Re: preview! SoundRTS, the starwars mod!

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preview! SoundRTS, the starwars mod!

hello hello!First to shaunterry01 were glad we have persuaded you back to the game!To SLJ hmm, Ill be perfectly honest with you, I hadnt thought about that. For the first release the answer is most certainly no. But for the second/third release... I dont see why not. I mean it wouldnt be hard to do, Id just need to come up with some ideas and call up old yoda and darth for some voice acting.So really, I think the answer is no, but yes.Hope this helps!


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Re: E3 2015 is well underway

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: E3 2015 is well underway

Im hoping for a rhythm tengoku 3ds localization. Have already watched a playthrough and its great.


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Re: remove widget

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Re: remove widget

Hello everybody!In the options the lock screen does not appear the option to remove. The only thing that can be done is change to clock, rather than personal MESSAGE.I live in Brazil and Im still in school. I understand very little English, and use google translator to send messages to the forum.


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Re: UltraPower

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

What a mess! mes mes me! messy messy messy!


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Re: preview! SoundRTS, the starwars mod!

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preview! SoundRTS, the starwars mod!

dardardardar, thats cool! It makes me translate this mod into spanish, dont you?


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Kara_Louise via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Apologies if this is going over old ground again, but this thread is huge and searching doesn’t help.Anyway, stage 5.4. I’m stuck at the end, the part with what seems like a million minidemons and a tree. I get what I’m supposed to do I think, that is climb the tree and find the exit which would be somewhere on the platform. But with all the minidemons trying to slaughter me, it’s hard to concentrate on the camera and sonar. Also the lack of a save point before the final battle is frustrating.Any tips on how to complete it greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

Well, Its like a movie that my father watched, it is called atack the net or something, how hwo the enemies ar hackers.


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Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

well Im just about to have a play around with my officer, so Ill keep looking to see if there is any. that is unless the creator got the number wrong in the first place, which is possible.


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Re: E3 2015 is well underway

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: E3 2015 is well underway

Hello,@stirlock: me too. Also, they just released footage for the new Star Wars Battlefront game and it sounds quite nice, Ive put a link below. Also, watch right through to hear something awesome near the end.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aloha via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Hello everyone.Aprone, many problems going on.First, my character is very slow today.second problem, My character got stuck on a mission.The mission ended, everyone left, and I wasthere ...When I walked through the warehouse, I took the box in the tank, I went tothe truck, but could not get outof the mission.I typed the command /where to my character, I said I was in the abandoned car on the map 1.afraid of losing my guns, I decided to disconnect the internet.It was the only way out of the mission.My characterisslow,and turns 45 degrees alone.I hope you can fix this soon.Thanks for attention.great week everyone.hugs


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Re: uploading videos on youtube

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: uploading videos on youtube

Thanks Dightless Kombat. Iknow that Connor originally created the topic, but your answer was extremely useful to me.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

Everyone quickly go to the server to play it, good boring ah, or who set up a private server, sharing a IP bar


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Re: Materia Magica

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Materia Magica

where can I get the mush pack and a sound pack for this mud?


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deathmatch a new beginning object, station and expanded key references

