Re: [akka-user] Re: Pulling Pattern vs Durable Mailboxes

2014-05-06 Thread Martin Krasser

On 06.05.14 06:56, Matthew Howard wrote:
Our design is still a bit young, but we're going with a work pulling 
pattern right now... which is something that has worked well for me in 
the past (this is my first Akka impl though). In terms of the overall 
approach of using a queue/datastore effectively as a replacement for a 
mailbox (or implementing your own mailbox backed by a data store) it 
seems like a valid design to me if you need durable messaging (or just 
need messaging across heterogeneous systems). It obviously adds the 
communication/serialization overhead to every message, but really any 
durable message is going to have the same overhead, so in terms of it 
being too heavyweight I don't think I'd worry unless very high 
throughput was a real priority. In that case though there are no great 
options if you also want the durability... but that is where 
distributed data stores or queues can help - if you can scale out your 
datastore and consumers then you can get throughput even on durable 

I wouldn't be surprised if there were also some good options using 
Akka alone. On top of my large queue concerns with Rabbit I didn't 
particularly feel like adding another component into the mix if I 
didn't need to. I wouldn't be shocked if you could do something pretty 
cleanly with just akka persistence. I haven't looked into the new akka 
streams but that provides some pretty nice looking flow control you 
might be able to use.

You may be interested in this pull request that enables reading from 
akka-persistence journals via reactive-stream producers.

I'd be interested to hear some Akka-oriented options from the crew out 

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Martin Krasser



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[akka-user] Reactive applications with CQRS and Akka Persistence?

2014-05-06 Thread Ashley Aitken

I thought reactive applications were all event-based and, in particular, 
events could be generated and flow through an application from GUI back to 

Does the way Akka Persistence Views work prevent this (since they are, if I 
understand correctly, essentially polling for events)?

Can a reactive path be constructed in another way with Akka Persistence 
that can be used in distributed applications?

Are reactive applications compatible with the eventual consistency of 

Please excuse my ignorance if this question doesn't make sense and I am not 
criticising anything, just trying to understand.


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[akka-user] Re: Pulling Pattern vs Durable Mailboxes

2014-05-06 Thread massivedynamic

 I wouldn't be surprised if there were also some good options using Akka 
 alone. On top of my large queue concerns with Rabbit I didn't particularly 
 feel like adding another component into the mix if I didn't need to. I 
 wouldn't be shocked if you could do something pretty cleanly with just akka 
 persistence. I haven't looked into the new akka streams but that provides 
 some pretty nice looking flow control you might be able to use. I'd be 
 interested to hear some Akka-oriented options from the crew out there. 

I was also in the same mindset that you have in terms of just wanting a 
pure Akka solution with a pulling pattern. The only issue that I found 
there was in the scenario where your master actors (the one's that hold the 
work that other actors pull from) go down. In this case, you're losing all 
of the data that the master actors held unless you have some sort of 
safe-guard in place (not really sure what this might look like). Something 
like Persistence might work except for a (probably rare but still 
plausible) case where the majority of your Akka system goes down, including 
the mechanisms responsible for Persistence. It also doesn't help when 
you're working with a data-stream that never stops coming; there's no easy 
way to catch up when failures happen.

I've also been reading about Akka streams and I also checked out the 
Typesafe activator module that they have with examples. It definitely looks 
very promising. Unfortunately it seems like it's something that will be 
released closer to the end of the year. If only it could get here sooner!

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Re: [akka-user] Views for many entities?

2014-05-06 Thread Martin Krasser

On 06.05.14 08:18, Ashley Aitken wrote:

Hi Martin,

Thank you for your response to my questions.

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 13:13:46 UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:

Finally, I believe I would like to track all the events that get
added to the entire journal (treating it like a combined log).
 Is that possible?  Is it one big log-like thing or are there
really separate journals for each Processor?

Each processor has its own logical journal, although journal
plugins maintain them in a single physical backend store
(replicated or not). This is not a requirement but all plugins
follow this pattern so far. So, from a physical viewpoint there's
a single big message store but this doesn't mean that there is a
global ordering of messages. An ordering of messages is only
defined within a processor (i.e. logical journal). Messages from
different processors are seen as unrelated by akka-persistence.

This is an interesting twist (IMHO), with regards to Eventsourcing 
with Akka Persistence.  I was under the (perhaps naive) impression 
that in ES there would logically be some sort of event log that kept 
all events and that components could subscribe to such events.

This event log is per processor (optionally with n views as 
subscribers). The reason that there's no global log (with a global 
ordering of messages) is write scalability: processors can reside on 
different nodes and having a global counter for all would limit 
scalability. An interesting alternative could be information about 
causal ordering of messages between processors (not implemented (yet)) 
and this could be implemented in a scalable way.

AP seems to be taking a different tack with per processor logical 
journals that are polled (in some sense, please correct me if I am wrong).

Polling, as done by views, is an implementation detail. Later version of 
akka-persistence may provide a push-based approach as well. Processors 
only write to the journal during normal operation (and read from it only 
during recovery).

I guess the proposed change / ticket will at least allow a View to 
follow all events.

Similarly, what about a View that tracked changes to all Orders
and all Receipts?

My understanding is that the Views will be used to update the
read model (e.g. some denormalised store, like MongoDB optimised
for client querying).

Yes, views are there to maintain read models. They may also keep
state in memory (and take snapshots) since it can be recovered by
replaying messages (optionally starting from a snapshot).

Good so I am on the write track.  I am confused a little about the 
Views keeping stage in memory and with snapshots.  What state would 
this be? Surely the read model itself is maintaining most of the 
state, e.g. in a database.  Could the Views themselves sometimes be 
the read model that were queried by the client?  Is that meant to be 
the primary approach or not?

Yes, this is meant to be the primary approach.

