[Assam] “WE WILL REMOVE THIS SITE IF PROVEN WR ONG”: A scholarly long and rewarding debate f rom the site. Earlier link incorrect. Correct ed link here.

2007-10-15 Thread Bartta Bistar
It is recommended that the reader should look for the next button in each
page to read through the whole debate till the last reply.

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[Assam] Pakistan's Jihadis again bomb Indian cities

2007-10-15 Thread umesh sharma

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

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[Assam] Asom Lekhika Samaroh forms Mumbai branch (The Assam Tribune, 16.10.2007)

2007-10-15 Thread Buljit Buragohain
Asom Lekhika Samaroh forms Mumbai branch
 GUWAHATI, Oct 15 – Sadou Asom Lekhika Samaroh established its 301st branch in 
Mumbai, Gateway of India.

The event organised in association with the Mumbai-based Shreemoyee Asomiya 
Matri Asomiya Mahila Samiti was held on the premises of Assam Bhavan. The main 
meeting started with the chorus Chirachenehi Mor Bhasha Janani performed by the 
members of Shreemoyee Mahila Samiti followed by laying of agenda and inaugural 
speech by Nibedita Hazarika and Bina Saikia, secretary and president of the 
Mahila Samiti, a press release stated.

Resident deputy commissioner of Assam Bhavan Devasis Sharma, renowned Hindi 
litterateur Sanwarmol Sanganeria, Marathi, litterateur Neha Sharpure, renowned 
writer Rathin Goswami attended the function.

The 13-member visiting team from Assam and Delhi representing Sadou Asom 
Lekhika Samaroh Samiti were felicitated on the occasion, A 30-member working 
committee with Bina Saikia as president and Nibedita Hazarika as secretary was 
constituted as Mumbai Samannoy Sakha (Branch) Samiti of SALSS.

Pratima Barua, general secretary of SALSS spoke about the aims, objectives and 
activities of the Lekhika Samaroh Samiti and suggested the newly-formed Mumbai 
branch to organise two days a week of Assamese teaching programmes for children 
of Assamese residing in Mumbai and also promote national integrity by means of 
translating famous literary works of Assamese literature into other languages 
and vice-versa.
  (The Assam Tribune, 16.10.2007)

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[Assam] News on 70th session (2009) Asom Sahitya Sabha at Dhemaji

2007-10-15 Thread Buljit Buragohain
See the below link to read the news on 70th session (2009) Asom Sahitya Sabha 
at Dhemaji:

 Bring your gang together - do your thing.  Start your group.___
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Re: [Assam] on plebisite

2007-10-15 Thread Mridul Bhuyan
Very well said.
  Mridul Bhuyan

utpal borpujari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What Ruby Bhuyan has said in his/her mail ("There are many who may not 
support  the ULFA, but, the most important thing is for all is to standby the 
people of Asom.  We would like to ask you not to support the views and actions 
of the selfish ones who are
just taking advantage of the situation. Instead, be with the majority and work 
for real peace to return to Asom.") is really, really very important. I hope 
when we are having any debate or discussion, we argue out our "aims" and 
"motives" in this spirit rather than trying to project views not matching those 
of ours in a negative light just to score a debating point.
  Utpal Borpujari

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[Assam] Eyeball the state's spending online

2007-10-15 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
Remember the short thread of discussion we had on lack of accountability in 
Assam's revenue and spending related to the MLALAD? If you want an example of 
what I had in mind for discussion, you will find it in the news below.
  The state of Texas publishes every bit via a website -www.window.state.tx.us .
  You can even find out who does business with the state. Anyway, I posted it 
for general information. May be someone in Dispur or Delhi will notice it.
  Dilip Deka
  From the Houston Chronicle
  Technology News   
  Oct. 15, 2007, 12:16PM
Eyeball the state's spending online

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau 
  AUSTIN — The online "window" to state government now allows viewers to climb 
in and rummage through the checkbook.
  Texas this month joined a handful of states and the federal government in 
posting detailed financial information on the Internet. Anyone with strong 
eyeballs and an investigative spirit now can search for pork or find out if 
their neighbor's business sells widgets to the state.
  The "Where The Money Goes" feature on the comptroller's Web site — at 
www.window.state.tx.us — is the result of legislation by a group of 
thirtysomething, tech-savvy lawmakers.
  Rep. Mark Strama, D-Austin, a technology consultant who founded the first 
company to register voters online, wrote the bill that required the online 
  He modeled it after federal legislation passed last year. Texas joins Kansas, 
Minnesota, Oklahoma, Hawaii and Missouri in setting up searchable spending 
  "It's really helpful for voters to be as educated as they can about how their 
taxpayer dollars get allocated," Strama said. "It helps them see the enormous 
difficulty of decisions that we have to make in the budgeting process."
  Comptroller Susan Combs began planning for the portal when the legislation 
was introduced early this year. She got the site up and running at a cost of 
  "During my first few days in office, I began the process of posting state 
agencies' expenditures on our Web site," Combs said in a news release. "This 
new window into state finances gives taxpayers an even more detailed look at 
who gets their money and how much."
Takes patience, luckThe home page contains a pie chart with the basic 
categories of the spending that ate up $74.5 billion in fiscal 2007.   
  A click takes the browser to a page that allows searches by agency, payee and 
spending category. From the largest agencies and universities to the most 
obscure, line-item spending for the past few fiscal years is available.
  With a little patience and luck — the search feature often freezes or gives 
an error message — the curious can find out how much the state spends on food 
for prison inmates (nearly $81 million) or on lawyers for minors seeking 
judicial approval to have an abortion without telling their parents ($452,895).
  It also lists payments to tens of thousands of vendors, but only for the 
first few weeks of the 2008 fiscal year, which began Sept. 1. The payees are 
listed by first name, a strange twist that the comptroller's staff says was 
required because of the need to list both business names and individuals.
  The information can raise more questions that it answers. For example, why 
was Accenture LLP, the outsourcing giant that agreed in March to end an $899 
million contract to oversee social services enrollment, recently paid $19.4 
million by the Health and Human Services Commission?
Providing a reality checkAn e-mail to Stephanie Goodman, a spokeswoman for 
HHSC, produced this answer: "Accenture isn't doing any work under the contract, 
but we're still working out final arrangements to officially end the contract. 
The payment you saw is for equipment — computer equipment, phone systems, 
furniture, etc. — that Accenture purchased under the contract and is still 
being used by state staff and other vendors. It's used for the services that 
Accenture was handling, such as ... health plan enrollment, that we need to 
continue without any disruption."   
  Limited government groups said the Web site could help their efforts to curb 
  "Twenty-three million sets of eyes can propose better ways, more efficient 
ways to operate our government," said Michael Quinn Sullivan, president of 
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility.
  Sullivan said the site will provide a reality check when state agencies say 
they are running out of money. Last month the Texas Department of 
Transportation said dwindling funds will force it to delay or scale back $965 
million worth of road construction work.
  "For folks who question that, they can go through and look at how the agency 
is spending money, month in and month out," he said.
  Although the outlays appear staggering, advocates for low-income Texans like 
to remind the public that Texas ranks 50th in per capita spending.
  "It sounds like a lot of money until you take into acco

Re: [Assam] From ToI/ India's Nobel connections

2007-10-15 Thread umesh sharma
All glory is fleeting!! 
as the victorius Roman generals had their slaves whispering in their ears while 
entering the city with pom -as per US General Patton - in the movie.


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: India's Nobel connections
14 Oct 2007, 0037 hrs IST,Chidanand Rajghatta
   Print   Save   EMail   Write to Editor
Yet another Nobel season has gone by and no Indian has won the Prize 
outright, not that it will deny us some more hysteria and 
over-the-top headlines. So eager are we to grab any Indian connection 
to success, howsoever remote, that we will celebrate this year's 
peace prize shared between Al Gore and the Inter-governmental panel 
on Climate Change, because the IPCC is currently headed by Dr R K 
Pachauri, a fine scientist in his own right.

But it's not the same thing as a home-grown Indian individual winning 
it, the hypernationalist joke about Gore (Goray) being from Pune 
aside. Still, if you are part of the national mood of hype and 
hoopla, we'll count IPCC-Dr Pachauri's win as the 11th Nobel for 

How 11? You would start with Rabindranath Tagore, the first Indian to 
be awarded the Nobel (for literature in 1913). Sir C V Raman was the 
second native-born resident Indian winner and the first Indian to win 
a science Nobel, for physics in 1930.

But even before those landmarks, India can claim two other Nobel 
'connections.' Ronald Ross, who won the Nobel for medicine in 1902, 
was born in Almora and was listed as an ''Indian physician of 
Scottish origin.'' He joined the Indian Medical Service in 1881 and 
worked in Calcutta, Bangalore and Ooty. Rudyard Kipling, the 
arch-imperialist who won the Nobel for literature in 1907, was born 
in Bombay.

Independent India almost had its first Nobel laureate in 1948 when 
the committee is said to have pencilled in Mahatma Gandhi for the 
Peace Prize. But he was assassinated just before the nominations 
closed. The Nobel is not awarded posthumously so we 'lost' that.

It would be another two decades before another Indian, this one 
slightly more desi than Ross and Kipling, won the award. In 1968, 
Punjab-born Dr Har Gobind Khorana, then a US citizen, won the Nobel 
for medicine. Sadly, he had left India just after Independence when a 
job he was promised was denied by a last minute intervention by a 
minister who plumped for his nephew.

A sixth Nobel came India's way in 1979 when Albanian-origin 
Calcutta-resident Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) won the peace 
prize. Four years later, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, like Khorana a US 
citizen and less known as C V Raman's nephew, won the Nobel for 
physics. In 1989, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama and resident of 
Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, was awarded the Nobel for peace.

Amartya Sen, arguably the most Indian of all post-Independent 
connections despite living and teaching in the west, won the Nobel 
for Economics in 1998. Finally, in 2001, V S Naipaul, as much Indian 
as Trinidadian but a West Indian all the same, won for literature. So 
Dr Pachauri is the 11th.

