Re: [AOLSERVER] aolserver documentation

2001-05-01 Thread Lamar Owen

Kris Rehberg wrote:
> Rather than having the entire list membership share their opinion over and
> over that the documentation "sucks", please join us and submit corrections
> to the Bug Tracker, Category: "Other:Documentation", Group: "documentation":

Let me go on the record as saying the AOLserver documentation does not

I have seen documentation that sucked -- and I have used AOLserver for
some time, and the documentation has never sucked.  It may not be in the
same tight shape now as it was in 2.1/2.2/2.3 days, but, then again,
there's not the same full-time doc person on the payroll either.

I have seen much worse documentation than the current 3.x set, believe
you me.

So, Kris, the 'entire list membership' doesn't feel that way.  While
everything can stand improvement (and I have seen some improvement in
various areas in the last little while), the documentation could be much
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] Netcraft numbers out.

2001-06-02 Thread Lamar Owen

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 02 June 2001 00:16, you wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 04:45:03PM -0400, Lamar Owen wrote:
> It's still mostly like that, with the difference from 4K to 377K being
> domains hosted by, which all point to 1 AOLserver. Look
> at for one example.

And I wonder how many Apache or IIS sites are in the same category?

I think that the fact that is using AOLserver to serve >100K
domains is _significant_ testimony to AOLserver's capability in this area.
- --
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[AOLSERVER] Netcraft numbers out.

2001-06-01 Thread Lamar Owen

Hash: SHA1

AOLserver's share jumped from 272K to 377K, making AOLserver the number 6
webserver on the net, an increase to 1.35% of the total Netcraft survey.

This is pretty good, compared to a year ago, when AOLserver had about 4K
servers out there and wasn't in the top twenty.
- --
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [AOLSERVER] Netcraft numbers out.

2001-06-01 Thread Lamar Owen

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 01 June 2001 17:11, you wrote:
> On 2001.06.01, Lamar Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is great news.  What I'm curious about are what ARE all these
> sites that are running AOLserver?

Netcraft gives some numbers, but they're very generic.  The raw data would be
nice.  337K was .com, though.  There was a good .uk showing, and a handful of
.am and .ru sites.

To see where AOLserver _was_, all one must do is look down the list to the
NaviServer a super 3.5K.
- --
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [AOLSERVER] nspostgres

2001-06-14 Thread Lamar Owen

On Thursday 14 June 2001 11:56, you wrote:
> Thanks for the tip, but I got the one from already and made
> the tiny fix required.

> It is a very tiny fix...

The one at is unsupported.

The one at is actively supported.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] .ida "code red" worm crashes AOLserver 2.1 on Win 2k

2001-07-20 Thread Lamar Owen

On Friday 20 July 2001 09:41, you wrote:
> Well, how about that -- 21 failures in my log since Monday morn, all with
> the following query:
> /default.ida?NN

I got 78.

No crashes yet.  AS 2.3.3/Linux.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] .ida "code red" worm crashes AOLserver 2.1 on Win 2k

2001-07-20 Thread Lamar Owen

On Friday 20 July 2001 11:58, you wrote:
> Anyway, does anyone know what that request is doing?  It looks short for a
> buffer overflow.

See the advisory. It is
really a buffer overflow in an IIS dll....
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] Which postgres driver should I use?

2001-08-21 Thread Lamar Owen

On Tuesday 21 August 2001 09:33, you wrote:
>  >  But there may be reasons why it's not being
>  >  hosted there that someone can shed light on.

> It was mentioned long ago about moving the source over but it is
> probably that nobody ever got around to actually doing it.

When I had CVS access (which, unless Kris dropped me from the list, I still
have) I went to make an attempt at doing just this.  I quickly realized that
it was best to have the driver in one canonical place.  In fact, I believe
this was discussed at length on this list -- although I may be barking up the
wrong tree. Keeping two separate repositories synced isn't really a wise
move, IMHO.

IIRC I am the one who suggested it be dropped from the AOLserver CVS.  The
reason was that the OpenACS version was under more active development, and
should be considered canonical.

The version available for download from should not be.  (Yes,
that's the end of the thought -- that version should not exist, should not be
used, etc.  The OpenACS version is The One.)

But, if someone else wants to try to do this, be my guest.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver operational issues

2001-09-20 Thread Lamar Owen

On Thursday 20 September 2001 10:39 am, Jim Wilcoxson wrote:
> was happening.  I seem to recall thread startup being 2-3 seconds,
> which is an eternity compared to 2.3.3.

> With 2.3.3, we just bumped maxthreads whenever we were hitting that
> limit a few times a day.  With 3.X, we will have to keep in mind the
> long thread startup time and realize that most of the time it will be
> better for a new request to wait until another thread is finished
> rather than starting a new thread.

My question is: how is AOLserver4 going to handle this?  Is AS4 going to
throwback to 2.3.3's design in this for performance?  This makes our decision
to stick with 2.3.3 here look more attractive  Of course, 2.3.3 had/has
its own problems, but this one is not one of them.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver operational issues

2001-09-20 Thread Lamar Owen

On Thursday 20 September 2001 11:01 am, Peter M. Jansson wrote:
> On Thursday, September 20, 2001, at 10:53 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:
> > to stick with 2.3.3 here look more attractive  Of course, 2.3.3
> > had/has
> > its own problems, but this one is not one of them.

> If you run one or two web nsds per machine, you'll definitely win with
> AOLserver 3 or 4 -- it just works better, has fewer bugs, and Kriston won'
> t yell at you for using obsolete software.

