OFF: [Stonemason] November Stone Auction Resolution

2020-11-23 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
The November Stone auction has ended. It began at 00:15:33 on 2020-11-12
and ended at 04:16:53 on 2020-11-23, four days after the final bid by

There were three lots: [Power Stone], [Wealth Stone], [Concentration Stone].

This auction was a selective-bid auction. The awardees are as follows:

[Power Stone] -> Murphy for 169 coins.
[Wealth Stone] -> ATMunn for 169 coins.
[Concentration Stone] -> Falsifian for 200 coins.

Bid history:

Date Player   Preferred Lot  Amount (coins)
---  --   -  --
2020-11-12 00:45:59  Shy Owl  Wealth  10
2020-11-12 01:32:34  nix  Power   15
2020-11-12 01:32:34  nix  Concentration   15
2020-11-12 02:26:42  JasonConcentration   20
2020-11-12 02:45:08  Aris Wealth  25
2020-11-12 17:27:46  FalsifianWealth  50
2020-11-12 17:27:46  FalsifianPower   50
2020-11-12 17:27:46  FalsifianConcentration   50
2020-11-12 17:58:37  ATMunn   Wealth  60
2020-11-12 17:58:37  ATMunn   Power   40
2020-11-12 17:58:37  ATMunn   Concentration   60
2020-11-14 18:40:17  FalsifianWealth 100
2020-11-14 18:40:17  FalsifianConcentration  100
2020-11-15 16:45:59  Murphy   Power  123
2020-11-15 16:45:59  Murphy   Wealth 123
2020-11-15 16:45:59  Murphy   Concentration  123
2020-11-15 16:56:14  FalsifianConcentration  200
2020-11-16 01:06:37  ATMunn   Wealth 169
2020-11-19 04:16:53  FalsifianWealth 101

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8524-8525

2020-11-30 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle  Result 

8524  Agora's Stones Are Immune  ADOPTED
8525  Expungement for R. Lee ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 9.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.778): 
8524 (by nix), 8525 (by Aris).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
~: player has voting strength 0
%: player has voting strength 5
&: player has voting strength 7
*: player has voting strength 8


PROPOSAL 8524 (Agora's Stones Are Immune)
FOR (7): ATMunn&, Falsifian, Jason, Murphy, lucidiot, nix%, twg
PRESENT (2): Aris, Gaelan
AI (F/A): 27/0 (AI=2.0)
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

PROPOSAL 8525 (Expungement for R. Lee)
FOR (7): ATMunn&, Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Murphy, lucidiot, twg
PRESENT (2): Jason, nix
AI (F/A): 25/0 (AI=1.7)
Falsifian: Conditional resolved: R. Lee has at least 72 blots
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8524
Title: Agora's Stones Are Immune
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: nix

[Currently, you can steal from Agora with the soul stone, which seems a
bit goofy and also creates problems with auctions. Also, I cleaned up
the verbiage just a bit.]

Amend "Collecting Stones" by replacing

  A stone is immune if there has been no collection notice after it was
  most recently granted immunity (if ever), as defined by other rules.


  A stone is immune if it has been granted immunity, as defined by other
  rules, since the last collection notice or if it is currently owned by

and by replacing:

  A collection notice includes, for every non-immune stone not belonging
  to Agora,


  A collection notice includes, for every non-immune stone,

ID: 8525
Title: Expungement for R. Lee
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: Aris

[As of right now, this would lower eir blots to 9, just enough to set eir
vote to 0 in the absence of other factors. I phrased it like this
both so e can begin paying it down and so that any blots e earns now
still count against em.]

Expunge 72 of R. Lee's blots.


OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8524-8525

2020-11-30 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8524, I grant nix 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8525, I grant Aris 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason

OFF: [Stonemason] December Stone Auction

2020-12-02 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Pursuant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Protection Stone], [Sabotage Stone], [Wealth Stone].

Warning: I intend to auction the Soul Stone next month (not a pledge).

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM5 and AM0, reproduced below. In case of
contradiction between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic
set of auction regulations and the below text, the below text shall

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM5/0
Selective-bid Auctions

  Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
lot that is preferred.
  * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the highest bid
from a funded, non-withdrawn player whose preferred bid is that

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8516-8521

2020-11-11 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle   Result  
8517  Phasing Out Zombies ADOPTED 
8518  Asset Rounding  ADOPTED 
8519  I definitely authored this  REJECTED
8520  (untitled)  ADOPTED 
8521  Stones  ADOPTED 
8516  adJustments ADOPTED 

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals in the order 
indicated below.
NOTE: the decisions are not listed below in numerical order because the 
Assessor is lazy.

The quorum for all below decisions was 9.


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
~: player has voting strength 0
$: player has voting strength 4


PROPOSAL 8517 (Phasing Out Zombies)
AUTHOR: Telnaior
FOR (7): ATMunn, Baron von Vanderham, Jason, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, 
Trigon, nix, sukil
PRESENT (3): D. Margaux, G.$, Gaelan
AI (F/A): 21/0 (AI=3.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
Gaelan: Inextricable: two zombie votes: sukil FOR and D. Margaux PRESENT
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon

PROPOSAL 8518 (Asset Rounding)
FOR (7): ATMunn, Baron von Vanderham, Jason, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, 
Trigon, nix, sukil
PRESENT (3): D. Margaux, G.$, Gaelan
AI (F/A): 21/0 (AI=3.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
Gaelan: Inextricable: Endorsement of non-voter Aris
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon

PROPOSAL 8519 (I definitely authored this)
FOR (0): 
AGAINST (8): ATMunn, Baron von Vanderham, Gaelan, Jason, Publius Scribonius 
Scholasticus, Trigon, nix, sukil
PRESENT (2): D. Margaux, G.$
AI (F/A): 0/24 (AI=2.0)
ATMunn: Endorsement of Jason
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
Trigon: Endorsement of Jason
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon

PROPOSAL 8520 ((untitled))
AUTHOR: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
FOR (7): ATMunn, Baron von Vanderham, Jason, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, 
Trigon, nix, sukil
AGAINST (1): Gaelan
PRESENT (2): D. Margaux, G.$
AI (F/A): 21/3 (AI=3.0)
ATMunn: Endorsement of Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
nix: Endorsement of Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon

PROPOSAL 8521 (Stones)
FOR (8): ATMunn, Baron von Vanderham, Gaelan, Jason, Publius Scribonius 
Scholasticus, Trigon, nix, sukil
PRESENT (2): D. Margaux, G.$
AI (F/A): 24/0 (AI=2.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
Gaelan: Endorsement of Jason
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon

PROPOSAL 8516 (adJustments)
FOR (8): ATMunn, Baron von Vanderham, Gaelan, Jason, Publius Scribonius 
Scholasticus, Trigon, nix, sukil
PRESENT (2): D. Margaux, G.$
AI (F/A): 24/0 (AI=2.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
Gaelan: Endorsement of nix
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8517
Title: Phasing Out Zombies
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Telnaior
Co-authors: Jason, Trigon

Enact a new power 3.0 rule entitled "Zombie Phase-Out" with the the following

  While a zombie's talisman is owned by Agora, that zombie's resale
  value is continuously set to 0.

ID: 8518
Title: Asset Rounding
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Falsifian, nix

Amend Rule 2577, "Asset Actions", by replacing:

  When a rule indicates transferring an amount that is not a natural
  number, the specified amount is rounded up to the nearest natural


  When a rule indicates creating, destroying, or transferring an amount of
  assets that is not a natural number, the specified amount is rounded up
  to the nearest natural number after all other calculations.

Amend the Rule titled "Floating Rate Fleet" by deleting the text
"When a quantity of assets is expressed in boatloads, it is rounded up
to the next whole asset."

ID: 8520
Title: (untitled)
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
Co-authors: Jason

Amend the final item in Rule 2438, "Ribbons" to read as follows: {
  - Otherwise, if e has not been awarded that type of Ribbon or
the corresponding type of Glitter since e last 

OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8516-8521

2020-11-11 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8516, I grant nix 8-0=8 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8517, I grant Telnaior 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8518, I grant Aris 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8520, I grant Publius Scribonius Scholasticus 
7-1=6 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8521, I grant Jason 8-0=8 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8522

2020-11-11 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle Result 
8522  Theftn't  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 9.


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
~: player has voting strength 0
$: player has voting strength 4


PROPOSAL 8522 (Theftn't)
FOR (8): ATMunn, Aris, Baron von Vanderham, Falsifian, Jason, Publius 
Scribonius Scholasticus, Telnaior, twg
AGAINST (1): Gaelan
PRESENT (5): D. Margaux, G.$, Murphy, Trigon, nix
AI (F/A): 24/3 (AI=2.0)
ATMunn: Endorsement of Jason
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
Telnaior: Endorsement of Aris
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8522
Title: Theftn't
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: ATMunn
Co-authors: Jason

Amend Rule 2531 to read, in whole:

Any attempt to levy a fine is INEFFECTIVE if it does not include value
of the fine in blots, the name of the person being fined (the perp), and
the specific reason for the fine.

Any attempt to levy a fine pursuant to the imposition of the Cold Hand
of Justice is INEFFECTIVE if:

  (1) it attempts to levy a fine on a person when that person can't be
established by a preponderance of the evidence to have committed the
action or inaction for which the fine was levied;

  (2) it attempts to levy a fine for an action or inaction which, at the
time the inaction or action occurred, was not prohibited by the rules;

  (3) it attempts to levy a fine on a person for failure to take an
action that e, through no fault of eir own, COULD NOT have performed;

  (4) it attempts to levy a fine on a person for conduct that e, through
no fault of eir own, was obliged to undertake by a rule of equal or
greater power to the one e violated;

  (5) it attempts to levy a fine on a person taking an action or inaction
e could not have avoided when exercising the highest reasonably possible
standard of care;

  (6) it attempts to levy a fine with a value that is blatantly and
obviously unsuited to the conduct which constitutes the reason for its
levy or to the person on whom it is being levied;

  (7) it attempts to levy a fine based upon the investigation of of a
Finger that had been Pointed more than 14 days after the action
constituting the reason for the fine;

  (8) it attempts to levy a fine on a player for failing to take an
action within the time period set by the Rules and that time period had
expired more than 14 days prior to the Pointed Finger, if the fine is
imposed based on an investigation of such Finger;

  (9) it attempts to levy a fine on a player who has already been fined
for the conduct constituting the reason for the levy; or

(10) it attempts to levy a fine on a zombie for an action that its
master performed on its behalf.



OFF: [Assessor] Voting Strengths for Proposals 8516-8521

2020-11-11 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.


Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.


Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.


Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.


Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.


Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.

OFF: [Rulekeepor] Short Logical Ruleset - 13 Nov 2020

2020-11-13 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 13 Nov 2020

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Emergency Regulations
   * Regulation  ER0: to the moon
   * Regulation  ER1: BOO! err, am I late?
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that it is verifiable that the amount bid was *
decided before the bid was placed. Anything that claims to be a

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 13 Nov 2020

2020-11-13 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 13 Nov 2020

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Emergency Regulations
   * Regulation  ER0: to the moon
   * Regulation  ER1: BOO! err, am I late?
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that it is verifiable that the amount bid was *
decided before the bid was placed. Anything that claims to be a

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8523

2020-11-22 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle Result 
8523  Emergency Economy Unbreaking  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 7.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (1.000): 
8523 (by Aris).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
~: player has voting strength 0
%: player has voting strength 5
&: player has voting strength 7
*: player has voting strength 8


PROPOSAL 8523 (Emergency Economy Unbreaking)
FOR (8): ATMunn&, Baron von Vanderham, Falsifian, Jason, Murphy, Shy Owl, 
lucidiot, twg
AI (F/A): 28/0 (AI=2.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8523
Title: Emergency Economy Unbreaking
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: nix, Jason

[Currently, the concentration stone plus the economy focus would
 create over 1000 coins. That represents inflation of more than 10%.
 Obviously, that wasn't what we had in mind. The plan is to delay
 termination of the auction until this is resolved, so people should
 be able to adjust their bids.]

Amend the rule entitled "The Stones" by replacing:
  - Concentration Stone (weekly, 60%)
  - Concentration Stone (monthly, 60%)


OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposal 8523

2020-11-22 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8523, I grant Aris 8-0=8 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 3 Nov 2020

2020-11-03 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 3 Nov 2020

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Emergency Regulations
   * Regulation  ER0: to the moon
   * Regulation  ER1: BOO! err, am I late?
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that it is verifiable that the amount bid was *
decided before the bid was placed. Anything that claims to be a

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8507-8515

2020-10-28 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle  Result  
8507  Happy Belated Birthday v3  ADOPTED 
8508  No Zombie RacesADOPTED 
8509  Dependent De-escalationADOPTED 
8510  Festival Pending   ADOPTED 
8511  VP Win indirection ADOPTED 
8512  Lime DebaitREJECTED
8513  Our Heroic Distributor ADOPTED 
8514  The Buoyant EconomyADOPTED 
8515  adMinistration v1.1ADOPTED 

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 5.