Views that track updates from many processors make absolutely
sense and have already been requested several times (see ticket).

Ok, this is good, I just thought perhaps I was not understanding the 
design of Akka Persistence and the way it should be used for CQRS/ES, 
for example.  I have read the discussions and thanks for pointing out 
the ticket.  I won't ask when we can hope for a solution but I will 
ask (not necessarily you but anyone reading) what are people doing 
until then?

There are several options, some are

- Let the backend store (Cassandra, MongoDB or whatever) update custom 
views (e.g. database tables) whenever a new message is added to the 
journal (using triggers).
- Let processors update a database directly to create a view (via 
channels to avoid duplicates during replay).

- ...

Thanks again for answering my newbie questions.

I am really impressed with the elegance and simplicity of Akka 
Persistence and it's CQRS/ES components.


Martin Krasser



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[akka-user] Re: Reactive applications with CQRS and Akka Persistence?

2014-05-06 Thread Ashley Aitken

I believe Martin may have kindly answered, at least part of, this question 
in another thread.

If I may paraphrase him: the way Akka Persistence Views work currently 
(polling) is an implementation detail and later versions of Akka 
Persistence may provide a push-based approach as well.  

If journal replication is still used as the means of distribution then 
perhaps Views will just subscribe to a Processor (effectively the 
Processors's journal) and get pushed events in messages (without the 
Processor even running locally).

Not exactly totally reactive - I assume it depends upon how the journals 
are replicated - but it could work. 

Of course, it's very likely that I am completely confused ;-)

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Reactive applications with CQRS and Akka Persistence?

2014-05-06 Thread Martin Krasser

On 06.05.14 08:59, Ashley Aitken wrote:

I believe Martin may have kindly answered, at least part of, this 
question in another thread.

If I may paraphrase him: the way Akka Persistence Views work currently 
(polling) is an implementation detail and later versions of Akka 
Persistence may provide a push-based approach as well.

If journal replication is still used as the means of distribution then 
perhaps Views will just subscribe to a Processor (effectively the 
Processors's journal) and get pushed events in messages (without the 
Processor even running locally).

Not exactly totally reactive - I assume it depends upon how the 
journals are replicated - but it could work.

Of course, it's very likely that I am completely confused ;-)

The availability of (new) events in the journal is also an event. 
Whether a view is actively notified about their availability (= push) or 
if the view tries to find out itself (= pull) is rather a technical 
detail. A pull-based view even allows to decouple a processor from its 
view(s) in the dimension of lifetime. Why do you see this in conflict 
with being reactive?

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Martin Krasser



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Re: [akka-user] Re: Reactive applications with CQRS and Akka Persistence?

2014-05-06 Thread Ashley Aitken

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 15:18:29 UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:

 The availability of (new) events in the journal is also an event. Whether 
 a view is actively notified about their availability (= push) or if the 
 view tries to find out itself (= pull) is rather a technical detail. A 
 pull-based view even allows to decouple a processor from its view(s) in the 
 dimension of lifetime. Why do you see this in conflict with being reactive?

Reactive I take to mean push, the events are driving action in the system, 
from GUI to GUI.  

With the current way Views work I don't see them as supporting a reactive 
system (not a criticism), but as you mentioned this is a technical detail 
that may change in a later version of Akka Persistence.  

I am confused though, about how the whole eventual consistency of CQRS 
fits in with reactive systems, it seems like a sort of lazy reactivity, 
i.e. we'll get around to reacting to the event sometime soon ;-)

Of course, CQRS is proving to me that eventual consistency is fine for most 
(if not nearly all) situations but I wouldn't call it reactive 
(personally), and I would like to know what to do when we really need 

With regards to Akka Persistence this may mean the Views (or another read 
model maintained by the Views) having some sort of open connection to the 
client to forward on read model events (if there are such things?).

Thanks Martin.


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[akka-user] Unexpected result on resolveOne (send ActorIdentify) (Akka 2.3.2)

2014-05-06 Thread Wofr

I'm doing some testing on remote lookup and dead watch. Therefore I use an 
actor (see below) which simple resolves a given address and in the case we 
got an actor-path back we start to watch them.

When writting the sample I made a type and forgot the @ between the IP 
address and the akka-system name. 
.. val lookupActor = client.actorOf(Props(new LookupActor(
*akka.tcp://server127.0.0.1:2567/user/DummyActor*)), LookupActor)

Surprisingly this not existing actor could be resolved! The DeadLetters 
actor seem to reply on my Identy. Is this an expected behavior?


[info] Found Server Actor..lets watch 
akka.tasfcp://sasdferver127.0.0.1:2567/user/DummyActor his lifecycle 
akka://clientSystem/deadLetters true

*Sample Actor*

class LookupActor(path: String) extends Actor {

  /* same behaviour as below */
 // def sendIdentifyRequest(): Unit =   context.actorSelection(path) ! 

  def sendIdentifyRequest(): Unit =   
context.actorSelection(path).resolveOne(Duration(5,seconds)).map { ref =
println(found actor identity:  + ref)
ActorIdentity(path, Some(ref))

  def receive = {
case ActorIdentity(`path`, Some(actor)) =println(Found Server 
Actor..lets watch +`path`+  his lifecycle  + actor.path+ 
case ActorIdentity(`path`, None)= println(sRemote actor 
not availible: $path)
case ReceiveTimeout = sendIdentifyRequest()
case Terminated(ref) =println(Remote actor 
died..lets stop myself)
case _= println(Unhandeld msg 

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Reactive applications with CQRS and Akka Persistence?

2014-05-06 Thread Martin Krasser

On 06.05.14 09:31, Ashley Aitken wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 15:18:29 UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:

The availability of (new) events in the journal is also an event.
Whether a view is actively notified about their availability (=
push) or if the view tries to find out itself (= pull) is rather a
technical detail. A pull-based view even allows to decouple a
processor from its view(s) in the dimension of lifetime. Why do
you see this in conflict with being reactive?

