Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dark: No, it's free for me to make those links, because I have a ProPlus account. It's just the Pro account that has to pay extra. And the point is that if people don't have AdBlock installed, send space attempts to install several bits of spyware onto there computers, and personally I am really uncomfortable sending people links that risk infecting them with AdWare or worse. Even with Adblock you have to remember to uncheck the little checkbox, because if you don't you will get SpyWare. But if you're not blocking ads, it tries to make you download that automatically without even asking, as though that were the actual download.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dark: No, pro links go directly to the file, with no ads or anything. Like this: pro links have /pro/dl in them, not just /pro.  Log out of your sendspace account and compare that link with yours to see the difference both in lack of ads, and much faster server speed.  If downloaders see the ads first, they are not getting the faster servers.Edit: I looked at the website, and it looks like they renamed what used to be called SendSpace Max to SendSpace Pro, and renamed SendSpace Pro to SendSpace ProPlus.  If I understand it correctly, it is now only SendSpace ProPlus, for $20CAD a month, that can create the ad free direct links to the faster servers. The plan that's only $9 a month just bypasses the ads on other people's links for you.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dark: No, pro links go directly to the file, with no ads or anything. Like this: pro links have /pro/dl in them, not just /pro.  Log out of your sendspace account and compare that link with yours to see the difference both in lack of ads, and much faster server speed.  If downloaders see the ads first, they are not getting the faster servers.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dark: the link you gave out is not a pro link. I just logged out of my send space account to check, and got bombarded by the 2 bits of spyware sendspace tries to install, and got the slow download servers with the ads on the download page.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dan_c: How are you clicking? I have troubles if I rout the mouse to the word treasure with NVDA+slash and then left click, but if I use NVDA+enter, it works fine.URL:

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Re: Good Harry Potter Muds?

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Good Harry Potter Muds?

I wish.URL:

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Re: I want to use a free mud client to play Mirani and have sounds, help

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: I want to use a free mud client to play Mirani and have sounds, help

The VIPMud extension that is available for NVDA works just fine.  I think it might even be included by default, these days?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I want to use a free mud client to play Mirani and have sounds, help

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: I want to use a free mud client to play Mirani and have sounds, help

Miriani doesn't use MSP, and VIPMud's MSP support was implemented incorrectly.  It's been a while, but as I recall, if the MSP message contained URLs, it was just printed to the console instead of downloading the sound as the protocol requires. So you should be fine with the demo, I think.URL:

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Re: most Memorable Interactive Fiction Story?

2014-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: most Memorable Interactive Fiction Story?

[[wow]], my tastes are totally different from Dark.  I found all of the games he lists largely uninteresting; things like Worlds Apart and Pytho's mask often leave me frustrated. If I'm not solving puzzles, why am I here? If it's for the story, I'd rather read a novel, where I can skip all the typing!  That said, if you hate puzzles, there are some puzzleless works of interactive fiction that, in my opinion, do work.Photopia: How do I talk about this game without spoiling it?  Oh, I know! I don't. If you haven't played it, go do that right now.  When you're done, play every single one of Adam Cadre's other games.  Especially Lock & Key and Varicella, as they are some of the best that Interactive Fiction has to offer.  Lash: The one thing me and Dark agree on, this is an awesome game.  Although I do consider this completely puzzleless, as all of the actions are prompted by the story and exp
 loration of the environment, no actual problem-solving is needed.  But when this author does do puzzles, he gets it right.  The Earth And Sky series of games is some of the best in superhero gaming.  Blue Lacuna: Unfortunately, you're going to have to adjust your screen reader's settings to play this. All of the words you can type are indicated in various colours.  But once you have report colour changes turned on, this is a well-written game, that even has the ability to adapt itself to your style of play.  If you are one of the disappointingly legion parser haters, the pretty colours mean this is a game even you can enjoy.  A Mind Forever Voyaging: one of the later Infocom games, so you might find it a little hard to get your hands on.  But it was the first work of interactive fiction I ever played, so I will always have a soft spot for it.  The Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drang: I spent hours hacking away at t
 his, because this game is hard!  But not hard in a good way. It has puzzles that are obviously only there to force you to make use of the abilities of your team, some guess the verb problems, and if you don't grab one or two particular objects when they become available, the game can be made unwinnable.  That's what God made save files for, though. But never the less, I loved it.  The NPCs felt alive, the writing was funny, and it felt far more comic-like to me than anything I had played previously.  So I wouldn't rate it as one of the best games I've ever played, but it was one of the most memorable.  Chicks Dig Jerks: On the theme of memorable games, If you play this game, you will never, ever forget it.  I promise!  You will never forget the horrible Chauvinism, or the awful grave robbing scene, or the strange sex. For the rest of your life, you will remember the bug that forces you to plod through the sex scene a seco
 nd time.  So if you want to make memories that will last a lifetime...these are not the memories you are looking for.  If I talk about all of the interactive fiction I remember clearly, this post will never end. So, to shorten things, other games I have strong good memories of include: Dutch Dapper IV, Babel, Delusions, Ad Verbum, The PK Girl, Trapped in a One-Room Dilly, Dangerous Curves, YAGWAD, Tookies Song, Adventure, A Moment Of Hope, and Til Death Makes A Monk-Fish Out Of Me. Other games I have strong terrible memories of are: Travels in the Land of Erden, Sophie's Adventure, Stick It To The Man, BOFH, and Stupid Kittens.  I tried to play every game entered into IFComp throughout high school.  The above lists probably make that obvious.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Downloading. Thanks!URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

