Re: [art] New task for the Art Project? Create high quality clipart galleries!

2009-07-25 Thread Austin Martin
I'd be glad to help as much as I possibly can with my limited time.

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

 Hi all,

 the website project discusses a way to present extensions
 more prominently on the website.

 One of the four main topics among these extensions are cliparts that can be
 integrated in the program's gallery that is quite poor in comparison to the
 cliparts in MS Office.

 What do you think about creating new clipart galleries?

 They can presented for download on the wiki, and if we consider them to be
 good enough to become official, they should be moved to an official artwork
 gallery and might be integrated in the core program in a second step.

 IMHO this might be an excellent opportunity for us to take a quite
 important task for the program as well as to improve the Art Project's
 position in the OOo community.

 Do you think we could manage such a task?

 It would consist of several steps:

 - creation of the artwork
 - integrating it in a new clipart gallery in OOo
 - creating an extension for easy integration by the user

 Clipart under Public Domain is available at the project at
 Step two is a bit tricky as OOo doesn't import all complex vector files
 without any problem, but I managed it for quite a number of files from the
 clipart contest in 2006, so I'm confident that I remember how it worked.
 For step three I'm going to provide a short how-to in the wiki.

 There are a few extensions available already at the extension website and
 at the PrOOo-Box the de-project provides: (sorry, German text)

 Does anybody know about other clipart extensions?

 What are your thoughts in general?

Re: [art] Draft for new Additional Gallery Wiki page

2009-05-10 Thread Austin Martin
Hey, Bernhard, all

It looks a lot better, the only suggestion now is if you can make the table
be in the center and about 100% of the width (maybe 90%)..

Great Work,
Austin Martin

Re: [art] Added wallpapers (OOo Wallpaper Contest from OpenSourcePal in 2006)

2009-04-28 Thread Austin Martin

Very nice Bernhard. I'll eventually start moving in some other things (and
truly finish the reorganization) once a few projects are completed.

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Finished VOTE for Official Artwork - CD labels

2009-04-22 Thread Austin Martin
Hey, Bernhard, all

I saw a problem with the CD art, but instead of hijacking the voting thread,
I felt it was better to do it later. Therefore, I will do it here since you
are asking if everything is ok. The problem is with the reflection
gradients, is that some are blue, but others are the dot color. For example,
the yellow (draw) dot reflection is yellow, but the purple-reddish (base)
dot reflection is blue.

The three ways of fixing this would be:
- using the colors of the non-reflected part, or dot like the draw dot.
- using blue like in the base dot.
- or combining blue and the dot colors.

I have a version of the using the colors of the non-reflected part
solution, however I haven't uploaded it to the wiki.

Sorry for waiting after you uploaded them to the website and the hassle if
you have to redo it.

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Please comment all: Shall the CD/DVD artwork become official? [was: New draft for OOo3 CD/DVD labels]

2009-04-19 Thread Austin Martin
Hey Bernhard, all

Other than changing the dot colors I think they are fine, and should become


Re: [art] VOTE for Official Artwork - CD labels

2009-04-19 Thread Austin Martin

2nd one as well, though I agree it is hard to see the writer dot.

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Re: OOo2 colors used in the splash screen for OOo3

2009-04-14 Thread Austin Martin
Hey, Bernhard, all

On this page:,
you showed the source files:

I'm just wondering if you could change the 3 from text to a vector.. because
whenever I go to that link, it just shows an ugly 3. (Which if I know
anything about this stuff is because I don't have the font).

If your able to thanks, if not it is no problem.
Austin Martin

Re: [art] OOo2 colors used in the splash screen for OOo3

2009-04-13 Thread Austin Martin
Hey everyone,

I actually like Jens idea very well too, later I might make a proposal as
well as long as everyone is doing it.
One problem with your design is I must say is that the Writer and OOo Main
App aren't very well represented being so far off on the left, out of

However As far as this:

The coloured dots to represent Mime types doesn't make sense to me. I know
 it's an abstract way of representing something intangible, but there are no
 circles anywhere else in OOo materials. If they were vertical rectangles you
 could say they are representative of paper files, one from each program
 (I'm not saying changing them to rectangles is the solution). - Nikash

It doesn't truly make sense to me either, and to be honest I liked Ivan M's
proposal better..

