Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-17 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 02:37:01PM -0400, Eric Baum wrote:

> Could you be more specific, please? What specific applications do you
> think are high value?

Anything they want to do, and don't have to do to have the bills paid.
I presume many here have loftier aspirations than their dayjob (but
for a lucky few, for whom both are identical).

The interesting capability threshold in AI is autopoietic automation
a la
which is about insect-level for macroscale self-replicators in
an unsupportive environment.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-17 Thread Eric Baum

Eugen> Ability to instantiate vanilla experts at the drop of the hat
Eugen> (without having to spend some 30 years, megabucks and a failure
Eugen> rate of 98%) is a major advantage already. In fact, automation
Eugen> about as smart as an insect can completely transform
Eugen> transportation, manufacturing, military, and a few other
Eugen> disciplines, leaving people to deal with with more worthwhile
Eugen> tasks (specialization is for insects).

Could you be more specific, please? What specific applications do you
think are high value?

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-17 Thread James Ratcliff
 => Singularity automatic assumption here earlier (give me 1000 times more time 
than Einstein to think up Relativity Theory and I still couldn't; give me 1000 
times more data and I'll be seeing less, not more forest), let me add 
corollaries to/musings about Jef's argument:  (1) if (by force) we confine a 
super-AGI to a single problem situation or even our own limited environment for 
"long enough"  (ignore the ethical slavery aspect for a moment), won't it go 
crazy - just like many geniuses go crazy or at the very least very eccentric 
after a relatively short life of intensive intellectual creativity
For any advanced system such as this that we expect to interact and learn we 
would not be able to put it in a room alone and so "Go"
Given that, yes it would eventually devolve into some bad data and bad 
We will have to interact, guide and work with these inteligences, to insure 
they are not diverging down a different path.
A simple example of that is a path finding algorithm, if we see that it is 
trying to get to a northern city along a road, but going many miles south, for 
no reason, we can change things and say, hey, go this way instead, byt changing 
algorithms, or data or other direction.

 (2) will we recognise the difference between AGI genius and AGI craziness even 
at the early stage in its life - we hardly do recognize it in human geniuses 
(and remember that the parameters in a normal human only needs to be slightly 
off before (s)he is considered crazy - it'll be hard enough to get the 
parameters right for our human-level AGI)
This is why AGI's will need to have a high accountability, they will need to 
explain their reasons to humans and experts, and be able to justify why they 
suggest a certain route.
For instance, in the movie "Idiocracy" the future humans use Gatorade to water 
all the crops.
  When asked why they reply, "Cause its gots the stuff a body needs" and dont 
know anything other than that catch phrase.
  Crops may actually do well from the ingredients of Gatorade, but if a 
computer suggested this, and didnt have any explanation why, we would 
definitely think they were crazy, unless they had many experiments that showed 
good effects.

 (3) once/if it goes off in its own super-intelligence space (likely to be in 
intellectual domains such as maths) I doubt that we will ever be able to 
recognize what it does (try reading an advanced maths,  physics or 
theology/philosophy book)
Correct :}  Unfortunately, once it reaches some point in the future, it will 
suggest something, and explain it, but the explanation itself could be beyond 
our comprehension.  What we do at that point is unknown.

This type of work is being done with the Project Halo,
Where the AI's had to pass a chemistry exam, but it was not enough that they 
could answer the questions correctly, which they did very well in, but thye had 
to explain their answers in words, concisely and easy to understand.  This 
prooved to be much harder, but they still passed an API Chemistry exam.

Working with my 4-year old daughter, I see her doing some very crazy things, 
but I know she is interacting with the world, and seeing what works and what 
doesnt.  She put a shirt over her nightgown, no harm no foul, didnt hurt or 
cause any trouble, but I had to tell her, no, you dont do that.
  I think that is the way much of the AGI learning will need to get down to.
If we can create a very basic framework that will allow complex interactions 
with the AGI and for the AGI to have great freedom to try things on its own, 
and be corrected, or other suggestions to be made to it, would allow it to grow 
naturally in the environment.

James Ratcliff

 Jean-Paul Van Belle

Jean-Paul Van Belle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Since I voiced my concern 
with the AGI

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 >"Jef Allbright" [EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2007/04/15 21:40:06 >>
>While such a machine intelligence will quickly far exceed human
>capabilities, from its own perspective it will rapidly hit a wall due
>to having exhausted all opportunities for effective interaction with
>its environment.  It could then explore an open-ended possibility
>space à la schmidhuber, but such increasingly detached exploration
>will be increasingly detached from "intelligence" in an effective
>>On 4/15/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> However, to me "Singularity" is a stronger claim than "superhuman
>> intelligence". It implies that the intelligence of AI will increase
>> exponentially, to a point that is shorter than what we can perceive or
>> understand. That is what I'm not convinced.

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-17 Thread James Ratcliff
>I'm not clear on why he thinks human level intelligence is
 >"understandable", or even what he means by this.

As Ben stated there are really two different issues of "understanding"
1. Understanding the code and process.
2. Understanding the intelligence (and actions taken by it)

1. Your right and it is known for most complex systems, Jets, computers, the 
internet, that no one person "knows" or understands everything about how they 
work.. but they do work and can be created by groups, and parts can be 
understood if studied.  A general understanding of what a jet is and does is 

2. However understanding the intelligence would seem on one level to be a 
Requirement for having a human level AGI.  IE if you have the AGI there and it 
is acting in a bizare and strange manner, and cant explain why, then we cannot 
really say it is a human level AGI.. we can only see that it is a machine that 
acts randomly... (we have enough of those already)
  But to understand the intelligence, and for the AGI to be useful in the 
world, it really does have the need to be able to explain itself.  It shoudl 
list and give reasons of why it wants to put a fin underneath the jet at a 45' 
angle, that it will increase stability, and show a graph or the math behind his 
justification.  Then this smaller subset problem can more easily be understood 
by a person or group of experts.  At some time an AGI may become so advanced 
that the reasons behind any one action are so complex that we cannot understand 
or follow it.
But at that point I believe it will have surpassed the label of "human level" 
and be something more.  Then we would have to trust the machines, based on past 
performance, or other procedures would be used. Or the machine may have to 
proove in test that its suggestions are good and work.

James Ratcliff

Eric Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Pei> According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a
Pei> general theory of intelligence, which should cover the common
Pei> principle under all kinds of intelligent systems, including human
Pei> intelligence, computer intelligence, etc., even alien
Pei> intelligence and superhuman AGI. Therefore, this theory should
Pei> also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.

According to my belief, that I also claim to have published a strong case
for, we have such a theory, in which the common principle underlying 
intelligence is that of Occam programs, that are computationally hard
to extract. (I don't mean a program in the Occam language, a program
constructed according to an extrapolated Occam's razor.)
Also according to this belief, "understanding" is comprised of having
such an Occam program that exploits underlying structure in order to
generalize. According to this belief, unfortunately, the Occam
program underlying our intelligence is itself unlikely to admit any more
compact Occam program understanding it, and thus may be inherently not

According to this picture, if we can succeed in creating a Human Level
Intelligence (according to this picture, there roughly speaking
doesn't  exist any truly "general" intelligence) the way we will do 
that will be by building some structures/code that then computes and 
builds other structures/code that comprises the code of the Human Level
Intelligence. The actual Human Level Intelligence will likely not be
understandable in any meaningful sense.

