[amsat-bb] Mobile Computer / Radio Installations

2009-04-29 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Most cigarette lighters circuits have a 15 to 20 amp fuse on   
them.  That ought to work fine for charging/using with your computer ...

That amount of current can/will destroy sensitive electronic devices.  
(20A??? That's more than what an Icom IC-706MKIIG uses at 100W TX  
power ... )

Personally, I would never run my laptop off a vehicle's charging  
system while the vehicle is running. You won't find many reputable  
laptop manufacturers recommending this.

And all power feeds to my radio gear are properly conditioned and  

If I needed to run my laptop for extended periods on a 12VDC system, I  
would use nothing less than a ...

Tripp Lite PVINT375
(although this model comes with a cigarette lighter plug, that  
connection has to be one of the electrically most UNreliable for what  
we are doing - so the plug gets whacked off and the unit is wired  
directly) ... or

Astron Pi-250W
12VDC-to-120VAC inverter made for such circumstances. Wire it in to  
your vehicle's 12VDC system, and simply use your existing AC power  
supply. Immediate benefit is the ability to power/ charge other  
electronic items you may have using regular AC chargers.

There's no need to know the voltage/current/connectors of the laptop.  
The laptop's manufacturer already did all that work for you when they  
supplied the AC adapter.

Another downfall of using the cig lighter circuit for comms: very  
rarely is that line filtered for noise and such. I mean, who needs  
that line filtered to heat up a cig lighter? More intelligent cars do  
have filtered/conditioned "power ports." But I do not leave anything  
to chance, and make sure my equipment is properly protected.

Then there are folks who run their 100W HF rigs through a cig lighter  
plug and swear that all's well with the world ...

And so it goes.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Mobile Computer / Radio Installations

2009-04-30 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... I know for a fact that Dell, HP, and Acer all make car  
chargers ...

Sorry - semantics coming into play. It's a little different "charging"  
versus "operating" ...

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Ten Great Spacewalk Photographs

2009-05-14 Thread Clint Bradford
 From WIRED Magazine ... both URLs go to same site.



Clint Bradford, K6LCS / KAF3359

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[amsat-bb] Atlantis and Hubble Photo

2009-05-15 Thread Clint BRADFORD
An incredible shot of Atlantis and Hubble - with the Sun as their  
backdrop ...


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[amsat-bb] Re: FT-817 Transmit Inhibit

2009-05-21 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Is there a hidden menu option or some other way in software of  
preventing the radio going into transmit.

You can transmit inhibit via the ACC JACK. That 8-pin, mini-DIN jack  
provides a closure to ground during transmission, ALC, a  transmitter- 
inhibit pin, and “band data” for connection to an external amplifier.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: eggbeater rx performance

2009-05-29 Thread Clint Bradford
I set up my M2 EggBeater on a mast and rotator for shows and  
conventions ... I call it my Souffle' Antenna.

(rim shot)

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: true duplex radios

2009-06-01 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Yaesu FT-8800 ...

Really? Dual-receive, indeed. And will perform crossband repeating.  
But I can transmit on one band and simultaneously hear myself on  
another with a FT-8800?
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[amsat-bb] Re: true duplex radios

2009-06-01 Thread Clint Bradford
> >> ... Again, incorrect ...

I have obviously been successfully working the FM birds with 1-to-4W  
handheld radios too long ... (grin). I am going to pull out my FT-8800  
- check Menu Set Item 24 - and program it for a couple upcoming passes.

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Hawaii BL11 on AO51 today?

2009-06-01 Thread Clint Bradford
Robert - you sounded great here in DM13-land (Riverside, CA). Patrick is 
further east than I am ... how far did you communniate???

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Shuttle Atop Jet

2009-06-01 Thread Clint Bradford
I missed seeing this incredible photo last December when NASA released  
it. It is a view from ABOVE the Shuttle Endeavor/jet as they fly over  
the Mojave Desert after STS-126 last December.


Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Elk Antenna ?

2009-06-04 Thread Clint Bradford
>I want to mount the Elk dual band 144/440 antenna up on my 85' tower.

Consider Loc-Tite(tm) for all of the elements ... I'd rather see you mount a 
more durable, meant-to-be-mast-mounted dual-bander - like a Cushcraft unit.

Clint Bradford

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Full Duplex HT's (Howard Kowall)

2009-06-09 Thread Clint Bradford
Howard - Tell "your friend" to stay away from Chinese crap and  
purchase products approved by the governing boards of his own country.

Sorry for the attitude ... But China owns way to much of my country,  
and all they produce is inferior crap that U.S. citizens eat up at Wal- 
Mart and similar retailers. There are plenty of amateur radio  
manufacturers who follow my country's rules from whom I choose to  

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Full Duplex HT's (Howard Kowall) (Ben Jackson)

2009-06-10 Thread Clint Bradford
Partially sorry about my tirade last night. I am just sick of those  
hams who are cheapskates, and love their "bargains" that they find  
from questionable sources ... no matter whether or not the equipment  
carries an FCC ID number or not.

The use of such illegal equipment demeans us all.

Just Clint's opinion, of course.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Full Duplex Radios - A Complete List

2009-06-10 Thread Clint Bradford
Great work, Andrew.

If you have the capacity, maybe we can submit specific programming  
instructions for working the birds on each of those radios, and ofer  
it on your site. Might be as simple as snipping a couple pages as .pdf  
from the owners manual ...

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Way-OT: Re: Full Duplex HT's (Howard Kowall) (Ben Jackson)

2009-06-10 Thread Clint Bradford
The original post described a commercial HT ... operating WAY OUT of  
the 2M and 440 amateur bands. For marketing and sales within the  
United States, FCC certification is required.

Do people purchase non-FCC-certified commercial rigs and use them on  
the amateur bands? Yes.

Is it legal to do so? No.

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Re: Commercial Imports

2009-06-10 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... But I am with Clint here ...

Oh, that'll win you friends ... (grin)

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Re: Commercial Imports

2009-06-10 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Now on to using these radios.  Clint - since you have been  
insisting on the illegality of using non-FCC-certified radios on the US
ham bands, could you please show us the specific law/rule/regulation
that states that hams cannot use non-certified commercial gear in the
ham bands?

Some random - but pertinent - citations ...
47 U.S.C. § 302(b) of the Act provides that "[n]o person shall  
manufacture, import, sell, offer for sale, or ship devices or home  
electronic equipment and systems, or use devices, which fail to comply  
with regulations promulgated pursuant to this section."

Section 2.803(a)(1) of the Rules provides that "[e]xcept as provided  
elsewhere in this section, no person shall sell or lease, or offer for  
sale or lease (including advertising for sale or lease), or import,  
ship or distribute for the purpose of selling or leasing or offering  
for sale or lease, any radio frequency device unless in the case of a  
device subject to certification such device has been authorized by the  
Commission . . . ."