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


deathmatch a new beginning object, station and expanded key references

Use this as a reference guide. This aims to supplement the documentation you have read so far. Of course, I will keep updating it as game changes or as I see additions to become relevantKeystrokesTab: Get information about other players that are logged in. Currently shows names of people, and where those people are located in the games world, including yourself.Slash: Out of character chat channel. You can type your message in the box that comes up, and then press enter... or escape to cancel. You can ask for help right away, but please read this first, I promise I will not make it boring!The L key will have some policies or rules of the game. Trust me that if there were people who would behave regularly like any decent space and normal civilian would do us would not have to implement them. For the most part, behaving like a normal, and sane person will never get you into any trouble and that is one of the beautiful things on the dmnb community, all players are helpful and willing to well, play. Read them to have a laugh or two at the silly things people have done so that when you are probably in a good state of mental bliss or insanity you will refrain from doing them. And yes, that includes spamming via any method, whether it be user names, or ship names or chats or private messages or any other ways people have found to disrupt or annoy other people, also includes harassment. Because I dont really want to center too much in this point, I suggest you read them now and familiarize with them and their terms before moving on.C: Shows you your current coordinates on the x-y-z grid that makes up the map of the area you are currently in. The first number is X, and is your position left to right, with left being a lower value, and right being a higher value. The second number is Y, and is your position front to back, with forward being a higher value, and backward being a lower value. The third number is Z, and is your position up and down, with higher being a higher value, and lower being a lower value. Moving in a Corresponding direction will change these numbers accordingly, though the only way to move up and down is with a turbo car, a turbo lift and a tram at this time. Oh, and hand held teleporters but more of that in a minute. Oh yes, and keep in mind that there is always the possibility of negative numbers.F: Resyncs your character’s current position with the server in the event that it forgets and you end up somewhere strange or stuck to a certain place. It happens rarely or if you are on a very slow connection, but still it can come in handy.D: Finds and displays objects around you. It shows all of the nearby consoles, doors, turbo lifts, turbo car, trams and docked ships in your area that you are an owner on.Enter: An all-purpose activation key for interacting with various objects in the game. Works on doors, lifts, ships hatches, consoles, terminals, inventory items, and console menu items, as well as a way to select options in the main menu.Z: Checks how many credits you have on hand. Credits are the games currency and you can buy several things with them.G: Pull up the Global galactic network market menu. This is a market that can be accessed anywhere for now, and is the only way to buy or sell ships, sign onto bounties, request cargo for delivery, ETC. Do note that you must be inside a space station or planet to do any of those actions, except for refueling or reloading warheads which you must do while you are inside the ship.H: Checks your characters healthI: Opens your inventoryE: Emotes an action, visible to those you are 10 scares away from you. For example you type e, then write jumps up and down. And it will show as, UltraLeetJ jumps up and down.S: Says a message and people up to 10 squares can see it.O: Adjusts in game player options. Here it is advised you protect your character with a password.n: you can read the galactic news by pressing this key.B. Allows you to build on planets you own.Space bar: Punches people in ground combat where ground combat is allowed. You will get a message when it isnt. Dont get excited punching people, each punch causes from 5 up to 20 damage and killing others from punching alone is frowned upon, unless you are explicitly fighting on ground combat. You can restore your health by buying med Kitts.Left and right brackets. Move you backwards and forwards in the chat and general channels.Comma and period. Move you backwards or forwards on name events and game information.Shift plus those keys: Take you to the top and bottom of the buffers, the bottom contains the most recent items. For events as well as for chatf1. Opens the dmnb manualf2: opens several mini tutorials, I recommend you read them all before asking any questions.Also, type slash help when you are in the chat prompt, one word, no spaces. It will list useful slash chat commands you can use.When you board the ship you 

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

hey, I just posted anew article that serves as a refference and to suplement the current documentation a bit. obviously that is a work in progress but you should let me know if I get things wrong, or if I am really missing out in some parts etc. I will keep that one updated all the time so it may serve as a read me or something of the sort.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi aaron lets try this again. I dont think I put this right. Okay so I am in the basement because thats where its coolest in the summer. So I start playing Yellowbonnet and my Internet cuts out on me as it does a lot even with an whireless extender. Which is usually no problem except in the case of Yellowbonnet and games that are online. Internet cuts out. Poof! There goes my game. If you want to keep the security feature of it why not have it log into guidedog when you launch the game instead of having it on in the backround? Or even have it enter into some sort of pause mode if internet were to cut out. I just think there is a better solution then having it on constantly during the game.


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Re: You know you code too much when...

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: You know you code too much when...

78. When you get biology homework, you just write a script to do it for you, just like you write scripts to do anything for you.79. Whenever you get any form of virus on your computer, you go in with some C/C++ code and start throwing file.delete() around.


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

What? You said you have switched server, but you didnt wanted to because you then needed to start from scratch? So, have you switched server or not? And who host the server now?


