Re: [agi] The Smushaby of Flatway.

2009-01-10 Thread Jim Bromer
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Jim Bromer  wrote:
> For instance, when it is discovered that probabilistic reasoning isn't
> quite good enough for advanced nlp, many hopefuls will rediscover the
> creative 'solution' of using orthogonal multidimensional 'measures' of
> semantic distance.  Instead of following their intuition and coming up
> with ways to make the reasoning seem more natural, they first turn
> toward a more fanciful method by which they try to force the corpus of
> natural language to conform to their previously decision to use a
> simple metric.
> My recommendation would be to first try to begin thinking about how
> natural reasoning might be better structured to solve those problems
> before you start distorting the data.
> For an example, reasons are often used in natural reasoning. A reason
> can be good or bad.  A reason can provide causal information about the
> reasoning but even a good reason may only shed light on information
> incidental to the reasoning. The value of a reason can be relative to
> both the reasoning and the nature of the supplied reason itself.  My
> point here is that the relation of reason to reasoning is significant
> (especially when they work) although it can be very complicated.  But
> even though the use of a reason is not simple, notice how natural and
> familiar it seems.

I realized after I wrote this that the invented metric of semantic
distance can be used to 'solve' a semantic problem using mathematical
means. In my suggestion that more highly structured methods of
reasoning should be considered before distorting the data with some
artifice I pointed out that reasons that are naturally used in
decision making could be included in the structure of reasoning .  But
the problem is, of course, that examining the reasons for a conclusion
does not immediately -solve- the programming problem the way numerical
metrics and mathematical methods can.  Ok, but you can still create
artificial methods to test structural reasoning if you are eager to
start programming.  I am going to try this out because I believe that
a somewhat extensible GOFAI model can be derived from a use of
structured reasoning (and some other ideas I have) even though I would
have to first supply simplistic 'solutions' for the program to use.

I am saying that before you start creating elaborate artifices to jump
start your project you should first use your intuition to see if more
natural ways of dealing with the problem exist.  This might not make
the problem look easier.  But even though I would have to create some
simplistic solutions for my first model, I believe that the concept of
more highly structured reasoning should help me keep these artifices
to a minimum.

Jim Bromer

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Re: [agi] Fuzzy Logic in a General Artificial Intelligent Opponent Processing machine.

2009-01-10 Thread Vladimir Nesov

It is NOT OK to post utter nonsense. Don't.

Vladimir Nesov

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Re: [agi] What Must a World Be That a Humanlike Intelligence May Develop In It?

2009-01-10 Thread Ronald C. Blue
It turns out that nerve cells require physical vibrations to work correctly.  
An odd discovery to say the least.  But movement of an electrostatic charge in 
a standing electromagnetic polarization field may be useful for measuring the 
vibrations of odor molecules for the odor system.  Part of an odor molecule 
moves in an out of the pore of a nerve cell.  An odor signal then would be a 
summation of averages of the different parts being stored on a standing wave 
pattern of about 30 hertz.  You can duplicate any odor if you can get the same 
ratio of the small parts of the original molecule.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nathan Cook 
  Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:27 PM
  Subject: Re: [agi] What Must a World Be That a Humanlike Intelligence May 
Develop In It?

  What about vibration? We have specialized mechanoreceptors to detect 
vibration (actually vibration and pressure - presumably there's processing to 
separate the two). It's vibration that lets us feel fine texture, via the 
stick-slip friction between fingertip and object.

  On a related note, even a very fine powder of very low friction feels 
different to water - how can you capture the sensation of water using beads and 
blocks of a reasonably large size?

  Nathan Cook

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Re: [agi] What Must a World Be That a Humanlike Intelligence May Develop In It?

2009-01-10 Thread Ben Goertzel
> The model feels underspecified to me, but I'm OK with that, the ideas
> conveyed. It doesn't feel fair to insist there's no fluid dynamics
> modeled though ;-)

Yes, the next step would be to write out detailed equations for the
model.  I didn't do that in the paper because I figured that would be
a fairly empty exercise unless I also implemented some kind of simple
simulation of the model.  With this sort of thing, it's easy to write
down equations that look good, but one doesn't really know if they
make sense till one's run some simulations, done some parameter
tuning, etc.

Which seems like a quite fun exercise, but I just didn't get to it
yet... actually it would be sensible to do this together with some
nice visualization...