Radio transceivers operating in the 136 MHz - 174 MHz and the 400 MHz  
- 470 MHz bands are subject to the equipment certification process and  
must be certified and properly labeled prior to being marketed or sold  
in the United States.

47 U.S.C. § 503(b) of the Act provides that any person who willfully  
or repeatedly fails to comply substantially with the terms and  
conditions of any license, or willfully or repeatedly fails to comply  
with any of the provisions of the Act or of any rule, regulation or  
order issued by the Commission thereunder, shall be liable for a  
forfeiture penalty. The term "willful" as used in Section 503(b) has  
been interpreted to mean simply that the acts or omissions are  
committed knowingly. The term "repeated" means the commission or  
omission of such act more than once or for more than one day.
I will dig up my notes from a conversation with Bll Cross later n the  

Clint, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Commercial Imports

2009-06-10 Thread Clint Bradford
This was - I thought - common knowledge, George. After working selling  
Motorola/Kenwood commercial systems and also working amateur retail,  
the differentiation was sure clear to me. -Clint, K6LCS

GEORGE>> While it may be legal to USE said radio on the amateur bands,  
if the radio is designed to operate on frequencies in certain  
services , such as the public service bands, it MUST be FCC type  
accepted ("certificated") for those services in order to even be  
IMPORTED into the U.S. They must also meet Part 15 interference  

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[amsat-bb] Re: Way-OT: Re: Full Duplex HT's (Ben Jackson)

2009-06-11 Thread Clint Bradford
 > ... Also check out the Motorola JT1000 ...

Sure ... Let's discuss a fifteen-year-old HT that has long been  
discontinued by Motorola ....

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Illegal - for U.S. - Commercial Equipment

2009-06-11 Thread Clint Bradford
Wow .. sure have faced a bunch of hostility from "friends" here (grin).

No one has cited any specific US/FCC Code on any aspect of the matter  
- except for me, of course.

I have a conference call set up for Tuesday with the FCC's OET and  
another department. We all can agree that "pure amateur radios" are  
exempt from Part 97 certification procedures. But I will be  
documenting - with facts and direct legal citations - whether or not  
U.S. hams can use non-certified commercial gear (HTs that cover  
138-170 and/or 400-470) on the amateur bands in the U.S.

I will not be reporting my findings here. I'll post it on my amateur  
site's blog. And  have been approached by two publications (well, two  
print mags and one online mag) to write an article on this, which is  
in the works.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Partial List of Citations

2009-06-11 Thread Clint Bradford
For anyone seriously interested in all of this, here's a partial list  
of applicable rules to study ...

47 CFR 2.801:  Radio frequency (RF) device defined

2.803: Radio frequency (RF) device defined and Marketing of radio  
frequency devices prior to equipment authorization. - What can be  
Importation of Devices Capable of Causing Harmful Interference  
(Subpart K Sections 2.1201 through 2.1207)

47 CFR 2.1201: Purpose Importation of Devices Capable Of Causing  
Harmful Interference

47 CFR 2.1202: Exclusions

47 CFR 2.1203: General requirements for entry into the USA

47 CFR 2.1204: Import Conditions

47 CFR 2.1205: Filling of required declaration

47 CFR 2.1207: Examination of imported equipment

Part 15 Sections

47 CFR 15.3: Definitions

47 CFR 15.101: Unintentional Radiators

47 CFR 15.103: Exempted devices – devices that are exempt from Part 15  
specific technical standards

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[amsat-bb] Re: OT? Illegal - for U.S. - Commercial Equipment

2009-06-11 Thread Clint Bradford
May I respectfully suggest, Roger, that you read the entire message -  
where I already stated,

> >> ... I will not be reporting my findings here ...

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] AMSAT Contact

2009-06-25 Thread Clint Bradford
Which AMSAT member should I contact regarding a CubeSat construction inquiry?

Clint, K6LCS

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] NASA Kills Ulysses

2009-07-01 Thread Clint Bradford
After 18 years of operation, NASA has switched off Ulysses, the space  
probe designed to study the properties of solar wind, the heliosphere  
magnetic field, and the solar radio bursts that can greatly affect our  
gadgets, telecommunications, and every electronic system here on  
planet Earth. It was the first object to see and study our Sun's poles.

Read Ulysses Mission Operations Manager Nigel's email message to the  
Ulysses community ...


Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Cleaning oxidation from antenna

2009-07-09 Thread Clint Bradford
>> ... Nothing seems to be pitted or deteriorated, just "ugly". 

Fine steel wool. Then spray Marine Spar Varnish on it (after connecting cable 
and properly sealing that connection).

Clint Bradford

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] AMSAT Officer Assistance

2009-07-17 Thread Clint Bradford
Can an AMSAT officer please privately reply to me regarding this email  
inquiry? Many thanks.

A gentleman is considering a CubeSat mission for weather research, and  
needs answers to his inquiry after reading the AMSAT FAQ regarding  
using ham frequencies ...

>> Related to Q2 & Q5 (compensation):
>> * As university staff, can I transmit to the CubeSat, or is my  
>> salary considered compensation?
>> * Is the refurbishment of a club ground station (man hours,  
>> equipment repair/purchase) considered compensation?

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Officer Assistance

2009-07-21 Thread Clint Bradford
What am I doing wrong?

Twice in the past month I have tried to get a personal answer from an  
AMSAT board member to direct questions posed by a satellite builder.  
Questions raised after reading our questionnaire regarding sat building.

Can we please get our fecal matter together for this gentleman, and  
get authoritative answers to him? Or is this beyond the scope of AMSAT  
and its current leadership?

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Officer Assistance

2009-07-21 Thread Clint Bradford
Just received my AMSAT board member personal contact on this inquiry.  
Thank you very much. Thread can end now - it is being handled.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Public Thanks

2009-07-23 Thread Clint Bradford
Andrew and Lee have jumped in and are working with the UCLA satellite  
lead - MANY thanks, gentlemen!

And Martha, too, for finding the "right folks."

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: A0-51 is Down ...

2009-07-26 Thread Clint Bradford
Well, thanks for keeping it up for my demo and presentation last night  
(Saturday) in Big Bear, California. We made four contacts during its  
6:39PM PDT pass, properly impressing the 30+ attendees. Then we went  
back to the meeting room  for my presentation. We wrapped up just in  
time to walk outside and watch the ISS pass over us at 9:10PM PDT.

A wonderful evening, indeed.

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Shuttle - ISS Viewing

2009-07-28 Thread Clint Bradford
What a marvelous sight this evening at 8:40PM PDT: the Shuttle  
followed by the ISS streaking across the WSW sky, both easily viewed  
at the same time for several minutes.

Awesome ... and I'm not easily awed (grin).

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Youtube video of ANDE-2 deployment from STS-127 (Henk, PA3GUO

2009-07-31 Thread Clint Bradford
Extraordinary, indeed! Can someone tell me what all five objects are  
at, say, the 6:15 minute mark on the video?