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

@samtypy1, Unfortunately, when it comes to hacking, I have one thing to say: deal with it. Its apart of life, and no matter what you do, no ones going to listen to you. For all the hackers care, were just impotent little idiots who shouldnt exist. They want to get rid of us, and the way they do that is to destroy our PCs. Its a good way to destroy someone. The hacker can just take over the PC and destroy the person via that.@ghost rider, the hackers get multiple things out of it: Enjoyment, thrill, and satisfaction. They love to destroy peoples machine for fun. They love the thrill of hacking and battling antiviruses and firewalls. Finally, they get satisfaction after the person is in tears, is crying, and is in jail for something they didnt do, yet they cant prove it because it was under their name. Hackers love this kind of thing. They love to hack people just because they can. To them, the law doesnt matter. Illegality doesn
 t matter. Nothing matters but the world of infinitive idiots as they call us. And if were not infinitive idiots, then were people who the hackers just love to annihilate so they can get the satisfaction and do whatever they were trying to do. All they want to do when they hack is get someone out of their way. For example, take the swamp server. People were hacking the swamp server so they could get Aprone out of the way and do whatever they wanted to do. In short, hackers think theyre gods and immortals, and that they can do whatever they want, just like bullies and cyber bullies think.


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Re: UltraPower

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Shit... This is not good. Not good at all. Im glad I havent played UP more than I have, and Im even more glad that Im using different passwords all the time.Mason: Just the fact that such an old log has been created with peoples passwords in plain text makes me never register for one of your games again where a password is needed. How the fuck can such log in plain text be created? A password means, security! There was an old bug on Dropbox: If you shared a link to one of your Dropbox folders, you would give people full access to the whole Dropbox, and people could download all your files without logging in or anything. But thats not the issue, and its not the issue if your computer, Dropbox, admin stuff or anything else has been hacked. I dont care. This is the fact that a log with all peoples passwords has been made in plain text which matters...Other peoples source code has been shared? WTF? Be careful who you gives out your
  data to! This is just starting to get weird...


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.Ive asked this before, but dont think I ever got this question answered:Is the Guide dog system only for your games, or will you open up for other developers to have their games in the system as well, so people can buy most audiogames that easily, with this great security?


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Re: bgt, sound pool, refering to individual sounds?

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bgt, sound pool, refering to individual sounds?

When you play a sound through the sound pool, it gives you a way to manage the sound through a slot ID. You need to keep this ID around if you want to do other things to that particular sound in the future. Just remember that by default, after that sound finishes playing, the original sound in that slot is deleted. If you try accessing the sound after that happens, you may get unexpected results.


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any way to delete worlds from mud rammer?

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


any way to delete worlds from mud rammer?

hello!I have a world in mud rammer that I have been perm banned from, do to things that I shouldve not done at all. Is there a way to delete it from my mud rammer since I dont need it any more?


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

Im not to mad about my source code being stollen, I just changed the server and the encryption keys so hell if I care, most of it is useless anyway, besides the fact that now people can clone stw, but id notise and I think theyd fail horibly. But its sad that mason had a log of plain text passwords in his ultrapower folder when his damn dropbox got hacked. I have ideas about who might be doing this, but I know whey love how we are so confused, about how its wierd, I think I know that, if my suspissions are correct. I wont start anything stupid by posting anything about it here but I have my suspissions about this mess. Im not mad though hahaha ethin.  But I say hell with it, the hackers dammage has been done, and in my opinian sitting here talking about it isnt gonna get us anyware. I just recommend changing the passwords, and well, that
 s really all I can say for advice. Ive scene that log file of masons for a while but didnt say anything about it because it just sat there and I didnt think about it. But when masons dropbox got hacked, I thought oh shit and was just sending people whos usernames matched the entries in the log and whare it came from just encase they had the same pass for everything. Ive completely removed masons access to both mine and his code that we shared, not because I hate mason but so the hacker cant get more out of it, and whats even more wierd is I couldnt get ahold of him at all today. Facetime, skype, everything failed horibly.


