[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Operational Survey at 2012 ARRL/TAPR DCC (Digital Communications Conference), Atlanta

2013-01-13 Thread Mark Thompson
ARISSat-1 Operational Survey 
by TAPR's Steve, N7HPR
at 2012 ARRL/TAPR DCC (Digital Communications Conference), Atlanta

More Info about TAPR at: www.tapr.org
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Operational Survey by Steve, N7HPR at ARRL/TAPR DCC, Atlanta, GA, September 21, 2012

2012-12-16 Thread Mark Thompson
ARISSat-1 Operational Survey by Steve, N7HPR at ARRL/TAPR DCC, Atlanta, GA, 
September 21, 2012

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 GeoReferenced SSTV Images

2012-02-18 Thread Joseph Armbruster
Hi Everyone,

I spent some time plotting the ARISSat-1 SSTV images geo-spatially.  Let me 
know what you think!


Joseph Armbruster
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT and such presentation material ?

2012-02-16 Thread Andy Kellner

I have been asked to do a presentation at a high-school about satellite 
telemetry and LEO amateur satellites and such.
I wonder if there is any material I could use out there such as power points or 
so with pretty diagrams and pictures ? Maybe even something
about the latest batch of cubesats ?

Andreas - VK4HHH
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Orbit / Telemetry Correlation

2012-02-16 Thread Joseph Armbruster

I did some more work tonight on the telemetry data.


Joseph Armbruster, KJ4JIO
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Keplerian Elements Analysis - Eclipses and Elevation

2012-02-15 Thread Joseph Armbruster

I did some work tonight calculating Eclipses and looking at differences in 

If you are interested in peer reviewing my calculations, please let me know and 
I will send you some files.


Joseph Armbruster, KJ4JIO
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Keplerian Element Analysis

2012-02-13 Thread Joseph Armbruster

I started digging into the ARISSat-1 Keplerian Elements in more details.  See 
some of my effort here:


Right now I am generating some basic plots but I wish to do much more with 
this, such as:

- intersect this with the telemetry data - there are many ways to do this the 
first will be plotting temperature values along the line of orbit as the 
satellite entered / exited eclipse
- maybe generate a few fly-by videos that show line-of-site to a particular 
station that was receiving telemetry / sstv at that particular time

If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to share them.  I am really 
excited right now because I am using my code and made my first correct plots 
this evening!

If we knew (or could predict) the satellites orientation at a particular 
moment, I could drop in a model of ARISSat-1 into the scene and orient it 

I think this will be a great way to interactively visualize what happened 
during the satellites lifetime.

Joseph Armbruster, KJ4JIO
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 TLM decod tool

2012-01-28 Thread Masahiro Arai
Is there any tool to display ARISSat-1 telemetry date form CSV files
and binaly files on ARISSat Telemetry Archives which are decoded by

Thank you for you help


Masa  JN1GKZ

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Operation Survey

2012-01-16 Thread Clint Bradford
The ARISSat-1 team created an Ops Survey last September. Have the results 
been published anywhere?

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Die Hards‏

2012-01-07 Thread Kevin Deane

Or why not just turn the voice transponder on one of the two radio's that are 
on the ISS? Hmmm...
Or why not just install whatever type of setup that would make everyone happy 
ON THE ISS? Why waste all that money developing/building all these sats and 
then waste all that money on a launch vehicle that does not deliver the package 
like how many times in the past?
But considering the last escapade with ARISSat-1 I guess it would be asking to 
much... :)


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[amsat-bb] arissat-1 current keps

2012-01-04 Thread Bob- W7LRD

Just to make sure I'm on schedual.  I see the next pass at about 1933Z at CN87 
with a elevation of about 76 degrees.  I realize the keps on this thing can 
change by the minute. 

73 Bob W7LRD 

Seattle, Wa. 
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT 1

2012-01-04 Thread Pete Rowe
Nice clear signal at 1803 Z here in San Jose, CA. IHU temp 42 degrees.
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Voice #2

2012-01-04 Thread Mineo Wakita

23:50-23:56 UTC, 3 Jan 2012, Ele 22 S-SE-E, 145.950MHz FM over Japan

1:22-1:27 UTC, 4 Jan 2012, Ele 7 W-WN-N, 145.950MHz FM over Japan

JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 still functioning

2012-01-04 Thread Ken Swaggart
Good telemetry during the 1933Z pass today. No major changes in temperature 
noted. Using today's keps, height is 184.2 km, so it can't stay up much 
longer.  Max elevation was 39 degrees and had to manually tune to keep the 
audio in the telemetry decoder.

Ken, W7KKE

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1: Goodbye little guy...

2012-01-04 Thread Burns Fisher
No reception over NH at the predicted time of around 14:25.  I kept the
receiver on for a while before and after, but nothing.  One of my programs
said it was at 147Km; the other said 127.  If 127 is right, then it's
probably down.  Otherwise, maybe it overheated.

Also the last telemetry on the web site is for 6:02z 4Jan.   Apparently no
one else over a swarth from Mexico and Texas up through New Englad received
it either.  On the last telemetry frame, the RF temp was 88C.  Not quite
enought to fry eggs, but not good for semiconductors.

It's been a lot of fun

Burns, W2BFJ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1

2012-01-04 Thread Pedro Cruz
Hello to All

Just copy sstv on 145950 FM , at 19:59 utc max elev. 4 dgr with good signals.

Best 73!

Pedro Cruz - CU2JX
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 R.I.P.

2012-01-04 Thread n0jy
Applause and accolades to the ARISSat-1 Team, for the tremendous amount of
fun, excitement, opportunities and activity that ARISSat-1 provided!