Keen readers can probably dredge up a few more Indian Nobel 
connections. For instance, Winston Churchill, who won the Nobel in 
1953 (for literature, would you believe it) served as a young 
lieutenant in Bangalore during World War I. So do we count that to 
make a dozen for India?

On the flip side though, Khorana was born in Multan, Chandra in 
Lahore, Mother Teresa in Skopje and the Dalai Lama in Takster 
(Tibet). So Pakistan, China, Albania and Macedonia may be puffing up 
their count too, although they don't seem to be as hyperbolic as we 
currently are.

The sad truth is our Nobel 'connections' are made up of India-born 
westerners, pre-Independence British subjects, and non-resident 
Indians who held other citizenships. While we celebrate sundry rich 
lists and other spurious records with gusto, no home-grown resident 
Indian has won a Nobel since Independence. So, much for rising, 
shining India.

assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

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Re: [Assam] Hey Ruby: assam Digest, Vol 27, Issue 55

2007-10-15 Thread umesh sharma
Hey Ruby,

How are you dear after surrendering to the Indian army. Even BBC thought of 
your surrender as important to the peace process. Why don't you persuade your 
ex-comrade-in-arms to surrender and join in making Assam a star in Indian 

How are the wife and kids?



ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote: 
  Rubi Bhuyan reply
  Till today, all the publicity material of the ULFA has been put out in the 
name of Rubi Bhuyan, (including the Statements of Chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa 
and CS Paresh Barua and Swadhinata and Freedom journals) which means Rubi 
Bhuyan is an approved person by the Central Committee of the ULFA. One should 
ignore what ever is published by others in the name of ULFA. 
  If Rubi Bhuyan does not exist and some body else is using the name to damage 
the ULFA, why is it then the ULFA has not come up with  clarification?  If you 
really believe that  Rubi  Bhuyan no longer exists, why are you wanting to 
communicate with a ghost writer? 
  Dear Dr. Das, if the ULFA is now without any political brain, how is it 
possible for the organisation to publish Swadhinta in Assamese and Freedom in 
English regularly? Are you suggesting there is a phantom writer around? Or are 
you telling that that you are equipped with good English and the ULFA should  
approach you to do the writing? There has been some discussions going on in the 
internet and upon noting some specific questions asked by some netters Rubi 
Bhuya gave replies to those. If you have been following the threads in the net, 
where do you think Rubi Bhuyan made an error? 
  But then I found that was only Guwahati boys monopoly to take control of arms 
and ammunitions.As a hard working student leader in 1975 and to begin my career 
as a Moina Parijat moina in 1972 then to All Assam Chemoniya Choura and later 
Convenor of Moina parihat from 1975 with Chemoniya Choura and Jatiyatabadi Juba 
  I do not think there is need to make any comment on your bio-data. 
  Ok, Megh Phukon and others are dead, Mithinga and all are in prison, the  
rest are all in Switzerland and Bangladesh and that there is no ULFA cadres in 
Assam. Why on earth then the Indian Government is having to deploy hundreds of 
thousands of soldiers in Assam at the cost spending crores of rupees to 
maintain them and the politicians, intellects and the public is calling for a 
peaceful resolution to the Assam-India conflict for restoration of Sovereignty 
of Asom inviting ULFA to the negotiation table?  
   How can you say that the ULFA does not have a constitution any more? Without 
a constitution ULFA like organisation cannot go on. What is your intention of 
bringing up such idiotic notions?
  Mind it Mr Das, barring a mad person no one would suggest that the ULFA does 
not have any other strategy than extorting money.  Otherwise, what would you 
say to the ULFA stance of seeking peaceful political solution of the 
Asssm-India political conflict?  

  If the ULFA leadership forget  the sacrifices of many of their cadre and the 
people then might compromise and give up the struggle.  Despite the set back as 
a result of the Bhutan episode, the colossal counter  from the enemy and 
criticism from intellects still we are continuing our struggle steadfastly. 
   In the current debate there is no reason that we need to delve into these. 
   You are totally wrong here. Colonel Paresh  Barua would object to it as 
   It is very true that the AGP betrayed. But that does not mean that all the 
AGP members need to be eliminated. The way you have dealt with the subject, it 
sounds like you are instigating the ULFA to murder them. People who knows you 
would understand why are you doing this. Are you aware of the attacks on 
Joinath Sarmah, Prafulla Mahanata. Nakul Das, Pradip Hazarika and C… 
   Look Mr, Das, you are also a son of the soil like the ULFA cadres. You have 
responsibilities too. You can  execute your responsibilities individually, 
joining the ULFA or by setting up a peaceful organization. You only can decide 
what do you want to do. In the current situation of danger in every step, do 
not expect of us to meet up with you to seek your advice. As a result of 
counseling from sentimental people like you Animesh Kakati, Kabir Ranjan Saikia 
and Bhaskar Dutta like extremely capable cadres have lost their lives. Can you 
deny this?
  If the ULFA is short freedom fighters, do not have weapons, lacks public 
support; don’t you think the Indian soldiers should leave Assam? Why are the 
soldiers from the occupying forces raiding homes in Assam looking for ULFA 
cadres? Before criticizing the ULFA, dear Deka you should put yourself in 
ULFA’S shoes. Otherwise you would devalue your prestigious Doctoral title.
   If you are t

Re: [Assam] Unwelcome arrogance

2007-10-15 Thread umesh sharma
good question. Who is arrogant -- army or ULFA or both?


Nava Thakuria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Unwelcome arrogance
 Nava Thakuria 
 BRINGING the Ulfa to the negotiation table is a tough and challenging job 
because of its supposed ideology or gallantry. What makes the task even tougher 
is the outfit’s growing nexus with Muslim fundamentalists in Bangladesh and 
Pakistan. The Assamese do have a grudge against the Centre for not fulfilling 
their aspirations, but they will certainly not support an organisation having 
such contacts. Ulfa leaders are hard put to convince the Assamese that they are 
committed “to free Assam from the colonial rule of India”. 
 The Army has come out with a rather pompous campaign against the Ulfa. While 
New Delhi believes that insurgency must be tackled politically, some senior 
Army officers are trying to argue that the armed forces alone can crush 
 At a press conference recently, the new GOC, 4 Corps, Lt-General BS Jaswal, 
said, “I appeal to the parents of the Ulfa men to give a clarion call to their 
near and dear ones to give up arms or they will have to receive their mortal 
 What the Army officer is trying to suggest is that nobody except the Ulfa 
members should be worried about the present turmoil in the region. There is no 
need for peace talks, public opinion or any political will to deal with the 
 General Jaswal’s seemingly irresponsible comments simply negates all attempts 
at peace talks by civil societies and the media’s relentless endeavour to 
support public anger against terrorism. It should not be forgotten that dealing 
with insurgency is not as simple as explained by the “confident” Army officer. 
 At the end of the day, it demoralises the people from involving themselves in 
the peace process. While Ulfa leaders do not take the people of Assam seriously 
to explain their relationship with the external terrorist groups, the 
authorities responsible for counter-insurgency operation in the region, on the 
other hand, spare no opportunity to exhibit their arrogance. Stuck in between, 
the common people never win.
 (The author is a Guwahati-based freelance journalist.) 

assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )

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Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish market- Assam's queer trade/ warming - Flood week fest - Sonam film maker

2007-10-15 Thread umesh sharma

OK try this map:  http://www.imdmumbai.gov.in/Onset.htm

which shows that on June 1 South West monsoon Bay of Bengal branch 
simultaneously enter Kerala in the South and Imphal in NE India and then moves 
northwest wards reaching Delhi bu July 1.


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global 
Warming -- Fish market- As At 8:32 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:
 You can trust me on this one -- the weblink you sent me is really pathetic and 
half baked.  

  Really? Awright! You are the expert, I am just a kharkhowa.

 So why don't you tell us what your conclusion is:

 Do you UMesh, a shining graduate of climatology/meteorology of Wiki U, 
therefore stand
 behind the notion , that those little tankers carrying monsoon 
moisture to Assam
 and the  contiguous areas , finding no one in the receiving rooms, 
double back on their
 sales route down the Brahmaputra valley on to the  Gangetic plains 
inhabited by
 poor Indians unable to pay for merchandise, go on to Delhi and 
Rajasthan to deliver their
 loads a month later?


 Is that what you learned?


 I know I won't get an answer to the question, but since you can't see what 
stared you on  your face; the website I sent a link for, showed the monsoon 
wind patterns that generate  from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea.  It 
also showed the high and low pressure points in the south Asian region that 
usually cause  the  monsoon wind patterns that are considered NORMAL.

 The Wiki account , more than likely was written by a desi non-scientist. You, 
read it literally, like fundamentalists reads their scriptures.

 The wind patterns  that cause what cause rains in NE  and  the  West ands 
North Indian regions are different, even though they overlap.

 And the URL of the Indian meteorological  dept. that you sent triumphantly, 
does not tell anyone what the monsoon wind patterns are . It merely tells us 
when  monsoon arrives  in different parts of India.

 Some expert you are!









