[AsburyPark] Re: Jersey Shore Rescue Mission Redevelopment

2006-07-22 Thread Steve

It's funny that you mentioned us as an Empire in your closing lines!   
 President Bush has regressed us BACK to being exactly THAT, similar
to the way England was in the 1400's!  We are now encroaching
Imperialists who invaded Iraq for Nothing, NOW Bush wants to attack
Iran, and use Nukes, because his feelings are hurt that he's Losing in

What's the Worst though, is that.. YES .. It IS happening on a
National Level . Bush and his People, including a small percentage
of Wealthy Democrats, are selling out the Entire US Population, aside
from the Super wealthy!

But if the Comment about Monkeys in your Story got you upset, then
HOW do you feel about our own Councilman, John Loffredo, pointing to
Three Afro-American KIDS and saying That's the SHIT we have to get
rid of in Asbury Park?  And I didn't witness it, my Millionaire
Landlord DID, and it turned his Stomach! 

AND, it was in the Papers, also, that the same idiot said that all
Afro-Americans can get a Job at McDonalds if they NEED to work!  Fact
is, McDonalds leaves We're Hiring Now signs up 12 Months a year,
whether there are positions available or NOT! Not to mention that you
can't even support ONE person on a Month's Salary there!

As far as you're wondering how many People Reach out to help
Afro-Americans with respect to the Redevelopment .. Probably
about 2% or less of the People, excluding out of Towner's who work at
the many Charities.

But it doesn't even MATTER, because the Three People on the Council
who are INTENTIONALLY Driving the Massive Gentrification Going On have
already out powered the ENTIRE rest of the City! And they're
Controlled by the Asbury Partners' Group and Backed by the GLBT
Population 100%, so ALL of the Power is TOTALLY Against the Blacks
EVER getting ANY Breaks at ALL!  And the Afro-Americans who help their
Own are severely Under funded  Overworked!

City Hall even diverts the Community Development Block Grant Monies,
intended to help the Poor, into things like Code Enforcement ... Which
persecutes the Poor who are forced into Substandard and Overcrowded
Living Conditions  Due to ---You guessed it NO Rent Control!  The
State's even working on a different way to disperse those funds,
because they're aware of the Corruption  Racism in places like Asbury

As far as People doing what they CAN with their Lives, the odds are
SO stacked against the Poor here, that they're actually BEHIND where
the Average Minorities were in 1975-80, during the beneficial stages
of Post-Civil Rights Gains of the 1960's!  That's pretty sad, but Very

And Whites have slipped IMMENSELY in the past 20 Years themselves! 
Mostly due to Reaganomics, then Republican controlled Government for
the next 15 of 17 Years (Clinton had a Republican Congress for 6
Years!) .. Reagan had his Reagan Democrats (Having Been a Democrat),
so he didn't have the normal problems with the opposite party in
Congress.  Clinton had NO Republican supporters!

As for your China comment, they ARE going to BE the next United
States, power wise! My HD TV, Lap Top, Camera and other things I just
GOT recently ALL were made in China! It's GREAT for our Retailers 
Corporations  Stock Holders ... The RICH!  But our PEOPLE get Screwed
out of JOBS!

And I just read an article in this month's Popular Science that South
Korea's Cell Phone Technology is about 5-10 Years ahead of OURS! 
They're using Micro-Computers that operate wirelessly, run movies,
control home devices, track groups of friends , etc. Point is, we not
ONLY Exported the Jobs, we've LOST our Technological Edge
Probably Permanently!  And 100's of Billions of Dollars in
Profits, as well as Jobs lost!

Jack, Long Term Asbury is SCREWED! And long term the USA as a hole is
TOO!  That's because it's ALL now run by People who are 100% OUT for
THEMSELVES!  BUT, Karma WILL happen, or, in American What Comes
Around, Goes Around.

If our selfish City, State  National Leaders don't get punished in
THIS Life, then God will Definitely Get Them in the next ... That's OE
thing I know!  The Mayor's Scared of that, but he STILL Screws his OWN
People EVERY Day!