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
~: player has voting strength 0
@: player has voting strength 2
$: player has voting strength 4
%: player has voting strength 5
^: player has voting strength 6
&: player has voting strength 7
*: player has voting strength 8


PROPOSAL 8507 (Happy Belated Birthday v3)
FOR (14): ATMunn&, Aris, Baron von Vanderham, D. Margaux, Falsifian, G.*, 
Gaelan@, Jason%, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus&, Telnaior, Trigon, nix%, 
sukil, twg
AI (F/A): 58/0 (AI=1.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
D. Margaux: Endorsement of G.
Falsifian: Endorsement of ATMunn
Gaelan: Endorsement of ATMunn
Telnaior: Endorsement of Aris
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

PROPOSAL 8508 (No Zombie Races)
AUTHOR: Falsifian
FOR (14): ATMunn%, Aris, Baron von Vanderham, D. Margaux, Falsifian%, G.^, 
Gaelan@, Jason%, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Telnaior, Trigon, nix, sukil, 
AI (F/A): 50/0 (AI=2.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
D. Margaux: Endorsement of G.
Gaelan: Endorsement of Falsifian
Telnaior: Endorsement of Aris
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

PROPOSAL 8509 (Dependent De-escalation)
AUTHOR: Baron von Vanderham
FOR (11): ATMunn, Aris, Baron von Vanderham, Falsifian, Gaelan@, Jason, Publius 
Scribonius Scholasticus, Telnaior, Trigon, sukil, twg
PRESENT (3): D. Margaux, G.$, nix
AI (F/A): 32/0 (AI=3.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
D. Margaux: Endorsement of G.
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
Gaelan: Endorsement of Baron von Vanderham
Telnaior: Endorsement of Aris
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

PROPOSAL 8510 (Festival Pending)
AUTHOR: Baron von Vanderham
FOR (11): ATMunn%, Aris%, Baron von Vanderham, Falsifian, Gaelan@, Jason&, 
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Telnaior, Trigon, sukil, twg
PRESENT (3): D. Margaux, G.^, nix
AI (F/A): 40/0 (AI=2.1)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
D. Margaux: Endorsement of G.
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
Gaelan: Endorsement of Baron von Vanderham
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: Endorsement of Aris
Telnaior: Endorsement of Aris
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

PROPOSAL 8511 (VP Win indirection)
AUTHOR: Baron von Vanderham
FOR (12): ATMunn&, Aris, Baron von Vanderham, Falsifian, Gaelan@, Jason%, 
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus&, Telnaior, Trigon, nix%, sukil, twg
PRESENT (2): D. Margaux, G.*
AI (F/A): 47/0 (AI=1.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
D. Margaux: Endorsement of G.
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
Gaelan: Endorsement of Baron von Vanderham
Telnaior: Endorsement of Aris
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

PROPOSAL 8512 (Lime Debait)
AUTHOR: Gaelan
FOR (0): 
AGAINST (11): Aris, Baron von Vanderham, D. Margaux, Falsifian, G.$, Gaelan@, 
Jason, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Telnaior, nix, twg
PRESENT (3): ATMunn, Trigon, sukil
AI (F/A): 0/33 (AI=3.0)
Aris: Endorsement of Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
D. Margaux: Endorsement of G.
Telnaior: Endorsement of Aris
nix: Endorsement of Gaelan
sukil: Endorsement of Trigon
twg: Endorsement of Falsifian

PROPOSAL 8513 (Our Heroic Distributor)
FOR (14): ATMunn, Aris, Baron von Vanderham, D. Margaux, Falsifian, G.$, 
Gaelan@, Jason, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Telnaior, Trigon, nix, sukil, 
AI (F/A): 42/0 (AI=3.0)
Baron von Vanderham: Endorsement of Jason
D. Margaux: Endorsement of G.

OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8507-8515

2020-10-28 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8507, I grant ATMunn 14-0=14 coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8508, I grant Falsifian 14-0=14 coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8509, I grant Baron von Vanderham 11-0=11
For the adoption of Proposal 8510, I grant Baron von Vanderham 11-0=11
For the adoption of Proposal 8511, I grant Baron von Vanderham 12-0=12
For the adoption of Proposal 8513, I grant Aris 14-0=14 coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8514, I grant Aris 12-0=12 coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8515, I grant nix 11-0=11 coins.

OFF: [Assessor] Voting Strengths for Proposals 8507-8515

2020-10-28 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Strengths for person Gaelan
3 | Initial
2 | Decreased by 1 due to blots

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.

Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker
6 | Bonus of 2 for Coopor's interest in Participation
8 | Bonus of 2 for Speaker's interest in Participation

Strengths for person omd

3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Distributor's interest in Participation

Strengths for person Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Herald's interest in Participation
7 | Bonus of 2 for Tailor's interest in Participation

Strengths for person ATMunn
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Notary's interest in Participation
7 | Bonus of 2 for Prime Minister's interest in Participation

Strengths for person Jason
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Rulekeepor's interest in Participation

Strengths for person nix

3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Webmastor's interest in Participation


Strengths for person Gaelan
3 | Initial
2 | Decreased by 1 due to blots

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.

Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker
6 | Bonus of 2 for Speaker's interest in Efficiency

Strengths for person Murphy
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for ADoP's interest in Efficiency

Strengths for person Jason
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Assessor's interest in Efficiency

Strengths for person ATMunn
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Prime Minister's interest in Efficiency

Strengths for person Falsifian
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Registrar's interest in Efficiency


Strengths for person Gaelan
3 | Initial
2 | Decreased by 1 due to blots

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.

Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker


Strengths for person Gaelan
3 | Initial
2 | Decreased by 1 due to blots

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.

Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker
6 | Bonus of 2 for Speaker's interest in Legislation

Strengths for person Jason
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Assessor's interest in Legislation
7 | Bonus of 2 for Rulekeepor's interest in Legislation

Strengths for person ATMunn
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Prime Minister's interest in Legislation

Strengths for person Aris
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Promotor's interest in Legislation


Strengths for person Gaelan
3 | Initial
2 | Decreased by 1 due to blots

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | Decreased by 27 due to blots
  0 | Clamped between 0 and 15.

Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
4 | Bonus of 1 for holding Speaker
6 | Bonus of 2 for Coopor's interest in Participation
8 | Bonus of 2 for Speaker's interest in Participation

Strengths for person omd

3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Distributor's interest in Participation

Strengths for person Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Herald's interest in Participation
7 | Bonus of 2 for Tailor's interest in Participation

Strengths for person ATMunn
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Notary's interest in Participation
7 | Bonus of 2 for Prime Minister's interest in Participation

Strengths for person Jason
3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Rulekeepor's interest in Participation

Strengths for person nix

3 | Initial
5 | Bonus of 2 for Webmastor's interest in Participation


Strengths for person Gaelan
3 | Initial
2 | Decreased by 1 due to blots

Strengths for person R. Lee
  3 | Initial
-24 | 

Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposal 8526

2020-12-29 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
On 12/20/20 4:39 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-official wrote:
> ID  Author(s) AITitle
> ---
> 8526e^  G.1.0   Debarreling

Blah blah blah humiliating public reminder naming: omd, G., Cuddlebeam,
Trigon, Murphy, nix, PSS, grok, R. Lee, Nathan, Lucidot, Shy Owl.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason

OFF: [Stonemason] January Stone Auction

2021-01-06 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Purusant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Soul Stone], [Protection Stone], [Concentration Stone].

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM5 and AM0, reproduced below. In case of
contradiction between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic
set of auction regulations and the below text, the below text shall control.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM5/0
Selective-bid Auctions

  Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
lot that is preferred.
  * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the highest bid
from a funded, non-withdrawn player whose preferred bid is that

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 18 Jan 2021

2021-01-18 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner  Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -    ---
Power  Murphy [Never]
Wealth Agora  2020-12-10Agora
Soul   Falsifian  [Never]
Sabotage   Agora  [Never]   Agora
Concentration  ATMunn 2020-11-26
Protection Falsifian  [Never]

2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 14 Jan 2021

2021-01-14 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 14 Jan 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that it is verifiable that the amount bid was *
decided before the bid was placed. Anything that claims to be a
bid and fits these conditions is considered a bid.
  * Sealed-bid auctions do not end when bidding is closed. 

OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8527-8529

2021-01-14 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8528, I grant Aris 11-0=11 boatloads of coins.

OFF: [Stonemason] January Stone Auction Resolution

2021-01-13 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
The January Stone auction has ended. It began at 17:42:49 on 2021-01-06 and 
ended at 15:42:24 on 2021-01-11, four days after the final bid by ATMunn.

There were three lots: [Soul Stone], [Protection Stone], [Concentration Stone].

This auction was a selective-bid auction. The awardees are as follows:
[Soul Stone]  -> Falsifian for 30 coins.
[Protection Stone]-> Falsifian for 30 coins.
[Concentration Stone] -> ATMunn for 100 coins.

Bid history:

Date Player   Preferred Lot  Amount (coins)
---  ---  -  --
2020-01-06 19:07:34  JasonConcentration   10
2020-01-06 21:12:18  FalsifianConcentration   50
2020-01-06 21:12:18  FalsifianSoul30
2020-01-06 21:12:18  FalsifianProtection  30
2020-01-07 15:42:24  ATMunn   Concentration  100

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposalsl 8527-8529

2021-01-13 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle Result   
8527  Specified Crime not Rule  ADOPTED  
8528  Gaining AssetsADOPTED  
8529  Not-so-subtle nudge   FAILED QUORUM

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 5.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (1.000): 
8527 (by Publius Scribonius Scholasticus), 8528 (by Aris).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
~: player has voting strength 0
@: player has voting strength 2
$: player has voting strength 4
%: player has voting strength 5
&: player has voting strength 7
*: player has voting strength 8


PROPOSAL 8527 (Specified Crime not Rule)
AUTHOR: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
FOR (11): ATMunn&, Aris, Falsifian, G.*, Gaelan@, JTAC%, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, 
lucidiot, nix
AI (F/A): 43/0 (AI=1.7)

PROPOSAL 8528 (Gaining Assets)
FOR (11): ATMunn, Aris, Falsifian, G.$, Gaelan@, JTAC, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, 
lucidiot, nix
AI (F/A): 33/0 (AI=3.0)

PROPOSAL 8529 (Not-so-subtle nudge)
AUTHOR: Gaelan
FOR (1): nix
AGAINST (2): G.$, Jason
AI (F/A): 3/7 (AI=3.0)
nix: Conditional resolved: voting ended on the 10th, an even number

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8527
Title: Specified Crime not Rule
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
Co-authors: nix, Aris

Amend Rule 2478, "Vigilante Justice" by replacing the first paragraph
with the following:
  A player CAN by announcement Point eir Finger at a player (the
  perp); the announcement is INEFFECTIVE if it does not explicitly
  name the perp, cite a specific rule or named crime, and specify an
  alleged violation of that rule or commission of that crime by that

[ This will allow someone to use the name of a crime without specifying
which rule defines it. This also addresses some concerns raised by nix
regarding unnecessary or archaic provisions.]

ID: 8528
Title: Gaining Assets
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Gaelan

[There are reasonable complaints that the word "earn" is confusing,
because it conveys the idea of becoming entitled to an asset, rather than
the idea of coming into possession of an asset. It also clashes with the
terminology we use for ribbons. This proposal fixes the problems
by changing the word to "gain", to match "loose".]

Amend Rule 2577, "Asset Actions", by replacing:

  For an entity to earn an asset is for that asset to be created in
  that entity's possession.


  For an entity to gain (historical syn. earn) an asset is for that asset to be
  created in that entity's possession.

Amend Rule 2499, "Welcome Packages", by replacing "earns" with "gains".
Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by replacing "earns" with "gains".
Amend Rule 2620, "Cards & Sets", by replacing "earn" with "gain".
Amend Rule 2623, "Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege", by replacing "earn"
with "gain".
Amend Rule 2627, "The General Store", by replacing "earns" with
"gains" and replacing "earn" with "gain".
Amend Rule 2631, "Charities", by replacing "earns" with "gains".
Amend Rule 2645, "The Stones", by replacing each instance of
"earns" with "gains".


OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 02 Jan 2021

2021-01-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner  Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -    ---
Power  Murphy [Never]
Wealth Agora  2020-12-10Agora
Soul   Agora  [Never]   Agora
Sabotage   Agora  [Never]   Agora
Concentration  Agora  2020-11-26Agora
Protection Agora  [Never]   Agora

2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

OFF: [Stonemason] January Collection Notice

2021-01-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the
unofficial Discord. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the choices listed below had the probabilities
listed below.