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Re: Youtube video of ANDE-2 deployment from STS-127 (Henk, PA3GUO

2009-07-31 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> Two object were tha two satellites, the other three, the launch  
and seperation hardware.

Will the three extraneous pieces fall quickly "out of the way?"

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: USB-to-Serial adapter

2009-08-01 Thread Clint Bradford
When it comes to programming amateur HTs and such, there are many USB- 
to-Serial adapters that just didn't want to communicate. But the unit  
made by Belkin works great. And RT Systems carries a model which  
performs well.



Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Modifying the Arrow Ant?

2009-08-16 Thread Clint Bradford
.. I opted to try to insulate the elements from the boom ...

Please remind me why you think any such modification to the Arrow is necessary.

If we are discussing the Arrow dual-band unit for satellites with the duplexer 
built into the mast, I personally wouldn't dream of modifying it as you 
decribe. It works the FM birds phenomenonally as designed. 

The only 'mod' I consider is the addition of a handle for portable ops, a 
pictured at ...


Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Arrow Antennas

2009-08-16 Thread Clint Bradford
> ... Why are we modifying the Arrow?

> ... Because someone's analysis says the element length is all wrong ...

So Al Lowe's software program which he used to design these is all wrong?

Sorry to get defensive on Al's behalf. This thread just "feels" like a re-hash 
of an "engineer's view vs. real world results" argument. Like when I was told 
here - by engineers - that it mattered how I twisted my Arrow while working the 
sats. "Ya gotta take polarization into account, Clint - there's a 22db 
difference when you turn your antenna 90 degrees - a tremendous performance hit 
if you don't take this into account ... "

Yet in the real world of demonstrating workin' the birds, there's no such 
performance degradation. I have hundreds of witnesses to this fact: Capture 
SO-50 and AO-51 with the Arrow and operate TX and RX while twisting the antenna 
in different angles doesn't change the great reception and transmission quality.

If you are in the market for an Arrow, I simply suggest that you use it as 
offered to you. You will be pleased with its 2M and 440 amateur bands 
performance. And leave the modding of the elements w-a-y on the bottom of your 
"things to do" lists.

Clint Bradford

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] PowerPoint Presentations

2009-08-19 Thread Clint BRADFORD
As PowerPoint turns twenty-five, some tips on making more effective  
presentations - from the BBC ,,,


Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Re: MFJ/Cushcraft

2009-08-24 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... cushcraft serves their purpose,  they are the Walmart or Mc  
Donalds of the antenna world ...

Cushcraft was never a "bargain basement" product, and was never  
cutthroat with their pricing. Care in Q.C. and production methods were  
always evident.

Comparing Cushcraft to Walmart (importer of cheap Chinese goods, and  
lousy appreciation of their workforce) or McDonalds (mass production  
of unhealthy foods, again unappreciative of their workforce) is rather  

Just my opinion, of course.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Demo from DM13 Thursday Night

2009-09-04 Thread Clint Bradford
THANK YOU to the operators in Mexico and the United States for making  
my demonstration to the Moreno Valley (CA) Amateur Radio Assn. a  
success last night! They were, indeed, properly impressed!

My upcoming "How to Work Ham Sats With Your HT" presentations ...

September 11 - EchoLink/IRLP via K0GQ
September 17 - Conejo Valley ARC
October 5 -  WARA (Fullerton) meeting
October 17 - Victor Valley ARC’s JOTA

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Presentation--Introduction to Amateur radio?

2009-09-14 Thread Clint Bradford
"Amateur Radio Today" is a good six-minute video, narrated by Walter  
Cronkite ...


Clint Bradford

 >> ... Does anybody have an "Introduction to Amateur Radio" PowerPoint
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[amsat-bb] Thursday Night Fun

2009-09-18 Thread Clint Bradford
Thanks to AO-51 operators in Idaho, Ohio, Washington, Texas, Patrick  
in Arizona, and others during the 5:50PM PDT (00:50 GMT) pass of AO-51  
last night! I don't record the contacts while making demonstrations,  
but I wish I had last night while showing off AO-51 to the Conejo  
Valley Amateur Radio Club!

Upcoming Southern California presentations/demos ...

October 2 - Long Beach ARC*
October 5 -  WARA (Fullerton) meeting*
October 8 - EchoLink “SCARS” Node 96140 5:30PM PDT
October 15 - West Coast ARC (Huntington Beach)*
October 17 - Victor Valley ARC’s JOTA
November 8 - QWCA Chapter 7 (Norwalk)

Clint Bradford

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Sounds from space: ISS featuring APRS (video)

2009-09-19 Thread Clint Bradford
Great work, Henk!

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: satellite demonstration on Monday (21 September) evening

2009-09-20 Thread Clint Bradford
WEST, WROTE >> ... Monday evening ... 21 September ... demonstration  
on AO-51 ...

I'll try to contact you, Patrick!

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Way to Go, Patrick!

2009-09-22 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Thanks to the 14 stations ...
Great job. I mentioned I was using only one Watt just for you ... to  
try to impress your group!
 >> ... Clint ... seems to have a never-ending lineup of  
demonstrations ...
It's funny. A month will go by with just one presentation ... but I  
have had NINE demos/presentations in a five or six week period right  
now. SO MANY that I registered a new URL ...
... which just redirects to my ham site. But it looks good in the  
handouts (grin).
New for me is the EchoLink presentations. What fun! I get to be a DJ  
for an hour. I have pared down my 150+ slides to about 50, saved the  
presentation as a .pdf, and offer it to the EchoLink audience - so  
that those online can follow along with the show. The first one was  
well-received. And the next EchoLink session is on October 8 (EchoLink  
“SCARS” Node 96140 5:30PM PDT).
 >> ... Even though the demonstration came before, and not after, the  
presentation I gave to the club - it all worked out very well ...
It's one thing to talk to folks and tell 'em that you CAN do this ...  
But a GREAT "teaser" to get those few that show up early to actually  
DO IT with you beforehand - and use those folks during your  
presentation to "validate" what your slideshow shows!
Again, excellent work, Patrick!
Clint Bradford, K6LCS - http://www.work-sat.com

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[amsat-bb] Presentation Feedback

2009-09-24 Thread Clint Bradford
I gave my presentation to a club back on September 3. They'll remain  
nameless - it doesn't matter who they were. At times during the show,  
I felt like Rodney Dangerfield - it was a rough crowd. I know my  
timing was a little "off" due to my wife's recovering from an  
emergency medical problem. But we did work AO-51 from the parking lot  
right before the meeting ... I had my club-specific trivia questions  
all prepared ... the presentation SHOULD have gone well ...

Well, I just chalked it up to the law o' averages. I mean, Give the  
presentation, say, ten times, and there'll be one group that isn't as  
receptive as they should be (grin).