Have a great weekend,


--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Hinge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know what the answer is to all this, but I can say this.
 Racism is disgusting to me.
 The other day, out of the blue when I was talking about AP with a
contractor, he told a 
 story about how his family owned a hotel in AP, and that they built
a pool, and how he was 
 disgusted one day to find the pool filled with monkees
 He wasn't talking about the kind of monkee one finds in a zoo either.
 What sickened me about this is that he thought it was ok to be
racial in front of me, like he 
 assumed i thought the same way he did.
 That attitude makes me sick, and it's sad that it's still happening
to this day.
 I wish Asbury's multi-ethnic makeup could integrate more then it
does. I wonder how 
 many of the people trying to develop 

[AsburyPark] What Do We Do After All of Our Low Income Work Force is Thrown Out of Asbury ?

2006-07-22 Thread Steve

From a purely BUSINESS perspective, what happens when SO many Moderate
to Low Income People are Chased OUT of our Area, that there's a Severe
Shortage of People to RUN Businesses which REQIRE them?

IF you think I'm exaggerating, then call our State Representatives,
the Anti-Poverty Network, the Rutgers Business  Law People or many
other experts who can tell you that running a Business in NJ will be
MUCH harder 5-10 Years from now if current trends DO continue!

Just in the past 3 Years, the Poverty Rate in Monmouth County has
DROPPED about 2%, NOT because People got better JOBS, but because
those People LEFT Monmouth County or the State, entirely!

Maybe you might have noticed that lines get longer and longer at
Stores, especially at Christmas Time AND this time of Year? Maybe, if
you have Elderly or Handicapped Relatives, you've found it harder and
harder to even GET Home Health Care at ALL for their needs?  That's
ONE of the BIGGEST Industries being hit by their Workers LEAVING NJ

Yet, in Asbury Park, Our City Council, Asbury Partners and Groups like
AP Action are doing Everything they possibly CAN to force OUT the Same
People who DO those types of Jobs!  Does this make Sense at ALL?

Once again:

1. NO Rent Control
2. NO Low Income Affordable Housing (Being Built)
3. NO Living Wage Jobs being Created

Do all the new Business Owners REALLY want to work 150 Hours per Week?

Be Racist, Be Heartless, Be Crude, Be Stupid!  But SCREWING
Yourselves?  What is your Real I.Q.?

The Weakest Link in ANY Society Determines the Health of the Whole



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[AsburyPark] Greetings from Asbury Park on NJN

2006-07-22 Thread Hinge
Did anybody watch Greetings from Asbury Park on NJN last night?
If so, i'm wondering what people thought about it.

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[AsburyPark] ** Update on Redevelopment Affects on the Minorities Poor in Asbury Park! **

2006-07-22 Thread Steve

Asbury Update: 

Due to health reasons, I have been unable to attend and participate in
the Springwood Avenue Advisory Committee Meetings since in February.
Unfortunately, there's no going back after that long! But, while I was going,
it seemed very obvious that it appears to be Highly Controlled by the City,
which I didn't think would happen going into it! The People who will make the
Final Decisions are the SAME People who are running, or controlling, the
Waterfront Redevelopment, so I'm very skeptical if ANY Real Good will happen
out of it. But don't get me wrong, some VERY good People are ON the Committee!
It's just that THEY have NO final Vote to really GET what they think, or know,
is right for particularly the Poor in the City! 

City Manager, Two Council People (The best ones, fortunately), People
from Community Development  Social Services, the entire
City Redevelopment Team (About 5 People) and others all regularly
attend the
meetings. This not only takes up so much time that many people can't
even get
input in, but it totally controls even what CAN, or Might, come out of
process in the end!

The Bottom line is that I fear that it'll be virtually close to
Impossible to get any REAL Low Income Affordable Housing in the end, or,
possibly, any real "Living Wage" Jobs out of the process for the Current
residents of Asbury Park.
Asbury Works, the current City Arm of Hiring and Workforce Operations,
gets people $8-10 per hour jobs, and doesn't have any significant link
create any noticeable other Employment, such as STEPS has done for
decades in Lakewood,
under the Leadership of Mike McNeil. By the way,
Father Bill McLoughlin of Holy Spirit was one of the
People who worked on getting $25,000 Affordable Housing
Units for Trenton in the Past, which is STILL being done there,
and in other Cities! WHY hasn't he been Invited to
the Process?