Ben's comments, and to some extent his approach to AGI of building
code and then hoping when run it will produce a complex set of
patterns that do stuff seems somewhat related to this, except for
some reason he stipulates that human intelligence is understandable.
I'm not clear on why he thinks human level intelligence is
"understandable", or even what he means by this.

Richard> efforts (some people seem to think that there is something
Richard> inherently impossible about a human being able to design
Richard> something smarter than itself, but that idea is really just
Richard> science-fiction hearsay, not grounded in any real
Richard> limitations).

Well, no it is grounded in real limitations. I doubt, Richard, that
even you think you could "design" a human level intelligence by hand,
any more than you could personally design a mirage jet, the blueprints
for which filled a warehouse. At the very least you would want to use
a computer, and write code for the computer, and have the computer do
a lot of the design for you by running the code. At the end of that
process, you wouldn't necessarily "understand" much about how that
design worked. And if the very guts of the reason that design worked
are because it contains programs that were output by finding
approximate solutions to computationally intractable problems,
you'd be in real trouble.

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James Ratcliff - http://falazar.

Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-17 Thread Pei Wang


I addressed these issues in


On 4/17/07, James Ratcliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  First it would seem you need to come to a consensus definition of
"intelligence" and Im not sure how much your theory would or would need to
cover anything beyond the definition there?

James Ratcliff

Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Well, I surely don't mean AIXI type of theory.

I believe that all kinds of intelligence can be explained as the
capability of adaptation with insufficient knowledge and resources. I
understand that you don't share this understanding of intelligence.


On 4/15/07, Benjamin Goertzel wrote:
> >
> >
> > According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a general
> > theory of intelligence, which should cover the common principle under
> > all kinds of intelligent systems, including human intelligence,
> > computer intelligence, etc., even alien intelligence and superhuman
> > AGI. Therefore, this theory should also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.
> >
> Ahhh
> Well, this gets at the crux of our disagreement.
> I have my doubts that such a theory is possible. I think it may be
> possible to create a general theory of "roughly human level intelligence"
> ...
> just as Hutter and colleagues seem to be hot on the trail of a general
> theory of "near infinite computational power intelligence".
> But I suspect that computer systems with processing power and memory
> vastly greater than humans but vastly less than is needed for algorithms
> like Hutter's AIXItl to be possible, will display forms of intelligence
> aren't covered by either the Hutter-type theories, nor the theories
> roughly-human-level intelligence...
> True, there may be commonalities between sub-AIXItl-level superhuman,
> level, and AIXItl level intelligences. But, I suspect the differences will
> be
> at least as dramatic...
> As examples, I think that the sorts of self, awareness and "perceived free
> will" that characterize human mind may not apply to all superhuman
> intelligences.
> I can certainly imagine a superhuman AGI whose cognition is governed by
> complex, emergent patterns that are beyond human comprehension. I might
> be able to understand in some general sense that its behaviors are guided
> by emergent patterns, that it seems to be engaged in calculating
> probabilities,
> etc. -- but the main structures and dynamics guiding its cognition might
> new principles, which apply only to minds vastly smarter than humans and
> can't be grokked by mere human brains...
> -- Ben
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James Ratcliff -
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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-17 Thread James Ratcliff

  There shouldnt be any wall there truly, and that would first have to exhaust 
EVERY means of data input via text, video, audio etc.
At that point it would be left with limiting physical interactions via 
interacting with a human by talking etc, or interacting directly in teh world 
via a physical body, and mental introspection about the world and interactions. 
By this time though, the vast amount of information about the world would let 
it conjecture infinitely about how the world acts, and suggest good physical 
tests to perform on the environment.

James Ratcliff

Jef Allbright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I too generally agree with the 
improving intelligence scenario Richard
described, but would like to point out a rarely appreciated aspect:

While such a machine intelligence will quickly far exceed human
capabilities, from its own perspective it will rapidly hit a wall due
to having exhausted all opportunities for effective interaction with
its environment.  It could then explore an open-ended possibility
space à la schmidhuber, but such increasingly detached exploration
will be increasingly detached from "intelligence" in an effective

- Jef

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James Ratcliff -
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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-17 Thread James Ratcliff
  First it would seem you need to come to a consensus definition of 
"intelligence" and Im not sure how much your theory would or would need to 
cover anything beyond the definition there?

James Ratcliff

Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Well, I surely don't mean AIXI type of 

I believe that all kinds of intelligence can be explained as the
capability of adaptation with insufficient knowledge and resources. I
understand that you don't share this understanding of intelligence.


On 4/15/07, Benjamin Goertzel  wrote:
> >
> >
> > According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a general
> > theory of intelligence, which should cover the common principle under
> > all kinds of intelligent systems, including human intelligence,
> > computer intelligence, etc., even alien intelligence and superhuman
> > AGI. Therefore, this theory should also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.
> >
> Ahhh
> Well, this gets at the crux of our disagreement.
> I have my doubts that such a theory is possible.  I think it may be
> possible to create a general theory of "roughly human level intelligence"
> ...
> just as Hutter and colleagues seem to be hot on the trail of a general
> theory of "near infinite computational power intelligence".
> But I suspect that computer systems with processing power and memory
> vastly greater than humans but vastly less than is needed for algorithms
> like Hutter's AIXItl to be possible, will display forms of intelligence that
> aren't covered by either the Hutter-type theories, nor the theories covering
> roughly-human-level intelligence...
> True, there may be commonalities between sub-AIXItl-level superhuman, human
> level, and AIXItl level intelligences.  But, I suspect the differences will
> be
> at least as dramatic...
> As examples, I think that the sorts of self, awareness and "perceived free
> will" that characterize human mind may not apply to all superhuman
> intelligences.
> I can certainly imagine a superhuman AGI whose cognition is governed by
> complex, emergent patterns that are beyond human comprehension.  I might
> be able to understand in some general sense that its behaviors are guided
> by emergent patterns, that it seems to be engaged in calculating
> probabilities,
> etc. -- but the main structures and dynamics guiding its cognition might be
> new principles, which apply only to minds vastly smarter than humans and
> can't be grokked by mere human brains...
> -- Ben
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James Ratcliff -
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 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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Designing something smarter than yourself [WAS Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI]

2007-04-16 Thread Richard Loosemore

Eric Baum wrote:

Richard> efforts (some people seem to think that there is something
Richard> inherently impossible about a human being able to design
Richard> something smarter than itself, but that idea is really just
Richard> science-fiction hearsay, not grounded in any real
Richard> limitations).

Well, no it is grounded in real limitations. I doubt, Richard, that
even you think you could "design" a human level intelligence by hand,
any more than you could personally design a mirage jet, the blueprints
for which filled a warehouse. At the very least you would want to use
a computer, and write code for the computer, and have the computer do
a lot of the design for you by running the code. At the end of that
process, you wouldn't necessarily "understand" much about how that
design worked. And if the very guts of the reason that design worked
are because it contains programs that were output by finding
approximate solutions to computationally intractable problems,
you'd be in real trouble.

