Re: Seeking people to join their projects to develop something together

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Rodius via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seeking people to join their projects to develop something together

Hi, friend.I have na idea for a new text-based game with some never imagined additions to make it diferente from everything around. I do not understand about coding or programming, but guess that yur current knowledge might be enough to a first step.My idea is to make it big, so we can get some profit on it... but we can make na attempt with a small version for portables, as test.And perhaps we can find more people to join in a great Project, right? Hope you read this soon...Ill be waiting. Answer here, because I have limited english and could not update my profile, ok?Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Coding wall

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Coding wall

Also, in that example, why is the if nested within the first? Wouldnt the second nest only ever even be checked if the input was none, which would cause it to never be ran due to the first nest never to be run since the value of player_number wouldve changed to something other than none? Maybe Im not following something here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

@Sightless KombatYou are vague regarding the accessibility of the installation process.The common claim regarding the installation process is that a blind user cant perform a talking (clean) installation from start to finish, and thats still so in Windows 10.Try to boot any iso generated with the Media Creation tool in a virtual machine and tell me if you can get speech during install.I am sure you cant.But that has been the reality in all Windows versions.Microsoft doesnt care to implement a an accessible installation like that in Mac OS X.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Its alright. Ill investigate for that bug too.In the meantime, I have a question. Im building Silph Co. and I need to know what kind of sound the teleporters should make when you approach them. But I have no idea what sound this should be! Any suggestions?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Coding wall

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Coding wall

is there a way to quickly set an arrays entire index to null without having to use a for loop? The players number sequence is kept in an aray as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lyequeves via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

hello guys, I like window 10 plzz help me for window 10 download... for download window 10 click here.. girlfriend problem solution


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Grand Theft Auto V

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lyequeves via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Grand Theft Auto V

hello everyone,I like GTA vice city game.. its very intersting game for ever.. for download this game click here.. girlfriend problem solution


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Hello all! Daigonite, you can use the same sound for Abras teleport move. It is a teleportation sound after all, and it is already inside the game.Best regards, Haramir.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

@gellmanAppologies for my apparent vague description. As all the systems Ive installed the OS on are upgrades and I actually wanted to make it the least complicated process possible, I cant help help with the clean install suggestion. Although regarding that, you could always feed that back too, as there are accessibility addresses for Microsoft, for both windows and Xbox, likely along with others that I dont know about.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Coding wall

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Coding wall

Cae, the string_is_digits function is what you are looking for. However, keep in mind that, as far as I remember, it returns 0 even if the result is not numeric. Should probably be -1 instead.Lukas


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

Hello,I really like this one. @oriol youve done it again, keep up the great work. Also, the game over scene is really hilarious, even after dying like three or four times. Its just the way it suddenly does what it does, that really makes me laugh, and it also reminds me of stuff from the 90s, which is the era I grew up in, so congratulations for invoking some nostalgia, and definitely keep up the awesome work.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

hi, try downloading it with a download manager, or try pausing the download every 10% and then resuming it. And my char is stuck again, and this time weapons also dont load. The reason that happened I think was I got attacked by a zombie and tryed to shoot it, but my mouse somehow went out of focus and kept putting me to the desktop when I tryed to shoot, so in desperation I closed and reopened the game and now I cant move or switch weapons.


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Re: the witcher 3

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : igggggoreha via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the witcher 3

ok. i will check possibilities of console and i will write if i find intresting thins


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Change.Org Petition Against Samsung

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Change.Org Petition Against Samsung

@RTR, Well, using firefox is the best choice, but the evil firefox crashes and I cant even search on google cause Mozilla will crash. I cleared the data, uninstalled and reinstalled it again, no luck. So I have to be sticking with google chrome most of the time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: touch screen phones

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: touch screen phones

Hello, If you love android, go for it. If you need a good phone in terms of accessibility, then you may be looking for iPhone.Ive been using Samsung galaxy s3 for a year and Im not disappointed but it could be even better anyway. My suggestion if you want to get an android device is to get a samsung of galaxy S series. That being said, Samsung galaxy s3, samsung galaxy s4, samsung galaxy s5, or the latest samsung galaxy s6. The reason why I suggest these phones is because they are accessible, and have many services such as NFC, Bluetooth (hardware and sharing), a built-in voice assistant called S voice, a text-to-speech supporting many languages such as US English, UK English Austrilian English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Japonese, Chinese and more. The built-in homescreen of samsung which is called touchwiz home is very accessible as well. Whats more, these phones are very fast.By the way, you could tell us how could we help you using y
 our phone in different stages like text messaging, web browsing and other parts.To turn on accessibility at the first time when you setup your phone, Press the power button, and place and hold two fingers on top of the screen until you hear a message: Keep holding down two fingers to enable accessibility. You will hear a beap or a tone which will tell you that accessibility is enabled and you are ready to use your phone on your own.Hope it helps.For more information, comment again and Ill try to help you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: touch screen phones

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: touch screen phones

jsymes,Since youve never used a touch screen phone before, youll be better off than I was when I had to start using TalkBack.TalkBack alter the way you interact with the phone, I started using a smart phone while I could still see, so I had to unlearn much of how I interacted with the phone when I had to switch on TalkBack. You wont have that problem.Because the way you use the touch screen is different when TalkBack is active, try to get somebody who has TalkBack experience to help you get started. If possible, have them at least teach you how to make and answer calls on your phone so you can start using it right away.For all of the phones other features, ask them about a PDF version of the manual you can download. If they dont know about one, usually googling the phones make and model number followed by the word manual, will usually turn up one.When I got my iPhone, nobody at the store where I bought it knew anything at 
 all about VoiceOver, so I had to wait almost a week before I could get with a technology counselor to get guidance on how to turn on and use VoiceOver so I could use my new iPhone. It was very anoying.I only had two problems when I first started using touch screens, the first was to handle the device by its edges while the screen was active, the second was the right amount of pressure to apply, too little or too much and I found my finger would bounce on the screen instead of glide and the screen would see the bounces as taps and activate things I hadnt intended to.Probably the two biggest challenges youll face is learning and executing the various gestures available to you, and that simply comes with time and use, there arent any shortcuts there that I know of.The other challenge will be learning your new phones many features, and because every phone is different, all I can say about that is that that is what the manual is for. Sorry.I know theres not much information here, but, to be honest, there isnt all that much to it. I dont think you have anything to worry or be nervous about. A smart phone is just a hand held computer with a touch screen as its primary input device instead of a mouse and keyboard, and you are already more computer literate than most people. That puts you ahead of the game.Im sure youll pick it up in no time. Relax and have fun, its a new toy! And toys are always fun!I see afrim has even more information about Android than I do. I started off with Android because I liked it better than iOS, but problems with TalkBack caused me to switch to iPhone almost two years ago. Since he is currently using Android, his information will be more current than mine.If TalkBack is pretty much the same as it was two years ago, Ill agree with afrim that an iPhone with VoiceOver will probably be more accessible than Android with TalkBack.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Change.Org Petition Against Samsung

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Change.Org Petition Against Samsung

