Re: [algogeeks] Print binary tree in spiral

2009-11-23 Thread Ramaswamy R
I've done this before with a deque although I don't remember the
implementation details off my head.

Since a deque allow insertion and removal at both ends what we need to do is
decide which end we starting consuming node and which end we add the queues
of the next level. For every level we maintain the count of nodes to be
processes. Every time this count hits zero we reverse the direction from
which we process / add nodes.

This is just a simple extension of using queue for doing a BFS traversal.

This method would have the same complexity as would BFS using a queue. The
above method does not incur any addition overhead.


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Nayn wrote:

 Hi guys,
 Recently I came across a problem. We've to display a binary tree in
 1. We need to print the nodes in BFS manner.
 2. The nodes should be displayed in alternate direction; in one level
 from left to right and in next level right to left.
 Needless to mention, we need least time complex solution.


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[algogeeks] Re: Find the Grid row containing all 1's except intersection point in constant time

2009-10-10 Thread Ramaswamy R
Whats with the intersection point? Intersection of what two things are we
talking about here? Row of 1s and column of 1s?

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Manisha wrote:

 There is a n x n grid of 1's and 0's. Find the i, where i is the row
 containing all 1's, except the intersection point. Should do it in
 less than 25 comparisons?


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[algogeeks] Re: Find the Grid row containing all 1's except intersection point in constant time

2009-10-10 Thread Ramaswamy R
On another thought, constant time complexity would not be possible with no
constraints on the size of the matrix or any limitation on what possible
data it would have.
It wouldn't be possible to do it in 25 comparisons for a 1 Million x 1
Million grid. If there is no restriction on the data as well then we would
be forced to scan through (in whatever way) all the n^2 values.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Manisha wrote:

 There is a n x n grid of 1's and 0's. Find the i, where i is the row
 containing all 1's, except the intersection point. Should do it in
 less than 25 comparisons?


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[algogeeks] Re: Design a stack to perform push(), pop() and retrieve minimum in constant time.

2009-10-06 Thread Ramaswamy R
The basic idea would be to do push / pop the minimum in stack along with the
push / pop elements. It is like maintaining a parallel stack of minimums. A
naive implementation would involve two stacks. All operations should be O(1)
time complexity.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Manisha wrote:

 I found this question in a interview blog.
 Question No. 19

 My understanding for retrieve minimum in constant time is, we should
 be able to find the minimum element in stack and to remove (pop) it in
 constant time. Correct me if I am wrong.

 My idea is to maintain a sorted linked list of items so that we can
 return the minimum and delete it from linked list in o(1) time.

 Push operation:
 Whenever a new items come, I will find the correct location for this
 new item in the sorted linked list and insert this item in linked
 list. Now I will take the address of this linked list item and push it
 on stack.

 Pop operation:
 I will take the linked list item address stored at stack[tos]. As I
 have address,
 I can delete the node from linked list as well.

 Retrieving minimum:
 Return the first item from the sorted linked list.   o(1)
 But for popping this item address from stack, I need to reorganize the
 complete stack.
 It will have o(n) time and space complexity.

 Is there any way to improve it or other ways of solving it?


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[algogeeks] Re: Array Repeated Element O(n)

2009-10-05 Thread Ramaswamy R
Use a bit-field of M bits to keep track of the presence of X..X+M-1. We can
do 2^32/M passes (if the elements are 32-bit size) to check for numbers in a
range. Depending on the memory footprint and speed the app would want we can
find a soft spot for X.

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Amit Chandak me.amitchan...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Friends,
 Given an array in which all the elements are unique except one element
 which occurs 'twice'. How can we find this repeated element in O(n)
 time and constant space?



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[algogeeks] Re: Traversing a binary tree from bottom to top

2009-10-02 Thread Ramaswamy R
We could do in O(log n) space and O(nlog n) time complexity. Traverse once
to find the maximum depth d ~= log n keeping track of the trail upto root
(just as with any recursive traversal). Then traverse d times but visit
nodes at depth d, d-1 ... 1 in each traversal.
We could optimize the implementation (such as not traversing node below
those at the depth we are processing) but the complexity will remain.