@connor: Depends on how willing you are to work around accessibility quirks.  Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty fun.  But if you're using NVDA, you really do need to know what you're doing.  I've been using it since before it even had Microsoft Office support, so consider myself pretty adept, and I still had to come here and beg for help.  Apparently things are easier for jaws and supernova users.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Ah, the instructions in the articles room said to be in screen review, not object review. If I get into object review, I eventually do get up to the main window.  I didn't realize I could switch into it with NVDA+enter, though.  I also had to uncheck Simple Review Mode in the NVDA preferences. I think this might be checked by default?  It's stuff like this that might explain why people have so much trouble with the NVDA review cursor: it's actually more powerful than the one in jaws, but way less obvious how to use, and configured oddly by default.  Many thanks!Edit to add: a podcast would still be useful, though. For example, the names of skills are so totally mangled in the attack screen, I have no idea what almost any of them are until I right click them to check every time. And some don't even pop a message to say if they were successful or not, they just use up an AP.  And telling what skills are active at any given time is 

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Ah, the instructions in the articles room said to be in screen review, not object review. If I get into object review, I eventually do get up to the main window.  I didn't realize I could switch into it with NVDA+enter, though.  I also had to uncheck Simple Review Mode in the NVDA preferences. I think this might be checked by default?  It's stuff like this that might explain why people have so much trouble with the NVDA review cursor: it's actually more powerful than the one in jaws, but way less obvious how to use, and configured oddly by default.  Many thanks!URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

If there is a command to do that, I don't know it. Going up by object/window in NVDA just goes up through the trade Window. You can't get back into the navigation window so long as the trade window is open.  Well, I did find 1 unreliable way, just use the touch pad on my laptop and try and click out of the trade window. But that's trial and error, often takes several minutes, and usually results in me clicking on something else that I didn't want.  I'm not seeing a key that would switch windows like that in the NVDA documentation or keymap, either.  I suspect you could play a trader by paying attention to the ships log at the top, and just making money that way.  So maybe that's how the other NVDA player did it?URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

Well, I am assuming that Window makes a lot more sense in Supernova than it does with NVDA.  Here's exactly how the screen looks for me after clicking show upgrade:Credits: $ 30931selected equipmentship equipmenttargetingsystemstargetingupgradeECM systemsupgradeenginesupgradecargoupgradebasicspacesupgrademissilescargoupgradeType: TargetingupgradespacegunsHit-Chance:+0%upgradeupgradeSpeciality:no specialityECMgunsupgradeupgradeupgradecloseI have no idea what upgrades what, or how I would tell. Clicking on any of the places where it says upgrade does nothing at all.The tutorial is inaccessible because once you click the trade screen, NVDA loc
 ks you into that window, and you can't get out of it to access the tutorial. So no matter what product you click on to buy, when you click close on the trade window, it pops up a message telling you "we still need this window!" but you can't tell why, because you can't access the tutorial at all, and you can't close the trade window.  So the only option is to return to the main menu with alt+f4.URL:

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Re: A very epic space battle