In my current circumstance, I'd be running multiple nsd's under 3.x. A single
2.3.3 nsd handles, oh, about 15 IP addresses here, for our hosted sites as
well as our internal sites.  We're not large enough to dedicate

Due to the many changes from 2.3.3->3.0, 2.3.3 cannot fairly be called
obsolete, as it is still useful for many.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver operational issues

2001-09-20 Thread Lamar Owen

On Thursday 20 September 2001 12:07 pm, Lamar Owen wrote:
> In my current circumstance, I'd be running multiple nsd's under 3.x. A
> single 2.3.3 nsd handles, oh, about 15 IP addresses here, for our hosted
> sites as well as our internal sites.  We're not large enough to dedicate

Incomplete thought, there.  The thought should have been:
We're not large enough to dedicate a whole server machine to each hosted site
or pairs/quads of sites.  And AS 2.3.3 on a PPro 200 with 64MB can handle
15-20 virtual servers on a T1 with aplomb.  We did upgrade the hardware to an
AMD K6-2/500 w/ 256MB earlier this year -- and it just sits and runs happily.

And the Nimda menace didn't cause any problems -- even though we got hit
800,000 times thus far across our hosts.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver 3.4.2, 3.2.1, and NEW DOCS

2001-10-19 Thread Lamar Owen

On Thursday 18 October 2001 05:21 pm, Kriston Rehberg wrote:
> AOLserver 3.4.2 and 3.2.1 have been released along with a totally new
> AOLserver.COM web site with new docs!

> Check it out at


And the sidebar works on my Red Hat Mozilla. :-) (, build 2001090111)

But the fonts are kind of jagged.... :-(
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] Again, Segfault with Aolserver, PHP, SquirrelMail

2001-11-27 Thread Lamar Owen

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 12:22 pm, Dossy wrote:
> On 2001.11.27, Scott Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Frankly, I'm surprised that a bad path would cause a segfault, which
> > leads me to believe that some var or pointer isn't being initialized
> > before use.

> My WAG would be that this is some "keep people from busting out of
> a chroot jail" code that's busted.  The path that PHP is trying
> to canonicalize is of the form "../" and a segfault on that smells
> fishy of things like this.

> RH6 to RH7 made the jump from libc5 to glibc2, right?  Hmm...

No.  RH6 = glibc 2.1
RH7= glibc 2.2 -- 7.1 and 7.2 are kernel 2.4.

The last Red Hat with libc5 was 4.2.  Red Hat 5.0 did the libc5->glibc 2.0
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] linux 2.4 and threading causes panic?

2002-01-22 Thread Lamar Owen

On Tuesday 22 January 2002 02:20 pm, Dossy wrote:
> That should segfault, but if it's inside a thread, memory protection
> in the Linux kernel doesn't seem to stop the thread from hosing memory
> it's not allowed to touch.  That's my guess as to why my box keeps
> panicking, at least.

Trying to stave off the obvious here:  you have at least twice as much swap
as physical RAM, right?  The 2.4.x kernel can die a horrible screaming death
if swap isn't larger than twice RAM -- under many conditions, segfaulting
being one of them.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] building AOLServer with Tcl 8.4a4

2002-03-12 Thread Lamar Owen

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 05:01 pm, atfrost wrote:
> I'm using the SF Tcl source from CVS and the aolserver-3.4.2 source
> from the website.  Any ideas as to what I might be doing wrong?

Yes.  You're not using the AOLserver _CVS_ 4.0 checkout.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] Problems with nsd 2.3.3 on RH 7.2

2002-04-10 Thread Lamar Owen

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 12:38 pm, Janine Sisk wrote:
> This is on 7.2, btw, not 6.2 - on 6.2 it works ok.  On 7.2 it most
> definitely does not.  This site ran ok on Solaris, too - it had some
> problems there but this was not one of them.

7.2's glibc is so much newer than 6.2's that the linkage may be broken.
Binaries linked/compiled under 6.2 usually do _not_ work properly on 7.2.
Even with the compat libraries installed.  The reason seems to be kernel 2.4.

My recommendation would be to downgrade to 6.2 (making sure to install all the
RedHat errata, as a out-of-the-box 6.2 will be rooted within minutes of
coming online) on this server.

I'm working on getting postgresql-7.2.1 RPM's that will install properly on
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] does not work with Netscape 4.77 ?

2002-07-01 Thread Lamar Owen

On Monday 01 July 2002 05:28 pm, Andrew Piskorski wrote:

> The list archives don't seem to be working at all with Netscape 4.77
> (on Linux).  The login page is returned ok, but Netscape renders it as
> a completely blank page.  Neither IE nor lynx have this problem, but,
> it sure is annoying.  Anybody know what's wrong?  And is there a more
> usefull archive of the list anywhere else?  Thanks!

In IE view the page source and see if there is a missing  tag.  Or for
that matter ANY unclosed tag -- TABLE is the biggest offender with Netscape.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver Postgres Driver (2.3.0)

2002-09-28 Thread Lamar Owen

On Saturday 28 September 2002 09:38 pm, Daniel P. Stasinski wrote:
> This should also go on the site (AOLserver Postgres Driver v2.3.0).  Ours
> is still old and crashes the server.

Scott has, I believe, refactored the AOLserver Postgres Driver somewhat.  My
recommendation is to sync the two, and fix the bug that had the patch issued
earlier.  Scott, if you would like I can take a look at that this week.
AFAIK I still have commit privileges on AS CVS on SF.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver and Red Hat 8

2002-10-01 Thread Lamar Owen

On Tuesday 01 October 2002 03:20 pm, Steve Manning wrote:
> Do you  (or anyone) know if these multithreaded benefits are spcific to
> Redhat or some aspect of the kernel they are using. I've just downloaded
> Mandrake 9.0 which is using the 2.4.19 kernel and wondered if these
> changes would be seen here (I'll have a dig around myself but thought
> I'd ask in case the answers already known).

Red Hat's kernel patches may not be the same as Mandrake's.  Red Hat's kernels
have never been anywhere close to 'vanilla' Linus kernels.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver and Red Hat 8

2002-10-02 Thread Lamar Owen

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 11:11 am, Simon Millward wrote:
> As Mandrake is also very fond of claiming they are 100% compatible with
> RedHat this would lead me to suspect that what applies for one also goes
> for the other

> This has tweaked my interest though, so if anyone can provide a
> definitive answer I'd also like to know

The definitive answer will be found in the kernel source RPM (not the
kernel-source RPM, but the kernel .src.rpm).  Compare the patches for each
distribution and see what the differences are.  Install the .src.rpm, and
check the spec file as well as the individual patchsets (found on  Red Hat in
/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES and /usr/src/redhat/SPECS).

