[android-developers] Bluetooth connection refused

2010-11-22 Thread christmas
hi erveryone, i have a problem when i use BluetoothSocket.connect(),
it cause the connection refused error as follow:

11-21 00:25:11.086: DEBUG/dalvikvm(16199): Debugger has detached;
object registry had 1 entries
11-21 00:25:11.086: INFO/ActivityManager(85): Start proc
com.liqiang.bluetooth for activity
com.liqiang.bluetooth/.MainActivity: pid=16206 uid=10075 gids={3002,
11-21 00:25:11.096: INFO/AndroidRuntime(16199): NOTE: attach of thread
'Binder Thread #3' failed
11-21 00:25:11.146: DEBUG/dalvikvm(16206): Debugger has detached;
object registry had 1 entries
11-21 00:25:11.226: VERBOSE/RenderScript_jni(164): surfaceDestroyed
11-21 00:25:13.566: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(16206): No keyboard for id
11-21 00:25:13.576: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(16206): Using default
keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
11-21 00:25:14.046: INFO/ActivityManager(85): Displayed activity
com.liqiang.bluetooth/.MainActivity: 2966 ms (total 2966 ms)
11-21 00:25:14.496: INFO/ActivityManager(85): Starting activity:
Intent { cmp=com.liqiang.bluetooth/.DeviceListActivity }
11-21 00:25:14.866: INFO/ActivityManager(85): Displayed activity
com.liqiang.bluetooth/.DeviceListActivity: 336 ms (total 336 ms)
11-21 00:25:15.546: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Adapter:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/
11-21 00:25:15.546: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(11131): Received
11-21 00:25:15.686: DEBUG/dalvikvm(11131): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8312
objects / 545176 bytes in 61ms
11-21 00:25:16.376: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Adapter:DeviceFound from /org/bluez/13302/
11-21 00:25:16.386: DEBUG/BluetoothService(85):
11-21 00:25:16.406: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(11131): Received
11-21 00:25:16.406: INFO/DeviceListActivity(16206): ACTION_FOUND-
11-21 00:25:16.576: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Adapter:DeviceFound from /org/bluez/13302/
11-21 00:25:16.576: DEBUG/BluetoothService(85):
11-21 00:25:16.596: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(11131): Received
11-21 00:25:16.596: INFO/DeviceListActivity(16206): ACTION_FOUND-
11-21 00:25:20.417: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Adapter:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/
11-21 00:25:20.417: ERROR/BluetoothService.cpp(85):
stopDiscoveryNative: D-Bus error in StopDiscovery:
org.bluez.Error.Failed (Invalid discovery session)
11-21 00:25:20.426: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(11131): Received
11-21 00:25:20.426: INFO/DeviceListActivity(16206):
11-21 00:25:20.446: DEBUG/BluetoothTest(16206): onActivityResult -1
11-21 00:25:20.446: DEBUG/BluetoothTest(16206): onActivityResult
requestCode 1
11-21 00:25:20.706: ERROR/BluetoothService.cpp(85):
stopDiscoveryNative: D-Bus error in StopDiscovery:
org.bluez.Error.Failed (Invalid discovery session)
11-21 00:25:21.986: ERROR/BluetoothService.cpp(85):
stopDiscoveryNative: D-Bus error in StopDiscovery:
org.bluez.Error.Failed (Invalid discovery session)
11-21 00:25:22.556: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Adapter:DeviceCreated from /org/bluez/13302/
11-21 00:25:22.566: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Adapter:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/
11-21 00:25:22.566: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Device:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/13302/
11-21 00:25:22.596: INFO/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85):
agent_event_filter: Received method org.bluez.Agent:RequestPinCode
11-21 00:25:22.596: DEBUG/BluetoothService(85): 00:1C:26:D4:B6:8A bond
state 10 - 11 (0)
11-21 00:25:22.606: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(11131): Received
11-21 00:25:22.616: INFO/ActivityManager(85): Starting activity:
Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.PAIRING_REQUEST
cmp=com.android.settings/.bluetooth.BluetoothPairingDialog (has
extras) }
11-21 00:25:23.119: WARN/ActivityManager(85): Activity pause timeout
for HistoryRecord{44b675d0 com.liqiang.bluetooth/.MainActivity}
11-21 00:25:23.426: INFO/ActivityManager(85): Displayed activity
com.android.settings/.bluetooth.BluetoothPairingDialog: 313 ms (total
313 ms)
11-21 00:25:29.426: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15812): GC_EXPLICIT freed 969
objects / 70920 bytes in 87ms
11-21 00:25:36.066: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(85): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Device:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/13302/
11-21 00:25:36.066: DEBUG/BluetoothService(85): 00:1C:26:D4:B6:8A bond
state 11 - 12 (0)

[android-developers] Help with LiveWallpaper and Camera

2010-11-22 Thread Pedro Duque

I'm trying to understand camera development and started with a very simple
live wallpaper:

package com.example.LiveCamera;
import java.io.IOException;
import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;

public class LiveCamera extends WallpaperService {

public Engine onCreateEngine() {

return new LiveCameraEngine();

public class LiveCameraEngine extends Engine {
private Camera mCamera;

LiveCameraEngine() {



public void onSurfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
this.mCamera = Camera.open();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(onSurfaceCreated,Error in


public void onSurfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int
w, int h) {
final Camera.Parameters parameters =
parameters.setPreviewSize(w, h);


public void onSurfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {

// Surface will be destroyed when we return, so stop the
// Because the CameraDevice object is not a shared resource,
it's very
// important to release it when the activity is paused.
mCamera = null;


I always get this runtime error on the Camera.startPreview:
11-20 06:18:52.543: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2054): java.lang.RuntimeException:
startPreview failed
11-20 06:18:52.543: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2054): at
android.hardware.Camera.startPreview(Native Method)
11-20 06:18:52.543: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2054): at
11-20 06:18:52.543: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2054): at

Is this related to be using it with a LiveWallpaper? I'm using android-7 as
target and I get the same error in the phone (Samsung Galaxy S) and on the

Any idea on what the error might be?


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[android-developers] Hello World doesn't work

2010-11-22 Thread Naveen
Hey folks,

Couple of days back, I read some articles about Android and from that
moment I fell in love with Android development :) I explored
Developing Android apps for the past few days and done the

* Installed the latest Android SDK i.e., 2.2 version. Also updated all
the installed packages using SDK manager

* Installed Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers

* Installed Android plugin for Eclipse

* Created AVD and selected the target platform as Android SDK 2.2

* Written a new HelloWorld program with the below code,

package com.example.helloandroid;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

When I try to run the code Hello World is not printed in the
emulator. Just the text Android blinks in the middle of the device/

The following is printed in the console when I ran the code

[2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] --
[2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] Android Launch!
[2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] adb is running normally.
[2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] Performing
com.geek.HelloAndroid.HelloAndroid activity launch
[2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] Automatic Target Mode: launching
new emulator with compatible AVD 'HelloAndroid'
[2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] Launching a new emulator with
Virtual Device 'HelloAndroid'
[2010-11-21 10:51:27 - HelloAndroid] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2010-11-21 10:51:27 - HelloAndroid] Waiting for HOME
('android.process.acore') to be launched...