If the tree nodes had parent pointer (or sibling pointers) then we can
traverse with O(1) space complexity. But asking for such a pointer is by
itself asking for O(n) space.

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Manisha wrote:

 Traversing a binary tree from bottom to top

 The only way I could think of is:
 Traverse the binary tree from top to bottom, level by level with the
 help of queue.
  For a tree like:
 b c
  d e   g
 The Queue will be something like:
 a b c d e g
 Now de-queue the element one be one from queue and push on stack.
 Pop the stack one by one to get deserved output:
 g e d c b a
 This will take o(n) space and o(n)time. Is there any better way of
 doing it?


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[algogeeks] Re: Form of 3^n

2009-09-22 Thread Ramaswamy R
Can we evaluate the logarithm any more efficiently that repeated division by

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Dave wrote:

 You could compute the logarithm of the number to the base 3 and see if
 the result is an integer.


 On Sep 21, 12:22 pm, Anshya Aggarwal
  how to find that whether the given number was of the form 3^n. ( i.e. 3
  the power n).
  one way is to recursively divide the number by 3 and check the remainder.
  Is there any other way using bit manipulation or anything else??
  Anshya Aggarwal

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[algogeeks] Re: What algorithm can be used to decide the denomination of notes in an ATM machine?

2009-09-21 Thread Ramaswamy R
I don't quite get the if possible clause.
But here is what we can do. Have an array C[i] with counts correspondint to
denominations in D[i] (ordered).

From the lowest denomination assign 1 of each until the total doesn't exceed
the required amount. Once that is done, from the highest denomination (that
was assigned) to the lowest keep incrementing the count until the total
doesn't exceed the required amount.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:40 AM, Nagendra Kumar nagendra@gmail.comwrote:

 idea is to give note of each denomination at least once (if possible).

 On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Shishir Mittal 

 Let the denominations be D[] = {1000,500,100},
 and amount be N.
 Let C[] , denotes the count of each denomination.
 for ( i=0 ; i  2 ; i++) {
C[i] = (N-1)/D[i] ;
N = N - D[i]*C[i] ;
 C[2] = N/D[2] ;

 For N=4800, C[] = {4, 1, 8}
 For N= 2000, C[] = {1, 1, 5}, as required.

 Nice observation :) .

 PS: Its the Newton who appreciated the falling apple. There aren't many
 who really appreciate the happenings from our normal life. [?]
 On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 11:50 PM, eSKay catchyouraak...@gmail.comwrote:

 for example: if I draw 2000, what I get is

 What algorithm can be used to decide how to break up the entered

 Shishir Mittal
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[algogeeks] Re: max product of any three nos in an array of signed integers

2009-09-16 Thread Ramaswamy R
Agreed finding the largest is O(n). Finding the largest k will be O(n log
k). Just coz we don't have loops it doesn't mean the op is O(1).
Product of largest 3 does not guarantee largest product! (Take for e.g. -10,
5, 0, -20, 8. The max product is 1600, not 0.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 2:48 AM, Prashant wrote:

 hi all,
 i think we can use kth smallest algorithm (from cormen book) to find three
 largest numbers from given and multiplication of these number will leads to
 max product.

 time complexity will be 3*O(n)
 3-for finding three largest numbers
 O(n)-time complexity of Kth Smallest algorithm

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 3:11 PM, manish bhatia mb_mani...@yahoo.comwrote:

  This one is better than what I suggested before. Doable in O(n)!