I tried to find out the right color for the main application icon - I
 extracted #4789CA for the brighter part on the right side. In version OOo2
 the main icon had just one color - now it's different: the left side is
 darker (and nearer to the previous main icon), the same color in all
 mimetype icons. I used this color #1F405E for the first colored point.

 I asked Stella Schulze for the right RGB values (and sent a copy of this
 mail to this list), so I hope we can use the official values soon. -

Sounds good.

This proposal looks good, but I don't think that we should modify the Splash
 Screen design as it has been the result of a contest voted for by the entire community.

 Even if we like another design better, we should respect the community's
 decision. - Bernhard

Yea, this is a difficult issue, because the whole community has made the
decision (or atleast that's what you said because I wasn't there at the
time). What I think we should do is get the updated colors in while we can
for 3.1. Then, though a far way away (Sept. 09), we could focus on getting a
better splash screen in OOo 3.2.

The Splash Screen a decision by the entire community and a
 result of a contest. I feel bound to this decision - perhaps for 4 we should think about providing such a contest at all. -

If you meant that to say not providing such a contest at all.  The main
problem with entire community based decisions, is that though they have the
best in mind, they might not know much about visual design, or a consistent
interface. Which may tend to make them not make the best decision. Possibly
we could have a community vote, and a designers vote, and then work from

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Art Project Home Page Proposal:

2009-04-10 Thread Austin Martin
Hey all, Bernhard,

Ok, I changed it, the Art Template and Art Project Wiki Home. I think it
looks good, but it's definitely open to discussion.  When we reorganize the
wiki (which I still am wanting approval before I do), we will need to change
the links on the Art Template of course.

Hope you like it,
Austin Martin

Re: [art] Art Project Home Page Proposal:

2009-04-10 Thread Austin Martin
Hey, all, Van

Somehow I expected a message like that, please elaborate on: What?! that

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Creative design/writing for

2009-04-09 Thread Austin Martin
Hello, Grant, all

Other main projects that* I* know of are:

- *Website Redesign* (Seen here:

- *Wiki Redesign* (Right now we have a couple of proposals seen here: and
which are fairly similar as far as I'm concerned.

- *Art Updating* (OOo 2 into OOo 3) (including the CD/DVD page which
Bernhard mentioned.)

- *Artist's Sandbox* (a reference for many design elements of OOo so that
people have a single resource for creating artwork, still in development but
seen here on the wiki:

- *Gathering Artwork* (mainly from the IssueZilla (task system, seen here:, follow the link
at #5), and Native Lang projects.)

- *Updating the Style Guide*, Current style guide created for OOo 2, located
here, Direct Link:
indirect link:

Austin Martin,
Fairly new as well.

Re: [art] New draft for OOo3 CD/DVD labels

2009-04-07 Thread Austin Martin
Hey all, Bernhard,

As far as the CD Label goes, I think that the 3rd version was fine without
any additions or modifications.
(This one:

Austin Martin

Re: [art] New draft for OOo3 CD/DVD labels

2009-04-05 Thread Austin Martin
Hey all, Bernhard

I think it looks much better.

Another thing to do on the side is instead of having the logo, is just have
the birds.
But either way it looks good.

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Another website/wiki structure proposal:

2009-04-04 Thread Austin Martin
Hey all,
Reopening this thread,

Anyone have a problem with me starting this format:

No one else has said anything to add, and Bernhard and I have the fairly
same idea (after some things were sorted), so I would like to get started
with this. (But won't rush if someone has something else to say.)

Austin Martin

Re: [art] New draft for OOo3 CD/DVD labels [was:Opinions about OOo3 CD label drafts? ]

2009-03-31 Thread Austin Martin
Hey Bernhard, all

Towards the new DVD envelope cover with text (
- Personally I think that the text should be justified, so that it is more
- In the description, we might want to include the Math app too. Standard
(in left block) has a dash in it, stan-dard. Speech (in right block) is
spelled speach.  Install (right block), is spelled in-stall.
- Also I think the OOo logo with the side sliver should be in the center.
- The margins probably need to be lined up they kind of slope \ way and /

Overall really nice though, and I think all of this text still applies to
OOo3, so we don't *need *to change it.