Could you please let me know is there any issue with the code or the
procedure? It would be really helpful if you point some good basic
references for developing Android apps..


Naveen Venkat

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[android-developers] How to Dismiss a PopupWindow when Switching Among TabActivities?

2010-11-22 Thread Derek Brameyer

I posted a StackOverflow question here (http://stackoverflow.com/
tab-in-tabactivity/4227034#4227034) but it didn't get any responses.

Basically, how can one dismiss a PopupWindow when changing to a
different TabActivity?  The onPause() method in my TabActivity causes
the app to force close...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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[android-developers] Re: Pubish: Target phones with fast hardware.

2010-11-22 Thread Dutch Android Guru
What i need is target hardware like Memory, CPU, and OpenGL 2.

I read a comment on this article

I really like this comment:

*The problem here is not (and should never be) fixed by blocking specific
devices. If anything, because the list of devices will soon be too large for
a single person to handle. *
It should be handled by requiring the correct hardware, if the Market
doesn't already support that. Barcode Scanner, for example, could require
auto-focus camera (there are already means for requiring a camera, for
example; we just need a requirement for auto-focus). Raging Thunder 2 should
ask for OpenGL ES 2, or a certain amount of VRAM, or whatever.

*tl;dr the Market needs many improvements, but blacklisting or whitelisting
devices is a horrible solution. Check for hardware capabilities.***
Basically android already supports this partially with the uses-feature in
the xml manifest. However there should be more support for the hardware
types i mentioned.

So: How should i do it now? And how is this going to be supported in the
My only option now is to detect it on startup and give an alert box to the
user that it doesnt work on their phone.
However then my whole sale-model is ruined.

2010/11/20 DutchAndroidGuru dutchandroidg...@gmail.com

 I have an application that loads a 3dmodel and renders it. These
 models are rather big and i can only get it to work fast on faster
 hardware phones such as the Nexus One. However there is no way to
 target faster hardware phones.
 Now i get very good ratings (on phones where it work) and very bad
 rating (on slow phones).

 Also: i would like to know the phone type when a user comments. In
 this way i can test it and check whether the user had a valid point or
 Could you please add this? Same for error reports.

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[android-developers] Re: SeekBar problem

2010-11-22 Thread Roberto Previdi
Ok I've been able to obtain the slider update with this funny trick:

seekTime.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new OnSeekBarChangeListener() {

public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)
 final int progress = seekBar.getProgress();
 seekBar.setMax(progress * 2);
* **seekBar.setProgress(progress-1);*


If i just do a setProgress(progress) it have no effect because it probably
recognize the same value and think that nothing is to update. I hope this
will help somebody in the future.

Roberto Previdi

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[android-developers] SharedPreferences are not stored

2010-11-22 Thread Claudio M. Camacho
Hello everybody,

This is my first question. I tried to ask in android-beginners, but
the group is discontinued.

My problem is using SharedPreferences. I just created a
PreferenceScreen which holds inside a ListPreference with an array
of 5 different values. Very simple! The array of values are different
numbers: 1, 2, 5, 10 and 30.

Every time I change the setting, the application remembers  that and I
can see the setting I chose when I access the preferences once again
(as an user). Now, in the code, when I retrieve the setting using the
key (e.g. getString(delay, default_delay);), I always get the
default value, it seems that the SharedPreferences does not find my

Can anybody help? I have read about
SharedPreferences.getEditor().commit(), but that should be used only
when changing settings from the code, not from the UI preferences.

Anyone had this problem before?

P.S.- I use Froyo 2.2 to run the application (on a Samsung Galaxy S).


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[android-developers] IllegalStateException in MediaPlayer (Redux)

2010-11-22 Thread Jason
Hi folks,

Some time ago I posted an issue relating to an IllegalStateException
in the Media Player (http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/

I have just launched the app into the wild and this error is
flooding in.

I just can't seem to fathom why.. here's the code:

if(mp != null) {

(mp is a MediaPlayer instance BTW).

According to the doco, prepareAsync is valid for {Initialized,
Stopped} states.. but I just can't see how it could be in any state
other than stopped??

The trace is:

   at android.media.MediaPlayer.prepareAsync(Native Method)
   .. the line of code mentioned above follows.

Is it possible that stop() is not synchronous?  Can't seem to see
anything in the doco stating this.

Anyone got any ideas?


I'm seeing this on a wide range of devices, but all so far are version

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Re: [android-developers] Google Android Map Overlay

2010-11-22 Thread devian yudha
yeah i think SDK doesn't provide us to that functionality, so you must
included other things like .XML which give us a layout resource, etc.

On 11/21/10, Frank Weiss fewe...@gmail.com wrote:
 The Android SDK doesn't provide this functionality ready-to-go, but it can
 be easily implemented with a custom view class that extends FrameLayout, a
 controller class, a nine-patch image, and a layout resource (XML). You ought
 to be able to google for several solutions. Try the keyords mapview and

 IMO implementing it yourself is a valuable exercise that adds to your
 understanding of the Android SDK.

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[android-developers] Re-size Tab child when soft keyboard is shown

2010-11-22 Thread Walid
I'm developing an application for Android. There are some tab in that
app. In a particular tab when Softkeyboard is on screen, I need to
resize the child activity. I don't want to re-size the tab activity.

How can I do that?

One more question, Is there any way to get the current state of Soft
keyboard whether it is displayed or not?

Walid Hossain

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[android-developers] SeekBar problem

2010-11-22 Thread Roberto Previdi
Hello list.I would like to know why this code don't work:
seekTime.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new OnSeekBarChangeListener() {

public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)
 seekBar.setMax(seekBar.getProgress() * 2);

I'm sure that the function get called because i tried to set a breakpoint.
After the execution the mMax member value is correctly changed, the
mProgress don't change, but the graphical bar don't move as it should to
reflect the new value (it should go to the center).

I tried to add a


but it don't help..

Roberto Previdi

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[android-developers] Change Activity in Tabs on Button Click

2010-11-22 Thread Sanchit
Hi All,

I am creating an android application in which uses tabs. There are
three tabs which runs different activities. Activity which runs tab 1,
has a button. I want to change content of Tab 1 by clicking on that
button. But If I call another activity it doesn't start in tab1 but
replaces tab.

Please help.