 On Sep 13, 10:10 pm, Dave wrote:
  The following assumest that n = 5. Find the 3 largest positive
  numbers and the two largest-in-magnitude negative numbers (i.e., the
  two smallest signed numbers).
  If there are not two negative numbers, the 3 largest positive numbers
  are the answer.
  Otherwise, if there are only one or two positive numbers, the largest
  positive number and the two largest-in-magnitude negative numbers are
  the answer.
  Otherwise, compare the product of the three largest positive numbers
  with the product of the largest positive number and the two largest-in-
  magnitude negative numbers. The answer is whichever set produces the
  largest product.
  If the product of the answer set is zero, the answer will not be
  uniquely determined.
  This can be done in O(n) time and O(1) extra space.
  On Sep 13, 8:34 am, SP Praveen wrote:
   Given an array of integers (signed integers), find three numbers in
   that array which form the maximum product.

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 Prashant Kulkarni


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[algogeeks] Re: Z[n^2]={such that z belongs to X+Y

2009-09-15 Thread Ramaswamy R
I am not sure if constant space requirement is possible. But we can do it
with O(k) space complexity.
Maintain a max heap of k elements. For each of the n*m sums add it to the
heap (if it ain't full with k elements) or replace the root and heapify if
the sum is lesser than the root.

Finally the root will have the k'th smallest sum.

But this would require O(n*m*log k) time complexity.

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 5:10 AM, ankur aggarwal ankur.mast@gmail.comwrote:

 if there is constant space requirement then ??
 wat will be your soln ??

 On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Dufus wrote:

 It seems EXTRACT_MIN for Z[n^2] can be done in O(n) time.

 Then using it we can find the kth smallest element in O(nk) time.


 On Sep 4, 10:03 pm, ankur aggarwal wrote:
   Find nth smallest inO(n) Given two arrays of length n in sorted order
  X[n]  Y[n].
  Now make another array Z[n^2]={such that z belongs to X+Y}.
  AS all possible sum of x+y is there in Z. You have to give the nth
  no of Z in O(n) time.
  Space complexity : No bound on it. But try to optimize it if possible.


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[algogeeks] Re: Z[n^2]={such that z belongs to X+Y

2009-09-15 Thread Ramaswamy R
Extracting the smallest from the young tableau takes O(1) and and restoring
its properties takes O(m+n) (where m  n and the number of rows and
columns). This is much like extracting the max from a max-heap. So
extracting the kth element would be k*O(n+m) ~ k*O(2n) (when m=n as in this
problem) ~ O(k * n).
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Anil C R wrote:

 if extracting the kth smallest element would tske O(kn) then extracing the
 nth element would take O(n^2) right?

 On 9/14/09, Ramaswamy R wrote:

 I am not sure if constant space requirement is possible. But we can do it
 with O(k) space complexity.

 Maintain a max heap of k elements. For each of the n*m sums add it to the
 heap (if it ain't full with k elements) or replace the root and heapify if
 the sum is lesser than the root.

 Finally the root will have the k'th smallest sum.

 But this would require O(n*m*log k) time complexity.

 On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 5:10 AM, ankur aggarwal 

 if there is constant space requirement then ??
 wat will be your soln ??

 On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Dufus

 It seems EXTRACT_MIN for Z[n^2] can be done in O(n) time.

 Then using it we can find the kth smallest element in O(nk) time.


 On Sep 4, 10:03 pm, ankur aggarwal wrote:
   Find nth smallest inO(n) Given two arrays of length n in sorted order
  X[n]  Y[n].
  Now make another array Z[n^2]={such that z belongs to X+Y}.
  AS all possible sum of x+y is there in Z. You have to give the nth
  no of Z in O(n) time.
  Space complexity : No bound on it. But try to optimize it if possible.

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[algogeeks] Re: max product of any three nos in an array of signed integers

2009-09-15 Thread Ramaswamy R
Still incomplete. In summary we go in the following order
1) Positive product (3 largest positives or largest positive and 2 smallest
negative numbers)
3) Negative product (3 largest negatives or largest negative and 2 smallest

I am not sure if we can find the largest k of n numbers of O(n) for the
simple reason that we'd have to maintain sorted list of k elements. If the
list exhibits O(1) insertion then we can do each insertion with O(log k)
complexity. We would be able to do the same using max heap (for finding
smallest k element) or min heap (for finding greatest k elements).