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Re: UltraPower

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

ok. my idea is untill the ns problems will be resolved please give us the ability to have our own serversor move on other server. if you dont have other host i will hlep you. i have a friend who is hosting servers that means he can help you.


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

Its a personal ego thing.Its basically so you can tell yourself I hacked that server, am I not the smartest person who ever existed?Some people do it to see if they can do it, and some do just to break systems. Some also do it to show people it can be done and force them to fix the holes, etc.


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Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

@zakc93: Many thanks,


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Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

[[wow]], that kind of sounds like a Lucas Arts adventure, hehe. But yeah, the audio seems abit harsh at around the 2 and 4 seconds mark. Its hard to tell whats happening without abit more context, though I can tell your jumping twice. Look forward to your play through.


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Re: beatstar soundpacks!

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: beatstar soundpacks!

I would like a soundpak with 100 levels the soundpak will be grand theft auto san andreas


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bgt, sound pool, refering to individual sounds?

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bgt, sound pool, refering to individual sounds?

Victorious is correct.The sound pool helps with fire-and-forget sounds, it helps position sounds and move the listener with minimal effort, and it cleans up after itself.There are two ways to access individual sounds in the sound pool: use the slot variable returned by the play methods, and pass it to other methods for updating sounds, or hunt down the sound objects that the pool uses directly. You almost never need to do the latter--the only case I can think of off the top of my head is if you need to do something like fade or pitch bend all of the sounds in the pool at once, since there arent already methods for that.As for the pool cleaning up sounds that have finished playing, the play methods do have an optional persistent parameter, with which you can prevent sounds from being automatically destroyed. You generally wouldnt need this, unless its to let another object keep track of a sound that can change--for example, if you w
 anted an enemy to be able to say a variety of things, but only one at a time.So, you might have an enemy or vehicle class with a slot property, to keep track of its sound.sound_pool pool; // Global pool.
int player_x=0, player_y=0; // These are global for this example. In practice, a class for the player is usually a good idea, so I usually have a global vector for the camera instead.

class moving_object {
int x=0, y=0;
int slot=-1; // This will be used to move sounds in the sound pool.
string[] sounds; // play one of these at random

moving_object() {}
moving_object(int xx, int yy) {

void move(int dx, int dy) {
if(this.slot0 or pool.sound_is_playing(this.slot)==false)
if(this.slot=0) pool.destroy_sound(this.slot);
this.slot=pool.play_2d(this.sounds[random(0, this.sounds.length()-1)], player_x, player_y, this.x, this.y, false, true);
pool.update_sound_2d(this.slot, this.x, this.y);

timer time;
void main() {
// Set up sound pool properties, maybe play some looping ambience.

// Set up the moving objects:
moving_object@[] objects(4);
string[] sounds={sounds/growl1.wav, sounds/growl2.wav, sounds/growl3.wav, sounds/growl4.wav};
for(uint i=0; iobjects.length(); i++) {
moving_object mo(random(-30, 30), random(-30, 30));

[ a-t ](objects[i])=mo;


// Create the window and start the main loop:
show_game_window(Sound pool example);
while(true) {
if(key_pressed(KEY_ESCAPE)) exit();
else if(key_pressed(KEY_LEFT)) player_move(-1, 0);
else if(key_pressed(KEY_RIGHT)) player_move(1, 0);
else if(key_pressed(KEY_UP)) player_move(0, 1);
else if(key_pressed(KEY_DOWN)) player_move(0, -1);

// Update the moving objects:
if(time.elapsed500) {
for(uint i=0; iobjects.length(); i++) {
int dx=0;
if(objects[i].xplayer_x) dx=1;
else if(objects[i].xplayer_x) dx=-1;
if(objects[i].yplayer_y) dy=1;
else if(objects[i].yplayer_y) dy=-1;
objects[i].move(dx, dy);
time.resume(); // I can never remember if this is necessary after restart.