Reactive I take to mean push, the events are driving action in the 
system, from GUI to GUI.

With the current way Views work I don't see them as supporting a 
reactive system (not a criticism), but as you mentioned this is a 
technical detail that may change in a later version of Akka Persistence.

From a user's (= API) perspective, a View will always receive 
Persistent messages (regardless whether it is working internally with a 
pull or push mechanism) i.e. a View always *reacts* to Persistent 
messages. It's this perspective that counts.

An upcoming feature in Akka will also allow the creation of reactive 
stream producers from messages written by a processor, see also this 
pull request The rate at 
which the journal is polled for new messages depends on the downstream 
consumers demand. Here again, it is a technical detail whether this 
producer is internally polling for new messages or not.

I am confused though, about how the whole eventual consistency of 
CQRS fits in with reactive systems, it seems like a sort of lazy 
reactivity, i.e. we'll get around to reacting to the event sometime 
soon ;-)

Can you explain further why you think it doesn't fit?

Of course, CQRS is proving to me that eventual consistency is fine for 
most (if not nearly all) situations but I wouldn't call it reactive 
(personally), and I would like to know what to do when we really need 

With regards to Akka Persistence this may mean the Views (or another 
read model maintained by the Views) having some sort of open 
connection to the client to forward on read model events (if there are 
such things?).

There are numerous implementation options to notify clients about events 
occuring on server side. For these notification to work, there must be 
some sort of connection between the client and the server. For example, 
long-polling is one option for a web client to *react* to 
server-generated events. I don't understand why you think this 
contradicts reactivity?

Thanks Martin.


Martin Krasser



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[akka-user] Mystery log message from Akka

2014-05-06 Thread Ulf

I am seeing this log message from akka.

2014-05-06 10:42:20 SEVERE : Some(null) (of 
class scala.Some)

I am using *Akka 2.2.3* and no, I can't upgrade. It's not my decision. I 
also can't show the code. Sorry.

I have some clue about which actor is involved, but I have no clue as to 
how I can proceed with the debugging.
I have had a brief look at the source for *OneForOneStrategy* but I got no 
clues from that. It might be due to my own ineptitude, but...

The error happens after the completion of *preStart()* in the suspect actor 
and it the get stuck in a restart - error - restart ... loop.

Any pointers to what I can do next is appreciated.


/Ulf A.

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[akka-user] Configuration approach for Akka in OSGi

2014-05-06 Thread Andreas Gies
Hello Hakkers, 

today I am interested how you usually configure your bundles inside an OSGi 

I can easily access the application.conf provided with Akka itself to get 
to all the default values. I can also provide bundle specific configuration 
in separate files and my bundle would pick up those. 

However, I have just done some experimenting with Spray in OSGi and the 
problem is as follows:

Several spray bundles contain resource.conf files with default values that 
make sense to configure spray. On top of that the user has to provide some 
additional values to make his route work. 
The ActorSystem that lives in some bundle not knowing about spray does not 
see the resource.conf files provided by spray and the user-bundle should 
only contain the values it wishes to add or override. 

I have seen examples to do some classloader tweaking (e.g. [1]) to bring 
the resource.conf files into scope when the ActorSystem is initialized. 
From my (probably limited) understanding that would kind of defeat the 
purpose of OSGi. The ActorSystem shouldn't know about the bundles that are 
installed and may contribute to the configuration. My current solution is 
to replicate the spray settings in my bundle's conf file, but that somehow 
doesn't feel right either. 

I was wondering whether someone has thought about / tried to implement some 
kind of whiteboard pattern ? - I am thinking along the lines of an Akka 
config service that starts with the default application.conf. The extender 
would merge resource.conf files as akka bundles are installed remove the 
settings again when the bundle is uninstalled. Does the Config API provide 
such functionality ? 

Well, I just wanted to hear some thoughts before diving into such an 


Thanks and best regards

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Re: [akka-user] mixing FSM and akka-persistence

2014-05-06 Thread Nicola Piccinini

I am Nicola (not Christian),

I created a github repo for you:

you have three classes:

FiniteStateMachine ( no persistence, extends Actor )
AlmostPersistentFSM ( extends Processor but no use of Persistent )
PersistentFSM ( persistence )

The only difference between FiniteStateMachine and AlmostPersistentFSM is 
that the first extends Actor, the second extends Processor,
the only difference between AlmostPersistentFSM and PersistentFSM is that 
the second actually uses Persistent messages.

You have tests for the three classes (FiniteStateMachineSpec, ...) which 
are practically the same.
If you try to run the tests you will see that:
FiniteStateMachineSpes - OK
AlmostPersistentFSMSpec - red
PersistentFSMSpec - red


Also I have a new problem. I write it here but maybe a new thread would be 
more appropriate.

There are also three objects that you can run

FiniteStateMachineSpes - Main
AlmostPersistentFSMSpec - AlmostPersistentMain
PersistentFSMSpec - PersistentMain

If you try to run PersistentMain the first time, it looks OK, journal is 
written, etc., etc.
Then you kill the process, and you run it a second time.
akka-persistence is not able to restore the state because PersistentImpl 
messages are sent (instead of Persistent).
You see in the log:

[DEBUG] [05/06/2014 13:15:42.274] [] 
[akka://default/user/persistentUnderTest] processing 
from Actor[akka://default/user/persistentUnderTest#161253413]
[WARN] [05/06/2014 13:15:42.275] [] 
[akka://default/user/persistentUnderTest] unhandled event 
in state waiting
[DEBUG] [05/06/2014 13:15:42.275] [] 
[akka://default/user/persistentUnderTest] processing 
from Actor[akka://default/user/persistentUnderTest#161253413]
[WARN] [05/06/2014 13:15:42.275] [] 
[akka://default/user/persistentUnderTest] unhandled event 
in state waiting

What am I doing wrong here?