Not writing a loop and maintaining k locals would entail the same complexity
if not more.

@Dufus: Does your approach find k largest / smallest elements in O(n) time
and O(1) space complexity?

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Ramaswamy R wrote:

 We probably missed just one case here. All numbers being negative, in which
 case the ans would be the product of the greatest 3 negative numbers.

 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Dave wrote:

 The following assumest that n = 5. Find the 3 largest positive
 numbers and the two largest-in-magnitude negative numbers (i.e., the
 two smallest signed numbers).

 If there are not two negative numbers, the 3 largest positive numbers
 are the answer.

 Otherwise, if there are only one or two positive numbers, the largest
 positive number and the two largest-in-magnitude negative numbers are
 the answer.

 Otherwise, compare the product of the three largest positive numbers
 with the product of the largest positive number and the two largest-in-
 magnitude negative numbers. The answer is whichever set produces the
 largest product.

 If the product of the answer set is zero, the answer will not be
 uniquely determined.

 This can be done in O(n) time and O(1) extra space.


 On Sep 13, 8:34 am, SP Praveen wrote:
  Given an array of integers (signed integers), find three numbers in
  that array which form the maximum product.

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[algogeeks] Re: Z[n^2]={such that z belongs to X+Y

2009-09-15 Thread Ramaswamy R
The order does not matter! When you keep feeding a max heap with N values
(replacing the root and heapifying if the value is smaller than root) in
this case the sums, you end up with the least k sums encountered. And the
root would be the kth sum in increasing order.
We feel all n*m values and order doesn't matter. Only, this algo doesn't
take advantage of the sorted property of the 2 inut arrays.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:16 PM, ankur aggarwal

 *For each of the n*m sums add it to the heap (if it ain't full with k
 elements) or replace the root and heapify if the sum is lesser than the
  how u can judge which is the next value to be added..

 try your algo at

 array a 1 2 3 4 5 7 9
 and array b 2 3 5 6 7


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[algogeeks] Re: max product of any three nos in an array of signed integers

2009-09-14 Thread Ramaswamy R
We probably missed just one case here. All numbers being negative, in which
case the ans would be the product of the greatest 3 negative numbers.

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Dave wrote:

 The following assumest that n = 5. Find the 3 largest positive
 numbers and the two largest-in-magnitude negative numbers (i.e., the
 two smallest signed numbers).

 If there are not two negative numbers, the 3 largest positive numbers
 are the answer.

 Otherwise, if there are only one or two positive numbers, the largest
 positive number and the two largest-in-magnitude negative numbers are
 the answer.

 Otherwise, compare the product of the three largest positive numbers
 with the product of the largest positive number and the two largest-in-
 magnitude negative numbers. The answer is whichever set produces the
 largest product.

 If the product of the answer set is zero, the answer will not be
 uniquely determined.

 This can be done in O(n) time and O(1) extra space.


 On Sep 13, 8:34 am, SP Praveen wrote:
  Given an array of integers (signed integers), find three numbers in
  that array which form the maximum product.

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[algogeeks] Re: random number...

2009-09-08 Thread Ramaswamy R
Generate the random number 7 times. Sum them all and divide by 5.
Theoritically it should be evenly distributed over 1-7. But owing to random
number generators characteristics the sum of rand(5) called 7 times may not
be perfectly evenly distributed over 1-7.
A nice discussion on some neat options is available here -

Rejection technique is pretty standard for this and yet simple.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 8:56 AM, ankur aggarwal ankur.mast@gmail.comwrote:

  Given a random number generator that generates numbers in the range 1 to
 5, how can u create a random number generator to generate numbers in the
 range 1 to 7. (remember that the generated random numbers should follow a
 uniform distribution in the corresponding range)


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[algogeeks] Re: n balls having k colors

2009-09-06 Thread Ramaswamy R
If you have just two colors then this is possible in O(N). But since the
problem says K colors, this would effectively be sorting of K numbers.
If K is limited (N) then we could use counting sort and such algo's to do
it in near O(N) (with O(K) storage as well). If K can be unlimited and the
input size can be HUGE then we rather resort to one of the in-place sort in
O(N log N) complexity.