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Re: [agi] What Must a World Be That a Humanlike Intelligence May Develop In It?

2009-01-10 Thread Nathan Cook
2009/1/10 Lukasz Stafiniak :
> On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Ben Goertzel  wrote:
>>> On a related note, even a very fine powder of very low friction feels
>>> different to water - how can you capture the sensation of water using beads
>>> and blocks of a reasonably large size?
>> The objective of a CogDevWorld such as BlocksNBeadsWorld is explicitly
>> **not** to precisely simulate the sensations of being in the real
>> world.
>> My question to you is: What important cognitive ability is drastically
>> more easily developable given a world that contains a distinction
>> between fluids and various sorts of bead-conglomerates?
> The objection is not valid in equating beads with dry powder. Certain
> forms of adhesion of the beads form a good approximation to fluids.
> You can have your hand "wet" with sticky beads etc.

This would require at least a two-factor adhesion-cohesion model. But
Ben has a good rejoinder to my comment.
Nathan Cook

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Re: [agi] What Must a World Be That a Humanlike Intelligence May Develop In It?

2009-01-10 Thread Lukasz Stafiniak
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Ben Goertzel  wrote:
>> On a related note, even a very fine powder of very low friction feels
>> different to water - how can you capture the sensation of water using beads
>> and blocks of a reasonably large size?
> The objective of a CogDevWorld such as BlocksNBeadsWorld is explicitly
> **not** to precisely simulate the sensations of being in the real
> world.
> My question to you is: What important cognitive ability is drastically
> more easily developable given a world that contains a distinction
> between fluids and various sorts of bead-conglomerates?
The objection is not valid in equating beads with dry powder. Certain
forms of adhesion of the beads form a good approximation to fluids.
You can have your hand "wet" with sticky beads etc.

The model feels underspecified to me, but I'm OK with that, the ideas
conveyed. It doesn't feel fair to insist there's no fluid dynamics
modeled though ;-)

Best regards.

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Re: [agi] Identity & abstraction

2009-01-10 Thread Richard Loosemore

Harry Chesley wrote:

Thanks for the more specific answer. It was the most illuminating of the
ones I've gotten. I realize that this isn't really the right list for
questions about human subjects experiments; just thought I'd give it a try.

In general no.

But that is my specialty.

Richard Loosemore

Richard Loosemore wrote:

Harry Chesley wrote:

On 1/9/2009 9:45 AM, Richard Loosemore wrote:

 There are certainly experiments that might address some of your
 concerns, but I am afraid you will have to acquire a general
 knowledge of what is known, first, to be able to make sense of what
 they might tell you.  There is nothing that can be plucked and
 delivered as a direct answer.

I was not asking for a complete answer. I was asking for experiments
that shed light on the area. I don't expect a mature answer, only
more food for thought. Your answer that there are such experiments,
but you're not going to tell me what they are is not a useful one.
Don't worry about whether I can digest the experimental context.
Maybe I know more than you assume I do.

What I am trying to say is that you will find answers that are
partially relevant to your question scattered across about a third of
the chapters of any comprehensive introduction to cognitive
psychology.  And then, at a deeper level, you will find something of
relevance in numerous more specialized documents.  But they are so
scattered that I could not possibly start to produce a comprehensive

For example, the easiest things to mention are "object perception"
within a developmental psychology framework (see a dev psych textbook
for entire chapters on that);  the psycholgy of "concepts" will
involve numerous experiments that require judgements of whether
objects are same or different (but in each case the experiment will
not be focussed on answering the direct question you might be
asking);  the question of how concepts are represented sometimes
involves the dialectic between the "prototype" and "exemplar" camps
(see book by Smith and Medin), which partially touches on the
question;  there are discussions in the connectionist literature about
the problem of type-token discrimination (see Norman's chapter at the
end of the second PDP volume - McClelland and Rumelhart 1986/7);  then
there is neurospychology of naming... see books on psychololinguistics
like the one written by Trevor Harley for a comprehensive introduction
to that area);  there are also vast numbers of studies to do with
recognition of abstract concepts using neural nets (you could pick up
three or four papers that I wrote in the 1990s which center on the
problem of extracting the spelled for of words using phoneme clusters
if you look at the publications section of my website,, but
there are thousands of others).

Then, you could also wait for my own textbook (in preparation) which
treats the formation of concepts and the mechanisms of abstraction
from the Molecular perspective.

