Re: A thinly supported theory

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A thinly supported theory

Ghorth, I definitely agree with everything you brought up. and any way I can help out on future projects, I would love to. Helping design and test a game has always been a goal of mine, and Id love to contribute. I will say though... about side scrollers, I dont necessarily agree on the fact that we have tons of them. A great quantity, sure, but many of them are just the same game with different premises... I think the side scroller genre has much left to explore which many audio games havent covered yet. Bokurano Daibouken 3 set the bar for me in terms of 2d side scrolling action platformers, and I think many audio games havent even come close to the amount of freedom and the size of the stages in that game. But of course, comparing that game iwth 3d freedom of movement as you were talking about is a little different. lol But I still think there are many things to be done with side scrollers. A true beat em up in the style of final fight hasnt even h
 appened yet, and Bokurano Daibouken 3 has shown that a game of that style could very well be possible. haha.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An early christmas present

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An early christmas present

hi,Is the server down? I cant connect.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: developing a kind of radar?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: developing a kind of radar?

For BGT, I wrote a clock class that takes care of the timer shenanigans. All you need to specify is how much time should pass between the start of each frame.A main function might look like this:void main() {
clock fps(50); // The constructor takes frames/second as a parameter and determines the delay for you.
double frametime=fps.delay; // This is the target time that passes between frames.

show_game_window(Game with frames);
while(true) {

}In practice, Id include a method (I usually call it step) that takes the amount of time that passes as a parameter, for each class that needs time-sensitive updating. Enemies and radars both fall into this category. You could use an interface for tickable objects, but I dont see the need for it most of the time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Some Game Corner bugs I noticed.In one of the slot machines near the door (just to the right of it) it always says You scored 3 Farfetchd in a row! Won 25 coins! even if you didnt hit Farfetchd at all during the spins. At least the coins are added to your total, though, unlike at the nearby Roulette table. The same sequence of Pokémon is hit over and over, but when I worked this out and tried to exploit it, I didnt get my winnings, even though the coins I bet were taken out and the number of coins I won was announced.Edit: The slot machine seems to behave differently every time I use it, so maybe it isnt so buggy after all. The Roulette table is definitely still doing what I said it was doing, though. It would seem Team Rocket rigged it to make it look like it was going to give you coins. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

HiSo, what kinds of teams do you guys have? curious. as I basicly stomped through all areas with my squertel and a picachu without bothering to get a few others that I should have. And once I figure out how to pass this MT Moon I shall do exactly thatSpeaking of, Mt moon is truly a pain in the arse to figure out (although I believe it was designed just so), and at least to me who has collected 1?2? moon stones the rair candy, the potion etc the walkthroughs dont help at allI manage to get to basement 2? although pressing the I key says it to be 3, and then have no idea how to move ahead. In some guides that I have glanced through they say to move right after defeating the grunt, although that too stumps me, as I encountered him, then had to rush back to the pokemon center using the escape rope (which too I found in the caves btw) because almost all my pokemon were out of commissionFishing,breeding sounds quite exciteing! cant wait to get to it!<
 br />grryf


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

...AHAHAHAHAHA. Ive basically caught at least one specimen of every Pokémon currently available, and am rotating many of them through my team while waiting for the next major update. The only two I keep on my team permanently are my Persian, Eliza, whos at Lv 51 and my main source of money after beating all the trainers in the current areas, and the Farfetchd you can get in a trade in Vermillion, who is my cut slave(Im actually leveling him up some too when Im particularly bored). Of the rest, I have a Ninetales, Charizard, Growlithe (waiting on Flamethrower to evolve her), Gyarados, Dragonair and Graveler at reasonably high levels. Im working on everyone, as I say, because you never know when Ill need a specialist. I also intend on catching a Chansey when the Safari Zone becomes accessible, and once I have her, Im not getting rid of her.  Dunno how long that will take, but Im hopeful. Theres a guide to navigate Mt Moon earlier in this thread (post 604). It helped me out a lot when I first navigated through it, so hopefully it will help you out as well. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Putting saves on your ps3 accessibly, is this possible?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Putting saves on your ps3 accessibly, is this possible?

Well, I know the process, but I dont know how to get there in the menu. Could someone walk me through that? Like move x spaces left, hit x, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

Gotta agree with Key and others here. $30 for a mud client is comparable to having to pay an arm and a leg for a screen reader... that was viable five years ago, but now with so many advancements in mud clients the price should at least be lowered. I would also like to see newer games. Time of Conflict has a great start in multiplayer from what I hear, and there should be newer action titles that also support it... tank commanders premis and the way the engine works can be easily turned into a wartime shooter r vehicular combat game, possible with ground combat as well. Either way, old games from so many years ago should be left as is or simply updated for current systems.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SammySenter

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SammySenter

Hey guys,I have news for you. I just talked to sam, and turns out hes forgotten his password. and cant reset it. Theres been an update not with everything but with some of the new games. The links are the same, and should work soon. Also, sam has a big surprise in the works, youre going to love it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Thatd be something I would be very interested in for sure. O:-) I used to think of temperature and sound as having keys, but I discovered that wasnt always the case, so I experimented with certain kinds of hums, drones, beatings, etc to make me feel the way I do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An early christmas present

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An early christmas present

ah, sorry...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An early christmas present

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An early christmas present

Hi all, though its a little on the laggy side at least on my end, were back up. Redownload to be reconnected to the new server at the first post or this link. … bsetup.exe


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I actually mentioned that about 20 posts ago, have they made any progress with getting that fixed or at least tracking it? its been around for a while


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Interesting. I have a friend who associates temperatures with sounds. I think of lower sounds as being warm, like 120 HZ makes me think of hot, since thatt the sound associated with mains hum. However, if I heard a sound around 80-HZ, it would make me think of a cold, empty sky, and If I went down to 50-HZ sine, I would think about a dark night. On the other hand if I hear higher sounds, the more beatings there are, the colder it feels. I do agree that roughness and smoothness vary directly with frequencies, and the number of harmonic content and their respective amplitudes helps to determine what kind of texture or substance it would make me achieve. I dont mind the twangs produced by grand pianos, although I think the concert grands have a lot of darkness to them, which is good for meditation purposes. What I hate are pianos that have brightness to them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Ah, faire enough. Id personally not recommend anything Itunes unless you own a mac sinse Apple buggered up the headings in Itunes twelve, and while it would be fine on my Iphone I dont want to buy any media that I am not free to use on any normal mp3 player (Ive heard rumours you can get media you download out of Itunes with a pc but I never managed it), but either way there are good alternatives as you said.Btw, do you know a good radio tuner ap I could use on my Iphone? I dont believe Itunes does radio. As Id chiefly be interested in classic fm, Im tempted to try Classic Fms own ap, but Im not sure how accessible it is, although I probably ought to check.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

I love this idea. If I knew enough about python, Id love to help. Currently I am reading the book Learn Python the Hard way which has been a huge help. Good luck with the project, Tom.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

I would conjecture the same... because I cant think of any situation even in chaotic combat muds where I would need multiple voices to replace sounds. And youre assuming that the buyer has used the client for six years. A new purchase doesnt change the fact that there are tons of free mud clients that are accessible and does everything that vipmud does. As key already pointed out, mush reader.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Putting saves on your ps3 accessibly, is this possible?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Putting saves on your ps3 accessibly, is this possible?

Uh... well, if you know the way its done, then its pretty simple if you know where the save data utility is in your ps3 menu. lol Unzip to a USB, put it in thesavedata folder, and just copy it over. Done.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: transitioning from Qwerty to Dvorac keyboard layout discussion

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: transitioning from Qwerty to Dvorac keyboard layout discussion

I didnt know key-binding existed. Whats its purpose, and is it to customize the keyboard to your liking?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: developing a kind of radar?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: developing a kind of radar?