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 1:06 AM, ankur aggarwal ankur.mast@gmail.comwrote:

 You have N balls having one of K colors. Arrange them into groups of same
 colors. e.g.

 can be arranged as
 RRRGG (Answer)

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[algogeeks] Re: possible in logn

2009-09-03 Thread Ramaswamy R
What was I thinking! It has the same problem as before. *g*.
AFA I can see this can't be done in log N. Even if we split the problem
space into two we would still have to inspect each to its guts.

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 7:32 PM, ankur aggarwal ankur.mast@gmail.comwrote:

 then this ques cannot be solved in log n
 i made only 1 change in the whole array of sorted  millions number


 how will u do that ..

 On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Ramaswamy R ramaswam...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 5:58 AM, ankur aggarwal 

 it is a jus a try

 while (a[i]a[j])

 now we have i and j and we know that in between these indexes we have a
 point z (n as u say) where

 Not necessarily. The problem only states that the 1st n elements are
 sorted. Not that the the 1st n elements are the least of those in the array.

 So if every element at even location is greater than the previous, then
 the n need not fall withing [i, j].

 and a[z][z+1]

 now apply the abive procedure between i and j

 (its like binary search)

 eg  we have m=50 and let n=24 (we dont know this value)

 then for i=16 and j=32 this condition will break ..
 now apply this logic in between 16 and 32.
 if u find z(or say n) then we can find x easily..
 i think i made my logic clear..

 comment plz .

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[algogeeks] Re: possible in logn

2009-09-02 Thread Ramaswamy R
It is possible.
This will be a binary search as well. Only instead of matching the value
with the mid value you'd check the following

bool c1 = array[left]  array[mid]
bool c2 = array[mid]  array[right]

if both the conditions are true then, then the entire range is sorted
if c1 is true and c2 is NOT true, then search for it in mid-right range
search for it in left - mid

Just like in binary search we'd reduce the problem space by 2 in every step
resulting in O(log N) complexity.

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 9:18 AM, shashi @mnnit wrote:

 there is an array with m elements...

 it is known that first n elements are sorted... but dont know what is
 'n' nm

 given an element x find whether x is there in sorted elements.

 Can this be done in O(log n)??


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[algogeeks] Re: possible in logn

2009-09-02 Thread Ramaswamy R
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 5:58 AM, ankur aggarwal ankur.mast@gmail.comwrote:

 it is a jus a try

 while (a[i]a[j])

 now we have i and j and we know that in between these indexes we have a
 point z (n as u say) where

Not necessarily. The problem only states that the 1st n elements are sorted.
Not that the the 1st n elements are the least of those in the array.

So if every element at even location is greater than the previous, then the
n need not fall withing [i, j].

 and a[z][z+1]

 now apply the abive procedure between i and j

 (its like binary search)

 eg  we have m=50 and let n=24 (we dont know this value)

 then for i=16 and j=32 this condition will break ..
 now apply this logic in between 16 and 32.
 if u find z(or say n) then we can find x easily..
 i think i made my logic clear..

 comment plz .


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[algogeeks] Re: minimum difference.

2009-09-01 Thread Ramaswamy R
Brute force, pick all combinations and keep track of minimum difference.
Complexity: O(n^2) - (n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3) ... 1
A little better, use any of the O(nlog n) sorting algorithm. In O(n) compare
adjacent pairs and find the minimum difference. Complexity O(nlog n).

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 6:05 AM, ankur aggarwal ankur.mast@gmail.comwrote:

 given  a array of length n. find  2 number such that their differnce is


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[algogeeks] Re: N-Ary Tree and Resource management

2009-08-30 Thread Ramaswamy R
To begin with I find the invariant doesn't hold in the system progressively.
Forget about islock and assume that we only do lock / unlock. Given that a
node cannot be locked if any of its descendants / ancestors is locked. It is
never possible for the tree to enter a state where any of the descendant of
a locked node is locked.

