[android-developers] Acting on broadcast intent when switching apps

2012-10-02 Thread albnok

I have an button in an activity, that calls an IntentService and shows a 
ProgressBar. After it is done downloading large files, it then creates a 
notification and broadcasts an intent with a String message stating 3 
files downloaded. or Unable to connect to server.

The activity registers a receiver in onResume and unregisters it in 
onPause. In the BroadcastReceiver's onReceive it displays a DialogFragment 
with a message from the intent. It also hides the notification and hides 
the ProgressBar.

If the app is not in the foreground, and you click on the notification, it 
triggers the activity's onNewIntent. It then displays a DialogFragment with 
a message from the intent. It also hides the ProgressBar.

If the app is not in the foreground however, and you use the App Switcher 
to return to the app, the notification does not clear and the 
DialogFragment never shows. The ProgressBar is also still visible.

Is there a way within the Android framework to handle the last situation? 
I'm thinking of a hack by not actually bothering with the message in the 
intent, and storing it in SharedPreferences, but is there another way?

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[android-developers] Re: contextual action mode vs. floating menu

2012-10-02 Thread albnok
I would go with a overflow menu icon, or the spinner icon (without any 
text). So the single-click is on a LinearLayout, the fake spinner icon is 
an ImageButton, and there are checkboxes which activate the contextual 
action mode. There would be no long-click.

On Monday, October 1, 2012 4:47:07 PM UTC+8, Benoît Bouré wrote:


 According to this page: 
 Contextual Action Mode is preferred when working on Honeycomb or higher. 
 This is actually very useful when you can apply the same kind of action to 
 several items at a time (eg: delete).
 But some actions actually only make sense on one item at a time (eg: Edit).
 If you have only one of these actions, well, you can simply use the single 
 click for it. So:
 One click = edit
 Select multiple items = action mode with actions that apply to many items

 An example of that is the Gmail app: one click = read the email and 
 selecting many items, you can mark them as read, delete them, etc.

 OK, but what if you have multiple actions that can only a apply to one 
 item at a time? Imagine the following situation. 

 You have a list of profiles.You can do the following actions on the 

 - delete
 - export (save in a file)
 - share

 These actions could be applied to many items at a time, so you place them 
 in the action mode. But other actions could be:

 - edit
 - apply

 You can only edit or apply one profile at a time. 

 So, in that case, is it OK to continue using floating menus like this:

 One single click or long-click opens a floating menu with available 
 options on that particular item alone (edit, apply, delete, export, share).
 Selecting multiple items activates the action mode with actions that apply 
 to all the selected items (delete, export, share)

 Or maybe is it better to keep using action mode only?

 When one item is selected, all actions are available (edit, apply, delete, 
 export, share)
 When more than one item are selected, the actions edit and apply are 
 disabled/removed from the action bar.

 Both methods can work of course and it could be up to the developer to 
 choose but what would be best practice?


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[android-developers] Re: google mail

2012-06-24 Thread albnok
You should use their recommended way.

That way you just call a findViewById, and if it returns null, you know 
it's the phone layout.

Plus it gets to be a headache when you need to have a landscape layout and 
multiple different sizes and resolutions!

On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 6:56:44 AM UTC+8, h4uw1n3 wrote:

 I'm really interested in android, i might be didn't have any skill in 
 java, but still i want to ask about this...
 according to 

 Android will pick the resource that is closest to the device’s screen 
 size or orientation...for example this layout, which only shows the folder 


 and the other one, which shows the folder list and the items on the 


 this layout has more than 2 listactivity, which means the java coding also 

 so my question is, if we have to check in main activity, whether the 
 device is tablet or a phone, what's the point then using different 
 res/layout folder like res/layout-small, res/layout-large, 
 res/layout-xlarge, we can just make the different file in the same folder 
 and using coding like this

 public class MyActivity extends Activity {
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

 Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
 if (config.smallestScreenWidthDp = 600) {
 */*hier coding for different layout for tablet*/*
 } else {
 */*here coding for phone's layout*/* }

 please correct me, if i misunderstanding about this... and also... sorry 
 about my english...

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[android-developers] Re: Home, Menu, Back, Wallpaper, Play in different languages

2012-06-17 Thread albnok
I really don't know if these exist, but you can try:

String something = context.getString(android.R.string.**);

Just see what Eclipse auto-complete gives you. I know there are a few 
strings that we can dig up.

On Thursday, June 14, 2012 4:51:18 PM UTC+8, Peter Webb wrote:

 My wallpaper contains instructions (in the app, web and Play) which look 
 something like:
 'To install the Wallpaper, from the home screen press Menu then 
 Wallpaper then Live Wallpaper then ...'
 The problem is that in different languages these reserved words like 
 home screen, Menu, Wallpaper and Live Wallpaper are going to need 
 to be particular words in the translation, or else the translation will 
 make as much sense as:
 To install the wall covering, from the apartment check press Food list 
 then wall covering then 
 Clearly for the instructions to make sense the correct reserved word in 
 that language must be used. 
 Does anybody know the official terms or where to find them in different 
 languages for:
 Home screen, Home button, Menu button, Back button, Play (market), 
 Wallpaper, Live Wallpaper, Settings, Application, and any other words that 
 are effectively standardised in different languages for Android.
 Seems like it should be published somewhere by Google but couldn't find it.
 Peter Webb

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Re: [android-developers] Re: NullPointerException in onRestoreInstanceState

2012-05-21 Thread albnok

 I cannot divulge the source code as it is for work - however I've done 
 some renaming and stripped it down. However, after stripping it down to 
 just the parts which I suspect cause the bug, and enabling the line that 
 causes the bug, the bug doesn't happen anymore!

 So this source code is just to give a clue to anyone else who 
 experiences this, as to where to look. This code doesn't actually trigger 
 the bug.

 onCreate calls showSingleUse, which spawns a SingleUseFragment, which 
 calls onSingleUse in the activity (because it implements an interface 
 called OnFragmentUtilityListener). onSingleUse then calls an AsyncTask 
 which does a findViewById in its onPreExecute.

 Disabling the findViewById, and moving it to onCreate, solves the 


 import android.os.AsyncTask;

 import android.os.Build;

 import android.os.Bundle;

 import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity;

 import android.widget.TextView;

 import com.actionbarsherlock.app.SherlockFragmentActivity;

 public class SwiperActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity implements 
 OnFragmentUtilityListener {

 * TextView textviewLastUpdated; // this is how the NPE was fixed*

 ReloadTask reloadTask;


 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



 * textviewLastUpdated = (TextView) 
 findViewById(R.id.textviewLastUpdated); // this is how the NPE was fixed



 public static void showSingleUse(FragmentActivity activity) {

 try {

 == null) {

 SingleUseFragment(), singleusefragment).commit();


 } catch (IllegalStateException e) {}



 public void onSingleUse() {



 private class ReloadTask extends AsyncTaskVoid, Void, Void {


 protected void onPreExecute() {




 protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0) {

 return null;



 protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {




 public static boolean allowsExecutorChange() {

 return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT  10;


 void startReloadTask() {

 reloadTask = new ReloadTask();

 if (allowsExecutorChange()) {


 } else {




 void showLoading() {

 // this was causing the NPE!

 *//TextView textviewLastUpdated = (TextView) 

 if (textviewLastUpdated!=null) textviewLastUpdated.setText(Loading...);


 void hideLoading() {

 // this was causing the NPE!

 *//TextView textviewLastUpdated = (TextView) 

 if (textviewLastUpdated!=null) textviewLastUpdated.setText(Loaded!);



 public void onDismissedDialog(String tag, Object data) {}


 public void onClickedPositiveDialog(String tag, Object data) {}




 public interface OnFragmentUtilityListener {

 public void onDismissedDialog(String tag, Object data);

 public void onClickedPositiveDialog(String tag, Object data);

 public void onSingleUse();




 /** hack-ish way to detect rotation and not do it again */

 public class SingleUseFragment extends Fragment {

 boolean wasRotating = false;


 public void onActivityCreated(Bundle state) {




 static SingleUseFragment newInstance() {

 return new SingleUseFragment();



 public void onAttach(Activity activity) {


 if (!wasRotating) ((OnFragmentUtilityListener) activity).onSingleUse();



 public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {


 wasRotating = true;



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[android-developers] Re: [Android LVL] Sporadic false negatives on client devices

2012-05-08 Thread albnok
I get this on my own app, also having LVL. Quite embarrassing to try to 
demonstrate the app to a friend and then it occasionally says that my copy 
is not licensed - I have purchased it (since it was published using a 
different account.)

On Monday, May 7, 2012 9:07:23 PM UTC+8, Florin wrote:


 I have an Android developer account and a couple of paid apps 
 published on the Market since a while now. I have decided to use 
 Android LVL for copy protection from the start on all of my apps, I 
 found it pretty straightforward to use so I told myself why not? extra 
 security is better than no security, right? 