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[android-developers] Android apps crashing on different phone models

2010-11-22 Thread Gabriel Brandao
Hi, I recently created a new feature in my apps that allows the user
to check if there is an update by getting an HTML page, looking
through it, and comparing the versions. However, this is causing the
application to force close on startup for many of my users using
Samsung and HTC phones, but works just as intended on droid x,
incredible, and 2. I can't get my hands on any of the phones that are
currently crashing and have no idea where to start in fixing it. I use
a AsyncTask to search, and start it using

new CheckForUpdate().execute();

the CheckForUpdate class is defined as followed:

 private class CheckForUpdate extends AsyncTaskString, Integer,
String implements OnCancelListener
 ProgressDialog loadingDialog;
 AlertDialog noInternetDialog;
 AlertDialog updateAvailiableDialog;
 AlertDialog updateUnavailiableDialog;

protected void onPreExecute()
loadingDialog = new


updateAvailiableDialog = new
 .setPositiveButton(R.string.update, new
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void 
onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
Intent intent = 
new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

.setNegativeButton(R.string.close, new
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void 
onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
//do nothing

noInternetDialog = new
.setPositiveButton(Continue, new
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int
whichButton) {


updateUnavailiableDialog = new
 .setNegativeButton(R.string.close, new
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void 
onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
//do nothing


protected void onCancelled()
Checking for
update cancelled, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

protected void onPostExecute(String result)

if (result == null)
else if (result != no_update)

[android-developers] Calling ImageSwitcher.setImageURI() in a thread

2010-11-22 Thread Jherry

I want to display pictures into an ImageSwitcher and change image
every 3 seconds. I instanciate a Thread that call the setImageURI(URI)
and I schedule it every 3 seconds. It does not update the view and I
don't know how to do it. If I call the same code that call the
setImageURI() from the OnClickListener of the view it works!
Do you know why and how can I make it work?

Thank you.

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[android-developers] Monthly Calendar

2010-11-22 Thread alchemix
Hi Fellas,

I'm very new to android development. Currently i'm trying to develop
an application that can display monthly calendar.
Is there any way i can set this using the xml? or should i use
different methods?

Really appreciate the help guys.


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[android-developers] Disabling a button until a set day

2010-11-22 Thread Garrett
Here is the scenario:

User opens app, they press a button and some activity launches. After
the button is pressed and the activity is executed, I want to disable
the button until the week starts over. Even if they close the app and
come back, it should still be disabled unless it has reset.

For example, if they press the button on Monday, they should not be
able to do it again until Sunday at 12:00 AM.

No matter what day they initially press the button, they should not be
able to press again until the week starts over.

What would be the simplest way to do this in android? Should I have
the program store the date and time they initially press, and then
calculate the time until reset every time they open the app?

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[android-developers] What is an Adapter??

2010-11-22 Thread Abhishek Talwar
Hi guys i am a newbie.
Could you please let me know what is an adapter and how can i use it??
It seems to be powerfull stuff

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[android-developers] Pubish: Target phones with fast hardware.

2010-11-22 Thread DutchAndroidGuru
I have an application that loads a 3dmodel and renders it. These
models are rather big and i can only get it to work fast on faster
hardware phones such as the Nexus One. However there is no way to
target faster hardware phones.
Now i get very good ratings (on phones where it work) and very bad
rating (on slow phones).

Also: i would like to know the phone type when a user comments. In
this way i can test it and check whether the user had a valid point or
Could you please add this? Same for error reports.

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[android-developers] best layout for app, dynamic set of 2 rows which consist of icons and text

2010-11-22 Thread Rustam Kovhaev
I am developing simple web app, It gets data from url, then parses it with
htmlcleaner + xpath. That was easy part.
Now I am trying to present data and populate my RelativeLayout with data and
icons(I store icons in local resources)

I am trying to populate my Activity with multiple sets, every set consist of
2 rows:
1st row imageview(icon) - listview(text)-imageview(icon)
2nd row listview(text)
1st row imageview(icon) - listview(text)-imageview(icon)
2nd row listview(text)
... and so on

the question is: am I going in the right direction? is there any
other(simpler) way to accomplish what I need?
I am also not sure whether I can or can't do it all in main.xml, main.xml
feels like describing static things to me
Thank you all.

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[android-developers] Unable to access all the pixel data of a Bitmap image from the native camera app

2010-11-22 Thread James Burnstone
In short I have a bitmap image and need to access all the pixels to
use the RGB for an image processing algorithm. When I use the
dimensions from getHeight()/getWidth() in my for loops to cycle
through the image and use getPixel(x,y) I get an out of bounds error
and the app crashes. By trail and error I found that with an image of
dimensions 480,320(from getWidth()/getHeight()), I could only access
approximately the first 200,100 pixels. I set the methods to only get
these pixels, do the processing and then use setPixel() to create a
binary image. When I display this I get the bitmap with a square of
processed pixels in the top left corner, the 200,100 pixels and the
remainder is normal. The rest of the pixels are obviously there
because I can display the image normally and the results of getting
the dimensions is right but I am unable to access over half of the

The bitmap data is from the native camera app, using an intent from my
activity. The data is definitely a bitmap as I can do the usual
methods to it, such as getWidth() etc. and can display it normally. I
also tried this with a bitmap file in my res/drawable folder and the
same thing happened.

People I have spoken to have also had this problem and have simply
given up making such apps. Is this a known bug and has any got any
ideas as to a workaround. I have researched this online but not found

Many thanks in advance, this is also posted on

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[android-developers] Sliding screen controlled by button

2010-11-22 Thread timecatcher3
How do I set up a button in the middle of each item of a list view (or
is it expandable?) such that the horizontal movement of the button to
either end of the screen in portrait mode will lead to the activity
page to slide and display another activity based on the direction the
button is moved?

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[android-developers] Pubish: Target phones with fast hardware.

2010-11-22 Thread DutchAndroidGuru
(seems like my previous post was not even posted, so this is a repost)

I have an application that loads a 3dmodel and renders it. These
models are rather big and i can only get it to work fast on faster
hardware phones such as the Nexus One. However there is no way to
target faster hardware phones.
Now i get very good ratings (on phones where it work) and very bad
rating (on slow phones).

Also: i would like to know the phone type when a user comments. In
this way i can test it and check whether the user had a valid point or
Could you please add this? Same for error reports.

What i need is target hardware like Memory, CPU, and OpenGL 2.

I read a comment on this article

I really like this comment:

The problem here is not (and should never be) fixed by blocking
specific devices. If anything, because the list of devices will soon
be too large for a single person to handle.

It should be handled by requiring the correct hardware, if the Market
doesn't already support that. Barcode Scanner, for example, could
require auto-focus camera (there are already means for requiring a
camera, for example; we just need a requirement for auto-focus).
Raging Thunder 2 should ask for OpenGL ES 2, or a certain amount of
VRAM, or whatever.

tl;dr the Market needs many improvements, but blacklisting or
whitelisting devices is a horrible solution. Check for hardware

Basically android already supports this partially with the uses-
feature in the xml manifest. However there should be more support for
the hardware types i mentioned.

So: How should i do it now? And how is this going to be supported in
the future?
My only option now is to detect it on startup and give an alert box to
the user that it doesnt work on their phone.
However then my whole sale-model is ruined.

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[android-developers] button on screen that controls page sliding

2010-11-22 Thread timecatcher3

I am new to android development. I wanted to make a button on one of
my activities that I can drag to slide my current activity page to the
next activity page. The button will be in the center of the screen and
I want to be able to press and drag it horizontally to one end of the
screen while I am dragging my button I can see my current activity
page moving. It is actually like when one slides on the home screen
and can control the sliding depending on how far he slides his finger
on the screen.


