[AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

2008-04-22 Thread M. K. Hess
Well it's simple guys. Do any of their advertisers sell tube rigs? Of course
there's no incentive

to discuss home-brew, old radios, AM, or the like. They can't sell ad space
for that!  Why get

the community interested in something that will not generate revenue for the

As a matter of fact, let's steer folks away from any thought of doing
anything other than going

100% appliance, and promoting the latest and greatest techno-wiz-bang, to
help those sales!


I'm a life member of the ARRL, but QST is a total joke, their opinions and
practices often aggravate me,

But they're the only show in town, sadly. They remind me more of the NRA
every day. In it to generate revenue

for themselves, and not really very interested in the reality or base of the


Well folks, next time there's an election, vote out the old regime, and get
folks in that better suit your tastes!

That's my plan!


Now, back to the AM program in progress!



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[AMRadio] Re: Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

2008-04-22 Thread VJB
Let's not forget that there are appliance operators
on AM, as well.

Barrie of course you're correct, but that takes us
away from the point of concern, where someone at a
publishing house is trying to dissuade people from
working on or crafting their own gear. Watch for type
acceptance next. No user serviceable parts inside.

I welcome appliance operators to AM, where they will
remain exposed on a regular basis to the encouraging,
knowledgeable base of information and discussion among
the rest of us.



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
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Re: [AMRadio] Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

2008-04-22 Thread EP Swynar
Hi Mark,

Well spoken...

I once had to replace the MRF-422(?) RF power output transistors in my
FT-980 here...for what I paid for these wonderful, low-voltage, SAFE
solidstate devices, I could have purchased a LOT of 12BY7's  6146's...!

Some of these god-sent transistors cost more --- and are a LOT more rare --- 
than tubes to-day, especially the sand-derived active devices from earlier
no-tube gear (have you priced direct-replacement germanium power transistors
lately, as were employed in the multi-vibrator power supplies of 60's/70's
mobile QRO equipment...?!).

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

- Original Message - 
To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

 My first recommendation would be to only consider older vacuum tube
 or hybrid gear (solid state receiver, tubes in part of the
 transmitter) if you have experience working with vacuum tube
 transmitters.  It is too easy to destroy hard to get transmitting
 tubes while you learn.

 One of the most common PA line ups of hybrid transmitters is a 12BY7A
 driver and a pair of 6146 finals. Without searching hard, you can get
 all 3 NOS at a fester for $12;  less if you put some effort into it.

 73 Mark K3MSB
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[AMRadio] Hammarlund Variable

2008-04-22 Thread David Knepper
I am hoping to find three Hammarlund mid-line variable capacitors that were 
made my the manufacturer sometime in the 1930's.  The value should be over 100 
pf.   I need these capacitors to complete a 30W restoration project.

Thank you

Dave, W3ST 
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Re: [AMRadio] Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

2008-04-22 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 8:35 PM, Jim Tonne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I point out that low volts and LOTS of AMPS can be bad news
  just as can high voltage.  Put your metal wrist watch band across the
 output of a 48 volt power supply and kiss your hand goodbye.  (Unless the
 supply is severely current-limited)

The part that amazes me is, according to the author's logic or
assertion by association, more - many more of us should be dead by the
sounds of it.

When we didn't have all of the new plastic plug-n-play, then
throw-away gear years ago, we bought older gear routinely. We fixed it
ourselves, or learned on it while trying.

More of us were young then, probably younger than today's average new
ham. There was nothing wrong with it then, in fact we were encouraged
to do so.

Now, I realize in today's 'death of common sense', politically-correct
world of the warm-fuzzies that much less is expected of people
intellectually. But does the author of the original remark really
believe everyone is that stupid, or is he basing it on his own [lack
of] personal knowledge?