Back to the Housing. I suggested numerous times while I was
participating that in order to get REAL Affordable Housing, that the Committee
would need to:

the City to Donate
 Land to defray the Costs
of the Housing

Organizations like Habitat for Humanity provide Free Labor

These types of things have produced REAL "Affordable Housing" in Trenton in the past, to
the tune of $25,000 Units! I thought
that was no longer possible, but within the last Month I heard on the News that
Housing has again been opened to the Poor in another City in that same Price
range. I just don't think that our Council, or our City Manager, either WANTS
Housing that "Effective" in helping the Poor, nor do they even WANT the Poor to
continue living here any more!

PROOF that the City People WANT the Poor to LEAVE (Be Gentrified) the City is
that the City Council and the Entire City Administration, particularly the City
Manager, have consistently been 100% against even Considering enacting a
Rent Control Ordinance since 2001, when the last Council got in! And three of
those People are on the Council still now, and those same persons Vote 100% AGAINST the Poor
99.9% of the time!

So, to
sum it up, 4 Years after the Waterfront Redevelopment has been signed, NOTHING
has yet been done to help the Low Income Working Class People here! The Redevelopers
have even lied, over and over, and haven't even hired 20% of the Workers for
the Construction from the Asbury Park
Workforce! And the former Council, including our current Mayor, Kevin Sanders,
DID include IN the Redevelopment Agreement that Asbury Partners has to use both
Asbury Park Workers and Contractors! But they NEVER enforced it, and are still
NOT doing so!

So, to
Sum it up, we still have NO
Serious Plans for:

Low Income Affordable HousingRent Control to protect the Poor
 (And Middle Class)A Serious Program to Create Living Wage
And although I have
repeatedly brought up, Over  Over again, all of the above points
to the City Council, the City Manager and numerous City Leaders, they
consistently REFUSE to do anything Humane and Effective to help the
Poor by including their Needs in the Redevelopment Process!

Ed Johnson is a good Man, and means well, but unfortunately he has
failed in his first year to stand up Against his Co-Electees on his
Ticket when it comes to Issues of severe importance to the Low Income
Minorities here in Asbury Park! He spoke of a "One Asbury Park",
yet has only firmed up that there are THREE Asbury Parks! One for the
Incoming Rich, One for the Middle Class hanging on by their teeth and
One for the Masses of the Poor Population who have absolutely NO Chance
of being here 5-10 Years from now!

Asbury Park's Story has become a Reality echoed by the Message being handed down by Asbury Partners and their Puppets in City Hall and on the City Council that "Only the VERY Strong shall Survive and even BE here in Years to come, and we're Glad it's that way!" Even many, many current Homeowners and Businesses are very fearful of what will 

[AsburyPark] Re: AsburySteve vs. Stand Up for Asbury

2006-07-22 Thread Steve

So, Mario, 

Since your reply only attacked, yet had absolutely NO substance to
it, does that mean you are in FAVOR of Attacking the Homeless by trying to
prevent the ONLY real Shelter ever in Monmouth 
County from Opening, or Staying Open? This Shelter is geared
towards single Men, most of whom are not allowed in the other
"Shelters" in the County, what few there are!

Let me ask some questions, OK? You are a "Leftie", yet you
support a Group that wants People to live, and eventually DIE on the
Streets? HOW is that a "Left" or Democratic Stance?

Do you LIVE in Asbury Park?
For how Long? How affluent are You? Do you stand to Profit from the
current course of the Redevelopment? Are you for Rent Control, if
so, WHAT have you done to GET it (Councilman Keady has been pushing for it,
with Virtually NO Public Support). If you are against Rent Control, then you
have NO right even Claiming to be "Left"! Are you aware that
since 2001, approximately 2,500 People (Minimum) have been either forced OUT of
Asbury Park, or forced into Overcrowded Housing, due to a Combination of the Redevelopment, no Rent Control and NO
Jobs being Created for them, as well as NO Affordable Housing being built for

Go to PolicyLink.org and read everything on Rent Control, then you may realize
that it actually significantly firms UP the Economies of the Cities which have
it over a 20-30 year Periodic, including guaranteeing a Stable and Regular Low
Income Work Force FOR the Business Community. Do you know that? It's embedded
in our 35 Year US
History already!

