If estimated disk size tape size

2002-06-23 Thread Uncle George

will amanda tape out the data that cant fit onto that 40gig tape and
then onto the next tape OR will it start over again from the beginning (
as the docs currently say ) and try to fit something that will never fit
onto that tape?. If docs are correct, why does amanda bother bother
attempting to write any partition that has more data than the tape than
the tape can hold?

should'nt there be a sorry can't do that error?


Re: [amanda@gorn.americom.com: AmeriCom AMANDA MAIL REPORT FOR April 9, 2002]

2002-06-23 Thread Uncle George

i guess your next step would be the more detailed logs. How about
reviewing the 'amdump.[0-9]' files in the 'logdir' directory defined in
amanda.conf ?


 Thanks for your reply...
 However, the Ecrix V17 tapesize is set to 35000 mbytes and...
  Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 solo.americom.com:/ is:  /dev/sda3   7.9G  6.9G  632M  92%   /
 gorn.americom.com:/ is:  /dev/sda4   5.1G  4.3G  547M  89%   /
 The other MISSING filesystems are also easily under 35G.  Is amanda

Re: Linux DUMP

2002-05-28 Thread Uncle George

does this mean that there was a definitive conclusion? 

Christoph Scheeder wrote:
 Please not again this discussion...

Re: Linux DUMP

2002-05-28 Thread Uncle George

Sorry, thats a general conclusion to most things in life. 

Is there a situation(s) where DUMP can fail. If yes, why are there no
warning labels ( ie the probability of failure is 1 in 1billion ). If
NO, than can I see the proof that absolutely refutes Mr. Torvolds

Its interesting that I was unaware of this dilema ( the possible failure
of DUMP ) until it was posted on this list. Maybe others, as they post
DUMP v. TAR inquiries should also be made aware of this possible
I'm also reasonably quite sure that most parents would not contemplate
placing small children ( as well as small adults ) in front seats with
air-bags - now-adays, even though testing proved that air-bags are safe,
and a proven safety feature. 
Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
  does this mean that there was a definitive conclusion?
 Yup -- use what you are comfortable with and what your testing proves

Re: Any automagic exclusion of filesystems?

2002-05-27 Thread Uncle George

Jens Rohde wrote:
I suppose that the disk/fs that will/might be restored to, that is to be
recognized by SUN, will be done on a machine that can create the
(unofficial) sun partition correctly?

 I'm changing the dump-method on some of my filesystems from ufsdump to
 gtar (so I can restore these filesystems on non-Sun hardware/OS).

Re: Linux DUMP

2002-05-27 Thread Uncle George

Ya, but didnt someone post that DUMP on linux can fail - if the
conditions are right? I think is was suggested that SMP systems can
demonstrate the failure sooner. 
I think that Mr. Torvolds ( sorry is i mis-spelled) made that comment or
Are there some caveats that need to be added here ?

Bernhard R. Erdmann wrote:
  Which backup program is best? dump, says some people. Elizabeth D. Zwicky
  torture tested lots of backup programs. The clear choice for preserving
  all your data and all the peculiarities of Unix filesystems is dump, she
  stated. Elizabeth created filesystems containing a large variety of
  unusual conditions (and some not so unusual ones) and tested each program
  by do a backup and restore of that filesystems. The peculiarities
  included: files with holes, files with holes and a block of nulls, files
  with funny characters in their names, unreadable and unwriteable files,
  devices, files that change size during the backup, files that are
  created/deleted during the backup and more. She presented the results at
  LISA V in Oct. 1991.
 This article is archived here:

Re: Estimates - 7 hour 50mins

2002-04-23 Thread Uncle George

I presume u are using tar?!
 From My experience, 17gigs of a (few) large files does not take a long
On the other hand, backing up a large amount of files in a (single)
directory takes a long time. The orig tar that came with this (linux)
sys readily reached 80% cpu usage. The later tar fixed that, so now it
still takes a long time ( but mainly it just waits for all the
disk/directory activity ?! )

So whats the culprit? Since there are 2 phases ( size estimate, and then
data transfer ) i suspect that each part takes about 4 hours.To find
out, you can do a time tar cf - ..  just like what the sendsize
program would do on your system. just to See how long that takes.

Then how fast is your tape drive? a 5.0mb/sec tape drive would take 56
min just to back up 17gig. This presumes that the tape is screaming ( i
ment streaming ) . 

a df -i might help in determing how many files might be out on the

David Flood wrote:
 We kick off our backup at 10pm at the moment we are only
 backing up 4 seperate directorys i.e. 4 seperate disklist entries.
 These are estimated by amanda to be 17.4GB. The estimates are
 taking just short of 8 hours to complete which is unacceptable.
 This is after making every dump a full dump in an attempt to cut
 down time with doing estimates for level 1  2. To force it to do full
 dumps I have did the following in amanda.conf:
 dumpcycle 0
 strategey noinc
 skip-incr yes
 I'm running:
 amanda 2.4.3b3
 Solaris 7
 Using tar
 I'm restore onto a 35/70 DLT with software compression.
 The 4 directorys mentioned above are all on the tapeserver and
 those are the only thing the tapeserver is backing up.
 Does anyone have any ideas, because the estimates are taking so
 long the backups are still running when the users come in - in the
 morning. This means the backups I'm getting if I get them are 'dirty'
 not to mention it slows the system down as backups and users are
 trying to access the same data.
 Thanks in advance
 David Flood
 Systems Administrator

Re: dos partion

2002-04-22 Thread Uncle George

u probably want to back it up with tar - i suppose. There is not enough
info, but i could guess ur using dump.