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[android-developers] Help getting screen number

2010-11-22 Thread Pedro Duque

I need to get the screen number a user is seeing and the total screens in
home application. I can't find this info anywhere in the API.

Can you help me?

Pedro Duque

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[android-developers] Detect the SoftKeyboard is displayed or not?

2010-11-22 Thread Walid

Is there any event which i can use to detect that the softkeyboard is
on the screen or not?

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[android-developers] Loop Mount system.img file of Android emulator

2010-11-22 Thread ale

is there a way to mount the system.img file included in the Android
emulator from the SDK. I tried to loop mount the file but mount keeps
telling me that I need to specify the FS-Type. I think they are YAFFS
type but I am sure that this forum knows how to mount the image so I
can access the files in the image.
Any hints are welcome.


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[android-developers] Add view to an layout by Z index?

2010-11-22 Thread dannylin
I have a project that needs to change the displayed content
I know i can remove then add a new view to my layout.

the problem in my project is we need to split the screen into
different layers.
for example:

|  -- A   |
|  |B  |   |
|  ||   |
|  |___ |   |

and then dynamically change the View of layer A.

At the layout is built, it works perfect.
But when i programatically  remove the view and add a new view.
the new view covers the layer B.

I found there is no z index attribute for me to set in the viewGroup.
could anyone tell me how to achieve this request ?
I'm currently using the absolutelayout.

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[android-developers] Display Video in two surface views

2010-11-22 Thread Ramaseshi

I am trying to implement 2 mediaplayer concept with two surface views
but it is not allowing me to display videos on two surfaces. I have
the following layout
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
android:layout_height=wrap_content android:orientation=vertical
LinearLayout android:id=@+id/LinearLayout01
android:layout_height=wrap_content android:orientation=vertical
EditText android:hint=http://imimobile.com/example.m3u8;

Button android:id=@+id/button_stream
Streaming /

FrameLayout android:id=@+id/LinearLayout02
SurfaceView android:id=@+id/VideoView01

SurfaceView android:id=@+id/VideoView02

So here when i am preparing medialplayer 1 with VideoView01 and
mediaplayer 2 with  VideoView02 in hanlders and posting to UI thread
but player 1 plays video file fine but mediaplayer2 doesnt display
video but audio is working fine.

Please help me.

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[android-developers] Android SDK Error

2010-11-22 Thread JCC
I'm trying to get the android SDK running on my computer so I can
start working on some apps but when I open the android sdk and avd
manager and try to download a package, I get the following error:
XML verification failed for 
Error: The markup declarations contained or pointed to by the document
type declaration must be well-formed.
Failed to fetch URL http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml,
reason: Unknown
Failed to parse XML document

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[android-developers] help me understand: upper case characters in layout file names are disallowed

2010-11-22 Thread Justin Collum
I understand that these files map to R classes (generated). So I see
why punctuation characters (most) are disallowed. But I can't for the
life of me think of why main would be allowed but Main would not.
Why not something like firstScreen?  Is there something about
generated files that I'm missing? Do caps screw them up somehow? I'd
like to make a view named defineNewList or something along those
lines. Annoying to have to use underscores: define_new_list.

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[android-developers] Re: Where are ldpi version of built-in icons

2010-11-22 Thread nextgen
So does this imply that if the developer creates drawables of
different densities via scaling and does not do different artwork or
polishing after scaling in each density, one may as well put only
the highest density (now 512x512) in the app and let android do the

On Nov 21, 6:28 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 The closest matching density is selected, and it is scaled appropriately to
 get an image for the actual density.  This of course only works for images.
  (For other resource types, the closest matching density is picked...  and
 then used without any change.  Probably don't want to do that.)

 For anyone targeting 1.6 or later, I would suggest putting all bitmaps in
 one of the density qualified directories
 (drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi, drawable-xhdpi,
 or drawable-nodpi), since it is important to know the density associated
 with the bitmap instead of treating it as raw pixels.

 For compatibility, a bitmap in a drawable directory (with no explicit
 density) is assumed to be mdpi.

 2010/11/21 Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com

  If you have none of the alternate versions for a drawable, then you don't
  have that drawable at all, agreed?

  So the only question is, is it only drawable that can be subject to
  automatic scaling, or does it work for e.g. drawable-hdpi to drawable-ldpi

  I *think* it's the latter, at least for Android 2.x, but I am not sure.

  Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

  22.11.2010 0:39 пользователь jotobjects jotobje...@gmail.com написал:

  On Nov 21, 9:34 am, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
   What happens is that Android aut...

  That would be good.  Does anybody know where that is documented?

  This page says - If no matching resources are available, the platform
  loads the default resources and scales them up or down as needed


  It doesn't say (that I have noticed) what happens if there is no
  matching resource AND no default...  Where is that specified?

   Works pretty well: hdpi drawables, on the other hand, often look better
   if created by hand (n...


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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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[android-developers] ADB device name show invalid characters

2010-11-22 Thread Jim Qiu
Hi all,

 I am using a Chinese version of android phone, when I type the
$./adb devices

it gives me the following:

 List of devices attached

My DEV computer is Ubuntu 10.10, locale is en_US.utf-8.

Is there a way that I can rename my device to a name of only simple letters.



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[android-developers] 1.5 quits for apparently no reason whilst animating (WIN DEATH)

2010-11-22 Thread Muleskinner

I have an app that is working fine in 1.6 and up but crashing for
apparently no reason in 1.5. The app suddenly quits with the following

I/WindowManager(  563): WIN DEATH: Window{43717218
I/WindowManager(  563): WIN DEATH: Window{4373f458 SurfaceView
D/Zygote  (  541): Process 723 terminated by signal (11)
W/InputManagerService(  563): Got RemoteException sending
setActive(false) notification to pid 723 uid 10019

This error happens when the app is 'idling' (ie not doing anything
other than redrawing the screen). There is no state change and no user
input. The error occurs after the same amount of elapsed time whatever
I set the frame rate of the app to and occurs both on the emulator and
device. Changing what I display on screen can stop the error but there
appears to be no logic to this (in one instance not drawing a large
image stops the error but elsewhere just drawing some text causes the
app to crash in the same manner).

I am using SurfaceView for animations following the basic procedure in
the Lunar Lander sample app.

If anyone could help with this I would be *extremely* grateful as it
has me completely stumped at the moment.

best regards

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[android-developers] Android community

2010-11-22 Thread kokila vani

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[android-developers] How to push the code change to Android open source project.

2010-11-22 Thread Feng Chris
Hi all,

How to push the code change to Android open source project?
Anyone could provide a push command for me?

Many thanks for your help!


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[android-developers] Need Help !!