Being 100% compatible != having the same kernel patches.

As I don't do Mandrake anymore (my having some bad compatibility problems a
few cycles back, as well as having a close relationship with Red Hat, as well
as maintaining the PostgreSQL RPMset), I can't check the differences myself.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver Project Update

2002-11-07 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 07 November 2002 13:21, Jim Davidson wrote:
> As you may have noticed, we've been making some changes with our management
> of the AOLserver project here at AOL.  Basically, we're applying some
> lessons learned from other successful OpenSource projects such as Apache to
> provide better support for you in the community.  To help you understand
> these changes, I'd like to provide you some background on AOLserver
> including my role in the project.

As an AOLserver/AOLpress (RIP) user since May 1997, I applaud the new
direction this project is taking.  The moves of the last few weeks are
refreshing to me, and reinforce my decision to continue forward with
AOLserver rather than an Apache/PHP cookie-cutter site for WGCR Radio.  We
are in the midst of a redesign/revamp using OpenACS 4, and the direction the
base server takes or doesn't take is critical in my continued justification
of using a fairly arcane and obscure webserver.  My insistence on using this
particular server has come under fire before because the server isn't as
popular as some.

While I don't feel like I should be on core, I do want to continue helping as
I can with development in the future. As the shape of 4.0 develops, I can
focus on how that will impact the PostgreSQL driver, to the point that I may
be able to maintain that.  Maybe I will have the time I would like to have to
do this.

In all honesty, I was beginning to wonder about the wisdom of continuing to
use AOLserver in this application, but the renewed vigor in this area is
nice.  So, today will be the first chat I will attend, as ramifordistat,
because of this rejuvenation.

Jim, many thanks for the explanation, and I look forward to continuing using
this fine server.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

[AOLSERVER] URL case insensitivity.

2002-11-08 Thread Lamar Owen
This may be an obvious one, but I'm trying to move a site over from an IIS
host to an AOLserver one, and the web pages link to mixed-case filenames.
However, the filenames are all actually lower case, meaning I get a lot of

With IIS this works fine. Broken, perhaps -- but it works.  There are several
thousand pages involved, and we want to mirror the two sites.  Changing all
the links is not an option due to many factors. :-(.

I looked through the configuration reference, and didn't see anything
addressing this issue.  Does anyone know of a solution better than storing
the files on a FAT filesystem with Linux doing the case reversion in the
filesystem layer?  Maybe I'm just blind -- but in my five years of running
AOLserver I've never run across having to do this.  Something like 'urlcase
tolower' (modeled after the existent 'headercase' setting) would be nice, but
I didn't see it.  If I've just missed it, I apologize for wasting bandwidth.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] URL case insensitivity.

2002-11-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 08 November 2002 13:05, Patrick Spence wrote:
> From: "Lamar Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > This may be an obvious one, but I'm trying to move a site over from an
> > IIS host to an AOLserver one, and the web pages link to mixed-case
> > filenames. However, the filenames are all actually lower case, meaning I
> > get a lot of 404's.

> There used to be a "custom 404/notfound" handler module for Aolserver that
> would give you the option of having it check for case mismatch as part of
> its worked great.. but I cannot seem to find it anymore..

Apache has mod_speling (sic) that can do this.  I'm somewhat surprised this
isn't a more common thing.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] URL case insensitivity.

2002-11-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 08 November 2002 13:10, Michael A. Cleverly wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Lamar Owen wrote:
> > With IIS this works fine. Broken, perhaps -- but it works.  There are
> > several thousand pages involved, and we want to mirror the two sites.
> > Changing all the links is not an option due to many factors. :-(.

> If you're just serving static HTML, I'd write a pre-auth or post-auth
> filter to take the url, bash it to lowercase, normalize that with respect
> to your page root to find the correct file in the filesystem, then
> [ns_returnfile] it (in the short-term), and fix the links (in the
> long-term).

Hmmm.  Weighing the options, methinks loopback mounting a large file as a
filesystem with the correct mount options will have the best performance, and
be the easiest to set up.  Doing this now, copying all 200MB of files over...
I'll let everybody know how well it works.

I just thought that it was such an obvious thing that someone had done this
already.  Oh well.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] How I'll vote for core team members (long)

2002-11-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 08 November 2002 13:25, Peter M. Jansson wrote:
> here.  Every core team member does not have to have every criterion, but
> the three candidates need to be able to join together, Voltron-like, to

I don't know which is scarier.  The fact he used 'Voltron' in a sentence, or
the fact that I grokked it.  Lengthier reply to criteria later.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] URL case insensitivity.

2002-11-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 08 November 2002 13:26, Rob Mayoff wrote:
> +-- On Nov 8, Lamar Owen said:
> > This may be an obvious one, but I'm trying to move a site over from an
> > IIS host to an AOLserver one, and the web pages link to mixed-case
> > filenames. However, the filenames are all actually lower case, meaning I
> > get a lot of 404's.

> Write a module that provides a Tcl binding for Ns_SetRequestUrl. Then
> use a that to write a Tcl preauth filter that smashes the URL to
> lowercase.

> Or write a module that does the same entirely in C.

That would be my long-term choice.  Unfortunately I don't have time to do that
today.  And the mirrored site needs to be up *today*.  But a C module to do
this is the right way to go for performance reasons.  But the loopback VFAT
filesystem works, once I get it configured right. Grrr.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

[AOLSERVER] [OT] Re: [AOLSERVER] How I'll vote for core team members (long)

2002-11-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 08 November 2002 13:40, Patrick Spence wrote:
> Heheh, my first thought was "but Voltron used 5 lions.. not 3"  :)

Which of the three Voltrons? :-)  There was a Voltron with three parts.

