Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Gamulation wrote:I will give this a try. I don't know how to do anything though, so help would be nice@Mirage, hope you feel better soon. Being sick all summer is the pits.Just e-mail us and we will be glad to help you both. Visit to get started.Download Radegast here:radegast.lifeSL is a blast. We are planning a Fall Ball right now. It will have music, dancing, a DJ and who knows what else. Maybe we'll play trivia or something. We put together a planning committee yesterday and we are working on it. It's fun working on things like that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Gamulation wrote:I will give this a try. I don't know how to do anything though, so help would be nice@Morrage, hope you feel better soon. Being sick all summer is the pits.Just e-mail us and we will be glad to help you both. Visit to get started.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

IronCross, I understand and it honestly sounds like you need some training in world. I will be more than happy to help you become acclimated if you ever want to try it again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

ironcross32 wrote:@Jayde I suppose you have a point. I was just pushing for this person to at least say that these things aren't 100% doable without assistance, because I know they're not. It just bothers me that they continue to say that we have all this untapped potential, when really, some of it is doable, some of it is doable with some assistance, but most of it isn't.Everything I have mentioned is doable without assistance. Everyone who comes in to Second Life, be they sighted or blind, gets assistance when they first arrive as a friendly curtesy to help them get settled in. This happens in other online places as well. It is needed in a place as huge as SL.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

ironcross32 wrote:@Jayde I suppose you have a point. I was just pushing for this person to at least say that these things aren't 100% doable without assistance, because I know they're not. It just bothers me that they continue to say that we have all this untapped potential, when really, some of it is doable, some of it is doable with some assistance, but most of it isn't.Everything I have mentioned is doable without assistance.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

devinprater wrote:Yep, you just have to get on when some one else is on.There is always a ton of people on, but no one hangs around what we call the landing point at Virtual Ability. We are all active elsewhere. So it's best to set up a time to meet us in world through e-mail. The exception to this is when we post about open classes. I am sorry I haven't been doing more of those. Scheduling is a bit of a problem sometimes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Yeah. It takes some  getting used to. Lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

We are having a class around 11:30 AM SLT or noon SLT. I can demonstrate then how SL works. If anyone wants to join me.You will have to download Radegast from:radegast.lifeAnd create an account on first.After that just log in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Angel wrote:Hey, I have some news.Yesterday I had a very short time in world, since my laptop decided to die.I was on Vai and I've met @heartssong there, along with another general assistant, forgive me for forgeting your name, but she wasn't a Radegast user.I had a chat with both of them, learned how to put an avatar on, walk to people without bumping into them, interact a bit with the client and I won't call it the most intuitive, but I am willing to learn, people are friendly and ready to help you when you need it etc.I had a pretty fun time, even that it was only 15 or 20 mins.@heartssong, you have a huge thumbsup from me, as a poster but more as a person, since you are willing to help us learn and be there when we need your help.Keep it up and I will come in world today roughly at the same hour to continue what we started yesterday.I will try to make recordings after I get the hang of it, but I warn you, I have nothing professional, just an internal mic and I will also record my soundcard.Was so great to meet you! Looking forward to helping you. It was fun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I just put together a list of some things that can be done by us for certain in SL. Hope this helps.FishShoppingHere's the online Second Life Marketplace. You can see the marketplace is accessible:marketplace.secondlife.comHome/land ownershipHolding a job in worldRoleplayingFarmingAnimal breedingHaving a familyIce skatingExploringPlaying games such as triviaVolunteering in non-proffitsSocializing with friendsGoing to ConcertsClubbingParticipating in different types of contestsCrafting potions for your fishing, only applies to Fish Hunt for certainHunting for coins, which is another game.All games on this website are accessible: http://www.goldtokens.netYou can run your own group, create events, host events, visit amusement parks, museums, art galleries, live lectures, attend classes, and so much more.All of these things are guaranteed. I am sure I probably forgot something but I tried.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I just put together a list of some things that can be done by us for certain in SL. Hope this helps.FishShoppingHome/land ownershipHolding a job in worldRoleplayingFarmingAnimal breedingHaving a familyIce skatingExploringPlaying games such as triviaVolunteering in non-proffitsSocializing with friendsGoing to ConcertsClubbingParticipating in different types of contestsCrafting potions for your fishing, only applies to Fish Hunt for certainHunting for coins, which is another game.All games on this website are accessible: http://www.goldtokens.netYou can run your own group, create events, host events, visit amusement parks, museums, art galleries, live lectures, attend classes, and so much more.All of these things are guaranteed. I am sure I probably forgot something but I tried.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Angel wrote:@45, like I've said before, I made an account, I am on VAI, I've also emailed you guys weeks ago, but to no response.@56, glad you are here, you will probably clear more stuff up for people, since you are the dev.There are a lot of people here that might help you and who knows, may be Radegast will get better and better if the blind comunity actually tries to help more.Angel, if you want to come in with Nocturnus then go get the program and come in world. I will train you too today. I will work with anyone else as well assuming you come in within the next hour or so. We can get a class together to meet at 11:30 or even noon SLT/Pacific Standard time. This would be 2:30 PM or 3:00 PM eastern standard time.Everything inside SL works on pacific standard time so that is how e schedule our classes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Angel wrote:@45, like I've said before, I made an account, I am on VAI, I've also emailed you guys weeks ago, but to no response.@56, glad you are here, you will probably clear more stuff up for people, since you are the dev.There are a lot of people here that might help you and who knows, may be Radegast will get better and better if the blind comunity actually tries to help more.Angel, if you want to come in with Nocturnus then go get the program and come in world. I will train you too today. I will work with anyone else as well assuming you come in within the next hour or so. We can get a class together to meet at 11:30 AM SLT, or 2:30 PM EST.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Nocturnus wrote:@heartssong, I would like to give this an unbiased try.  Provided everything negative I've already read on this topic and my own misgivings I obviously can't pretend I haven't heard anything or that I have no misgivings, so I won't pretend.  That having been said, I am going to do my best to set those aside to give this as much of a chance as I can.  One of the things I like to do is try to help others legitimize their claims if in fact they can be and from my perspective it seems you're kind of climbing an uphill battle here and I'd like to help if I can, given your passion for this.So here's the deal, if you're willing to take it.  Is there any way you and I can set up to meet so you can walk me through this?  I will be coming at this from a completely newbie perspective with no idea what this really even is, so I expect I have a lot of learning to do.  that having been said, if it is possible to make the experience a smooth one I'd certainly like that so I can better review this and present it in a fair fashion, further allowing me to lend wait to your claims.  You say you have nothing to prove; perhaps you believe that.  The problem is that when you make any suggestion on a public forum like this one, unless there is enough evidence to back you everything comes across as nothing more or less than subjective, and that fails to hold any water when others who have tried it seem to have had issues you are personally skating around, either because you never had them, or because you found some clever way to ignore them.  Please do not take this last bit as a destructive criticism because I neither know which of those two alternatives is true, nor do I wish to presume I do.  I really do want to give this a fair try and see it all for what it is, and then I will gladly come back here and both help post on the validity of your statements and see if I can put together some recordings TO SHOWCASE WHAT CAN AND CANNOT BE DONE.That would be great! I would love to work with you in world. If you want to do it now, go get the client, install it, create an account on and come inworld. I will meet you at the Virtual ABility island and start assisting you. I will show you as much as I can. Know that it will take a while to learn. But once you have the basic concepts down you will be able to explore on your own. It would be awesome to have someone make recordings of what is possible in SL. I have always hoped the blind SL community would become large enough to hold its own and that developers would pitch in on Radegast so that this whole project becomes completely community driven. May sound like a far-fetched dream, but I am hopeful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Ethin wrote:@56, I'm sorry, but FMODX is ancient. Why aren't you using good ol FMOD? We're on version 2.01.03 now, and as someone who loves that audio engine and what it can do, and as someone who has employed it in many things in the past, I can say with certainty that I have never encountered the audio issues that this topic indicates. If your using custom DSPs or custom sounds, and your suffering problems like that (e.g.: hearing sounds that your not supposed to hear) then your not configuring the audio channels properly, and no "alternative" sound system is going to resolve that (in fact, OpenAL is going to significantly complicate your audio setup, given that its API is lower-level than FMOD's, and forget using native OS audio engines because FMOD already uses those under the hood, and using them directly is overkill for most scenarios). Instead of trying to resolve your audio issues by attempting to switch to another audio system, you should (1) upgrade your FMOD code to the latest early access version or latest stable version and then (2) go through your audio handling code with a fine-toothed comb and analyze precisely how your processing your audio. Over 90 percent of the time, audio issues have nothing to do with the audio engine itself and everything to do with how your using it.Edit: I mention the early access versions of FMOD because they are not beta software; they are stable and only need a few patches here and there. Either version works; new projects should always use early access versions for the latest features. Also, the license of FMOD is not unfriendly to free and open-source software at all. Its proprietary, sure, but the only thing you can't do is sell more than one project a year, and you can't distribute the FMOD binaries with your source code. Those are the only major limitations, at any rate. As the license states:Grant of LicenseFMOD Studio Authoring Tool. This EULA grants you the right to use FMOD Studio Authoring Tool for all use, including Commercial use, subject to the following:FMOD Studio Authoring Tool is used to create content for use with the FMOD Studio Engine only;FMOD Studio Authoring Tool is not redistributed in any form.FMOD Studio Engine. This EULA grants you the right to use FMOD Studio Engine, for personal (hobbyist), educational (students and teachers) or Non-Commercial use only, subject to the following:FMOD Studio Engine is integrated and redistributed in a software application (Product) only;FMOD Studio Engine is not distributed as part of a game engine or tool set;FMOD Studio Engine is not used in any Commercial enterprise or for any Commercial production or subcontracting, except for the purposes of Evaluation or Development of a Commercial Product;Non-Commercial use does not involve any form of monetisation, sponsorship or promotion;Product includes attribution in accordance with Clause 3.That seems pretty fair... what about that isn't compatible with open-source software principals? Yeah, you can't redistribute the libraries with your code, but not many people do that anyway so...Do you think you could help her employee it in Radegast? Not sure how hard that would be but the code is open source.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Send VAI an e-mail so we can schedule a time to work with you. We offer training classes in using Second Life and Radegast.Socheat wrote:Just have an account there, and I don't know where, and how, to begin with so I gave up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