2010-11-22 Thread Anis Ben Nsir
I'm using a TabActivity to run two activity.
In the first activity I'm using GestureDetector.Fling for flipping
between views of the first Activity.
I have tested the first activity and it works well.
But when I have add it into the TabHost using TasSpec  setContent(new
The problem that i'm no longer able to catch the fling.

Thank you for your help.

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[android-developers] Google Sky maps API

2010-11-22 Thread Douglas Fonseca
Is there a way to use Google Sky maps on my app?
I know we have Google maps API, but is there a Google Sky Maps API?
Douglas Fonseca

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[android-developers] Multiple Spinners

2010-11-22 Thread JV
Hi all,
i am working on an app where i would like to use multiple spinners so
the user can choose from multiple parameters for different options.
the problem i am having is that i dont want it to display a fixed
number of spinners when the activity is called but different numbers
of spinners (which is depending on the previous activity...). is there
a way to do this with a programmatic layout at run time and maybe
therefore not define it in the xml??
Thanks, any help appreciated,

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[android-developers] Android Browser 'Uncaught SyntaxError'

2010-11-22 Thread Greg Taylor
I've been trying to get http://ligonier.org to render correctly on
Android's Browser, but am running into a snag We recently moved all of
our CSS/JS/Images to Amazon S3, which apparently broke Android
rendering. The page renders just fine on iPhone and desktop browsers
(Chrome, Safari, IE, Firefox). If I serve the media from the same
domain as the web server, it seems like the problem disappears.

Connecting my Moto Droid, enabling USB Debugging, and using logcat
gave me the following errors when visiting http://ligonier.org/?chris=false:

E/browser (17082): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
E/browser (17082): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
E/browser (17082): Console: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not
E/browser (17082): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
E/browser (17082): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
E/browser (17082): Console: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not
defined http://www.ligonier.org/:34

There are definitely errors in this HTML, but it looks fine for
desktop browsers (Chrome included) and iPhone. I'm pretty baffled as
to what it's talking about.

Any ideas?

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[android-developers] Reg: Accessing a service in other package.

2010-11-22 Thread Aluvala Suman
Hi All,

I am trying to access a service in other package, but not able to get the

Attached my file hierarchy.
This is the manifest file for the ExampleService package
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
package=example.service android:versionCode=1
application android:icon=@drawable/icon
service android:enabled=true android:label=ExampleService
action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
category android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
receiver android:name=.ExampleServiceReceiver

uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=8 /

In the ExampleActivity i am accessing the service by doing

import example.service.IExampleService;

ServiceIntent = new Intent();
//ServiceIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName(example.service,
bindService(ServiceIntent, conn, BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

but onServiceConnected( ) is not getting called, so i am not able to get the
binder. But process everything is going fine , in the Eclipse console i am

I tried with serComponent( )  serClassName( ) as well, but for both the
cases onServiceConnected( ) is not getting called. I googled and used the
hint for listening
boot completed and user present intents and starting the service in the
broadcast receiver.

Please help me how can i access the service of other package (process).

Thanks  Regards,

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[android-developers] Re: Using cache or sdcard as a temporary buffer. Good idea?

2010-11-22 Thread ramdroid
I think an app is not able to perform some action during un-
installation. So if you have some cache on the SD card and someone is
un-installing your app, then your cache is still left there. From this
point of view, I would prefer using the phone's cache.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: guitar tuner

2010-11-22 Thread Nathaniel Warner
I just published a guitar tune app myself (Guitar FreaQ)...mostly for fun
and to teach myself android development.

I found that the FFT didn't use that much cpu at all (custom rendering did
though)  The fft algorithm computes N log(N)  calculations.  So if you do a
1024 point fft you are only doing 1024*10 calculations per pass.  If you do
a straight DFT computation per string and compare you will do 1024
calculations per string or 1024*6.  For me, the additional 1024*4
calculations was worth the extra robustness.

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Chris Stratton cs07...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Oct 26, 11:45 am, Bret Foreman bret.fore...@gmail.com wrote:

  As a first cut I would set up two files, record to one while doing an
  FFT on the other. Alternate the roles of the files every 200mS and
  display the latest frequency. Do you have experience with FFT
  windowing to avoid edge harmonics?

 If you don't know what string is being played and need to determine
 it, an FFT could make sense.

 Since you only have 6 (or 12?) strings to check, you could avoid the
 windowing by calculating a single point of the DFT of a length
 optimized for each string's frequency, normalizing, and comparing them
 to determine which is being played.

 Once you do know the string, an FM demodulator algorithm centered at
 the proper frequency might be a superior approach for determining the
 tuning error.

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[android-developers] Seeking Senior Android Developer for AppMakr platform

2010-11-22 Thread AppMakr
An active user of this group recommended I post here.

We're a platform that lets non-developers create iPhone apps, no
coding experience required.

We're based in San Francisco and launching for Android soon and are
looking for a hardcore senior Android developer.

Anyone interested?  If so please fill this skillset form out; it'll go
directly to me: www.AppMakr.com/hiring  (it comes directly to me)

And here's a bit about us:

TechCrunch: http://techcrunch.com/2010/10/25/appmakr-iphone-apps/

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[android-developers] Creating 2D games with Android and Blender

2010-11-22 Thread Ruben
I have just written an in-depth article covering the workflow of 2D
game creation for Android with blender, based in my own experience
with the game Egg Savior. I hope you find it usefull.
Feel free to share your knowledge and propose other alternatives to
these ideas.


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[android-developers] Bluetooth SPP control signals (DTR, DSR, RTS, CTS)

2010-11-22 Thread Troy
I would like to remotely reprogram my Arduino via Android over
Bluetooth SPP. The first step is to reset the ATMEGA microcontroller.
This is accomplished on the Arduino by toggling the DTR line. Is there
any API to control the Bluetooth SPP control lines from the Android

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[android-developers] Re: make JPEG image has map

2010-11-22 Thread Leon Moreyn-Android Development
Im not sure of sample code for this, but here is how I would implement
this. You dont necessarily need a map. An image view with a moving
curses could be possible. You would set the location on the cursor in
the image by using GPS location. You can receive lat and lon to your
device. You would then convert those positions to X and Y respectively
on your display. Then every time the location updates the cursor would
move on your map.

On Nov 22, 1:34 pm, sal suhailb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Kostya,

 Thanks for ur concern.

 I dont want precision and reliabilty,

 I just want a source code of sample application which lets me draw
 image has a map and allow me to mark the location on the map.

 pointer to sample source code would be appreciated


 On Nov 20, 3:24 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

  Are you sure you can get high enough precision from GPS to make
  navigating within an apartment meaningful? Especially considering this
  is presumably indoors, i.e. with the roof blocking the view?

  Unless, of course, your apartment is the size of Taj Mahal :)

  I'd say - download one of applications that let you monitor GPS state,
  and see if your phone can provide enough precision and reliability.

  -- Kostya

  20.11.2010 13:00, suhail ahmed ?:

   Hi guys

   i have a JPEG sketch of my apartment i wish to write android app
   which loads this JPEG file and behaves as a map to the user so that
   user can track is movement.