Way off-topic.  Sorry.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] URL case insensitivity.

2002-11-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 08 November 2002 13:43, Jim Wilcoxson wrote:
> Here is a TCL hack to serve files w/o case sensitivity (not tested):

I might give that a whirl later.  The loopback-mount VFAT works, and works
well, as long as you remember VFAT's root directory limits on number of

Basically: nsadmin has uid=501, gid=501:
dd if=/dev/zero of=fs.VFAT bs=1024k count=$number-of-megabytes
mkfs.vfat fs.VFAT
mount -o loop temp-mnt-point fs.VFAT
cp -rv $AOLSERVERHOME/servers/servername/* temp-mnt-point
umount temp-mnt-point

Move the old servername tree out of the way, then edit /etc/fstab to add the
line, assuming $AOLSERVERHOME = /home/nsadmin:
/home/nsadmin/servers/servername/home/nsadmin/fs.VFAT   vfat
loop,uid=501,gid=501,auto 0 0

And mount -a. (or reboot).

Performance is snappy.  And the pageroot's quota is hard-coded in the size of
the loopback mounted file.

I didn't put /home/nsadmin/servers/servername/pages as the mount point due to
too many files in the root directory on this particular site.  I'll just have
to watch the growth of the log files in modules.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] [OT] Re: [AOLSERVER] How I'll vote for core team members (long)

2002-11-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 08 November 2002 16:17, Gabriel Ricard wrote:
> Am I missing something? I only recall the one with the lions and the
> one with the cars.
> What was the other one?

google for 'Albegas'
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

[AOLSERVER] nspostgres 3.5beta1 driver available for testing.

2002-12-14 Thread Lamar Owen
I am pleased to announce a beta testing release of the PostgreSQL driver for
AOLserver.  This driver is the most up-to-date PostgreSQL driver available,
having been derived from the driver in the CURRENT OpenACS CVS.

The driver is available from the files section of the AOLserver SourceForge
site --
is a direct link.

This driver is working well for me on an OpenACS CVS HEAD installation.

If no major problems are found in two weeks, this beta will be promoted to
full release 3.5.

Many thanks to Scott Goodwin in this release.

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

[AOLSERVER] nspostgres 3.5 released.

2002-12-23 Thread Lamar Owen
Having been no bug reports on 3.5beta1, 3.5 is now released.  The only change
from 3.5beta1 is to comments, the README, and the ChangeLog.  No code has

Have the dropping out of postmaster not crash AOLserver (driver fault).
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] nspostgres 3.5 released.

2002-12-24 Thread Lamar Owen
On Monday 23 December 2002 23:51, Marc Spitzer wrote:
> Lamar Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Having been no bug reports on 3.5beta1, 3.5 is now released.  The only
> > change from 3.5beta1 is to comments, the README, and the ChangeLog.
> > No code has changed.

> will this work with the aolserver 4 also?

Honestly I don't know.  I do know that it will compile with the AOLserver 4
headers in the path; I'm not yet up to speed on getting AOLserver 4 running
here.  It will be tested.  When I do test and verify correct operation under
AOLserver4, I'll certainly let everyone know.  If you were to test and verify
before I did, that would be fine, too. :-)

I guess my AOLserver HEAD CVS checkout needs to get some exercise after the
holidays :-)
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] Modules for AS4.0

2003-01-15 Thread Lamar Owen
On Tuesday 14 January 2003 18:31, Brett Schwarz wrote:
> Has the module interface changed in 4.0? I am trying to compile a C
> module I wrote for AS3.5. It compiles fine, but when I try to start AS,
> I get undefined symbol error:

> [14/Jan/2003:15:20:51][14736.1024][-main-] Warning: modload: could not
> load /usr/local/aolserver40/bin/
> /usr/local/aolserver40/bin/ undefined symbol: Ns_DbGetRow
> [14/Jan/2003:15:20:51][14736.1024][-main-] Fatal: modload: failed to
> load module '/usr/local/aolserver40/bin/'

#include nsdb.h
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] Modules for AS4.0

2003-01-15 Thread Lamar Owen
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 11:43, Brett Schwarz wrote:
> I have that already in my source code, otherwise, it wouldn't compile
> ;^)

True enough.  I suffered a massive server meltdown last night, and that was
the first thing I thought of (in my apparently somewhat incoherent state).
As the other poster has mentioned, you'll need to explicitly link with the
nsdb library.  Hmmm.  I need to check nspostgres for that linkage, too.

After I get more coherent.  The short of it: during a load test, my Redhat 8.0
server scribbled tcl code from OpenACS all over my root filesystem.  I don't
think it was an nsd problem; I think the soundcard driver suffered buffer
overruns (while encoding RealAudio with helix producer 9 for Internet
streaming) to the extent that it corrupted enough kernel structures to cause
filesystem problems.  Fortunately I'm a believer in the minimal root
filesystem, and all critical data (except /etc) was on other filesystems,
which did not suffer corruption.

A hexdump (with ascii output) of the raw partition shows random tcl procedure
snippets all over the inode tables of the filesystem.

I got everything restored about 1:30 this morning, and had to be back here
early. Need more coffee.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] nspostgres

2003-02-10 Thread Lamar Owen
On Monday 10 February 2003 11:05, Scott Goodwin wrote:
> Pull the CVS copy of nspostgres -- I believe that one works with
> AOLserver 4.x, but hasn't been packaged for a release yet.

That would be correct.  I probably should package it up, though.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] 4.0 build problems (nsoracle, etc.)

2003-02-17 Thread Lamar Owen
On Monday 17 February 2003 08:42, Jamie Rasmussen wrote:
> This needs to be fixed in most of the database drivers - nsoracle,
> nsodbc, nsmysql, etc.  I know the ACT was working on a document
> describing the (few) changes modules need for 4.0, can anyone comment on
> the status of that?