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

Stone  OwnerEscape Risk  Escapes?
-  ----  
Power  Murphy   40%  
Wealth ATMunn   50%  Escapes
Sabotage   Murphy   80%  Escapes
Protection Murphy   70%  Escapes

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8526

2020-12-31 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

8526  Debarreling  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 6.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (1.000): 
8526 (by G.).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
~: player has voting strength 0
%: player has voting strength 5
^: player has voting strength 6
&: player has voting strength 7


PROPOSAL 8526 (Debarreling)
FOR (7): ATMunn&, Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Trigon&, nix%
AI (F/A): 31/0 (AI=1.0)
Gaelan: Conditional resolved: Coopor is not held

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8526
Title: Debarreling
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Repeal Rule 2627 (The General Store).

Repeal Rule 2628 (Bargains on the Barrel).


OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposal 8526

2020-12-31 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8526, I grant G. 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 31 Dec 2020

2020-12-31 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 31 Dec 2020

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that it is verifiable that the amount bid was *
decided before the bid was placed. Anything that claims to be a
bid and fits these conditions is considered a bid.
  * Sealed-bid auctions do not end when bidding is closed. 

OFF: [Rulekeepor] RTRW Contest

2021-01-31 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
[Changes from draft: extended time to 14 days, allowed modification of
submissions, clarified somethings.]


Contestants shall select between 1 and 5 rules and submit a revised
version of the set of rules. The selected set of rules should be
cohesive. The revised version need not have the same number of rules as
the original. Submissions can be submitted publicly or privately by
email within 14 days of the contest beginning. The Rulekeepor cannot
make a submission.

A player cannot make more than one submission, though e may alter an
existing submission at the discretion of the Rulekeepor.

Submissions should not alter the behavior of the rules in any way.
Removal of clarifications does not constitute an altering of behavior,
so long as the rule functions the same way without the clarification.
CFJ precedent may be used to determine this, so long as the precedent
does not rely on text of the rules that was substantively altered by the

Submissions will be tiered as follows:
1. Those which do not alter rules behavior.
2. Those which do not significantly alter rules behavior.
3. Those which significantly alter rules behavior.

All submissions in tiers with lower numbers outrank those with higher
numbers. The tier a submission is in is determined by the Rulekeepor,
but eir decisions should be mostly based on the public's understanding
of the revision's affects.

Within a tier, submissions are ranked by the total number of words
removed by the revision. Submissions with more removed words are ranked
more highly. The determination of the number of words removed is based
on the state of the ruleset at the beginning of RTRW.

The Rulekeepor shall publish a complete list of submissions and rankings
within 7 days after the submission period closes. Ties shall be broken
at the discretion of the Rulekeepor.

The Herald should please attempt to award the winner a unique patent title.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8530-8531

2021-01-26 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8530, I grant nix 7-1=6 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8531, I grant Jason 9-0=9 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8530-8531

2021-01-26 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

8530  No HonourADOPTED
8531  Patent Title Restoration v2  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 2.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.900): 
8531 (by Jason).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1
%: player has voting strength 5
^: player has voting strength 6


PROPOSAL 8530 (No Honour)
FOR (7): ATMunn%, Aris, Cuddle Beam^, Falsifian, JTAC, Murphy, nix%
AGAINST (1): Gaelan
PRESENT (2): Jason%, Noah
AI (F/A): 28/3 (AI=1.0)
Falsifian: Conditional resolved: Herald is FOR
Murphy: Endorsement of nix

PROPOSAL 8531 (Patent Title Restoration v2)
FOR (9): ATMunn%, Aris, Cuddle Beam^, Falsifian, JTAC, Jason%, Murphy, Noah, 
PRESENT (1): Gaelan
AI (F/A): 36/0 (AI=1.5)
Gaelan: Endorsement of non-voter G.: Inextricable
JTAC: Endorsement of nix

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8530
Title: No Honour
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: nix
Co-authors: Jason

Repeal R2510, "Such is Karma".

[Karma gets rare, sporadic usage and I'd prefer not to maintain it if
it's not going to be used. I'm also open to supporting efforts to revive
it, but I don't have the time/interest to write such proposals myself
right now.]

ID: 8531
Title: Patent Title Restoration v2
Adoption index: 1.5
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 649 by replacing "A Patent Title is a legal title given to a
person in recognition of the person's distinction" with "A Patent Title
is a legal title held by an entity in recognition of eir distinction".

[The current version could plausibly be read to strip patent titles when
an entity ceases to be a person. This makes it so that patent titles can
be held by all entities, but can only be awarded to persons. The
requirement on personhood/citizenship is explicit for most awarding
methods (including the Herald's general method), while the other methods
require 2 Agoran consent, which should be enough to prevent them going
to non-persons if we don't want them to as a group. There's not really
an easy place to put an explicit restriction, because some of the 2
Agoran consent methods are at Power 3, while the patent titles rule is
at Power 1.5.]

Award all Patent Titles to eir former holders that were lost solely due
to the entity not being a person (under any current or former definition
of "person"), other than Hero of Agora Nomic or Grand Hero of Agora Nomic.

[Don't try to award HAN/GHAN because it seems unlikely they were ever
stripped and because this proposal doesn't have high enough AI to do so.]


OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 27 Jan 2021

2021-01-27 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Murphy  [Never]
Wealth Agora   2020-12-10Agora
Soul   Cuddlebeam  2021-01-20
Sabotage   Agora   [Never]   Agora
Concentration  Falsifian   2021-01-18
Protection Falsifian   [Never]

2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 27 Jan 2021

2021-01-27 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 27 Jan 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that it is verifiable that the amount bid was *
decided before the bid was placed. Anything that claims to be a
bid and fits these conditions is considered a bid.
  * Sealed-bid auctions do not end when bidding is closed. 

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 2 Feb 2020

2021-02-02 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Murphy  [Never]
Wealth Agora   2020-12-10Agora
Soul   Cuddlebeam  2021-01-20
Sabotage   Agora   [Never]   Agora
Concentration  Falsifian   2021-01-18
Protection Falsifian   [Never]   Protection

2021-01-31 20:59:37  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection 
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

OFF: [Stonemason] June Stone Auction Resolution

2021-06-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
The June Stone auction has ended. It began at 03:40:41 on 2021-06-04 and
the retrieval period started at 13:39:12 on 2021-06-08, four days after
the final bid by G.

There were four lots: [Power Stone], [Wealth Stone], [Concentration Stone].

This auction was a selective-bid auction. The awardees are as follows:

[Power Stone] -> G.for 120 coins
[Wealth Stone]-> G.for 350 coins
[Concentration Stone] -> Jason for 160 coins

I perform the following actions if and only if they all succeed:
I destroy 120 of G.'s coins and cause the Power Stone to be transferred to em.

I perform the following actions if and only if they all succeed:
I destroy 350 of G.'s coins and cause the Wealth Stone to be transferred to em.

I perform the following actions if and only if they all succeed:
I destroy 160 of Jason's coins and cause the Power Stone to be transferred to 

Bid history:

Date PlayerPreferred Lot  Amount (coins)
---    -  --
2021-06-04 07:07:16  R. LeeWealth300
2021-06-04 16:30:07  Jason Power  10
2021-06-04 16:30:07  Jason Concentration  10
2021-06-04 16:57:33  G.Power 100
2021-06-04 16:57:33  G.Concentration 100
2021-06-04 16:57:33  G.Wealth350
2021-06-04 16:59:08  Jason Power 110
2021-06-04 16:59:08  Jason Concentration 110
2021-06-06 19:27:18  TrigonConcentration 150
2021-06-06 19:28:57  Jason Concentration 160
2021-06-08 13:39:12  G.Power 120

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 15 June 2021

2021-06-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  G.  2021-05-27
Wealth G.  2021-05-17
Soul   Agora   2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora   2021-03-25Agora
Concentration  Jason   2021-05-28
Protection Agora   2021-04-04Agora

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

2021-06-15 21:59:28  Concentration Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-06-15 21:59:28  Wealth Stone is transferred to G. from Agora in auction 
2021-06-15 21:59:28  Power Stone is transferred to G. from Agora in auction 
2021-05-30 15:25:14  Falsifian wields the Gauntlet. All stones are transferred 
to Agora.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Protection Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Sabotage Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Soul Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Concentration Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Power Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Protection Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Concentration Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Sabotage Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Soul Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in auction 
2021-05-27 17:10:31  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-23 15:26:30  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-17 16:15:52  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-12 17:44:58  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-09 20:42:11  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Protection Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-05-01 06:55:02  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-19 07:02:57  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-12 00:18:14  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-11 23:52:10  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:38:10  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-25 18:27:27  G. wields Sabotage Stone, specifying referendum on 
Proposal 8552.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone 

OFF: [Assessor] Voting Strengths for Proposals 8561-8572

2021-06-13 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
8 | Bought Strength 5 times

Strengths for person Aris
 3 | Initial
13 | Bought Strength 10 times




Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
8 | Bought Strength 5 times

Strengths for person Aris
 3 | Initial
13 | Bought Strength 10 times


Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
8 | Bought Strength 5 times

Strengths for person Aris
 3 | Initial
13 | Bought Strength 10 times







Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
8 | Bought Strength 5 times

Strengths for person Aris
 3 | Initial
13 | Bought Strength 10 times


Strengths for person G.
3 | Initial
8 | Bought Strength 5 times

Strengths for person Aris
 3 | Initial
13 | Bought Strength 10 times

OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8561-8572

2021-06-13 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8561, I grant G. 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8562, I grant ATMunn 8-1=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8564, I grant Aris 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8565, I grant Aris 8-2=6 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8566, I grant Jason 9-0=9 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8569, I grant Jason 8-1=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8570, I grant Jason 9-0=9 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8571, I grant Jason 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8572, I grant Jason 9-0=9 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8561-8572

2021-06-13 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle   Result  
8561  Election Cycle  ADOPTED 
8562  Officializing Discord   ADOPTED 
8563  Determinacy is a Good Thing REJECTED
8564  Sponsorship is not Co-authorshipADOPTED 
8565  Popularity Contest  ADOPTED 
8566  Anti-AI escalation  ADOPTED 
8567  AI voting method clarification  REJECTED
8568  Supporter/Objector clarificationREJECTED
8569  Fixing FestivalsADOPTED 
8570  Emergency Regulation Clarification  ADOPTED 
8571  Gauntlet announcement patch ADOPTED 
8572  Thou shalt not disobey Trigon   ADOPTED 

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.900): 
8566 (by Jason), 8570 (by Jason), 8572 (by Jason).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
*: player has voting strength 8
<: player has voting strength 13


PROPOSAL 8561 (Election Cycle)
FOR (7): ATMunn, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, G.*, Gaelan, Jason, cuddlybanana
PRESENT (3): Aris<, Murphy, Trigon
AI (F/A): 26/0 (AI=2.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of G.

PROPOSAL 8562 (Officializing Discord)
FOR (8): ATMunn, Cuddle Beam, G., Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (1): Falsifian
PRESENT (1): Aris
AI (F/A): 24/3 (AI=3.0)

PROPOSAL 8563 (Determinacy is a Good Thing)
FOR (3): Aris, Cuddle Beam, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (7): ATMunn, Falsifian, G., Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon
AI (F/A): 9/21 (AI=1.7)

PROPOSAL 8564 (Sponsorship is not Co-authorship)
FOR (7): ATMunn, Aris<, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, Gaelan, Murphy, cuddlybanana
PRESENT (3): G.*, Jason, Trigon
AI (F/A): 31/0 (AI=1.0)

PROPOSAL 8565 (Popularity Contest)
FOR (8): ATMunn, Aris<, Cuddle Beam, G.*, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (2): Falsifian, Gaelan
AI (F/A): 39/6 (AI=1.0)
G.: Endorsement of Murphy

PROPOSAL 8566 (Anti-AI escalation)
FOR (9): ATMunn, Aris, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, 
AI (F/A): 27/0 (AI=3.0)
ATMunn: Endorsement of Jason
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
Trigon: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8567 (AI voting method clarification)
FOR (4): ATMunn, Cuddle Beam, Murphy, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (4): Aris, Falsifian, Jason, Trigon
PRESENT (2): G., Gaelan
AI (F/A): 12/12 (AI=3.0)
Aris: Endorsement of Jason
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
Trigon: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8568 (Supporter/Objector clarification)
FOR (5): ATMunn, Aris, Cuddle Beam, Trigon, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (3): Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason
PRESENT (2): G., Murphy
AI (F/A): 15/9 (AI=3.0)

PROPOSAL 8569 (Fixing Festivals)
FOR (8): ATMunn, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, 
AGAINST (1): Aris
AI (F/A): 24/3 (AI=3.0)
ATMunn: Endorsement of Jason
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
Trigon: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8570 (Emergency Regulation Clarification)
FOR (9): ATMunn, Aris, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, 
AI (F/A): 27/0 (AI=3.1)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8571 (Gauntlet announcement patch)
FOR (7): Aris<, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Trigon, cuddlybanana
PRESENT (3): ATMunn, G.*, Murphy
AI (F/A): 31/0 (AI=2.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8572 (Thou shalt not disobey Trigon)
FOR (9): ATMunn, Aris<, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, 
PRESENT (1): G.*
AI (F/A): 37/0 (AI=2.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8561
Title: Election Cycle

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution(?) of Proposal 8573

2021-06-20 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I perform the following actions if the referenced referendum exists:


IDTitle   Result 
8573  The Device  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
*: player has voting strength 8
<: player has voting strength 13


PROPOSAL 8573 (The Device)
FOR (5): G.*, Jason, Murphy, R. Lee, Trigon
AGAINST (1): Falsifian
AI (F/A): 20/3 (AI=1)
Trigon: Endorsement of G.