I forgot about that night - until I received the email reprinted below  
last night. I am almost ashamed to post this. In my mind, I thought I  
had somehow failed the group. This post is not to glorify me and what  
I am doing - I mean it to be a "keep working at spreading the gospel  
of AMSAT" to all of us - no matter what silly little setbacks may occur.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hello Clint

Thanks for the great AMSAT presentation at our club on 3 Sept. 09. And  
the demonstration of tracking and working an amateur satellite was  
very spectacular. The members are still talking about it. I hope you  
continue to give this lecture to various groups, it is one of the most  
viable ones that I have seen.

I made a dvd of your lecture and finally got it completed. Graphics on  
the top thanks to my son Eddie, our resident computer graphics person.  
I would like to send you a copy and was wondering if you were ok in  
QRZ at : 5085 Trail Canyon Drive, Mira Loma, Ca. 91752-1685   ? If  
this is ok, then i will mail it to you.  Thanks again.

  /s/ (club board member)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] New Board

2009-09-24 Thread Clint Bradford
Didn't see much excitement about the recent election results here. But  
you should know we're in capable hands with the following board  
members in place:

Barry Baines, WD4ASW
Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA
Bill Ress, N6GHZ
Alan Biddle, WA4SCA
Tony Monteiro, AA2TX (first alternate)

In my humble opinion, we're in good hands. These gentlemen should be  
commended for stepping up and committing themselves (well,  
"committing" could be interpreted as a psychiatric term ... ) to the  
cause of promoting AMSAT.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Demo in Long Beach - With a Difference

2009-10-03 Thread Clint Bradford
Everything was proceeding marvelously last night at the Associated  
Radio Amateurs of Long Beach (CA) meeting. A few folks showed up early  
as we worked the 0053 GMT pass of AO-51 from outside the meeting room.  
We then moved inside for my presentation.

Since my wife is in finishing a month-long trip to Tibet, I left my  
phone "on" in buzz mode in case she called or sent text messages. In  
the middle of my show, my phone buzzes. I calmly sneak a look at the  
phone, and was pleasantly surprised to see a QSL from XE3DX David  
Maciel - one of the contacts we made earlier!

Oh, the audience was properly impressed!

THANK YOU, David! And thanks to the others that made that demo a  

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

P.S. - Upcoming AMSAT presentations in Southern California ...

October 5 -  WARA (Fullerton) meeting*
October 8 - EchoLink “SCARS” Node 96140 5:30PM PDT
October 15 - West Coast ARC (Huntington Beach)*
October 17 - Victor Valley ARC’s JOTA
November 5 - Crest REACT (Corona)
November 8 - QWCA Chapter 7 (Norwalk)

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[amsat-bb] Arrow Antennas - Horrible Performers

2009-10-03 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... from what I have read, a 2.65db loss of signal using Arrow's  
crappy duplexer ...

Unless an Arrow Antenna performance report beings with, "My Motorola  
test equipment - certified within the last year - indicates ... [such- 
and-such performance characteristics] ... " - this that post is  
worthless to me.

And should be worthless to anyone demanding the best-available  

And such mis-information shouldn't be passed on to anyone else. And  
messagegroup moderators should delete such undocumented tripe.

Needless to say, I haven't read much of the recent "Arrow Performance"  
threads. Just aren't worth my time.

Just my opinion, of course. I have been wrong.

I couldn't ask for - nor imagine - better performance from my Arrow  
Antennas than what I am enjoying now. They prove themselves pass after  
pass, demo after demo 

Clint Bradford
West coast curmudgeon

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[amsat-bb] Re: Arrow Antennas - Horrible Performers

2009-10-04 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... What do you have against the Anritsu equipment ...

Absolutely nothing. They make excellent test and measurement equipment.

 >> ... I used to counter the 2.65dB claim?

Excuse me for missing your post!

 >> ... I found UHF to be about a half dB and VHF to be better than  
that and when I checked the calibration it was within a tenth of a  
dB ...

THAT is much closer to reality. And THANK YOU for adding sanity and  
"measured" results to this conversation.

Charles - I had a customer return an Arrow antenna, ranting and raving  
that it wasn't working. What I discovered was that he "accidentally"  
sent about 100W into the duplexer, burning out its first inductor. VHF  
performance was miserable ... UHF seemed OK. But the Arrow - in HIS  
mind - failed.

And so it goes 

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Rotators

2009-10-04 Thread Clint Bradford
Besides the Yaesu G-5500 and its GS-232A interface, what other rotator/ 
computer controllers are reliable performers?

I am rotator-knowledge-clueless ... I only have expeience with the  

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Portable Tracking

2009-10-04 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ...  Looks like the cheap way to go is an old Palm and the high  
end would be the a Netbook of some type or iphone ...

I missed the earlier posts on this thread. For Palm, the Palm TX model  
has a beautiful screen. And PocketSat+ works on it.

And if you like the iPhone but don;t want the phone (grin), don't  
overlook the iPod touch models!

And don't forget the free resources on the 'Net that you can print out  
ahead of time for your trip. At AMSAT.org you can plug in the  
vacation's grid squares, and print out the next up-to-50 pass  
predictions of your selected bird.

Clint Bradford
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Worldwide Linking

2009-10-09 Thread Clint Bradford
An inquiry during my EchoLink presentation last night ...

"Clint, we know the orbit of a specific satellite, we know its  
projected footprint, and we know its expected time over that  
footprint. Now if we had “X” amount of ham stations, RF equipped to  
talk with this satellite, and these hams were also equipped to  
communicate via VOIP EchoLink or IRLP and enough of these stations  
were lined up around the world within the orbital path, we would have  
continuous 24 hour, 7 day a week coverage around the world with this  

"The EchoLink or IRLP stations would all be tied together via  
connection to a main conference server such as *SCARS*. This would  
mean that anyone worldwide could access the satellite day or night by  
transmitting and listening to the earth station that was in the  
footprint at that particular time.

"I would see some things needing to be understood by the users, such  
as timing in regards to internet latency, repeater and or link delays,  
and the need to understand a pause would be necessary before  
transmitting, etc.  "

I have thought of this on a much smaller scale ... I welcome your  
comments. I do not want to completely discourage this gentleman from  
"thinking globally" (grin).

Clint Bradford


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[amsat-bb] Re: Passive Receive Antennas

2009-10-14 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Has anyone ever heard of a passive loop antenna indoors? About  
36" square and quite good for receive...

For receive only on that unit, just string a long wire high 'round the  

Sony made one - the AN-LP1. But for my clients, a long wire worked  

Clint, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Patrick on Saturday

2009-10-16 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... As for AO-51 in the evening - passes around 2318 and 0054  
UTC ...

I'll be working that 0053 GMT pass on the JOTA repeater pair from  
Victor Valley, CA. I'll try to move over to your repeater and have  
some kids talk to you!

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] JOTA Contacts on AO-51 00:55 GMT

2009-10-17 Thread Clint Bradford
Thank you, Mexico!
Thank you, Northern California and AMSAT Patrick!
Thank you, Texas!