 However, after almost one year since my apps have been out in the 
 wild, I keep getting from time to time unsatisfied customers which 
 after purchasing one app constantly get NOT_LICENSED replies from 
 Android licensing servers. And I'm not talking only about occasional 
 NOT_LICENSED caused either by lack of network coverage etc. but about 
 clients which try for days and days(yes, there are clients like this, 
 and they are right, since they paid for their apps!) and still get 

 Now, here goes my questions: 
 1) For Android dev and apps publishers out there: have you noticed any 
 wave of false negatives complaints from your clients lately? The above- 
 mentioned symptom occurs in my case since the beginning, but since 2 
 weeks now it happens at a much higher frequency. 
 2) For any Google representative who might see this: are there any 
 kind of License Validation statistics on the Android Licensing server 
 side? Like for instance validation attempts per application, with 
 timestamp and Android Market client version and client ID(not email 
 for security reasons but something)?  And with some extra message 
 giving a reason for NOT_LICENSED?(apart the obvious didn't buy reason, 
 could there be others?) 
 I think this should be implemented at LVL level and not at app level 
 due to permissions requirement(an app implementing statistics would 
 definitely require network access which for some apps does not 
 justify). So, can we have access to these statistics? If not now, 
 maybe sometimes in the future? 


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[android-developers] Re: Custom UI rotating control

2012-05-08 Thread albnok
I've written something like this before - you want a few icons arranged in 
a circle, and each icon is clickable?

I created a custom layout, extending the ViewGroup, overriding onMeasure 
and onLayout. In the Activity I made a listener that implements 
View.OnTouchListener. It checks if the area which you've touched is within 
the 'donut' which the icons circle around.

I assume you want to click on the icon, if you touch the icon and have not 
moved more than 10 pixels (Pythagoras distance) when you detect 

However I have not resumed work on this and it is closed source since it 
was developed for my employer. I'm not sure how you'd continue animating it 
when you fling it.

On Monday, May 7, 2012 4:51:38 AM UTC+8, Bernie Eng wrote:

 Does anyone have any ideas on how to create a rotating control? Something 
 that looks like this: 

 I came across 2 blog posts which is pretty close to what I need but, not 




 The first one doesn't really animate when rotating, and while the second 
 one does animate, it uses one large bitmap and rotates it. Because the 
 control I'm looking for should actually be container for a few buttons 
 (they each need to react to clicks), I can't really use one large bitmap. 

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[android-developers] Re: what broadcast or method is called when the application is uninstalled

2012-04-23 Thread albnok
Even if there was, your app would not be around to delete it. :(

You may have to save your files to your context's
getExternalFilesDir(null) instead, where it will be deleted together
with the app.

On Apr 23, 1:19 pm, ANKUR GOEL ankur1...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all ,

 i want to delete some files from file directory folder when my application
 is uninstalled .

 so can i know what broadcast or method is called


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[android-developers] Re: Disable screenshot within an app in ICS?

2012-04-04 Thread albnok

I check the SDK INT to be above 10 before setting the flag. Galaxy Tab
7 ignores it and HTC EVO 3D is garbled.

On Apr 4, 8:05 am, Greg miyamo...@gmail.com wrote:
 So after seeing this work in the wild a bit, it seems like some phones
 actually corrupt the view when they see this flag. I don't see it as part
 of the compatibility doc for vendors so I doubt they test it well. On the
 DroidX, I have seen the screen get drawn totally incorrectly (different per
 version of Android) and in some Samsung roms the entire window is
 corrupted. This doesn't seem to be something in the compatibility docs for
 vendors. Is this just for ICS and forward? It has existed since 1.0 it


 On Thursday, January 12, 2012 9:04:15 AM UTC-8, Romain Guy (Google) wrote:

  Add this flag to your window in onCreate():


  On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 1:48 AM, Michael Banzon mich...@banzon.dk wrote:
   On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Tom Uhl tuhl...@gmail.com wrote:
   Is there a way for an app to disable the new built-in-screenshot
   function in ICS?

   I don't think there is. If there is - I'm guessing you're trying to
   protect something - please keep in mind that the user can also grab
   screenshots through USB-debugging or through HDMI.

   Michael Banzon

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  Romain Guy
  Android framework engineer

 On Thursday, January 12, 2012 9:04:15 AM UTC-8, Romain Guy (Google) wrote:

  Add this flag to your window in onCreate():


  On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 1:48 AM, Michael Banzon mich...@banzon.dk wrote:
   On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Tom Uhl tuhl...@gmail.com wrote:
   Is there a way for an app to disable the new built-in-screenshot
   function in ICS?

   I don't think there is. If there is - I'm guessing you're trying to
   protect something - please keep in mind that the user can also grab
   screenshots through USB-debugging or through HDMI.

   Michael Banzon

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  Romain Guy
  Android framework engineer

 On Thursday, January 12, 2012 9:04:15 AM UTC-8, Romain Guy (Google) wrote:

  Add this flag to your window in onCreate():


  On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 1:48 AM, Michael Banzon mich...@banzon.dk wrote:
   On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Tom Uhl tuhl...@gmail.com wrote:
   Is there a way for an app to disable the new built-in-screenshot
   function in ICS?

   I don't think there is. If there is - I'm guessing you're trying to
   protect something - please keep in mind that the user can also grab
   screenshots through USB-debugging or through HDMI.

   Michael Banzon

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  Romain Guy
  Android framework engineer

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[android-developers] Re: Supporting Galaxy Note Issues Due To It Displaying Itself as a LARGE screen layout.

2012-02-12 Thread albnok
Hmmm I just realized that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus was
released with 3.2 so we can use the -sw qualifier - initially I was
thinking great we gotta do the qualifier dance around the 7.0 Plus
because the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 I have is still stuck on 3.1 and
I thus assumed all Samsung Honeycomb tablets would be at 3.1.

I had access to one of those knockoff 800x480 7 Android 2.2 tablets
(but it is not with me anymore). I don't remember if it acted like the
mdpi device that it should.

On Feb 8, 8:33 am, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 5:42 AM, albnok alb...@gmail.com wrote:
  Er... since when could we do that? As far as I know the exact
  qualifiers only came about in Android 3.2.


  I am thinking layout-large-port-xhdpi would make sense, though.

 You should never, ever see a resource qualifier like that.  That is,
 frankly, insane.

 Also mixing density with screen size almost certainly means you are doing
 something on.  I can guarantee that you that there will be device
 configurations in the future that break with such things, because density
 has *nothing* to do with screen size.

 The first this is please, please read the documentation and my blog post

 The blog post includes examples of how to use the new selectors in a
 compatible way with older devices.

 Also, yes, the large size bucket is problematic, as the blog post
 discusses.  There isn't anything we can do to help this for older versions
 of the platform. My suggestion if you need to deal with this is to just
 fall back on doing it programmatically -- define two layouts that are not
 qualified by screen size, and when your code runs look at the actual screen
 size (converted to dp units) and pick the one to use based on that.

 Or alternatively, just forget about large, code against xlarge and the new
 -sw qualifier, and make sure your normal layout resizes reasonably when
 running on a larger screen.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Is this android app possible?

2012-02-12 Thread albnok
I am not sure if this will do the job, but it looks like it has


Of course, you'd want to root the device first - so you set it to
install your app on boot, and restore the app data for the Launcher,
Browser and Contacts. (Though Contacts might be a lesson in futility,
since it will sync Contacts later...)

On Jan 12, 10:57 am, Yar Lag ya...@hotmail.com wrote:
 My employer asked me to write an Android app for a demo device in our
 store front. He wants the app to do the following (essentially a video
 demo app):

 The app will show a video after it has been idle for a while.
 When a user touches the demo video, it stops and goes to home screen.
 Prevents a user from uninstalling this app.
 Hide the app from the applications list on the home screen.
 At each midnight resets the device to a default configuration (home
 screens, browser history and contacts information)

 Are these 5 things possible?

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[android-developers] Re: I wanted to develop Android Apps with PDF viewer and PDF editor

2012-02-10 Thread albnok
qoppaPDF is the library you are looking for. You have the $? Good,
they are selling a PDF editor license. :D

On Jan 9, 2:24 pm, Rocky rkjhaw1...@gmail.com wrote:
 thanks to reply, is any free or paid lib is available in market to develop

 I wanted to develop and i'm ready to spend hundred of $, i wanted pdf
 viewer some thing like RepliGo
 not all features only Annotation part of RepliGo.

 Please help me

 On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Kristopher Micinski krismicin...@gmail.com

  On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Rocky rkjhaw1...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi Guys,

   Please help me how to proceed, how can i develop apps with pdf reader and
   Annotation feature like mark, underline.


  Alternatively:  find hundreds of thousands of dollars and shell out
  for a good pdf library for your app.

  Alternative alternatively:  spend a year+ developing a good pdf
  library for Android or java that doesn't kill it on memory, and then
  sell it for less than the one that's currently being used.

  If you don't need a lot of features in your app: fire an intent at a
  pdf viewer that's installed on the user's phone.  If they don't have
  the app, request the user to download the pdf reader (you can check if
  they have the pdf reader app installed easily enough, ask again if you
  dont' know how...)


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 Thanks  Regards

 Rakesh Kumar Jha
 Android Developer, Trainer and Mentor
 (O) +918030274295
 (R) +919886336619

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[android-developers] Re: Almost nobody is rating my app.

