[amsat-bb] Re: AO-27 to the south

2009-04-27 Thread Sebastian
Hi David.

I live in the southern part of the state of Florida, and from my  
observations, it seems AO-27 turns on when it's near the center of the  
USA.  From looking at the footprint, that puts me in range for perhaps  
5 minutes, and most of Mexico for about the same amount of time.  This  
of course is when the bird is usable for me.

You can check the official AO-27 homepage, where there is a link for  
the status of the satellite for a 24 hour period here: 

73 de W4AS

On Apr 26, 2009, at 9:58 PM, David Giles wrote:

> Hello to all in the northern hemisphere.
> It is well known that AO-27 is only activated for limited periods in  
> the
> northern hemisphere.  But what is the furtherest south that it can be
> heard?  Also, is it only activated near North America or is it  
> turned on
> every orbit?
> 73 de David VK5DG
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[amsat-bb] Re: Yaesu G5500 rotor trouble.

2009-05-03 Thread Sebastian
Alan & Shawn - my elevation rotor went bad as well a few months ago.   
However it wasn't the capacitor; I sent Shawn off list the email of  
the person who repaired the motor for me.

Now as far as the cap, if the 5500 is similar to my 5400, the cap is  
easily removed without having to crack open the housing.  There's an  
aluminum plate on the side with 4 small screws.  Remove those screws  
and the plate, and you will see the cap inside.  If you are careful,  
and take your time, you can remove it and replace it.

73 de W4AS

On May 3, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Alan P. Biddle wrote:

> If everything checks, then it is _probably_ the 100 uF phase shift  
> capacitor
> you can see between the windings in the schematic.  You can get a
> replacement from Yaesu for $10-15 including shipping.  Replacing it  
> is not
> hard, but it is very tedious and messy.  Unlike other versions, the  
> G-5500
> has the capacitor in the motor housing rather than the control box.
> I had exactly the same symptoms you describe, and it was the  
> capacitor in my
> case.
> Good luck,
> Alan
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[amsat-bb] Re: ERP

2009-05-28 Thread Sebastian
I'm not so sure that Joe is using too much power.  I have a feeling  
that he may have a problem with his radio.  I have discussed this with  
him several times, to no avail.  As such, I usually stay away from AO-7.

I won't apologize, because I frankly think it should be the other way  
around, as most anyone who gets on AO-7 is aware of this.

73 de W4AS

On May 27, 2009, at 9:47 PM, WILLIAMS MICHAEL wrote:

> My apologies to Joe (K9SZH) and to the AMSAT-BB. I should have sent  
> my message directly to him and not through the BB.
> The ham mind works incorrectly sometimes, and I fell right into a  
> wrong decision.
> Mike (K9QHO)
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[amsat-bb] Re: FT-847 vs IC-910

2009-05-29 Thread Sebastian
Eric, earlier this year I went from the FT-847 to the IC-910H and I  
couldn't be happier.  I used it strictly for satellites.

No question about it, the 847 is an excellent radio; in one respect  
it's better than the 910 because it has HF.  However, the receiver on  
the 910H is far superior to the 847's.  I don't have any test  
equipment to justify that comment, other than my own ears.  I  
immediately noticed a big difference in the receiver especially on  
some of the SSB satellites such as AO-7 which is one of the weaker  
ones that I hear.

I haven't had the opportunity to test the 'real' weak signal modes,  
that is meteor scatter - yet; because I'm in the process of putting up  
a wide spaced 2 meter antenna with a preamp which will be used for that.

Otherwise, I am a firm believer that time marches on, and with time,  
the availability of parts for the 847 will decline, and eventually  
it's performance due to age of the components.  Sure there will be  
parts for the 847 for years as it's a very popular radio,  I just like  
to have equipment which is still being produced, in the event it  
requires service.

My 910H has 1.2 GHz built in, and I also have an antenna for that  
band, but I have yet to put it up.

My only problem with the 910H is it's RIT, or should I say, lack of.   
The RIT only covers 1 kHz, and I think that's much too small,  
especially for those stations that don't have computer doppler control  
on the SSB birds.

Also, the 910 has VOX, which is something that Yaesu really dropped  
the ball on by not adding it to the 847.

If you can afford it, I think you will be very happy with it.  The 847  
still commands a very good price on the used market if you decide to  
sell it.

73 de W4AS

On May 29, 2009, at 1:21 AM, Eric Fort wrote:

> For vhf/uhf satellite use I'm seriously thinking about selling off  
> my FT-847
> for money toward a IC-910.  Could some of you on this list comment  
> on how
> these 2 radios compare for satellite (and if you know vhf/uhf weak  
> signal)
> work?  why one radio over the other?  What are your thoughts and  
> experiences
> with the IC-910 ?  Same question for the FT-847.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> ___
> Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the  
> author.
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[amsat-bb] Card checkers in Florida

2009-06-03 Thread Sebastian
Last year when I had enough cards for 6 meters VUCC, it took me a few  
weeks to find a card checker.  The list I received from the ARRL had a  
lot of emails that bounced, and I received a lot of responses saying  
"I no longer check cards".  I finally found one after about 8 attempts  
and all went well.

I now have more than enough cards to qualify for satellite VUCC, and I  
emailed the card checker who I used last year for 6 meters a couple of  
weeks ago, and have not heard a response.

So is there an ARRL card checker in Florida, or near Florida who can  
help me please?

The ARRL didn't seem to be too concerned that their list was not up to  
date (based on not even receiving a reply from them, and even after  
offering my services to be a card checker), so I figure someone on  
here is either a card checker, or has used one recently.

73 de W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Card checkers in Florida

2009-06-03 Thread Sebastian
Hi Tim, thanks for the quick reply.  Unfortunately the major hamfests  
we had in Florida have already passed.  Sure that would have been the  
easiest way to do it.  I was stuck at about 90 confirmed for a couple  
of months, even though I had sent out a lot of cards, so fortunately I  
worked a few new hams and they are usually quite happy to QSL - BTW  
congratulations to K8GI who I had the pleasure to be his 1st satellite  
QSO recently and I received his card.  Rick if you read this  
reflector, make sure you contact Amsat to get the 1st timer award (or  
whatever it is that it's called) and I'll get your card out tomorrow.

Tomorrow my rotor also goes out to Yaesu, my azimuth rotor stopped  
working just a few days after I received my LVB Tracker, so it looks  
like I'll be off the birds for a while.  I took the rotor off the  
mast, and brought it inside and used a smaller cable and it does the  
same thing, constant hum, and it's stuck at 180 degrees south, and  
every time power is applied it attempts to try to continue to move  
south.  I spoke to one of their techs and he told me it was probably a  
potentiometer inside, based on the information I gave him.  I mention  
this because I did some searching on Google last night about Yaesu and  
their rotor repairs, and for everyone's information and contrary to  
popular belief, Yaesu continues to service their rotors.

73 de W4AS

On Jun 3, 2009, at 7:09 PM, n...@bellsouth.net wrote:

> Hey Sebastian,
> Not sure about Florida checkers ... but I wonder if you have any  
> hamfests coming up near you? You'll often find clubs that will offer  
> card-checking at hamfests. I know a couple of guys who've had their  
> cards checked at hamfests up in this part of the world to either  
> earn their initial VUCC or to earn an endorsement.
> Best of luck finding someone, and contgratulations on reaching  
> Satellite VUCC.
> 73,
> Tim - N3TL
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[amsat-bb] Re: equal time

2009-06-14 Thread Sebastian
Adrian, first I would like to thank you for taking the time to operate  
from a DX location, in order to give others a chance to work you!

Next, I think because of the things you have said, and the recent  
issue with the K5D operation, we have learned that attempting to put  
up a rare country on an FM satellite just doesn't work out.  There are  
simply too many stations on AO-51.  Why - because it's easy to do.   
SO-50 because of the timer and PL tones, is more difficult.  A lot of  
hams don't realize that FO-29 is back in service, let alone AO-27; and  
AO-27 is only on for about half the pass on the USA.  AO-16 has been  
off the air for months, and hopefully we will get it back sometime.   
The SSB birds are more difficult since it requires additional  
equipment, as opposed to an HT or two and a small handheld antenna  
(with the exception of Tim who could probably work Japan on AO-51 even  
though it's not in his footprint!) Tim knows I'm joking.

AO-51 is over used.  And yes there are a lot of people who may not  
necessarily run high power on there, but have large antennas of which  
I am one of.  I won't apologize for having outdoor directional high  
gain antennas controlled by an LVB tracker.  My antennas are from the  
days of AO-10 & AO-13, and I don't have the ability to change to RH,  
LH circular polarization; I use axial polarization.  Yes there are  
some who are using handheld antennas with roughly the same amount of  
power that I am; but who's going to be heard (even with my 115 feet of  
LMR400)?  Then there are those who believe it's a trivial task to  
setup a full duplex HT with a hand held antenna and be heard.  It's  
not easy.  I've tried it, and have concluded that it takes a lot of  
time to learn the 'tricks of the trade'.  At least once a week, I hear  
a newcomer on one of the birds calling CQ.  And people come back to  
them, but that newcomer can't hear them, because they aren't aware of  
doppler, etc.

Then there are some who use 'high' power, I would say 50+ watts, but  
perhaps they need that power because they are using vertical antennas  
or eggbeaters, with 150 feet of RG-58 Radio Shack coax.  And there are  
some who either use high power, or have defective rigs (or both), and  
make it difficult for others to hear due to their spurious emissions  
because they want to have more contacts than anyone else.

So what's the answer.  Those who aren't active on the birds because  
they are fed up will say we need a HEO.