Seems like his preference is to scare folks away from it rather than
teaching them to respect its potential. The result further down the
road when more newbs become interested in old tube gear? A serious
lack of knowledge and respect for potentially lethal voltages, having
been coaxed into a false sense of security by the plug-n-play

IMO - Better to do it 'right', from the start. The transition to ss
from tube technology would be much easier, and safer.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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RE: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

2008-04-22 Thread Bob Peters
I agree on QST and advertising advertising more then any one person can
stand but as far as great articles are concerned World Radio is doing a
great job with a newsprint type mag. They have interesting and well done
story's. I talked to the editor about an AM and BA Section. Her reply
was great lets do it... Well guess what folks it takes folks that want
to write. I am not a writer as can be seen here. If we have someone that
wants to step up and do a monthly they are very open to it..

This Mag is a low cost well done Magazine. I have been taking it for 3
years now and read it and its sister mag MILITARY cover to cover
monthly. Advertising is a big part of it but well done small company's
jthat can afford BW Adds...

Bob W1PE

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of M. K. Hess
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:20 AM
To: AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

Well it's simple guys. Do any of their advertisers sell tube rigs? Of
there's no incentive

to discuss home-brew, old radios, AM, or the like. They can't sell ad
for that!  Why get

the community interested in something that will not generate revenue for

As a matter of fact, let's steer folks away from any thought of doing
anything other than going

100% appliance, and promoting the latest and greatest techno-wiz-bang,
help those sales!


I'm a life member of the ARRL, but QST is a total joke, their opinions
practices often aggravate me,

But they're the only show in town, sadly. They remind me more of the NRA
every day. In it to generate revenue

for themselves, and not really very interested in the reality or base of


Well folks, next time there's an election, vote out the old regime, and
folks in that better suit your tastes!

That's my plan!


Now, back to the AM program in progress!



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Re: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

2008-04-22 Thread Walter - K5EST
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Bob Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree on QST and advertising advertising more then any one person can
  stand but as far as great articles are concerned World Radio is doing a
  great job with a newsprint type mag. They have interesting and well done
  story's. I talked to the editor about an AM and BA Section. Her reply
  was great lets do it... Well guess what folks it takes folks that want
  to write. I am not a writer as can be seen here. If we have someone that
  wants to step up and do a monthly they are very open to it..

  This Mag is a low cost well done Magazine. I have been taking it for 3
  years now and read it and its sister mag MILITARY cover to cover
  monthly. Advertising is a big part of it but well done small company's
  jthat can afford BW Adds...

  Bob W1PE

Hi Guys,

I just subscribed to this list a few weeks ago, and it is a great list!

AM is a fine mode, I work AM low power so probably won't talk to very
many of you, but I am on AM. Yes, my rigs now are solid state because
I am a QRP'er for a long time. I like tube rigs and have some and am
building several transmitters and one receiver as I can find parts.

One thing that the AM crowd needs to address is fire-bottles do not an
AM station make. They are great but lets face it. Most of the building is in
solid state designs AND even thru-the-hole parts are getting scarce. If AM
mode is going to stay alive and well, the mentality needs to change to welcome
builders, appliance operators, and any other Hams that get on the air with AM.
If there should be a column in World Radio then surely it would address some
new circuits that folks could build and get on the air running AM. Another thing
is that most AM radio builders have in their shack is test gear. The average
Ham does Not have that. The QRP radio builders have addressed this and
every year more and more Homebrew test gear gets presented.

IMHO the ARRL and FCC have pitted the AM, CW, SSB, PSK, etc operators
against each other with the bandwidth BS.

Thanks for readingand now I feel better..Grin!

73Walter Dufrain - K5EST
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Re: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

2008-04-22 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Walter - K5EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  One thing that the AM crowd needs to address is fire-bottles do not an
  AM station make.

I don't think anyone is disputing that nor trying to discourage anyone
choosing the 'new' path, Walter. It's mainly a reaction to someone's
article trying to steer new folks *away* from tube gear as being too
dangerous. Particularly since the band expansion, many of us have
enjoyed helping folks adjust their new rigs for their first AM
contact. Some even have cross-mode contacts that result in bringing a
new AMer on board.