I got hooked at launch, listening/watching on the internet even as I was
also on HF that day conducting an exercise with the local and state
R.A.C.E.S. teams and the local nuclear power plant during the launch.  I
started tracking and gathering telemetry a few days later and dedicated a
PC and my sat station to automated telemetry gathering 24/7.  I split off
the 2M signal to my FT-817 and captured hundreds of amazing SSTV pictures.
 I enjoyed watching the telemetry decoding program on my PC showing the
live readings.  I followed especially in the last days, on the
arissattlm.org web site.
Much of this excitement I shared with my local ham radio groups in
meetings and on the air, with local children and non-hams, and even in
Colombia over Christmas I engaged some of the family with listening for
the secret word in Spanish.
A few attempts were made when I had time, to make contacts through the
transponder.  I heard myself and others, and had a part of a QSO... but
never got that complete QSO.  I became so engaged with the telemetry that
near the end, I wrestled with the decision to try a transponder contact or
to keep copying telemetry in hopes of the last telemetry award!

Thank you very much, all who made ARISSat-1 possible.  Your work was very
fruitful indeed.

I look forward to the Fox family and hope that we can keep up the
enthusiasm and support necessary to stay on the air in space!


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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Voice

2012-01-04 Thread Mineo Wakita

23:50-23:56UTC, 3 Jan 2012, Ele 22 S-SE-E, 145.950MHz FM over Japan

JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 QRT

2012-01-04 Thread Francisco Costa, CT1EAT

Hi all

No signs from ARISSAT-1 at 1011z.
It must be SK by now...
Thanks for the great memories!
Congratulations to all team for this
absolute sucess.

73 F.Costa, CT1EAT

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR Signal Status

2012-01-04 Thread Farrell Winder
I very much regret to report that on the pass over Cincinnati this 
Morning using Dr. Kelso's Keps for January 4, 2011 with the  AOS  predicted at  
14:24Z,   there was no evidence of any signal on 145.950 or 145.930 MHz.
It may be that this very enjoyable, interesting and challenging satellite is 
now history.  What have others determined as to signal status?  Excellent 
signals were last heard in this area of the USA from ARISSat on the January 3, 
2012  pass at 22:43 Z  by W4HTB, Bowling Green, KY,  WB8LGA, Marengo,  Ohio and 
W8ZCF, Cincinnati.

Farrell Winder,W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 and Japan

2012-01-04 Thread Clint Bradford
Hmmm ... One of the first reception reports of ARISSat-1 after deployment comes 
from JN1GKZ in Japan.

And the satellite re-enters Earth's atmosphere - over Japan.

Just wonderin' out loud ... (grin)

Clint Bradford K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] arissat-1 reception with video.

2012-01-04 Thread Malcolm Scrimger
As an avid Hamsat operator with limited equipment I was able to listen and 
record a pass 
of arissat-1 two days ago.  My goal was to make a memento of sorts for my log 
of new
acheivements for 2012.I thought some readers might like to see it.


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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 still fully functional (12:20utc) (incl mp3 recordings)

2012-01-03 Thread PA3GUO
03 Jan 2012 / 12:16 UTC pass: ARISSAT-1 satellite is still fully functional.

MP3 recording of CW transmission via the transponder: PA3GUO ARISSAT1 
03JAN2012 (Jan 03,2012 / 12:16 utc)

MP3 recording of FM (voice) telemetry at 145.950 MHz (Jan 03,2012 / 12:21 utc)

SSTV picture:

Henk, PA3GUO
The Netherlands
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1: 13:50utc pass: still functional

2012-01-03 Thread PA3GUO
Also the 13:50utc pass: satellite still functioning correct

Henk, PA3GUO

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 descending rapidly

2012-01-03 Thread Alan P. Biddle
According to the morning numbers from Space Track, ARISSat-1 is down to 191
km, and losing about 1.5 km per orbit, or about 1 km per hour.  The drag
effects are increasing rapidly, so TODAY would be an excellent time to make
any last minute QSOs through the transponder.  Thanks to those who are
keeping live telemetry flowing.  

This is one tough satellite!



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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1: Keeps on ticking (but is it taking a licking?)

2012-01-03 Thread Burns Fisher
A nice strong pass over NH around 1500z.  Many telemetry frames decoded and
forwarded.  The little guy is still going strong!  Oddly, the doppler
predictions seemed to be pretty close today even at its highest point when
the frequency changes most rapidly.  Is there low solar activity or

Anyway, I have notced pretty high temps in a few places, for example the
IHU temp has been in the 60s.  RF was in the 70s once, I think.  The solar
cells are high, but that's not surprising anyway with the sun shining on

Hoping for another pass around 2115z.

Burns, W2BFJ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR Reception

2012-01-03 Thread Farrell Winder
Report that 1st part of 16:34Z pass covering  Cincinnati was strong.   A couple 
of minutes later noted some erratic behavior on trying to receive own  
transmitted CW, then return signal became weak.  Did hear some good CW dots 
but no call letters followed.  Try next pass at 18:08 Z  I will be correcting 
for doppler to receive my signal on 145.930.  Will listen for  any stations CW 
or USB.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 reentry?

2012-01-03 Thread David

Hello everybody:

This is David EA4SG.

Just a moment ago at 16:54 UTC while the Arissat-1 was over the vertical 
of Madrid, I was listening to the SAT and it stopped/interrumped 
suddenly its transmissions while it was still in a theorical sunny or 
iluminated area. Not sure if it was the final re-entry but It could be. 
So I decided to leave this info here. The last sent voice message sent 
was the italian one and at the end of the secret word, it stopped.

