[AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2004-06-10 Thread Donald Chester

This is a reminder that the comment deadline for FCC Docket 04-140 is 
rapidly approaching. The comment deadline is 15 June and reply comment 
deadline is 30 June.

Amongst other things, the FCC is seeking comments on whether to adopt the 
ARRL's proposed phone band expansion, "refarming" the novice subbands. In my 
opinion, the League proposal falls short, especially on 75/80m. Generals 
would be able to go down to 3800, Advanced to 3750, and Extras to 3725. The 
total phone band would be expanded only 25 kHz. This would offer little 
relief to the present overcrowded conditions on the "phone" band, while most 
of the "cw" band lies idle even during optimum wintertime nighttime 
conditions on weekends. I suggest that if we must continue to have subbands, 
the 80/75m phone band be expanded at least down to 3600 kHz to allow a more 
equitable distribution of wideband vs narrowband signals and make for more 
effective use of the 80m amateur spectrum.

Per to-day's date, the FCC has received only 85 comments on this proceeding, 
and fewer than half dozen address the specific issue of cw/phone or 
narrow/wideband allocation.

The follow excerpt from the Docket addresses the subband issue. The entire 
document can be viewed (Adobe reader required) at:


To electronically file comments to the FCC, go to


High Frequency Privileges:

ARRL Petition. Background. On March 22, 2002, the ARRL requested that we
eliminate the telegraphy frequency segments currently authorized to Novice 
and Technician Plus
Class licensees, and to restructure the operating privileges authorized 
licensees in certain HF
amateur service bands.33 The ARRL based its request on over 4,700 responses 
to a survey it
conducted regarding different emission subband options for four of the eight 
HF amateur service
bands. The ARRL notes that while the survey results did not reflect a 
consensus on any one HF
band frequency alternative, most respondents favored dissolving the Novice 
and Technician
Plus Class telegraphy subbands so that additional spectrum could be 
authorized for phone
communications. The ARRL requests the Commission to amend Section 97.301 of 
its Rules to
expand the frequency segments of the 80-, 40-, and 15 m HF amateur service 
bands that licensees
may use for phone communications. The ARRL states that a “refarming” plan 
based on
eliminating the Novice and Technician Plus Class subbands is critical 
because the segments
presently authorized for phone and digital communications are severely 

The ARRL requests that ...General Class licensees should be authorized to 
control an
amateur station transmitting voice communications on the 3800-4000 kHz, 
7175-7300 kHz and
21275-21450 kHz frequency segments;41 (3) Advanced Class licensees should be 
authorized to
control an amateur station transmitting voice communications on the 
3750-4000 kHz and 7125-
7300 kHz frequency segments;42 and (4) Amateur Extra Class licensees should 
be authorized to
control an amateur station transmitting voice communications on the 
3725-4000 kHz and 7125-

7300 kHz frequency segments.

Discussion: ... Because the ARRL Petition
addresses the operating privileges of all classes of licensees on these 
amateur service bands, we
believe that the ARRL Petition provides a basis for a comprehensive 
restructuring of operating
privileges. We note that, as proposed, no licensees would lose any spectrum 
privileges and that
General, Advanced, and Amateur Extra Class licensees would gain spectrum for 
emissions, one of the most popular operating modes on the HF bands. For 
these reasons, we will
propose amending Part 97 of our Rules as the ARRL requests. We seek comment 
on this


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[AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-11 Thread Donald Chester

Up to an extra 150 kc/s for phone on 75 m for Extra class.

75m Phone Allocations

General  Advanced  Extra

Current  3850-4000   3775-4000   3750-4000

New  3800-4000   3700-4000   3600-4000

Increase 50   75150

40m Phone Allocations

 General  Advanced   Extra

Current  7225-73007150-73007150-7300

New  7175-73007125-73007125-7300

Increase5025   25

Much better than anything I had anticipated, but we are still left with a 
cumbersome matrix of subbands based on operator class combined with emission 

Considering the relief in congestion we have already experienced due to the 
general decline in amateur activity in recent years, there should be plenty 
of room for all on 75m, without the griping about AM "taking up too much 
room on the crowded band."  Of course, if the FCC eventually eliminates the 
code requirement, expect an initial spike in activity as hoards of no-code 
Techs upgrade, but after the initial spike I predict a return to stagnant 
growth.  There should still be plenty of room for AM activity.

Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM 
activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra segment.

I have looked over the R & O, but I am not sure if it means that 3600-3700 
is restricted to Extra class for all modes, or just that Extras can now use 
phone in the segment.  How this will affect non-voice licence class 
restrictions is not made entirely clear in the FCC document:

"12. Regarding the division among license classes of the spectrum on which 
we today
authorize phone emissions, we adopt the Commission’s proposal to authorize 
stations of General
Class licensees to transmit voice emissions in the 3800-4000 kHz frequency 
segment, thereby
increasing by 50 kHz the spectrum for voice communications by these 
stations. Because we
have decided to authorize more 75 m spectrum for voice communications than 
was proposed in
the NPRM, we also authorize stations of Advanced Class licensees to transmit 
voice emissions in
the 3700-4000 kHz frequency segment, thereby increasing by 75 kHz the amount 
of spectrum for voice communications by these stations. We also authorize 
stations of Amateur Extra Class
licensees to transmit voice emissions in the 3600-4000 kHz frequency 
segment, thereby
increasing by 150 kHz the spectrum authorized to these stations for voice 
communications. In
the 40 m and 15 m bands, we adopt the Commission’s proposal to authorize 
stations of Amateur Extra and Advanced Class licensees 7125-7300 kHz, 
stations of General Class licensees 7175-7300 kHz, and stations of General 
Class licensees 21275-21450 kHz for phone communications."

If Generals and above will still be able to use 3600-3700 for non-voice 
modes, expect digital modes to continue to operate in this segment.  I 
suspect that may be the reason such a big hunk was set aside for Extras - to 
limit phone activity in that region of the band so that some of the digital 
stuff can continue on those frequencies.

Although the thinking of government agencies is extremely unpredictable, 
this doesn't look well for the ARRL's bandwidth proposal.  If the FCC were 
seriously considering limitations by bandwidth any time soon, it is unlikely 
they would have gone to all the trouble to work out this plan, only to have 
to revise it in the near future to accomodate subbands-by-bandwidth.

Looks like we'll soon be able to join the Canadians in their "AM Window" on 

The change is expected to go into effect sometime in mid-November.



This message was typed using the DVORAK keyboard layout.

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2004-06-11 Thread Brian Carling
Hi Don,
It's great to hear from you again and to consider your
expansion proposal.

I don't think this will fly. There is a rapid expansion taking
place in the digital sub-bands below 3700 kHz and there
are still many CW ops using the spectrum around 3700 to 3725

ARRL is VERY interested in promoting digital modes. Sadly the
main one they are promoting is (in my opinion) very expensive,
wasteful and inefficient. The unattended Pactor robot stations
are ruining the CW and digital sub bands on 40m, 30m and 20m
and they threaten to do the same on 80m too.

I seriously doubt that ARRL will promote additional phone
expansion on 75m, even though it could well be argued that we
need it. I suppose the CW and digital ops could all move down,
but I can see both sides of the argument for adding 25 kc.
versus 50 kc. to the phone band. Since I enjoy all the modes
I probably don't feel as strongly about this as you do.
Even more so since QRN makes 80m and 160m virtually unusable
for 8 months out of the year here in Florida.

I wish we could get the broadcasters off 7100-7300 kc.
How many decades will THAT take?!

73 from your friend - AF4K

On 10 Jun 2004 at 15:58, Donald Chester wrote:

> This is a reminder that the comment deadline for FCC Docket 04-140 is
> rapidly approaching. The comment deadline is 15 June and reply comment
> deadline is 30 June.
> Amongst other things, the FCC is seeking comments on whether to adopt
> the ARRL's proposed phone band expansion, "refarming" the novice
> subbands. In my opinion, the League proposal falls short, especially
> on 75/80m. Generals would be able to go down to 3800, Advanced to
> 3750, and Extras to 3725. The total phone band would be expanded only
> 25 kHz. This would offer little relief to the present overcrowded
> conditions on the "phone" band, while most of the "cw" band lies idle
> even during optimum wintertime nighttime conditions on weekends. I
> suggest that if we must continue to have subbands, the 80/75m phone
> band be expanded at least down to 3600 kHz to allow a more equitable
> distribution of wideband vs narrowband signals and make for more
> effective use of the 80m amateur spectrum.
> Per to-day's date, the FCC has received only 85 comments on this
> proceeding, and fewer than half dozen address the specific issue of
> cw/phone or narrow/wideband allocation.
> The follow excerpt from the Docket addresses the subband issue. The
> entire document can be viewed (Adobe reader required) at:
> http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/ecfs/retrieve.cgi?native_or_pdf=pdf&id_d
> ocument=6516185678
> To electronically file comments to the FCC, go to
> http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/ecfs/
> High Frequency Privileges:
> ARRL Petition. Background. On March 22, 2002, the ARRL requested that
> we eliminate the telegraphy frequency segments currently authorized to
> Novice and Technician Plus Class licensees, and to restructure the
> operating privileges authorized licensees in certain HF amateur
> service bands.33 The ARRL based its request on over 4,700 responses to
> a survey it conducted regarding different emission subband options for
> four of the eight HF amateur service bands. The ARRL notes that while
> the survey results did not reflect a consensus on any one HF band
> frequency alternative, most respondents favored dissolving the Novice
> and Technician Plus Class telegraphy subbands so that additional
> spectrum could be authorized for phone communications. The ARRL
> requests the Commission to amend Section 97.301 of its Rules to expand
> the frequency segments of the 80-, 40-, and 15 m HF amateur service
> bands that licensees may use for phone communications. The ARRL states
> that a “refarming” plan based on eliminating the Novice and Technician
> Plus Class subbands is critical because the segments presently
> authorized for phone and digital communications are severely
> overcrowded.
> The ARRL requests that ...General Class licensees should be authorized
> to control an amateur station transmitting voice communications on the
> 3800-4000 kHz, 7175-7300 kHz and 21275-21450 kHz frequency segments;41
> (3) Advanced Class licensees should be authorized to control an
> amateur station transmitting voice communications on the 3750-4000 kHz
> and 7125- 7300 kHz frequency segments;42 and (4) Amateur Extra Class
> licensees should be authorized to control an amateur station
> transmitting voice communications on the 3725-4000 kHz and 7125- 7300
> kHz frequency segments.
> Discussion: ... Because the ARRL Petition
> addresses the operating privileges of all classes of licensees on
> these amateur service bands, we believe that the ARRL Petition
> provides a basis for a comprehensive restructuring of operating
> privileges. We note that, as proposed, no licensees would lose any
> spectrum privileges and that General, Advanced, and Amateur Extra
> Class licensees would gain spectrum for phone emissions, one of the
> most popular operating modes on the HF bands

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2004-06-11 Thread David Knepper
Were you the gentleman who was going to sell me a 160 meter crystal for 1885

Thank you

Dave, W3ST
Publisher of the Collins Journal
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
- Original Message -
From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio" 
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Hi Don,
It's great to hear from you again and to consider your
expansion proposal.

I don't think this will fly. There is a rapid expansion taking
place in the digital sub-bands below 3700 kHz and there
are still many CW ops using the spectrum around 3700 to 3725

ARRL is VERY interested in promoting digital modes. Sadly the
main one they are promoting is (in my opinion) very expensive,
wasteful and inefficient. The unattended Pactor robot stations
are ruining the CW and digital sub bands on 40m, 30m and 20m
and they threaten to do the same on 80m too.

I seriously doubt that ARRL will promote additional phone
expansion on 75m, even though it could well be argued that we
need it. I suppose the CW and digital ops could all move down,
but I can see both sides of the argument for adding 25 kc.
versus 50 kc. to the phone band. Since I enjoy all the modes
I probably don't feel as strongly about this as you do.
Even more so since QRN makes 80m and 160m virtually unusable
for 8 months out of the year here in Florida.

I wish we could get the broadcasters off 7100-7300 kc.
How many decades will THAT take?!