If that invariant holds then all we need to check is if any of the ancestors
are locked, which is O(log n). O(1) would either require hash table (and
O(n) storage) unless we choose to replicate the lock state in all of the
ancestors as well (which is a pretty ugly solution considering what unlock
would have to do).

If we can supplement the tree node with a lock status and pointer to child
(only used while unlocking) which is locked we should be able to do it all
in the asked for complexities :). Ugly but possible. Of course there is an
O(n) extra storage.

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:05 AM, nagendra kumar nagendra@gmail.comwrote:

 Given a n-ary tree of resources arranged hierarchically. A process
 needs to lock a resource node in order to use it. But,
  A node cannot be locked if any of its descendant or ancestor is
 I was supposed to
 - write the structure of node
 - write codes for
 - islock()- returns true if a given node is locked and false if it is
 - lock()- locks the given node if possible and updates lock
 - unlock()- unlocks the node and updates information.
 Codes should be :
 Islock –O(1)
 Lock()- O(log n)
 unLock()- O(log n)


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[algogeeks] Re: N-Ary Tree and Resource management

2009-08-30 Thread Ramaswamy R
When we talk of a binary search tree having O(log n) complexity for search,
that does assume that the tree is fairly balanced. And of course the that
fact we talk of average case. For any tree the worst case would be at least

The whole advantage of using a tree in the 1st place lies in the fact that
operations can be done in O(log n) in average case.

I don't know of any algo that can do it in O(log n) worst case! :)

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Dave wrote:

 When you say that checking if any of the ancestors is O(n log n) are
 you assuming that the tree is balanced? It wouldn't be O(n log n) if
 the tree degenerates into a linked list, would it? So what is your
 justification in assuming balance?


 On Aug 30, 6:01 pm, Ramaswamy R wrote:
  To begin with I find the invariant doesn't hold in the system
  Forget about islock and assume that we only do lock / unlock. Given that
  node cannot be locked if any of its descendants / ancestors is locked. It
  never possible for the tree to enter a state where any of the descendant
  a locked node is locked.
  If that invariant holds then all we need to check is if any of the
  are locked, which is O(log n). O(1) would either require hash table (and
  O(n) storage) unless we choose to replicate the lock state in all of the
  ancestors as well (which is a pretty ugly solution considering what
  would have to do).
  If we can supplement the tree node with a lock status and pointer to
  (only used while unlocking) which is locked we should be able to do it
  in the asked for complexities :). Ugly but possible. Of course there is
  O(n) extra storage.
  On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:05 AM, nagendra kumar
   Given a n-ary tree of resources arranged hierarchically. A process
   needs to lock a resource node in order to use it. But,
A node cannot be locked if any of its descendant or ancestor is
   I was supposed to
   - write the structure of node
   - write codes for
   - islock()- returns true if a given node is locked and false if it is
   - lock()- locks the given node if possible and updates lock
   - unlock()- unlocks the node and updates information.
   Codes should be :
   Islock –O(1)
   Lock()- O(log n)
   unLock()- O(log n)
  Yesterday is History.
  Tomorrow is a Mystery.
  Today is a Gift! That is why it is called the Present :). Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: Algo to find all the possible subsets in a set

2009-08-26 Thread Ramaswamy R
The following will generate an output like this - 0
0 1
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
0 1 3
0 2 3
0 3
1 2
1 2 3
1 3
2 3

using these indices you can generate from any given set.

class SetGenerator



SetGenerator(size_t length)

: LENGTH(length)

{   indices.reserve(length);}

const vectorsize_t generate_set()


if ( indices.empty() )


else if ( (LENGTH - 1) == indices[0])






if ( LENGTH != (indices.back() + 1) )


indices.push_back(indices.back() + 1);




if ( (LENGTH-1) == - 2) || 2
== indices.size() )




return indices;



const size_tLENGTH;

vectorsize_t  indices;