A moment before, I was able to record around 40 seconds of CW telemetry 
in 145.919 Khz but very poor signal/noise rate.

Best 73s
David EA4SG

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 in So CA

2012-01-03 Thread Clint Bradford
Current pass (like RIGHT NOW - 10:03AM PST) was three minutes ahead of 
AMSAT-NA's Keplerian data.

But I couldn't have asked for better reception ... Temps were 42C and 41C ...

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1

2012-01-03 Thread kl

 Copied beacon for  pass at around 1800Z.  Copied W8ZCF on cw through 
transponder at 18:10Z at about 3 deg elevation.  Voice beacon also observed 

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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1

2012-01-03 Thread Bob- W7LRD

Monitored the satellite fm broadcast at 1805z keps seem current keps seem 
accurate, signal dropped out at the calcuated time. 

73 Bob W7LRD 

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR Status

2012-01-03 Thread Farrell Winder
Still loud and clear on the 18:08Z Cincinnati pass.  Downlink on own signal 
good but no response to CQ..  Try the next one at 19:41Z .
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, OH
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 still going strong Jan 02, 2012 / 14:16 utc pass over Europe

2012-01-02 Thread PA3GUO

ARISSAT-1 still going strong Jan 02, 2012 / 14:16 utc pass over Europe:
- very strong downlink
- transponder active (CW uplink was easy, OZ1MY had very clear voice signal)

Henk, PA3GUO
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 18:35 Pass

2012-01-02 Thread Farrell Winder
Just listened to the 18:35Z ARISSat  pass over Cincinnati.  Satellite was on 
time but signal on both 149.950 MHz and 149.930  seemed to be much weaker than 
usual.  How did others in Midwest and Eastern US receive?
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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2012-01-02 Thread Farrell Winder
ARISSat on the 21:40 Z pass Dec 2, 2012  for Cincinnati was right on the mark 
and had good CW signal return from the transponder.  Heard someone calling but 
could not get reception above the noise floor.
Trying  next pass at 23:12 Z but it may be eclipse controlled.
73, Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1, inductor temps rising

2012-01-02 Thread Mark L. Hammond
Topic says it all...I don't remember the inductor temps being much above 50 
deg; this is just from memory, not a data plot!

Anyhow, to me this appears to be the first indicator that things in the bird 
are warming up...


Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH] 

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 What a bummer!

2012-01-02 Thread N0JY
I heard myself well on SSB and real well on CW, and heard another 
station trying to find themself but apparently they couldn't hear me 
(and I didn't copy a callsign).
One more pass tonight here for Texas and the west, 00:45UTC... anyone 
else going to be trying the transponder?


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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 today

2012-01-02 Thread Gordon JC Pearce
I heard the FM signal and a lot of SSB on the pass around 12:45 today, although 
it was low in the sky.

I heard PA1BQV (dyslexic moment, could be BVQ?) towards the end of the pass but 
didn't copy the callsign of the station he was working.

Nothing at all on the 14:10 pass, although it was a good 14 degrees high.

Gordon JC Pearce MM0YEQ gordon...@gjcp.net
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat height and decay rate

2012-01-01 Thread Roland Zurmely
Updated graphics for ARISSat height (km) and decay rate (km/day): 

there are only 2 or 3 days for re-entry...

73 de Roland PY4ZBZ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 SSTV cameras

2011-12-31 Thread Greg D.

Hi folks,

I just received an ARISSat-1 pass that crossed into eclipse about 80% of the 
way by.  As expected, the FM signal dropped pretty much immediately upon 
entering eclipse.  But that's not the reason for the post...  

I got a really neat SSTV picture of the Sun streaming into the camera, just a 
few seconds before the eclipse.  Unfortunately it didn't show the planet below 
(ran out of picture), but it got me thinking:  Did the design team do anything 
to protect the cameras when they're looking directly into the Sun?  Were these 
special cameras, or are we counting on the satellite spin to keep them from 
getting too much of a sun tan and burning a hole in the sensor?

I ask because the camera I mounted on my Az / El rotor is dying, and I need to 
replace it.  I built a mechanical shutter to cover the lens when not in use, 
but I wonder if it's worth keeping that mechanical contraption when I get the 


Greg  KO6TH

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 transponder question

2011-12-31 Thread Vu Trong Thu
Happy New Year!

This morning I kicked off the new year with 2 passes of ARISSat-1, copied
both CW beacon, BPSK telemetry and FM voice/SSTV simultaneously on Kenwood
TS-2000. I would also like to try the transponder but don't know if my
transceiver allow it? This TS-2000 has all modes on its main transceiver but
its sub receiver only supports AM or FM. Could anybody help?


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2011-12-30 Thread Farrell Winder
I am most pleased to advise that ARISSat-1/ RADIOSKAF-V/ KEDR is very much 
alive and giving an excellent performance through the 475.750/145.930 MHz 
TRANSPONDER.  On the 17:54Z pass over Cincinnati today December 30, I sent and 
copied my picture. Picture was my ATV call ID used for fast scan.  Picture came 
through all together but does have noise, particularly in the last half.  I 
will send it to the ARISS SSTV Gallery for consideration to post.  I hope 
others will also experiment with  CW, voice, and  SSTV via the Transponder.  
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat Today--low power, I would guess

2011-12-29 Thread Burns Fisher

I had two passes of ARISSat today over New Hampshire.  The first one, I
only caught the tail end and got a Kursk frame or 2, but no satellite
telemetry.  The second one I had nice and strong as soon as it appeared
above the horizon, but it must have been in low power mode.  The
transmission cut off cleanly (no fade).  Then shortly afterwards it came on
again and cut off again.  I should have timed them but did not.  I had 3
periods of reception during the pass.   Unfortunately, none was long enough
to let the telemetry decoder get a frame.