73 from your friend - AF4K

On 10 Jun 2004 at 15:58, Donald Chester wrote:

> This is a reminder that the comment deadline for FCC Docket 04-140 is
> rapidly approaching. The comment deadline is 15 June and reply comment
> deadline is 30 June.
> Amongst other things, the FCC is seeking comments on whether to adopt
> the ARRL's proposed phone band expansion, "refarming" the novice
> subbands. In my opinion, the League proposal falls short, especially
> on 75/80m. Generals would be able to go down to 3800, Advanced to
> 3750, and Extras to 3725. The total phone band would be expanded only
> 25 kHz. This would offer little relief to the present overcrowded
> conditions on the "phone" band, while most of the "cw" band lies idle
> even during optimum wintertime nighttime conditions on weekends. I
> suggest that if we must continue to have subbands, the 80/75m phone
> band be expanded at least down to 3600 kHz to allow a more equitable
> distribution of wideband vs narrowband signals and make for more
> effective use of the 80m amateur spectrum.
> Per to-day's date, the FCC has received only 85 comments on this
> proceeding, and fewer than half dozen address the specific issue of
> cw/phone or narrow/wideband allocation.
> The follow excerpt from the Docket addresses the subband issue. The
> entire document can be viewed (Adobe reader required) at:
> http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/ecfs/retrieve.cgi?native_or_pdf=pdf&id_d
> ocument=6516185678
> To electronically file comments to the FCC, go to
> http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/ecfs/
> High Frequency Privileges:
> ARRL Petition. Background. On March 22, 2002, the ARRL requested that
> we eliminate the telegraphy frequency segments currently authorized to
> Novice and Technician Plus Class licensees, and to restructure the
> operating privileges authorized licensees in certain HF amateur
> service bands.33 The ARRL based its request on over 4,700 responses to
> a survey it conducted regarding different emission subband options for
> four of the eight HF amateur service bands. The ARRL notes that while
> the survey results did not reflect a consensus on any one HF band
> frequency alternative, most respondents favored dissolving the Novice
> and Technician Plus Class telegraphy subbands so that additional
> spectrum could be authorized for phone communications. The ARRL
> requests the Commission to amend Section 97.301 of its Rules to expand
> the frequency segments of the 80-, 40-, and 15 m HF amateur service
> bands that licensees may use for phone communications. The ARRL states
> that a "refarming" plan based on eliminating the Novice and Technician
> Plus Class subbands is critical because the segments presently
> authorized for phone and digital communications are severely
> overcrowded.
> The ARRL requests that ...General Class licensees should be authorized
> to control an amateur station transmitting voice communications on the
> 3800-4000 kHz, 7175-7300 kHz and 21275-21450 kHz frequency segments;41
> (3) Advanced Class licensees should be authorized to control an
> amateur station transmitting voice communications on the 3750-4000 kHz
> and 7125- 7300 kHz frequency segments;42 and (4) Amateur Extra Class

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2004-06-11 Thread Donald Chester

From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

... There is a rapid expansion taking
place in the digital sub-bands below 3700 kHz and there
are still many CW ops using the spectrum around 3700 to 3725...
ARRL is VERY interested in promoting digital modes. Sadly the
main one they are promoting is (in my opinion) very expensive,
wasteful and inefficient. The unattended Pactor robot stations
are ruining the CW and digital sub bands on 40m, 30m and 20m
and they threaten to do the same on 80m too.

Many CW operators are adamant about not giving up a kHz of the CW/digital 
subband, yet I never find this part of the band full.  Even during periods 
when there a lot of active CW ond digital stations, there are still tens of 
kilohertz of unoccupied spectrum in between.  There is no reason why the CW 
and digital ops couldn't move in closer together, resulting in a continuous 
band of frequencies where there is actually some activity going on.

There seems to be considerable friction between the CW ops and digital 
users.  There has even been talk about petitioning the fCC for additional 
subbands - one for CW, one for digital, one for phone.  But if you count the 
available  channels, even with only 100 kHz of CW/digital, there would still 
be room for more narrowband stations to operate simultaneously without 
interference than there would be for phone, even if everyone used SSB.  Even 
if there is surge in interest in digital modes, I doubt there ever will be 
more stations using digital/cw than phone.

Another problem with the present subband situation is that there is no 
possibility of transmitting wide band digital signals.  It is not permitted 
in the CW band, and digital signals are not allowed in the phone band.  
Otherwise, hams could experiment with such things as digital voice and 
possibly digital TV that, unlike slow-scan, would show real-time motion, yet 
not take any more spectrum than AM phone.  Also, with digital techniques it 
might be possible to transmit voice with quality at least as good as 
present-day broadcast quality AM, with less than is now used by conventional 

Actually I would like to see what happened if we tried eliminating subbands 
altogether, as the Canadians and Europeans have done, and let voluntary band 
plans be used for whatever separation of modes is needed, as is presently on 
160m even  here in the US.  However, from what the FCC says in the docket, 
they have already already discounted that idea.

Even more so since QRN makes 80m and 160m virtually unusable
for 8 months out of the year here in Florida.

It's doing a pretty good job of it here as well, this year.  I can count the 
number of times I have been on the air in the past 5 weeks or so on one 

I wish we could get the broadcasters off 7100-7300 kc.
How many decades will THAT take?!

They are supposedly working on it, but look how many decades it took to  get 
LORAN off 160, or even open up the expanded AM broadcast band after it was 
approved by the WARC in 1979.

73, Don K4KYV

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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Brian Carling
From:   Donald Chester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM 
> activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra
> segment.

For those who would like them, I can offer FT243 crystals
on the following lower frequencies:

3615, 3645, 3655, 3686, 3700 kHz
3702, 3703, 3705, 3721, 3790 kHz
3800, 3805, 3810, 3816.8, 3820 kHz
3825, 3830, 3837, 3840 kHz

Brian, AF4K

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread david knepper

It's about time!

Dave, W3ST
Publisher of the Collins Journal
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
www.collinsra.com - the CRA Website
Now with PayPal
CRA Nets: 3.805 Mhz every Monday at 8 PM EDST
and 14.253 Mhz every Saturday at 12 Noon EDST
Collins Chatroom - Daily at 4 PM EDST on 7.203 Mhz
- Original Message - 
From: "Donald Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:45 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Up to an extra 150 kc/s for phone on 75 m for Extra class.

75m Phone Allocations

General  Advanced  Extra

Current  3850-4000   3775-4000   3750-4000

New  3800-4000   3700-4000   3600-4000

Increase 50   75150

40m Phone Allocations

 General  Advanced   Extra

Current  7225-73007150-73007150-7300

New  7175-73007125-73007125-7300

Increase5025   25

Much better than anything I had anticipated, but we are still left with a 
cumbersome matrix of subbands based on operator class combined with 
emission mode.

Considering the relief in congestion we have already experienced due to 
the general decline in amateur activity in recent years, there should be 
plenty of room for all on 75m, without the griping about AM "taking up too 
much room on the crowded band."  Of course, if the FCC eventually 
eliminates the code requirement, expect an initial spike in activity as 
hoards of no-code Techs upgrade, but after the initial spike I predict a 
return to stagnant growth.  There should still be plenty of room for AM 

Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM 
activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra 

I have looked over the R & O, but I am not sure if it means that 3600-3700 
is restricted to Extra class for all modes, or just that Extras can now 
use phone in the segment.  How this will affect non-voice licence class 
restrictions is not made entirely clear in the FCC document:

"12. Regarding the division among license classes of the spectrum on which 
we today
authorize phone emissions, we adopt the Commission's proposal to authorize 
stations of General
Class licensees to transmit voice emissions in the 3800-4000 kHz frequency 
segment, thereby
increasing by 50 kHz the spectrum for voice communications by these 
stations. Because we
have decided to authorize more 75 m spectrum for voice communications than 
was proposed in
the NPRM, we also authorize stations of Advanced Class licensees to 
transmit voice emissions in
the 3700-4000 kHz frequency segment, thereby increasing by 75 kHz the 
amount of spectrum for voice communications by these stations. We also 
authorize stations of Amateur Extra Class
licensees to transmit voice emissions in the 3600-4000 kHz frequency 
segment, thereby
increasing by 150 kHz the spectrum authorized to these stations for voice 
communications. In
the 40 m and 15 m bands, we adopt the Commission's proposal to authorize 
stations of Amateur Extra and Advanced Class licensees 7125-7300 kHz, 
stations of General Class licensees 7175-7300 kHz, and stations of General 
Class licensees 21275-21450 kHz for phone communications."

If Generals and above will still be able to use 3600-3700 for non-voice 
modes, expect digital modes to continue to operate in this segment.  I 
suspect that may be the reason such a big hunk was set aside for Extras - 
to limit phone activity in that region of the band so that some of the 
digital stuff can continue on those frequencies.

Although the thinking of government agencies is extremely unpredictable, 
this doesn't look well for the ARRL's bandwidth proposal.  If the FCC were 
seriously considering limitations by bandwidth any time soon, it is 
unlikely they would have gone to all the trouble to work out this plan, 
only to have to revise it in the near future to accomodate 

Looks like we'll soon be able to join the Canadians in their "AM Window" 
on 3720.

The change is expected to go into effect sometime in mid-November.



This message was typed using the DVORAK keyboard layout.

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread W7CE

As an active AMer and 75M DXer, I request that you please not offer crystals 
within 10 KHz of the 75M DX window which is from 3789 to 3800.  Its a very 
small window and many of the signals there are very weak.  We know how much 
we hate it when SSB QSOs start up on top of our QSOs.  Let's not do the same 
to the one portion of 75M where most of the operators are gentlemen who will 
actually stand by so someone else can work a new country.

Clay  W7CE

- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

From:   Donald Chester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM
activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra

For those who would like them, I can offer FT243 crystals
on the following lower frequencies:

3615, 3645, 3655, 3686, 3700 kHz
3702, 3703, 3705, 3721, 3790 kHz
3800, 3805, 3810, 3816.8, 3820 kHz
3825, 3830, 3837, 3840 kHz

Brian, AF4K

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

RE: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO)
I wonder if the FCC plan is to trade us the bandwidth for BPL sharing.  They
are really being stupid about this BPL thing.  There must be a lot of money
and big company push involved.

John, WA5BXO 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wilhite
Come on John, money playing a part in a stupid decision like this?  Surely 
you jest.

73  Jim

I wonder if the FCC plan is to trade us the bandwidth for BPL sharing. 
are really being stupid about this BPL thing.  There must be a lot of 

and big company push involved.

John, WA5BXO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Rick Brashear
Yeah... Jim... I agree.  I've never heard of money influencing the 
outcome of a political decision!  ;-)


Jim Wilhite wrote:

Come on John, money playing a part in a stupid decision like this?  
Surely you jest.

73  Jim

I wonder if the FCC plan is to trade us the bandwidth for BPL 
sharing. They
are really being stupid about this BPL thing.  There must be a lot of 

and big company push involved.

John, WA5BXO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Bob Maser
Going down to the new Extra class freqs is a sure way to fire up the SSB 
boys.  I would suggest widening out your 3880 to plus or minus 20kcs.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

From:   Donald Chester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM
activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra

For those who would like them, I can offer FT243 crystals
on the following lower frequencies:

3615, 3645, 3655, 3686, 3700 kHz
3702, 3703, 3705, 3721, 3790 kHz
3800, 3805, 3810, 3816.8, 3820 kHz
3825, 3830, 3837, 3840 kHz

Brian, AF4K

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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Markavage
Don't make the same mistake "they" did 25 to 30 years ago by defining an
AM pen area. AM is phone; use it wherever your license class allows.
Or, maybe all can wait for the ARRL Band Plan.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:50:11 -0400 "Bob Maser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Going down to the new Extra class freqs is a sure way to fire up the 
> SSB 
> boys.  I would suggest widening out your 3880 to plus or minus 
> 20kcs.
> Bob W6TR
> - Original Message - 
AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 10/12/06, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Don't make the same mistake "they" did 25 to 30 years ago by defining an
AM pen area. AM is phone; use it wherever your license class allows.
Or, maybe all can wait for the ARRL Band Plan.

I agree with your approach Pete, except for the AM band plan part. The
ARRL doesn't even respect its own band plan on 40m and fires up its
bulletin service right smack on the AM calling frequency, so I don't
hold out any hope that their way will be anything but more of the

Use it all, phone is phone. It's not like the SSB users have any
respect for the so-called AM window.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Bob Maser
Considering the fact that you are outnumbered by 500 to 1 at any given time, 
I would think it wise to stay up at the top of each band and not go sit in 
an area where DX is typically found, which is usually at the bottom of each 
band.  Also, since a strong SSB signal can wreak havoc with an AM signal, 
you're not going to win the battle for the frequency.  I operate SSB and AM 
and I have seen the results of head to head confrontations.  Back in the 
50's and 60's when SSB was just emerging, they were allocated by gentlemen's 
agreement to the top of each band because they were the minority.  Now AM is 
the minority so it makes sense for AM'ers to inhabit the top frequencies. 
Why fight a fight that you can't win?

Bob  W6TR
- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Markavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Don't make the same mistake "they" did 25 to 30 years ago by defining an
AM pen area. AM is phone; use it wherever your license class allows.
Or, maybe all can wait for the ARRL Band Plan.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:50:11 -0400 "Bob Maser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Going down to the new Extra class freqs is a sure way to fire up the
boys.  I would suggest widening out your 3880 to plus or minus

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - 

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Markavage
You said it, "phone is phone"; AM is phone; Calling frequency was also
not defined as a "QSO" frequency but I know what you mean. 

Since all these changes to FCC's Part 97 Rules were actually accepted by
the FCC  two years ago, the ARRL has had that much time to formulate a
revised band plan to take the changes into consideration. Will probably
also include some of the stuff they presented in their Bandwidth

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 13:27:11 -0400 "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 10/12/06, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Don't make the same mistake "they" did 25 to 30 years ago by 
> defining an
> > AM pen area. AM is phone; use it wherever your license class 
> allows.
> > Or, maybe all can wait for the ARRL Band Plan.
> I agree with your approach Pete, except for the AM band plan part. 
> The
> ARRL doesn't even respect its own band plan on 40m and fires up its
> bulletin service right smack on the AM calling frequency, so I 
> don't
> hold out any hope that their way will be anything but more of the
> same.
> Use it all, phone is phone. It's not like the SSB users have any
> respect for the so-called AM window.
> ~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 10/12/06, Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Back in the
50's and 60's when SSB was just emerging, they were allocated by gentlemen's
agreement to the top of each band because they were the minority.  Now AM is
the minority so it makes sense for AM'ers to inhabit the top frequencies.
Why fight a fight that you can't win?

500-1? I think you need to get on a bit more often, Bob. AM has made a
huge comeback over the last decade, and the 'gentleman's agreement'
you mention seems only to be respected by the AMers. Just check 3870 -
3890 any night, you'll hear them trying to make problems. The reason
there haven't been AM issues in other areas in only because the AM
group tends to stay up above, certainly not because of any agreement.

And as far as battles go, the strapping AM signals win out everytime.
If you're pissweak, you're covered up - regardless of mode. Up here in
the northeast, AMers make full use of the 'window' as well as other
phone frequencies. Which is why the impending move to Florida concerns
me a bit. All I've heard about down there is that 'the SSB guys won't
let us operate anywhere but 3885' or 'you need to get on in the
morning' etc.