 Bay of Bengal Monsoon comes to NE first -drops a lot of rain and drags over 
the Indo-gangetic plain slowly --raeching Thar desert area (westernmost last -- 
having no moisture left -- so dry deserts--  Thats how all Indian media reports 
  Having grown in the said desert it is common knowledge how lucky NE India is 
to be first to receive the clouds fresh from the sea.
 Still you might like to see the detailed map of the "Advance of Southwest 
Monsoon 2007" - if you scroll halfway down the webpage of 
 Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish market- As Look up: 
 At 8:00 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:
 I may not be a knowall like you but I try to say what I have read somewhere. I 
read this in Indian textbooks and learnt from my father who has an interest in 
geography and has travelled all over the Himalays - NE portion to Western 
Himalayas .  Do not ask me to go there and prove it all - neither can you- we 
say what we have read-- maybe what you read was taught only at IITs .
 climat change
 "The Bay of Bengal Branch of SW Monsoon flows over the Bay of Bengal heading 
towards North-Eastern India and Bengal, picking up more moisture from the Bay 
of Bengal. Its hits the Eastern Himalaya and provides a huge amount of rain to 
the regions of North-East India, Bangladesh and West Bengal. Cherrapunji, 
situated on the southern slopes of the Eastern Himalaya in Shillong, India is 
one of the wettest places on Earth. After striking the Eastern Himalaya it 
turns towards the West, travels over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, at a rate of 
roughly 1-2 weeks per state[citation needed], pouring raining all along its 
 Satisfied?? Or do you accuse me of cooking up the data here at wiki also?
 Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Re: [Assam] Fish market- Assam's queer trade/ warming - Fl
  If  we had to go by what is in the header, why do we even read what is in the 
body of the e-mail?
 It was not I who opened up with :
 >Those with slightest knowledge of monsoon rains in India would 
  Where do you fancy yourself in? Those who have the slightest knowledge of 
monsoons in India or the clueless  bunch who fancy themselves the 'know-it-all' 
 At 7:43 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:
 C-da (Mr Know-all),
 Since you know everything you might look again at the subject header and tell 
us a few points about its main contents?
 You have a habit of going at a tangent esp 

Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish market- Assam's queer trade/ warming - Flood week fest - Sonam film maker

2007-10-15 Thread umesh sharma

OK try this map:

which shows that on June 1 South West monsoon Bay of Bengal branch 
simultaneously enter Kerala in the South and Imphal in NE India and then moves 
northwest wards reaching Delhi bu July 1.


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global 
Warming -- Fish market- As At 8:32 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:
 You can trust me on this one -- the weblink you sent me is really pathetic and 
half baked.  

  Really? Awright! You are the expert, I am just a kharkhowa.

 So why don't you tell us what your conclusion is:

 Do you UMesh, a shining graduate of climatology/meteorology of Wiki U, 
therefore stand
 behind the notion , that those little tankers carrying monsoon 
moisture to Assam
 and the  contiguous areas , finding no one in the receiving rooms, 
double back on their
 sales route down the Brahmaputra valley on to the  Gangetic plains 
inhabited by
 poor Indians unable to pay for merchandise, go on to Delhi and 
Rajasthan to deliver their
 loads a month later?


 Is that what you learned?


 I know I won't get an answer to the question, but since you can't see what 
stared you on  your face; the website I sent a link for, showed the monsoon 
wind patterns that generate  from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea.  It 
also showed the high and low pressure points in the south Asian region that 
usually cause  the  monsoon wind patterns that are considered NORMAL.

 The Wiki account , more than likely was written by a desi non-scientist. You, 
read it literally, like fundamentalists reads their scriptures.

 The wind patterns  that cause what cause rains in NE  and  the  West ands 
North Indian regions are different, even though they overlap.

 And the URL of the Indian meteorological  dept. that you sent triumphantly, 
does not tell anyone what the monsoon wind patterns are . It merely tells us 
when  monsoon arrives  in different parts of India.

 Some expert you are!









 Bay of Bengal Monsoon comes to NE first -drops a lot of rain and drags over 
the Indo-gangetic plain slowly --raeching Thar desert area (westernmost last -- 
having no moisture left -- so dry deserts--  Thats how all Indian media reports 
  Having grown in the said desert it is common knowledge how lucky NE India is 
to be first to receive the clouds fresh from the sea.
 Still you might like to see the detailed map of the "Advance of Southwest 
Monsoon 2007" - if you scroll halfway down the webpage of 
 Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish market- As Look up: 
 At 8:00 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:
 I may not be a knowall like you but I try to say what I have read somewhere. I 
read this in Indian textbooks and learnt from my father who has an interest in 
geography and has travelled all over the Himalays - NE portion to Western 
Himalayas .  Do not ask me to go there and prove it all - neither can you- we 
say what we have read-- maybe what you read was taught only at IITs .
 climat change
 "The Bay of Bengal Branch of SW Monsoon flows over the Bay of Bengal heading 
towards North-Eastern India and Bengal, picking up more moisture from the Bay 
of Bengal. Its hits the Eastern Himalaya and provides a huge amount of rain to 
the regions of North-East India, Bangladesh and West Bengal. Cherrapunji, 
situated on the southern slopes of the Eastern Himalaya in Shillong, India is 
one of the wettest places on Earth. After striking the Eastern Himalaya it 
turns towards the West, travels over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, at a rate of 
roughly 1-2 weeks per state[citation needed], pouring raining all along its 
 Satisfied?? Or do you accuse me of cooking up the data here at wiki also?
 Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Re: [Assam] Fish market- Assam's queer trade/ warming - Fl
  If  we had to go by what is in the header, why do we even read what is in the 
body of the e-mail?
 It was not I who opened up with :
 >Those with slightest knowledge of monsoon rains in India would 
  Where do you fancy yourself in? Those who have the slightest knowledge of 
monsoons in India or the clueless  bunch who fancy themselves the 'know-it-all' 
 At 7:43 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:
 C-da (Mr Know-all),
 Since you know everything you might look again at the subject header and tell 
us a few points about its main contents?
 You have a habit of going at a tangent esp when your pet issue of terrorist 

[Assam] Rising Himalaya: Advent and intensification of monsoon

2007-10-15 Thread umesh sharma

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.___
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[Assam] From ToI/ India's Nobel connections

2007-10-15 Thread Chan Mahanta
India's Nobel connections
14 Oct 2007, 0037 hrs IST,Chidanand Rajghatta
   Print SaveEMail   Write to Editor
Yet another Nobel season has gone by and no Indian has won the Prize 
outright, not that it will deny us some more hysteria and 
over-the-top headlines. So eager are we to grab any Indian connection 
to success, howsoever remote, that we will celebrate this year's 
peace prize shared between Al Gore and the Inter-governmental panel 
on Climate Change, because the IPCC is currently headed by Dr R K 
Pachauri, a fine scientist in his own right.

But it's not the same thing as a home-grown Indian individual winning 
it, the hypernationalist joke about Gore (Goray) being from Pune 
aside. Still, if you are part of the national mood of hype and 
hoopla, we'll count IPCC-Dr Pachauri's win as the 11th Nobel for 

How 11? You would start with Rabindranath Tagore, the first Indian to 
be awarded the Nobel (for literature in 1913). Sir C V Raman was the 
second native-born resident Indian winner and the first Indian to win 
a science Nobel, for physics in 1930.

But even before those landmarks, India can claim two other Nobel 
'connections.' Ronald Ross, who won the Nobel for medicine in 1902, 
was born in Almora and was listed as an ''Indian physician of 
Scottish origin.'' He joined the Indian Medical Service in 1881 and 
worked in Calcutta, Bangalore and Ooty. Rudyard Kipling, the 
arch-imperialist who won the Nobel for literature in 1907, was born 
in Bombay.

Independent India almost had its first Nobel laureate in 1948 when 
the committee is said to have pencilled in Mahatma Gandhi for the 
Peace Prize. But he was assassinated just before the nominations 
closed. The Nobel is not awarded posthumously so we 'lost' that.

It would be another two decades before another Indian, this one 
slightly more desi than Ross and Kipling, won the award. In 1968, 
Punjab-born Dr Har Gobind Khorana, then a US citizen, won the Nobel 
for medicine. Sadly, he had left India just after Independence when a 
job he was promised was denied by a last minute intervention by a 
minister who plumped for his nephew.

A sixth Nobel came India's way in 1979 when Albanian-origin 
Calcutta-resident Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) won the peace 
prize. Four years later, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, like Khorana a US 
citizen and less known as C V Raman's nephew, won the Nobel for 
physics. In 1989, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama and resident of 
Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, was awarded the Nobel for peace.

Amartya Sen, arguably the most Indian of all post-Independent 
connections despite living and teaching in the west, won the Nobel 
for Economics in 1998. Finally, in 2001, V S Naipaul, as much Indian 
as Trinidadian but a West Indian all the same, won for literature. So 
Dr Pachauri is the 11th.

Keen readers can probably dredge up a few more Indian Nobel 
connections. For instance, Winston Churchill, who won the Nobel in 
1953 (for literature, would you believe it) served as a young 
lieutenant in Bangalore during World War I. So do we count that to 
make a dozen for India?

On the flip side though, Khorana was born in Multan, Chandra in 
Lahore, Mother Teresa in Skopje and the Dalai Lama in Takster 
(Tibet). So Pakistan, China, Albania and Macedonia may be puffing up 
their count too, although they don't seem to be as hyperbolic as we 
currently are.

The sad truth is our Nobel 'connections' are made up of India-born 
westerners, pre-Independence British subjects, and non-resident 
Indians who held other citizenships. While we celebrate sundry rich 
lists and other spurious records with gusto, no home-grown resident 
Indian has won a Nobel since Independence. So, much for rising, 
shining India.

assam mailing list

[Assam] not so gorgeous now-- from Waterwatch

2007-10-15 Thread Chan Mahanta

Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys
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Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 10:17:01 +0530
Subject: [WaterWatch] Fwd: not so gorgeous now
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-- Forwarded message --
From: Sridharan D V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Oct 7, 2007 5:50 PM
Subject: not so gorgeous now

From The Times
September 27, 2007

Three Gorges Dam is a disaster in the making, China admits

Jane Macartney in Beijing

It was hailed as one of the engineering feats of the 20th century. Now
the Three Gorges Dam across China's mighty Yangtze River threatens to
become an environmental catastrophe.
In an unprecedented admission of blame, Communist Party officials gave
a stark warning yesterday of impending disaster in the vast area
around the dam if preventive measures are not urgently introduced.
For more than a decade China has promoted the world's biggest
hydro-electric project as the best way to end centuries of floods
along the basin of the Yangtze and to provide energy to fuel the
country's economic boom.
The Government ignored critics who claimed that the Three Gorges,
first proposed nearly a century ago and immortalised in a poem by Mao
Zedong, was an ecological disaster waiting to happen.