2012-02-09 Thread albnok
Man I most certainly don't click Rate, no matter what, I just want to
get in the game or whatever app.

I guess they have to feel compelled to want to rate it?

On Feb 8, 11:44 pm, decastro reis...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have recently released a game called tangle twister to the market.
 I have spent a little on admob advertising so now have 650 downloads.
 But only two people have rated it so far. I wonder if I'm doing
 something wrong to get so few ratings.

 At the moment I bring up a prompt for the user to rate after they have
 run the app at least three times and have just completed a level
 higher than three (very easy). I only prompt if there is currently an
 internet connection.There is also a Rate option that appears if the
 users press the menu button during game play.

 I guess there are a few possibilities:

 A) I have a bug in the code which results in me seeing the prompt, but
 other users not seeing it.
 B) The wording on the prompt is not encouraging enough.
 C) People simply don't like the app and never play long enough to get
 the prompt.
 D) I have made some market configuration error which results in
 ratings being lost.
 E) 2 out of 650 is actually what I should expect for this type of
 F) Something else.

 Any ideas?

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[android-developers] Re: Supporting Galaxy Note Issues Due To It Displaying Itself as a LARGE screen layout.

2012-02-05 Thread albnok
Er... since when could we do that? As far as I know the exact
qualifiers only came about in Android 3.2.


I am thinking layout-large-port-xhdpi would make sense, though.

I also want to target the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 specifically, but
there isn't a better way besides doing layout-large-hdpi which will
sabotage future devices.

Meanwhile I would have to say that from an app statistics, these two
devices are actually at the top of the installs... and in fact, I
doubt there would truly be a layout-large-hdpi device that is anywhere
as popular as these two.

On Jan 22, 3:31 pm, Doug beafd...@gmail.com wrote:
 You're right about the Note being stupid.  But I'll tell you exactly
 why it's stupid, because I went through this too.  There is a thread
 in this group if you want to find and follow that.

 The note is large, which is technically within bounds.  Large
 screen, according to Google documentation, can be between roughly 4
 and 7 inches.  The docs also say large screens are at least 640dp x
 480dp.  This is where the Note is stupid.

 The Note also happens to be xhdpi, which means that its pixels are
 supposed to be about half the size of the mdpi baseline for
 calculating dp.  So if a large mdpi screen must be at least 640x480,
 then xhdpi must be at least 1280x960.  As you may know, the note is
 actually 1280x800.  This means that it's missing an expected 160
 pixels (80dp) on its short edge.  If your layouts are (correctly)
 assuming this space exists, something may go wrong when it comes time
 to draw.

 I got around this by having a Very Special layout for the Note.  You
 can target pixels sizes in your resource specifiers like this: layout-
 large-port-xhdpi-1280x800.  Then in your layouts just do what you need
 to do without the extra space.  I took it on good authority that it's
 a Bad Idea to target dimensions size in resource specifiers, but it's
 what I had to do to make it work without redesigning a very important
 screen in my app.  Please don't email me for support!

 Have fun.


 On Jan 20, 6:05 am, Chris chris.fou...@gmail.com wrote:

  I will just exclude , can't find any other stupid devices like the
  Kindle sales are in the 100's per day , not doing all that change for
  a few Galaxy Note's.

  It's a shame Google did not sort this mess out on an earlier release ,
  it's becoming a real pain

  On Jan 20, 1:45 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

   On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Chris chris.fou...@gmail.com wrote:
I am having issues support the Galaxy Note

My app runs on Android 2.1+ , so I can't use the DPI based screen
differentiation , and the Galaxy note is 2.3.5 I believe.

My app has a normal display size which works great for small/normal ,
I also have a large display layout that has been working great for
7-10inch tablets like Xoom and Amazon Kindle Fire.

However this Galaxy Note has thrown a spanner in the mix.

It is displaying itself as a Large , but my display does not fit on
the screen.
The normal layout looks fine on it.

Any ideas how I can make that device use the normal display ?

   You can't. You need to create a -large set of resources that work well
   on the Galaxy Note and Kindle Fire. The XOOM can use -xlarge
   resources, if the revised -large ones do not work well on a 10

at the
moment I am tempted to just exclude it from compatible devices - but
if there is an elegant workaround it would be better !

   Bear in mind that your issue is not strictly one tied to the Galaxy
   Note. I would expect you to encounter similar problems on
   similarly-sized devices.

   Mark Murphy (a Commons 

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[android-developers] Re: tabs onbackPressed

2012-02-04 Thread albnok
alert, I am guessing, is static, and when you rotate the device,
your activity is destroyed, but alert is kept.

You'll probably want to do something like alert.dismiss() in your
onDestroy. Then you need to remember to start it up again in onCreate.

Though it would be highly recommended to move towards Fragments (with
the support library) and use DialogFragments instead - higher learning
curve, but a lot less headache.

On Feb 2, 3:40 pm, vani reddy vani.reddy.bl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi friends,,
 Under tabs when onBackPressed i am showing a dialog box, but its throwing
 the below exception

 ERROR/WindowManager(979): Activity com.amplyfyme.android.HomeScreen has
 leaked window
 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView@40678fb0 that was
 originally added here

 Toast.makeText(getParent(), inside back prss,
             AlertDialog.Builder builder = new
             builder.setMessage(Are you sure you want to exit?)
                             new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                 public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,
                                         int id) {
                             new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                 public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,
                                         int id) {
         alert= builder.create();
         alert.show(); //line where exception is thrown

 Vani Reddy

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[android-developers] Android Market new app not appearing

2012-01-29 Thread albnok
Yeah I've submitted the forms on Android Developer Console. Just
wondering if anybody else is having this problem where you upload a
new app and it just doesn't show up - can't find it in the web market,
or on any device.

In case you're wondering, the app is:
Package Name: com.glaringnotebook.digitechpatchviewer
App Name: DigiTech RP255 Patch Viewer

All filters are off - heck I don't even require a touchscreen! (Hello
GoogleTV!) Only filter is that it's gotta be Android 1.6 and above.

This is certainly very weird given how fast the Market would update
when I last uploaded an app in 2011...

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[android-developers] Re: DevicePolicyManager LockNow problem

2012-01-20 Thread albnok
Well it says it's only on API Level 8 so I can't help you there. If
you know it works in another app, on Android 2.1 or below, you might
try decompiling that app, but I have no experience with that so I
can't say whether it is possible to find an undocumented API that

On Jan 20, 2:35 pm, ashiq sayyad ashiqsay...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks.I will check that.

 One more is there any way to implement lock on earlier android
 versions(before 2.2)

 Thanks  Regards.
 Ashiq Sayyad

 On 20 January 2012 12:00, albnok alb...@gmail.com wrote:

  You might have missed something in the implementation - it should
  cause the Device Administrators window to pop up, and you need to
  Activate your app as a Device Admin.

  Then only isAdminActive() will return true.

  On Jan 18, 2:58 pm, ashiq sayyad ashiqsay...@gmail.com wrote:
   I have checked the  lockNow implementation in API demos  tried the
   same thing in my app. But I am not able to lock the device(Google

   Is there any restriction on this API call for thrid party application?
   isAdminActive() method is returning me false...

   One more doubt,how to implement screen lock functionality for below
   2.3 devices as there in no direct APIS  for tat..

   Awaiting for help

   Thanks  Regards,
   Ashiq Sayyad

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[android-developers] Re: DevicePolicyManager LockNow problem

2012-01-19 Thread albnok
You might have missed something in the implementation - it should
cause the Device Administrators window to pop up, and you need to
Activate your app as a Device Admin.

Then only isAdminActive() will return true.

On Jan 18, 2:58 pm, ashiq sayyad ashiqsay...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have checked the  lockNow implementation in API demos  tried the
 same thing in my app. But I am not able to lock the device(Google

 Is there any restriction on this API call for thrid party application?
 isAdminActive() method is returning me false...

 One more doubt,how to implement screen lock functionality for below
 2.3 devices as there in no direct APIS  for tat..

 Awaiting for help

 Thanks  Regards,
 Ashiq Sayyad

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[android-developers] Re: search hardware button

2011-10-31 Thread albnok
Interestingly, Android SDK 14/version 4.0 introduced:


I discovered this with a leaked Google+ 2.0 app that would crash on
loading Chord with a Class. However, the Home, Back and Search buttons
don't get such APIs.

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[android-developers] Re: back,edit button ActionBar

2011-10-27 Thread albnok
This adds a little left arrow to the side of the icon in the


This should have the same style as the Gmail app - Settings page.

On Oct 27, 10:22 pm, jaggu mjagadeeshb...@gmail.com wrote:
 i want screen  like second actionbar in down i have tabhost also in the same
 can any one guide for this

 On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Ratheesh Valamchuzhy

   u want the screen something like this?

  while selecting each tab u need to display the activity

  [image: 3.png]




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[android-developers] Re: Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID not unique on DROID2?

2011-10-23 Thread albnok
Quite simply, one could combine the ANDROID_ID and IMEI as a single
string, comma-delimited and use that as a unique identifier.