On Monday, May 5, 2014 10:24:31 AM UTC+2, Akka Team wrote:

 Hi Christian,

 Do you have a small reproducible test case that exposes the problem? If 
 you do, please share so we can look into the possible issue.


 On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Nicola Piccinini 


 thank you for the pointer.

 The problem was that I had overwritten preStart, with something like:

 self ! Message

 and that did not play well with Processor.
 Since it is probably not a good idea, I have refactored my FSM and I am 
 not overwriting #preStart anymore.

 Now, in normal condition, my Processor-FSM runs fine but I have a new 

 I have some tests for the FSM, I  have just updated to last scalatest 
 version to be sure to use the most up to date stuff:

 com.typesafe.akka %% akka-actor % 2.3.2,
 com.typesafe.akka %% akka-persistence-experimental % 2.3.2,

 org.scalatest %% scalatest % 2.1.5 % test,
 com.typesafe.akka %% akka-testkit % 2.3.2 % test,
 org.mockito % mockito-core % 1.9.5 % test

 One test is a mixin between FunSpec and akka TestKit and looks like:

 val brain = mock[SchedulerBrain]
 when(brain.schedule(Mock.gate, Map())).thenReturn(Map(123 - 
 fsmRef = createFsmRef(brain)
 assert(fsmRef.stateName === Waiting)
 assert(fsmRef.stateData === Map(123 - /collector/123))
 verify(brain).schedule(Mock.gate, Map())

 When my FSM is an Actor (not a Processor), the test run successfully and 
 this is the log:

 [DEBUG] [05/04/2014 13:57:35.228] [default-scheduler-1] 
 [akka://default/user/$$a] transition 
 org.peach.moma.schedulers.CollectorsScheduler$Waiting$@7a7d0e26 - 
 [DEBUG] [05/04/2014 13:57:35.229] [default-scheduler-1] 
 [akka://default/user/$$a] processing Event(Scheduled(Map(123 - 
 /collector/123)),Map()) from TestActor[akka://default/user/$$a]
 [DEBUG] [05/04/2014 13:57:35.230] 

Re: [akka-user] Re: Broadcast a message with cluster sharding

2014-05-06 Thread Jabbar Azam
Hello Endre,

What about one actor from each node joining the DistributedPubSubMediator 
and this actor could register with a node local Akka eventbus? The sharded 
actors could register with the local Akka event bus for messages.

So a message published to a topic, on the DistributedPubSubMediator  would 
be received by the local actor joined to DistributedPubSubMediator which 
would then publish the message to the local Akka eventbus. I think this 
would work. I'm  assuming I'll have 10,000 actors per node, but don't know 
until the rest of the system is in place.  Each actor will be storing GPS 
coordinates for a rectangular region and will be used as an index into 
Cassandra tables.

On Monday, 5 May 2014 09:19:52 UTC+1, Akka Team wrote:

 Hi Jabbar,

 No, you are not missing anything, PubSub is designed for such cases. Just 
 be careful not to broadcast too much data since it does not scale linearily.


 On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:06 AM, Jabbar Azam aja...@gmail.comjavascript:

 I've just looked at the documentation. I can use the 
 DistributedPubSubMediator and get all the sharded actors listening to a 
 topic. So when I need the contents from a particular sharded actor I can 
 send a message to a topic which will be received by all the sharded actors 
 and the one containing the cache information will respond.

 Sounds too simple. I must be missing something...

 On Friday, 2 May 2014 21:25:17 UTC+1, Jabbar Azam wrote:


 I want to create a cluster of actors using the cluster sharding module. 
 I want to be able to send a message to all the actors in the cluster. I've 
 read the documentation and seen the typesafe Activator example which shows 
 messages being sent to individual actors. Does anybody know if it's 
 possible to broadcast a message to all the actors using cluster sharding?

 Basically I'm trying to implement a persistent distributed cache and I 
 want each cache element to respond to a broadcast message which where each 
 cache element(actor) has a resulting response. 

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Broadcast a message with cluster sharding

2014-05-06 Thread Chanan Braunstein
Hi Jabbar,

We were thinking of that same design. If you implement before we do, please 
share your experiences with that design and we will do the same.


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[akka-user] Re: Akka OSGI renewed

2014-05-06 Thread Andreas Gies
Hello Hakkers, 

following this discussion, I have made some progress in getting an actor 
based API around the OSGI framework going. 

For those interested, the project is located at [1].  There is some 
documentation at [2] - [4]. 


Happy for any feedback - good or bad 

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Broadcast a message with cluster sharding

2014-05-06 Thread Jabbar Azam
Hello Chanan,

This is an evening project for me so you might get it done before me. 
Although I got the cluster sharding, with cassandra, working last night.

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 14:14:19 UTC+1, Chanan Braunstein wrote:

 Hi Jabbar,

 We were thinking of that same design. If you implement before we do, 
 please share your experiences with that design and we will do the same.


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[akka-user] Re: Pulling Pattern vs Durable Mailboxes

2014-05-06 Thread Ryan Tanner
I'm the author of the blog post from Conspire you referenced.  In our case, 
losing the supervisor isn't a problem because all work is generated from a 
SQL database.  If the supervisor crashes, we can just start over.  Our 
worker nodes subscribe to cluster event notifications and will queue their 
messages to the supervisor if its node goes down so we also don't lose any 
in-progress work.  In addition, our workers are responsible for their own 
persistence, we only send instructions and status updates between nodes so 
there's little concern about losing work in-flight.