Those that are active on the birds don't have to say anything.  They  
already know the problem.

I would like for someone to explain to me why they disagree that what  
we really need are more LEOs.

73 de W4AS

On Jun 14, 2009, at 6:03 PM, Adrian Engele wrote:

> As many of you know I operated as ZF2AE from EK99 back in late March  
> and early April during my vacation from Grand Cayman and Little  
> Cayman. I received numerous direct requests to have a sked as EK99  
> was needed for their VUCC awards. I made a big effort to meet all  
> these requests received prior or during that trip and in most  
> instances I was successful. As a portable, I worked AO-51 and SO-50  
> with just an Arrow Antenna with an ARR preamp and 5W with my VX7R. I  
> also worked other stations on AO-7, FO-29 and VU52 using the same  
> setup but with my FT857D with 10 Watts instead. Let me tell you  
> setting up as a portable station to work the linear  birds is time  
> consuming and required a big effort everytime. I was on vacation and  
> Hamradio was a secondary activity.
> After my return, I went  through my recordings it was clear that  
> there were many missed opportunities to work certain stations for  
> their requested skeds . Why was this? In most cases, it came down to  
> stations both domestic and international that are NOT LISTENING or  
> not leaving enough space between calls. Also it was clear these same  
> stations were calling the same stations day in and day out. What is  
> the sport in this, working the same stations and the same grids over  
> and over again; especially when a DXpedition is ongoing and others  
> need to work that grid. I had numerous passes where I could not get  
> once into an FM satellite during a planned sked. In some cases, I  
> only managed one or two contacts. It was frustrating to say the  
> least. Out of the 45+ passes I completed during my trip there was  
> only one satellite pass that was disciplined, operators listened,  
> called in order and over 15 contacts were worked in sequence with  
> zero interference and many happy
> operators.
> I encourage operators with deluxe satellite stations running power  
> with full computer and rotation tracking to let more modest stations  
> have their f

[amsat-bb] Kansas City Tracker

2009-06-18 Thread Sebastian
I have no affiliation with the seller, nor do I know if it's a good  
price or not, but I found this on eBay, a Kansas City Tracker for $55  
buy it now.


73 de W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: G-5500 rotor motor intermittent

2009-06-21 Thread Sebastian
Michael, you have received a lot of information about troubleshooting  
the rotor on this reflector.

However, if you are not able to repair it, I just wanted to let you  
know (in case you didn't see my post a few days ago), that contrary to  
popular belief, Yaesu still fixes their rotors, specifically both the  

I had a bad azimuth rotor, and I shipped it to them.  I believe they  
charge a $35 estimate fee.  If you decide to fix it, the fee is waived.

My rotor cost me just a little over $100 and was very securely shipped  
to me.  I received a post card when it was received, and a phone call  
telling me what the total would be; once I gave the ok, I had it back  
in my hands in one week, and it's up and running again.

Of course, if you are able to troubleshoot it, you will be learning  
more than I did, but I admit that at this point in life, I would  
rather have someone who knows what they are doing fix it, and $100 in  
today's world isn't a lot of money.

73 de W4AS

On Jun 20, 2009, at 8:54 PM, Michael Hatzakis Jr MD wrote:

> Ok, sorry for the additional post, this is a follow up.  After my  
> debugging
> session today, I am fast-forwarding to what I expect will be the  
> ending to
> this little fairy tail, that is, I see me climbing up and pulling  
> down this
> damn rotor to either replace or repair.
> So, next natural question is, if I am going to repair, what should I  
> repair
> while I have it open or are there people who do a good job in  
> rebuilding
> Yaesu rotors, roughly 5 years old??
> Michael  K3MH
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[amsat-bb] Re: Need advice : Eggbeater antenna, preamp, coax

2009-06-28 Thread Sebastian
On Jun 28, 2009, at 4:16 PM, Jean-François Ménard wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to know if there is much difference using a preamp for
> satellite receiving using a M2 Eggbeater antenna ?

I'll add a thought here that I haven't seen anyone reply about.  As  
everyone mentioned, definitely go with a preamp - but think for the  
future.  How much transmitter output power do you have?  If you have  
relatively low power, say 5 watts, you can get an inexpensive preamp.   
However, if you plan to use higher power in the future, perhaps for  
meteor scatter; that low power preamp may no longer be useful.

> And also, is there much difference between a heliax 0.5"  and a RG-8  
> on
> a 50 feet cable run between the antenna and the radio ?

Again, you've received several responses, but one thing hasn't been  
mentioned.  What is your output power?  If you have an HT with a  
couple of watts, that RG-8 may 'eat up' a lot of your power,  
especially if you are going to transmit on 440 Mhz.  Without knowing  
how much power you have, and which birds you plan to use, it's  
difficult to give you a good answer.

> I would really like to optimize my receiving quality but I also want  
> to
> know where to put all my effort first.

"you can't work 'em if you can't hear them"; also don't forget that  
you need to hear yourself FIRST.  Work on hearing your downlink if  
possible before you start to call other stations.  If you can't hear  
yourself, then post about it so we can help you out.  I think it would  
be helpful if you told us which type(s) of rig(s) you will be using.

> I'm new and I cannot invest much money the first year.

When you find a fellow ham who has all the money that's necessary to  
build a perfect station, please let me know!

> Thank to all for your advice.
> 73
> ---
> Jean-François Ménard

73 de W4AS
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[amsat-bb] Murphy on my G-5400B control box

2009-07-08 Thread Sebastian
Seems I can't get a break from Murphy.

A couple of weeks ago, I received my azimuth rotor & G5400B control  
box back from Yaesu after the rotor had failed.

Yesterday I noticed the control box had turned off, and was generating  
a lot of heat.  Sure enough, I checked the fuse, and it was blow.   
Opening up the case and looking for obvious problems, such as cold  
solder joints, burned components, etc., didn't show anything  
interesting; other than a hot transformer.

Unit blows fuses as soon as they are replaced.

So before I call up Yaesu and am off the air for another 2 or 3 weeks,  
any ideas from someone who perhaps has had the same problem?  I had it  
connected to my LVB tracker, which no longer functions, as I believe  
it gets its power from the control box.

73 de W4AS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Murphy on my G-5400B control box

2009-07-08 Thread Sebastian
> That's not good news Kevin, but I appreciate the response.
> I found my stash of glass fuses from the last hamfest, and unplugged  
> the cables from both rotors, and as expected, it blows the fuse  
> immediately.
> If it's the azimuth rotor, I should be ok, since it just came back  
> from Yaesu a couple of months ago.  If it's the elevation, I had  
> that one repaired based on the recommendations of another ham here,  
> so both have been looked at in the last few months.
> Guess I'll call Yaesu tomorrow and ask them how to proceed.
> I spent years just moving the rotors by looking at SATPC32, and then  
> I decided to get an LVB to make things easier, and that's what I get  
> for fixing something that wasn't broken.  I'm not blaming the LVB,  
> it's just that it was great having it align the antennas for me.   
> Unfortunately, I didn't get to use it for too long.
> I also found a couple of day ago that my radio was putting out very  
> lower power, and couldn't hear AO-51.  I checked the SWR, and it was  
> sky high.  I knew the beams were ok, so I suspected the coax.  I  
> found my LMR400 had a soldered center conductor, and a crimped  
> shield!  I couldn't believe a company would sell rf coax with  
> crimped connectors.  So I'm in the process of replacing those.
> The idea of using a Ham M type rotor (I have a couple spares), and a  
> Radio Shack rotor for elevation is sounding pretty good right now.
> 73 de W4AS
> Sebastian

On Jul 8, 2009, at 7:31 PM, Kevin Schuchmann wrote:

> Sebastian,
>  unfortunately your describing a shorted transformer, unplug both az  
> and el cables and then see if
> it still blows fuses, if it does the transformer has probably  
> shorted, and more bad news it also means
> either the az or el motor is probably also shorted and gone.
> The Yaesu rotors have a bad track record for getting a cable snag or  
> a problem inside where a motor
> jams and then overheats and shorts and then it takes out the  
> transformer...
> :-(
> Kevin WA6FWF
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[amsat-bb] Re: IF you had a choice...

2009-07-16 Thread Sebastian
On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:32 PM, David - KG4ZLB wrote:

> Hi Norman,
> This is a topic that surfaces every so often and is not an easy one to
> answer.
> The reason I say "primarily" is that the TS exhibits a "birdie"  
> right in
> the downlink frequency for SO-50 which renders use of that bird more  
> or
> less impossible on that radio.

Add AO-27 to that list!

Also, and this is something that I will never understand why they  
failed to do this; the 2000 can't send 12 volts up the coax line for  
preamps, the 910H can.  While there are other methods of supplying  
voltage to preamps, it's nice to have it built in.

73 de W4AS
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[amsat-bb] Re: New satellite rigs?

2009-08-07 Thread Sebastian
Simon please buy a used IC-910H, that way you can fix the Satellite  

I'm sure you can re-sell it for about the same you pay, maybe more.

I personally doubt that Icom will replace the 910H any time soon.   
That rig, given it's price tag and being only for 2m/440/1.2, must not  
sell very well.  I would think Icom should be working on an enhanced  
IC-718, which is an excellent HF rig at an extremely attractive price  
range.  If they added a few things to a similar rig, at a similar  
price I'm sure it would sell very well.

I'm 50 myself, and my kids better not be counting on much when I go (I  
plan to enjoy myself as much as possible), but I personally can't see  
myself spending $10,000 on some of the rigs out there.  I think we  
need more inexpensive rigs so that the few new young hams can get into  
the hobby.  Without young blood, we are doomed.