AM continues to grow as more and more people discover its pleasant
sound and hands-on 'real radio' approach. The more AMers get on and
use the spectrum, the more AM will grow.

Fortunately Bob, there are some good AM signals soon to be on the air
down your way, and others on the way down. Fear not, AM will thrive.
We just need to get people off their sofas and on the air.  (o:

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Bob Maser
I am in the Tampa area.  The reason I sold my 20V2 and 20V3 was once you 
work the 30 or 40 stations that seem to hang out on 3885,  you're done.  I 
don't usually get on in the morning so I don't know what type of activity is 
on 75.  I really don't think that it's too smart to put an AM signal on 3795 
in the evening.  You(we) are still the minority, you can question the ratio, 
but since all AM'ers do is "lock and talk" and hardly ever chase DX, why 
would you even consider going into the "DX part" of the bands.  AM'ers need 
friends, not enemies.  BTW, I don't know what you define as a "strapping 
signal"  but I would go up against the best with my SSB signal, especially 
in the DX window.  If you want to set up a schedule sometime, let's see who 
gets heard on a common frequency out to the mid west.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - 
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

On 10/12/06, Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Back in the
50's and 60's when SSB was just emerging, they were allocated by 
agreement to the top of each band because they were the minority.  Now AM 

the minority so it makes sense for AM'ers to inhabit the top frequencies.
Why fight a fight that you can't win?

500-1? I think you need to get on a bit more often, Bob. AM has made a
huge comeback over the last decade, and the 'gentleman's agreement'
you mention seems only to be respected by the AMers. Just check 3870 -
3890 any night, you'll hear them trying to make problems. The reason
there haven't been AM issues in other areas in only because the AM
group tends to stay up above, certainly not because of any agreement.

And as far as battles go, the strapping AM signals win out everytime.
If you're pissweak, you're covered up - regardless of mode. Up here in
the northeast, AMers make full use of the 'window' as well as other
phone frequencies. Which is why the impending move to Florida concerns
me a bit. All I've heard about down there is that 'the SSB guys won't
let us operate anywhere but 3885' or 'you need to get on in the
morning' etc.

AM continues to grow as more and more people discover its pleasant
sound and hands-on 'real radio' approach. The more AMers get on and
use the spectrum, the more AM will grow.

Fortunately Bob, there are some good AM signals soon to be on the air
down your way, and others on the way down. Fear not, AM will thrive.
We just need to get people off their sofas and on the air.  (o:

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wilhite
Just think!  If you set up down in the very low part, we can claim we have 
been there since time began.  It's our frequency.

73  Jim

Use it all, phone is phone. It's not like the SSB users have any
respect for the so-called AM window.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wilhite
Pete in this case, I don't plan to follow the ARRL's suggestions.  As a 
member, I see good and bad, but I sure don't see them having any official 
say over where we can operate.  As Todd has said, phone is phone.  If we 
start protecting this and that, then the AM operator will have 10 Kcs and 
that is all.  It is pretty clear to me the FCC believes the CW, RTTY, and 
digital modes can co-exist between 3.5 and 3.6

The new part is to eliminate congestion.  Let's use it.

73  Jim

You said it, "phone is phone"; AM is phone; Calling frequency was also
not defined as a "QSO" frequency but I know what you mean.

Since all these changes to FCC's Part 97 Rules were actually accepted by
the FCC  two years ago, the ARRL has had that much time to formulate a
revised band plan to take the changes into consideration. Will probably
also include some of the stuff they presented in their Bandwidth

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 13:27:11 -0400 "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 10/12/06, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't make the same mistake "they" did 25 to 30 years ago by
defining an
> AM pen area. AM is phone; use it wherever your license class
> Or, maybe all can wait for the ARRL Band Plan.

I agree with your approach Pete, except for the AM band plan part.
ARRL doesn't even respect its own band plan on 40m and fires up its
bulletin service right smack on the AM calling frequency, so I
hold out any hope that their way will be anything but more of the

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Ed Swynar
Hi Jim,

Although you don't specifically mention it --- like someone else did
previously --- I think it would be MOST foolhardy for any AM'er to plop
himself down & start with the ol' buzzardry stuff in the vicinity of 3.780-
& 3.8-MHz...yeah, the traditional DX window...

It's not always for the benefit of domestic SSB'ers that such windows
exist --- in many cases, DX stations have but a sliver of spectrum space on
some bands that's available/useable: North American DX-types have tried to
accommodate them through these windows. The DX stations benefit from these
arrangements just as much as the W/K/VE crowd does.

I think the last thing anyone would want to incur is the wrath of the entire
global DX community coming down upon them, merely because it's their
"...legal right" to do something!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

- Original Message -
From: "Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> Pete in this case, I don't plan to follow the ARRL's suggestions.  As a
> member, I see good and bad, but I sure don't see them having any official
> say over where we can operate.  As Todd has said, phone is phone.  If we
> start protecting this and that, then the AM operator will have 10 Kcs and
> that is all.  It is pretty clear to me the FCC believes the CW, RTTY, and
> digital modes can co-exist between 3.5 and 3.6
> The new part is to eliminate congestion.  Let's use it.
> 73  Jim
> W5JO
> -
> > You said it, "phone is phone"; AM is phone; Calling frequency was also
> > not defined as a "QSO" frequency but I know what you mean.
> >
> > Since all these changes to FCC's Part 97 Rules were actually accepted by
> > the FCC  two years ago, the ARRL has had that much time to formulate a
> > revised band plan to take the changes into consideration. Will probably
> > also include some of the stuff they presented in their Bandwidth
> > Proposal.
> >
> > Pete, wa2cwa
> >
> > On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 13:27:11 -0400 "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > writes:
> >> On 10/12/06, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > Don't make the same mistake "they" did 25 to 30 years ago by
> >> defining an
> >> > AM pen area. AM is phone; use it wherever your license class
> >> allows.
> >> > Or, maybe all can wait for the ARRL Band Plan.
> >>
> >> I agree with your approach Pete, except for the AM band plan part.
> >> The
> >> ARRL doesn't even respect its own band plan on 40m and fires up its
> >> bulletin service right smack on the AM calling frequency, so I
> >> don't
> >> hold out any hope that their way will be anything but more of the
> >> same.
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 10/12/06, Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am in the Tampa area.  The reason I sold my 20V2 and 20V3 was once you
work the 30 or 40 stations that seem to hang out on 3885,  you're done.

Done? How.sad. What's next, digital? Sounds a lot like corntesting
to me. Work 'em once and move on. No wonder you get bored.

> I really don't think that it's too smart to put an AM signal on 3795

in the evening.  You(we) are still the minority, you can question the ratio,
but since all AM'ers do is "lock and talk" and hardly ever chase DX, why
would you even consider going into the "DX part" of the bands.

I'm not in favor of invading the DX window on any band, I enjoy DX as
well as the next guy and I also have (s) a nice old SSB station.
It just gets very little use because once you've quacked, you're done.
I prefer AM and old gear, it's more fun for me.

But using your reasoning, why would any SSB station want to even
consider going into the AM portion of the band? I don't advise that
either, but it happens all the time. Agreements only work if all
parties abide by them, and since that's not likely to happen with the
SSB group anytime soon, where's the issue? AMers stay in the ghetto,
while everyone else is free to transmit where they please, even at the
expense of AM operation? Not likely.

AM'ers need
friends, not enemies.

Just spent a great weekend with many of them at Hosstraders hamfest.
30-40 of them at least - and I've worked many of them multiple times.
Sorry, I didn't know that after the first time I was 'done', Bob.

BTW, I don't know what you define as a "strapping
signal"  but I would go up against the best with my SSB signal, especially
in the DX window.  If you want to set up a schedule sometime, let's see who
gets heard on a common frequency out to the mid west.

Nah, I never got into the d**k measuring aspect of this hobby. I leave
that to the guys with Leenyars and corntest certificates. I've got an
Alpha 77, it sits in the corner collecting dust and holding down the

But! I did get out from little old VT to southern OK and Arkansas a
week or so back, and enjoyed it emmensely. That's like DX to a lowly
AMer who needs friends, sortakinda.

73, Todd  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 10/12/06, Jim Wilhite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just think!  If you set up down in the very low part, we can claim we have
been there since time began.  It's our frequency.

Good idea!! We could have a corntest too, or better still, Jim - a
NET! Because once you have a net, the frequency is yours to keep.
3685I like the sound of it.

It was great working you, Jim - can't wait to do it again. Heard you
and Brian in there a few times in the last week or so, but was busy
working on other projects. Hopefully the static will quiet down
tonight. That's the only thing that can raise hell with a good AM

73, Todd  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 10/12/06, Ed Swynar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Although you don't specifically mention it --- like someone else did
previously --- I think it would be MOST foolhardy for any AM'er to plop
himself down & start with the ol' buzzardry stuff in the vicinity of 3.780-
& 3.8-MHz...yeah, the traditional DX window...

I totally agree, Ed. Besides, DX is pretty interesting and challenging
in its own right. I think Jim is speaking more in general, mainly that
AM shouldn't feel confined to a closet so that another group can have
free reign anywhere they like.

It's not always for the benefit of domestic SSB'ers that such windows
exist --- in many cases, DX stations have but a sliver of spectrum space on
some bands that's available/useable: North American DX-types have tried to
accommodate them through these windows. The DX stations benefit from these
arrangements just as much as the W/K/VE crowd does.

A lot of the AMers up here in the northeast actually work DX in the
window regularly via SSB and some have even played with AM DX a bit.
K1JJ and others have some incredible antenna arrays set up for the DX
window and make regular contacts with our friends across the pond. I'm
looking forward to it myself this winter.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

RE: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Theo Bellamy
Todd wrote:

"once you've quacked, you're done."

That's too funny  ... I will be laughing about that one all night!

73 - Theo K4MO
('quacking' since 1965)

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wilhite
Could the reason for the DX window from 3.780-3.8 be because some ITU 
regions are not be licensed to operate above 3.8?  I remember when even the 
US stations couldn't go below 3.8.  So given, couldn't the DX window be 
moved to the low end of the band?

Not that I suggest upsetting some SSBer's apple cart, but now that U.S. hams 
can go all the way to 3.6, that gives a lot of space for DX operation.  In 
fact, we might see a lot of cross region operation, and with the growing 
popularity of AM on the European continent, we might actually hear some AM 
DX on the band this winter.

73  Jim

Hi Jim,

Although you don't specifically mention it --- like someone else did
previously --- I think it would be MOST foolhardy for any AM'er to plop
himself down & start with the ol' buzzardry stuff in the vicinity of 

& 3.8-MHz...yeah, the traditional DX window...

It's not always for the benefit of domestic SSB'ers that such windows
exist --- in many cases, DX stations have but a sliver of spectrum space 

some bands that's available/useable: North American DX-types have tried to
accommodate them through these windows. The DX stations benefit from these
arrangements just as much as the W/K/VE crowd does.

I think the last thing anyone would want to incur is the wrath of the 

global DX community coming down upon them, merely because it's their
"...legal right" to do something!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wilhite
Hey Todd, do you suppose we could start a net and register it with the ARRL 
National Traffic System?  I believe the FCC took a line from that old movie 
series by the 3 Stooges by saying, "Spread Out"  If we formed a couple of 
NTS recognized nets and published frequencies, we would have the right to 
the frequency according to the de facto rules.  We just need to be vigilant 
to be sure the ARRL doesn't try to hog it all for some particular group.

I am looking forward to working a bunch of guys up in your current location 
this winter and I hope you bore a hole through all the Aflack bunch down in 
FL.  WW9W in FL does get on when the static isn't too bad and we hear him 
with just 100 watts.  So chances are good.  Move carefully.

73  Jim

Good idea!! We could have a corntest too, or better still, Jim - a
NET! Because once you have a net, the frequency is yours to keep.
3685I like the sound of it.

It was great working you, Jim - can't wait to do it again. Heard you
and Brian in there a few times in the last week or so, but was busy
working on other projects. Hopefully the static will quiet down
tonight. That's the only thing that can raise hell with a good AM

73, Todd  KA1KAQ

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 10/12/06, Jim Wilhite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Todd, do you suppose we could start a net and register it with the ARRL
National Traffic System?

Well, considering that 99% of today's nets have nothing to do with
emergency comms or passing traffic, it seems foolish that they get any
attention paid to them by the ARRL or the FCC. I still contend that
it's just a way to reserve a frequency for ragchewing. Giving it an
official-sounding name and coming back regularly doesn't change a
thing. Nothing against ragchewing (I enjoy it), but let's call it what
it is and not try to make it into something it's not.

I am looking forward to working a bunch of guys up in your current location
this winter and I hope you bore a hole through all the Aflack bunch down in
FL.  WW9W in FL does get on when the static isn't too bad and we hear him
with just 100 watts.  So chances are good.  Move carefully.

I spoke with Robert last week, maybe a week ago last Sunday. He had a
good signal up this way on his Beastly 610. Dan, W9GOB joined us from
Chicago. Also talked with Warren W1GUD when he was up at Tim's place
over the weekend.

There's no reason I can see to clump up on one frequency and tremble
at the thought of some SSB station getting his undies in a bunch
because he doesn't like AM. I don't hold with the premise that 'you're
a helpless AMer, so just accept whatever crumbs fall near you'. All it
takes it a couple of good, strapping (strong/LOUD) signals on the band
regularly. I know there are some 1-Landers down there already who are
planning to be on the air soon(old buzzard John in Clearwater comes to
mind), one fellow almost has his new 4x1 rig ready. Bob, K1KBW is
moving to the Orlando area in the next month or so and I'll be heading
somewhere north of Tampa in a few months. With Chris in Ft Lauderdale,
and Robert in Punta Gorda, we should be able to drum up some activity.
I don't mind talking to the same station more than once, it's not a
contest for me. It's the enjoyment of restoring and operating
historic, old gear and sharing the experience with others.