// Move the player, updating the listener position in the process.
void player_move(int dx, int dy) {
if(player_x+dx-30 or player_x+dx30) pool.play_stationary(sounds/bump.wav, false);
else player_x+=dx;
if(player_y+dy-30 or player_y+dy30) play_stationary(sounds/bump.wav, false);
else player_y+=dy;
pool.play_stationary(sounds/step + random(1, 3) + .wav, false);
pool.update_listener_2d(player_x, player_y);
}If this only made things more confusing, let me know so I can try to fix it.


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Re: UltraPower

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

ok. my idea is untill the ns problems will be resolved please give us the ability to have our own servers


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Awesome tech podcast! Posting podcasts, again!

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Awesome tech podcast! Posting podcasts, again!

Hi everyone! So this might sceme something a little out of the ordinary for me to do, but a long time ago, I atempted making something called teh awesome tech podcast. It went I guess ok. Its kind of like bgz, cbt, bp, all those places whare you can post podcasts. And back then I wanted to try, and it like I said was sort of ok but mostly failed. I figured id post here about it, I decided to completely change things and I put it back online. The submission and just the podcast view layout is more simple than most of them. Just fill in your name, email, podcast title and description as well as an mp3, and I will get it and after looking at it I will throw it up there! I have a garenteed rss feed as well now for anyone wanting to get podcasts that way. I posted to see if we had anyone here who wouold like to encrease it from 10 podcasts from like 2 years ago to something awesome! If you want to see it you can go to http://awesomet and I hope you like it! I also hope I will see some submissions soon!


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

@momo. As ive just said in my previous post. Right now, im more worryed about the server lockups, in otherwords, feature suggestions are on hold until I am safely assured that I can log off for a bit, and come back and not have people losing their characters data, to me that seems the more importent priority. When im assured its fully fixt and when the servers not hanging up, then ill be able to take feature suggestions again. @slj, unfortunitly, I dont have a virtual machine or a mac to test and try to find the falt of the bug. Have you tried changing your vmware network settings? Someone did it and it seemed to help them a lot.


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deathmatch a new beginning object, station and expanded key references

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


deathmatch a new beginning object, station and expanded key references

Use this as a reference guide. This aims to suplement the documentation you have read so far. Of course, I will keep updating it as game changes or as I see additions to become relevantKeystrokesTab: Get information about other players that are logged in. Currently shows names of people, and where those people are located in the games world, including yourself.Slash: Out of character chat channel. You can type your message in the box that comes up, and then press enter... or escape to cancel. you can ask for help right away, but please read this first, I promise I will not make it boring!The L key will have some policies or rules of the game. Trust me that if there were people who would behave regularly like any decent space and normal civilian would do we would not have to implement them. For the most part, behaving like a normal, and sane person will never get you into any trouble and that is one of the beautiful things on the dmnb community, all players are helpful and willing to well, play. Reead them to have a laugh or two at the silly things people have done so that when you are probably in a good state of mental bliss or insanity you will refrain from doing them. And yes, that includes spamming via any method, whether it be user names, or ship names or chats or private messages or any other ways people have found to disrupt or annoy other people, also includes harassment. Because I dont really want to center too much in this point, I suggest you read them now and familiarize with them and their terms before moving on.C: Shows you your current coordinates on the x-y-z grid that makes up the map of the area you are currently in. The first number is X, and is your position left to right, with left being a lower value, and right being a higher value. The second number is Y, and is your position front to back, with forward being a higher value, and backward being a lower value. The third number is Z, and is your position up and down, with higher being a higher value, and lower being a lower value. Moving in a Corresponding direction will change these numbers acordingly, Though the only way to move up and down is with a turbocar, a turbolift and a tram at this time. Oh, and hand held teleporters but more of that in a minute. Oh yes, and keep inmind that there is always the possibility of negative numbers.F: Resyncs your character’s current position with the server in the event that it forgets and you end up somewhere strange or stuck to a certain place. It happens rarely or if you are on a very slow connection, but still it can come in handy.D: Finds and displays objects around you. It shows all of the nearby consoles, doors, turbolifts, turbocar, trams and docked ships in your area that you are an owner on.Enter: An all purpose activation key for interacting with various objects in the game. Works on doors, lifts, ships hatches, consoles, terminals, invintory items, and console menu items, as well as a way to select options in the main menu.Z: Checks how many credits you have on hand. Credits are the games currency and you can buy several things with them.G: Pull up the Global galactic network market menu. This is a market that can be accessed anywhere for now, and is the only way to buy or sell ships, sign onto bounties, request cargo for delivery, ETC. Do note that you must be inside a space station or planet to do any of those actions, except for refueling or reloading warheads which you must do while you are inside the ship.H: Checks your characters healthI: Opens your inventoryE: Emotes an action, vissible to those you are 10 scares away from you. For example you type e, then writte jumps up and down. And it will show as, UltraLeetJ jumps up and down.S: Says a message and people up to 10 squares can see it.O: Adjusts in game player options. Here it is advised you protect your character with a password.n: you can read the galactic news by pressing this key.B. Allows you to build on planets you own.Space bar: Punches people in ground combat where ground combat is allowed. You will get a message when it isnt. Dont get excited punching people, each punch causes from 5 up to 20 damage and killing others from punching alone is frowned upon, unless you are explicitly fighting on ground combat. you can restore your health by buying medkitts.Left and right brackets. Move you backwards and forwards in the chat and general channels.Comma and period. Move you backwards or forwards on name events and game information.Shift plus those keys: Take you to the top and bottom of the buffers, the bottom contains the most recent items. For events as well as for chatf1. Opens the mnb manualf2: opens several mini tutorials, I recommend you read them all before asking any questions.Also, type slash help when you are in the chat prompt, one word, no spaces. It will list useful slash chat commands you can use.When you board the ship you always 