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Artwork Developer Sandbox SVG:

2009-03-30 Thread Austin Martin
Hey Bernhard,

 If I compare the RGB values with
 I see different values.

  I don't know if Stella used the Galaxy colors for the final version of
 Where did you get the values from?

The problem here is that I used the color picker to get the color of the
image line, unfortunately the color of that line is not the same as what it
says, and from that I looked them up using Inkscape.. or that Inkscape
interprets the color differently, which might be a more logical answer. (by
the way nice I might of never noticed .)

I'll be changing the colors to match the RBG codes (For all of the color
boxes), one problem is that I don't know the Official colors of the logo, and therefore can't add those (although I'm pretty sure
the Open part is pure black..)

 Seems as if Chart hasn't reached the status of an application: together
 with the Macro module it is listed here, but only as document icons:

Yea.. do you think I should include these colors but say that they aren't

In total I think we just need to ask Stella, so that we know these are the
right colors, get the other colors, don't get anyone confused, and or worse
make them creating artwork using incorrect colors, and such. (Are you going
to contact Stella or should I?)

 I don't know about it's license - probably it's proprietary.
 I'd prefer an open license for the sandbox file (LGPL?), so this might be
 included as link. If you know better about the license, please tell me. -

It is under fair use so do you think we should include it? and if so do
you think we should put a small message saying: This object can only be
used in fair use or something like that.

For some information on fair use check out these links:
also an interesting point to make:

Austin Martin

[art] Addressing projects, OOo Art Project Logo?

2009-03-30 Thread Austin Martin
Hello All,

I know we have a lot of projects (here is a list that I know of):

- Website Redesign (new_index.html)
- Wiki Redesign
- Art Updating (OOo 2 into OOo 3) (including Bernhard's CD/DVD page)
- Artist's Sandbox
- Gathering Artwork
- Updating Style Guide (which I plan to do a little bit with that I can..)

But what I'm wondering is should the Art Project have a logo? Considering it
is the art project..

Other questions about this are:
Should it be switched up every so often? (To encourage everyone).
Should it have a theme? (All images have paintbrushes or pencils in them.)

Sidenote: Please tell me if your working on something else related to the
Art Project, I would like to know.

With Gratitude,
Austin Martin

[art] Artwork Developer Sandbox SVG:

2009-03-28 Thread Austin Martin
Hello Everyone, Ivan M

If any of you don't know, Ivan M suggested an Artist's Development Sandbox
on the first Report I made.

 Ivan M wrote:
  However, I had also hoped that we could also create a kind of
 beginners toolbox - a compressed file that new members can download,
 which contains common graphical elements to get them started - a
 vector copy of the OOo logo, color pallets, etc [...]

I said this back:

 Austin Martin wrote:
 If you don't mind I think I will make a rough draft of this page, I know I
 need to make a SVG page with the work bench material but should I also
 make a PNG version?

I collected a view things and now I have created the SVG version at this
(Direct Link:

Wanted to let everyone know, and put it up for feedback. Please suggest any
other graphics that I need to include.

Austin Martin

[art] Receiving Mail?

2009-03-28 Thread Austin Martin
Hello All,

I am just wondering if you guys are receiving my mail, because I'm never
sure when I get the problem..
A single response is fine.

Austin Martin

[art] Austin Martin's Report - Important #3:

2009-03-27 Thread Austin Martin
*Hello Everyone,**

*Third one of these, smaller than the 1st or 2nd, but maybe more important
than both..

*Reporting All the Changes I Have Made:

- Image created
- This is my proposal for the gutting, cleaning, and creating the new Art
Project Wiki. (I haven't read Bernhard's post thoroughly, which just got
sent to me.) Please give me feedback on this. Also note that the artwork
proposals will have the Proposals/ added to them and they will be in that

- Moved the additional artwork gallery thing here, but still need to
change/move the directory of the other subpages.
- Right now it seems stupid considering that:
 1.) The contents box is weirdly organized.
 2.) The proposals are pushed to the bottom..
- A two column (I think that is possible), would be the best solution I

*Further Plans:*

- Reconstruct the entire Wiki to the Art Project new directory proposal (I
made .). And I'll come out with a large list (Report #4) of killed pages
in the making, lol.