For BGT, I wrote a clock class that takes care of the timer shenanigans. All you need to specify is how much time should pass between the start of each frame.A main function might look like this:void main() {
clock fps(50); // The constructor takes frames/second as a parameter and determines the delay for you.
double frametime=fps.delay; // This is the target time that passes between frames.

show_game_window(Game with frames);
while(true) {

}In practice, Id include a method (I usually call it step) that takes the amount of time that passes as a parameter, for each class that needs time-sensitive updating. Enemies and radars both fall into this category. You could use an interface for tickable objects, but I dont see the need for it most of the time.If the step/tick/update method is the part thats throwing you off, odds are that most classes like this will include this sort of thing:class TimedObject {
double counter=0.0;

/* [...] */

void step(double dt) {
if(counter=0.0) {
// Times up: do whatever needs doing. Update your radar angle, for example.

// Reset the counter. As an example:
this.counter=1000.0; // Assuming milliseconds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I had used JAWS for most of my life, until 2011 when discovered NVDA. Back then, there was no addon system, no support for asian languages (try playing Japanese audiogames with nvda 2011.1, or even JAWS);, and other things. In my view, the addon system prevails over JAWS scripting system, and NVDA is much faster than JAWS. Although the dreaded unknown thing drives me crazy, its better than using JAWS which is slower than any version of NVA Ive used. I dont care if you like JAWS or NVDA, but Ill tell you that if you use only NVDA for a long period of time youll want to stop using JAWS for good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

eEI love this idea. If I knew enough about python, Id love to assist. Currently I am reading the book Learn Python the Hard way which has been a huge help. One game I would like to see ported is World of legends, although it may be too large. Good luck with the project, Tom!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

I love this idea. If I knew enough about python, Id love to help. Currently I am reading the book Learn Python the Hard way which has been a huge help. One game I would like to see ported is World of legends, although it would be to large. Good luck with the project, Tom.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

Considering its $35 for what is now 6 years of use, its a completely negligible price. It works out to $0.25 a month, or an eighth of the well-priced swamp.Theres times when I need to hear 3 different voices at once. I suppose I could use sounds, but then Id need to hunt down quick and snappy sound files that speak the exact information that needs to be spoken. Actually, come to think of it, theres situations where the text that needs to be spoke in an alternate voice could have so many possible values, that I simply couldnt find enough sound files to represent them all. Even if I could, Id really like them to be no longer than a half second in duration, lest they block out the sound of any other text coming in.In short, sound files couldnt possibly cut it. Ive briefly considered using a couple, but the little effort involved in downloading just a basic sound file wouldnt be worth the minority of times
  that they would be preferable over alternate voices.I conjecture we play different styles of games.


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Re: what do you guys think our next sports game should be

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you guys think our next sports game should be

Hey, Hey, star ship racing could be cool! A boxing or wrestling game would be awesome, too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

Hi.I bought VIP mud, a year ago and honestly? I know its been around for six years but yes its super pricey and well most of the stuf doesnt work with NVDA, like the help file for example. I thought it would have since I thought there would be updates but no, until this update. Its been 6 years and they coudlnt release mini patch updates? I dont play muds anywere as much as I used to. In fact, I only play a a for now, and mush z and a a do everything I want a mud program to do. Its up to you if you want to pay for a program when there are free programs. Ive done it and its ok.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

...AHAHAHAHAHA. Ive basically caught at least one specimen of every Pokémon currently available, and am rotating many of them through my team while waiting for the next major update. The only two I keep on my team permanently are my Persian, Eliza, whos at Lv 51 and my main source of money after beating all the trainers in the current areas, and the Farfetchd you can get in a trade in Vermillion, who is my cut slave(Im actually leveling him up some too when Im particularly bored). Of the rest, I have a Ninetales, Charizard, Growlithe (waiting on Flamethrower to evolve her), Gyarados, Dragonair and Graveler at reasonably high levels. Im working on everyone, as I say, because you never know when Ill need a specialist. I also intend on catching a Chansey when the Safari Zone becomes accessible, and once I have her, Im not getting rid of her.  Dunno how long that will take, but Im hopeful. Theres a guide to navigate Mt Moon earlier in this thread (post 604). It helped me out a lot when I first navigated through it, so hopefully it will help you out as well. Also, fishing is pretty easy, but the Old Rod is the only one you can get in the current version and that only lets you catch Magikarp. Still, my Crest was caught that way and Im very proud of how hes progressing.  Breeding will be wonderful, once all the bugs are cleared out of the Daycare. I personally hope that wont take too long.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the list of unanswered questions that the Moff started and never delivered on is endless, indeed when did he ever answer! one of the questions he posed in the least satisfying way? I agree with He who moans on this one, its like a mystery story saying And the hero finally cracks the mysterious safe to find a box marked with the letter V and a question mark! and finally opens the box inside that is a paper with a herren and a scarf its just bad writing pure and simple which is why we didnt get an answer.Weerdly enough, pretending that there are only ten doctors is remarkably easy given how little eleventh and twelth doctors have to do with the previous series beyond the od throwaway line, (the moff treated those stupid cracks in time as his own time war, shoving all the previous plot up there and ignoring it himself). If of course series 9 proves to be amazing, or the Moff suddenly dies and is replaced by someone good, I might 
 have to change my opinion but it doesnt look like that is going to happen any time soon, (sinse even if the Moff is! replaced whether the replacement can salvage the series rassilon only knows). Regarding the time war, to be honest this is why i always preferd the idea of the time war as something unknowable that screws around with reality warping timelines, sinse Cx2 is correct on Dalek infrastructure, simply blowing up a bloody huge fleet wouldnt stop the daleks, and its ridiculous to assume that all the timelords happened to be on Galifrey. At least for the Daleks this is supported in Bf audios like the Dalek empire series when you see the daleks have literally their own galaxy to wage war from. If however we conceive of the war as something huge and timey wimey, then you dont need to worry about those sorts of questions, after all look at all the distorted and cutoff timelines in the axis. I also like the idea from a thematic perspective tha
 t the Time war remains a mysterious evil and something beyond knolidge, sinse indeed something that could scare the master into fleeing to the end of the univers,e involve weapons like the Nightmare child that were worse than the daleks must! be bad. Nothig you could see on screen could equal what you can imagine for that, its the same reason Sauron isnt ever seen in Lord of the rings, sinse mystery increases fear, particularly when your dealing with a war that goes beyond time and reality. As to Leela, I wonder if well see her parting from Romana and leaving galifrey at the end of the galifrey series, sinse we know she winds up a captive of the Zednai. I could well believe that Romana set this up rather than having Leela involved in a war she could not win, indeed its possible romana flees galifrey as well. this is actually where I thought the galifrey series would end when Romana, Leela and Braxiatel ended up in the axis traversing realities, sinse i
 t got them out of the main timtimeline. that was not the case of course but maybe its a hint on where things are going. Regarding the license, remember that audio go was bbcs publishing line, and all of the new series doctor who audio books (which are actually just audio readings of printed books and often abridged), are publishe by the bbc. The bbc isnt going to split the pie any time soon while they can make money off Doctor who, after all remember that at the time the 8th doctor novels were being published and Big Finish got the rights to the series, the Bbc didnt particularly give a monkies about what happened to Doctor who anyway. With the 8th Doctor and charley, the setup is confusing but it makes sense, I recently heard the audios. When they get to Singapore, the Doctor initially believes that the old lady he meets on the boat in the harbour is an older charley, however she turns out to be the girl who stowed away on the
  ship back in 1940 who got amnesia from the Cyber controller, and thus has nothing to do with Charley. Charley believes she sees the Cybermen shoot down the Doctor, but as his travels with Lucy Miller (and later Molly O), happen after this we knows he doesnt die. Charley however is stranded in sullivanthe far future and is picked up by the sixth Doctor. Charley is then infected with a virus that the Tardis didnt protect her from which allows Mila to take over Charleys boddy when they land on Amethist station. Mila was a prisoner who the Daleks experimented on, testing various viruses and energies who fled to the tardis during the time of the doctors first encarnation but due to what the Daleks had done remained insubstantial until she could infect another person with the virus and steal their body. The Tardis didnt protect Charley with its usual temporal grace because Charley was an anomaly in time. Mila then travels with the 6t
 h Doctor disguised as Charley while Charley leaves with the Viyrans. When they meet again on earth, Charley uses the Viyran mind wipe technology (and the Doctors concent), to 