(That IS three countries, isn't it ???)

I was invited MONTHS ago to show off AMSAT at the Victor Valley Amateur Radio 
Club's JOTA at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds. It's an hour drive each 
way for me ... there ARE "closer" JOTA events occurring ... But Victorville was 
the first to ask ...

We had a GREAT time. Arrived at 1PM for lunch, set up out informal table for 
the scouts to visit, and then had the wonderful pass of AO-51 at 5:55PM local 
time. I did NOT record the pass to initiate QSL cards - but will certainly 
respond to ANY of the 8+ contacts we made on both the special JOTA repeater and 
the "normal" V/U repeater. (That's INCLUDING Patrick, who I think had one foot 
in New Mexico and the other in Arizona ...)

Wonderful kids ... supportive parents ... Elmers from as far away as San Diego 
(150 miles' drive each way). Even got my wife to go with me this time, right 
after her month-long trip to Tibet. Ya know when you can impress your spouse, 
you've accomplished SOMEthing! We couldn't spend the night, as both our horse 
and burro(*) called us to remind us of their regular evening feeding.

Seeing scores of kids that age as interested in amateur radio and electronics 
and mathematics as these kids were - just makes me believe that the next 
generation of policy makers were in the audience 

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

(*) - Yes - If you have read my "bio" that's all over the 'Net, I do, indeed, 
own a burro. "His name" - you might ask? "edward R. Burro."

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: HT supports full duplex satellite operation

2009-10-20 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... looking only for current-production HTs, and I believe the  
Alinco is it when it comes to full-fuplex-capable HTs ...

And unless Alinco comes up with a miracle-of-a-firmware-release, that  
little rig is not suitable for working the FM birds.

 >> ... In addition to the TH-F6A HT from Kenwood ...

Just so that there's no confusion, the TH-F6a is *not* a true full- 
duplex radio. Dual-receive, yes. But key the mic, and nothing is heard  
on the sub-band.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: HT supports full duplex satellite operation

2009-10-20 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... I believe  Kenwood is going to  're offer '   a  newer   
version   of   their  recently disco'd   TH7 ht ...

And your source at Kenwood's corporate offices for this info is ... ?

Clint Braddford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: volunteering (Mobile Satellite PAPER Predictor)

2009-10-20 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... The small piece of paper that my proposal outputs is a single
piece of paper with about 10 numbers on it, no bigger than about
2" by 3" suitable for taping to your dashboard above your radio.

Then take your pencil, and write it out ...

In my AMSAT presentations, I show both graphical representations of  
sat passes, as well as pure numeric data. My audiences much prefer the  
graphical representations. So, what you are requesting may not have a  
"market share" as great as you might think.

This reminds me of the old Internet wives tale about the development  
of the space pen. You remember ... The story goes that America spent  
millions of bucks to develop a writing implement suitable for space  
travel. But what did the thrifty Russians do? Used pencils ...

It is not a true story, of course: Both manned space programs used  
pencils at the beginning of their projects. But it makes a good Cold  
War story for the U.S.

ANYWAY - There are several online (and FREE) sources for the info you  
seek ... as well as commercial programs that will generate the info.  
Want to slap something on your visor? Geeze, just write it out ... or  
cut and paste 

Curmudgeon-ly yours,

Clint, K6LCS

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: HT supports full duplex satellite operation

2009-10-20 Thread Clint Bradford
My Japanese is poor ... from what I see, it reads ...

"The handy machine whose APRS and GPS functional loading are enormous  
appears in 2010! With is.
As for design, the same as TH-D7 which is sold in the past.
If APRS, you mention GPS handy, presently the handy machine most it is  
VX-8 of popularity, but “it becomes the model of the efficiency which  
exceeds VX-8!”With is. Oh, it is the pleasure.

And, strictly confidential, it develops also 0 succession type, it is!  
With is. Whether it is 2011, ...
. You think that it can sell!
[kenutsudo], it may be able to expect future, is."

Has anyone spoken with Kenwood-US about this? If not, I'll call  

Clint Bradford

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] New Kenwood HT for 2010?

2009-10-21 Thread Clint Bradford
Well, the best info source for Kenwood-Amateur/US is still out of the  
office with a back injury. Leo might be back in a week or two ...

Personally, I would be surprised if Kenwood dedicated a lot of  
engineering talent to a new, true full-duplex amateur handheld. The  
profit for them is not in the amateur world - but in the land mobile /  
commercial arenas.

I hope I am wrong, though!

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Grid Square Map - Grey Scale

2009-10-21 Thread Clint Bradford
To the gentleman desiring a non-color grid square map ...

You can download the Icom grid square map as a .pdf at ...


... then print it out grey scale ... or otherwise manipulate it in  
your favorite image/paint program!

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Satellites need to be open source

2009-11-12 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Why aren't the schematics ... posted on the internet?

Geeze, I am holding AO-51 schematics in my hand ... and at the last  
AMSAT-NA convention, the proceedings book has a ton of info ...

I think the info IS out there. AMSAT-NA doesn't seem to be hiding  

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Torrance, CA Presentation

2009-11-15 Thread Clint Bradford
Whew - what a great past three months it has been! I've had twelve  
presentations/demos for groups in the Southern California region, and  
have enjoyed all the clubs.

My last in-person presentation of the year will be at the South Bay  
ARC in Torrance, CA on Thursday, November 19. ALL are welcome to  
attend. A good pass of AO-51 is occurring a little earlier that  
afternoon - 4:42PM PST - but I'll be in the parking lot working it if  
you are available that early. We'll go out for a sandwich or burger  
between the pass and the meeting, if you'd like!

The meeting begins at 7:30 at ...

Torrance Memorial Medical Center (TMMC)
3330 Lomita Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90505

The presentation notes are available for download at ...


Call me at 909-241-7666 or email cl...@clintbradford.com with any pre- 
presentation questions.

Thanks to AMSAT, AMSAT-BB, and all the attendees of my presentations  
this year.

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: SO-67 and FT-60R

2009-11-16 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... How do I set my FT-60R up for SO-67?? Its only one freq isn't  
it? -- Jerry - NR5A -
Jerry - Watch the sat's operating schedule for updates ...
This past weekend, they had a cross-band repeater set up for many.
Uplink:  145.875MHz
Downlink:  435.345MHz
CTCSS 233.6
As with other FM sats, please program to compensate for the Doppler  
effect on the receive side.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] PocketSat, RIP ???

2009-11-16 Thread Clint Bradford
Unfortunately, I heard "one of us" report last week that "PocketSat  
isn't really popular any more, with the demise of the Palm computing  
platform ... "

That's woefully incorrect on many fronts.

Palm users are plentiful, and Jim is still supporting us. PocketSat+  
is still the best Palm-platform satellite tracking software available,  
IMHO. Support still at ...