- Change this so that it goes along with the Art Project new directory
- I would also like to add something like this to the template:, which actually uses this
template:, Or only have this on
the template, and just add a small thing at the top formatted much the same
as the bottom, but smaller.

Anything else not on this list is here:

Official Wiki Manager? lol.
Austin Martin

Re: [art] unsubscription of a list member not receiving our mails

2009-03-27 Thread Austin Martin
 I received error mails from the mail address every time I sent a mail to the list.

Yea this is happening to me too...

[art] Austin Martin's Report #2:

2009-03-25 Thread Austin Martin
*Hey Everyone,
Just another one of these things, not as long this time..*

Reporting All the Changes I Have Made:*

- Basically made the entire page, it is best to go to the site and see it.

- Added the page, I added it because it seemed like a logical thing to do so
that there is a place to develop ideas and artwork. (One other than mailing
list of course..)

- Added sections.

- Added pages, made guidelines..
- Added logos in logo section (from renaissance project)

- Added myself. (Put something other than contributor. :P)

*Further Plans:*

- Add sortable tables

Maybe other things once I think of them..

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Austin Martin's Report #2:

2009-03-25 Thread Austin Martin

  - Added the page, I added it because it seemed like a logical thing to
 do so
  that there is a place to develop ideas and artwork. (One other than
  list of course..)
  - Added sections.
  - Added pages, made guidelines..
  - Added logos in logo section (from renaissance project)

 We already have all the logo proposals on the Gallery page, so I think
  adding the logos in on the logo section was unnecessary - maybe it
  would be better if the Gallery pages had the final version at the top
  of the page, followed by others' proposals?
  Ivan M

Let me clarify if what I think you are saying, you are.  You think the
additional artwork page should be moved into the gallery page, and that it
would be the same just in a single place?

*If so:*
I agree, the only reason I made the directory like that is because someone
made it and that wiki page before me, to be honest.

Also the main reasons I use the Art/Website/** pages is because
1.) They are already there.. and so they might as well be used or deleted..
(which might be a pain for a sysops)
2.) They are a way that I can design how I think this should go.

*Also* I would like to ask everyone the mailing list about this idea:
I think the main page should have buttons (with images) on the front upper
part, where it lists the other main places in the wiki.  The buttons would
have an image related (such as Art - Paintbrush  Paper or Security a Lock)
and then a little below say the actual title. Overall I think this would
just improve the look of the wiki front page. (Maybe making it more
appealing to click one of those links too, or get involved with the wiki.)

Thanks for the responses, it seems like this is a good thing to do (the
Report), so I'll continue the thing.
Austin Martin.

[art] Re: Austin Martin's Report: Changes, Questions, Comments, etc.

2009-03-22 Thread Austin Martin
Hey Everyone, thanks for the comments..

 - Might make a table so that people can list tasks that need artwork..

 This page might be duplicating the page.. or it might not.
The ToDo page is badly outdated (another case of copying and pasting a page
from 2006 to have some filler content) and could do with an update. In fact,
it could become the open tasks page. Or itcould become a wishlist, while
open tasks becomes the official what we're officially working on right now
page. In any case, the distinction should be made clear, otherwise we're
just adding pages to the wiki and making the whole thing harder to maintain
and browse. - Ivan M

What I was thinking of doing with all of these Website/** pages is to make
the updates on them, make them current, and then if everyone agrees cut out
the older (apparently 2006 filler), and replace it with the Website/**
pages.  This (in my mind) will be fine because I'll be including the old
information that still is going on or current (mailing list of course..) and
getting rid of the rest. Also on the Open Tasks page, I'll be putting
Ongoing tasks, Official tasks, Etc.