Now those same officials who oversaw construction of the £13 billion
dam admit that surrounding areas are paying a heavy, and potentially
calamitous, environmental cost. Hundreds of thousands of people may
have to be moved. A total of 1.3 million have been displaced by the
dam already.
A report issued by the Xinhua news agency, mouthpiece for the
Government, said: "There exist many ecological and environmental
problems concerning the Three Gorges Dam. If no preventive measures
are taken, the project could lead to catastrophe."
A government forum listed a host of threats such as conflicts over
land shortages, ecological deterioration as a result of irrational
development and, especially, erosion and landslides on steep hills
around the dam. Other authorities have already raised concerns over
algae bloom downstream from the Three Gorges and a deterioration in
aquatic life.
Wang Xiaofeng, director of the administrative office in charge of
building the dam, said that it was time to face up to the
environmental consequences of a project hailed as an achievement to
rival the Great Wall.
He said: "We absolutely cannot relax our guard against ecological and
environmental security problems sparked by the Three Gorges project.
We cannot win passing economic prosperity at the cost of the
He revealed that the Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao, had discussed the
problems surrounding the dam during a Cabinet meeting this year.
The timing of yesterday's warning is significant, coming just two
weeks before the Communist Party holds a five-yearly congress at which
it will cement policy and anoint a new generation of leaders. One
political analyst said: "It is a way for President Hu Jintao to
distance himself [from the Three Gorges project] further. He stayed
away from the completion ceremonies a year ago and this underlines
that his administration does not want to be associated with the Three
Gorges." The project to create a dam producing more than 18,000MW of
power - 20 times more than the Hoo-ver Dam in America - has been
dogged by controversy. In 1989 one vice-premier ordered a five-year
moratorium on any discussion about the dam, but that was ignored when
conservatives gained power after the Tiananmen Square crackdown in the
same year. In 1992 the virtually toothless National People's Congress,
or parliament, approved the dam - but with one third of deputies
voting "no" or abstaining.
Dai Qing, an environmental activist, has been the most vocal opponent
of the Three Gorges. She said: "We have never stopped talking about
the problems but our voice was too weak. The system does not listen to
the voices of civic activists or dissidents. But now, at last, they
are starting to hear."
One of the most worrying consequences of the project has been the
sharp increase in landslides around the dam. Studies by geologists
have shown that the water seeping out of the reservoir and the huge
pressure changes are weakening the banks.
One official said that the shore of the reservoir had collapsed in 91
places and a total of 36 kilometres (22 miles) had already caved in.
Landslides have produced waves as

Re: [Assam] ULFA REPLY

2007-10-15 Thread Chan Mahanta
At 8:28 PM -0500 10/15/07, kamal deka wrote:
>In my humble opinion,it is the system of governance in Assam that 
>needs overhauling in toto.

  I agree wholeheartedly Kamal. I also know you are one of a very 
few in this forum who realizes that. That brings the question of HOW 
Assam will accomplish that? Or for that matter India? Had India 
demonstrated an ability to address the issues that  have been 
spawning insurgencies , rebellions or whatsmacallits across the 
length and breadth of its boundaries, it won't be in the mess it is 

>Moreover,to all intents and purposes,sovereignty is an unattainable 
>goal.Why chase wild goose ?

 That, Kamal I don't agree with. For a simple reason: Humanity 
would not be where it is today, if others before us  had given up 
without a struggle.

>Sovereignty will not be able to cast any magic spell in the over-all 
>development of Assam unless there is a sea-change in the system of 
>governance,currently in place out there.

 Kamal, you have to be realistic: Sovereignty is only a first 
step. It is not the end. It  became essential, ONLY because of 
India's incapability  or unwillingness or both to respond to its 
constituents' crying needs.  You cannot depend on India for anything, 
other than to bribe your leaders into submission. But it controls ALL 
the significant powers of state while professing to be a federal 
republic.  A more bald-faced lie I cannot imagine. Truth is they 
don't even KNOW the meaning of the words they speak. Just look at our 
own forum here.

>Hope,I have made some sense.

 You do indeed make a whole lot more sense most amongst are 
willing or have the courage to admit. But that is NOT enough Kamal.


>assam mailing list

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] MLAs blame it on bureaucratic red tape-Unused MLALAD funds (The Sentinel, 16.10.2007)

2007-10-15 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
Did the MLA's even know that they had money to spend, allocated already? 
  Will it be too much to expect them to plan ahead of time and prepare project 
reports so that they can demand the money from Dispur? 
  But then planning is too much of a hassle - needs brain power-,and caring for 
the constituents is unheard of. The MLA's are busy playing politics and 
counting the rupees from the bribing contractors. What a shame!
  Wasn't there even a single MLA who knew his responsibility towards the 
  Dilip Deka

Buljit Buragohain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
MLAs blame it on bureaucratic red tape
Unused MLALAD funds 
By our Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, Oct 15: Most of the MLAs of the State, cutting across party lines, 
have today blamed it on official bottlenecks and bureaucratic red tape for the 
non-utilization of MLA Local Area Development funds. The State Government is 
contemplating on taking back the unused MLALAD funds to the State exchequer as 
a huge amount of money released by the Government for the development of its 
126 LACs remained unused.
AGP-P president and former State Chief Minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, when 
contacted by The Sentinel today, said the Government releases the funds very 
late leading to non-utilization a huge chunk of them. “An MLA naturally wants 
to develop his or her constituency, but it is the system that puts hurdles,” he 
Mahanta is against making the MLALAD funds lapsable as he thinks that such a 
step will hamper development at the grassroots level. He said at the time of 
release of the second instalments of MLALAD funds the bureaucratic red tape is 
always more.
Such an allegation was also levelled by AUDF general secretary and party MLA 
Hafiz Basir Ahmed Qasimi. He has demanded for an inquiry into the attitude of 
the district administration concerned, which, he said, is the execution 
authority of schemes submitted by an MLA. “I have submitted all the schemes of 
my constituency within a month of the allotment of funds made by the 
Government, but still little has been done towards the implementation of the 
schemes,” he said.
CPI(M) State unit general secretary and party MLA Uddhab Barman also blamed it 
on the incompetency of the district authorities in implementing the schemes 
submitted by the MLAs. In many cases, the district authorities express their 
inability in timely monitoring of schemes due to shortage of manpower. 
Corruption at the district level cannot be ruled out, he added. “The Government 
should rectify the system before going for any other measures,” he suggested. 
AGP MLA Robin Banikya thinks that technical hurdles lead to the delay in 
implementation of the schemes. The MLALAD funds are not that huge, but the 
formalities involved are very complicated, he said. He also criticized the 
Government for the delay in release of the funds. However, BJP Legislative 
Party leader Mission Ranjan Das thinks that the MLAs should be blamed for 
non-utilization of funds. He said it is unfortunate that several MLAs are yet 
to use a single paisa of the funds released for the development of their 
constituencies. Besides, the beneficiaries of the funds have to be educated so 
as to ensure good results, he added.
  (The Sentinel,16.10.2007)

  Save all your chat conversations. Find them 
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2007-10-15 Thread kamal deka

In my humble opinion,it is the system of governance in Assam that
needs overhauling in toto.Moreover,to all intents and purposes,sovereignty
is an unattainable goal.Why chase wild goose ? Sovereignty will not be able
to cast any magic spell in the over-all development of Assam unless there is
a sea-change in the system of governance,currently in place out there.Hope,I
have made some sense.

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish market- Assam's queer trade/ warming - Flood week fest - Sonam film maker

2007-10-15 Thread Chan Mahanta

At 8:32 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:


You can trust me on this one -- the weblink you sent me is really 
pathetic and half baked.

 Really? Awright! You are the expert, I am just a kharkhowa.

So why don't you tell us what your conclusion is:

	Do you UMesh, a shining graduate of climatology/meteorology 
of Wiki U, therefore stand
	behind the notion , that those little tankers carrying 
monsoon moisture to Assam
	and the  contiguous areas , finding no one in the receiving 
rooms, double back on their
	sales route down the Brahmaputra valley on to the  Gangetic 
plains inhabited by
	poor Indians unable to pay for merchandise, go on to Delhi 
and Rajasthan to deliver their

loads a month later?

Is that what you learned?

I know I won't get an answer to the question, but since you can't see 
what stared you on  your face; the website I sent a link for, showed 
the monsoon wind patterns that generate  from the Bay of Bengal and 
the Arabian sea.  It also showed the high and low pressure points in 
the south Asian region that usually cause  the  monsoon wind patterns 
that are considered NORMAL.

The Wiki account , more than likely was written by a desi 
non-scientist. You, read it literally, like fundamentalists reads 
their scriptures.

The wind patterns  that cause what cause rains in NE  and  the  West 
ands North Indian regions are different, even though they overlap.

And the URL of the Indian meteorological  dept. that you sent 
triumphantly, does not tell anyone what the monsoon wind patterns are 
. It merely tells us when  monsoon arrives  in different parts of 

Some expert you are!

Bay of Bengal Monsoon comes to NE first -drops a lot of rain and 
drags over the Indo-gangetic plain slowly --raeching Thar desert 
area (westernmost last -- having no moisture left -- so dry 
deserts--  Thats how all Indian media reports .

 Having grown in the said desert it is common knowledge how lucky NE 
India is to be first to receive the clouds fresh from the sea.
Still you might like to see the detailed map of the "Advance of 
Southwest Monsoon 2007" - if you scroll halfway down the webpage of 


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish market- As
Look up:


At 8:00 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:

I may not be a knowall like you but I try to say what I have read 
somewhere. I read this in Indian textbooks and learnt from my 
father who has an interest in geography and has travelled all over 
the Himalays - NE portion to Western Himalayas .  Do not ask me to 
go there and prove it all - neither can you- we say what we have 
read-- maybe what you read was taught only at IITs .

climat change

"The Bay of Bengal Branch of SW Monsoon flows over the 
Bay of Bengal heading 
North-Eastern India 
and Bengal, picking up more 
moisture from the Bay 
of Bengal. Its hits the 
Eastern Himalaya and 
provides a huge amount of rain to the regions of 
North-East India, 
Bangladesh and 
West Bengal. 
Cherrapunji, situated on 
the southern slopes of the 
Eastern Himalaya in 
India is one of the wettest 
places on Earth. After striking the 
Eastern Himalaya it turns 
towards the West, travels over 
the Indo-Gangetic 
Plain, at a rate of roughly 1-2 weeks per 
needed], pouring raining all along its way"

Satisfied?? Or do you accuse me of cooking up the data here at wiki also?


