In reference to Dan's comment about not making judgment about MSM:


WHile it may be true that there are no per se homeless shelters in AP, there are a number of facilities that serve the homeless, ranging from managed living, soup kitchens and advisory services. AP also has a number of other social service faciltiies including HIV clinics, a methadone clinic, etc. I make no judgment on any of them. Yes it is our social responsibility to help thos eless fortunate. The point is AP has done more than its fair share and does not need the Market Street Mission or any other shelter that will not screen clients. Its time for other nearby communities to shoulder their fair share.
Through the hot and humid night, I Googled,  Wiki-ed and more.      
Because I don't feel qualified to judge, I was looking for a disinterested party with stature and qualifications.
Charity Navigator is an independent, non-profit organization that does judge and evaluate charities.  Charity navigator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Charity Navigator's rating for the Market Street Mission: a mere 2 Stars Overall and only 1 Star for efficiency.   Charity Navigator Rating - Market Street Mission  Note the national peer analysis.
Charity Navigator's comparison for NJ homeless outreach services, MSM is next to last of seven:  Charity Navigator - Your Search Results .
Charity Navigator operates nationally, but its president,Trent Stamp, lives in Mahwah, pretty much the neighborhood of Market Street Mission's hometown.  He has his own Blog: Trent Stamp's Take  where he "gives an insider's perspective to the inspiring, intriguing, and sometimes idiotic inner workings of the world of non-profits and charities."
From Fast Company, a business magazine:

Stamp is executive director of Charity Navigator, a Mahwah, New Jersey - based organization -- itself a nonprofit -- that tracks the financial performance of 2,500 charities across the nation. In Stamp's view, charities haven't been giving the public a clear understanding of their financial well-being, and without some independent evaluation, a public that is weary of accounting scandals and management cover-ups just might give up on their charitable giving. Says Stamp: "We're trying to answer the critical question: Which charities are the most responsible and efficient -- and which aren't?"

Using data gleaned from tax filings, Charity Navigator ranks nonprofits on the efficacy of their getting and spending, measuring them against seven benchmarks and assigning each one a rating on a scale of zero to four stars. Stamp believes that his rankings will become for philanthropists what Morningstar's mutual-fund ratings are for investors: a way to compare an organization's financial performance with that of its competitors.

If you scan the entire web site for MSM, its very difficult to find the staff and their qualifications.  At page bottom, not from their main menus, click "contact us."  More clicks required to find executives, staff, and board of directors.  No where will you find listed the appropriate professional credentials you might expect: counselor, therapist, psychotherapist, social worker (e.g., L.C.S.W.), etc. 
If we are forced to have MSM in our midst, I'm afraid we'll be saddled with a less than third rate outfit for the homeless.
While Canada Geese may not be welcome here,  a nice Canadian cold front would suit me just fine.
(Sorry for the cross-posting.  Double lurkers need only to hit "delete.")


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