@Angel, I have notified the powers that be that you e-mailed and got no response. So sorry about that.I am so glad to see Cinder responding. I do not code and I have no idea how to answer questions related to that. I am also happy to see some tips being suggested. Cinder really does need the help and Radegast is open-source. So devs here can help turn the tide where she is not just putting out fires, but actively making it in to something closer to the vision some of you have expressed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I have absolutely nothing to prove. But here is an article tht talks about the blind in SL, and not just myself. … group.html Second Life can speak for itself.  I don't have the time to devote to learning to shoot videos and audio. I have an extremely busy real and Second Life. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I use Second Life and enjoy it. I do what I want and go where I want. I have tons of friends and I work on a lot of things in world. If anyone wishes to join Second Life, you know where to find us. You can take my word for it and try it for yourselves or not. It is up to you. I came here with the intention of donating what little free time I have to helping others who are blind learn to use Second Life. Nothing more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I have absolutely nothing to prove. Second Life can speak for itself.  I don't have the time to devote to learning to shoot videos and audio. I have an extremely busy real and Second Life. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I use Second Life and enjoy it. I do what I want and go where I want. I have tons of friends and I work on a lot of things in world. If anyone wishes to join Second Life, you know where to find us. You can take my word for it and try it for yourselves or not. It is up to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

@IronCross, I know how long you spent in SL; I trained you, or I tried to. As for making a video and audio, I don't have the time. I have an extremely busy real and Second Life and don't have the time to devote to learning how to shoot video and recording audio. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I use Second Life and enjoy it. I do what I want and go where I want. I have tons of friends and I work on a lot of things in world. If anyone wishes to join Second Life, you know where to find us. You can take my word for it and try it for yourselves or not. It is up to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

There is a new accessible game inside Second Life called Battle Av. It is a war game. It is in its beta stages. Just thought I would pass that along for anyone who might be interested. You will need to know how to use Radegast in order to play. But it looks great so far.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I am not condemning anyone. The criticism is only valid if the points are true. I am not going to argue here in the thread. People wanted to know what they could do in SL and I answered. I can't show you how it works without being in world because Radegast is a 3D client. I am not the only blind resident in SL. Look around online for yourselves. I am here to help if anyone needs it. Otherwise, I am done with this because I have mor important things to do then be attacked over Radegast when it is obvious you have not used it enough to know what you are talking about. You can't please everyone. I still do suggest that some people evaluate the way you treat those who are working hard to make things accessible for you. You get more with honey than vinegar.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I am not condemning anyone. The critism is only valid if the points are true. I am not going to argue here in the thread. People wanted to know what they could do in SL and I answered. I can't show you how it works without being in world because Radegast is a 3D client. I am not the only blind resident in SL. Look around online for yourselves. I am here to help if anyone needs it. Otherwise, I am done with this because I have mor important things to do then be attacked over Radegast when it is obvious you have not used it enough to know what you are talking about.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Hi Angel! I would love to help you. Please go to:virtualability.organd create a Second Life account. Your username is permanent so choose one you like. You can change your display name however in world and change it every two weeks if you wanted. Then, once you have registered, go to:radegast.lifeand download then install Radegast.E-mail VAI and ask to set up a training session. Alternatively, I could work with you today if you want to come on in world.Your aunt is right. You will have a blast in SL. Can't wait to work with you!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

