Re: [Assam] ULFA's killings of prominent global civilians

2007-11-05 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

Dear Umesh Sharma,
Why don't you join World Bank- your next door  OR
Go back to Jaipur to teach some primary sdchool OR
Come to us-we will reeducate you to re-educate Indian

Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 13:28:44 -0800
Subject: Re: [Assam] ULFA#8217;s REJOINDER - Economic
Development is the Key

Hey Ruby,

Good to know that you are still to be converted. It
does raise a question that why after 22 years of
India's Independence (1947)  suddenly out of the blue
ULFA was formed in 1979 -as your email address
mentions -- if not against apathy of the central govt
towards Assam's development. 

Now that World Bank and others are talking and taking
actions about it and Assam's economic growth is 9% per
annum -- you and your so-called leader are singing a
different tune.  Ha!!


ulfa_ 1979April7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

umesh sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey Ruby,

get a life.

Grow out of your ULFA days -- now lead a peaceful
life -- you are now SULFA -- Surrendered ULFA -- get a
job. Forget your delusions of the past .  Remember
that even BBC reported about your surrender
Why you are repeatedly propagating that central
publicity member, ulfa rubi bhuyan is sulfa? We don't
know who surrender on the name of rubi bhuyan. 
But this rejoinder is by our Chairman Arabinda
Rajkhowa. Why you did not comment on his rejoinder?


ulfa_ 1979April7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report


The above article posted by one #8216;IE#8217; on on October 23 is obviously an attempt to
manipulate the study titled #8220;Who Benefits from
Civil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam#8221;, reported
to have been carried out for the World Bank, so as to
undermine the historic reasons for the national
struggle to regain the sovereign independence of Asom.
Quoting from the World Bank report, may be out of
context, about the #8220;direct nexus#8221; between
the Asom-India conflict and a #8216;weak
economy#8217; betrays the ulterior motif to divert
the core issue of our sovereignty and independence to
that of a #8216;weak economy#8217; implying thereby
that effective measures to strengthen the economy will
take the wind out of our struggle. Certainly, as had
happened in any colonial situation, the percentage of
unemployment in Asom is also very high under Indian
colonial occupation. But this does not necessarily
undermine the primary importance of the historic
reasons that propels our struggle forward, though the
colonial economy convince our people that the national
struggle is also their struggle for existence.
Therefore, the primary source of motivation for the
youth of Asom impelling them join the national
struggle is patriotism and the faith in our
sovereignty and independence. A weak economy and the
resultant unemployment and corruption are general
phenomenon in any colonial situation. As such, it is
the colonial situation that gave rise to the national
liberation struggle of Asom, not just the
#8220;direct nexus#8221; between the
#8220;conflict#8221; and the #8220;weak
Arabinda Rajkhowa


seems god article.
HS article on the same topic - not specific to Assam
that if enough groups in large enough numbers and
different ethicities exists - such problems are more
pronounced -- 97% Han Chinese China has no such
problem - (side note: -- I have a Chinese roommate
-says there are elephants in China)


Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report

By IE 
Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM 
The on-going conflict in Assam, that claimed over
4,400 lives between 1992 and 2001, has a direct
nexus with a weak economy, making it easier for
militant groups to find young recruits, a study
carried out under the aegis of World Bank has

The study titled Who benefits from Civil Wars? Some
evidence from Assam, pointed out that unemployment,
especially among the youth, showed disturbing trends
in the 1990s, which in turn had adverse implications
for the persistence of conflict. 

The number of unemployed youths in Assam registered
sharpest rise among 15 major states, between 1983 and
1993, the report said, pointing out that by 1993-94
(when Army operations against militants were in full
swing), the number of unemployed youths in Assam was
about three times higher than the rest of India. 

The argument of easy recruitment of potential rebels
is indirectly supported by this data, the study said.
The study was carried for the World Bank by Deepa
Narayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. 

The study also pointed out that though there were
several historic reasons behind

Re: [Assam] ULFA#8217;s REJOINDER

2007-11-05 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

Cear Hazarika,
You also like Umesh Sharma batter you join World Bank-
your next door  OR
Go back to Jaipur to teach some primary sdchool OR
Come to us-we will reeducate you to re-educate Indian

--- shantikam hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It is intriguing that Arabinda Rajkhowa has
 responded to a World Bank study, not to queries
 raised by his own kith and kin. If his contention
 would have been correct, there would have been
 widespread support to their movement. Patriotism and
 faith in sovereignty and independence driving youths
 to the struggle (actually killing of innocent
 lives and renegating Assam's growth and development)
 is too far fetched to carry any conviction.
 Parroting 'colonialism, colonialism' is now outdated
 and even the communists have discarded this word
 long ago.
 Shantikam Hazarika
 Assam Institute of Management
 PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India
 Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 09:55:23 +From:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Assam] ULFA#8217;s
 Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 TOP STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with
 weak economy:World Bank

 REJOINDERThe above article posted by one
#8216;IE#8217; on October 23 is obviously an attempt
 tomanipulate the study titled #8220;Who Benefits
 fromCivil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam#8221;,
 reportedto have been carried out for the World Bank,
 so as toundermine the historic reasons for the
 nationalstruggle to regain the sovereign
 independence of Asom.Quoting from the World Bank
 report, may be out ofcontext, about the
 nexus#8221; betweenthe Asom-India conflict and a
 #8216;weakeconomy#8217; betrays the ulterior motif
 divertthe core issue of our sovereignty and
 independence tothat of a #8216;weak economy#8217;
 therebythat effective measures to strengthen the
 economy willtake the wind out of our struggle.
 Certainly, as hadhappened in any colonial situation,
 the percentage ofunemployment in Asom is also very
 high under Indiancolonial occupation. But this does
 not necessarilyundermine the primary importance of
 the historicreasons that propels our struggle
 forward, though thecolonial economy convince our
 people that the nationalstruggle is also their
 struggle for existence.Therefore, the primary source
 of motivation for theyouth of Asom impelling them
 join the nationalstruggle is patriotism and the
 faith in oursovereignty and independence. A weak
 economy and theresultant unemployment and corruption
 are generalphenomenon in any colonial situation. As
 such, it isthe colonial situation that gave rise to
 the nationalliberation struggle of Asom, not just
 the#8220;direct nexus#8221; between
the#8220;conflict#8221; and the
 Arabinda Rajkhowa
 --seems god article.HS article
 on the same topic - not specific to Assamthat if
 enough groups in large enough numbers anddifferent
 ethicities exists - such problems are morepronounced
 -- 97% Han Chinese China has no suchproblem - (side
 note: -- I have a Chinese roommate-says there are
 elephants in China)umeshBartta Bistar
 STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with weak
 economy:World Bank