   I am really confused wheather JPEG file can be used as a map, if it
   can used as a map then please let me know how i can mark the movement
   of the user on that map

   Any sample code would be really appreciated

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  Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

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[android-developers] test

2010-11-22 Thread made nadi

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[android-developers] Re: streaming mp4 from Internet

2010-11-22 Thread Leon Moreyn-Android Development
If this video is your video is stored locally on your computer. If its
not video, ie you are trying to steam from Youtube or something like
that that is streaming this video on the web then you will not be able
to do so. You must have admin access to the video for it to be your
video.  MP4Box is tool to repair the video file before it reaches
your device. You do not run the repair on the device because while
Android are robust the battery need to repair small video will consume
too large a portion of battery.

On Nov 21, 4:20 pm, Ahmed Shoeib ahmedelsayed.sho...@gmail.com
 what do you mean by this video is my video or not ??
 and how to start MP4Box on device ??

 On Nov 21, 10:55 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Ahmed Shoeib

  ahmedelsayed.sho...@gmail.com wrote:
   but i tried it on areal device
   how can MP4Box added to fix this problem ??

  You do not run MP4Box on the device.

  Either this is your video, or it is not.

  If it is your video, on your PC, run MP4Box on the video file, and
  arrange it so your device can download the repaired file.

  If this is not your video, you simply cannot play it streaming. You
  are welcome to download the video and play it locally.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books

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[android-developers] Looking for sources of Searchable Dictionary v2

2010-11-22 Thread Christian Brehm

I have the sample code packages for eclipse installed. On the webpage
about Searchable Dictionary v2
it is noted that the project source code is contained in the SDK.
But the SDK only contains V1 without database usage.

Can the souces be downloaded somewhere else?

Thanks for your help,

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[android-developers] Re: Anyone seeing mysterious application crashes lately?

2010-11-22 Thread Leon Moreyn-Android Development
I believe there was a recent sweep of the market. And i think there
was also a market update. So this maybe some of the reasoning for

On Nov 22, 4:45 pm, Jonas Petersson jonas.peters...@xms.se wrote:
 Hi Kostya,

 On 11/22/2010 09:00 PM, Kostya Vasilyev wrote:

  I've am seeing some pretty mysterious crash reports in the Market
  Console lately.
  I am wondering if anyone else is seeing strange errors like these, and
  whether they can be caused by devices that have really low-quality
  firmware, either custom, or on devices that were not verified by Google.

 I've not seen your particular ones, but I certainly see odd stuff - like
 6 months old versions of my free apps crashing on 1.0 firmware
 (seemingly G1) as well as on seemingly lab boards. Some of these apps
 are very much tailored for use ONLY in Sweden, but they still seem to
 originate from Spain, Russia, China and the like...

 My best guess is that there is a fair amount of people who just randomly
 rip apps from the Market and use them to monkey test their
 hardware/firmware with.

 Initially I was curious, I've given up to try to make sense of it.
 Sometimes their extreme test cases are actually somewhat useful - I've
 caught a few odd states (the last one was the system be unable to select
 an image - seems unlikely, but...)

                 My few eurocents / Jonas

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Re: [android-developers] twitter integration

2010-11-22 Thread venkat kumar

Pass username and password..
Add external jar as twitpic4j.jar which is available here..

We can post text and picture in twitter.


On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Kumar Bibek coomar@gmail.com wrote:

 I would suggest that you don't write your own Twitter client, but use
 existing apps for this. Write a generic share module, which would show
 different channels through which the user could share his scores. This will
 also take care of facebook. You just have to pass the message, and let the
 user choose the app that he wants to use.

 Kumar Bibek

 On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:12 AM, akt ensisinf...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Folks

 Could you please any one help for twitter integration with android.

 i have implemented game application there user can post there status on
 facebook as well as twitter

 i have done integrating facebook.

 i failed with twitter.please anyone help me

 i searched on net by using that only one user post there message

 if you any source code please share with me.its very urgent to me

 Thanks in advance


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[android-developers] Re: Android Testing

2010-11-22 Thread kampy

as u said i read the doc and there i found that i can do these testing
on the emultor terminal adb shell  but for every command i typed it is
giving the permission denied . how to obtain the permissions for
this ..

On Nov 23, 11:22 am, welly tambunan if05...@gmail.com wrote:
 have u try this one



 On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 12:09 PM, kampy narasimha1...@gmail.com wrote:

  while testing a activity can we move from that activity to the another
  activity . i think it is possible as i found that we can deploy a
  complete test application a android app but i am not gettig how i can
  move from one acitivity to another activity 

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 Welly Tambunan
 PT. InforSys Indonesia
 RD Department


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Re: [android-developers] ADB device name show invalid characters

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
Drivers fro your devices are not installed properly. Once you do that, it
will tell you your device name.

Kumar Bibek

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Jim Qiu bluefishe...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

  I am using a Chinese version of android phone, when I type the
 $./adb devices

 it gives me the following:

  List of devices attached

 My DEV computer is Ubuntu 10.10, locale is en_US.utf-8.

 Is there a way that I can rename my device to a name of only simple



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Re: [android-developers] How to push the code change to Android open source project.

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
Umm, there's a long long procedure for this. You should contact the team at
source.android.com and wait for their response.

Kumar Bibek

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 8:12 AM, Feng Chris chris@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 How to push the code change to Android open source project?
 Anyone could provide a push command for me?

 Many thanks for your help!


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[android-developers] 2.2.1 FRG83D: Existing map tiles are unnecessarily reloaded when panning, is it just me?

2010-11-22 Thread JP
The Maps API always had its issues... since updating my Nexus One to
2.2.1 FRG83D earlier today, I see a problem more serious than anything
prior. This applies to both Google Maps and (any) app that uses the
Maps API (that I have tested). It's pretty obvious and simple, and
cannot be remedied by rebooting the device: When panning the map view
(no zooming that would trigger a complete re-load), map tiles that
were already loaded, are cleared and reloaded. This can occur multiple
times until the map view settles down. Looks pretty wild.

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Re: [android-developers] Android Browser 'Uncaught SyntaxError'

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
Well, seems like a jQuery issue. Which one are you using? I tried the mobile
version, and it wasn't working a few days back, while it worked pretty well
on all the browsers and iPhone. :D

Kumar Bibek

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Greg Taylor snagglepa...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've been trying to get http://ligonier.org to render correctly on
 Android's Browser, but am running into a snag We recently moved all of
 our CSS/JS/Images to Amazon S3, which apparently broke Android
 rendering. The page renders just fine on iPhone and desktop browsers
 (Chrome, Safari, IE, Firefox). If I serve the media from the same
 domain as the web server, it seems like the problem disappears.

 Connecting my Moto Droid, enabling USB Debugging, and using logcat
 gave me the following errors when visiting

 E/browser (17082): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
  Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
  Console: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not
  Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
  Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
  Console: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not
 defined http://www.ligonier.org/:34

 There are definitely errors in this HTML, but it looks fine for
 desktop browsers (Chrome included) and iPhone. I'm pretty baffled as
 to what it's talking about.