This is a link to the SL Newser, a Second Life newspaper. This link will take you to the Places section where they write about places inside Second Life. Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

devinprater wrote:So, I'm on the Virtual Ability Island right now, and, yeah, it still seems limiting to me. I mean, there's a sign here, but how do I read it? There's a teleport to training centers, but walking to it does nothing that I can tell. I mean, how does the island look? I just, I don't know. Maybe there's some trick to learning to enjoy this thing. Also, in another topic, Heartssong said that we can equip a "shoe sound". I mean, Radegast can't just come with that by default? Of course, people who are good at this probably don't even need it. Ah well. I'll keep playing with it, but yeah I'll probably need training.Also, why doesn't the client use NVDA's controller client to speak output as it comes in? I mean, you'd practically have to use arrow keys and tab and shift tab and constantly check for output, right? I mean, tat doesn't sound relaxing at all. Of course, you may have JAWS, where you can just set screen echo to all and get spammed with repeating stuff probably. But there may be more sounds than I think. There is none when I type//statusand press Enter, though, so I doubt there is one for incoming output too.Also, why does Virtual Ability Island have unlabeled objects? Dealing with note cards is a pain! Like, how am I supposed to know that that "strip view" thing has controls on it when it just says "sale boat note card" or whatever? So I have to detach the note, then exit? Sure, that's intuitive. Sarcasm of course. Also, if I want to see a description of something, I have to "show contents." How is this productive? Or maybe there are just more commands that aren't in the user's guide.So there's this "bird of paradise large." here, and it's description?(No Description)Great. Very inclusive. Thanks a lot. Then again, I'm one of those weird blindies that want to know what the world looks like, not just what's around. I mean, in real life, I have my cane, and my phone could tell me what objects are around. Can't I, in a virtual world, know just, a tad bit more? Like, what a freaking bird looks like on a supposedly disability-focused island? Well, let's see how this boat works. Lol they couldn't even be bothered to change the "use arrow keys" to drive to using the go commands.Okay so how are you supposed to know, other than by tabbing, when something is being freaking offered you? Like, this is like some Windows 95 style app. Like, no automatic speech, no way of knowing when something pops up... Just, really bad. But let's see how far I can take this.Well that failed. I couldn't actually "ride" the boat. Ah well. Maybe these playground things will end better? I mean, even though I didn't even know about them until going further down the list of objects.Nope, looks like you can't actually interact with the Merry Go Round-, or the slide. Hey what about the swing set? Surely that'll be fun! Well the info about it just says "swing set." Okay maybe sit on it? Nope. Okay maybe one of the contained objects? Nope. Yeah this virtual world doesn't seem too lively, or fun, or interesting, or even all that accessible. Without any further help or instruction or heck, even plain justification as to why we should use this, over MUD's, or even TeamTalk or Discord, would be welcome. But if you just say "oh well I ain't got time for recruiting, I've got ma training to do!" then I mean, I don't see why I should Invest my time into trying to get a handle on this.I mean, let's take you riding a train for example, since that's something you did recently. How did you know what was around the passing train? How did you know what stop you were at? On that amusement park thing, I mean, how was it any different than being in the world as you are now? I mean, we still don't know what things look like. We still don't have any idea what goes on if it's not in chat or sound, and chat is going to be very frustrating because no automatic reading.Also, do you have some vision? I mean, if so that's great, but it means we totally blind people will just have to deal with how frustrating the client is to use, and how gosh darn slow it is to actually get something done. I mean, riding a boat! I still can't get that done!Also, Virtual ability's blog seems to have been taken over by spam. That's great. Just great.If you would like, I can help you. I can teach you how to use Radegast.To interact with objects, you use the objects list. The main VAI island doesn't really have any sound which is why you aren't hearing any. SL is loaded with sound.NVDA doesn't speak chat automatically because in a lot of places you wouldn't want it to. It can be pretty active and not all of it is stuff you want to hear. For example, if you are just floating on a tube down a river you might not want to hear all the chatter coming from nearby chat if you are trying to enjoy the sound and tranquility.When I rode the train, there was actually narration because it was meant to simulate the one at Disney. It wa

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

devinprater wrote:So, I'm on the Virtual Ability Island right now, and, yeah, it still seems limiting to me. I mean, there's a sign here, but how do I read it? There's a teleport to training centers, but walking to it does nothing that I can tell. I mean, how does the island look? I just, I don't know. Maybe there's some trick to learning to enjoy this thing. Also, in another topic, Heartssong said that we can equip a "shoe sound". I mean, Radegast can't just come with that by default? Of course, people who are good at this probably don't even need it. Ah well. I'll keep playing with it, but yeah I'll probably need training.Also, why doesn't the client use NVDA's controller client to speak output as it comes in? I mean, you'd practically have to use arrow keys and tab and shift tab and constantly check for output, right? I mean, tat doesn't sound relaxing at all. Of course, you may have JAWS, where you can just set screen echo to all and get spammed with repeating stuff probably. But there may be more sounds than I think. There is none when I type//statusand press Enter, though, so I doubt there is one for incoming output too.Also, why does Virtual Ability Island have unlabeled objects? Dealing with note cards is a pain! Like, how am I supposed to know that that "strip view" thing has controls on it when it just says "sale boat note card" or whatever? So I have to detach the note, then exit? Sure, that's intuitive. Sarcasm of course. Also, if I want to see a description of something, I have to "show contents." How is this productive? Or maybe there are just more commands that aren't in the user's guide.So there's this "bird of paradise large." here, and it's description?(No Description)Great. Very inclusive. Thanks a lot. Then again, I'm one of those weird blindies that want to know what the world looks like, not just what's around. I mean, in real life, I have my cane, and my phone could tell me what objects are around. Can't I, in a virtual world, know just, a tad bit more? Like, what a freaking bird looks like on a supposedly disability-focused island? Well, let's see how this boat works. Lol they couldn't even be bothered to change the "use arrow keys" to drive to using the go commands.Okay so how are you supposed to know, other than by tabbing, when something is being freaking offered you? Like, this is like some Windows 95 style app. Like, no automatic speech, no way of knowing when something pops up... Just, really bad. But let's see how far I can take this.Well that failed. I couldn't actually "ride" the boat. Ah well. Maybe these playground things will end better? I mean, even though I didn't even know about them until going further down the list of objects.Nope, looks like you can't actually interact with the Merry Go Round-, or the slide. Hey what about the swing set? Surely that'll be fun! Well the info about it just says "swing set." Okay maybe sit on it? Nope. Okay maybe one of the contained objects? Nope. Yeah this virtual world doesn't seem too lively, or fun, or interesting, or even all that accessible. Without any further help or instruction or heck, even plain justification as to why we should use this, over MUD's, or even TeamTalk or Discord, would be welcome. But if you just say "oh well I ain't got time for recruiting, I've got ma training to do!" then I mean, I don't see why I should Invest my time into trying to get a handle on this.I mean, let's take you riding a train for example, since that's something you did recently. How did you know what was around the passing train? How did you know what stop you were at? On that amusement park thing, I mean, how was it any different than being in the world as you are now? I mean, we still don't know what things look like. We still don't have any idea what goes on if it's not in chat or sound, and chat is going to be very frustrating because no automatic reading.Also, do you have some vision? I mean, if so that's great, but it means we totally blind people will just have to deal with how frustrating the client is to use, and how gosh darn slow it is to actually get something done. I mean, riding a boat! I still can't get that done!Also, Virtual ability's blog seems to have been taken over by spam. That's great. Just great.If you would like, I can help you. I can teach you how to use Radegast.To interact with objects, you use the objects list. The main VAI island doesn't really have any sound which is why you aren't hearing any. SL is loaded with sound.As for the boat ride, I can help you with that too. But first you probably need to learn how to walk around.Signs can have what we call notecards attached to them. The Orientation Path, which is where you are, is just the default place you are logged in to when you log in for the first time. We start out training you there but that is not where you learn to interact with objects.There is a lot to this and I will be glad to help you. But we don't