You might get 0123456789ABCDEF,null for a prototype tablet though.

This assumes that all WiFi-only devices have unique ANDROID_IDs and
all phones have unique IMEIs.

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[android-developers] Re: Install an android app on Google TV

2011-10-15 Thread albnok
If you meant the Google TV emulator, well that only runs on Linux with
a KVM for now.

On Oct 15, 2:01 am, dillipk codersnet2...@gmail.com wrote:
   How do I install my app on Google TV.? It is written android 2.3

 My System Config:

 Windows XP Pro
 SDK Platform Android 3.2 API 13, revision 1

 Interestingly, I am not able to install Google TV add-on on my PC. AVD
 manager saying Some packages were found but are not compatible

 Please help.


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[android-developers] Re: Why dither a bitmap

2011-10-13 Thread albnok
If you're loading a very large bitmap and you want to show it on a
phone with small heap space e.g. 16MB or 24MB, you may want to change
the bitmap to 16 bit, RGB_565.

Then you'll realize that gradients look stair-stepped. So when you
enable dithering, it breaks the obvious stair-steps and makes it look
like a smoother gradient.

On Oct 10, 1:00 pm, dara kok mrpc.cambo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can somebody here explain me why dithering is needed in Android?

 dara kok

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[android-developers] Re: Target to one device in market

2011-10-07 Thread albnok
You don't - if you want to filter a device you do it when you upload
your app and change its visibility settings in the Android Market.

On Oct 5, 2:53 am, franzisco2011 franzisco2...@gmail.com wrote:
 What I must modify in my manifest to target only a device?
 For example only for Nexus S or samsung galaxy tab

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[android-developers] Re: How does edit box(EditText) receive user's input?

2011-10-07 Thread albnok
When you click the Submit button, get the string via the EditText's

On Oct 2, 10:26 am, matt dw blackworl...@gmail.com wrote:
 hi all,

 I has read the related source codes about edit box(EditText.java and
 TextView.java). But i didn't understand how edit box get user's input.

 it is transfered by message? or function setText directly be invoke
 so can anyone give me a hint? or explain it?

 Thanks very much.

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[android-developers] Re: Android Honeycomb CheckBox against white background cannot be seen

2011-09-20 Thread albnok
Ah, it was this! We were using ActionBarSherlock.

public class SettingsActivity extends FragmentActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

I then used Theme_Sherlock_Light and the checkbox appeared correctly.
Though now the ActionBar is white... which looks odd since we were
used to a black-bar ActionBar.

Would there be a way to separately theme the ActionBar or checkbox? I
can't get at git.kernel.org and even if I could, Honeycomb source
isn't out.

On Sep 20, 6:47 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 If SettingsActivity inherits from PreferenceActivity, there might be
 something else needed there. I seem to recall there being issues with
 theming the Honeycomb PreferenceActivity, though I do not remember
 what those issues might be off the top o' my head.

 On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 11:10 PM, albnok alb...@gmail.com wrote:
  I tried this, but for some reason the theme only applies to
  LoginActivity but not SettingsActivity:

         application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
                 activity android:name=.LoginActivity
  android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
  android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
                 activity android:name=.SettingsActivity
  android:screenOrientation=portrait android:theme=@android:style/
  android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /

  (Part before and after application tags removed.)

  On Sep 19, 6:33 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  Theme.Holo.Light is usually applied to an activity in the manifest,
  to affect the whole activity, not an individual CheckBox in a layout.

  On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 12:47 AM, albnok alb...@gmail.com wrote:
   I am putting a CheckBox against a white background. It looks fine on
   pre-Honeycomb devices but on Honeycomb, it seems that the graphic has
   partial transparency and is white, so when the checkbox is unticked,
   you cannot see it.

   I tried using the Theme.Holo.Light style as follows:

   CheckBox android:text= style=@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light
   android:layout_marginLeft=5dip android:id=@+id/checkBoxWifiOnly
   android:layout_height=wrap_content /

   This appears to have no effect. Am I typing the syntax wrongly?

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  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  Android 3.1 Programming Books:http://commonsware.com/books

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 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Training in NYC:http://marakana.com/training/android/

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[android-developers] Re: Android Honeycomb CheckBox against white background cannot be seen

2011-09-19 Thread albnok
I tried this, but for some reason the theme only applies to
LoginActivity but not SettingsActivity:

application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
activity android:name=.LoginActivity
android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
activity android:name=.SettingsActivity
android:screenOrientation=portrait android:theme=@android:style/
android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /

(Part before and after application tags removed.)

On Sep 19, 6:33 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Theme.Holo.Light is usually applied to an activity in the manifest,
 to affect the whole activity, not an individual CheckBox in a layout.

 On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 12:47 AM, albnok alb...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am putting a CheckBox against a white background. It looks fine on
  pre-Honeycomb devices but on Honeycomb, it seems that the graphic has
  partial transparency and is white, so when the checkbox is unticked,
  you cannot see it.

  I tried using the Theme.Holo.Light style as follows:

  CheckBox android:text= style=@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light
  android:layout_marginLeft=5dip android:id=@+id/checkBoxWifiOnly
  android:layout_height=wrap_content /

  This appears to have no effect. Am I typing the syntax wrongly?

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 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android 3.1 Programming Books:http://commonsware.com/books

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[android-developers] Android Honeycomb CheckBox against white background cannot be seen

2011-09-18 Thread albnok
I am putting a CheckBox against a white background. It looks fine on
pre-Honeycomb devices but on Honeycomb, it seems that the graphic has
partial transparency and is white, so when the checkbox is unticked,
you cannot see it.

I tried using the Theme.Holo.Light style as follows:

CheckBox android:text= style=@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light
android:layout_marginLeft=5dip android:id=@+id/checkBoxWifiOnly
android:layout_height=wrap_content /

This appears to have no effect. Am I typing the syntax wrongly?

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[android-developers] Re: Android 2.3.5 device cannot find my app

2011-09-08 Thread albnok
appel, could you try now? Copy-protection has been removed.

I am curious though, why a 2.3.4 device is not a developer device, but
the 2.3.5 device is... my 2.3.4 is rooted and I have no problems
finding it.

Venugopal, start your own topic, and stop spamming every other thread.

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[android-developers] Re: How to obtain the tweets of a programatically given Twitter user without registering my app on dev.twitter.com?

2011-09-08 Thread albnok
You should get a new key for each app. Anyway the process of asking
isn't that hard once you've done it.

That said you don't need any keys to use the Twitter Search API that I
mentioned earlier.

On Sep 8, 3:38 pm, saex elpablos...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can use the same key  secret key in a lot of apps? or you have to
 get a new key for each app?

 On 8 sep, 01:49, albnok alb...@gmail.com wrote:

  It is very much possible to get tweets from a user without logging in,
  provided that user did not set tweets to private.


  Heck, you can search from a hashtag, even!

  You can choose to have Twitter give you the tweets in JSON or XML.
  JSON's a bit easier for me. No worries about parsing HTML whatsoever.

  Also, don't worry about registering your app - they just ask you to
  email. For some reason this is a BIG HURDLE to all the programmers I
  talked to! I just emailed, and the Twitter representative was very
  helpful. I got my XAuth key sorted in about 3 days. Of course, you
  must justify why you need it...

  On Sep 8, 1:46 am, saex elpablos...@gmail.com wrote:


   i need to achieve that, show the last tweets of a programatically
   given user.

   But i need to do it without login on twitter, without using Oauth, and
   without registering my app on dev.twitter.com

   It is possible? i can't find the way to do it :S

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[android-developers] Re: Android 2.3.5 device cannot find my app

2011-09-07 Thread albnok
I have CM 7.1.0 RC1 for the HTC Desire, but mine says 2.3.4. As I
remember when I flashed it, 2.3.5 was unheard of then.

I hope it's not too much trouble, but could you go to
and send a report? I did it once and they replied within one day
(surprise!) with the reason why it cannot see the app.

Also based on 
it says developer phones cannot access copy-protected apps. Is the ROM
a developer ROM? If it is, you should not be able to find paid apps

On Sep 7, 4:58 pm, appel johan.appelg...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an old HTC Hero with a custom rom based on CM 7.1 RC1 (2.3.5) and
 Android Market says your app is not compatible with it. The message isn't
 very helpful though.

 This item is not compatible with your device.

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[android-developers] Re: How can I connect Dell Streak 7, eLocity devices to my DDMS

2011-09-07 Thread albnok
Did you enable USB Debugging, on your Dell Streak 7 and eLocity?

On Sep 6, 10:08 pm, Srinivas Nainala srito...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am unable to connect/detect Dell Streak 7 and eLocity devices to my
 eclipse DDMS interface for seeing debug statements. How can I get rid
 of this. Even I have tried in Mac Notebook, its same situation in
 Windows 7.

 Could you suggest me what are the USB device drivers need to install
 for detecting those devices. Is there any way getting debug statements
 other than DDMS tool.

 Thanks in advance for your help :)


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[android-developers] Re: How to obtain the tweets of a programatically given Twitter user without registering my app on dev.twitter.com?