But Jim has not let his programming skills stagnate. We now have  
PocketSat3 for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch devices. It provides  
gorgeous screen graphics for our passes. Available in the Apple Store.  
Docs and support at Jim's new site at ...


It works marvelously on my new 32GB iPod touch. AMSAT's keps are one  
of the four default sets for painless download. Recently added is a  
"View Constellation" mode - which overlays your view of the heavens on  
a sat pass.

There are several "satellite trackers" in the Apple Store ... from  
free to $.099 to a few bucks. I have tried five others. NONE of them  
come close to the feature set, ease of use, and product support that  
one receives with PocketSat3.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Re: SO-67 and FT-60R

2009-11-16 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... please the wonderful document on amsat website that give a lot  
of hint and trick ...

It was that seven-year-old document - in addition to a couple others -  
that made me "update" things with the four-page tutorial at ...


Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Arrow Antenna - Mod II

2009-11-18 Thread Clint Bradford
I just posted photos of another "mod" performed to my Arrow Satellite  
Antenna: the addition of an HT tray.

Helps with "counter-balancing."

Use the PHOTOS link at the top of ...


Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Re: PocketSat3 for iPhone, iPod touch

2009-11-18 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Unfortunately the $1.99 version is only good for 40 fixed  
sats ...

The two-buck app lets you know if the program runs properly on your  
particular setup.

Again, I have tried six sat tracking apps for my new 32GB iPod touch -  
and PocketSat3 if the finest of the bunch.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Tonight's Presentation

2009-11-20 Thread Clint Bradford
A couple notes surrounding my AMSAT presentation in Torrance, CA this  

1. THANK YOU to whichever AO-51 commander flipped AO-51 to V/U today.  
It was scheduled to go to V/U at 00:00GMT on the 20th - which was  
4:00PM on the 19th my local time. And the pass I wanted to work was  
just 42 minutes later. And it was ON!

2. Don't know exactly how to explain it, but the pass today at 4:42PM  
Pacific Standard Time didn't exhibit the "normal" silencing, then  
faint voices, then stronger voices. It plainly BLASTED into  
discernible conversations, and we we were able to work it much sooner  
than "normal." We were not hidden behind foothills. It was a pretty  
clear shot South to AOS. It really floored me - in a most positive  
way.  It was dramatic.

3. Thanks to KI6VBY Tim for showing up for the pass. He isn't a member  
of the club I was speaking to. But he follows AMSAT-BB, and has  
cruised my sat Web site, and wanted to meet me and work the bird  
together. Glad he got to meet Carl Gardenias, too. Tim's no "newbie  
amateur" - he has built several portable HF antennas for events, and  
has a great, analytical mind. He's also served our country in the  
military, and is working on advanced degrees in college. He had to  
leave right after the pass today, in order to get some school study  
time completed. When he has time, he'll be a valuable asset to  
whichever club he joins.

4. Another thanks to ARRL Orange Section guru Carl Gardenias, who  
helped me carry my bags to/from the meeting room. "I wanted to see  
your show in person,"  Carl advised. He said he only cringed once at  
my humor during the presentation ...

That's it for in-person presentations this year. I still have two  
Internet shows lined up (EchoLink) in December. And a date in January  
already made. Thanks for a great year, AMSAT-BB folks!

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] AO-51 Performance

2009-11-20 Thread Clint Bradford
CB >> ... It was a dramatic improvement/difference in performance  
[00:42 GMT 11/20/09] ...

ANDREW>> .,, The power on the repeater downlink is a bit higher than  
normal at 760 mw. It shouldn't be a dramatic difference from our  
recent 500-600mw, but noticeable to a observant operator ...

My aging ears cannot take the credit ... it's that darned inefficient,  
engineered-all-wrong Arrow 146/437-10WBP antenna that I use ... (grin)

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Re: Outdoor Box for Preamp

2009-11-20 Thread Clint Bradford
A suitably-sized Pelican case would do ... weather/elements-proof.

Or call your local city yard or university plant ops person and see if  
they have any old telephone callboxes in the junk heap.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS 
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[amsat-bb] ISS Cross-band Repeater

2009-11-22 Thread Clint Bradford
The AMSAT status page for the ISS indicates ...

Mode U/V (B) FM Voice Repeater (Worldwide): Operational
437.8000 MHz FM
145.8000 MHz FM

Mode V/U (J) FM Voice Repeater (Worldwide): Operational
145.8000 MHz FM
437.8000 MHz FM

Are there two independent cross-band repeaters on board?

Confusingly yours,

Clint Bradford

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[amsat-bb] Re: ISS Cross-band Repeater

2009-11-22 Thread Clint Bradford
Thanks for the input. Sound like I'd be OK to publish ...


The cross-band repeater aboard the ISS is,
when operational, primarily in U/V mode.

Uplink - 437.800
Downlink - 145.800

The site below shows current sat status, and,
for the ISS, has links to both the AMSAT
ARISS site and the ISS Fan Club site -




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[amsat-bb] Re: First Satellite contact AO-51

2009-11-25 Thread Clint Bradford
> ... my first satellite contact ... AO-51 ... handheld ... Arrow ...


You officially now have the "sat bug" - which our Centers for Disease Control 
have yet to find a vaccine.


Clint, K6LCS

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Space Station sighting

2009-11-28 Thread Clint Bradford
>> ... saw the space station for the first time ... quite cool ...
>> ... although my g/f didn't share in my enthusiasm ...

I am not sure why your goldfish weren't as thrilled as you were. Our koi get 
excited when I prance about the back yard working the satellites or watching 
heavenly bodies ...

OH - "g/f" means girlfriend, I was just told.

Never mind, Tim.

Clint Bradford

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-27 and AO-51 Friday PST

2009-11-28 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... W6FOG was on an AO-27 pass yesterday afternoon ...

It was a pleasure working you on both '51 and '27 yesterday, Patrick!

There were a couple "first-timers" on the air - it was a great pair o'  

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[amsat-bb] Re: Interference in Spain

2009-11-30 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... You cannot solve the problem existing as well in Spain  
shooting down
all taxi drivers that are using 2 meters for their communications ...

I'll wager that I have more (a) licensed amateurs and (b) unlicensed  
abusers of ham and commercial bands here in Southern California than  
you do in your immediate area. The potential for illegal use and abuse  
is greater here - but (knock on wood) we have very little problems.

I feel your frustration ... but I believe it can be solved with a  
methodical education campaign. I've contacted several illegal dispatch  
operations personally. I am not one to simply complain to our FCC and  
think my job is done. I'd rather visit and explain to someone why  
their ops are illegal, what the potential fines are (they range from US 
$3,000 to US$10,000 a day, plus confiscation of all equipment), and  
then show them how to get legal ... sometimes even using the equipment  
they already own.

My methodology has worked on "problems" as large as a large commercial  
air carrier to small, mom-and-pop dispatchers. I have solved several  
problems in this manner.

 >> ... The only cure is to make the LEO satellite receivers less  
sensitive and use more EIRP at the ground station.no HT's my  
friend !