deathmatch a new beginning object, station and expanded key references

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


deathmatch a new beginning object, station and expanded key references

Use this as a reference guide. This aims to suplement the documentation you have read so far. Of course, I will keep updating it as game changes or as I see additions to become relevantKeystrokesTab: Get information about other players that are logged in. Currently shows names of people, and where those people are located in the games world, including yourself.Slash: Out of character chat channel. You can type your message in the box that comes up, and then press enter... or escape to cancel. you can ask for help right away, but please read this first, I promise I will not make it boring!The L key will have some policies or rules of the game. Trust me that if there were people who would behave regularly like any decent space and normal civilian would do we would not have to implement them. For the most part, behaving like a normal, and sane person will never get you into any trouble and that is one of the beautiful things on the dmnb community, all players are helpful and willing to well, play. Reead them to have a laugh or two at the silly things people have done so that when you are probably in a good state of mental bliss or insanity you will refrain from doing them. And yes, that includes spamming via any method, whether it be user names, or ship names or chats or private messages or any other ways people have found to disrupt or annoy other people, also includes harassment. Because I dont really want to center too much in this point, I suggest you read them now and familiarize with them and their terms before moving on.C: Shows you your current coordinates on the x-y-z grid that makes up the map of the area you are currently in. The first number is X, and is your position left to right, with left being a lower value, and right being a higher value. The second number is Y, and is your position front to back, with forward being a higher value, and backward being a lower value. The third number is Z, and is your position up and down, with higher being a higher value, and lower being a lower value. Moving in a Corresponding direction will change these numbers acordingly, Though the only way to move up and down is with a turbocar, a turbolift and a tram at this time. Oh, and hand held teleporters but more of that in a minute. Oh yes, and keep inmind that there is always the possibility of negative numbers.F: Resyncs your character’s current position with the server in the event that it forgets and you end up somewhere strange or stuck to a certain place. It happens rarely or if you are on a very slow connection, but still it can come in handy.D: Finds and displays objects around you. It shows all of the nearby consoles, doors, turbolifts, turbocar, trams and docked ships in your area that you are an owner on.Enter: An all purpose activation key for interacting with various objects in the game. Works on doors, lifts, ships hatches, consoles, terminals, invintory items, and console menu items, as well as a way to select options in the main menu.Z: Checks how many credits you have on hand. Credits are the games currency and you can buy several things with them.G: Pull up the Global galactic network market menu. This is a market that can be accessed anywhere for now, and is the only way to buy or sell ships, sign onto bounties, request cargo for delivery, ETC. Do note that you must be inside a space station or planet to do any of those actions, except for refueling or reloading warheads which you must do while you are inside the ship.H: Checks your characters healthI: Opens your inventoryE: Emotes an action, vissible to those you are 10 scares away from you. For example you type e, then writte jumps up and down. And it will show as, UltraLeetJ jumps up and down.S: Says a message and people up to 10 squares can see it.O: Adjusts in game player options. Here it is advised you protect your character with a password.n: you can read the galactic news by pressing this key.B. Allows you to build on planets you own.Space bar: Punches people in ground combat where ground combat is allowed. You will get a message when it isnt. Dont get excited punching people, each punch causes from 5 up to 20 damage and killing others from punching alone is frowned upon, unless you are explicitly fighting on ground combat. you can restore your health by buying medkitts.Left and right brackets. Move you backwards and forwards in the chat and general channels.Comma and period. Move you backwards or forwards on name events and game information.Shift plus those keys: Take you to the top and bottom of the buffers, the bottom contains the most recent items. For events as well as for chatf1. Opens the mnb manualf2: opens several mini tutorials, I recommend you read them all before asking any questions.Also, type slash help when you are in the chat prompt, one word, no spaces. It will list useful slash chat commands you can use.When you board the ship you always 