I did this is the HEAD CVS of nspostgres:
/* NOTE: for OpenACS use, you need to define FOR_ACS_USE! */

#include "ns.h"
/* If we're under AOLserver 3, we don't need some things.
   the constant NS_AOLSERVER_3_PLUS is defined in AOLserver 3 and greater's
   ns.h */

#ifndef NS_DML
#include "nsdb.h"

#include "nstcl.h"
#endif /* NS_AOLSERVER_3_PLUS */

In AOLserver 3, NS_DML is defined in ns.h.  In AS4, it is in nsdb.h.
Likewise, in AS2.3.3 (which I still use on one machine) it is defined as it
is in AS4.

This works in both 3.x and 4.0 as tested here.

I may roll a 4.0beta1 nspostgres later today.

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] 4.0 build problems (nsoracle, etc.)

2003-02-17 Thread Lamar Owen
On Monday 17 February 2003 09:04, Lamar Owen wrote:
> I may roll a 4.0beta1 nspostgres later today.

Later came sooner.  nspostgres-4.0beta1 is released.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [AOLSERVER] Virtual Hosting by Name not IP.

2003-02-21 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 21 February 2003 11:59, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
> I tried the 4.0 because I am just now setting up a site running AOL Server,
> but I could not get the nspostgresql to compile with the 4.0 codebase. Is
> their some trick?

Get the 4.0beta1 nspostgres I released last week.  You also have to make sure
to load separately.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver 4.0 Module Porting Guide now available

2003-03-11 Thread Lamar Owen
On Tuesday 11 March 2003 13:23, Mark Page wrote:
> This document provides technical information which may be useful for
> developers who are porting a AOLserver module from an earlier version of
> AOLserver to AOLserver 4.0.   This document is located under 'C
> Development' of the Documentation section of this site, or by pointing your

Just to pick a nit, the statement about nsdb.h needs a minor edit.  It
currently says "2. New Header file: nsdb.h - containsIn pre-4.0, these
definitions were found in ns.h."  If one is willing to completely forget
pre-3.0, this is a true statment.  Otherwise, rewording it to say "In
3.x, these definitions were found in ns.h." is more correct.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_PgExec looking in wrong place for

2003-03-27 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 27 March 2003 17:53, Tom Jackson wrote:
> I've compiled pgdriver version 2.0.1 with the

Curious as to why the old version

> AOLserver complains:
> ns_PgExec: result status: 7 message: ERROR: Load of file
> /usr/local/pgsql/lib/ failed...

That's the PostgreSQL backend issuing that message.

> Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

What is the SQL you are executing that produces this error?  AOLserver itself
(and the postgres driver) doesn't use, need, or try to load, which
is the handler library for PL/Pgsql and is loaded by the PostgreSQL backend.

> Also postgres was compiled on another machine. For some reason, 7.1.3
> doesn't compile on RH8.0

No, 7.1.3 won't compile on RH8 due to 7.1.3 not being gcc3-compliant.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Ns_PgExec looking in wrong place for

2003-03-28 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 27 March 2003 20:13, Tom Jackson wrote:
> Once I change the setting in the pg_proc table it worked.


> The next issue was an immediate segfault at the same point it was dying
> before, but it turned out to be cause by ns_geturl, nothing db related.
> So I don't know why ns_geturl from aolserver 3.4 would segfault on
> rh8.0. This was also compiled on an older RH.

RH8.0 is not binary compatible with previous Red Hat distributions.  You might
want to recompile AOLserver -- 3.4 will compile fine on RH8.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] mod_aolserver

2003-04-03 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 03 April 2003 11:50, Nathan Folkman wrote:
> Speaking of Apache... Anyone know what happened to mod_aolserver? Can
> someone point me to a place where I can get the source? Thanks!

Up as of two minutes ago.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_eval is EVIL in AOLserver 4

2003-06-06 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 05 June 2003 22:28, Don Baccus wrote:
> The implementation in AOLserver 4 is very, very different.  The script is
> executed then the ENTIRE set of namespaces and procs are saved to the
> server's "tcl.script" pointer.


> One EVIL side effect of this is that some of the standard ns_* Tcl API is
> implemented in Tcl, in some cases using global variables.  So, for
> instance, I have a test case in which the following code:

The other side effect (that we've been seeing complained about lately) is
related to the following in acs-tcl:
00-database-procs-oracle.tcl:global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs-oracle.tcl:global db_state
00-database-procs-oracle.tcl:global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs-oracle.tcl:global env
00-database-procs-oracle.tcl:global env
00-database-procs-postgresql.tcl:global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs-postgresql.tcl:global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs-postgresql.tcl:global db_state
00-database-procs-postgresql.tcl:global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs-postgresql.tcl:global tcl_platform
00-database-procs-postgresql.tcl:global errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:global db_state
00-database-procs.tcl:  global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:  global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:global db_state
00-database-procs.tcl:global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:  global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:  global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:global db_state
00-database-procs.tcl:  global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:  global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:  global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:  global errorInfo errorCode
00-database-procs.tcl:global db_state
00-database-procs.tcl:global db_state
00-database-procs.tcl:# global db_state(handles) is a list of handles that
have been allocated.
00-database-procs.tcl:# global db_state(n_handles_used) is the number of
handles in this list that are

Methinks this could have bad side-effects, particularly if a thread without a
pool and without handles executes ns_eval.  The next invocation of any of the
db_* API could produce the uninitialized pool result 'nsdb0' (I knew I
remembered that from somewhere -- I've seen the nsdb0 result before when a
pool wasn't properly initialized (way back when the PostgreSQL driver was
being beta tested for PostgreSQL 6.2.1, and AOLserver was at 2.2)).

Maybe I'm wrong, but I did trace through all of that code, and the only way I
could see ns_pg_bind getting passed a table name of nsdb0 was through
something external to the thread changing the global state variable
'db_state'.  Now maybe I'm not grokking it correctly, but the proc
'db_with_handle' is mixing state between a global and an nsv (through a call
to db_nth_pool_name, which uses the nsv 'db_available_pools').

