Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : EagleEarEntertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

Hey there,Can maybe someone explain some of the basics? I actually read the guides alrady, but I still don't get how to land or how I can check where I can can land at next. And how do I mine?Thanks for answers.


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Re: Looking for research interview participants

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for research interview participants

Does country matter? If not, I'm in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

As far as stars go at the moment, you actually have to fly into stars to refuel your ship for free. You'll here a plonk plonk sound, when you enter the corona, if you follow that you'll enter the danger zone and hear a voice saying "max fuel" the danger zone won't kill you instantly, but there will be things called cmb or something like that flying around that you need to avoid. Usually I wait until I hear that "max fuel" indicator, then turn my speed to zero and turn around until I get the beep which indicates the shortest path out, then I crank my engines back up.Hth.The thing I find really  odd, about combat, is that you have a criminal status flag and the manual says shooting vipers or worms will get you in trouble, but it seems at the moment shooting at nearly anything! makes you public enemy number one. I've never got any criminal status, I always remain as clean, but even if I shoot at a python or faraos or something else that I have a chance of actually killing, I'm always swarmed by three or four other ships even in a low danger system. Indeed, the chief difference in danger rating seems to be that in lower danger systems other people shoot at you first less often, but if you shoot at anyone your fair game. Also agree with Ironcross on damage and targetting. I do wonder if buying a better ship will help since turning faster would undoubtedly let me target enemies faster, but that will mean lots of trading, and likely lots  restarting after deaths too. Actually I wonder if the best way of playing the game is to start with a worm class ship which insures you won't get shot at, and then just grind until you can afford something better than the cobra, since even with max armour and the military laser combat still seems frankly nearly impossible to survive most of the time.


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Re: what ides are good for a person with a less powerful pc?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what ides are good for a person with a less powerful pc?

I'd have to say vs code. I love it, its fast, doesn't eat your system resources, and while it only comes with two supported languages out of the box (_javascript_ and Typescript), it has an extension marketplace where you can install support for anything. The extensions aren't just there to add language support, there are also tools and utilities as well, such as a remote sftp sync one.Three accessibility concerns, one of which I would consider a problem if I hadn't found a workaround. The first being that when moving via words, it repeats words. This, I've been told, has to do with the way the cursor actually tracks from start to end of word in the editor. The second isn't their fault and isn't really an accessibility issue as such, but it won't work with indent nav, which makes me a sad panda. It will work with NVDA's report indent by speech, tones, or speech and tones features though. The thinrd is the most serious, and the one you're gonna have to do something about if you don't want to be alt F4ing your client all the time. Using alt tab, or just leaving the client open enough can cause NVDA to not be able to focus in the window. It gets stuck, and moving about, using NVDA control shift space, or trying to switch into and out of focus mode do not help. What you need to do is open the key binding file. It's json, but it can be edited from within vs code. You create a key binding in there, actually, so you don't have to look it up, let me actually get the entire binding. OK, you enter this in between the square brackets of the json:{        "key": "ctrl+r",        "command": "workbench.action.reloadWindow",        "when": "editorTextFocus"    }You can make the key whatever you want, just make sure it doesn't do anything useful before you override it with what you put here. As it stands, control R did do something, but I commandeered its usefulness for this endeavor instead. Now, if that happens to you where NVDA gets stuck, all you have to do is hit the key you associated with that action and it will take a second or so and come back. Not perfect, but its a workaround.


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Re: pack extracter not extracting big files

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: pack extracter not extracting big files

Hi,What the... Do you think that you will be able to extract an encrypted file with a pack extractor? And, pack extractor can extract any file with its encryption key regardless the size.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: accessible monopoly game playable with sighted people?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible monopoly game playable with sighted people?

I think @op is meaning a physical board with brailled cards over print, and brailled money and stuff. I could be wrong, but that's the vibe I was getting off the post.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Online RPG, unfair and unbalance, what made the problem?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Online RPG, unfair and unbalance, what  made the problem?

Hi,Well, I wasn't able to understand any post made by snow, but yes, I have gotten the gist and here are my points:Developers will search every way possible to get money from their audience. Why? Because they have put their time to develop a game and the resources required were payed, sounds were not freely available, etc. And we actually can't blame them on these. They have rights to charge us money on the content they provide us. It's your wish if you want to pay or not. Yeah, developers literally force us to pay for an item which boosts the health to twice the current amount, but we can't do anything for it. Best advice is to stay away from imbalanced games which I keep in mind before looking at a game.


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Looking for research interview participants

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Looking for research interview participants

Hi ,  I am conducting research for a start up based in the US that I am working for, the research will be for the software they are developing, and need your help.  They would like to understand the kinds of issues if any or emotional needs that we as visually impaired individuals have face, What solutions we employ, and whether an alternative (that we have on the board) would be something you would be interested in. The research interview shouldn't take very long, and any information gathered will just be used for the research purposes or the software design and won't be sold or diseminated and the whole 9 yards. I would be truely greatful if you would participate and choose to give me a few minutes of your time. I don't have a lot of time to conduct this research though, about a week maximum, So if and when you have time, please reach out. If you are interested, you can get in touch with me in the following waysskype: jhon.clayton1email: nishantrana3[at]gmail.comThe email has the [] symbles inbetween the @ sign to protect myself from bots.ThanksP.S. this research isn't accessibility related, it seaks to deal with emotional needs and or issues. you don't have to have any expertees to take part, anybody can participate.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: accessible monopoly game playable with sighted people?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible monopoly game playable with sighted people?

I think @op is meaning a physical board with brailled cards over print, and brailled money and stuff. I could be wrong, but that's the vibe I was getting off the post.***EditThe lateness of the hour has made me an idiot. the first post does clearly say with graphics... I shan't remove this because everyone should eat a slice of that humble pie at least a few times in their life.