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

ThatBlindChemist wrote:I tried SL years ago, and just couldn't get into it. Granted, I didn't give it as much of a chance as I probably could have. I love worlds like Alter Aeon because you get all the information you need from in-game sounds and really detailed descriptions of objects. I think I couldn't get into SL for the same reason that I don't enjoy browser-based games. Navigating by clicking on things and using combo boxes feels clunky to me, and removes me from the world in a way that I don't feel with more audio-based games. This is just my opinion, though, and I'm glad that other blind people can find their place in games like this. I'm learning how to code now, and would love to contribute to the project when I'm skilled enough. I love the idea of second life, but right now, it is just too text-based for me if that makes sense?That makes totally sense. You do have to click on things a lot and move through lists with arrow keys. And, Radegast is open source so whenever you feel you are skilled enough and want to give it a whirl, just go ahead. Have never tried Alter Ion. I will have to look in to that. It sounds interesting.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

ironcross32 wrote:SL isn't that way, our access through a text based client is, however. I would hope that at some point, someone would be looking into either patching in accessibility to an already existing viewer, or making one from scratch that actually renders properly and lets us walk about freely and so forth. Until then, I'm not interested.You can walk around freely in RAdegast. The arrow buttons will allow even more freedom. Accessibility can not be patched in to a regular viewer unfortunately. They are not designed for it. And everything is done on a volunteer basis, for all viewers. They are running on skeleton crews. It is not a simple ting to make a 3D world accessible.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Nocturnus wrote:Sadly, I think the fact is that if we're blind in real life, we're gonna stay blind in a virtual one unless someone manages to interpret site in a radically different way, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.  It'd be like adding a fourth dimencion to a 3d world.I can't speak for anyone but myself when I say that in SL, I feel ess disabled. I lost what little sight I had several years ago and SL has really helped me a lot. I go shopping, I have a ton of friends, and I do whatever I like. I am as active as I want to be and it really has been a positive thing for me.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Mirage wrote:I would like to try this again, and may do so.Looking at the destinations guide a few years ago, I was intrigued by it.I tried it, but I needed a lot of help initially. I did figure some things out, but I never could find my way around some of the places I really wanted to go. It was Christmas time when I tried it, and I wanted to visit the markets, go on a sleigh ride, etc. I also would have loved to work at a nonprofit, and be something like a wildlife rehabilitator or animal caregiver.I am glad to know clothing accessibility has improved, because I do remember not being able to clothe myself. In fact, i was on the first island and had no idea I was naked. Entertaining, but not the look I was going for, lol.I believe the only way to improve accessibility is to keep working at it, so I may give this one another try.I remember you! Hi. Radegast has improved a lot. also, it does take time to learn because SL is so extensive.The markets that go on throughout the year are awesome. But Christmas is the best. Maybe I am saying that because I love Christmas. Lol. But I love reindeer and snow.There are tons of non-proffits in SL. In fact, a group is et up called Non-Proffit Commons that have tons of real life organizations there. I know there are animals and people that work with them in SL. If you decide to come back, I will be glad to train you and help you get a great start.Another cool thing about the animals in SL is that they are avatars. So it is great when you are on the back of a horse and it talks to you as you ride. I know that sounds odd but it is actually a lot of fun.I love sleigh rides too. The horses and bells always osund so cute.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Ethin wrote:The fact that there are no actual demonstrations from the OP, and considering experiences outlined in 28, it really seems like the OP is really blowing what they can do out of proportion. Breaking a sound system as bad as Exodus claimed. that's... very hard to do and makes me wonder if the developer even knows how to work with audio systems. Not even code I write that works with audio has ever produced a broken experience like that... though I can see how you could break it that bad if your hand-writing an audio system, which is almost never a good idea. OP, if you want to be taken seriously, please cut out the BS and actually provide us some proof that what you can do is actually doable without any vision. If the 3D viewer is as broken as Exodus claimed then it really sounds like the devs have no idea how to work with a GPU either (which is just... not good). I can prove that Second Life is useable. Come in and I will simply show you. We don't have videos up on youtube because we do not have the time. We are volunteers. And yes, the programmer knows what she is doing. The system is not broken. A lot of the critism coming here is not from users who are in Second Life on a daily basis. Come in world and actually spend time there and interact with it and residents and then offer critisms.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