2011-09-07 Thread albnok
It is very much possible to get tweets from a user without logging in,
provided that user did not set tweets to private.


Heck, you can search from a hashtag, even!

You can choose to have Twitter give you the tweets in JSON or XML.
JSON's a bit easier for me. No worries about parsing HTML whatsoever.

Also, don't worry about registering your app - they just ask you to
email. For some reason this is a BIG HURDLE to all the programmers I
talked to! I just emailed, and the Twitter representative was very
helpful. I got my XAuth key sorted in about 3 days. Of course, you
must justify why you need it...

On Sep 8, 1:46 am, saex elpablos...@gmail.com wrote:

 i need to achieve that, show the last tweets of a programatically
 given user.

 But i need to do it without login on twitter, without using Oauth, and
 without registering my app on dev.twitter.com

 It is possible? i can't find the way to do it :S

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[android-developers] Android 2.3.5 device cannot find my app

2011-09-06 Thread albnok
I have received a complaint that a device that was on 2.3.3, now on
2.3.5, cannot find my app on the phone Market, and on the web Market,
it says it is incompatible.

The app is here:

The app is set to support small-xlarge so that shouldn't be a problem;
the app minSDK is 3 with no maxSDK set so it's API 3-12+; the app
requires INTERNET but it appears on WiFi-only devices fine; the app
asks for a touchscreen but I'll just assume the user isn't trying on a
Google TV.

The app has Copy Protection set to On - could that be why? This is the
client's setting.

Also, out of curiosity, is 2.3.5 official? I don't see it anywhere in
developer.android.com, only in ROMs. Is an unfinalized OS version
blocked from certain apps?

I could update to a CyanogenMod nightly on 2.3.5 but I'm quite comfy
with CyanogenMod 7.1.0 RC1 on my HTC Desire - plus I don't want the
risk that I can't find certain apps.

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[android-developers] Re: Emulator has Alzheimers (forgets who it is)

2011-08-30 Thread albnok
This is why:

[2011-07-26 22:28:10 - YeauxDudimus] Still no compatible AVDs with
target 'Android 3.2': Aborting launch.
[2011-07-26 22:28:10 - YeauxDudimus] Performing
com.bobas.YeauxDudimusActivity activity launch
[2011-07-26 22:28:34 - YeauxDudimus] ERROR: Application requires API
version 13. Device API version is 7 (Android 2.1-update1).
[2011-07-26 22:28:34 - YeauxDudimus] Launch canceled!

Your AVD is on Android 2.1, while your app requires Android 3.2.

Change it so your app min-sdk is API 7. Or start an AVD that is at
Android 3.2 (which would be helluva slow - all Honeycomb AVDs are

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[android-developers] Re: Get digit mobile number

2011-08-30 Thread albnok
You can get it from some operators - Google Line1Number. I do know
though, that some Mobile Virtual Network Operators don't let you see
your MSISDN, and you have to ask them for an API to convert IMSI to

On Jul 29, 3:42 pm, Amit Mangal forum.amit.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 Mobile number calculated on network side not on handset. you can get your
 sim number IMSI but you cant get mobile number by any api.


 On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 1:00 PM, subha subhashini.andr...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Developers!

  How to get mobile number through the android application(which one is used
  that app);

  this is possible?


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[android-developers] Re: Android Library and Resources

2011-08-09 Thread albnok
Pass your drawable ids from the calling Activity in the app to the
function in the library.

On Jul 7, 3:56 pm, Guillaume guillaume.dele...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jul 6, 5:36 pm, David Olsson zooklu...@gmail.com wrote: Clean, refresh 
 more times and test by creating a new copy of the
  workspace. I have run into this problem several times, TheKing's
  solution works most of the time but the latest time this happened to
  me I had to create a new project and then it worked like a charm.

 I already have done all of that.
 But I found out that it's an incompatibility problem between the
 Using the library from another application works.
 Hard coding library's xml values resolve the problem.
 But I don't have any idea of why it's incompatible.

 Thanks for your help.


  On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Guillaume guillaume.dele...@gmail.com 
   Thanks but I wouldn't have post here if it had worked.
   Other idea ?
   Why are the R.java merged into the same file ?

   On Jul 5, 7:23 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 7:55 AM, Guillaume 

Please offer any ideas you might have to help!

   Clean, refresh, and rebuild both projects ... several times.

   TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
   transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: Film Use of Android Device

2011-08-04 Thread albnok
You may be better off recording from PC and emulator. But then
Honeycomb is slow!

On Jul 26, 7:32 pm, New Developer secur...@isscp.com wrote:
 could you please give me more of a help
 my knowledge and use of adb is weak

 Thanks in advance

 On Jul 25, 2011, at 11:23 PM, Kevin TeslaCoil Software wrote:

  The adb user also has access to /dev/graphics/fb0 so theoretically you
  could do this with a shell script over adb instead of rooting the

  On Jul 25, 5:47 pm, lbendlin l...@bendlin.us wrote:
  If you have a rooted phone and a large SD card  you could run a background 
  service that grabs the /dev/graphics/fb0  raw images and stores them for 
  later conversion. Or you convert it on the fly to png - but that might 
  stretch it already.

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[android-developers] Re: can we detect tablets and mobiles in android programmaticaly.

2011-08-04 Thread albnok
Check that the screen layout is large or xlarge. Supports screens in
the manifest helps filter apps.

On Aug 3, 12:24 am, arun joshi arun.joshi2...@gmail.com wrote:
 hello all,
              i am working on a project in which i had to detect the type of
 device whether it is of type mobile or tablets which will avail this
 How can do this, any ideas or help are welcome.


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[android-developers] Re: How to know what internal process runs an application

2011-07-22 Thread albnok
I don't know how Services work, but with IntentService you can send an
intent that says hey I'm launching the IntentService from an
Activity! and catch it in onHandleIntent or onStartCommand.

On Jul 19, 2:19 am, elDoudou the.edouard.merc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you Diane.

 I may have a problem with my design, but if I'm wrong, I'd be
 delighted to be well guided.

 I would like my application to initialize a certain way when it is
 started with an Activity (for instance, I want to set up some caching
 stuff), whereas when launched via a Service, I do not need it to be
 initialized that way. The solution that I have found so far is to
 override the Application.onCreate() method, so as to be notified
 every time the application process starts, and quick-initialize some

 I have declared two android:processes because I thought that it
 might be possible to distinguish the cause of the application process
 start, but if you say that it is not possible to determine the
 android:process responsible for the start of the process, how can I
 solve my problem, please?

 Do you have in mind another design pattern which enables the
 application to be notified at startup, whatever Activity,
 BroadcastReceiver, Service causes its process to start so as to
 initialize some stuff, and to distinguish a specific Service where no
 initialization is supposed to be run, please?

 I would be very grateful to the person who is able to unblock me. And
 please, do not tell me that I have a design problem eventually ;)


 On 14 juil, 20:05, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:

  Sorry, there is no way to know.  Processes are basically anonymous
  containers in which to run code.  If you are needing to distinguish them,
  you have a problem in your design.

  On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:43 AM, elDoudou 

   Hello Doug and thank you.

   The process id does not indicate the Android declared process in the
   AndroidManifest.xml file, unfortunately. What I need to know is the
   android:process which causes the process to start. If I declare a
   service in the manifest with a specific process name (tag
   android:process), how do I know at runtime when this specific
   service process causes the Application::onCreate() method to be
   invoked, please?

   Thank you for your time and support. Regards,

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  Dianne Hackborn
  Android framework engineer

  Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
  provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
  questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
  answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Issues with 3.2

2011-07-21 Thread albnok
Heck, replying to any Google Group posting will cause my Xoom WiFi
3.0.1 browser to Force Close. It does get posted, though. Now I am not
sure if 3.2 is going to be worth the risk to update.

On Jul 22, 8:52 am, Zsolt Vasvari zvasv...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've seen some weird stuff with 3.2 on my Xoom as well.  Certain
 websites (Techcrunch) will just simply stop the browser when scrolling
 down on the page.  I've never seen this happen on 3.1

 On Jul 21, 10:20 pm, Joshua Smith joshuaesm...@charter.net wrote:

  We're getting an app ready for Android, and we've just hit a complete
  show-stopper with the 3.2 update.

  Our app runs for about a minute, and then the XOOM just reboots. There
  is absolutely no evidence that we can find in any log as to what the
  problem is. The same app is running just fine in 3.1 and 2.x.

  Our app uses several simultaneous HTTP connections to stream content
  from a server, so we are using the whole network stack pretty
  vigorously. We've noticed that during that minute before the tablet
  reboots, the performance of our network connections is a lot worse in
  3.1, which is why we're thinking it's probably a network issue.

  We're at a loss on how to debug this further.  We'd be happy to send
  an APK to someone who works on the kernel, if that could help.


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[android-developers] Re: Getting Developer Account

2011-07-21 Thread albnok
Call your bank. My company had the same problem with 2 accounts under
a certain bank in Malaysia (my bank had no problem.)

On Jul 19, 6:27 pm, Manjunath KB kb4andr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can an indian developer get developer account??? Because i place my
 card and is authenticated 24hour back in checkout. But still the
 payment is not done and am not getting access to my developer account.