When we tried to take our first implementation of this system into 
production (using Akka but with lots of actor+future combos), it crashed 
*horribly*.  Nodes would get marked unreachable within a minute of starting 
the cluster because worker actors immediately spun their work out to a 
future and started on the next item, saturating our puny EC2 nodes which 
prevented Akka's internal cluster/remoting actors from ever getting any CPU 
time.  In our refactor we focused on building a very defensive system which 
can lose any given node without breaking down—a key to this was pulling 
work rather than pushing it (plus ditching the futures except when dealing 
with IO).

Since that refactor, we've quadrupled the load on our Akka cluster and had 
zero issues.  We can trivially add and remove workers if we can a burst of 
load and if a worker does crash, its work is re-dispatched to another work 
from its last known save point (not really a term we use but I don't want 
to get into the weeds on what's really a domain-specific concern).

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 12:29:33 AM UTC-6, massivedynamic wrote:

 I wouldn't be surprised if there were also some good options using Akka 
 alone. On top of my large queue concerns with Rabbit I didn't particularly 
 feel like adding another component into the mix if I didn't need to. I 
 wouldn't be shocked if you could do something pretty cleanly with just akka 
 persistence. I haven't looked into the new akka streams but that provides 
 some pretty nice looking flow control you might be able to use. I'd be 
 interested to hear some Akka-oriented options from the crew out there. 

 I was also in the same mindset that you have in terms of just wanting a 
 pure Akka solution with a pulling pattern. The only issue that I found 
 there was in the scenario where your master actors (the one's that hold the 
 work that other actors pull from) go down. In this case, you're losing all 
 of the data that the master actors held unless you have some sort of 
 safe-guard in place (not really sure what this might look like). Something 
 like Persistence might work except for a (probably rare but still 
 plausible) case where the majority of your Akka system goes down, including 
 the mechanisms responsible for Persistence. It also doesn't help when 
 you're working with a data-stream that never stops coming; there's no easy 
 way to catch up when failures happen.

 I've also been reading about Akka streams and I also checked out the 
 Typesafe activator module that they have with examples. It definitely looks 
 very promising. Unfortunately it seems like it's something that will be 
 released closer to the end of the year. If only it could get here sooner!

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Pulling Pattern vs Durable Mailboxes

2014-05-06 Thread Patrik Nordwall

 6 maj 2014 kl. 17:38 skrev Ryan Tanner
 I'm the author of the blog post from Conspire you referenced.  In our case, 
 losing the supervisor isn't a problem because all work is generated from a 
 SQL database.  If the supervisor crashes, we can just start over.  Our worker 
 nodes subscribe to cluster event notifications and will queue their messages 
 to the supervisor if its node goes down so we also don't lose any in-progress 
 work.  In addition, our workers are responsible for their own persistence, we 
 only send instructions and status updates between nodes so there's little 
 concern about losing work in-flight.
 When we tried to take our first implementation of this system into production 
 (using Akka but with lots of actor+future combos), it crashed *horribly*.  
 Nodes would get marked unreachable within a minute of starting the cluster 
 because worker actors immediately spun their work out to a future and started 
 on the next item, saturating our puny EC2 nodes which prevented Akka's 
 internal cluster/remoting actors from ever getting any CPU time.  In our 
 refactor we focused on building a very defensive system which can lose any 
 given node without breaking down—a key to this was pulling work rather than 
 pushing it (plus ditching the futures except when dealing with IO).
 Since that refactor, we've quadrupled the load on our Akka cluster and had 
 zero issues.  

Glad to hear that!!!

 We can trivially add and remove workers if we can a burst of load and if a 
 worker does crash, its work is re-dispatched to another work from its last 
 known save point (not really a term we use but I don't want to get into the 
 weeds on what's really a domain-specific concern).
 On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 12:29:33 AM UTC-6, massivedynamic wrote:
 I wouldn't be surprised if there were also some good options using Akka 
 alone. On top of my large queue concerns with Rabbit I didn't particularly 
 feel like adding another component into the mix if I didn't need to. I 
 wouldn't be shocked if you could do something pretty cleanly with just akka 
 persistence. I haven't looked into the new akka streams but that provides 
 some pretty nice looking flow control you might be able to use. I'd be 
 interested to hear some Akka-oriented options from the crew out there. 
 I was also in the same mindset that you have in terms of just wanting a pure 
 Akka solution with a pulling pattern. The only issue that I found there was 
 in the scenario where your master actors (the one's that hold the work that 
 other actors pull from) go down. In this case, you're losing all of the data 
 that the master actors held unless you have some sort of safe-guard in place 
 (not really sure what this might look like). Something like Persistence 
 might work except for a (probably rare but still plausible) case where the 
 majority of your Akka system goes down, including the mechanisms responsible 
 for Persistence. It also doesn't help when you're working with a data-stream 
 that never stops coming; there's no easy way to catch up when failures 
 I've also been reading about Akka streams and I also checked out the 
 Typesafe activator module that they have with examples. It definitely looks 
 very promising. Unfortunately it seems like it's something that will be 
 released closer to the end of the year. If only it could get here sooner!
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Re: [akka-user] Views for many entities?

2014-05-06 Thread Ashley Aitken

Thanks again Martin.

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 14:37:48 UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:

 Good so I am on the write track.  I am confused a little about the Views 
 keeping stage in memory and with snapshots.  What state would this be? 
 Surely the read model itself is maintaining most of the state, e.g. in a 
 database.  Could the Views themselves sometimes be the read model that were 
 queried by the client?  Is that meant to be the primary approach or not?

 Yes, this is meant to be the primary approach.

So, please correct me if I am wrong, the View(s) are a front for the read 
model, which is stored either 1) inside each View object's state or 2) in a 
hidden backend store?  Which one of those is most common?  Or something 

Views that track updates from many processors make absolutely sense and 
 have already been requested several times (see ticket).