73 de W4AS

On Aug 7, 2009, at 4:32 AM, Simon (HB9DRV) wrote:

> - Original Message -
> From: "STeve Andre'" 
>> I'd like to think that Icom will come out with other radios, but  
>> given
>> the current economy, will they do that, I wonder.
> Look at the price of the IC-7600 - and that's selling well, as is the
> IC-7700.
> There's plenty of money for radios - so many Hams are over 50,  
> children have
> fled the next, so these Hams are spending their childrens'  
> inheritance. I
> would like a good UHF-SHF radio, don't want to buy the IC-910H as I  
> am sure
> it'll be replaced the day after I buy it.
> For now I use the TS-2000...
> Simon Brown, HB9DRV
> www.ham-radio-deluxe.com
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[amsat-bb] Re: satellite WAS #309

2009-08-11 Thread Sebastian
Hi Patrick, first like the others, I would like to thank you for  
helping me out tremendously in achieving VUCC on satellites, even  
though I still haven't contacted a card checker to actually get the  

For me though, the way things are, it looks like I'll be able to work  
the 49 states, but Hawaii is impossible at this time due to my  
location in south Florida.

One thing that concerns me is what in the world do you plan to do when  
you retire?  I don't know your age, but at this rate, I think you will  
have seen just about every grid in the states.  I think you once told  
me you knew another language or two, other than Spanish - you might  
have to learn Chinese so you can retire over there.  After all, they  
have a huge country, and a lot of grids!

I'm still waiting to get back on the birds once Yaesu tells me what's  
wrong with my rotors.  It's gone back and forth from Florida to  
California several times already.  Counting the distance of the  
satellite contacts, and the distance the post office has taken that  
thing from coast to coast, could be a new record - someone should  
create the 'MMR Award", most miles rotor award.

73 de W4AS

On Aug 11, 2009, at 1:37 AM, Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) wrote:

> Hi!
> After over 3 1/2 years working the satellites, getting on the
> air for around 6000 satellite QSOs followed by requesting QSL
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[amsat-bb] Re: TS2000 Bird

2009-09-09 Thread Sebastian
Unfortunately, no.  Kenwood even admits this by mentioning it in the  
rig's manual.

73 de W4AS

On Sep 9, 2009, at 2:43 AM, Danny Casier wrote:

> He om's;
> Is there a mod or fix to remove that bad bird on 436800 on my TS2000?
> 73
> Dan

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[amsat-bb] Re: XW-1 QSO and packet attempt

2009-12-20 Thread Sebastian
I think Drew (KO4MA) and I had the pleasure of completing the first QSO on the 
FM repeater of XW-1 tonight from North America.  Signals were extremely strong, 
yet unfortunately very few stations were heard on the downlink.

Just seconds after Drew and I chatted, we heard/worked Jay (AA4FL), Rick 
(WA4NVM) and John (K8YSE).  Luc (VE2DWE) has some magic in his antennas, as I 
consistently heard him pretty much all through the pass.

I heard Drew mention that perhaps due to the PL tone and the large number of 
stations trying to use the repeater, very few stations were able to make a QSO. 

The satellite rose from the south, and since I'm probably the southernmost USA 
fixed station active on the birds, I had the opportunity to be in the right 
place at the right time I guess.

All in all, XW-1 is a great addition to the ever growing fleet of ham radio 
satellites, and I offer my thanks to all the hams in China who made it possible.
73 de W4AS, EL95

On Dec 20, 2009, at 9:36 PM, Mark L. Hammond wrote:

> I was happy to make a QSO on the FM repeater of XW-1 tonight during the 
> 0210utc 21 Dec 2009 pass, and tried some packet too.
> Signals were S9 or better (didn't really look carefully).  Audio was loud and 
> clear on all stations I heard.
> I was able to get connected to the BBS, but unable to upload a small file.  A 
> directory request was given a -2 error a few times, too.  So, it will take 
> some tweaking, but it's working!
> Bravo,
> Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH]

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[amsat-bb] Re: SSB

2011-03-05 Thread Sebastian
Tony Parks (KB9YIG) who makes the SoftRocks, on occasion has a 2 meter receiver 
kit for approximately $50 or so.  Since it's an SDR, you are only limited by 
software as to the modes it covers.

I think if we email him enough, he'll start to make them available again.

The only 70cm kit that I know of, is the UHFSDR (WB6DHW) which just recently 
started to become available.  

Another alternative is the Fun Cube Dongle.  Although not a kit, it's an SDR 
with coverage from roughly 50 Mhz to 2 Ghz.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Kevin Deane wrote:

> Goes to show it can be done. Roger I think said something about a 
> downconverter, I do have an old 10-meter maybe that will work. Still would 
> like to make a 2-meter and a 70cm SSB radio probly have to be two kits.
> Still searching I have sent like 20 e-mails to kit stores we shall see. 
> Any more ideas would be great! Did I curb the sarcastic remarks? Oh that was 
> one wasnt it...LOL 
> Kevin   

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[amsat-bb] Fwd: ND9M/MM Op Sked: FL08 Update

2011-03-29 Thread Sebastian
Didn't see this here yet, so forwarding just in case.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Clary, James T, Civilian" 
> Date: March 29, 2011 8:39:47 AM EDT
> To: 
> Subject: ND9M/MM Op Sked: FL08 Update
> My ship kicked into high gear overnight and is much farther along than our 
> voyage plan called for. We’re crossing into FL08 in a few minutes instead of 
> later this afternoon. I’ll try to be on SO67 at 29/1311Z and whatever 
> pass(es) occur while we’re in the grid. We won’t be in the grid all that 
> long, so hopefully I won’t get called out for an assignment at pass time.
> 73,
> Jim, ND9M / VQ9JC

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[amsat-bb] Re: ND9M/MM Sat Ops: QRT ... for now!

2011-03-29 Thread Sebastian
I'm sure most on here don't know that Jim was also supplying many non-satellite 
hams with very rare grids on both 2 meters and 70 cm as his ship left the 
western tip of Cuba, all the way to Jacksonville Florida.

NZ5N and I emailed Jim a few days ago, to see if he would be willing to spend 
even more time holding his antenna outside and talking into his mike when he 
wasn't working the satellites.  He replied saying he would be very happy to.  

Jim would send us periodic emails listing the time and grid he would be at, and 
we agreed to use 144.230 on 2 meter SSB.

The 144 MHz propagation logger was also used to notify hams in the area, 
including N3LL near Tampa Florida to the west,  C6ANX in the Bahamas to the 
east, and several others near Jacksonville and perhaps above.

We also had various opportunities to chew the rag with Jim.  And yes, there 
were pileups!

The antenna Jim uses (an Elk I believe) was simply amazing.  On 2 meters, to 
the south I worked him at a distance of 151 miles, and to the north a distance 
of 204 miles.  On 432 my distances were a lot less, but thats because I 
presently only have my circularly polarized satellite antenna that is just 12 
feet off the ground.  

These contacts were made on 'normal days' with 'normal conditions', no 
tropospheric ducting was involved.

Other than the grids being rare, it's a rare opportunity to find such a kind 
and patient person.  Thanks Jim!

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Mar 29, 2011, at 10:31 PM, Glenn AA5PK wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Clary, James T, Civilian wrote:
>> Tks for helping to make the two-month voyage a memorable one!
> Jim,
> We all owe you a big thanks for sacrificing your sleep to active those rare 
> wet grids in the wee hours.
> I logged 48 new grids thanks to you.  It could have been more if I hadn't had 
> to be at work during a number of your 
> operations.
> 73 and let your vacation time begin!
> Glenn AA5PK in DM91

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[amsat-bb] Re: Logs/Grids

2011-04-02 Thread Sebastian
An updated version (2893) was released a few days ago, and now does LoTW upload 
and download.  

There has also been an awards function for some time now, which can be tailored 
for just about any award you'd like, including, but not limited to grids.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Apr 2, 2011, at 6:43 PM, Jeremy Bomkamp wrote:

> the HRD logger program can be used to automatically update eQSL, QRZ, 
> hrdlog.net.  And if you download HRD utilities, uploads to LoTW are a lot 
> easier and will update your log as to who has returned a QSL through eQSL or 
> LoTW.   The HRD utilities can be downloaded at http://wd5eae.org/Software.html
> Or if you just want to keep track of what grids you have worked or confirmed: 
> http://www.papays.com/sat/gridmaps/gridmaps.html and download the GCMWIN 
> program from the link

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[amsat-bb] Re: UT1FG/MM QSL confirmation

2011-04-13 Thread Sebastian
I've received a number of QSL's from Yuri, all via the buro.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Apr 13, 2011, at 9:08 PM, Omar Alvarez wrote:

> Hello
> Anyone can tell me if Yuri UT1FG/MM wrote about the way to confirm his QSOs?
> thnak you
> Omar
> DK89df

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[amsat-bb] Re: Icom D-Star

2011-04-24 Thread Sebastian
Never heard of WSJT?

Amateurs who are serious about weak signal work have been using that for years, 
for both terrestrial communications, and moonbounce on VHF and above.  

And it's also being used quite often now on HF.   10 meters is good example.  
When propagation doesn't allow for SSB, you'll find signals on 28.076.

Those signals won't appear on a scanner, HT or spectrum analyser; but chances 
are that someone is using the band(s).

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Apr 24, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Art McBride wrote:

> Amateur Radio weak Signal work and contesting most likely will remain with
> the basic modulation systems. High Power density digital modulation signals
> do not work well when there are weak or multiple signals present. 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Alan Shepard, First American in Space

2011-05-04 Thread Sebastian
I think it's a shame we don't have an Astronauts Day to observe in the US.  So 
many gave so much to this effort.