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[android-developers] Re: If nobody uses any license verification on paid apps .....

2011-07-21 Thread albnok
Google posts the LVL code. Crackers post code to circumvent LVL.

It is up to you then to use the cracker tool to make sure that your
protection is unique and secret, and not known to the cracker. Same
goes for testing your app with APKTool. You simply cannot rely on the
last 'public release' and use it like that because the code is there
for all to see.

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[android-developers] Re: Amazon AWS security

2011-07-21 Thread albnok
Look for APKTool, and decompile your code.

I cannot and should not tell you how to obfuscate it (in public)
because then it means hackers are aware of your algorithm. Any hacker
can then Google how to find keys, and find code here!

So you need to make an algorithm to obfuscate the key, and NOT tell
anyone of it.

APKTool is already shared... so in a way, they are letting you be one
step ahead of them.

On Jul 19, 5:39 pm, dmtrl...@gmail.com dmtrl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all!
 My app have access to Amazon AWS, and i have one question.
 I think store keys in code is bad idea. What the best way to save
 credentials for Amazon access in APK ? Any example, plz...

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[android-developers] Re: How to find the load time of UI

2011-07-20 Thread albnok
Print to the log before and after your UI is drawn.

On Jul 15, 5:10 pm, sreenivas p m sreenivas...@gmail.com wrote:

 i want to know time taken to load UI / activity on to UI

 Thank you...

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[android-developers] Re: I want to design a video file player, which takes in file name first and then play the video, I am not sure how can I use setcontentview to do this,pls help!

2011-07-03 Thread albnok

This Google Groups site is strangely missing a +1 button.

On Jul 1, 9:16 am, Zsolt Vasvari zvasv...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey, I am in Singapore, too.  What company do you work for?  Maybe
 they are looking for a competent developer.

 On Jul 1, 8:57 am, Jiabin Qin jiab...@gmail.com wrote:

  I this in the onCreate(), I need to first
  setContentView(R.layout.main); to take input from user, but what shall
  I do after that.
  I have a button which I think I can use setOnClickListener() to switch
  to another view onclick, I think that what most apps do like in the
  game, click on the button start, and the game will start.

  How shall I achieve?
  Thanks in advance for your kind help!


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[android-developers] Re: Install % not updating?

2011-06-29 Thread albnok
I've reported it from 3 publisher accounts already. Let's crank up the
heat on them - I'm hoping they have a priority list based on

On Jun 30, 7:36 am, William Ferguson william.ferguson...@gmail.com
 Thanks for the link Michael.

 It's been demoralizing seeing my active install percentage fall by 18%
 in the last 10 days.
 If I didn't have 3rd party indicators to tell me otherwise it would
 have been devastating.
 Here's hoping things get back to normal sometime soon.

 On Jun 29, 5:20 pm, Michael Schollmeyer mich...@mictale.com wrote:

  Anyway, the email contains a link and I would encourage everybody to click
  open the sections and click on report for every issue that applies.
  Hopefully they get these counters right this time.

  Here is the link:


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[android-developers] Re: Android application blocked by Market for Motorola Xoom

2011-06-27 Thread albnok
On a Motorola Xoom WiFi. I am allowed to install it according to the
web Market.

On Jun 27, 11:39 pm, Carlos Silva r3...@r3pek.org wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 13:06, Carlos Silva r3...@r3pek.org wrote:
  On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:06, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.comwrote:

  On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 7:58 AM, Carlos Silva r3...@r3pek.org wrote:
   Maybe it's this two permissions that messes the Xoom Wifi Only:
   I can't install it on my Xoom either.

  My XOOM is 3G capable, so there may be differences in behavior due to
  that. However, the OP has telephony set to not-required, and the
  _NETWORK_STATE permissions aren't listed in the table of things that
  trigger the need for hardware features.

  True, any way, it's the only thing I can see that it makes it filter the
  app. Maybe someone from Android Market team could tell us what the problem
  really is :/

 Just to add another test, an Asus Transformer Wifi isn't compatible also.
 I think it's safe to assume that the problem is that 2 permissions...

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[android-developers] Re: Error Overriding a SuperClass

2011-06-22 Thread albnok
One of my projects suddenly changed to JDK Compliance Level 1.5
without me ever setting it. I think I may have checked it out of SVN
wrongly. Went in to Project Properties, Java Compiler to fix it.

On Jun 23, 8:31 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 OnClickListener is an interface. If you are compiling with Java 1.5,
 you cannot use @Override on implementations of interface methods. That
 was added in Java 6.

 On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Kromosome m...@kromosome.net wrote:
  I am having to modify some code from another developer's codebase and
  his coding style is totally different to mine. Take the following for
  instance, instead of having a single onClick handler for all views,
  the developer has implemented the onClick function inline for each

  In the Eclipse IDE, I am getting the following error, The method
  onClick(View) of type new View.OnClickListener(){} must override a
  superclass method.

  If I look to the quick fix it tells me to, Remove the @Override
  annotation, however when doing so, the error is corrected. This seems
  to be the reverse of my understanding in that the superclass must be
  overriden. Has anyone seen or encountered this previously? Any
  suggestions? Would it have something to do with the fact that the
  superclass method is overrided multiple times in a similar manner?


  llSelDOB.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
     public void onClick(View v) {
         StringDOB = new String();
         Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
         int cyear = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
         int cmonth = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
         int cday = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

         DatePickerDialog dp = new DatePickerDialog(Registration.this,
  mDateSetListener,  cyear, cmonth, cday);


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 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Training in London:http://bit.ly/smand1,http://bit.ly/smand2

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[android-developers] Re: Permissions, checking network connectivity and the LVL

2011-06-22 Thread albnok
Another interesting false positive happens when you connect to a VPN
or a dead hotspot which cannot resolve the LVL server - dontAllow gets
called so you're not licensed if you are just behind a bad connection.
Adding a dontAllowBadConnection in the interface helps.

On Jun 23, 12:17 pm, Chris crehb...@gmail.com wrote:
 If the Market App(tm) has NETWORK_STATE permissions, and my app invokes an
 API that uses it, it stands to reason that my app shouldn't have to request
 NETWORK_STATE.  After all, the user already granted permission to the other
 app.  I haven't yet used LVL but if I came across that scenario I'd file a

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[android-developers] Re: What are the Android devices have USB socket/port support in the market?

2011-06-22 Thread albnok
The Acer Iconia Tab A500 has one full Type A USB slot built-in on the
tablet itself. The Asus eee Pad Transformer has 2 on the keyboard

On Jun 23, 3:42 am, Nainala Shrinivas srito...@gmail.com wrote:
 Could anyone help me to find out USB port support android devices in
 the Market. I have seen some document, USB host is not available for
 android sdk till now. USB device has to be self powered, when we can
 see Android has USB host capability?

 I have seen macro USB on devices, is there any device with USB A-Type
 support in the market. We are looking for Honeycomb 3.x devices.

 Thanks in advance.


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[android-developers] Re: What are the Android devices have USB socket/port support in the market?

2011-06-22 Thread albnok
Acer Iconia Tab A500 on tablet itself, Asus eee Pad Transformer has 2
on the keyboard dock.

On Jun 23, 3:42 am, Nainala Shrinivas srito...@gmail.com wrote:
 Could anyone help me to find out USB port support android devices in
 the Market. I have seen some document, USB host is not available for
 android sdk till now. USB device has to be self powered, when we can
 see Android has USB host capability?

 I have seen macro USB on devices, is there any device with USB A-Type
 support in the market. We are looking for Honeycomb 3.x devices.

 Thanks in advance.


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[android-developers] Re: How android get MSISDN

2011-06-18 Thread albnok
Don't remember exact code but look for line1number. Certain telcos may
be mobile virtual network operators meaning you can never get the
MSISDN in which case ask them for an API to convert SIM serial number

On Jun 18, 12:29 am, Sherif Shehab Aldin silentqu...@gmail.com
 Hi all,

 I am doing a project of mine, and I wanted to get the MSISDN of the SIM
 cards, and I thought I would follow the Android code to see how It handles
 It. I been following the code for hours till I reached this
 point: com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.SIMRecords.handleMessage(Message

 and now am stuck cause I have no clue who calls handleMessage, or as I think
 It's an event which is fired after getting the MSISDN. but I have no clue
 where to go from here.

 I have asked on #android-developers and someone told me that Android doesn't
 do It, the Vendor code implements the baseband functions, If so does anyone
 of open source implementation of such a thing, or even have an idea how that
 could be implemented, I just need some hints or ideas which I will implement

 Thanks all, :)

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[android-developers] Re: Why IoException will arise while parsing an rss.xml file using domparsing?

2011-06-14 Thread albnok
Most likely you have not added the INTERNET permission or your URL is

On Jun 7, 6:09 pm, rajeswari polani rajipol...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am parsing a rss.xml file using dom parsing in android while parsing
 a Document using a inputstream of that url getting a IOException .Why
 This problem is coming ?Is there any Suggessions .Please reply me it
 is urgent.