Best part is, I'll be able to work you, both Brians, the other
5-Landers and the fellows from 0-Land a whole lot more regularly.
Definitely looking forward to that part. Might even get up early to
work Geoff some morning. And activity attracts more, soI'll do my
part to make "Heaven's Waiting Room" a bit more aurally-interesting,
from an RF perspective.

~ Todd  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Candela

I have been reading the traffic here with heightened interest.  For me the 
existing 80M AM window is fine so long as:

1.) We invite the 3878 quacks to QSY down 100KC or so
2.) The SSB stations on 3880, 3883, 3885, 3888, 3890, and 3893 all find another 
rock to hide under.

If this is done, we have room for 2-3 AM QSO's at the same time, and no need 
for razor sharp filters, etc. to reject the QRM.

I guess I'm easy to please! This will never happen! :-)

I like the suggestions given already of establishing a AM net at the bottom end 
of the Advanced portion, say 3705. I do not hold an extra ticket...


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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wilhite
Jim with your knowledge, a trip to the next hamfest would cure the Advanced 
license.  Just take the time.  Do a couple practice runs on one of the 
computer sites to see what the subject matter is and you are off and 

As for 3 QSOs on 80, 85, and 90, sadly is ain't gonna happen.  Where I live 
the signals emitted by some stations are very strong.  This morning was a 
case in point.  one on 3.880 and another on 85.  The 85 bunch, I think, was 
the 0s who get on in the morning but without some closer stations or 
stronger signals, I couldn't tell.

I like to talk among groups from time to time and urge everyone to establish 
a different frequency.  Say the 1s near 3.8, the 2s near 3.815, etc.  With 
different operating schedules no particular portion of the band would be 
occupied all the time.  And it would give us the opportunity to move between 
groups with out undue interference.

Just some thoughts.

73  Jim

I have been reading the traffic here with heightened interest.  For me the 
existing 80M AM window is fine so long as:

1.) We invite the 3878 quacks to QSY down 100KC or so
2.) The SSB stations on 3880, 3883, 3885, 3888, 3890, and 3893 all find 
another rock to hide under.

If this is done, we have room for 2-3 AM QSO's at the same time, and no 
need for razor sharp filters, etc. to reject the QRM.

I guess I'm easy to please! This will never happen! :-)

I like the suggestions given already of establishing a AM net at the 
bottom end of the Advanced portion, say 3705. I do not hold an extra 


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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Markavage
Jim, you don't have to since it's not law but if 90% of ham population
does, you still have the issues.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 14:11:25 -0500 "Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Pete in this case, I don't plan to follow the ARRL's suggestions.  As 
> a 
> member, I see good and bad, but I sure don't see them having any 
> official 
> say over where we can operate.  As Todd has said, phone is phone.  
> If we 
> start protecting this and that, then the AM operator will have 10 
> Kcs and 
> that is all.  It is pretty clear to me the FCC believes the CW, 
> RTTY, and 
> digital modes can co-exist between 3.5 and 3.6
> The new part is to eliminate congestion.  Let's use it.
> 73  Jim
> W5JO
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Donald Chester
When the phone band expands, there  will be plenty of room below 3800 to 
operate.  I suggest somewhere lower in the band, towards 3700.  Also, extras 
will be able to  go on  down to 3600.  As quiet is the present 3750-3775 is 
most of time, I doubt if 3600-3700 will be jam-packed with signals anytime 

The 3790-3800 DX window will likely remain active to accomodate Generals, 
who will operate split and transmit just above 3800.  Even now advanced can 
go down to 3775 and extras to 3750, but the window remains at 3790.

I am all for imposing AM presence anywhere in the band we can legally 
operate, but no point in deliberately kicking a wasp nest.

Don k4kyv


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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jack Schmidling

Bob Maser wrote:
I am in the Tampa area.  The reason I sold my 20V2 and 20V3 was once you 
work the 30 or 40 stations that seem to hang out on 3885,  you're done.

Done with what?

You have made 40 new friends.  I personally think that is worth a lot 
more than a zillion sig reports from sig report collectors.

Jack NR9Q

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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Bob Maser
Yeah, but I found that talking about how great AM is gets old after a while. 
I experienced AM first hand as I became a ham in 1956.  I had a great time 
and made a lot of friends.  Now that SSB is the mode of choice for most 
hams, one gets used to VOX operation and the lock and talk becomes tedious 
at best.  I find that when I get on AM(I still have a pristine Valiant and 
HRO-60), a group gets together and by the time that it gets back around, 
20-30 minutes have expired.  I was used to this modus operandi back in the 
50's but now I prefer a back and forth format.   Please don't get me wrong. 
I enjoy an occasional AM QSO.  But I have found that it is nostalgia that 
attracts me to AM and nostalgia is satisfied by small bites(for me at 
least).  If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any manufacturers 
producing any equipment?

BTW, after spending over 100 hrs converting the 20V-3 to 75M, I had big time 
interference to the neighbors.  I have no problems with the Valiant and none 
with my modern SSB rigs.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - 
From: "Jack Schmidling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Bob Maser wrote:
I am in the Tampa area.  The reason I sold my 20V2 and 20V3 was once you 
work the 30 or 40 stations that seem to hang out on 3885,  you're done.

Done with what?

You have made 40 new friends.  I personally think that is worth a lot more 
than a zillion sig reports from sig report collectors.

Jack NR9Q

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: http://schmidling.com/pow.htm
Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver http://schmidling.com

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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread KB2WIG
Icom, Kenwud, Yeasu 

> least).  If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any 
> manufacturers 
> producing any equipment?

> Bob W6TR

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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Bob Maser

Yeah, right.
- Original Message - 
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Icom, Kenwud, Yeasu

least).  If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any
producing any equipment?

Bob W6TR

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Larry Taft
For good AM (I mean REALLY GOOD AM) try a SDR-1000 by Flex-Radio.  This 
is a computer driven little black box that can create any form of 
modulation and make it sound beautiful.  The receiver uses a quadrature 
mixer into a sound card with some free software to make the AM sound 
really great.  Has synchronous detector too and filtering that is truly 
brick wall stuff.  The filtering is fully adjustable on each side of the 
carrier so if an aflack is causing trouble on one side just use the 
cursor to shave it off.  No knobs, glowing tubes or 1000 lb cabinets.  
Stick a linear on the tail end and go up against anyone on the band.  
Want to try the new Digital Radio Mondail

DRM stuff?  Load up the free software and have at it.

This from one who does spectrum measurements on  300 +/- AM broadcast 
stations each year.  Also owns 4 Gates, 1 Westinghouse MW-1 and 1 
Western Electric AM type transmitters.
They will soon be for sale. Maybe I'll keep the Western Electric, its 
art deco neat.

73, Larry  K2LT

Bob Maser wrote:

Yeah, right.
- Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Icom, Kenwud, Yeasu

least).  If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any
producing any equipment?

Bob W6TR

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Craig Carter

OK, here is my $0.02 worth... I've always REALLY wanted a big green (Heath 
Indians) station. I fell in love with the rigs in the mid 60's when I first got 
my ticket. I had an Apache as a Novice, with the SB-10 when I made General. 
What a looker (to me anyway). Now I've got 'em... Heck, I've got an entire 
tribe! They are EVERYWHERE, garage, office, shack... You name it, there is a 
Heathkit Indian setting there. Some are ready and able, some are being 
restored, some are parts doners. The last time I was on AM, I used my Icom 746. 
I really like AM, but why limit myself to only AM? Right now I'm having a blast 
on PSK 31. I've been doing it for a number of years, and recently decided to do 
WAC. Great fun. I just picked up a KWM-2. I already have a mint condition Heath 
Marauder. After I get tired of the digital, it's gonna be vintage SSB. I can 
smell it coming... TOYS TOYS!!! Wheee!
  73 Craig K6QI
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Bob Maser
Since on page one of the FCC 06-149 document states that it was "adopted" on 
10-4-06, doesn't this mean that we can go to the new frequencies 
immediately?  I could not find clarification on this in the 45 page 

Bob  W6TR
- Original Message - 
From: "Donald Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:45 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Up to an extra 150 kc/s for phone on 75 m for Extra class.

75m Phone Allocations

General  Advanced  Extra

Current  3850-4000   3775-4000   3750-4000

New  3800-4000   3700-4000   3600-4000

Increase 50   75150

40m Phone Allocations

 General  Advanced   Extra

Current  7225-73007150-73007150-7300

New  7175-73007125-73007125-7300

Increase5025   25

Much better than anything I had anticipated, but we are still left with a 
cumbersome matrix of subbands based on operator class combined with 
emission mode.

Considering the relief in congestion we have already experienced due to 
the general decline in amateur activity in recent years, there should be 
plenty of room for all on 75m, without the griping about AM "taking up too 
much room on the crowded band."  Of course, if the FCC eventually 
eliminates the code requirement, expect an initial spike in activity as 
hoards of no-code Techs upgrade, but after the initial spike I predict a 
return to stagnant growth.  There should still be plenty of room for AM 

Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM 
activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra 

I have looked over the R & O, but I am not sure if it means that 3600-3700 
is restricted to Extra class for all modes, or just that Extras can now 
use phone in the segment.  How this will affect non-voice licence class 
restrictions is not made entirely clear in the FCC document:

"12. Regarding the division among license classes of the spectrum on which 
we today
authorize phone emissions, we adopt the Commission’s proposal to authorize 
stations of General
Class licensees to transmit voice emissions in the 3800-4000 kHz frequency 
segment, thereby
increasing by 50 kHz the spectrum for voice communications by these 
stations. Because we
have decided to authorize more 75 m spectrum for voice communications than 
was proposed in
the NPRM, we also authorize stations of Advanced Class licensees to 
transmit voice emissions in
the 3700-4000 kHz frequency segment, thereby increasing by 75 kHz the 
amount of spectrum for voice communications by these stations. We also 
authorize stations of Amateur Extra Class
licensees to transmit voice emissions in the 3600-4000 kHz frequency 
segment, thereby
increasing by 150 kHz the spectrum authorized to these stations for voice 
communications. In
the 40 m and 15 m bands, we adopt the Commission’s proposal to authorize 
stations of Amateur Extra and Advanced Class licensees 7125-7300 kHz, 
stations of General Class licensees 7175-7300 kHz, and stations of General 
Class licensees 21275-21450 kHz for phone communications."

If Generals and above will still be able to use 3600-3700 for non-voice 
modes, expect digital modes to continue to operate in this segment.  I 
suspect that may be the reason such a big hunk was set aside for Extras - 
to limit phone activity in that region of the band so that some of the 
digital stuff can continue on those frequencies.

Although the thinking of government agencies is extremely unpredictable, 
this doesn't look well for the ARRL's bandwidth proposal.  If the FCC were 
seriously considering limitations by bandwidth any time soon, it is 
unlikely they would have gone to all the trouble to work out this plan, 
only to have to revise it in the near future to accomodate 

Looks like we'll soon be able to join the Canadians in their "AM Window" 
on 3720.

The change is expected to go into effect sometime in mid-November.



This message was typed using the DVORAK keyboard layout.

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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Radio Station KW1I
The last sentence in the ARRL email message sent out today with subject,
"ARLB019 FCC releases long-awaited "Omnibus" Amateur Radio Report and Order

"The changes will go into effect 30 days after the R&O is published
in the Federal Register."

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Maser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> Since on page one of the FCC 06-149 document states that it was "adopted"
> 10-4-06, doesn't this mean that we can go to the new frequencies
> immediately?  I could not find clarification on this in the 45 page
> document.
> Bob  W6TR

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-12 Thread Jack Schmidling

Bob Maser wrote:

Yeah, but I found that talking about how great AM is gets old after a 

Conversations are what YOU make of them.  If you let others control the 
conversation, you get what you deserve but I don't how this is unique to 

I experienced AM first hand as I became a ham in 1956.

1955 here

> Now that SSB is the mode of
choice for most hams, one gets used to VOX operation and the lock and 
talk becomes tedious at best.

I never cared for vox but the lock and talk is a function of and 
controlled by fingers and not the modulation type and I agree it is very 

I wonder why this is so habitual with AMers.  I suppose it goes back to 
the primitive days when one (at least I did) had to throw several 
switches and turn up/down the volume for each transmission.

Seems like it's just a matter of retraining.

I find that when I get on AM(I still have 
a pristine Valiant and HRO-60), a group gets together and by the time 
that it gets back around, 20-30 minutes have expired.

This is not uncommon on SSB groups.

> But
I have found that it is nostalgia that attracts me to AM and nostalgia 
is satisfied by small bites(for me at least).

I think what attracts me is the satisfaction of opening up a piece of 
gear and understanding what every part in it is and what for. I ponder 
electrons being sucked up by the plate and my voice controlling the 
flow. I gag when I open my rice box.

If AM is getting so 
popular, why aren't there any manufacturers producing any equipment?

No one would want it as it would be just another rice box with no 
nostalgic appeal.  After all, it really is not a very practical way to 


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Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver http://schmidling.com

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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 10/12/06, Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, but I found that talking about how great AM is gets old after a while.

If that's what you restrict the conversation to, sure - even I'd get
bored, and I'm easily amused. Folks I talk with discuss the rigs they
are running, restoring, or building,along with effective antennae,
other projects, history, life, etc etc. Listening in to the
intercom-type exchanges on SSB causes me to doze if I don't change the
dial. Seldom any radio content beyond the latest linear amp, and
really not unlike the memories I have of CB where folks used it merely
for convenience, not enjoyment. I don't know about you, but I got
interested in radio forradio?