To be fair Apple isnt so squeakey clean either.A couple of years ago they sued a small family owned cafe in Germany for trade mark infringement. The cafe was called something like Applekind and had an apple in their logo. The stupid thing about it was the apple in their logo didnt look anything at all like Apples apple and nobody could confuse their name with Apples name.I dont know what happened in the end, but I do know that in the US the suit would have been thrown out as frivilous.Im not a Samsung fan either, I had two product made by them, when I needed it, there was no such thing as customer support after the sale, and the TV I had died after only three years of very light use.So as far as Im concerned, the two companies can just rip each other to shreds. I wont cry any tears.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Well just tried the new v 7.91 and yee gods, has it got harder? I mean this has been my best game thus far, and I met a titan at level 4! deadman the Wasteland Rover travelled through 39 places in the wasteland, he died at level 4 and the last thing he saw was a Frail Deranged Wounded Rad-Fox-Man Titan in the region known as Micks Craterdeadman travelled through Uskwood into the far expanding wastes of Micks Crater Where his journey ended.---SKILLSHealth   - 115Strength  - 7Agility   - 7Intelligence- 12Lockpick  - 6-OTHER STATS-Times Mutate
 d- 1Mutation Level   - 5Money- 86Kills- 22Regions Cleared   - 1Dungeons Cleared  - 2Settlements Visited - 2CURRENT WEAPON---Weapon Name - Perfect Cobalt Firemans AxeWeapon Damage- 18Weapon Durability  - 37Weapon Value- 92NOTABLE KILLSdeadman Killed Lost Army Soldier in Uskwooddeadman Killed Lost Army Soldier in Uskwood--
 sp;   Rest In Peace deadman(built in version 0.7.9)


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zub0 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

hello, I have been trying to download swamp, but it keeps on stopping. sometimes at 26 percent, and other times at 53 percent. I click resume but once it finishes it cant unzip. any help is appreciated, really want to play this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: touch screen phones

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: touch screen phones

jsymes,Since youve never used a touch screen phone before, youll be better off than I was when I had to start using TalkBack.TalkBack alter the way you interact with the phone, I started using a smart phone while I could still see, so I had to unlearn much of how I interacted with the phone when I had to switch on TalkBack. You wont have that problem.Because the way you use the touch screen is different when TalkBack is active, try to get somebody who has TalkBack experience to help you get started. If possible, have them at least teach you how to make and answer calls on your phone so you can start using it right away.For all of the phones other features, ask them about a PDF version of the manual you can download. If they dont know about one, usually googling the phones make and model number followed by the word manual, will usually turn up one.When I got my iPhone, nobody at the store where I bought it knew anything at 
 all about VoiceOver, so I had to wait almost a week before I could get with a technology counselor to get guidance on how to turn on and use VoiceOver so I could use my new iPhone. It was very anoying.I only had two problems when I first started using touch screens, the first was to handle the device by its edges while the screen was active, the second was the right amount of pressure to apply, too little or too much and I found my finger would bounce on the screen instead of glide and the screen would see the bounces as taps and activate things I hadnt intended to.Probably the two biggest challenges youll face is learning and executing the various gestures available to you, and that simply comes with time and use, there arent any shortcuts there that I know of.The other challenge will be learning your new phones many features, and because every phone is different, all I can say about that is that that is what the manual is for. Sorry.I know theres not much information here, but, to be honest, there isnt all that much to it. I dont think you have anything to worry or be nervous about. A smart phone is just a hand held computer with a touch screen as its primary input device instead of a mouse and keyboard, and you are already more computer literate than most people. That puts you ahead of the game.Im sure youll pick it up in no time. Relax and have fun, its a new toy! And toys are always fun!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Imhotep Labyrinth as a Game of Vision

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The  Imhotep Labyrinth as a Game of Vision

Hi Dark and others.Regarding to the questions, have you then looked at our website?www.theimhoteplabyrinth.comEverything is explained there, and the video have even been made as accessible as possible with text descriptions etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

How do you turn those on? I assume you just press up twice when you are in the game settings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Hi.Have you tried the alternative links?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the witcher 3

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the witcher 3

Hi.I think you are the person here on the forum who knows most about the game, and its properly you who have the most experiences with the game. So I dont know realy what to say.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: touch screen phones

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: touch screen phones

jsymes,Since youve never used a touch screen phone before, youll be better off than I was when I had to start using TalkBack.TalkBack alter the way you interact with the phone, I started using a smart phone while I could still see, so I had to unlearn much of how I interacted with the phone when I had to switch on TalkBack. You wont have that problem.Because the way you use the touch screen is different when TalkBack is active, try to get somebody who has TalkBack experience to help you get started. If possible, have them at least teach you how to make and answer calls on your phone so you can start using it right away.For all of the phones other features, ask them about a PDF version of the manual you can download. If they dont know about one, usually googling the phones make and model number followed by the word manual, will usually turn up one.When I got my iPhone, nobody at the store where I bought it knew anything at 
 all about VoiceOver, so I had to wait almost a week before I could get with a technology counselor to get guidance on how to turn on and use VoiceOver so I could use my new iPhone. It was very anoying.I only had two problems when I first started using touch screens, the first was to handle the device by its edges while the screen was active, the second was the right amount of pressure to apply, too little or too much and I found my finger would bounce on the screen instead of glide and the screen would see the bounces as taps and activate things I hadnt intended to.Probably the two biggest challenges youll face is learning and executing the various gestures available to you, and that simply comes with time and use, there arent any shortcuts there that I know of.The other challenge will be learning your new phones many features, and because every phone is different, all I can say about that is that that is what the manual is for. Sorry.I know theres not much information here, but, to be honest, there isnt all that much to it. I dont think you have anything to worry or be nervous about. A smart phone is just a hand held computer with a touch screen as its primary input device instead of a mouse and keyboard, and you are already more computer literate than most people. That puts you ahead of the game.Im sure youll pick it up in no time. Relax and have fun, its a new toy! And toys are always fun!I see afrim has even more information about Android than I do. I started off with Android because I liked it better than iOS, but problems with TalkBack caused me to switch to iPhone almost two years ago. Since he is currently using Android, his information will be more current than mine.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the witcher 3

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the witcher 3

I played the original game back when I could still see, and started The Witcher 2 but didnt finish it before my vision loss made it inaccessible. I knew that The Witcher 3 had been released, but paid no attention to it because, from what I knew of the original and The Witcher 2 I didnt think it would be accessible at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

HiThanks defender. Your encouraging words are highly motivating.In regards to replayability, I am going to add a mode where you get random events, like waves of enemies, or a health bonus, things like that to make the game more fun, like thunderstorm, I dont know yet. By the way I just posted an update which fixes the ending.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

hola oriol, este es un perfecto juego/ this is a really perfect game.but the problem is, with the ending again.Ive updated the game to the latest version and there is an error.below is a stack trace that the error is:Call stack size: 16Function: void movimiento()Function: void avanza()Function: void recorrer()Function: void jugando()Function: void partida()Function: void jugar()Function: void start()Function: void speakstats()Function: void puedomorir()Function: void edificio_inminente()Function: void recorrer()Function: void jugando()Function: void partida()Function: void jugar()Function: void start()Function: void main()