Farrell, were you sending SSTV to the transponder around 1630Z?  It did
look like SSTV on the spectrum diagram but it was not doppler synchronized,
so it was drifting even when I synchronized.  It also disappeared long
before my pass was over, as I would have expected if the source were way
west of me.

Burns, W2BFJ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1

2011-12-29 Thread N0JY
Strong signal on the FM downlink 145.950 here in urban Cali, Colombia, 
S.A. on a nearly overhead pass at 14:55UTC.


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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1

2011-12-29 Thread PY5LF

Arissat-1 still working fine . 

Transponder signal very good on a pass of 45 degrees.






Curitiba-PR-Brazil GG54jm

 http://www.qrz.com/db/py5lf http://www.qrz.com/db/py5lf


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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1

2011-12-29 Thread Carl Rimmer W8KRF
I was able to copy ARISSat-1 during three passes today but as was 
mentioned in a previous bulletin, the signal seems much weaker, and I 
have had to correct the frequency often which means the keps are not up 
to date although I downloaded them this morning.  I just downloaded them 
again a few minutes ago and noticed a big change.  She was also in Low 
Power mode in full sunlight again.  I did work CW through her and heard 
my signal on the downlink but it was weak and warblely (if that is a 
word).  I am thinking it is tumbling quite a bit.  I am beginning to 
believe that the predictions for de-orbit on the 30th might be accurate.

I must say it has been fun and I hope we have all learned lessons from 
the experience.  I'll keep monitoring until it is confirmed that 
de-orbit has occurred.  I am looking forward to Hamcation in February so 
I can sit and chat (debrief) with all the fine people who put her up there.

*Carl W8KRF*
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1

2011-12-28 Thread Carl Rimmer W8KRF
I wanted to let W6IHG that I did hear him through ARISSat-1 during my 
1817 UTC pass.  I have an audio recording of that pass.  I believe I 
also heard WB2OQQ.  There was also a station sending SSTV through the 
transponder but the station was not using Doppler.  He went right out of 
the bandpass.  I tried to follow but could not.

I noticed that even though ARISSat-1 was in full sunlight, it went into 
Low Power mode.  I was able to get a pretty decent SSTV copy during that 
pass, also.  I am trying to determine what I am going to do when it 
terminates.  It has taken up a good portion of my operating since August 
4th.  HI  HI.

There is another pass coming up in 5 mins (1951UTC).  It will be a 13 
degree pass so that should be pretty decent also.


*Carl W8KRF*
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat : only a few more days !

2011-12-27 Thread Roland Zurmely
Within a few days, ARISSat will burn in the atmosphere!
The fall rate dh/dt is increasing dramatically!
Look at theupdatedgraphs of height and fall rate here:


73 de Roland.
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 (37772) decay date update for 2011 Dec 27

2011-12-27 Thread DeYoung James
The decay rate of ARISSat-1 has slowed down from the last decay prediction 
I produced on 2011 Dec. 14.
It currently appears that ARISSat-1 (37772) will now decay on 2012 January 3 
plus or minus a day.  Caveat lector.
Jim, N8OQ
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2011-12-26 Thread Farrell Winder
Does anyone have a  prediction  of the lowest altitude for  ARISSat-1 and still 
have it be functional?   With the latest Keps I show its altitude around 155 
Depending of signal strength on today's Cincinnati passes I might try another 
SSTV via the Transponder  adjusting  my Tx to receive  on 145.930 MHz (+/-  
depending  on location). Hope others will also try with voice and video.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 heard

2011-12-24 Thread Jari Koivurinne

I heard ARISSat-1 loud and clear at 15:55 UTC pass.
Did not decode any telemetry due to bad sound card setup :(
Data transmission and CW sounded very healthy indeed.

-jari oh3uw

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[amsat-bb] ARISSAt-1 STK

2011-12-23 Thread Floyd Rodgers
Is anyone using STK to do any analysis on ARISSAT-1. I have it installed 
with the free license but it looks like a steep learning curve to figure 
out. Anyone with experience to give me pointers off line?

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 European Activity and Status update.

2011-12-22 Thread GW1FKY
Hi all,
I again monitored and worked into ARISSat-1 during the earlier pass and the 
 final one as it entered eclipse
over here in Europe.
The early pass  was a low angle  from my QTH and  screened by buildings so 
I  was not able to access the  satellite.   However the FM downlink was 
quite reasonable and I did  hear someone active on CW .
The final pass as it moved into eclipse was really remarkable and my  
downlink and the FM transmissions
were booming in . The loudest that I have ever heard from the satellite, in 
 addition I quickly monitored the
CW portion and someone was booming in, I could not stay at that end of  the 
band as I was trying to make
schedule on SSB.   Heard someone calling but not able to confirm  whom it 
was as they were not easy to copy.
I wonder in view of the recent predicted re-entry if the loss of  height is 
perhaps why it is now so strong, or was it perhaps the angle and  coverage 
of the satellites antenna?
Will try again tomorrow evening and thanks to those that were hoping to  
make a contact.
Ken Eaton
Amsat NA
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat height and fall rate

2011-12-22 Thread Roland Zurmely
Updated graphics for ARISSat height:

http://www.qsl.net/py4zbz/arissat.htm#r 73 de Roland PY4ZBZ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 European Passes