Re: transitioning from Qwerty to Dvorac keyboard layout discussion

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: transitioning from Qwerty to Dvorac keyboard layout discussion

Yes, it is to change the purpose of keys. Anytime I press the key labeled Q, my computer thinks Im pressing the key labeled backspace. I use a program called SharpKeys, which is reasonably easy to use, considering what it does. If you want to change your keybindings, download that then follow the instructions. I did need to use the jaws curser for a bit of it, but that was no big deal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An early christmas present

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An early christmas present

Good news all, while we dont have the new server we ordered just yet, we are running it on a temparary server. Wed prefer to wait on allowing players on as the servers only got 1 gig of ram and hents is extremely laggy thanks to it being a vps, but we hope to be up and running in a few days again should everything work out, and we hope to make our website return soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: just got a Iphone6 plus, cases and questions

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: just got a Iphone6 plus, cases and questions

If the speaker is faulty on a 6 it should still be under warranty surely? Its inconvenient but at least you dont have to pay for it.As for my comments regarding trains and signals, its specifically subway trains as in those which run mostly through underground tunnels beneath a city which cause problems. Its the fact of going underground, either on the train itself or simply in the station, which interferes with the signal. Depending on where you live this will likely either be no issue at all, where I live there simply are no underground trains at all, or a massive problem like in London or certain cities in the US which make extensive use of subway systems in a similar fashion to how most of us use buses because it keeps the traffic seperated from the roads.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

I love this idea. If I knew enough about python, Id love to assist. Currently I am reading the book Learn Python the Hard way which has been a huge help. One game I would like to see ported is World of legends, although it may be too large. Good luck with the project, Tom!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: just got a Iphone6 plus, cases and questions

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: just got a Iphone6 plus, cases and questions

Well all the apple enslaved to apple features (many of which are just pretty ways of doing what you can do with a pc and a memory stick, ie, transfer stuff), arent really of that much interest to me, sinse for a start I have no plans on buying a mac or Apple Tv, though the battery life is a point,  though whether it is five hundred squid worth of point Im less certain. I might wait for the Iphone 7 series sinse by then likely hardware will have progressed to the point where it would be worth me buying the new system, and compatibility might be starting to be difficult as it is currently with the 4 series and Ios 8 i believe. Regarding cases, the only official apple case I saw was a very thin leather affair that looked to provide little or no protection whatsoever, and as I said, I wanted to be sure that if I did! drop my Iphone itd not run into too much trouble. Siri however is one feature of Ios 8 that I do like a lot, 
 although I wish you could change the hay siri activation phrase to soemthing a little less generic,  Come hither siri my slave! or maybe Siri I summon thee! .The one issue Im finding with the siri music identification is that the metadata is tied to apples usual song artist album meaning often you get the name of the peace and the orchestra, (or at least an! orchestra), but not the composer. The other day I tested it with Classic Fm and while it identified Finlandia, it didnt mention Sibelius.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Some Game Corner bugs I noticed.In one of the slot machines near the door (just to the right of it) it always says You scored 3 Farfetchd in a row! Won 25 coins! even if you didnt hit Farfetchd at all during the spins. At least the coins are added to your total, though, unlike at the nearby Roulette table. The same sequence of Pokémon is hit over and over, but when I worked this out and tried to exploit it, I didnt get my winnings, even though the coins I bet were taken out and the number of coins I won was announced.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: grave of redemption: concept demo

hi,@brad, I always see the vote and also I can vote myself. why didnt you see them?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

playing japanese audiogames, some dropbox links are broken.

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


playing japanese audiogames, some dropbox links are broken.

Hello everyone.So, I got myself the shadow line Voice version and installed it.AFter that, I wanted to let nvda read the things in the menu.But, some of the links in the guide for japanese games are broken.Can anyone upload the programs I need to play shadow Line with the nvda screen reader?Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Katawa Shoujo, aka that game about disabled girls.

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Katawa Shoujo, aka that game about disabled girls.

Ill try Mozilla firefox instead of Internet Exploder. I already unzipped everything, so thats not a problem there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Also, just listened to Music42 again and...thats the Celtic sounding one I LOVE IT! Cant wait for Articunos battle if thats the beautiful thing I shall be hearing when it shows up. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: developing a kind of radar?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dranelement via Audiogames-reflector


Re: developing a kind of radar?

Hi, I think what confuses me is how ticking is different from something like, while (true) {keyboard_function();wait(5);}and how to know when to call something like tick, and how calling tick methods will effect the game. Im really sorry Im having so much trouble grasping this concept. Its something that Ive never heard about before, but I see how it could be very useful so I really want to understand it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you guys think our next sports game should be

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you guys think our next sports game should be

assault_freak wrote:Well Theo... a Goalball audio game would not introduce sighted people to the sport. I highly doubt it, anyway... since not all that many sighted people play audio games. If you are involved, the best way to introduce sighted people is by doing demonstrations and inviting them to watch you play. What the best way is depends on circumstance, but lets not get into a discussion about whats often, or generally the best way. I merely think it would be another way of introducing them to it.I could either organise a demonstration, then ask them to take upwards of an hour out of their busy day to come watch/participate, or I could tell them about it, slide my laptop over to them, and let them try it out. Of course well all know that a game on a computer is never quite t
 he same deal as playing it irl, but its just another way to start the conversation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Trying not to laugh at the irony of Moffat trying to shove all the previous plot up a crack, something he would be better off doing with his current plots.I dont think we need to see the entire time war, though having the occasional glimpse may be interesting. I agree the idea of a war that twists and warps the timelines is more appealing to me than a conventional conflict, of course its something that would be very difficult to portray since we really cant imagine how such a conflict would work, its just beyond our frame of reference. Im sure there may be conventional battles in places, especially those which are time locked simply in order to either disable the time lock or to deny a strategic position to the opposition, but that just couldnt be the sum total of the conflict.The only way I can imagine the time war ending in remotely the fashion that it did is with the use of the moment, Galifrae would be destroyed butI can&
 #039;t think of any other way to so severely cripple the Daleks and prevent them from immediately taking the galaxy for themselves.


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Putting saves on your ps3 accessibly, is this possible?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Putting saves on your ps3 accessibly, is this possible?

So Im playing heavenly sword, and Id like to transfer a completed save over so I can skip inaccessible sections. I know how this is done, but is there a way to do this independently? Please let me know.ThanksMike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: developing a kind of radar?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dranelement via Audiogames-reflector


Re: developing a kind of radar?