 IE Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM The on-going
 conflict in Assam, that claimed over4,400 lives
 between 1992 and 2001, has a directnexus with a
 weak economy, making it easier formilitant groups to
 find young recruits, a studycarried out under the
 aegis of World Bank hasconfirmed. The study titled
 Who benefits from Civil Wars? Someevidence from
 Assam, pointed out that unemployment,especially
 among the youth, showed disturbing trendsin the
 1990s, which in turn had adverse implicationsfor the
 persistence of conflict. The number of unemployed
 youths in Assam registeredsharpest rise among 15
 major states, between 1983 and1993, the report
 said, pointing out that by 1993-94(when Army
 operations against militants were in fullswing),
 the number of unemployed youths in Assam wasabout
 three times higher than the rest of India. The
 argument of easy recruitment of potential rebelsis
 indirectly supported by this data, the study
 said.The study was carried for the World Bank by
 DeepaNarayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. The
 study also pointed out that though there wereseveral
 historic reasons behind the on-going conflictin the
 state, the employment situation
 severelydeteriorated, particularly in the rural
 areas, duringthe course of the conflict. Though the
 level of ruralunemployment had been lower than that
 in urban areasduring the year of conflict, it is in
 the rural areasthat the sharpest increase in
 unemployment wasrecorded, the study revealed. The
 rural population was more affected during

Re: [Assam] NE economic boom

2007-11-05 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Reply to Nava Thakuria and the Assam Tribune 
 CLOUD NINE:meaning that one was blissfully happy, started life in the United 
States and has been widely known there since the 1950s ...
Because the Sardarji declared spending 12000 Crores into Ultra-ModernTollways 
in and Through Assam?

Roads to where?  Same Roads since Ahom and British times. Roads for rapid 
movement of 1/2 million soldiers?  Against?
Roads from where?   India ? To Bring in India's trinkets to barter and scoop 
out all that Assam had ,has,will ever have? 
Roads which will cause all hills to be denuded of all rocks. India's brainless 
road -building technology needs 10 times what the world standards want.
Giant Roads blocking all water passage between Hills and River. With culverts 
leaving 1 square meter cross section  For clearing flood after using 100 cu.m. 
Roads causing destruction of  topsoil on 100meter wide belt at left and right. 
And of priceless old  and massive trees.
Do we need any of these ?
Cloud Nine for Delhi Contractors,Indian Cement Suppliers, foreign machine 
Not for the Assamese Nation.We are planned to be  eternally a client- consumer 
-copycat-colony!But we will not be that!
Cloud Nine --Really?

Nava Thakuria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

NE economic boom
India’s long-neglected North-East and its States have reason to be on cloud 
nine. They have been assured an economic boom in the next five years by the 
Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahulwalia, and 
profitable trading with South-East Asia by the External Affairs Minister, 
Pranab Mukherjee. Both were speaking at a three-day conference at Guwahati last 
week on India’s Look East Policy and the challenges for sub-regional 
cooperation. The Eleventh Five Year Plan will allocate Rs 12,793 crore from the 
Central Government for development fo roads in the region. Besides Rs 9,500 
crore to Rs 10,000 crore will be invested for improving rail connectivity. 
There are also proposals to provide rail heads to Meghalaya and Sikkim and 
airports to Kohima, Itanagar and Sikkim. Ahluwalia even suggested a 
Guwahati-based airline for operating within the region.

Equally promising was the first-ever North-East India Investment Opportunities 
Week held earlier in Bangkok at the initiative of Mani Shankar Aiyar, Union 
Minister for Development of North-East Region (DONER). At least eight MoUs were 
signed in to road construction and agriculture, in a conference attended by 280 
entrepreneurs from India and 150 from Thailand.

The Assam Tribne editorial


Workshop on impact of globalisation in NE

GUWAHATI, Nov 4 – A two-day regional workshop for journalists titled, ‘Impact 
of Globalisation in Northeast – Emerging Issues’ was organised by Press 
Institute of India (PII), New Delhi in Shillong recently. Besides a team of 
Guwahati-based journalists, media people from Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, 
Arunachal Pradesh also participated in the workshop.

Various topics concerning the impact of globalisation in the north-eastern 
region were addressed by different speakers through question-and-answer 
sessions. The topics included, ‘Look East Policy’ in general, Ecological 
Impacts of Development, ‘Conflict Situation and Media Challenges’, ‘Head of 
Paradigm Shifts for the Development of the Region’, ‘Northeast in Globalisation 
and Role of Economics’, ‘Freedom and Gender Concerns in NE and ‘Media Reporting 
of Economic Issues’, a press release informed.

The speakers were Prof Manoj Pant (JWU), Dr B Panda (NEHU), Neeraj Vagholikar 
(NGO, Kalpavriksha), Prof BKTiwari (NEHU), Suresh Kr. Nath (Cotton College), 
Falguni Rajkumar (Secretary, NEC), Subir Raj (The Business Standard), JK Bhuyan 
(Ch, Delhi), Akoijam Sunita (The Impal Free Press), TCA Srinivasa Raghavan (The 
Business Standard) and Dr H Srikant (NEHU).

The workshop was inauguarated at NEHU Guest House on November 2 last by Prof P 
Tandon, Vice-Chancellor of NEHU. 

Earlier, OP Tandon of PII delivered the welcome address of the inaugural 
session, the release added.

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2007-11-04 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

umesh sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey Ruby,

get a life.

Grow out of your ULFA days -- now lead a peaceful life -- you are now SULFA -- 
Surrendered ULFA -- get a job. Forget your delusions of the past .  Remember 
that even BBC reported about your surrender
  Why you are repeatedly propagating that central publicity member, ulfa rubi 
bhuyan is sulfa? We don't know who surrender on the name of rubi bhuyan. 
  But this rejoinder is by our Chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa. Why you did not 
comment on his rejoinder?

ulfa_ 1979April7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report


The above article posted by one ‘IE’ on on October 23 is obviously an attempt to
manipulate the study titled “Who Benefits from
Civil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam”, reported
to have been carried out for the World Bank, so as to
undermine the historic reasons for the national
struggle to regain the sovereign independence of Asom.
Quoting from the World Bank report, may be out of
context, about the “direct nexus” between
the Asom-India conflict and a ‘weak
economy’ betrays the ulterior motif to divert
the core issue of our sovereignty and independence to
that of a ‘weak economy’ implying thereby
that effective measures to strengthen the economy will
take the wind out of our struggle. Certainly, as had
happened in any colonial situation, the percentage of
unemployment in Asom is also very high under Indian
colonial occupation. But this does not necessarily
undermine the primary importance of the historic
reasons that propels our struggle forward, though the
colonial economy convince our people that the national
struggle is also their struggle for existence.
Therefore, the primary source of motivation for the
youth of Asom impelling them join the national
struggle is patriotism and the faith in our
sovereignty and independence. A weak economy and the
resultant unemployment and corruption are general
phenomenon in any colonial situation. As such, it is
the colonial situation that gave rise to the national
liberation struggle of Asom, not just the
“direct nexus” between the
“conflict” and the “weak
  Arabinda Rajkhowa


seems god article.
HS article on the same topic - not specific to Assam
that if enough groups in large enough numbers and
different ethicities exists - such problems are more
pronounced -- 97% Han Chinese China has no such
problem - (side note: -- I have a Chinese roommate
-says there are elephants in China)


Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report

By IE 
Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM 
The on-going conflict in Assam, that claimed over
4,400 lives between 1992 and 2001, has a direct
nexus with a weak economy, making it easier for
militant groups to find young recruits, a study
carried out under the aegis of World Bank has

The study titled Who benefits from Civil Wars? Some
evidence from Assam, pointed out that unemployment,
especially among the youth, showed disturbing trends
in the 1990s, which in turn had adverse implications
for the persistence of conflict. 