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Re: The End of Men

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The End of Men

I'm not sure how to respond to this exactly. I don't trust the article 100%, it seems a bit skewed towards the author's perspective. I am glad women are doing well for themselves, and yeah I get the whole thing about men failing to adapt could be an issue for us. I think a lot of it has to do with the sort of down hill slippage of parents to be honest. It actually worries me when some of these millennials have kids, or when the ones that already do have to start teaching their kids life lessons.I could totally see it swinging that way though, especially because all the craziness coming from the 3rd wave feminist groups. It seems like someone infected the planet with a virus that just made logical thought impossible. The amount of stuff going on lately has left me wondering if I'm  the only sane one left more often than is normal for me. I want women to be equal, I think they should, and deserve to be equal to men. But feminism, at least in its more extreme quarters has stopped being about equality, and started taking on a more dark role, that of grabbing power, and seeing who can wield the most power the longest.Let's also not forget the me too movement, and believe women. It is so easy right now for a woman to ruin a man's life right now with three little words. They'll do it too, we've seen evidence. This is why I'm of the opinion that knowingly falsifying claims of the wrong doing of another should net you the punishment of the crime they were accused of. Women tend (and yes I do say tend, I'm not making a generalization) to be more manipulative. Again, I'm not saying that all of them are, and that men aren't, but going off of personal experience, I know this to be true. Even benignly so, they can be manipulative, its just how they are. I know that's probably a controversial opinion, but it's mine mine and backed up with plenty of experience. Now, take this natural aptitude for mind games and manipulation, and getting a man fired and basically ruining his professional life is not that far of a stretch for someone who's frustrated, or for a narcissistic woman trying to get what she wants.Think about the way it is now. Growing up, our whole lives, we're told we're special from our parents. You do anything and they want to give you a trophy or medal no matter how well or poorly you performed. Everyone is a winner. What's the natural progression of that mentality? It starts from having a good feeling when you're rewarded. You feel accomplished, and even though you might not have done well, or as well as some others, you get this rush. It feels good to win, everybody wants to win, right? Here's an unfortunate truth, if there are winners, there have to be losers. If there are rich people, there have to be poor people. If there's an up, there has to be a down. See where I'm headed with this? Not only can everyone not be a winner, but some people are just losers, that's the truth, and sheltering or shielding ourselves from the truth is doing and has done great damage to our society. Not only that, but it diminishes the people who put in the effort, trained hard, studied hard, etc. It diminishes their accomplishments. Imagine you're writing a paper. You have to research a topic and write an essay. If you've been to high school or college, you know this all too well. You take the time to do it right, you use the net, but you also see what you can find in libraries. If other people can provide insight, you find and ask them for an interview. You put the maximum effort and spend several nights on it. You get an A, and you're happy, but some stoner kid who just pulls some information off Wikipedia, and gets a few other sources to make it look good, then just types something up real quick, or even pays someone else to do it, that kid, what if he gets a reward too? That just diminished your accomplishment. It says that no matter what you do, we have to balance it out and make everyone a winner. The law of averages then means that your height of glory isn't so high anymore.Getting off that little tangent and back on topic, we all feel confident now. Our collective self esteem rises, why? Because we are told constantly that we're doing well. If its not verbalized, its shown in some other form. So as our collective heights of accomplishment dips down, our collective confidence rises. Now you superimpose those two line graphs, and they probably intersect in quite a few places. What this means is that we're basically, through society's changes, raising our children to be narcissistic. If a kid has a narcissistic parent or both parents even, that kid is more likely to be narcissistic himself.So women know how to play mind games, they're especially good at it. Anyone who has been around women long enough knows this, even if its beneficent, they still do it. I think it's so ingrained in their nature that they don't even know it, or at least, some don't. So what do you do to a man, the enemy. Men 

Re: accessible monopoly game playable with sighted people?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible monopoly game playable with sighted people?

You can play rs games and playroom from their website which makes it accessible to sighted players, well rs will be anyway, playroom's client already has visual feedback. On the mobile market you have dice world on apple and android. All these sighted people can play.


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Re: iTunes alternitives

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MasterOfDeath via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iTunes alternitives

Thatguy, could you give that version to me somehow? Thanks in advance.And post 1, well, i have the same problem, although i use the app called Musicloud to store music on my phone, and it doesn't need iTunes, fortunately. But would be good if i could transfer through that one as well, because then Musicloud wouldn't take this much storage. And would be good to have that 12.7 thing cause as Thatguy said it would be easier to transfer ringtones...


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Hi.Thanks for your replies. I have copied all the files from the patch to the main Swamp folder, and replaced any files which asked to be replaced.It might be a sound driver issue, I don't know.Thanks for your reply Aprone. Maybe a strange question, but could there be logged anything useful in a log file somewhere? I don't know much about log files. I'll see if I can find a USB headset somewhere to see if it's my soundcard driver which got messed up after updating the Windows.


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Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

Hi.What's the point of creating an other topic about this?


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I’m Starting a Vlog on my YouTube Channel

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


I’m Starting a Vlog on my YouTube Channel

Hello.So, for those of you who checked my previous topics, you may remember that I said I was going to be starting a journal. I have done that, but I found the written journal was kind of hard to keep up with every day, and harder to keep up with if I went several days without writing in it. It is for this reason that I have decided to start a vlog on my YouTube channel. This also has its advantages because I can keep people updated with things that are going on frequently, as opposed to posting a journal after I’ve completed the center training.  Just so everybody knows what this is all about, I intend to talk about problems that I have that others might be able to relate to, and tried to give advice on how to overcome those issues. I will also be talking about things going on in my daily life, with some limits of coarse.  Explanations aside, here is the link to the first video of the vlog.


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Re: Xbox Assist study seeking screen reader users to participate

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Xbox Assist study seeking screen reader users to participate

darren wrote:again how lame. they don't like the EU data protection laws. lol they can't snoop so they won't let anybody else test. that is certainly what it sounds like to me.Yeah. Or maybe that's simply not included in their contract, or they didn't know how to deal with it before I told them. I don't know. But I hope they'll include it in their contact in the future. That is, if they need more testers. But maybe they have enough testers from the US already, I don't know. If they have, then it's just cool. 


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Re: Playing online with ppsspp is possible!

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playing online with ppsspp is possible!

how did you download the rom files for the games?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

One thing I would love is not eject on press of e, but hold down for a second, and a whoosh raising in pitch to let you know hey if you aren't meaning to eject, let go now. You can get it back but if someone's on your butt, not really.I agree with Dark on the combat thing, literally probably 8 out of every 10 systems have a fugitive in them. You can't fight, if you kill one, you better get back to a free port immediately, because your health is at like 10%. Also how do you know the state you're in. You can tell with them because it pitches up, but you I'm not sure unless when they say damaged, scram, etc. Also if you're not a criminal, how come the other ships don't try to assist you. Not all the time I've been run into by a fugitive have I been near others, but a lot of the time, I have. I could see not wanting to literally make them all gang up on the one enemy, especially since you say in the doc that everybody is just going about their own business, but yeah. I've been ganged up on when I've shot other ships, so I think its kind of only right that it could happen, not saying every single time, and not every single ship near you, but yeah.Two control related feature requests. Could there be a fine control option when holding shift with the turning keys to turn you slower. This would help lock you in on moving targets. Some of them you can just sort of keep ahead of and lead into your path, but it couldn't hurt right? The second is maybe shift with S to set your course 180 from where you started. You could have it as a n autopilot function and the turning sound could indicate when its going on, and then when it's done, you're 180 degrees from where you started.Also, wondering if you'd like some help with sounds. I like some of them, but some of them are well, a bit weak. The lasers, for instance. Give me like 5 minutes with goldwave and I could cook something up. Hit me up if you're interested in that front, as I could also help find better sounds if you don't want hand crafted ones.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Xbox Assist study seeking screen reader users to participate