Tom Beer wrote:
 I want to back a dos partition
 on a dual boot machine. I mount
 this parition /mnt/dos and the disklist
 entry is
 vaio.system ad0s1   comp-user
 sendsize.debug states bad sblock number
 entiry dump terminated.
 Any pointers?
 Thanks Tom

data timeout on sendbackup phase

2002-04-15 Thread Uncle George

with a dtimeout of 1800 ( seconds, or 30 min ) the 'sendbackup' of
/mnt/hdg3 fails with a data timeout. 
The Client side gets a:

ckup: argument list: gtar --create --file - --directory /mnt/hdg3
--one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg3_0.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
sendbackup-gnutar: /usr/local/libexec/runtar: pid 1006
sendbackup: started index creator: /bin/gtar -tf - 2/dev/null | sed -e
index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
sendbackup: pid 1005 finish time Mon Apr 15 13:21:25 2002

The server gets a :
driver: result time 9669.653 from taper: PORT 1032
driver: send-cmd time 9669.653 to dumper0: PORT-DUMP 01-4 1032 lx
/mnt/hdg3 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 GNUTAR
driver: state time 9669.653 free kps: 2239 space: 0 taper: writing
idle-dumpers: 3 qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 0 roomq: 0 wakeup: 86400
driver-idle: not-idle
driver: interface-state time 9669.653 if : free 839 if LE0: free 400 if
LOCAL: free 1000
driver: hdisk-state time 9669.653 hdisk 0: free 0 dumpers 0 hdisk 1:
free 0 dumpers 0
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
taper: stream_accept: connection from
taper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 32768
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
dumper: stream_client: connected to
dumper: stream_client: our side is
driver: result time 11470.452 from dumper0: FAILED 01-4 [data
dumper: kill index command
taper: reader-side: got label AmandaFullBackup22 filenum 2
driver: result time 11470.454 from taper: DONE 00-3
AmandaFullBackup22 2 [sec 1800.798 kb 32 kps 0.0 {wr: writers 1 rdwait
1798.614 wrwait 0.000 filemark 2.183}]

On the side, can you tell me who, or what is fed into this script?. If
its the tar'd data, then there is a potential problem. Some of the files
are in the gigabyte range. Although at 100mbps ethernet can take some
min, but taping it out at 1.5MBps may take a lot longer that 30min to
get another 'index' name, or even a buffer of names. Is this where the
'data timeout' is happening ?


Re: [amanda@gorn.americom.com: AmeriCom AMANDA MAIL REPORT FOR April 9, 2002]

2002-04-10 Thread Uncle George

i guess your next step would be the more detailed logs. How about
reviewing the 'amdump.[0-9]' files in the 'logdir' directory defined in
amanda.conf ?


 Thanks for your reply...
 However, the Ecrix V17 tapesize is set to 35000 mbytes and...
  Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 solo.americom.com:/ is:  /dev/sda3   7.9G  6.9G  632M  92%   /
 gorn.americom.com:/ is:  /dev/sda4   5.1G  4.3G  547M  89%   /
 The other MISSING filesystems are also easily under 35G.  Is amanda

Re: Only 3 tapes in 7 tape changer gets scaned twice

2002-04-08 Thread Uncle George

It appears that the offline_before_unload switch/feature  does not work
in this script! Am i  :-/

John R. Jackson wrote:
 I think the following patch fixes that version.  Also, there is a new
 copy of the whole thing at:
 Also, could you send your chg-zd-mtx config file?  I think I understand

Re: Only 3 tapes in 7 tape changer gets scaned twice

2002-04-08 Thread Uncle George

This is far short of a million, even if its binary, questions!

actually plugged it in, and linked it to ...sh.in
rebuilt it ( make, not configure ) , but no install. Just cp'd the
chg-zd-mtx to /usr/local/libexec. I know its there bec the old version
is ~17k, and newer one is ~37k

it does not work bec it does not (apparently) do a mt rewoffl before
changing to the next tape. I can manually do a mt rewoffl, and then
amtape confname slot 2  will work.


