[android-developers] Re: ListView methods invalidate() versus invalidateViews()

2009-12-24 Thread Anirudh
You could also use the Adapter.notifyDatasetChanged() method to do

On Dec 24, 1:14 am, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> Agus wrote:
> > What's the functional difference between these listview methods:
> > invalidate() and invalidateViews()  ?
> > Which one is faster to refresh a listview?
> Hopefully neither.
> If you are using an ArrayAdapter as your adapter, modify the contents of
> the ArrayAdapter directly (via add(), insert(), and remove()) and the
> list will update automatically.
> If you are using a CursorAdapter as your adapter, call requery() on the
> Cursor, and the list will update automatically.
> If you are using some other built-in adapter class, figure out the right
> way to update the adapter's contents, and the list will update
> automatically.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android App Developer Training:http://commonsware.com/training

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[android-developers] Re: Droid AVD (2.0, WVGA854) resolution hell

2009-12-24 Thread greg1x

Thanks for trying! ;)

What about qualifying like this?

Wouldn't 1.6 just ignore the drawable-v3 and pick up the resources
from drawable-nodpi-v4?
Wouldn't 1.5 just ignore the drawable-nodpi-v4 and pick up the
resources from drawable-v3?

This way everything would be solved.

I'll try it ASAP..

On Dec 23, 9:27 pm, Lance Nanek  wrote:
> I actually tested that and hdpi Android 1.6 (and on, presumably) AVDs
> scaled up drawables from the drawable folder rather than using
> unscaled ones from drawable-nodpi when they were in both folders.
> On Dec 23, 1:57 pm, Streets Of Boston  wrote:
> > What about putting the same drawables (images/etc) in both 'drawable-
> > nodpi' and 'drawable' folders?
> > On Dec 23, 1:23 pm,greg1x wrote:
> > > > 1.5 will not use the drawable-nodpi.  As it's not even aware that that 
> > > > is a
> > > > legitimate folder option.
> > > So, is it possible to load an unscaled drawable from 1.5 to 2.0.1 with
> > > the same code?

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[android-developers] Re: Droid AVD (2.0, WVGA854) resolution hell

2009-12-24 Thread greg1x
The drawable-v3 & drawable-nodpi-v4 idea is useless..
It force closes on anything higher than v3. (I guess it doesn't ignore
the v3 dir, so it has duplicate files with the same identifiers)
Now it works on 1.5 only :)
It seems that I'll have to implement something comlicated, as Dan

On Dec 23, 9:27 pm, Lance Nanek  wrote:
> I actually tested that and hdpi Android 1.6 (and on, presumably) AVDs
> scaled up drawables from the drawable folder rather than using
> unscaled ones from drawable-nodpi when they were in both folders.
> On Dec 23, 1:57 pm, Streets Of Boston  wrote:
> > What about putting the same drawables (images/etc) in both 'drawable-
> > nodpi' and 'drawable' folders?
> > On Dec 23, 1:23 pm,greg1x wrote:
> > > > 1.5 will not use the drawable-nodpi.  As it's not even aware that that 
> > > > is a
> > > > legitimate folder option.
> > > So, is it possible to load an unscaled drawable from 1.5 to 2.0.1 with
> > > the same code?

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[android-developers] Re: Droid AVD (2.0, WVGA854) resolution hell

2009-12-24 Thread greg1x
I've also tried now to create an empty drawable-v4 dir to make >=1.6
to ignore drawable-v3. It doesn't work, force close..
Isn't there a directory qualifier that makes >=1.6 to ignore a dir
that is left there just for 1.5? (drawable-v3 in my case)

On Dec 24, 9:22 am, greg1x  wrote:
> The drawable-v3 & drawable-nodpi-v4 idea is useless..
> It force closes on anything higher than v3. (I guess it doesn't ignore
> the v3 dir, so it has duplicate files with the same identifiers)
> Now it works on 1.5 only :)
> It seems that I'll have to implement something comlicated, as Dan
> suggested.
> On Dec 23, 9:27 pm, Lance Nanek  wrote:
> > I actually tested that and hdpi Android 1.6 (and on, presumably) AVDs
> > scaled up drawables from the drawable folder rather than using
> > unscaled ones from drawable-nodpi when they were in both folders.
> > On Dec 23, 1:57 pm, Streets Of Boston  wrote:
> > > What about putting the same drawables (images/etc) in both 'drawable-
> > > nodpi' and 'drawable' folders?
> > > On Dec 23, 1:23 pm,greg1x wrote:
> > > > > 1.5 will not use the drawable-nodpi.  As it's not even aware that 
> > > > > that is a
> > > > > legitimate folder option.
> > > > So, is it possible to load an unscaled drawable from 1.5 to 2.0.1 with
> > > > the same code?

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[android-developers] Contacts-based app force-closing on Droid, unable to repro

2009-12-24 Thread Eric
I'm having problems with my application on Droid phones. I am unable
to reproduce the problems in the emulator. A co-worker of mine with a
Droid also has no issues running my app. Any help you can provide
would be much appreciated.

My application is called Dialify. It's open source; you can find the
code here: 

My app queries the contacts DB to display a list of contacts. The user
can select contacts to turn them into notifications that can be dialed/

Droid users reported 2 problems:

1) Contacts not appearing
2) App force-closes when they begin to scroll through the contacts

My app creates a cursor over the contacts DB to display contacts. I
realized problem #1 was due to using the API level 5 method of access
which only shows contacts for the master account. I fixed this, but
the force-close issue remains.

Unfortunately, I am unable to replicate a force-close in the emulator.
I thought maybe it was the number of contacts and created about 200 of
them, to no avail. It's been happening to users who use Exchange and
users who do not, so I haven't tried getting Exchange contacts into
the Emulator.

This is how my deployed app retrieves contacts today:

Here are some of the changes I made for API level 6 compatibility:

//"Phone" is android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone
private static final String[] PROJECTION = new String[] {
ContactsContract.Data._ID,  //0
Phone.TYPE, //2
Phone.NUMBER,   //4

private static final String SORT_PHONES_ASC =
"upper(" + Phone.DISPLAY_NAME + "),"
+ Phone.TYPE + ","
+ "upper(" + Phone.LABEL + ")";

//"Data" is android.provider.ContactsContract.Data
String selection = Data.MIMETYPE + "='" + Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE +

//here's the query itself:
return _context.getContentResolver().query(
selectionArgs, //will be null in this case
sort.getSort() //will be SORT_PHONES_ASC, above

//to display the contact I turn it into an internal type (Contact)
//_contactTypes comes from resources.getStringArray

public Contact getContactAtCursor(Cursor cursor) {
int typeId = cursor.getInt(2);
String type = (typeId == Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM) ? cursor.getString(3) :
_contactTypes[typeId - 1];

return new Contact(
cursor.getLong(0),   //id
cursor.getLong(5),   //contact ID
cursor.getString(1), //display name
cursor.getString(4), //number

I realize I can bring up a contact selector using an Intent, but I
don't think that will work for me. My app has a custom view of
contacts, and it always displays the contacts list.

Any guidance, suggestions, feedback or help would be most welcome. I'm
not sure how to proceed with this issue.


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[android-developers] Re: Audio Video recording on Android.

2009-12-24 Thread piyushn

On Dec 22, 3:03 am, Anu  wrote:
> Hi,
>    I am trying to develop an app which streams live audio/video. I
> have the mediarecorder to record both audio, video frames , and it
> does so. But the thing is it records a chunk of audio and then records
> a chunk of video frames and then records a chunk of audio frames to
> the file. How do I determine where my audio frames start and where the
> video frames start?. Also is there any way to figure out the Video
> frame length ?. Iam really stuck at this point and any help will be
> greatly appreciated. This is how I initialize the mediarecorder in my
> app,
>                 mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
> mMediaRecorder.setVideoSource(MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA);
>                 mMediaRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC);
>                 mMediaRecorder.setOutputFormat
> (MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP);
>                 mMediaRecorder.setMaxDuration(MAX_RECORDING_DURATION_MS);
>                 mMediaRecorder.setVideoFrameRate(8);
>                 mMediaRecorder.setVideoEncoder
> (MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.MPEG_4_SP);
> mMediaRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB);
> Regards,
> Anu.

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[android-developers] Re: Get Web URL

2009-12-24 Thread Abhinava Srivastava
Thanks fo rreply, but i think u didnt get my question, UriUtils can be
used if i already have a Uri, i stated that i have declared only
scheme  in my intent, ex. abc, so any event with the scheme of abc
will be invoking my application, right? now what i want is that i
should be able to get the host and parameter part of that URL! ex:
abc://abhinva.com/xyz?d=5 i want o extract   abhinva.com/xyz?d=5 in my

Thanks :)

On Dec 24, 10:22 am, Kumar Bibek  wrote:
> Check the UriUtils..
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kumar Bibek
> http://tech-droid.blogspot.com
> On Dec 23, 4:44 pm, Abhinava Srivastava  wrote:
> > Hi i have created and application which get invoked from the broswer
> > event.. i.e i have a link on browser say abc://www.abhinava.comor
> > abc://srivastava.com, now since i have defined scehme as abc:// my
> > application is invoked,
> > i want to know is there any way by which i can get the host parameter??- 
> > Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[android-developers] Running applications on target hardware

2009-12-24 Thread android_newbie

Our's is PXA255 based embedded system.

I can able to bring up Android console. How to run my own
applications? I created .apk file and copied to my target, so how to
invoke it from command line?