Again, maybe I'm off-base a little, but I went through the code the other day
(after Mohan's report of a driver issue, which isn't really a driver issue)
and determined that the code paths in AOLserver 3.x and AOLserver 4.x for
pool creation, handle availability and creation, and the various data
structures between the database driver, the pool API, and the handle API
hadn't changed in a significant way.

But this behavior of ns_eval could explain that problem, depending upon the
timing of its execution, as well as where the ns_eval was used.

So, when a patch for OpenACS that doesn't use ns_eval is ready, those of you
who have problems with the nsdb0 stuff, if yu could please determine whether
the elimination of ns_eval fixes it.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_eval is EVIL in AOLserver 4

2003-06-06 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 06 June 2003 11:50, Don Baccus wrote:
> On Friday 06 June 2003 08:12 am, Lamar Owen wrote:
> > The other side effect (that we've been seeing complained about lately) is
> > related to the following in acs-tcl

> I didn't bother mentioning these because I thought pointing out the problem
> with ns_getform would get people's attention :)

Excellent point.  I just wanted to correlate, since the driver was initially
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] nspostgres driver on Debian won't make

2003-05-27 Thread Lamar Owen
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 13:10, Tom Brown wrote:
> As a consequence I am having difficulty installing nspostgres. I just
> finished one round of altering the Makefile ($NSHOME path) which helped
> overcome several "can't find file or directory" type errors. Here is the
> current roadblock.

>nspostgres.h:45: libpq-fe.h: No such file or directory

Make sure 'postgresql-dev' is installed.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] postgres_driver: cannot connect to localhost:80:test

2003-05-29 Thread Lamar Owen
On Wednesday 28 May 2003 22:46, Tom Brown wrote:
> Getting a postgres driver error. Can't connect. Appears not able to find
> server and db. Tail of aolserver log below.
2 [-conn0-] Error: Ns_PgOpenDb(postgres_driver):  Could not connect to
> localhost:80:test:  could not connect to server: No such file or directory

Use localhost:5432:test, not localhost:80:test for your datasource.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] postgres_driver: cannot connect to localhost:80:test

2003-05-30 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 29 May 2003 10:06, Tom Brown wrote:
> The offending line from the server configuration file was originally
> "ns_param datasource  HOSTNAME:PORT:database_name". It didn't work either.
> Was the syntax wrong? Or the variables not defined? How do you know to use
> port 5432?

The PORT in the datasource parameter is the port number postmaster is
listening to.  In the default case that's 5432.

The variables weren't defined, since you could have a large web site pulling
data from multiple database servers, on multiple postmasters (ports), and
multiple database names.

That _used_ to be in the documentation -- but it's been a long time since I've
looked (a long time in this instance means five years or more, since I last
needed that information in 1997 for AOLserver 2.2.1).

I can, however, put that information (along with much needed general updates)
in the README file in the nspostgres distribution.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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[AOLSERVER] nsdb0 handle and id (Was: Re: [AOLSERVER] postgres driver problem)

2003-05-30 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 29 May 2003 06:38, Mohan Pakkurti wrote:
> I am trying to use the postgres driver with aolserver 4.0
> and get the following error. Does this make any sense? Is
> this some know bug? :) The same code works ok with aolserver3.

Ok, this error is occuring during initialization of OpenACS.  Can you send the
nsd.tcl file that belongs to this?

Jonathan Ellis reported a similar problem.  In his case, opening nscp, and
executing ns_db gethandle returned nsdb0.

I don't think it's a driver problem.  But I'm looking into it.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] nsdb0 handle and id (Was: Re: [AOLSERVER] postgres driver problem)

2003-05-30 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 29 May 2003 18:57, tammy wrote:
> I think this is an OACS issue... see
> and related


So, Jonathan and Mohan, update to AOLserver 4b8 and Tcl 8.4.3 and see if the
error remain.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] nsdb0 handle and id (Was: Re: [AOLSERVER] postgres driver problem)

2003-05-30 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 29 May 2003 19:03, Vinod Kurup wrote:
> On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 06:29  PM, Lamar Owen wrote:
> > Ok, this error is occuring during initialization of OpenACS.  Can you

> I was getting a similar error, documented in this thread:


Interesting.  Your log is from Oracle, not PostgreSQL, thus vindicating the
driver... :-)

However, it seems that if ns_eval is causing this, then something is awry with
ns_eval somewhere.

The pool name is gleaned from an nsv, though.  Which beta first had the nsv
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] [ aolserver-Feature Requests-746579 ] Server instance controller process

2003-06-01 Thread Lamar Owen
On Saturday 31 May 2003 20:03, Tom Jackson wrote:
> Andrew Piskorski wrote:
> >Zoran, I disagree.

> Me too! It sounds like a more native way of controlling the process. I
> can't count the number of cases of reported failure to properly install
> and setup daemontools to work.

Zoran, if votes count, I vote that your patch be integrated (possibly as a
configure option.  --with-controller-process or something).  I like this
simple, easy, native method that doesn't require any other work.  Nice.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLServer4 head with OpenACS v??

2003-06-04 Thread Lamar Owen
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 01:35, No Name wrote:
>  - postgresql 7.2.1

There are important data-corrupting bugs in this release.  You should upgrade
to 7.2.4 (no dump/restore required for a minor version update).
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Postgresql Schema Support

2003-10-09 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 03 October 2003 01:47 pm, Jon Griffin wrote:
> Does the PG driver support the schema additions to PG > 7.3? I can't seem
> to make it work.

Hmmm.  I'll have to check to see what will be required.  Hadn't thought about
that one...
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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[AOLSERVER] Mention of AOLserver in Feb 2004 Linux Journal.