John R. Jackson wrote:
 It appears that the offline_before_unload switch/feature  does not work
 in this script!  ...
 Insufficient details, so you get a million questions in response:
 Did you drop this file in place of your existing chg-zd-mtx.sh.in file
 (saving the original in case there is a problem)?
 Did you rerun ./configure, then make then make install?
 What did you put in your changer config file?
 What is in the changer log file?
 Why do you think it's not working?
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Only 3 tapes in 7 tape changer gets scaned twice

2002-04-08 Thread Uncle George

Interesting, the log file shows that offline_before_unload is set to 0

  Storage Element 5:Full
  Storage Element 6:Empty
  Storage Element 7:Full
12:18:14 SLOTLIST - firstslot set to 1
12:18:14 SLOTLIST - lastslot set to 7
12:18:14 SLOTLIST -  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12:18:15 Config info:
 firstslot = 1
 lastslot = 7
 cleanslot = -1
 cleancycle = -1
 offline_before_unload = 0
 unloadpause = 0
 autoclean = 0
 autocleancount = 99
 havereader = 0
 driveslot = 0
 poll_drive_ready = 3
 max_drive_wait = 120

John R. Jackson wrote:
 It appears that the offline_before_unload switch/feature  does not work
 in this script!  ...
 What is in the changer log file?

Re: Only 3 tapes in 7 tape changer gets scaned twice

2002-04-08 Thread Uncle George

There are still some bug-a-boo's.

non-amanda tape in slot 5, and loaded in tape drive. 
no tape in slot 6. There is an amanda tape in slot 7

issue an amcheck confname


[Amanda@kodak Amanda]$ amtape confname slot 5
amtape: changed to slot 5 on /dev/nst0
[Amanda@kodak Amanda]$ amcheck confname
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
ERROR: holding disk /mnt/hdd4/amanda: statfs: No such file or directory
ERROR: holding disk /mnt/sda1/amanda: statfs: No such file or directory
amcheck-server: slot 5: not an amanda tape
amcheck-server: fatal slot 6: source Element Address 8 is Empty
ERROR: label AmandaFullBackup22 or new tape not found in rack
   (expecting tape AmandaFullBackup22 or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 31.128 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: lx: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 1 host checked in 30.002 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)
[Amanda@kodak Amanda]$ 

It does not check tape 7, nor tape 1 or tape 2. If tape 7 is loaded (
AmandaFullBackup22 ), then amcheck is happy.  I suppose one can mix 
match, but i suppose in a BIG tape changer there may be a few empty
slots, and a few full ( and even some with the tapes you want to use as
the backup media ). 

ALSO openening the changer door resets the changers idea of whats loaded
in each slot. The first time i run amcheck, i get a tape error. The
changer does not move. But his test would ruin one nights backup
attempt! A second amcheck gets it going.

[Amanda@kodak Amanda]$ amcheck confname
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
ERROR: holding disk /mnt/hdd4/amanda: statfs: No such file or directory
ERROR: holding disk /mnt/sda1/amanda: statfs: No such file or directory
amcheck-server: could not get changer info: no slots available

John R. Jackson wrote:
 This is far short of a million, even if its binary, questions!

Re: Unloading tapes when task done ?

2002-04-04 Thread Uncle George

Its sorta like when you go to your kar mechanic. The job is not complete
till you put all of your tools away, and cleaned your work area for the
next job. That would be the mechanics responsibility, and not the
cleaning staff that follows in the evening.

But at this moment, some 18hours after amanda started, it is still
going, and only on the third ( of an estimated 6 tape backup ). So the
unload/eject is the least of my current concerns with regard to getting
a backup to happen. 

Right now the most efficient system i have would be to run tar cMf
remoteHost:/dev/st0 /  directly on the remote system. after each EOT i
will run a shell script to change to the next tape. AFTER I DO THIS
CORRECTLY, only then will I get a TRUE feel of the time needed to do
this phase of the task.

John R. Jackson wrote:
 Maybe they can OPT-OUT of the feature ...
 It's just as easy for someone to opt-in and do their own tape operations
 when Amanda is done.  Amanda will currently support both camps -- unload
 it when done vs. leave it alone.  Why add more complexity?  We already
 have too many options (and lots of other things on the TODO list).
 btw, what do u mean each operation.  ...
 I meant amdump and amflush.
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sendbackup with dumplevel 0 takes a while to startup :-{

2002-04-04 Thread Uncle George

Problem with this is obtaining a definitive PROOF. 
you do the amanda process, and you notice that the tape is not spinning,
even though you are in the sendbackup phase. You notice that the
ethernet switch is not blinking. You can also notice the task(s) that
are running. You also notice that the disk controller light is light.
You can make some general conclusions, like gee the reason i up'ed the
destimate value from 30min to 6hours is due to what is occuring now. I
dont know why, or all of the facts, but i do notice thats it's idle. and
i do notice transfer timeouts, although i dont know why exactly either -