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[android-developers] Call Blocking in android

2009-12-24 Thread mayur yambal

I want to develop an application which blocks incoming calls (Call
Blocker) in Android.There were Android internal API for that but those
are removed from 1.0 onwards SDKs.We can catch incoming call event
using "PhoneStateListener" class,when phone state goes to ringing.

Right now we implemented call blocking using an illusion kind of
thing.When we get incoming call event in "PhoneStateListener" event,we
switch a phone in AIRPLANE_MODE and again switch off that mode.But
behaviour of "PhoneStateListener" is not predictable and blocking in
this way is not proper blocking.

There is RIL(Radio Interface Layer) and baseband architecture behind
the android telephony api.But how can we send a message to RIL for
blocking a call. Is there any API/logic for blocking a call which we
can implement using android NDK? OR is there any private/internal
framework/API which we can use to block the calls?


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[android-developers] About full build duration

2009-12-24 Thread 何奇
Hey, folks

Anyone know how to speed up android full build. I need to re-build android
every week, but now it cost about 8 hours. Who knows how to accelerate this

  Best Regards

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Uploading a File with HttpClient and HttpPost

2009-12-24 Thread Radek Skokan
I tried it on both the emulator and a physical device (HTC Hero). Same 
behavior. is my laptop running Tomcat. There is a servlet with 
Apache Commons File upload waiting for that multipart file. Works 
correctly with uploads from a browser (PC & Android).


On 12/23/2009 10:56 PM, jotobjects wrote:
> Are you running this on the emulator?
> Is a different computer on the same router?
> On Dec 22, 4:51 am, Radek Skokan  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to upload a file from Android to Tomcat server using
>> HttpClient and HttpPost. The android-side code is:
>>  HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
>> client.getParams().setParameter("http.socket.timeout", new Integer
>> (9)); // 90 second
>>  HttpPost httpPost = new 
>> HttpPost("
>> mediator/upload");
>>  FileEntity entity = new FileEntity(new 
>> File(filePath), "binary/
>> octet-stream");
>>  httpPost.setEntity(entity);
>>  HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost);
>>  Log.i(TAG, "Upload finished. Status: " + 
>> response.getStatusLine());
>>  client.getConnectionManager().shutdown();
>> The result always is "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request".
>> I captured the data sent over the network and it looks like:
>>> POST /mediator/upload HTTP/1.1
>>> Content-Length: 8287
>>> Content-Type: binary/octet-stream
>>> Host:
>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>> User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)
>>> Expect: 100-Continue
>> <  HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
>> <  HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
>> <  Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
>> <  Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
>> <  Content-Length: 971
>> <  Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 12:14:47 GMT
>> <  Connection: close
>> I created a simple HTML form for POSTing a file. This works fine from
>> browser and the data is different:
>> 1) it doesn't use HTTP 100 continue
>> 2) Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=
>> WebKitFormBoundaryDlIVGYpQG46Q46So
>> In my client I tried to change the content type to other values than
>> "binary/octet-stream", but when I sniff the traffic, the binary/octet-
>> stream is still there.
>> I do this on HTC Here/SDK 1.5.
>> Thanks,
>> Radek
>> On Nov 15, 11:46 am, rezar  wrote:
>>> I solved the problem. I post my code here for others to have a working
>>> sample:
>>> on the server side I made a simple servlet:
>>> --
>>> private void receiveFile(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse
>>> resp) throws Exception {
>>>  Enumeration emns = req.getHeaderNames();
>>>  InputStream is = req.getInputStream();
>>>  OutputStream os = new 
>>> FileOutputStream(req.getHeader(FILENAME_STR));
>>>  byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
>>>  int bytesRead;
>>>  while ((bytesRead = is.read(buffer)) != -1) {
>>>os.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
>>>  }
>>>  is.close();
>>>  os.close();
>>>  }
>>> protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse
>>> response) throws ServletException, IOException {
>>>  try {
>>>  receiveFile(request,response);
>>>  } catch (Exception e) {
>>> System.err.println("ERROR-"+e.getMessage());
>>>  e.printStackTrace();
>>>  }
>>>  }
>>> At the android side (SDK v.2.0 ):
>>> private HttpPost post;
>>> public void doUpload(String filepath,String filename) {
>>>  HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
>>>  try {
>>> httpClient.getParams().setParameter("http.socket.timeout", new
>>> Integer(9)); // 90 second
>>>  post = new HttpPost(new URI(YOUR_SERVER_ADDRESS));
>>>  File file = new File(filepath);
>>>  FileEntity entity;
>>>  if (filepath.substring(filepath.length()-3, 
>>> filepath.length
>>> ()).equalsIgnoreCase("txt") ||
>>>  filepath.substring(filepath.length()-3, 
>>> filepath.length
>>> ()).equalsIgnoreCase("log")) {
>>>  entity = new FileEntity(file,"text/plain; 
>>> charset=\"UTF-8\"");

Re: [android-developers] Secondary google account

2009-12-24 Thread Dmitri Plotnikov
You may need to explicitly enable sync on that account. See

On Dec 23, 2009 5:32 PM, "stimpie"  wrote:

My google account has a primary xx...@gmail.com address and a
secondary u...@domain.tld adress. All fine so far.

But when I use the secondary email to sign in on my android device I
get no contacts, emails or calenders.

What is going wrong here?

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[android-developers] Re: glReadpixel call in open-gl

2009-12-24 Thread Nightwolf
According to OpenGL ES spec:

Only two combinations of format and type are accepted.
The first is format RGBA and type UNSIGNED BYTE. The second is an
implementation-chosen format. The values of format and type for this
format may be determined by calling GetIntegerv
with the symbolic constants IMPLEMENTATION COLOR READ FORMAT OES and

The second supported format for emulator and G1 is GL_RGB,
And make sure you specify correct dimensions.

On 23 дек, 19:04, yog  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Iam trying to read glReadpixel API to get frame buffers, when printed
> buffer in API Iam getting  all 0's in my Emulator. Iam a new-bie to
> android and open-gl. can any one  help me why this is happening? Iam
> using Android 2.0. Is there any opensource android APP using
> glReadPixel function.
> GLES10.glReadPixels(x, y, screenWidth, screenHeight,GLES10.GL_RGB,
>                                  0  0         320                 480
> Thanks in advance,
> Yog.

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[android-developers] What's the UI performance tools for Android?

2009-12-24 Thread William.lw.w
Hi Google Expert,

I'm not sure if this is right place to post this question.

I just listen the Google IO section of "Make your Android UI Fast and
Efficient" again. It is a very useful for the daily Android

There are some benchmark about the UI performance, e.g. the "frames
per seconds". And I also want to benchmark my UI performance, but what
tools I can use to get the UI benchmark data? or how?


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[android-developers] Problem reading a previously written file.

2009-12-24 Thread Mike

First: Merry christmas :)

I have one customer where saving my applications data to a file works
as expected, but loading the data from the file always causes a
Uninstalling and reinstalling has no effect - i.e. the file can be
written but reading it fails.
I can't reproduce the problem. Now i hope you can help me with some

This is how the data gets saved:
FileOutputStream fos = contextVar.openFileOutput(FILENAME,
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(fos);

And this is how the data is loaded:
FileInputStream fis = contextVar.openFileInput(FILENAME);
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fis);
version = in.readInt();

contextVar holds a reference of the applications context from onCreate
Loading happens before setContentView() is called.
Loading/saving is done on different threads.

Do you have any ideas why loading the previously saved file fails?
Any advice is welcome!

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Re: [android-developers] Uninstalling application - feedback

2009-12-24 Thread Mark Murphy
Dilli wrote:
> Is there any way to get the feedback from user about my app while
> uninstalling ??


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

Warescription: Three Android Books, Plus Updates, $35/Year

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[android-developers] Is android supports wap push

2009-12-24 Thread saikiran n
Is android supports wap push sms ?
If so what is the API to achive this functionality

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[android-developers] Echo heard during audio loopback

2009-12-24 Thread Vishal

I have a Java application where in I am recording Audio in PCM format
at 8KHz sampling rate using AudioRecord class and sending over the
network. Similarly I am receiving PCM samples through the network and
playing them into the speakers in PCM formats using AudioTrack class

While playing samples into the speaker along with the played audio, I
am also hearing the echo of my own recorded voice.

I also tried the loopback mechanism where in I am recording the voice
frame by frame through mic and then immediately playing them into the
speaker frame by frame. Also clearing the buffer once played. Even in
this case I am hearing echo of my own voice.

I am using the "Headset" mic and speaker to record and play.

Has anybody faced the similiar issue? Any solution for this issue?

On the net I have read, some people reporting the similar issue but at
the receiver side(Callee) in a voice call.

Thanks in Advance,

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[android-developers] Re: Controlling the current MediaPlayer

2009-12-24 Thread Alex Corbi
Thanks for the tipp moneytoo, i will check that out.

Mark, is it allowed to use the method that moneytoo suggests?

is it at least possible to know whether some media is currently being
played? a isPlaying() method or something?

Thank you guys.


On Dec 23, 3:26 pm, moneytoo  wrote:
> You can broadcast intents to control the Android/HTC media player.
> Check MediaPlaybackService.java source.
> On Dec 23, 1:43 pm, Alex Corbi  wrote:
> > Hi google devs,
> > This should be easy, but i haven't found anything yet
> > I want to get a reference to theMediaplayerrunning currently on the
> > device, so my app can pause it, execute its code and then resume it
> > again. The class that plays the music and the videos is of course
> >MediaPlayerbut i don't want to create a new one, but to control the
> > one its running when my app needs to do its job.
> > Of course it should be possible that no song or video is currently
> > being played so there should be a isplaying() method somewhere...
> > Any clues how to make that?
> > Thanks in advances..
> > Alex

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[android-developers] Re: Problem in Layout

2009-12-24 Thread Nithin
First of all, sorry for my language..