2011-12-21 Thread GW1FKY
Hi all,
I worked into ARISSat -1 this evening( Wednesday 21st  December, 1730 
hrs) prior to it shutting down via
the timer as it moved into the eclipse area.
My downlink was quite healthy once again just using an Elk antenna and  
about 20 watts RF power.
Sadly no takers/response to my CQ calls , I also can report that the FM  
transmissions were also healthy
including SSTV.  ( I was not set up to decode or record this)
The opportunities over here in Europe will improve with regression over the 
 next few days and I will once again call in to the satellite whilst it is 
still  active and available prior to it perhaps loosing major height.
Thanks to all of the team and key players in this project which has been of 
 significant value to me personally
for use as a demonstration and example of our  hobby.
Merry Christmas and Very Best wishes and Good Luck to all for the coming  
New Year.
Ken Eaton
Amsat -UK
Amsat NA
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 Pass Over SoCal Tuesday

2011-12-20 Thread Bryan Herbert
If these keps are correct then hams in DM04rj will be treated to a 53 
degree pass from ARISSAT-1 around 2331 UTC (331pm local) this afternoon 
(Tuesday). Here in the Santa Clarita Valley, 30 miles north of Downtown 
Los Angeles, we are surrounded by 3000-6000 foot peaks. We have not seen 
a pass above 20 degrees since mid-October. To date I have only managed 
to successfully receive ARISSAT-1 twice, I'm hoping this afternoon I 
will be able to receive a SSTV image, decode some telemetry or contact 
someone through the transponder.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat height

2011-12-18 Thread Roland Zurmely
Please see the updated graphics for ARISSat height here: 

73 de Roland PY4ZBZ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1/RADOSKAF-V/KEDR

2011-12-18 Thread Farrell Winder
Note excellent ARISSat-1 SSTV Pictures today from DJ3AK and JA0CAW listed on 
the ARISS SSTV Gallery.  How about these stations and others trying to send 
pictures through the Transponder 435.750 up and 145.950 dn and posting  results 
on the Gallery. Possibly only a few weeks left to experiment with this 
Historical satellite!  It appears that only 3 stations have sent images through 
the transponder to date?
Respectfully submitted,
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 - NOT Dead yet!

2011-12-17 Thread Clint Bradford
Wow - ARISSat-1's pre-recorded voice messages, computer voice info, and images 
were booming here in Southern California just now!

Clint Bradford K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat height

2011-12-12 Thread Roland Zurmely

See the updated graphics for ARISSat height here:


Often, ARISSat switch from high power to low power mode when 

passing over my QTH in Brazil, despite being fully illuminated by the sun. 

Coincidentally, this happens when he enters the SAA, South Atlantic Anomaly!

Is there any relationship?

73 de Roland PY4ZBZ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat

2011-12-07 Thread Roland Zurmely
Updated graphics of average height and fall rateof ARISSat:


73 de Roland PY4ZBZ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Orbital Decay

2011-11-30 Thread John Heath
Hi Satelliters,
Using Keps from Space-Track for ARISSat-1  (37772)  I have been plotting 
various parameters including Mean Motion.
Rrecent results were unexpected.
From day 328to 334 the daily change in Mean Motion has been exactly the same.
The orbital decay is going at a very steady rate. This is completely different 
from earlier observations where there is quite a bit of daily variation.
My interpretation is that the atmospheric density along the orbital track has 
been remarkably unchanged over 6 days or so.
This is something I have not seen before.
73 John G7HIA
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 (37772) decay date update for 2011 Nov. 30th

2011-11-30 Thread DeYoung James
Using solar data through 2011 Nov. 30 and updating the decay fit I am getting a 
re-entry date of 2012 January 12 with a rule-of-thumb error estimate of +/- 10 
days or so for ARRISSat-1 (37772).
Jim, N8OQ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Telemetry

2011-11-24 Thread Carl Rimmer W8KRF
How do I know whether or not the data I have been submitting has in fact 
been received?  I noticed my call sign does not appear in the list on 
DK3WN SatBlog and I am sure I have submitted more frames than some of 
those listed.  Up until now, I was not interested in a certificate but 
after seeing a copy of one, I would now like to get one.  I have all my 
CSV files so I can send them in, if necessary.   I also have several wav 
files of the Voice transmissions.  I have SSTV images and wav files 
posted on my website at www.w8krf.net.  Is there something else I need 
to do to get the certificate?


*Carl W8KRF*
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Height Profile

2011-11-23 Thread Roland Zurmely
The following graphs show the decrease in average height (km) of ARISSat and 
the fall rate (km/day) since the launch on 08/03/2011 and until 21/11/2011. The 
calculations are made ​​by me from the daily Keplerian data. It is clearly 
visible the irregularity of the fall rate, due to variations in solar flux, 
which cause variations in the density of the atmosphere and therefore in drag.