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

Have fun! Im no expert, but Ill help if I can. The only problem I ran into was getting Narrator to stay in memory and keep talking to me, but I eventually taught it who was boss and everything went smoothly from there. For all I know, it could easily have been something I was doing wrong.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Coding wall

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Coding wall

One other thing, due to the way the game is set up, the players input always has something in it. This is because the player doesnt directly enter the number, but rather uses the arrow keys to select the number. I think I might be able to fix it if I make the player press enter on the number they want to enter, rather than it automaticly detecting that the player has moved, but if anybody has another way of doing this thatd be great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Dark, Version 7.91? I thought the version numbers were below 1.0 because the last version I downloaded was 0.7.8.Anyway, do you know when your version was posted? Ive been watching this thread for updates and there hasnt been any since wastelander posted that a new version was available on July 25th and that was the 0.7.8 I mentioned earlier.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : frandum via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

@Dark, go actually makes you walk without you having to type anything. It could be completed with a command telling you the direction (in case you want to know without actually going there). Ok for the maps, Ill leave them be.Regarding recall, the penalty is mentioned in the help and in the tutorial, without telling exactly what it is. This can be improved: it costs you your non-owned stuff and half your hit points. For the rope you left before I could answer yesterday but by searching you found a new one and just forgot to get it, eh eh. You never have to abandon a quest: at worst if things got wrong (e.g. you killed the wrong person) you can reset and start again.@Orin, not a bad idea but there are quests and quests. When I say 1100+ quests, it means unitary achievements that are noted in your diary. A single, wizard-type quest generally contains 5 to 15 of these unitary items. And all quests do not start by someone asking something of you specifically, someti
 mes you have to look around to find what could be done. Eventually, as the game is entirely open (you can go wherever you want and quest in any order you want), it would be a little too directive to always point you to whatever new hint someone gave you. And besides, theres the fun of exploring, finding your way based upon general hints. Long story short: I think an extension of the go command working on known cities and villages (kingdoms are tougher) and telling you their rough direction (e.g. quite far to the north and close to the east) could be useful. This information is provided in the maps on the website and automaps of the client, so its only fair it is also available for telnet users. We do have latitude and longitude, so it shouldnt be too hard to determine. Ill note it down and work on it whenever free time appears.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Coding wall

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Coding wall

Having it only check when the player presses enter would make things much easier.if(key_pressed(KEY_RETURN)) {
//play sound that alerts the player theyve found the correct number.
// Let the player know they got it wrong.
}In that case, sequenceNumber only changes when the player presses enter.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

I was actually gonna mess around with headphones today, I got my primary objective which is liu kangs dark costume last night so now I can have fun would anyone wanna do online one of these days on PS4?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list


2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector



Pasted from the ReadMe.MindWarp V1.0Welcome to MindWarp!This is not your fathers memory game!MindWarp is based off of the hand-held tiger electronic game from the 90s called Brain warp.Since theyve discontinued the toy, I decided to go ahead and code up a computer program that mimicks the different games.Unlike most memory games, you, the player, monipulate the game object with the arrow keys. The arrow keys will flip the object around, and the top value of the object will be whats selected. If you dont understand this right now, itll be explained below.Where as most memory games youve mightve played ask for key inputs that are static, I.E. You hear a note, and press the key that corresponds with that note, in MindWarp, you take control of a 6 sided di. Each side is labeled with numbers one through 6, and colors, blue, white, green, red, purple, and yellow. Every time you push the arrow keys, the di will be flipped in that direction, and the top of the di will change accordingly. If it doesnt make sence now, just play around and eventualy youll get the hang of it.The different game modes are as follows:Number warp:A number will be announced, the players job is to match the top of the di up with that number within a timer. The timer will become shorter and shorter as points are collected.Color warp:Esentually the same as number warp, except with colors rather than numbers.Code Breaker:A sequence of 5 random numbers will be selected. The player will have to figure out the sequence through trial and error. Once youve selected a number using your arrow keys, press enter. If it is the correct number you will hear a sound indicating a success, if not, then no sound will play. If you get a successful number, and then move to another number and press enter, and no sound plays, you will need to navigate back to the previous number, and start over. No sequence will have two numbers that are the same, nor opposits. That is to say a sequence will never be 5, 5, or 1, 6. This mode has a default of 60 second timer. Each code successfully broken results in a timer that is one second shorter than the previous.Opposits are as follows:1, 62, 43, 54, 25, 36, 1The di will always start off with 1 as the top.Enjoy!Alexander AgostinoEnd Paste.I hope you guys enjoy, any bugs or questions are welcome!Post Edit: Woops, almost forgot the download link. …


Audiogames-reflector mailing list


2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector



Pasted from the ReadMe.MindWarp V1.0Welcome to MindWarp!This is not your fathers memory game!MindWarp is based off of the hand-held tiger electronic game from the 90s called Brain warp.Since theyve discontinued the toy, I decided to go ahead and code up a computer program that mimicks the different games.Unlike most memory games, you, the player, monipulate the game object with the arrow keys. The arrow keys will flip the object around, and the top value of the object will be whats selected. If you dont understand this right now, itll be explained below.Where as most memory games youve mightve played ask for key inputs that are static, I.E. You hear a note, and press the key that corresponds with that note, in MindWarp, you take control of a 6 sided di. Each side is labeled with numbers one through 6, and colors, blue, white, green, red, purple, and yellow. Every time you push the arrow keys
 , the di will be flipped in that direction, and the top of the di will change accordingly. If it doesnt make sence now, just play around and eventualy youll get the hang of it.The different game modes are as follows:Number warp:A number will be announced, the players job is to match the top of the di up with that number within a timer. The timer will become shorter and shorter as points are collected.Color warp:Esentually the same as number warp, except with colors rather than numbers.Code Breaker:A sequence of 5 random numbers will be selected. The player will have to figure out the sequence through trial and error. Once youve selected a number using your arrow keys, press enter. If it is the correct number you will hear a sound indicating a success, if not, then no sound will play. If you get a successful number, and then move to another number and press enter, and no sound plays, you will need to navigate back to t
 he previous number, and start over. No sequence will have two numbers that are the same, nor opposits. That is to say a sequence will never be 5, 5, or 1, 6. This mode has a default of 60 second timer. Each code successfully broken results in a timer that is one second shorter than the previous.Opposits are as follows:1, 62, 43, 54, 25, 36, 1The di will always start off with 1 as the top.Enjoy!Alexander AgostinoEnd Paste.I hope you guys enjoy, any bugs or questions are welcome!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Dark, Version 7.91? I thought the version numbers were below 1.0 because the last version I downloaded was 0.7.8.Anyway, do you know when your version was posted? Ive been watching this thread for updates and there hasnt been any since wastelander posted that a new version was available on July 25th and that was the 0.7.8 I mentioned earlier.Off to battle mediafire for a file, honestly, considering what a fight it is to get this game from mediafire, I should be getting experience points. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible email client

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

I dont recall where I heard it, but theres supposed to be something called universal mode where all your inboxes are presented as one virtual inbox.I too always used the open in inbox option whenever it was available. I find it hard to believe that there isnt anyway to do that in Thunderbird.Oh well, by now, I just navigate back to my inbox before exiting. Its not perfect, but it does work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