2004-01-08 Thread Lamar Owen
There is a good, if inconspicuous, mention of AOLserver in the Feb LJ.  On
page 46, in the feature on the Magnatune record label, the statement is made:
"Apache 2 running PHP and OpenSSL serves all the HTML pages.  When Magnatune
was Slashdotted, I found that Apache could not keep up with the load for
images.  All HTTP image requests now are off-loaded to AOLserver, which had
the lowest latency to serve images at high speeds."  Later: "Mathopd [which
they use to serve the very large streaming audio files] has more latency than
AOLserver, which is why we don't use it to serve small images."

Wow, somebody who really uses the right tool for each job.  Apache for the
HTML and PHP stuff, AOLserver for machine-gunning images out, and Mathopd for
serving very large files at high speeds.

But it is a NICE mention of AOLserver.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Trouble compiling oracle driver 2.6 for RH Linux 3ES and Oracle 9i

2004-02-05 Thread Lamar Owen
On Wednesday 04 February 2004 08:25 am, Dossy wrote:
> And can I say that if we don't have the time to update the posted
> tarballs in the Files section, that for modules where we KNOW the posted
> file is no longer good, to DELETE the file from the Files section so
> people can't download it?

Along those lines, I've rolled a 4.0 release and tarball for nspostgres.  This
one has the makefile changes that previously were only in CVS.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] new DB API? Re: [ aolserver-Bugs-474556 ]

2004-06-30 Thread Lamar Owen
On Tuesday 29 June 2004 06:54, Dossy wrote:
> The design is in progress and under discussion -- limited to the people
> who I chat with on a regular basis.  I'm working on it, in my spare
> time.

> So, this time around, I'm just going to keep quiet, work on it, and when
> it's done, I'll release it.  Then, people can give real and concrete
> feedback about something that really exists ...

Jim and I had a short discussion a few years back about a potential new DB

However, can you clarify exactly *which* DB API you are talking about?  Is
this the driver  API, or the user-exposed API?  What do you think will be
needed to be changed in the database drivers themselves?   The comments I
remember seeing you make were mostly the user-exposed API portions, but I
would kindof like to know, since I will need to rewrite/modify nspostgres

As to the user-exposed API, I really think the low-level OpenACS API (not
the .xql stuff, but the level below that) is a pretty good model.  But that's
one of those 'everyone has a different opinion' items :-)

One of the items on my wishlist is a callback into the driver if the
connection is dropped on the HTTP side, so that I can abort an in-process
transaction or statement.  I have an open bug on this topic; however, I have
not found a way from within the driver to address this issue.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] [DEV] Changing required autoconf version

2004-07-21 Thread Lamar Owen
On Wednesday 21 July 2004 14:40, Dossy wrote:
> On 2004.07.21, John Caruso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > That's a RedHat 9 RPM, not an Advanced Server 2.1 RPM.

> Excuse my RedHat ignorance, but could you explain the difference?  Will
> this RPM not install on RHAS 2.1 at all?  Is it because of unmet
> dependencies, or something else?

RHAS 2.1 is based off of RH 7.2, which is substantially older than RHL9.
However, the RHL7.3 version SRPMS should rebuild with little to no problems:
for the source rpm to feed rpmbuild --rebuild.  The 7.3 RPM itself might
install with no problems on RHAS2.1.  The advantages of this RPM is that it
can coexist with the 2.13 version; you call it as autoconf-253 instead of
just autoconf (I've had to deal with this with PostgreSQL).
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 04 February 2005 16:34, Tom Jackson wrote:
>  C. Working examples of database integration, expecially ODBC and if
> possible MySQL.

> Other examples are mentioned as foreign: OACS, for instance. Note that ACS,
> and OACS are responsible for a large percentage of users, and these
> projects contributed the oracle driver and the postgres driver. AOL itself
> has done nothing to advance database integration, and the base nsdb module
> remains incomplete. If these drivers didn't exist, my interest in this
> project would be zero (0).

Being that I'm one of the ones responsible, let me make it very clear that the
current nspostgres driver is a derivative work from the ACS/pg (OpenACS)
postgres driver, which is IN TURN a derivative of the original Postgres95
example driver written by Jim Davidson for AOLserver 2.x long long ago.  I
have been involved in that driver since AOLserver 2.2.1 and PostgreSQL 6.2.1
and tested the beta driver for AS2.2.1 for AOL long long ago (still have the
e-mails, too).

HOWEVER, the AS 2.x docs were and are much better than anything since.
Basically everything you mention, Tom, was addressed fully in the AS2.x docs.
I still have the AS2.3.3 doc set somewhere in PDF form.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 Peter 4:11

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[AOLSERVER] Filename Problem, AS 4.0.9.

2005-02-21 Thread Lamar Owen
I was demoing a network install of CentOS 4 for a LUG InstallFest Saturday
(installing a server over VNC using an HTTP install) and was hosting the
installation repository on an AOLserver 4.0.9 instance (that also happens to
be an OpenACS instance, but that shouldn't be an issue, should it?).  The
installation crashed on one particular RPM, libstdc++-3.4.3-9.EL4.i386.rpm.
If you wget
you will see why; it returns the text 'File Not Found' as the actual file
instead of the file (that is actually THERE on the server).  AOLserver does
NOT return a 404, either.  Here is the result of a test:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lowen]$ wget -S
   => `libstdc++-3.4.3-9.EL4.i386.rpm'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
 1 HTTP/1.0 200 OK
 2 Set-Cookie:
Path=/; Max-Age=1200
 3 Last-Modified: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 15:39:48 GMT
 4 MIME-Version: 1.0
 5 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 16:06:00 GMT
 6 Server: AOLserver/4.0.9
 7 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
 8 Content-Length: 15
 9 Connection: keep-alive

100%[=>] 15

11:12:26 (146.48 KB/s) - `libstdc++-3.4.3-9.EL4.i386.rpm' saved [15/15]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lowen]$ cat libstdc++-3.4.3-9.EL4.i386.rpm
File not [EMAIL PROTECTED] lowen]$

-r--r--r--1 root root  1197715 Feb 15

I had tried updating through yum before on a repository hosted on
AOLserver/OpenACS when I was running it on a SPARC box, and had attributed it
to being on a SPARC box.  But the current box is Intel.