Now, let's get it straight, OK? You're FOR Stand Up For Asbury's stance
to take away the LAST Alternative to living on the Street for at LEAST 75
(Homeless) Residents of Asbury Park? And you're a "Leftie"? I
beg to differ, but you at least SEEM to be a Plant for the Redevelopers!

And you said "As a
"card-carrying member" of the ACLU, the Democratic Party, MoveOn.org,
etc., I want to take issue with remarks made by "AsburySteve" in
recent posts".

I beg your Pardon, Mario, but ANYONE can carry Cards in their Wallet to
make believe they're something, but what have you DONE to help ANY Liberal
Democratic Cause in the past 10-20 Years? By the way, MoveOn.org, NPR Radio
and Air America
are just as "Radical" Left, or MORE than I am, and have made just as
Liberal/Radical analogies as I ever have on here, yet DO You attack them?
If SO, you don't even RESEMBLE any "Liberal" Thinking at ALL!

Finally, since I question your capability after your attack, just answer me one

is your Official PUBLIC Stance on:

Rent ControlLow Income Affordable HousingCreating Living Wage Jobs and Increasing
 the Minimum Wage

the above three Issues/ Programs/ Laws in Asbury
  Park would eliminate 97% of our Problems here,
INCUDING the High Crime Rate, Homelessness and Poor Education (Over @ a ten year period)!

you are against those Items, you're as "Right" as they come!

last thing  Try to DO something "Left", rather than to just TALK!
be glad to tell you what I've done over the past 10-25 Years!

Have a great day,





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Re: [AsburyPark] Greetings from Asbury Park on NJN

2006-07-22 Thread charlie leonard

"Did anybody watch Greetings from Asbury Park on NJN last night?If so, i'm wondering what people thought about it"i saw it. i thought it was all right. although, i think somewhere in the middle, it dragged on about the musical aspects. it started off going in one directing, then seemed to "stay too long" in one area. but overwall, it was good. again, it was only 30min, so you cant possiably fit everything in.   charlie (i havnt posted on this board in a long time, but im on my way back.) 
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[AsburyPark] Re: AsburySteve vs. Stand Up for Asbury

2006-07-22 Thread jerseykev

I am so pleased that the creation of what we all knowas the human 
being, regardless of race, creed, etc have the very same make up. One hand 
is to the left - one hand is to the right - one foot to the left - one foot to 
the right. The infinitely wise master builder of the human race was so 
above it all - and proved it by putting the mind, the heart and the 
spiritin the center of it all...

Don't be fooled by imitations... 

Kevin Brown



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[AsburyPark] Re: validity of the city's claim regarding a riparian grant

2006-07-22 Thread dfsavgny
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, wernerapnj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dan, The real Marine Grill site, the one East of Ocean avenue at the 
 foot of Deal Lake, was not even part of the original redevelopment plan.
 Recall that the eastern boundry of the Redevelopment Area is Ocean 
 Avenue. Everything east of Ocean Ave was Public Property and was 
 designated a rehabilitation area.
 Condos east of O.A. was never part of the vision. Recall also that the 
 redevelopment area boundries were incorrectly transcribed early on and 
 that is why the triangle came to be refered to as the Marine Grill 
 With regard to the Triangle I beleive that it too was not slated for 
 development. Reason being that it is also Public Property.. I will 
 check my documents.

Check the 1984 plan I sent you. It's around page 62 or so. The map
shows high density residential on both the Marine Grill (probably the
portion that goes west of OA) and the Triangle.

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[AsburyPark] Re: validity of the city's claim regarding a riparian grant

2006-07-22 Thread wernerapnj
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check the 1984 plan I sent you. It's around page 62 or so. The map
 shows high density residential on both the Marine Grill (probably the
 portion that goes west of OA) and the Triangle.