A bit of confusion going on here, I think.

I was not talking about a human 'understanding' the design of something 
smarter than a human -- that point is being debated in parallel, and is 
quite different from what I said.

I was only talking about the pop-science idea that a human, because it 
has a certain level of intelligence, could never in principle design 
something that could then become smarter than the human.  It's a (false) 
generalization of the idea that you cannot pull yourself up by your own 

Only a small point:  I don't think you would agree with the position I 
was trying to oppose, there.

But meanwhile, about the parallel question of whether a human could 
*understand* a human-level intelligence.  The points you make above 
could be applied to an "aircraft designer".  Such a person could design 
a new aircraft perfectly well... in a certain sense.  They would not be 
qualified to design, say, all the details of the inflight entertainment 
system, down to every last transistor in the amplifier of the sound 
system -- but then, we wouldn't say "Ha!  You don't really know how to 
design an aircraft!"


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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-16 Thread Jean-Paul Van Belle
Since I voiced my concern with the AGI
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 => Singularity automatic assumption here earlier (give me 1000 times more time 
than Einstein to think up Relativity Theory and I still couldn't; give me 1000 
times more data and I'll be seeing less, not more forest), let me add 
corollaries to/musings about Jef's argument: 
(1) if (by force) we confine a super-AGI to a single problem situation or even 
our own limited environment for "long enough"  (ignore the ethical slavery 
aspect for a moment), won't it go crazy - just like many geniuses go crazy or 
at the very least very eccentric after a relatively short life of intensive 
intellectual creativity
(2) will we recognise the difference between AGI genius and AGI craziness even 
at the early stage in its life - we hardly do recognize it in human geniuses 
(and remember that the parameters in a normal human only needs to be slightly 
off before (s)he is considered crazy - it'll be hard enough to get the 
parameters right for our human-level AGI)
(3) once/if it goes off in its own super-intelligence space (likely to be in 
intellectual domains such as maths) I doubt that we will ever be able to 
recognize what it does (try reading an advanced maths,  physics or 
theology/philosophy book)
Jean-Paul Van Belle
>"Jef Allbright" [EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2007/04/15 21:40:06 >>
>While such a machine intelligence will quickly far exceed human
>capabilities, from its own perspective it will rapidly hit a wall due
>to having exhausted all opportunities for effective interaction with
>its environment.  It could then explore an open-ended possibility
>space à la schmidhuber, but such increasingly detached exploration
>will be increasingly detached from "intelligence" in an effective
>>On 4/15/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> However, to me "Singularity" is a stronger claim than "superhuman
>> intelligence". It implies that the intelligence of AI will increase
>> exponentially, to a point that is shorter than what we can perceive or
>> understand. That is what I'm not convinced.

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-16 Thread Benjamin Goertzel

Hi Eric,

According to my belief, that I also claim to have published a strong case

for, we have such a theory, in which the common principle underlying
intelligence is that of Occam programs, that are computationally hard
to extract.

(I don't mean a program in the Occam language, a program

constructed according to an extrapolated Occam's razor.)
Also according to this belief, "understanding" is comprised of having
such an Occam program that exploits underlying structure in order to
generalize. According to this belief, unfortunately, the Occam
program underlying our intelligence is itself unlikely to admit any more
compact Occam program understanding it, and thus may be inherently not

I don't quite agree with this perspective, though my view is pretty close.

I also find it useful to view understanding in terms of algorithmic
but I think that "finding the shortest program capable of computing X" is
a good way of conceptualizing "understanding X."

Rather, I think that "finding the fuzzy set of programs capable of
X, relative to one's knowledge base K" is a better perspective.

For a complex X, there will be many different programs capable of
X.  Just finding the shortest program for computing X does not necessarily
give a complete understanding of X.

Ben's comments, and to some extent his approach to AGI of building

code and then hoping when run it will produce a complex set of
patterns that do stuff seems somewhat related to this,

Yes, it's related  The Novamente system can be viewed as attempting to
a bunch of compressing programs in relevant datasets, esp. in datasets of
form "carrying out action A in context C will lead to achievement of goal
G."  This
is not necessarily the most useful way to view the system in practice, but
it is
a correct way.  And of course, in accordance with the "no free lunch
the idea is that it should be good at finding compressing programs in
of the above form that actually occur in the practical life of an embodied
not in mathematically general datasets of the above form.

except for

some reason he stipulates that human intelligence is understandable.
I'm not clear on why he thinks human level intelligence is
"understandable", or even what he means by this.

I've tried to clarify this above.  What I mean is that humans are able to
many meaningful patterns (read: patterns = compressing programs, if you
in human behaviors ... and once brain scans work better, I bet we will be
to detect many very meaningful, significant patterns emergent btw human
behaviors and the output of brain scanners...

OTOH, for a massively superhuman AI, the  quantity of  patterns we will be
able to detect in this way, may be far far less  because most of the
patterns  in its behavior and state may have an algorithmic information far
the capacity of our brains.

-- Ben G

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-16 Thread Eric Baum

Pei> According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a
Pei> general theory of intelligence, which should cover the common
Pei> principle under all kinds of intelligent systems, including human
Pei> intelligence, computer intelligence, etc., even alien
Pei> intelligence and superhuman AGI. Therefore, this theory should
Pei> also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.

According to my belief, that I also claim to have published a strong case
for, we have such a theory, in which the common principle underlying 
intelligence is that of Occam programs, that are computationally hard
to extract. (I don't mean a program in the Occam language, a program
constructed according to an extrapolated Occam's razor.)
Also according to this belief, "understanding" is comprised of having
such an Occam program that exploits underlying structure in order to
generalize. According to this belief, unfortunately, the Occam
program underlying our intelligence is itself unlikely to admit any more
compact Occam program understanding it, and thus may be inherently not

According to this picture, if we can succeed in creating a Human Level
Intelligence (according to this picture, there roughly speaking
doesn't  exist any truly "general" intelligence) the way we will do 
that will be by building some structures/code that then computes and 
builds other structures/code that comprises the code of the Human Level
Intelligence. The actual Human Level Intelligence will likely not be
understandable in any meaningful sense.

Ben's comments, and to some extent his approach to AGI of building
code and then hoping when run it will produce a complex set of
patterns that do stuff seems somewhat related to this, except for
some reason he stipulates that human intelligence is understandable.
I'm not clear on why he thinks human level intelligence is
"understandable", or even what he means by this.

Richard> efforts (some people seem to think that there is something
Richard> inherently impossible about a human being able to design
Richard> something smarter than itself, but that idea is really just
Richard> science-fiction hearsay, not grounded in any real
Richard> limitations).

Well, no it is grounded in real limitations. I doubt, Richard, that
even you think you could "design" a human level intelligence by hand,
any more than you could personally design a mirage jet, the blueprints
for which filled a warehouse. At the very least you would want to use
a computer, and write code for the computer, and have the computer do
a lot of the design for you by running the code. At the end of that
process, you wouldn't necessarily "understand" much about how that
design worked. And if the very guts of the reason that design worked
are because it contains programs that were output by finding
approximate solutions to computationally intractable problems,
you'd be in real trouble.