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [Assam] Fish market- Assam's queer trade/ warming - Fl

If  we had to go by what is in the header, why do we even read what 
is in the body of the e-mail?

It was not I who opened up with :

	>Those with slightest knowledge of monsoon rains in India 
would know-

 Where do you fancy yourself in? Those who have the slightest 
knowledge of monsoons in India or the clueless  bunch who fancy 
themselves the 'know-it-all' ?

At 7:43 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:

C-da (Mr Know-all),

Since you know everything you might 

[Assam] Utpal's Questions

2007-10-15 Thread Chan Mahanta

I haven't forgotten you.

But since yours is a long litany of questions and complaints, it will 
take some time to deal with, something am having a hard time finding 
at the moment.

Besides, as you must have noticed, I am just one AGAINST  a world of 
netters :-)


assam mailing list

[Assam] MLAs blame it on bureaucratic red tape-Unused MLALAD funds (The Sentinel, 16.10.2007)

2007-10-15 Thread Buljit Buragohain
MLAs blame it on bureaucratic red tape
Unused MLALAD funds 
By our Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, Oct 15: Most of the MLAs of the State, cutting across party lines, 
have today blamed it on official bottlenecks and bureaucratic red tape for the 
non-utilization of MLA Local Area Development funds. The State Government is 
contemplating on taking back the unused MLALAD funds to the State exchequer as 
a huge amount of money released by the Government for the development of its 
126 LACs remained unused.
AGP-P president and former State Chief Minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, when 
contacted by The Sentinel today, said the Government releases the funds very 
late leading to non-utilization a huge chunk of them. “An MLA naturally wants 
to develop his or her constituency, but it is the system that puts hurdles,” he 
Mahanta is against making the MLALAD funds lapsable as he thinks that such a 
step will hamper development at the grassroots level. He said at the time of 
release of the second instalments of MLALAD funds the bureaucratic red tape is 
always more.
Such an allegation was also levelled by AUDF general secretary and party MLA 
Hafiz Basir Ahmed Qasimi. He has demanded for an inquiry into the attitude of 
the district administration concerned, which, he said, is the execution 
authority of schemes submitted by an MLA. “I have submitted all the schemes of 
my constituency within a month of the allotment of funds made by the 
Government, but still little has been done towards the implementation of the 
schemes,” he said.
CPI(M) State unit general secretary and party MLA Uddhab Barman also blamed it 
on the incompetency of the district authorities in implementing the schemes 
submitted by the MLAs. In many cases, the district authorities express their 
inability in timely monitoring of schemes due to shortage of manpower. 
Corruption at the district level cannot be ruled out, he added. “The Government 
should rectify the system before going for any other measures,” he suggested. 
AGP MLA Robin Banikya thinks that technical hurdles lead to the delay in 
implementation of the schemes. The MLALAD funds are not that huge, but the 
formalities involved are very complicated, he said. He also criticized the 
Government for the delay in release of the funds. However, BJP Legislative 
Party leader Mission Ranjan Das thinks that the MLAs should be blamed for 
non-utilization of funds. He said it is unfortunate that several MLAs are yet 
to use a single paisa of the funds released for the development of their 
constituencies. Besides, the beneficiaries of the funds have to be educated so 
as to ensure good results, he added.
  (The Sentinel,16.10.2007)

 Save all your chat conversations. Find them online.___
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Re: [Assam] ULFA reply to Kamal Deka

2007-10-15 Thread kamal deka
It would have been complete tomfoolery on my part if I had expected a
meaningful reply from the ' mouth organ ' of an outlawed organisation who
even doesn't know  how to differentiate between figurative language and
literal meaning ( living in cave ).Anyone even with a modicum of brain would
understand that.

Yes,I live in Texas.That does not mean that I should not be allowed to care
for Assam---a state,I hold so dear. What constructive works have you all
done save carrying out gory pogrom in order to mow down innocent unarmed
civilians including children and women ? But then,I should not expect
anything good coming out of an outfit, whose credo has been to rule with
guns and rods,shutting out dissents by death.


On 10/15/07, ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hounorable Netters,structive
> By suggesting that the ULFA members are cave dwellers, Dr. Kamal Deka
> seems to have taken the opportunity to highlight  that he lives in Texas.
> His wording in the relevant mail is speaking that loud enough.
> There is no doubt that he has the required qualification to work abroad
> and earning a lot of money.
> As ULFA members home is Asom rather than Texas or New York, their lives
> are akin to cave dwellers as perceived by Kamal Deka. Therefore, he thinks
> that these cave dwellers are unable to understand and appreciate what is
> Sovereign independence. Consequently there is no point of having a
> plebiscite to end the Asom-India conflict peacefully. Asking for a
> plebiscite in his eyes is likened to a child demanding the moon! Hence, he
> has not offered any definitive idea for a solution. We do not think that he
> has an answer how to bring in the resolution to the conflict. But we would
> like to say that by bringing in the idea of autonomy he is skillfully
> diverting the focus from a true solution to a non-solution. During the
> freedom struggle against the imperialist British colonialists such educated
> class of people tried to derail the rise ups. He is an incarnation with the
> same mentality.
> Members and visitors to the AssamNet must have noticed his disdain by
> commenting the ULFA as 'Cave dwellers' and in contrast raising his profile
> as an educated successful person. But he has not indicated of his
> contribution, if any, in resolving the national problem of Asom. Apart from
> making his life in America, if he has done anything for Asom and her
> people we do not know. It is not clear if he understands his servitude to
> America by offering his brain and skill for riches.
> In our opinion he is a so-called educated person without social and
> political insight, wanting to be an arm-chair revolutionary. Dr. Deka
> perhaps has never read the poem 'Soha aru pondit, r Sohoror odurot asil ejon
> soha nam tar jurmon Bara'.
> Despite his expressed unhelpful views, we would urge him to get involve
> within his limitations for the emancipation of the oppressed and exploited
> majority of Asom
> Rubi Bhuyan
> Central publicity member,ULFA
> Sat, 13 Oct 2007 21:00:41 -0500
> "kamal deka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> assam@assamnet.org
>  cave,totally detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely
> prodding at the body of ' *sovereignty'* without knowing what it is all
> about---like children at a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's
> point of view expressed in the Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am
> concerned.>
> I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this
> forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the
> sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a
> 60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a
> referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed
> by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right
> to self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series
> of voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the
> demand of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be
> defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the
> chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state
> as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
> Kamal J Deka
> sugarland,Texas.
>  --
> Nervous about who has your email address? Yahoo! 
> Mailcan
>  help you win the war against spam.
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 27, Issue 57

2007-10-15 Thread Chan Mahanta

Hello Ms. Mukhim,

Welcome to Assamnet.

As Alpana explained, anyone interested in Assam is welcome. I have 
heard  the name , and seen it being reported as  a renowned 
journalist . We are honored.

Glad you were provoked. That is the idea here. We like to provoke 
critical thinking leading to  analytical discourses with an eye to 
finding imaginative solutions to problems we debate and discuss; 
instead of  merely delivering lofty verdicts or personal opinions, 
haughty or mindless or all shades in between.

We are well aware that Assam today has many more people from outside 
the borders with a single >point agenda of turning Assam into a 
proper homeland for a particular creed.

 We prefer to talk straight here and not leave people guessing 
about what the references might be, since not all of us are able to 
tune into the not so easily perceptible subtext. But am I hearing 
here that it is the imported Indian Hinduttwa forces ?  If that is 
what you meant, I for one  am acutely aware of that, and we have 
butted heads here routinely with those who represent  those forces 
subtly or blatantly.

Is it not a waste of time to talk of a plebiscite which is destined 
to result in failure?

 That depends entirely upon WHAT the problem one perceives  as 
for which a plebiscite is not a solution.

I am not sure if you are a newcomer to this forum or are familiar 
with what we have been debating and discussing over time.  If you 
have been watching us, you may have an idea what the PROBLEM is, but 
not necessarily so as you can see how even some of our ardent 
participants  are not. But again it depends entirely on YOUR 
understanding or perception. Therefore, unless you state what the 
problem is as YOU see it, your OPINION of whether a plebiscite is  a 
solution or not is not going to help anybody consider it , judge it 
or be swayed by it. It would be yet another  opinion, which I am sure 
you would agree, there is no dearth of and could justifiable be 
characterized as a dime a dozen.
Here we like to hear REASONS why someone renders a particular verdict 
or offers an opinion. It helps us, as rational people, or at least so 
we like to think ourselves as, to understand, to educate ourselves.

To that end, can you count on you to enlighten us with:

	WHAT is the problem as you understand it, for which a 
plebiscite is NOT a solution?

WHY is it not a solution?

WHAT would or could be a solution?

Lets stop the idle debate on ULFA which actually has no commitment 
to the welfare of Assam and its >people.

 I don't know that you have even began the debate, but you want 
us to stop it already by dismissing it as idle?  While we are very 
interested in hearing from you and learning from you, we don't need a 
school-marm here to tell us what is idle and what is productive. May 
I ask WHY you think it is idle or why we should stop it?  It is not 
causing headaches for important people I hope :-). And what are your 
considered reasons why you believe or just think ULFA has no 
commitment to Assam's welfare, and your expertises to render such a 

I realize your name precedes with a Padmashri. With such a title, I 
am sure a lot of people will be very interested in your  reasoning 
and conclusions.  Will be looking forward to.

Best regards and a hearty welcome.