It appears that you are making the same error that was was made by the Council 
others when the Carabetta bankruptcy was settled.  That is, using the wrong 
plan. The 
1984 Plan is irrelevent as it was superceded by the 1987 Plan which was then 
by the 1991 Plan.

The 1991 Plan is the only document what carries any legal significance when 
what we have now 'After Fishman' (AF) versus 'Before Fishman' (BF).

The City/Fishman/etc were obligated under land use and redevlopment law to 
the 1991 Plan. That document was the one legally in force at the time of the 
redevlelopment rights transfer.

To determine what the intent of redevelopment was you need to compare the 1991 
development controls to what we have today. I'm looking for it in my stack of 
paper. Do 
you have an electronic version of that ?


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[AsburyPark] Re: Stand Up For Asbury, Meeting!

2006-07-22 Thread Tom
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You guys are even using the wrong name  The name of their
 Morristown Operation ... Which by the way, has been very successful
 and mostly accepted by the Community!

Actually, I spoke with local law enforcement off the record and was 
informed that in their personal the Mission is a problem for Morris 
town.  While they admit that a shelter is necessary, the Market Street 
Mission is a problem because of its location of being in the heart of 
their business district.

They said that if that shelter was eight or so blocks away from the 
downtown area, the clients would not roam around in packs distrupting 
local business.  The other shelters in the area are further away from 
the business center.

They also said that since there are no background checks performed at 
the Market Street Mission, the prisons have taken up the practice to 
refer the freshly released inmates with records that would not pass 
the County and Salvation Army background checks to the Market Street 
Mission.  Logic dictates the same would follow in Asbury Park.

Please do not throw names like Hitler around so loosely.  STALIN was 
for a equal playing field of the Russian people and look what he did 
to his people.  Also, look at the leaders of North Korea and China.  
If those leaders are your preference, forgive me for not drinking the 
Kool Aid.


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[AsburyPark] Re: Family Values!

2006-07-22 Thread Tom

Please Gandhi and MLK Speechs to learn true peace and love and 
acquire a calm disposition.


--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 WHO's Hateful?  Masterminding a Massive Gentrification to FORCE as
 MANY Afro-Americans OUT of the City as Possible?
 You are a Massive HYPOCRIT!
 If you wish to USE Jesus Christ's Name in a Conversation, then 
 Read Matthew 25:31-46 in the Bible, then EXPLAIN to ME how YOU and
 your Racist Friends are DOING what those verses DEMAND that ALL
 Christians DO!
 I don't Hate ANYONE, but I despise the Racially and Monetarily
 Motivated Actions to Clean Up the City that three current Groups 
 People in the City are involved in!  And it has nothing to DO with
 their Race, Religion or Sexual Preference, but solely to do with 
 utter and COMPLETE Lack of Both Morals and Humane VALUES!
 I don't respect Hypocrites who attack others while THEY perpetrate
 Crimes Against Humanity!
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, carlchesna kvel@ wrote:
  RE:  I do not believe Jesus Christ (never read a hateful word 
out of 
  his mouth in
  the New Testament), Gandhi and Martin Luther King (both of whom 
  relatives speaking out today for gay rights), Thomas Jefferson
(the big
  pusher of Separation between Church and State), and American 
  (referred to gays as Two-Spirited and often they were the 
  men) would endorse your hateful views. 
  Unlike you, I wish you a happy and healthy life and hope you are 
  forgiven in
  the end.   Tom

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[AsburyPark] Liquor License For Sale

2006-07-22 Thread wernerapnj
Interesting use of the internet, Asbury Park for sale !

Check out ebay item number 280008381021


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[AsburyPark] Re: More dumping in/on Asbury Park...

2006-07-22 Thread Tom
Here, here!!!  This would be great since with the invention of 
cellpones and NexTels, lookout can quickly chirp their partners-in-
crime to stop before a cop even gets in eyesight.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, oakdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You can watch the dealers every day pull up on bikes and sell the 
  crack heads their fix for the day. Or if your lucky, they go 
 Amazing how many people can see it happening. It's nice when you're 
 driving down main street and your kids notice a deal going down.
 Lets go back to the camera idea - but let the police do it. Monitor 
 cameras and make the arrests.