SetGenerator gen(5);



const vectorsize_t  idxs = gen.generate_set();

if ( idxs.empty() )


copy(idxs.begin(), idxs.end(), ostream_iteratorsize_t(cout,  ));


} while( true );

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:20 PM, AKS wrote:

 Hello fellas,

 i am lookin for an algorithm to find all the possible subsets in a
 given set

 So, if the Set is say, A={a,b,c} omit the null set

 o/p: ---   {a}  {b}  {c}  {a,b}  {b,c}   {a,c}   {a,b,c}  omit the
 null set


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[algogeeks] Re: Algo to find all the possible subsets in a set

2009-08-26 Thread Ramaswamy R
You just gt generate this pattern of indices into the set -
0 1
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
0 1 3
0 2 3
0 3
1 2
1 2 3
1 3
2 3

just figure out the conditions to generate the above yourself ... and you'll
figure out what the code does

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Abhijeet Kumar

 can i have the algorithm only in plain simple english
 rather than havin the whole code ???
 it ll be really helpful if u tell me the logic


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[algogeeks] Re: Find SquareRoot of a number

2009-02-12 Thread Ramaswamy R
Bisection and Newton raphson method are a couple of simple way to do it.You
can check up for these on any book on numerical methods.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 9:42 AM, rakesh sathu wrote:

 Can anybody help me for writing code in 'c'-language to find the
 square root of a number? Plz dont suggest me to use 'sqrt()' function
 Thank you,
 Rakesh Reddy.S


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[algogeeks] Re: find the output

2009-01-06 Thread Ramaswamy R
bottomline - bad code!
The pointer returned by modify() is not guranteed (although it may depending
on compiler implementation) to hold good as the local array goes out of
scope once the function returns!

The output of the 2nd printf is undefined.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 1:18 PM, tania hamid wrote:

 Plz indicate the output of the following code and explain why is it so..

 *char *modify (char *s)
 #define MAX 15
   char buffer[MAX];
   strcpy (buffer, s);

   buffer[0] = 'H';
   return buffer;

 main ()
   printf (hello!!!);
   printf (%s , modify (hello!!!));


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[algogeeks] Re: Traversing Doubly Linked N-Tree

2008-09-03 Thread Ramaswamy R
Use Depth first search or Breath First Search. As long as it not a graph a
recursive algorithm in either should work easy. If not you'd have to
maintain visited nodes by some means.

If order is not of concern then DFS should be easier. BFS would require
maintaining nodes to be visited although it shouldn't be a major overhead
with just 20-25 nodes.


On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Pavo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to traverse a doubly linked n-tree, where n is 4. One node
 has 4 neighbors say East, West, South and North, they are doubly
 linked. For e.g. one node's east linked node has information that its
 west link is the former. I need to traverse this tree by visiting each
 node only once. How will the algorithm for this look like? For my
 application it will have only maximum of around 20 to 25 nodes, so
 recursive algorithms are not a problem.

 Please help, any response greatly appreciated.

 I have an algorithm (its in C/C++), but not seems to a concise one, if
 you are interested its at the end of this mail.


 void PrintNodes( Node n )
  if( n.e != NULL )
PrintENodes( *(n.e) );
  if( n.s != NULL )
PrintSNodes( *(n.s) );
  if( n.w != NULL )
PrintWNodes( *(n.w) );
  if( n.n != NULL )
PrintNNodes( *(n.n) );


 //No West links are traversed here
 void PrintENodes( Node n )
  if( n.e != NULL )
PrintENodes( *(n.e) );
  if( n.s != NULL )
PrintSNodes( *(n.s) );
  if( n.n != NULL )
PrintNNodes( *(n.n) );


 //No North links are traversed here
 void PrintSNodes( Node n )
  if( n.s != NULL )
PrintSNodes( *(n.s) );
  if( n.w != NULL )
PrintWNodes( *(n.w) );
  if( n.e != NULL )
PrintENodes( *(n.e) );