The ARRL subject always stirs up bad feelings and will not change
until ('if') a new, more open-minded group takes the reins in
Newington. Rather than accept what amateur radio is, they attempt to
define what it will become within their narrow range of view, which
seems to be driven more by advertising dollars than reality. QST is
mainly a contest rag, with the exception of John Dilks' column and
very few other articles.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

2008-04-22 Thread Bob Macklin
I suspect that most of today's entry level hams can't afford much more than
a 2M FM transceiver. I know when I was younger (even in my 40's) I could not
afford the HF transceivers (iCom, Kenwood, Yaesu) that are available today.
I did build some Heath CW/AM rigs but I could not even afford the Heath SSB
rigs before 1980.

So I did a lot of surplus conversion and homebrewing.

I don't see that in today's people. What I do see at the meetings I have
attended is everyone seems to has a VHF FM HT!

Bob Macklin
Seattle, Wa,
Real Radios Glow in the Dark
- Original Message - 
To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

 On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 8:35 PM, Jim Tonne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I point out that low volts and LOTS of AMPS can be bad news
   just as can high voltage.  Put your metal wrist watch band across the
  output of a 48 volt power supply and kiss your hand goodbye.  (Unless
  supply is severely current-limited)

 The part that amazes me is, according to the author's logic or
 assertion by association, more - many more of us should be dead by the
 sounds of it.

 When we didn't have all of the new plastic plug-n-play, then
 throw-away gear years ago, we bought older gear routinely. We fixed it
 ourselves, or learned on it while trying.

 More of us were young then, probably younger than today's average new
 ham. There was nothing wrong with it then, in fact we were encouraged
 to do so.

 Now, I realize in today's 'death of common sense', politically-correct
 world of the warm-fuzzies that much less is expected of people
 intellectually. But does the author of the original remark really
 believe everyone is that stupid, or is he basing it on his own [lack
 of] personal knowledge?

 Seems like his preference is to scare folks away from it rather than
 teaching them to respect its potential. The result further down the
 road when more newbs become interested in old tube gear? A serious
 lack of knowledge and respect for potentially lethal voltages, having
 been coaxed into a false sense of security by the plug-n-play

 IMO - Better to do it 'right', from the start. The transition to ss
 from tube technology would be much easier, and safer.

 ~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
 Our Main Website: http://www.amfone.net
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 the word unsubscribe in the message body.

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Re: [AMRadio] Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

2008-04-22 Thread Peter Markavage
I suspect the charge card is alive and well with amateurs too. Charge it
today; worry about paying for it tomorrow. HT's are also easy to carry on
the belt. I'm not sure I would want to hang my IC-7000 + battery supply
on my belt just to bring it to a meeting.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:50:19 -0700 Bob Macklin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I suspect that most of today's entry level hams can't afford much 
 more than
 a 2M FM transceiver. I know when I was younger (even in my 40's) I 
 could not
 afford the HF transceivers (iCom, Kenwood, Yaesu) that are available 
 I did build some Heath CW/AM rigs but I could not even afford the 
 Heath SSB
 rigs before 1980.
 So I did a lot of surplus conversion and homebrewing.
 I don't see that in today's people. What I do see at the meetings I 
 attended is everyone seems to has a VHF FM HT!
 Bob Macklin
 Seattle, Wa,
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Re: [AMRadio] Re: Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