I appologise for chipping in with what might seem like an unhelpful post, but I just want to say it would probably be best to get sighted help to turn the options on to make sure you dont break anything else by accident. Not that its irreversable, but still.@ddI have heard sounds play, if you want to do the same I suggest either a good pair/set of speakers or headphones. They are quite soft but easy enough to notice in game if you know what to listen out for. You should know them when you hear them, but if not, ask and one of us should be able to get a recording for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

You could adjust the taunt by how many points were scored.,0 points You really really suck big time.up to 500 points, You suck.Up to 1000 points, You suck a little.Up to 5000 points, You only suck a tiny bit.Up to 10,000 points You dont suck.Up to 100,000 points Youre so non-sucky its unbelievable!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

I will attempt to shed light on what I can here, as it seems many of you are concerned and have problems, not without good reason in most cases.The first question I will answer is the matter of will I lose my old programs/data/etc. The answer to that is if you upgrade, without doing a clean install, you shouldnt. The installer will prompt you before the main process begins (after it makes sure everything is ready/compatible), saying a few things need your attention in a section of that dialogue. There you will find, if no apps are incompatible, an install, refresh, back and maybe some other buttons that I cant remember off the top of my head. If you have an app such as older versions of Jaws, they are considered incompatible by the installer (newer versions will not be affected if you remove these), the install button wont display. instead, youll be able to uninstall right from within the dialogue
  box itself and carry on, whether thats with the uninstallation of further apps or the rest of the installation of the new OS.The second point Id like to address is the idea that Microsoft dont give any thought to accessibility. I would say otherwise, simply due to the fact that you can give feedback to Microsoft and interact with the rest of the community, via the windows 10 feedback app. I havent tried it myself in the public launch version of the OS, but when I got a chance to test it (which, granted, was a while ago during the preview builds), it seemed accessible, if a little slow.The third point I feel needs addressing is that of using narrator in the installation. After the aforementioned compatibility dialogue, once you press install and wait a while for the OS to physically be installed onto the drive, you can press windows u to bring up the ease of access centre that will speak and then start narrator from there.
 ; You can then read all the controls in the setup dialogue. The one thing I will alert you of now is that when you finish this set up process, the installer will keep telling you that it is preparing windows and you are told do not turn off your PC. Once thats done, NVDA should load and you should be good to go.One final thing for now, the compatibility assistant will say that NVDA is not compatible when in fact itll work under windows 10 with pretty much the same accessibility as before, other than a one addon that Ive found not to work which is the virtualisation addon. This might be fixable, I cant say for sure but someone somewhere will probably find a way round it.If I think of anything else that needs to be noted, Ill post it here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Honestly in real life I think all of us are challenged here in communication. Body language is pretty hard for people who cant see it, and I dont understand it because Im mildly autistic. Instead of emotes when talking to blind people I describe my actions to make the issue more appropriate. So like, in thunderfists example, Id say that I like tender hearted women, then say *wink* or something. Helps me, helps you. I actually prefer written media since I have trouble with coming up with the right words many times when Im not right on subject and Ive noticed a lot of people take advantage of that. You cant rudely cut people off on a forum which is very nice. Also theres nothing wrong with liking tender hearted women as long as you dont assume they all are. Lol Im like the opposite so you might be in for an unpleasant surprise there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Honestly in real life I think all of us are challenged here in communication. Body language is pretty hard for people who cant see it, and I dont understand it because Im mildly autistic. Of course this crap has to be like 80% of communication... Instead of emotes when talking to blind people I describe my actions to make the issue more appropriate. So like, in thunderfists example, Id say that I like tender hearted women, then say *wink* or something. Helps me, helps you. I actually prefer written media since I have trouble with coming up with the right words many times when Im not right on subject and Ive noticed a lot of people take advantage of that. You cant rudely cut people off on a forum which is very nice. Also theres nothing wrong with liking tender hearted women as long as you dont assume they all are. Lol Im like the opposite so you might be in for an unpleasant surprise there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Yep gene, just checking the reddit and a new version 7.9 was posted literally last night. Also no need to worry about the download sinse as he said earlier, huw has switched to dropbox. Just head over to The wastes reddit page and grab it.As for me, I have one thing to say best! run! ever! or at least my best ever, sinse I dont think Ill top this one any time soon, particularly sinse I didnt enter the mine once in the hole game..Im loving the new level systems and encounters, just what I wanted a way to progress without cheating, and I really like the way even with big int bonuses you still have to work to level and things stay tough, indeed even though I reached level 77, I still! died of skinrot due to me pressing 1 rather than 2 on a yellow vial. Still, to say I got the skinrot when i was level 67 or so and had over 800 hp to burn, it meant that while my game was limited, I was sti
 ll able to trek on. Itll be cool when even more hier level stuff like commanding towns etc gets added, but Im certainly not unhappy, though I confess finding a 6000 odd damage axe fairly early on ws a stroke of luck, as was finding a dungeon where all the monsters gave several hundred k xp, but hay, being unlucky in the wastes is more normal . doomed fellow the Prince of the Wastes travelled through 318 places in the wasteland, he died at level 77 and the last thing he saw was a Psycho Tri-Horned Dog in the region known as Wastesnar Cratersdoomed fellow travelled through Billsville into the sizeable wastes of Stevies Craters, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Pedros Crater, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Muteysprings Waste, from there he passed into the far expanding wastes of New Wasteroost Common
 s, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Javiers Craters, from there he passed into the little patch of wastes known as Mutantham, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Marhaven Mountain, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Andfalls Wasteland, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Mount Bryn, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Wastesnar Craters Where his journey ended.---SKILLSHealth   - 9Strength  - 90Agility   - 184Intelligence- 186Lockpick  - 52-OTHER STATS-Times Mutated- 
 40Mutation Level   - 133Money- 2150969Kills- 272Regions Cleared   - 10Dungeons Cleared  - 14Settlements Visited - 3CURRENT WEAPON---Weapon Name - Atomic Luminous Grand Tungsten Firemans AxeWeapon Damage- 14835Weapon Durability  - 1621Weapon Value- 156063NOTABLE KILLSdoomed fellow Killed Feral Dying Tri-Horned Lizard Titan in Stevies Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Crater Titan in Stevies Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Crater Douchebag Larry in Muteysprings Wastedoomed fellow 
 Killed the Warrior Logan in Muteysprings Wastedoomed fellow Killed White-Skin Leslie in Muteysprings Wastedoomed fellow Killed Bog-Breath Fart Garret in Muteysprings Wastedoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Wee-Man Ripper Edan in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed the Mullet Ioan in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed the Wanker spam Lucas in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed the Warped Matt in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of Allied White Delta in Ne
 w Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Bug-Eyes Irwin in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Ken The Golden Master Mutant Hunter in Javiers Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Manuel Master Mutant Hunter in Javiers Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Seeing Armoured Decaying Flea Goliath Titan in Javiers Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Mutated Half Dead Frail Mirror-Mutant Goliath in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Cancerous Mutated Giant Albino Three-Eyed Beast Goliath in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Whispering Tamed Frail Eagle-Man Titan in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Giant Half Dead Insane Mutt Titan in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Will Master Mutant Hunter in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Pulsating Tamed Wild Irradiated Bat Goliath Titan in Marhaven Mountain--   
 ;Rest In 

Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

One thing that we all need to remember, and Im pointing at myself too because I know Im guilty of this, is that with this text only medium, a lot is lost because theres no way to transmit body language, or in our case, tone of voice. So something thats meant as a joke can easily look like a personal attack. Thats where emoticons can help, but they are often forgotten and they dont always work as intended.Its the primary reason why Im not into texting. The only time I send a text is when I need to send a short message that needs no reply. Something like, Im on the plane, see you in a few hours.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

Yeah, this is a very nice little arcade stress reliever, quite addictive because of how fast it is. I like it. And I like even the you suck taunt on gameover, even when it doesnt get any different based on your score or performance; I guess its intent is to frustrate you when you tried so hard to complete the game and failed, which it manages more than successfully. :-)Lukas


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Yep gene, just checking the reddit and a new version 7.9 was posted literally last night. Also no need to worry about the download sinse as he said earlier, huw has switched to dropbox. Just head over to The wastes reddit page and grab it.As for me, I have one thing to say best! run! ever! or at least my best ever, sinse I dont think Ill top this one any time soon, particularly sinse I didnt enter the mine once in the hole game..Im loving the new level systems and encounters, just what I wanted a way to progress without cheating, and I really like the way even with big int bonuses you still have to work to level and things stay tough, indeed even though I reached level 77, I still! died of skinrot due to me pressing 1 rather than 2 on a yellow vial, and got some other nasties such as my strenght being halved by being unlucky with a red vial. Still, to say I got the skinrot when i was 
 level 67 or so and had over 800 hp to burn, it meant that while my game was limited, I was still able to trek on. Itll be cool when even more hier level stuff like commanding towns etc gets added, but Im certainly not unhappy, though I confess finding a 6000 odd damage axe fairly early on ws a stroke of luck, as was finding a dungeon where all the monsters gave several hundred k xp, but hay, being unlucky in the wastes is more normal . doomed fellow the Prince of the Wastes travelled through 318 places in the wasteland, he died at level 77 and the last thing he saw was a Psycho Tri-Horned Dog in the region known as Wastesnar Cratersdoomed fellow travelled through Billsville into the sizeable wastes of Stevies Craters, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Pedros Crater, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of M
 uteysprings Waste, from there he passed into the far expanding wastes of New Wasteroost Commons, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Javiers Craters, from there he passed into the little patch of wastes known as Mutantham, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Marhaven Mountain, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Andfalls Wasteland, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Mount Bryn, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Wastesnar Craters Where his journey ended.---SKILLSHealth   - 9Strength  - 90Agility   - 184Intelligence- 186Lockpick  - 52-OTH
 ER STATS-Times Mutated- 40Mutation Level   - 133Money- 2150969Kills- 272Regions Cleared   - 10Dungeons Cleared  - 14Settlements Visited - 3CURRENT WEAPON---Weapon Name - Atomic Luminous Grand Tungsten Firemans AxeWeapon Damage- 14835Weapon Durability  - 1621Weapon Value- 156063NOTABLE KILLSdoomed fellow Killed Feral Dying Tri-Horned Lizard Titan in Stevies Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Crater Titan in Stevies Crat
 ersdoomed fellow Killed Crater Douchebag Larry in Muteysprings Wastedoomed fellow Killed the Warrior Logan in Muteysprings Wastedoomed fellow Killed White-Skin Leslie in Muteysprings Wastedoomed fellow Killed Bog-Breath Fart Garret in Muteysprings Wastedoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Wee-Man Ripper Edan in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed the Mullet Ioan in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed the Wanker spam Lucas in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of New Wasteroost Commons Bandits in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed the Warpe
 d Matt in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Warrior of Allied White Delta in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Bug-Eyes Irwin in New Wasteroost Commonsdoomed fellow Killed Ken The Golden Master Mutant Hunter in Javiers Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Manuel Master Mutant Hunter in Javiers Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Seeing Armoured Decaying Flea Goliath Titan in Javiers Cratersdoomed fellow Killed Mutated Half Dead Frail Mirror-Mutant Goliath in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Cancerous Mutated Giant Albino Three-Eyed Beast Goliath in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Whispering Tamed Frail Eagle-Man Titan in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Giant Half Dead Insane Mutt Titan in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Will Master Mutant Hunter in Marhaven Mountaindoomed fellow Killed Pulsating Tamed Wild Irradiated Bat Goliath Titan in Marhaven 

Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

[[wow]], a spam bot that actually tryes to fit in with the topic were talking about? never seen this before. but anyway, spammy spam spam!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Username change request again

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Username change request again

Nope, its not offtopic to ask that socheat sinse we were talking about it, however Im afraid the only answer I can give is whenever Sander fixes it.Along with Richard, Sander is the one whos in charge ultimately and hes the one with the access and skills to fiddle with the coding and the installation. Im sure it will! get fixed, just like the db dropdown problem, but when is up to Sander and hes unfortunately very busy teaching his courses on game design, going to conferences to talk to mainstream developers and working on many other things to do with game accessibility.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

One of my favorite things to do in KODP is to send all of my weaponthanes out exploring, to bypass the weaponthane limit and recruit more. Ive had 30-50 weaponthanes at a time, and the urnalda feeds the tribe quest is generally really easy, keeping them fed is not a problem.Another thing I do involving that quest is acquire lots of food from it, then trade that food for cattle and/or send lots of gifts of food to nearby clans. I generally only have one feud per game, because I always want to have a clan to raid repeatedly. My reputation doesnt decrease, because I am allied with most of the other clans. I do hate some of the events though, such as when the beastmen decide to attack you. I never get that event anymore, in fact its very easy to avoid, but recovering from it is nearly generally want to complete he
 ro quests to increase the stats of your clan ring, for example Lhankor Mhy finds the truth is able to steadily increase stats of all of the clans nobles. One more thing I find very useful about Urnalda feeds the tribe is that if I set the chief to a female urnalda follower, complete the quest with the goal of gaining knowledge a couple of times, she will have several skills at heroic. After that, a few completions of the making of the storm tribe will max her leadership as well, though that is much more dangerous. I agree with dark though, I dont like how random hero quests can be. Generally after your skills are really high, its nearly impossible to fail some of the hero quests, but getting to that point is very dangerous. I have heard of players that can get all of their clan ring to have heroic in nearly all skills, but I havent managed to reach that point and every time I beat the long game, I have to 
 take a really long break so probably wont be reaching that point any time soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Wierd thing going on when streaming movies in blindmicemart

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wierd thing going on when streaming movies in blindmicemart

its because the stream ran out of buffered audio. since send space basically things its a download and they do not support continued downloads on a free account. it stops and you have to resume the stream.