 //No East links are traversed here
 void PrintWNodes( Node n )
  if( n.w != NULL )
PrintWNodes( *(n.w) );
  if( n.n != NULL )
PrintNNodes( *(n.n) );
  if( n.s != NULL )
PrintSNodes( *(n.s) );


 //No South links are traversed here
 void PrintNNodes( Node n )
  if( n.n != NULL )
PrintNNodes( *(n.n) );
  if( n.e != NULL )
PrintENodes( *(n.e) );
  if( n.w != NULL )
PrintWNodes( *(n.w) );

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[algogeeks] Re: In-place Counting Sort

2007-09-04 Thread Ramaswamy R
Counting sort doesn't work that way. The algo inherently requires O(N)
storage for the counting array which effectively makes the algorithm running
time O(N). If the range of values were known before hand, then the counting
array would be of fixed size thus catering to what you need. But if the
range of value is unknown and the algo determines it before sorting, then I
believe we'r out of luck.


On 8/30/07, Ravi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How to modify counting sort so that it sorts the elements in place,
 i.e. using extra amount of memory that is constant and independent of
 the size of the input.


Its wierd, but sometime you find things that are more important to you than
things you think that are important. You know what I mean? Maybe its just
getting older ;)

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[algogeeks] Re: Help! - rectangle packing problem

2007-06-20 Thread Ramaswamy R
I am not sure of a solution for this, but ain't this an NP-complete problem?

On 6/19/07, ihinayana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Given a group of rectangles with different integer width and
 height,such as 5*4, 2*3,1*7,etc. The total number of rectangles is
 like 10 or more.The problem is how to find a bigger rectangle with a
 minimal area which can hold all those given ones. To fix them in,those
 rectangles can be rotated with 90 degree and the order is regardless.

 Did anybody solve a similar problem?


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[algogeeks] Re: geometry problem

2007-06-19 Thread Ramaswamy R
On 6/14/07, Monu Rathour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are some rectangles and some pin-vertices's in a two dimensional
 plane. I have to join pin-vertices's  such that  lines are  rectilinear and
 line should not cross over the  rectangles.

 How to write a mathematical formula for calculating path length ?

 If the two points can be connected by lines taking only two fixed
directions alternately, then the distance b/w them is the sum of the
distances of the x coordinate and y coordinate. This can be easily
understood by considering a chess board and trying to reach from lower-left
to upper-right only moving up/right :). This can be verified by starting
with a line that directly connects the two and for every intersection with
rectangles break the line into two or more.

But if the lines could be winding (with U shapes) then I guess it gets more
complex and you'd have to determine the individual segments and then
evaluate the distance. Still thinking to find an easier means to quantify
this :-?.



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[algogeeks] Re: reversing strings using array

2007-06-19 Thread Ramaswamy R
Write a function strrev(char *str) to reverse the contents of a string
in-place (in case you aint't supposed to use the library function).
void strreverse(char* str)
 char* end = str;

 while( '\0' != *end )


 while( str  end )
  char temp = *str;
  *str = *end;
  *end = temp;



Call this function on the entire string. This will ensure that the spaces
are in their correct locations.

Then keep a char pointer to a start of the word and another pointer for the
end of the word (a space / null). Replace the end with null and call strrev
on the pointer that represents the start location. Replace the null with the
original end character. Voila.


void reverse_words(char* str)

 char *wstart = str, *wend, cache;

  wend = wstart;

  while( ' ' != *wend  '\0' != *wend )

  cache = *wend;
  *wend = '\0';
  *wend = cache;

  if ( '\0' == cache )
   wstart = wend + 1;

 } while( 1 );


Hope this helps.

On 6/16/07, Misty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello friends,
 i want 2 know how to write a program to reverse  strings  for instance a
 string is hello world, i need to print it as world hello. please post
 your answers as soon as possible.


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