I suggested this to the governor of my state years ago, and I never received a 
reply.  So strange considering Florida is where all of the US manned flights 
have originated from.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On May 4, 2011, at 12:16 PM, John Papay wrote:

> Tomorrow, May 5th, we as Americans will celebrate the
> Anniversary of Alan Shepard's flight into space 50 years
> ago.  

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[amsat-bb] Re: LU or other DX on HO-68

2009-12-28 Thread Sebastian
That was LU5BOJ/O from FG75 whom I worked at 01:52 UTC.  We worked briefly as 
he was about to lose the bird.  Not sure why he used the portable designation.  
It was O for Oscar as per his phonetics, and not a zero.  Perhaps it's required 
in his country while working through a satellite?  It's interesting that his 
first name is Oscar.

That's the first station I have heard from Argentina on any of the birds.

73 de W4AS
Sebastian, EL95

On Dec 28, 2009, at 10:34 AM, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:

> Hi All,
> Last night I thought I heard a LU5OJ? on HO-68 right after AOS. If you 
> know who this might have been, please let me know. I'm also interested 
> in schedules for SSB QSOs with new stations/grids/countries, especially 
> those stretching the footprint on HO-68, during linear transponder passes.
> 73, Drew KO4MA EL88pg
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[amsat-bb] Re: This amateur has had enough of amsat-bb...

2010-02-06 Thread Sebastian
It's ironic that someone complains on the internet, about using the internet, 
instead of radio!

73 de W4AS

>>> Only serious business instead of amateur stuff... Again amateur radio 
>> apparatus is left on the extreme right lane and probably soon in the
>>> ditch if the ISS amateur radio apparatus is not put back in service 
>> soon!
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[amsat-bb] Looking for 440 preamp

2010-02-08 Thread Sebastian
I'm looking for a used but good 440 preamp, one that can handle at least 50 
watts or so.

Please reply off list with make, model, etc.

73 de W4AS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Anybody use a Soft66ADD SDR?

2010-02-10 Thread Sebastian
Robert, this looks like an interesting little device.  I have an SDR-IQ which 
is great, but expensive compared to this one.

I looked at the kit, and when I saw surface mount ICs, I said no way.  Most 
people don't have the equipment, eyesight or steady hands to solder a surface 
mount IC.  Maybe those parts are already soldered in the kit, I really couldn't 
tell from the web site.

You mention that you haven't been able to get yours to work.  What exactly do 
you mean; can the software at least see the receiver and control it (change 
frequencies etc.)?

Please let us know once you get it working.

73 de W4AS

On Feb 10, 2010, at 4:24 PM, Robert Liesenfeld wrote:

> Hi Mark-
> I'm the friend Owen refers to; I just built a Soft66ADI.  I keep meaning to
> do a blog post about it, but I'll summarize here.
> I really liked the form factor of the Soft66; the software-selectable BPFs
> and the fact that the control software is open source really sealed the deal
> for me.  I ordered the unassembled kit, with the aluminum enclosure for
> which it was intended.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Thanks to the travelers

2010-02-18 Thread Sebastian
It amazes me how these guys schedule and/or stop a trip to work the birds just 
for us.  

73 de W4AS

On Feb 18, 2010, at 4:54 PM, Tim - N3TL wrote:

> Thanks to Jim, ND9M, and Patrick, WD9WEK, for taking the time and making the
> effort to activate so many grid for satellite operators. Many of the grids
> they've worked passes from are fairly rare.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Wish List, The Ideal VHF/UHF Sat Rig

2010-03-01 Thread Sebastian
I ordered a cheap 6 meter SDR (about $20) to dedicate with a netbook to monitor 
the beacon portion of 6 meters.

73 de W4AS (who wants to daisy chain a Flex 1500 with a couple of DEMI 

> Many serious 6m ops listen to utilities below 50Mhz to tell when the 
> banding is close to opening.
> 73, Drew KO4MA (Who'd settle for a full duplex FT-817)
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[amsat-bb] Re: Devices in Icom preamps AG-25 AG-35

2010-03-18 Thread Sebastian
FYI my browser (Firefox) warned me that link was 'untrusted'.  Simply by 
removing the 's' in https, fixed that issue.

I'm expecting an AG-25 tomorrow, so if anyone has a need, I'll open it up and 
take some hi-resolution pictures of it.

I'm still also looking for similar information for a Mirage KP-2 440 preamp.

73 de W4AS

On Mar 18, 2010, at 1:38 PM, George Henry wrote:

> Going back in the archives, I found a message that said the AG-25 also uses 
> the 3SK121Y.  Thru Google, I also found a site which talked about replacing 
> the device with a 3SK183  
> https://www.stu2.net/wiki/index.php?title=Satellites&printable=yes.
> George, KA3HSW
> - Original Message 
>> From: Mark L. Hammond 
>> To: George Henry 
>> Cc: amsat-bb@amsat.org
>> Sent: Thu, March 18, 2010 5:44:13 AM
>> Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Devices in Icom preamps AG-25 AG-35
>> Hi George,
> Thanks for the tips. We had a measured 12V at the connector 
>> attaching
> to the preamps and the menus were correct, so every thing 
>> indicates
> something was amiss on the preamp-hardware side.
> I hope my 
>> colleague can get his preamps in working order.
> Does anybody have the 
>> device information for the AG-25 units?
> Thanks!
> Mark 
>> N8MH
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[amsat-bb] Re: logging Sat contacts...??

2010-03-27 Thread Sebastian
I would recommend that you don't have HRD automatically upload to eQSL, as when 
you log satellite contacts, the propagation mode is blank unless you select it 
prior to saving the contact.  I upload them occasionally, after I have set the 
propagation mode.

Also, LoTW doesn't support VUCC.

73 de W4AS

On Mar 27, 2010, at 1:07 PM, K7TRK wrote:

> I recently received the following comment from a contact that I made:
> "Hello Ted,
> eQSL does not provide the option to enter separate transmit and receive 
> frequencies/bands for cases where a station is operating cross-band such as 
> with satellite, so the transmit frequency should be used to select the QSO 
> band.  
> eQSL does provide the user the option to enter a "SAT band" (ie. SAT J, SAT 
> B, etc...) instead of choosing the band directly, this automatically picks 
> the correct band for the user and is based on the uplink frequency (transmit 
> frequency).  The eQSL ADIF import specification found at URL 
> http://www.eqsl.cc/qslcard/ADIFContentSpecs.cfm clearly shows that Mode J 
> (V/U) Satellite translates to the 2m band (the "uplink" frequency), and Mode 
> B (U/V) Satellite translates to 70cm, etc... proving that the transmit 
> frequency should be used to select the QSO band.
> It is a common eQSL mistake to enter the wrong band for satellite contacts 
> (and also to enter incorrect mode ie. "FM" instead of "FM (SAT).)"  Many do 
> not pay attention to the details and just accept eQSL's they receive based on 
> callsign, date, and time without thinking about the band or mode that applies 
> to a specific contact."
> I am curious as to what difference it makes whether the contact is logged as 
> TX or RX. I have a TS2000 and HRD picks up the log info from the main VFO I 
> believe, which is going to be the RX side. The info is then sent to logbook 
> and automatically uploaded to eQSL. I'm not to concerned whether or not eQSL 
> figures it out, but I would like LoTW to be correct and cards for VUDXX.
> so does it matter??
> Thanks, Ted 
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[amsat-bb] Re: Yaesu FT-847 vs. Kenwood TS-2000?

2010-04-13 Thread Sebastian
Having owned both of them, here are my personal observations:

TS-2000 can't send 12 volts via the coax line for preamps;
TS-2000 has double the power on 2 meters;
TS-2000 is available with 1.2 GHz;
FT-847 doesn't have VOX;
FT-847 has been discontinued for several years, can be difficult to find in the 
used market, and replacement parts in the near future may be difficult to find.

I still own the 2000, but regret getting rid of the 847.

73 de W4AS

On Apr 13, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Bill Dzurilla wrote:

> Any thoughts on the pros and cons of each of these rigs, particularly for 
> satellite work?  The used price for each is about the same, maybe a little 
> higher for a fairly new TS-2000.  I am aware of the TS-2000 birdie issue.
> 73, Bill NZ5N
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[amsat-bb] Re: FW: Re: AO-7 is not OK

2010-04-14 Thread Sebastian
AO-7 is definitely having problems.  On the last pass at 00:00 4/15/2010, I 
worked a few stations.  The bird was very busy, lots of signals. 

My downlink was very strong, above normal, even after lowering my power down 
almost all the way on my 910H.  I heard heavy distortion on my downlink.  

This was a very high pass for me, about 60 degrees.

Leo, W7JPI also confirmed the distortion problem (not just on my signal).  He 
mentioned that had been happening all day.

I heard a couple of stations using CW, which also sounded pretty bad.  Signals 
were up and down.  Sometimes very strong, sometimes they seemed to disappear.

Once the bird was out of eclipse, the signals were almost normal, but not for 
the entire pass.  I also worked W7LRD for a few seconds at 5 degrees.

73 de W4AS

On Apr 14, 2010, at 6:43 PM, ps8rf Piraja wrote:

> I am convinced that the AO-7 is not in Mode C and would make an appeal to all 
> users of the "Grand Old Girl" using only QRP until your ready reestablishment.
> Thank you all for answers and guidance.
> 73'
> Piraja, PS8RF 
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[amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo

2010-04-16 Thread Sebastian
I can hear very faint CW from them.  