These are just examples picked at random.  none of them answer your
question, they just give you pieces of the puzzle, for you to assemble
into a half-working answer after a couple of years of study ;-).

Anyone who knew the field would say, in response to your inquiry, "But
what exactly do you mean by the question?", and they would say
this because your question touches upon about six or seven major areas
of inquiry, in the most general possible terms.

Richard Loosemore

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Re: [agi] The Smushaby of Flatway.

2009-01-10 Thread Richard Loosemore

Mike Tintner wrote:


You missed Mike Tintner's explanation . . . .



So you think maybe what we've got here is a radical influx of globally 
entangled free-association bosons?


Q.E.D.  Well done.

Now tell me how you connected my "ridiculous" [or however else you might 
want to style it] argument with your argument re "bosons" - OTHER than 
by free association? What *prior* set of associations in your mind, or 
"prior, preprogrammed set of rules, what logicomathematical thinking 
enabled you to form that connection?  (And it would be a good idea to 
apply it to your previous joke re Blue - because they must be *generally 
applicable* principles)

And what prior principles enabled you to spontaneously and creatively 
form the precise association of "radical influx of globally entagled 
free-association bosons" - to connect RADICAL INFLUX with GLOBALLY 

You were being v. funny, right?  But humour is domain-switching (which 
you do multiple times above) and that's what you/AGI can't do or explain 


Ironically, before I saw your post I had already written (and shelved) a 
P.S.  Here it is:

"P.S. Note BTW - because I'm confident you're probably still thinking 
"what's that weird nutter on about? what's this got to do with AGI?" - 
the very best evidence for my claim. That claim is now that the brain is

* potentially infinitely domain-switching on both

a) a basic level,  and

b) a meta-level -

i.e. capable of forming endless new connections/associations on a higher 
level too and so, forming infinite new modes of reasoning, ( new *ways* 
of associating ideas as well as new association)

The very best evidence are *logic and mathematics themselves*. For logic 
and mathematics ceaselessly produce new branches of themselves. New 
logics. New numbers, New kinds of geometry. *New modes of reasoning.*

And an absolutely major problem for logic and mathematics (and current 
computation) is that they *cannot explain themselves* - cannot explain 
how these new modes of reasoning are generated/ There are no logical and 
mathematical or other formal ways of explaining these new branches.

Rational numbers cannot be used to deduce irrational numbers and thence 
imaginary numbers. Trigonometry cannot be used to deduce calculus. 
Euclidean geometry cannot be used to deduce riemannian to deduce 
topology. And so on. Aristotelian logic cannot explain fuzzy logic 
cannot explain PLN.

Logicomathematical modes of reasoning are *not* generated 
logicomathematically.but creatively-as both Ben, I think, and 
certainly Franklin have acknowledged.

And clearly the brain is capable of forming infinitely new logics and 
mathematics - infinite new forms of reasoning -  by 
*non-logicomathematical*/*nonformal* means. By, I suggest,  free 
association among other means.

It's easy to make cheap, snide comments. But can either of you actually 
engage directly with the problem of domain-switching, and argue 
constructively about  particular creative problems and thinking - using 
actual evidence? I've seen literally no instances from either of you (or 
indeed, though this may at first seem surprising and may need a little 
explanation - anyone in the AI community).

let's take an actual example of  good creative thinking happening on the 
fly - and what I've called  directed free association -

It's by one Richard Loosemore. You as well as others thought pretty 
creatively about the problem of the engram a while back. Here's the 
transcript of that  thinking - as I said, good creative thinking, really 
trying to have new ideas (as opposed to just being snide here).:

Now perhaps you can tell me what prior *logic* or programming produced 
the flow of your own ideas here? How do you get from one to the next?

"Richard: Now you're just trying to make me think ;-). 1.

Okay, try this. 2.

[heck, you don't have to:  I am just playing with ideas here...]  3.

The methylation pattern has not necessarily been shown to *only* store
information in a distributed pattern of activation - the jury's out on
that one (correct me if I'm wrong). 4.5

Suppose that the methylation end caps are just being used as a way
station for some mechanism whose *real* goal is to make modifications to
 some patterns in the junk DNA.  6. So, here I am suggesting that the junk
DNA of any particular neuron is being used to code for large numbers of
episodic memories (one memory per DNA strand, say), with each neuron
being used as a redundant store of many episodes. 7.  The same episode is
stored in multiple neurons, but each copy is complete.  8. When we observe
changes in the methylation patterns, perhaps these are just part of the
transit mechanism, not the final destination for the pattern.  9. To put it
in the language that Greg Bear would use, the endcaps were just part of
the "radio" system. 