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[AsburyPark] A Liberal's Liberal On Rent Control

2006-07-22 Thread MarioAPNJ

On Rent Control: from "the most important liberalpolitical columnist in America." 
(See below.)

Reckonings: A 
Rent Affair 

(NYT) 747 wordsPublished: June 7, 
2000Economists who have ventured into the alleged real world 
often quote Princeton's Alan Blinder, who has formulated what he calls 
''Murphy's Law of economic policy'': ''Economists have the least influence on 
policy where they know the most and are most agreed; they have the most 
influence on policy where they know the least and disagree most vehemently.'' 
It's flip and cynical, but it's true. 
Consider, on one side, really tough issues -- where there are plausible 
arguments on both sides, where nobody really knows how to measure the tradeoffs. 
Should Microsoft be broken up and, if so, how? Should Britain adopt the euro? 
Let's ask the economists! And those economists who are prepared to express 
strong opinions on such inherently ambiguous questions command rapt attention. 

On the other side, consider an article that appeared in yesterday's New York 
Times, ''In San Francisco, Renters Are Supplicants.'' It was an interesting 
piece, with its tales of would-be renters spending months pounding the 
pavements, of dozens of desperate applicants arriving at a newly offered 
apartment, trying to impress the landlord with their credentials. And yet there 
was something crucial missing -- specifically, two words I knew had to be part 
of the story. 
Not that I have any special knowledge about San Francisco's housing market -- 
in fact, as of yesterday morning I didn't know a thing about it. But it was 
immediately obvious from the story what was going on. To an economist, or for 
that matter a freshman who has taken Economics 101, everything about that story 
fairly screamed those two words -- which are, of course, ''rent control.'' 
After all, the sort of landlord behavior described in the article -- 
demanding that prospective tenants supply resumes and credit reports, that they 
dress nicely and act enthusiastic -- doesn't happen in uncontrolled housing 
markets. Landlords don't want groveling -- they would rather have money. In 
uncontrolled markets the question of who gets an apartment is settled quickly by 
the question of who is able and willing to pay the most. And so I had no doubts 
about what I would find after a bit of checking -- namely, that San Francisco is 
a city where a technology-fueled housing boom has collided with a draconian 
rent-control law. 
The analysis of rent control is among the best-understood issues in 
all of economics, and -- among economists, anyway -- one of the least 
controversial. In 1992 a poll of the American Economic Association 
found 93 percent of its members agreeing that ''a ceiling on rents reduces the 
quality and quantity of housing.'' Almost every freshman-level textbook contains 
a case study on rent control, using its known adverse side effects to illustrate 
the principles of supply and demand. Sky-high rents on uncontrolled apartments, 
because desperate renters have nowhere to go -- and the absence of new apartment 
construction, despite those high rents, because landlords fear that controls 
will be extended? Predictable. Bitter relations between tenants and landlords, 
with an arms race between ever-more ingenious strategies to force tenants out -- 
what yesterday's article oddly described as ''free-market horror stories'' -- 
and constantly proliferating regulations designed to block those strategies? 
And as for the way rent control sets people against one another -- the 
executive director of San Francisco's Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board 
has remarked that ''there doesn't seem to be anyone in this town who can trust 
anyone else in this town, including their own grandparents'' -- that's 
predictable, too. 
None of this says that ending rent control is an easy decision. Still, surely 
it is worth knowing that the pathologies of San Francisco's housing market are 
right out of the textbook, that they are exactly what supply-and-demand analysis 
But people literally don't want to know. A few months ago, when a San 
Francisco official proposed a study of the city's housing crisis, there was a 
firestorm of opposition from tenant-advocacy groups. They argued that even to 
study the situation was a step on the road to ending rent control -- and they 
may well have been right, because studying the issue might lead to a recognition 
of the obvious. 
So now you know why economists are useless: when they actually do understand 
something, people don't want to hear about it. 
MIT'sInternational Professor of Economics. 
In 1991 the American Economic Association awarded him its John Bates Clark 
medal, a prize given every two years to "that economist under forty who is 
adjudged to have made a significant contribution to economic 
knowledge." Columnist Biography: 
Paul Krugman