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Xbox Assist study seeking screen reader users to participate

again how lame. they don't like the EU data protection laws. lol they can't snoop so they won't let anybody else test. that is certainly what it sounds like to me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

something i would like to ask, is it me or do the space lanes seem busy no matter how far from any planet/freeport etc you are? if that's the case isn't that a little weird? wouldn't the spacelanes be more or less busy when you are near or far from a given port of call?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

it's absolutely brilliant. no doubt about it. yay i finally worked out how to get from point a to point b. now lets hope i get a good profit after all that!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Online RPG, unfair and unbalance, what made the problem?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Online RPG, unfair and unbalance, what  made the problem?

i don't agree with pay to win. pay to play i don't mind. lol just look at GTA for example. now there's a real example of pay to win.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

hello, the game is as beautiful as your name.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

I just read up on the grapheme based language models in Festvox and they seem awesome when you are doing a language for which you don't have a lot of linguistic data. But in the case of Swedish, if I ever get far enough where I begin looking at making a Swedish model I think I will do it in the slower way, with letter to sound rules trained from a large lexicon. I found a huge lexicon for Swedish which contains over 700,000 words and is in the public domain, so I figured that might be a good starting point. Also, Swedish is my native language so mapping the formants for the various sounds shouldn't be too difficult. Actually, I'm rather looking forward to it so I hope I can get the actual synthesis part up to scratch. If I can, adding new languages and voices will be a blast.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

also, do wormholes count as autopilet destinations? i mean if yu're trying to get from point a to point b? i ask because i am using the autopilet to get somewhere and all that's happening is that i seem to be going round in circles. i'm trying to get to one of the faction capitals.


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Re: audio cookie clicker v1.0 released, our christmas gift

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : catfish1953 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio cookie clicker v1.0 released, our christmas gift

hello I am using jaws in the game and when I reached a billion jaws wouldn't say numbers over a million how do I set jaws to say the higher numbers thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

lol nice i crashed into a jiant star. so can you crash into ships as well?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: asking for sound effects

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking for sound effects, if you type sfx they have some of the older sound ideas libraries.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

also could it be a sound driver issue?  yeah copy all the files and folders from the patch across to the main folder and play it that way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

Well that's a drag. So I guess unless you have a Gemini or Cosmo Communicator ( a series of pda's from planet computers) with a built-in keyboard, you are stuck carrying one around. He could always put ctrl, windows, alt buttons on the screen. Obviously onscreen support would require talkback to be enabled, hence why text to speech is separate.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

Oh I have used SoLoud in the past, used it for my little board game called Jungle. I don't rate its speech synthesizer very highly though, nor does the author as far as I am aware.As for text processing, I am using the default lang/usenglish and lang/cmulex pretrained models that ship with Flite. I'm not sure exactly how these were trained, but I will dive deeper into that if I ever attempt to make a Swedish voice.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: Monthly Chat January 2019

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat January 2019

Nothing new for me this month  except trying to find a good  microphone, anyone have an  experience with  yeti microphones, I heard they were really good, what do you people on audiogames  forum think


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

regarding deep learning and wavenet:wavenet takes some audio as it's input for training, and it can produce audio output.i'm not talking about the computational power either, just talking about the speech modelit is not only for generating speech, it can even generate music.regarding festival/festvox, they are not so much needed in this project, since festvox by itself is used to build voices for festival/flitealso, festival has support for diphone, but it's recommended way is clustergen (unit selection).now, coming to the text processing part:for converting text into phones, g2p is your best becomes better, when it is trained on a sequence to sequence model.p.s: checkout soloudit has a little synthisizer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

regarding deep learning and wavenet:wavenet takes some audio as it's input for training, and it can produce audio output.i'm not talking about the computational power either, just talking about the speech modelit is not only for generating speech, it can even generate music.regarding festival/festvox, they are not so much needed in this project, since festvox by itself is used to build voices for festival/flitealso, festival has support for diphone, but it's recommended way is clustergen (unit selection).now, coming to the text processing part:for converting text into phones, g2p is your best becomes better, when it is trained on a sequence to sequence model.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

This is probably not the issue, but i had a problem with only some of the sounds playing when I first tried swamp. In my case it was because I ran the swamp.exe file straight from the unzipped patch folder instead of copying its contents to the main swamp folder. So of course only the sounds that are in the patch folder would play.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

This is probably not the issue, but i had a problem with only some of the sounds playing when I first tried swamp. In my case it was because I ran the swamp.exe file straight from the unzipped patch folder instead of copying its contents to the main swamp folder.


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Re: Chronicles of Narnia Audiodrama

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Chronicles of Narnia Audiodrama

I have the BBC ones and the Focus On The Family ones. I like the BBC ones better but it could be because those are the ones I heard as a kid. Both are well done though!


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Re: i'm sorry

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i'm sorry

no! that's just a cock monster ripoff!


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Re: pack extracter not extracting big files

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: pack extracter not extracting big files

it extracts the beeg files very very beeg files it extract all the beeg file you enter wrong key because pack extractor good at extracting beeg beeg files.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has anyone noticed blind schools being sheltered areas?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Erick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has anyone noticed blind schools being sheltered areas?

Yeah. Good thing I got away from it. I found my true job now. And Tha is not only creating music but also dealing with inclusivity and accessibility.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has anyone noticed blind schools being sheltered areas?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has anyone noticed blind schools being sheltered areas?

@22From my perspective, it could be mainly support and luck that got your friend there. I'm speaking from a perspective of someone who's seen blinds from poorer family. Really, they usually end up either being massage therapists, selling lottos or making and selling trinkets or clothes or something like that.@21Man, I thought blind schools in US were better than that, seriously. What you said there was far worse than even the hell of my blind school. I wasn't there after a year of studying, but I kept in contact with those inside and worked as a representative for them sometimes. All I know was :- No phone, ever.- The library opens for only two hours on saturday and sunday. I was lucky enough that I knew the librarian, who was also a teacher, and could get her to open it for me sometimes when i visited the school.- The computer room closed after what time I can't remember, but pretty early. I'm glad they didn't have restrictions on what students can do with their computers.- English teaching there sucks ass. There's literally no one who can teach effectively. Hell, There's a guy who can, but the curriculum structure there just doesn't leave room for him. He knows going with what they have doesn't work, but they never change it and never allow him to change it also. Hell, I could have done even better. Thank goodness I wasn't really there.And the current headmaster of that school is a bitch. Once during a tutoring session, some group of people came to observe how we worked and stuff. She pulled me out of my chair, forced me to a computer and had me type "my name is , fowl-mouthed and irresponsible".And guess what, I did just for the sake of embarrassing her. I didn't expect a god dam headmaster would do that. Whether I was like what she tried to make me sound or not, it was her who ripped herself to shreds, not me. She's still a headmaster there despite that years have passed, much to my dislike.