I'm surprised as I have just a single yagi, and apparently their amp isn't 

73 de W4AS

On Apr 16, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Mark L. Hammond wrote:

> Just copied somebody on CW!  
> N8MH
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[amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo--MUCH louder today!

2010-04-17 Thread Sebastian
Today on my single M2 antenna, many times they are Q5.  Their amp has made a 
difference from yesterday when they were outputting only about 30 watts or so.

For those who want to hear them live from a real antenna (25 meter dish!), 
check out this link:


Move the frequency slider to about 432.044 and they are 20dB over S9!

Maybe one day, maybe one day.  Hmm, do I have enough room in my yard for a 25 
meter dish?

Also, I hear them much better on RHCP.  And I got my money's worth on my 
receive preamp.  Without the preamp I can't hear a thing.

73 de W4AS
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[amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo on 432 MHz Moon Bounce (some calculations)

2010-04-22 Thread Sebastian
There is also the group of Virtucons  who use gagillion, fafillion, shabolubalu 
million illion yillion, when describing lasers.

I believe this was first described in a movie with Mr. Myers.

73 de W4AS

On Apr 22, 2010, at 5:31 PM, Mark Hammond N8MH wrote:

> I think we should all use hexidecimal.  Or binary :) 
> Mark N8MH
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
> -Original Message-
> From: "i8cvs" 
> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 23:12:16 
> To: Sil - ZL2CIA; Idle-Tyme
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo on 432 MHz Moon Bounce (some calculations)
> - Original Message -
> From: "Sil - ZL2CIA" 
> To: "Idle-Tyme" 
> Cc: "i8cvs" ; "AMSAT-BB" 
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo on 432 MHz Moon Bounce (some
> calculations)
>> In the Netherlands (and most of Europe), you would write one thousand
>> million watts as 1.000 megawatts.
>> The decimal indicator in Europe is a comma.
>> For example,
>> 1,5 means one and a half
>> 1.000.000 means one million.
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[amsat-bb] Re: USB to Serial Converters

2010-05-05 Thread Sebastian
The issue is not the USB to serial converter, the radio, or the brand of the 
converter.  The real issue is the software driver support for the operating 
system being used.

73 de W4AS

On May 5, 2010, at 4:09 AM, Frank Woolfe wrote:

> Is anyone using a USB to Serial converter successfully to control a FT847??
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[amsat-bb] Re: Icom 9100

2010-05-16 Thread Sebastian
I sold my IC-910H recently, as I had thoughts about going with the 9100.  But 
at that price, I can't justify it.

I agree that the Flex 5000 is probably a much better radio (since we don't yet 
know all the technical details on the 9100).  However the cost of the V/U 
module for the Flex is about as much as you would pay for a brand new TS-2000.  
Sure the Flex offers more, but let's face it, with the current birds in orbit, 
it's overkill for the average ham who makes occasional satellite contacts.

Perhaps others such as DEMI, will see this as an opportunity and come up with 

73 de W4AS

On May 15, 2010, at 9:43 PM, Michael Tondee wrote:

> I guess once I put the upcoming V/U module in my Flex 5000 I'll have 
> that amount of money in it but I won't have had to spend it all at once 
> and IMHO I'll have a markedly better radio. Also one that isn't outdated 
> a day after I walk out of the store with it.
>  I'm just not a big fan of Icom's anyway so I guess I'm pretty biased.
> 73,
> Michael, W4HIJ
> On 5/15/2010 7:22 PM, Mik Forsythe wrote:
>> Just left Dayton a few hours ago.  Icom said that it is basically a 7600 and 
>> a 910.  It is bigger than the 910.  It was in a display case so I can't tell 
>> you what the feel was like of the weight.  Price is in the $4,000.00 range 
>> so that will kill a lot of the satellite market if you ask me.

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[amsat-bb] Re: 9100

2010-05-16 Thread Sebastian
I agree with you.  Yes there is a $300 difference, and thats why I said it was 
"about as much".  For me, $300 is $300, I was just saying the prices were 
similar; as opposed to the huge price difference between the TS-2000 and the 
IC-9100.  But again we don't have the technical specifications of the 9100.

You and I are probably not the "average ham".  I spend a considerable amount of 
time on the air, whether it be on the birds, on 6 meters, or chasing DX.  I too 
am seriously considering the Flex 5000 as it does appear to be, overall, the 
best HF/6 meter radio in the ham radio market today.  I have to consider 
whether my current HF setup of a Yaesu FT-950, along with the RFSPACE SDR-IQ 
used as a pan adaptor, is dramatically inferior to the Flex 5000.  I would 
appreciate thoughts about this (via direct email) from someone such as 
yourself, or others who own the Flex.

What I am on the fence about, is spending that much money in a module that will 
give me access to the existing fleet of ham radio satellites.  Perhaps one day 
I'll revive my interest in weak signal VHF/UHF capabilities, but not at this 
time.  For me it looks like making an investment in the Flex purely for HF 
work, is looking like it's the direction I may go to; and later on, decide on 
the direction of the world above 50 Mhz.

Which is why I believe that we could very well have options in the future, 
other than the Flex module.  And for now, my TS-2000 works great for me on the 
birds, but don't get me started about 436.795!

73 de W4AS

On May 16, 2010, at 5:46 PM, Michael Tondee wrote:

> I guess "about as much" is relative. Right now, based on sale prices, 
> there is right at $300 difference in the Flex V/U module and a TS-2000. 
> I don';t know about you but $300 is a decent chunk of change to me. 
> Besides that, we are comparing apples to oranges. The V/U module with 
> take advantage of all of the advantages that the Flex has over the 
> TS-2000 to start with. Not only will it be satellite capable, it will 
> also make the Flex 5000 a hot contender for other VHF/UHF weak signal 
> work. I've owned a TS-2000X before and while I thought it was a fine all 
> around general purpose rig, I never disillusioned myself into thinking 
> that it was anything more. From everything I've seen of the Flex it is 
> much more and will continue to evolve into much more given time.
>  I've owned my Flex 5000A a little over a month and I don't want any 
> other radio, satellite or otherwise cluttering up my operating desk. It 
> might take me awhile to afford to put the V/U module in my rig and I may 
> have lots more money in things than any other rig I've owned when I do 
> but IMO it will be worth it.
> 73,
> Michael, W4HIJ
> On 5/16/2010 2:59 PM, Sebastian wrote:
>> I sold my IC-910H recently, as I had thoughts about going with the 
>> 9100.  But at that price, I can't justify it.
>> I agree that the Flex 5000 is probably a much better radio (since we 
>> don't yet know all the technical details on the 9100).  However the 
>> cost of the V/U module for the Flex is about as much as you would pay 
>> for a brand new TS-2000.  Sure the Flex offers more, but let's face 
>> it, with the current birds in orbit, it's overkill for the average ham 
>> who makes occasional satellite contacts.

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[amsat-bb] 440 MM Preamp wanted

2010-06-04 Thread Sebastian
Anyone have a good used 440 mast mounted preamp they would like to sell?  Needs 
to handle a minimum of 50 watts output.  Ability to accept 12 volts from the 
coax line is preferred but not necessary.

Please reply direct.

73 de W4AS
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[amsat-bb] Re: SO-50

2010-08-26 Thread Sebastian
SO-50 is generally quiet during the day for a few reasons.  Many people are at 
work, and it's also a weak bird that is not as easy to hear as AO-51.  It also 
requires a PL to turn it on if it's off, and then another PL to use it.

Also many satellite enthusiasts use the TS-2000 which has a birdie on the 
downlink which can make it difficult, if not impossible to hear.

But it's a great bird with excellent audio.

73 de W4AS

On Aug 26, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Ng, Peter wrote:

> I was also surprised at how quiet SO-50 was during my initial attempts.  I 
> thought there something wrong with my setup.  I find the traffic on SO-50 is 
> very light.  Don't know why...could be the time of day (or night in my case). 
>  I had great help from KC2WQW and W6ZKH.  Regardless of anyone else being on, 
> when you can hear myself on the downlink, you know you're getting through.  
> have fun! 
> 73's Peter VE7NGP
>> That's true but you would think there would be others on the bird.
>> 73 Matt
>> W5LL
>>> ...
>>> Did you transmit the ON tone? SO-50 is set up so you have to turn it on by
>>> ...
>>> Rick Tejera

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[amsat-bb] Re: New Satellite Downlink?

2010-08-27 Thread Sebastian

73 de W4AS

On Aug 27, 2010, at 7:28 PM, George Henry wrote:

> Question:  since there is no amateur radio allocation at 149.985, "we" 
> (hams) would be asking the Navy, to whom the downlink frequency is 
> allocated, to transmit one-way amateur communications thru this satellite, 
> correct?
> Doesn't anyone else see potential legal problems involved here?
> George, KA3HSW
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[amsat-bb] Re: Gitmo

2010-09-16 Thread Sebastian
KG4JR, Jordan was just on HO-68, worked him on FM, great signal from a 
handheld.  He also worked a couple of other stations.  

Once the bird had only the extreme south of the US in the footprint, I was able 
to chat with him for a few minutes.  He's a subcontractor for the military, and 
will be there only through the weekend.  He also tried AO-27 but wasn't able to 
hear his signal; but he was successful on AO-51.

He uses eQSL, and you can also send him a card direct to his home call.

Keep an eye out for my friend Mike, C6ANX who should be on very soon from the 
Bahamas (FL15).