John R. Jackson wrote:
 according to the tar docs, the --listed-incremental will check on the
 files listed in the file if the incremental file is not empty. I suppose
 the listed-incremental file got filled during the sendsize proceedure?!
 No.  It got filled by the previous sendbackup run (e.g. yesterday).
 And, FYI, for a level 0 (full) dump, the listed incremental file comes
 from /dev/null, i.e. it is used, but empty.
 During the sendbackup step, tar is apparently going through and checking
 the list, as no data is being transmitted while tar is doing this check.
 I'm not sure exactly how tar does this.  You'd have to look at their
 code or ask them.  I'd be surprised if it completely lost it for 30
 minutes, though.
 Is this how its suppose to work for a level 0 dump? ( 4 hours
 (wall-time) sendsize, ~4hours (wall-time) incremental check, and finally
 the transfer of the data ( i suppose longer that 4 hours ))  ...
 Probably true.
 Is this how
 it will work with other level dumps ( with the exception of the transfer
 of data step) ?
 Yes.  Except Amanda may also request a third estimate one level higher
 than the previous one if it might be time to bump (you can control this
 with the bump* parameters).
 You might want to consider using an alternate size calculation tool called
 calcsize.  It's not well supported, and does not handle exclusion lists,
 but does all the estimates at the same time so you might gain quite a
 bit of time that way.
 If you want to go this route, let me know and I'll find the postings
 from a while back about turning it back on.
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unloading tapes when task done ?

2002-04-04 Thread Uncle George

DLT's are not flying head technology. They are like 9trk, QIC, i think
travan, colorado. The heads do not spin ( i had to think about it ), as
the heads move up  down to change tracks. But the DLT 8000, now, also
place the heads at an angle to tape direction, as well as going up and
down. I dont even think there is an idler pully, just a tach. I'd like
to know if there is 'continual' tension on the tape while it is loaded (
on a dlt )( Like that of a DEC Tape, or 9trk )  but I do not know.

But for whatever technology reasons the schemes that tape mechanisms
have evolved, they all rely on knowing what 'state' that they are in.
When you have a power outage, turn off the drive, lightning, whatever, 
you may find that the tape left inside the mechanism to be of little use
to you. Quantum says dont do that, AND i'd bet that the legal staff of
the other drive manufacturers will never certify that you will always
recover a tape left inside the mechanism.

Gene Heskett wrote:
 I'd love to see the tapes stored and used at or slightly below 50
 degrees F, and 50% relative humidity as the tape is many times
 less abrasive then.  Some TV stations have even gone so far as to
 store their tapes in a small room adjacent to the control room
 which is maintained in the 40 degree and 40% range.   Everyting
 lasts longer, a lot longer.
But i suppose that if you needed a tape right away, you'd have to wait
for the temp rise, otherwise ud get condensation on the kolder tapes.
 The tape makers themselves recommend it too, and have data to


2002-04-03 Thread Uncle George

technically yes. A DLT-IV tape is the tape of choice on a quantum 7000,
and quantum 8000. I do not know, however, if the tape that was written
with a 7000 series, and later re-used on an 8000 if it would be reliable
. I suspect that it should work.

But for a definitive answer, give www.quantum.com a call.

David Flood wrote:
 Sorry if this subject is off topic but can you use a 40/80 DLT tape
 in a 35/70 DLT tape drive. Although we'd only be using it as a 35/70
 David Flood
 Systems Administrator
 Tel: +44 (0)1224 262721
 The Robert Gordon University
 School of Computing
 St. Andrews Street

Unloading tapes when task done ?

2002-04-03 Thread Uncle George

It seems like when the whole procedure ( whether its labeling tape(s),
amchecking tape, or amdumping ) is complete, the tape is left in the
tape drive in an on-line state. 
Is there some reason why the tape is not at least rewind-offlined, or
for tape changer folks rewoffl/unload'ed back to the carousel slot when
the job/task is finished?

Just my 2 cents

Re: Unloading tapes when task done ?

2002-04-03 Thread Uncle George

I dunno either, will it work on a 6 drive auto changer/tape library?

 my crontab sez:
 0 18 * * 1-5 /volume/amanda/sbin/amdump lto; mt -f /dev/rmt/3h rewoffl
 works like a charm.

Re: Unloading tapes when task done ?

2002-04-03 Thread Uncle George

Guess I'm from old school. Older 9trk drives when left on, continually
have the vacuum on, and under constant tension. Its not healthy for the
tape. Does that happen with a DLT tape, how about the DDS tapes.
 I would NOT like a live tape to be left in the drive for long periods
of time. Who knows when a power failure will hit, who knows when the
drive will go awol. An unloaded tape, immediately after backup, is safe
from other folks, as well as the server, writing onto it.

Gene Heskett wrote:

 I'd druther it didn't.  By leaving the tape online, the display

Re: Unloading tapes when task done ?

2002-04-03 Thread Uncle George

Maybe they can OPT-OUT of the feature, but on a busy site, allowing the
customers to access the tape drives, would appear to make good business
sense. Particularily when the drives are doing just nothing.

btw, what do u mean each operation. Each run? If funny things happen,
maybe they should be addressed. After all, you got all these logs, and
status files hanging around.