Re: [agi] Identity & abstraction

2009-01-10 Thread Harry Chesley
Thanks for the more specific answer. It was the most illuminating of the
ones I've gotten. I realize that this isn't really the right list for
questions about human subjects experiments; just thought I'd give it a try.

Richard Loosemore wrote:
> Harry Chesley wrote:
>> On 1/9/2009 9:45 AM, Richard Loosemore wrote:
>>>  There are certainly experiments that might address some of your
>>>  concerns, but I am afraid you will have to acquire a general
>>>  knowledge of what is known, first, to be able to make sense of what
>>>  they might tell you.  There is nothing that can be plucked and
>>>  delivered as a direct answer.
>> I was not asking for a complete answer. I was asking for experiments
>> that shed light on the area. I don't expect a mature answer, only
>> more food for thought. Your answer that there are such experiments,
>> but you're not going to tell me what they are is not a useful one.
>> Don't worry about whether I can digest the experimental context.
>> Maybe I know more than you assume I do.
> What I am trying to say is that you will find answers that are
> partially relevant to your question scattered across about a third of
> the chapters of any comprehensive introduction to cognitive
> psychology.  And then, at a deeper level, you will find something of
> relevance in numerous more specialized documents.  But they are so
> scattered that I could not possibly start to produce a comprehensive
> list!
> For example, the easiest things to mention are "object perception"
> within a developmental psychology framework (see a dev psych textbook
> for entire chapters on that);  the psycholgy of "concepts" will
> involve numerous experiments that require judgements of whether
> objects are same or different (but in each case the experiment will
> not be focussed on answering the direct question you might be
> asking);  the question of how concepts are represented sometimes
> involves the dialectic between the "prototype" and "exemplar" camps
> (see book by Smith and Medin), which partially touches on the
> question;  there are discussions in the connectionist literature about
> the problem of type-token discrimination (see Norman's chapter at the
> end of the second PDP volume - McClelland and Rumelhart 1986/7);  then
> there is neurospychology of naming... see books on psychololinguistics
> like the one written by Trevor Harley for a comprehensive introduction
> to that area);  there are also vast numbers of studies to do with
> recognition of abstract concepts using neural nets (you could pick up
> three or four papers that I wrote in the 1990s which center on the
> problem of extracting the spelled for of words using phoneme clusters
> if you look at the publications section of my website,, but
> there are thousands of others).
> Then, you could also wait for my own textbook (in preparation) which
> treats the formation of concepts and the mechanisms of abstraction
> from the Molecular perspective.
> These are just examples picked at random.  none of them answer your
> question, they just give you pieces of the puzzle, for you to assemble
> into a half-working answer after a couple of years of study ;-).
> Anyone who knew the field would say, in response to your inquiry, "But
> what exactly do you mean by the question?", and they would say
> this because your question touches upon about six or seven major areas
> of inquiry, in the most general possible terms.
> Richard Loosemore
> ---
> agi
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Re: [agi] What Must a World Be That a Humanlike Intelligence May Develop In It?

2009-01-10 Thread Ben Goertzel
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Nathan Cook  wrote:
> What about vibration? We have specialized mechanoreceptors to detect
> vibration (actually vibration and pressure - presumably there's processing
> to separate the two). It's vibration that lets us feel fine texture, via the
> stick-slip friction between fingertip and object.

Actually, letting beads vibrate at various frequencies would seem
perfectly reasonable ... and could lead to interesting behaviors in
sets of flexibly coupled beads.

I think this would be a good addition to the model, thanks!

> On a related note, even a very fine powder of very low friction feels
> different to water - how can you capture the sensation of water using beads
> and blocks of a reasonably large size?

The objective of a CogDevWorld such as BlocksNBeadsWorld is explicitly
**not** to precisely simulate the sensations of being in the real

My question to you is: What important cognitive ability is drastically
more easily developable given a world that contains a distinction
between fluids and various sorts of bead-conglomerates?