Thanks jean for your reply.

Somehow solved the issue. I gave proper weight to the 3 layouts and
now displaying all 3. Only the middle layout is scrolling, other 2 are
fixed and displaying.


On Dec 23, 3:30 am, jean-guys  wrote:
> First off I apologize but I'm having a hard time understanding your
> intent based on your language, but I'll try to help with what I
> understand.
> The android:gravity attribute affects thelayoutof content within the
> view, not how a view is laid out within alayoutmanager.  It sounds
> like what you really want is android:layout_gravity.  However this
> attribute is not applicable to LinearLayout, mostly used (in my
> experience) with FrameLayouts.
> If you're using a LinearLayout with orientation vertical and three sub-
> views, as long as any of the sub-views declare
> layout_height=fill_parent the views should fill the available space
> and, as a result, the third view should be on the bottom.  I am
> guessing you'd like the center view to fill_parent.
> With a RelativeLayout it sounds like you want the
> android:layout_alignParentBottom attribute for the third view.
> Lastly, I've given you the XML attributes, you'll need to look up the
> Java API equivalents, but I highly recommend using XML layouts if at
> all possible.
> Hope this helps.
> Jean-Guy
> On Dec 22, 8:06 am, Nithin  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have three layouts in my screen. One topLayout, bottomLayout and the
> > centerLayout. CenterLayout is a scrollablelayout, in such a way that
> > the center part is scrollable and top and bottomLayout are filxed. I
> > am using linearLayout. Its all working except the bottomlayout. For
> > bottomlayout, i put in the layoutParams gravity=BOTTOM. BUt its not
> > working.
> > I tried with relativeLayout also, in that the scrollable part is not
> > working fine.Scrollbar as to be at the edge of the screen. In
> > relative, its coming after view. I tried with width=FILL_PARENT.
> > I am doing all this in java code, not in xml.
> > Any suggestions is much appreciated.
> > Nithin

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Controlling the current MediaPlayer

2009-12-24 Thread Mark Murphy
Alex Corbi wrote:
> Thanks for the tipp moneytoo, i will check that out.
> Mark, is it allowed to use the method that moneytoo suggests?

I misunderstood your question -- I thought you were looking to play back
media, not just stop and start an existing player.

That being said, please understand that:

1. The broadcast Intents that moneytoo refers to, for the built-in
Android media player, are undocumented and not part of the SDK, so you
should not use them:


2. This only affects the built-in Android media player (and, perhaps,
the HTC modified player). Any other media player -- StreamFurious,
Pandora, etc. -- will not honor them and probably does not offer its own

> is it at least possible to know whether some media is currently being
> played? a isPlaying() method or something?

No, because there is an infinite number of possible media players.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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[android-developers] retain application/Activity state correct approach?

2009-12-24 Thread Atif Gulzar

I just read from internet to maintain the state of my application by
overriding the onKeyDown function as given below. And set the launch mode of
my activity as singleInstance. And it is working perfectly. Just want to
know if it is correct approach. And how it is different from
onSaveInstanceState. Thanks

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
   if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)
  return this.moveTaskToBack(true);
   return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

Best Regards,
Atif Gulzar

I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ

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Re: [android-developers] retain application/Activity state correct approach?

2009-12-24 Thread Mark Murphy
Atif Gulzar wrote:
> I just read from internet to maintain the state of my application by
> overriding the onKeyDown function as given below. And set the launch
> mode of my activity as singleInstance. And it is working perfectly. Just
> want to know if it is correct approach. And how it is different from
> onSaveInstanceState. Thanks
> public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
> {
>if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)
>   return this.moveTaskToBack(true);
>return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
> };

This has nothing whatsoever to do with saving your state.

The Bundle you populate in onSaveInstanceState() will be saved if your
activity is destroyed and recreated, either because of a configuration
change (e.g., user rotates the screen) or because of memory reclamation.
What you are doing here does not help with either of those cases.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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[android-developers] Detect top position of a view

2009-12-24 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

In my program, I'm adding different views using a loop inside a
I need to find the top position of each added view. I tried to
retrieve this position using method top but I find always 0.

Do you know how can I do this (if it's possible of course !).

Regards and thank you by advance.

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[android-developers] Re: Uninstalling application - feedback

2009-12-24 Thread Maps.Huge.Info (Maps API Guru)
That, I believe, is something that would be beneficial to have.

-John Coryat

"Radar Now!"

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[android-developers] Scrolling a Gallery

2009-12-24 Thread Business Talk
How do I make a gallery to scroll if the gallery's items (views) fill
the entire screen (a view per screen) and each view is filled with
buttons? It looks like the gallery doesn't get the scroll event.
Instead, the buttons get the click event.

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Re: [android-developers] Scrolling a Gallery

2009-12-24 Thread Aniruddh Bajirao
I would use the onInterceptTouchEvent so that the Parent in the View
Hierarchy gets control and then decide when you want to pass the events to
the children.

On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Business Talk  wrote:

> How do I make a gallery to scroll if the gallery's items (views) fill
> the entire screen (a view per screen) and each view is filled with
> buttons? It looks like the gallery doesn't get the scroll event.
> Instead, the buttons get the click event.
> --
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-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The
latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to
hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.
... Albert Einstein.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Aniruddh Bajirao

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[android-developers] Is there a built-in view class to implement the view flipping behavior similar to the Android home screen?

2009-12-24 Thread Agus
Is there a built-in view class to implement the view flipping behavior
similar to the Android home screen?

(Other than the gallery view)


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Anyone noticing more uninstalls of their app than usual over last weekend/today?

2009-12-24 Thread Wayne Wenthin
I am trying to space updates around once a week but since I'm in beta I do
update major issues right away.  Hopefully the people that are using the
game are not getting annoyed and understand that frequent updates will be
the norm for awhile.

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 10:00 PM, dadical  wrote:

> I update at the rate that my users demand.  Less frequently, actually,
> for the reasons that you mention.  It's an interesting balance to
> strike.  I'm rated very high by users for my quick turn around on
> defect fixes and feature requests, but unless I have a serious issue
> to deal with I try to space releases at least 7-10 days apart.
> I would say that a satisfaction rating of 4.5 with 100s of ratings
> speaks in favor of my approach, but I'd be interested in hearing other
> opinions.
> On Dec 23, 9:35 am, Michael  wrote:
> > Not directing this just to you but your post reminded me of
> > something.  Although the ability to update often is there (especially
> > when compared to the iphone system) please don't abuse it.  I'm seeing
> > articles/blogs/etc complaining about the annoyance of constant update
> > requests from apps.  Especially when each update has to be accepted
> > one by one.  I personally am starting to update less and less often
> > because it's just plain annoying to update an app and then 5 days
> > later here it comes again multiply that by 10, 20 or 100 apps and
> > users will be more and more inclined to be running old versions of
> > your software.
> >
> > On Dec 22, 5:55 pm, dadical  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > I've released lots of updates over the past few months,
> > > averaging about one/week, and have never seen this happen.
> --
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Writing code is one of few things
that teaches me I don't know everything.

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[android-developers] Re: Scrolling a Gallery

2009-12-24 Thread Business Talk
Thanks Aniruddh,

That's what I need but I see a problem here. It looks like I will have
to subclass the gallery in order to override the onInterceptTouchEvent
method. Otherwise, I don't see a way to register a listener that would
implement the method and intercept the call. Any suggestion?

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[android-developers] Unpublished App receiving comments and ratings

2009-12-24 Thread Matt
I un-published a free version of an app six weeks ago, but over the
last few days, it started receiving ratings again.

Other times, currently published apps aren't searchable from any

Has anyone else noticed this?

Is there a way to completely remove an app from the market beyond un-
publishing it?

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[android-developers] how to send message to a speceific port

2009-12-24 Thread george
Hi all

i want to send  a text message on a specific port

how to do it
can any one help

thanks much

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[android-developers] RIGHT way to kickstart composing a new Calendar event?

2009-12-24 Thread DulcetTone
My app wants to whisk the user to the "create new event" composition
window of his Calendar app, initializing begin time, end time, title
and description text for the event, but then leaving him able to see
these values and optionally alter them before saving (or discarding)
the event using the oridinary means available to him from within the
Calendar's create new event activity.


My code which works dandy on my own dev phone (indeed, on any phone
running stock Android Calendar to the bone) fails on the HTC Hero.
The issue is that the Hero has been "improved" by use of a non-
standard Calendar app and my means of doing this is therefore failing.

I wonder if someone can outline a more generic means I can use to say
"tell whatever the user's preferred Calendar app is to create a new
event, seeding the effort with these key/value pairs".

Here is my present code:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT) ;

// the HTC anti-Hero does not have a class named
"com.android.calendar.EditEvent" :(

intent.putExtra("beginTime", calObject.getTimeInMillis());
// make it 15 minutes duration
intent.putExtra("endTime", calObject.getTimeInMillis() + (1000 * 60 *

intent.putExtra("title", "dentist appointment");
intent.putExtra("description", "this would be the additional text
describing the event");

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[android-developers] TranslateAnimation slide from just offscreen

2009-12-24 Thread kostmo
Specifying the following in an XML file will slide a view into place,
starting with the view's right edge aligned with the right edge of the
screen (assuming parent is the main window).