73, Sebastian W4AS

On Sep 15, 2010, at 6:31 PM, gar...@aol.com wrote:

> Jordan KJ4TLB will be on the FM sats from Gitmo.  Believe its a short trip  
> and
> not sure of the call.
> Gary K4MF

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[amsat-bb] #200 VUCC

2010-09-24 Thread Sebastian
I guess that waiting around a couple of years or so to finally submit my cards 
for satellite VUCC paid off.

I know there was some talk about this some time ago, as to who would get number 
200.  Well, the mailman came and that's the number on mine!

Seems strange considering almost all the contacts on the FM birds are a grid 
exchange; guess many are either not collecting the 100 cards, or aren't 
submitting them.  

Having amateur satellites available for almost 40 years, and only 200 satellite 
VUCC awards, WOW.  

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: LHCP or RHCP?

2010-10-06 Thread Sebastian
Tom, if you go with just RHCP you should be ok.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Oct 5, 2010, at 7:23 PM, Tom wrote:

> On the premise that the only dumb question is the one that goes unasked,
> here goes.
> If I'm building an antenna of circular polarization for use with the birds
> what determines if it should be LHCP or RHCP? I've read the ARRL Satellite
> Handbook and "sort of" searched the AMSAT-BB archives but found nothing
> about this question. 
> Thanks.
> Tom - K0TW

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[amsat-bb] LoTW VUCC

2010-12-22 Thread Sebastian
A bit late for me, but here is what the ARRL LoTW page says today:

"Dec 22, 2010: VUCC Award Support Testing -- VUCC support is being installed 
and tested.  When this upgrade is implemented, amateurs can use LoTW to apply 
for awards based on Maidenhead grid squares, such as VUCC and the Fred Fish 
Memorial Award."

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Need Advice for SDR choice

2011-01-04 Thread Sebastian
For someone who already owns an Icom R-7000, a $20 Softrock kit with the 
appropriate crystal for 10.7 MHz, connected to the IF output and a good sound 
card, will be able to display a 96 kHz bandwidth.  The Softrock in this case 
would basically be a slave to the R-7000, whatever mode or frequency the R-7000 
can use, the Softrock would display on a monitor and output the audio.  A very 
inexpensive, yet very desirable addition to a station.

There will soon (in a matter of weeks) be a UHFSDR available, which is a low 
power TRANSCEIVER, at about the same price as the FCD, however that won't be as 
simple as a plug and play USB device.

There is also a $74 Softrock HF 1 watt transceiver available; I have one on my 
bench which will be my next project.  And there are also inexpensive (under 
$100) kits for amplifiers with around 20 watts output available from TAPR. 

Using these inexpensive devices, along with free software such as SDR-Radio (by 
the same author of Ham Radio Deluxe) is an eye opening experience when compared 
with many of today's expensive HF rigs.

There are also 'beta' Softrocks that cover up to 144 MHz. The near future 
certainly holds a lot of promise for even better inexpensive SDR transceivers.  
The FCD looks like a great deal, and I plan to order one when they become 
available again.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Jan 4, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Mark L. Hammond wrote:

> I think the most significant difference between the FCD and the Softrocks is 
> FREQUENCY, isn't it?  Are there Softrocks that will do 64-1700 MHz?  
> I don't remember for sure, but I thought the Softrocks are good only up to 30 
> or 50 MHz.  The FCD is from 60-ish to 1.7GHz.   That makes them apples to 
> oranges in comparison.   
> So, if I have this right, I would need a Softrock and what---two or three 
> downconverters?--to cover just 2M, 70cm, and 23 cm.  Oh, add a sound card.  
> That's more than the cost of a FCD shipped to the US...
> If you're using an IF of a receiver, you need the receiver!! and the 
> Softrock.  And a sound card.
> I have three Softrock kits sitting on the bench right now, for those exact 
> reasons above.  The FCD  is a one piece, plug and play solution for the bands 
> I wanted to work (VHF, UHF).   There really isn't a better option, far as I 
> can tell...
> 73,
> Mark N8MH 
> At 05:19 AM 1/4/2011 +, you wrote:
>> He could go with a 10.7 MHz fixed IF Softrock for about $30 (with the 
>> special crystal) instead of $175 for the FCD and maybe have a chance at 
>> getting one sooner than later if he really wanted to use it with the ICOM.
>> A soundcard is needed for a softrock, but I have used a $50 USB one in the 
>> past from China no problem if he can't use the built in one (like on a 
>> laptop).
>> Fred 
>> Jan 3, 2011 06:26:01 PM, amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org wrote:
>> ===
>>> Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 14:26:55 -0700
>>> To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
>>> From: vlfis...@mcn.net
>>> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Need Advice for SDR choice
>>> At 06:25 PM 1/2/2011 -0500, marklhamm...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I'm going to look into SDR.  My Icom r-7100 has an IF out jack I could feed 
>>> into a unit.
>> That was my first thought too, but R-7000 receiver's IF is at 10.7 MHz and 
>> the FCD only goes down to 64 MHz.
>> On the other hand, the R7000's tuning range isn't that different from the 
>> FCD, and I bet the FCD has better specs, so why bother with the receiver?
>> Greg  KO6TH

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[amsat-bb] Re: VUCC QSO costs

2011-01-22 Thread Sebastian
Although I already have VUCC satellite (#200 wow!), for those that don't yet 
what happens when you have enough confirmed grids via both paper cards and LoTW?

Will card checkers go to the trouble of looking at your LoTW account and 
compare them to the paper cards, or should the paper cards go to ARRL for 
credit towards VUCC?

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Jan 22, 2011, at 3:44 PM, Jeff Yanko wrote:

> Hi John and all,
>> From what I recall with the old VUCC application it was discouraged to send 
> cards to HQ and to use local card checkers for VUCC.  With the new 
> application it seems like they will accept cards at HQ for VUCC but there is 
> a cost.  However, it doesn't state what to do if you take them to a card 
> checker?  On Thursday, I had sent an e-mail to Bill Moore, head of the 
> awards division at ARRL HQ, and haven't receive a reply back as of Saturday 
> morning.  In any case, we'll find out sooner or later.
> 73,
> Jeff  WB3JFS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Rotor Interface Yaesu 5500

2011-01-22 Thread Sebastian
Love my LVB Tracker!  But why does Amsat-NA only offer the LVB Tracker complete 
or bare board?

Why don't they offer the same options as Amsat-UK (basic kit, full kit, etc.)?

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Jan 22, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Mark L. Hammond wrote:

> Hi Bill, 
> You're going to love automated tracking...
> The current favorite in my shack is the LVB Tracker, available from just a 
> bare board to a completely assembled, plug/play box with backlit 
> LCD--assembled masterfully from one of AMSAT's own members--Mike, WB8CXO!
> http://www.amsat-na.com/store/category.php?c=Hardware
> AMSAT-UK sells a kit of all parts, too!  Just visit their store online as 
> well...
> 73,
> Mark N8MH 

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[amsat-bb] Re: [VHF] Re: Re: VUCC costs

2011-01-24 Thread Sebastian
Spark vs CW
Tubes vs Solid State
Homebrew vs Appliance Operator
FCC Office vs VECs
Code vs No-Code
QSL Cards vs LoTW

Time marches on...

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

> Personally, I'm disappointed that the ARRL has chosen to create this LotW 
> thing. It is aimed at ruining one of the classic enjoyments of ham radio.

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[amsat-bb] FASTRAC Separation!

2011-03-14 Thread Sebastian Muñoz

First of all I wanted to thank the HAM community all over the world for
supporting our project, your support has been incredible and we really
value.  Today, after a few months of initial operations, we started one of
the most exciting phases of our project by separating both of our girls so
that they can compute on-orbit real-time relative navigation solutions while
both of them are freely drifting from one another.  We sent the command to
separate them at 16:56:11 CDT and over the next few passes we will be
checking to confirm their separation.   We will continue to update the
satellites' TLEs on our website (
if any of you are interested in tracking them.  We really appreciate all of
your help so far and we hope that we can continue to count on it.

Thanks again, 73,

Sebastian Munoz (KE5FKV)
FASTRAC Student Program Manager

Sebastian Muñoz Toro
Graduate Research Assistant
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Satellite Design Laboratory
email: sebastian_mu...@mail.utexas.edu
phone:  +1 (512) 471-5144
cell:  +1 (512) 825-3857
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[amsat-bb] Re: moon bounce

2011-06-04 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
JT65B is what is commonly used on both 2 meters and 432 MHz, however many 
stations use CW as well.  In the microwave bands, with a large station, SSB is 

Search for the WSJT program and I'm sure you will find lots of information.  
The frequency range commonly used is the lower portion of the 2 meter band, 
below 144.200.

Moon bounce with circularly polarized satellite antennas is not very easy as 
almost all EME stations use either horizontal or vertical polarization, so 
using circular polarity will add additional loss, although I have made a couple 
of 432 EME contacts with my M2 circularly polarized antenna and just 50 watts 
from my TS-2000.  However those contacts were with some very big big-guns, but 
don't let that discourage you!

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Jun 4, 2011, at 1:37 PM, jerry wrote:

> Is this a good time for EME comm. ? Moon seems right for it  , but never 
> tried it . Is psk31 possible ? What freq. ? Orbitron says 145.000 ? Going to 
> send cq throughout the day via PSK 31 on 145.000. Maybe a waste of time .
> Jerry WB5LHD

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[amsat-bb] Re: I'm missing something

2011-07-05 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
One thing that I like about the satellites is their predictability.  I can look 
at my software, and know exactly when I have the ability to use my station to 
work into a particular part of the world.  