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Re: Online RPG, unfair and unbalance, what made the problem?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Online RPG, unfair and unbalance, what  made the problem?

I think he's referring to milestone rewards on donations.  It's more like if you donated $4500, you have an option to unlock a mount.  Surprisingly, there's a few games that do such a thing, especially in the mud community (iron realms games anyone)?   I also know of a few muds with purchases like that too, and with milestone rewards (Threshold RPG literally bars you from following a god if you don't donate $50 first).      It's not surprising there's milestone rewards that high.  You'd be surprised how much people are willing to donate to get ahead, or support a project.


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Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

I know you must be pretty burned out right now Freeman, but any chance you could answer some of these questions in an updated readme soon? The larger this thread gets, the more berried things will become.And yeah, I think many of us would be happy to help you find more laser sounds for a small update maybe a couple months from now when your not so damned tired of the game LOL.Thank you for all your prompt and in depth responses to questions though!Oh and, do you have a place to donate? It seems only fare you should be rewarded in some way for all this hard work you've done...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

I know you must be pretty burned out right now Freeman, but any chance you could answer some of these questions in an updated readme soon? The larger this thread gets, the more berried things will become.Not to mention a learn game sounds menu would be incredibly helpful.And yeah, I think many of us would be happy to help you find more laser sounds for a small update maybe a couple months from now when your not so damned tired of the game LOL.Thank you for all your prompt and in depth responses to questions though!Oh and, do you have a place to donate? It seems only fare you should be rewarded in some way for all this hard work you've done...


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Re: The End of Men

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The End of Men

This article seems overly focused on women. This is not "the end of men", as you put it. Just goes to show that people don't analyze when they read "research papers" like these. And, honestly, I don't really get the point of it. It doesn't really show anything.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The End of Men

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The End of Men

This article seems overly focused on women. This is not "the end of men", as you put it. Just goes to show that people don't analyze when they read "research papers" like these.


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Re: About C#. Keys

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: About C#. Keys

Interesting, two post with a lot of useful information. let get in touch one by one @rasti:When you are planning to make an audiofps with thousands of enemies and tons of objects in 3D map, you can use game loops to save cpu. But you still havea chance to do it.hmmm not only for that; other utility of have a constant game loop, is for ave a order, and synchronized all objects and actions in the game @:There is OpenGL as you say for this purpose and only a fool would use Windows forms or WPF instead.openGl, bulcan, directX, you named it.And a lot of useful engines for handle these things for you. monogame, xenko, wave, unity, etc. @rasti:@Sanslash: BgtKit isn't published yet. It has two reasons. First that I was coding it during development of my games, and because of that just functionsI actually needed are implemented. Second is, that it is some time synce I worked on some game, i am focusing more on expanding my knowledge to web technologiesand mathematics, including machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence.sounds good, very good But, why that name?I don't know, change it to rastiToolBelt, rastiGameutilities or something similar jaja.@If you need to make it available from every class, use a static class for this purpose, which represents what category that variable belongs to.For example, Math functions in C# aren't declared like globals, even if that were possible, but are grouped in a static class Math, what is pretty clearexplanation of their category.Is util for some cases, but exist more interesthing patterns, like factoring, singleton, etc so thanks for the example, some toughts about it:OK, lets comment a few things of the code... O really, are a doubt.In the keyboard shorcut class...Why use the bool variables a nullable types?I don't see a situation on that you want a ctrl or shift var will be null; is true or false, but don't see when you need these will be null About the window handler class, so...its Ok, but I preffer use a singleton instanse with a factory function to get / create it, instead of have pure statick code. Looks good and works fine, but for me, the other option sounds better :3The other thing... whi did you capture the keyboard on the main window, and next pushs it to the virtual window, instead of capture it directly?So, the utility that I can see, if you have a standar control input like buttons and axis deffined, and with that you can capture keyboard, touches and joystick, and next only pass to the virtual window the mask without knowing witch is the original input devise, but in this case I didn't see a real use.And thanks for the code... the BGTKit dll is usable? or currently not; what features it can do, aditional to the speetch methods?Thanks for the example code; works fine.a, your idea of the shortcut is very good, and use actions for it. Very well; you can improve it mutch more, but the basis is well thinked @thin:linker errors?I guess that you're talking about c++ or  other similar languajes; in c# generally you didn't see problems like that, using statick variables, of course :3And that is all!thanks for all


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Re: The End of Men

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The End of Men

Just goes to show, if something's snappily written and has interesting content, there's no such thing as a too-long post. As for the article itself: I'm not sure what to make of it. It was fascinating, and doubtless has truth in it, but I don't know how accurate the research is. It was full of imagery that seemed pretty heavily skewed in favour of the researcher's theory, so although some of the facts may have truth, the overall picture seemed a bit over-egged. Or maybe it's just that my male ego has just had a bit of a bruising and doesn't like it .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The End of Men

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The End of Men

Just goes to show, if something's snappily written and has interesting content, there's no such thing as a too-long post. As for the article itself: I'm not sure what to make of it. It was fascinating, and doubtless has truth in it, but I don't know how accurate the research is. It was full of imagery that seemed pretty heavily skewed in favour of the researcher's theory, so although some of the facts may have truth, the overall picture seemed a bit over-egged.


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Re: i'm sorry

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i'm sorry



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Re: The Dim Branch Jungle Music in Manamon

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Dim Branch Jungle Music in Manamon

Well that sucks that it is not there!