 Any ideas?

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Re: [android-developers] Multiple Spinners

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
You can add spinners/views anything you want through code. It doesn't have
to be in your layout files.

Kumar Bibek

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 3:33 PM, JV flyingdutchman...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,
 i am working on an app where i would like to use multiple spinners so
 the user can choose from multiple parameters for different options.
 the problem i am having is that i dont want it to display a fixed
 number of spinners when the activity is called but different numbers
 of spinners (which is depending on the previous activity...). is there
 a way to do this with a programmatic layout at run time and maybe
 therefore not define it in the xml??
 Thanks, any help appreciated,

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Re: [android-developers] help me understand: upper case characters in layout file names are disallowed

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
Hmm, Never thought about that.  But interesting observation. :)

Kumar Bibek

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 5:30 AM, Justin Collum jcol...@gmail.com wrote:

 I understand that these files map to R classes (generated). So I see
 why punctuation characters (most) are disallowed. But I can't for the
 life of me think of why main would be allowed but Main would not.
 Why not something like firstScreen?  Is there something about
 generated files that I'm missing? Do caps screw them up somehow? I'd
 like to make a view named defineNewList or something along those
 lines. Annoying to have to use underscores: define_new_list.

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Re: [android-developers] Help getting screen number

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
There is no such API.

Kumar Bibek

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 7:38 PM, Pedro Duque pmdu...@gmail.com wrote:


 I need to get the screen number a user is seeing and the total screens in
 home application. I can't find this info anywhere in the API.

 Can you help me?

 Pedro Duque

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Re: [android-developers] Change Activity in Tabs on Button Click

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
Currently this is not supported.

Kumar Bibek

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 4:06 AM, Sanchit sanchitgupt...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am creating an android application in which uses tabs. There are
 three tabs which runs different activities. Activity which runs tab 1,
 has a button. I want to change content of Tab 1 by clicking on that
 button. But If I call another activity it doesn't start in tab1 but
 replaces tab.

 Please help.


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Re: [android-developers] What is an Adapter??

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
Search for a few articles on how to use it. One example from my blog :)


Kumar Bibek

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Abhishek Talwar 
r.o.b.i.n.abhis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi guys i am a newbie.
 Could you please let me know what is an adapter and how can i use it??
 It seems to be powerfull stuff

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Re: [android-developers] Disabling a button until a set day

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
btn.setVisibility(View.GONE) or

You should save your time somewhere, preferences/files/database, and on
start of your application, check this value and do as required...

Kumar Bibek

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 3:11 AM, Garrett gstein1...@gmail.com wrote:

 Here is the scenario:

 User opens app, they press a button and some activity launches. After
 the button is pressed and the activity is executed, I want to disable
 the button until the week starts over. Even if they close the app and
 come back, it should still be disabled unless it has reset.

 For example, if they press the button on Monday, they should not be
 able to do it again until Sunday at 12:00 AM.

 No matter what day they initially press the button, they should not be
 able to press again until the week starts over.

 What would be the simplest way to do this in android? Should I have
 the program store the date and time they initially press, and then
 calculate the time until reset every time they open the app?

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Re: [android-developers] Hello World doesn't work

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
Wait for some time. Let it run. The first run of the emulator always takes
longer that you would expect. :)

Kumar Bibek

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Naveen naveen.ven...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey folks,

 Couple of days back, I read some articles about Android and from that
 moment I fell in love with Android development :) I explored
 Developing Android apps for the past few days and done the

 * Installed the latest Android SDK i.e., 2.2 version. Also updated all
 the installed packages using SDK manager

 * Installed Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers

 * Installed Android plugin for Eclipse

 * Created AVD and selected the target platform as Android SDK 2.2

 * Written a new HelloWorld program with the below code,

 package com.example.helloandroid;

 import android.app.Activity;
 import android.os.Bundle;

 public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

 When I try to run the code Hello World is not printed in the
 emulator. Just the text Android blinks in the middle of the device/

 The following is printed in the console when I ran the code

 [2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] --
 [2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] Android Launch!
 [2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] adb is running normally.
 [2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] Performing
 com.geek.HelloAndroid.HelloAndroid activity launch
 [2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] Automatic Target Mode: launching
 new emulator with compatible AVD 'HelloAndroid'
 [2010-11-21 10:51:12 - HelloAndroid] Launching a new emulator with
 Virtual Device 'HelloAndroid'
 [2010-11-21 10:51:27 - HelloAndroid] New emulator found: emulator-5554
 [2010-11-21 10:51:27 - HelloAndroid] Waiting for HOME
 ('android.process.acore') to be launched...

 Could you please let me know is there any issue with the code or the
 procedure? It would be really helpful if you point some good basic
 references for developing Android apps..


 Naveen Venkat

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Re: [android-developers] Android calls to web service slow? Using .NET web service

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
Well, my guess would be the long time can be attributed to the while loop
you have. That is probably where your code is getting stuck.

HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);

Try putting the log after this line, and see the times. If its still quite a
lot, then you have to worry.

Kumar Bibek

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 4:30 AM, Wipeout 4.9fi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey guys,
 This is my first post to the Android Developers group. I have been
 working with HTTP communication in the Android SDK and have noticed
 that calls to a web service through my app are very slow (taking
 800+ms on high speed wifi). They take less than 100ms if I call the
 web service through the phone's browser. I am developing on a Google
 Nexus One. The size of the data returned is very small, 1K. I have
 tried enabling gzip compression, and that helps slightly but I assume
 there is another problem at hand. I have tried using SOAP with the
 ksoap2-android library, as well as making things simple using
 HttpClient and InputStreamReader. Below is my code for the fastest I
 can make the app perform; using no SOAP, and using GZIP compression. I
 apologize for the lengthy code -- I think all of it is beneficial for
 determining the best way to make this request and response happen

 public String GetRest()

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
String result = ;

Log.v(time, Beginning rest:  + (System.currentTimeMillis() -
 startTime) + ms);

HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet(https://usad.enlyght.com/ws/
request.addHeader(Accept-Encoding, gzip);

Log.v(time, Before call:  + (System.currentTimeMillis()
 startTime) + ms);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
InputStream instream = response.getEntity().getContent();
Header contentEncoding = response.getFirstHeader(Content-
if (contentEncoding != null 
 contentEncoding.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(gzip)) {
instream = new GZIPInputStream(instream);
InputStreamReader isreader = new
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isreader);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

String read;
while ((read = reader.readLine()) != null) {
result += read;

catch (Exception e) {}
Log.v(time, End rest:  + (System.currentTimeMillis() -
 startTime) + ms);

return result;

 Adam Smith

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[android-developers] Re: Andriod Trainer(10-15k per day)

2010-11-22 Thread Zsolt Vasvari
What are you, a slave driver?  I refuse to do for under 20k a day,

On Nov 20, 12:49 pm, syed sameer sameer36...@gmail.com wrote:
 We need an Android trainer; the compensation will be 10-15k per day
 for a span of 2weeks, (this training can be extended for 4 months).
 Please send your profile to sameer36...@gmail.com

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Android app naming policy

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
1 package 1 app.