The number of unemployed youths in Assam registered
sharpest rise among 15 major states, between 1983 and
1993, the report said, pointing out that by 1993-94
(when Army operations against militants were in full
swing), the number of unemployed youths in Assam was
about three times higher than the rest of India. 

The argument of easy recruitment of potential rebels
is indirectly supported by this data, the study said.
The study was carried for the World Bank by Deepa
Narayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. 

The study also pointed out that though there were
several historic reasons behind the on-going conflict
in the state, the employment situation severely
deteriorated, particularly in the rural areas, during
the course of the conflict. Though the level of rural
unemployment had been lower than that in urban areas
during the year of conflict, it is in the rural areas
that the sharpest increase in unemployment was
recorded, the study revealed. 

The rural population was more affected during the
intensified phase of conflict between 1983 and 1993,
the report said, with statistics showing that the
number of rural poor increased sharply from 73.53 lakh
in 1987-88 to 94.33 lakh in 1993-94. 
There have been some signs of improvement in the
overall employment scenario from 2000 onwards, but the
situation is yet to reach any turn-around, the study
On the nexus between weak economy and conflict, the
study revealed that nearly 75 per cent of the
respondents in conflict-affected areas reported

Re: [Assam] Assamese Nationalists should consider appropriate use ofthe 'Conduct of Election Rules 1961 act, Section 49(O)' to scuttle the imposed Indian electoral engineering intricking Assam submitt

2007-11-03 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report


The above article posted by one #8216;IE#8217; on on October 23 is obviously an attempt to
manipulate the study titled #8220;Who Benefits from
Civil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam#8221;, reported
to have been carried out for the World Bank, so as to
undermine the historic reasons for the national
struggle to regain the sovereign independence of Asom.
 Quoting from the World Bank report, may be out of
context, about the #8220;direct nexus#8221; between
the Asom-India conflict and a #8216;weak
economy#8217; betrays the ulterior motif to divert
the core issue of our sovereignty and independence to
that of a #8216;weak economy#8217; implying thereby
that effective measures to strengthen the economy will
take the wind out of our struggle. Certainly, as had
happened in any colonial situation, the percentage of
unemployment in Asom is also very high under Indian
colonial occupation. But this does not necessarily
undermine the primary importance of the historic
reasons that propels our struggle forward, though the
colonial economy convince our people that the national
struggle is also their struggle for existence.
Therefore, the primary source of motivation for the
youth of Asom impelling them join the national
struggle is patriotism and the faith in our
sovereignty and independence. A weak economy and the
resultant unemployment and corruption are general
phenomenon in any colonial situation. As such, it is
the colonial situation that gave rise to the national
liberation struggle of Asom, not just the
#8220;direct nexus#8221; between the
#8220;conflict#8221; and the #8220;weak

Arabinda Rajkhowa,

Chairman, ULFA

By IE 
Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM 
The on-going conflict in Assam, that claimed over
4,400 lives between 1992 and 2001, has a direct
nexus with a weak economy, making it easier for
militant groups to find young recruits, a study
carried out under the aegis of World Bank has
The study titled Who benefits from Civil Wars? Some
evidence from Assam, pointed out that unemployment,
especially among the youth, showed disturbing trends
in the 1990s, which in turn had adverse implications
for the persistence of conflict. 
The number of unemployed youths in Assam registered
sharpest rise among 15 major states, between 1983 and
1993, the report said, pointing out that by 1993-94
(when Army operations against militants were in full
swing), the number of unemployed youths in Assam was
about three times higher than the rest of India. 
The argument of easy recruitment of potential rebels
is indirectly supported by this data, the study said.
The study was carried for the World Bank by Deepa
Narayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. 
The study also pointed out that though there were
several historic reasons behind the on-going conflict
in the state, the employment situation severely
deteriorated, particularly in the rural areas, during
the course of the conflict. Though the level of rural
unemployment had been lower than that in urban areas
during the year of conflict, it is in the rural areas
that the sharpest increase in unemployment was
recorded, the study revealed. 
The rural population was more affected during the
intensified phase of conflict between 1983 and 1993,
the report said, with statistics showing that the
number of rural poor increased sharply from 73.53 lakh
in 1987-88 to 94.33 lakh in 1993-94. 
There have been some signs of improvement in the
overall employment scenario from 2000 onwards, but the
situation is yet to reach any turn-around, the study
On the nexus between weak economy and conflict, the
study revealed that nearly 75 per cent of the
respondents in conflict-affected areas reported that
their village had a weak to very weak local
But what is more alarming is the increasing level of
corruption that itself could be a factor responsible
for the underdevelopment or slow pace of development
in the state. Corruption in local government offices
marked a turn for the worse. Respondents in more than
65 per cent of the communities surveyed agreed that
government officials in their village and
neighbourhood were corrupt, the study said. 

assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)

Want ideas for reducing your carbon footprint? Visit Yahoo! For Good  

Re: [Assam] [Assam Society] Samir Barua become the Director of India's Top B-School, IIM-Ahmedabad

2007-11-03 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report


The above article posted by one #8216;IE#8217; on on October 23 is obviously an attempt to
manipulate the study titled #8220;Who Benefits from
Civil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam#8221;, reported
to have been carried out for the World Bank, so as to
undermine the historic reasons for the national
struggle to regain the sovereign independence of Asom.
 Quoting from the World Bank report, may be out of
context, about the #8220;direct nexus#8221; between
the Asom-India conflict and a #8216;weak
economy#8217; betrays the ulterior motif to divert
the core issue of our sovereignty and independence to
that of a #8216;weak economy#8217; implying thereby
that effective measures to strengthen the economy will
take the wind out of our struggle. Certainly, as had
happened in any colonial situation, the percentage of
unemployment in Asom is also very high under Indian
colonial occupation. But this does not necessarily
undermine the primary importance of the historic
reasons that propels our struggle forward, though the
colonial economy convince our people that the national
struggle is also their struggle for existence.
Therefore, the primary source of motivation for the
youth of Asom impelling them join the national
struggle is patriotism and the faith in our
sovereignty and independence. A weak economy and the
resultant unemployment and corruption are general
phenomenon in any colonial situation. As such, it is
the colonial situation that gave rise to the national
liberation struggle of Asom, not just the
#8220;direct nexus#8221; between the
#8220;conflict#8221; and the #8220;weak


seems god article.
HS article on the same topic - not specific to Assam
that if enough groups in large enough numbers and
different ethicities exists - such problems are more
pronounced -- 97% Han Chinese China has no such
problem - (side note: -- I have a Chinese roommate
-says there are elephants in China)


Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report

By IE 
Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM 
The on-going conflict in Assam, that claimed over
4,400 lives between 1992 and 2001, has a direct
nexus with a weak economy, making it easier for
militant groups to find young recruits, a study
carried out under the aegis of World Bank has

The study titled Who benefits from Civil Wars? Some
evidence from Assam, pointed out that unemployment,
especially among the youth, showed disturbing trends
in the 1990s, which in turn had adverse implications
for the persistence of conflict. 