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-16 Thread Benjamin Goertzel

Eugen wrote:

Of course a point could be made that reconstructing function from

structure (which in principle can be obtained from vitrified
brain sections at arbitrary resolution) is less far off than AI bootstrap.

I personally feel AI bootstrap is significantly closer, but arguing about
relative timing of uncertain advances probably isn't that productive
(at least, for it to be productive it would need to become a way more
in-depth technical conversation)

BTW I am not sure your statement about reconstructing function from
structure being achievable via studying vitrified brain sections is correct.

The problem is dynamics.

Reconstructing brain function from a series of
time-slices of brain-state, is a well-defined math problem, though perhaps
a very hard computational problem.

However, reconstructing the dynamics
of a system from a single time-slice is a well-defined math problem only
if one includes the laws of physics into the picture -- and we do not know
to apply the laws of physics to systems on the scale and complexity of
brains in a computationally tractable way, with sufficient detail to
system dynamics from a single time-slice.

And, of course vitrification does not give us a series of time-slices of
At best it gives us one time-slice of certain very important aspects of the

Thus, I suspect that advances in brain scanning technology are what are
to give us the ability to reconstruct brain function.  Give it another 15-25
and we'll have the spatiotemporal resolution of brain scanning to gather the
data whose analysis will allow us to really understand the beauty and
of what goes on in our brains...

-- Ben G

-- Ben

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 06:41:39PM -0400, Benjamin Goertzel wrote:

>A key point is that, unlike a human, a well-architected AGI should be
>able to easily increase its intelligence via adding memory, adding
>faster processors, adding more processors, and so forth.  As well as

I see why a human wouldn't profit from enhancements, it's just most
of them would require germline manipulation, or technology quite
beyond of what is available today.

>by analyzing its own processes and their flaws with far more accuracy
>than any near-term brain scan...

Of course a point could be made that reconstructing function from
structure (which in principle can be obtained from vitrified
brain sections at arbitrary resolution) is less far off than AI bootstrap.
Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Benjamin Goertzel

On 4/15/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I surely don't mean AIXI type of theory.

I believe that all kinds of intelligence can be explained as the
capability of adaptation with insufficient knowledge and resources. I
understand that you don't share this understanding of intelligence.

I don't disagree with this statement, but I suspect that different
QUANTITATIVE levels of insufficiency may lead to QUALITATIVELY
different principles of intelligence...

For the moment, however, it will be sufficient for us humans to understand
the qualitative principles leading to human-level AGI.   This is what I have
tried to do in my own theoretical work.  And, I think your work
has been very valuable in advancing our understanding of these principles...

-- Ben G

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Russell Wallace

On 4/16/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A general theory of intelligence will not give us a detailed AGI
design, but it will provide the assumptions and restrictions that such
a design should follow, no matter how the implementation details are
determined. Also, it will tell us why the traditional AI approaches
failed. For these reasons, it is not trivial or vacuum.

Absolutely - it's necessary for us to know e.g. cognitive science for the
reasons you point out. I merely observe that while necessary, it is not
close to being sufficient.

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Pei Wang

A general theory of intelligence will not give us a detailed AGI
design, but it will provide the assumptions and restrictions that such
a design should follow, no matter how the implementation details are
determined. Also, it will tell us why the traditional AI approaches
failed. For these reasons, it is not trivial or vacuum.


On 4/15/07, Russell Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/16/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a general
> theory of intelligence, which should cover the common principle under
> all kinds of intelligent systems, including human intelligence,
> computer intelligence, etc., even alien intelligence and superhuman
> AGI. Therefore, this theory should also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.

Indeed we do have some such theories already.

Thing is, any theory which covers such different things must necessarily say
very little about any of them in particular.

To again make use of the flight analogy, is there a theory that covers both
a bird and an F-22? Well yes, aerodynamics.

However, if you look at what you actually need to know to design an F-22,
aerodynamics is only the tiniest fraction of it. You need to know (or the
team collectively needs to know - it's too much for any one person) a vast
amount about engines and fuels, metallurgy, electronics, manufacturability,
operational procedures and a hundred other things I don't even know enough
to list - all of which are peculiar to man-made aircraft and do not apply to

Nor is this state of affairs peculiar to flight - it applies to every
complex artifact. It undoubtedly also applies to AGI.
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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Russell Wallace

On 4/16/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a general
theory of intelligence, which should cover the common principle under
all kinds of intelligent systems, including human intelligence,
computer intelligence, etc., even alien intelligence and superhuman
AGI. Therefore, this theory should also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.

Indeed we do have some such theories already.

Thing is, any theory which covers such different things must necessarily say
very little about any of them in particular.

To again make use of the flight analogy, is there a theory that covers both
a bird and an F-22? Well yes, aerodynamics.

However, if you look at what you actually need to know to design an F-22,
aerodynamics is only the tiniest fraction of it. You need to know (or the
team collectively needs to know - it's too much for any one person) a vast
amount about engines and fuels, metallurgy, electronics, manufacturability,
operational procedures and a hundred other things I don't even know enough
to list - all of which are peculiar to man-made aircraft and do not apply to

Nor is this state of affairs peculiar to flight - it applies to every
complex artifact. It undoubtedly also applies to AGI.

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Pei Wang

Well, I surely don't mean AIXI type of theory.

I believe that all kinds of intelligence can be explained as the
capability of adaptation with insufficient knowledge and resources. I
understand that you don't share this understanding of intelligence.


On 4/15/07, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a general
> theory of intelligence, which should cover the common principle under
> all kinds of intelligent systems, including human intelligence,
> computer intelligence, etc., even alien intelligence and superhuman
> AGI. Therefore, this theory should also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.


Well, this gets at the crux of our disagreement.

I have my doubts that such a theory is possible.  I think it may be
possible to create a general theory of "roughly human level intelligence"
just as Hutter and colleagues seem to be hot on the trail of a general
theory of "near infinite computational power intelligence".

But I suspect that computer systems with processing power and memory
vastly greater than humans but vastly less than is needed for algorithms
like Hutter's AIXItl to be possible, will display forms of intelligence that
aren't covered by either the Hutter-type theories, nor the theories covering
roughly-human-level intelligence...

True, there may be commonalities between sub-AIXItl-level superhuman, human
level, and AIXItl level intelligences.  But, I suspect the differences will
at least as dramatic...

As examples, I think that the sorts of self, awareness and "perceived free
will" that characterize human mind may not apply to all superhuman

I can certainly imagine a superhuman AGI whose cognition is governed by
complex, emergent patterns that are beyond human comprehension.  I might
be able to understand in some general sense that its behaviors are guided
by emergent patterns, that it seems to be engaged in calculating
etc. -- but the main structures and dynamics guiding its cognition might be
new principles, which apply only to minds vastly smarter than humans and
can't be grokked by mere human brains...

-- Ben

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Benjamin Goertzel

According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a general
theory of intelligence, which should cover the common principle under
all kinds of intelligent systems, including human intelligence,
computer intelligence, etc., even alien intelligence and superhuman
AGI. Therefore, this theory should also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.