However, if you are trying to create something like (Tabs of a browser),
then please put your question in detail. The text really doesn't tell us
Kumar Bibek

On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Leon Moreyn-Android Development 
lmor...@earthcam.com wrote:

 Are you trying to run the same app multiple times? What exactly is the
 result you are trying to achieve or verify?

 Leon Moreyn

 On Nov 19, 12:19 pm, vnv nikola1...@gmail.com wrote:
  I would like to run multiple instances of same application for dev
  How does app define it's name in the system, through which of the
  files is that configured.

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Re: [android-developers] How to edit Calendar in Android

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
2 Options :
1. Use the Calendar Content Provider
2. Use Google APIs to update the user's Google  Calendar (If this is his
main calendar, else, use Option 1)

Kumar Bibek

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 12:24 AM, Majdan majdan1...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am about to write an application with calendar functionality.
 It would be a waste to write own calendar module in my app, so I would
 like to use Calendar included with Android.

 Is there any possibility to edit calendar directly from my
 If not, is there any better way to solve my problem than having my own
 calendar application that would be synchronizing data through Google
 Calnedar API?

 With kind regards,

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Re: [android-developers] Is it possible to using a url image in ImageView

2010-11-22 Thread Kumar Bibek
The answer to both your questions is Yes.



Kumar Bibek

On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 3:30 AM, Leon Moreyn-Android Development 
lmor...@earthcam.com wrote:

 So here is my question. I am trying to use an online thumbnail. I can
 have looked around and have not found too much data on this. Can some
 provide me the simplest way to do this. Also If i implement a
 simpleExpandableListAdapter which is designed as a textView Adapter is
 there a way to force the image in?

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[android-developers] Help Needed on Android Widget

2010-11-22 Thread Dev Android
In android widget,

Is there any mechanism available to get the activity result.


On widget we have button and click of this button will launch the
new activity and after destroying of this activity, this will send some
results to widget. Is there any callback available to catch the information
from the launched Activity.

Thanks in advance!


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[android-developers] Re: Listview similar to call logs of 'contacts' app

2010-11-22 Thread deepak
Hi manas,

It is actually a single list view, where we don't press the call icon
when the parent is pressed.
Just add a onClickListener for your view (i.e., similar to call
button) in your ListActivity and implement the desired function in
that. And for eg. if you are using a ImageView, then just create a
class which extends ImageView and override setPressed function.

public void setPressed(boolean pressed) {
// If the parent is pressed, do not set to pressed.
if (pressed  ((View) getParent()).isPressed()) {

So, this doen't press your image view, when the parent is pressed.
I hope this helps you.


On Nov 20, 4:08 pm, manas manas.prince...@gmail.com wrote:
 We are trying to create a listview exactly similar to 'call log
 listview' of 'contact' application (which is a default one).
 There is one listview item but two clickable controls.
 1. Left one - for viewing call log details
 2. Right one - for calling that person

 Any pointer on how to achieve that?

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[android-developers] Re: Listview similar to call logs of 'contacts' app

2010-11-22 Thread deepak
Hi manas,

I forgot to mention 1 more thing. In the xml also, instead of
ImageView give the name of the class which extends ImageView.


On Nov 23, 12:38 pm, deepak deepakraor1...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi manas,

 It is actually a single list view, where we don't press the call icon
 when the parent is pressed.
 Just add a onClickListener for your view (i.e., similar to call
 button) in your ListActivity and implement the desired function in
 that. And for eg. if you are using a ImageView, then just create a
 class which extends ImageView and override setPressed function.

     public void setPressed(boolean pressed) {
         // If the parent is pressed, do not set to pressed.
         if (pressed  ((View) getParent()).isPressed()) {

 So, this doen't press your image view, when the parent is pressed.
 I hope this helps you.


 On Nov 20, 4:08 pm, manas manas.prince...@gmail.com wrote:

  We are trying to create a listview exactly similar to 'call log
  listview' of 'contact' application (which is a default one).
  There is one listview item but two clickable controls.
  1. Left one - for viewing call log details
  2. Right one - for calling that person

  Any pointer on how to achieve that?

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Re: [android-developers] Help Needed on Android Widget

2010-11-22 Thread Rocky
use start activity for result, and from the next activity use bundle to pass
the result to back

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Dev Android devandroid1...@gmail.comwrote:

 In android widget,

 Is there any mechanism available to get the activity result.


 On widget we have button and click of this button will launch the
 new activity and after destroying of this activity, this will send some
 results to widget. Is there any callback available to catch the information
 from the launched Activity.

 Thanks in advance!


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Thanks  Regards

Rakesh Kumar Jha
Software Developer
Symphony Services Corp (India) Pvt Ltd
(O) +918030274295
(R) +919886336619

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[android-developers] Re: is it faster to load a layout in java or xml

2010-11-22 Thread bruce
Seems like there are other things going on if it takes 2 seconds.  On
orientation change, you can save data in onSaveInstanceState() to be
later retrieved in onCreate() which could possibly save some time.
Not that I would advocate it but you could cache the layout so it
doesn't need inflating again.

The nice thing about using xml is not having to think too much about
the layout.  You can stick your portrait in /layout and landscape mode
in /layout-land and the inflater will pick the right one.  The support
for a large variance of screen sizes, resolution, etc., makes using
xml worth it.


On Nov 17, 11:25 pm, Eric Murtaugh eric.murta...@gmail.com wrote:
 ok o my program i prefer to make the layout in java but i was
 wondering is it more efficient to make it in xml? i dont wanna test
 both and see whats faster but it feels like when my program call the
 oncreate (which is where all my layout building code is) takes about 2
 secs to load, will loading a layout from xml be faster?

 also a second question, i know you can allocate two different layouts
 (one per landscape or portrait) but does it till rerun oncreate when
 you do this and rotate? i ask because im considering not using
 landscape at all in my app however it would be usefull in a few
 situations like text entry but is there a way to jump to lanscape
 without calling oncreate so it will load much faster?

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Re: [android-developers] Help Needed on Android Widget

2010-11-22 Thread Dev Android

Thanks for your reply. We don't have method startActivityForResult available
in the android widget provider. We have to use pendingIntent only. Hope you
can try to understand the problem.

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Rocky rkjhaw1...@gmail.com wrote:

 use start activity for result, and from the next activity use bundle to
 pass the result to back

 On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Dev Android devandroid1...@gmail.comwrote:

 In android widget,

 Is there any mechanism available to get the activity result.


 On widget we have button and click of this button will launch the
 new activity and after destroying of this activity, this will send some
 results to widget. Is there any callback available to catch the information
 from the launched Activity.

 Thanks in advance!


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 Thanks  Regards

 Rakesh Kumar Jha
 Software Developer
 Symphony Services Corp (India) Pvt Ltd
 (O) +918030274295
 (R) +919886336619

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