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CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

As reported by [gamasutra]:The [Video Accessibility Act] of 2010 signed by Barack Obama requires that communication functionality like in-game chat and the UI used to navigate to those elements must be accessible for people with visual, motor, speech, cognitive, or sensory difficulties, with these rules applying to companies who do business in the US. The gaming industry has had several waiver extentions for compliance against these stanards since it was signed into law, to better negotiation and determine implementation of these rules with [ESA members]. The final waiver has now expired. Now any game released after December 31 2018 is required to be CVAA compliant if they include communications features covered in the CVAA, as far as is achievable within reasonable effort and expense, or otherwise unduly burdensome at that point of the development cycle to implement. For some examples on companies that have already met compliance, there's [Verizons] text to speech set top boxes, which has enabled subtitles on all broadcast content for streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. Games including Halo Wars 2, Forza Horizon 4, and Battlefield 5, along with a [number] [of] [developers] getting involved, and the development of both Xbox and PS4 Text to Speech, with the release of Xbox's API for UI, and transcription API for two way conversion between voice and text chat last year.If you find that a product or company does not meet those standards for accessing communications, you can either get in touch with the company directly through the phone number they have registered with the FCC, or contact the FCC directly. When contacting the FCC you'll be required to send over details of the issue and how it could be fixed; the FCC can then act as mediators and open a line of dialogue between you and the company. The company will then be gien a 30 day window to resolve your issue, if it isn't resolved after 30 days you can either extend the window to give them more time, if for example they've agreed a solution but won't be released until the next scheduled patch in three months time, or escalate it to a full complaint, though a full complaint consists of a full six month investigation. Fines for non-compliance start at 100,000$ for each violation, or for each day of an ongoing violation, going as high as 1 million. Its worth noting that to date, no dispute has escalated towards fines.For further information on what you can do if your concerned about the accessibility of an advanced communications product or service (in the US), check [here]. If your also interested in hearing more about what the CVAA is all about, you can check out [this] IGDA presentation video, or [this] pda.NOTE: That these regulations only apply to communications functionality (text chat, voice chat, video chat), and any menu's or information needed to navigate to and use those functions. You can't raise any issues about anything that isn't related to such communications.


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Re: has anyone noticed blind schools being sheltered areas?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has anyone noticed blind schools being sheltered areas?

Ah right, the relationships thing. Considering that sighted people seem amazed that blind people can have sex at all, it's really no wonder these places have a prudish, Victorian-era view on whether we should or should not be allowed to conduct romantic relationships. Interestingly, at the school I went to, anyone who was a favorite of the staff could get away with far more than, say, someone like me who they all despised. It was a well-known fact that certain couples had done things on school grounds, but they never got in trouble for it, while I couldn't even be around a person I was dating without hearing snide remarks and poorly masked hostility. Then again, poorly masked hostility was the order of the day for me there, so it's hard to tell whether or not they really gave me more attitude because I happened to be in a relationship.


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Re: asking for sound effects

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thatguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking for sound effects

@post 6, Well, honestly I got the majority of that stuff from a friend and then some from various places on the web, and that was all just creative commons and royalty free. I had no idea any of that was stolen... what particular sound libraries aren't freely allowed to be distributed?


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Re: has anyone noticed blind schools being sheltered areas?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has anyone noticed blind schools being sheltered areas?

What do you mean by sheltered areas? Are they turned into shelters for blind/visually impaired homeless citizens, or is it something else?I went to a special school for the blind and it was really dull. Except some really good friends I made there, I keep no good memories of that place. Life was pretty flat there as you had to follow the same routine almost everyday. Pupils, except for some who were my best friends, were truly flat in character. They kept repeating things and telling the same old stories time and again. Education was also a problem because the texts were old, sometimes incompatible, and the structure of the syllabus was completely unheard of. If our sighted counterparts had five classes a day, we had six or seven. We had not much time for breaks and the study time was fixed to four hours. This time, by and large, was not enough most of the time, considering that everything was carried out in Braille. We had to study three or four subjects per day; sometimes more, and each subject wanted its deserved time. In many cases, we couldn't find this time, so we had to take our books at our dormentry . . . . . All in all, if you wanted to be a good student, (by a good student, I mean a student who is capable of dealing with the load of information in a public school), you had to study all day.The school failed to prepare blind or visually impaired students for the real world, literally in all aspects. When I was their, I constantly maintained that technology is a must for blind students. The teacher of Information and communications Technology didn't give a damn about what we really needed, only what she had in her book which she never thought of updating. Technology was only one aspect; pupils were not capable of advocating for themselves, whether in a social situation or in a debate with a teacher in a public school who was reluctant to work with them. In fact, it was a teacher from the public school where I went afterwards who took note of this and told me not to be like that. We were attending an English class and I had no book with me. I was waiting for the national association for the blind to deliver the audiobooks I had asked for, but they were taking too long. The teacher had asked every student about the new lesson but me. My turn came, and she began to ask some questions about an exhibition Queen Victoria had delivered to the public in 1800s. I said absolutely no word, only: . . . . I don't have the book, I can't learn . . . . . it is really difficult . . . . but I'll do it next time please.She was amazed by my answer and told me: "you have to consider yourself just like any other student here, and in so doing, you will be treated the same in every aspect, including the reason we are here for." That honestly changed me. She doesn't know today, and will perhaps never learn what impact had that statement on me. After that, I had a different attitude towards education and life as well.The reason I brought up this example was because, when blind and visually impaired students go to a public/mainstream school, they are faced with an intirely new environment which they don't know how to cope with. Considering these circumstances, they become completely passive, and teachers most of the time let them live with this passiveness which will accompany them for an unpredictably long time.


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Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

Unfortunately keyboards with emulated keys wont work, at least blind accessibility keyboard didn't. If you press something like tab it moves the actual Android focus instead of passing the key through to the application. Quite unfortunate as I was hoping this would at least be an alternative.