Same thing works fine on a Apache install.

Works fine for a different RPM, too:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lowen]$ wget -S
   => `libsoup-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
 1 HTTP/1.0 200 OK
 2 Set-Cookie:
Path=/; Max-Age=1200
 3 Last-Modified: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 20:18:40 GMT
 4 MIME-Version: 1.0
 5 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 16:24:46 GMT
 6 Server: AOLserver/4.0.9
 7 Content-Type: text/plain
 8 Content-Length: 229463
 9 Connection: keep-alive

100%[=>] 229,463

11:31:11 (8.43 MB/s) - `libsoup-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm' saved [229,463/229,463]


Any ideas?
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 Peter 4:11

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Filename Problem, AS 4.0.9.

2005-02-21 Thread Lamar Owen
On Monday 21 February 2005 12:59, Tom Jackson wrote:
> On Monday 21 February 2005 09:24, Steve Woodcock wrote:
> > That's the OpenACS request processor standard behaviour for
> > file-not-founds these days. Not sure what version it started doing
> > this in. I've been meaning to fix it on my site and submit a patch but
> > haven't got round to it.

> If that is the standard behavior, I think my modified directory listing
> proc (for use with OACS) might work.

Well, the standard directory lister DOES show the file in question, but when
you click on the link it returns file not found.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 Peter 4:11

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Filename Problem, AS 4.0.9.

2005-02-21 Thread Lamar Owen
On Monday 21 February 2005 12:53, Bernd Eidenschink wrote:
> Looks exactly like bug number 972994,

> Quote: "To reproduce, try to download an RPM package such as:
> libstdc++-3.3.2-1.i386.rpm." :-)

Yeah, looks like.  Dossy was chasing that bug last September.  Dossy?  Is this
fixed in 4.0.10?  In my case, I can't use the workaround since the http
request is being sourced by the anaconda installer itself.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] oacs pg driver for aolserver 4

2005-03-14 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday 03 March 2005 13:16, Dan Chak wrote:
> And on another note... Will this driver ever be merged with the
> "official" postgres driver available on

The 'official' postgres driver is nspostgres in sourceforge/ CVS.
Please read the Makefile for instructions regarding compiling for OpenACS

There is only one 'official' nspostgres, and it is based off the OpenACS
version with tweaks for AOLserver 4 or AOLserver 3 usage and ACS additions.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 Peter 4:11

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[AOLSERVER] Archiv on old AOLserver version.

2006-06-12 Thread Lamar Owen
Ok, I'm going to ask a stupid question.  I have inherited a server at a site 
that is still running AOLserver 2.3.3 on it, and one that heavily uses the ad 
hoc query funtions and templates.  I needed to reinstall 2.3.3 on a virtual 
machine on CentOS 2.1 hosted using VMware on CentOS4.  So I'm looking for an 
archive of the old; does anyone have such a  beast?

I wish the source for 2.x had been released; it would make a number of things 
much simpler.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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Re: [AOLSERVER] does aolserver run on IBM server

2006-12-02 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 01 December 2006 13:12, Iuri Sampaio wrote:
> I’d like to know if it’s possible to install aolserver on a IBM S390
> generation 5 without pain. I have this mainframe and I’m not quite sure if
> it’s safe to have aolserver on it

What OS are you running on your s390?

I have a surplus s390 here, but haven't tried to build AOLserver on it.  It's 
running Linux.

With the stock s390 OS's, there should be no problem whatsoever; you are not 
at all likely to crash VM with a userspace app.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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[AOLSERVER] AOLserver 2.3 tcl code.

2007-02-13 Thread Lamar Owen
You know, with all the toolkits out there, no one has done as good of a job as 
AOLserver 2 did for ad hoc database queries and forms.  Is there any chance 
of seeing this code from this ancient but worthy version open-sourced (I 
think I asked once before five or six years ago, but don't remember the 
answer)?  I have a client where a large part of teh app is using the ad hoc 
forms, and, frankly, it JUST WORKS.  Works well, works reliably, and just 
works.  They don't need anything more fancy.  But they do need something more 
modern that can run on a later OS and use a later database.  It shouldn't 
take much work to make this work with AOLserver 4.

This client neither wants nor needs OpenACS for this simple of a task.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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Re: [AOLSERVER] nspostgres-4.1 released

2007-09-05 Thread Lamar Owen
On Tuesday 26 June 2007, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> A new version of the nspostgres module is now available for download at
> SourceForge, nspostgres-4.1.
> In this version, Jim Lynch made some improvements to the build process,
> and cleaned up the error reporting code.

And looks to have done a fine job.  Thanks, Jim!
Lamar Owen
Chief Information Officer
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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Re: [AOLSERVER] nspostgres-4.1 released

2007-09-06 Thread Lamar Owen
On Wednesday 05 September 2007, Jim Lynch wrote:
> Lamar,
> Thanks for testing, thanks for the success report and the shout out :)

Sure.  I'm glad somebody decided to pick it up; I've not run OpenACS is some 
time now, and really didn't have the need or time to further maintain the 
PostgreSQL driver.  
Lamar Owen
Chief Information Officer
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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Re: [AOLSERVER] apology

2008-04-25 Thread Lamar Owen
On Monday 21 April 2008, Rusty Brooks wrote:
> Plus I think there's basically no one else.

> I'd say 90% of the AOLServer expertise in the world is contained in this
> list.  That might be a conservative estimate.

This list plus the OpenACS community plus the naviserver fork's lists likely 
contain 100% of the AOLserver expertise.

This is also the busiest this list has been in a long time.  While I no longer 
run OpenACS in production, I do still have several AOLserver installs going 
strong.  Some of them are AOLserver 2.3.  Yes, AOLserver is just that stable; 
those servers have been running over ten years and are still getting active 
(internal) use.
Lamar Owen

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