Well, this gets at the crux of our disagreement.

I have my doubts that such a theory is possible.  I think it may be
possible to create a general theory of "roughly human level intelligence"
just as Hutter and colleagues seem to be hot on the trail of a general
theory of "near infinite computational power intelligence".

But I suspect that computer systems with processing power and memory
vastly greater than humans but vastly less than is needed for algorithms
like Hutter's AIXItl to be possible, will display forms of intelligence that
aren't covered by either the Hutter-type theories, nor the theories covering
roughly-human-level intelligence...

True, there may be commonalities between sub-AIXItl-level superhuman, human
level, and AIXItl level intelligences.  But, I suspect the differences will
at least as dramatic...

As examples, I think that the sorts of self, awareness and "perceived free
will" that characterize human mind may not apply to all superhuman

I can certainly imagine a superhuman AGI whose cognition is governed by
complex, emergent patterns that are beyond human comprehension.  I might
be able to understand in some general sense that its behaviors are guided
by emergent patterns, that it seems to be engaged in calculating
etc. -- but the main structures and dynamics guiding its cognition might be
new principles, which apply only to minds vastly smarter than humans and
can't be grokked by mere human brains...

-- Ben

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Pei Wang

On 4/15/07, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My points are:
> (1) AGI can be more intelligent than human in certain sense, but it
> should still be understandable in principle.

The AGI systems humans create will be understandable by humans in principle.

But let's call these AGI0

Then, AGI0 will create AGI1, which will be understandable by AGI0 in

And, AGI1 will create AGI2, which will be understandable by AGI1 in


At what point will AGI_n be no longer understandable by humans in
principle?? --
where by "understand in principle", I mean "understand in principle, given
bounds on the time and memory resources used to
carry out this understanding"

According to my belief, the way to create AGI is to have a general
theory of intelligence, which should cover the common principle under
all kinds of intelligent systems, including human intelligence,
computer intelligence, etc., even alien intelligence and superhuman
AGI. Therefore, this theory should also cover your AGI0 to AGIn.


> (2) Intelligence in AGI will continue to improve, both by human and by
> AGI, but it will still take time. There is no reason to believe that
> the time will be infinitely short.

Not infinitely short, unless current physics is badly wrong in certain

But if AGI1 can think 1000 times faster than a human,
maybe AGI2 will be able to think 1 times as fast, etc.

Infinite rate is not necessary for the result to be incomprehensibly rapid
compared to the human brain.

> > Or are you doubting that a massively superhuman intelligence would be
> > the scope of understanding of ordinary, unaugmented humans?
> It depends on what you mean by "understanding" --- the general
> principle or concrete behaviors.

My hypothesis is that for large n, AGI_n as defined above will likely obey
principles that humans are not able to understand assuming reasonable time
and memory constraints on their understanding process.

-- Ben G

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Benjamin Goertzel

My points are:

(1) AGI can be more intelligent than human in certain sense, but it
should still be understandable in principle.

The AGI systems humans create will be understandable by humans in principle.


But let's call these AGI0

Then, AGI0 will create AGI1, which will be understandable by AGI0 in

And, AGI1 will create AGI2, which will be understandable by AGI1 in


At what point will AGI_n be no longer understandable by humans in
principle?? --
where by "understand in principle", I mean "understand in principle, given
bounds on the time and memory resources used to
carry out this understanding"

(2) Intelligence in AGI will continue to improve, both by human and by

AGI, but it will still take time. There is no reason to believe that
the time will be infinitely short.

Not infinitely short, unless current physics is badly wrong in certain

But if AGI1 can think 1000 times faster than a human,
maybe AGI2 will be able to think 1 times as fast, etc.

Infinite rate is not necessary for the result to be incomprehensibly rapid
compared to the human brain.

> Or are you doubting that a massively superhuman intelligence would be
> the scope of understanding of ordinary, unaugmented humans?

It depends on what you mean by "understanding" --- the general
principle or concrete behaviors.

My hypothesis is that for large n, AGI_n as defined above will likely obey
principles that humans are not able to understand assuming reasonable time
and memory constraints on their understanding process.

-- Ben G

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Pei Wang

On 4/15/07, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


A key point is that, unlike a human, a well-architected AGI should be able
to easily increase its intelligence via adding memory, adding faster
processors, adding more processors, and so forth.  As well as by analyzing
its own processes and their flaws with far more accuracy than any near-term
brain scan...

Sure, these factors will increase the system's capability, though not
change its working principle.

 However, to say "intelligence will continue to
> evolve" and "there will be a moment after which things will completely
> go beyond our understanding" are not the same.

True, they're not the same

It is a reasonable hypothesis that AGIs created by humans will find
themselves unable -- even after a lot of self-study and a lot of hardware
improvement augmentation -- to dramatically transcend the human level of
intelligence. I.e., the idea of human-created algorithms bootstrapping
beyond the human level could be infeasible.  This seems highly unlikely to
me, but I can't see it's an idiotic hypothesis.

Is the above the hypothesis you're making?

Not exactly.

My points are:

(1) AGI can be more intelligent than human in certain sense, but it
should still be understandable in principle.

(2) Intelligence in AGI will continue to improve, both by human and by
AGI, but it will still take time. There is no reason to believe that
the time will be infinitely short.

Or are you doubting that a massively superhuman intelligence would be beyond
the scope of understanding of ordinary, unaugmented humans?

It depends on what you mean by "understanding" --- the general
principle or concrete behaviors.




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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Benjamin Goertzel


A key point is that, unlike a human, a well-architected AGI should be able
to easily increase its intelligence via adding memory, adding faster
processors, adding more processors, and so forth.  As well as by analyzing
its own processes and their flaws with far more accuracy than any near-term
brain scan...

However, to say "intelligence will continue to

evolve" and "there will be a moment after which things will completely
go beyond our understanding" are not the same.

True, they're not the same

It is a reasonable hypothesis that AGIs created by humans will find
themselves unable -- even after a lot of self-study and a lot of hardware
improvement augmentation -- to dramatically transcend the human level of
intelligence. I.e., the idea of human-created algorithms bootstrapping
beyond the human level could be infeasible.  This seems highly unlikely to
me, but I can't see it's an idiotic hypothesis.

Is the above the hypothesis you're making?

Or are you doubting that a massively superhuman intelligence would be beyond
the scope of understanding of ordinary, unaugmented humans?


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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Jef Allbright

On 4/15/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I actually agree with most of what Richard and Ben said, that is, we
can create AI that is "more intelligent", in some sense, than human
beings --- that is also what I've been working on.

However, to me "Singularity" is a stronger claim than "superhuman
intelligence". It implies that the intelligence of AI will increase
exponentially, to a point that is shorter than what we can perceive or
understand. That is what I'm not convinced.

I too generally agree with the improving intelligence scenario Richard
described, but would like to point out a rarely appreciated aspect:

While such a machine intelligence will quickly far exceed human
capabilities, from its own perspective it will rapidly hit a wall due
to having exhausted all opportunities for effective interaction with
its environment.  It could then explore an open-ended possibility
space à la schmidhuber, but such increasingly detached exploration
will be increasingly detached from "intelligence" in an effective

- Jef

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Pei Wang

On 4/15/07, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do you think a dog has a good understanding of your daily activities?
How about a field mouse? A cyanobacterium?