  I won't ask when we can hope for a solution but I will ask (not 
 necessarily you but anyone reading) what are people doing until then?  

 There are several options, some are

 - Let the backend store (Cassandra, MongoDB or whatever) update custom 
 views (e.g. database tables) whenever a new message is added to the journal 
 (using triggers).

Are you talking about the backend store for the journal (for which LevelDB 
is the default)?  And that when a new event is added to the backend store / 
journal a trigger fires that updates custom denormalised entries for the 
read model?

- Let processors update a database directly to create a view (via channels 
 to avoid duplicates during replay).

I'm not so sure I understand this one.  Let the Processor update the domain 
model AND the read model backend store?  I guess that's possible if it is 
on the same node.  And use a Channel to ensure the read model doesn't get 
redundantly updated.  

Processor =Channel= Actor (which is the read model or updates the backend 


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Re: [akka-user] Re: Reactive applications with CQRS and Akka Persistence?

2014-05-06 Thread Ashley Aitken

Thanks Martin.

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 15:53:28 UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:

 On 06.05.14 09:31, Ashley Aitken wrote:
 Reactive I take to mean push, the events are driving action in the system, 
 from GUI to GUI.  

  From a user's (= API) perspective, a View will always receive Persistent 
 messages (regardless whether it is working internally with a pull or push 
 mechanism) i.e. a View always *reacts* to Persistent messages. It's this 
 perspective that counts. 

I am confused though, about how the whole eventual consistency of CQRS 
 fits in with reactive systems, it seems like a sort of lazy reactivity, 
 i.e. we'll get around to reacting to the event sometime soon ;-)

 Can you explain further why you think it doesn't fit? 

I guess you have a slightly weaker interpretation of reactive than mine.  I 
feel reactive needs to be event-based and thus push.  As an analogy, a Web 
application in which a user had to refresh the page to see any changes 
wouldn't be reactive (IMHO).  That said, a regular enough pull can 
approximate a push.

With regards to Akka Persistence this may mean the Views (or another read 
 model maintained by the Views) having some sort of open connection to the 
 client to forward on read model events (if there are such things?).

 There are numerous implementation options to notify clients about events 
 occuring on server side. For these notification to work, there must be some 
 sort of connection between the client and the server. For example, 
 long-polling is one option for a web client to *react* to server-generated 
 events. I don't understand why you think this contradicts reactivity? 

Sorry, if I was not clear.  I see this as the way to reactivity, e.g. 
commands from the client may become domain events on the server that may 
result in changes to the read model that may produce view events that are 
transmitted to the client which requests any updated view data it needs. 
 No polling.

That would seem to me to be a necessary aspect of any CQRS implementation 
desiring a reactive client.

Interestingly (to me at least ;-), the Meteor JS framework has latency 
compensation so that views in the client are updated immediately to 
reflect changes without waiting for the server but later if the server 
produces different results (e.g. denies the changes) the client's view is 
patched to show the true result.

I guess that's for a limited type of applications though and the patching 
could be somewhat disconcerting for the user.


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[akka-user] Visualisation of running system

2014-05-06 Thread Anders Bech Mellson
Which tools do you use to visualise your running Akka system?
I know that the Typesafe Console can be used, but is that still being 

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Re: [akka-user] Visualisation of running system

2014-05-06 Thread Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
Hello there,
The Console is in deed EndOfLife-ing.
The Typesafe Activator is on it’s way to support more and more actor tracing 
etc. Currently it does a little bit already, though it’s currently not a 
production solution.

Thanks to EOLing the console multiple community projects have appeared around 
I’m aware of Kamon: and AkkaTracing:

// Was not able to try them out yet.

I hope that helps (a bit) :-)

Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
hAkker - Typesafe, Inc

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Re: [akka-user] Visualisation of running system

2014-05-06 Thread Sergio Magnacco
I'm using Kamon in production with the docker image kamon/grafana-graphite. 
You should check 


Sergio Magnacco

El martes, 6 de mayo de 2014 15:52:36 UTC-3, Konrad Malawski escribió:

 Hello there,
 The Console is in deed EndOfLife-ing.
 The Typesafe Activator is on it’s way to support more and more actor 
 tracing etc. Currently it does a little bit already, though it’s 
 *currently* not a production solution.

 Thanks to EOLing the console multiple community projects have appeared 
 around tracing,
 I’m aware of Kamon: and AkkaTracing:

 *// Was not able to try them out yet.*

 I hope that helps (a bit) :-)

 Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
 hAkker - Typesafe, Inc

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Reactive applications with CQRS and Akka Persistence?

2014-05-06 Thread Vaughn Vernon
Why not use a business-level identity as a correlation id that travels 
through the processing and view compositions that you describe? In the end 
you could use an EventBus to tell a given presentation that its newly 
composed view is available. You might find your answers using something 
like this:

class PresentationEventBus extends EventBus with SubchannelClassification { 
... }

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 11:10:46 AM UTC-6, Ashley Aitken wrote:

 Thanks Martin.

 On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 15:53:28 UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:

 On 06.05.14 09:31, Ashley Aitken wrote:
 Reactive I take to mean push, the events are driving action in the 
 system, from GUI to GUI.  

  From a user's (= API) perspective, a View will always receive 
 Persistent messages (regardless whether it is working internally with a 
 pull or push mechanism) i.e. a View always *reacts* to Persistent messages. 
 It's this perspective that counts. 

 I am confused though, about how the whole eventual consistency of CQRS 
 fits in with reactive systems, it seems like a sort of lazy reactivity, 
 i.e. we'll get around to reacting to the event sometime soon ;-)

 Can you explain further why you think it doesn't fit? 

 I guess you have a slightly weaker interpretation of reactive than mine. 
  I feel reactive needs to be event-based and thus push.  As an analogy, a 
 Web application in which a user had to refresh the page to see any changes 
 wouldn't be reactive (IMHO).  That said, a regular enough pull can 
 approximate a push.