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[android-developers] Re: Want to capture screenshot of current screen from phone

2011-06-12 Thread albnok
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 does support screenshots, albeit unelegantly
- while holding down Back, press Power. You may have to go into
another activity first before pressing Back and hitting Power at the
same time LOL.

On Jun 9, 2:07 am, Adam Ratana adam.rat...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just checked this approach out as a user had emailed me asking about
 screenshot capability.  This definitely does the trick, but a another poster
 pointed out, any output from certain components (in my case the camera
 preview surfaceview) does not show up.
 Perhaps the correct approach then is to capture the output of the surface
 views as bitmaps, and then draw on top of them, it's not quite an instant
 screenshot, but will probably serve the purpose?  I'll experiment with this
 and if I have good results will post back.

 Mark Murphy, you said this is impossible, did you mean in the sense of the
 way DDMS grabs the full-monty screenshot?

 I do hope that Android Handset/Tablet manufacturers catch on and implement
 hardware screen capturing options, a la iOS -- I don't believe screenshots
 are programmatically possible there either, for the same reasons, but the
 user can capture one at any time with a combination of hardware buttons.  It
 will prevent us from having to come up with adhoc solutions like this, and
 allow the screenshot process to be user driven, and thus alleviating
 security concerns.  I believe I read that either Samsung or Motorola may do
 this in future handsets?

 On Friday, June 3, 2011 8:30:10 AM UTC-4, New Developer wrote:

  Well after much trial and error I managed to capture the entire  layout  or
  using the following code

  View   myView = findViewById(R.id.form);
  Bitmap bmp    = Bitmap.createBitmap( myView.getMeasuredWidth() ,
  myView.getMeasuredHeight() , Config.ARGB_);
  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp);
  try {
     FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( /sdcard/screen.jpg  );
     bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, out);
  } catch (Exception e) {

  Not sure if this will help or not ?  NOTE: that you can also save as a PNG
  if you want .

  On Jun 3, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Bharathi raja wrote:

  Thanks for sharing code.

  Code u shared will capture the entire screen, even if it is not widget
  [mean screen may have android or flash or web component]
  i wanted to capture all the three.

  Bharathiraja R

  On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 1:39 AM, New Developer secu...@isscp.com wrote:

  Okay I output my bitmap to file  as PNG and it only shows the  visible
  portion of the layout
  What is currently seen on the screen  not the entire layout.
  So would I change the  onClick Code to capture the entire layout ?

  thanks in advance

  On Jun 2, 3:35 pm, New Developer secu...@isscp.com wrote:
   I'm trying to do something similar

   Inside my button's OnClick I have

   View    myView  = arg0.getRootView();
   myView.setDrawingCacheEnabled( true );
   mPDF.addImage( myView.getDrawingCache() );

   I'm hoping this will capture the screen to a bitmap

   my PDF.addImage   is as follows:

           public void addImage(Bitmap bmp) {
                   ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                   bmp.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 100 , bos);

                   mImage += 5 0 obj \n +
                                     /Type /XObject\n +
                                      /Subtype /Image\n +
                                      /Width   + bmp.getWidth()  +  \n
                                      /Height  + bmp.getHeight() +  \n
                                      /ColorSpace  /DeviceRGB\n +
                                      /BitsPerComponent 8\n +
                                      /Length  + bos.size()  + \n +
                                      /Filter  /ASCIIHexDecode\n +
                                    \n\n +

                   mImage += bos.toString() + \n;

                   mImage += endstream\n +

   1) Is the onClick the correct way to capture the screen to bitmap ?
   2) Is the PDF code the correct way to store an image inside a PDF ?

   thanks in advance

   On Jun 2, 3:11 pm, Paul Turchenko paul.tu...@gmail.com wrote:

Your process will need permission to do that. ADB has it by default,
but regular apps don't. Unless you're rooted, you can't do that.

On Jun 2, 4:27 am, Bharathiraja R bharathira...@gmail.com

 Hi All,

 Want sample code to capture screenshot of current screen from phone,
 same like ddms (screen capture).
 Please help me out.

 Bharathiraja R

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[android-developers] Re: Loading Bitmaps in native heap

2011-06-12 Thread albnok
I had the same problem when loading as ARGB_565. Use inDither to get
rid of very obvious stair-stepping. I would say I could spot a 16-bit
image, especially with a lot of reds, on a less red screen (Xoom and
Acer Iconia Tab A500) while the Galaxy Tab 7 is a whole splotch of
red. However with inDither on gets a bit hard to tell!

On Jun 9, 4:50 am, webmonkey webmonke...@gmail.com wrote:
 That works but I don't consider 16-bit to be full-resolution, color
 fidelity is just as important.

 On Jun 8, 10:25 pm, Streets Of Boston flyingdutc...@gmail.com wrote:

  I guess it's playing nice to other background apps. Even a foreground app
  can't gobble up all the memory and starve the background apps.

  I figured out a way to edit 9MPixel images 16-bit (i.e. 18MByte of data). It
  makes you program quite carefully when using the left over 6Mbyte of memory,
  but it's possible. On tablets, i think that the limit has been raised to a
  48MByte heap.

  Since the 1st gen android phones never had cameras with more than 5MPixel
  and 2nd gen android phones never had cameras with more than 8MPixel, it
  worked out for my app.

  But if images are side-loaded (e.g. from a sd-card or downloaded from the
  web), which could be larger than 5 or 9 MPixel, then my app would fail to
  handle these.

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[android-developers] Re: Dialog with no Activity?

2011-06-11 Thread albnok
It plainly looks like it loads an activity that, seeing the intent
passed, loads the dialog or possibly another activity with a
translucent theme.

On Jun 9, 4:35 pm, jtomasko j...@tomasko.net wrote:
 On the xoom tablet (3.1), after selecting a notification of a google
 calendar event, a dialog box (as far as I can tell) opens center
 screen with options to view the calendar event or dismiss it.

 According to my interpetation of the Andriod Dev docs, a dialog needs
 to be activated from an activity, so how is the Google calendar doing
 this?  Even if the calendar is not open (such as just showing the
 desktop), the dialog still shows up.

 I need to do the same... show a dialog from a notification.  Any ideas
 on how the Google calendar made that happen?


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[android-developers] Re: App not compatable with my XOOM

2011-06-08 Thread albnok
I can install your app from web market as well as Honeycomb market
from unrooted Motorola Zoom WiFi in Malaysia.

On Jun 7, 8:43 am, Alchemy alchemyw...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am the developer for the following market apps.  For some reason,
 these apps are not compatible with the XOOM.   I can deploy debug
 versions, and side load the apk just fine on my wifi XOOM.  When I go
 into the developer console for the app, it shows my app as being
 compatable with the XOOM.  However when you try to access the app from
 the market on a xoom it will not download as it says it is not
 compatable with the device.  Here is my manifest file

 Here is the market link to the 

 I have tried different settings for SDK, screen size, folders etc...
 I don't understand why the developer console says it is compatable,
 the app runs on my xoom sideloaded but the market won't let me even
 download it.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
     uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=11 android:targetSdkVersion=12/

     uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET/
     application android:icon=@drawable/playroom_icon
                  android:label=PlayRoom HD Free

 android:launchMode=singleTop android:screenOrientation=landscape
                 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN/
          activity android:name=com.google.ads.AdActivity
     supports-screens android:smallScreens=true
                       android:anyDensity=true /

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[android-developers] Re: Advanced Memory Leak, What could be the cause/How to find it ?

2011-06-05 Thread albnok
Figure out how to get OOME quickly (usually rotating and going in and
out if activities). Comment EVERYTHING out. Test that there is zero
gain. Get a hprof dump when app is freshly loaded, do the rotate and
in and out test, get another dump, compare the histograms (right most
icon in MAT). You may find some extra objects. Click Histogram and
search for the object. Right-click and expand the menus - the one you
need to look for is something like ignore all phantom/soft/weak
references (can't remember exact name since not at workstation). You
may see loads of orphaned objects e.g. Matrix so you'd do m.reset()
instead of m = new Matrix() if you want to reuse it.

Once you have attained zero gain, slowly uncomment blocks of code
until you find your leaks.

On May 14, 12:38 am, olivier olivier.stev...@treebux.fr wrote:

 I am metting an OutOfMemory exception after a while, while inflating
 an XML View with a bitmap.

 The problem occurs after opening many times activities that are using
 many bitmap but always inflated from the XML.

 I check with MAT the Memory.
 First question : I don't retain any of my Activity in memory - If I
 filter on the name of my Activity, i get Objects = 0, but on some
 activities I could see RetainedHeap = 302. Does this indicate a
 leak ?

 After that, I try to compare my memory in different points of time, to
 see the objects that have been created. But I can't find any thing

 My Question is : If I don't retain activities in memory what could be
 the leak reasons ?
 What tools/Method to use to find it ?



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[android-developers] Re: Advanced Memory Leak, What could be the cause/How to find it ?