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A very epic space battle

I am mostly getting put off s5 because the tutorial is totally inaccessible with NVDA, even if the rest of the game works perfectly. Where do we go to look at ship prices and purchase new ships? I have no idea. When/how do we get skills? Not the slightest.  Missions and combat are the easy bit.URL:

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Re: silver dollar crack

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

@assault_freak: If I buy it, it's mine. If I'm renting it, fair enough. But that needs to be clearly spelled out at the time of payment.  You wouldn't say that after I purchased a bookshelf, the manufacturer of the bookshelf could come in my house and smash my shelf because I changed the curtains in my living room, would you? Hardware copy protection does exactly that.  And...if I buy a bookshelf, most stores *will* have at least some sort of return policy in place if I don't like my new shelf. What they won't do is let me take it home for free, with no intention to pay, just so I can use it for the weekend.  With online activation's, a money back guarantee could easily be verified.  And I'm sticking to my guns: if you can't afford the game, don't download the demo.  Save up first. If you turn out not to like the game and get your money back, then you can spend that money on something else.URL:

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Re: silver dollar crack

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

@pitermach: I stopped reading your post right near the top. If you have no intention or ability to pay for the game, what makes you think you have the right to a demo?  This is the kind of blind entitlement that a lot of us are complaining about.  If you are never going to pay, you shouldn't be using the developers bandwidth in downloading a several hundred meg game installer in the first place.  As for accessibility testing, this topic is about audio games. We know the game is accessible if it's developed for the audiogames market, so you don't need a demo for that.  The only times you quote need unquote a demo is if you're trying to crack the full version, or if you can't pay and just want to get the first bit of the game for free.  Customers who honestly want to try a game, and intend to really pay if they like it, will probably have no problem paying up front if they are promised as part of the license agreement a 30 day money 
 back guaranty. If they don't like it, the key gets deactivated, and they get the money back. If they do like it, they've already paid, and can just keep the game.URL:

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Re: games without pit

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games without pit

Uh, what? That is the strangest question ever.  Do you just...not like the idea of holes in the ground, or something?  All of the games from RS Games, and I think all of the games in the Playroom, don't have pits.  With rare exceptions, you can assume that card and board games generally don't have any pits in them.  Those things on the sides of dice are called pips, not pits, like most people think.  The various online sports management games are entirely pit free!  Actually, if you want to avoid pits, so long as you stay away from side scrollers and MUDs, you should never encounter any.URL:

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Re: silver dollar crack

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

Also, a game I purchased is mine, and I should be allowed to do as I wish with it.  Copy protection makes that not the case. I have no problem with online games, because they're not pretending that I own something when I don't.  Pay once a month, and play. Stop paying, and now you can't. That's really clear at the time of purchase. But with hardware copy protection, upgrade anything, change anything, and you can't play anymore for goodness knows how long!  I honestly find the apple app store to be a good compromise.  Yes, Apple could take away my purchased software at any moment, or they could decide accessibility is not a priority, and I could lose access to all of my purchases. But Apple is a large enough company, and have shown enough good will over the last few years, that I largely trust them.  But on the other hand, the developers don't have to worry about payment processing and copy protection, so prices are much lower.
   Also, Apple uses my app store account to load my software on any new hardware I purchased. So now, not only do I never have to email developers for new activation keys, I don't even have to reinstall my software! That is the ultimate solution to my upgrade complaints.  Of course, Steam is a similar solution for Windows. Unfortunately, I feel that, while Steam might not be evil on purpose, they have no commitment to accessibility, and have shady enough management practices that I can't trust them in the slightest.  As well, compared to the mac app store, Steam prices are super high. So I guess my point is that app stores are not a good solution in all circumstances.  I'm on Windows 7, so I can't access it, but would I trust the Windows App Store?  Hmmm. Good question! I trust Microsoft with Windows activation, so...I guess so? But the phrase "trust Microsoft" leaves a much worse taste in my mouth than does the phrase "trus
 t Apple".Edit to add: As to Dark's point about demos, I am perfectly happy giving those up if it means avoiding these horrific hardware copy protection schemes, as long as there is a clear procedure in place to get refunds.  In the case of Apple, there is. Actually, as demo's are where most of the cracking takes place, cracking a demo to unlock the full version of a game, maybe it's time we as a community had a discussion about demos?  If a well-known company in our industry like GMA Games started selling all their games with a 30 day money back guaranty, and stopped offering down-loadable demos at all, I think I'd be fine with that.  If that's what needs to happen to make developers comfortable enough to get rid of the worst of copy protection, let's do that.URL:

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Re: silver dollar crack

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

Also, a game I purchased is mine, and I should be allowed to do as I wish with it.  Copy protection makes that not the case. I have no problem with online games, because they're not pretending that I own something when I don't.  Pay once a month, and play. Stop paying, and now you can't. That's really clear at the time of purchase. But with hardware copy protection, upgrade anything, change anything, and you can't play anymore for goodness knows how long!  I honestly find the apple app store to be a good compromise.  Yes, Apple could take away my purchased software at any moment, or they could decide accessibility is not a priority, and I could lose access to all of my purchases. But Apple is a large enough company, and have shown enough good will over the last few years, that I largely trust them.  But on the other hand, the developers don't have to worry about payment processing and copy protection, so prices are much lower.
   Also, Apple uses my app store account to load my software on any new hardware I purchased. So now, not only do I never have to email developers for new activation keys, I don't even have to reinstall my software! That is the ultimate solution to my upgrade complaints.  Of course, Steam is a similar solution for Windows. Unfortunately, I feel that, while Steam might not be evil on purpose, they have no commitment to accessibility, and have shady enough management practices that I can't trust them in the slightest.  As well, compared to the mac app store, Steam prices are super high. So I guess my point is that app stores are not a good solution in all circumstances.  I'm on Windows 7, so I can't access it, but would I trust the Windows App Store?  Hmmm. Good question! I trust Microsoft with Windows activation, so...I guess so? But the phrase "trust Microsoft" leaves a much worse taste in my mouth than does the phrase "trus
 t Apple".Edit to add: As to Dark's point about demos, I am perfectly happy giving those up if it means avoiding these horrific hardware copy protection schemes, as long as there is a clear procedure in place to get refunds.  In the case of Apple, there is.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: silver dollar crack

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

Also, a game I purchased is mine, and I should be allowed to do as I wish with it.  Copy protection makes that not the case. I have no problem with online games, because they're not pretending that I own something when I don't.  Pay once a month, and play. Stop paying, and now you can't. That's really clear at the time of purchase. But with hardware copy protection, upgrade anything, change anything, and you can't play anymore for goodness knows how long!  I honestly find the apple app store to be a good compromise.  Yes, Apple could take away my purchased software at any moment, or they could decide accessibility is not a priority, and I could lose access to all of my purchases. But Apple is a large enough company, and have shown enough good will over the last few years, that I largely trust them.  But on the other hand, the developers don't have to worry about payment processing and copy protection, so prices are much lower.
   Also, Apple uses my app store account to load my software on any new hardware I purchased. So now, not only do I never have to email developers for new activation keys, I don't even have to reinstall my software! That is the ultimate solution to my upgrade complaints.  Of course, Steam is a similar solution for Windows. Unfortunately, I feel that, while Steam might not be evil on purpose, they have no commitment to accessibility, and have shady enough management practices that I can't trust them in the slightest.  As well, compared to the mac app store, Steam prices are super high. So I guess my point is that app stores are not a good solution in all circumstances.  I'm on Windows 7, so I can't access it, but would I trust the Windows App Store?  Hmmm. Good question! I trust Microsoft with Windows activation, so...I guess so? But the phrase "trust Microsoft" leaves a much worse taste in my mouth than does the phrase "trus
 t Apple".URL:

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Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

@Dark: but to do that, we need crackers, or there will be no cracks for legitimate customers to use!  LOL.  Also, I strongly disagree with this idea for one much more important reason: if a developer uses a copy protection system that you don't like, you shouldn't be giving that developer any money, because it only encourages them.  Especially with audio games, there are so few customers, that we have a lot of power.  If you pay and then crack, you're sending a signal that you're willing to put up with copy protection, when you're not.  I have always been quite up-front about the fact that I generally do not buy or use any product (including audio games) that uses hardware based copy protection, and I know a lot of others who are just as outspoken. And sure enough, companies like GMA, who really did once use some quite objectionable protection schemes, are switching away from them.URL:

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Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