Re: UltraPower

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

I know that the hacker is from Badalona Spain, because its easy to get IPs from skype names, so we just geolocated the IP and that person was from spain. Whats wierd is that gilim was the only person who was able to get into masons thing, we made a test script, and who ever got in, it sent us back the username of that person, gillim got in. Hes from spane. He said he didnt do it which could be the trooth but it all scemes very odd and suspissious.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

Ok, heres the hole thing so far. The thing that was a prank was mason pretending to get into UP and saying that he wanted to kill the blind comunity, that was a complete prank, the hole Original UP hacking. Well, then 2 days later, bryan smart calls me up and has my source code in front of me, scrolling threw it with his speesh routed so I could hear it. Mason was the only other person who had access to such code. Bryan told me that someone hacked masons dropbox account, which scemes to be true. Mason made a vial mistake with having all of his passwords the same. I look into it and not that many people knew about it, none actually, but mason was litterily asleep that hole day, I couldnt get ahold of things. The next day I finily touched base with him on skype. Even he didnt know he was hacked. I told him and showed him the chatlog. He investigated and found that it was true. He didnt know what log I was talking about, until I mensioned players.log, containi
 ng username=password for exactly 446 passwords. But we figured meh, we can only tell people to change passes and not way to much else. Well, then, mason suddenly scemes to block me. Mason, masonasons, This person has not shared their details with you. not selected 12 of 59 and he had no reason to. Couple hours later, I get a chat from someone else saying that mason was trying to get in contact with me because his other account got hacked. So I added that one, and we talked, and demised a plan to figure out who the dang hacker was. So, we made a system whare when you ran it, it asked for masons password. If you guessed it right, then, boom! Your user name, and computer name was sent back to us. We dont like hacking and we didnt consider this a hack, we wanted to know who it was. Well, only one person got the password correct. ilim from spain. Well, then I go look at the IP that was logged into masons skype, and got I geolocated that 
 IP, and I got badalona spain. Intresting. Right? Gilim pleeds inisent and he may be, but currently, that is the hole true story to stop some confusion. I hate this freeking drama!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

no, if you use the object detector menu youll see a boss demon on top of that treeI dont think i have to tell you what you have to do, though be warned that one has a lot more power... like a ridiculous amount


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

We seemed to have lost garith. He was a great merc. But a lot of the older players are starting to come back now too so thats nice.


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