-- Ben G

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[agi] Looking Into Your Mind

2009-01-10 Thread Jim Bromer
I don't know if anyone mentioned this before or not.
Reading your mind using brain imaging.
There should be references to other researchers in the story.  I watched
it on tv but I haven't reread the story.
Jim Bromer

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Re: [agi] What Must a World Be That a Humanlike Intelligence May Develop In It?

2009-01-10 Thread Nathan Cook
What about vibration? We have specialized mechanoreceptors to detect
vibration (actually vibration and pressure - presumably there's processing
to separate the two). It's vibration that lets us feel fine texture, via the
stick-slip friction between fingertip and object.

On a related note, even a very fine powder of very low friction feels
different to water - how can you capture the sensation of water using beads
and blocks of a reasonably large size?

Nathan Cook

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Re: [agi] The Smushaby of Flatway.

2009-01-10 Thread Jim Bromer
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Ed Porter  wrote:
> Ed Porter>
> This is certainly not true of a Novamente-type system, at least as I
> conceive of it being built on the type of massively parallel, highly
> interconnected hardware that will be available to AI within 3-7 years.  Such
> a system would be hierarchical in both the compositional and
> generalizational dimensions, and the computation would be taking place by
> importance weighted probabilisitic spreading activation, constraint
> relaxation, and k-winner take all competition across multiple layers of
> these hierarchies, so the decision making would not "funnel all reasoning
> through a single narrowly focused process" any more that human though
> processes do.
> If a decision is to be made, it makes computational sense to have some
> selection process that focuses attention on a selected one of multiple
> possible candidate actions or
> though.  If that is the type of "funneling" that you object to, you are
> largely objecting to decision making itself.

I have been busy and I just started reading the remarks on this
thread. I want to reply to Ed's comment since his remarks seemed to be
focused in on what I said.  (And I was able to understand what he was
talking about!)

Parallel methods do not in of themselves constitute what I call
structural reasoning.

I object to the funneling and flat methods of reasoning itself.

Although I do not have any new alternatives to add to logic, fuzzy
logic, probability, genetic algorithms and various network decision
processes, my objection is directed toward the narrow focus on the
fundamentals of those decision making processes, or to the creative
(but somewhat dubious) steps taken to force the data to conform to the
inadequacies of (what I called) flat decision processes.

For instance, when it is discovered that probabilistic reasoning isn't
quite good enough for advanced nlp, many hopefuls will rediscover the
creative 'solution' of using orthogonal multidimensional 'measures' of
semantic distance.  Instead of following their intuition and coming up
with ways to make the reasoning seem more natural, they first turn
toward a more fanciful method by which they try to force the corpus of
natural language to conform to their previously decision to use a
simple metric.

My recommendation would be to first try to begin thinking about how
natural reasoning might be better structured to solve those problems
before you start distorting the data.

For an example, reasons are often used in natural reasoning. A reason
can be good or bad.  A reason can provide causal information about the
reasoning but even a good reason may only shed light on information
incidental to the reasoning. The value of a reason can be relative to
both the reasoning and the nature of the supplied reason itself.  My
point here is that the relation of reason to reasoning is significant
(especially when they work) although it can be very complicated.  But
even though the use of a reason is not simple, notice how natural and
familiar it seems.  Example: 'I do this because I want to!'  Not a
good reason to explain why I am doing something unless you are (for
instance) curious about the emotional issues behind my actions.
Another example: "I advocate this theory because it seems natural!" A
much better reason for the advocacy.  It tells you something about
what is motivating me to make the advocacy but it also tells you
something about the theory as it is being advocated.

There are other kinds of structures to reasoning that can be
considered as well.  This was only one.

I realized during the past few days, that most reasoning in a
contemporary AGI program would be ongoing and so yes the reasoning
would be more structured than I originally thought.  (I wouldn't have
written my original message at all except that I was a little more off
than usual that night for some reason.)  However, even though ongoing
reasoning does represent some additional complexity to the process of
reasoning, the fact that structural reasoning itself is not being
discussed means that it is being downplayed and even ignored.  So you
have the curious situation where the less natural metric of semantic
distance being enthusiastically offered while a more complete
examination of the potential of using natural reasons in reasoning is
almost totally ignored.

So while I believe that modifications and extensions of logic,
categorical systems, probability, and network decision processes will
be used to eventually create more powerful AGI programs, I don't think
the contemporary efforts to produce such advanced AGI will be
successful without the conscious consideration and use of structural

Jim Bromer

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