2008-04-22 Thread Peter Markavage
In today's amateur world, the operator's interest can be the use of the
AM mode versus using vintage equipment that helped developed the AM
mode. I would suspect, there are many amateurs who have no interest in
stepping back in time with receivers that required lots of knob
manipulation or with transmitters that required
peak/dip/load/switch/pray/etc. several times just to QSY around the
bands. Their interest is communicating with quick and non-cumbersome type
operations. The appliance provides this flexibility. When I'm in a
hurry to get on the air, the appliance is a blessing while the old
stuff sits there warming up, warming up, warming up.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:56:54 -0700 (PDT) VJB [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Let's not forget that there are appliance operators
 on AM, as well.
 Barrie of course you're correct, but that takes us
 away from the point of concern, where someone at a
 publishing house is trying to dissuade people from
 working on or crafting their own gear. Watch for type
 acceptance next. No user serviceable parts inside.
 I welcome appliance operators to AM, where they will
 remain exposed on a regular basis to the encouraging,
 knowledgeable base of information and discussion among
 the rest of us.
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[AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

2008-04-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nice comment MK Hess.  But like we used to say put your money where your mouth 
is.  And it will not cost you a cent.  Just some hard work.  Are you up to it?
I am talking a bout a BLOG.  That's right.  If you are upset that QST or any 
other zine doesnt have the content that you like, then i suggest that you go 
right out and start your own.  
Do I need to tell you how?  In a nutshell, get a moderated blog, and write 
technical AM articles to your heart's content.  
And ya know what?  I will even help out with an article or two.  I am sure that 
many on this list would also.  
Just do it. 
73 (Best Wishes) 

Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:19:34 -0400
From: M. K. Hess 
Subject: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

Well it's simple guys. Do any of their advertisers sell tube rigs? Of course 
there's no incentive to discuss home-brew, old radios, AM, or the like. They 
can't sell ad space for that! Why get the community interested in something 
that will not generate revenue for the advertisers? As a matter of fact, let's 
steer folks away from any thought of doing anything other than going 100% 
appliance, and promoting the latest and greatest techno-wiz-bang, to help 
those sales!

Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com
The most personalized portal on the Web!

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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
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the word unsubscribe in the message body.

Re: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

2008-04-22 Thread Peter Markavage
Or, write a somewhat technical or homebrew article or two for submission
to QST. If they accept it, they'll pay you $65 a page. And, if QST reader
feedback is positive for your article, maybe they'll get the hint to do
more. You don't solve the problem by running away from the problem.

ARRL author's Guide can be found here:

Note: from the link above -  QST- despite a popular misconception, QST
is not a technical or engineering publication. QST is a membership
journal that appeals to a broad cross-section of readers.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 15:11:16 -0400 (EDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Nice comment MK Hess.  But like we used to say put your money where 
 your mouth is.  And it will not cost you a cent.  Just some hard 
 work.  Are you up to it?
 I am talking a bout a BLOG.  That's right.  If you are upset that 
 QST or any other zine doesnt have the content that you like, then i 
 suggest that you go right out and start your own.  
 Do I need to tell you how?  In a nutshell, get a moderated blog, and 
 write technical AM articles to your heart's content.  
 And ya know what?  I will even help out with an article or two.  I 
 am sure that many on this list would also.  
 Just do it. 
 73 (Best Wishes) 
 Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:19:34 -0400
 From: M. K. Hess 
 Subject: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..
 Well it's simple guys. Do any of their advertisers sell tube rigs? 
 Of course there's no incentive to discuss home-brew, old radios, AM, 
 or the like. They can't sell ad space for that! Why get the 
 community interested in something that will not generate revenue for 
 the advertisers? As a matter of fact, let's steer folks away from 
 any thought of doing anything other than going 100% appliance, and 
 promoting the latest and greatest techno-wiz-bang, to help those 
Our Main Website: http://www.amfone.net
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the word unsubscribe in the message body.