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8573
Title: The Device
Adoption index: 1
Author: G.
Co-authors: Murphy

[inspired by Rules 2192-2193, "The Monster", by Murphy]

Enact a Rule "The Device" with the following text:

  When the device is on:
* click - hummm

  When the device is off:
* whirr - THUNK

Enact a Rule "The Mad Engineer" with the following text:

  The Mad Engineer is an office; its holder is responsible for
  building and maintaining the Device.  The device is a
  singleton switch with values off (default) and on.  The Mad
  Engineer CAN flip the device to either on or off with Agoran
  Consent; any other player CAN do so with 2 Agoran Consent.

  The Mad Engineer CAN act on behalf of
  the device to take any action that the device may take, and
  SHALL act on behalf of the device to ensure that the device
  fulfills all of its duties.

  The Mad Engineer's weekly duties include the performance of the
  following tasks, in order:

  a) Randomly select exactly one rule.  If the selected rule is
 either this rule or the rule "The Device", then
 007 has been spotted near the self-destruct button; skip
 directly to proposal submission.

  b) Select one or more contiguous sentences from the selected

  c) Select exactly one noun from the selected text, and replace
 each instance of that noun with "Device" (including
 grammatical variations, e.g. replacing "'s" with

  d) Announce intent to, with Agoran Consent, cause this rule
 to amend the rule "The Device" by inserting the modified
 text as the last list item in either the "device on" or
 "device off" lists in that rule (or, if 007 has been
 spotted, to repeal both that rule and this one).
 This intent announcement counts as the Mad Engineers's weekly

  If the announcement of intent above is made with the procedure
  described above, the Mad Engineer CAN, with Agoran Consent, cause
  this rule to amend the rule "The Device" as indicated, and SHALL
  do so if the intent receives sufficient support.

G. becomes the holder of the office of Mad Engineer.

An election for Mad Engineer is initiated.


OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8574-8592

2021-06-23 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle  Result  
8574  mending the quill  ADOPTED 
8575  Stone Win Delay v2 ADOPTED 
8576  "By announcement" looseningADOPTED 
8577  Festival intent eligibilityREJECTED
8578  Auction limitation ADOPTED 
8579  AI voting method clarification v2  ADOPTED 
8580  Strength Buying Separation v2  ADOPTED 
8581  Grants on Resets   ADOPTED 
8582  The Artistry Lies in the Art   ADOPTED 
8583  Clarify switches   ADOPTED 
8584  Effective deferenceREJECTED
8585  Clarify variable voting period ADOPTED 
8586  Clarify deputisation   REJECTED
8587  Clarify nomination period  REJECTED
8588  Clarify stone retrievalREJECTED
8589  Secret proposal A  REJECTED
8590  Secret proposal B  ADOPTED 
8591  Secret proposal C  REJECTED
8592  Secret proposal D  REJECTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 7.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (1.000): 
8574 (by Trigon).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
+: player has voting strength 9


PROPOSAL 8574 (mending the quill)
AUTHOR: Trigon
FOR (9): Falsifian, G.+, Jason, Murphy, R. Lee, Telnaior, Trigon, ais523, nix
AI (F/A): 33/0 (AI=1.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Trigon

PROPOSAL 8575 (Stone Win Delay v2)
FOR (7): Falsifian, G.+, Jason, R. Lee, Telnaior, Trigon, ais523
PRESENT (2): Murphy, nix
AI (F/A): 27/0 (AI=2.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8576 ("By announcement" loosening)
FOR (8): Falsifian, G., Jason, Murphy, Telnaior, Trigon, ais523, nix
AGAINST (1): R. Lee
AI (F/A): 24/3 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
Jason: Endorsement of G.
Trigon: Endorsement of Jason
nix: Endorsement of G.

PROPOSAL 8577 (Festival intent eligibility)
FOR (5): Murphy, R. Lee, Telnaior, Trigon, ais523
AGAINST (3): Falsifian, G., Jason
PRESENT (1): nix
AI (F/A): 15/9 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8578 (Auction limitation)
FOR (7): Falsifian, G.+, Jason, Murphy, Telnaior, Trigon, ais523
AGAINST (1): R. Lee
PRESENT (1): nix
AI (F/A): 27/3 (AI=2.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
ais523: Endorsement of G.

PROPOSAL 8579 (AI voting method clarification v2)
FOR (7): Falsifian, G., Jason, Murphy, Telnaior, Trigon, ais523
AGAINST (1): R. Lee
PRESENT (1): nix
AI (F/A): 21/3 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8580 (Strength Buying Separation v2)
FOR (8): Falsifian, G., Jason, Murphy, R. Lee, Trigon, ais523, nix
PRESENT (1): Telnaior
AI (F/A): 24/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8581 (Grants on Resets)
FOR (3): G.+, Murphy, Trigon
AGAINST (4): R. Lee, Telnaior, ais523, nix
PRESENT (2): Falsifian, Jason
AI (F/A): 15/12 (AI=1.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of non-voter Aris: Inextricable

PROPOSAL 8582 (The Artistry Lies in the Art)
FOR (3): G.+, Murphy, R. Lee
PRESENT (6): Falsifian, Jason, Telnaior, Trigon, ais523, nix
AI (F/A): 15/0 (AI=2.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of non-voter Aris: Inextricable
Jason: Endorsement of nix

PROPOSAL 8583 (Clarify switches)
AUTHOR: Murphy
FOR (7): Falsifian, G., Jason, Murphy, R. Lee, Telnaior, ais523
PRESENT (2): Trigon, nix
AI (F/A): 21/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Murphy

PROPOSAL 8584 (Effective deference)
AUTHOR: Murphy
FOR (3): Falsifian, Jason, Murphy
AGAINST (3): G., ais523, nix
PRESENT (3): R. Lee, Telnaior, Trigon
AI (F/A): 9/9 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Murphy
G.: Endorsement of ais523
R. Lee: Endorsement of non-voter Aris: Inextricable
nix: Conditional resolved: G. and ais523 both AGAINST

PROPOSAL 8585 (Clarify variable voting period)
AUTHOR: Murphy
FOR (7): Falsifian, G., Jason, Murphy, R. Lee, Telnaior, 

OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8574-8592

2021-06-23 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8574, I grant Trigon 9-0=9 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8575, I grant Jason 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8576, I grant Jason 8-1=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8578, I grant Jason 7-1=6 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8579, I grant Jason 7-1=6 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8580, I grant Jason 8-0=8 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8581, I grant Aris 3-4=-1 -> 0 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8582, I grant Aris 3-0=3 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8583, I grant Murphy 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8585, I grant Murphy 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8590, I grant ATMunn 4-4=0 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 22 Jun 2021

2021-06-21 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  G.  2021-06-21
Wealth G.  2021-06-21
Soul   Agora   2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora   2021-03-25Agora
Concentration  Jason   2021-06-17
Protection Agora   2021-04-04Agora

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

2021-06-21 02:03:01  G. wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-21 02:03:01  G. wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-17 13:32:19  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-15 23:14:06  G. wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-15 23:14:06  G. wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-15 21:59:28  Concentration Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-06-15 21:59:28  Wealth Stone is transferred to G. from Agora in auction 
2021-06-15 21:59:28  Power Stone is transferred to G. from Agora in auction 
2021-05-30 15:25:14  Falsifian wields the Gauntlet. All stones are transferred 
to Agora.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Protection Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Sabotage Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Soul Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Concentration Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Power Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Protection Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Concentration Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Sabotage Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Soul Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in auction 
2021-05-27 17:10:31  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-23 15:26:30  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-17 16:15:52  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-12 17:44:58  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-09 20:42:11  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Protection Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-05-01 06:55:02  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-19 07:02:57  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-12 00:18:14  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-11 23:52:10  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:38:10  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-25 18:27:27  G. wields Sabotage Stone, specifying referendum on 
Proposal 8552.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 18 Jun 2021

2021-06-18 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 18 Jun 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/2
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying a number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal
  to the bid of another player. Players CAN withdraw from an open
  auction by announcement.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  RETRIEVAL: When the bidding period ends, the retrieval period
  begins. During the retrieval period, bidders will be allowed to
  retrieve the assets required to pay for their bid. The retrieval
  period lasts three days. Failing to have the requisite assets when
  the retrieval period for an auction ends constitutes the Class 1
  Crime of Underfundedness.
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's retrieval period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
  seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
  create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
  that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
  withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
  awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
  CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
  each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
  possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
  the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
  constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


Regulation AM1/1
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions 

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 6 May 2021

2021-05-06 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 6 May 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/2
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying a number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal
  to the bid of another player. Players CAN withdraw from an open
  auction by announcement.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  RETRIEVAL: When the bidding period ends, the retrieval period
  begins. During the retrieval period, bidders will be allowed to
  retrieve the assets required to pay for their bid. The retrieval
  period lasts three days. Failing to have the requisite assets when
  the retrieval period for an auction ends constitutes the Class 1
  Crime of Underfundedness.
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's retrieval period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
  seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
  create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
  that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
  withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
  awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
  CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
  each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
  possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
  the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
  constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


Regulation AM1/1
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions 

OFF: [Stonemason] May Stone Auction

2021-05-06 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Purusant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Soul Stone], [Sabotage Stone], [Concentration Stone], [Protection

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM5 and AM0, reproduced below. In case of
contradiction between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic
set of auction regulations and the below text, the below text shall control.

Regulation AM0/2
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying a number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal
  to the bid of another player. Players CAN withdraw from an open
  auction by announcement.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  RETRIEVAL: When the bidding period ends, the retrieval period
  begins. During the retrieval period, bidders will be allowed to
  retrieve the assets required to pay for their bid. The retrieval
  period lasts three days. Failing to have the requisite assets when
  the retrieval period for an auction ends constitutes the Class 1
  Crime of Underfundedness.
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's retrieval period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
  seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
  create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
  that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
  withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
  awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
  CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
  each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
  possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
  the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
  constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


Regulation AM1/1
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest active bid on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 18 Mar 2021

2021-05-17 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 18 May 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/2
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying a number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal
  to the bid of another player. Players CAN withdraw from an open
  auction by announcement.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  RETRIEVAL: When the bidding period ends, the retrieval period
  begins. During the retrieval period, bidders will be allowed to
  retrieve the assets required to pay for their bid. The retrieval
  period lasts three days. Failing to have the requisite assets when
  the retrieval period for an auction ends constitutes the Class 1
  Crime of Underfundedness.
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's retrieval period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
  seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
  create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
  that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
  withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
  awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
  CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
  each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
  possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
  the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
  constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


Regulation AM1/1
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions 

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8558

2021-05-17 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle  Result 

8558  Silver Quill 2020  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.800): 
8558 (by Aris).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1
^: player has voting strength 6


PROPOSAL 8558 (Silver Quill 2020)
FOR (4): ATMunn, Aris, Falsifian, Jason^
PRESENT (1): Murphy
AI (F/A): 15/0 (AI=2.0)
ATMunn: Endorsement of Aris
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris
Murphy: Endorsement of non-voter seventeenMachine: Inextricable

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8558
Title: Silver Quill 2020
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris

[This enables me to award the Silver Quill, and is necessary
because one of the proposals was selected after the official deadline.
I set it up as a temporary rule because I still want to do the
big announcement where I actually award the title.]

Enact a power 2.0 rule, entitled "Silver Quill 2020", with
the following text:

  The Promotor CAN once, by announcement, award the patent title
  Silver Quill 2020 to nix for eir authorship of Proposal 8408,
  "Sets v1.4".

  The Promotor CAN once, by announcement, award the patent title
  Silver Quill 2020 to Aris for eir authorship of Proposal 8514,
  "The Buoyant Economy".

  The Promotor CAN cause this rule to repeal itself by announcement,
  and SHALL do so in a timely fashion after its enactment.


OFF: [Assessor] Reward for Proposal 8559

2021-05-25 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8559, I grant ATMunn 4-0=4 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Assessor] Reward for Proposal 8558

2021-05-25 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
[Whoops, forgot about this.]