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The End of Men

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


The End of Men

Pretty interesting Article.Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? A report on the unprecedented role reversal now under way— and its vast cultural consequencesJOHN RITTERIn the 1970s the biologist Ronald Ericsson came up with a way to separate sperm carrying the male-producing Y chromosome from those carrying the X. He sent the two kinds of sperm swimming down a glass tube through ever-thicker albumin barriers. The sperm with the X chromosome had a larger head and a longer tail, and so, he figured, they would get bogged down in the viscous liquid. The sperm with the Y chromosome were leaner and faster and could swim down to the bottom of the tube more efficiently. Ericsson had grown up on a ranch in South Dakota, where he’d developed an Old West, cowboy swagger. The process, he said, was like “cutting out cattle at the gate.” The cattle left flailing behind the gate were of course the X’s, which seemed to please him. He would sometimes demonstrate the process using cartilage from a bull’s penis as a pointer.In the late 1970s, Ericsson leased the method to clinics around the U.S., calling it the first scientifically proven method for choosing the sex of a child. Instead of a lab coat, he wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat, and doled out his version of cowboy poetry. (People magazine once suggested a TV miniseries based on his life called Cowboy in the Lab.) The right prescription for life, he would say, was “breakfast at five-thirty, on the saddle by six, no room for Mr. Limp Wrist.” In 1979, he loaned out his ranch as the backdrop for the iconic “Marlboro Country” ads because he believed in the campaign’s central image—“a guy riding on his horse along the river, no bureaucrats, no lawyers,” he recalled when I spoke to him this spring. “He’s the boss.” (The photographers took some 6,500 pictures, a pictorial record of the frontier that Ericsson still takes great pride in.)Video: In this family feud, Hanna Rosin and her daughter, Noa, debate the superiority of women with Rosin’s son, Jacob, and husband, Slate editor David PlotzFeminists of the era did not take kindly to Ericsson and his Marlboro Man veneer. To them, the lab cowboy and his sperminator portended a dystopia of mass-produced boys. “You have to be concerned about the future of all women,” Roberta Steinbacher, a nun-turned-social-psychologist, said in a 1984 People profile of Ericsson. “There’s no question that there exists a universal preference for sons.” Steinbacher went on to complain about women becoming locked in as “second-class citizens” while men continued to dominate positions of control and influence. “I think women have to ask themselves, ‘Where does this stop?’” she said. “A lot of us wouldn’t be here right now if these practices had been in effect years ago.”Ericsson, now 74, laughed when I read him these quotes from his old antagonist. Seldom has it been so easy to prove a dire prediction wrong. In the ’90s, when Ericsson looked into the numbers for the two dozen or so clinics that use his process, he discovered, to his surprise, that couples were requesting more girls than boys, a gap that has persisted, even though Ericsson advertises the method as more effective for producing boys. In some clinics, Ericsson has said, the ratio is now as high as 2 to 1. Polling data on American sex preference is sparse, and does not show a clear preference for girls. But the picture from the doctor’s office unambiguously does. A newer method for sperm selection, called MicroSort, is currently completing Food and Drug Administration clinical trials. The girl requests for that method run at about 75 percent.Even more unsettling for Ericsson, it has become clear that in choosing the sex of the next generation, he is no longer the boss. “It’s the women who are driving all the decisions,” he says—a change the MicroSort spokespeople I met with also mentioned. At first, Ericsson says, women who called his clinics would apologize and shyly explain that they already had two boys. “Now they just call and [say] outright, ‘I want a girl.’ These mothers look at their lives and think their daughters will have a bright future their mother and grandmother didn’t have, brighter than their sons, even, so why wouldn’t you choose a girl?”Why wouldn’t you choose a girl? That such a statement should be so casually uttered by an old cowboy like Ericsson—or by anyone, for that matter—is monumental. For nearly as long as civilization has existed, patriarchy—enforced through the rights of the firstborn son—has been the organizing principle, with few exceptions. Men in ancient Greece tied off 

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

Totally agree with connor on combat, I'm having the same problem exactly. I'm hoping if I get enough cash for a better ship or maybe even the  military laser it'll make a difference, since if I can target faster at least I might get some breathing room, but we'll see, oh and agree with defender about donating too, I've really enjoyed both of Freeman69's previous games, although I never really worked out the strategy for echo quadrent and this is frankly amazing, as well as being the sort of game that I and many others have been wanting for a good long time now.Edit: Okay getting the military laser did not help with combat at all, mostly because again everytime I try and shoot an enemy or something else shoots at me, literally every ship in the galaxy decides to pile in even in a danger 1 system, so even if I manage to kill something I usually get killed myself a second later. The ai really! needs to be less aggressive here, since combat is getting frankly annoying at the moment and nearly impossible to actually get anything back from, and from what I gather with the ship prices the cobra isn't supposed to be a completely crappy ship either.Asteroid mining and hunting stuff in nebulas and such is fun, but at the moment  the game seems basically like the adventures of sir robin, since pretty much everything is based on running away as much as possible, and getting killed when you can't run away, and even if you buy armour and weapons they don't help with that very much.


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Re: Virtual World has been released

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual World has been released

I  am glad you guys like it. I do really have a lot of ideas which I think could be easily introduced in the game. But, let's hope for the  best. 


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Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

@defenderThis is true, its usually why companies have PR types and community managers for their own forum's. The community here has a culture all their own, and their own quirks and problems to deal with, its no exception. I'm not terribly comfortable with curating this discussion, because while you can erase comments you can't erase the people or circumstances that made them so easily. But, as I said if its something we all agree on we can do a hard reset and see where it goes from there.I'll go over the relevant details thats been covered so far, others can fill in the rest if anythings missed.


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Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elite Dangerous: Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has begun!

As reported by [polygon]:And there off! More than 10,000 players launched into the void this evening on their way to their first destination: Beagle Point, a remote system 64,279 light years from Sol, bringing the games servers to its knee's under the strain. Many lost their connection and are now spreading out to reduce the load. The launch party was covered by Commander Dr. Kaii, which you can watch [here], and if yor interested in more live coverage of the journey the Distant Worlds 2 organizers are maintaining a list of over 30 livestreamers over [here].


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Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

IOS is probably not the best considering he'd have to pay $100 for a developer license (damn you, Apple.)That being said, Chris it actually recently started working with Now, you can either connect to that, or your own relay.


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Re: SoundRTS, a real-time strategy audio game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS, a real-time strategy audio game

It should not be so troublesome.When I use other transport units, I can follow the method I said.For example flying machine.sanslash332 wrote:@拓海 hmmm so again, use the commands that I said on the previous posts.If you have the units in the boat, so. first, give to the boat the move order at the destination plase, and next, move to the download location, find with a the download instruction and pres shift + enter; so, with that the boat first reach the destination, and after that perform the download order.About the resource consumption, is OK for for some skills or something similar, but no for regular @soundmud is possible now create skills that consumes mana over time?Like the cloak skill of terrans, that consumes  mana during the skill is active.So, that is allfor now thanks for all!


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Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

This is really cool! Does this work with other servers besides Do you have plans to port this to iOS or do Apple's restrictions prevent this? I'd also love to have touch screen gestures as some point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

Oh amazing idea jack, thanks for that. I think even blind accessibility keyboard had lots of windows keys. Maybe even the Google keyboard with the PC layout has some, should see if such things work now and hope they do. I personally don't care about talkback interfering though, once I am connected I would just turn talkback off and use the gestures.


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Re: Playing online with ppsspp is possible!

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playing online with ppsspp is possible!

Using PPSSPP on iOS is possible, with a game controller. When you open the app, press Down twice, and you'll be in the "recent games" list. To get to "all games," press down twice to recents, then up then right, then X, then down. To navigate either list, press right. If the list gets bigger than one line, go back to the beginning of the list, which doesn't wrap, and press down.


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Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

Totally agree with connor on combat, I'm having the same problem exactly. I'm hoping if I get enough cash for a better ship or maybe even the  military laser it'll make a difference, since if I can target faster at least I might get some breathing room, but we'll see, oh and agree with defender about donating too, I've really enjoyed both of Freeman69's previous games, although I never really worked out the strategy for echo quadrent and this is frankly amazing, as well as being the sort of game that I and many others have been wanting for a good long time now.Edit: Okay getting the military laser did not help with combat at all, mostly because again everytime I try and shoot an enemy or something else shoots at me, literally every ship in the galaxy decides to pile in even in a danger 1 system, so even if I manage to kill something I usually get killed myself. The ai really! needs to be less aggressive here, since combat is getting frankly annoying at the moment and nearly impossible to actually get anything back from, and from what I gather with the ship prices the cobra isn't supposed to be a crappy ship either.Asteroid mining and hunting stuff in nebulas and such is fun, but at the moment  the game seems basically like the adventures of sir robin, since pretty much everything is based on running away as much as humanly possible .