The number of unemployed youths in Assam registered
sharpest rise among 15 major states, between 1983 and
1993, the report said, pointing out that by 1993-94
(when Army operations against militants were in full
swing), the number of unemployed youths in Assam was
about three times higher than the rest of India. 

The argument of easy recruitment of potential rebels
is indirectly supported by this data, the study said.
The study was carried for the World Bank by Deepa
Narayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. 

The study also pointed out that though there were
several historic reasons behind the on-going conflict
in the state, the employment situation severely
deteriorated, particularly in the rural areas, during
the course of the conflict. Though the level of rural
unemployment had been lower than that in urban areas
during the year of conflict, it is in the rural areas
that the sharpest increase in unemployment was
recorded, the study revealed. 

The rural population was more affected during the
intensified phase of conflict between 1983 and 1993,
the report said, with statistics showing that the
number of rural poor increased sharply from 73.53 lakh
in 1987-88 to 94.33 lakh in 1993-94. 
There have been some signs of improvement in the
overall employment scenario from 2000 onwards, but the
situation is yet to reach any turn-around, the study
On the nexus between weak economy and conflict, the
study revealed that nearly 75 per cent of the
respondents in conflict-affected areas reported that
their village had a weak to very weak local
But what is more alarming is the increasing level of
corruption that itself could be a factor responsible
for the underdevelopment or slow pace of development
in the state. Corruption in local government offices
marked a turn for the worse. Respondents in more than
65 per cent of the communities surveyed agreed that
government officials in their village and
neighbourhood were corrupt, the study said. 
assam mailing list


2007-11-03 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report


The above article posted by one ‘IE’ on on October 23 is obviously an attempt to
manipulate the study titled “Who Benefits from
Civil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam”, reported
to have been carried out for the World Bank, so as to
undermine the historic reasons for the national
struggle to regain the sovereign independence of Asom.
 Quoting from the World Bank report, may be out of
context, about the “direct nexus” between
the Asom-India conflict and a ‘weak
economy’ betrays the ulterior motif to divert
the core issue of our sovereignty and independence to
that of a ‘weak economy’ implying thereby
that effective measures to strengthen the economy will
take the wind out of our struggle. Certainly, as had
happened in any colonial situation, the percentage of
unemployment in Asom is also very high under Indian
colonial occupation. But this does not necessarily
undermine the primary importance of the historic
reasons that propels our struggle forward, though the
colonial economy convince our people that the national
struggle is also their struggle for existence.
Therefore, the primary source of motivation for the
youth of Asom impelling them join the national
struggle is patriotism and the faith in our
sovereignty and independence. A weak economy and the
resultant unemployment and corruption are general
phenomenon in any colonial situation. As such, it is
the colonial situation that gave rise to the national
liberation struggle of Asom, not just the
“direct nexus” between the
“conflict” and the “weak
  Arabinda Rajkhowa


seems god article.
HS article on the same topic - not specific to Assam
that if enough groups in large enough numbers and
different ethicities exists - such problems are more
pronounced -- 97% Han Chinese China has no such
problem - (side note: -- I have a Chinese roommate
-says there are elephants in China)


Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report

By IE 
Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM 
The on-going conflict in Assam, that claimed over
4,400 lives between 1992 and 2001, has a direct
nexus with a weak economy, making it easier for
militant groups to find young recruits, a study
carried out under the aegis of World Bank has

The study titled Who benefits from Civil Wars? Some
evidence from Assam, pointed out that unemployment,
especially among the youth, showed disturbing trends
in the 1990s, which in turn had adverse implications
for the persistence of conflict. 

The number of unemployed youths in Assam registered
sharpest rise among 15 major states, between 1983 and
1993, the report said, pointing out that by 1993-94
(when Army operations against militants were in full
swing), the number of unemployed youths in Assam was
about three times higher than the rest of India. 

The argument of easy recruitment of potential rebels
is indirectly supported by this data, the study said.
The study was carried for the World Bank by Deepa
Narayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. 

The study also pointed out that though there were
several historic reasons behind the on-going conflict
in the state, the employment situation severely
deteriorated, particularly in the rural areas, during
the course of the conflict. Though the level of rural
unemployment had been lower than that in urban areas
during the year of conflict, it is in the rural areas
that the sharpest increase in unemployment was
recorded, the study revealed. 

The rural population was more affected during the
intensified phase of conflict between 1983 and 1993,
the report said, with statistics showing that the
number of rural poor increased sharply from 73.53 lakh
in 1987-88 to 94.33 lakh in 1993-94. 
There have been some signs of improvement in the
overall employment scenario from 2000 onwards, but the
situation is yet to reach any turn-around, the study
On the nexus between weak economy and conflict, the
study revealed that nearly 75 per cent of the
respondents in conflict-affected areas reported that
their village had a weak to very weak local
But what is more alarming is the increasing level of
corruption that itself could be a factor responsible
for the underdevelopment or slow pace of development
in the state. Corruption in local government offices
marked a turn for the worse. Respondents in more than
65 per cent of the communities surveyed agreed that
government officials in their village and
neighbourhood were corrupt, the study said. 
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Umesh Sharma