@jaybird: Doesn't the JAWS OCR work that way?  I kind of thought it did, but I could be wrong.  I'm honestly surprised we don't have more and better cloud OCR service offerings. My ideal model would pay so much a month for unlimited cloud OCR, and then if the OCR failed, get the option to have the images transcribed by a human for say 25 cents an image.  Then that could be built into NVDA/JFW/Window Eyes/whatever, and dealing with inaccessible screens, CAPTCHAs, stupid hand-written PDF documents (I am astonished how often this comes up), etc, would be a thing of the past.  This should really be provided by the screen reader, not the browser, because not everything with a CAPTCHA runs inside Firefox. For example, there are several notable virus checkers that require you to complete a CAPTCHA on the uninstall screen, to make sure it's a human requesting the uninstall, not a Trojan.URL:

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Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

@arqmeister: honestly, I suspect the way this will go is into the cloud. For example, you don't here about anyone cracking All In Play. The entire point of All In Play is online multiplayer, so if you pay, you get to have a good experience without copy protection, and if you don't pay, you get nothing.  I bet swamp is going to be similar, because again, the entire point is online. Even Entombed did a passable job with this, because things like the score boards and market require your entombed account, so you probably won't share your username and password with others, so the copy protection isn't going to be so terrible.  I've never used them, but from what I understand, System Access does something similar with SAMNet: the online account lets you have a blog, email, store files, save your settings across multiple computers, etc. So you will probably use one account for one person, and they don't need to worry about piracy quite so much.&nbs
 p; I don't think we can force people to take morality into account on the Internet.  So instead, we need to set things up so that they *want!* to pay money, because they will get a better experience then if they crack.  Either that, or like All In Play, make it impossible to Crack, because the software part is just a client.Edit to add: If the NVDA developers made a service that could sync all of my NVDA preferences, addons, etc, online, and then restore them onto any computer whenever I wanted, I would probably pay between $5 and $10 a month for this without complaint.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

@arqmeister: honestly, I suspect the way this will go is into the cloud. For example, you don't here about anyone cracking All In Play. The entire point of All In Play is online multiplayer, so if you pay, you get to have a good experience without copy protection, and if you don't pay, you get nothing.  I bet swamp is going to be similar, because again, the entire point is online. Even Entombed did a passable job with this, because things like the score boards and market require your entombed account, so you probably won't share your username and password with others, so the copy protection isn't going to be so terrible.  I've never used them, but from what I understand, System Access does something similar with SAMNet: the online account lets you have a blog, email, store files, save your settings across multiple computers, etc. So you will probably use one account for one person, and they don't need to worry about piracy quite so much.&nbs
 p; I don't think we can force people to take morality into account on the Internet.  So instead, we need to set things up so that they *want!* to pay money, because they will get a better experience then if they crack.  Either that, or like All In Play, make it impossible to Crack, because the software part is just a client.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

Uh, yes. Pirated software is *always* better than purchased software.  Because with pirated software, you don't need to wait 4 days for a small-time developer to email you a new key because you upgraded the ram in your computer, or changed your hard drive.  So you have to remember that when we purchase software, we are making the moral decision to pay more money, for a worse experience.  I do this because it's the right thing to do, and I can afford it, but I can see how a lot of people just wouldn't make that decision.  Because software is the only market in the world where paying legally for the product means you get a product that is, actually, worse.Edit to add: This was actually one of the primary reasons I switched from JFW to NVDA for my Windows work.  I'm sure I could have skimped and struggled to come up with the money for JAWS, or gone with Window Eyes on a monthly purchase plan. But screen readers are mission critical 
 software, and the part where I have the most bugs and problems, by far, is in the copy protection. Sometimes the copy protection is blocked by virus checkers. Sometimes a hardware upgrade means my activation is no longer valid.  Sometimes I just had to reformat my machine. But what ever the reason, this can mean waiting hours or days for the screen reader company to do something so I can use the software I paid for.  I'm not willing to crack a screen reader, so for me, that means using NVDA and donating, so I can avoid copy protection.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

Uh, yes. Pirated software is *always* better than purchased software.  Because with pirated software, you don't need to wait 4 days for a small-time developer to email you a new key because you upgraded the ram in your computer, or changed your hard drive.  So you have to remember that when we purchase software, we are making the moral decision to pay more money, for a worse experience.  I do this because it's the right thing to do, and I can afford it, but I can see how a lot of people just wouldn't make that decision.  Because software is the only market in the world where paying legally for the product means you get a product that is, actually, worse.URL:

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A Solo RPG Multiplayer Let's Play: Space-Adventures of the mad tailor

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

A Solo RPG Multiplayer Let's Play: Space-Adventures of the mad tailor

So who's up for a good round robin solo rpg let's play?  Pick the adventure and character up from where I left off, and see what you can do with it!  This is an extremely silly adventure, so it should lend itself to this type of play.  The rules are:1.  you have to use the solo rpg website (, and you have to incorporate every answer you get, as best as you can, no re-trying or purposely ignoring parts of the answer to fit. If you need help understanding this site, see the thread in the new releases forum.  2.  To keep things easy to follow, try and stick to the format I used in this post, as it clearly shows the questions you asked, how you asked them, gives the answer you got, and explains what the answer means.3. Don't contradict anything that happened in a previous part of the adventure, written by someone else. And try not to leave the adventure in a place
  where it is impossible to continue; for example: all the characters are dead, and the universe has been destroyed.4.  Play until you get tired or run out of ideas, and then put it up so the next person who wants to can have a go. Is anyone interested?  Here goes my part!Q: Who am I? [get npc]A: Passive-aggressive tailor.Comments: Oh boy, a knitting adventure!Q: What am I good at? [2x get skill]A: Danger sense, CamouflageComments: And knitting, obviously.  I use my leet knitting skillz to make myself Camouflage clothing. Or should that be 1337 kn1tt1ng sk1llz?Q: What do I have in my possession? [2x get thing]A: Plasma torch, Puzzle box.Comments: Because when I can't open those fiddly little wooden puzzle boxes, I know just exactly what to do! I put the aggressive back in passive-aggressive!Q: Where am I? [get place]A: Cavern.Comments: Because caverns are where some of t
 he best knitting is done! Doesn't everyone know that?Q: What is my goal? [get quest]A: Evade pirates on the wormhole.Comments: Yes, of course that's what I'm doing. That's why I flew my spaceship into the giant cavern in this asteroid.  Seriously, what were you expecting this adventure to be about?Q: What is the purpose of my goal? [c.q]A: Trust / A plan.Comments: I stole the puzzle box from the pirates.  It contains...important pirate secrets. I used to be a pirate, see, but I really want to be a ninja.  If I can only get the top-secret pirate information delivered safely to the ninja starbase, maybe they'll trust me enough to teach me powerful kung fu!  Soon, I won't need plasma torches, when I can use my kai fists of fire to punch things and make them explode. The pirate captain won't laugh at my knitting anymore when my flying death kick decapitates him!  Then I will be the first ev
 er ninja-pirate captain, and I will use the power of ninja piracy to take over the universe! And after that, the entire galaxy! Mwa ha ha ha!  This is a good plan. Stop looking at me like that.  Q: Who or what is trying to stop me? [opposition]A: Mystical warrior.Comments: I snuck into the control room of the pirate ship and used the space-phone to call the ninja priests and let them know that I would steal the pirate secrets for them. However, they betrayed me!  They think I am too unstable to make a good ninja. So they sold me out, and now all the pirates are after me. But if I can escape from the entire pirate hoard, maybe that will convince the ninja priests that I am powerful enough for ultimate kung fu!  If not, I will have to steel it.  Q: What is the first thing that I need to do or take care of? [get action]A: ambushComments: I have been hiding in this asteroid cavern for several hours now, and the pirates seem 
 to believe they have lost me.  There is only 1 pirate ship left searching this area of space. Now, I will fly out and ambush them!  Q: Are they surprised? [vl]A: Yes, and Comments: Yes, and I get to take the first shot!  I excitedly fire my space-cannon at the pirate ship.Q: How much damage do I do? [get damage mechanical]A: Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.Comments: Those scalawags must have there space-shields up!  Cowards!  I shall contact them via the space-radio and taunt them!  Then, they will lower their space-shields and fight fair!Q: Do they lower there space-shields? [VU]A: No. +Event: Work hard / EnemiesComments: No, they do not. In fact, the pirate captain replies on the space-radio: "You shall have to work harder to beat us than that!  Also, that taunting was so ineffective that we will now fire some space-missiles and laugh at you while you try and evade them! Ha ha ha!  
 And you can't even use the power of kung fu to help you, because you're just a tailor! And you're not even a pirate tailor anymore, now you're just a stupid tailor!"Q: Oh no! Not space-missiles! Once I have finished crying from the pirates brutal return taunting, I take evasive action. Can I evade the evil space-missiles? [50/50]A: no.Comments: The space-missiles are getting closer and closer!  Q: Fortunatel

Re: Aurora, space-strategy game, anybody know anything?