John R. Jackson wrote:
 Is there some reason why the tape is not at least rewind-offlined ...
 Because other users specifically asked for it to be left alone (we had
 to remove code that used to rewind after each operation).  I assume they
 run something else after amdump (for instance) to tack on a little more
 data to the tape.
 And in the case of a changer, offlining the drive may cause other things
 to happen, such as dropping the stack and loading the next tape, which
 might not be what you want.  Better that we leave things alone and if
 a particular setup needs something different, it's easy for them to do.
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unloading tapes when task done ?

2002-04-03 Thread Uncle George

Jay Lessert wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 06:19:19AM -0500, Uncle George wrote:
  It seems like when the whole procedure ( whether its labeling tape(s),
  amchecking tape, or amdumping ) is complete, the tape is left in the
  tape drive in an on-line state.
  Is there some reason why the tape is not at least rewind-offlined, or
  for tape changer folks rewoffl/unload'ed back to the carousel slot when
  the job/task is finished?
 1)  You would piss off people that are already doing:
 amdump DAILY; amverify DAILY
 ...from cron on a non-changer drive.
Maybe a visit to the toilet facility would do wonders to your
disposition. Its exceptionally arrogant of you to speak for us all. 
Since you dont know how it will be implemented, i can only wonder how
you or god know that this will be true.
 2)  Since it's already so easy to do any of:
 amdump DAILY; amtape DAILY eject
 amdump DAILY; amtape DAILY slot next
 amdump DAILY; amtape DAILY slot advance
 ...or anything else that makes sense for your particular installation,
 why hardwire some particular behavior into amdump (which would then
 inevitably be exactly the wrong behavior for some other poor schmoe's
 particular installation)?

Amazingly arrogant.  I might think that on a power failure, as Quantum
points out, they will not be responsible for the tape left inside the
drive. AND i agree with  their, slightly over stated, belief. The
purpose of a backup is not just to do a backup, but be able to restore
that data - generally when Kaos strikes. A trashed tape, even to the
poor schlep who believes in you, is of no use to anyone. When you are
finished, take the tape out, and put it in a safe place.
BTW who said it was, or has to be hardwired. it need not be any more
'hardwired' than dumpcycle 0, or compress none, or simply a
EjectWhenDone yes .

BTW#2 you should be doing an 
amdump  BACKUP; amtape BACKUP physically_set_write_protect_tab; amverify

Re: Unloading tapes when task done ?

2002-04-03 Thread Uncle George

I Beleive you are in error. 4mm dds simply have the head stop spinning,
the tape is still wrapped around in the mechanism. The DLT I have does
not unload at all, unless specifically directed to. 
Maybe you can show me where u got your information from ? Maybe i can
find the quantum docs that say 'dont do that'.

Jay Lessert wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 08:58:29AM -0500, Uncle George wrote:
  Guess I'm from old school. Older 9trk drives when left on, continually
  have the vacuum on, and under constant tension. Its not healthy for the
  tape. Does that happen with a DLT tape, how about the DDS tapes.
 8mm, AIT*, DDS*, DLT*, LTO* drives all unload the tape (unwrap the
 tape from around the head and power down the servos) after some
 hardwired time period.
   I would NOT like a live tape to be left in the drive for long periods
  of time.
 Then don't.  Is there something you need to do that amtape doesn't
 know how to do?
 Jay Lessert   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Accelerant Networks Inc.   (voice)1.503.439.3461
 Beaverton OR, USA(fax)1.503.466-9472

sendbackup with dumplevel 0 takes a while to startup :-{

2002-04-03 Thread Uncle George

according to the tar docs, the --listed-incremental will check on the
files listed in the file if the incremental file is not empty. I suppose
the listed-incremental file got filled during the sendsize proceedure?! 

During the sendbackup step, tar is apparently going through and checking
the list, as no data is being transmitted while tar is doing this check.
with a dtimeout of 30 minutes, i would get this unexpected timeout. 

Is this how its suppose to work for a level 0 dump? ( 4 hours
(wall-time) sendsize, ~4hours (wall-time) incremental check, and finally
the transfer of the data ( i suppose longer that 4 hours )) Is this how
it will work with other level dumps ( with the exception of the transfer
of data step) ?


10690 ?S  0:00 /usr/local/libexec/sendbackup
10691 ?S  0:00 /usr/local/libexec/sendbackup
10692 ?D  1:37 gtar --create --file - --directory /mnt/hdg3
--one-file-system --listed-incremental /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar
10693 ?S  0:00 sh -c /bin/gtar -tf - 2/dev/null | sed -e
10694 ?S  0:01 /bin/gtar -tf - PWD=/tmp/amanda HOSTNAME=LX
MACHTYPE=alpha-redhat-linux-gnu SHLVL=1 SHELL=/bin/bash HOSTTYPE=alp
10695 ?S  0:00 sed -e s/^\.// PWD=/tmp/amanda HOSTNAME=LX
MACHTYPE=alpha-redhat-linux-gnu SHLVL=1 SHELL=/bin/bash HOSTTYPE=alph

Only 3 tapes in 7 tape changer gets scaned twice

2002-04-02 Thread Uncle George

I put 3 tapes in ( from a previous run ) with wrong labels ( ie they
look like they are correct but they are not )

What is interesting is that the autochanger goes through tape 1, 2, 3,
1, 2, 3, 1  looking for a label. Slots 1, 2, 3 have tapes. Slots 4, 5 ,
6 , 7 do not have any tapes. changer is chg-zd-mtx

Whats also interesting is the quick scan of the 0 problems found made
me believe everything was A-Ok. But No. No summary info for all
of the parts?