 With regards to Akka Persistence this may mean the Views (or another read 
 model maintained by the Views) having some sort of open connection to the 
 client to forward on read model events (if there are such things?).

 There are numerous implementation options to notify clients about events 
 occuring on server side. For these notification to work, there must be some 
 sort of connection between the client and the server. For example, 
 long-polling is one option for a web client to *react* to server-generated 
 events. I don't understand why you think this contradicts reactivity? 

 Sorry, if I was not clear.  I see this as the way to reactivity, e.g. 
 commands from the client may become domain events on the server that may 
 result in changes to the read model that may produce view events that are 
 transmitted to the client which requests any updated view data it needs. 
  No polling.

 That would seem to me to be a necessary aspect of any CQRS implementation 
 desiring a reactive client.

 Interestingly (to me at least ;-), the Meteor JS framework has latency 
 compensation so that views in the client are updated immediately to 
 reflect changes without waiting for the server but later if the server 
 produces different results (e.g. denies the changes) the client's view is 
 patched to show the true result.

 I guess that's for a limited type of applications though and the patching 
 could be somewhat disconcerting for the user.


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[akka-user] Re: Visualisation of running system

2014-05-06 Thread Anders Bech Mellson
Thanks for the input! I will have a look at both tools.

Den tirsdag den 6. maj 2014 20.41.40 UTC+2 skrev Anders Bech Mellson:

 Which tools do you use to visualise your running Akka system?
 I know that the Typesafe Console can be used, but is that still being 

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[akka-user] new hash based router

2014-05-06 Thread 何品
Hi I was trying to implement an router which could router a message to an 
specified routee via the message's key.just as the ConsistentHashRouter.
when I look at the selected method ,the comes out routees are in an 
immutable seq,but not a mapString,Routee,so if I want to selected one of 
the routee 
I should iterate the routee in the seq? or I should use my one implement?

I have checked the ConsistentHashRouter's logic,it has an inner map and an 
transform the data in the seq to map,and selected on the map if the passed 
in seq has not changed otherwise will rebuild the map.

So ,I was wondering,If I want to implement on hash based one should I use 
the concorrentHashMap for the treadsafe? and how about the 
should it be O(1),is it based on hash in the inner implement?

all in all,
1,if I want to implement an hash based router ,in the logic implement i 
must transform the seq to hashmap right?
2,the child(name:String) to selecte an child of an parent Actor is O(1)?

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Re: [akka-user] Re: Reactive applications with CQRS and Akka Persistence?

2014-05-06 Thread Martin Krasser

On 06.05.14 19:10, Ashley Aitken wrote:

Thanks Martin.

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 15:53:28 UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:

On 06.05.14 09:31, Ashley Aitken wrote:

Reactive I take to mean push, the events are driving action in
the system, from GUI to GUI.

From a user's (= API) perspective, a View will always receive
Persistent messages (regardless whether it is working internally
with a pull or push mechanism) i.e. a View always *reacts* to
Persistent messages. It's this perspective that counts.

I am confused though, about how the whole eventual consistency
of CQRS fits in with reactive systems, it seems like a sort of
lazy reactivity, i.e. we'll get around to reacting to the event
sometime soon ;-)

Can you explain further why you think it doesn't fit?

I guess you have a slightly weaker interpretation of reactive than 
mine.  I feel reactive needs to be event-based and thus push.  As an 
analogy, a Web application in which a user had to refresh the page to 
see any changes wouldn't be reactive (IMHO).  That said, a regular 
enough pull can approximate a push.

No, we have the same understanding that reactive means event-based and 
thus push. Of course, requiring a user to manually refresh a web page is 
*not* reactive. Long polling (mentioned below) is just a technology to 
*emulate* a server push to clients over HTTP (see also Comet, but I'm pretty 
sure you're familiar with that). Although (long) polling is used under 
the hood, the user experience is that events are pushed to the client. 
Similar arguments apply to pull/push when using views (although the 
underlying technology is different). Hope that clarifies things.

With regards to Akka Persistence this may mean the Views (or
another read model maintained by the Views) having some sort of
open connection to the client to forward on read model events (if
there are such things?).

There are numerous implementation options to notify clients about
events occuring on server side. For these notification to work,
there must be some sort of connection between the client and the
server. For example, long-polling is one option for a web client
to *react* to server-generated events. I don't understand why you
think this contradicts reactivity?

Sorry, if I was not clear.  I see this as the way to reactivity, e.g. 
commands from the client may become domain events on the server that 
may result in changes to the read model that may produce view events 
that are transmitted to the client which requests any updated view 
data it needs.  No polling.

As explained above. Push from a user's perspective and a Comet (or web socket or 
whatever ...) under the hood to push these changes to the web client (no 
*explicit* polling/refresh by the user).

That would seem to me to be a necessary aspect of any CQRS 
implementation desiring a reactive client.

Interestingly (to me at least ;-), the Meteor JS framework has 
latency compensation so that views in the client are updated 
immediately to reflect changes without waiting for the server but 
later if the server produces different results (e.g. denies the 
changes) the client's view is patched to show the true result.

I guess that's for a limited type of applications though and the 
patching could be somewhat disconcerting for the user.


Martin Krasser



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Re: [akka-user] Views for many entities?

2014-05-06 Thread Martin Krasser

On 06.05.14 18:21, Ashley Aitken wrote:

Thanks again Martin.

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 14:37:48 UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:

Good so I am on the write track.  I am confused a little about
the Views keeping stage in memory and with snapshots.  What state
would this be? Surely the read model itself is maintaining most
of the state, e.g. in a database.  Could the Views themselves
sometimes be the read model that were queried by the client?  Is
that meant to be the primary approach or not?