Is there a recommended/possible way to specify the starting position
to be just offscreen (i.e. the view's left edge is aligned with the
right edge of the screen)?

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Re: [android-developers] RIGHT way to kickstart composing a new Calendar event?

2009-12-24 Thread Mark Murphy
DulcetTone wrote:
> My app wants to whisk the user to the "create new event" composition
> window of his Calendar app, initializing begin time, end time, title
> and description text for the event, but then leaving him able to see
> these values and optionally alter them before saving (or discarding)
> the event using the oridinary means available to him from within the
> Calendar's create new event activity.
> My code which works dandy on my own dev phone (indeed, on any phone
> running stock Android Calendar to the bone) fails on the HTC Hero.
> The issue is that the Hero has been "improved" by use of a non-
> standard Calendar app and my means of doing this is therefore failing.
> I wonder if someone can outline a more generic means I can use to say
> "tell whatever the user's preferred Calendar app is to create a new
> event, seeding the effort with these key/value pairs".
> Here is my present code:
>   Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT) ;
> // the HTC anti-Hero does not have a class named
> "com.android.calendar.EditEvent" :(
>   intent.setClassName
> ("com.android.calendar","com.android.calendar.EditEvent");
>   intent.putExtra("beginTime", calObject.getTimeInMillis());
> // make it 15 minutes duration
>   intent.putExtra("endTime", calObject.getTimeInMillis() + (1000 * 60 *
> 15));
>   intent.putExtra("title", "dentist appointment");
>   intent.putExtra("description", "this would be the additional text
> describing the event");

There is no public API for that in the SDK. The technique you are using
goes past the bounds of the SDK (as evidenced by references to
"com.android.calendar"), and therefore may fail with some devices, with
newer versions of Android, with third-party calendar apps, etc.:


Now, it would be nice if there were a consistent API for this, either in
the SDK or simply agreed to by calendar implementers. I'm not completely
clear how to try to arrange such coordination, though.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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[android-developers] Re: Unpublished App receiving comments and ratings

2009-12-24 Thread Maps.Huge.Info (Maps API Guru)
Anyone who downloaded your app can still give it ratings and comments,
people who never downloaded it won't see it though.

AFAIK, once published, an app has an indefinite life.

-John Coryat

"Radar Now!"

"What Zip Code?"

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[android-developers] Which one is more efficient, ImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) or ImageView.setImageDrawable(drawable)?

2009-12-24 Thread Agus
Which one these two ImageView methods is more efficient,
ImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) or ImageView.setImageDrawable(drawable)?

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[android-developers] MediaRecorder - how to continuously record in memory (using a circular buffer)

2009-12-24 Thread flohier
Dear All,

I'm trying to use the MediaRecorder to have my application
continuously record audio in memory (to a circular buffer of a known
size). Indeed, I'd like to be able to play back the past 10 seconds of
recorded based on a certain event in my program.

Much of the Media API is designed to linearly record audio to a file.

Has anyone an idea on how I could best do this with or without the
default API ?


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[android-developers] Re: Application closes unexpectedly

2009-12-24 Thread Vince
Hi. Thanks for the response. I've pasted everything in logcat that was
printed. I have USB debugging turned on for the phone. Is there
anything else that I need to turn on to see the exceptions?

On Dec 23, 1:32 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> Vince wrote:
> > I am a brand new developer to Android..
> > I wrote a pretty simple application that uses the gesture library. The
> >appitself seems to run fine in the simulator. However, when I
> > installed theappon my Google Dev Phone 1 (G1) last night, it doesn't
> > seem to work.
> > I've upgraded my G1 with the 1.6 image from the htc developer site
> > I see the first screen/activity for about a second and the application
> > exits without and errors.
> > Here is what my manifest looks like:
> > http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
> >    package="com.blahblah"
> > android:debuggable="true"
> >     android:versionCode="1"
> >     android:versionName="1.0">
> >    
> >      > android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
> >             > android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"> > uses-permission>
> >     > permission>
> >     
> >          >             android:name="Gesture1Activity"
> >             android:label="@string/application_name">
> >             
> >                 
> >                  > android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
> >             
> >         
> >          >             android:name="Gesture2Activity"
> >             android:label="@string/label_gesture_list" />
> >          >             android:name="Gesture3Activity"
> >             android:label="@string/label_create_gesture" />
> >     
> > 
> > Here's the output for logcat:
> > D/AndroidRuntime(  860):
> > D/AndroidRuntime(  860): >> AndroidRuntime START
> > <<
> > D/AndroidRuntime(  860): CheckJNI is OFF
> > D/AndroidRuntime(  860): --- registering native functions ---
> > I/jdwp    (  860): received file descriptor 20 from ADB
> > D/ddm-heap(  860): Got feature list request
> > I/ActivityManager(  101): Starting activity: Intent { flg=0x1000
> > cmp=com.blahblah/.Gesture1Activity }
> > D/AndroidRuntime(  860): Shutting down VM
> > D/dalvikvm(  860): DestroyJavaVM waiting for non-daemon threads to
> > exit
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  860): ERROR: thread attach failed
> > D/dalvikvm(  860): DestroyJavaVM shutting VM down
> > D/dalvikvm(  860): HeapWorker thread shutting down
> > D/dalvikvm(  860): HeapWorker thread has shut down
> > D/jdwp    (  860): JDWP shutting down net...
> > D/jdwp    (  860): +++ peer disconnected
> > I/dalvikvm(  860): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1
> > entries
> > D/dalvikvm(  860): VM cleaning up
> > D/dalvikvm(  860): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 677572 of 4194304 (16%)
> > W/InputManagerService(  101): Window already focused, ignoring focus
> > gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
> > $pr...@439a9eb8
> You're missing large chunks of your LogCat. If the application has a
> force-close error, you should get a Java stack trace in LogCat that
> points out the error.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android 2.0 Programming Books:http://commonsware.com/books

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Application closes unexpectedly

2009-12-24 Thread Mark Murphy
Vince wrote:
> Hi. Thanks for the response. I've pasted everything in logcat that was
> printed. I have USB debugging turned on for the phone. Is there
> anything else that I need to turn on to see the exceptions?

Perhaps I misunderstood what you wrote. Could you please clarify:

> I see the first screen/activity for about a second and the application
> exits without and errors.

In particular, I am not certain what "without and errors" means. Is that
supposed to be "without any errors"? If so, then something in that
activity may be calling finish(). Off the top of my head, I cannot think
of a scenario where an activity will exit on its own with no force-close
dialog and no finish() call.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

Android Training in US: 22-26 February 2010: http://onlc.com

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[android-developers] how easy can the .dex file be reverse engineered?

2009-12-24 Thread Georgios Galyfos

I was wondering how safe it is for my apk to be uploaded without being
obfuscated. I am kindof in a hurry to upload it on the market and I was
thinking of uploading it unobfuscated. I am guessing this is probably how
most of the apps are uploaded anyway but I would like to hear people's
opinions on this. I haven't searched online for existence of tools that
reverse engineer the .dex file the android project creates.

Any ideas?


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[android-developers] Re: RIGHT way to kickstart composing a new Calendar event?

2009-12-24 Thread DulcetTone
Thanks Mark.  I am looking a bit more, but it does seem I could at
best stumble upon a similarly fragile mechanism that would encompass
another phone/calendar app or two.

I am confused why such a flexible network of high-level inter-app
communication would be established, and then sawhorses placed across
the on ramps.  I know time and testing resources are at a premium, but
blanketing the earth with a variety of phones that belie their
seemingly common platform undercuts the vision substantially.


On Dec 24, 11:33 am, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> DulcetTone wrote:
> > My app wants to whisk the user to the "create new event" composition
> > window of his Calendar app, initializing begin time, end time, title
> > and description text for the event, but then leaving him able to see
> > these values and optionally alter them before saving (or discarding)
> > the event using the oridinary means available to him from within the
> > Calendar's create new event activity.
> > HOWEVER...
> > My code which works dandy on my own dev phone (indeed, on any phone
> > running stock Android Calendar to the bone) fails on the HTC Hero.
> > The issue is that the Hero has been "improved" by use of a non-
> > standard Calendar app and my means of doing this is therefore failing.
> > I wonder if someone can outline a more generic means I can use to say
> > "tell whatever the user's preferred Calendar app is to create a new
> > event, seeding the effort with these key/value pairs".
> > Here is my present code:
> >            Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT) ;
> >         // the HTC anti-Hero does not have a class named
> > "com.android.calendar.EditEvent" :(
> >    intent.setClassName
> > ("com.android.calendar","com.android.calendar.EditEvent");
> >    intent.putExtra("beginTime", calObject.getTimeInMillis());
> >         // make it 15 minutes duration
> >    intent.putExtra("endTime", calObject.getTimeInMillis() + (1000 * 60 *
> > 15));
> >            intent.putExtra("title", "dentist appointment");
> >    intent.putExtra("description", "this would be the additional text
> > describing the event");
> There is no public API for that in the SDK. The technique you are using
> goes past the bounds of the SDK (as evidenced by references to
> "com.android.calendar"), and therefore may fail with some devices, with
> newer versions of Android, with third-party calendar apps, etc.:
> http://www.androidguys.com/2009/12/14/code-pollution-reaching-past-th...
> Now, it would be nice if there were a consistent API for this, either in
> the SDK or simply agreed to by calendar implementers. I'm not completely
> clear how to try to arrange such coordination, though.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _Beginning Android_ from Apress Now Available!

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[android-developers] Re: how easy can the .dex file be reverse engineered?