For the adoption of Proposal 8558, I grant Aris 4-0=4 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8559

2021-05-25 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

8559  Paper Shredding  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (1.000): 
8559 (by ATMunn).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1
^: player has voting strength 6


PROPOSAL 8559 (Paper Shredding)
FOR (4): ATMunn, Falsifian, Jason^, Murphy
AI (F/A): 15/0 (AI=2.5)
Falsifian: Endorsement of ATMunn
Jason: Endorsement of ATMunn

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8559
Title: Paper Shredding
Adoption index: 2.5
Author: ATMunn
Co-authors: G., Aris

Amend Rule 1742 "Contracts" by appending the following:

  Any player CAN cause a contract to be terminated (syn. "shred")
  without 2 objections. This SHOULD only be done to remove unused
  contracts or contracts deemed detrimental to the game as a whole.


OFF: [Stonemason] June Collection Notice

2021-06-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I publish a collection notice.

All stones are owned by Agora. No escape choices are necessary.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 2 Jun 2021

2021-06-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Agora   2021-05-27Agora
Wealth Agora   2021-05-17Agora
Soul   Agora   2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora   2021-03-25Agora
Concentration  Agora   2021-05-28Agora
Protection Agora   2021-04-04Agora

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

2021-05-30 15:25:14  Falsifian wields the Gauntlet. All stones are transferred 
to Agora.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Protection Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Sabotage Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Soul Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Concentration Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Power Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Protection Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Concentration Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Sabotage Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Soul Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in auction 
2021-05-27 17:10:31  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-23 15:26:30  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-17 16:15:52  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-12 17:44:58  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-09 20:42:11  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Protection Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-05-01 06:55:02  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-19 07:02:57  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-12 00:18:14  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-11 23:52:10  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:38:10  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-25 18:27:27  G. wields Sabotage Stone, specifying referendum on 
Proposal 8552.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 

OFF: [Stonemason] May Stone Auction Resolution [attn. Treasuror]

2021-05-27 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
The April Stone auction has ended. It began at 16:10:27 on 2021-05-06 and
the retrieval period started at 01:36:40 on 2021-05-24, four days after
the final bid by Jason.

There were four lots: [Soul Stone], [Sabotage Stone], [Concentration Stone],
[Protection Stone].

This auction was a selective-bid auction. The awardees are as follows:

[Soul Stone]  -> Jason for 1320 coins
[Sabotage Stone]  -> Jason for  425 coins
[Concentration Stone] -> Jason for  425 coins
[Protection Stone]-> Jason for  670 coins

I destroy 1320 of Jason's coins and cause the Soul Stone to be
transferred to em.
I destroy 425 of Jason's coins and cause the Sabotage Stone to be
transferred to em.
I destroy 425 of Jason's coins and cause the Concentration Stone to be
transferred to em.
I destroy 670 of Jason's coins and cause the Protection Stone to be
transferred to em.

Personal actions:

[Note: These actions do not provide me an unfair advantage, as I plan to
allow other people to do similar actions to prevent win declarations.
See my draft Administrative Regulation.]

I transfer the Power Stone to Falsifian.

I wield the Concentration Stone, specifying myself (thereby gaining one
Legislative card). I transfer the Concentration Stone to Falsifian.

Bid history:

Date PlayerPreferred Lot  Amount (coins)
---    -  --
2021-05-06 16:11:37  Jason Soul   20
2021-05-06 16:11:37  Jason Sabotage   20
2021-05-06 16:11:37  Jason Concentration  20
2021-05-06 16:11:37  Jason Protection 20
2021-05-09 20:49:53  seventeenMachine  Soul   25
2021-05-09 20:49:53  seventeenMachine  Sabotage   25
2021-05-09 20:49:53  seventeenMachine  Concentration  25
2021-05-09 20:49:53  seventeenMachine  Protection 25
2021-05-09 20:54:34  Jason Soul   40
2021-05-09 20:54:34  Jason Sabotage   40
2021-05-09 20:54:34  Jason Concentration  40
2021-05-09 20:54:34  Jason Protection 40
2021-05-10 02:14:37  seventeenMachine  Soul   50
2021-05-10 02:14:37  seventeenMachine  Protection 50
2021-05-10 03:01:46  Jason Soul   60
2021-05-10 03:01:46  Jason Protection 60
2021-05-10 17:32:10  seventeenMachine  Soul   75
2021-05-10 17:32:10  seventeenMachine  Protection 75
2021-05-10 17:55:44  Jason Soul   80
2021-05-10 17:55:44  Jason Protection 80
2021-05-10 22:32:02  Jason Concentration  70
2021-05-11 00:28:07  G.Soul   83
2021-05-11 00:28:07  G.Sabotage   83
2021-05-11 00:28:07  G.Concentration  83
2021-05-11 00:28:07  G.Protection 83
2021-05-11 00:29:39  Jason Soul   85
2021-05-11 00:29:39  Jason Sabotage   85
2021-05-11 00:29:39  Jason Concentration  85
2021-05-11 00:29:39  Jason Protection 85
2021-05-11 01:09:14  G.Soul  127
2021-05-11 01:09:14  G.Sabotage  127
2021-05-11 01:09:14  G.Concentration 127
2021-05-11 01:09:14  G.Protection127
2021-05-11 01:19:13  Jason Soul  130
2021-05-11 01:19:13  Jason Sabotage  130
2021-05-11 01:19:13  Jason Concentration 130
2021-05-11 01:19:13  Jason Protection130
2021-05-11 01:32:06  ATMunnSoul  131
2021-05-11 01:32:06  ATMunnSabotage  131
2021-05-11 01:32:06  ATMunnConcentration 131
2021-05-11 01:32:06  ATMunnProtection131
2021-05-11 02:33:37  Jason Soul  135
2021-05-11 02:33:37  Jason Sabotage  135
2021-05-11 02:33:37  Jason Concentration 135
2021-05-11 02:33:37  Jason Protection135
2021-05-11 05:58:35  G.Soul  227
2021-05-11 05:58:35  G.Sabotage  227
2021-05-11 05:58:35  G.Concentration 227
2021-05-11 05:58:35  G.Protection227
2021-05-11 12:51:11  Jason Soul  230
2021-05-11 12:51:11  Jason Sabotage  230
2021-05-11 12:51:11  Jason Concentration 

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 28 May 2021

2021-05-27 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Falsifian   2021-05-27
Wealth Gaelan  2021-05-17
Soul   Jason   2021-02-14
Sabotage   Jason   2021-03-25
Concentration  Falsifian   2021-03-01
Protection Jason   2021-04-04

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Concentration Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Power Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Protection Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Concentration Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Sabotage Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Soul Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in auction 
2021-05-27 17:10:31  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-23 15:26:30  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-17 16:15:52  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-12 17:44:58  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-09 20:42:11  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Protection Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-05-01 06:55:02  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-19 07:02:57  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-12 00:18:14  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-11 23:52:10  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:38:10  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-25 18:27:27  G. wields Sabotage Stone, specifying referendum on 
Proposal 8552.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone to Jason.
2021-02-14 17:10:39  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying 
Concentration Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8560

2021-06-04 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle Result 
8560  simplify indictments  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.500): 
8560 (by G.).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1
^: player has voting strength 6


PROPOSAL 8560 (simplify indictments)
FOR (2): Cuddle Beam, Jason^
PRESENT (2): Falsifian, Murphy
AI (F/A): 9/0 (AI=1.7)
Falsifian: Endorsement of non-voter G.: Inextricable
Murphy: Endorsement of non-voter Aenet: Inextricable

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8560
Title: simplify indictments
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: G.
Co-authors: nix

Repeal Rule 2619 (Indictment).

Amend Rule 2557 (Sentencing Guidelines) by appending the following paragraph:

  When the rules authorize an investigator to issue an Indictment
  for a violation, e CAN do so by levying a fine on the perp, with
  1.5 Agoran Consent, provided that levying the fine would be
  otherwise LEGAL and EFFECTIVE.

Turns indictment into a simple "if we want to apply a punishment outside
the 1...2xBase violation range (either higher or lower), we do so with 1.5
Consent and call that an indictment."  The 1.5 level was chosen to match
the AI of the current indictment proposals.

The "otherwise LEGAL and EFFECTIVE" clause is so that this ability is
still limited by Defendant's Rights.


OFF: [Assessor] Reward for Proposal 8560

2021-06-04 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8560, I grant G. 2-0=2 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Stonemason] June Stone Auction

2021-06-03 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Pursuant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Power Stone], [Wealth Stone], [Concentration Stone].

Please let this one be shorter than the last one.

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM0 and AM5. In case of contradiction
between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic set of auction
regulations and the below text, the below text shall control.

Regulation AM0/2
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying a number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal
  to the bid of another player. Players CAN withdraw from an open
  auction by announcement.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  RETRIEVAL: When the bidding period ends, the retrieval period
  begins. During the retrieval period, bidders will be allowed to
  retrieve the assets required to pay for their bid. The retrieval
  period lasts three days. Failing to have the requisite assets when
  the retrieval period for an auction ends constitutes the Class 1
  Crime of Underfundedness.
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's retrieval period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
  seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
  create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
  that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
  withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
  awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
  CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
  each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
  possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
  the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
  constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


Regulation AM5/1
Selective-bid Auctions

  Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
lot that is preferred.
  * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the player who
placed the highest active bid whose preferred bid is the Nth


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 2 Jul 2021

2021-07-02 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  G.  2021-06-21
Wealth G.  2021-06-21
Soul   Agora   2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora   2021-03-25Agora
Concentration  Agora   2021-06-17Agora
Protection Agora   2021-04-04Agora

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

2021-07-02 19:14:16  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-06-28 15:45:19  G. wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-21 02:03:01  G. wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-21 02:03:01  G. wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-17 13:32:19  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-15 23:14:06  G. wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-15 23:14:06  G. wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-06-15 21:59:28  Concentration Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-06-15 21:59:28  Wealth Stone is transferred to G. from Agora in auction 
2021-06-15 21:59:28  Power Stone is transferred to G. from Agora in auction 
2021-05-30 15:25:14  Falsifian wields the Gauntlet. All stones are transferred 
to Agora.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Protection Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Sabotage Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-29 00:14:31  Jason transfers Soul Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Concentration Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Jason transfers Power Stone to Falsifian.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Protection Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Concentration Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Sabotage Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2021-05-28 01:25:16  Soul Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in auction 
2021-05-27 17:10:31  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-23 15:26:30  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-17 16:15:52  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-12 17:44:58  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-09 20:42:11  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Protection Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-05-01 06:55:02  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-19 07:02:57  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-12 00:18:14  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-11 23:52:10  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:38:10  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-25 18:27:27  G. wields Sabotage Stone, specifying referendum on 
Proposal 8552.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 

OFF: [Stonemason] July Collection Notice

2021-07-02 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the unofficial 
Discord. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the best of my knowledge, 
the choices listed below had the probabilities listed below.

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

Stone  OwnerEscape Risk  Escapes?
-  ----  
Power  G.   40%
Wealth G.   50%
Soul   Agora50%  [Immune: Agora]
Sabotage   Agora80%  [Immune: Agora]
Concentration  Jason60%  Escapes
Protection Agora70%  [Immune: Agora]

Re: OFF: [Referee] Administrative Regulations Amendments

2021-07-12 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
On 7/12/21 12:46 AM, Rebecca Lee via agora-official wrote:
> I intend with 1.5 Agoran Consent to repeal Regulation RA0/0, "Limitations
> to Powers of Interim Referees". It refers to a mechanism (Summary Judgment)
> that no longer exists in the same form, and the Holiday thing is silly, why
> would an interim Referee be any different to a permanent one in that
> respect. I'm no longer interim so Ive no personal interest here.

I support.

> I intend w/ 1.5 Agoran Consent to retitle Regulation RA1/0 to "Tardiness".

I support.

> I intend w/ 1.5 Agoran Consent to amend the Regulation to state "The
> Referee SHALL NOT impose a fine above one blot for Tardiness unless the
> Tardiness is for an obligation which has been missed for more than 14 days,
> or unless the Tardiness is intentional".

I support. I don't believe this is ambiguous.

> I intend w/ 1.5 Agoran Consent to repeal Regulation RA3/0 (not needed)

I support.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Stonemason] July Stone Auction

2021-07-06 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Pursuant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Sabotage Stone], [Concentration Stone], [Protection Stone].

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM0 and AM5. In case of contradiction
between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic set of auction
regulations and the below text, the below text shall control.