Now that SSB is the mode of choice for most
hams, one gets used to VOX operation and the lock and talk becomes tedious
at best.

'Most' in the circles you prefer, Bob. To deny the explosion of
popularity in AM in recent years means you're either not paying
attention or choose to believe otherwise.

I find that when I get on AM(I still have a pristine Valiant and
HRO-60), a group gets together and by the time that it gets back around,
20-30 minutes have expired.  I was used to this modus operandi back in the
50's but now I prefer a back and forth format.

Why not start another conversation on a *different* frequency? This is
what I refer to with the tendency by some to 'clump' onto one
frequency. With all the AM activity and phone spectrum available,
there is no excuse to have those massive roundtables, muchless to stay
in one if it bores or otherwise annoys you. Take the lead, don't wait
to be led.

If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any manufacturers
producing any equipment?

Uh.maybe you missed this Bob, but AM was being left off SSB/CW
rigs some years ago including the much-vaunted Collins S-Line, KWM-2,
even the first 'super rig' that all the big Yaecomwood riceboxes are
modeled after: the KWM-380 (although it at least provided receive
capabilities). As AM stabilized and began again to grow years ago,
manufacturers began including the mode on their equipment again. They
obviously didn't do this because it was cheaper, or unfavorable.

BTW, after spending over 100 hrs converting the 20V-3 to 75M, I had big time
interference to the neighbors.

Yes, wellit's not unlike moving to a gated neighborhood or densely
populated development and trying to build an airstrip. Chances are
good to excellent that someone will notice and object. The better
choice would be to live in an area where neighbors aren't close enough
to be a problem, and real radio can be enjoyed. Maybe not as
convenient as living in the city or even outskirts, but necessary if
you want to run big radios and have something beyond the G5RV or small
tribander in the air. It's certainly not for everyone.

I have no problems with the Valiant and none
with my modern SSB rigs.

You probably still cause interference, especially when you run that
big SSB signal you eluded to previously. SSB is just a lot harder to
identify and trace than the natural human voice.

If nothing else Bob, you've at least made it clear why you think those
AMers better stay in a little sliver of the bands and tolerate
intentional interference from SSB stations. I'm just thankful that
everyone else who has responded to this thread sees AM as a standard
phone mode entitled to the same treatment as SSB. Seems to go against
that 'minority' view you hold of AM. Okay, so it's an AM reflector...

73, and thanks for the banter - hope to work you on AM once I get down
there. I'll expect a strapping signal from you, too. (o:

~ Todd  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Donald Chester
If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any manufacturers producing 
any equipment?

Where  have you  been the past 20+ years?  Nearly all HF transceivers made 
to-day include true double-sideband full carrier AM mode, along with SSB, CW 
and various digital capabilities.

There aren't any major manufacturers producing HF rigs that are AM-only for 
exactly the same  reason they aren't producing SSB-only or CW only rigs.  
(I'm not talking about little single-mode QRP kits.)

Don k4kyv

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Bob Maser
I guess I should have specified plate modulated AM transmitters.  You are 
right, my FT1000 Mark V does have the ability to go on AM but it also goes 
on FM, RTTY and PKT.  I wonder how many people use these modern day 
transceivers on these modes.  Let's stop this thread.  Now with the 
expansion of usable frequencies on 75/80, us Extras can go down and play 
radio where the other lesser licensed can't go.  On that subject, I can't 
understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra written 
exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My, it's 
so easy to get on radio these days.

Bob  W6TR
- Original Message - 
From: "Donald Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any manufacturers producing 
any equipment?

Where  have you  been the past 20+ years?  Nearly all HF transceivers made 
to-day include true double-sideband full carrier AM mode, along with SSB, 
CW and various digital capabilities.

There aren't any major manufacturers producing HF rigs that are AM-only 
for exactly the same  reason they aren't producing SSB-only or CW only 
rigs.  (I'm not talking about little single-mode QRP kits.)

Don k4kyv

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread kk4tr
After reading this reply to AM thread, I was wondring where you have been
the last 20+ years???  The "modern" HF trranscievers do have a LOW LEVEL
form of am transmission. Unfortunately it is no comparison to the "old Plate
Modulated Boat anchors"  . It's like some one who restores old cars.  They
don't make those either but they are still pretty popular don't you agree??
No one says they can't drive on the street. They are a relic of the past
technology.  As far as having a special "window of operation" for this mode
of transmission,  I think that this is not necessary. Just having things the
way they are now with an agreement among the amateur community is much
better than having the FCC getting more involved with amateur radio than
they already are.  We should be careful what we ask for. We just might get
it   Can't we all just get along! lol


- Original Message - 
From: "Donald Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> >>If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any manufacturers
> >>any equipment?
> Where  have you  been the past 20+ years?  Nearly all HF transceivers made
> to-day include true double-sideband full carrier AM mode, along with SSB,
> and various digital capabilities.
> There aren't any major manufacturers producing HF rigs that are AM-only
> exactly the same  reason they aren't producing SSB-only or CW only rigs.
> (I'm not talking about little single-mode QRP kits.)
> Don k4kyv
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread KA5MIR
On Thursday 12 October 2006, Bob Maser wrote:
> once you work the 30 or 40 stations that seem to hang out on 3885,
> you're done. 
>Considering the fact that you are outnumbered by 500 to 1 at any given time, 
>I would think it wise to stay up at the top of each band
> I would go up against the best with my SSB signal

Why would anyone who thinks this way subscribe to the AMRadio reflector?
I guess to tell everyone about...

>my 20V2 and 20V3
> my FT1000 Mark V
> I have a pristine Valiant and HRO-60

I doubt that anyone is impressed.  Perhaps there is a CQContest-59-59 list 
that would be more interesting than us old AMer's.

...someone who actually -LIKES- AM Radio AND talks to the same people more 
than once...

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread A.R.S. - W5AMI

Well expressed, my good friend!

Brian - w5ami

On 10/13/06, KA5MIR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thursday 12 October 2006, Bob Maser wrote:
> once you work the 30 or 40 stations that seem to hang out on 3885,
> you're done.
>Considering the fact that you are outnumbered by 500 to 1 at any given
>I would think it wise to stay up at the top of each band
> I would go up against the best with my SSB signal

Why would anyone who thinks this way subscribe to the AMRadio reflector?
I guess to tell everyone about...

>my 20V2 and 20V3
> my FT1000 Mark V
> I have a pristine Valiant and HRO-60

I doubt that anyone is impressed.  Perhaps there is a CQContest-59-59 list
that would be more interesting than us old AMer's.

...someone who actually -LIKES- AM Radio AND talks to the same people more
than once...

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

"There is nothing more uncommon than common sense." -- Frank Lloyd Wright
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Peter Markavage
Looks like the ARRL is looking for guidance on a revised band plan.
E-mail comments to them by October 31.
For more info see:

Now's a good time to get your input in on band restructuring for 80, 40,
and 15 meters.

Pete, wa2cwa
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Jim Wilhite

.  On that subject, I can't
understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra written 
exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My, 
it's so easy to get on radio these days.

Bob  W6TR

Bob, I think the General portion is the primary location because there are 
some very adept and nice General operators who, for one reason or another, 
just haven't upgraded.  Therefore, most calling frequencies or "Windows" are 
in the General portion as are most nets.  When someone starts a net or other 
group, they want maximum participation, and if it is in the Advanced or 
Extra portion of the bands, you limit the number of participants..  When I 
make a contact, I tend to freeze on frequency and not check to see if the 
other guy can move, which is silly of me.  Maybe now with the exansion, we 
will all take a second look at out operating practices.

73  Jim

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Jack Schmidling

Bob Maser wrote:
On that 
subject, I can't understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass 
the Extra written exam, especially since the code requirements have been 

Why bother?  It is my understanding that soon all Advanced operators 
will be automatically upgraded to Extra.

The real question is what is the point of Extra Class?  Why not just 
downgrade us to Advanced?  The whole program is totally stupid these days.

As with all hobbies, this one thrives on magazines, advertising, 
equipment sales and job programs for promoters.  The best interests of 
the hobbiest are not a very high priority.


PHOTO OF THE WEEK: http://schmidling.com/pow.htm
Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver http://schmidling.com

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Jim Wilhite
Boy Pete, I hope they don't try to run things for us all this time.  I am 
against any band plan at present until we see who and what operation moves 
there.  If they do anything, they should concentrate getting the OOs to 
monitor for intentional interference.  That is rampant and going to get 
worse this winter.
- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Markavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Looks like the ARRL is looking for guidance on a revised band plan.
E-mail comments to them by October 31.
For more info see:

Now's a good time to get your input in on band restructuring for 80, 40,
and 15 meters.

Pete, wa2cwa
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Darrell, WA5VGO

  On that subject, I can't
understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra written 
exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My, 
it's so easy to get on radio these days.

Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Donald Sanders
Because with your 1968 Advanced you cannot go to the Extra Only Frequencies.

Healthfully yours,
  Don W4BWS
- Original Message - 
From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> >   On that subject, I can't
> >>understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra
> >>exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My,
> >>it's so easy to get on radio these days.
> >>
> >>Bob  W6TR
> Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?
> Darrell, WA5VGO
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread david knepper
With all the email flying back and forth on band expansion, etc., it is no 
wonder that AM activity on 75/40 meters is sadly lacking.

Please no flames!  Just wanted to make a point that we need to give our 
fingers a rest and grab a mike.

Dave, W3ST
Publisher of the Collins Journal
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
www.collinsra.com - the CRA Website
Now with PayPal
CRA Nets: 3.805 Mhz every Monday at 8 PM EDST
and 14.253 Mhz every Saturday at 12 Noon EDST
Collins Chatroom - Daily at 4 PM EDST on 7.203 Mhz
- Original Message - 
From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

  On that subject, I can't
understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra written 
exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My, 
it's so easy to get on radio these days.

Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Bob Maser

That is a question that does not deserve an answer.
- Original Message - 
From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

  On that subject, I can't
understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra written 
exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My, 
it's so easy to get on radio these days.

Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Bob Maser
Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in the 
late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.  I agree that a pre no-code Extra 
is more valuable than post no code but he missed the boat.  My feeling is 
that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me at least) than a no code 
Extra.  I've always felt that no code extras should sign /nc when in the 
Extra part of the bands.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - 
From: "Donald Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Because with your 1968 Advanced you cannot go to the Extra Only 

Healthfully yours,
 Don W4BWS
- Original Message - 
From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

>   On that subject, I can't
>>understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra


>>exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My,
>>it's so easy to get on radio these days.
>>Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Peter Markavage
This has already been rejected by the FCC along with the resurrection of
a Novice type license class.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 14:56:26 -0600 Jack Schmidling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Why bother?  It is my understanding that soon all Advanced operators 
> will be automatically upgraded to Extra.

> PHOTO OF THE WEEK: http://schmidling.com/pow.htm
> Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver 
> http://schmidling.com
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Larry WA9VRH
Hi Dave,

I think you need to check your antenna ???  I hear lot's of AM activity on
75m  (I have to admit I am not on 40m much)

Saturday morning The Midwest Classic Radio Net on 3885 run by Rob WA9ZTY is
on for 2-3 three hours at least.
Sunday morning The DX-60 net goes on for a number of hours on 3880 run by
Mike N8ECR
Wednesday evenings on the First Wednesday of every month on 3880 The Collins
Collectors Association  runs their AM Night for 5-6 hours.
On all the other Wednesdays Mike N8ECR runs the Mighty Elmac net that runs
for three plus hours
On every Tuesday evening the SAMRC run by Andy WA4KCY and Sam KF4TXQ run a
swap net that I can even checkin to from Central Illinois goes on for a
number of hours.
Plus in the mornings 3885, 3880 and others are  busy with AM QSO's until mid

Plunk dow a couple of bucks an but an issue of Electric Radio and not only
see some great articles but also get a listing of all the AM nets, swaps and
rag chews that go on across this great nation ON AM!
There are a lot listed! And probably many more happening.

73 Larry WA9VRH

Collins Collectors Association Archive Manager
Collins Collectors Association AM Night Manager
Just someone who loves operating AM no matter what rig!

- Original Message -
From: "david knepper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> With all the email flying back and forth on band expansion, etc., it is no
> wonder that AM activity on 75/40 meters is sadly lacking.
> Please no flames!  Just wanted to make a point that we need to give our
> fingers a rest and grab a mike.
> Dave, W3ST
> Publisher of the Collins Journal
> Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
> www.collinsra.com - the CRA Website
> Now with PayPal
> CRA Nets: 3.805 Mhz every Monday at 8 PM EDST
> and 14.253 Mhz every Saturday at 12 Noon EDST
> Collins Chatroom - Daily at 4 PM EDST on 7.203 Mhz
> - Original Message -
> From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion
> >
> >
> >>   On that subject, I can't
> >>>understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra
> >>>exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My,
> >>>it's so easy to get on radio these days.
> >>>
> >>>Bob  W6TR
> >
> > Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?
> >
> > Darrell, WA5VGO
> >
> >
> > __
> > AMRadio mailing list
> > List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> > Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> > Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> > Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Peter Markavage
If I had to take a guess at least for 80 meters, since their bandwidth
proposal is in limbo for some indeterminate time, is that their plan is
going to revolve around  phone, "wide" digital, CW, and "narrow" digital.
CW and narrow digital stuff can reasonably coexist together. The
"traditional" phone band plan has already been defined. Somewhere between
existing phone and CW areas, the wide digital is going to be defined
along with other stuff. Depending on who makes the best and loudest
pitch, ESSB and AM will look for more defined areas, DX'ers will probably
look for a bigger window, disaster and emergency management groups will
look for more define frequencies with a surrounding "safe" area.
Personally, I believe "windows" are counterproductive and literally lock
you out from easily operating in the rest of the band, with people
pointing fingers and raising a fuss, if you deviate from it

I don't operate 40 and 15 meters enough to even venture a guess on a band
plan but I bet it will also be a similar split of modes (phone, "wide"
digital, "narrow" digital/CW).