BTW 1)the patch for the 'spindle' problem appear(s) to be fixed.
2) The patch for calculating what can fit on ONE tape vs. partition
size appears to work now ( i get an error now )

[Amanda@kodak Amanda]$ amcheck confname
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /mnt/hdd4/amanda: 5806570 KB disk space available, using 5601770 
KBHolding disk /mnt/sda1/amanda: 1975122 KB disk space available, using 1678162 
KBamcheck-server: slot 1: date 20020326 label GatWorksSet103 (no match)
amcheck-server: slot 2: date Xlabel GatWorksSet107 (no match)
amcheck-server: slot 3: date Xlabel GatWorksSet106 (no match)
amcheck-server: slot 1: date 20020326 label GatWorksSet103 (no match)
amcheck-server: slot 2: date Xlabel GatWorksSet107 (no match)
amcheck-server: slot 3: date Xlabel GatWorksSet106 (no match)
amcheck-server: slot 1: date 20020326 label GatWorksSet103 (no match)
ERROR: label AmandaFullBackup3 or new tape not found in rack
   (expecting tape AmandaFullBackup3 or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 483.323 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.047 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)

If estimated disk size tape size

2002-03-30 Thread Uncle George

will amanda tape out the data that cant fit onto that 40gig tape and
then onto the next tape OR will it start over again from the beginning (
as the docs currently say ) and try to fit something that will never fit
onto that tape?. If docs are correct, why does amanda bother bother
attempting to write any partition that has more data than the tape than
the tape can hold?

should'nt there be a sorry can't do that error?


Re: If estimated disk size tape size

2002-03-30 Thread Uncle George

Hummm, DLT tape set to 3mb ( 2 + .5  compression )
partition on /mnt/hde4 is 69578056k ( via df ) /mnt/hde4 'sendsizes' to
70727004160 ( 66GB, 4.6MB/s )

at 5am it tried to fit the (/mnt/hde4) partition onto the tail end of
the tape  EOT'd. At 8:30 it tried again onto the next tape. At 9am i
stopped it and posed this inquiry.

John R. Jackson wrote:
 will amanda tape out the data that cant fit onto that 40gig tape and
 then onto the next tape OR will it start over again from the beginning (
 as the docs currently say ) ...
 If Amanda hits any tape error (including EOT) it will start the current
 image over, from the beginning, on the next tape.

If it hits EOT, then didnt sendsize  friends miscalculat?

 ... If docs are correct, why does amanda bother bother
 attempting to write any partition that has more data than the tape than
 the tape can hold?
 It doesn't.
 should'nt there be a sorry can't do that error?
 There is.  If the estimate is larger than the tapetype length field
 you'll get one of these messages (depending on other settings):
   dump larger than tape, but cannot incremental dump skip-incr disk
   dump larger than tape, but cannot incremental dump new disk
   Dump larger than tape: full dump of XXX delayed.
   dump larger than tape, skipping incremental

i guess i should ask why I didnt get any of these errors? 

And is there any consideration on fitting a large partition onto one or
more tapes?

Re: If estimated disk size tape size

2002-03-30 Thread Uncle George

runtapes set to 7

INITIAL SCHEDULE (size 94289500):
  lx /mnt/hde4 pri 1 lev 0 size 69069340
  lx /mnt/hdg3 pri 1 lev 0 size 6060890
  lx /mnt/hdg2 pri 1 lev 0 size 5286010
  lx /mnt/hdg4 pri 1 lev 0 size 5186500
  lx /mnt/sdb2 pri 1 lev 0 size 4156550
  lx / pri 1 lev 0 size 1962280
  lx /mnt/sdb4 pri 1 lev 0 size 1810290
  lx /mnt/sda2 pri 1 lev 0 size 737320

DELAYING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_size 94289500, tape length 21504
mark 2000
  delay: Total size now 94289500.