I think you are joking. I HOPE you are joking. One of my favorite ways  
to get fellow amateurs interested in AMSAT and satellite operations is  
to show them just how easy it is to work our LEO birds - with  
equipment most hams already own (dual-band HT and a better antenna).  
LEOs have a wonderful amateur radio public relations purpose.

I am not sure how your country's department of telecommunications  
respects amateur radio. Contact them at ...


... and see how they would like you to work on/with illegal operations.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Battery Charger Deal - TODAY ONLY

2009-12-04 Thread Clint Bradford
Today only, Amazon has the La Crosse BC-9009 AlphaPower Battery Charger for 
$34.99 shipped. And in addition to NiCD/NiMH charger, you get four AA 
rechargeables, four AAA's, adapters for C and D cells, and a travel case.

Charger features four independent status displays, one for each of its four 
slots. They can cycle through stats like charge rate, discharge rate, elapsed 
time, and total battery capacity.


Clint, K6LCS

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] AO-51 - After the Change

2009-12-06 Thread Clint Bradford
I thought I read we were supposed to experience degraded performance  
from AO-51 since last week's re-orientation of the bird.

I just worked the 5:04PM Pacific Standard Time / 01:04 GMT pass from  
DM03. Worked three countries along the West Coast, in addition to  
working Texas to the East. Elaborate station equipment involved ...

-handheld radio at 2.0W
-handheld dual-band Yagi

Performance seems just fine out here, folks!

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 - After the Change

2009-12-06 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... I think the handheld ops have less trouble with the polarity  
switching because tend to compensate more quickly with a twist of the  
wrist ...

That phenomenon is not evident now - nor has it ever been - for me on  

I know the engineers say I am supposed to be increasing or decreasing  
my signal strength by 22 or 23db by merely twisting my Yagi 90  
degrees. But I have hundreds of witnesses during dozens of  
demonstrations who will tell you that when the Yagi is turned 90  
degrees, there's no discernible change in the signal.

This is not a scientific approach to the subject, of course. Just what  
my aging ears can hear.

I have heard fellow AMSAT members describe AO-51's "signal fading due  
to the satellite tumbling in space," too. I am not using elaborate  
equipment, but have no idea what they are talking about.

Just my firsthand observations. Guess I could be wrong ... we are a  
little different - I am told - out hre on the West Coast of the US.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 - After the Change

2009-12-06 Thread Clint Bradford
Art - What you wrote (and correct me if I misinterpreted) is that me -  
and others with mere handheld Yagi antennas - are achieving better  
results on the FM birds than those with more sophisticated linear  


On Dec 6, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Art McBride wrote:

Rotating a linear polarized Yagi in a circularly polarized field should
result in less than a few dB of change, no change if the circular  
antenna is
perfectly circularly polarized. When using a linear antenna ground  
including reflections will cause a larger change. Using circular on both
ends will result in less fading from the ground effects and no change in
signal for antenna rotation on the S/C side providing the S/C antenna  
has a
good pointing angle. Losses of 22 +dB are reserved for cross  
polarization of
antennas H-V and LH to RH.

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[amsat-bb] Re: Alinco DJ-G7 updates

2009-12-08 Thread Clint Bradford
Alan - Are you experiencing any improved performance on the sub-band  
when working the birds?

Clint, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Alinco DJ-G7 updates

2009-12-09 Thread Clint Bradford
 >> ... Actually, I gave up on it as a satellite rig ...

Darn. Still leaves us without a viable TRUE duplex HT in the  

Man, if I win the lottery, I'll have the IC-W32a re-issued ... with  
complete voice prompts for the vision-impaired,  1.0 and/or 2.5khz  
tuning steps, 2.5W with 4.8VDC, 1,000 memories, some sort of USB  
charging capability, commercial spring belt clip, AMSAT membership  
form ...

That little radio has a great "feel" in your hand. It is missed 

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] New Kenwood HT

2009-12-10 Thread Clint Bradford
Kenwood USA has no idea exactly when their new HF/6M and new HT will  
be available for sale in the US.

The new handheld (informally "replacing" the TH-D7AG) is expected to  
be intro'd in 2010. It will have APRS / Kenwood Sky Command / TNC / DX  
Packet Cluster / GPS.

Kenwood USA has no further information at this time - neither features  
nor ETA.

SOURCE: Customer Service Manager of Kenwood USA

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[amsat-bb] Portable Power for USB Devices

2009-12-14 Thread Clint Bradford
UPDATE 12/13/09: I have run the ZAGG spark portable power pack through  
a couple charge cycles. It is impressive. I am working on a deal where  
if you purchase one, $10 will be sent to AMSAT. Stay tuned ... I will  
be creating a Web page with detailed information. - Clint Bradford,  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ever wanted more battery life from your iPod / PDA / cell phone or  
other device
that charges via USB? Of course we have.

The company name, ZAGG, might not ring a bell with you. But more of  
you have
heard of the InvisibleSHIELD line they market - IMHO the best of the  
protectors for our PDA and cellphone screens.

Well, ZAGG just introduced what appears to be the best of the  
"portable USB
device power packs" available.

Although the ZAGGsparq is marketed as being "able to charge an Apple  
iPhone up
to four times," I see it being used for a lot more applications.

Physically, it's 3.5 x 3.5 x 1" in size. Its Lithium Polymer battery  
pack is
rated at 6000mAH - that's SIX AMPS in your little pack. Only the  
Amstron PP66S
has that capacity ... but the ZAGG offers more features than the  

ZAGGspark works with any of your devices that uses a USB cord for  
Plus, it provides TWO USB ports for charging your mobile devices when  
into an AC outlet.

Weighs a tad over a half-pound. Four LEDs indicate the pack's power  
(25% / 50% / 75% / 100%).

I just ordered one, and will immediately put it to use. It's going to  
power my
Verizon MiFi 2200 and Apple 32GB iPod touch. I'll report back how it  

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] Re: Portable Power for USB Devices

2009-12-14 Thread Clint Bradford
I have already talked to te engineering department of ZAGG. My unit  
warms up to just under 100F degrees. The charger is built in to this  
little unit - the AC prongs flip out from the case.

I am impressed with the quality and features. I'l set up a Web page on  
it later this week.


On Dec 14, 2009, at 5:56 PM, David Wing wrote:


These Lithium Polymer batteries are incredible punch-per-pound!  Be VERY
sure that you are using the right charger for them 
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[amsat-bb] Another Bradford DUH! Moment

2009-12-22 Thread Clint Bradford
I am preachin' to the choir here with this post, I am sure. But since Southern 
California was under STORMWATCH again last night (we're expecting at least 
0.03" of precipitation), I decided to build one of those cheap "tape measure 2M 
Yagi" antennas from plans seen all over the Web.

I mean, I mention them during my satellite presentations as an affordable entry 
into high-gain ... I have a couple links on my Work-Sat Web site for plans ... 
I can see in theory where they should work - but I've never built one myself.