Hi, Im still struggling with the concept of frames and ticks. I understand how it can be helpful, and I understand your code in post 2, Im just not sure how for example, youd tell the game how to tick everything properly, given a certain amount of time per tick. Ive looked at some game programming tutorials, but have been having a bit of trouble finding a good one. Do you have and recommendations?Thanks very much!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the list of unanswered questions that the Moff started and never delivered on is endless, indeed when did he ever answer! one of the questions he posed in the least satisfying way? I agree with He who moans on this one, its like a mystery story saying And the hero finally cracks the mysterious safe to find a box marked with the letter V and a question mark! and finally opens the box inside that is a paper with a herren and a scarf its just bad writing pure and simple which is why we didnt get an answer.Weerdly enough, pretending that there are only ten doctors is remarkably easy given how little eleventh and twelth doctors have to do with the previous series beyond the od throwaway line, (the moff treated those stupid cracks in time as his own time war, shoving all the previous plot up there and ignoring it himself). If of course series 9 proves to be amazing, or the Moff suddenly dies and is replaced by someone good, I might 
 have to change my opinion but it doesnt look like that is going to happen any time soon, (sinse even if the Moff is! replaced whether the replacement can salvage the series rassilon only knows). Regarding the time war, to be honest this is why i always preferd the idea of the time war as something unknowable that screws around with reality warping timelines, sinse Cx2 is correct on Dalek infrastructure, simply blowing up a bloody huge fleet wouldnt stop the daleks, and its ridiculous to assume that all the timelords happened to be on Galifrey. At least for the Daleks this is supported in Bf audios like the Dalek empire series when you see the daleks have literally their own galaxy to wage war from. If however we conceive of the war as something huge and timey wimey, then you dont need to worry about those sorts of questions, after all look at all the distorted and cutoff timelines in the axis. I also like the idea from a thematic perspective tha
 t the Time war remains a mysterious evil and something beyond knolidge, sinse indeed something that could scare the master into fleeing to the end of the univers,e involve weapons like the Nightmare child that were worse than the daleks must! be bad. Nothig you could see on screen could equal what you can imagine for that, its the same reason Sauron isnt ever seen in Lord of the rings, sinse mystery increases fear, particularly when your dealing with a war that goes beyond time and reality. As to Leela, I wonder if well see her parting from Romana and leaving galifrey at the end of the galifrey series, sinse we know she winds up a captive of the Zednai. I could well believe that Romana set this up rather than having Leela involved in a war she could not win, indeed its possible romana flees galifrey as well. this is actually where I thought the galifrey series would end when Romana, Leela and Braxiatel ended up in the axis traversing realities, sinse i
 t got them out of the main timtimeline. that was not the case of course but maybe its a hint on where things are going. Regarding the license, remember that audio go was bbcs publishing line, and all of the new series doctor who audio books (which are actually just audio readings of printed books and often abridged), are publishe by the bbc. The bbc isnt going to split the pie any time soon while they can make money off Doctor who, after all remember that at the time the 8th doctor novels were being published and Big Finish got the rights to the series, the Bbc didnt particularly give a monkies about what happened to Doctor who anyway. With the 8th Doctor and charley, the setup is confusing but it makes sense, I recently heard the audios. When they get to Singapore, the Doctor initially believes that the old lady he meets on the boat in the harbour is an older charley, however she turns out to be the girl who stowed away on the
  ship back in 1940 who got amnesia from the Cyber controller, and thus has nothing to do with Charley. Charley believes she sees the Cybermen shoot down the Doctor, but as his travels with Lucy Miller (and later Molly O), happen after this we knows he doesnt die. Charley however is stranded in sullivanthe far future and is picked up by the sixth Doctor. Charley is then infected with a virus that the Tardis didnt protect her from which allows Mila to take over Charleys boddy when they land on Amethist station. Mila was a prisoner who the Daleks experimented on, testing various viruses and energies who fled to the tardis during the time of the doctors first encarnation but due to what the Daleks had done remained insubstantial until she could infect another person with the virus and steal their body. The Tardis didnt protect Charley with its usual temporal grace because Charley was an anomaly in time. Mila then travels with the 6t
 h Doctor disguised as Charley while Charley leaves with the Viyrans. When they meet again on earth, Charley uses the Viyran mind wipe technology (and the Doctors concent), to 

Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hi.Id recommend tune in radio. I think thats what its called. Its very accessible.


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Re: just got a Iphone6 plus, cases and questions

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: just got a Iphone6 plus, cases and questions

Hi,a Minimal case is what I am just looking for. as long as it protects the cameraa lense I will be happy.Looking around in the local stores, I havent been able to locate IBlason which sounded just perfect. So now its the hunt for apples case I shall go for.I think the dam speaker on this unit is falty, before it would crackle and such as I said in my first post, but now the volume has gone down a bit and it lacks that deepness to it that it had before.Replaceing these is truly a pain in the arse and Id rather not,but then Ill just go and check their demo units first to see if they are indeed different from what I heare,or its just my ears that are tricking me.@Sebby, just a bit curious. why dont you use siri? is it that you have no use for it, dislike it,or is there some other specific reason with how it functions?There arent many features by siri that I can use here anyway,so I rairly use it if at all, bu
 t they are nifty to have in a pintch,to be sure.As to batterys, I hardly if ever travel by trains, as my college is walking distance from my house, and the bars on the phone are all filled at almost all the time.@Deng, that is quite surpriseing, as I know games and videos take a lot out of the battery, specially games that use the graphics like street fighter IV and so on (didnt knew that could be played on a iphone) and here with listening to music with the phone not locked btw, browsing the appstore etc the battery would go down a few points in just 10 or so minutes.grryf


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Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I had used JAWS for most of my life, until 2011 when I discovered NVDA. Back then, there was no addon system, no support for asian languages (try playing Japanese audiogames with nvda 2011.1, or even JAWS), etc. In my view, the addon system prevails over JAWS scripting system 100%, and NVDA is much faster than JAWS. Although the dreaded unknown thing drives me crazy, its better than using JAWS which is slower than any version of NVA Ive used. I dont care if you like JAWS or NVDA, but Ill tell you that if you use only NVDA for a long period of time youll want to switch for good.


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Re: math in university

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: math in university

camlorn wrote:A warning. Depending on how high you have to go in math, braille may still prove to be the best option. Such notation works for algebra, but becomes cumbersome when working with, say, calculus--the calculus problems can become multiple braille pages, and arrowing around the expressions life experience.I still want to know how you found a braille algebra book for college and, more important, if I can use that resource myself somehow to get hold of braille calc 3 and differential equations books.Im back on this forum after a long absence. Im currently taking calculus, and can confirm that I can in fact get first-year calc textbooks. Are you still looking to find calc texts?


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Re: Sound editing question multi channels vs mono

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jonnyboy1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound editing question multi channels vs mono

Hello. So, I figure I should write in here because I myself do a lot of sound editing and music producing and I must ask you, do you have reverb in your mix? What should happen in that case is a bit of stereo reverb should help it. Also, you can do what I do, and if you have a plug in for this, you can put guitars in stereo channels, and what I do to achieve this, is I duplicate the tracks, then pan one of them to the left some and one of them to the right and there is your stereo field, note: When doing this, you have to make sure that your 2 tracks are alined just right to give it that proper sound. Just a tip, a dried guitar / bass signal is suppose to be in mono.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Putting saves on your ps3 accessibly, is this possible?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Putting saves on your ps3 accessibly, is this possible?

You know where the games tab is right? Thats where you go to find all the downloaded games and load the discs which you insert. From the starting position when you turn on the ps3, its two to the left... then go up way to the top of that tab, then press down I believe its three times, Ill have to double check. If done right, you should be in a long list of things. Dont worry, you can go up and down through it all you want, it doesnt wrap. at the top should be the USB device. Then go in there, and if its heavenly sword, youll hear the same music which is there for the games thumbnail image in the xmb. Press triangle, and then its either one option down or one up, I dont remember at the moment, but if you press x the system will beep asking you for a yes or no to the copy. Go left to yes, then hit x. It should be done like that. If the music stops after the operation, that means you deleted the save by accident, easil
 y remedied. Sorry I cant be more detailed... I havent done this in a long time. lol


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Re: What do you think about Mobile accessibility for android?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you think about Mobile accessibility for android?