Regulation AM0/2
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying a number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal
  to the bid of another player. Players CAN withdraw from an open
  auction by announcement.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  RETRIEVAL: When the bidding period ends, the retrieval period
  begins. During the retrieval period, bidders will be allowed to
  retrieve the assets required to pay for their bid. The retrieval
  period lasts three days. Failing to have the requisite assets when
  the retrieval period for an auction ends constitutes the Class 1
  Crime of Underfundedness.
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's retrieval period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
  seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
  create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
  that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
  withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
  awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
  CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
  each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
  possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
  the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
  constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


Regulation AM5/1
Selective-bid Auctions

  Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
lot that is preferred.
  * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the player who
placed the highest active bid whose preferred bid is the Nth


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 28 Jun 2021

2021-06-27 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 28 Jun 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/2
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying a number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal
  to the bid of another player. Players CAN withdraw from an open
  auction by announcement.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  RETRIEVAL: When the bidding period ends, the retrieval period
  begins. During the retrieval period, bidders will be allowed to
  retrieve the assets required to pay for their bid. The retrieval
  period lasts three days. Failing to have the requisite assets when
  the retrieval period for an auction ends constitutes the Class 1
  Crime of Underfundedness.
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's retrieval period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
  seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
  create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
  that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
  withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
  awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
  CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
  each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
  possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
  the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
  constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


Regulation AM1/1
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions 

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 1 May 2021

2021-05-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Jason   2021-04-01
Wealth Gaelan  2021-05-01
Soul   Agora   2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora   2021-03-25Agora
Concentration  Agora   2021-03-01Agora
Protection Agora   2021-04-04

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

2021-05-01 10:05:32  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-05-01 10:05:32  Protection Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-05-01 06:55:02  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-19 07:02:57  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-12 00:18:14  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-11 23:52:10  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:38:10  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-25 18:27:27  G. wields Sabotage Stone, specifying referendum on 
Proposal 8552.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone to Jason.
2021-02-14 17:10:39  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying 
Concentration Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Soul Stone from self to Falsifian 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Concentration Stone from Falsifian to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 19:59:25  Protection Stone ceases being immune after Collection 
2021-01-31 20:59:37  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection 
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 

OFF: [Stonemason] May Collection Notice

2021-05-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the unofficial 
Discord. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the best of my knowledge, 
the choices listed below had the probabilities listed below.

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

Stone  OwnerEscape Risk  Escapes?
-  ----  
Power  Jason40%
Wealth Gaelan   50%  [Immune: Protection Stone]
Soul   Agora50%  [Immune: Agora]
Sabotage   Agora80%  [Immune: Agora]
Concentration  Agora60%  [Immune: Agora]
Protection Gaelan   70%  Escapes

OFF: [Stonemason] February Stone Auction

2021-02-08 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Purusant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Wealth Stone], [Sabotage Stone].

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM5 and AM0, reproduced below. In case of
contradiction between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic
set of auction regulations and the below text, the below text shall control.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM5/0
Selective-bid Auctions

  Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
lot that is preferred.
  * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the highest bid
from a funded, non-withdrawn player whose preferred bid is that

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 5 Feb 2021

2021-02-04 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 5 Feb 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Emergency Regulations
   * Regulation  ER3: The First Regulation of G.ravity
   * Regulation  ER4: The Second Regulation of G.ravity
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8532-8537

2021-02-02 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle Result 
8532  Turn Undead v2ADOPTED
8533  de-dictatorship   ADOPTED
8534  Power Up  ADOPTED
8535  We the People ADOPTED
8536  Justice for All   ADOPTED
8537  Unofficial injustice  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 7.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (1.000): 
8533 (by G.).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1
$: player has voting strength 4
%: player has voting strength 5
^: player has voting strength 6
&: player has voting strength 7


PROPOSAL 8532 (Turn Undead v2)
FOR (7): ATMunn, Falsifian, G., Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon
PRESENT (2): Aris, nix
AI (F/A): 21/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of G.
Jason: Endorsement of G.

PROPOSAL 8533 (de-dictatorship)
FOR (9): ATMunn, Aris, Falsifian, G., Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon, nix
AI (F/A): 27/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of G.

PROPOSAL 8534 (Power Up)
FOR (7): ATMunn, Aris, Falsifian, G., Jason, Trigon, nix
AGAINST (1): Gaelan
PRESENT (1): Murphy
AI (F/A): 21/3 (AI=3.3)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris
nix: Conditional resolved: G. and Jason voted conditionally FOR

PROPOSAL 8535 (We the People)
FOR (7): ATMunn, Aris, Falsifian, G., Gaelan, Murphy, Trigon
PRESENT (2): Jason, nix
AI (F/A): 21/0 (AI=3.0)
ATMunn: Endorsement of Aris
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris

PROPOSAL 8536 (Justice for All)
FOR (7): ATMunn&, Aris, Falsifian, G.%, Gaelan, Jason, Trigon
PRESENT (2): Murphy, nix
AI (F/A): 27/0 (AI=1.7)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris

PROPOSAL 8537 (Unofficial injustice)
FOR (6): ATMunn&, Aris, Falsifian, G.%, Gaelan, Murphy
PRESENT (3): Jason, Trigon, nix
AI (F/A): 24/0 (AI=1.7)
Falsifian: Endorsement of G.

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8532
Title: Turn Undead v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.

diffs from proto:
 - Made activity switchable in both directions at will.
 - Defined two verbs.
 - Adjusted time limits as suggested.
 - Added inactivity as a cfj recusal reason.
diffs from v1:
 - Made emailing a deregistree a SHOULD, but changed the method to
   w/o three objections, with the idea that if there's question
   about the email headers or whatever, objections can pragmatically
   handle the issue.

Create the following Rule, Activity:

  Activity is a player switch tracked by the Registrar, with values
  Active (default) and Inactive.  To flip a player's activity to
  active (inactive) is to activate (deactivate) em.  The date on
  which each player's activity was last changed is part of the
  Registrar's weekly report.

  A player CAN activate or deactivate emself by announcement.

  Any player CAN, with notice, make a player who has not made a
  public announcement in the past 30 days inactive.

  If a player has been inactive continuously for the past 60 days,
  then any player CAN deregister em without 3 objections. The
  Registrar SHOULD attempt to deregister players who meet this
  condition. The publication of intent for such a deregistration
  SHOULD be sent to the inactive player's registered email address
  at the same time that it is published.

Every player's activity is flipped to active [unneeded I think due
to default behavior, but precautionary?]

Amend Rule 2492 (Recusal) by appending the following text to the
second paragraph:
  The Arbitor CAN recuse an inactive or deregistered judge from a
  case by announcement.

Repeal Rule 2532 (Zombies).
Repeal Rule 2574 (Zombie Life Cycle).
Repeal Rule 2639 (Zombie Phase-Out).
Repeal Rule 1885 (Zombie Auctions).

Amend Rule 2472 (Office Incompatibilities) by deleting:
  A zombie is Overpowered if e holds one or more offices.

Amend Rule 2531 (Defendant's Rights) by deleting:
  (10) it attempts to levy a fine on a zombie for an action that
   its master performed on its behalf.

Amend Rule 2621 (VP Wins) by replacing "non-zombie"  with "active".

Amend Rule 2581 (Official Patent Titles) by deleting:
  - Necromancer, 

OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8532-8537

2021-02-02 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8532, I grant G. 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8533, I grant G. 9-0=9 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8534, I grant Aris 7-1=6 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8535, I grant Aris 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8536, I grant Aris 7-0=7 boatloads of coins.
For the adoption of Proposal 8537, I grant G. 6-0=6 boatloads of coins.

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 24 Mar 2021

2021-03-24 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Jason   2021-03-23
Wealth Gaelan  2021-03-15Protection
Soul   Cuddlebeam  2021-02-14
Sabotage   G.  [Never]
Concentration  Jason   2021-03-01
Protection Gaelan  2021-03-15

2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone to Jason.
2021-02-14 17:10:39  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying 
Concentration Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Soul Stone from self to Falsifian 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Concentration Stone from Falsifian to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 19:59:25  Protection Stone ceases being immune after Collection 
2021-01-31 20:59:37  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection 
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a 

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 1 Apr 2021

2021-04-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Jason   2021-03-23
Wealth Gaelan  2021-03-15
Soul   Agora   2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora   [Never]   Agora
Concentration  Agora   2021-03-01Agora
Protection Gaelan  2021-03-15

2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone to Jason.
2021-02-14 17:10:39  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying 
Concentration Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Soul Stone from self to Falsifian 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Concentration Stone from Falsifian to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 19:59:25  Protection Stone ceases being immune after Collection 
2021-01-31 20:59:37  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection 
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified 

OFF: [Stonemason] April Stone Auction

2021-04-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Purusant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Soul Stone], [Sabotage Stone], [Concentration Stone].

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM5 and AM0, reproduced below. In case of
contradiction between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic
set of auction regulations and the below text, the below text shall control.

Regulation AM0/1
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL after the ending of that
auction create a public message (henceforth the
"termination message") that contains a full history of bids
on the auction and withdrawals from the auction. It should
also clearly indicate each awardee and the lot e recieves.
  * During the period from the end of the auction until 7 days
after the publication of the termination message, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021


Regulation AM5/0
Selective-bid Auctions

  Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
lot that is preferred.
  * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the highest bid
from a funded, non-withdrawn player whose preferred bid is that

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


OFF: [Stonemason] April Collection Notice

2021-04-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the
unofficial Discord. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the choices listed below had the probabilities
listed below.

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

Stone  OwnerEscape Risk  Escapes?
-  ----  
Power  Jason40%
Wealth Gaelan   50%  [Immune: Protection Stone]
Soul   Cuddlebeam   50%  Escapes
Sabotage   G.   80%  Escapes
Concentration  Jason60%  Escapes
Protection Gaelan   70%

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 31 Mar 2021

2021-03-31 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 31 Mar 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/1
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL after the ending of that
auction create a public message (henceforth the
"termination message") that contains a full history of bids
on the auction and withdrawals from the auction. It should
also clearly indicate each awardee and the lot e recieves.
  * During the period from the end of the auction until 7 days
after the publication of the termiation message, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be 

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8566

2021-04-06 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle   Result 
8556  Ministry Normalization  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.833): 
8556 (by Jason).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1
^: player has voting strength 6


PROPOSAL 8556 (Ministry Normalization)
FOR (5): ATMunn, Falsifian, Jason^, Trigon, nix
PRESENT (1): Murphy
AI (F/A): 18/0 (AI=1.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason
Jason: Endorsement of nix

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8556
Title: Ministry Normalization
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Jason
Co-authors: nix

Amend Rule 2624 by inserting the following line after the line "Ministry
of Participation: 1 Voting Card": "Ministry of Legacy: 1 Victory Point"
and by deleting "and 1 Victory Point to every other player whose
Ministry Focus is Legacy".

[This allows the Concentration Stone to work (at least partially) for
players focused on Legacy.]


OFF: [Assessor] Reward for Proposal 8566

2021-04-06 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8556, I grant Jason 5-0=5 boatloads of coins.

OFF: [Stonemason] April Stone Auction Resolution

2021-04-06 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
The April Stone auction has ended. It began at 15:51:19 on 2021-04-01 and
ended at 17:39:50 on 2021-04-05, four days after the final bid by G.

There were three lots: [Soul Stone], [Sabotage Stone], [Concentration Stone].

This auction was a selective-bid auction. The awardees are as follows:

[Soul Stone]  -> G. for 10 coins
[Sabotage Stone]  -> G. for 10 coins
[Concentration Stone] -> G. for 10 coins

Bid history:

Date PlayerPreferred Lot  Amount (coins)
---  ---   -  --
2021-04-01 15:52:50  Jason Soul   10
2021-04-01 15:52:50  Jason Sabotage   10
2021-04-01 15:52:50  Jason Concentration  10
2021-04-01 16:22:19  cuddlybanana  Soul   20
2021-04-01 16:22:19  cuddlybanana  Sabotage   20
2021-04-01 16:22:19  cuddlybanana  Concentration  20
2021-04-01 17:39:50  G.Soul   10
2021-04-01 17:39:50  G.Sabotage   10
2021-04-01 17:39:50  G.Concentration  10

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 11 Mar 2021

2021-03-11 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 11 Mar 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that 

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8544

2021-03-14 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. I
hereby end the extended voting period under Rule 2168, as the decision
now meets quorum.

The quorum for all below decisions was 5.

PROPOSAL 8544 (Clarify dependent actions)
AUTHOR: Murphy
FOR (2): Falsifian, Murphy
AGAINST (1): Jason
PRESENT (2): Aris, Trigon
AI (F/A): 6/3 (AI=3.0)
Jason: Conditional resolved: G. did not vote FOR

Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8554-8555 and Index of Proposals

2021-03-20 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
On 3/20/21 11:44 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-official wrote:
> 8554&   Aris, nix   2.2   I Want My Promise Back!
> 8555&   G.  1.0   something to vote on

I change my vote to FOR on the ongoing referendum for each of the above
two proposals.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 15 Mar 2021

2021-03-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Agora   [Never]   Agora
Wealth Agora   2021-02-23Agora
Soul   Cuddlebeam  2021-02-14
Sabotage   Agora   [Never]   Agora
Concentration  Jason   2021-03-01
Protection Agora   2021-02-14Agora

2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone to Jason.
2021-02-14 17:10:39  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying 
Concentration Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Soul Stone from self to Falsifian 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Concentration Stone from Falsifian to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 19:59:25  Protection Stone ceases being immune after Collection 
2021-01-31 20:59:37  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection 
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

OFF: [Stonemason] March Stone Auction Resolution

2021-03-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
The March Stone auction has ended. It began at 01:39:35 on 2021-03-02 and
ended at 23:30 on 2021-03-13, four days after the final bid by Jason.