ARRL is looking for as much input as we can muster. Without it, they will
blindly reach into the hat and define a new band plan.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 16:19:03 -0500 "Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Boy Pete, I hope they don't try to run things for us all this time.  
> I am 
> against any band plan at present until we see who and what operation 
> moves 
> there.  If they do anything, they should concentrate getting the OOs 
> to 
> monitor for intentional interference.  That is rampant and going to 
> get 
> worse this winter.
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Mike Sawyer
Pete said:
ARR(gghh)L is looking for as much input as we can muster. Without it, they 
blindly reach into the hat and define a new band plan.

Pete, wa2cwa

Yeah, right Pete. Like they are going to listen to what the populice has to 
say, LOL. Chances are they WILL  blindly reach into the hat a define a new 
band plan. But what difference does that make? They don't even follow their 
OWN band plan. I submit their insistance at broadcasting, (yes just like 
KA1MAN!) their crap on SSB on 40M smack where they advise AM operation. I 
remember a time when they asked for input, and this is back when I was a 
(be)League(d) member. I gave input along with alot of other members. What 
did they do? They did exactly the opposite of what the majority advised.
Once bitten, twice shy!

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread crawfish
Yeah, I remember when Ten-Tec said that AM was archaic. The AM guys let them
know how they felt, and now even Ten-Tec sells transceivers with AM
capability.But, IMHO, the best AM is from tube gear. That is why I have a
DX-60 and a Globe Scout 65.
- Original Message -
From: "Donald Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> >>If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any manufacturers
> >>any equipment?
> Where  have you  been the past 20+ years?  Nearly all HF transceivers made
> to-day include true double-sideband full carrier AM mode, along with SSB,
> and various digital capabilities.
> There aren't any major manufacturers producing HF rigs that are AM-only
> exactly the same  reason they aren't producing SSB-only or CW only rigs.
> (I'm not talking about little single-mode QRP kits.)
> Don k4kyv
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Peter Markavage
Old and dead news with the 7290 bulletin frequency. Max. 10 minutes a day
at 9:45 PM EST. And 7290 is only designated as an AM Calling frequency.
Maybe they should just remove it from their band plan.

Fine your feelings about input. I'm sure no input is also "input" to

Pete, wa2cwa

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 20:40:38 -0400 "Mike Sawyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> They don't even  follow their  OWN band plan. I submit their insistance
at broadcasting, (yes just  like  KA1MAN!) their crap on SSB on 40M smack
where they advise AM 
> operation. I  remember a time when they asked for input, and this is
back when I  was a  (be)League(d) member. I gave input along with alot of
other members.  What  did they do? They did exactly the opposite of what
the majority  advised.
> Once bitten, twice shy!
> Mod-U-Lator,
> Mike(y)
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Darrell, WA5VGO

Your a great guy, Bob. It's good to know I can go to you for ALL the answers.

Darrell, WA5VGO

At 07:35 PM 10/13/2006 -0400, you wrote:
Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in 
the late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.  I agree that a pre no-code 
Extra is more valuable than post no code but he missed the boat.  My 
feeling is that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me at least) 
than a no code Extra.  I've always felt that no code extras should sign 
/nc when in the Extra part of the bands.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - From: "Donald Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Because with your 1968 Advanced you cannot go to the Extra Only Frequencies.

Healthfully yours,
 Don W4BWS
- Original Message - From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

>   On that subject, I can't
>>understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra


>>exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated.  My,
>>it's so easy to get on radio these days.
>>Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Jim Wilhite
I would suggest that another group develop a band plan, for example there 
has been discussion of using AM on some of the lower frequencies that are to 
become available.  It could then be published on one or more of the AM 

It would behoove the ARRL to really consider where they suggest putting that 
wide band digital stuff.  In an emergency situation they could go anywhere 
they choose but otherwise they should not be given preference by a band 
plan.  An attempt to carve up the band at this point would be counter 

73  Jim

Yeah, right Pete. Like they are going to listen to what the populice has 

say, LOL. Chances are they WILL  blindly reach into the hat a define a new
band plan. But what difference does that make? > Mike(y)

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Bob Maser

Anytime sport
- Original Message - 
From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Your a great guy, Bob. It's good to know I can go to you for ALL the 

Darrell, WA5VGO

At 07:35 PM 10/13/2006 -0400, you wrote:
Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in 
the late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.  I agree that a pre no-code 
Extra is more valuable than post no code but he missed the boat.  My 
feeling is that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me at least) 
than a no code Extra.  I've always felt that no code extras should sign 
/nc when in the Extra part of the bands.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - From: "Donald Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Because with your 1968 Advanced you cannot go to the Extra Only 

Healthfully yours,
 Don W4BWS
- Original Message - From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" 

To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

>   On that subject, I can't
>>understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra

>>exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated. 

>>it's so easy to get on radio these days.
>>Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Darrell, WA5VGO
How do you find time for ham radio? I figure a guy of your caliber would be 
too busy with more important things. Like solving world hunger or finding a 
cure for cancer.

At 09:23 PM 10/13/2006 -0400, you wrote:

Anytime sport
- Original Message - From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Your a great guy, Bob. It's good to know I can go to you for ALL the answers.

Darrell, WA5VGO

At 07:35 PM 10/13/2006 -0400, you wrote:
Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in 
the late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.  I agree that a pre 
no-code Extra is more valuable than post no code but he missed the 
boat.  My feeling is that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me 
at least) than a no code Extra.  I've always felt that no code extras 
should sign /nc when in the Extra part of the bands.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - From: "Donald Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Because with your 1968 Advanced you cannot go to the Extra Only 

Healthfully yours,
 Don W4BWS
- Original Message - From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

>   On that subject, I can't
>>understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra

>>exam, especially since the code requirements have been 
eliminated. >>My,

>>it's so easy to get on radio these days.
>>Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Peter Markavage
The other alternative could be, no input to any band plan; AM is phone;
I'll operate phone wherever my license privileges allow and deal with my
adjacent frequencies on a case by case basis.

Putting a band plan with AM related info on an AM only web site, means
nothing, if the rest of the amateur world knows nothing about it.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 20:20:26 -0500 "Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I would suggest that another group develop a band plan, for example 
> there 
> has been discussion of using AM on some of the lower frequencies 
> that are to 
> become available.  It could then be published on one or more of the 
> AM 
> sites.
> It would behoove the ARRL to really consider where they suggest 
> putting that 
> wide band digital stuff.  In an emergency situation they could go 
> anywhere 
> they choose but otherwise they should not be given preference by a 
> band 
> plan.  An attempt to carve up the band at this point would be 
> counter 
> productive
> 73  Jim
> W5JO
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Mike Sawyer
Pete said: 
The other alternative could be, no input to any band plan; AM is phone;
I'll operate phone wherever my license privileges allow and deal with my
adjacent frequencies on a case by case basis.
Pete, wa2cwa

Wow! Now there is a statement we can both agree on ;>)
AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread W4AWM
How much longer are we going to drag this thread out?  My in box is way 
overloaded! Sounds like the rachet jaws on 3890!


John,  W4AWM
Member AMI
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-13 Thread Bob Maser

Yeah, but I've never met a Texan that would listen.
- Original Message - 
From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Your a great guy, Bob. It's good to know I can go to you for ALL the 

Darrell, WA5VGO

At 07:35 PM 10/13/2006 -0400, you wrote:
Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in 
the late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.  I agree that a pre no-code 
Extra is more valuable than post no code but he missed the boat.  My 
feeling is that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me at least) 
than a no code Extra.  I've always felt that no code extras should sign 
/nc when in the Extra part of the bands.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - From: "Donald Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Because with your 1968 Advanced you cannot go to the Extra Only 

Healthfully yours,
 Don W4BWS
- Original Message - From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" 

To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

>   On that subject, I can't
>>understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra

>>exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated. 

>>it's so easy to get on radio these days.
>>Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Jim Wilhite

The other alternative could be, no input to any band plan; AM is phone;
I'll operate phone wherever my license privileges allow and deal with my
adjacent frequencies on a case by case basis.

Putting a band plan with AM related info on an AM only web site, means
nothing, if the rest of the amateur world knows nothing about it.

Pete, wa2cwa

You bet Pete, I am sure the editor at QST would be happy to publish it.  We 
would have a better chance at CQ, but in the event that they would not, it 
would be published.

73  Jim

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Carling
Sorry Clay - I cannot grant your wish.

DX stations all ove rthe world buy crystals from me.
Besides I only have ONE crystal on 3790 kHz. 
Perhaps sanctions would work? (grin!)

> Brian,
> As an active AMer and 75M DXer, I request that you please not offer crystals 
> within 10 KHz of the 75M DX window which is from 3789 to 3800.  Its a very 
> small window and many of the signals there are very weak.  We know how much 
> we hate it when SSB QSOs start up on top of our QSOs.  Let's not do the same 
> to the one portion of 75M where most of the operators are gentlemen who will 
> actually stand by so someone else can work a new country.
> 73,
> Clay  W7CE
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:08 AM
> Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion
> > From:   Donald Chester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >> Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM
> >> activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra
> >> segment.
> >
> > For those who would like them, I can offer FT243 crystals
> > on the following lower frequencies:
> >
> > 3615, 3645, 3655, 3686, 3700 kHz
> > 3702, 3703, 3705, 3721, 3790 kHz
> > 3800, 3805, 3810, 3816.8, 3820 kHz
> > 3825, 3830, 3837, 3840 kHz
> >
> > Brian, AF4K
> >
> > __
> > AMRadio mailing list
> > List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> > Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> > Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> > Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Carling
Actually no, AM has been used in the region of 3837 kHz 
for some time, and down around 7160 kHz too - hardly the 
to of the band. Why do you think it is wrong?

> Considering the fact that you are outnumbered by 500 to 1 at any given time, 
> I would think it wise to stay up at the top of each band and not go sit in 
> an area where DX is typically found, which is usually at the bottom of each 
> band.  Also, since a strong SSB signal can wreak havoc with an AM signal, 
> you're not going to win the battle for the frequency.  I operate SSB and AM 
> and I have seen the results of head to head confrontations.  Back in the 
> 50's and 60's when SSB was just emerging, they were allocated by gentlemen's 
> agreement to the top of each band because they were the minority.  Now AM is 
> the minority so it makes sense for AM'ers to inhabit the top frequencies. 
> Why fight a fight that you can't win?
> Bob  W6TR
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Peter Markavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 1:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion
> > Don't make the same mistake "they" did 25 to 30 years ago by defining an
> > AM pen area. AM is phone; use it wherever your license class allows.
> > Or, maybe all can wait for the ARRL Band Plan.
> >
> > Pete, wa2cwa
> >
> > On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:50:11 -0400 "Bob Maser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > writes:
> >> Going down to the new Extra class freqs is a sure way to fire up the
> >> SSB
> >> boys.  I would suggest widening out your 3880 to plus or minus
> >> 20kcs.
> >>
> >> Bob W6TR
> >> - Original Message - 
> > __
> > AMRadio mailing list
> > List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> > Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> > Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> > Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Carling
From:   "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 500-1? I think you need to get on a bit more often, Bob. AM has made a
> huge comeback over the last decade, and the 'gentleman's agreement'
> you mention seems only to be respected by the AMers. Just check 3870 -
> 3890 any night, you'll hear them trying to make problems. The reason
> there haven't been AM issues in other areas in only because the AM
> group tends to stay up above, certainly not because of any agreement.

Exactly Tom - he must not be hearing what I'm hearing.
Some days it sounds like there are 500 AM stations in the 
state of GEORGIA alone!

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Carling
From:   Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any manufacturers
> producing any equipment?

Look at the function switch on most modern HF transceivers, Bob.
There is usually a position marked "AM."

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Carling
I can see this is going to be a conversation like a lot you 
can hear on 75m SSB! NOt very deep - mostly more like:

Bob Maser in Tampa writes:

> Yeah, right.

> - Original Message - 
> > Icom, Kenwud, Yeasu
> >
> >
> >> least).  If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any
> >> manufacturers
> >> producing any equipment?
> >
> >> Bob W6TR
> >
> > __
> > AMRadio mailing list
> > List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> > Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> > Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> > Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Carling
Date sent:  Fri, 13 Oct 2006 19:30:27 -0400
From:   Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> That is a question that does not deserve an answer.

But... you did!

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread W7CE
No problem Brian.  In fact I need to order another crystal from you.  My 
purpose was to make sure members of the group are aware of the 
long-established DX window from 3789 to 3800.  It is officially 3790 to 
3800, but has drifted down an extra kHz in the past few years (those DXers 
are are real bandwidth hogs -- a whopping 11 kHz for all of them).

For those interested, the window exists because for many years countries 
like Australia had limited phone capability in the U.S. phone band.  In 
Australia's case, I believe it was only from 3795 to 3800.  With the 
expansion of the U.S. phone band, that may eventually start changing. 
However, since a lot of DX on 80M is right at the noise level, it is nice to 
have a small window that is relatively free of rag-chewing and other non-DX 
related activity.  Also,  as we all know, the amount of force required to 
move a group of hams is very large.

