Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Homeless Facilities in AP

2006-08-10 Thread MarioAPNJ

In reference to your 

Received a private email, detailing how 
  the gays hate blacks, don't want them around, can't wait to be rid of them, 
  etc. These allegations were overheard in private conversations, etc. Don't 
  know how true they are and I will consider them hearsay, since I haven't 
  experienced it, one on one. I've never felt any hostility from anyone Gay or 
  otherwise in this town, so I was taken aback by the statements. Don't want to 
  rile anyone up, but what is the feelings of the Gay Community, since I live in 
  a traditional relationship, adult children and grandchildren. Do Gay people, 
  not want Blacks around? Do Gays cry discrimination, while they also 

My 2 cents:

In my experience, coming of age in the sixties, there was a healthy and 
productive alliance among Jews, Blacks,gays and academics. Most 
civil rights advances were accomplished by that alliance. (Those poor 
whites who are racists turned "right" after LBJ's Civil Rights Act in 1964, 
continue to be part of that "base," and continue to vote against their economic 

If that alliance is weakening, it's due in part to schizophrenic voices 
(e.g., AsburySteve) which are unproductive and divisive.

When the Nazis came for the communists,I remained 
silent;I was not a communist.When they locked up the social democrats,I 
remained silent;I was not a social democrat.When they came for the 
unionists,I did not speak out;I was not a trade 
unionist.When they came for the Jews,I did not speak out;I 
was not a Jew.When they came for me,there was no one left to speak 

Pastor Martin Niemöller 

Boilerplate:Fair and Balanced (unlike FUX News) links 
from a liberal 
Republican Links: Christine Todd Whitman: See especially 
"Quotes" here -Christine Todd 
Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and her PAC It's My Party Too: Home , Supports 
fiscally conservative, socially inclusive Republican candidates. Its 
mission is toreturn the Republican Party to the sensible 
center.Even a cool neo-conservative:FRANCIS 
FUKUYAMANew York Press 
William F. Buckley, the Father of Modern Conservatism: American Conservative Union 
Foundation, author of"The Right Word."He had the integrity 
to admit toa few regrets, "most notably his magazine's opposition to civil 
rights legislation in the 1960s."Pete McCloskey, former 
congressman: Republican Says 
We Need a Democrat Majority in Congress Andrew Sullivan, 
self-acknowledged gay Catholic conservative:Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish 
Out of the Blue:Click here: | Vote With Your Wallet!Click here: The Huffington Post 
Click here: White House 
Gift Shop: Officious Presidential Gear : (pushing the 
envelope)Rabbi Harold Kushner, liberal theologian, author of When Bad Things 
Happen to Good People: 
Books: harold kushnerCommonweal - A review of religion, 
politics and culture: Journal of Liberal Catholic 
Theology.Click here: Air America 
Radio | The antidote to Rush and other Hate Talk RadioClick 
here: Liberty's Blog: Eventually they'll want a piece of you, Chris 
Chris Rock on weird white guys.Original 




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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Homeless Facilities in AP

2006-08-10 Thread MarioAPNJ

Sorry 'bout those links in my last post. They are not 
mine; I copied the passage from Wikipedia;

When the Nazis came for the communists,

To sharon_b283,

One additional point: If you've ever been in any of the so-called 
"gay ghettos" (neighborhoods in San Francisco, NYC, Philadelphia, etc.), you 
might have noticed that they are among the most integrated neighborhoods in the 
country, and they thrive--together.

Boilerplate:Fair and Balanced (unlike FUX News) links 
from a liberal 
Republican Links: Christine Todd Whitman: See especially 
"Quotes" here -Christine Todd 
Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and her PAC It's My Party Too: Home , Supports 
fiscally conservative, socially inclusive Republican candidates. Its 
mission is toreturn the Republican Party to the sensible 
center.Even a cool neo-conservative:FRANCIS 
FUKUYAMANew York Press 
William F. Buckley, the Father of Modern Conservatism: American Conservative Union 
Foundation, author of"The Right Word."He had the integrity 
to admit toa few regrets, "most notably his magazine's opposition to civil 
rights legislation in the 1960s."Pete McCloskey, former 
congressman: Republican Says 
We Need a Democrat Majority in Congress Andrew Sullivan, 
self-acknowledged gay Catholic conservative:Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish 
Out of the Blue:Click here: | Vote With Your Wallet!Click here: The Huffington Post 
Click here: White House 
Gift Shop: Officious Presidential Gear : (pushing the 
envelope)Rabbi Harold Kushner, liberal theologian, author of When Bad Things 
Happen to Good People: 
Books: harold kushnerCommonweal - A review of religion, 
politics and culture: Journal of Liberal Catholic 
Theology.Click here: Air America 
Radio | The antidote to Rush and other Hate Talk RadioClick 
here: Liberty's Blog: Eventually they'll want a piece of you, Chris 
Chris Rock on weird white guys.Original 




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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Homeless Facilities in AP

2006-08-06 Thread MarioAPNJ


In reference to your 

When I sat on the board, I learned that 
  Asbury Park has more 501c3's than ANY area around here! Non-Profits, do 
  NOT bring in tax revenue .

I want to reiterate Dan's response: "Exactly the point [one of their 
points] of SUFA," and that's a crucial point that shouldbe 

I've tried in the past to find out exactly what percentage of AP property 
is tax exempt and how that compares with other towns. No one ever gets 
back to me on this.

As far as referencing some posters as 
  "newbies", I'm not backing down, because it is obvious, they DON'T know 
  this area,.