The 3D scene viewer is for sighted users only and has not been further developed by Cinder Roxley, the current Radegast developer. This is because there are plenty of viewers out there for sighted users. With that being said, it is not meant to be used for use by screen readers. And, we do not use commands to navigate. Sound is very accurate.Firestorm only has a few volunteer developers and they are swamped just trying to keep up with maintenance. We are in contact with them all the time and they and the Radegast dev work side by side. A lot of the critism I see comes from a lack of knowledge about Second Life and how it works. We do not have a sub-par experience in world. I do whatever I want to. And yes, once the arrow buttons are fixed you will be able to fly and drive.If you want developers to be willing to work on making tings accessible for the blind community, maybe a little kindness is in order. Maybe blind developers and the community at large should jump in and learn so they can improve on what they see as lacking.It seems to me that the blind community is great about criticizing people for products not being perfect instead of making an effort o improve on the work being done. With that said, I am not going to spend any more time addressing shots taken at our team or Radegast here in this forum. It does work and I am sorry to see the kind of responses we are getting here. As a blind SL user, I just wanted to share the joy of SL with other blind users. I wanted to give others the chance to enjoy what I have found to be an awesome experience. We spend hours working as hard as we can on this project and I hope the development team does not see some of the language and comments displayed here. If you want to learn more about Radegast, visit the site. If you want to be a part of the incredible things that are happening inside Second Life, join us. If not, that is your choice.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

karate25 wrote:I hate to sound like a debby downer here, but unfortunately, I have to agree with a lot of what's been said here as far as second life not really being very worth it at this point. Especially with post #13. I know because I've tried second life before and I was all excited as heck when I first started out. However, as time went on, my enthusiasm for this world slowly shrank. We couldn't really do anything of any real importance, and every time I asked a question I got the standard ah, well if you want to do this, there's a person who comes on who is blind and does thus and so, or who can help you do this. The problem was, noone could ever tell me when that particular person would be on, and I'm in eastern time. So eventually I said the heck with it and gave it up. If we're going to have one of these virtual worlds, and yes indeed, as you all probably know by now, I am all for us having our own virtual world even if I'm not the fellow to have it created for us, but I think we're going to have to have it built from the ground up with us in mind. Yes, have it built so that everyone both sighted and blind can live in it, but have it built up in such a way as to be completely accessible from the ground up. That's the only these kinds of things will ever work for us. Just my two cents for what ever they're worth and it's okay if some may disagree with me. I can agree to disagree. But yes, I do think that second life is lots of fun and very enjoyable though from all I've heard and from what I was able to experience.I have no idea who the person is that was uspposed to help you or how long it has been since you tried SL. I would strongly encourage you to come and give it a chance. Second Life is a user built world and it becomes more accessible every day. I am trainig people right now if you want to come log in and join me.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

ironcross32 wrote:Yeah that's the thing, Second Life has a lot to offer. So much that I probably haven't even seen but a tiny sliver of it. But guess what? What we get access to is just a tiny little shard of that tiny sliver. Now, if that's enough for some to be content, that's totally fine, and I'm glad they've found a home. For me, it's just simply not.The only thing I don't do in SL is drive and play games in arcades. Everything else is open to me. And the arrow buttons will fix the driving, etc.SL is wide open for the blind.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

ironcross32 wrote:OK, you bought clothing from the marketplace. That's all well and good. But do you know what pieces go together? If so, were you able to ascertain that information by yourself? See, this is the problem. So many things only work if you get help from sighted people. Granted, I would be getting help if I were going to be buying business attire or a suit and dinner jacket in the real world, so I can accept needing that for in world as well, even though a part of me thinks it should be even more accessible than the real world. When I buy clothing like that, I hang it up in a certain way so I know what's what. I seem to remember the client showing weird labels that really didn't identify what each piece was. Translated into my issue, I needed help getting dressed in SL, where I wouldn't need help doing so in the real world.I don't seem to recall the client even supporting voice chat. Everyone in SL uses voice chat. It was even so back in 2007 and text chat was a minor thing. OK, with people of varying abilities and who may or may not have a mic, I get that I may need to be flexible there and willing to text chat. That's absolutely fine, but why can't I have the option to voice chat as well.If you go off to other sims by yourself, be prepared to have absolutely no clue where you are, what you're about, or how to get anywhere within that sim. It's like if I were to just grab one of you up, take away your phone and cane and fly you to an unfamiliar city or town and plop you somewhere on a random street. I'd give you a special device to let you teleport home - virtual ability island - but that's all. You are absolutely 100% helpless on public mainstream sims!As for driving a car, OK sure, when the client gets fixed you will be technically able to, but then what. Where are you going to drive it? How are you going to not crash unless you take someone with you? Maybe someone made an area where it's an open track, but some people drive across sims to get places. We won't be able to do that.Do you guys see the running motif, and why I'm so vehement about warning you all about this? By all means, if you want to try it and see what's up, go ahead and do so. It will take you a while to be able to really feel like you know the area and what's going on with the client. I'm just trying to give you all a warning so you don't have to sink weeks into something that may not be for you.I do not consider SL accessible because when I go in there, I am more disabled than I am in real life. Why would I intentionally make myself more disabled? Guys, SL is huge! It was back in 2007, it's probably bigger now. We're talking about probably hundreds of thousands of sims.Sighted people have this huge potential to go out and explore all this cool stuff. But we don't, unless we want to see if someone will go with us as a guide. They can work a job in SL or use real world currency to buy land and build an actual house on it. Yes, sighted people have the option to build their own house, block by block; we don't.Also, I know there are some of us who don't like necessarily looking blind in the real world. Guess what, you definitely stand out in SL. Sighted people will walk around seamlessly, turn and look at things on shelves and so forth. us, we can turn and teleport and hope we don't end up inside something or on top of someone. Trust me, it's going to be very noticeable. We can't walk. We're just relegated to turning and making in-sim microjumps, which means we teleport in small increments to try to get closer to something.Number 1: Yes, I know exactly what I am wearing and what pieces go with what.Two: Voice chat is most definitely supported. We use it fairly often. Text chat is widely used in SL as well.Third: I know exactly where I am on a sim. I use the objects list which tells me everything around me. I can interact with those objects via menus and other commands. I get around SL just fine on my own. I went on a train ride last night around Magic Kingdom, a theme park in world.I travel on my own constantly in SL; I rarely see the same place twice. I was a reporter in world for many years. I also work for a group doing marketing work for them and do other jobs. Currently, I work as tech support for one of the largest game developers in world.@IronCross, I think you should come in world and get some trainig. Quite honestly, it sounds like you have no clue how to use Radegast. I am not saying that to be condescending. I genuinely want to help you if you want to give Second Life a chance. But right now I don't have time to reply to any more of your post because I have new trainees waiting.That is something else I do in SL. I host events all the time, attend them, and train new users. I have an absolutely full Second Life and you can too. I feel more independent in SL quite honestly. I can shop, go where I want, all without having to arrange any type of transport.And most people

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Meatbag wrote:I am willing to help but I do not know c sharp. But I heard you can make  plugins. If true  what programming language is used to write pluginsI'm not sure what plug-in language is used. Go to the code repository here:, here is the Radegast


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Quentin wrote:Can you drive a car with radegast?It's just an exemple.If the arrow buttons were showing up, yes.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Angel wrote:Hey.I've wanted to enter SL since I've herd that it is possible, I have Radegast, I am on the virtual ability island and all, I've read the manual, but after I've sent an email to the team, I got no answer.Neither to this, or the contact form on the site.I would love to start somewhere though.I am sorry you haven't heard from anyone. That is strange. If you can log in to Second Life right now, we are here.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