Google nexus 5 is a great phone, the biggest drawback of it is the battery life.Others work perfectly.I don’t know exactly weather there’s a built-in program called task manager found in the recent apps, in the left bottom corner of the screen. It allows you to free many megabytes of ram, show your active applications, uninstall any app etc.Another alternative is clean master or 360 security (but unfortunately it’s no more accessible). They may save you a little percentage of battery.I sometimes when I don’t use my phone, it goes up to three days without holding a charge.But if your phone doesn’t provide a task manager itself, there should be many others in the playstore.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: playing japanese audiogames, some dropbox links are broken.

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: playing japanese audiogames, some dropbox links are broken.

If you have instant translate, then all you need is a program called clipboard 2 sapi which reads things that have been copied to the clipboard out loud. Heres the link. … d2Sapi.exeIf you have any more questions, feel free to ask.  To start the program and make it work with nvda, clip the .exe file after the program is installed, then wait for it to open. youll know this works because whatever sapi voice you have as your default will start saying random characters because it may not support the Japanese language. Press enter twice so you hear a chime sound to indicate you are in the menu for the program. go down once for speech output selection, press enter, then press up again to get to nvda, and everything that is copied from the clipboard from then on should be fine.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: developing a kind of radar?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: developing a kind of radar?

Im afraid not. Ive gone through like 2 computers since I last looked at it. im now at the point where I can tell you all about DSP, and you probably do not want to see the articles I read at this point (Ive been having huge mileage with an entity component system, but thats not going to help you now in any way).What is the difficulty?If its just getting things to tick, see my code in post 7. Youll need to use polymorphism. Make a ticker base class with a single method called tick, have everything inherit from that, and then create all the different subsystems of your game somewhere and put them in a list that your main loop knows about. Not much more to it than that. You move the chunk of code that checks for input into one of the ticker subclasses, and tell it about all the other things it might want to touch--i.e. turning the radar off and on means youre passing it a radar instance.It can be made much cleaner than this implies, but Im trying not to go too far ahead.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

[[wow]], thats very interesting and makes sense. Though I experience temperature more with key and not the pitch of the sound.Actually brightness on a concert grand doesnt bother me, I actually like it. Now on a smaller piano, the more brightness it has, the more twangy it sounds to me. I do remember though, there is a junky upright at school in one of the practice rooms which for some reason doesnt have that character to me, even on the low notes, and if it does, its not much at all. It has a very dark tone and the low notes actually sound pretty deep and mature down there.


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Re: An early christmas present

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An early christmas present

Please read the thread before asking, youll find your post answered a few posts back.


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Re: developing a kind of radar?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: developing a kind of radar?

This might be a little much for one post. I apologize in advance if it is.To keep using my invented word...Keyboard_function is a ticker. Whatever keyboard_function normally does goes inside one. In reality, you usually end up breaking keyboard handling up too, but thats neither here nor there for the time being (but well get there if this conversation goes on much longer).Your radar is a ticker.your physics system is a ticker: add velocity to all objects with one, tell the objects theyve collided by calling a.collides_with(b) and b.collides_with(a), etc.Enemy AI is a ticker. When it ticks, it figures out what the enemy should be doing, typically (for the stuff being discussed here) setting the velocity on the enemy. Enemy AI is the first example of a ticker which may not always finish the tick, as pathfinding can be expensive. I normally put enemy AI in the enemy class and register it as a ticker-
 -this allows different enemies to have different AI.Here comes the key insight: none of these are special. Each of these is a game object just like all others. What you do is register them in a list; weve covered that before. But if you make sure that all the objects in your game can access that list, you can suddenly have one-of-a-kind enemies and stuff. The main loop doesnt care what needs ticking, it just cares that its got the tick method on the objects therein. So everything can inherit from the base class if you want, and everything can have its own little slice of time whether or not its used. Its like being able to run bunches of really simple games instead of one big one: everything has its own main loop, its just that they all start with a function declaration instead of a while statement. Since youre not using threads (which make learning this particular pattern look like
  cake), you can be assured that only one ticker is touching the world at a time--no need for typically complex concurrency stuff that gives basically all programmers headaches.Instead of waiting, you use what is called a finite state machine. The idea is that you might be in one of various states right now, so you set a flag and use if statements. This is the equivalent to blocking without actually blocking. Your radar is the simplest example. It can be either on (in which case it is doing something) or off (in which case it is not). Youve almost certainly built finite state machines already; whether or not you know the words, its a super common game design pattern. To apply limiters and lag, you replace them with more counters, i.e. the gun cant fire again for .3 seconds.Global variables are bad. The particular pattern I like to use to deal with the fact that tickers need to know about each other and other stuf
 f outside themselves is called dependency injection (I mention this so you can have a googlable term). If your radar needs to know about whatever object is responsible for holding the level map, it either gets a reference to it passed in via the constructor or looks it up on your game object--also passed in via the constructor. I personally prefer the latter. When I set something up like this, I usually put the main loop of the game inside of a game class and then hang things like the current level off of it. Tickers can then access important game state through that avenue.To make two tickers representing important things know about each other, I suggest either the use of instance variables on your game object or the use of a dictionary (BGT might call this something else) mapping names of important things to tickers. The latter is probably a bit advanced for what youre doing, but youll probably end up using something like it down the 
 road (mapping things to unique ids like that is great for saving to disk and doing network stuff). But in truth, I find that tickers dont often talk to each other. They can, and theres nothing wrong with it-just, if you do this right, each ticker is completely responsible for exactly one concern, and there isnt that much mixing.To make tickers know about important things like the level map being changed, I typically add more empty methods to the base class that act as events: level_changed, for example. And then you just call them all without caring if anything happens (which can be faster than most naive lookup schemes and avoids a lot of bugs--do not worry about performance).You might try looking into XNA tutorials. I dont have specific ones as its been like 6 years at this point. XNA is big on this particular pattern, aimed at new game programmers, and was pretty popular for a few years. Its also 
 the earliest thing I can recall seeing this pattern in, and you can find some other useful stuff floating around that talks about saner ways to handle input (even if they dont seem so at first).And finally, some motivation for you, as i know the proceeding is possibly like hitting your brain with a brick. If you want a game which is both complex in 

Re: Surviving something major like an EMP?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Surviving something major like an EMP?

Ehh, horse manure may not have eaten the ozone but that isnt the primary issue with cars, its CFCs and other chemicals that mostly eat the ozone. The issue with vehicles is greenhouse gases, primarily CO2 and methane, and livestock produce large quantities of methane which is far more potent than CO2, as does the decomposition of manure. Theres also the quality of life factor, when I said air quality I meant specifically at street level.I never intended to say masses of people would die, I simply meant the cities themselves would be pretty effectively killed by people getting clear of them. That said Ill also note that compared to a lot of developed countries the US has a vast wealth of undeveloped land, while we probably have enough land here in the UK we and other countries in western Europe have far, far less of it than the US.


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Re: Any ideas for a game to demonstrate on muy podcast?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any ideas for a game to demonstrate on muy podcast?

Hello Severestormsteve.Would you be doing mainstream games in this podcast? I dont have any suggestions in particular but any mainstream titles would be cool. Also if you include muds in this podcast that would be cool too.As for audio games some I would suggest are operation blacksquare, top speed 3, swamp, entombed, castaways, and games like that.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Hello,I also would be interested in the doss games. I still got a windows xp machine here, and as far as I know, the old doss games still run on windows xp.@Tward: Can you tell me abit more about the games?The piledriver and wrestling league simulator sound very interesting to me.How can you play these games?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: NVDA problem

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA problem

Hi Connor142.Well try and restart nvda with alt+control+n then if that doesnt work press nvda key + n and press exit then press alt+control+n to turn nvda back on. If that doesnt work try and restart your computer then turn nvda on again. And definitly try using object navigation to see what the nvda cursor reads. And if you havent updated nvda in a while try that and see if that makes a difference.Hth.