 *Reporting All the Changes I Have Made:*

 - Changed Offline materials to Physical Materials, and Online Materials
 Computer Related Materials
 - Made the title higher so it looked better with the project list on the
 - Added descriptions to the material types. Added link to About

 That page dates back to 2006 (IIRC), I just copied and pasted its
contents over to the new wiki page. If anyone has the time to hunt
around IZ and update this page, that'd be great, but I suspect most of
the material would only be relevant for archival/historic purposes so
it's not a high priority task. The wiki will provide a much more
accessible and maintainable framework for future OOo artwork. - Ivan M

Well see what I'm doing with the Website/** pages is I'm going to certain IZ
pages and linking them to the pages on the wiki, so that later I (or anyone
else) can add the artwork onto the Wiki, without as much hassle..

 Perhaps we could split the gallery page into two columns based on this
distinction rather than having two separate gallery pages... the
intention is to reduce the duplication of content, and to make
browsing easier. In this case, that might be reducing the number of
pages, or the number of clicks it takes to get to a certain page from
the wiki. Right now, the Gallery page is easily accessible, while the
Additional Artwork Gallery is hidden away and potentially
marginalized. Thoughts?

As it says up there these pages would be moved more into the 'front' but I
wouldn't mind spilting the gallery into two parts I'm not sure how that
would save many pages though since we are still linking from the Gallery to
the The Additional Wallpapers, Stickers, Logos, etc.

 However, I had also hoped that we could also create a kind of
beginners toolbox - a compressed file that new members can download,
which contains common graphical elements to get them started - a
vector copy of the OOo logo, color pallets, etc in short, a bunch
of graphic files that they can use to quickly get started on creating
OOo artwork. Maybe, maybe not. It's just an idea at this stage.

If you don't mind I think I will make a rough draft of this page, I know I
need to make a SVG page with the work bench material but should I also
make a PNG version?

(By the way, great idea.)

 @ - Spelling
 Error :P
 - Search newly tranlated versions
 - tranlated needs to be translated
 - Probably need to contact someone who can edit that, haven't yet...

You have :-)



- Austin Martin,
That hyperactive one.

Re: [art] Austin Martin's Report: Changes, Questions, Comments, etc.

2009-03-22 Thread Austin Martin
Hello Everyone, Bernhard

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

 Hi Austin, *

 Austin Martin wrote:

 Ivan M wrote:

 However, I had also hoped that we could also create a kind of
 beginners toolbox - a compressed file that new members can download,
 which contains common graphical elements to get them started - a
 vector copy of the OOo logo, color pallets, etc [...]


 If you don't mind I think I will make a rough draft of this page, I know I
 need to make a SVG page with the work bench material but should I also
 make a PNG version?

 You probably know about the SVG files in the logo page [1] and the material
 at the wiki (OOo3 Design) [2], [3].

 For OOo2 we had created a Artwork Style Guide [4], perhaps outdated in some
 parts, but still helpful, I hope.

 Best regards


Yea I knew about those, thanks anyways. Most of the stuff in the Artwork
Style Guide is pretty current. I'm changing the Website/Join_Us page right
now if anyone wants to know..

- Austin Martin

[art] Joining Us Page:

2009-03-22 Thread Austin Martin
Hey Everyone,

I would love to hear your comments on the Joining Us Page located at:, made the
entire thing, so that people can join easily and can use that page as a
What Next type of page. Some of the references (such as Developer Sandbox,
and Open Tasks Page) still need to be made, but they will eventually.

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Use of imagebin to show off sketches

2009-03-21 Thread Austin Martin
Hey Alexandro

 Hi I just want to make aware the group of this service to quickly show
 images. is like except except for code this are images.

Nice, I'll probably put some links on the wiki for artists including this..

Austin Martin

[art] Creation of Desktop Wallpapers Page on the Wiki

2009-03-20 Thread Austin Martin

Being new I don't exactly know the routine here so I wanted to let everyone
know that I created a Desktop Wallpapers page in the Gallery of the wiki.
Hopefully how and what I created is fine, other than that I don't have much
to say.  Here is the link if anyone is interested:,
which is linked from:

Good Intentions,
Austin Martin - Ajm47

Re: [art] VOTE for Official Artwork - CD labels [was:] Opinions about OOo3 CD label drafts?

2009-03-20 Thread Austin Martin

+1 CD label (first draft with more horizontal curved line)

I would however like to see the gradient of the PrOOo-Box on this version.