Yes, this is meant to be the primary approach.

So, please correct me if I am wrong, the View(s) are a front for the 
read model, which is stored either 1) inside each View object's state 
or 2) in a hidden backend store?  Which one of those is most common? 
 Or something else?

Most common is 1, because state is automatically re-created when the 
view is (re)started. Views could also use channels to update a backend 
store (2) if you want but it's usually more efficient if processors do 
that directly (see below).

Views that track updates from many processors make absolutely
sense and have already been requested several times (see ticket).

I won't ask when we can hope for a solution but I will ask (not
necessarily you but anyone reading) what are people doing until

There are several options, some are

- Let the backend store (Cassandra, MongoDB or whatever) update
custom views (e.g. database tables) whenever a new message is
added to the journal (using triggers).

Are you talking about the backend store for the journal (for which 
LevelDB is the default)?  And that when a new event is added to the 
backend store / journal a trigger fires that updates custom 
denormalised entries for the read model?


- Let processors update a database directly to create a view (via
channels to avoid duplicates during replay).

I'm not so sure I understand this one.  Let the Processor update the 
domain model AND the read model backend store?  I guess that's 
possible if it is on the same node.

No, there's no need to have the read model backend store on the same node:

- either use a local channel destination with a remote connection to the 
read model backend store
- or a remote channel destination that connects to the read model 
backend store.

And use a Channel to ensure the read model doesn't get redundantly 

Yes (and channels additionally provide at-least-once delivery semantics).

Processor =Channel= Actor (which is the read model or updates the 
backend store)?

See above.


Martin Krasser



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Re: [akka-user] akka-persistence Processor preStart override problems

2014-05-06 Thread Martin Krasser

On 06.05.14 20:52, Vaughn Vernon wrote:
Thanks. I still think that the docs need to be strengthened to state 
that the Processor will not work unless it receives a Recover message, 
and that the Recover message could take several forms depending on the 
recovery goals.

I agree. Do you want to make a pull request with the changes you'd like 
to see in the docs?


On Monday, May 5, 2014 11:40:59 PM UTC-6, Martin Krasser wrote:

On 06.05.14 04:26, Vaughn Vernon wrote:

When I override preStart in any way other than invoking
super.preStart() my actor is unable to receive any kind of
message. It seems to be stashing messages, but never delivering
them. The only way I can work around this is by leaving preStart
as defaulted, and using the mode variables recoveryRunning or
receoveryFinished. (Or I can send Recover myself.)

I found this:

By this this it seems to me that the documentation probably
requires clarification. In the docs I get the impression that you
never need to recover an actor, but from the above link it
appears that a Processor must always receive a Recover message
from something. Further, it seems that the only way to avoid
recovering a given actor is to ignore all messages until
receoveryFinished is true.

You could also send a Recover message with either toSequenceNr=0L
or replayMax=0L. This will enable the processor to process new
messages without replaying any messages.

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Martin Krasser


Martin Krasser



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Re: [akka-user] Re: Pulling Pattern vs Durable Mailboxes

2014-05-06 Thread Martin Krasser

On 06.05.14 21:13, Matthew Howard wrote:

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 2:06:16 AM UTC-4, Martin Krasser wrote:

You may be interested in this pull request that enables reading
from akka-persistence journals via reactive-stream producers.

Yea, actually that looks much like what I had in mind.

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 2:29:33 AM UTC-4, massivedynamic wrote:

I was also in the same mindset that you have in terms of just
wanting a pure Akka solution with a pulling pattern. The only
issue that I found there was in the scenario where your master
actors (the one's that hold the work that other actors pull
from) go down. In this case, you're losing all of the data
that the master actors held unless you have some sort of
safe-guard in place (not really sure what this might look like). 

I am in the same boat as Ryan mentions below - I'm enriching and 
processing data that already resides in a database, so if a failure 
occurs I can just reprocess from the start. That is generally the 
direction I was thinking with a pure Akka implementation based on 
persistence. If you had a (persistent) Processor(s) just accumulating 
Tweet events, then a View(s) could subscribe to that processor and 
emit the events to downstream workers for processing. In that case the 
View acts as the coordinator and the Processor is the durable mailbox 
effectively, if either goes down you have the ability to recreate it 
and effectively pick up where you left off. You'd need to play with 
the snapshots, replay and recovery a bit to get proper flow control 
while reading the journal... Based on a quick read of Martin's PR 
above I think that is where streams would be helpful (a replacement of 
the View in my scenario). A PersistentChannel might be an easier 
option now that I think about it... then your workers can confirm when 
done - providing you automatic replay for anything missed if 
coordinator/worker dies.

Please not that the primary use case for persistent channels is to deal 
with slow and/or temporarily available consumers/destinations. It is not 
optimized for high throughput (yet). More detailed, a persistent channel 
usually has a very high write rate (with up to 100k msgs/sec, provided 
by a Processor it uses internally) but only a moderate message delivery 
rate to consumers. If you need a persistent queue with a high message 
throughput, consider using a 3rd party messaging product.

I'm not sure in your case how you might protect yourself if the 
coordinator dies, although if that is likely there should be some way 
to minimize the job and state of the coordinator to minimize it's 
role. So for example if the coordinator is responsible for a) pulling 
data from the Twitter stream, and b) supervising workers to consume 
that data, and c) acting on the response from workers and maintaining 
some state... then perhaps that really is best done with 3 actors. I 
could see a) and c) possibly being done with actors behind a router to 
provide some fault-tolerance (in which case a couldn't really be a 
Processor, but I think it could use a PersistentChannel).

In my case I had lots of niggling reasons not to introduce another 
architectural component - but I think some MQ/DB option is perfectly 
reasonable. On another note - Ryan, I have been reading your blog 
also... very helpful, thanks.

Martin Krasser



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