73 de Roland PY4ZBZ.
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 (37772) decay

2011-11-15 Thread DeYoung James
First, thank you Mineo for reading the AMSAT Journal and making several of my 
papers available
on your web site.
My AMSAT Journal
paper published in the March/April 2011 issue is actually still fairly valid
for the scenarios shown in the paper. The solar flux has turned out to be
somewhat higher than was used/predicted in the paper. This has caused the
atmospheric densities to be higher which results in higher decay rates. When I
wrote the paper I had this nagging feeling that stopping the 
release height
scenarios at 370-km was not going to be high enough. We are very fortunate that 
the ISS was boosted to such a height before release of ARISSat-1 and not after
There is a
valuable lesson, I think, to be made with respect to predicting satellite decay
dates far into the future. The future state of the atmosphere, i.e. the
atmospheric density that the satellite will pass through is poorly predictable
in the long-term, say starting greater than a week or two into the future.
Predictions of satellite decay dates months in the future should be
evaluated with the understanding that your date of prediction errors may be
large. The errors 
are due to the future uncertainties of the orbital path which
grow quickly with time in a prediction. The atmospheric density is not the only
source of error. Your orbit model, the integrator, and the accounting of the 
gravitational and
drag forces among others will affect your results.
Predictions of
satellite decay dates are not do-and-forget. The general process is to make a
prediction, get new measured observations of the height in the future, and at
some point re-do your prediction when the errors become significant to you. 
With that all
said here is my current prediction using the same tools used in the AMSAT J.
paper and produced as of 2011 November 13th. The decay of ARISSat-1 (37772)
will happen nominally on 2012 January 30th with a 10% rule-of-thumb error
allowance of 18 days around this date. The 
errors may be larger than the rule-of-thumb indicates!
Jim, N8OQ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 BPSK

2011-11-11 Thread John Heath
Hi folks,

Just got my first 1000 BPSK frames of data using the ARISSat-1 Telemetry 
Appreciate most of you  on the bb have probably already done it already.
I just wanted to say a public thank you for a superb and easy to use piece of 
Looks cool on screen too.

Using the CW beacon as a reference to stay on tune is brilliant, worked well, 
even with manual Doppler tune.

Anyone not yet tried it, give it a go. WX4SXM's quick Start Guide will put you 
on the right track.

73 All

off to get a few more frames

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Re-entry Prediction

2011-11-11 Thread Mineo Wakita

I calculated and predicted the time of ARISSat-1 Re-entry.


JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Nov 3, 2011

2011-11-03 Thread Farrell Winder
Did anyone hear signals from ARISSat-1 on the last pass, (16:53 Z Cincinnati) ? 
I did not hear anything on 2 m or the transponder. Will listen and try both 2 m 
and also  Tx thru the  transponder ,Rx approx 145.930 +/- doppler.

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Cincinnati Pass 21:14 Oct 26

2011-10-26 Thread Farrell Winder
Appreciate confirmation of station calling W8ZCF on subject ARISSat  Pass.  Was 
it W9ORD ?? Freq had QRM from local BC station harmonic.
Thanks to station calling.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnati Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat received spectrum

2011-10-18 Thread Roland Zurmely
Today I copied the spectrum of signals received from ARISSat with an SDR-IQ 
(and homemade VHF / HFconverter  ) and SpectraVue. The frequencies listed are 
the transmitted by satellite, and  Doppler effectis clearly visible in the 
received signals, with higher frequencies at the beginning and lower at the end 
of the pass.
The noise generated by linear transponder and the return of the transmission 
that I did in the UHF uplink are clearly visible. The CW-2 signal close to the 
1kBPSK telemetry signalcan also be seen, as well as FM transmissions, switching 
between voice and SSTV.

Please see here:


73 de Roland.
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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 for educators paper// 11 days till Arissat-1 returns

2011-10-07 Thread normn3ykf
Hi all!
A friend of mine is a schoolteacher who is planning on using Arissat in a 
classroom presentation. I wrote a paper detailing how to install/configure 
Orbitron and Nova for Windows demo (for eclipse prediction). Also included are 
some helpful setup procedures for field operations.
Anyone who would like a copy of this please let me know.
73 de Norm n3ykf
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Contact Experiment via Trqnsponder

2011-10-03 Thread Farrell Winder
In follow up of my previous post request, ARISSAT-1 did not activate for my 
location in Cincinnati until there was only about 40 seconds left in the  pass  
which started at  13:44Z AOS.  However,  I did hear my CW signals with slight 
fading.   Due to the eclipse delay and orbit it does not appear favorable at my 
location for further experiments via ARISSat-1 transponder for several days.  . 
Thanks to anyone who might have tuned for my signal.
Farrell Winder,
 W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Silent? ( Request)

2011-09-29 Thread Stuart Balanger
*Hi All,
I was listening on the 145.95 Voice telemetry Beacon Freq.
@ 1310 UTC pass here in ENY  didn't hear a peep from
ARISSat-1 ,  was wondering if it has gone silent?
My Grid Square is FN31! 73,.Stu (WA2BSS)
PS (a request)
Was wondering if someone has a Duplexer?
*IE a Box, on 1 nd is where the Coax gets connected,  on other
end is 2 short coax cable lengths;  1 length goes to 2 meters;
 the other length goes to 70 CM1) (I have a Kenwwod TS-2000)
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat and Elk or Arrow

2011-09-28 Thread Clayton Coleman W5PFG
I've been wondering if anyone besides me has tried to hear themselves
using an Arrow or Elk antenna via ARISSat's linear transponder.

If you have tried it and successfully heard yourself, please let me
know.  I'm curious as to what was your formula for success. The rig
I've been using is an FT-847 and for an antenna either my Elk or Arrow
mounted to a camera tripod.

I've made about six attempts now on passes that I thought were very
favorable to success.  I've had zero trouble receiving telemetry or
SSTV during these passes so I'm sure the bird was actually overhead
during my attempts.

I'm not ready to give up but time is running out.