[Assam] ULFA reply to Kamal Deka

2007-10-15 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Hounorable Netters,
  By suggesting that the ULFA members are cave dwellers, Dr. Kamal Deka seems 
to have taken the opportunity to highlight  that he lives in Texas. His wording 
in the relevant mail is speaking that loud enough. 
  There is no doubt that he has the required qualification to work abroad and 
earning a lot of money. 
  As ULFA members home is Asom rather than Texas or New York, their lives are 
akin to cave dwellers as perceived by Kamal Deka. Therefore, he thinks that 
these cave dwellers are unable to understand and appreciate what is Sovereign 
independence. Consequently there is no point of having a plebiscite to end the 
Asom-India conflict peacefully. Asking for a plebiscite in his eyes is likened 
to a child demanding the moon! Hence, he has not offered any definitive idea 
for a solution. We do not think that he has an answer how to bring in the 
resolution to the conflict. But we would like to say that by bringing in the 
idea of autonomy he is skillfully diverting the focus from a true solution to a 
non-solution. During the freedom struggle against the imperialist British 
colonialists such educated class of people tried to derail the rise ups. He is 
an incarnation with the same mentality. 
  Members and visitors to the AssamNet must have noticed his disdain by 
commenting the ULFA as ‘Cave dwellers’ and in contrast raising his profile as 
an educated successful person. But he has not indicated of his contribution, if 
any, in resolving the national problem of Asom. Apart from making his life in 
America, if he has done anything for Asom and her people we do not know. It is 
not clear if he understands his servitude to America by offering his brain and 
skill for riches.   
  In our opinion he is a so-called educated person without social and political 
insight, wanting to be an arm-chair revolutionary. Dr. Deka perhaps has never 
read the poem ‘Soha aru pondit, r Sohoror odurot asil ejon soha nam tar jurmon 
  Despite his expressed unhelpful views, we would urge him to get involve 
within his limitations for the emancipation of the oppressed and exploited 
majority of Asom
  Rubi Bhuyan
  Central publicity member,ULFA
  Sat, 13 Oct 2007 21:00:41 -0500
  kamal deka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a cave,totally 
detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely prodding at the 
body of ' sovereignty' without knowing what it is all about---like children at 
a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view expressed in the 
Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am concerned.
  I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this 
forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the 
sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a 
60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a 
referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed by 
the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right to 
self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series of 
voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the demand of 
the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be defined and 
redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the chaos,it would create in 
a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state as Assam's,if such recipe 
were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
  Kamal J Deka

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Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 27, Issue 55

2007-10-15 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
  Rubi Bhuyan reply
  In view of observing the discussions for a long, now I would like to open up 
my talks.I am not sure who is Rubu Bhuyan, a male or a female.And as per my 
knowledge with ULFA deep inside stories, I know only ULFA publicity secretary 
MIthinga Daimary.Because of Bhutan crackdown now he is with Peetamaha are in 
Guwahati jail.
  Till today, all the publicity material of the ULFA has been put out in the 
name of Rubi Bhuyan, (including the Statements of Chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa 
and CS Paresh Barua and Swadhinata and Freedom journals) which means Rubi 
Bhuyan is an approved person by the Central Committee of the ULFA. One should 
ignore what ever is published by others in the name of ULFA. 
  As my friend Utpal Borpujari narrated the mervellouse mistakes in writting, 
Ruby Bhuyan is unable o make any replies.Bu it is another peron now to write on 
behalf of Ruby.
  If Rubi Bhuyan does not exist and some body else is using the name to damage 
the ULFA, why is it then the ULFA has not come up with  clarification?  If you 
really believe that  Rubi  Bhuyan no longer exists, why are you wanting to 
communicate with a ghost writer? 
   ULFA- the days are gone from the Assam map.The intellectuals who 
contributed are no more in this world.All are killed by Army and BSF- all 
because they carried a brigh united Assam in their mind where money was no 
issue.Frankly speaking I was one of them at the begining.
  Dear Dr. Das, if the ULFA is now without any political brain, how is it 
possible for the organisation to publish Swadhinta in Assamese and Freedom in 
English regularly? Are you suggesting there is a phantom writer around? Or are 
you telling that that you are equipped with good English and the ULFA should  
approach you to do the writing? There has been some discussions going on in the 
internet and upon noting some specific questions asked by some netters Rubi 
Bhuya gave replies to those. If you have been following the threads in the net, 
where do you think Rubi Bhuyan made an error? 
  But then I found that was only Guwahati boys monopoly to take control of arms 
and ammunitions.As a hard working student leader in 1975 and to begin my career 
as a Moina Parijat moina in 1972 then to All Assam Chemoniya Choura and later 
Convenor of Moina parihat from 1975 with Chemoniya Choura and Jatiyatabadi Juba 
  I do not think there is need to make any comment on your bio-data. 
  Megh phukan and all are no moreWhat remainhed are either i Switzerland 
or in Bangladesh.I have seen Paresh Baruah home at Jeraigaon while I was on 
duty at Dinjan.Paresh Baruah might be good till now.But with lacking  hi tech 
educations he better remained calm with Bangladesh.After Bhutan crackdown he is 
also no more in capability.
  Ok, Megh Phukon and others are dead, Mithinga and all are in prison, the rest 
are all in Switzerland and Bangladesh and that there is no ULFA cadres in 
Assam. Why on earth then the Indian Government is having to deploy hundreds of 
thousands of soldiers in Assam at the cost spending crores of rupees to 
maintain them and the politicians, intellects and the public is calling for a 
peaceful resolution to the Assam-India conflict for restoration of Sovereignty 
of Asom inviting ULFA to the negotiation table? 
   Where the mervellous Xanbidhan of ULFA gone?I have a copy of it till.It has 
noble ideas for better Assam.I am afraid if any of present ULFA cadre like Ruby 
or likewise same narrator did really gone through the real Xanbidhan???
   How can you say that the ULFA does not have a constitution any more? Without 
a constitution ULFA like organisation cannot go on. What is your intention of 
bringing up such idiotic notions?
  Where the Civil wing disappeared after 1990 operation Bajrang by Govt of 
India?Where the intellectuals missing from ULFA?Now no doctors, no engineers 
nor some military man to support.Its like only one outfit to have extortion 
  Mind it Mr Das, barring a mad person no one would suggest that the ULFA does 
not have any other strategy than extorting money.  Otherwise, what would you 
say to the ULFA stance of seeking peaceful political solution of the 
Asssm-India political conflict?  
   Why ULFA then leadership forgot these people, who did helped really to 
transport them from GHY University to Bhutan by POlice vehicles when Govt of 
India declared Operation Bajrang in Dec 1990?? 
  If the ULFA leadership forget  the sacrifices of many of their cadre and the 
people then might compromise and give up the struggle. Despite the set back as 
a result of the Bhutan episode, the colossal counter  from the enemy and 
criticism from intellects still we are continuing our struggle steadfastly. 
  Why ruby Bhuyan like people forget to mention the biggest sacrifice like 
then Assam IGP Sri HIranya Battacharjyee?To say frankly it 