I don't think so. However, when we understand "intelligence" well
enough to build an AGI, we will be able to understand in principle how
a superhuman intelligence works, though we cannot predict or explain
its individual actions.

Why should the current status quo be the crown of evolutionary
infoprocessing achievement?

Did I suggest that it should be the case? I thought I said the
opposite in my message. However, to say "intelligence will continue to
evolve" and "there will be a moment after which things will completely
go beyond our understanding" are not the same.


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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 07:40:03AM -0700, Eric B. Ramsay wrote:

>There is an easy assumption of most writers on this board that once
>the AGI exists, it's route to becoming a singularity is a sure thing.

The singularity is just an rather arbitrary cutoff on the advancing
horizont of predictability. We're soaking in a process with multiple
positive feedback loops right now. You'll never notice you've
passed Schwarzschild's radius when falling into Sagittarius A either. 

>Why is that? In humans there is a wide range of "smartness" in
>the population. People face intellectual thresholds that they cannot

But you can't pick up the smart ones, and make a few million copies 
of them, if you have a nice personal project.

>cross because they just do not have enough of this smartness thing.
>Although as a physicist I understand General Relativity, I really
>doubt that if it had been left up to me that it would ever have been
>discovered - no matter how much time I was given. Do neuroscientists

The dog run for a million years never discovering GR is a more canonical
example. But it takes a minimal intelligence in order to start manipulating

>know where this talent difference comes from in terms of brain

You could scan a vitrified brain of a freshly dead and cryonically
suspended expert with an arbitrary resolution. The information is certainly in 

>structure? Where in the designs for other AGI (Ben's for example) is
>the smartness of the AGI designed in? I can see how an awareness may

Let's say I give you a knob which would slowly mushroom your neocortex. It would
just insert a new neuron between the other ones. Do you think you would
notice something, after a few years?

>bubble up from a design but this diesn't mean a system smart enough to
>move itself towards being a singularity. Even if you feed the system

Evolution is dumb as a rock, yet it produced you who is capable of producing
that symbol of strings, distributed across a planet and understood by similiarly
constructed systems. We certainly can do what evolution did, and maybe a bit

>all the information in the world, it would know a lot but not be any
>smarter or even know how to make itself smarter. How many years of
>training will we give a brand new AGI before we decide it's retarded?

How about a self-selecting population of a few trillions. The cybervillage
idiots will never even be a single screen blip.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 02:06:52PM -0400, Pei Wang wrote:

> I actually agree with most of what Richard and Ben said, that is, we
> can create AI that is "more intelligent", in some sense, than human
> beings --- that is also what I've been working on.

Ability to instantiate vanilla experts at the drop of the hat (without
having to spend some 30 years, megabucks and a failure rate of 98%)
is a major advantage already. In fact, automation about as smart as
an insect can completely transform transportation, manufacturing, military,
and a few other disciplines, leaving people to deal with with more
worthwhile tasks (specialization is for insects). 
> However, to me "Singularity" is a stronger claim than "superhuman
> intelligence". It implies that the intelligence of AI will increase
> exponentially, to a point that is shorter than what we can perceive or

A worm can 0wn the entire planetary infrastructure within minutes.

"The Sapphire Worm was the fastest computer worm in history. As it 
began spreading throughout the Internet, it doubled in size every 
8.5 seconds. It infected more than 90 percent of vulnerable hosts 
within 10 minutes."

An initial AI will be maladapted. Meaning, it will take a lot less
resources to run than to bootstrap. Additionally, annecting online
resources by remote exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities
allows very short doubling rates (even considered the agent size).
There's not a lot of hardware online right now, and the bandwidth/latency
is rather negligible, especially at the edges, but in 50, 100 years...
I see no reason why a distinct successor of a game console won't have
enough resources for a human equivalent. There will be many billions
of such nodes on the network, maybe trillions.

It's quite easy to see that dedicated hardware could do in ~ns
what biology does in ~ms, which is six orders of magnitude apart.
A million days is about three kiloyears. Even if one is not
religious in way of linear semi-log plots, at the current rate of progress
acceleration some megayear times a few billions human equivalents
is nothing to sneeze at. 

Things are slower on the physical layer, but not that much slower.
I could see hardware doubling rates in hours to days, as in: built
from scratch, not by remote annection. It might be slow if speed
of light is about the speed of sound subjectively, but for us normal
folks it could well be a) terrifying b) terminal.

> understand. That is what I'm not convinced.

Do you think a dog has a good understanding of your daily activities?
How about a field mouse? A cyanobacterium?

Why should the current status quo be the crown of evolutionary
infoprocessing achievement? 
> Pei
Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Pei Wang

I actually agree with most of what Richard and Ben said, that is, we
can create AI that is "more intelligent", in some sense, than human
beings --- that is also what I've been working on.

However, to me "Singularity" is a stronger claim than "superhuman
intelligence". It implies that the intelligence of AI will increase
exponentially, to a point that is shorter than what we can perceive or
understand. That is what I'm not convinced.


On 4/15/07, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I find that I agree with nearly all Loosemore's comments in his reply...

I certainly agree with Pei that, in terms of spreading the AGI meme
among researchers in academia and industry, focusing on the
Singularity aspect is not good marketing.

And, as a matter of pragmatic time-management, I am spending most of
my "AGI R&D time" working on actually getting to the point of
achieving advanced artificial cognition, rather than thinking about
how to make an advanced AGI yet more advanced.  (Though I do agree
with Eliezer Yudkowsky and others that it is important to think about
the ethics of advanced AGI's now, in advance of constructing them; and
that one wants to think very deeply before creating an AGI that has
significant potential to rapidly accelerate its own intelligence
beyond the human level.)

But, all these issues aside, I am close to certain that once we have a
near-human-level AGI, then -- if we choose to effect a transition to
superhuman-level AI -- it won't be a huge step to do so.

And, I am close to certain that once we have a superhuman-level AGI, a
host of other technologies like strong nanotech, genetic engineering,
quantum computing etc. etc. will follows.

Of course, this is all speculation and plenty of unknown things could
go wrong.  But, to me, the logic in favor of the above conclusions
seems pretty solid.