2014-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Aurora, space-strategy game, anybody know anything?

Either that, or just make it less confusing in general.  I have no problem with deep and complex strategy games, where all of the various numbers and options connect together in a well-designed system, where everything effects everything else in a logical fashion.  Aurora, however, just felt like a bunch of random subsystems, all designed at different times, with different goals, that never actually seemed to fit together into a coherent game.  But what with the confusing interface, and widely scattered documentation, it is more than possible I missed something.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Speed of Sound Gaming needs betas!

2014-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Speed of Sound Gaming needs betas!

Hi:What kind of game are you developing?  I understand wanting to keep things secret, and not set expectations you can't end up meeting, but just a little more information might help you get better beta applicants. For example, I am interested in turn-based strategy games, puzzle games, and card games. I am a total failure at every fighting game and first person shooter developed by anyone anywhere, from swamp to quake to RTR to Mortal Combat, I've failed at them all.  So if you're developing a Shades of Doom sequel, I'd just be wasting your time if I applied.Edit: changed "fighting and" to "fighting game and". I am also a failure at including all the important, apparently.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Speed of Sound Gaming needs betas!

2014-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Speed of Sound Gaming needs betas!

Hi:What kind of game are you developing?  I understand wanting to keep things secret, and not set expectations you can't end up meeting, but just a little more information might help you get better beta applicants. For example, I am interested in turn-based strategy games, puzzle games, and card games. I am a total failure at every fighting and first person shooter developed by anyone anywhere, from swamp to quake to RTR to Mortal Combat, I've failed at them all.  So if you're developing a Shades of Doom sequel, I'd just be wasting your time if I applied.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

@aaron: No. I don't buy movies because of those warnings. Thankfully, with movies, I can just rent them or use netflix. An audio game that did this would be an audio game I would refuse to buy, or demand a refund. The developer's logo that is at the start of most audio games, and can't be skipped, is long enough as it is. If you treat your customers as criminals, I will not be one of your customers, because I am not a criminal.Edit to add: Movies that you really want to own can be purchased second hand through places like Amazon. That's how I get all the benefits of owning movies without supporting the corrupt system that produces them.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

@aaron: No. I don't buy movies because of those warnings. Thankfully, with movies, I can just rent them or use netflix. An audio game that did this would be an audio game I would refuse to buy, or demand a refund. The developer's logo that is at the start of most audio games, and can't be skipped, is long enough as it is. If you treat your customers as criminals, I will not be one of your customers, because I am not a criminal.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: petition

2014-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: petition

Meh. People need to relax.  Hacking is just...what board blind teenagers do, while there sighted friends are out smashing windows on abandoned houses, putting gross things in mailboxes, egging cars, making midnight graffiti runs, etc, etc, etc.  They have less opportunity to do that sort of real world mischief than sighted people, so they cause internet chaos instead.  I'm 26 now, but when I was 13, I got up to similar nonsense.  And that's where I found my love of computers, learned how the Internet works, made a few friends, and eventually got enough experience that I could see the harm I was doing and grew up.  I know it's annoying, but it's healthy and valuable experience for people doing it, and as a web dev now, I'd rather be hacked by a board teenager than a criminal spam network who's just doing it for the money.  Actually, I've been had by both. The teenagers are much easier to clean up after, much easier to
  track down, and when you give them a virtual bop on the nose, they learn from it.  You will never find the rent-a-bot net criminal hacker who's doing it for the money, because he's spent hundreds of dollars on VPNS and tools to keep himself anonymous, and is probably working directly with a level 1 ISP who won't turn him in because they're being well paid to keep his secrets.  Also, he probably has a gigabit connection that can push millions and millions of requests per second, while the teenager is working with a bot net and his basement wifi.  If the teenaged blind hackers are too much for Aprone, he's doing the right thing and dealing with it. Because all of the anger and drama in the world will not make these people go away, and even if it could, I'm not convinced that it would be a good thing. Some of our most productive community members today started out as internet vandals 10 years ago.URL:

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