2011-06-05 Thread albnok
Comment everything out. Make a routine where you rotate and go in and
out of the activity. Start activity fresh, do hprof dump, do the
routine, get another dump. Click Histogram and click the right most
icon to compare to the fresh dump. You may spot some extra objects.
Click Histogram again and search for the extra objects. Right-click
and look for the ignore phantom/weak/soft references (not at
computer, don't remember exact menu). You may find orphaned objects
e.g. Matrix as a result of doing m = new Matrix() when you can reuse
with m.reset(). Aim for zero gain before uncommenting blocks of code
to find the leak(s).

On May 14, 12:38 am, olivier olivier.stev...@treebux.fr wrote:
Comcommentment  Dears,

 I am metting an OutOfMemory exception after a while, while inflating
 an XML View with a bitmap.

 The problem occurs after opening many times activities that are using
 many bitmap but always inflated from the XML.

 I check with MAT the Memory.
 First question : I don't retain any of my Activity in memory - If I
 filter on the name of my Activity, i get Objects = 0, but on some
 activities I could see RetainedHeap = 302. Does this indicate a
 leak ?

 After that, I try to compare my memory in different points of time, to
 see the objects that have been created. But I can't find any thing

 My Question is : If I don't retain activities in memory what could be
 the leak reasons ?
 What tools/Method to use to find it ?



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[android-developers] Re: Advanced Memory Leak, What could be the cause/How to find it ?

2011-06-05 Thread albnok
(Apologies for double-post... Xoom Honeycomb browser crashed twice
upon posting!)

Also an edit to my previous post:
Click Histogram again and search for the extra objects. Right-click
and click Merge Shortest Path to GC Roots and look for the exclude
all phantom/weak/soft etc. references.

You'll want to do the same for the 'fresh' Histogram and see who is
keeping your objects alive. The target is to make the total (at the
bottom) equal on both the fresh and 'after-routine' Histogram.

I have only used this on Android 2.2 and 3.0. It is good to test this
on as many versions as you have access to, as you may find that
certain builds may leak more objects than others (the Galaxy Tab stock
2.2 seems to leak a bit compared to CyanogenMod 7.0.0 on 2.3).

Also, while 3.0 has the very helpful ability to see that your Bitmaps
are leaking as byte[] objects, you can already see if your code is
leaking with 2.2. A leak doesn't have to have a large footprint
especially in 2.2 where a harmless-looking AsyncTask may leak Bitmaps
but show minimal memory use.

On Jun 6, 3:00 am, B Lyon bradfl...@gmail.com wrote:
 what version of android?

 On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 2:51 PM, albnok alb...@gmail.com wrote:
  Comment everything out. Make a routine where you rotate and go in and
  out of the activity. Start activity fresh, do hprof dump, do the
  routine, get another dump. Click Histogram and click the right most
  icon to compare to the fresh dump. You may spot some extra objects.
  Click Histogram again and search for the extra objects. Right-click
  and look for the ignore phantom/weak/soft references (not at
  computer, don't remember exact menu). You may find orphaned objects
  e.g. Matrix as a result of doing m = new Matrix() when you can reuse
  with m.reset(). Aim for zero gain before uncommenting blocks of code
  to find the leak(s).

  On May 14, 12:38 am, olivier olivier.stev...@treebux.fr wrote:
  Comcommentment  Dears,

  I am metting an OutOfMemory exception after a while, while inflating
  an XML View with a bitmap.

  The problem occurs after opening many times activities that are using
  many bitmap but always inflated from the XML.

  I check with MAT the Memory.
  First question : I don't retain any of my Activity in memory - If I
  filter on the name of my Activity, i get Objects = 0, but on some
  activities I could see RetainedHeap = 302. Does this indicate a
  leak ?

  After that, I try to compare my memory in different points of time, to
  see the objects that have been created. But I can't find any thing

  My Question is : If I don't retain activities in memory what could be
  the leak reasons ?
  What tools/Method to use to find it ?



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[android-developers] Re: Activity lifecycle: invoking finish

2011-06-05 Thread albnok
If you've noticed, cleaning stuff up let's say clearing a bitmap or
nulling an image before you call another activity will result in a
temporary blanking out. So onDestroy has to happen after the next
activity is fully drawn. If you use 14mb in Activity A and 14mb in
Activity B on a 16mb heap device you will run out of memory. I use
android:process in the manifest to get around this.

On May 11, 11:12 pm, Vikram vikram.bodiche...@gmail.com wrote:
 This seems to be the order.

 B.onPause() - A.onStart() - A.onResume() -B.onStop() -


 which makes sense!

 On May 12, 10:43 am, Vikram vikram.bodiche...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have two activities A and B. A is in the stopped mode and B is
  running. When I invoke finish() on B, A.onStart() and A.onResume() are
  being invoked before B.onStop() and B.onDestroy().

  Is this normal behavior? I find this a little strange! I want to
  cleanup stuff before I hand over control to B.

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[android-developers] Re: onRestart from Home button or from back button

2011-06-01 Thread albnok
Have Activity B call Activity C using startActivityOnResult(intent,
requestCode), override Activity C's onBackPressed to pass a kill flag
via intent and setResult. In Activity B override onActivityResult and
see if the kill flag is there and the request code matches then call
finish(). So pressing back in C will go to A.

On May 30, 3:22 pm, Fina Perez fina.pere...@gmail.com wrote:
 I thought to use that, but I'm not sure if it's going to work. The
 thing is sometimes I break the normal flow between activities, I
 mean, from activity A I start activity B, and from B, C. But when I
 finish activity C, I go back to the activity A, so I really dont know
 if onStartActivityForResult waits for the result of the activity it
 launched or just for a result.

 On May 26, 7:56 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 3:44 AM, Fina Perez fina.pere...@gmail.com wrote:
   when I press the back button and navigate from one activity to the 
   one inside my app. In this case, I dont need to check anything, but I 
   dont know who to handle this situation.

   any ideas?

  int, android.content.Intent)

  TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
  transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: Orientation problem

2011-05-30 Thread albnok
Google onConfigurationChanged and copy the code that checks if
you're in landscape or portrait, into this. You'd want to save the
time in onCreate in a static variable.

On May 30, 2:16 pm, shanmu nathan win.sha...@gmail.com wrote:
 There is no bug raises when i changing the orientation.. when i changing the
 orientaion the activity is restarted..

 On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 11:32 AM, kaushik p kaushiks...@gmail.com wrote:
  ok Kaushik Pendurthi. Now what is my need is when i changing the
  orientation my apps is work continuesly not from the begining...
   according to my understanding this statement means , you are trying to
  change the orientation while the app is running  try to make set the
  orientations in code for ex : most media players  only open in landscape
  mode no matter which position you hold . 

  Eg.. Normally i run that app in portrait then time picker shows current
  value for instance 12:10. i change some values like 21:12. If i changing the
  orientation the Time picker value also changed to current value thats the
  all i understand here is there is a bug which rises when you do something
  , please be clear , i wont be able to  help even if i want to .

  On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 11:20 AM, shanmu nathan win.sha...@gmail.comwrote:

  ok Kaushik Pendurthi. Now what is my need is when i changing the
  orientation my apps is work continuesly not from the begining...

  Eg.. Normally i run that app in portrait then time picker shows current
  value for instance 12:10. i change some values like 21:12. If i changing 
  orientation the Time picker value also changed to current value thats the

  On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 11:08 AM, kaushik p kaushiks...@gmail.comwrote:

  are you trying to change the orientation when your app is running or at
  the beginning ? Please be more clear when asking questions

  On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 11:02 AM, shanmu nathan 

  Hi guys, Good Morning
                  I need help from yours. I develop one apps that time i
  met one problem. That is when ever i change that orientation my apps 
  from starting i dnt knw how to overcome that problem...
  I wrote separate xml's for portrait and landscape.. can anyone help me
  pls its very urgent...

  With Regards,

  Software Engineer Trainee,
  Citrisys Solution,
  Phone: +91.44.22311173
  Mail To: sayyadu...@citrisys.com

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  Kaushik Pendurthi


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  With Regards,

  Software Engineer Trainee,
  Citrisys Solution,
  Phone: +91.44.22311173
  Mail To: sayyadu...@citrisys.com

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  Kaushik Pendurthi


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 With Regards,

 Software Engineer Trainee,
 Citrisys Solution,
 Phone: +91.44.22311173
 Mail To: sayyadu...@citrisys.com

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[android-developers] Re: Honeycomb Bitmap.createBitmap

2011-05-08 Thread albnok
I found a similiar problem going from the Samsung Galaxy Tab on 2.2
with 48MB heap to a Motorola Xoom on 3.0.1 with 48MB heap.

You may notice that previously if you intentionally made an
OutOfMemoryError, Honeycomb seems to try to allocate twice as much
RAM. As it turns out, Honeycomb defaults to 32 bit bitmaps, so you
might want to override it to 16-bit like:

BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
if (compressColor) o2.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
o2.inPurgeable = true;
o2.inInputShareable = true;
o2.inSampleSize = (int) scale;
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis, null, o2);

The app I am building also uses a big 1280x800 background drawable
defined in XML - I wonder if this is also eating my heap space, and if
so, whether it would be better if I loaded it as a 16-bit Bitmap and
set the background in code!

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