JasonBlaze wrote:I would like to get into this honestly, but I keep getting unclear information as what we can and we cannot do. ok I can buy clothing and stuff, and fishing, what else? if I would live in a virtual world, I would like to have something to work on, a job maybe? don't mean to let Radegast down or anything, as for now it feels like it is just a sl chat client, yes you can manage inventory, go here and there but, I don't know, it just feels empty, I could only sit on object, could interact with some of them, but nothing really important. I am already blind here at the real life, but I would like to enjoy a virtual world as a sighted person, yes ok I may not able to go to the arcade or play whatev (if there is an arcade, of course) but I would like to interact to thing as much as I could interact in MooYou can work a job. A lot of people do. There are non-profit organizations you can work for as well. What kind of job were you hoping to do? And what kind of things were you hoping to do in SL?It is so much more than a chat client. That is a myth. For example, tonight I went on a long train ride around a park that is et up to resemble Disney World. It was fun.Maybe I should use other examples other than fishing. It's just that I love fishing so that is what I do most often. Lol. I have a friend who leads a book club and does roleplaying, others who farm, I knew someone who ran their own night club for a while, and I have known more than a few blind DJs in SL.  Chat is a part of SL, yes. But it is not the only piece. SL is a social world though. So people do enjoy chatting at most events. You all are welcome to ask me questions if you want to. I'll do my best to answer. If I don't know the answer I'll tell you. I really want to help the community become integrated in to SL. That is why I am here. It means a lot to me. We have so much to offer as a blind community. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

JasonBlaze wrote:I would like to get into this honestly, but I keep getting unclear information as what we can and we cannot do. ok I can buy clothing and stuff, and fishing, what else? if I would live in a virtual world, I would like to have something to work on, a job maybe? don't mean to let Radegast down or anything, as for now it feels like it is just a sl chat client, yes you can manage inventory, go here and there but, I don't know, it just feels empty, I could only sit on object, could interact with some of them, but nothing really important. I am already blind here at the real life, but I would like to enjoy a virtual world as a sighted person, yes ok I may not able to go to the arcade or play whatev (if there is an arcade, of course) but I would like to interact to thing as much as I could interact in MooYou can work a job. A lot of people do. There are non-profit organizations you can work for as well. What kind of job were you hoping to do? And what kind of things were you hoping to do in SL?It is so much more than a chat client. That is a myth. For example, tonight I went on a long train ride around a park that is et up to resemble Disney World. It was fun.  Chat is a part of SL, yes. But it is not the only piece. SL is a social world though. So people do enjoy chatting at most events. You all are welcome to ask me questions if you want to. I'll do my best to answer. If I don't know the answer I'll tell you. I really want to help the community become integrated in to SL. That is why I am here. It means a lot to me. We have so much to offer as a blind community. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

JasonBlaze wrote:I would like to get into this honestly, but I keep getting unclear information as what we can and we cannot do. ok I can buy clothing and stuff, and fishing, what else? if I would live in a virtual world, I would like to have something to work on, a job maybe? don't mean to let Radegast down or anything, as for now it feels like it is just a sl chat client, yes you can manage inventory, go here and there but, I don't know, it just feels empty, I could only sit on object, could interact with some of them, but nothing really important. I am already blind here at the real life, but I would like to enjoy a virtual world as a sighted person, yes ok I may not able to go to the arcade or play whatev (if there is an arcade, of course) but I would like to interact to thing as much as I could interact in MooYou can work a job. A lot of people do. There are non-proffit organizations you can work for as well. What kind of job were you hoping to do? And what kind of things were you oping to do in SL?It is so much more than a chat client. That is a myth. Chat is a part of SL, yes. But it is not the only piece. SL is a social world though. So people do enjoy chatting at most events. You all are welcome to ask me questions if you want to. I'll do my best to answer. If I don't know the answer I'll tell you. I really want to help the community become integrated in to SL. That is why I am here. It means a lot to me. We have so much to offer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Orin wrote:I wish the games were accessible. Somebody should do daily tutorials to get people interested.I personally wish we could use something like Firestorm client, something that is not a text-based client and we can get around with textual information, but not by navigation with comands.Some games are accessible, but not all. More will become accessible when the arrow button issue is fixed. As for Firestorm, it is also run by volunteers and they don't have the staff to incorporate text in to the viewer. So they help with Radegast as they can.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Here is an example of one of the web based Second Life stores I love. Awesome Designs is a SL legend and they make beautiful clothes: example is to show you how accessible the marketplace is. If I could copy and paste from Radegast itself I would.Here is the online Destination Guide. Every place in world is not listed obviously but it can be a fun place to browse so you can get an idea of what Second Life has to offer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Here is an example of one of the web based Second Life stores I love. Awesome Designs is a SL legend and they make beautiful clothes: example is to show you how accessible the marketplace is. If I could copy and paste from Radegast itself I would.Here is the online Destination Guide. Every place in world is not listed obviously but it can be a fun place to browse so you can get an idea of what Second Life has to offer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

Here is an example of one of the web based Second Life stores I love. Awesome Designs is a SL legend and they make beautiful clothes: example is to show you how accessible the marketplace is. If I could copy and paste from Radegast itself I would.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I am inside SL right now and was just shopping on the SL Marketplace:marketplace.secondlife.comI picked up some sunflower curtains and some new velvet heels for my avatar. I want to wear them wile I fish. It is accessible. I wouldn't be in world every day if it wasn't. ironcross32 wrote:SL is not accessible to us, see my other posts on the matter.