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Re: asking for sound effects

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking for sound effects

If you can pay a few bucks per month and are looking for a catch-all, is excellent. They've just made their rates a lot nicer.


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Re: Your WSB Arkansas Stories

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your WSB Arkansas Stories

Never wanted to go to college so I didn't really care.


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Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

This sounds really cool! I'm looking forward to learning more about this!Personally I absolutely cannot stand Espeak, so I would love to see something better on the open-source market as it were.


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Re: what ides are good for a person with a less powerful pc?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what ides are good for a person with a less powerful pc?

DevC++ is horribly out of date. The last time it was updated was in 2005. I doubt it runs the latest GCC, and if your going to be using C++11, C+=14 or C++17, you'll need something like visual studio.


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Hi james, you are now unrestricted.


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Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

@110, I could. I'm just not sure which ones I should remake as 'deleted'. I'm guessing posts 50 onward, at least for the ones I posted. But yeah, this forum has all the problems that any mainstream forum has, magnified since we're so tiny.


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My YouTube channel

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : christian . garcia96 via Audiogames-reflector


My YouTube channel

Hey guys, I now have a YouTube channel where I record different audio games the link is … EXcRsghsyw  don’t forget to subscribe and tell me what other audio Gabe should I play


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Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

Well I'll be making a new post soon anyway as I've been working on a lengthy CVAA explainer article, it is aimed at developers but wouldn't hurt to post here too.If anyone's interested in taking an early look at letting me know any feedback on whether it all makes sense please let me know, would be hugely appreciated.


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Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

Totally agree with connor on combat, I'm having the same problem exactly. I'm hoping if I get enough cash for a better ship or maybe even the  military laser it'll make a difference, since if I can target faster at least I might get some breathing room, but we'll see, oh and agree with defender about donating too, I've really enjoyed both of Freeman69's previous games, although I never really worked out the strategy for echo quadrent and this is frankly amazing, as well as being the sort of game that I and many others have been wanting for a good long time now.


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Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

Glad to see you on the forum Stephan.@nidza07: I think I remember hearing a thing or two about this being on the wire. Of course, talkback would throw a major wrench into everything since every planned swipe would have to be a two-finger gesture for the sake of passthrough, so that limits how many gestures you could otherwise have. I remember there being a hackers keyboard that had ctrl, windows and alt keys. I'm not sure if those can be passed through directly, whether stickykeys is on or off on the windows side. To that end, if it works, all one would have to do is install the hackers keyboard and they would have a fully working onscreen keyboard for the nvda remote.As for the whole in-app purchase fiasco, that actually is not a problem with the app at all, but rather with the way Google Play policies work; the in-app purchase flag has to be applied before any in-app purchases can actually be implemented. The general paranoia surrounding in-app purchases is no isolated incident, dating back to when webviews would get hijacked with fake phishing popups, or the touch sensor being taken advantage of. I figured the developer was only looking for donation capability but would rather have it built in natively than having a paypal button, should users want to donate directly from their phone.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

I have absolutely no idea what could be causing all those sounds not to play SLJ, sorry.  The weirdest thing is that some of the sounds work for you (the menu) but not the rest.  If none of the sounds worked then at least it might make a little sense, but I'm just as lost as you man.


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Re: i'm sorry

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : deadPixel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i'm sorry

Concentrated matter. Specifically, concentrated dark matter.


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Re: what ides are good for a person with a less powerful pc?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : IceCream via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what ides are good for a person with a less powerful pc?

I prefer devCPP. NO problem with nvda. Easy to develop.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Word game, say the first word that comes to your mind

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : deadPixel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Word game, say the first word that comes to your mind



Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: asking for sound effects

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking for sound effects

That pack is cool and all but their is a ton of stolen stuff in their... Giving this link out publicly could end up with game devs using it in commercial projects and not knowing.I know that even then the risk is still minimal but, it hurts our credibility as a community when people find out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

Probably all of them, if I reach a high enough level of quality. If the output is reasonable, I can package the system in all sorts of ways.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Narwhal - android desktop remote control

Thanks for this, it's a great app. I really hope you can immplement touch screen mapping in the near future, I'm the one who sent an email to you about this once.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: asking for sound effects

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thatguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking for sound effects

Well, now, I don't really need music, but I wouldn't mind expanding my library a little. Can I have some sources, please?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: i'm sorry

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thatguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i'm sorry

chaos master Chronic Murder


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: asking for sound effects

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking for sound effects

Search for these on google.zapsplat, Freesfx, soundeffectsplus, soundgator, and soundjay are all sites where you can download lots of individual sounds. The last three have overlap because their owned by the same, airbornsound, and the Adobe Audition Sound Effects Library contain larger collections.freesound, opengameart, and soundbible are community driven and more DIY, but you can get some great gems and the selection and uniqueness of some of the sounds is fantastic.99sounds, FXHome, noiseforfun, PacDV and PacHD are more hit and miss but their is still good stuff to find is mainly for music but he's got a growing collection of sounds too, both synthetic and recorded and their not bad. No commercial use though and it's only for (projects that conform to the youtube guidelines?) what ever that means... They can be used off youtube as well though.You can get some from too, by looking for game assets, then using keywords like sound and audio.Also, many of the individual artists from sites like asoundeffect and Sonniss have free packs on their own websites (Sound Morph, shapingwaves, and Soundbits for example) though you may need to jump through some hoops to get to them.Remember that while each site's search method is different, you'll be able to find stuff to help you. Author pages, user made collections and packs, tags and categories, along with just normal search terms.The licensing for nearly all of these is either Creative Commons Attribution, Creative Commons no attribution, or a custom license that's pretty common with these sites where you can't use the sounds in something like a sound effects app or sound effects youtube video, e.g. main purpose of the media is to show the sounds unmodified, along with the stipulation that you can't offer the sounds for direct download, or even link to individual files on the sound website's servers.Aside from that it's generally all the same, but it's worth double checking, particularly when it comes to proper attribution methods, as they can sometimes get pretty picky with that, though more so for music.always remember to credit the artists!If you need music or 8Bit sounds, tell me, I especially have tons of music resources.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your WSB Arkansas Stories