I have heard talk of attempting NA to Eu AM QSOs in the window.  I don't 
have any problem with this.  DX is DX, no matter what mode is used.  I 
believe N7UA, with his 80M, 6 element wire yagi, is planning on trying AM 
with some Eu stations later this winter.  I hope to either have my Johnson 
Kilowatt fixed or my 20V-2 conversion completed by then so that I can join 

Clay  W7CE

- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Sorry Clay - I cannot grant your wish.

DX stations all ove rthe world buy crystals from me.
Besides I only have ONE crystal on 3790 kHz.
Perhaps sanctions would work? (grin!)

As an active AMer and 75M DXer, I request that you please not offer 
within 10 KHz of the 75M DX window which is from 3789 to 3800.  Its a 
small window and many of the signals there are very weak.  We know how 
we hate it when SSB QSOs start up on top of our QSOs.  Let's not do the 
to the one portion of 75M where most of the operators are gentlemen who 

actually stand by so someone else can work a new country.

Clay  W7CE

- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> From:   Donald Chester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM
>> activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra
>> segment.
> For those who would like them, I can offer FT243 crystals
> on the following lower frequencies:
> 3615, 3645, 3655, 3686, 3700 kHz
> 3702, 3703, 3705, 3721, 3790 kHz
> 3800, 3805, 3810, 3816.8, 3820 kHz
> 3825, 3830, 3837, 3840 kHz
> Brian, AF4K
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread KB2WIG

no its not
- Original Message -
From: Brian Carling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2006 5:32 pm
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion
To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service 

> I can see this is going to be a conversation like a lot you 
> can hear on 75m SSB! NOt very deep - mostly more like:
> "DID"
> "DIDN'T!"
> "DID TOO!"
> Bob Maser in Tampa writes:
> > Yeah, right.
> > - Original Message - 
> > > Icom, Kenwud, Yeasu
> > >
> > >
> > >> least).  If AM is getting so popular, why aren't there any
> > >> manufacturers
> > >> producing any equipment?
> > >
> > >> Bob W6TR
> > >
> > > __
> > > AMRadio mailing list
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> > > Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
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> > > Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 
> > 
> > __
> > AMRadio mailing list
> > List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> > Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
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> > Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
> > 
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
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> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
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> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Jan Erik Holm

W7CE wrote:
No problem Brian.  In fact I need to order another crystal from you.  My 
purpose was to make sure members of the group are aware of the 
long-established DX window from 3789 to 3800.  It is officially 3790 to 
3800, but has drifted down an extra kHz in the past few years (those 
DXers are are real bandwidth hogs -- a whopping 11 kHz for all of them).

Actually 3775-3800 according to IARU band plan, however I guess
nobody in the US would care.

For those interested, the window exists because for many years countries 
like Australia had limited phone capability in the U.S. phone band.  In 
Australia's case, I believe it was only from 3795 to 3800.  With the 
expansion of the U.S. phone band, that may eventually start changing. 
However, since a lot of DX on 80M is right at the noise level, it is 
nice to have a small window that is relatively free of rag-chewing and 
other non-DX related activity.  Also,  as we all know, the amount of 
force required to move a group of hams is very large.

I have heard talk of attempting NA to Eu AM QSOs in the window.  I don't 
have any problem with this.  DX is DX, no matter what mode is used.  I 
believe N7UA, with his 80M, 6 element wire yagi, is planning on trying 
AM with some Eu stations later this winter.  I hope to either have my 
Johnson Kilowatt fixed or my 20V-2 conversion completed by then so that 
I can join in.

Clay  W7CE

By the way, I frequently during the winter hear lots of US AM traffic 
around 3850-3900, some stations are S-9+ and it wouldn´t be a problem to 
work them if I just could transmitt up there.

In any case I´ll be looking forward to work some of you on 80m AM,
might be easier now when everything will be changed around.

73 Jim SM2EKM

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-14 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 10/13/06, Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in the
late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.

How do you figure that, Bob? Someone prefers not to upgrade to a
higher license to get a few (until recently) more kcs of spectrum
because they feel the test is a give-away? Would the benefit of
upgrading be the opportunity to have an Extra Class-only SSB contact
with you?

I agree that a pre no-code Extra
is more valuable than post no code but he missed the boat.  My feeling is
that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me at least) than a no code

Sounds like you're the one suffering from sour grapes syndrome. How
DARE they offer the Extra Class license to those 'lesser' licensees
with an easier test??

I've always felt that no code extras should sign /nc when in the
Extra part of the bands.

That's okay, I've always thought that all hams should append their
callsign with the call area they actually reside in, be it a Vanity
call they bought or otherwise. Not so long ago, it was the law. And it
actually makes sense, more sense than having someone sign /NC so that
you can feel somehow superior.

Think about it Bob - you wouldn't even need to have the "half a brain"
you suggest the other fellow lacks, to get a 4-area callsign. You
could just sign W6TR/4 so folks would have a better idea where that
superior signal was coming from. (o:


~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-15 Thread Bob Maser
For good I hope.  We have beat this subject to death.  You did (or didn't 
do) what you chose and I and a lot of others did what we wanted.  I would be 
glad to sign /4 if that was the law but it isn't so I don't.

73 OM
Bob W6TR in FL
- Original Message - 
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

On 10/13/06, Bob Maser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in 

late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.

How do you figure that, Bob? Someone prefers not to upgrade to a
higher license to get a few (until recently) more kcs of spectrum
because they feel the test is a give-away? Would the benefit of
upgrading be the opportunity to have an Extra Class-only SSB contact
with you?

I agree that a pre no-code Extra
is more valuable than post no code but he missed the boat.  My feeling is
that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me at least) than a no 


Sounds like you're the one suffering from sour grapes syndrome. How
DARE they offer the Extra Class license to those 'lesser' licensees
with an easier test??

I've always felt that no code extras should sign /nc when in the
Extra part of the bands.

That's okay, I've always thought that all hams should append their
callsign with the call area they actually reside in, be it a Vanity
call they bought or otherwise. Not so long ago, it was the law. And it
actually makes sense, more sense than having someone sign /NC so that
you can feel somehow superior.

Think about it Bob - you wouldn't even need to have the "half a brain"
you suggest the other fellow lacks, to get a 4-area callsign. You
could just sign W6TR/4 so folks would have a better idea where that
superior signal was coming from. (o:


~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
AMRadio mailing list
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Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net 

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-15 Thread Brian Carling
Use the delete key or learn how to use filters.
Sure beats stifling discussions.


> How much longer are we going to drag this thread out?  My in box is way 
> overloaded! Sounds like the rachet jaws on 3890!
> 73.
> John,  W4AWM
> Member AMI
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
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> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-15 Thread Brian Carling

>  My
> purpose was to make sure members of the group are aware of the 
> long-established DX window from 3789 to 3800.  It is officially 3790 to 
> 3800, but has drifted down an extra kHz in the past few years (those DXers
> are are real bandwidth hogs -- a whopping 11 kHz for all of them).

Yes to be fair, Clay - we DO need those kinds of reminders 
when venturing down into the nether regions of the bands!

73 - Brian, AF4K

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-17 Thread A.R.S. - W5AMI


How much longer are we going to drag this thread out?  My in box is way
overloaded! Sounds like the rachet jaws on 3890!

Who exactly are you referring to on 3890 John?  I talk on 3890 quite
often myself, and don't think I come close to some of the folks I've
heard on 3885 in your area.  Most of the folks on 3890 I know are not
what I'd call a "ratchet jaws".  Maybe we are thinking of two
different groups?

Brian / w5ami
AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-17 Thread W4AWM
Hi Brian,

I giess I shopuld have been more specific in referring to a frequency.  Many 
of the AMers are quite long winded in their transmissions and some are not. If 
you get one of the long winders and try to break in and are not successful, 
you can sometimes wait 10 minutes or longer before the next opportunity 
presents itself.


John,  W4AWM
AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-17 Thread Jack Schmidling
Not sure where the archives are for this group but I believe someone 
here is selling xtals.

I need one for the AM window ASAP.

Please contact me via return email.


Jack NR9Q

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: http://schmidling.com/pow.htm
Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver http://schmidling.com

AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

RE: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-17 Thread Ed Sieb
I believe that's Brian Carling, AF4K,  



He can give you current price, etc.


Jack Schmidling  wrote:
Not sure where the archives are for this group but I believe someone 
here is selling xtals.
AMRadio mailing list
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

2006-10-17 Thread Donald Sanders
Go to WWW.AF4K.com for a list of crystals available. Bry has what you need.

Healthfully yours,
  Don W4BWS
- Original Message - 
From: "Jack Schmidling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> Not sure where the archives are for this group but I believe someone
> here is selling xtals.
> I need one for the AM window ASAP.
> Please contact me via return email.
> Thanks
> Jack NR9Q
> -- 
> PHOTO OF THE WEEK: http://schmidling.com/pow.htm
> Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver http://schmidling.com
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-13 Thread Tom
I see this topic come up so many times during the course of a year so I 
guess that I should turn in my Extra-light license because I'm not as smart 
or as worthy as those who think they are better than others because they 
possess the "real" license earned back in the good-old days. I'm convinced 
that they are the same people who walked to school 20 miles each way uphill 
in the snow while carrying their little sister. I, on the other hand, had to 
ride a bus about 10 miles...a piece of cake and I didn't learn fortitude. 
(Plus my little sister sat beside me)

I've decided to demand that the FCC require me to learn 50wpm code and have 
a doctorate in Electrical Engineering instead of just an A.A. in Electronic 
Technology from my Community College. Of course while I'm at it I will 
demand that they require ALL Advanced and old-time Extras to learn and prove 
proficiency on each and every mode of transmission including voice whether 
they have a desire to use those modes or not.. They will have to speak 
proper English and use proper punctuation in William Shakespeare style while 
using voice mode. No hillbilly talk like I hear now on the radio. No 
African-American, French, German, Italian, or other dialects or accents. 
They must also demonstrate AM, FM, SSB, LSB,USB, DSB, digital, RTTY, spread 
spectrum and on and on and on. Since they are so smart they will also have 
to build every piece of equipment that they use including RTTY printers, and 
make their own batteries with material mined by them too. After all if they 
buy a battery then they are lazy. Also, since communication had it's roots 
in early cultures they must show proficiency on smoke signals and beating 
logs with sticks.

I'm 55 years old and have had to readjust my career to changing times. I 
worked for 3 companies in 28 years and now 10 companies in the last 4 years 
within the IT field. It is a different world with much younger people in 
charge. START ADJUSTING! There is plenty for everyone to enjoy in this hobby 
and I'm humbled by the learned ones who share their knowledge without desire 
of receiving platitudes but BORED by those fixated on the code issue 

Tom K3TVC/nc

I signed with the /nc because it matters so much to you real Hams to know 
that you are better. Oh God, I'm not worthy.

hi hi

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Maser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Plus, if he had half a brain, he would have upgraded to an Extra back in 
the late 60's, early 70's.  It's sour grapes.  I agree that a pre no-code 
Extra is more valuable than post no code but he missed the boat.  My 
feeling is that my 20WPM Extra will always be worth more(to me at least) 
than a no code Extra.  I've always felt that no code extras should sign 
/nc when in the Extra part of the bands.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - 
From: "Donald Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Because with your 1968 Advanced you cannot go to the Extra Only 

Healthfully yours,
 Don W4BWS
- Original Message - 
From: "Darrell, WA5VGO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

>   On that subject, I can't
>>understand why the Advanced hams don't go down and pass the Extra

>>exam, especially since the code requirements have been eliminated. 

>>it's so easy to get on radio these days.
>>Bob  W6TR

Why would I want to downgrade from my 1968 advanced to the new extra?

Darrell, WA5VGO

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-13 Thread KB2WIG

"I signed with the /nc because it matters so much to you real Hams to 
that you are better. Oh God, I'm not worthy.

hi hi"

 Its nice to know that some still know there place   .. klc 

- Original Message -
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2006 0:37 am
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic
To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service 

> I see this topic come up so many times during the course of a year 
AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-14 Thread Bob Maser
Tom, your discourse on the no code licensing was great.  I have never looked 
down at a n/c Extra as being inferior, except in jest, but I can remember 
having one hell of a time getting my code speed up past 20wpm at the same 
time I had the theory down pat.  They never seemed in sync.  I never had to 
earn my living in the electronics business so the theory was often Greek to 
me, still is.  But understand that a lot of Extras that did have to pass the 
20 wpm requirement feel that the FCC or ARRL sold them down the river by 
eliminating it.  Lets face it, the ARRL is really concerned that the Ham 
Radio hobby is going downhill and that means less sales of product and 
magazines and they decided that n/c would give the hobby a shot in the arm. 
They were wrong but it is too late to double back.  This hobby is indeed 
rounding the last turn and the finish line is within sight.  Deny this all 
you want but go to a hamfest and count the young hams.  You won't need to 
even take off your shoes.  I usually go to Dayton at least 3 out 5 years and 
this year the Hamvention attendance was under 20,000.  It used to take more 
than a day to go through the flea market, it was less than 60% full this 
year and I'll bet that it is even smaller next year.  Another indicator of 
the state of this hobby is the infamous QST magazine.  There are issues that 
contain nothing interesting to hams that have been in the hobby for any 
length of time.  If you scan the Sept issue you can learn how to make a 
straight key from a door hinge, how to make a UPS that you can buy ready 
made for under $75 that works better, revisit a extended double zepp that 
has been in the ARRL Handbook for the last 20 years, a product review of a 
radio that nobody buys, and a frequency counter.  Then comes the final 
insult; the biggest advertiser in the magazine offers junk for sale, a lot 
of which are direct copies of other manufacturers' product that are higher 
priced at least partly because they don't employ prison inmate labor.