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2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector



Pasted from the ReadMe.MindWarp V1.0Welcome to MindWarp!This is not your fathers memory game!MindWarp is based off of the hand-held tiger electronic game from the 90s called Brain warp.Since theyve discontinued the toy, I decided to go ahead and code up a computer program that mimicks the different games.Unlike most memory games, you, the player, monipulate the game object with the arrow keys. The arrow keys will flip the object around, and the top value of the object will be whats selected. If you dont understand this right now, itll be explained below.Where as most memory games youve mightve played ask for key inputs that are static, I.E. You hear a note, and press the key that corresponds with that note, in MindWarp, you take control of a 6 sided di. Each side is labeled with numbers one through 6, and colors, blue, white, green, red, purple, and yellow. Every time you push the arrow keys
 , the di will be flipped in that direction, and the top of the di will change accordingly. If it doesnt make sence now, just play around and eventualy youll get the hang of it.The different game modes are as follows:Number warp:A number will be announced, the players job is to match the top of the di up with that number within a timer. The timer will become shorter and shorter as points are collected.Color warp:Esentually the same as number warp, except with colors rather than numbers.Code Breaker:A sequence of 5 random numbers will be selected. The player will have to figure out the sequence through trial and error. Once youve selected a number using your arrow keys, press enter. If it is the correct number you will hear a sound indicating a success, if not, then no sound will play. If you get a successful number, and then move to another number and press enter, and no sound plays, you will need to navigate back to t
 he previous number, and start over. No sequence will have two numbers that are the same, nor opposits. That is to say a sequence will never be 5, 5, or 1, 6. This mode has a default of 60 second timer. Each code successfully broken results in a timer that is one second shorter than the previous.Opposits are as follows:1, 62, 43, 54, 25, 36, 1The di will always start off with 1 as the top.Enjoy!Alexander AgostinoEnd Paste.I hope you guys enjoy, any bugs or questions are welcome!Post edit edit: Sorry, forgot to include some files that are needed, ugh for release excitement.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list


2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector



Pasted from the ReadMe.MindWarp V1.0Welcome to MindWarp!This is not your fathers memory game!MindWarp is based off of the hand-held tiger electronic game from the 90s called Brain warp.Since theyve discontinued the toy, I decided to go ahead and code up a computer program that mimicks the different games.Unlike most memory games, you, the player, monipulate the game object with the arrow keys. The arrow keys will flip the object around, and the top value of the object will be whats selected. If you dont understand this right now, itll be explained below.Where as most memory games youve mightve played ask for key inputs that are static, I.E. You hear a note, and press the key that corresponds with that note, in MindWarp, you take control of a 6 sided di. Each side is labeled with numbers one through 6, and colors, blue, white, green, red, purple, and yellow. Every time you push the arrow keys, the di will be flipped in that direction, and the top of the di will change accordingly. If it doesnt make sence now, just play around and eventualy youll get the hang of it.The different game modes are as follows:Number warp:A number will be announced, the players job is to match the top of the di up with that number within a timer. The timer will become shorter and shorter as points are collected.Color warp:Esentually the same as number warp, except with colors rather than numbers.Code Breaker:A sequence of 5 random numbers will be selected. The player will have to figure out the sequence through trial and error. Once youve selected a number using your arrow keys, press enter. If it is the correct number you will hear a sound indicating a success, if not, then no sound will play. If you get a successful number, and then move to another number and press enter, and no sound plays, you will need to navigate back to the previous number, and start over. No sequence will have two numbers that are the same, nor opposits. That is to say a sequence will never be 5, 5, or 1, 6. This mode has a default of 60 second timer. Each code successfully broken results in a timer that is one second shorter than the previous.Opposits are as follows:1, 62, 43, 54, 25, 36, 1The di will always start off with 1 as the top.Enjoy!Alexander AgostinoEnd Paste.I hope you guys enjoy, any bugs or questions are welcome!Post edit edit: Sorry, forgot to include some files that are needed, ugh for release excitement. …


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Re: SoundRTS

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS

@soundmud: Ive noticed the github version of soundrts is much more stable than 1.1A9. Assuming there have been a few fixes on github to make it more stable, will these be put into 1.1A10 or at some point in the future?@Milos: Considering the only objective there is for multiplayer soundrts is to destroy an enemy, a non-aggression pact wouldnt make much sense. It could be cool if you could join or leave alliances during the game, if the alliance youre trying to join agrees, but that may cause problems with upgrades as allies share upgrades. In the end of course its up to soundmud and whoever else may be developing the game, but what you suggest doesnt really seem like it would belong in an RTS, especially one with games as short as they are in soundrts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

Odd Ive never had that happen myself. I think its just a matter of sticking to what you chose with your profile, eg, dont do anything involved with thrawls if you didnt take the stick farmers as thrawls, dont go making fights with dragonewts if you werent friends to begin with or visa versa, and definitely! dont make peace with whoever your ancestral enemy is, indeed using the summon evil ritual and then giving your ancestral foe a good pounding is a good way to end up in your ancestors good books.  Its worth it, you get more magic to play with, also things like divinations during events are likely to work out. Ive also found the ancestors luck blessing you can get from shrines useful as well, or rather its good to be lucky generally and that helps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Okay I found my clok character (I didnt recall the name it got changed to but it turns out to be trinica), and Im back with the game. did wearable lanterns ever get added for mining?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Dark appears out of a swirling vortex of terrible evilness and starts to stroke his long pointy beerd:Silence fools!I am the moderator! and you will! obey! me! You will! Obey me! I am your lord and moderator  and does anyone hear drumbs? Oh never mind Ill just have my spheroid minians ban one tenth of the forums population instead! H, sorry, whovian Master moment. I agree Daigonite that text needs to be specific, which is one reason I tend to always write as I speak, although Ive never been a fan of emoticons myself accept for the  grin, and usually I try and make it clear when Im joking anyway (as per the above). The od thing about body language and communication is that personally i find the main communication problem is distant. if I can actually get someone into conversation on a one to one level 
 and can hear what theyre saying I can let my emotional sense take over, its just starting the dam conversation when I cant make bloody eye contact that is the problem. Of course I dont know if everyone gets emotional sense, and like everything else its necessary to work at and pay attention to. I dont exactly know what it is, Ive had suggestions from aura to theramones, its just the ability to know what a person is feeling when in close physical proximity. The fact that it is utterly impossible outside a persons physical presence is again why I always tend to be as specific as I can on the forum, also why I dont tend to commit too much emotionally to people I have only met online, and tend to think of online friends in a very different category to offline ones.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Hi.Id like to tell you guys about two very useful keystrokes in windows ten. Once youve got cortana all set up and ready to go, windows C, will make cortana listen for anything you say. Your computer will make a nice chime and then you can talk.Another keystroke is windows a, this brings up a notification window, all notifications are there, from balloon help messages to updates for your pc or laptop.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : frandum via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

Then it is precisely what needs to be done: tell woman dream


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Hi.Id like to tell you guys about two very useful keystrokes in windows ten.Once youve got cortana all set up and ready to go, windows C, will make cortana listen for anything you say. Your computer will make a nice chime and then you can talk.Another keystroke is windows a, this brings up the action center window. notifications are there, from balloon help messages to updates for your pc or laptop.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trying choiceofgames

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

So I tried playing choice of the dragon... It was okay at most. I was wondering what Choice of games were really worth getting into. They seem really fun so seeing what you guys find to be your favorites would be a good start..