Since 1966: Been here, done that, and really do have the T-shirt 
(from Kate Mellina's old store).

There's virtually no Black restaurants, 
  bars around here, like the Saturn, Oasis, Orchid Lounge, 

I remember the Orchid Lounge fondly. Also, Sonny's 
Restaurant on Cookman had great food and, on weekends, good entertainment. 
I was surprised when they closed not too long ago.

Boilerplate:Fair and Balanced links from a liberal 
Republican Links: Christine Todd Whitman: See especially 
"Quotes" here -Christine Todd 
Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and her PAC It's My Party Too: Home , Supports 
fiscally conservative, socially inclusive Republican candidates. Its 
mission is toreturn the Republican Party to the sensible 
center.Even a cool neo-conservative:FRANCIS 
FUKUYAMANew York Press 
William F. Buckley, the Father of Modern Conservatism: American Conservative Union 
Foundation, author of"The Right Word."He had the integrity 
to admit toa few regrets, "most notably his magazine's opposition to civil 
rights legislation in the 1960s."Pete McCloskey, former 
congressman: Republican Says 
We Need a Democrat Majority in Congress Andrew Sullivan, 
self-acknowledged gay Catholic conservative:Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish 
Out of the Blue: Click here: | Vote With Your Wallet! Click here: The Huffington Post 
 Click here: 
White House Gift Shop: Officious Presidential Gear : 
(pushing the envelope )Rabbi Harold 
Kushner, liberal theologian, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good 
Books: harold kushnerCommonweal - A review of religion, 
politics and culture: Journal of Liberal Catholic 



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Homeless Facilities in AP

2006-08-03 Thread MarioAPNJ

Dan's post:

I received the following email in response. I 
  will not reveal their name... "Fact of the matter, which you didn't seem to 
  mention, was that the biggest original outbreak of HIV/ Aids in the US was in 
  the gay community, which also puts Asbury Park at great risk because of the 
  large amounts of gays practicing anal sex, and migrating here!Maybe 
  that's why there are several Aids places, including "the Center" here in the 
  city. Maybe the people who despise the blacks should consider that, don't you 

Sound like a post from "mog" (man of god?) whom we haven't heard from in 
months and who I suspect is the same dyspeptic person as YOU 
KNOWWHO. Linguists have some interesting things to say 
about people who use "the" in that fashion: "the gays," "the blacks," etc.

I say he is full of Canada Goose shit (currently a hot topic in another 




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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Homeless Facilities in AP

2006-08-03 Thread MarioAPNJ

In reference toDan's 
comment about not making judgment about MSM:

WHile it may be true that there are no 
  per se homeless shelters in AP, there are a number of facilities that serve 
  the homeless, ranging from managed living, soup kitchens and advisory 
  services. AP also has a number of other social service faciltiies including 
  HIV clinics, a methadone clinic, etc. I make no judgment on any of them. Yes 
  it is our social responsibility to help thos eless fortunate. The point is AP 
  has done more than its fair share and does not need the Market Street Mission 
  or any other shelter that will not screen clients. Its time for other nearby 
  communities to shoulder their fair share.

Throughthe hot and humid night, I Googled, Wiki-ed and 

Because I don't feel qualified to judge, I was looking for a 
disinterested party with stature and qualifications.
Charity Navigator is an independent, non-profit 
organization that does judge and evaluate charities. Charity navigator - 
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Charity Navigator's rating forthe Market Street 
Mission: a mere 2 Stars Overall and only 1 Star for efficiency. 
Navigator Rating - Market Street Mission Note the national peer 

Charity Navigator's comparison forNJ homeless 
outreach services, MSM is next to last of seven: Charity 
Navigator - Your Search Results .

Charity Navigator operates nationally, but its 
president,Trent Stamp, lives in Mahwah, pretty much the neighborhood of Market 
Street Mission's hometown. He has his own Blog: Trent Stamp's Take where he 
"gives an insider's perspective to the inspiring, intriguing, and sometimes 
idiotic inner workings of the world of non-profits and charities."

From Fast Company, a business magazine:

Stamp is executive director of Charity Navigator, a Mahwah, 
New Jersey - based organization -- itself a nonprofit -- that tracks the 
financial performance of 2,500 charities across the nation. In Stamp's view, 
charities haven't been giving the public a clear understanding of their 
financial well-being, and without some independent evaluation, a public that is 
weary of accounting scandals and management cover-ups just might give up on 
their charitable giving. Says Stamp: "We're trying to answer the critical 
question: Which charities are the most responsible and efficient -- and which 
Using data gleaned from tax filings, Charity Navigator ranks nonprofits on 
the efficacy of their getting and spending, measuring them against seven 
benchmarks and assigning each one a rating on a scale of zero to four stars. 
Stamp believes that his rankings will become for philanthropists what 
Morningstar's mutual-fund ratings are for investors: a way to compare an 
organization's financial performance with that of its competitors.
Full text here:
If you scan the entire web site for MSM, its very difficult to find the 
staff and their qualifications.At page bottom, not from their main 
menus, click "contact us." More clicks required to find executives, staff, 
and board of directors. No where will you find listed the appropriate 
professional credentials you might expect: counselor, therapist, 
psychotherapist, social worker(e.g., L.C.S.W.), etc. 

If we are forced to have MSM in our midst, I'm afraid we'll be saddled with 
a less than third rate outfit for the homeless.

While Canada Geese may not be welcome here, a 
nice Canadian cold front would suit me just fine.


(Sorry for the cross-posting. Double lurkers need only to hit 




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