John R. Jackson wrote:
 Hummm, DLT tape set to 3mb ( 2 + .5  compression )
 partition on /mnt/hde4 is 69578056k ( via df ) /mnt/hde4 'sendsizes' to
 70727004160 ( 66GB, 4.6MB/s )
 i guess i should ask why I didnt get any of these errors?
 Don't know without more information.
 Take a look at the amdump.NN file for the got result for host lines
 to make sure what planner was working with.
 Then look for the DELAYING DUMPS IF NEEDED line, e.g.:
   DELAYING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_size 33616007, tape length 55296000 mark 2000
 This says the total estimated size was 33616007 KBytes, the tape length
 (including the runtapes multiplier) is 55296000 KBytes and a tape mark
 (space between each image) is 2000 KBytes.
 What is your runtapes set to?
 If it hits EOT, then didnt sendsize  friends miscalculat?
 Not necessarily.  If someone touch's a 30 GByte file that the estimate
 skipped over because it looked idle at that time, the dump will have to
 do it and that would throw everything out of whack.
 And is there any consideration on fitting a large partition onto one or
 more tapes?
 Definitely.  All it takes is a few weeks of dedicated programming time
 by someone and a whole lot of testing.
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i asked it to change label of tape in slot 6, but it erased slot 1 instead! :-{

2002-03-29 Thread Uncle George

There is no tape in slot 6, so I suppose ANY other tape would do . 
I suppose this is a bug.

[Amanda@kodak sbin]$ for i in  6; do ./amlabel -f confname
GatWorksSet16$i slot $i; done
labeling tape in slot 1 (/dev/nst0):
rewinding, reading label GatWorksSet161, tape is active
rewinding, writing label GatWorksSet166, checking label, done.
[Amanda@kodak sbin]$

i think that there is a (small) error in amanda(8) docs

2002-03-29 Thread Uncle George

shouldn';t the comment DLT4000 tape drives with Compact-IV tapes be
placed after the DLT4000-III tapetype ?

  define tapetype DLT4000-III {
  comment DLT4000 tape drives with Compact-III tapes
  length 12500 mbytes # 10 Gig tapes with some
  filemark 2000 kbytes
  speed 1536 kps
  define tapetype DLT4000-IV {
  comment DLT4000 tape drives with Compact-IV tapes
  length 25000 mbytes # 20 Gig tapes with some

sendsize appears to rerun disklist twice?

2002-03-29 Thread Uncle George

I waited 4 hours for /mnt/hde4 to complete the first run of sendsize.
When it completes it appears to run the sendsize again on /mnt/hde4.
This would take another 4 hours, and i'm wondering why?
tar is 1.13.19
btw the lx_mnt_hde4_0.new does exist, but not just plain

sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/hde4 level 1
sendsize-gnutar: error opening
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hde4_0: No such file or
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline

sendsize: debug 1 pid 1588 ruid 501 euid 501 start time Fri Mar 29
05:04:12 2002
/usr/local/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.2p2
calculating for amname '/mnt/hde4', dirname '/mnt/hde4'
calculating for amname '/mnt/hdg3', dirname '/mnt/hdg3'
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/hde4 level 0
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/hdg3 level 0
calculating for amname '/mnt/hdg2', dirname '/mnt/hdg2'
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/mnt/hde4 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hde4_0.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/mnt/hdg3 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg3_0.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
Total bytes written: 6206351360 (5.8GB, 852kB/s)
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/hdg3 level 1
sendsize-gnutar: error opening
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg3_0: No such file or
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/mnt/hdg3 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg3_1.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
Total bytes written: 6206351360 (5.8GB, 985kB/s)
calculating for amname '/mnt/hdg4', dirname '/mnt/hdg4'
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/hdg2 level 0
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/mnt/hdg2 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg2_0.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
Total bytes written: 5412874240 (5.0GB, 21MB/s)
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/hdg2 level 1
sendsize-gnutar: error opening
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg2_0: No such file or
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/mnt/hdg2 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg2_1.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
Total bytes written: 5412874240 (5.0GB, 29MB/s)
calculating for amname '/mnt/sdb2', dirname '/mnt/sdb2'
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/hdg4 level 0
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/mnt/hdg4 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg4_0.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
Total bytes written: 5310976000 (4.9GB, 22MB/s)
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/hdg4 level 1
sendsize-gnutar: error opening
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg4_0: No such file or
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/mnt/hdg4 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_hdg4_1.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
Total bytes written: 5310976000 (4.9GB, 23MB/s)
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/sdb2 level 0
calculating for amname '/mnt/sda2', dirname '/mnt/sda2'
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/mnt/sdb2 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_sdb2_0.new --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from
/usr/local/etc/amanda/gtar/exclude.gtar .
Total bytes written: 4256307200 (4.0GB, 5.2MB/s)
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /mnt/sdb2 level 1
sendsize-gnutar: error opening
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/lx_mnt_sdb2_0: No such file or
sendsize: spawning /usr/local/libexec/runtar in 

Re: sendsize appears to rerun disklist twice?

2002-03-29 Thread Uncle George

thats interesting, considering that i have dumpcycle 0  and dumpcycle
0 in dumptype global.
Is there a way to stop the second scan, third, 4th, and so on ?