There were four lots: [Power Stone], [Wealth Stone], [Sabotage Stone],
[Protection Stone].

This auction was a selective-bid auction. The awardees are as follows:

[Power Stone]  -> Jason  for 105 coins.
[Wealth Stone] -> Gaelan for 111 coins.
[Sabotage Stone]   -> G. for  71 coins.
[Protection Stone] -> Gaelan for 111 coins.

Bid history:

Date Player   Preferred Lot  Amount (coins)
---  ---  -  --
2021-03-02 01:40:56  JasonPower   20
2021-03-02 01:40:56  JasonWealth  20
2021-03-02 01:40:56  JasonSabotage20
2021-03-02 01:40:56  JasonProtection  20
2021-03-02 01:56:22  Gaelan   Wealth  22
2021-03-02 01:56:22  Gaelan   Protection  22
2021-03-02 02:22:03  G.   Power   43
2021-03-02 02:22:03  G.   Wealth  43
2021-03-02 02:22:03  G.   Sabotage43
2021-03-02 02:22:03  G.   Protection  43
2021-03-02 02:53:12  JasonPower   45
2021-03-02 02:53:12  JasonWealth  45
2021-03-02 02:53:12  JasonSabotage45
2021-03-02 02:53:12  JasonProtection  45
2021-03-02 18:19:28  ATMunn   Wealth  90
2021-03-02 18:37:44  ATMunn   Protection  90
2021-03-02 18:56:40  G.   Power   73
2021-03-02 19:07:59  JasonWealth  91
2021-03-02 19:07:59  JasonProtection  91
2021-03-02 19:07:59  JasonPower   75
2021-03-02 19:20:31  ATMunn   Wealth 101
2021-03-02 19:20:31  ATMunn   Protection 101
2021-03-03 19:17:30  G.   Sabotage71
2021-03-04 03:11:36  Gaelan   Wealth 111
2021-03-04 03:11:36  Gaelan   Protection 111
2021-03-07 04:03:27  JasonPower   75
2021-03-07 18:54:23  G.   Power   83
2021-03-08 05:02:07  JasonPower   90
2021-03-09 23:17:18  nix  Power  100
2021-03-09 23:30:??  JasonPower  105

OFF: Resolution of Proposals 8545-8548

2021-03-09 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle  Result   

8545  Uncanny Fixes  ADOPTED  
8546  Talisn't   ADOPTED  
8547  ER office restriction  ADOPTED  
8548  Stone defaults ADOPTED  

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 5.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (1.000): 
8545 (by Aris).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1


PROPOSAL 8545 (Uncanny Fixes)
FOR (6): Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, nix
AI (F/A): 18/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris

PROPOSAL 8546 (Talisn't)
FOR (5): Aris, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, nix
PRESENT (1): Falsifian
AI (F/A): 15/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of non-voter G.: Inextricable

PROPOSAL 8547 (ER office restriction)
FOR (5): Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy
PRESENT (1): nix
AI (F/A): 15/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

PROPOSAL 8548 (Stone defaults)
FOR (5): Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, nix
PRESENT (1): Murphy
AI (F/A): 15/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8545
Title: Uncanny Fixes
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Murphy

[CAN requires a method, but there are a bunch of places it occurs
without a method or is otherwise used incorrectly. For instance,
all caps CAN is used in a bunch of places where its narrow, technical
meaning doesn't quite seem to apply.]

Amend Rule 2505, "Random Choices", by replacing:

  The choice CAN be made using any physical or computational process
  whose probability distribution among the possible outcomes is
  reasonably close to that required by the Rules, and for which the
  final choice is not trivially predictable by the selecting person
  in advance.


  The choice can be made using any physical or computational process
  whose probability distribution among the possible outcomes is
  reasonably close to that required by the Rules, and for which the
  final choice is not trivially predictable by the selecting person
  in advance.

Amend Rule 2619, "Indictment", by replacing:

  When an investigator has issued an Indictment, the perpetrator CAN
  state a defence.


  When an investigator has issued an Indictment, the perpetrator may
  state a defence.

Amend Rule 591, "Delivering Judgements", by replacing:

  submitted again with sufficient arguments/evidence.


  A CFJ judged as INSUFFICIENT SHOULD be submitted again with
  sufficient arguments/evidence.

Amend Rule 2634, "Buoyancy Control", by replacing:

  The Treasuror CAN and MAY exercise reasonable judgement in
  calculating the Total Buoyancy. The Total Buoyancy will be deemed
  set so long as the value chosen by the Treasuror is not obviously
  and grossly incorrect. The Treasuror CAN and MAY set the Total
  Buoyancy more than once a month, but SHOULD NOT do so unless there
  is reason to believe eir previous setting of the value failed.


  The Treasuror may exercise reasonable judgement in
  calculating the Total Buoyancy. The Total Buoyancy will be deemed
  set so long as the value chosen by the Treasuror is not obviously
  and grossly incorrect. The Treasuror may set the Total
  Buoyancy more than once a month, but SHOULD NOT do so unless there
  is reason to believe eir previous setting of the value failed.

Amend Rule 2231, "Order of the Hero of Agora Nomic", by replacing:

  Grand Hero of Agora Nomic (GHAN) -- This title CAN be awarded to
  any person obviously and directly responsible for the existence of
  Agora and/or Nomic in general. As this title is the highest honour
  that Agora may bestow, a Bearer of this title OUGHT to be treated
  right good forever.

  Hero of Agora Nomic (HAN) -- This title CAN be awarded to any
  person for outstanding meritorious service to Agora above and
  beyond the call of duty.


  Grand Hero of Agora Nomic (GHAN) -- This title may be awarded to
  any person obviously and directly responsible for the existence of
  Agora and/or Nomic in general. As this title is the highest honour
  that Agora may bestow, a Bearer of this title OUGHT to be treated
  right good forever.

  Hero of Agora Nomic (HAN) -- This title may be awarded to any

OFF: [Assessor] Humiliating Public Reminder for Proposal 8544

2021-03-09 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I hereby issue a humiliating public reminder to the following slackers
for failure to vote on Proposal 8544:

omd, Gaelan, G., Cuddlebeam, Trgon, ATMunn, nix, R. Lee, lucidiot, JTAC,
Ubercrow, Noah, Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme, grok, Nathan, Shy Owl.

Please feel humiliated.

The voting period on Proposal 8544 has been extended to two weeks.

Status as of end of one week voting period:

PROPOSAL 8544 (Clarify dependent actions)
AUTHOR: Murphy
FOR (2): Falsifian, Murphy
AGAINST (1): Jason
PRESENT (1): Aris
AI (F/A): 6/3 (AI=3.0)
Jason: Conditional resolved: G. did not vote FOR

OFF: [Stonemason] March Stone Auction

2021-03-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Purusant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Power Stone], [Wealth Stone], [Sabotage Stone], [Protection Stone].

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM5 and AM0, reproduced below. In case of
contradiction between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic
set of auction regulations and the below text, the below text shall control.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM5/0
Selective-bid Auctions

  Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
lot that is preferred.
  * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the highest bid
from a funded, non-withdrawn player whose preferred bid is that

Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


OFF: [Assessor] Resolutions of Proposals 8541-8543

2021-03-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle Result 
8541  You CAN, CAN'T You?   ADOPTED
8542  Stone Excitement Act  ADOPTED
8543  En Passant v2 ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 5.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (1.000): 
8541 (by Aris), 8542 (by Jason).


If G. has a vote of PRESENT on the referendum for P8543:

PROPOSAL 8543 (En Passant v2)
FOR (6): Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon
AI (F/A): 18/0 (AI=1.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason


PROPOSAL 8543 (En Passant v2)
FOR (6): Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon
AI (F/A): 18/0 (AI=1.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason


PROPOSAL 8541 (You CAN, CAN'T You?)
FOR (6): Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon
AI (F/A): 18/0 (AI=3.0)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris

PROPOSAL 8542 (Stone Excitement Act)
FOR (6): Aris, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason, Murphy, Trigon
AI (F/A): 18/0 (AI=2.0)
Aris: Jason would have been endorsed, but eir vote was inextricable: 
Endorsement of Jason
Falsifian: Endorsement of Jason

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8543
Title: En Passant v2
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Jason
Co-authors: Aris, nix

Amend Rule 2621 "VP Wins" to read, in whole:

  If a player has at least 20 more Victory Points than any other player, e
  CAN Take Over the Economy by announcement, provided no person has done
  so in the past 30 days.

  When a player takes over the economy, e wins the game. If a player Took
  Over the Economy 4 days ago, all Cards and all Products are destroyed,
  then each active player is granted 1 card of each type.


ID: 8541
Title: You CAN, CAN'T You?
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

[Currently, there are a bunch of CANs without a method that thus fail.]

Amend Rule 2585, "Birthday Gifts", by replacing:

  During a player's Agoran Birthday and the 7 days following, each
  other player CAN, once, grant em X boatloads of coins, where X is
  3 if it is actually the day of the player's birthday, and 2


  During a player's Agoran Birthday and the 7 days following, each
  other player CAN once grant em X boatloads of coins by announcement,
  where X is 3 if it is actually the day of the player's birthday, and 2

["Public designation" is used instead of "announcement" so as to not
invalidate the current method of simply publishing a report with the
relevant information.]

Amend Rule 2141, "Role and Attributes of Rules", by replacing:

  Every rule shall have an ID number, distinct among current and
  former rules, to be assigned once by the Rulekeepor.


  Every rule shall have an ID number, distinct among current and
  former rules, to be assigned once by the Rulekeepor by public

Amend Rule 2608, "The Notary", by replacing:

  If the Notary is required to report a title, but none has been
  otherwise publicly provided, e CAN select one.


  If the Notary is required to report an entity's title, but none has been
  otherwise publicly provided, e CAN assign one by public designation.

ID: 8542
Title: Stone Excitement Act
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Jason
Co-authors: Aris

Amend Rule 2643 "Collecting Stones" by replacing the final paragraph
with the following:

  A collection notice includes zero or more random choices of whether each
  stone escapes. Each choice results in escape with probability equal to
  its escape risk; a stone escapes if any choice selects escape. When a
  collection notice is published, stones that escape are transferred to
  Agora in an order specified by the collection notice.

  If a stone is immune, there are zero escape choices; otherwise, there is
  one choice if the stone was used in the previous Agoran month, or two if
  it was not.



OFF: deputy-[Referee] Crime and Punishment - 7 Mar 2021

2021-03-07 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
As far as I can tell, there have been no changes in blot holdings since
the most recent report by JTAC.

Some dates in the history section have been fixed.

Having announced intent to do so before, I deputise for Referee to
publish the following weekly report:

  Crime and Punishment (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 2021-03-07
Date of last report: 2021-02-06
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS(self-ratifies)

   BlotsActive player
 7  R. Lee
 1  Cuddlebeam


 2  Shelvacu

PENDING FINGERS   (does not self-ratify)

No fingers are pending.

BLOT HISTORY  (does not self-ratify)

PersonChange   DateReason
  ---  --  -
Cuddlebeam +1  2021-02-06  Unjustified Gesticulation
   2021-01-29  [Date of Last Report]
R. Lee -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
R. Lee -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
omd-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
omd-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
nix-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-18  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-18  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
G. -1  2021-01-14  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
G. -1  2021-01-14  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan +3 (f)  2021-01-03  Breach of Contract
G. +2  2020-12-13  Tardiness (Cooper)
nix+1  2020-12-13  Tardiness (Webmastor)
R. Lee -72 2020-12-01  Expunged by Proposal 8525
Falsifian  +1  2020-11-08  Tardiness (Registrar)
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2020-10-21  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2020-10-21  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon +2 (f)  2020-10-11  Tardiness (Trigon)
nix-1  2020-10-01  Expunged by Jason with 1 Blot-B-Gone
ATMunn -1  2020-10-01  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Sehlvacu   +2 (f)  2020-09-27  Tardiness (CFJ 3884)
G. -2  2020-09-13  Apology
Falsifian  +2  2020-09-13  Missed report (Registrar)
G. +2 (f)  2020-09-13  Oathbreaking
ATMunn +1  2020-09-13  Missed report (Notary)
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  +2  2020-08-30  Tardiness (humiliating public
 reminder for Proposal 8489)
Jason  +2  2020-08-30  Tardiness (humiliating public
 reminder for Proposal 8488)
Jason  +0  2020-08-23  Unjustified Gesticulating
R. Lee +1  2020-08-09  Breach of pledge (w/ indictment)
Aris   -1  2020-08-02  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Aris   -1  2020-08-02  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Aris   +2  2020-08-02  Tardiness (CFJ 3869)
nix+1  2020-07-26  Breach of pledge
Gaelan -1  2020-07-22  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-07-22  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan +2  2020-07-22  Faking (as Greg)
Gaelan +2  2020-07-22  Faking (as Greg)
Aris   -1  2020-07-07  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
R. Lee +40 2020-06-30  Creation by announcement
R. Lee +40 2020-06-30  Creation by announcement
Aris   +1 (f)  2020-06-29  Tardiness (Promotor)
nch-1  2020-06-12  Expunged
G. +1  2020-06-10  Faking
R. Lee -1  2020-06-08  Expunged
twg-1  2020-06-07  Expunged by 

OFF: [Referee] Election

2021-03-07 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
As Referee, I initiate an election for Referee.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 27 Feb 2021

2021-02-27 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 27 Feb 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that 

OFF: [Stonemason] March Collection Notice

2021-03-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the unofficial 
Discord. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the best of my knowledge, 
the choices listed below had the probabilities listed below.