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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 silent over UK: Explanation

2011-09-26 Thread andy thomas
As reported over the weekend, Arissat-1 is no longer audible in the UK, because 
she does not switch on until after about 14 minutes from entering sunlight. 
I believe the sequence is:
enter sunlight: MET starts: timer activated
14 minute wait before tx - other systems live
Tx on with data at a MET of 14 minutes
Tx sequence
We in the UK now have to wait unril the orbit continues to precess to the late 
evening (about 10 days' time)
73 de andy G0SFJ
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat in sunlight

2011-09-25 Thread John Heath
Interesting thread regarding  MET and ARISSat-1 switch on.
Someone made the very good point that the transition in or out of sunlight 
(eclipse) is not an on/off event. I remember many MIR visuals, and as she 
from sunlight in the west to darkness in the east there was a significant time, 
perhaps a minute or more when she changed colour from bright and silver white 
orange then disappeared into blackness. I always interpreted that as passing 
through the penumbra, or semi shadow area.
ARRISat-1 is at at around 370km, does anyone know how to find the width of the 
penumbra  at that altitude?
Working out the transit time through that region might be informative.
73 John G7HIA
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat in sunlight

2011-09-25 Thread Simon Pack
Using Orbitron 3.71 software, I can tell that the penumbral duration today 
was 9 seconds. However, this will vary in the future as the angle of the 
orbit to the sun changes. However, the first sunlight the satellite will get 
will be very red (due to the blue light scatter caused by the atmosphere). I 
have observed that ARISSat-1 doesn't start transmitting for a further 14 

To be more precise, I am seeing the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) counter start 
counting from zero about 40 seconds after coming out of eclipse, and the 
first BPSK telemetry frame has a MET=808. The first KURSK experiment data 
isn't transmitted until MET=945. However, since 12th September the KURSK 
experiment appears to have failed and is only sending null data.

73s, Simon G7WIQ 

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat daylightpower recovery time

2011-09-24 Thread Richard Ferryman
Although I have severely limited satellite visibility I have been copying 
telemetry from ARISSat1 for some weeks.  I live in a valley surrounded by chalk 
hills and cliffs over 100 metres higher than me so my visible horizon is +12 
degrees to +18 degrees at best.  Also my 3+3 element short crossed yagi and 
rotator are in the attic!  This worked beautifully when the satellite batteries 
held up and now when ARISSat is powered up.  However I notice it can take 10 
minutes or more from the time the satellite enters sunlight until the system 
bursts into life.  At present this means loss of telemetry at this location 
when ARISSat is over the Atlantic, and even on overhead passes if it has been 
in sunlight for less than 10 minutes.
Question is why it takes ARISSat so long after entering sunlight before it 
starts transmitting?  Surely if the batteries have failed high resistance the 
voltage should be up within seconds of entering sunlight.
Dick G4BBH
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1

2011-09-24 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
John K8YSE, thanks again for the QSO on ARISSat-1 today.  They're not easy, but 
it can be done.  That's my third on the bird.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 Voice telemetry analysis from G0SFJ

2011-09-21 Thread andy thomas
I have submitted for a tlm certificate my analysis of the voice telemetry from 
Arissat-1 on certain orbits in September (when I was present, hi).  
The dates of the receptions in September are in the analysis spreadsheet.

The MET is decreasing, I think this is because the satellite comes out of 
eclipse and swithches on nearer the observation, as the orbit is precessing

I think the analysis shows that as the MET decreases, the IHU temperature 
decreases, and the battery current increases (this is a lesser negative number).

Put that another way, as the MET in sunlight increases, the IHU temperature 
increases and the circuit current decreases (greater negative number).

However I don't know why the circuit reports a negative current, or even if the 
voice tlm is accurate. I'd be grateful for any comments.

73 de Andy G0SFJ

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1

2011-09-18 Thread Farrell Winder
I have made 2 different successful  short duration CW  transmissions through 
the ARISSat-1/RADIOSCAF-B  transponder over the last 2 days. Called CQ with no 
replies. My receiver fixed  to receive on 145.934.5.   Transmissions made  near 
 435.950 and varied to receive.  I received back my signal very weak but 
clearly readable. Will be trying again with above freqs on Monday Sept 19, 2011 
 on passes over Cincinnati, Ohio beginning 13:50Z.   Be listening for anyone 
trying to connect. 
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT telemetry - no kursk frames

2011-09-15 Thread Mike Rupprecht
Hi all,
I had a 1 deg pass this morning and could grab 18 telemetry frames (!). 
Interesting was that I received no one KURSK frame.
Can someone confirm this?

73, Mike

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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1

2011-09-14 Thread BobHerrell
Today I was able to make my first contact on ARISSAT-1. It was at 2038z 
with Sebastian, W4AS. It took a while for us to make it, but we finally 
succeeded. Was Sebastian's second contact. Glad I was able to make at 
least one contact before we loose the bird.

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 KURSK frames all zeros

2011-09-12 Thread Ronald G. Parsons
On the just concluded pass of ARISSat, all the KURSK frames I copied were all 
zeros (except for the header).

Is there a problem or a change?

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat observations

2011-09-07 Thread Jack Colson
I have noticed on a number of daytime passes over the Southern US that 
the satellite is ON at AOS but within a minute or so switches off, NO 
FM, CW beacon or BPSK.

Is this what is considered normal and I did not interpert the operation 
scheme correctly.

I have been sending in telemetry reports, should we hear that they are 
accepted ?

Jack, W3TMZ 

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 KEDR Award

2011-09-06 Thread Roland Zurmely
I am very happy! I received my certificate for SSTV !


73 de Roland.
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-12 Reception Certificates

2011-09-04 Thread Clint Bradford
The folks behind issuing the ARISSat-1 reception report certificates ARE hard 
at work - even 
on a Sunday! - getting them sent out: I just received one! If you haven;t 
received yours yet, 
it is coming!