The HF bands haven't been in very good shape over the last few years, so it's 
nice to be able to work stations in other countries in a band such as 2 meters 
or 432 MHz, which the average ham would have no idea is full of signals.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Jul 5, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Peter Portanova wrote:

> John,
> What do I know, but the FM satellites in addition to providing grids and 
> awards have evolved into another type of social media, after making many 
> contacts and a few friends on the FM satellites, I continue to visit,in 
> spite of the crowds, to say a quick hello to Rick, Tim, Marc, Allen etc. not 
> as often, spending more time on the Linear satellites, which we all should 
> and can evolve to.  A lot of us are interested in building our grid count, 
> or working a station in Mexico or Brazil or someone on a grid expedition.  I 
> can fully appreciate others who cannot embrace any of this and are bored 
> with the congestion, so they move on.  But for many of us, the thrill and 
> goose bumps we get  working thru a satellite spinning in space never gets 
> old, so we accept the situation and feel that the positives outweigh the 
> negatives and plan for another pass.
> 73's Pete

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[amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat-1 Activated

2011-07-30 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
Very low pass (about 7 degrees) for me at 0457 UTC.  I heard the voice of a 
'YL' saying the voltage, current, temperature etc.

Didn't have a chance to hook up my FCD and record the pass.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat 0410z Aug 4

2011-08-03 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
Just heard the "Hi this is ARISSat" message in English, and then in another 
language.  Very deep fades using my M2 CP antenna (no preamp).  The S meter on 
my FT-847 peaked at 40 dB over S9, but with rapid fades to zero and then back 
on the approach.

Immediately after the other language message, the carrier shut off, only to 
come back at the end of the pass, where I heard what appeared to be SSTV, 
however I didn't record (again), and even if I had, most probably the picture 
wouldn't have been of much use due to the rapid fades.

I was manually moving my antennas, but watching the azimuth and elevation of 
the ISS, and with the gain of my antenna, ARISSat at this time appears to still 
be following the ISS very closely.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS EL95

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 1400z Aug 4 SSB!

2011-08-04 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
For this pass, I concentrated on the SSB transponder.  For much of the pass, I 
heard only 'noise', however listening down from the transponder, I could 
clearly hear the CW beacon and BPSK; and listening up I could hear the FM voice 

As I listened to the SSB transponder, I thought I would give my call a few 
times.  I did, but there were very rapid fades.  I started to 'time' the fades, 
and when the noise level would build, I would give my call.  Yes, I was able to 
hear myself.  I wasn't able to correct the doppler due to the deep fades, but 
if I timed it correctly, I could hear myself between the fades.

I also heard CW in the transponder which wasn't the beacon, but again, because 
of the fades, only letters could be copied.  I wonder who it was that was 
calling, perhaps if that person is reading, I would like to know who it was.

So...was ARISSat hearing me from the dummy load, or from the antenna connector? 
 Perhaps when/if the spin subsides, we might be able to use the SSB transponder.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS EL95

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[amsat-bb] Mirage preamps

2011-08-09 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
Before I destroy these, is anyone using Mirage KP-2 mast mounted preamps with a 
Yaesu FT-847?

I picked up a couple of them recently, and they came with the control box 
(which appears to be a bias tee) that supplies 12 volts via the coax line, in 
order to power them.

The FT-847 can already supply 12 volts up the coax to mast mounted preamps; but 
I wonder if these Mirage preamps require the use of the control box for some 
reason.  I would prefer to use the rig to power the preamps, but the manual 
doesn't mention that option.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: Mirage preamps

2011-08-09 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
My thanks to everyone who has responded.  4 out of 4 say it's ok to use the 847 
to power the preamp.

I put up the 432 one today, but with the KP2 control box, just in case.  But I 
will go ahead and remove the box, and let the 847 power it.

One interesting response was to be careful if there is anything inline between 
the rig and preamp.  Lightning protection, or even an SWR power meter, could 
affect the sending of voltage.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Aug 9, 2011, at 3:16 PM, Lowell White wrote:

> Hi Sebastian, 
> I'll be interested in knowing that also... thanks for asking.
> I also have an FT-847 in my stable and have the KP2/2m on my "soon to acquire"
> list. 
> 73, 
> Lowell
> -- Original Message --
> Received: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:34:22 AM CDT
> From: "Sebastian, W4AS" 
> Subject: [amsat-bb]  Mirage preamps
>> Before I destroy these, is anyone using Mirage KP-2 mast mounted preamps
> with a Yaesu FT-847?
>> I picked up a couple of them recently, and they came with the control box
> (which appears to be a bias tee) that supplies 12 volts via the coax line, in
> order to power them.
>> The FT-847 can already supply 12 volts up the coax to mast mounted preamps;
> but I wonder if these Mirage preamps require the use of the control box for
> some reason.  I would prefer to use the rig to power the preamps, but the
> manual doesn't mention that option.
>> 73 de Sebastian, W4AS
>> ___
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat transponder

2011-08-29 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
At the 1850z pass, ARISSat passed at approximately 20 degrees for me.  I hadn't 
tried the SSB transponder in a while, and decided to give it a go.  Once I 
found my downlink, it was loud and clear throughout most of the past.  Called 
CQ for several minutes, but no takers.

Those who haven't tried it, really should.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat transponder

2011-08-30 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
At approximately 1800z today, I had a nice high elevation ARISSat pass, and 
again tried out the SSB transponder.

I easily heard my uplink while calling CQ a few times.  I was pleasantly 
surprised when Bob, K9OIM in EM56 answered me.  The QSO was very brief, but 
I wonder if anyone is keeping a tally of contacts made using the ARISSat 
transponder?  Or are there just too many to count?

73 de Sebastian, W4AS - EL95

On Aug 29, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Alan P. Biddle wrote:

> Sebastian,
> I saw what must have been you in the transponder, but I was busy gathering
> TLM.  Thanks for the report!
> 73s,
> Alan
> -Original Message-
> From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
> Behalf Of Sebastian, W4AS
> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 2:05 PM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] ARISSat transponder
> At the 1850z pass, ARISSat passed at approximately 20 degrees for me.  I
> hadn't tried the SSB transponder in a while, and decided to give it a go.
> Once I found my downlink, it was loud and clear throughout most of the past.
> Called CQ for several minutes, but no takers.
> Those who haven't tried it, really should.
> 73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1

2011-09-24 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
John K8YSE, thanks again for the QSO on ARISSat-1 today.  They're not easy, but 
it can be done.  That's my third on the bird.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 pass at 22:06 UTC 2011-10-01

2011-10-02 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
When I got back on the birds a few years ago, I was surprised as to the 
exchanges commonly made while a 'rare' grid was on.

Here's the format commonly used when a 'rare' grid or country, etc. is on:

"CQ W4AS Echo Lima 84"
W4AS, W4AS this is W1ABC"
"W1ABC this is W4AS in Echo Lima 84"
Roger W4AS, thanks for Echo Lima 84, I'm in Fox Nancy 20
"QSL W1ABC in Fox Nancy 20, this is W4AS in Echo Lima 84"

First, there is no reason why anyone should repeat the call sign of the station 
in the 'rare' grid during a pileup.  And sending the grids phonetically over 
and over is a waste of time as well.  The only grid that's important in the 
above exchange, is the 'rare' grid, the others aren't.

Why don't we use a modified form of the exchanges that are commonly used on HF?

"CQ W4AS Echo Lima 84"
"the station with ABC come again"
"W1ABC thanks, QRZ"
"W2ABC I have you, QRZ"
"W3ABC you're in the log; W4AS Echo Lima 84 QRZ"

These exchanges are common on HF.  When the station in the 'rare' grid is on, 
they need to take control.  If that person calls a particular station, and 
doesn't hear them, ask for a repeat and say you are only listening for that 
call sign.  If that call sign isn't heard, then say "sorry no copy on ABC; 
QRZ".  At no time should the 'rare' grid station acknowledge someone else when 
they are specifically calling a particular station; that just leads to chaos.


73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Oct 2, 2011, at 11:48 AM, N0JY wrote:

> Being a "rare" grid (FL66) at the time everybody wanted to work, but a lot 
> more people got to work because everybody was courteous and waited for the 
> short QSO exchange to be completed.  Even though my callsign VP9/N0JY/MM felt 
> like about a 10 second mouthful... :-)

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 pass at 22:06 UTC 2011-10-01

2011-10-03 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
Good points Mike.

I agree that not everyone on a satellite pass is interested in working the 
'rare' grid. 

However if someone goes to the trouble of setting up a portable station for the 
benefit of others to grab a new grid, I think those users who aren't interested 
in chasing grids should standby while the others attempt to make contact with 
that station.  After all, with the short pass on the LEO birds, there isn't 
much time to do anything else; unless you get on during the early morning 
hours, or during the middle of the day when the activity isn't as high as on 
the weekends and you can actually have a 10 minute QSO with someone.

As far as the linear birds are concerned, I have a Yaesu FT-847 that's 
dedicated for satellites.  It's interesting that most of the time I get on the 
satellites, is on the FM birds!   Unfortunately, that's because most of the 
time I get on the linear birds, there's either no one on there, or perhaps just 
one other station.

It's funny that many times when I do make a contact on a linear bird, the other 
station wants to just follow the FM procedure of exchanging grids, and not much 
else, even though they still have a lot of time left in the footprint.  I 
personally like to chew the rag on a linear bird (and on HF), but that doesn't 
happen very often on the satellites.