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Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

So I wanted to start a topic of discussion on Radegast and accessibility inside Second Life. For starters, it blows the minds of residents in world that the blind can access Second Life. They are often thrilled to make their business more accessible and intrigued about how the program and screen readers work.Remember, up until a few years ago, virtual worlds were a sighted person's playground, a place we could not access. We have access now but that means nothing if we as a blind community don't take advantage of it and work to make the tools we have and the environments more accessible.What we need: Radegast is open source. If you are a programmer, consider working on the project! Don't like ow something works? Fix it. But get inside Second Life, see how things work, see what can be improved upon and work with the communities in world to do it.Second Life is such a wonderful place and I love it enough that I want to share it. It really is a wonderful place for those of us without sight and we have worked really hard to make it accessible. We have been tireless in our efforts and we get very little help from the blind community as a whole. As a blind person advocating daily for our needs I find it discouraging when people don't give Sl a chance because they see it as to difficult when they can't figure everything out the moment they step in world. Sometimes things worthwhile take time. Both sighted and blind residents alike have to ask for help when they first join Second Life because it is so complex. I personally spend all my free time in SL. It is an amazing place and I would love to have help building Radegast and would love to have new blind friends join the community.The programmer of RAdegast works as hard as he can as a volunteer to improve it for us. But she is not a screen reader user. She is sighted and gets her screen reader info from me and others in world. But she too is committed to accessibility and we are all driven by this to make SL a better place. Most of Second Life is already accessible, but to make the rest of it accessible, we need active blind users in world that participate and express their needs. This is not the type of game with a if-we-build-it-they-will-come type of mentality. SL is a user created environment. Anyway, hope this gives some food for thought and I hope everyone will realize and remember ow much of a challenge making a 3D environment accessible is. We have made great strides and the in world community is friendly and very accomidating. I have to many friends to count in world, including developers and others within the communities I call home.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

So I wanted to start a topic of discussion on Radegast and accessibility inside Second Life. For starters, it blows the minds of residents in world that the blind can access Second Life. They are often thrilled to make their business more accessible and intrigued about how the program and screen readers work.Remember, up until a few years ago, virtual worlds were a sighted person's playground, a place we could not access. We have access now but that means nothing if we as a blind community don't take advantage of it and work to make the tools we have and the environments more accessible.What we need: Radegast is open source. If you are a programmer, consider working on the project! Don't like ow something works? Fix it. But get inside Second Life, see how things work, see what can be improved upon and work with the communities in world to do it.Second Life is such a wonderful place and I love it enough that I want to share it. It really is a wonderful place for those of us without sight and we have worked really hard to make it accessible. We have been tireless in our efforts and we get very little help from the blind community as a whole. As a blind person advocating daily for our needs I find it discouraging when people don't give Sl a chance because they see it as to difficult when they can't figure everything out the moment they step in world. Sometimes things worthwhile take time. I personally spend all my free time in SL. It is an amazing place and I would love to have help building Radegast and would love to have new blind friends join the community.The programmer of RAdegast works as hard as he can as a volunteer to improve it for us. But she is not a screen reader user. She is sighted and gets her screen reader info from me and others in world. But she too is committed to accessibility and we are all driven by this to make SL a better place. Most of Second Life is already accessible, but to make the rest of it accessible, we need active blind users in world that participate and express their needs. This is not the type of game with a if-we-build-it-they-will-come type of mentality. SL is a user created environment. Anyway, hope this gives some food for thought and I hope everyone will realize and remember ow much of a challenge making a 3D environment accessible is. We have made great strides and the in world community is friendly and very accomidating. I have to many friends to count in world, including developers and others within the communities I call home.


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Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

Socheat wrote:Just registered my account few days ago, but I have no idea where to go, or I should say, where to start. The thing is, people stay in different timezones, so it's difficult to get to the training. Wouldn't there be some easier way though?Hi! The training will be at 6:00 PM pacific standard time. But if you can't make it, you can always e-mail us at Virtual ability to get one-on-one training. We just set this up for anyone who was interested. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

Rich_Beardsley wrote:Do they purge any accounts that haven't been active after a period of time?SL accounts are never purged. I think the thinking is that people might want to come back one day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

Rich_Beardsley wrote:Hi.So I created an account about five or six months ago, but I gave it up since I couldn't figure it out.Is there a way to just register for the training?Hi, Richard! Just use your SL log in and join us at the training on Sunday. We will help you learn. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

shane wrote:ya, same here.Is there a manual for it?i set up an account and all i can see is a chat input and a chat out put box, tne a new by players list.that's itYes. There is a help guide on the website. I am hoping too that once someone has become proficient with the program a audio tutorial can be created. That would be so cool.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

DJEPIC wrote:@ironcross32, Ah thank you!Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make that. Will some sort of archive be recorded and preserved?Don't worry. We will hold another class. And you can always send us an e-mail to schedule a time for us to work with you one-on-one. This is just a chance for people to come in and learn in a group. It makes it easier for us sometimes when we have several people wanting to learn.@IronCross, nice to see you!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

DJEPIC wrote:@shane, It's literally a virtual world. You can do a wide variety of activities you'd do in real life, but virtually.Appologies, when is this in other time zones? I'm in the UK, so I go by GMT.Well said! The time zone Second Life uses is pacific standard time. So it is 6:00 PM PST on Sunday. Not sure what time that is in the UK. Sorry.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

shane wrote:hi all,What is second life?Hi, Shane! Second Life is a virtual world that allows you to do all kinds of things. There are concerts, parties, classes, social gatherings, places to explore, etc. It is a social 3D environment. Personally, I fish a lot because I find it relaxing. Others roleplay, attend concerts, hang out with friends and explore.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

arnold18 wrote:Ok, i just registered to the radegast stuff and tried it briefly. Can someone tell me why can not i hear my character walking and stuff? And i'm just here on the training island. How to go to the training course? Tried objects viewer, but the things which i saw were lots of plants and pathways and signs. And is there a way to walk around with your character? This text interface is kinda clunky in my opinion, it seems you're playing a mud rather than playing second life.Hi. The training takes place tomrrow at 6:00 PM SLT. Second Life is huge. You can hear your character walking around if you have a shoe sound. It is up to you.You can walk around, yes. We all walk and teleport in SL. Remember that SL is a 3D environment and it has been made accessible through Radegast so it may seem a bit clunky at first. But Radegast has been modeled after the SL viewer Firestorm that is used by sighted users. As close as it can be anyway. And the program recieves updates often.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Open Radegast Training Class Tomorrow Evening!

Hi all. We are having an open Radegast training class at 6:00 PM pacific standard time tomorrow evening. If you have been wanting to join Second Life, now your chance to get some hands-on training with the experts!For those wanting to come in-world and use Radegast, please download the program here:radegast.lifeThen visit the following website to register. By registering through Virtual Ability's website, tis ensures you have an accessible sign-up page and that you arrive at the training center when you log in for the first time.Remember: your username is permanent. You can however change your display name in world.Here's Virtual Ability's website:http://www.virtualability.orgLook forward to seeing you in Second Life!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Minecraft for the blind?

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Minecraft for the blind?