Clint Bradford, K6LCS

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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 Certificate requests--

2011-09-01 Thread Dee
The requests are being answered systematically.  The requests by those
not in North America are being addressed by another group of
volunteers because of the quantity.  Be patient.
Please send your reports to the proper  engineering team-- We just
give out certificates so please do not duplicate.  Enjoy the bird
while it lasts and don't forget to donate at the AMSAT website for
future funding of satellites...and your enjoyment.
Dee, NB2F
One of the Certificate Team members.

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 CW and BPSK-1000 telemetry heard over Vietnam

2011-08-31 Thread Vu Trong Thu
Hello everyone,

This morning I had a good pass of ARISSat-1 over Hanoi, Vietnam and decoded
its BPSK-1000 for the first time. According to ARISSatTLM, more than 30
frames were sent to the server out of more than 60 decoded. Manually tuning
the CW signal to keep it within range is fun and it was audible until the
satellite was 1.5 degree under the horizon. Maybe next time I'll try the
transponder :)




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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 Pass Over DO33 2011-08-31

2011-08-31 Thread B J
The FM telemetry downlink was initially acquired at 0014 UTC with the end of
the SSTV transmission.  The signal was barely audible.

Transmission resumed at 0016 with S9+ strength, no noise, and the following

- ID

- Greeting in English

- Secret word

- MET = 45 minutes

- IHU temp. = +31 degrees C

- Control panel temp. = +31 degrees C

- Battery voltage = 35.70 V

- Battery current = -24 mA

The CW beacon was not heard.


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat RF and audio recordings

2011-08-30 Thread f6bvp


Very good quality recordings of ARISSAT1 wide band RF signals are 
available on AMSAT

telemetry directory.


However, the server downloads are very slow probably due to a limited 

Laurent, F6FVY managed to upload the three files on a ten times faster 


These RF stereo audio wav files may be played back and demodulated using any 
SDR software like HDSDR.

AMSAT-DK made available BPSK telemetry audio files already demodulated that may 
be decoded
by ARISSatTLM program.


These audio files are sampled at48 kHz and include CW andBPSK1000 designed by 
Phil KA9Q

73 de Bernard, f6bvp

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 battery

2011-08-29 Thread g0mrf

Hi all.
The ARISSat  team seem to have reached the conclusion that the Silver Zinc 
battery technology is not really suited for
an orbiting satellite with a 55 / 35 minute charge and discharge cycle. I 
wonder if a couple of small
Lithium polymer battery packs would be a suitable replacement for ARISSat-2 ? I 
note that there are safety issues with Li-ion technology,
but there are some small battery packs of 10Whr / 20Whr 30Whr  modules which 
have NASA approval for manned space flight.
From the odd snippet of information on the power required during eclipse (is 
it 7 Watts for 35 minutes) it looks like 20-25% depth of discharge for the 
20Whr battery pack. That's probably OK for a 9 month mission ??


David G0MRF


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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 TLM Problem

2011-08-29 Thread Randy
Hi all .. 

I am receiving the CW and TLM ok signal wise .. 

I tune in the CW to the mark in the CW / BPSK window..

But I don't ever receive any telemetry .. 

Using USB, FT897D .. 

I use the rig and computer for BPSK31 all the time .. 

Any ideas or suggestions ?? I even watched the You tube

Video that was posted .. 

It seems like I am doing it correctly .. but must be missing something ..




Randy - N2CUA

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat transponder

2011-08-29 Thread Sebastian, W4AS
At the 1850z pass, ARISSat passed at approximately 20 degrees for me.  I hadn't 
tried the SSB transponder in a while, and decided to give it a go.  Once I 
found my downlink, it was loud and clear throughout most of the past.  Called 
CQ for several minutes, but no takers.

Those who haven't tried it, really should.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

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[amsat-bb] ArisSat-1 UK pass over UK

2011-08-28 Thread Dominic Hawken

Very clear pass overhead in the UK (28-08 20.10 UTC):

MET: 54 minutes
IHU: 33 deg C
Control Panel: 38 deg C
Batt Volt: 36.03V
Batt Current: -8mA

Dominic G6NQO
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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 transponder LAST NIGHT OVER UK

2011-08-27 Thread paul robinson
rpt 5/7 sig last night via the transponder called cq a few times heard a EA 
station that was weak but didnt manage to work him.Its not easy to work but 
possable. 2E1EUB
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Pass Over DO33 2011-08-28

2011-08-27 Thread B J
No CW beacon was heard.  FM downlink was acquired at 0312 UTC  with at least
S7 and no fading but some noise.

MET = 49 minutes
IHU temp = +39 degrees C (not sure about final integer due to noise)
Control panel temp = +28 degrees C
Battery voltage = 35.70 Volts
Battery current = -12 mA

Transmission stopped at 0313 and resumed at 0315 with ID and greeting.


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1

2011-08-26 Thread Carl Rimmer
I was having a really good pass gpong from  my NW-SE and I had copied 6 
frames of Telemetry and 5 frames of KURSK data when the bird just went 
silent.  It never came back during this pass.  It was the 08-27-2011 
0241 UTC pass over Lake Erie.  I am curious if anyone has heard it since 
than.  That is probably the best I have copied it since day one.  The 
frames where forwarded.  The MET was 55' 33.  Bat Voltage = 35.668; Bat 
Current = -16 ma.  I've never heard it just go silent like that and not 
come back up.

Carl W8KRF
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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 signal

2011-08-25 Thread Pete MI0VAX
Is it just me, or was the last pass over Europe (orbit # 333) very weak?

Barely heard it at all, before I have been getting S9 +60dB signals


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