While we can all continue to hope for a HEO, and try to encourage those who do 
have the gear to get on the linear birds; the fact is the FM birds are a victim 
of their own success.
73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Oct 3, 2011, at 10:58 AM, Michael Schulz wrote:

> Hi,
> While I do agree with the below, one thing we should keep in mind though is 
> that there's a difference
> between a pile-up on HF and on an FM sat. Not everybody on the sat may be 
> actually interested in
> working that particular station so we also have to give those some room (in 
> that 10 minute pass). On 
> HF the time it takes to work the pile-up is usually a lot longer than that.
> The other problem is that before the madness starts, there are always other 
> stations already working
> contacts before the "rare grid" station comes into the footprint. 
> Of course the best solution would be to get on the linear birds, we all win 
> the lottery so that we can launch
> another Phase III sat or two and it would'nt be a problem anymore. (Ok, ok .. 
> just teasing).
> 73 Mike K5TRI

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[amsat-bb] Fwd: [Moon-net] MY FRIEND AL Lee WA4EWV SK

2011-10-03 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
Passing along some sad news.  Al was very active on satellites at one point, as 
well as meteor scatter, and EME.

RIP my friend.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

Begin forwarded message:

> From: serge 
> Subject: [Moon-net] Fw: MY FRIEND AL Lee WA4EWV SK
> Date: October 3, 2011 11:02:15 AM EDT
> To: moon-...@nsla.com, moon-...@mailman.pe1itr.com
> - Original Message -
> From: serge szpilfogel
> To: Serge Szpilfogel
> Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 2:45 PM
> It is with great sadness that my good friend Al WA4EWV passed away September 
> 30th,2011 at a hospital in Tallahassee Florida, following a brief illness.
> Those who knew Al will remember his quick smile, kind nature &  truly 
> wonderful sense of humour. I met Al & Bettie while wintering in Florida.Al 
> was very interested in satellite work &  EME putting together a very nice 
> station.He loved chasing new countries.
> Al was a captain for Delta airline & flew a 767-ER from Atlanta to Frankfurt 
> & back every week.As he flew over Nova Scotia & Newfoundland every week He 
> said to me when I retire I will visit Atlantic Canada instead of flying over 
> it all the time. So he did & that is when I met Al & Bettie.
> Al had a brilliant mind when it came to computers & often helped me with 
> problems I could not resolved.
> Al was a great friend & a devoted husband to Bettie & an equally devoted 
> Father to his three children.
> He was taken far too soon, & too suddenly. I will miss you, we will miss you.
> Rest in Peace my dear friend
> Serge VE1KG

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[amsat-bb] Please help us Track the FASTRAC satellites once they are launched Nov. 19th!!

2010-11-15 Thread Sebastian Muñoz
Dear members of the University Nanosat, Cubesat, and Amateur Radio

As many of you may know, the FASTRAC satellites built by students at
UT-Austin will be launched as part of the STP-S26 mission this upcoming
Friday Nov 19th (around 4:30 pm AST) from Kodiak, Alaska on board a Minotaur
IV rocket.  The satellites will be placed into a 650 km altitude, 72 degree
inclination circular orbit.  For those that don't know, the FASTRAC
satellites are the winners of the University Nanosat-3 Competiton and their
primary mission is to demonstrate enabling technologies for small

The satellites have been designed the satellites so that amateur radio
operators can track them all over the world and to do so the team has built
a section on our website (
http://fastrac.ae.utexas.edu/for_radio_operators/overview.php) that allows
any amateur radio operator to upload data they receive from the satellites.
This serves two purposes which are that the website will parse and
graphically interpret the data received and also allows the team to collect
data from all over the world.

With this in mind we would like to invite you to track our satellites and
register on our website.  All of the information to track the satellites is
available on the above website where we will be posting the most up to date
TLEs as they become available as well as any other pertinent information.
Also, we will be posting updates as the launch approaches on our website,
our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/fastracsats) and our Twitter page (
www.twitter.com/fastracsats) so make sure to chek them out.

Thank you for your help. 73,

Glenn Lightsey (KE5DDG) and Sebastián Muñoz (KE5FKV)
FASTRAC Principal Investigator and FASTRAC Student Program Manager
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[amsat-bb] Please let us know if you have heard FASTRAC? Predicted TLEs

2010-11-19 Thread Sebastian Muñoz

We are very excited about the launch tonight.  The current TLEs that we have
generated for FASTRAC from the separation vectors is as follows:

1 9U  10324.08102199  .0023  0-0  0-0 0 3
2 9 071.9826 139.9675 0023201 350.7962 235.9222 14.8003254912

If you hear any of the 1200 baud beacons on 437.345 MHz (FAST1) and 145.825
MHz (FAST2), please let us know (sebastian_mu...@mail.utexas.edu).  The
satellites should be beaconing every 3 minutes.  Once we get more precise
TLEs we will post them to the website.

Thanks a lot for all your support,


Sebastian Muñoz Toro
Graduate Research Assistant
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Satellite Design Laboratory
email: sebastian_mu...@mail.utexas.edu
phone:  +1 (512) 471-5144
cell:  +1 (512) 825-3857
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[amsat-bb] FASTRAC Updates!

2010-11-20 Thread Sebastian Muñoz
I want to thank everybody that has helped us track FASTRAC as we have gotten
confirmation from multiple sources that they are both working beaconing and
that the satellites are crosslinking.  We were also able to hear a couple of
beacons at our station this morning and will attempt to contact them again
this afternoon on our next pass.

Thanks a lot, 73,

Sebastian (KE5FKV)
FASTRAC Student Program Manager

Sebastian Muñoz Toro
Graduate Research Assistant
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Satellite Design Laboratory
email: sebastian_mu...@mail.utexas.edu
phone:  +1 (512) 471-5144
cell:  +1 (512) 825-3857
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[amsat-bb] Updated TLEs to track FASTRAC!

2010-11-21 Thread Sebastian Muñoz

Below are new TLEs to track the FASTRAC satellites, please let us know if
you track them:

1 90025U 010324.91941279 +.00047321 +0-0 +66105-2 0 00053
2 90025 071.9688 138.3615 0022609 310.2956 049.6065 14.77203256000130

Thanks, 73,

Sebastian (KE5FKV)
FASTRAC Student Program Manager

Sebastian Muñoz Toro
Graduate Research Assistant
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Satellite Design Laboratory
email: sebastian_mu...@mail.utexas.edu
phone:  +1 (512) 471-5144
cell:  +1 (512) 825-3857
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Updated TLEs to track FASTRAC, Nov 22, 2010!

2010-11-22 Thread Sebastian Muñoz

Below are a new set of TLEs to track the FASTRAC satellites, please
let us know if you track them as the previous ones were leading the

1 90025U 010326.13951925 +.0264 +0-0 +45941-4 0 00117
2 90025 071.9712 135.6738 0018042 303.2380 056.7051 14.76371385000304

Thanks, 73,

Sebastian (KE5FKV)
FASTRAC Student Program Manager

Sebastian Muñoz Toro
Graduate Research Assistant
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Satellite Design Laboratory
email: sebastian_mu...@mail.utexas.edu
phone:  +1 (512) 471-5144
cell:  +1 (512) 825-3857

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] FT-847 For Sale

2011-11-29 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
First, no I'm not getting out of the hobby, or satellites for that matter, I'm 
just replacing the old, with the new.

I have for sale my Yaesu FT-847 transceiver, it's one of the 'newer' models 
that works fine with computer assisted control.  It also has the CW filter.  I 
have the original box, manual and hand mike.  

The FIRM price is $925 shipped, CONUS.  Contact me directly if you are 
interested and would like to see pictures.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO27 - Last Man Standing?

2011-11-30 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
Unfortunately, no.  The birdie wipes out the signal once it gets close to that 

Others have suggested using narrow FM, RIT, etc., but my TS2K with a good mast 
mounted preamp and M2 switchable polarization yagi antenna is no match for it.

The easiest way to get around it, is to use one of the many inexpensive Chinese 
handhelds as the UHF receiver.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:28 AM,  

> How strong is the birdie?...would not a nice 30dB gain preamp raise the 
> incoming signals and noise level above it?
> just a thought:)
> 73
> Graham
> -Original Message- From: Ted
> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 11:10 PM
> To: amsat...@wd9ewk.net ; amsat-bb@amsat.org
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AO27 - Last Man Standing?
> Thanks Patrick...I just realized why I was not trying it. The downlink is
> right at my TS2000 birdie...oh well  (as is AO27)

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[amsat-bb] Re: QSL backs for roving satellite operators

2012-01-26 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
Search for UX5UO and design your card with an empty spot for the grid.  $48 for 
1,000 cards with free shipping.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Jan 26, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Clayton Coleman W5PFG wrote:

> Has anyone designed a QSL card back for satellite operators who
> operate a lot of rover?  I am trying to trim cost and time associated
> with multiple cards to QSL my rover contacts.  In the past I have hand
> written many /P cards and some image-based cards using photo printers,
> but would like to order a better quality card with an image front and
> QSO data on back.
> I'm looking for a QSL card back that has room for pertinent
> information such as my rover grid, satellite, and the necessary items
> to confirm a valid QSO for award purposes.  The idea would be for the
> card to support at least four QSO's.
> My question is -- has anyone designed such a card and are you willing
> to share with me your image?  Perhaps someone is a real graphics hound
> and would like to help?
> Thank you & 73,
> Clayton

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[amsat-bb] Re: Orbitron Warning DO NOT UPDATE KEPS!!!!!

2012-05-07 Thread Sebastian Stoff
Seems, there was a temporary issue with celestrak data (source for stoff.pl).
Seems that everything is working ok with latest update, what I believe will
remain as standard.
Best Regards,

Sebastian Stoff / www.stoff.pl

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Floyd Rodgers  wrote:

> An update this morning resolved the empty files. I wonder if we will ever
> hear what actually was the problem?
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