-- Ben G

On 4/15/07, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric B. Ramsay wrote:
> > There is an easy assumption of most writers on this board that once the
> > AGI exists, it's route to becoming a singularity is a sure thing. Why is
> > that? In humans there is a wide range of "smartness" in the population.
> > People face intellectual thresholds that they cannot cross because they
> > just do not have enough of this smartness thing. Although as a
> > physicist I understand General Relativity, I really doubt that if it had
> > been left up to me that it would ever have been discovered - no matter
> > how much time I was given. Do neuroscientists know where this talent
> > difference comes from in terms of brain structure? Where in the designs
> > for other AGI (Ben's for example) is the smartness of the AGI designed
> > in? I can see how an awareness may bubble up from a design but this
> > diesn't mean a system smart enough to move itself towards being a
> > singularity. Even if you feed the system all the information in the
> > world, it would know a lot but not be any smarter or even know how to
> > make itself smarter. How many years of training will we give a brand new
> > AGI before we decide it's retarded?
> Eric,
> I am going to address your question, as well as Pei's response that
> there should not really be a direct relationship between AGI and the
> Singularity.
> In the course of building an AGI, we (the designers of the AGI) will
> have to understand a great deal about what makes an intelligence tick.
> By the time we get anything working at all, we will know a lot more
> about the workings of intelligence than we do now.
> Now, our first attempts to build a full intelligence will very probably
> result in many test systems that have a "low IQ" -- a system that is not
> capable of being as smart as its designers.
> If we were standing in front of a human with that kind of low IQ, we
> would face a long, hard job (and in some cases, an impossible job) to
> improve their intelligence.  But that is most emphatically not the case
> with a low-IQ AGI prototype.  At the very least, we would be able to
> inspect the system during actual thinking episodes, in order to get
> clues about what goes right and what goes wrong.
> So, combining the knowledge we will have acquired during the design
> phase with the vast amount of performance data available during
> prototype phase, there are ample opportunities for us to improve the
> design.  Specifically, we will try to find out what ingredients are
> needed to make the system extremely creative.  (As well as extremely
> balanced and friendly, of course).
> By this means, I believe there would be no substantial obstacles to our
> getting the system up to the average human level of performance.  I
> cannot guarantee this, of course, but there are no in-principle reasons
> why not.  In fact, there are no reasons why we should not be able to get
> it up to a superhuman level of performance just by our own R&D efforts
> (some people seem to think that there is something inherently impossible
> about a human being able

Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Benjamin Goertzel

I find that I agree with nearly all Loosemore's comments in his reply...

I certainly agree with Pei that, in terms of spreading the AGI meme
among researchers in academia and industry, focusing on the
Singularity aspect is not good marketing.

And, as a matter of pragmatic time-management, I am spending most of
my "AGI R&D time" working on actually getting to the point of
achieving advanced artificial cognition, rather than thinking about
how to make an advanced AGI yet more advanced.  (Though I do agree
with Eliezer Yudkowsky and others that it is important to think about
the ethics of advanced AGI's now, in advance of constructing them; and
that one wants to think very deeply before creating an AGI that has
significant potential to rapidly accelerate its own intelligence
beyond the human level.)

But, all these issues aside, I am close to certain that once we have a
near-human-level AGI, then -- if we choose to effect a transition to
superhuman-level AI -- it won't be a huge step to do so.

And, I am close to certain that once we have a superhuman-level AGI, a
host of other technologies like strong nanotech, genetic engineering,
quantum computing etc. etc. will follows.

Of course, this is all speculation and plenty of unknown things could
go wrong.  But, to me, the logic in favor of the above conclusions
seems pretty solid.

-- Ben G

On 4/15/07, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Eric B. Ramsay wrote:
> There is an easy assumption of most writers on this board that once the
> AGI exists, it's route to becoming a singularity is a sure thing. Why is
> that? In humans there is a wide range of "smartness" in the population.
> People face intellectual thresholds that they cannot cross because they
> just do not have enough of this smartness thing. Although as a
> physicist I understand General Relativity, I really doubt that if it had
> been left up to me that it would ever have been discovered - no matter
> how much time I was given. Do neuroscientists know where this talent
> difference comes from in terms of brain structure? Where in the designs
> for other AGI (Ben's for example) is the smartness of the AGI designed
> in? I can see how an awareness may bubble up from a design but this
> diesn't mean a system smart enough to move itself towards being a
> singularity. Even if you feed the system all the information in the
> world, it would know a lot but not be any smarter or even know how to
> make itself smarter. How many years of training will we give a brand new
> AGI before we decide it's retarded?


I am going to address your question, as well as Pei's response that
there should not really be a direct relationship between AGI and the

In the course of building an AGI, we (the designers of the AGI) will
have to understand a great deal about what makes an intelligence tick.
By the time we get anything working at all, we will know a lot more
about the workings of intelligence than we do now.

Now, our first attempts to build a full intelligence will very probably
result in many test systems that have a "low IQ" -- a system that is not
capable of being as smart as its designers.

If we were standing in front of a human with that kind of low IQ, we
would face a long, hard job (and in some cases, an impossible job) to
improve their intelligence.  But that is most emphatically not the case
with a low-IQ AGI prototype.  At the very least, we would be able to
inspect the system during actual thinking episodes, in order to get
clues about what goes right and what goes wrong.

So, combining the knowledge we will have acquired during the design
phase with the vast amount of performance data available during
prototype phase, there are ample opportunities for us to improve the
design.  Specifically, we will try to find out what ingredients are
needed to make the system extremely creative.  (As well as extremely
balanced and friendly, of course).

By this means, I believe there would be no substantial obstacles to our
getting the system up to the average human level of performance.  I
cannot guarantee this, of course, but there are no in-principle reasons
why not.  In fact, there are no reasons why we should not be able to get
it up to a superhuman level of performance just by our own R&D efforts
(some people seem to think that there is something inherently impossible
about a human being able to design something smarter than itself, but
that idea is really just science-fiction hearsay, not grounded in any
real limitations).

Okay, so if we assume that we can build a roughly-human-level
intelligence, what next?  The next phase is again very different to the
case of having a human genius hanging around.  [Aside.  By 'genius' I
just mean 'very bright compared with average' - I don't mean 'person
with magically superhuman powers of intelligence and creativity'].  This
system will be capable of being augmented in a number of ways that are
simply not possible with humans.  Pure physical t

Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Richard Loosemore

Eric B. Ramsay wrote:
There is an easy assumption of most writers on this board that once the 
AGI exists, it's route to becoming a singularity is a sure thing. Why is 
that? In humans there is a wide range of "smartness" in the population. 
People face intellectual thresholds that they cannot cross because they 
just do not have enough of this smartness thing. Although as a 
physicist I understand General Relativity, I really doubt that if it had 
been left up to me that it would ever have been discovered - no matter 
how much time I was given. Do neuroscientists know where this talent 
difference comes from in terms of brain structure? Where in the designs 
for other AGI (Ben's for example) is the smartness of the AGI designed 
in? I can see how an awareness may bubble up from a design but this 
diesn't mean a system smart enough to move itself towards being a 
singularity. Even if you feed the system all the information in the 
world, it would know a lot but not be any smarter or even know how to 
make itself smarter. How many years of training will we give a brand new 
AGI before we decide it's retarded?


I am going to address your question, as well as Pei's response that 
there should not really be a direct relationship between AGI and the 

In the course of building an AGI, we (the designers of the AGI) will 
have to understand a great deal about what makes an intelligence tick. 
By the time we get anything working at all, we will know a lot more 
about the workings of intelligence than we do now.

Now, our first attempts to build a full intelligence will very probably 
result in many test systems that have a "low IQ" -- a system that is not 
capable of being as smart as its designers.