[Assam] on plebisite

2007-10-14 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

Hon'able netter,

We felt it necessary to add our comment to the above discussion thread between 
Ram Sarangapani and Chandan Mahanta. Yes indeed, the ULFA is still totally 
committed, as before, to honour the verdict of a plebiscite on the restoration 
of the Sovereignty of Asom held under the auspices of the United Nations.  The 
ULFA certainly made this declaration before anybody else.  Bringing this up in 
this discussion forum by yourselves is very commendable. But we would like to 
make it clear here that we do not want any migrant from India, Bangladesh, 
Nepal, Myanmar etcetera  since 1947 to take part in this plebiscite  in 
defining the future direction of Asom. 
Ram Sarangapani, you are a regular contributor in the AssamNet forum.  Your 
explicit expression of support to stand by Assam (Asom)and her people reflects 
your wisdom. 
There are many who may not support  the ULFA, but, the most important thing is 
for all is to standby the people of Asom.  We would like to ask you not to 
support the views and actions of the selfish ones who are just taking advantage 
of the situation. Instead, be with the majority and work for real peace to 
return to Asom.
Rubi Bhuyan
Central Publicity member, ULFA

   1. Re: Please take part in the opinion poll (Chan Mahanta)

   2. Re: Please take part in the opinion poll (Ram Sarangapani)

  On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 10/11/07, Ram Sarangapani [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast
  Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with 
seeking Assam's interests? :)
   That is a pathetic spin Ram.
  IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by the 
verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to avoid the 
plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you profess, that the people 
don't want sovereignty?
  At 2:26 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
  You know me well enough to know that I don't carry water for anybody - GOI 
  And does it really matter where I stand?
  Well, if you must, I don't like a plebicite. I seriously think its a 
red-herring for anyone interested in the well-being of Assam (both the 
pro/against sovereignty people).
  I think the results of a plebicite will not be helpful to anyone. It will 
lead to a much bigger, and unmanageable mess from which Assam will never get 
out of.Each side will bicker and moan about fraud, etc and a toothless UN can't 
do a lick.
  Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The people of Assam need yOU far more 
than Dilli does.
  Thanks, C'da. But, you misunderstand, I am on Assam's side as opposed to 
being on Dilli's side.
  Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with seeking 
Assam's interests? :)
  And, C'da, Assam needs you more than they will ever need me.
  On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued servitude 
in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put an end to the 
speculations, wouldn't it?
  Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation poll?
At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

  Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even from a 
poll that one doesn't trust.
  It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru surface 
  Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this result 
in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works (or Service) 

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[Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

Dear Nayanjyoti Medhi,
  We have read your comments in AssamOnline. You wrote,”  “Times have changed. 
The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps with mosquitoes and 
malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian security forces, and no 
real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese the ULFA is no longer a 
struggle for national salvation but one that keeps normal life disturbed. Is it 
not the time to rethink and ask the people what they want? The ULFA should ask 
the people if the Assamese people see the ULFA movement as a beneficial and 
healthy activity for the betterment of the Assamese people? Do the Assamese 
people really feel they are not part of India and are being exploited by New 

Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something that is 
wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it something which is 
being imposed on them.”  We find that your statement is a mere repetition of 
what the unified command structure has been saying for the last twenty eight 
years.  We do not accept such views. The colonial administration has been 
trying to steer the fate of the liberation struggle of Asom to their liking for 
the past 28 years. You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has 
brought in. But, why the struggle by thousands of freedom fighters in a tough 
situation created by fifth columnists facing uncertain future is still ongoing 
has not been highlighted by you?
  The ULFA has admitted of civilian casuality  in unfortunate circumstances(viz 
suddenly appearing during firing) while conducting operations against the 
enemy. Anticipating such casualities we have publicly requested people not to 
be with the occupation forces or in close proximity of the military camps or 
  The murder of engineer Ajay Deka and the old woman Sabitri Rajbangshi has 
proven again our contention that the unified command structure has been 
involved in these crimes in a planned manner to malign the ULFA.  Some may not 
believe our position, but, they should not believe the unified command 
structure’s assertions either.  You are talking about people supporting the 
unified structure but there is no mention of the need for independent inquiry 
into their operations leading to human suffering and deaths. Hence we find your 
views biased.
  We are saying that there are masses who want an independent Asom. We have 
demanded a plebiscite on the restoration of Asom’s sovereignty under the 
supervision of the United Nations. We have declared long time ago that we shall 
accept the verdict of the people.  Pre-judging of a possible negative outcome 
of such a plebiscite conducted in a environment fee of fear, surely is not 
devoid of prejudices? Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, 
saying that the United Nations won’t agree to a plebiscite, is not like 
plucking a solution from the thin air? Why do you have to be dependent on 
whether India will agree to it or not? Without gauzing the true depth what the 
majority of people of Asom wants, based on a opinion poll conducted at the 
behest of the army and the police and use of the internet voting available only 
o some town dwellers, you suggest be the decisive  verdict on the fate of the 
land and the people?
   Is it not very childish to talk like this? 
  With warm wishes
  Rubi Bhuyan
  Nayanjyoti Medhi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  28 years have gone by since the start of the liberation struggle by the 
United Liberation Front of Assam. Many boys have died and their bodies rest in 
unmarked graves in jungles of Bhutan, Arunachal, Myanmar and still many have 
died in their own backyards. Many are languishing in the different jails all 
throughout Assam. Many have surrendered and joined the mainstream. Not only the 
boys, with them many civilians who did not have anything to do with liberation 
have given their lives in this ongoing struggle between the state and the 
liberation army.

United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) was formed on April 7, 1979 at the Rang 
Ghar in Sibsagar to establish a sovereign socialist Assam through an armed 
struggle. Of course, there was an initial euphoria and an unnaturally 
heightened sense of alienation because of the step motherly attitude of the 
Indian Government in the initial stages of the movement. The truth has since 
been gradually realised and that sense of alienation has died.

Times have changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps 
with mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian 
security forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese 
the ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one that keeps 
normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the people what 
they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people see the ULFA 
movement as a beneficial and healthy activity for 

Re: [Assam] Letter of Reply from ULFA to Shantikam Hazarika

2007-10-12 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Respected  assamonliners,
We feel you are not coming forth with questions  - maybe  fearing 
Parasar,Biswajeet('Rascul '  famed) and such RAW lackies will round you up and 
disappear you.
Upto you.
Wish to note a few points:
Shati-Kam wrote you all to the right path and the agony of 'dukhuni' Assam, 
which I love the most, comes to an end.
   which I love the most, Really? even more than we do?That is why we wanted 
you. Behave like Prince Siddhartha-- come and attain  real Nirvana and liberate 
your beloved land.
  agony of 'dukhuni' Assam, You are the Brightest Management Guru East of Suez 
as they say. You also claim Govt . of Assam wanted  YOU to make  real men out 
of DUKHUNI's children.Now for assamonliners' benefit you need explaining what 
you have done and plan to do  to make the Dukhuni children come out of her 
agony. Is Ulfa your hindrance-How?What? 
  right path  This is not modern Management language is it?   Talk of 
Paradigm,Synergy,Win-Win ,Disappearing National Boundaries,Global Citizens,  
  comes to an end. Will end when our 5 Crore people arrive at a point where 
they can Plan lives-not disasters.
  Keep those Questions coming. We will learn too.
  shantikam hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }   
  For Rubi Bhuyan:
  I am happy to receive a direct mail addressed to me. I shall directly get to 
the points raised and would not raise any extraneous issues, though I must say 
the provocation is there.
  Your relevant mail has proven that, your real intention is to destroy the 
National Liberation Struggle of Asom by attacking Ruby Bhuyan of the ULFA like 
a rabid dog biting people on the street indiscriminately. We thank you for 
revealing your design.
  No response called for. 