Chandan Mahanta

At 5:34 AM + 10/15/07, patricia mary mukhim wrote:

Dear Friends,
At the outset I wonder if the Assamnet is a forum purely for 
Oxomiyas. In that case I am intruding into a sactified space. But 
having been a keen reader of the cross-communication on this space I 
feel provoked to respond to the new proposition of plebescite. We 
are well aware that Assam today has many more people from outside 
the borders with a single point agenda of turning Assam into a 
proper homeland for a particular creed. Is it not a waste of time to 
talk of
a plebiscite which is destined to result in failure? What is more 
important is to think of the future of Assam 50 years from now. It 
is more important to hold the elected reps accountable constituency 
wise and to demand that thry have a vision for the state of Assam. 
Lets stop the idle debate on ULFA which actually has no commitment 
to the welfare of Assam and its people.

Patricia Mukhim
assam mailing list

[Assam] Secessionism

2007-10-15 Thread Krishnendu Chakraborty
An interesting info related to our current
discussion on secessionism.  



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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 27, Issue 55

2007-10-15 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
  Rubi Bhuyan reply
  Till today, all the publicity material of the ULFA has been put out in the 
name of Rubi Bhuyan, (including the Statements of Chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa 
and CS Paresh Barua and Swadhinata and Freedom journals) which means Rubi 
Bhuyan is an approved person by the Central Committee of the ULFA. One should 
ignore what ever is published by others in the name of ULFA. 
  If Rubi Bhuyan does not exist and some body else is using the name to damage 
the ULFA, why is it then the ULFA has not come up with  clarification?  If you 
really believe that  Rubi  Bhuyan no longer exists, why are you wanting to 
communicate with a ghost writer? 
  Dear Dr. Das, if the ULFA is now without any political brain, how is it 
possible for the organisation to publish Swadhinta in Assamese and Freedom in 
English regularly? Are you suggesting there is a phantom writer around? Or are 
you telling that that you are equipped with good English and the ULFA should  
approach you to do the writing? There has been some discussions going on in the 
internet and upon noting some specific questions asked by some netters Rubi 
Bhuya gave replies to those. If you have been following the threads in the net, 
where do you think Rubi Bhuyan made an error? 
  But then I found that was only Guwahati boys monopoly to take control of arms 
and ammunitions.As a hard working student leader in 1975 and to begin my career 
as a Moina Parijat moina in 1972 then to All Assam Chemoniya Choura and later 
Convenor of Moina parihat from 1975 with Chemoniya Choura and Jatiyatabadi Juba 
  I do not think there is need to make any comment on your bio-data. 
  Ok, Megh Phukon and others are dead, Mithinga and all are in prison, the rest 
are all in Switzerland and Bangladesh and that there is no ULFA cadres in 
Assam. Why on earth then the Indian Government is having to deploy hundreds of 
thousands of soldiers in Assam at the cost spending crores of rupees to 
maintain them and the politicians, intellects and the public is calling for a 
peaceful resolution to the Assam-India conflict for restoration of Sovereignty 
of Asom inviting ULFA to the negotiation table? 
   How can you say that the ULFA does not have a constitution any more? Without 
a constitution ULFA like organisation cannot go on. What is your intention of 
bringing up such idiotic notions?
  Mind it Mr Das, barring a mad person no one would suggest that the ULFA does 
not have any other strategy than extorting money.  Otherwise, what would you 
say to the ULFA stance of seeking peaceful political solution of the 
Asssm-India political conflict?  

  If the ULFA leadership forget  the sacrifices of many of their cadre and the 
people then might compromise and give up the struggle. Despite the set back as 
a result of the Bhutan episode, the colossal counter  from the enemy and 
criticism from intellects still we are continuing our struggle steadfastly. 
   In the current debate there is no reason that we need to delve into these. 
   You are totally wrong here. Colonel Paresh  Barua would object to it as 
   It is very true that the AGP betrayed. But that does not mean that all the 
AGP members need to be eliminated. The way you have dealt with the subject, it 
sounds like you are instigating the ULFA to murder them. People who knows you 
would understand why are you doing this. Are you aware of the attacks on 
Joinath Sarmah, Prafulla Mahanata. Nakul Das, Pradip Hazarika and C… 
   Look Mr, Das, you are also a son of the soil like the ULFA cadres. You have 
responsibilities too. You can  execute your responsibilities individually, 
joining the ULFA or by setting up a peaceful organization. You only can decide 
what do you want to do. In the current situation of danger in every step, do 
not expect of us to meet up with you to seek your advice. As a result of 
counseling from sentimental people like you Animesh Kakati, Kabir Ranjan Saikia 
and Bhaskar Dutta like extremely capable cadres have lost their lives. Can you 
deny this?
  If the ULFA is short freedom fighters, do not have weapons, lacks public 
support; don’t you think the Indian soldiers should leave Assam? Why are the 
soldiers from the occupying forces raiding homes in Assam looking for ULFA 
cadres? Before criticizing the ULFA, dear Deka you should put yourself in 
ULFA’S shoes. Otherwise you would devalue your prestigious Doctoral title.
   If you are trying to prove your bravery by censuring the ULFA, you are 
mistaken; the public knows better. 
  Tell me who has threatened Utpal Borpujari and MC Mahant? When was it? Are 
you suggesting that my responses to their comments are threats?  
  Manabendra Sarma could have been a honest person himself , but, he had to pay 
the ultimate

[Assam] “WE WILL REMOVE THIS SITE IF PROVEN WR ONG”: A scholarly long and rewarding debate f rom the site accessible from the link given. .

2007-10-15 Thread Bartta Bistar
* *


*Mr. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi vs. Ali Sina  *

An invitation to debate

From: Free Inquirer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

*Invitation to a Debate*

*Sep 4, 2006*

During the recent years Islam has become the target of sever criticism and
vilification not just by members of other religions but by a growing number
of ex-Muslims. The Internet has allowed these critics to come out and speak
their minds at an alarming rate. These criticisms have had devastating
effect on the minds of the Muslim youths who unable to answer the critics on
their own are bewildered that the Islamic scholars also have not come forth
with satisfactory answers.

In the interest of unraveling the truth about Islam and clearing the minds
of the young Muslims I am formally inviting the Islamic critic Ali Sina and
the modern Pakistani 'state appointed' Islamic Scholar Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
to engage in a debate on Islam.


Ali Sina is probably one of the most eminent critics of Islam, an ex-Muslim
who renounced Islam after reading the Quran. Ali Sina has managed to create
a movement against Islam and has grouped together a group of ex-Muslims who
share his opinions on Islam. He has challenged Islamic Scholars to disprove
the fallacies that he has identified in the Quran and Hadith.


Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
is a respected
Islamic Scholar who has been recently appointed by the
Pakistani Government to help facilitate the government in 'modern'
interpretation of Islam and to do Ijtehad for the development of a
cosmopolitan modern Islamic Society. Javed Ghamidi has been under the
tutelage of Amin Ehsan Islahi and idealizes the writings of his teacher with
utmost reverence. Initially expelled from Jamaat e Islami due to some
difference with the party's founder Maududi, Ghamidi has managed to develop
a restricted following of his own. He has been actively involved in the
government's initiative to revamp and restructure Islamic Ordinances in
Pakistan like Hudood Ordinance and Zina Ordinance. He is also the president
of the Al Mawrid Institute based in Lahore. Javed Ghamidi also enjoys a good
company of his students who teach in various places in Pakistan. Most
notable are Moiz Amjad, Asif Iftikhar, Khalid Zaheer & others…Mr. Ghamidi
operates through a network of Danish Saras across Pakistan and has some
major Islamic Sites to his credit. He also publishes various magazines in
Urdu and English like Ishraq and Renaissance.

*The Challenge to a Debate*

This is an invitation to Ali Sina and Javed Ahmed Ghamidi to debate on the
validity of claims made by Islam and whether Islam is a true religion. Both
parties are invited to provide answers to each other's arguments.

   - Both sides have to accept this invitation

   - The debate will be conducted over emails and will be published on
   the Faith Freedom International Website for the benefit of common public.

   - The points on which the debate shall be done will be agreed upon
   first by the two parties to ensure that the core issue is addressed
   properly. However it is preferable that Ali Sina's arguments be thoroughly
   studied on http://www.faithfreedom.org
/challenge.htmto restrict
the debate only to main points of disagreement.

   - Complete references should be given by both parties to support their
   arguments for the benefit of the reader

   - Any other points on which both sides would like to agree upon

*The debate is subjected to acceptance on both sides. Failure of acceptance
of the debate on any one side shall be deemed as a failure to provide a
logical and truthful response to support one's ideas / ideology*

Dear Free Enquirer

I published your invitation to announce my acceptance to debate with Mr.
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi. It would be an honor to discus important points of
disagreement on Islam with such an eminent scholar. Please inform Mr.
Ghamidi that I look forward to meet him virtually.

I have given countless proofs that Islam is not a true religion. Mr. Ghamidi
is invited to disprove any of my claims, or if he prefers, he could give one
single irrefutable proof that Islam is indeed a true religion sent by God.

In either case, should Mr. Ghamidi disprove any of my charges against
Muhammad and Islam or provide a single irrefutable proof that Islam is from
God, I promise to publicly acknowledge that I have been mistaken and remove
this site permanently. Furthermore I am offering $50,000 US dollars reward
to anyone who can show Islam is a true religion or at least my charges
against Muhammad are unfounded.


Ali Sina
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] on plebisite

2007-10-15 Thread uttam borthakur
Yes. I agree with you Utpal.
  1. Have an open mind when we are discussing real life problems. We are not in 
any competition, but trying to work for a better life in Assam.
  2. No name calling. No abuse of semantic 'wisdom' to browbeat others to 
  3. No threats, insinuations - overt or covert.
  I personally believe that an quintessential Oxomiya is different from an  
Indian (beyond the chicken- neck) and the American (for instance), because of 
his innate sensitivity or sentimentality, by whatever name you describe that 
trait. In case of a Bengali you may have to use pungent remark, in case of a 
Haryanvi you may have to use slang and in case of an American, may be you have 
to wield a gun in addition to hard-talk, but a very gentle admonition may send 
an Oxomiya reeling in pain. So, let us behave like an Oxomiya, when we are 
discussing Oxom. 
  If some good comes out of this apparently futile activity, it will be for the 
people of Assam. 

utpal borpujari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What Ruby Bhuyan has said in his/her mail ("There are many who may not 
support  the ULFA, but, the most important thing is for all is to standby the 
people of Asom.  We would like to ask you not to support the views and actions 
of the selfish ones who are
just taking advantage of the situation. Instead, be with the majority and work 
for real peace to return to Asom.") is really, really very important. I hope 
when we are having any debate or discussion, we argue out our "aims" and 
"motives" in this spirit rather than trying to project views not matching those 
of ours in a negative light just to score a debating point.
  Utpal Borpujari

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Uttam Kumar Borthakur

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Re: [Assam] on plebisite - ULFA the mass murderers

2007-10-15 Thread Ram Sarangapani
I think you are correct KC. The RSS was never on the State Dept. List, but a
US think-tank did do so. That is NOT the same thing as the US putting the
RSS on the s?*t list.