2009-12-24 Thread nEx.Software
There are definitely tools that reverse engineer dex bytecode, and
depending on how complex your code is it can be pretty easy to figure
out how your application works. The question boils down to how likely
you believe the chances will be that someone will want to do that.

On Dec 24, 10:39 am, Georgios Galyfos  wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering how safe it is for my apk to be uploaded without being
> obfuscated. I am kindof in a hurry to upload it on the market and I was
> thinking of uploading it unobfuscated. I am guessing this is probably how
> most of the apps are uploaded anyway but I would like to hear people's
> opinions on this. I haven't searched online for existence of tools that
> reverse engineer the .dex file the android project creates.
> Any ideas?
> cheers!

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Re: [android-developers] Re: what is wrong here?

2009-12-24 Thread rompelstilchen666
and now i am spamed with 260 mails ,lol

2009/12/20 GregAZ 

> I have the same problem.  Mine still isn't showing up and it's not in
> FAQ's either.  It's been over 12 hours now.
> On Dec 20, 6:08 am, rompelstilchen666 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I registered myself on this mailing list yesterday
> >
> > I 've send an honnest/serious/polite.. question
> >
> > so why is this not apearing in the group ?
> >
> > why don't I see at leas my mail in the list ?
> >
> > cheers
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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[android-developers] Re: what is wrong here?

2009-12-24 Thread nEx.Software
First posts are moderated, a real person has to look at them... so
sometimes it can take a bit of time.

On Dec 24, 11:02 am, rompelstilchen666 
> and now i am spamed with 260 mails ,lol
> 2009/12/20 GregAZ 
> > I have the same problem.  Mine still isn't showing up and it's not in
> > FAQ's either.  It's been over 12 hours now.
> > On Dec 20, 6:08 am, rompelstilchen666 
> > wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I registered myself on this mailing list yesterday
> > > I 've send an honnest/serious/polite.. question
> > > so why is this not apearing in the group ?
> > > why don't I see at leas my mail in the list ?
> > > cheers
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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Re: [android-developers] Re: RIGHT way to kickstart composing a new Calendar event?

2009-12-24 Thread Mark Murphy
DulcetTone wrote:
> I am confused why such a flexible network of high-level inter-app
> communication would be established, and then sawhorses placed across
> the on ramps.  I know time and testing resources are at a premium, but
> blanketing the earth with a variety of phones that belie their
> seemingly common platform undercuts the vision substantially.

Let's take an example:

On Windows, there is a calendar program called Outlook (does a bit of
email on the side too, I'm told). There are any number of other ones,
such as Mozilla's calendar add-on to Thunderbird.

Windows also has the COM mechanism that allows for high-level inter-app
communication. Outlook supports a COM API to work with its calendar. Few
other calendars do, AFAICT, and none necessarily support Outlook's COM
API. In fact, even if there were a COM interface between the calendar
add-on to Thunderbird, it might not be part of a supported public API
(e.g., designed for communication between the add-on and Thunderbird

This is pretty much the same situation as Android faces with calendars:
great potential for interoperability, limited actual interoperability.
And Windows calendars have been around a *lot* longer than have Android

At most, you can argue that it is the core Android team's fault for not
mandating a calendar API. Then again, it's unclear where you draw the
line (e.g., do we need a carved-in-granite alarm clock API? a cast-iron
music player API?). And the calendar app isn't exactly something the
Android team controls exclusively, since it's tied to Google Calendar.

So, I think it's unfortunate but not unreasonable that we are where we
are with respect to adding events to local calendar applications.

If there isn't an issue already on the topic, you might want to open one
on http://b.android.com, requesting an SDK API for calendar operations
(basically, pulling the com.android.calendar stuff into android.calendar
or whatever). If you open one, post the link here, and I'll star it.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.8

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[android-developers] Re: OpenGL Texture Problems on Acer Liquid and Motorola Milestone

2009-12-24 Thread fwank
Hi Robert,

So I'll describe as best I can since I do not have the Acer and
Milestone. My customers have said the following: "Just shows white and
black squares on my liquid", "All the graphics are white squares on my
Milestone". Keep in mind my app runs perfect on G1, Hero, Droid, Cliq,
et al.

I have not checked OpenGL erros yet...

All my textures are RGBA and are of dim ^2.  I blindly followed
some advice I found for working around the Samsung Galaxy OpenGL bug
that probably got me into some trouble after I did a lot of


 public EGLConfig chooseConfig(EGL10 egl,EGLDisplay display) {
   int[] attributes=new int[]{
   EGLConfig[] configs=new EGLConfig[1];
   int[] result=new int[1];
   return configs[0];

Supposedly the above solved the Galaxy issue... However after reading
more about how eglChooseConfig works I learned that if a channel is
not specified, then it is assumed be 0 and eglChoose will return the
lowest possible size for that channel. So I wondered how the hell the
above worked on the G1 and Droid for me (the only android phone I
possess). I overrode chooseConfig and logged every single
configuration and saw that by chance that every config with an alpha
and depth of 8 and 16 respectively also had RGB888 values. But I have
no idea what configurations Acer Liquid support, they may have
RGBA5658 Depth 16 for all I know, which would ruin my 3D scene since
all my textures are RGBA. So I have since written my own
implementation of choose:

public EGLConfig chooseConfig(EGL10 egl, EGLDisplay d)
final int R = 8;
final int G = 8;
final int B = 8;
final int A = 8;

/* The best configuration that was found. */
EGLConfig best = null;

/* Temporary configurations that are found during the 
process. */
EGLConfig[] configs = new EGLConfig[100];

/* Number of configurations found during a choose 
configuration. */
int[] result = new int[1];

/* Desired configuration attributes. */
int[] attr;

/* Starting depth. */
int depth = 24;

 * Search for configurations that support 24-bit depth 
first. This
 * will handle the Droid case where a higher depth 
buffer size
 * renders faster.
while ((depth > 4) && (best == null))
Log.i("OGL", "Searching with depth of '"
+ Integer.toString(depth) + "' 

attr = new int[] {

egl.eglChooseConfig(d, attr, configs, 
configs.length, result);

for (int i = 0; i < result[0]; i++)
Log.i("OGL", "   Candidate " + 
Integer.toString(i + 1) + ":");
logConfig(egl, d, configs[i]);
Log.i("OGL", "   

if (result[0] > 0)
best = configs[0];

Log.i("OGL", "Best Config: ");
logConfig(egl, d, best);


depth -= 4;


return best;


I read that Droid performs best with a 24bit depth buffer,http://
734a5f5d8d800ef1. So, now 

[android-developers] Re: SimpleCursorAdapter SQLite field not found in ListActivity

2009-12-24 Thread Nmix
On Dec 22, 12:38 pm, jcknight  wrote:
> I have a SimpleCursorAdapter that I’m using to pull the contents of 
> aSQLitetable and populate a ListView.  Here is some code:
> http://pastie.org/private/ibrwbcv1xu1dpv2l7ys5g
> When it tries to populate the ListView I get an IllegalArgument
> exception:
> 12-22 09:03:16.423: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(230):
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column 'active' does not exist
> So it's complaining about the column "active" not existing.  However
> when I connect to the emulator via adb and list the table's schema, I
> get this:
> CREATE TABLE backup_schedules (
>     _id integer primary key autoincrement,
>     name varchar(128) not null,
>     interval integer not null,
>     active integer not null default 1,
>     location integer not null,
>     dayOfWeek varchar(128) default '',
>     day integer not null,
>     hour integer not null,
>     minute integer not null
> );

Try escaping the quotes in the String literal in your code:
"dayOfWeek varchar(128) default \'\',"

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[android-developers] Re: OpenGL Texture Problems on Acer Liquid and Motorola Milestone

2009-12-24 Thread fwank
BTW, I also found this post useful:


On Dec 24, 11:26 am, fwank  wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> So I'll describe as best I can since I do not have the Acer and
> Milestone. My customers have said the following: "Just shows white and
> black squares on my liquid", "All the graphics are white squares on my
> Milestone". Keep in mind my app runs perfect on G1, Hero, Droid, Cliq,
> et al.
> I have not checked OpenGL erros yet...
> All my textures are RGBA and are of dim ^2.  I blindly followed
> some advice I found for working around the Samsung Galaxy OpenGL bug
> that probably got me into some trouble after I did a lot of
> experimentation:
> http://www.anddev.org/samsung_galaxy_odd_ogl_es_hardware_acceleration...
>  public EGLConfig chooseConfig(EGL10 egl,EGLDisplay display) {
>                int[] attributes=new int[]{
>                     //EGL10.EGL_RED_SIZE,
>                     //5,
>                     //EGL10.EGL_BLUE_SIZE,
>                     //5,
>                     //EGL10.EGL_GREEN_SIZE,
>                     //6,
>                     EGL10.EGL_ALPHA_SIZE,
>                     8,
>                     EGL10.EGL_DEPTH_SIZE,
>                     16,
>                     EGL10.EGL_NONE
>                };
>                EGLConfig[] configs=new EGLConfig[1];
>                int[] result=new int[1];
>                egl.eglChooseConfig(display,attributes,configs,
> 1,result);
>                return configs[0];
>           }
> Supposedly the above solved the Galaxy issue... However after reading
> more about how eglChooseConfig works I learned that if a channel is
> not specified, then it is assumed be 0 and eglChoose will return the
> lowest possible size for that channel. So I wondered how the hell the
> above worked on the G1 and Droid for me (the only android phone I
> possess). I overrode chooseConfig and logged every single
> configuration and saw that by chance that every config with an alpha
> and depth of 8 and 16 respectively also had RGB888 values. But I have
> no idea what configurations Acer Liquid support, they may have
> RGBA5658 Depth 16 for all I know, which would ruin my 3D scene since
> all my textures are RGBA. So I have since written my own
> implementation of choose:
> public EGLConfig chooseConfig(EGL10 egl, EGLDisplay d)
>                 {
>                         final int R = 8;
>                         final int G = 8;
>                         final int B = 8;
>                         final int A = 8;
>                         /* The best configuration that was found. */
>                         EGLConfig best = null;
>                         /* Temporary configurations that are found during the 
> process. */
>                         EGLConfig[] configs = new EGLConfig[100];
>                         /* Number of configurations found during a choose 
> configuration. */
>                         int[] result = new int[1];
>                         /* Desired configuration attributes. */
>                         int[] attr;
>                         /* Starting depth. */
>                         int depth = 24;
>                         /*
>                          * Search for configurations that support 24-bit 
> depth first. This
>                          * will handle the Droid case where a higher depth 
> buffer size
>                          * renders faster.
>                          */
>                         while ((depth > 4) && (best == null))
>                         {
>                                 Log.i("OGL", "Searching with depth of '"
>                                                 + Integer.toString(depth) + 
> "' bits.");
>                                 attr = new int[] {
>                                                 EGL10.EGL_RED_SIZE, R, 
>                                                 EGL10.EGL_BLUE_SIZE, B, 
>                                                 EGL10.EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, depth, 
>                                 egl.eglChooseConfig(d, attr, configs, 
> configs.length, result);
>                                 for (int i = 0; i < result[0]; i++)
>                                 {
>                                         Log.i("OGL", "   Candidate " + 
> Integer.toString(i + 1) + ":");
>                                         logConfig(egl, d, configs[i]);
>                                         Log.i("OGL", "   
> ---");
>                                 }
>                                 if (result[0] > 0)
>                                 {
>                                         best = configs[0];
>                                         Log.i("OGL", "Best Config: ");
>                                         logConfig(egl, d, best);

[android-developers] Re: Application closes unexpectedly

2009-12-24 Thread Vince
Sorry.. that was a typo on my part. That should have been "without any
errors" meaning that I'm not seeing any exceptions or anything in

On Dec 24, 9:38 am, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> Vince wrote:
> > Hi. Thanks for the response. I've pasted everything in logcat that was
> > printed. I have USB debugging turned on for the phone. Is there
> > anything else that I need to turn on to see the exceptions?
> Perhaps I misunderstood what you wrote. Could you please clarify:
> > I see the first screen/activity for about a second and the application
> > exits without and errors.
> In particular, I am not certain what "without and errors" means. Is that
> supposed to be "without any errors"? If so, then something in that
> activity may be calling finish(). Off the top of my head, I cannot think
> of a scenario where an activity will exit on its own with no force-close
> dialog and no finish() call.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android Training in US: 22-26 February 2010:http://onlc.com

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[android-developers] button padding

2009-12-24 Thread Greg Donald
How can I adjust the padding for my button?

I have created a style for the pressed state in res/values/styles.xml


I have set the style attribute in my button.xml:


When I click on the button I do not see the padding change.  What am I
doing wrong?


Greg Donald

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[android-developers] EditText default soft keyboard (alpha vs. digit)?

2009-12-24 Thread Keith Wiley
I know that by setting the input type of an edit text to, say,
'number', I can get it to open the numeric soft keyboard by default
for that edit text, but doing so prevents the entry of alpha character
entirely.  I just want to set whether a given edit text should open by
default to the alpha screen or the numeric screen, but such that the
user can override the default via the alt key if desired.

Any ideas?


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[android-developers] cannot start Android

2009-12-24 Thread ppnicky
when i am running "android"  from command line
and get:

SWT folder 'lib/x86_64' does not exist

i have tried to put the lib on path but it doesn't help.
any ideas?
i am running Vista 64.


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[android-developers] Is it possible to process callers voice?

2009-12-24 Thread gpeddev
Hello!!! (My first post)
I would like to ask if its possible to make calls and when you talk
process the speakers voice and then send it to the listener.
I search androids api but i couldnt find anything. Does anyone have
any idea?

Thanks you!!!

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[android-developers] Loading 2.0.1 to ADP2

2009-12-24 Thread Ron Pinkas
Hi All,

Please forgive my ignorance. Athough I see the following in the
official description of the ADP2:

Modify and rebuild the Android operating system, and flash it onto a

I'm not able to find anywhere a downloadable 2.0 or 2.0.1 for the
ADP2, nor any indication that it could be done. To the contrary I see
all kind of discussions suggesting it's either not possible, or at
least not YET possible.

May someone please explain a developer withOUT any Android specific
background, what is so difficult in uplading a new version of an O/S
to a device that's specifically desgined for such purpose?

Do I really need to wait for HTC?

Thanks in advance,

Ron Pinkas

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[android-developers] capture android screen

2009-12-24 Thread Shilpa

I am new to android. and I have been assigned a task to capture the android
screen and send the collected the data through USB or bluetooth to the other

Do we have any android API to get the framebuffer data. If not then how to
proceed with the task?

If I can get a sample code, I would be greatful to you.

I have tried with the following code but the output is all zeros.

kindly correct me If I am going in a worng way. and suggest me how to
complete the task with the sample code.

public class ScreenCaptureEx extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// get the screen width and height
DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
int screenWidth = dm.widthPixels;
int screenHeight = dm.heightPixels;

TextView tv= (TextView) findViewById(R.id.label);

   byte buffer[]=new byte[screenWidth];
ByteBuffer pixel=ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer);
int x=0,y=0;

tv.setText(" screen width and height " + screenWidth + "  " +
screenHeight + "\n");
// read the pixel from the framebuffer

GLES10.glReadPixels(x, y, screenWidth, screenHeight,GLES10.GL_RGB,
GLES10.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, pixel);
buffer = pixel.array();

int temp;String temp1;

for(int l=0;lhttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

[android-developers] Re: -http-proxy for emulator on Android 1.6?

2009-12-24 Thread Sam Dutton
>> don't you guys think this should be written somewhere in the Android docs ? 
>> <<

I second that!

As a newbie I feel like I'm wasting a lot of time on undocumented,
easy-when-you-know-how problems.

I think this could be easily solved with better Getting Started
documentation -- including a simple Troubleshooting section, related
to the tutorials.

Sam Dutton

On Nov 13, 8:10 am, Piwai  wrote:
> By the way, don't you guys think this should be written somewhere in
> the Android docs ?
> I think that currently, no app developer is aware of that problem.
> Which means that whenever an Android user is connected to a company
> network and needs to set an HTTP Proxy, the only working app will be
> the browser.
> Do you think I should fill a bug report for this ?
> Ow, and one more thing : the -verbose-proxy option seems to be unknown
> to the Android emulator... Has anyone been able to use it yet ?
> Another bug report to fill ?
> Cheers,
> Piwaï
> On Nov 12, 6:12 pm, Piwai  wrote:
> > Hello Android People !
> > I spent a few days on this kind of problems, so here is my feedback.
> > duykham : your tip (setting proxy in APN) works... for the browser app
> > only.
> > Once you have done this configuration, you need to write specific code
> > in your apps to handle a http proxy.
> > If you use java.net.* components, then you shoud set the default
> > ProxySelector in a static way :
> >                 final String proxyHost = android.net.Proxy.getDefaultHost();
> >                 final int proxyPort = android.net.Proxy.getDefaultPort();
> >                 ProxySelector.setDefault(new ProxySelector() {
> >                         @Override
> >                         public void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress 
> > sa, IOException
> > ioe) {
> >                         }
> >                         @Override
> >                         public List select(URI uri) {
> >                                 ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
> >                                 SocketAddress sa = new 
> > InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort);
> >                                 l.add(new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, sa));
> >                                 return l;
> >                         }
> >                 });
> > By the way, maybe you shouldn't use getDefaultHost/Post but rather
> > getHost/Port(Context) .
> > If you use a http client, then here is the solution :
> >                 final String proxyHost = android.net.Proxy.getDefaultHost();
> >                 final int proxyPort = android.net.Proxy.getDefaultPort();
> >                 DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
> >                 HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(proxyHost, proxyPort);
> >                 
> > client.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY,
> > proxy);
> > So, this is quite cool... and works on a per httpclient instance basis
> > Google Maps still doesn't work. The reason is that the components that
> > download all the stuff for Google Maps uses their own HttpClients. And
> > we don't have any reference to this client, to be able to tweak them.
> > I even tried to use the debugger and conditional breakpoints to inject
> > a new HttpProxy in DefaultHttpRoutePlanner.determineRoute (line 104).
> > But the debugger wouldn't allow any HttpHost instanciation, and says
> > UnsupportedOperationException. I can edit strings, but not create new
> > objects. Sad.
> > If you have any clue, you are welcome to answer. And if someone find
> > this mail in the archives some days and have a solution, please email
> > me ;-) .
> > I have read somewhere that a solution could be to disable anything
> > related to proxies on Android, but rather use a Windows (or Linux)
> > local software that would redirect all requests getting outside to the
> > real proxy. I have no idea of how I could do this. Any idea ?
> > Cheers,
> > Piwaï
> > On Nov 6, 9:16 am, Marc Reichelt  wrote:
> > > Hi duykham!
> > > I just tried the solution you provide on your blog (Link again just
> > > for the 
> > > record):http://duykham.blogspot.com/2009/11/setting-proxy-for-android-by-gui
> > > But it seems this solution does not work for me, the emulator still is
> > > not able to connect.
> > > When will the -http-proxyoption be finally fixed? It really is a
> > > severe problem for us here because we do not have Internet connection
> > > without it. :-(
> > > Regards
> > > Marc
> > > On 3 Nov., 09:58, duykham  wrote:
> > > > Hi Marc,
> > > > Seems -http-proxyparameter does not work with emulator. In order to
> > > > useproxyfor emulator, you can follow the guideline I posted on my
> > > > blog.
> > > > This 
> > > > link:http://duykham.blogspot.com/2009/11/setting-proxy-for-android-by-gui
> > > > Hope this help.
> > > > P/S: It works well with all versions 

[android-developers] Re: Accessing Web Information

2009-12-24 Thread Matthew Patience
Yes, a web crawler, although I can't say I know much about it.
Research time I guess.