We do not wish to insult you by trying to make you knowledgeable how the 
modern communications have made the world a small place. However, we are at a 
loss to make out why are you unaware of the aim of the ULFA¢s past Twenty-Eight 
years of struggle in Asom? Excepting a yokel, a person like you well versed in 
advanced technology, should not have to come up with such a view.
  I am fully aware of what the proclaimed aim of ULFA is. I am only at 
a loss as to what to make out of the aim. Also, I am not sure what the real aim 
of the ULFA is. Thee deeds do not match the aims.
  The debate in question was not put forward in a manner of your 
requirement of ¡asked them in plain, straight forward English¢. You are trying 
to throw blows in the air just to sweep this deficiency under the carpet. We 
would like to remind you that the debate took place as a result of Nayan 
Parasar criticizing impertinently in the Asom On Line forum ¡the get well wish¢ 
statement of our Honourable Chairman Arobinda Rajkhowa when Dr. Mamoni Goswami 
fell ill. Criticism of a ¡Get well wish¢ cannot be ¡Honest,gentle, civilized¢. 
  Unfortunately my knowledge of the English language and perhaps my 
comprehending capability of the language is deficient. Hence I failed to make 
any head or tail of what has been stated above. 

  But you approving his subterfuge and attacking the ULFA with 
vindictive words have been noted in the net.
  By the way, are you trying to scare me or what? Earlier you were 
going to do a background check on me and now you are noting my words. What do 
you mean?
You may not be aware that about ten years ago Prof. Jugal Kalita linking 
the ULFA website to the Assam Org site there was an objection raised by one 
Supratik Gupta. Following this there was a long debate between Arun Mahanta, a 
member of the ULFA¢s Central Publicity Group and Supratik Gupta. In this 
debate, Supratik was given detailed replies with unambiguous views the ULFA 
holds. Supratik Gupta was not satisfied with it, but, the ULFA was very frank 
in giving out replies. He wished to know what his status would be in a 
Sovereign Independent Assam to a person of Bangladesh origin. We must say that 
Supratik Gupta behaved like a gentleman. On the other hand your good man Nayan 
Parasar does not sound at all a gentleman, but a sycophant bent upon keeping 
Asom under colonial occupation forever. We are analysing of the reasons why 
should you be promoting the sycophancy of Parasar as something very honourable.
  I am not aware of what may have transpired ten years ago and has no 
relevance here. Nor do I know who Nayan Parasar is. Again, I feel honoured that 
the stuff that I type out on the net, (frankly I never think twice about them 
while typing them and after pressing the 'send' button, forget about them) 
deserve 'analysis'. The importance you seem to be giving to me is rather 
embarrassing to me. 
  If you really want a useful discussion, you are welcome to come 

Re: [Assam] Who is Ruby Bhuyan ...?

2007-10-12 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Respected  assamonliners,
We feel you are not coming forth with questions  - maybe  fearing 
Parasar,Biswajeet('Rascul '  famed) and such RAW lackies will round you up and 
disappear you.
Upto you.
Wish to note a few points:
Shati-Kam wrote you all to the right path and the agony of 'dukhuni' Assam, 
which I love the most, comes to an end.
   which I love the most, Really? even more than we do?That is why we wanted 
you. Behave like Prince Siddhartha-- come and attain  real Nirvana and liberate 
your beloved land.
  agony of 'dukhuni' Assam, You are the Brightest Management Guru East of Suez 
as they say. You also claim Govt . of Assam wanted  YOU to make  real men out 
of DUKHUNI's children.Now for assamonliners' benefit you need explaining what 
you have done and plan to do  to make the Dukhuni children come out of her 
agony. Is Ulfa your hindrance-How?What? 
  right path  This is not modern Management language is it?   Talk of 
Paradigm,Synergy,Win-Win ,Disappearing National Boundaries,Global Citizens,  
  comes to an end. Will end when our 5 Crore people arrive at a point where 
they can Plan lives-not disasters.
  Keep those Questions coming. We will learn too.

Jyotirmoy Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  All Assam netters
A search on Google shows that Ruby Bhuyan has surrendered years back 
( 2005)
Does he still work for them overground?? We might be talking to an 
Also you are correct in noting that an author will never mistake in 
spelling his own name.

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[Assam] ulfa statement

2007-09-27 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
  JP Rajkhowa’s article ‘Some ways to revive the peace process’ carried on 
(date)’s edition of The Sentinel, Assam published on 23.09.2007 is at best a 
mixture of confusions typical of Asomiyas with Indian mind, particularly of 
ex-bureaucrats. They pose themselves to be very concerned about the mental 
agony and insecurity of our people. They blame ‘terrorism’ for all the ills in 
Asom. They say peace process should be restarted and violence, bomb blasts, 
etc., etc. should be stopped and condemned. What a fine cocktail of confusions 
to mislead our people.   
  However, this crop of so-called Asomiyas, in trying to become champions of 
peace, have only exposed their naivety, utter intellectual bankruptcy and 
ignorance about the crux of the Asom-India political conflict, which is 
restoration of Asom’s sovereign independence. They do not understand, or are 
simply ignorant of, for what purpose thousands of brave sons and daughters of 
Asom have joined the liberation struggle against Indian colonial occupation. 
They childishly think our freedom fighters have joined the struggle out of 
unemployment and poverty. Did Bhagat Singh and Subhas Chandra Bose fought 
against the British out of unemployment and poverty? On the issue of influx of 
foreigners into Asom, JP. Rajkhowa  Co. ridiculously think that only 
Bangladeshis are foreigners. To ULFA and the peoples of Asom, anybody who does 
not belong to Asom are foreigners. By this criteria Indians, like Bangladeshis, 
who came after 1947, 15 August are also foreigners to Asom.   
  Being ignorant of their own national identity and having lost their national 
character, it is not surprising that these anti Asom reactionary intellectuals 
should ask ULFA to abandon the ‘demand for sovereignty’. JP. Rajkhowa  Co. 
should know that ULFA, or for that matter the entire peoples of Asom, are not 
demanding anything from India. We are fighting for regaining our nation’s 
legitimate sovereignty and independence in order to build a new Asom where 
Asomiyas and all the ethnic communities alike shall coexist together on the 
basis of right to self determination. Sovereignty and independence is the core 
political issue on which our liberation struggle is hinged. Therefore, there 
cannot be any political solution sans sovereignty and independence. 
  Unless and until the core issue of sovereignty and independence is addressed, 
jumping to ‘peace process’ including ceasefire and modalities for ‘talks’ would 
be ‘putting the cart before the horse’. So for the ‘peace process’ to move 
forward, JP Rajkhowa  Co  should first put the horse before the cart. 