If we were standing in front of a human with that kind of low IQ, we 
would face a long, hard job (and in some cases, an impossible job) to 
improve their intelligence.  But that is most emphatically not the case 
with a low-IQ AGI prototype.  At the very least, we would be able to 
inspect the system during actual thinking episodes, in order to get 
clues about what goes right and what goes wrong.

So, combining the knowledge we will have acquired during the design 
phase with the vast amount of performance data available during 
prototype phase, there are ample opportunities for us to improve the 
design.  Specifically, we will try to find out what ingredients are 
needed to make the system extremely creative.  (As well as extremely 
balanced and friendly, of course).

By this means, I believe there would be no substantial obstacles to our 
getting the system up to the average human level of performance.  I 
cannot guarantee this, of course, but there are no in-principle reasons 
why not.  In fact, there are no reasons why we should not be able to get 
it up to a superhuman level of performance just by our own R&D efforts 
(some people seem to think that there is something inherently impossible 
about a human being able to design something smarter than itself, but 
that idea is really just science-fiction hearsay, not grounded in any 
real limitations).

Okay, so if we assume that we can build a roughly-human-level 
intelligence, what next?  The next phase is again very different to the 
case of having a human genius hanging around.  [Aside.  By 'genius' I 
just mean 'very bright compared with average' - I don't mean 'person 
with magically superhuman powers of intelligence and creativity'].  This 
system will be capable of being augmented in a number of ways that are 
simply not possible with humans.  Pure physical technology advances will 
promise the uploading of the original system into faster hardware ... so 
even if we and it NEVER did another stroke of work to improve its 
intelligence, we might find that it would get faster every time an 
electronic hardware upgrade became available.  After a few years, it 
might be able to operate a thousand times faster than humans purely 
because of this factor.

Second factor:  Duplication.  The original AGI (with full adult 
intelligence) could be duplicated in such a way that, for every genius 
machine we produce, we could build a thousand copies and get them 
(persuade them) to work together as a team.  That is significant:  human 
geniuses are rare, so what would happen if we could take an adult 
Einstein and quickly make a thousand similar brains?  Never possible 
with humans:  entirely feasible with a smart AGI.

Third factor:  Communication bandwidth.  This huge team of genius AGIs 
would be able to talk to each other at rates that we can hardly even 
imagine.  Human teams tend to suffer from problems when they become too 
large:  some of those problems could be overcome because the AGI team 
would all (effectively) be in 'telepathic' contact with one another ... 
able to exchange ideas and inspiration without having to go through 
managers and committee meetings.  Result:  the AGI team of a thousand 
geniuses would be able to work at

Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Pei Wang


Many of the arguments of "AGI will necessarily lead to singularity"
that I've seen are based on either simple extrapolation of history or
wrong conception of intelligence (i.e., the assumption that an AGI
will necessarily know how to design a better AGI).

Of course I cannot prove that singularity is impossible. However, I
think we have too little evidence to talk about it seriously, and to
bundle the notion of singularity with AGI will not serve us well as
the current time.

Therefore, I'd rather discuss AGI than singularity. ;-)


On 4/15/07, Peter Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pei, what are yours?

-Original Message-
From: Pei Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

On 4/15/07, Eric B. Ramsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is an easy assumption of most writers on this board that once the
> exists, it's route to becoming a singularity is a sure thing.

I'm not sure whether this assumption is really shared by most of the
people here. At least I don't think AGI leads to singularity, though
my reason is not the same as yours.


> Why is that?
> In humans there is a wide range of "smartness" in the population. People
> face intellectual thresholds that they cannot cross because they just do
> have enough of this smartness thing. Although as a physicist I understand
> General Relativity, I really doubt that if it had been left up to me that
> would ever have been discovered - no matter how much time I was given. Do
> neuroscientists know where this talent difference comes from in terms of
> brain structure? Where in the designs for other AGI (Ben's for example) is
> the smartness of the AGI designed in? I can see how an awareness may
> up from a design but this diesn't mean a system smart enough to move
> towards being a singularity. Even if you feed the system all the
> in the world, it would know a lot but not be any smarter or even know how
> make itself smarter. How many years of training will we give a brand new
> before we decide it's retarded?

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RE: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Peter Voss
Pei, what are yours?

-Original Message-
From: Pei Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

On 4/15/07, Eric B. Ramsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is an easy assumption of most writers on this board that once the
> exists, it's route to becoming a singularity is a sure thing.

I'm not sure whether this assumption is really shared by most of the
people here. At least I don't think AGI leads to singularity, though
my reason is not the same as yours.


> Why is that?
> In humans there is a wide range of "smartness" in the population. People
> face intellectual thresholds that they cannot cross because they just do
> have enough of this smartness thing. Although as a physicist I understand
> General Relativity, I really doubt that if it had been left up to me that
> would ever have been discovered - no matter how much time I was given. Do
> neuroscientists know where this talent difference comes from in terms of
> brain structure? Where in the designs for other AGI (Ben's for example) is
> the smartness of the AGI designed in? I can see how an awareness may
> up from a design but this diesn't mean a system smart enough to move
> towards being a singularity. Even if you feed the system all the
> in the world, it would know a lot but not be any smarter or even know how
> make itself smarter. How many years of training will we give a brand new
> before we decide it's retarded?

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Re: [agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Pei Wang

On 4/15/07, Eric B. Ramsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There is an easy assumption of most writers on this board that once the AGI
exists, it's route to becoming a singularity is a sure thing.

I'm not sure whether this assumption is really shared by most of the
people here. At least I don't think AGI leads to singularity, though
my reason is not the same as yours.


Why is that?
In humans there is a wide range of "smartness" in the population. People
face intellectual thresholds that they cannot cross because they just do not
have enough of this smartness thing. Although as a physicist I understand
General Relativity, I really doubt that if it had been left up to me that it
would ever have been discovered - no matter how much time I was given. Do
neuroscientists know where this talent difference comes from in terms of
brain structure? Where in the designs for other AGI (Ben's for example) is
the smartness of the AGI designed in? I can see how an awareness may bubble
up from a design but this diesn't mean a system smart enough to move itself
towards being a singularity. Even if you feed the system all the information
in the world, it would know a lot but not be any smarter or even know how to
make itself smarter. How many years of training will we give a brand new AGI
before we decide it's retarded?
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This list is sponsored by AGIRI:
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[agi] Low I.Q. AGI

2007-04-15 Thread Eric B. Ramsay
There is an easy assumption of most writers on this board that once the AGI 
exists, it's route to becoming a singularity is a sure thing. Why is that? In 
humans there is a wide range of "smartness" in the population. People face 
intellectual thresholds that they cannot cross because they just do not have 
enough of this smartness thing. Although as a physicist I understand General 
Relativity, I really doubt that if it had been left up to me that it would ever 
have been discovered - no matter how much time I was given. Do neuroscientists 
know where this talent difference comes from in terms of brain structure? Where 
in the designs for other AGI (Ben's for example) is the smartness of the AGI 
designed in? I can see how an awareness may bubble up from a design but this 
diesn't mean a system smart enough to move itself towards being a singularity. 
Even if you feed the system all the information in the world, it would know a 
lot but not be any smarter or even know how to make
 itself smarter. How many years of training will we give a brand new AGI before 
we decide it's retarded?

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