And even if it did, that is a problem for the RSS.

Narendra Modi was denied a US Visa and he was upset.

>And that would mean India was a terrorist state, having been headed by a
>dyed in the saffron RSSwalla.
This statement wants to *desperately* show that all India is RSS. The BJP
was in power, *then lost it,* and may win again. Democracy is in action

To make India look as if it is ALL RSS is like saying that the US is all
a Right-Wing Christian nation because the GOP is in power.  Both patently
untrue, and we all know it.


On 10/15/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Then it must be in august company with the
> >>RSS , which too has
> >>been listed as a 'terrorist' org. by the USA.
> Would you mind sharing the source of your Info.  I
> searched the DOS list but could not find RSS
> http://usinfo.state.gov/is/Archive/2005/Apr/27-320736.html
> >> Who are the apples of your eyes? The Gujaratis
> >>who massacred and
> >>burnt alive thousands  of their fellow Gujarati men,
> women and
> >>children under Nerobhai Modis able leadership? Or
> the Hindu
> >>Congresswallas who massacred Sikhs?
> >May I remind you ULFA is branded a terrorist
> organization by USA in 2005.
>  Then it must be in august company with the RSS ,
> which too has
> been listed as a 'terrorist' org. by the USA. And that
> would mean
> India was a terrorist state, having been headed by a
> dyed in the
> saffron RSSwalla.
> Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search
> that gives answers, not web links.
> http://mobile.yahoo.com/mobileweb/onesearch?refer=1ONXIC
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
assam mailing list

[Assam] on plebisite - ULFA the mass murderers

2007-10-15 Thread Krishnendu Chakraborty
>> Then it must be in august company with the
>>RSS , which too has 
>>been listed as a 'terrorist' org. by the USA.  

Would you mind sharing the source of your Info.  I
searched the DOS list but could not find RSS 


>> Who are the apples of your eyes? The Gujaratis
>>who massacred and 
>>burnt alive thousands  of their fellow Gujarati men,
women and 
>>children under Nerobhai Modis able leadership? Or
the Hindu 
>>Congresswallas who massacred Sikhs?

>May I remind you ULFA is branded a terrorist
organization by USA in 2005.

 Then it must be in august company with the RSS ,
which too has 
been listed as a 'terrorist' org. by the USA. And that
would mean 
India was a terrorist state, having been headed by a
dyed in the 
saffron RSSwalla.


Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
that gives answers, not web links. 

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] on plebisite

2007-10-15 Thread utpal borpujari
What Ruby Bhuyan has said in his/her mail ("There are many who may not support  
the ULFA, but, the most important thing is for all is to standby the people of 
Asom.  We would like to ask you not to support the views and actions of the 
selfish ones who are
just taking advantage of the situation. Instead, be with the majority and work 
for real peace to return to Asom.") is really, really very important. I hope 
when we are having any debate or discussion, we argue out our "aims" and 
"motives" in this spirit rather than trying to project views not matching those 
of ours in a negative light just to score a debating point.
  Utpal Borpujari

 For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.___
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] on plebisite

2007-10-15 Thread utpal borpujari
What Ruby Bhuyan has said in his/her mail ("There are many who may not support  
the ULFA, but, the most important thing is for all is to standby the people of 
Asom.  We would like to ask you not to support the views and actions of the 
selfish ones who are
 just taking advantage of the situation. Instead, be with the majority and work 
for real peace to return to Asom.") is really, really very important. I hope 
when we are having any debate or discussion, we argue out our "aims" and 
"motives" in this spirit rather than trying to project views not matching those 
of ours in a negative light just to score a debating point.
  Utpal Borpujari

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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-15 Thread uttam borthakur
1. I have not said that the insurgents are fools or otherwise. If someone said 
that, it is his view. Why bring that view? This is unfair, sir.
  2. The common people with average intelligence in Assam have not done or  
been able to solve so many problems that plague them. That is evident. Why 
should they do something if either those in 'legit governance'(your term) and 
those trying to evict them have nothing to show for themselves? There is 
nothing amiss. Everything adds up well. May be they are not citizens of America 
and lack American efficiency. 
  3.The problem is that some people despite having above average intelligence 
have not understood the facts as they are, and have been prodding the 'average' 
people in stupor to join them on either side of the fence by brandishing 
weapons and other violent means. 
  4. So you want the plebscite because your adopted country ( this is my 
presumption, i am sorry if i am wrong, i hate offending people) with the UN 
flag in the humvees can have the license to come in openly that it was doing 
covertly for so long. Have we not seen enough of American democracy in 
Afghanisthan and Iraq in recent times? I always guessed your motive:-)

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  >The 'Above Average' are already in the surreal/illogical/romantic 
conflict:-). They are very few in >numbers and have taken their seats either 
with those who are in governance or those who want to >evict them with 'force'. 



  *** Really? But from what I read in esomonline or in assamnet, the insurgents 
are fools and fill the ranks of the ignoramus That would leave the above 
average running the show,  duly elected thru that universal adult franchise our 
Texan friend reminded us of. Are they clueless?


  >The common people with average intelligence in Assam understand this 

   If they do, how come they don't do something about it? After all they 
are in a democracy? they can change things to fir their needs. Who is holding 
them back? The ignoramus of the insurgents?

  Something does not add up here, does it?


  > Yet, till now the common people with average intelligence have put the 
'colonisers' in legit >governance through 'vote' and have spurned the 'freedom 


  *** So what seems to be problem? They are already in the promised land.


  >Then why is the need for a plebiscite?  Or UN presence will give the 'votes' 


  *** Can we try a wild guess ? I explained it about half a dozen times in the 
last two days or so. If we don't agree, can we at least hear WHY?

  That is because no one , not even Indians, trust desi-demokrasy, would be my 
conclusion. Am I wrong?



  > Or would you say that all people have not 'voted' in these 'elections' or 
that they are manipulated/ >rigged?


   What do YOU think?

  >Why do you think that all oxomiyas and oxombaxis would go out to vote if 
held under UN auspices?

   I don't  know what they will do. Their track record  of elections 
certainly have not done any good for Assam.That is why I would like to FIND OUT.




  At 2:46 AM +0100 10/15/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  The 'Above Average' are already in the surreal/illogical/romantic 
conflict:-). They are very few in numbers and have taken their seats either 
with those who are in governance or those who want to evict them with 'force'. 
Irony is, both sides have nothing to show. The common people with average 
intelligence in Assam understand this reality. Yet, till now the common people 
with average intelligence have put the 'colonisers' in legit governance through 
'vote' and have spurned the 'freedom fighters'. Then why is the need for a 
plebiscite? Or UN presence will give the 'votes' credibility? Or would you say 
that all people have not 'voted' in these 'elections' or that they are 
manipulated/ rigged? Why do you think that all oxomiyas and oxombaxis would go 
out to vote if held under UN auspices? 

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  At 3:24 PM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  That is what makes it surreal, and not real; beyond cause and effect; beyond 
rationality. This is bothering common people of average intelligence; they 
cannot afford romanticism.

   How about the ABOVE AVERAGE, those who are in charge of their 
'legitimate' governance, and those who put them there, by their overt or tacit 
support? Can they afford it?  
  If they cannot, as I like to think they can't, WHAT HAVE THEY SHOWN for their 
effort to bring the conflict to an end? I mean other than to wish ULFA away or 
making perfunctory noises about the Govt. acting undemocratically  every now 
and then?  

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the objective measure 
about the stage when such a vote becomes mandatory?

Re: [Assam] Unused MLALAD funds to go to State exchequer(The Sentinel, 15.10.2007)

2007-10-15 Thread SANDIP DUTTA
"do not have any idea where money is coming from and where it goes".

Correct. Maybe MLAs and ministers need to go thru the same training regime as 
IAS/ACS.  Most of these peoples reps are not anything beyond matriculates and 
hence do not have the moral right to be ordering IAS officers around.

At a start - shall we say they dont know how or where the money goes becoz they 
dont understand abcd of finance or accounting?

P.s. In most cases we are talking about several crores of rupees here.