What about Second Life? It is like Mindcraft and you can build. I don't personally know how to build but I know a blind user who is.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Country management games

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Country management games

Is Sim Country accessible? What about World Empire? Can you build a civilization, make laws, grow products, etc?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Holding a Radegast Class Today

2020-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Holding a Radegast Class Today

Hi all. Because interest is so high and we are having a hard time getting to everyone individually, we are holding a Radegast class today at 1:00 PM SLT. This means the class will be at 1:00 PM pacific standard time. If it is 1:00 PM SLT then it is 4:00 PM in New York.If you want to be a part of today's class, please create a Second Life account at:http://www.virtualability.orgThen get a copy of Radegast here: You must be 18 or older to fully participate in Second Life. Those younger than 16 are not allowed to register at all.Once you have your copy of Radegast, we recommend that you start familiarizing yourself with the Radegast help guide located on the Radegast site. Then, log in at 1:00 SLT using Radegast with your SL username and password. You will be at Virtual Ability when you log in by default. We will be there waiting for you!You will be in the edit field of the chat window hwen you log in so you can type a message to us. Then tab over to read chat history. We recommend you open the file menu by pressing AltF, arrow up to Preferences and hit enter on that. Then tab over and uncheck the boxes that say to show timestamps in chat and IM. This will make chat easier to read. Just press altF4 to close Preferences and you will be back in the chat window.Hope to see you at 1 so we can help you begin your Second Life!


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Re: Concerns about second life.

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Concerns about second life.

The sexually explicit areas are there but most of us never go near them. SL is huge and they are avoidable. I will tell you that you have to be 18 to really go anywhere in-world. You have complete control of where you go and so it is really easy to steer clear of things you don't want to be near.Second Life is very useable, especially if you have training. Everyone who comes in to Second Life, be they blind or sighted, needs training because it is a virtual world. It is so much more than just a game. There are tons of components to it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Happening Right Now! Radegast Class!

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Happening Right Now! Radegast Class!

Okay, if you want to learn to use Radegast we are having an open class right now. I heard some of you were in-world earlier. If you have registered for SL already please log in. We will be waiting for you. Right now in-world it is 12:07. SL runs on pacific standard time. We are volunteers so we are trying to streamline this today. If you haven't registered for Second Life and would like to, please will need to register an account there and request an appointment with a mentor. You can find Radegast


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Re: List of immersive games for the Alexa devices

2020-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of immersive games for the Alexa devices

I would love to see a list of these as well. I know Amazon has a list of Alexa skills on their website. I think there are different gaming categories to choose from.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Share your names

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Share your names

Not sure if I've ever done this, so here it goes. I am active in Second Life and my name is Celene Highwater. So come look me up!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Share your names

2018-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Share your names

Hi, my name in Second Life is: CeleneHighwaterThat's pretty much the only one I play with a user name. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Castaways Saving Progress

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Castaways Saving Progress

Thank you!Is there a newer version than what I have?


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Re: New and Improved Radegast Version Available, Development Ongoing

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New and Improved Radegast Version Available, Development Ongoing


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games comparable to park boss?

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games comparable to park boss?

I love Park Boss and was so excited to discover it the other day. I run Windows 7 so I don't have any idea about Windows 10. I can say Crafting Kingdom is good for IOS and Android though. It isn't the same as running a theme park however.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

New and Improved Radegast Version Available, Development Ongoing

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


New and Improved Radegast Version Available, Development Ongoing

Hi guys. I just wanted to let you know that Radegast has a new home on the web and that the newest release is dated July 17. The viewer has had several releases since my original post here in the forums about it and each release brings lots of improvements.You can find it here:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Castaways Saving Progress

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Castaways Saving Progress

Hi, guys. I am using version 2.7 C. It was the latest one available on Aprone's site. Anyway, I prefer playing in the sandbox because I can just build my settlement in peace. How do you save your progress? Or is it possible in the sandbox? I closed the game last night after amassing a nice settlement and now when I reopen the game it doesn't give me the option to continue, only to play the game. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: helping with park boss

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: helping with park boss

I too am finding that I am not a good park owner. I think you have to start out really small, with a few staff, and then work your way up. But I am finding this strategy difficult too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The first Castaways

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The first Castaways

Wait, I am running Version 2.7 C. Is there a newer version of Castaways?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Second life, I have that urge to play it again.

2016-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Second life, I have that urge to play it again.

Lol. Place names in SL can be tricky because you have to either type the exact name into the map or do a search with keywords in the places search. How did you like it? They have a really active community there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'm looking for some games

2016-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm looking for some games

What is Our Fair City? Is it a city building game?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: free and accessible main stream game

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free and accessible main stream game

Ishan Dhami wrote:Hi friends! I want to know that is there any main stream accessible game available to play? maybe an arcade shooting game or maybe I don't know but I want to play a free game. Is there any mainstream game available to play?ThanksIshanHi, Ishan. If you are asking about computer games, I know of a few. Alter Ego is accessible. It's a text-based life sim. But it hasn't been updated in a while.http://www.alterego.comCybernations and NationStates are  nation simulations with huge player bases and they are both accessible.http://www.nationstates.nethttp://www.cybernations.netIf you're looking for something much more in depth, try Second Life. It is a virtual world that allows you 
 to do almost anything you want. Here's the link to the main site so you can see what it is about. The main viewer is not accessible so you will have to download Radegast.http://www.secondlife.comhttp://www.radegast.orgYou will also want to register at a website called Virtual Ability. It's a disability community within Second Life that can help you get started:http://www.virtualability.orgAnother accessible game that used to be around is Cyber Airlines. I don't remember the exact URL and am not sure if it is updated any more. Hope these help!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Second life, I have that urge to play it again.

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Second life, I have that urge to play it again.

JWoodill21 wrote:damn. forgot how cool this game is. guys. even if you have just a bit of vision, check out the 3d view. it's really cool.J, why not come over to Virtual Ability and introduce yourself?Have you ever been underwater? It is really cool under the sea on some sims. There is a dance club that has a dancefloor that looks like a huge pearl. Someone described it to me the last time I was there. It sounded beautiful! I think it's at Creations Park.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Second life, I have that urge to play it again.

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : heartssong via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Second life, I have that urge to play it again.

Andy93 wrote:[[wow]], I was an active second life player until I got busy and didn't whent back, but I still receive mails from Virtual ahbility and I still have radegast installed, though I don't know if there are any new updates.And now that you bring this into life, Jees I'm missing my mentors, Selene highwater and the others. I think they have accounts on this forum, not sure at all, but hope to see them soonHi, Andy! Yes, I am Celene and I have an account here.Radegast is still active and there are exciting things in the works for those of us who can not see. I read a post above about someone wanting to build their own virtual world. It sounds cool. But SL does offer a lot more functionality for the blind than people think. It takes time to learn it.I may not build actual objects, but I can be creative. There are other blind users who also have creative endeavors inside
  Sl.Remember, that this is a totally sighted world that is opening up[ to us and they want to help us integrate inside it. There is strength in active numbers which means that the more blind people who join and become active, the more of a voice we have.I can tell you from personal experience that the community as a whole is very kind and inviting. I used to work for a newspaper inworld, I fish all the time, and along the way I have met some amazing people.


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