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

Greetings. Ive been hard at work today, and I bring you not only 2 new ship classes, but also a new changelog system, allowing you to keep track of any changes I implement into the server, type /changes at the chat prompt to view it. Also, something coming in next release. For thoughs who always wanted to design your own custom spaceships, but havent been able to, their is now the ability to add rooms, walls and doors are coming along. The ship builder may seem difficult at first, but if you pay attention to the prompts and dont screw anything up you should do just fine. Tieing into the resource system, rooms need 5 rair metal and 20 copper to assemble. Another new thing is the ability to advance to the rank of admiral. What does this give you? Admiral is rank 3, which gives you access to the brand new turbograv r48 drednaught, a vessel that is to put simpply, an orbital command platform for the super ritch. It features 20 decks and a max cruising speed of 
 80, which in game terms is quite fast.


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hello,New update is ... perfect! Language channels, lots of dreams, no more plank towers (but some maight think thats bad, heh) ... cumpas comming soon ... you are awsem, Sam! I hope this continues ... I love this game more and more!


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

[[wow]], this sounds like a really neet update!


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Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

anyone else having issues running the game. i launch the .exe and it just sits there not responding. until windows says that the program is not responding, blah blah blah. win 7 64 bit here. sounds really neat and would really like to play it, but, cant at the moment.


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Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

For some reason, I get lots of warnings from my ancestors when I play, and I can never figure out why I do. I try my best to follow the customs of the clan but I end up getting that scene anyway. After that I generally proceed to capture the spirits or drive them off if they continue their attempts at scaring my population. 


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Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

hi all, I was playing around with this mud and its pretty nice so far.however I am stuck at the tutorial where I am at the in and when I go west it says some force of the old woman prevents you from getting out of the in.any tips?


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Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

I was actually gonna mess around with headphones today, I got my primary objective which is liu kangs dark costume last night so now I can have fun would anyone wanna do online one of these days on PS4?also, does anyone know what happens if you do a fatality that hasnt actually been unlocked in the krypt yet? like will it be treated as already unlocked or will the krypt location still be there


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Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Hey guysJust wanted to answer some things if I could.Someone was wondering if Sapi could use Cortanas voice? Sadly the answer is no, all of the speech is prerecorded by the actress who played the original Cortana battle AI for Master Chief , in the Halo series video games for the Xbox, owned by Microsoft.Also, I would generally suggest that those who arent prepared to fix a possible partly junked computer, and or deal with some accessibility problems out of the box should wait until early September to upgrade, since by then the early bugs should be ironed out, the initial role out process will be complete so that you can get your upgrade any time and not have to worry about slow Microsoft download servers, the support for all screen readers will hopefully be improved, but especially NVDA which should be on its next stable, or at least RC release by then so that you dont have to use the unstable snapshot builds to
  get good compatibility, and education pricing will be at its lowest if you are a student looking for a discount.


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Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

Talk to the woman. Look at her to get the specific keyword.


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Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

when I talk to the woman, it says do you want to tell me about your dreams, young one?


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Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

Ive never raided a clan completely into disbanding, I just like to keep them around as a punching bag for my weaponthanes, after all a fude isnt a war and the point of the game is to make friends not enemies. Remember though that Orlanthi morality isnt the same as ours, and the chance to die valiantly in battle is important in that culture hence why your weaponthanes will get irritated if they dont have anything to fight.Cows certainly are how to get rich, but I generally prefer to maximize goods and let my herds take care of themselves, sinse unlike money in real life, cows tend to grow if you leave them alone . Capturing with the net is a good way to get ransoms, though at the same time capturing prisoners is the hardest battle objective, I also tend to think that even though your ancestors dont view it as thrawl taking if you rans
 om the prisoners back they probably should sinse your using a magic item basically designed to take thrawls. its a bit like a modern country taking people prisoners of war and using them for labour even though slavery is illegal and according to convention prisoners of war cant be used for forced labour, so I tend to prefer to sell off the net if I get it or exchange it for a more useful treasure.


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Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

I think the reason Cattle raiding is worse than general raiding is because of the fact that its more personal. Your Weaponthanes slay enemy weaponthanes for nothing other than a slight gain and pleasure, and the families of those weaponthanes generally dont take that well. Usually detected cattle raids, even if theyre successful, never end well for me.and yeah, its too bad that money solution works in real life.Reguarding feuds, like I said earlier I like to keep one clan that I generally spend all of fire season raiding for no reason other than my amusement. I feel bad, but a part of me enjoys the thrill of raiding. My favorite part is when I manage to take land from a neighbor and eventually that clan is disbanded. It annoys me though, that allies of the clan I raid never seem to care about my interactions with them. I can raid a clan that seems to be well liked, from another tribe for example, and other cla
 ns dont try to defend them. I like to have higher amounts of cattle than goods because clans seem to consider me more wealthy if I have more cattle than if I have more goods. I usually have hundreds of goods, though, because when clans raid me, I like to capture prisoners then sell them back. If Im really lucky and I have one of those nets that help with capturing, I can acquire a few hundred goods from one raid alone.


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Re: Remnant status update!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Remnant status update!

hey threeblacknoises, Ive managed to make it to the path of truth.I still would like a walkthrough of remnant chapter 3 When you PM it to me, but first I need to ask you What is the music that youve used when you made the stage and released it in July?what are the names of the tunes through out each part of the level?what background music did you used?I heard Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, but I wonder Who sings it?


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Re: Accessible email client

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jsymes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

Thanks, Ill keep that tip in mind. Im actually kinda surprised Im not getting nagged by that active content message you mentioned earlier in the thread. When I tinkered with it a bit a few weeks ago, it was nagging me too, but when I was toying with it this morning, no nags.  Not sure how I got so lucky like that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

This is quite fun indeed. The first time I played this I only made it to level 28, the second time I managed to get to position 3 on the scoreboards... LOL. Very nicely done.


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Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Hi.I just want to clear up something about narator.Personally I dont like mac, Ive tried it and prefer windows. I will be buying a windows laptop as soon as I can and going back to that system on a laptop that is ment for it, instead of a mac that runs windows. As for narator; I havent used it and will try it when i install windows 10. I only said what I thought you could do from a podcast I heard. I woulndt say microsoft dont care, id say theyre trying and honestly narator is tuns better than it used to be. No, its no NVDA, b but you can download NVDA using it and then run the settup program with no problem, thats good enough for me.


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Re: Eloquence Speak window

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : datajake1999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Eloquence Speak window

You can get the eloquence manual from …


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Re: SoundRTS

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SoundMUD via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS

@aaron77: Thanks for the info. The Github version is the development trunk, and the next update will be based on it, so it will contain the fixes.The diplomacy commands I have mentioned are present in Warcraft 3 (Starcraft has it too I think), with the addition of allied_victory if for some reason you dont plan to share the victory with your allies, or maybe to delay the end of the game, Im not sure. The AI with roleplay behavior is in turn based games like Civilization 4 where you have more time to think. So maybe in this case a pause button would make sense.