- Original Message 
From: Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 7:17:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Unused MLALAD funds to go to State exchequer(The Sentinel, 

The ignorant fools in Dispur do not have any idea where money is coming from 
and where it goes. Is there anyone in Dispur who is keeping track of all the 
money earmarked for Assam and where it is supposed to be spent? I heard Tarun 
Gogoi say in Boston that a lot of the funds from Delhi are just promise, not 
real money. Whose responsibility is it to convert them to real money? I'd think 
the assam ministers and their IAS cadre have the responsibility.
Wake up Dispur. Get on the ball. Blaming Delhi will take you only a short 
distance. The whole trip is more than that.
Dilip Deka

Buljit Buragohain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Unused MLALAD funds to go to State exchequer
Not a single paisa of MLALAD funds was used during the fiscal 2006-07 in 
Dholai, Baitholangshu, Majuli, Dergaon, Jorhat, Bijni, Sidli and Dhemaji LACs 
By our Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, Oct 14: Massive “underutilization” and “unutilization” of cash 
released by the Planning and Development Department of the Asom Government as 
MLA Local Area Development (MLALAD) funds over the years has prompted the State 
Government to think to make the non-lapsable MLALAD funds lapsable i.e. 
introducing the system of the taking the unused money of the MLALAD funds back 
to the State exchequer. Besides exposing the lack of commitment on the part of 
the elected representatives of the State towards the development of their 
respective Legislative Assembly Constituencies (LACs), “underutilization” and 
“unutilization” of the released cash failed the very purpose of the MLALAD 
funds which had been introduced in the State by then Chief Minister Hiteswar 
Saikia in 1994.
According sources, the Additional Chief Secretary in-charge of P & D Department 
has prepared a note stating that the unused MLALAD funds will go back to the 
State exchequer. However, the Additional Chief secretary’s note is yet to be 
approved by the Chief Minister. The system prevalent at present is that the 
unused MLALAD funds are released for developmental schemes of the 
constituencies in the following financial year.
According to sources, from fiscal 2002-03 to 2006-07, the State Government 
released Rs 17,640 lakh as MLALAD funds, but Rs 3343.42 lakh of this amount 
remained unused. In the fiscal 2006-07 alone, the State Government released Rs 
3,780 lakh as MLALAD funds for its 126 Legislative Assembly Constituencies 
(LACs), but Rs 1283.42 lakh of the amount remained unused. The worst is that 
not a single paisa of MLALAD funds was used during the fiscal 2006-07 in 
Dholai, Baitholangshu, Majuli, Dergaon, Jorhat, Bijni, Sidli and Dhemaji LACs. 
Meanwhile, the P & D Department recently informed the district administration 
that Rs 3,150 lakh was released for the 126 LACs of the State at the rate of Rs 
25 lakh per LAC as the first instalment of the MLALAD fund for the fiscal 
2007-08. The department, however, made it clear to the deputy commissioners 
that all pending schemes up to 2006-07 have to be implemented as per the 
standing guidelines, and the entire amount released by December 31, 2007 has to 
be used. “If any funds of the previous years remain unused, that may be 
surrendered and deposited in the State exchequer,” the P & D Department said, 
and added: “The deputy commissioners should furnish the reports of completion 
of works along with unutilization certificates in respect of MLALAD funds to it 
in due course.”
 (The Sentinel,15.10.2007)

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Re: [Assam] Asom gets Rs 13 lakh against Rs 551.28 cr for Chhattisgarh NCDC funds (The Sentinel, 14.

2007-10-15 Thread SANDIP DUTTA

Thanks for the compliment and its great knowing you too.


- Original Message 
From: Alpana B. Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 12:35:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Asom gets Rs 13 lakh against Rs 551.28 cr for Chhattisgarh 
NCDC funds (The Sentinel, 14.

Dear Sandip: 
Thanks for the link and your response. 
I am delighted for having the opportunity to be acquainted with a sensible 
young person like you. 
You seem to have a very broad mind that don't get affected by small talk. Keep 
it up. 
- A B'deu.


“In order to make spiritual progress you must be patient like a tree and humble 
like a blade of grass”
- Lakshmana
 "Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how to handle 
the worst."

Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 23:17:11 -0700
To: assam@assamnet.org
Subject: Re: [Assam] Asom gets Rs 13 lakh against Rs 551.28 cr for Chhattisgarh 
NCDC funds (The Sentinel, 14.

Dear Alpana Ba,
Chattisgarh was formed out of Madhya Pradesh. Capital is Raipur.

- Original Message 
From: Alpana B. Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 

Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 8:09:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Asom gets Rs 13 lakh against Rs 551.28 cr for Chhattisgarh 
NCDC funds (The Sentinel, 14.

It sure is typical of them Indians and sad to read the title - Assam getting 
just 13 lakhs as against over 550 crores by Chattisgarh. 
Then again I read this:  “Asom and other States of the North-east didn’t send 
any project proposal to the NCDC during the last 2/3 years"
What has the government been doing? Going around the world asking for 
investment money from the few little dollars from the NRAs? 
BTW, where is Chattisgarh? If it was not mentioned with this news (and if 
Googling was not this easy), I would have thought it was in Bangladesh. And I 
get irritated when some/other Indians ask me where Assam is!


“In order to make spiritual progress you must be patient like a tree and humble 
like a blade of grass”
- Lakshmana

Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 23:30:49 +0100
To: assam@assamnet.org
Subject: [Assam] Asom gets Rs 13 lakh against Rs 551.28 cr for Chhattisgarh 
NCDC funds (The Sentinel, 14.10.2007)

Asom gets Rs 13 lakh against Rs 551.28 cr for Chhattisgarh
NCDC funds 
Our Correspondent
NEW DELHI, Oct 13: The eight States of the North-east, including Sikkim, got a 
meagre Rs 6.17 crore (Rs 13 lakh for Asom) during the fiscal 2006-07 from the 
National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), while Chhattisgarh alone 
got Rs 551.28 crore, said NCDC Chairman Kantilal Bhuria while talking to 
newsmen here today.
When asked as to why Asom got such a small amount, the NCDC Chairman said: 
“Asom and other States of the North-east didn’t send any project proposal to 
the NCDC during the last 2/3 years. The Ministry is always ready to pour in 
funds to the States for development projects in livestock, industrial goods, 
handicraft, village and rural craft, agricultural credit, rural sanitation and 
other sectors under cooperative societies, but if the State governments and the 
cooperative societies do not come forward, what can we do? My department sent 
several letters, but the State Government didn’t respond to our letters. 
Perhaps the State Government is not aware of NCDC projects.” 
NCDC Deputy Managing Director G Panmei, on the other hand, said that Union 
Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar created an NCDC cell for the North-east in 
New Delhi so as to ensure rapid development of the cooperative sector in the 
north-eastern States that get liberal assistance to the extent of 95 per cent 
of the project cost, including the subsidy component of 33 per cent. 
According to Bhuria, the north-eastern States that have been marked as special 
category States, get 100 per cent subsidy under the ICDP Scheme.
During the fiscal 2006-07, while Chhattisgarh got Rs 551.24 crore, Andhra 
Pradesh got Rs 480 crore and Tamil Nadu got Rs 347 crore from the NCDC.
(The Sentinel,14.10.2007)

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[Assam] Unwelcome arrogance

2007-10-15 Thread Nava Thakuria
Unwelcome arrogance

Nava Thakuria 

BRINGING the Ulfa to the negotiation table is a tough and challenging job 
because of its supposed ideology or gallantry. What makes the task even tougher 
is the outfit’s growing nexus with Muslim fundamentalists in Bangladesh and 
Pakistan. The Assamese do have a grudge against the Centre for not fulfilling 
their aspirations, but they will certainly not support an organisation having 
such contacts. Ulfa leaders are hard put to convince the Assamese that they are 
committed “to free Assam from the colonial rule of India”. 
The Army has come out with a rather pompous campaign against the Ulfa. While 
New Delhi believes that insurgency must be tackled politically, some senior 
Army officers are trying to argue that the armed forces alone can crush 
At a press conference recently, the new GOC, 4 Corps, Lt-General BS Jaswal, 
said, “I appeal to the parents of the Ulfa men to give a clarion call to their 
near and dear ones to give up arms or they will have to receive their mortal 
What the Army officer is trying to suggest is that nobody except the Ulfa 
members should be worried about the present turmoil in the region. There is no 
need for peace talks, public opinion or any political will to deal with the 
General Jaswal’s seemingly irresponsible comments simply negates all attempts 
at peace talks by civil societies and the media’s relentless endeavour to 
support public anger against terrorism. It should not be forgotten that dealing 
with insurgency is not as simple as explained by the “confident” Army officer. 
At the end of the day, it demoralises the people from involving themselves in 
the peace process. While Ulfa leaders do not take the people of Assam seriously 
to explain their relationship with the external terrorist groups, the 
authorities responsible for counter-insurgency operation in the region, on the 
other hand, spare no opportunity to exhibit their arrogance. Stuck in between, 
the common people never win.

(The author is a Guwahati-based freelance journalist.) 

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[Assam] ULFA reply to Kamal Deka

2007-10-15 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Hounorable Netters,
  By suggesting that the ULFA members are cave dwellers, Dr. Kamal Deka seems 
to have taken the opportunity to highlight  that he lives in Texas. His wording 
in the relevant mail is speaking that loud enough. 
  There is no doubt that he has the required qualification to work abroad and 
earning a lot of money. 
  As ULFA members home is Asom rather than Texas or New York, their lives are 
akin to cave dwellers as perceived by Kamal Deka. Therefore, he thinks that 
these cave dwellers are unable to understand and appreciate what is Sovereign 
independence. Consequently there is no point of having a plebiscite to end the 
Asom-India conflict peacefully. Asking for a plebiscite in his eyes is likened 
to a child demanding the moon! Hence, he has not offered any definitive idea 
for a solution. We do not think that he has an answer how to bring in the 
resolution to the conflict. But we would like to say that by bringing in the 
idea of autonomy he is skillfully diverting the focus from a true solution to a 
non-solution. During the freedom struggle against the imperialist British 
colonialists such educated class of people tried to derail the rise ups. He is 
an incarnation with the same mentality. 
  Members and visitors to the AssamNet must have noticed his disdain by 
commenting the ULFA as ‘Cave dwellers’ and in contrast raising his profile as 
an educated successful person. But he has not indicated of his contribution, if 
any, in resolving the national problem of Asom. Apart from making his life in 
America, if he has done anything for Asom and her people we do not know. It is 
not clear if he understands his servitude to America by offering his brain and 
skill for riches.   
  In our opinion he is a so-called educated person without social and political 
insight, wanting to be an arm-chair revolutionary. Dr. Deka perhaps has never 
read the poem ‘Soha aru pondit, r Sohoror odurot asil ejon soha nam tar jurmon 
  Despite his expressed unhelpful views, we would urge him to get involve 
within his limitations for the emancipation of the oppressed and exploited 
majority of Asom
  Rubi Bhuyan
  Central publicity member,ULFA
  Sat, 13 Oct 2007 21:00:41 -0500
  "kamal deka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this 
forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the 
sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a 
60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a 
referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed by 
the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right to 
self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series of 
voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the demand of 
the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be defined and 
redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the chaos,it would create in 
a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state as Assam's,if such recipe 
were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
  Kamal J Deka

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