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Re: Does anyone have a clue how We're Alive got their zombie sounds?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone have a clue how We're Alive got their zombie sounds?

Hi.Very interesting. Ive never thought about it before but the little ones do sound a little robotic. Its funny when I was reading this topic I wondered how inks sounds were made. And yes I remember somebody on were not dead said something about using a container and reverb to make the weird zombie calls.Btw, I cant wait for them to release the tales from were alive series its going to be awesome!


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Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

@feowho needs to hear mud text in different voices? I know I dont. If I do need to get important information, I would probably use a sound. MushClient can speak a message without displaying it on the screen through the MushReader plugin. tts_interrupt * willdo so.If you think differently, thats okay with you. I cant really stop you from paying for what you want to pay for.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA problem

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA problem

NVDA 2014.4 has the restart feature. to restart it, simply press insert or NVDA plus q, and select restart from there.hth.


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Re: Slender: Lost Vision, a survival horror fan game based on slenderman

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Slender: Lost Vision, a survival horror fan game based on slenderman

Hi.[[wow]] this game sounds awesome Im going to download it now thank you ghorthalon!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: starting Hellcore database

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting Hellcore database

While my memory is a bit falty with hellcore, if I were you I wouldnt bother trying to use it. Ive used it before and the website does mean it well when they say menny things are broken, this includes the actions system, even the blueprint system, which you could have used to build spaceships or stuff like that is baddly broken. If I remember correctly, a simpple make should do the trick, but you may need to install bison and gperf to get it to compile. Also remember the ./moo script in the main directory will not run, you can run it from the src directory.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any ideas for a game to demonstrate on muy podcast?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any ideas for a game to demonstrate on muy podcast?

Hey guys,Finally have some eps planned out now, so you can have an idea. Also note I talk about this in my site but in case you dont go there, here you go:games for podcasttop speed-January 11angel gift: January 18shades of doom 2.0-January 25alter aeon-February 1Ill plan some more after february 1, but thats what to expect for the rest of january.


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

So, semi-relevant question: When it says a certain badge ensures Pokémon up to a certain level obey you, does that mean that if you have caught a Pokémon and raise it too far over that level that it wont obey you any more? Or just that you cant catch a Pokémon over that level and expect it to obey you?Sorry, but I never had to ask before and I always assumed the latter, but since I have a Persian at Lv 51 right now (shes still doing what I tell her), and since I just read the Bulbapedia walkthrough for the original Red and Blue, I started worrying that I shouldnt raise my mons too high. But Elizas my money-bank! I spam Pay Day all the time and shes a real tank when it comes to the lower-level mons I pit her against. She also knows Bite. And Feint Attack. When Saffron becomes a part of the game, I will sweep the floor with Sabrinas team. *cackles maniacally*


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fedai via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

hi all friends. experience the power and reputation of is still less than the


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Hay Rachel, Just wanted to thank you for keeping up with this.I have to give you props because youre in the same position that the creator of pokemon was in when he spent 6 years coding the original red and green from scratch, on his own!I actually used a gamefaqs walkthrough to get through mt moon and it worked great even though this isnt the original game!I just downloaded the latest build of braillemon, but I do have a few minor bugs to report that I found in the previous version.First, the person in the game corner that sels coins doesnt actually take your money.I did unknowingly exploit the bug; because I did have enough money to buy the coins I needed; but I cant change that now.Also the endturn report toggle still doesnt work.And finally, my Zoobat cant seem to learn bite.I dont have the error code on hand, but if it still comes up, Ill edit this post with it.Thanks again f
 or all the hard work.


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Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

hi.Raygrote, afrim, and theo, great posts.The other problem I have with nvda, and im not sure if this is just on my end or if any of you have experienced this, but when another program crashes while im running NVDA, it completely screws it up. That is, I cant alt tab, I cant press the start menu key, I cant go to task manager and end the process of said program. This is really annoying because at that point I ended up having to load another screen reader such as jaws and force quit nvda, and in some cases force quit my computer.Im not sure if this has been fixed, as im a few nvda versions behind, but this was especially annoying.


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Re: lets erge microsoft to develop a fully functional screen reader!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lets erge microsoft to develop a fully functional screen reader!

bt, I have to agree with cris, one of the reasons why I voted for both the pititions. also, what does Narrator do when compared to something like VO?


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Re: UltraPower

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vsmiro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Hello. Aha, I am sorry, I am not from Englabnd, my engolish is not so good. Sorry at once. Vojta.


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Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GMA Games, What's coming up in 2015

Hello,Looking forward to this especially the new GMA Tank Commander.


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Hay Rachel, Just wanted to thank you for keeping up with this.I have to give you props because youre in the same position that the creator of pokemon was in when he spent 6 years coding the original red and green from scratch, on his own!I actually used a gamefaqs walkthrough to get through mt moon and it worked great even though this isnt the original game!I just downloaded the latest build of braillemon, but I do have a few minor bugs to report that I found in the previous version.First, the person in the game corner that sels coins doesnt actually take your money.I did unknowingly exploit the bug; because I did have enough money to buy the coins I needed; but I cant change that now.Also the endturn report toggle still doesnt work.And finally, my Zoobat cant seem to learn bite.I dont have the error code on hand, but if it still comes up, Ill edit this post with it.Thanks again f
 or all the hard work.Edit: Zoobat finally learned bite, so that bug was fixed.Also, one final question:What is music042.ogg?I like it, did you write it yourself, and can you tell me what its for?pst, PM me if you dont want to tell everyone.


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Re: I'm blind and want to develop a very complex game

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm blind and want to develop a very complex game

I did understand pretty much all of those terms—as I said, Ive read the language tutorial through about three times in full as of right now. Its a relief to know Ill just have to adjust a little to the way another program would work to get on with the project. Still taking a break from all this. Just thinking about it right now is making my head hurt.


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Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I dont know if that is an NVDa problem or a problem with the computer in question. But I havent experienced this bug with the latest versions.


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Re: lets erge microsoft to develop a fully functional screen reader!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lets erge microsoft to develop a fully functional screen reader!

ok, someone created the same petition in microsofts own website. heres the link if anyone wants to vote. … ader-to-wi


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Re: starting out with a guidedog.

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting out with a guidedog.

Just pointing out for clarification that US guide dogs dont tell you when to cross the street. My street question for Brad was precisely because of that; can he read traffic patterns in order to know when to go? They will disobey a forward command if youre about to stroll out in front of a car, but its not like they indicate when to start walking. Their job is to go forward in a vaguely straight line to the opposite curb when you say to.Brad, your fear of dogs might pose an issue. Im not a dog expert, and Im not telling you not to get one, but this animal is your teammate. Its your child, your friend, your pet, and your companion all in one. Its not like a tool you can unharness and throw in a box. Dogs need love. They want your love. They want an alpha to be their master, and they want a human to pet them. You dont have to be obsessive mushy, but its kind of an odd choice if youre not really an animal person. 
 I have some suggestions.* Are there therapy dogs around, like dogs who work in hospitals or in spam homes as calm companions? Could you call an organization about spending time with one?* In the US, there are puppy raisers scattered all over. These are the people who raise the dogs from eight weeks to fifteen months and teach obedience to future service dogs. Could you arrange to spend time with a dog like that?* Call the guide dog organization and discuss your fears and worries with them. They are the best authority to give you guidance here.If youre afraid of the dog, it will pick up on your fear. Affection is a two way street. I know that when my dog got very sick a few weeks back, I was in tears as she repeatedly threw up on the rocks outside my house. It was like having a child and absolutely not knowing whats wrong.Im not trying to discourage you. Maybe others can offer more info about how they bond/interact with their dogs?