Thank you.


On Dec 22, 10:53 am, WoodManEXP  wrote:
> Hi,
> Sounds like you are talking about writing a crawler, basically :-)
> (Fooling thewebsite into believing you are just another user with a
> browser). To input Username/Password between your app and theweb
> server you will likely need to construct a Post, containing the UID
> and Password, to send to the Roger's Wireless login URL. Togetback
> the info you read the results of the Post and parse out the info from
> the returned HTML. (There may also be ssl involved if you want to keep
> the uid/pwd encrypted on the wire).
> If you are lucky there might be awebservice interface to Roger's
> Wireless(Canada) in which case you may be able to use JSON or XML or
> something else to wrap up the communications in a more structured
> form.
> If there is nowebservices interface and you will be using the
> crawler style interface you will use the org.apache.http.* interfaces
> to deal with the http communications. These packages are all in the
> Android system.
> If you have awebservices interface you will also use org.w3c.dom.*
> interfaces for XML parsing. Of if it is JSON you can use the open-
> source json. Interfaces (the sources of which you will need to include
> in your app)
> The interfaces for the DOM are in the Android system. JSON is not and
> will need to be included in your app.
> Hope this helps…
> On Dec 22, 3:18 am, Matthew Patience 
> wrote:
> > I'm attempting to create an app that will display usageinformation
> > for customers of Roger's Wireless(Canada). I was wondering if someone
> > could point me in the right direction on how to:
> > 1) input Username and Password info directly awebtextbox to sign the
> > Customer in, from an EditText View.
> > 2) grab usageinformationin the form of text or images to display to
> > the user within the app.
> > Just a pointer in the right direction on what method(s) would do this
> > for me.

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[android-developers] Getting Data off the Net

2009-12-24 Thread Skid
I have no experience in this sort of thing which is why I'm asking for
advise, I need to pull data off a MySQL database on my server, the
data doesn't need to be updated contently just ever minute at the very
least. I want to do it by sending a http request to a php page and
have that php page create xml page that the android app would read and
then work with.

The reason I would like to do it that way is just because I know php
better then I know java and its something I've done before when
working with AJAX. However I don't know how to go about doing this, or
even if this would be a good way to do it in the first place, so I
could use some advise on the matter.

If someone could point me to a code snippit I could play around with
to do this I would appreciate it.

:) Skid :)

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[android-developers] RuntimeException without any linenumber in my code. What could be the error? What can I do?

2009-12-24 Thread Martin

What could be the reason, if I get such a strange error?

Thread [<3> main] (Suspended (exception RuntimeException))
line: 2268
line: 2284
ActivityThread.access$1800(ActivityThread, ActivityThread
$ActivityRecord) line: 112
ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Message) line: 1692
ActivityThread$H(Handler).dispatchMessage(Message) line: 99
Looper.loop() line: 123
ActivityThread.main(String[]) line: 3948
Method.invokeNative(Object, Object[], Class, Class[], Class, int,
boolean) line: not available [native method]
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 521
ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() line: 782
ZygoteInit.main(String[]) line: 540
NativeStart.main(String[]) line: not available [native method]

I do not get a special line in my code.
How can I find anything out, where the error in my code is?

And the LogCat says all the time:

12-24 15:34:10.140: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 110
12-24 15:34:10.418: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 144
12-24 15:34:10.766: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 115
12-24 15:34:10.977: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 128
12-24 15:34:11.247: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 155
12-24 15:34:11.573: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 167
12-24 15:34:11.849: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 160
12-24 15:34:12.133: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 148
12-24 15:34:12.317: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 166
12-24 15:34:12.692: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 141
12-24 15:34:12.807: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 72 msecs


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[android-developers] Re: ps3 remote control

2009-12-24 Thread Burak Kılıç
I want to control my PS3 with my Hero... I wish one day I will..

On 8 Aralık, 06:01, Steve Davidson  wrote:
> Funny, I'm playing with this now.  Preliminary testing is looking
> promising...  I'll send you a beta when I get something coherent
> together.
> On Dec 7, 1:46 am, Aspidoff  wrote:
> > Does android 2.0 API allow to developer an app that controls your PS3.
> > If so, is anyone willing to develop something like this for a fee?

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[android-developers] Debugging on mobile

2009-12-24 Thread José Évora

I have tried to debug in my device (HTC Hero) that has android 1.5 (I
think, and even I don't know how to update) and well...I have right
checked the debugging option on the mobile adjustments of apps. So
when I click on run, it goes fine... but when I click on debug (all of
this in eclipse) it does the same actions that it does in the run
option. So I cant see it step by step. Any idea of what happens?.
Thanks you!

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[android-developers] Re: Error: exception ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException - How can I solve this?

2009-12-24 Thread Martin
Thanks to everyone, I solved the problem :-)
Greetings, Martin

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[android-developers] Android 2.x - Lost the ability to route audio

2009-12-24 Thread Doug
This could be considered a bump, as my previous post (regarding audio
on 1.6 never got a response - see
) never got a response.

In Android 1.5 we had the ability to route audio to any of the
available output devices - Speaker, Earpiece, Wired Headset, Bluetooth

In Android 1.6 the Android team made things more difficult, but it was
still possible (there were comments about a re-write of the
Audio subsystem)

In Android 2.0 the workarounds for 1.6 stopped working, and comments
in the source/documentation indicated "thou shalt call these alternate
methods" - the alternate methods didn't seem to work properly and only
gave access to a subset of available devices.

I have just downloaded the latest source and can now see why the "new"
methods don't work properly for me - they themselves seem to have been
deprecated and are just stubs that do nothing.  I also note that the
documentation has also been updated to indicate these methods are no
longer viable.

So my question is this: Is there *any* way in Android 2.x for an
application to request that audio be routed to a given audio sink.
Specifically, if I want to route audio to Speaker OR Earpiece OR Wired
Headset (if available) OR Bluetooth A2DP (if available) -- can I do

I'd be interested to hear if Google Voice still allows switching
voicemail playback from Speaker to Earpiece on Android 2.x devices
(the Verizon Droid for example).

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[android-developers] Re: RuntimeException without any linenumber in my code. What could be the error? What can I do?

2009-12-24 Thread jotobjects
Usually there is a "caused by" line futher down in the stack trace.
Is this the entire stack trace?

On Dec 24, 6:36 am, Martin  wrote:
> Hi!
> What could be the reason, if I get such a strange error?
> Thread [<3> main] (Suspended (exception RuntimeException))
>         ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread$ActivityRecord)
> line: 2268
>         ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread$ActivityRecord)
> line: 2284
>         ActivityThread.access$1800(ActivityThread, ActivityThread
> $ActivityRecord) line: 112
>         ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Message) line: 1692
>         ActivityThread$H(Handler).dispatchMessage(Message) line: 99
>         Looper.loop() line: 123
>         ActivityThread.main(String[]) line: 3948
>         Method.invokeNative(Object, Object[], Class, Class[], Class, int,
> boolean) line: not available [native method]
>         Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 521
>         ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() line: 782
>         ZygoteInit.main(String[]) line: 540
>         NativeStart.main(String[]) line: not available [native method]
> I do not get a special line in my code.
> How can I find anything out, where the error in my code is?
> And the LogCat says all the time:
> 12-24 15:34:10.140: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 110
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:10.418: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 144
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:10.766: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 115
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:10.977: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 128
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:11.247: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 155
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:11.573: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 167
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:11.849: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 160
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:12.133: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 148
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:12.317: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 166
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:12.692: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 141
> msecs
> 12-24 15:34:12.807: WARN/AudioFlinger(542): write blocked for 72 msecs
> Greetings,
> Martin

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[android-developers] Re: Uploading a File with HttpClient and HttpPost

2009-12-24 Thread jotobjects
Apparently your HTC is able to connect over WIFI to your router and
find a local network laptop running the servlet.