Re: [AMRadio] Getting on the Air - May 2008 QST

2008-04-22 Thread D. Chester

From: Brett Gazdzinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

50 years ago, I am sure the old timers complained that the new apliance
dont even make their own capacitors or resistors anymore, or blow glass 


That's about when I first heard the term plug-in appliance operator.  More 
and more hams were buying Rangers, Valiants, DX-100's (later Apache's), 
Globe Kings, etc, instead of building homebrew rigs up from scratch. 
Components were plentiful and readily available then, either WW2 surplus or 
brand new from Allied, Burstein-Applebee, LaFayette and Radio Shack, so the 
parts procurement problem was not an issue.  Technical information and 
detailed project descriptions were abundant in the Handbooks and amateur 
radio magazines of that era.

As SSB became more widely accepted, that accelerated the trend towards 
appliance operating, since  few hams had the capability or desire to build 
something that complex from scratch and try getting it to work, although 
there were quite a few  homebrew SSB rigs on the air.  The commercial stuff, 
mostly Collins and Central Electronics, was too expensive for many amateurs, 
and sideband for  the masses (the cheap, flimsy, low-quality transceivers 
like the Heathkit Hotwater rigs, Swans, Galaxies and others) had not 
appeared on the market yet.

Nevertheless, the growing trend towards appliance operation was one of  the 
motivators for the incentive licensing proposal, which first appeared in a 
QST editorial sometime in 1963.  In hindsight, incentive licensing was a 
dismal failure in terms of its stated purpose, since if anything, it 
accelerated the trend towards appliance operation, and  looking at the bands 
to-day... well, enough said.  Incentive licensing almost turned out to be 
the long hoped-for death blow to AM.  After the changes went into effect on 
22 November, 1968, almost overnight AM and most homebrew rigs all but 
disappeared from the bands.  One of the reasons was that Generals were 
restricted to narrow subbands that soon took on the name electronic 
ghetto, and many went to SSB because they could no longer hack it with 
100-watt class rigs on AM.  It has been theorised that this was exactly one 
of the intentions of incentive licensing from the outset, since powers that 
be weren't happy with the pace at which amateurs were changing over from AM 
to SSB.

I do agree you are not allowed to take any risks with anything anymore.

Except with the money we invest for retirement. More and more companies are 
phasing out their guaranteed pension entitlement plans and  replacing them 
with risky 401K's that may actually lose money. Your retirement security may 
be heavily impacted by current market conditions on the date of your 

Don k4kyv

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[AMRadio] Re: [Boatanchors] Hammarlund Variable

2008-04-22 Thread Ron.K3PID
David, look at cardwellcondenser.com as they have new hammarlund and Johnson 
caps. I believe that they bought the manufacturing equipment.

Ron H
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Re: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

2008-04-22 Thread cemilton

Just subcribe to ELECTRIC RADIO..that's all you 
need.  Ray does a fantastic job with that publication and it has just 
about the right content each month.  If everyone who loves AM and BA's 
would just get ERthen QST wouldn't be an issue. (no pun 

There's a top for every piece of tupperware!

Best 73 de W4MIL

-Original Message-
To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 3:11 pm
Subject: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

Nice comment MK Hess.  But like we used to say put your money where 
your mouth
is.  And it will not cost you a cent.  Just some hard work.  Are you 
up to it?
I am talking a bout a BLOG.  That's right.  If you are upset that QST 
or any
other zine doesnt have the content that you like, then i suggest that 
you go

right out and start your own.
Do I need to tell you how?  In a nutshell, get a moderated blog, and 

technical AM articles to your heart's content.
And ya know what?  I will even help out with an article or two.  I am 
sure that

many on this list would also.
Just do it.
73 (Best Wishes)

Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:19:34 -0400
From: M. K. Hess
Subject: [AMRadio] QST, Tubes, et. al..

Well it's simple guys. Do any of their advertisers sell tube rigs? Of 
there's no incentive to discuss home-brew, old radios, AM, or the like. 
can't sell ad space for that! Why get the community interested in 
something that
will not generate revenue for the advertisers? As a matter of fact, 
let's steer
folks away from any thought of doing anything other than going 100% 
and promoting the latest and greatest techno-wiz-bang, to help those 

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