All this verbiage are my opinions on the state of hobby.  Yours may be 
different, probably are.

Have a good day, see on the bands for as long as we have them.

Bob  W6TR

- Original Message - 
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

I see this topic come up so many times during the course of a year so I 
guess that I should turn in my Extra-light license because I'm not as smart 
or as worthy as those who think they are better than others because they 
possess the "real" license earned back in the good-old days. I'm convinced 
that they are the same people who walked to school 20 miles each way uphill 
in the snow while carrying their little sister. I, on the other hand, had 
to ride a bus about 10 miles...a piece of cake and I didn't learn 
fortitude. (Plus my little sister sat beside me)

I've decided to demand that the FCC require me to learn 50wpm code and 
have a doctorate in Electrical Engineering instead of just an A.A. in 
Electronic Technology from my Community College. Of course while I'm at it 
I will demand that they require ALL Advanced and old-time Extras to learn 
and prove proficiency on each and every mode of transmission including 
voice whether they have a desire to use those modes or not.. They will 
have to speak proper English and use proper punctuation in William 
Shakespeare style while using voice mode. No hillbilly talk like I hear 
now on the radio. No African-American, French, German, Italian, or other 
dialects or accents. They must also demonstrate AM, FM, SSB, LSB,USB, DSB, 
digital, RTTY, spread spectrum and on and on and on. Since they are so 
smart they will also have to build every piece of equipment that they use 
including RTTY printers, and make their own batteries with material mined 
by them too. After all if they buy a battery then they are lazy. Also, 
since communication had it's roots in early cultures they must show 
proficiency on smoke signals and beating logs with sticks.

I'm 55 years old and have had to readjust my career to changing times. I 
worked for 3 companies in 28 years and now 10 companies in the last 4 
years within the IT field. It is a different world with much younger 
people in charge. START ADJUSTING! There is plenty for everyone to enjoy 
in this hobby and I'm humbled by the learned ones who share their 
knowledge without desire of receiving platitudes but BORED by those 
fixated on the code issue especially.

Tom K3TVC/nc

I signed with the /nc because it matters so much to you real Hams to know 
that you are better. Oh God, I'm not worthy.

hi hi

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Maser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amate

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-14 Thread Jim Wilhite
Some where around here I have a mid 1970s license manual.  The last time I 
looked at it, the Advance question pool was about 75 questions and the extra 
had 90.

As a former technical person, I liked the old tests because they did not ask 
me how long a VE or VEC had to forward paperwork to the FCC.  They did not 
ask something about Earth Stations.  But I had to know how to read a meter, 
calculate parallel/series resistance, what antennas do what.  The same 
information is in the pools today, just in a different format.

What they did do is cover the basics in the General, apply further technical 
language in the Advanced and even further in the Extra.  In all of them were 
rules and regulations to assure the applicant knew where they could operate 
and with what mode.

Prior to the 1980s code was the preferred method of emergency communications 
because of reliability.  Today that is fluid.  There are much faster ways to 
communicating written messages and instructions now in use.  With it came 
the less emphasis on code.

Now I consider anyone who holds the Extra as my equal.  The fine points of 
working on gear, understanding intercept points, adjacent channel 
interference. over modulation/key clicks is not for everyone.  The reason - 
most of our time on the air is fellowship, comradeship and just having a 
good time.  It is when any of the various governmental agencies need 
communication that we really are needed.

Learn the workings of what ever mode you like and become an expert, but most 
of all be ready to help and cooperate in times of emergencies.  That is our 
primary justification of having frequencies.  One other point, the number of 
licensees has increased over the years.  Who cares if they are 15 or 50. 
Many people who near retirement are discovering the enjoyment of radio and 
what you are allowed to accomplish.  Eventually those youngsters will 
discover the magic or Ham Radio.

73  Jim

Tom, your discourse on the no code licensing was great.  I have never 
looked down at a n/c Extra as being inferior, except in jest, but I can 
remember having one hell of a time getting my code speed up past 20wpm at 
the same time I had the theory down pat.  They never seemed in sync.  I 
never had to earn my living in the electronics business so the theory was 
often Greek to me, still is.  But understand that a lot of Extras that did 
have to pass the 20 wpm requirement feel that the FCC or ARRL sold them 
down the river by eliminating it.  Lets face it, the ARRL is really 
concerned that the Ham Radio hobby is going downhill and that means less 
sales of product and magazines and they decided that n/c would give the 
hobby a shot in the arm. They were wrong but it is too late to double 
back.  This hobby is indeed rounding the last turn and the finish line is 
within sight.  Deny this all you want but go to a hamfest and count the 
young hams.  You won't need to even take off your shoes.  I usually go to 
Dayton at least 3 out 5 years and this year the Hamvention attendance was 
under 20,000.  It used to take more than a day to go through the flea 
market, it was less than 60% full this year and I'll bet that it is even 
smaller next year.  Another indicator of the state of this hobby is the 
infamous QST magazine.  There are issues that contain nothing interesting 
to hams that have been in the hobby for any length of time.  If you scan 
the Sept issue you can learn how to make a straight key from a door hinge, 
how to make a UPS that you can buy ready made for under $75 that works 
better, revisit a extended double zepp that has been in the ARRL Handbook 
for the last 20 years, a product review of a radio that nobody buys, and a 
frequency counter.  Then comes the final insult; the biggest advertiser in 
the magazine offers junk for sale, a lot of which are direct copies of 
other manufacturers' product that are higher priced at least partly 
because they don't employ prison inmate labor.

All this verbiage are my opinions on the state of hobby.  Yours may be 
different, probably are.

Have a good day, see on the bands for as long as we have them.

Bob  W6TR

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-14 Thread k0ng

I only got my extra so I wouldnt have to remember the band edges, now they
moved them. What tudu ??  DE K0NG

PS, I dont care if anyone only tested to One WPM, as long as they get  
on the Air

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your reply is appreciated. One of my pet peeves is that this topic seems to
always be presented in a "shoot the messenger" mentality. I did not write
the rules but have to live with them. If anyone has any angst about this
topic it should be referred to the FCC and ARRL as you mentioned, not with
those who happen to test under the rules of their time. See ya on the air!

Tom K3TVC/nc

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Maser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

> Tom, your discourse on the no code licensing was great.  I have never
> down at a n/c Extra as being inferior, except in jest, but I can remember
> having one hell of a time getting my code speed up past 20wpm at the same
> time I had the theory down pat.  They never seemed in sync.  I never had
> earn my living in the electronics business so the theory was often Greek
> me, still is.  But understand that a lot of Extras that did have to pass
> 20 wpm requirement feel that the FCC or ARRL sold them down the river by
> eliminating it.  Lets face it, the ARRL is really concerned that the Ham
> Radio hobby is going downhill and that means less sales of product and
> magazines and they decided that n/c would give the hobby a shot in the
> They were wrong but it is too late to double back.  This hobby is indeed
> rounding the last turn and the finish line is within sight.  Deny this all
> you want but go to a hamfest and count the young hams.  You won't need to
> even take off your shoes.  I usually go to Dayton at least 3 out 5 years
> this year the Hamvention attendance was under 20,000.  It used to take
> than a day to go through the flea market, it was less than 60% full this
> year and I'll bet that it is even smaller next year.  Another indicator of
> the state of this hobby is the infamous QST magazine.  There are issues
> contain nothing interesting to hams that have been in the hobby for any
> length of time.  If you scan the Sept issue you can learn how to make a
> straight key from a door hinge, how to make a UPS that you can buy ready
> made for under $75 that works better, revisit a extended double zepp that
> has been in the ARRL Handbook for the last 20 years, a product review of a
> radio that nobody buys, and a frequency counter.  Then comes the final
> insult; the biggest advertiser in the magazine offers junk for sale, a lot
> of which are direct copies of other manufacturers' product that are higher
> priced at least partly because they don't employ prison inmate labor.
> All this verbiage are my opinions on the state of hobby.  Yours may be
> different, probably are.
> Have a good day, see on the bands for as long as we have them.
> Bob  W6TR
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"
> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic
> >I see this topic come up so many times during the course of a year so I
> >guess that I should turn in my Extra-light license because I'm not as
> >or as worthy as those who think they are better than others because they
> >possess the "real" license earned back in the good-old days. I'm
> >that they are the same people who walked to school 20 miles each way
> >in the snow while carrying their little sister. I, on the other hand, had
> >to ride a bus about 10 miles...a piece of cake and I didn't learn
> >fortitude. (Plus my little sister sat beside me)
> >
> > I've decided to demand that the FCC require me to learn 50wpm code and
> > have a doctorate in Electrical Engineering instead of just an A.A. in
> > Electronic Technology from my Community College. Of course while I'm at
> > I will demand that they require ALL Advanced and old-time Extras to
> > and prove proficiency on each and every mode of transmission including
> > voice whether they have a desire to use those modes or not.. They will
> > have to speak proper English and use proper punctuation in William
> > Shakespeare style while using voice mode. No hillbilly talk like I hear
> > now on the radio. No African-American, French, German, Italian, or other
> > dialects or accents. They must also demonstrate AM, FM, SSB, LSB,USB,
> > digital, RTTY, spread spectrum and on and on and on. Since they are so
> > smart they will also have to build every piece of equipment that they
> > including RTTY p

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-14 Thread Anthony W. DePrato WA4JQS

All this verbiage are my opinions on the state of hobby.  Yours may 
be different, probably are.

Have a good day, see on the bands for as long as we have them.

Bob  W6TR

Well Bob:
You said a mouth full and you are correct. I am one of those 20wpm 
extra's and was a general when all the bands were taken away from me 
in the late 60's. I guess i have kept that grudge for may years. but 
i do get on just about every day. Very little SSB any more too much 
crap and foul mouths and neo-nazis. Use to get on RTTY and still do 
but AM and CW are my loves now. Yes theARRL did not get the great 
shot in the arm they wanted Oh it happened for a while when all those 
who would not put the hard work and time into getting their ticket . 
we able to get it the New EZ way. but they got bored So the ARRL in 
their wisdom sic pushed to lower the test again. got a few more to 
come in who just wanted to guess at the test from the test Q&A that 
was passed out. they too dropped out bored. Why ? I really think they 
if you are given something for nothing you do not value it much. I 
value my ticket as one of the highest peices of paper i have ! I 
worked hard for it and I use it every day.

again just another old Farts thoughts on the matter.
73 Tony


Anthony W. DePrato  WA4JQS
QCWA  # 23602   10X # 3621
A1-OP FISTS # 10573  VBA # 55 AMI # 1274
NCDXF # 1036 RNARS # 1309 SKCC # 1227
Lis. 1962 Calls Held

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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-15 Thread Brian Carling
Not so fast, Jim...

Actually there was a video from a TV show recently where 
a ham sending a message via CW got a message through 
FASTER than a digityal message sent by more modern 
technical means. I am sure many of us saw that.

It was shown on a national televised show. It made me VERY
proud of our wonderful Samuel "F.B." Morse and his simple 
code that has so enriched the lives of countless ten 
thousands of hams!

Yes, morse code won the speed test, and this was within 
the last year or two!

> Prior to the 1980s code was the preferred method of emergency
> communications 
> because of reliability.  Today that is fluid.  There are much faster ways
> to 
> communicating written messages and instructions now in use. 

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-16 Thread Jim Wilhite
Correct there was Brian, telephone texting vs. good old CW.  Wonder how it 
would have come out if it had been good old CW against good old 100 wpm 
narrow shift RTTY?  How about PSK 31 or any of the other digital modes in 
use today by hams?

Not so fast, Jim...

Actually there was a video from a TV show recently where
a ham sending a message via CW got a message through
FASTER than a digityal message sent by more modern
technical means. I am sure many of us saw that.

It was shown on a national televised show. It made me VERY
proud of our wonderful Samuel "F.B." Morse and his simple
code that has so enriched the lives of countless ten
thousands of hams!

Yes, morse code won the speed test, and this was within
the last year or two!

Prior to the 1980s code was the preferred method of emergency
because of reliability.  Today that is fluid.  There are much faster ways
communicating written messages and instructions now in use.

AMRadio mailing list
List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net

Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

2006-10-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The disadvantage that the cell phone text messaging had against cw is that
the entire message had to be typed before transmitting, kind of like a store
and forward process therefore a lag in data receipt. I don't see how any of
the systems Jim mentioned would be any faster if you account for the time it
takes to capture the data prior to sending. CW is instant. I think that the
whole idea of that contest on the Jay Leno Tonight Show was to demonstrate
that some old processes still work well today. But...one thing to consider
is that to send a cw message the receiptant must also know cw(thousands of
people), whereas I can send a text message on a cell phone to most anyone
who speaks the English language (millions of people).

Tom K3TVC/nc

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"

Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion gone off topic

> Correct there was Brian, telephone texting vs. good old CW.  Wonder how it
> would have come out if it had been good old CW against good old 100 wpm
> narrow shift RTTY?  How about PSK 31 or any of the other digital modes in
> use today by hams?
> > Not so fast, Jim...
> >
> > Actually there was a video from a TV show recently where
> > a ham sending a message via CW got a message through
> > FASTER than a digityal message sent by more modern
> > technical means. I am sure many of us saw that.
> >
> > It was shown on a national televised show. It made me VERY
> > proud of our wonderful Samuel "F.B." Morse and his simple
> > code that has so enriched the lives of countless ten
> > thousands of hams!
> >
> > Yes, morse code won the speed test, and this was within
> > the last year or two!
> >
> >> Prior to the 1980s code was the preferred method of emergency
> >> communications
> >> because of reliability.  Today that is fluid.  There are much faster
> >> to
> >> communicating written messages and instructions now in use.

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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net