Have you tried having the emulator running on the laptop connect to
localhost using port  That could at least establish that the
code works (or not) in that situation.  See this link:


On Dec 23, 10:38 pm, Radek Skokan  wrote:
> I tried it on both the emulator and a physical device (HTC Hero). Same
> behavior.
> is my laptop running Tomcat. There is a servlet with
> Apache Commons File upload waiting for that multipart file. Works
> correctly with uploads from a browser (PC & Android).
> Thanks,
> R.
> On 12/23/2009 10:56 PM, jotobjects wrote:
> > Are you running this on the emulator?
> > Is a different computer on the same router?
> > On Dec 22, 4:51 am, Radek Skokan  wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> I'm trying to upload a file from Android to Tomcat server using
> >> HttpClient and HttpPost. The android-side code is:
> >>                          HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
> >>                          
> >> client.getParams().setParameter("http.socket.timeout", new Integer
> >> (9)); // 90 second
> >>                          HttpPost httpPost = new 
> >> HttpPost("
> >> mediator/upload");
> >>                          FileEntity entity = new FileEntity(new 
> >> File(filePath), "binary/
> >> octet-stream");
> >>                          httpPost.setEntity(entity);
> >>                          HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost);
> >>                          Log.i(TAG, "Upload finished. Status: " + 
> >> response.getStatusLine());
> >>                          client.getConnectionManager().shutdown();
> >> The result always is "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request".
> >> I captured the data sent over the network and it looks like:
> >>> POST /mediator/upload HTTP/1.1
> >>> Content-Length: 8287
> >>> Content-Type: binary/octet-stream
> >>> Host:
> >>> Connection: Keep-Alive
> >>> User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)
> >>> Expect: 100-Continue
> >> <  HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
> >> <  HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
> >> <  Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
> >> <  Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
> >> <  Content-Length: 971
> >> <  Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 12:14:47 GMT
> >> <  Connection: close
> >> I created a simple HTML form for POSTing a file. This works fine from
> >> browser and the data is different:
> >> 1) it doesn't use HTTP 100 continue
> >> 2) Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=
> >> WebKitFormBoundaryDlIVGYpQG46Q46So
> >> In my client I tried to change the content type to other values than
> >> "binary/octet-stream", but when I sniff the traffic, the binary/octet-
> >> stream is still there.
> >> I do this on HTC Here/SDK 1.5.
> >> Thanks,
> >> Radek
> >> On Nov 15, 11:46 am, rezar  wrote:
> >>> I solved the problem. I post my code here for others to have a working
> >>> sample:
> >>> on the server side I made a simple servlet:
> >>> --
> >>> private void receiveFile(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse
> >>> resp) throws Exception {
> >>>                  Enumeration emns = req.getHeaderNames();
> >>>                  InputStream is = req.getInputStream();
> >>>                  OutputStream os = new 
> >>> FileOutputStream(req.getHeader(FILENAME_STR));
> >>>                  byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
> >>>                  int bytesRead;
> >>>                  while ((bytesRead = is.read(buffer)) != -1) {
> >>>                    os.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
> >>>                  }
> >>>                  is.close();
> >>>                  os.close();
> >>>          }
> >>> protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse
> >>> response) throws ServletException, IOException {
> >>>                  try {
> >>>                          receiveFile(request,response);
> >>>                  } catch (Exception e) {
> >>>                          
> >>> System.err.println("ERROR-"+e.getMessage());
> >>>                          e.printStackTrace();
> >>>                  }
> >>>          }
> >>> 
> >>> At the android side (SDK v.2.0 ):
> >>> private HttpPost post;
> >>> public void doUpload(String filepath,String filename) {
> >>>                  HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
> >>>                  try {
> >>>                          
> >>> httpClient.getParams().setParameter("http.socket.timeout", new
> >>> Integer(9)); // 90 second

Re: [android-developers] Re: RuntimeException without any linenumber in my code. What could be the error? What can I do?

2009-12-24 Thread Frank Weiss
I've had similar issues. In my case, it was a result of trying to manipulate
the UI from the wrong thread. Once I used AsyncTask correctly, the
exceptions went away.

On Dec 24, 2009 1:44 PM, "jotobjects"  wrote:

Usually there is a "caused by" line futher down in the stack trace.
Is this the entire stack trace?

On Dec 24, 6:36 am, Martin  wrote: > Hi! > > What
could be the reason, if I...

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Re: [android-developers] Debugging on mobile

2009-12-24 Thread Frank Weiss
Have you set a breakpoint in your code? Double-click in the left margin of
the code at the line you want to set a breakpoint.

On Dec 24, 2009 12:44 PM, "José Évora"  wrote:


I have tried to debug in my device (HTC Hero) that has android 1.5 (I
think, and even I don't know how to update) and well...I have right
checked the debugging option on the mobile adjustments of apps. So
when I click on run, it goes fine... but when I click on debug (all of
this in eclipse) it does the same actions that it does in the run
option. So I cant see it step by step. Any idea of what happens?.
Thanks you!

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Re: [android-developers] Getting Data off the Net

2009-12-24 Thread Frank Weiss
You don't know how to create an XML response in PHP or how to access it from

On Dec 24, 2009 12:44 PM, "Skid"  wrote:

I have no experience in this sort of thing which is why I'm asking for
advise, I need to pull data off a MySQL database on my server, the
data doesn't need to be updated contently just ever minute at the very
least. I want to do it by sending a http request to a php page and
have that php page create xml page that the android app would read and
then work with.

The reason I would like to do it that way is just because I know php
better then I know java and its something I've done before when
working with AJAX. However I don't know how to go about doing this, or
even if this would be a good way to do it in the first place, so I
could use some advise on the matter.

If someone could point me to a code snippit I could play around with
to do this I would appreciate it.

:) Skid :)

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Re: [android-developers] how to recover offline devices.

2009-12-24 Thread Frank Weiss
Do you have stay awake while recharging set under the
applications/development settings on the device?

On Dec 23, 2009 7:49 PM, "feng jacky"  wrote:


I found that android handsets connected to my PC via usb often go 'offline'
status (by adb.exe devices). And, in this situation, I can not debug or
access the handset anymore.

My question is, how can I make the handset back to 'device' status. I tried
'adb kill-server' and 'adb start-server', but it didn't help.

Why the connection is so unstable, and how can I recover it without
reconnect it to the computer.


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Re: [android-developers] Loading 2.0.1 to ADP2

2009-12-24 Thread Shawn Brown
> May someone please explain a developer withOUT any Android specific
> background, what is so difficult in uplading a new version of an O/S
> to a device that's specifically desgined for such purpose?

Nothing.  I think the repository had been set up to allow that hasn't it.

On the other hand, some parts of the phone (like camera) are not open
source and so for that, HTC or the hardware manufacturer has to
release a binary for upgrades.

So yes you can build current code and flash it to your handset but
proprietary stuff won't work.

*Note, knowing that I gave up building so my understanding may be off
- but I do think the repository is getting closer and closer to
supporting building a new version for ADP2.

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Re: [android-developers] how to recover offline devices.

2009-12-24 Thread feng jacky
Thanks. But as stated ' Screen will never sleep while charging', I don't
really think it's will affect the usb connection, because it seams it's
mainly about 'screen'...

On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Frank Weiss  wrote:

> Do you have stay awake while recharging set under the
> applications/development settings on the device?
> On Dec 23, 2009 7:49 PM, "feng jacky"  wrote:
> Hi,
> I found that android handsets connected to my PC via usb often go 'offline'
> status (by adb.exe devices). And, in this situation, I can not debug or
> access the handset anymore.
> My question is, how can I make the handset back to 'device' status. I tried
> 'adb kill-server' and 'adb start-server', but it didn't help.
> Why the connection is so unstable, and how can I recover it without
> reconnect it to the computer.
> Thanks.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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[android-developers] Re: Getting Data off the Net

2009-12-24 Thread Jeffrey
I'm assuming if he did he would not be asking...

On Dec 24, 4:58 pm, Frank Weiss  wrote:
> You don't know how to create an XML response in PHP or how to access it from
> Android?
> On Dec 24, 2009 12:44 PM, "Skid"  wrote:
> I have no experience in this sort of thing which is why I'm asking for
> advise, I need to pull data off a MySQL database on my server, the
> data doesn't need to be updated contently just ever minute at the very
> least. I want to do it by sending a http request to a php page and
> have that php page create xml page that the android app would read and
> then work with.
> The reason I would like to do it that way is just because I know php
> better then I know java and its something I've done before when
> working with AJAX. However I don't know how to go about doing this, or
> even if this would be a good way to do it in the first place, so I
> could use some advise on the matter.
> If someone could point me to a code snippit I could play around with
> to do this I would appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> :) Skid :)
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
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> android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com cr...@googlegroups.com>
> For more options, visit this group 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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[android-developers] Re: Is it possible to process callers voice?

2009-12-24 Thread Jeffrey
I don't think there is a way to intercept the voice data before it
hits the radios, the only way I know of to do this is to route the
calls through a server via VOIP and have the server handle the
processing of the voice.

On Dec 24, 7:54 am, gpeddev  wrote:
> Hello!!! (My first post)
> I would like to ask if its possible to make calls and when you talk
> process the speakers voice and then send it to the listener.
> I search androids api but i couldnt find anything. Does anyone have
> any idea?
> Thanks you!!!

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[android-developers] Re: Which one is more efficient, ImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) or ImageView.setImageDrawable(drawable)?

2009-12-24 Thread Jeffrey
It depends on if the image will need to be worked with. If the image
is unchanging use bitmap if it will be played with use drawable.

On Dec 24, 10:46 am, Agus  wrote:
> Which one these two ImageView methods is more efficient,
> ImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) or ImageView.setImageDrawable(drawable)?

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[android-developers] Multitouch code examples?

2009-12-24 Thread pcm2a
Are there any multitouch code examples that Google provides for SDK
levels 2.0 or higher?  I do searches on here and on google and come up

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[android-developers] Re: Multitouch code examples?

2009-12-24 Thread vonguyen
Hi pcm2a,

SDK level 2.0 didn't support multitouch. From SDK version 2.0 supports
multitouch. You can refer 
for more detail.

On Dec 25, 2:30 pm, pcm2a  wrote:
> Are there any multitouch code examples that Google provides for SDK
> levels 2.0 or higher?  I do searches on here and on google and come up
> empty.

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