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

Stone  OwnerEscape Risk  Escapes?
-  ----  
Power  Murphy   40%  Escapes
Wealth Gaelan   50%  Escapes
Soul   Cuddlebeam   50%
Sabotage   ATMunn   80%  Escapes
Concentration  Jason60%  [Immune: Protection Stone]
Protection Falsifian70%  Escapes

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 1 Mar 2021

2021-03-01 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Agora   [Never]   Agora
Wealth Agora   2021-02-23Agora
Soul   Cuddlebeam  2021-02-14
Sabotage   Agora   [Never]   Agora
Concentration  Jason   2021-03-01
Protection Agora   2021-02-14Agora

2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone to Jason.
2021-02-14 17:10:39  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying 
Concentration Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Soul Stone from self to Falsifian 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Concentration Stone from Falsifian to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 19:59:25  Protection Stone ceases being immune after Collection 
2021-01-31 20:59:37  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection 
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 5 Mar 2021

2021-03-05 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 5 Mar 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/0
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL within, four days after
the ending of that auction, create a public message
(henceforth the "termination message") that contains a full
history of bids on the auction and withdrawals from the
auction. It should also clearly indicate each awardee and
the lot e recieves.
  * For a period of seven days after an auction ends, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
its value but that 

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8549-855

2021-04-08 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle   Result  
8549  You Can Only Stack Turtles So High  ADOPTED 
8552  Apathy for all  REJECTED
8553  Slightly less apathetic ADOPTED 
8554  I Want My Promise Back! ADOPTED 
8555  something to vote onADOPTED 

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.667): 
8549 (by Aris), 8554 (by Aris).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1
^: player has voting strength 6


PROPOSAL 8549 (You Can Only Stack Turtles So High)
FOR (10): ATMunn, Aenet, Aris, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason^, Murphy, 
Trigon, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (2): G., R. Lee!
AI (F/A): 33/4 (AI=2.2)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris
R. Lee: Conditional resolved: adds text to the ruleset

PROPOSAL 8552 (Apathy for all)
FOR (4): Cuddle Beam, Jason^, Murphy, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (5): Aenet, Aris, Falsifian, G., Gaelan
PRESENT (3): ATMunn, R. Lee!, Trigon
AI (F/A): 15/15 (AI=2.0)
R. Lee: Conditional resolved: does not add text to the ruleset

PROPOSAL 8553 (Slightly less apathetic)
FOR (6): Aenet, Cuddle Beam, Gaelan, Jason^, Murphy, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (4): Aris, G., R. Lee!, Trigon
PRESENT (2): ATMunn, Falsifian
AI (F/A): 21/10 (AI=1.0)
R. Lee: Conditional resolved: adds text to the ruleset

PROPOSAL 8554 (I Want My Promise Back!)
FOR (10): ATMunn, Aenet, Aris, Cuddle Beam, Falsifian, Gaelan, Jason^, Murphy, 
Trigon, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (2): G., R. Lee!
AI (F/A): 33/4 (AI=2.2)
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris
R. Lee: Conditional resolved: adds text to the ruleset

PROPOSAL 8555 (something to vote on)
FOR (6): Aenet, Cuddle Beam, Jason^, Murphy, Trigon, cuddlybanana
AGAINST (4): ATMunn, Falsifian, G., Gaelan
PRESENT (2): Aris, R. Lee!
AI (F/A): 21/12 (AI=1.0)
Gaelan: Conditional resolved: not highest unique voting strenght
R. Lee: Conditional resolved: does not add text to the ruleset

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8549
Title: You Can Only Stack Turtles So High
Adoption index: 2.2
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Gaelan, G.

[This fixes G.'s scam, which would otherwise allow indeterminacy to be
created through infinite promise loops.]

Amend Rule 2618, "Promises", by inserting, after the text:

  A promise's bearer CAN, by announcement, cash the promise,
  provided that any conditions for cashing it specified by its text
  are unambiguously met. By doing so, e acts on the creator of the
  promise's behalf, causing the creator to act as if e published the
  promise's text, and destroys the promise.

the text:

  However, to limit recursion, no promise can be cashed during the execution
  of another promise unless it existed before the execution of that promise

ID: 8553
Title: Slightly less apathetic
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 2465, "Victory by Apathy", by replacing the final "."
character with the following: ", except for those who have won the game
through this Rule in the past 14 days."

ID: 8554
Title: I Want My Promise Back!
Adoption index: 2.2
Author: Aris
Co-authors: nix

[This is intended to remove the need to put in a special provision
to a promise allow the creator to destroy a promise in the possession of
the Library. Since that's usually what's wanted, this makes it the
default behavior, while still allowing the creator to override it.]

Amend Rule 2618, "Promises", by inserting, after the text:

  The Library is an entity and CAN own promises. Any player CAN take
  a specified promise from the Library by announcement, provided e
  cashes the promise in the same message.

the text:

  The creator of a promise CAN take or revoke it from the Library by
  announcement, unless the promise's text unambiguously designates
  it as irrevocable.

ID: 8555
Title: something to vote on
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

The player who voted unambiguously FOR, and had the highest
unique[*] voting strength (at the end of the voting 

OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8549-8555

2021-04-08 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8549, I grant Aris 10-2=8 boatloads of coins.

For the adoption of Proposal 8553, I grant Jason 6-4=2 boatloads of coins.

For the adoption of Proposal 8554, I grant Aris 10-2=8 boatloads of coins.

For the adoption of Proposal 8555, I grant G. 6-4=2 boatloads of coins.

OFF: [Assessor] Reward for Proposal 8557

2021-04-14 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
For the adoption of Proposal 8557, I grant Aris 4-0=4 boatloads of coins.

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8557

2021-04-14 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle  Result 

8557  Archimedes' Principle  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.800): 
8557 (by Aris).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1


PROPOSAL 8557 (Archimedes' Principle)
FOR (4): Aris, Falsifian, Murphy, Trigon
PRESENT (1): Jason
AI (F/A): 12/0 (AI=2.0)

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8557
Title: Archimedes' Principle
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Trigon, nix

  -The Treasuror sets a target for the Total Buoyancy every week;
   the most recent target takes effect at the beginning of the month
  -The Unit of Floatation is now rounded, so people can actually remember
   it (unlike the draft, I'm rounding up, to deal with cases
   where it's evenly between two integers)
  -The Treasuror no longer has a monthly report, and is instead
   just encouraged to make sure the Total Buoyancy and Unit of Floatation
   are published

Amend Rule 2634, "Buoyancy Control", by changing it to read in full:

  The Total Buoyancy and Buoyancy Target are singleton
  integer switches, tracked by the Treasuror in eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror CAN, by announcement, set the Buoyancy Target
  to a specified value approximately equal to the sum of all coin
  balances at a specified point within the last week,
  and SHALL do so each time e publishes eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror may exercise reasonable judgement in calculating the
  Buoyancy Target. The Buoyancy Target will be deemed set so long as
  the value chosen by the Treasuror is not obviously and grossly
  incorrect. However, the Treasuror SHALL NOT deliberately introduce
  error into the Buoyancy Target.

  At the beginning of each month, the Total Buoyancy is flipped to
  the Buoyancy Target.

Amend Rule 2635, "Floating Rate Fleet", by changing it to read in full:

  The Unit of Flotation is equal to 1/2500 times the Total Buoyancy,
  rounded up, and is tracked in the Treasuror's weekly report.
  A boatload of something is a quantity of that thing equal
  in count to the Unit of Floatation.

  The Treasuror is ENCOURAGED to arrange for the new Total Buoyancy
  and Unit of Flotation to be published as close as possible
  to the beginning of the month.

[No clue why this should be secured — granting assets isn't secured.
The reason I'm amending this is to make the payday happen
after the boatload value update; I'm open to other phrasings.]

Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by replacing:

  The occurrence of Paydays is secured. At the beginning of each
  month, a Payday occurs.


  At the beginning of each month, after all other events that
  take place at the beginning of the month, a Payday occurs.

  Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by replacing:

The occurrence of Paydays is secured. At the beginning of each
month, a Payday occurs.


At the beginning of each month, after all other events that
take place at the beginning of the month, a Payday occurs.


OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 19 Apr 2021

2021-04-19 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Jason   2021-04-01
Wealth Gaelan  2021-04-19Protection
Soul   Agora   2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora   2021-03-25Agora
Concentration  Agora   2021-03-01Agora
Protection Gaelan  2021-04-04

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

2021-04-19 07:02:57  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-12 00:18:14  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-11 23:52:10  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:38:10  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-25 18:27:27  G. wields Sabotage Stone, specifying referendum on 
Proposal 8552.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone to Jason.
2021-02-14 17:10:39  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying 
Concentration Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Soul Stone from self to Falsifian 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Concentration Stone from Falsifian to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 19:59:25  Protection Stone ceases being immune after Collection 
2021-01-31 20:59:37  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection 
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 17 Apr 2021

2021-04-17 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 17 Apr 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/1
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL after the ending of that
auction create a public message (henceforth the
"termination message") that contains a full history of bids
on the auction and withdrawals from the auction. It should
also clearly indicate each awardee and the lot e recieves.
  * During the period from the end of the auction until 7 days
after the publication of the termination message, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be 

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 4 Apr 2021

2021-04-11 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  Owner   Last Wielded  Immune?
-  -     ---
Power  Jason   2021-04-01
Wealth Gaelan  2021-04-04Protection
Soul   Agora   2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora   2021-03-25Agora
Concentration  Agora   2021-03-01Agora
Protection Gaelan  2021-04-04

2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-04-04 01:37:08  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:38:10  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Wealth Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Concentration Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Sabotage Stone is transferred from G. to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-04-01 15:12:35  Soul Stone is transferred from Cuddlebeam to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-25 18:27:27  G. wields Sabotage Stone, specifying referendum on 
Proposal 8552.
2021-03-23 21:19:37  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 20:17:51  Jason transfers Power Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 20:15:07  G. transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Protection Stone, specifying Wealth Stone.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-15 19:38:21  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-03-01 16:23:14  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Concentration Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Protection Stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Sabotage Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Wealth Stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-03-01 15:30:27  Power Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-02-23 07:47:20  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-21 23:07:15  ATMunn transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-15 02:54:17  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 22:22:47  Gaelan transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Jason wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2021-02-14 17:14:09  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone to Jason.
2021-02-14 17:10:39  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying 
Concentration Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-14 17:05:32  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Soul Stone from self to Falsifian 
with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 20:20:34  Cuddlebeam transfers Concentration Stone from Falsifian to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-02-02 19:59:25  Protection Stone ceases being immune after Collection 
2021-01-31 20:59:37  Falsifian wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection 
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from self to Cuddlebeam 
with Soul Stone.
2021-01-20 02:08:27  Falsifian transfers Concentration Stone from Cuddlebeam to 
self with Soul Stone.
2021-01-18 21:42:15  Cuddlebeam wields Concentration Stone, specifying Gaelan.
2021-01-18 21:04:55  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone to Cuddlebeam.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Protection Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-17 00:15:02  Falsifian transfers Soul Stone from Agora after auction 
2021-01-13 20:53:54  ATMunn transfers Concentration Stone from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Protection Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Sabotage Stone is transferred from Murphy to Agora per 
collection notice.
2021-01-02 02:58:24  Wealth Stone is transferred from ATMunn to Agora per 
collection notice.
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Sabotage Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-13 23:15:35  Murphy transfers Protection Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-10 01:35:17  ATMunn wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2020-12-10 01:30:18  ATMunn transfers Wealth Stone from Agora after auction 
2020-12-01 20:32:23  Concentration stone is transferred from Falsifian to Agora 
per collection notice.
2020-11-27 18:16:18  Murphy transfers Power Stone from Agora from Agora after 
auction resolution.
2020-11-26 16:06:57  Falsifian wields Concentration Stone, specifying self.
2020-11-26 03:33:46  Falsifian transfers Concentration stone from Agora after 

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 11 Apr 2021

2021-04-11 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 11 Apr 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/1
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL after the ending of that
auction create a public message (henceforth the
"termination message") that contains a full history of bids
on the auction and withdrawals from the auction. It should
also clearly indicate each awardee and the lot e recieves.
  * During the period from the end of the auction until 7 days
after the publication of the termination message, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be 

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