So I stuck the PVC pipes together ... soldered the matching element ... 
straightened it all out, and took it outside for a test.


This is something that EVERY ham should do. What a dramatic increase in a 
handheld's performance a couple dollars' worth of stuff can accomplish! I heard 
a NOAA WX station (technically, out of range for this 2M Yagi) in San Diego 
that I have never heard from the house before. Every repeater of the six I 
immediately hit were received more clearly than with even the best of HT 
antennas ... and as good or better than my Cushcraft A148-3S (retailing for 
sixty bucks).

Sorry - have to stop writing. I am way too old to get this excited about this 
hobby ...

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Another Bradford DUH Moment

2009-12-23 Thread Clint Bradford
>> ... I don't want to be a troublemaker ...

Since when, Luc? Is this a New Years' resolution of some sort?

>> ... did you ever think your A148-3S was developing some issues with the 
>> years? 

Naw ... I always clean the exposed parts of antennas like this one, and spray 
'em with marine spar varnish for protection from the elements (pun intended).

Both antennas - my Cushcraft A148-3S and the WB2HOL Tape Measure Yagi - are 
rated at about 7dBi - well, at least that was when Cushcraft was making the 
A148-3S. I don't know what MFJ's version will be rated at.

OOOPS - We weren't going to cause trouble ... (grin)

Clint Bradford
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 - Dumb Question

2011-02-08 Thread Clint Bradford
When ARISSat-1 is deployed next week, confirming it will simply be "pushed" 
outside the ISS, correct? 

How closely will it "emulate" the orbit of the ISS? What is its intended orbit 
- will it be passing the poles?

I apologize if this is covered all over the place already ... 

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat-1 - Dumb Question

2011-02-08 Thread Clint Bradford
>> ... Clint.  When ARISSAT is released it will stay in the "Plane" of ISS 
>> orbit...they will toss it retrograde meaning in the opposite direction of 
>> the velocity vector and with its slightly lower velocity the orbit will 
>> start to decrease...this is done so that very quickly the orbits will stop 
>> being "prox ops" reasonably fast.  

Great, succinct info - MANY thanks!

Clint, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] Decoding Software for ARISSat-1

2011-02-09 Thread Clint Bradford
The Web site that Carlos is using to host the decoding software is giving 
browsers' "security warnings" and "invalid certificates" messages.

Can "we" assist Carlos and host his wares somewhere else?

I realize that going to his site is probably all fine ... but the warnings are 
enough to possible scare some away frm the project.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect
securely to svn.sarpeidon.net, but we can't confirm that your connection is 

Normally, when you try to connect securely,
sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.

If you usually connect to
this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

Technical Details

svn.sarpeidon.net uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.
(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

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[amsat-bb] Re: [ARISS-ops] Re: Decoding Software for ARISSat-1

2011-02-09 Thread Clint Bradford


On Feb 9, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

Or you could wait for the software to be released to the public.  This  
is the development site and only the brave (i.e., developers and beta  
testers) should be using it.  I don't think you'll see this issue when  
the released software is added to the ARISSat site.

-- Dave, W8AAS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Res: Decoding Software for ARISSat-1

2011-02-09 Thread Clint Bradford
I have stepped outside my bounds - and I apologize. Carlos and the ARISSat-1 
Team have this well under control.

NO FURTHER REPLIES really necessary.


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[amsat-bb] SatPC32 - FT-817

2011-02-10 Thread Clint Bradford
James Brown (no, not THAT "James Brown") needs assistance with SatPC32 - Would 
a SatPC32 guru please answer him directly at ...


JAMES:  Wondering if you have instructions to make ft817 and ft857 connect to 
sat32pc and how that works. I have the 857 working as primary. Thanks, Jim KI6WJ

Many thanks - I just am not that familiar with SatPC32 ...

Clint K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: SatPC32 - FT-817

2011-02-10 Thread Clint Bradford
GREAT info - MANY thanks!

Clint, K6LCS

On Feb 10, 2011, at 11:21 AM, David Palmer wrote:

Hi Clint and James,

I've got a full write-up on my 2 x FT-817ND system with SatPC32 on my page at:

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[amsat-bb] Re: Spacewalk From International Space Station Will Air On NASA TV

2011-02-10 Thread Clint Bradford
Confirming the time ...

February 16, Wednesday
ISS Expedition 26 Russian Spacewalk Coverage
Spacewalk begins at 8:15AM EASTERN / 5:15AM PACIFIC
Johnson Space Center Public and Media Channels

NASA TV: http://tinyurl.com/ARISSat1-deploy

Clint, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Spacewalk From International Space Station Will Air On NASA TV

2011-02-10 Thread Clint Bradford
I read there was a scheduled test.


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[amsat-bb] April 12 Reference

2011-02-13 Thread Clint Bradford
Here is the "April 12" deployment reference on the Russian Federal Space 
Agency's Web site ...


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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Deployment - Russian Site

2011-02-13 Thread Clint Bradford
That previous reference wasn't a joke - sorry it went to the Russian page.

But here's the citation - in English:

>From the Russian Federal Space Agency's Web site:

FEBRUARY 12 - " ... In addition, the cosmonauts switched on small satellite Kedr
to be activated on April 12, so RF-amateur station all over the world could hear
the signals from space.

"Kedr was developed under the RadioSkaf experiment. The satellite's name was
adopted by Yu.A. Gagarin call sign in his historical flight, namely Kedr. The
satellite's signal will be transmitted at radio amateur frequency of 145.95 MHz.
Kedr has radio amateur call sign RS1S.

"RadioSkaf is implemented in the framework of UNESCO's student space education

Roscosmos PAO

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 - Batteries

2011-02-14 Thread Clint Bradford
The Russians didn't think ARISSat-1's batteries would last from Feb 16 to April 
12 - April 12 being the anniversary of Gagarin's historic 1961 flight.

Kedr to Be Switched on in the ISS on April 12


"Russian cosmonauts Dmitry Kondratiev and Oleg Skripochka won’t launch small 
spacecraft Kedr during their spacewalk scheduled for Feb.16, Roscosmos Stats 
Secretary, Deputy Head Vitaly Davydov told news media. 
According to him, the idea is to switch on Kedr inside the ISS on April 12, in 
order to commemorate the jubilee of Yury Gagarin’s mission. Weak batteries of 
the RF-amateur satellite won’t let it fly and transmit signals until this date, 
if the satellite is launched on Feb. 16. 

"Small spacecraft Kedr developed under the RadioSkaf experiment bears the name 
adopted by Yu.A. Gagarin call sign in his historical flight, namely Kedr. The 
satellite’s signal will be transmitted at radio amateur frequency of 145.95 
MHz. Kedr has radio amateur call sign RS1S.

"RadioSkaf is implemented in the framework of UNESCO’s student space education 
Roscosmos PAO

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