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your WSB Arkansas Stories

@5, I was employed almost throughout my entire eight-year university career, and landed a (finally!) full-time, non-student job a mere one month after graduating. So whatever your counselor is telling you is by no means the blanket rule. I fear that all they're doing is discouraging all of you by feeding you guys these often-times skewed statistics by making the "you can or cannot get employed" decisions for you. I'd love to see someone on here who actually told their counselors to shove off and, despite what their counselors said, ended up gainfully employed. Anyone? Anyone?...Yup, didn't think so. Now that is what you call lack of sacrifice and drive--the fact that you're willing to just listen to your counselor and not try because some government suit told you you've got no luck.As far as the rest of the posts here, well, it sounds like a typical blind gathering / setup / social situation to me, so I'm not surprised to find any of these comments 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

well when you consider just how big this game is i totally agree with the above post. i'd certainly love to see more added to the game that's for sure. it is really good no doubt about that. especially for a first release this has been done so so well.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Hi Monkey.If you don't know pure basic yet you probably shouldn't attempt something like this. You won't get very far, it's not easy to program, and you will probably only succeed at making a half-baked clone of what dmnb was meant to be.Also I wouldn't recommend demanding someone to help you learn pure basic, if you really want to learn try being more polite about it. Or learn to code yourself which would be much better for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Pure basic also has built-in help and examples, which you can get to from the help menu within the pure basic editor. Note: the pure basic editor is actually quite definitely accessible, and you can press f5 to run your code, which is another advantage.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

I know you must be pretty burned out right now Freeman, but any chance you could answer some of these questions in an updated readme soon? The larger this thread gets, the more berried things will become.And yeah, I think many of us would be happy to help you find more laser sounds for a small update maybe a couple months from now when your not so damned tired of the game LOL.Thank you for all your prompt and in depth responses to questions though!Oh and, do you have a place to donate? It seems only fare you should be rewarded in some way for all this hard work you've done...


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Re: Learning Swift with Xcode?

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning Swift with Xcode?

Hi.Well there's no easy way to learn. There are plenty of tutorials about this on applevis, you should start by looking there. There are guides on XCode and how to use it with VoiceOver.Hth.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

I like this game but I do not know how to land.I turn on autopilot but the guides don't explain the proceedure for I have to find a freeport or a planet?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

Hay philop,how do you plan to release this? sapi 5 engine, NVDA addon, or both?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a Vintage Sounding TTS Voice

or an android tts voice?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

@IanAh I wasn't aware it was still so small... I guess their using the word teams as a tactic to make it look bigger than it is. Either that or one/two people equals a team in that environment?@EthinHmm yeah your right, I forgot how dumb the forum was when it came to deleting posts.Maybe if you just put the word deleted in their? I mean yes the responses will still be their but if you read far enough you'll realize why regardless.And not all you said was overly negative either so, you could go through and just remove those parts if you wanted, a bit of work but hey.I don't really want the thread to get remade if possible because of the useful discussions, but even some of the responses to Ethin create a pretty hostile environment.I guess if Ian went through and found the most common concerns, then put the answers to them in the first post of the new topic, that would help restart it.Still, pretending this place isn't what it is won't work for long. Yes, we've gotten over all more positive about this but their are plenty of other, unrelated threads that if looked at could make us look bad.We'd have to change so much just to please some curious executives, and despite's problems I don't want to do that, if it were even possible. It'd no longer be a place of relatively free speech.Honestly I agree with Ian that this place isn't the best to be sharing with curious companies, but honestly they shoudl be used to the drama and bs by now anyway.It's just magnified because of how small this place is, and we do have a few rather more specific problems here that aren't as common in the mainstream, but still I mean, the only difference is that it doesn't get berried as quickly.Even then, certain threads on mainstream sites have gone all the way to the media because of how massive and toxic they are so what ever, this is the internet, not some filtered curated article site with no or tightly locked down comments.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

@IanAh I wasn't aware it was still so small... I guess their using the word teams as a tactic to make it look bigger than it is. Either that or one/two people equals a team in that environment?@EthinHmm yeah your right, I forgot how dumb the forum was when it came to deleting posts.Maybe if you just put the word deleted in their? I mean yes the responses will still be their but if you read far enough you'll realize why regardless.And not all you said was overly negative either so, you could go through and just remove those parts if you wanted, a bit of work but hey.I don't really want the thread to get remade if possible because of the useful discussions, but even some of the responses to Ethin create a pretty hostile environment.I guess if Ian went through and found the most common concerns, then put the answers to them in the first post of the new topic, that would help restart it.Still, pretending this place isn't what it is won't work for long. Yes, we've gotten over all more positive about this but their are plenty of other, unrelated threads that if looked at could make us look bad.We'd have to change so much just to please some curious executives, and despite's problems I don't want to do that, if it were even possible. It'd no longer be a place of relatively free speech.Honestly I agree with Ian that this place isn't the best to be sharing with curious companies, but honestly they shoudl be used to the drama and bs by now anyway.It's just magnified because of how small this place is, and we do have a few rather more specific problems here that aren't as common in the mainstream, but still I mean, the only difference is that it doesn't get berried as quickly.Even then, certain threads on mainstream sites have gone all the way to the media because of how massive and toxic they are so what ever, this is the internet, not some filtered curated article site.


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Narwhal - android desktop remote control

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vortex1024 via Audiogames-reflector


Narwhal - android desktop remote control

Hi,I'm the developer of Narwhal, an appp which has been talked about here. Since some unverified, bad words have been said about it on this forum, I felt I should clarify things a bit.Narwhal is an Android client for NVDA Remote, allowing you to control your windows pc from wherever you are, using an android phone with a keyboard: … ex.narwallI recently made a tutorial for it, to make things easier: isn't open source, and no license obligations are in place, since I wrote it from scratch, without using any code from the NVDARemote addon. However, after making the initial release, Tyler and Chris did help me with a few important things, for which I'm grateful. Among these is making Narwhal work with Older users may remember that it didn't work previously, which made them quite angry, since the alternative, configuring port forwards and dynamic dns isn't the easiest thing.The in app purchases were only for donations, I never intended to make this thing paid. Actually I wrote it for myself and decided to publish it, in hope that it'll be useful to others. Donations were added because, surprisingly, people asked me for them. The app works well on my phone. However, it seems i'ts buggy on others. It's quite hard for me to debug without direct access to the involved devices, but I'm doing my best. I recently implemented a bug reporting system to track down the issues.I hope it'll be useful to some of you. If you have questions, feel free to ask.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game

So, according to post 40, there's currently no way to disable the laser inhibitor even though the manual says there's a key for that, and f9 doesn't seem to do anything. I then started to wonder, what if I shot at an enemy ship, then another enemy ship got in the line of fire? This is pretty unlikely, but still yeah. An enemy could come in one's line of fire and then start blasting and one can't do anything cause the laser inhibitor has a different target registered, thus it doesn't allow fire. Just something I was wondering cuz it seems like f9 is not working now. 


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