 13:55:30 32964  23172 ERROR: Could not open XBSA library
 2001-05-28 13:55:30 32964  23172 ERROR: An unexpected error occurred:
0509-022 Cannot load module /usr/lib/ibsad001.o.
0509-103   The module has an invalid magic number. .
Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format.
 2001-05-28 13:55:30 32964  23172 ERROR: Could not open XBSA library
 2001-05-28 13:55:35 32964  23172 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
 2001-05-28 13:55:35 32964  23172 ERROR: An unexpected error occurred:
0509-022 Cannot load module /usr/lib/ibsad001.o.
0509-103   The module has an invalid magic number. .
Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format.
 2001-05-28 13:55:35 32964  23172 ERROR: Could not open XBSA library
 2001-05-28 13:55:35 32964  23172 XBSA Error (BSAInit): An unspecified XBSA
r has occurred: 133

For version 7.24 UC3, we had the XBSA library

Any clues ?

New Server?

2001-05-18 Thread George Lesho


Currently use a RS6000 7013-590 for my TSM server. I have acquired a new RS6000
7025-F50 to replace it. I am using TSM V on the server. What are the
general steps I will need to take in order to implement TSM on the new server?
Will there be license issues? Thanks in advance!

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Re: Excessive Read Errors on LTO

2001-05-18 Thread George Lesho

The SCSI Bench Reference by Jeffrey D. Stai is published by ENDL Publications
ISBN 1-879936-07-0

Special Sales/Library Marketing
ENDL Publications
14426 Black Walnut Court
Saratoga, CA 95070

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Lisa Cabanas [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/17/2001 01:52:40 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Excessive Read Errors on LTO

ew ew!! where did you get your handy SCSI bench reference?  Sounds like
something I'd like to put into my aresenal!!


05/17/2001 11:01 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

cc: (bcc: Lisa Cabanas/SC/MODOT)
Subject:Re: Excessive Read Errors on LTO

My handy SCSI bench reference says there is a medium error (Key=03) and
sense data ASC=14 ASCQ=00
indicates recorded entity not found... think you might have bad media...

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Ruddy STOUDER [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/17/2001 10:38:44 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Excessive Read Errors on LTO


My configuration is TSM Server 4.1.2, NT4.0 SP6, LTO 3583 with 2 tape
drives 3580 connected via Adaptec 29160. Drivers are the IBM ones in

Backups are running perfectly, restores are also running perfectly but
during the week-end, when reclamation is running, I get the following
error messages :

05/08/2001 16:39:04   ANR1417W Access mode for volume 265AADL1 now set
   read-only due to excessive read error.

05/08/2001 16:39:37   ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE2 (\\.\TAPE1)
   CC=0, KEY=03, ASC=14, ASCQ=00,

   undetermined error has occurred).  Refer to
Appendix D in
   the 'Messages' manual for recommended action.
05/08/2001 16:39:37   ANR8359E Media fault detected on LTO volume
265AADL1 in
   drive DRIVE2 (\\.\TAPE1) of library LIB3583.

Any idea ?

Many thanks in advance,

 Ruddy Stouder
System Engineer
Rue du Bosquet 10 - Parc Scientifique de Louvain-La-Neuve
B- 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
Tel: +32 (0)10 48 75 10  -  Fax: +32 (0)10 48 75 40

590 to F50

2001-05-18 Thread George Lesho

Let me try again... didn't get any responses from my first try

TSM (V. server currently on a 590 (AIX 432) and have a new server (F50 /
AIX 433) I wish to move the TSM server to.
Is there a FAQ or documentation I can look at to see what general steps I need
to take to make the transition without a lot of head aches? What are the license
issues? Does anyone have any notes? I am fairly proficient with TSM but have not
done this type of move... any hints would be much appreciated.  Have seached the
TSM/storage site and ADSM-L FAQs and have seen nothing that would help.

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Re: Excessive Read Errors on LTO

2001-05-17 Thread George Lesho

My handy SCSI bench reference says there is a medium error (Key=03) and the
sense data ASC=14 ASCQ=00
indicates recorded entity not found... think you might have bad media...

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Ruddy STOUDER [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/17/2001 10:38:44 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Excessive Read Errors on LTO


My configuration is TSM Server 4.1.2, NT4.0 SP6, LTO 3583 with 2 tape
drives 3580 connected via Adaptec 29160. Drivers are the IBM ones in

Backups are running perfectly, restores are also running perfectly but
during the week-end, when reclamation is running, I get the following
error messages :

05/08/2001 16:39:04   ANR1417W Access mode for volume 265AADL1 now set
   read-only due to excessive read error.

05/08/2001 16:39:37   ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE2 (\\.\TAPE1)
   CC=0, KEY=03, ASC=14, ASCQ=00,

   undetermined error has occurred).  Refer to
Appendix D in
   the 'Messages' manual for recommended action.
05/08/2001 16:39:37   ANR8359E Media fault detected on LTO volume
265AADL1 in
   drive DRIVE2 (\\.\TAPE1) of library LIB3583.

Any idea ?

Many thanks in advance,

 Ruddy Stouder
System Engineer
Rue du Bosquet 10 - Parc Scientifique de Louvain-La-Neuve
B- 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
Tel: +32 (0)10 48 75 10  -  Fax: +32 (0)10 48 75 40

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