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

You can play up until Celadon, but Saffrons been skipped for the moment (dunno why this is but Im assuming Rachel has a good reason for it). Team Rocket isnt in the Game Corner in Celadon yet, but hopefully they will be soon.Shes done quite a lot in the last year, and that was with a decent-length hiatus in the middle of it! Edit: Just checked the Bulbapedia walkthrough, and apparently its normal for Saffron to be inaccessible at this point in the game. I assumed otherwise because of the anime. Ash challenged Saffron Gym before Celadon. I believed the anime showed gyms in the same order as the game protagonist challenged them before now.Sorry Rachel! Didnt know it was supposed to be this way! *goes back to reading walkthrough to see what she can look forward to*


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Aprone, when you altered zombies in warehouse missions, are you sure it was only for Deathbringers?I just did a mission with 100 basic zombies for 35 crates of ammo. Id done 3 or 4 of these in V3.4B without much trouble but this one in 3.4C was way more intense. By crate 15 or so nearly every part of the warehouse had doors down and the zombies moved much more quickly and purposefully into the main floor. If zombies are going to be that tough then thats fair enough but I really dont think the amount of time and ammunition I had to invest in that mission was worth only 9,000 XP.I guess Im asking, like several others have, if the mission rewards could be increased a bit and if we can have an idea of how the scaling works so we can work out the most effective way of maximising gain for our character level and player ability.Lower rewards also mean that players who would otherwise team up on missions dont feel it is worth doing so. Lo
 wer level players miss out as they cant handle more powerful missions.


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Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I actually have the opposite problem. For a while I was trying to learn and get proficient with DVORAC. At the time, Jaws was still reading QWERTY keys but that was Jaws 8. So I was bound by NVDA. In addition to that, I couldnt press Windows keystrokes I always knew. No matter what keyboard layout I use, I dont want to have to relearn keystrokes. I normally dont use key echo but I needed to here what I was typing. I eventually got up to about 25 WPM before I got tired of fighting with it. Alll of that took place within about a week. So not very long.Now if theres a way to fix that without restarting the PC or doing something similar that keeps me waiting, I would like that. I recently discovered Alt shift switches between keyboards, not sure how it works for this though.Hmm, come to think of it, a utility that switches to a keyboard layout when a modifier is pressed would actually be a really good thing here. If I can get Jaws to echo keys prope
 rly, Id try to learn DVORAC again. Id just need an easy way to switch between the two that wouldnt break because, like you, Im not changing my keystrokes.


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Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I only wanted to do it because it sounded fun. Not that Ill use it full time though well see. I did enable Dvorac and set up a hot key for it and Qwerty so I can quickly switch, Im using alt shift 1 for Qwerty and alt shift 2 for Dvorac. Which is more than I was doing 5 years ago when I first started learning. For the moment, Jaws seems to be just fine with it when it comes to key echo. Hopefully it stays this way. It doesnt announce an input keyboard change though. I think it only announces languages, not keyboards. I agree with Theo about the modifiers thing, though I dont have any experience with his problem. I just switch to Qwerty. so far I havent been bothered to look for anything different or better to do but I hope something can happen to make screen reader commands more universal.Speaking of Dvorac I think Ill make a topic for it, as now Im interested in it again.


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Re: UltraPower

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

vsmiro wrote:Hello. I tried Ultra power butz I canť walk and I havenť got any weapons. Vojta.Why do I answer this? I dont know since I already have done that once. Read the first post...


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Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

Hi.Its totally awesome that the game takes that long time to beat. I havent had much time to play the full version, but Ill get back to the game as soon as possible, looking very much forward to play this again.


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Re: Katawa Shoujo, aka that game about disabled girls.

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Katawa Shoujo, aka that game about disabled girls.

I tried opening up the main.html file in Internet Exploder, but the buttons only work somewhat. Do you have to run it in some kind of engine, as is stated in post two? Im rather flummoxed when it comes to that kind of tech stuff.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Yep I have synesthesia but its not as strong as i wish it was. I ignored it from an early age when I realized nobody else I knew had it and thought it was weird and now its kind of hard for me to bring it back into consciousness. It occasionally comes to the surface though, I once caught myself rambling about electrically charged potatoes when I was half asleep, because the texture of the potatoes I was eating had me thinking of 200 HZ saw waves with some kind of ugly distortion on them.The texture of things is related to the pitches of the sounds i hear, rough textures are lower and smooth textures are higher. Starting at around c6, I start hearing some creamy, more liquidy sounds, and once we get to around e8, its all just watery liquid.Sometimes I get those associations but I cant quite tell what the sounds are. Like if I hold my girlfriends hand, theres a synesthetic association there, I can hear a sound triggered from it... she 
 does know about it btw... but I cant place the sound. Maybe in the fifth octave, so the octave above middle C. No, thats like smooth wood, this is smoother than that. Maybe 6? Hmm, a bit too smooth, its more like shiny metal. And a bit creamy too. Once we get into octaves 7 and 8, its either like really smooth glass or just thick liquid like creamy ice cream. And whats the character of the sound? That changes the texture too. Sine wave? No, not enough character, too solid. Maybe a square? No, too hollow, reminds me of a glass cup. An fm bell? Reminds me of metallic things so no. Saw wave with filter? Too chunky, sounds like wood. I dont have a sound I can think of for flesh, and Im like, sheesh, all of this just by the texture of someones hands. I hate it. I do believe FM is the closest I can get though, as subtractive synthesis is often sort of crunchy and solid, FM is more ellastic, bendible and sometimes springy. Theres some o
 verlap though. Not sure why but thats what I get, and its for that reason I only like FM sometimes and not always. I prefer the more solid sound but yeah.Now there are other images which i have no problem coming up with things for. Like pianos sound very wooden to me in the middle register, as notes around middle c are very woody to me and the thunk of the hammers sound helps with that image. The lower notes sound springy even on a 7 foot grand, which is why I dont like the sounds of those pianos as I dont like that twangy sound in my music. Some snare drums either sound like smooth wood or smooth metal to me because of their high overtones, toms sound like rough wood but not the splintery kind. Things with ridges remind me of really low bass notes with a lot of high end.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Yep I have synesthesia but its not as strong as i wish it was. I ignored it from an early age when I realized nobody else I knew had it and thought it was weird and now its kind of hard for me to bring it back into consciousness. It occasionally comes to the surface though, I once caught myself rambling about electrically charged potatoes when I was half asleep, because the texture of the potatoes I was eating had me thinking of 200 HZ saw waves with some kind of ugly distortion on them.The texture of things is related to the pitches of the sounds i hear, rough textures are lower and smooth textures are higher. Starting at around c6, I start getting some creamy, more liquidy textural things, and once we get to around e8, its all just watery liquid.Sometimes I get those associations but I cant quite tell what the sounds are. Like if I hold my girlfriends hand, theres a synesthetic association there, I can hear a sound triggered from i
 t... she does know about it btw... but I cant place the sound. Maybe in the fifth octave, so the octave above middle C. No, thats like smooth wood, this is smoother than that. Maybe 6? Hmm, a bit too smooth, its more like shiny metal. And a bit creamy too. Once we get into octaves 7 and 8, its either like really smooth glass or just thick liquid like creamy ice cream. And whats the character of the sound? That changes the texture too. Sine wave? No, not enough character, too solid. Maybe a square? No, too hollow, reminds me of a glass cup. An fm bell? Reminds me of metallic things so no. Saw wave with filter? Too chunky, sounds like wood. I dont have a sound I can think of for flesh, and Im like, sheesh, all of this just by the texture of someones hands. I hate it. I do believe FM is the closest I can get though, as subtractive synthesis is often sort of crunchy and solid, FM is more ellastic, bendible and sometimes springy. There
 ;s some overlap though. Not sure why but thats what I get, and its for that reason I only like FM sometimes and not always. I prefer the more solid sound but yeah.Now there are other images which i have no problem coming up with things for. Like pianos sound very wooden to me in the middle register, as notes around middle c are very woody to me and the thunk of the hammers sound helps with that image. The lower notes sound springy even on a 7 foot grand, which is why I dont like the sounds of those pianos as I dont like that twangy sound in my music. Some snare drums either sound like smooth wood or smooth metal to me because of their high overtones, toms sound like rough wood but not the splintery kind. Things with ridges remind me of really low bass notes with a lot of high end.