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[Assam] Joint Statement

2007-08-10 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
  1.Kamatapur Liberation Organisation (KLO)
  2.Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF)
  3.Tripura Peoples Democratic Front (TPDF)
  4.United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA)
  10 August 2007
  The above-mentioned Revolutionary Parties/Organizations call upon the peoples 
of our Region to BOYCOTT and prevent the celebration, in any manner, of India’s 
Independence Day in our Region on 15 August 2007 as a mark of solidarity 
against Indian colonial occupation and repression. On this day, a GENERAL 
STRIKE shall be observed throughout the Region from 01:00 AM to 05:30 PM. 
However, in view of the devastating floods in Assam and Kamotapur, duration of 
the General Strike there will be shortened as from 06:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  
Yet another year has recorded the unrelenting national liberation 
struggles in the Region gaining the upper hand on the one hand and the failure 
of one-sided ‘peace talks’ as a means for conflict resolution on the other. 
This has convincingly established the fact that the national liberation 
struggles should be consolidated, strengthened and intensified while the 
fragmentation of the Region on exclusive ethnic lines should consciously give 
way to a new process of inclusive unity based on interdependent coexistence as 
determined by the Region’s reality.
  Last year, we highlighted the historical responsibility of the national 
liberation struggles in the Region to consolidate the unity of their respective 
peoples sincerely respecting the emotional aspects of genuine ethnic 
aspirations. At the same time, ethnic groups need to develop an inclusive 
outlook in the search for unity in interdependence and coexistence. This is a 
paramount necessity demanded by the reality of our Region which is home to more 
than hundreds of ethnic groups. 
So far, India’s all out effort has failed, and is doomed to fail, 
to suppress our national struggles because they have no justification 
whatsoever. Ours is a just war to liberate the entire peoples of the Region 
from India’s colonial occupation while India’s war against us is an unjust war 
to prolong their colonial rule. History has always been on the side of just 
wars in defeating unjust wars. Ours will be no exception. Time and unrelenting 
struggles will bear testimony to our victory.

  Keeping faith in the collective strength of our Region, we appeal to all our 
peoples to once again display their solidarity against India, the common enemy, 
by making the Boycott and General Strike a complete success.   
Also in view of the devastating floods in Assam and Kamotapur, we 
make a special appeal to the entire peoples of the Region to stand by the flood 
affected fraternal peoples.   

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assam mailing list

[Assam] ULFA on RSS APW

2007-06-19 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
The secret directive RSS is itself the proof of murdering of innocent people in 
  Media published separate statements of RSS and Asom Public Works(APW) 
regarding the bomb blast at Bullut bazar of Hajo. But they are quite 
contradictory to the facts. Mentionable RSS demanded that during their long 82 
years history they have not involved in any sort of anti-humanitarian 
activities. But in reality the proof of their evil doings are still fresh in 
the minds of people like demolition of Babri Masjid, Godhra incident in Gujrat 
and the murder of a Christian priest and his son. The news of secret plan and 
its subsequent directions to the worker of RSS to carry out murder in Asom was 
published on the November, 2006 issue of our monthly newsletter “Freedom”. 
However the news media patronized by colonial Undia tried to suppress the 
entire matter. However, fearing the outburst of horrible situation in Asom we 
again endeavoured to warn the masses in our Asomiya monthly 
megagine“Swadhinota” on March, 2007 isue. Following the directions from central 
committee of RSS
 the blast was carried out under the leadership of Abhijeet Sharma which the 
directive of RSS ascertains. 
  We are not at all worried with the thought that fame and popularity of APW 
would eliminate ULFA. Occupational forces’ 2 lakhs soldiers failed to bring 
eradication of ULFA for last 28 years. It is quite ridiculous that an 
unpatriotic  and traitorous organization like APW efforts to shake the robust 
foundation of ULFA. Our aim behind this opinion against APW is not but to warn 
the masses against sinister motives behind their activities. This is because 
they have employed some biased, unpatriotic man in APW to destroy the national 
liberation struggle of Asom. The leader of APW, Abhijeet Sharma craftily 
requested Heera Sarania, commander of 709 Battalion of ULFA seeking training 
under ULFA’s supervision. When ULFA rejected the request he trained those 
willing for training under the Unified Command Structure and took them outside 
Asom in the name of tour and attending seminar and trained them in secret 
places. These trained members operate bomb blasts and immediately prepared
 play cards, festoons against ULFA and accuse ULFA for the fake crime. 
Naturally people come to the streets in protest when innocent people become 
victim of explosions. Members of RSS and Apw intrude in these rallies with the 
intention to defame ULFA by raising slogans against ULFA. Simultaneously 
Unified Command Structure murder youths and fabricate stories of recovering 
explosives and illegal documents from them. Such conspiracy is aimed only to 
gather proofs against ULFA. In fact truths triumphs always and it is proved 
that the murdered youth was not a ULFA cadre. 
  In the previous editorial of Swadhinota, the secret directive of central 
committee to the branch office of RSS, Asom is mentioned below:
  Secret directive of central committee to the Asom RSS office. 
  The plot to spread Hinduism in ASom has come to light. The proof of secret 
direction of central committee reveal the principles of Hinduism with which 
they want to enthrall masses of Asom are already published in “Freedom”. But 
none of the media published or spread the news. The matter of regret is that 
the objective journalists also did not mention anything about it. So for the 
knowledge of the masses we are repeating this evil directive. 
  A Secret Circular of the RSS to local leaders.
  Local leaders.
  In addition to the old duties the following duties are given.
  Certain instructions are modified. Teach these to patriots and volunteers, 
send your reaction to the head quarters. After imparting these instructions to 
the members destroy these papers by burning.
  1. Intensify act ivies together fire arms and gun powder.
  2. To fight against the movements of Muslims and Ambedkarites, win over the 
sc/st and the backward communities. 
  3. Propagate the Hindutwa concept among Govt. officers.
  4. Hindutwa concept should be promoted among medical practioners. Instigate 
the doctors to use times barred and take medicines among sc/st and Muslim 
patients. Inject poison in to instant born.
  5. Arrange to chant the word OM and Jai Sri Ram in places where infants of 
SC/ST and OBC are living.
  6. Boycott functions which oppose Hindutwa and Brahmanism   and pseudo 
  7. Instigate and encourage dealers who sell black nations lottery activities 
in areas where SC ST and OBC’s live in concentrations places and building 
temples, promote organizing, religious functions at Mosques of muslims and the 
worship places of non-hindus.
  26. Continue mal-nutrition among SC/STs. As stated earlier poison the body 
and attack drunk by them. Continue poison the food taken by them.
  27. We should strengthen our control on news paper.