- Austin Martin, Ajm47

Re: [art] VOTE for Official Artwork - CD labels

2009-03-20 Thread Austin Martin
What I mean is on the CD label from PrOOo-Box the bottom gradient, which is
like white to light-blue looks better than the bottom gradient of the other
label, which is just a little bit darker light-blue.

Minor difference minor change, but that is the one thing that looks better
on the PrOOo-Box.

Hopefully that makes sense.

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Creation of Desktop Wallpapers Page on the Wiki

2009-03-20 Thread Austin Martin
Hi Bernhard,

On the images I actually told the license (PDL):

but I'll make it apparent on the Desktop Wallpapers wiki page too..

Austin Martin

Re: [art] Reorganizing the Art Project Wiki

2009-03-20 Thread Austin Martin

Ok, sounds good, I think I'll start complying and uploading the artwork
scattered around.

Thanks for taking most of my questions and comments, Bernhard.

Austin Martin

[art] Austin Martin's Report: Changes, Questions, Comments, etc.

2009-03-20 Thread Austin Martin
*Hello Everyone,**

*I've been a bit hyperactive I guess (considering I jumped the mailing list
number from 5 to 18 including responses (now 19)) so I decided to put
everything I noticed, did, will do, am going to do, etc. in one compiled
list, and I'll probably ask more questions on here if I have them, which
makes it easier on me too, considering the amount of time it takes to get
sent messages on the mailing list.
Reporting All the Changes I Have Made:*

- Changed Offline materials to Physical Materials, and Online Materials to
Computer Related Materials
- Made the title higher so it looked better with the project list on the
- Added descriptions to the material types. Added link to About Issuezilla

- Added links to empty pages, eventually they will hold additional artwork I
- Added Wallpapers page (See why below).

- Added a link to a new wiki page, 1 down..
- Changed: These pages contain galleries of proposals submitted by members
of the Art project. into These pages contain galleries of proposals
submitted by members of the Art Project for official artwork. For additional
artwork see The Additional Artwork
follow the links provided.
- Reason: I got the idea that it was for any artwork, and now I'm getting
the message that it is for artwork that *wants* to be official, and I'm
pretty sure that my background won't be official.. (as it hardly has much to
do with, other than the flying birds and logo at the bottom
- Moved Art/Gallery/DesktopBackgrounds to
Art/Website/Additional_Artwork_Gallery/Wallpapers.. - See Reason one up..
- Got rid of the link to the page on Art/Gallery.. _

- I created the page, setup format, setup guidelines.
- Made My submissions..

- Uploaded Image

- Uploaded Image

- Numerous things, no one really cares about. lol.

*Further Plans:*

Objections are welcomed.. (They might need to come quick)

- Making the pages, and like I did at the Wallpapers page, probably set
guidelines, help, etc.

- Add some of this stuff:,, and along with
anything else I feel is important in joining..

- Probably will add myself..
- If no one objects I might look through issuezilla to find artwork
contributors and list there usernames.. (I notice this might not be looked
upon as a positive thing)..

- Might make a table so that people can list tasks that need artwork..

- Will change Resources to Official Resource

*Further Questions:*

*Further Comments:*

Ok, there is official artwork and additional artwork, But I'm getting the
mixed message that there is official artwork, additional artwork, and
official additional artwork.  I assume that there is only official artwork
and additional artwork. (This goes along with what I said up there..)

- Thought I was going to port artwork, no. I'm not going to because I
noticed why there were only a few steps in the process... and then it ended.
(Too Overwhelming . espically when your trying to put it in a very
complicated table.)

*Important Problems:*

*Minor Problems:*

@ - Spelling
Error :P
- Search newly tranlated versions
- tranlated needs to be translated
- Probably need to contact someone who can edit that, haven't yet...

Good Intentions,
Austin Martin, Ajm47

[art] Submitting Files, Locating an Issue:

2009-03-19 Thread Austin Martin
Following this process:

Just wanted to know if there is any issue for OOo desktop wallpaper
And Thanks.

Austin Martin,
Newly Registeree to OOo Marketing Team