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Re: touch screen phones

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jsymes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: touch screen phones

Thanks, that actually does help a lot. A friend also directed me to a couple sites that do podcasts specializing in accessible products, and they had a couple podcasts on Android 4.4 with TalkBack for download, which is the version of Android my phone has. A sighted friend will be helping me set it up when it gets here and getting TalkBack running. I also came across Google Now, which should help making placing calls and doing other tasks easier too. Im actually kinda getting excited.  As I start to tinker with it more, if I come across anything more specific to ask about, Ill post here.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Not sure if this has been brought up on here before, but I know its been tossed about in chat a lot, but would it be possible to give a small exp gain with looting as well? Nothing too awesomely amazing, but something between 10 and 100 exp would be awesome. Could even be associated with the difficulty of the map. So map 1 gives 10 exp per loot, map 2 gives 20, 3 gives 50, 4 gives 75, and 5 gives 100. Something like that would go a long way towards allowing people to level without having to do deathbringer missions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

This is quite fun indeed. The first time I played this I only made it to level 28, the second time I beat the game and managed to get to position 3 on the scoreboards... LOL. Very nicely done.


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Re: Wierd thing going on when streaming movies in blindmicemart

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wierd thing going on when streaming movies in blindmicemart

Hi.Id recommend downloading the movies to your computer if possible. Then they will not stop playing.


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Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Just to be fair folks, I wish more podcasts on Windows Narrator was done, since the only podcast done on it for Windows 10, was on Main Menu, and was, um, shall we say, poor and rushed?#JustSaying


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoundRTS

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SoundMUD via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS

Im not familiar with diplomacy in multiplayer RTS games but I have found this article:


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Thats not really going to work. You know how certain objects, like the people and doors, make certain sounds as you approach them? It needs to loop, so having that sound loop over and over would be loud and distracting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

threedee vulosity

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blueghost via Audiogames-reflector


threedee vulosity

Hellow, does anyone know if threedee vulosityis steel around, or can share it. I llost my copy when I got my new computer. thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : frandum via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

Oh, Im so weak... You now have a new directions command: enjoy!


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

yes danny, please add defences to the planet. currently on dmnb, Im starting a sort of s quad terrorist foundation, and itd be appreciated if people who shot my world died.


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Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

oh well, so he thinks windows 10 is his girlfriend? or is it that his girlfriend has a problem with win10? 


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Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Hello folks. I have another quick question related to the scripts. Is there a way to see the status of a pokemon such as attack, speed, etc?Best regards, Haramir.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Hi.Ive installed windows ten and its good. ive managed to set up cortana but cant err... use her, yet. shes not connected. Im going to try restarting my computer and yeah I agree that podcast was rushed. I cant seem to find new voices for narator though, which is a shame.


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Re: begining programming

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: begining programming

@Milos, what you want to do is very possible. Being blind is no hindrance to developing software. Im blind myself and I have been programming games and other software for over 15 years or so.As far as writing text based games you can pretty much use any programming language you want. In fact, there are some languages such as Inform where specifically designed for text based games. It all depends upon what else you hope to accomplish with the language, and how complex a language you are willing to learn. Id say there is no right or wrong answer to the question of which language to learn and use other than if you are comfortable with it and it does what you want it to do.That said, might I suggest starting with Python. Python is a very straight forward programming language and uses spacing and formatting to define blocks of code rather than using braces, brackets, semi-colons, etc like you would find in C,, or Java. Its a nice minimalist language but is ver
 y powerful. Plus I find it especially nice for banging out a quick text based game or two when Im in the mood. So you may want to give Python some thought if your needs arent too complicated.


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Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and Tricks for KoDP

@Aaron, interesting, though i eprsonally wouldnt fancy trying to spam weaponthanes both because of the horses cost and because if someone raids you at the wrong time youd be in trouble, though using heroquests to get you a super ring is a good idea although its quite difficult with some quests as you said. I did once get a very amazing chief called Verald who had heroic in both combat and leadership, he also became king and was generally pretty awesome, particularly sinse he started out as a humacti but failed the humact the champion hero quest, got lost in the realm of the gods, came back as an orlanthi, completed both Orlanth quests and then became both chief and king! he rocked!You can avoid the beastmen appocalypse, but its difficult. In one game I suddenly got the warning because I was allied to a clan who were at war with the beastmen, I just sent a friendly gift to the clan of marsh ducks who Id previously made my allies and that avoided
  it.This is why I I personally like maximizing goods more than food or even cows for gifting and everything else, sinse its amazing how many problems can be solved by basically just chucking money at them until they go away. In my last game between treasures and temples and investments in trading partners I had over 600 goods and basically they were the solution to everything!oh chief the blue spruce are threatening a fude here have some money! Oh chief there is a despute with another tribe money! The most hilarious part is the game clearly wanted me to start a tribal war but I simply refused. One clan raided me, got completely and utterly slaughtered (giving me lots of horses in the process), the game gave me severall choices about retaliating or takig the matter to the tribe but instead I just made them pay me compensation,  yes! now you must pay for the privilidge of attacking me and getting totally trounced! I then smoothed relations with their tribe with, --- guess what? moneyI think the one neihbor I actually kept up the fued with mustve been getting a bit narked with me, hay how come everyone else! gets money out of this lot but we just get to be target practice? it felt a bit cruel but was quite good fun, and really in order to maintain your weaponthanes you do need to keep using them at least once a year, sinse cattle raids wont do it, plus if your too successful with cattle raids against allies you risk them not being allies anymore (I know the manual says Cattle raiding is sort of seen as a sport but thats not generally how it seems to work out, mostly because you can only cattle raid neighboring clans).


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

So, yes, there will be a cumpase, and, language channels! Finily language channels! Update coming tomorrow!


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Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

I think there should be a small point penalty (maybe 25 or 50) for not catching an item with your spacebar. I was able to beat the game by just hitting the spacebar over and over to keep my health and ammo up. It was the only way Ive managed to actually beat the game.


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Re: Swamp Campaign Scripting (SCS)

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp Campaign Scripting (SCS)

Hi.Ok, so Im trying to add a custom item to a specific zone in version 3.6b of Swamp. Im still working on the generator campaign I talked about a little while ago. Here is the code. For some reason, it says i have found 1 church instead of 1 generator. Can I get some help?add item zone2 1 -Generator at Church


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Copter Mission, new helicopter game by Oriol Gómez released!

I think there should be a small point penalty (maybe 25 or 50) for not catching an item with your spacebar. I was able to beat the game by just hitting the spacebar over and over to keep my health and ammo up. It was the only way Ive managed to actually beat the game because there is so much going on that I would get confused by all the sounds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: threedee vulosity

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: threedee vulosity

Moderation! This is about games so belongs in general game discussion, Ill move the forum). @Blueghost, yes, 3D velocity is very much still around and as far as I know still on sale, I suggest you contact bpc programs. Remember that as per the site rules we are against people trying to get commercial games for free sinse were here to support audio game developers. As I said, if you have a problem with losing your copy or your license, its something to take up with Bpc programs.


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threedee vulosity

2015-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blueghost via Audiogames-reflector


threedee vulosity

Hellow, does anyone know if threedee vulosityis steel around, or can share it. I llost my copy when I got my new computer. thanks


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