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Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I have contemplated learning dvorak, but it seems like a lot of work for the ergonomic pros and maybe eve the faster typig you might get. I am used to qwerty and that is how Ill stay, at least for the near future, because Dvorak would take me months to transition to smoothly. That is an interesting thing you point out though.


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Re: planning to buy a PS3, XBOX 360 or a PS4

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: planning to buy a PS3, XBOX 360 or a PS4

Yes, but I wont recommend doing that, since the click sounds while moving in the menus on a ps3 doesnt play, if youre in a game in the background.


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Re: what do you guys think our next sports game should be

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you guys think our next sports game should be

[[wow]] man. Awesome! 


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Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

I beat the main game a few days ago and am just trying to find these last galactic dusts, though I am running out of places to look. I know I forgot to check for dusts in the area behind general gaming facility, but I cant think of any other areas to search. The game is about 30 to 40 hr of playtime which includes the numerous saves and reloads I had to do due to dying during boss fights. Thats not too bad for an english game, so good job guys!


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accessible poker for android?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sswwaaiikkee via Audiogames-reflector


accessible poker for android?

hi allmaybe who nos accessible poker for android?thanks


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Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I actually have the opposite problem. For a while I was trying to learn and get proficient with DVORAC. At the time, Jaws was still reading QWERTY keys but that was Jaws 8. So I was bound by NVDA. In addition to that, I couldnt press Windows keystrokes I always knew. No matter what keyboard layout I use, I dont want to have to relearn keystrokes. I normally dont use key echo but I needed to here what I was typing. I eventually got up to about 25 WPM before I got tired of fighting with it. Alll of that took place within about a week. So not very long.Now if theres a way to fix that without restarting the PC or doing something similar that keeps me waiting, I would like that. I recently discovered Alt shift switches between keyboards, not sure how it works for this though.Hmm, come to think of it, a utility that switches to a keyboard layout when a modifier is pressed would actually be a really good thing here. If I can get Jaws to echo keys prope
 rly, Id try to learn DVORAC again. Id just need an easy way to switch between the two that wouldnt break because Im not changing my keystrokes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Ive never had anything like that, though when Its really quiet I hear a very loud whooshing noise in my ears accompanied by what feels like a huge amount of pressure in my head. It doesnt take much to silence those sounds though, just a quiet computer fan in the room is enough. I also periodically hear loud tones, sometimes dominantly in one side or sometimes inside my head at different pitches. The occur maybe 3 times a month and each episode lasts about 10 to 30 seconds. It makes all frequencies in that range sound really distorted and kind of painful to my head. Not sure if that has anything to do with EHS but its not something Im afraid of or nervous about, as the episodes pass quickly and normally happen when I have headphones on.Oddly enough I can still hear up to 20K with pure tones and 19 with some white noise in the background, and I am about to turn 22, Ive heard by that age most people cant hear above 17 or 18, not sure th
 ough. Which brings me to my next point, I get this weird illusion when hearing 16K or frequencies very close to that. It makes me see light. I do have a small amount of light perception. And when I was little, Id often listen to the whine of the old TV tubes at about 15.75 K, and see the light coming from the TV. So I still have that illusion of light now, every time I hear a tone like that. The tone doesnt have to be loud, just loud enough for me to hear it clearly. 60 HZ makes me feel hot, probably because its the ground frequency here in the US and I always associate it with electricity because thats what grounding is. But I do get a sensation of warmth or at least relaxed when I hear the tone. At the same time its just above a B flat, which used to scare me as a little kid. I hated B flat, particularly dense B flat chords, though light stuff in B Flat I could take okay. A flat makes me see bright sunlight. Okay I think Im done now though I cou
 ld come up with many more things... not related to EHS but still.


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Re: starting out with a guidedog.

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting out with a guidedog.

Hi.I know I wont be afrade of thedog. Its just non working dogs that jump that make me nervus. Im going to phone them today and see what they say. Ive asked on Facebook and got posative responcise and think I can do it. As for all your questions in the last post about puppies and so on. The answer is no. Because im 1. nervus of those kind of dogs and 2. dont nkow any around my area.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Ive never had anything like that, though when Its really quiet I hear a very loud whooshing noise in my ears accompanied by what feels like a huge amount of pressure in my head. It doesnt take much to silence those sounds though, just a quiet computer fan in the room is enough. I also periodically hear loud tones, sometimes dominantly in one side or sometimes inside my head at different pitches. The occur maybe 3 times a month and each episode lasts about 10 to 30 seconds. It makes all frequencies in that range sound really distorted and kind of painful to my head. Not sure if that has anything to do with EHS but its not something Im afraid of or nervous about, as the episodes pass quickly and normally happen when I have headphones on.Oddly enough I can still hear up to 20K with pure tones and 19 with some white noise in the background, and I am about to turn 22, Ive heard by that age most people cant hear above 17 or 18, not sure th
 ough. Which brings me to my next point, I get this weird illusion when hearing 16K or frequencies very close to that. It makes me see light. I do have a small amount of light perception. And when I was little, Id often listen to the whine of the old TV tubes at about 15.75 K, and see the light coming from the TV. So I still have that illusion of light now, every time I hear a tone like that. The tone doesnt have to be loud, just loud enough for me to hear it clearly. 60 HZ makes me feel hot, probably because its the ground frequency here in the US and I always associate it with electricity because thats what grounding is. But I do get a sensation of warmth or at least relaxed when I hear the tone. At the same time its just above a B flat, which used to scare me as a little kid. I hated B flat, particularly dense B flat chords, though light stuff in B Flat I could take okay. flat makes me see bright sunlight. Okay I think Im done now though I
  could come up with many more things... not necessarily related to EHS but still.


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Deng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Damn, sorry for double posting but... [ a-t ] The Imaginatrix: I put 2 pokemon in the daycare, so now Ill wait to see if anything happens.


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Re: UltraPower

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

[[wow]] man. You know what? I think youll have a good career if you also learned to program for MacOX and even IOS. Youll have more custommers, more sails I think, and more reputation in the community. But what I think you should do is waiting a bit before releasing any release, because it may contain bugs even if the testers dont find anything. And also, dont release quickly one version after the other, since your brain will be out of ideas rapidly. Thanks in advance! Happy programming and happy weekend!Cheers!


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Re: What do you think about Mobile accessibility for android?

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you think about Mobile accessibility for android?

have you tried android 5 lolypop? they overhalled the interface, gave it some cool security features like screen pinning which is kind of like guided access on the cryPhone, smart lock, where you can connect a bluetooth device like a braille display or a headset and whenever its connected, not have to enter your screen lock and a few cool new features, inverted colors for those who are contrast-aware like me who cant stand that light background with dark objects. Also, if you want braille support without talkback, try brltty, its not in the google store, youll have to sideload it, look at Also, one app I particularly like is called just speak by eyes free project. Its an accessibility service that will let you say the name of the control and it will simulate clicks for you, pretty useful. Also, if you want a screen curtain like thingy, check out screen filter by haxor industries, just set the brightness to 0 in both the app and your system
  settings and youre good to go, saves a shit tone of battery as well...


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steam question

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hacker via Audiogames-reflector


steam question

Does anyone know if steam on linux is accessible with orca, even with the flat review? I am using the mate desktop with arch. Also, does anyone have any suggestions on free accessible games that can be played with steam? Thank you for your help.


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