John R. Jackson wrote:
 I waited 4 hours for /mnt/hde4 to complete the first run of sendsize.
 When it completes it appears to run the sendsize again on /mnt/hde4.
 This would take another 4 hours, and i'm wondering why?
 Because the first request was for a level 0 and the second was for a
 level 1.  And Amanda may ask for a third estimate (level 2 in this case)
 if it's time (bumpdays) that a bump to the next level might be possible.
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: i think that there is a (small) error in amanda(8) docs

2002-03-29 Thread Uncle George

Generally, u try the program. After a week of fustration, maybe then you
think that you should have RTFM first. But so far neither method is
doing me tooo mcchhh ggg. One might
say that I can tar out the 69gb much faster with a simpler tar.
Eventually i will find the 'key' to your methods of madness, and i will
be content.

 Wow, you must be really bored to actually be reading the documentation
 and finding bugs like that :-) :-) :-).

BTW. It seems that the sendsize finishes in a little over 4 hours. The
send-backup gets an idle timeout ( which from the log is ~1802 seconds )
which is surprising in that it  idle'd for a half hour - i suspect
something is amiss, but i'm not at that part of the manual yet. :-/

what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread Uncle George

does etimeout specify the time that sendsize will use to estimate the
time needed to do 'its thing', or does it represent the sum total of
time ( estimate  dumping ) of a filesystem ?

Re: what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread Uncle George

Then my current impression is that the feature does not work - exactly
as stated.  There are a few file systems on one 'errant' system, where
one filesystem has taken over 224 minuts( wall time ) to complete just
the estimate. I had changed the time to be some 3600 ( an hour ) which,
if one beleives the man page, would leave some 8hours ( wall time ) for
all 8 partitions to complete. I think the log had 2 timeout errors of
some 3800. The longest, and the next to longest partition did not
complete :-{

I dont think that anyone wants to know who the 'planner' is, or
'sendsize' or even their relationship at a user, or administrative
level. But i suspect that one has to give the 'highest' possible
estimate on a per partition basis. 

Its not too rational for the observer program 'planner?' to multiply the
estimate if u can have multiple ( or even a single ) 'sendsize's running
on the client machine ( now set at 8 * 6hrs ) Its just too long to wait
for some failed communication! ( it also ruins the concept of a daily
backup )

John R. Jackson wrote:
 etimeout specifies that amount of time amdump will wait to hear back after
 sending a sendsize request to a particular host.  At least, I think it's
 This is covered in the man page:
   Default:  300 seconds.  Amount of time per  disk  on  a
   given  client that the planner step of amdump will wait
   to get the dump size estimates.  For instance, with the
   default  of  300  seconds  and  four disks on client A,
   planner will wait up to 20 minutes for that machine.  A
   negative value will be interpreted as a total amount of
   time, instead of a per-disk value.
 Note that, when positive, it is per disk.  When negative, it is per
 host (and the man page needs a minor tweak to make that point).
 Joshua Baker-LePain
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread Uncle George

Sorry, for every NEW run, i would like a set of new logs just for that
run just so that i know are from just that run. from my 'novice' eyes,
its just to much data to figure out where the previous run completed,
and the new one began.

But if i ( ever ) get a complete backup ( after setting it for -6hrs ) i
will go back and put it back to 3600.


John R. Jackson wrote:
 ... I had changed the time to be some 3600 ( an hour ) which,
 if one beleives the man page, would leave some 8hours ( wall time ) for
 all 8 partitions to complete.  ...
 Right.  That's the way it's supposed to work, and the way it has worked
 for myself and others.

 So what do you suggest?

From an admin point of view I would like every disk on my disklist to be
backed up. The time that it takes to do it is irrelevant. Time becomes
relevant if the avenues of communication is severed between the
parent/children ( maxdumps  1 )  of sendsize, and the communication
between client and server becomes severed. How do u know that
communication has been lost ? would a 'ping' or keep-alive concept have
any use here ? 
But there are also times when the 'sizer' program may be stuck, spinning
to no usefull end. I suppose that in this unusual case/scenario it would
be up to the administrator to take the extraordinary action to determine
what is causing the 'sizer' failure ( ie is it a bug? is tar backing up
/dev/zero ?  )

dtimeout represents idle time, why cant etimeout also represent idle

[Fwd: it did not complete, it took over 1.3 days to run out of 4 tapes!( 80gig uncompressed!)

2002-03-24 Thread Uncle George


apparently it did not complete all filesystems.

some appear to be network reliability problems. ( host reset by peer )
some appear to be that the server run out of time [ data timeout ]
some appear to be because is cant open a jibberish filename !.

are there things i can do ?

BTW i get a lot of these messages. I had to up the loop count in xinetd
so that it would not be disabled.

BTW#2 is this the right group, or would it be better in the amanda/users

ar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24106]: error receiving message: timeout
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24105]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24111]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24118]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24121]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24119]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24117]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24115]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24114]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24122]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24120]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24116]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[24113]: error receiving message:
Mar 24 08:06:33 MyLaptop amandad[3275]: error receiving message: timeout

Description: Binary data
---End Message---